Rich Man Poor Man

The Bush years, I suspect, will be studied by historians for a long time. It’s not that Bush was all that interesting. It’s that he and his band of neoconservative fanatics sent so many people into a permanent state of insanity. Most of the old paleos went nuts over the war mongering. Many eventually embraced the weird anti-Israel paranoia that used to be the private domain of the Lyndon LaRouche followers. That’s not to say Israel is not trouble, it’s just that they are not the only trouble.

The Left, of course, was taken over by the crazies. The end of the Cold War probably was the main cause, but Bush hatred was one cause. Maybe Bush hatred was just a symptom of the craziness. it really does not matter. What the Bush years revealed is the ruling class has gone crazy. One side wants to make war on the world and the other side wants to make war on us. Lots of people have gone crazy trying to understand what in the world is happening to these people.

There were minor figures who also went bonkers. Rod Dreher was a conventional Catholic conservative in the Sam Francis vein. Then he started getting squirrelly, writing about “crunchy-cons” and then he wandered off to find himself. His work today has all the hallmarks of a man who was defined by his faith and then lost his faith. There’s a maudlin obsession with suffering. The source story is here. The bullshit meter is at eleven on this one. A little google work and I see it is a hoax.

The fact is we have four types of poor people in America. The first and most common is the dependency class. These are the folks you never see. They live in the bad areas or what you assume to be bad areas. In the ghetto, the women get on the dole and the men sell drugs, get high and get in trouble. There are some of the other type of ghetto dweller. This is the working poor. These people have jobs and try to live decent lives.

Then you have the temporary poor. These are young people starting out and divorced mothers trying to bounce back. The former often made some poor early choices and are struggling to recover. They do and it builds character. The latter are women who end up divorced with kids and living in an apartment. Again, it is temporary. Eventually their salary rises and the kids move on or they find a new man. The thing with this group is they just don’t have money. That’s different than poverty, which has a behavior component. Give these people more money and they put it away for a rainy day.

The final category of poor people are the imaginary ones. These are the poor the SWPL-types like Rod Dreher read about or see on TV. The imaginary poor are designed to elicit feelings of pity followed by an urge to “get involved.” The tale offered up by Linda Tirado, for example. hits all the current fads in SWPL-ville. She smokes and eats junk food. SWPL’s are big into self-denial. She prefers abortion to motherhood, but the closest abortion mill is too far away so she has kids she does not want.

This weird form of Mercerism would be harmless if not for the fact public policy is all geared toward helping the imaginary and temporary poor. Rod Dreher spends hours coming up with ideas to do something about the imaginary poor. Democrats in Washington are always championing polices to help the temporary poor, but end up writing laws for the imaginary poor, cause that’s where the emotion lies. It is why Mao packed off the intellectuals for the rice paddy.

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9 years ago

Ignore the poles [sic]

I’ll take your advice regarding the worthlessness of polls to heart and ignore all prognostications, including yours.

9 years ago

The presidency is Hillary’s to lose. Ignore the poles that put Romney ahead of Hillary. Hillary will win for two simple reasons; she is female and she is a Democrat.

james wilson
9 years ago

Well intentioned: The ruthless state of being of those afflicted the implacable desire to think well of themselves.

Nedd Ludd
Nedd Ludd
9 years ago

Re: The Revolutionary” – Sidney Rittenberg Take a moment to read the comments attacking this piece. They do a good job taking the writer apart for her naivety and her acceptance of ” good intentions” as an excuse for evil outcomes.(see below) “…There is still a slightly smelly acceptance among some progressive quarters to overlook the heinous crimes of communism. And I think that’s because, as I said, it was couched in noble slogans instead of ‘we must defeat the inferior races’ which can’t really be defended in a modern democracy. But the end results matter. Stalin’s gulags, Castro’s prisons,… Read more »

9 years ago

Even when I have been disenfranchised from God and synagogue, I have always been culturally proud to be a Jew. A source of that pride is the Jewish tradition of helping the oppressed, and our involvement in social movements such as labor and civil rights. Until I saw the documentary “The Revolutionary” at the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival, I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the… Read more »

9 years ago

Mercerism isn’t progressivism.

9 years ago

Who do you think is going be POTUS in 2016? Indian Warren, Billary, AIPACruz?