A Ramble Through The News

It is that time of year when we begin the slow turn into fall. In most places it is still a million degrees, but there are little signs here and there. The sun sets a bit earlier every night and it is a few degrees cooler in the morning. The big sign is the slow return of political lunacy in the news. The chattering skulls, influencers and news makers are still on holiday but they are plotting their return next month.

The big news this week was the primaries in key states. The amusing bit was how the crazies went nuts over the Kansas abortion referendum. They do not have much to celebrate so it makes sense to make a huge deal over one small win, but it was amusing to see the deluge of stories in the media. Sprinkled in were some reassuring tales of obscure MAGA candidates losing local elections.

That is the real story. Trump endorsed candidates seem to be doing very well, despite general Trump fatigue and the efforts of his party. Many of these candidates are fakers and liars, but some are genuinely ticked off people. The woman running for governor in Arizona appears to a polished up Marjorie Taylor Green. Blake Masters, also running in Arizona, is as close to one of us as you can get.

That is what does not show up in these news stories. People are probably more angry and restless right now than during the leadup to the 2016 election. The antiwhite pogroms have radically changed attitudes. Normie seeing ads featuring everyone but white people, unless it is a white woman with a black man, has had reality jammed in his face for a couple of years now and he does not like it.

Because there is no acceptable outlet for these feelings, except by watching Tucker Carlson at night, the result is a seething anger. Of course, the reckless antics of the geezers running Washington just adds to the unhappiness. The primaries have elevated a lot of unconventional candidates, despite the party efforts. The general could turn out to be a red wave similar to 2010.

So far, regime media has not noticed this. They are still carrying on like it is the runup to the 2020 election. As we get closer to autumn it will be interesting to see if the narratives shift in preparation for the November election. Maybe they snuff out Biden to create a distraction. Maybe China finally snaps and we have a war. Maybe the regime remains on this glide path until it slams into reality in November.

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This Week’s Show


  • Old Bag Takes Tour Of Asia
  • Jennifer Rubin
  • What’s Wrong With Kansas
  • Alex Jones
  • Rudy Giuliani
  • Sinema Girl
  • Deniers
  • Pennsylvania
  • The Evil Orange Man
  • Press F For Hopium

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M. Murcek
2 years ago

CPAC takes Soros money.

Reply to  M. Murcek
2 years ago

There are a lot of lawyers. Many don’t have a lot of money. Seinfeld had “Jackie Chiles” as the ambulance chaser who found the pot of gold — deep pocketed Tobacco companies when Kramer got something from excessive smoking. Eventually, some of our guys with nothing much to lose are going to start suing Soros and the like. Gates too. They will lose, and lose, until just one wins. It only takes one. A judge who is pissed off, denied promotion due to skin color, etc. There are more of our guys than we think. Every White dude passed up… Read more »

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Lawyers work for less than minimum wage high school dropouts when you look at their hours, cost of living, cost of education, and diminished career value and lost investment opportunities as a result of starting out at 25 instead of 16. They’re a bimodal mix of trust fund kids and gullible strivers fooled by fake elitism. The lack of conflict within the profession between these types is the biggest hint that it’s all theater, practiced by airhead actors. Law was organically powerful in the mid 20th century postwar era because retired soldiers know to obey authority. Now, in our illegal… Read more »

2 years ago

Rubin – and Kristol and Podhoretz and the rest of the neo-cons are ex-Trotskyites: “With the ousting of Trotsky and his followers from the mainstream communist community, they found a ready market for their ideas in western audiences. The ideas of Trotsky further developed within the western world. As mainstream communism had rejected Trotsky’s theories, and with anti-Communist rhetoric on the rise following World War II, it was not safe for any kinds of communists — even anti-Stalinist communists — in the U.S. Following a page from numerous other efforts of the past, the Trotskyists set out to rebrand themselves.… Read more »

2 years ago

This “post a reply” form ought to be on top, not way at the bottom… A couple of more substantive comments – 1. The “right to abortion” is not explicitly in the Kansas Constitution, in fact, at the time of enactment of the Kansas Constitution, abortion was a criminal offense. This alleged “right” was “read into” the Constitution by a decision of the Kansas Supreme Court – and the decision didn’t even actually go *that* far, it just made state statutes barring abortion and other matters involving personal autonomy and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness unconstitutional: “The Kansas… Read more »

Reply to  streamfortyseven
2 years ago

this sentence in part 2 of the above comment – “Douglas County, the county next door, is a “bedroom county” for Johnson and to some extent Shawnee Counties, and it’s reliably “blue” as well, with an expanding rural population.” should read “Douglas County, the county next door, is a “bedroom county” for Johnson and to some extent Shawnee Counties, and it’s reliably “blue” as well, with an expanding urban population.” – substituting “urban” for “rural”.

Perry Rhodan
Perry Rhodan
2 years ago

Umm, no, Wisconsin was not settled by Americans from New England. Way off. Wisconsin was settled primarily by Germans, secondarily by Norwegians; who both emigrated heavily to the region in the 1830s, 40s and 50s – and beyond. Your characterization of Kansas is way off as well. Why is Kansas “based”. Kansas was where the most brutal fighting was done during that period known as The Indian Wars. It was founded as a frontier State, where violence was a way of life. A favorite hangout of outlaws, raiding Indian tribes and pro and anti slavery forces clashing makes seemingly quiet… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Perry Rhodan
2 years ago

i believe zman said ‘kansas’ was settled by new englanders, not wisconsin. let me know if i have this wrong, after you re-read the relevant passage.

Perry Rhodan
Perry Rhodan
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Nope. Glaring oversight. If you’re going to do American politics, you need to have these basic histories down.

Perry Rhodan
Perry Rhodan
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

New Englanders settled every territory guy. They were early, few and did not impact the culture of Wisconsin to any degree. This is a Germanic state. Hell, Wisconsin was dubbed the Traitor State during WW1 according to the Wisconsin Historical Museum, here in Madison. La Crosse has the biggest and best Oktoberfest in the country. I could go on and on. Lived in Germany for a time and I can tell ya, therw is no State more philoGerman than Wisconsin

Definitely not Anglo

Perry Rhodan
Perry Rhodan
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

You’re splitting hairs. You inferred that current Wisconsin politics are somehow influenced by Anglo settlement. This is not true. Likewise with Kansas.?The welfare state comment and Bob Dole? That’s from the fact that Dole, while a local Kansas county official, signed the “welfare” checks of his own grandparents.. This was touted during the 1992 Presidential race as a way to validate his so called humble roots.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Kansas was settled by a pretty diverse bunch of people. The farmers who grew the wheat were “Volga Germans” from Ukraine and Belarus – and that’s where the wheat came from – they brought the seeds with them. Some of my ancestors who settled near Perry in 1870 were in this group. There were a lot of them, and in some places in Kansas, Russian/Ukrainian was the dominant language. Swedes came over, too, in fact there’s a town, Lindsborg, where the church services are still in Swedish. One family of Polish Jews were amongst the first settlers in Topeka in… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

And in the southeast part of the state, near Pittsburg and Fort Scott, there were a lot of people from Central Europe – that was coal mining country, and people were brought over to do that. It was the part of the state which had a solid Socialist majority – they brought their politics with them – well into the 20th century. In Girard, they had the Haldeman-Julius Press, which published books, such as James Joyce’s Ulysses and the works of Eugene Debs, which could be published in no other part of the US. The first Socialist Party convention was… Read more »

Brian Hanley
Brian Hanley
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

One indicator of settlement, for what it might be worth, would be town, county names….many–possibly most?– are English-origin…I stopped counting after about a dozen or so WI towns carried the same name as towns in Connecticut…many are named after geographical features..some appear to be French..a few Dutch…a look at county names doesn’t indicate substantive ties to Germany.

2 years ago

I can tell from my daily interaction that boomer normie has been engaged, the narrative has changed…I believe they now realize that things are bad and that “outsiders” have changed their country. I was on a bike ride on an old farm road and a couple of elderly people were working on their very large garden on the side of the road. This is a rural GA town. Well, I just rode up the little bit of grass hill and started to talk to the old man. He looked at me and pretty clearly didn’t want to talk to me.… Read more »

Reply to  Ben
2 years ago

I haven’t noticed anything that interesting, but I’ve seen some normie-con types pushed into a broader “intolerance” by liberals’ ugly triumphalism (both biological and historicist, which axiomatically contradict each other)—and there’s the still-free internet equivalent of that, where everyone who’s even remotely “based” is just blasting trannies and Jews *constantly*, instead of only when it’s funny/accurate.

Marginally positive developments, probably.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Ben
2 years ago

My, that’s a mighty white comment.

And as for “These guys doors open, JAMMING the RAP music”;

Well, you know what they say; what good is being black, if you can’t act like a…well, you know.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

Can you tell me what your comment means? I am asking in earnest.

Unless you would prefer not to.

I figured you were trying your best to insult the poster and this is all you could come up with.

Reply to  Ben
2 years ago

Interesting comment. What are you? Some kind of Latino/White mix? Are you born in the US? FWIW, I agree with you. I’ve noticed a change in White people too. Especially older, formerly cuck-servatives becoming a bit more aware. I made a comment below about it. I think part of it is just foreigner fatigue. I don’t really care about any “diversity” anymore, I got tired of it. I don’t care about your “culture” or your food. I don’t want to speak to you. I just don’t care. I’m kind of like that old man. Most “cultures” actually kind of suck,… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  B125
2 years ago


Your third paragraph is a gem.

The only thing I can add is, I don’t only want to not speak to mystery meat people, I avoid them at all costs. It makes life more pleasant and drama free.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Yes. Normie cons may be the only ones waking up.

White liberal/lefist/atheist trash is all aboard the death cult train.

Reply to  Ben
2 years ago

Nick Fuentes made a similar comment. Basically, what’s the point of money if you don’t have a country. I’ve said similar – what’s the point of owning a Ferrari if there are no roads to drive it on, and nowhere to drive it without getting carjacked.

I’ll take “low” property values over inflated property values + mass immigration any day.

Reply to  Ben
2 years ago

Well, a decrepit looking boomer lady in my upper class white neighborhood was wearing a t-shirt at the grocery store proclaiming ” social justice starts in the womb.” I have seen a lot in my almost 6 decades but I was even taken aback for 2 seconds.

Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Reply to  Ben
2 years ago

They and their ancestors may well have been on that farm over 100 years, and have ancestors from even earlier. It’s more than a shock. It’s a realization that they have been betrayed by every institution that took their money and systematically disenfranchised them. Those very same institutions berate them if they express the universal human desire to thrive on their own hard-won territory. They are people who evolved to defend themselves against physical threats, but not menticide. Future generations of all backgrounds will have to adapt to the menticidic form of war, which preys on a people within their… Read more »

Reply to  Ben
2 years ago

I grew up in the suburbs of a violent midwestern city. I loved the view of the skyscrapers built 100 years ago, but the murder and violent assault rates were so high, we literally never made the 30 minute drive into downtown, except for a ballgame maybe a few times. It was chaos to visit. Hookers and loud black guys cussing at us or eachother, knocking on the windows, throwing things at each other, chasing eachother for stealing, seeing cars on cinder blocks with stolen wheels. I remember my dad offered a guy food who was following our car asking… Read more »

2 years ago

*******ONE OF YOUR BEST, Z!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously….the free-form approach works well. You’re well-versed enough with the kaleidoscope of issues and events you can pull it off. Just lay a dozen or so timely topics in front of you and let ‘er rip. Plus your sense of humor comes through better.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

If you live in Kansas, wouldn’t you have an abortion just as a break from the boredom and constant rustling of corn in the wind?

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

I guess you need something to do besides walking Toto on the gold road.

2 years ago

Wichita , Kansas had an abortion doctor – Tiller, who would conduct third trimester abortions and he was quite obnoxious and in your face about it. He was murdered by a anti abortionist in 2009.

Reply to  WJ0216
2 years ago

So, he got a 160th trimester abortion himself?

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Pratt
2 years ago

A really, really late term one.

Reply to  WJ0216
2 years ago

he was brought to justice in 2009, you mean.

Richard Jones
Richard Jones
2 years ago

Re: The State Department/NGO revolving door – the best, most up-to-date reference I’ve seen is Scott Howard’s “The Open Society Playbook”


Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

“,,I could probably do a whole show on crooked politicians who are mobbed up in the Ukraine and China….”

Yes, please do….

2 years ago

Pennsylvania might be lost, but only because Republicans are sellouts. I’d bet the same could be said for Wisconsin and Michigan. They play this game that cultural conservatism is anathema, but that’s a lie. There are enough blacks and woke Quakers around Philly to make it interesting, but not enough. They said Trump was the second coming of Hitler, and he still carried the commonwealth. It’s the libertarian economics people won’t put up with. Elites and warmongers have gone left. Honestly, if Republicans ditched the libertarian economics, I’d bet they’d pull the whole country to the right in the culture… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Michigan is a tough one to call. The odious Peter Meijer got primaried the other day. That’s pretty shocking considering his family money and connections. Sadly, the the equally odious Tlaib is in a safe district so she will be around for quite a while. Whitmer had almost all of her emergency powers canceled by pushback from the people, legislature, and judiciary. She seems to be retaliating by having her galpal Attorney General bounce as many gubernatorial candidates from the ballot as possible. Their favorite trumped up charge for this is the good old, “fake signatures,” charge. Tudor Dixon has… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Z: “That is the real story. Trump endorsed candidates seem to be doing very well, despite general Trump fatigue and the efforts of his party.” Fox now has a corporate-wide absolute ban on appearances by Trump. And yet, Trump keeps hammering away at the state & local level. Trump may have qualities which make many of us cringe [such as a propensity for e.g. welcoming the Kushner family crime syndicate into the heart of the White House], but you can’t say Trump is lazy. Every morning, he wakes up, chomping at the bit, ready & eager to put in another… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Bourbon
2 years ago

He may be a pompous blow hard, but he’s our pompous blowhard!

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

Thank You! Best comment I have seen you make. Not that my approval means a damn thing! lol

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

The problem is the paradox of imperialism. As an empire begins to expand, it’s profitable for it’s citizens and rulers. However, there comes a point where expansion (or, to be more accurate, not receding) ends up being a net cost to the citizenry because the leaders have to offer the imperialized areas a better deal than they’d get from who they had before. Maintenance becomes a huge cost imposed on the commoners for the sake of the leaders, and then loses its support among the people.

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

To drive the point home more clearly, a country can be protectionist or expansive, but not both. The first party to give up expansionism will win the political future.

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

That’s very true.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Remember when goggle eyed Gov. Wolf nominated disgusting lunatic degenerate Dick Levine to be the Pennsylvania state health tranny, the Republican dominated state legislature uttered not a peep. When the state supreme court redrew the congressional districts, they meekly rolled over like dutiful lapdogs. When they completely ignored state law to allow mail in voting, the Republican state legislature refused to lift a finger. Now they want me to vote for their Turkish dual citizen and all the rest of their Vichy candidates. I will not, nor will I ever again. When that idiot Fetterman (who was mayor of Braddock,… Read more »

2 years ago

[…] ZMan’s weekly podcast. Highly […]

2 years ago

In the late 70s/early 80s there were organic food industry shows around the country – sort of like a trade show for hippies – log cabin houseplan books, natural healing, pesticide rinses, and the usual crystals/incense hangers-on. Anyway, the unusual part is that the fringe far off-the-charts right was always there too. One group was Christian Identity from Cour d’Alaine (now totally overrun by Californians and Oregonians) and Metzger’s group (from western Oregon I think). Never any fuss or screaming about hurt feelings, they actually “co-existed” in the same exhibit halls side-by-side! That’s about the last time I remember seeing… Read more »

Reply to  AnotherAnon
2 years ago

They were going to make a final solution to gun control out of Sandy Hook, and AJ, maybe more than anyone else, stopped them. I think that was when he crossed into the mainstream. And of course he played a big, if unattributed, role in Trump’s election. But Sandy Hook was his moment, and they’re making him pay dearly for it imo.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Some of the might be takers, but they’re decapitating the established power base. The hard part is getting rid of the entrenched Liz Cheney types. Up in WY, if Hageman turns out to be a sellout, getting rid of her will be a snap. GOP voters appear willing to trust the devil they don’t know, over the traitor they do. That’s a good sign. Also, the demographic overthrow that CNN guests keep talking about appears to be going in a direction the Left didn’t intend. It turns out, a lot of people coming here from communist/socialist countries don’t have much… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

It’s turning out to be more like: – Dirt Whites – White Small business owners – Hispanics – Smaller number of non-ghetto blacks – Conservative small hats against – “Suburban White Women” (Karen) and their loser husbands – Rich white people – Overeducated, White Washed “POCs” – Ghetto Blacks, Woke Blacks – Wannabe woke strivers – Asians and Indians. These groups really really hate white people and are willing to take 10 jabs and go to Drag Queen Story hour to stick it to you. – Muslim people, who also hate the West and will vote for woke Morons to… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Plus Dems are talking about illegal immigration now. To quote the butt wiper in chief, that’s a big f’n deal.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

With any kind of luck, the massively jab-compliant will thin out their own ranks.

Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

I wonder if Trump hadn’t gone full boomercon in ‘20, would things have been different?

Then again, he was probably doing a lot of that to save his ass, in more ways than just politically.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Dems are only talking about criminaliens now because they’re starting to affect their back yards:


Busing them to blue metropolitan areas was a brilliant idea.

Reply to  AnotherAnon
2 years ago

You want to really have your mind blown? Go to the Internet Archive (or use a search engine besides Google) and look up “Whoopi Goldberg Tom Metzger.” Yes, that human beanbag with dreads actually interviewed Tom Metzger, and they got along just fine. If anything, she seemed to like him more than she likes most white people. Blacks don’t like Jews, and secretly are racist as hell against their own dysfunctional race, and so tend to respect racist whites…because they secretly hold the same views as those whites. But it’s still remarkable to see that shrieking harpy back when she… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  AnotherAnon
2 years ago


And she’s STILL not the President.

2 years ago

I have noticed elsewhere that some people in and around this thing have lately begun salting their posts with talk of schizophrenia. Anyone notice this? Know where it is coming from?

Reply to  Vegetius
2 years ago

Schizophrenia is the word and idea du jour. but I think it has merit. But I never liked borrowing from the psychology textbooks or jargon to describe anything. Why I never use words like narcissist or sociopath, or even pathological. I get what they mean and I get that the medical overtones lend the word a certain bite, but at the same they have the effect of legitimizing crackpot or pseudo science. There are many better and more descriptive ways to describe people and trends, etc. might have to strain the brain to come up with the right words, but… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I have used this term many years to describe the (lack of) logic of the average idiot. First, DSM is nonsense, and I agree that the clustering of symptoms into singular diseases is insanity har Har. But I use schizophrenic to discuss how they see connections between unconnected things, a la the schizoid’s, The government is watching me because the sky is blue and a dog walked by. The average idiot experiences the world this way.

Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

I hear ya, and the word is effective, but my thing is that, first, these words are often based on bullshit science. So using them means you are buying into bullshit. Or keeping it afloat at least. A floating turd. Second, the words come from the fields of psychology and so forth which are the domain of people who hold us contempt if they don’t hate us outright. They didn’t come up with these words to help mankind, they came up with them to damage children with bullshit diagnoses like ADD — or to brand anyone who disagrees with them… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I completely agree with you except…
Most will not learn distrust of the medical system. They will get their booster

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I trust our veterinarian
My doctor not so much.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Falcone: I get what they mean and I get that the medical overtones lend the word a certain bite, but at the same they have the effect of legitimizing crackpot or pseudo science. You have two choices in this life: Learn psychology, or be destroyed by psychology [c.f. e.g. Louis XVI Bourbon or Nicholas II Romanov]. If I were you, I’d learn psychology. Even if I were living all alone in a shack in Alaska, 200 miles from the nearest internet connection, I’d still learn psychology. Who knows? If nothing else, a working knowledge of psychology just might help you… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
2 years ago

To make Falcone’s point in a skewed manner, they once treated schizophrenia with a gluten free diet. I think it was around 20 patients. Marked improvement. Never any followup. I say this as someone who, in his twenties, started feeling out of sorts and probably the beginning of some “disorder.” Cutting out foods I was allergic to fixed it completely. By diagnosing it as a structure, ignoring what may impact said structures, creates the reductive nonsense that leads to pills for “depression.” This is the problem of clustering – it is reductive and only feeds the medical system that profits.… Read more »

Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

Tucker Carlson recently had an yuge segment on shamanism and quackery in the pharmaceutical industrial complex, and, in addition to the COVID vaccinations, highlighted the fact that the last several decades of Alzheimer’s research was utterly fraudulent [sticky plaques are not to blame], and that none of the medications did any good.

Similarly, almost four decades of SSRIs did NOTHING to help with depression.

Reply to  Bourbon
2 years ago

Another topic I would STRONGLY URGE YOU to consider is the phenomenon of “Assortative Mating”. If you think something’s wrong with you for noticing that people seem to be getting weirder & psychologically uglier every year, then rest assured, in many instances you are correct, and their weirdness & ugliness is literally being bred into them [by their parents’ choices of how to go about mating]. Coeducational schools of higher learning, mass transit and instantaneous communications, which the West has “enjoyed” for about a century now, have allowed at least four [and arguably five or six] generations of deviant psychological… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Regarding TV ads and shows, the scariest part is how effective they have been in completely inverting your average person’s conception of reality. Polls consistently show people’s conception of the amount of people in the country who are gay, black, etc. is wildly overblown. This is probably the third or fourth generation of people where a very large percentage of people get more of their conception of reality through television than their personal day-to-day experiences. The only hope is the fact that zoomers consume general T.V. content far less than older people, and have their own respective niches for content… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

“Polls consistently show people’s conception of the amount of people in the country who are gay, black, etc. is wildly overblown.”

True. And it’s not just the perceived numbers that are skewed, it’s the perceived behavior. Is it any wonder that so many whites believe that blacks are just like them, only better? In the commercials, blacks are doting parents, honest businesspeople, smart consumers, and terrific neighbors with manicured lawns. Sometimes, they’re even victims of dastardly white burglars lurking in the shrubbery.

If blacks were like this in real life, there’d be no need for white flight.

Reply to  Winter
2 years ago

Winter: I downvoted you because while purported ‘content of character’ matters, genetics – and their marker of skin color – matters more. Even if the .01% could be good neighbors, you still don’t want them in your neighborhood (nor your family nor your polity).

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

For what it’s worth, I actually agree with you, thus my upvote. My primary point was that the portrayal doesn’t match reality. We’ve never lived in a world where blacks are merely superior white people with dark skin.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

“The only hope is the fact that zoomers consume general T.V. content far less than older people, and have their own respective niches for content that make mass programming far more difficult than with earlier generations.” It is clear to me you are not a routine user of Tik-Tok and other Socials. Zoomers are kool-aid drinkers Par Excellencé. Tik-Tok, YouTube, etc. are saturated with the same woke, race-mixing, anti-white, etc. stuff you see on TV. They are ads that are interspersed every so often as you are scrolling through the sub 90 IQ crap that passes for ‘content’. The only… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

“Times of cultural and ideological decline have always been historical periods in which Jewry thrives.” Reinhard Heydrich, 16 October 1941.

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Well, the Zoomers and millennials were pervasively indoctrinated in the public school gulags, and they were thus marinated in shitlib, wokeist crap to a faretheewell. Yes, the “system of tubes” is theoretically available to them for deprogramming themselves, but the initial sense that something might not be right with The Narrative was made a “no go zone” in them through the course of their years of miseducation. The danger to the PTB inherent in having a way for citizens to speak directly to each other via the internet, and trading perceptions and counternarratives was realized early on in its deployment,… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
2 years ago

Top tier reply, you encapsulated it perfectly.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

“But don’t think for a minute that Big J00 is not priming the pump to seed the mind-virus into the next generation. They are 10 steps ahead of you.” Sure sure. 10, 15, 20, 6 million, whatever number of steps ahead the Magical Jew Theory demands at the moment. Thing is, we’ve also saturated kids and well, everyone with constant stimulation and media bombardment. Gee, kids with fidgety dispositions and no attention spans an the general human inability to handle large amounts of information. Sorry, no, a parent shoving a smartphone in front of their toddler to shut them up… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Remember when the left was all about saying that raunchy music or violence in media didn’t affect people because I watch it and I don’t go shooting people? I listen to these oversexed songs, and I don’t go raping! Millions watch and listen to this so you can’t cherry pick one crazy person and condemn the whole thing!

I remember.

Now the left is done a 180 where a mere Facebook ad is so powerful it could hypnotize someone to unwillingly vote for Donald trump.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Remember when the Left tried to ban those things – remember Tipper whore…err .and. em Gore when she was vice president’s wife?

2 years ago

“People are probably more angry and restless right now than during the leadup to the 2016 election. The antiwhite pogroms have radically changed attitudes.” I see a lot of anger from rightists irl, but it is still not racial anger. They worship the Holy Groid as much as ever. “Check out this based podcast- and can you believe it, the host is BLACK!” I have heard that statement and variations on it many times, and this is from people who are probably in the 1% most radical in the country. Racially awake whites are still a tiny, tiny minority. Although… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  catdog
2 years ago

That’s not quite how I see it. One of my jobs is writing for a college sports website, and I read hundreds of thousands of comments from members of the site. Overwhelmingly, these are white guys. And I am surprised and heartened by what I read. Many of these dudes make race-realist posts that lead me to suspect they’ve been reading this blog and others like it.

2 years ago

I realize politics is what we do instead of fighting, so I should be happy we’re not having an actual civil war. I suppose I am, but it’s strange and frustrating not being able to talk politics without feeling like I’m talking completely out of my ass. There’s a fog-of-war quality to what’s going on, but because it’s politics and not actual war, you can kind of pretend it’s just clown world clowning. Unless you’re a J6er, AJ, etc. I wonder if this is what’s meant by sleepwalking into war, or if the system has figured out how to make… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Kinetic war is alive and well. All conflict is certainly not virtual.

The only real shot at a civil war (of occurring, let alone wining) is if US states try to break away from the US or back an insurgency. Right now, for a myriad of reasons, that is just off the table.

We are already at war with Russia and trying to start a war with China. It does seem strange to me that all these people grifting off China seem to be trying to start a war with China.

As you said, be careful what you wish for.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

“Kinetic war is alive and well.”

It is, but not here, not yet. Riots aside. 5g war or whatever they call it, maybe?

I don’t get the whole thing, which makes me shudder to think this could all be prelude.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

It’s here already but small, mostly antifa guys being sent to protests to shoot individual righties. They lost confidence in that scenario (or willing patsies for it) after Rittenhouse, apparently. Assassination attempts on Republicans are so common they barely make the news. Sometimes they do catch one. Remember who actually died in the “Gabby Giffords” shooting? The Republican judge the shooter prioritized. I think the Vegas country music festival massacre was a fed (or asset) going *slightly* rogue and taking out “Trumpists” without full and explicit permission. The Saudi assassination story is the retarded conspiracy theory we’re supposed to repeat… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

I certainly hope not. There is no force who could fight. The left already has the power and the right is a disorganized mess. Say what you will about Antifa, but at least they have it, it’s organized and can get people to show up even if only for larp-fare. It’s at least something. They started showing up a couple years ago with encrypted radios for communication. Even had guys on bicycles carrying around base station repeaters to ensure communications without sail foams. Any kind of 5G warfare would have to get around the communications problem. Walking around with sail… Read more »

2 years ago

“The antiwhite pogroms have radically changed attitudes. Normie seeing ads featuring everyone but white people, unless it is a white woman with a black man, has had reality jammed in his face for a couple of years now and he does not like it.” Yes. Even the privileged classes in the privileged industries have seen the mask come off. I know or know of many senior level people in huge firms get replaced and/or have offers rescinded because of, “diversity.” Anyone seeking a job sees the brazen racism. It is this group that needs to see the reality and that… Read more »

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

I’d focus more questions on their children, especially their sons…

“Is it fair that your son, who has an outstanding academic record, was not admitted into your alma mater because of racial preferences?”

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

Making a man choose between his son and the good graces of the ruling class is always a good litmus test.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

Yep. I think it is all great. Laying down isn’t in our self interest. We know that. We need to help them understand it, and see that this isn’t going to stop.

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

If all he sees are the mainstream TV shows and commercials the hypothetical visitor from Mars would conclude that 85% of the country are very well off blacks with a taste for Mercedes Benz cars and better cable deals; and the other 85% are LGBTQ and worried about monkeypox. Every month has its distaff/queer/pride/darkie/niche theme. Except no month for the Middle-aged White Guys Who Invented Practically Everything Useful Month.

Reply to  Presbyter
2 years ago

One need not survey visiting Martians, one need only talk to Europeans and ask for their perceptions of race numbers in the USA. I’ve heard many Europeans think the USA is majority Black!

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

We don’t need a bunch of angry disgruntled former middle management. We need organizational and institutional power.

A lot of pissed off people might create chaos, but they’re not going to change anything.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Yes. But how do you get institutional power, particularly given the position we are in? How do you ensure they are on our side? There are several ways. 1. Do all you can to climb or if you are high up lay in waiting. In short, infiltration. When the time is right, pull a Vladimir Putin in terms of how he tricked the 90’s oligarchs and then turned on them. 2. Start your own institution and make it very successful. (a business; run for local office …) 3. Use the people who they are pushing to our side. If it… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

I certainly don’t oppose getting as many people as humanly possible on our side. “But, we can’t be huffing and puffing like offended teenagers” I could not agree more. IMHO, it has to start in schools. Both the university system and K-12 are factories of anti-White hatred and bigotry. Graduates are arriving to their first day on the job with 12 years of propaganda in their heads. Why should any of our sons be sitting in a college class called “Angry White Male Studies?” This is not just anti-White ravings. It’s an introduction to the massive literature backing up their… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Right on Tars. I agree. Opening the institutions to people openly hostile to them and their traditions has led us to a very bad position.

I think your point that they live off of our money is the key. We pay for our own expulsion.

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

Polls are already showing that significant, substantial and sufficient white folks do believe there is a great replacement. It’s great to have collection of facts to draw upon to facilitate moving folks along.

Languaging needs to move beyond list of facts

“When do you think,
it’s time,
that white people work together?”

Questions cause going inside the mind think about it, to try it on.

There is an unquestioned presupposition, that there will be a getting together, the question is merely when.

The answer has been provided, “it’s time.”

Reply to  Disruptor
2 years ago

There was a poll in Canada and I think 37% believed it? Of course it was immediately blamed on the Conservative Party and they immediately disavowed “racist conspiracy theories”.

But yes, I do think significant numbers believe it now too.

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

Because it’s starting to affect the upper classes personally. There are no more suburbs to run to. Nobody wants to raise their kids in a wealthy gentrified section of a war zone. The rich white folks go to downtown Toronto to enjoy some expensive Italian and Spanish dishes on the patio. Last time I walked past, there was a long snaking line of African males all the way down the sidewalk, waiting to enter a nightclub. Shootings are semi-frequent in the entertainment areas now. The wealthy white folks enjoying their meal on the patio looked quite… disconcerted. Of course I’m… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

If you live in nova – wouldn’t somewhere like purcellville or even Fauquier county be the next place to escape to?

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
2 years ago

Alex Jones comes up with a conspiracy theory about Sandy Hook, which causes some parents to get their feelings hurt, and has to pay millions of dollars in damages after a humiliating show trial. People sermonizing about Alex Jones’s immorality also just happen to be the people who pushed the Weapons of Mass Destruction and Russiagate lies, which resulted in near a million dead, a waste in trillions of dollars, the final blow to Americans’ trust in their institutions, and an economic war that results in starvation for the developing world and a deep recession for the West, not to… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

Insane former pro basketball player Royce White is running against Ilhan Omar for Congress in Minnesota. White is now a anti-globalist Republican who has no chance of winning the general election. It would be hilarious if he could win though and the House Republican leadership had to deal with him on a daily basis.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

AJ didn’t come up with that conspiracy theory, AFIK. He’s not that creatively gifted, nor frankly that sick in the head. I mean, the Sandy Hook conspiracy shit is vile and Jones was just as vile for pushing it, but Jones is a media guy, they slurp up what is already on the ground.

2 years ago

My guess is that their backup plan — insofar as they have one; “anticipating consequences” not really being their thing — is to let Zelensky hang. If the Russians haven’t finished the job by late September, the GAE will finish it for them, at which point all the “news” goes all in on the “peace” negotiations. The GOP can be counted on to say all kinds of lunatic things about who “lost” Ukraine, which will then be the only things Republican candidates are asked about 24/7. And Normie will eat it up, because ‘Murrica. How could you “lose” Ukraine, you… Read more »

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

“And Normie will eat it up, because ‘Murrica. How could you “lose” Ukraine, you GOP lunatics?”

And nobody will have the presence of mind to point out that the Ukraine was never the Republicans’ to lose. Or if he does, the press will bury him.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Why would they ditch Zelensky? He seems to be doing a great job, the best that can be expected, from the GAE point of view. The GAE was originally only hoping for a protracted guerilla war, but now they’ve made it look like Russia is too weak to conquer a poor and corrupt country right on their doorstep. And as a bonus, probably over 100k of the most right-wing Ukranians have died or been maimed so far. By the time the war is over, Americans will be bored of it already and won’t care about the defeat, so there won’t… Read more »

Reply to  catdog
2 years ago

The primary benefit of the Ukraine, for me anyway, has been the exposure of the infiltrators salted throughout normie conservative websites like Free Republic. Well, they’re infiltrators or just really stupid. I visit there a couple of times a day since the SMO started and there seems that a sizable minority over there are either paid by the post or have no business on an ostensibly conservation website based on their ideology. Covid exposed many of them too but I hardly ever visited there until the Ukraine came up. One of the more common comebacks by the posters to the… Read more »

Reply to  catdog
2 years ago

It’s not a victory for the GAE. Ukraine was a colony with MASSIVE deposits of coal and natural gas and great tracts of fertile farmland that are now no longer theirs to exploit. Its highly educated and capable population was paid subminimum wage bringing great profits to international corporations. The Ukrainian young who disliked the status quo enough to leave (~20%), mostly left to other parts of the GAE thereby acting to suppress wages in other parts of the empire. They successfully coopted the most nationalist men in Ukraine (who with more intelligent leadership might have resisted cooption into the… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
2 years ago

“Maybe the regime remains on this glide path until it slams into reality in November.”

My world has seen collateralized, 5 year, interest rates go from 1.66% in October 2021 to 4.77% last month. These are private companies that have to pay real money to service their debt. I don’t foresee anything but a HARD landing for the global economy.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

Companies took on a lot of debt in 2020 and 2021 because of the low rates. Most have enough cash for a year or so. But if rates remain high in 18-24 months, it’s going to be trouble. This is why the return of inflation is so problematic for the Fed and the economy. The Fed can’t just go with easy money anymore because that will cause inflation, but the economy is addicted to easy money. Until the debt to GDP comes down or inflation disappears, we’ll be in this constant see saw between rates being too high for the… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Its funny, even here you still have the people who claim the economy was doing fine until 2020. The economy has been in a depression since the .com boom. The only thing that has kept it “erect” is cheap money (1% interest rates after the .com bust, which lead to the housing bubble, which lead to 0% rates for about a decade and copious amounts of money printing). If the Fed keeps raising rates, something is going to explode and soon ( i hope they do keep raising, i’d like to see rates at 10 or even 15%). America is… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

There’s no doubt that something broke in the global financial system/world economy in 2008-2009. GDP per capita in the US fell away from its very long-term trendline and shows no sign of getting back. GDP per capita in the UK is basically the same in constant dollars as 2007. Industrial production in the US is barely above its 2007 figure and probably will return to that level with a recession. The period from 2007 to today is the worst real GDP per capita growth in the our history. Worse than the Great Depression and the Long Depression of the 1873-1896.… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“Was debt the only thing keeping it going.” US .gov debt in 2007 was around 7 or 8 trillion US .gov debt after 2020 was above 30 trillion 2008 was essentially a slight of hand. The Fed bought all the bad debt from its too big to fail friends at par, even though that debt was essentially worth pennies on the dollar. They kept rates at 0 for a decade so the too big to fail banks could repair their balance sheets. They parked money at the fed being paid .25 to .5 percent interest (which when you’re talking in… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

When the system you live in requires ever larger bailouts at even shorter intervals, what your economy is at that point is a ponzi scheme. Zero percent interest rates in a “capitalist” economy means you have no growth. In Austrian business cycle theory, in the normal course of an economic boom driven by the expansion of money and credit the structure of the economy becomes distorted in ways that eventually result in shortages of various commodities and types of labor, which then lead to increasing consumer price inflation. The rising prices and limited availability of necessary inputs and labor put… Read more »

2 years ago

An explanation on the Kansas abortion situation. The right to an abortion was determined by the state Supreme Court using even more tortured logic than the U.S. Supreme Court used for Roe v. Wade. They cited “All men are possessed of equal and inalienable natural rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” as proof the state Constitution protects the right to an abortion. The ballot question was worded very strangely and it is possible some voters thought voting no meant they were voting against abortion. The other reason this is a big deal to the baby… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

“The ballot question was worded very strangely and it is possible some voters thought voting no meant they were voting against abortion.”
Even when I was told in advance before reading it that the question was a kosher trick, that was still my interpretation of the question.

Hopefully there’s an effective way to redress this.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

What we have in Kansas is a state with a county, Johnson County, which is where Kansas City migrated to after the school desegregation lawsuits of the 1970s – lots of white liberal Democrats crossed the border because, while they were staunch advocates of the theory, they ended up hating the reality – thus re-segregating the schools. But they kept their white liberalism. So what we have is a very populous liberal county dictating the politics of a very conservative state – one county out of 104 running policy for the entire state – the classic urban-rural split. So while… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

I was wondering if the odious Kansas court was responsible for that. What about their state structure of government turned that state into a kritarchy? About the time state courts started to go off the rails a lot of them went to direct-elect of judges, but Kansas never did (and never had governors or legislatures just say “nope, not doing that”).

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

The Kansas abortion vote was so profoundly lopsided, and in the beating heartland of red state America, that it’s just about the biggest revelation of electoral fraud we have seen in this generation. Bigger than Biden 2020 by a long shot.

We will have Soviet-tier electoral fraud by 2030. And it shouldn’t be a surprise that people who have no problem with baby killing also have no problem with stuffing a ballot box.

Atrocities always kill democracy at some point. Atrocious people cannot vote fairly and refrain from cheating. The system wasn’t designed for them.

2 years ago

The Kansas loss was, unsurprisingly, the result of a complete, total, catastrophic lack of leadership at every level in “conservatism” – complacency, laziness, cowardice, and foolishness. I know I’m not a Kansan, but I follow politics near-obsessively, and I had no idea this vote was even happening until the day it happened. None of the big conservative talkers had said a thing about it. I’ll bet no Kansas politician of any note had, either. And I’ll further bet that very large numbers of conservative Kansans woke up the day after not only shocked by the results, but by the fact… Read more »

Reply to  AntiDem
2 years ago

And, of course, it must be said that a big reason why the GOP showed no leadership on this is that they don’t want to show any. At the national level, and many state levels, the GOP can’t wait to cuck on social issues so they can get back to the important business of passing corporate tax cuts and getting the nation involved in obscure foreign wars.

Reply to  AntiDem
2 years ago

AntiDem: “the important business of passing corporate tax cuts and getting the nation involved in obscure foreign wars…”

And the moast important bidness of all: Importing infinite illegal alien scab labor so as to drive the value of White Heritage American labor straight down to $0.00 per hour.

All hail the almighty Chamber of Commerce.

It is truly fascinating to observe how feudalism and slavery keep being re-invented over the course of the centuries.

Reply to  AntiDem
2 years ago

Their job is to lose.

Reply to  AntiDem
2 years ago

One very populous county, Johnson County, which is where the liberal Democrats from Kansas City fled after the school desegregation in the 1970s, runs the state’s politics. At this point, they have more people – and votes – than the rest of a very rural and conservative state. It wasn’t for lack of effort – I was deluged with mailings and robocalls – it’s just that Johnson County has more people, and that’s the end of the story. They run the state and for their own benefit, and to hell with the rest of it – which is reflected in… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

“my Sinema girl”. LOL. here’s a video to go with that nonchalant reference to a song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO9aD4mzSE8&ab_channel=RoadrunnerRecords

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Fitting. Peter Steele was the last right-wing rock star. He mostly lives on in Bronze Age Pervert fans posting pics of his sweaty giant body, which is silly, but saying you like his bands, especially Carnivore, is a strong /ourguy/ shibboleth.

2 years ago

The gop-e definitely tried to job the republican governor’s race of two “tough” girls battling it out. Arizona, at least in my lifetime, has almost always been a conservative bulwark, as has been Maricopa county. But no more with the migrating influx of damn Californians, among others. Now we get another “tough” girl choice in November – yay…. After the revolution, women must be prohibited from holding any political office, including the pta.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

Well the truth is Kari Lake has a bigger set than 98% of so-called “principled conservative” males in government . Credit where credit is due.

Reply to  Carl B.
2 years ago

LOL – true dat.

Sand Wasp
2 years ago

“The general could turn out to be a red wave similar to 2010.” When they failed to capture the Senate due to terrible candidates? Trumps disastrous picks in Pennsylvania and Georgia may end up costing the GOP the senate. Perhaps some mixed results in the midterms may finally force the orange clown to go away for good. Also, The Kansas abortion referendum was a needed dose of reality to the overconfidence created by the Dobbs decision. I have been cringing the past two month listening to exuberant conservatives thinking that they are now going to be able to ban things… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Sand Wasp
2 years ago

Should Trump somehow “win” the 2024 election the GAE, to borrow a phrase, “the whole rotten structure would come crashing down.”

The Orange Man could be good despite himself.

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  Carl B.
2 years ago

Paradoxically the only way to prove elections aren’t rigged is Trump winning in 2024.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Mr C
2 years ago

if he’s alive then. i wonder if someone threw ivanka down those stairs to send him a message?

Reply to  Mr C
2 years ago

Yes, I won’t believe another election result until Orange Man returns on his white horse. Or someone as ballsy as him.

Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

Judging an election fair vs unfair depending on the outcome is illogical. It’s a rabbit hole we should not go down. What we know at this point, definitely in my State, is that the process at its core is corrupt. And further, that no meaningful change in the process has been voted in–albeit there are any number of sensible “fixes” proposed. Even in my County, the *new* elections director and the County Supervisors (all Dem’s) did away with precinct voting in favor of voting “centers” where anyone from anywhere in the County could cast their ballot and “blank” ballot forms… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Sand Wasp
2 years ago

Banning interracial marriages?

Still, my beating heart!

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

to be honest, I am encouraged that interracial marriage is as uncommon as it is despite the 24/7/365 propaganda pushing it.

Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

Women may be idiots… but the vast majority of men: Lefty, black, white , oriental, arab: want their kids to look like them. Mixing will do the exact opposite.