The God’s Three Questions

Fundamental to all human organizations are three questions that must be answered in order for the organization to survive. A group of people who come together by chance with no reason to be together will go on their way. A mob at a sporting event is there for the game, but once the game is ended, they disperse. The only point of them gathering in the stadium was to see the game. Even that reason, however, was temporary and was never intended to bind the fans together.

The first question for every human organization is “Who are we?” This is the most basic and if not the most important question. The answer could be something mundane and temporary like a sporting event, but this is an answer that assumes the gathering of people is intended to be for the mundane and temporary. A more lasting answer is one that provides the members with a reason to continue working together. A fraternal organization, for example, has an answer that is timeless.

That answer will then be linked to the second question, “To what end?” The people at a ball game come together to see the game and to cheer on the team. Since the founding answer is expected to be short-lived, the second answer is as well. The group that assembles near the old railway station with the password “sic semper tyrannis” for the purpose of organizing a rebellion has a longer-term point of their organizations, so the answers to these two big questions have a longer view.

The final and most important question that all human organizations must answer is the one of authority, “Who says?” The answer to this question is usually assumed, but rarely considered in the open. The people at the ball game do not talk about who says it is a good idea for them to come together and cheer for the team. Similarly, when the civil authority banned public gatherings during Covid, everyone just accepted that they had the authority to do so. The state is usually the answer here.

Those guys meeting near the old railway station to plot the overthrow of the government, however, cannot just assume the question has been answered, because ultimately the purpose of their group is to provide the answer. Maybe they think the civil authority has offended the gods or is violating the traditions of their people. The answer to “Who says? for them is those gods or traditions. There is some moral authority that provides them with the justification to rebel against the civil authority.

At a more mundane level, the people who assemble in the park on the third Saturday of every month for the purpose of cleaning the park also have an answer. They are getting together because they are the Third Saturdays Park guys, and the point of their organization is to keep the park clean. Their moral authority for doing so, the answer to “Who says they can do this” is their understanding of their civic duty. By the morals of their society, they feel a duty to clean the park.

To see how this works in American society, think about the civil rights movement, which has come under renewed scrutiny of late. As if by magic, America went from a rights-based society in which the citizens were sovereign to one ruled by a self-perpetuating elite charged with enforcing a regime of equity and diversity. The words on the original paper, which is supposed to be the moral authority, are still there in the museum but as if by magic new words on new papers now prevail.

This is the reality of civil rights legislation, particularly the founding court case of the movement, Brown v. Board of Education. A group of men came together in the name of what they called civil rights, with the purpose of overturning the rights based moral structure of American society, so they could insert a new answer to that fundamental question of society. The answer now is the law requires that all public policy bend toward the goals of diversity and equity.

It is an amazing trick, but it shows how powerful even a small group can be when they have answered the three big questions. That power only grows when they are able to undermine the majority confidence in the traditional answers. The new moral regime of civil rights looked attractive to people who had slowly been disabused of their long-held answers to the three big questions. Once Americans stopped believing in their rights as Americans, they were ready to believe in anything.

From a different angle, you can see how the three big questions can vex a movement before it gets started. Christian nationalism is largely a reaction to the moral degeneracy of the current age, but it seeks to be a positive alternative to the prevailing order, which it struggles to define. You can see that here in this post in the American Mind, which tries to flesh out what is meant by Christian nationalism. Another take is this post that addresses some of the points of the first post.

Christian nationalism fails the first test as it is unable to provide a coherent answer to the question, “Who are we?” As you can see in those posts, they are not even sure what they mean by Christian, much less nationalist. The plan seems to be that they will rally a majority around some vague criticism of the present condition in order to gain political power, which they will then use to order society to their liking. Their answer to that third question will presumably be the ballot box.

For a human organization to live past its initial enthusiasm of the moment it must answer the three big questions. Who are we? What is our purpose? By what authority have we come together to act in concert? This is why reactionary movements always fail to rollback what they oppose. The object of their efforts either evolves to evade their critique or it evolves a moral authority based in itself, like we see with the civil rights movement, that the reactionary cannot defeat.

If there is to be a revolt against the modern age, the people doing the revolting will first have to tackle the three big questions. In other words, the opponents of the present order must learn from the creators of the present order, the people behind the civil rights movement, and fashion a new moral framework that rests on a moral authority that the movement will defend to the last man. In other words, to defeat the old gods, one must build a movement around a new god.

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My Comment
My Comment
1 year ago

Brown was able to change American culture not because Americans were growing disillusioned hut because people didn’t care. Americans have traditionally just wanted to be left alone. If their kids’ schools weren’t impacted by Brown, it simply wasn’t important to them and most of America wasn’t impacted immediately.

1 year ago

What they mean by Christian is easy: the same “mere Christianity” that the founder intended. We all admit a sort of Jesus is lord idea and everything else is up for grabs. But this time, oh this time, we really mean it!

1 year ago

I’m going to get a little Spengler-y and kaczynski up in here. Put aside all cultural, political, gender, sexuality, religious, racial, greedy motivations that have brought the world to it’s current state for a moment. Think about how the huge abundance brought on by industrial society may in and of itself be the sources of the ills. Once there is no more scarcity of vital resources and survival becomes easier, it is inevitable that population will soften and be stupefied because the previously less fit are not weeded out by harder circumstances. Not to be cliche, but ALL THINGS require… Read more »

Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

If Spengler is right then a civilization will die as surely as a man. We can try our best to live a worthwhile life, but it all ends the same.

On that cheerless note, what a great discussion today.

Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

Anyone who eats meat should, at least once, hunt or raise, kill, and butcher an animal. Just my opinion.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

I shot a deer in the butt with a low power BB gun to chase him out of my garden and I felt guilty afterwards. I might as well grow a pair of tits.

Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

Haha! I shot songbirds when I was a kid. I trapped groundhogs.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

I killed what are — if I counted correctly — my 32nd and 33rd deer last week.

Cutting and wrapping them was a LOT of fucking work.

But the venison souvlaki on a pita with feta and tzatziki kalamata olives was fantastic…

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

I’ve been a bowhunter all my adult life. None of this high-tech compound stuff for me! I use the old-fashioned recurve like Fred Bear did back in the day. Killing a deer that way is quite a difficult undertaking. Sorta like flyfishing. There are easier and more productive ways to hunt and fish, but it is, after all, a “sport” and I don’t mind when my quarry makes its escape after an exciting encounter. Killing at close range with an arrow, gutting, skinning, and butchering a deer brings out some sort of hard-to-explain primal feeling in me. I’m just glad… Read more »

Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

Think about how the huge abundance brought on by industrial society may in and of itself be the sources of the ills. I think this is correct and can be refined even further, it’s the power of petroleum. Petroleum is the foundation upon which modernity has been built. It led directly to material abundance beyond the imaginations of people a couple centuries ago. Even more important has been the revolution in transportation over the same time and petroleum’s offspring electrification. The scale and abundance of modern social groups is beyond anything possible even a century ago. The power potential at… Read more »

1 year ago

[…] ZMan cuts to the chase. […]

1 year ago

Totally off topic, but this is a conservative blaming the white man for the black female subversive. So rich:

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

i know people consider her an AA nominee but KBJ was a SC clerk for the 99-00 term. You pretty much have to be, at a minimum, order of the coif and all that stuff to clerk on the SC

1 year ago

A mechanical note, if I may. What, then, is this God from whom we draw the ultimate authority? LineInTheSand mentioned earlier, “if I could believe in God,”; a very great many of us feel this way. It is as natural to us as is feeling God’s touch is to the faithful. To make sense of that touch is simple. “God” was described by Freud, a brain surgeon, as the Super Ego. As a small child or stunted sociopath can only be concerned with their own ego, or sense of self, we are social beings. No one is born alone, nor… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Perhaps you really should try DMT one of these days? I get the impressions from your writing you are a bit of a lost soul searching. Since NDE’s cannot really be induced in any safe way DMT is your next best option. You will open that connection in your mind that perhaps comes naturally for so many that “touch” you describe that the faithful feel. Given that insane amounts of DMT are released into the body naturally directly before death the connection seems obvious to me. Many people coming back from DMT describe that sense of ego death and the… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

Death is the absence of life.

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

Why, thanks Apex- your description of the rise was a tremendous help. I’d forgotten that aspect, intent on the “other direction”. Lost? No. Writing the engine manual. The mechanics of existence. What is it How does it work Why does it work that way: what is the function? Grounding our suppositions on a moral basis is practical, but it explains nothing. It’s like talking to four year-olds. Also, in this case, I was speaking to atheists, like myself, who don’t see things in terms of Someone In Charge, as if a cosmic mind were necessary or operating. Hard to translate… Read more »

1 year ago

I know white. It’s me, my children, parents, far distant cousins. “Western Civilization” is a trick. Western Civilization is ideas. Ben Shapiro promotes Western Civ because he and that ilk can 1) substitute ideas for people, 2) redefine the ideas, 3) push the ideas back down to change the demographic. His rabbi, like other rabbis, call us Edom. They are champing at the bit for our end. Mormons are white and they have a lot of very good traits, and there are millions of them. Evangelicals state that they not Christians. Evangelicals state that Catholics are not Christians, and further… Read more »

1 year ago

Christopher Caldwell wrote a very good book a couple of years ago in which he argued that the “civil rights” revolution had effectively superseded the 1787 Constitution and the 1791 Bill of Rights. Caldwell did not go nearly far enough in his analysis, though. The reality is that the 1787 Constitution and the freedoms in the Bill of Rights were written by and for northern European whites. Blacks and Indians and women were excluded, and there was a reason for that: they were unable to live to live up to the standards of the white man. As Aristotle wrote in… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

Well said. Although I haven’t read Caldwell’s book, I am told that he went to the very edge of what is permissible to say without challenging race-blind civic nationalism. His phrase that the civil rights revolution supplanted the constitution got many conservatives, who believe that the constitution will save us, to start thinking a bit about demographics and who holds real sovereignty. Finally, forgive my crankiness, but how did women and blacks ascend? Certainly part of the explanation is that our natural compassion softened our hearts and that our affluence softened our wills, but I suggest to you that these… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

“…but how did women and blacks ascend?” Technology. Birth control, the cotton gin. This is the part of Marxism that most people don’t get. It’s not simply that the proletariat demands a share of the wealth, it’s that technology enables them to do it. The other equalizer is bourgeois capitalism itself. Both traditional heterosexual marriage and slavery placed duties and obligations on the husbands and masters with regard to their inferiors. This is again straight out of Aristotle. Under bourgeois capitalism, there is no social obligation, it’s “Hey, let’s hire blacks and women as cheap as we can and give… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Regarding Female Emancipation: I think that elite / burgerlich attitudes toward women have gone in cycles. You have: Medieval Scholastics + Chaucer: dangerous hos, man. Devil resides in her loins. High Middle Ages: Courtly Love, Chansons: Women are platonic forms and we should strive toward being worthy of them. Renaissance: Lucretia Borgia. Say no more. Samuel Pepys: My wife is for display. My maid is for banging on the back stairs. Samuel Pope: Rape of the Lock. They just be some silly skanks. Addison & Steele: Silly skanks… but will say it nicely so as not to harm pamphlet sales.… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

Dang.. Apologies due to Alexander Pope.

And how could I have forgotten John Knox’s “The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstruous Regiment of Women”

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t “The rape of the locke” written by John Dryden?

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

: Please consider yourself corrected: it was Pope.

1 year ago

Yup, the magyars broke off and made their own, highly functional country (it’s a shame they bet wrong on WW2). Can you imagine trying to build a country made up of our special brown people? It would become Haiti in no time, so we’d be on the hook to support them anyway. We’re stuck with obsolete farm implements no matter what I’m afraid

Reply to  Stirge
1 year ago

“ we’d be on the hook to support them anyway.
We’re stuck with obsolete farm implements no matter what I’m afraid”

Anyone who says that is my enemy.

Take your slave morality and shove it.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Stirge
1 year ago

I dunno. Seeing Russia resettle its Asian immigrants in occupied Ukraine is giving me a little brainstorm.

Reply to  Stirge
1 year ago

Everything is in the will of the white man

Tom K
Tom K
1 year ago

Calvin Coolidge reputedly said, “The business of America is business.” Does that answer question 2, what is our purpose? I find that he didn’t actually say that. He said something a bit more nuanced but in the end no less breathtakingly circular: “…After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of the opinion that the great majority of people will always find these are the moving impulses of our life. But it is only those who do not understand our… Read more »

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Tom K
1 year ago

dead as a doornail

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Tom K
1 year ago

A Japanese politician cleverly paraphrased Coolidge once. He said:

The business of Japan is the Japanese.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

That’s good. It’s just plain common sense for the government of any nation. Any other answer should get an official drummed out of office. But then we don’t have an actual nation so all the bad things follow in their turn until the wheels come off.

Reply to  Tom K
1 year ago

idealism is for suckers.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

White men lived under Christianity in Europe for centuries without degenerating into purple haired lesbians and civil rights enthusiasts. Christian Nationalism may not be tenable in the modern age but should it succeed to any degree my view is that far worse organizational structures could happen to the white race. The Myth of the Twentieth Century podcast recently discussed the concept of good and evil. The knowledge of good and evil is something built into us, the example given was how do we know that saving a child from drowning is good but drowning a child is evil? By what… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago


To add on to your post;

“The moral principles taught are not all bad”.

If you stop and think, there is no downside to following the 10 Commandments in daily life.

Can you imagine if everyone did?

Granulated Cheese
Granulated Cheese
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

“ If you stop and think, there is no downside to following the 10 Commandments in daily life.” My problem with the 10 commandments is that they are pretty much false advertising. They are a reasonable sets of rules to live by, and the public face of how Christians are to live But when you get involved in most churches, they start piling an additional 10 million rules you must follow to avoid hell. When I left the Catholic Church 20 years ago, the trads were saying insane things like God was going to destroy civilization because the Church allowed… Read more »

Reply to  Granulated Cheese
1 year ago

Where in any catechism I does it say hobbies are evil?

The “new order” is not a mass. It’s not communion in the hand as itself. It’s if the Eucharist is what the church says it is, how should it be treated?

My stars what a world…

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

“The knowledge of good and evil is something built into us… By what authority? Who says?”

Wasn’t Zoroaster the first to formulate good/evil, or am I off base? And isn’t it bound up in monotheism? All the good placed in one god becomes Good, so all the bad must become Evil, or something like that. Eventually the Good god stops getting angry sometimes, and the Evil becomes a deity of its own. Is duotheism a word? We all know good conquers evil, right, so why worry about it? Idk, speculating.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Nietzsche said that the weak introduced the idea of good versus evil in their quest to subdue the strong, who saw the world in terms of good (strong/Aryan nobility) versus bad (weak/everyone else). Surprisingly, the weak overthrew the strong with good versus evil. Nietzsche almost never offered arguments in favor of his pronouncements, which always frustrated me but also makes him more fascinating. The wise man is expected intuitively to see the truth of what he is proclaiming. Who knows how much truth there is in what he said, but it is interesting. An observation that is counter to… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

The big thing is that conflating weak with good allows evil weak people to whine and complain their way to power. The strong are intrinsically the only people even capable of meaningful good in the first place as they are the only ones with agency. The “good” of the weak is similar to an incel telling you about how he respects women so hard. The actual strong in our society notably don’t adhere to any of this slave morality beyond the ocassional pandering to a gullible public. They use their power to inflict their vision of the good on society,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

“unfortunately it’s a vision of cockroach meat, jigaboos, and a matzo ball stomping on a human face forever”

Sacre bleu. I won’t sleep tonight from alternate fits of bawling and guffawing.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

I’m guessing Nietzsche was comparing Christianity to paganism, and drawing, to him, the obvious conclusion. Not a Nietzsche scholar, but it seems right.

Pagan gods generally are sometimes good, sometimes bad. Maybe that has to do with the good/bad distinction he attributes to master morality.

Can’t remember if I read it or heard it in a lecture, but the essential thing about evil is that it can destroy you. The old ressentiment raised to a theological principle lol. Some judo action.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

I disagree with “The ultimate question for Christianity is did this guy Jesus rise from the dead or not?” If we accept the style of writing by the supposed authors of the Book- that the main characters are archetypes, an Everyman story to simply convey swaths of history- Then to reach for Jesus alone is to try to grasp the strongest magic. A better understanding for many would not be to demand the proof or not of this or that specific occurence, but to understand his story illumines a deeper truth: That there is a world beyond the physical, to… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

The Nazarene is /ours/.

Missionaries would give away our greatest treasure to aliens and savages, hoping to turn wolverines into puppies.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Please. Don’t turn my Wolverines into anything else until we win the national championship. Otherwise we chew your faces off.

1 year ago

Z, could you please crosspost this blog onto Substack?

That would allow me to only track one website and also to take advantage of Substack’s text to voice feature.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

Good afternoon Z, I have a question for you regarding the care package you received that you mentioned in the podcast this past Friday.
Where was it purchased from? The reason being is that several items you mentioned – cherry pudding chief among them – sound really good and I would love to try them. Thanks!

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

I wonder if what we need are a sense that “there are sensible answers to these questions” more than explicit answers. Vagueness and the abstract can be great impediments but sometimes they can also be alluring. There is something about people that attracts them to things they sense but don’t quite understand. We need, in addition to a million other things, an air of mystique. And not answering explicitly doesn’t nail you down and expose you. If we answer these questions bluntly it would be a declaration of war against both regimes and the vibrancy. We must have external and… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Making Christianity our rallying point is doomed to fail. As has been noted here in this space, modern leftism/wokeism/shitlibism sprang largely from Christianity “the last shall be first and the first shall be last, there is neither jew nor greek, neither bond nor free, neither male nor female….” and as we have noted here even our atheists are christians. I have some lifelong friends who are wokeist shitlib bugmen. They live in another state, which is probably part of how we’ve been able to remain lifelong friends, also I have a hard time tossing lifelong friends just over ideology, but… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

The hard part is always getting the masses to rally. While avoiding the unpleasant consequences of defying an evil regime. But I’m stating the obvious and I completely agree with your idea of who we are, why it is necessary and how big the threat is

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Communists and syndicalists learned very slowly, and sometimes not at all, that the masses are not revolutionary, though they can be stirred up to rioting. Once upon a time, some commies and syndicalists who WERE able to learn the lesson modified their ideas about secularism and totalitarianism, then they started calling theirselves Fascists.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
1 year ago

That is true 90+ percent play no role whatsoever. But what you do need is a strong group of capable men who will not blow their own foot off the second they open their mouths. Moses had his brother, Jesus had his apostles, Mohammed had his bandits, Lenin had his group, Stalin slowly built up his while his rivals gave big speeches. Some Austrian fella also collected a group of men who could get things done. All of these also had an undisputed leader, not a committee in charge. The position of White Alpha Hero is so open people don’t… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Jeffrey Zoar: “If you were looking for fans of the current Satan Pope, here they are.” Bro. I hate to always be the Nattering Nabob of Negativity, here chez “Z”, but them peeps ain’t your friends. If they’ve jumped into psychological [metaphorical] bed with a pederast like Bergoglio, then they’re your mortal enemies [or at least they ought to be]. ========== MATTHEW 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

It’s something I think about a lot. One of them I’ve known since I was 4 years old. As I alluded to, if we were in daily contact, or even weekly or monthly, it’s quite possible, or likely, that the relationship already would have ended. But being that my contact with them is very limited, perhaps every other month there is some electronic communication, maybe we see each other every other year, there really isn’t a lot of contact to break off. If anything, it helps give me a window into bugman-ism without burdening me with constant contact with it.… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

So rallying around Christianity is doomed to fail. Because we have no more claim on it than they do.

This statement is just plain wrong. Christianity means something; the word has content, you know. It’s not just whatever anybody says or thinks.

The poz is not Christianity, and pozzed people are not Christian, no matter if they sit in the pews, or celebrate Mass, or occupy the Throne of Peter. They are not Christian.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

Don’t tell me, tell them. And they will have scripture they point at to back themselves up. I’m sure they will concede when you tell them how they are misreading it.

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
1 year ago

Who says these questions — or any questions — must be asked and answered? The system is designed to prevent the organization of threats to it. This is obvious. And this applies whether the threats have a thought in their head or not. The only way to open space for real organization is to exhaust the system with more action (random, individual, farcical, even pointless) than it can handle. Consider the currently imprisoned Jon Minadeo. In one year, armed with cat litter, ziplocs, and a laser printer, he compelled a bloated vampire to compel the governor of the third largest… Read more »

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
1 year ago

Handsome Truth threw a few grains of sand into the gears of Jewish white supremacy, but ultimately his tactics are a failure. Part of his problem is pigeonhole minded thinking about the big matters of the day. One finds some evidence of his mediocre education on his flyers, which often feature “EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF [suchandsuch]”, or something like this, as I recall. Upon doing a little thinking about the topic, one realizes that, for instance, some things about the Bidenocracy are NOT Jewish. Minadeo’s way won’t succeed in attracting many bright minds while deterring tatooed trash. Suppose now for… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
1 year ago

The EVERY SINGLE ASPECT flyers are useful in pointing out the Jay’s enormous dominance in the Biden administration, Covid agenda, Hollywood, media, porn, Trump’s donors, LBGTQ/tranny agenda….etc. More of this, more noticing, more pointing out needs to happen.

It needs to continually be pointed out to imagine if a group such as Indians or Mexicans or blacks or Chinese dominated these positions like the Jays do. The fact that it’s a relatively quiet fact says everything about the effective conditioning we’ve been immersed in.

1 year ago

There are no gods. Only malicious angels made into ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses’ by human beings. Typically for the purpose of rationalizing the evil that people and their groups wish to do.

There is only one God, and as I am His servant (however low) I guarantee that soon the entire planet will get to see Him. Everybody will be a believer then, even through their moans and their curses.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  ray
1 year ago

And He says Whites should prosper in their own lands and not be ruled by others. And you know that He is good

1 year ago

maybe this is a too clever by half take, but does anyone think that civil rights legislation has pushed us toward an indian style caste system?

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

The purpose of “civil rights” is the usual sort of thing, identifiable by who did it, but I think the bureaucratic machinery of civil rights—the largest sector of our fake economy—was invented to give women something to do. To fully subjugate and immiserate the population, to reduce him to the subhuman Economic Man of communism and libertarianism, it’s necessary that women be forced into the labor pool. A life outside it cannot be considered possible. While there, they have to do *something*—but they suck at almost everything that isn’t a traditional wifely duty, and we can’t have them being constantly… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
1 year ago

i’m skeptical that civil rights, at least when originally passed, was about women’s rights. Feminism as an issue didn’t become a thing until a few years after the bill’s passage.

Also, do you watch Pearl’s videos? You’re talking points sound like hers

Reply to  Hemid
1 year ago

Yup. America is a gynocracy in a world already suffused by femaleness.

It can only fail. The Boss will make an example of it.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

A bit… sure. Clearly Civil Rights did that in the sense of what Indians call Scheduled Castes — ones get preferential treatment in employment. And we all know that it’s also true in USA when the Law is involved. But USA is headed there anyway, regardless. Free and compulsory education and the explosion in socio-economic mobility during C20 has meant that most people with genetics for higher IQ have gotten off the dirt farm and are not languishing in janitorial jobs. (Of course even now you still get the occasional flower sprouting in the dungheap due to the genetic slot… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

People have allways married genetically close counterparts from the same socio-economic strata, what has changed in the last 100years or so, is that the smart faction’s realised fertility keeps collapsing, only the bottom keeps growing, so the ratio of smart vs dumb is changing. The reproduction premium for high IQ won’t return until this system breaks down, or it’s done artificially via state enforced eugenics.

1 year ago

There is actually a cauldron of movements currently competing to attain dominance either locally, regionally, nationally, or everywhere. The GAE is trying to shoot the moon by homogenizing everyone into sheeple ruled by a small super wealthy elite. Muslims are similarly trying to establish a caliphate with sharia law everywhere possible and using a high birthrate as their principle weapon. The Russians and Chinese are playing the long game by building up real military power and productive industries while waiting patiently for the West to commit suicide. Israel is committing genocide in broad daylight in a revival of the Final… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 year ago

Depressingly, it’s possible that more anti-White oppression will be necessary for Whites to develop enough group identity to even start asking these three Questions.

1 year ago

There’s another option.

The current order declines and collapses under the weight of its “internal contradictions” as the Marxists say. Chaos, disorganization, probably material poverty, the breakdown of the institutions that have been “marched through.”

Ad hoc arrangements beyond the ability of civil authority to control and manipulate, surface: here, there, everywhere. Who are we? People. What’s our purpose? Trying to survive. By what authority? Whadaya mean, “by what authority?” We’re trying to make ends meet.

Power then coalesces and emerges, dancing, as it goes, to its spontaneous and eventually abusive tune.

Reply to  imbroglio
1 year ago

A lot to be said for the ever-grinding gears of the Dialectic. They grind on and on and grind us out and we think we thought it out and felt it by ourselves.

I like the Power Dancing bit above… has resonances with that Shaker hymn, Gary Zukav, Kali, King David (not the hotel, you in the back row!), Elagabalus. Elagabalus being probably most relevant in these 2020s.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
1 year ago

I believe that these questions should be re-ordered. By whose authority should absolutely be first. It can’t be God, because he abandoned this science experiment years ago. We live in a jar of slime in his garage. So it has to be one of the amoeba that makes the move. “We, the strongest and smartest of the amoeba are taking power for ourselves, because we know what to do with it and we’re better than you secondary amoeba. If you refuse we will poke through your membrane and you will no longer exist.” The second question is what do we… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

Well said!

Better to reign in the Slime Jar than serve in the Virtual Reality Pod.

Also, it’s the ONLY winning formula.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
1 year ago

> The plan seems to be that they will rally a majority around some vague criticism of the present condition in order to gain political power

No, the plan is for us to have more babies than you atheists so we eventually replace you.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

You going to outbreed all of Africa. Good luck.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

> You going to outbreed all of Africa. Good luck.

Sending prayers to Africa (but not food).

John Perry
John Perry
Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

“Feeding the hungry” came with predictable consequences.

Reply to  John Perry
1 year ago

Right, my stock response when I declined to give money for the poor starving Biafrans was, what are we saving them for? If all we are doing is feeding them until they are old enough to breed another generation of machete swinging dolts that we again have to go in to save, maybe it would be kinder to let them perish.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  John Perry
1 year ago

Q. What do you get when you feed 500 hungry Africans?

A. 5,000 hungry Africans.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

Until someone in your flock decides that that’s not sufficiently Christian. And will use that to out-holy you and oust you. And then we’re back on the path to extinction

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

That’s when you give him the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch as a suppository.

Holiness Spirals do respond to radical therapies.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

Utterly brilliant. I’m speechless with admiration.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

This is the division within us that is probably unbridgeable, although I would happily choose to live without citizenship in Mr. Generic’s theocracy over what we have now, if he would have me. The only solution that I see is federalism, where the Christians and non-Christians pledge to their mutual self-defense, but beyond that, live by their own lights and don’t interfere with each other. Even if we can’t tolerate each other in the same house, I hope that we would appreciate each other as good neighbors. As in any partnership, the prisoner’s dilemma is ever present, but there is… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

If that division is unbridgeable then we don’t treasure survival enough. And, well, then we have the cause of our impotence. We don’t care enough about the great grandchildren we shall likely never meet in this world

heemeyer the saxon
heemeyer the saxon
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Trust–that’s what it boils down to for me. Can I trust my fellow workman not to steal my tools when my back is turned, nor siphon gas out of my truck while I am in the lunchroom? Trust-can I trust that the person who lives across the street will not rape my wife while I am at a ballgame? Trust–can I trust that my child’s teacher is teaching my child what I think should be taught. Trust–can I trust the medical professional to do the right thing for my illness while ignoring any personal consequences to himself? Trust–would I run… Read more »

Reply to  heemeyer the saxon
1 year ago

heemeyer the saxon: But on what do you base your trust – theory, ideal, experience? You might meet one of the 0.01% of race ‘x’ who is honest, capable, and/or trustworthy. Do you then automatically assume all members of race ‘x’ share these characteristics? Of course there are dishonest and thieving White people. There are purported Christians who are, in reality, whited sepulchres. One is likely to find the whole range of human characters amongst any race or religion. So – one must either judge each individual as one meets him, with no preconceived notions, or one must rely on… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Live and let live can work. But Christian Busybodies who show signs of cucking or conversely excessive intra-White missionary zeal must get the Saxon Angel treatment. Any and all Crusades must be against the Genetic Others.

There are also plenty of Agnostics, just plain weary of the Theological BS on our side of the river too. I’m one and to quote the Chinaman in Africa, “It’s all so Tiresome.”

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

If you answer the first question with “we are Christians” you will start by cutting out all who are White but not Christan. And then you will split into a million rivaling fractions fighting over who are the “true Christians”. IOW you will have started out with a standing challenge to ab internal virtue signaling race that will distract you from your real enemies, those who don’t want any Whites around, Christian, Norse or others. That is why the answer to the first question cannot be “Christian”. That does not imply hostility to Christianity. It just means it is not… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

>” If you answer the first question with “we are Christians” you will start by cutting out all who are White but not Christan.” Yes. First, we need tens of millions of deeply Christian White Heritage Americans on our side in order to win, and it’s just not worth it alienating them by trying to appeal to the tiny, irrelevant fringe of non-Christian rightists instead. Second, our aim is to restore the Western Civilization, which, as I’ve said elsewhere, has three ingredients: the White race, the Christian religion, and the Greco-Roman cultural heritage. Leave out any of those ingredients, and… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  AntiDem
1 year ago

First, there is going to be a giant upsurge in Whites who are neither leftist not Christian as things deteriorate.

Second, if Christianity is the foundational rock, people are going to start fighting over who are the real Christians.

Third, the only Christians who would feel alienated by a white identity are exactly those who have “black Jesus” tendencies and are therefore highly undesirable.

So you’re making a problem that doesn’t exist. Until you put Christianity ahead of white survival. And thereby already redeveloping SJW from first principle

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

We were White long before we were Christian…and we circled the globe, and built mighty, and just, civilizations, long, long before we we were Christian.

Christianity reflects what is already in us. It is to that that we must bow, not to some transient, corruptible vehicle.

Not to propaganda chronicling a race war.

Another thing the religious scholars must turn their fine minds to, is remembering what the book was actually talking about.

They have forgotten, hectoring us about the rules without understanding why the rules were written, like nagging schoolmarms.

Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

This is one of the Z-man’s best essays ever, but it leaves me with a sinking feeling that we are probably several generations away from the Dissident Right being able to answer those questions. What role does Christian nationalism have, for example, for those of us who have concluded that the events described in the gospels are mostly fiction and that Jesus likely never existed as a historical character? Probably none, which doesn’t bother me too much as modern Christianity’s universalism has rendered it nearly useless as a tool to organize a racially-based people and society. On the other hand,… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

“the power centers in the present system are starting to turn on each other. As these conflicts become more and more intense, it may provide opportunities for small groups of people to come together and answer the three questions Z-man proposes.”

This only will grow worse and dissolution and fragmentation will follow on. There really is no well-defined power center. Something will fill the void and with any luck it will be us.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

“What role does Christian nationalism have, for example, for those of us who have concluded that the events described in the gospels are mostly fiction and that Jesus likely never existed as a historical character? Probably none,…” If you can discern no aspirational/motivational value in anything less that the unvarnished historic truth, then I fear you’re doomed to a lifetime of disappointment and will never find your “organizing principle”. There are many, I’d even venture to say millions, of us who consider the Bible as a *moral* organizing principle. That the Gospels may differ on one account or the other,… Read more »

Reply to  compsci
1 year ago

Useful for Little Boys and if you plan on making a career of modelling for Norman Rockwell. Gets you nowhere fast in the Game of Thrones. How does one get to a Moral People ruled by an Amoral Ruling Caste who shepherd (not farm cattle) their sheeple responsibly? That’s the Six Million (heh) Dollar Question. Because Ruling Casts will ALWAYS be amoral at best… Otherwise how could they hold onto Power? (At present we have an Immoral Ruling Cast who hate us and farm us like Cattle for the slaughter.) Given the necessary divide between public/private morality of the Ruled… Read more »

not my people
not my people
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

All the books I read growing up never explained to me that I was a victim.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

Diversity Heretic: I would argue one could and ought to accept historical Christianity as one of the foundations of Western civilization, even if one does not accept the Bible as literal truth. American culture, before it was hijacked for DIE, followed broad Christian principles such as those in the Ten Commandments. I believe this is what Line In The Sand has suggested. I will also admit, however, that accepting general Christian morality while simultaneously rejecting its source poses its own inherent problems. Per C.S. Lewis, “I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

I’ve seen that C.S. Lewis quote before but I don’t find it persuasive. What if Jesus never existed and all of the claims that he supposedly made were inventions by writers who were religious fanatics determined to sell a new religion? I suppose that one could bifurcate the historic Jesus: his moral teachings were authentic, but the claims that he made to divinity were invented by later authors determined to sell their version of the religion. (I know of no textual support that his moral teachings were any more authentic than his claims to divinity.) In any event, it took… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

If Jesus was Black, would C. S. Lewis make the same demand?

(p.s. multiple original sources from or near the time describe Him as blonde, with grey-blue eyes.)

1 year ago

If there ever is a true revolt against the modern age, it’ll have to be led and driven by Whites. And probably the most important question that’ll have to be answered is what to with the blacks. The fact is the black population has been the rock that’s been tearing the hull out of this country for centuries. The civil rights scam was all about blacks, period, and forcing Whites to accept them as totally equal citizens in all respects. Oh sure, women, queers, trannies and other assorted mud people have glommed on, but it was first and foremost about… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

Perfectly said. I’ve harped on this for a long time. All that matters is race, and the single most destructive power on planet earth is the negro. It infests, destroys and then migrates. There is no pleasing it. The more preference and advantage it gets, the more it demands.

They are an insufferable bunch that have worn me out to the point of no return. My one wish from a genie would be to rid the world of them by shipping them to some foreign planet.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 year ago

There’s a bizarre sociological symmetry of your poast, wherein it remains perfectly accurate if “kneegr0w” were to be replaced by “j00”, and if “j00” were then to be replaced by “kneegr0w”.

j00z & kneegr0wz really are mirror images of one another, right down to their photographic negatives, and the opposite sides of the IQ bell curves which they occupy.

There’s even the perfect symmetry between Passive Aggression & Active Aggression [a j00 will mμrder you with a cl0t-sh0t, a kneegr0w will mμrder you with a 2×4].

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Because one is the mischling child of the other. Whites happened to be the right combination to open the gates of heaven. The Seeding or radiant panspermia layer. To which we seek to rise. The Afro-Aryan mischlings, unfortunately, were literally the right combination to open the gates to hell. The bestial, organic formative layer, the Muck. Which must, by its function, drag all things back into it. It is not that they are alone in this, by far; it is that all races are so very close to its seductive pull. The ends of their own spectrum, cannibals with smarts,… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 year ago

Tired Citizen: As Bourbon has noted, that still leaves the machinations of the Jews. And the highly similar behavioral patterns of the subcons. And the bugmen striving of east Asians. When people claim the ‘elites’ want to eliminate 90+% of people on the planet, I can agree with the number but not the group to be eliminated. Start off a new world with the 50% of the world’s remaining White people who don’t hate themselves and their history (so perhaps 60% out of 8% of the world’s poplation) and I think we could work from there. I have no personal… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Oh, hear, hear.
We really are the Solution mandated by the very design of Creation.

The counteragent to resist the pull of the bestial Hell layer, the neverending Wheel of pain and death, and break free to the Radiant above, fulfilling the highest function of why a biosphere forms in the first place.

The others were already limited by what they are, but we gave away too much, too freely, feeding the stray cats until they take over the house.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

Who are we? White people. A people being targeted by the government and the elites.

To what end? The defense of our race and culture. This defense is increasingly for our very lives through organized violence that the government condones.

What authority? The right to self defense. You know, like the jews claim that they can take any action for “self defense.” Except that ours is more logical and needed.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

I don’t think people care about being called a racist in and of itself. I don’t think it is shame that is the root of the problem, rather the power of the enforcers. Calling you a racist is not an attempt to shame you, it is an attempt to make you an outlaw, in the old sense of the word. As an outlaw, society, institutions and the state have no obligation to you, up to and including protecting you from physical violence and removing your “right” to self defense. At a minimum, it is to deprive you of the ability… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Might as well force us to wear a scarlet R or yellow star.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Outlaw, used as in merry old England, is a good analogy. Too bad more people don’t have a understanding of history in these matters. For those, I might use more modern analogies. Deeming people “racist” is merely an example of “othering”. It follows the age old process of “demonize, marginalize, destroy…”. Modern examples abound.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Tars: Excellent comment and analogy. Thank you.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

What to do about blacks? Separate from them and then bar them. In any future nation-state, the complete absence of negroes is almost of equal importance to the overwhelming preponderance of whites.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

True freedom of association entails your restrictions (bars them). Can’t have one without the other. I’d also note that, even with the “leaky” system we had prior to the Civil Rights Act, we as a society were able to coexist with the Blacks and other minorities. They had their areas, we had ours. Which always leads me to the real problem we have today (leaving out illegal migration for the moment)–the absolute destruction of “freedom of association” as we once knew it and practiced it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  compsci
1 year ago

True. But I would argue that the creation of Whiteland (a political embodiment of freedom of association) at some point in the future is far more feasible than restoring the concept of freedom of association within the context of AINO’s political culture. We’ll never see “white only” swimming pools again.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

They are just the most obvious aspect of the problem. If not for our small hatted friends, they wouldn’t be a problem. Take the NAACP, for an example. It didn’t even employ blacks. Their extremely high rates of slave ownership, increased the number of slaves. Their involvement in the slave trade.

Had America been exclusively White and Black, probably most of the problems wouldn’t even exist. The problem might even have been entirely solved by now.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

“Had America been exclusively White and Black, probably most of the problems wouldn’t even exist.”

Possibly, although I doubt it. But if there were no blacks in America we KNOW these problems wouldn’t exist. And, at any rate, the mere presence of negroes presents an insoluble aesthetic problem. The only sure solution is a land without them. And it goes without saying that the same goes for Jews.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

There used to be no blacks, or Arabs, in Britain, Sweden, Germany, Italy etc. That was “rectified”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

The good news is that non-white and younger white Americans can’t answer even one of the three questions, at least not in a way that keeps the country together. The bad news is that the group that controls the commanding heights of society can answer each of those question quite clearly. That will be conflict going forward. How does the cohesive tribe hold together and control a larger society that 1) has no sense of who we are; 2) has wildly divergent purposes; and 3) is losing faith in the govt’s authority. We see that now with the Israeli-Hamas war.… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Sorry, meant that liberal whites and non-whites side with Hamas.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Yeah, you had me going there… 😉

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Great comment. The ruling tribe is losing its grip and mind, though, and seems perfectly capable of taking everyone out with them. That’s been the running undertone ever since they brought us to the brink of nuclear war over Ukraine. Everything is dissolving and fragmenting in the meantime and there really is no way to maintain the control they once had.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

The tribe was tripped up by negative identity. The rise of the Holocaust story as central to Jewish identity (at least American and European Jews) meant that their relationship with whites changed. It became a caged death match to them. Their whole existence became about destroying the ability of whites – particularly, white Christians – to attack Jews or even limit Jews in any way. The purpose of the Jewish people (question #2) was to bring whites to their knees, not to promote the welfare of the Jewish people – though they considered them to be the same thing. (They… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Talented yet very unstable and impulsive people at the same time–thank God. Imagine if they could keep it together for longer periods. In far different ways, they are just as dependent on whites as blacks, though, and now are filling the sting of the dog catching the car thingy. My concern is they try to take the world out with them, and we’ve seen glimmers of that possibility in the Ukraine.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Jews are a middle-man people. They aren’t farmers and builders. They’re merchants. And the group where their merchant skills operate best is with Europeans.

So, yes, Jews are somewhat dependent on whites. The Asians won’t let them in. The Indians are poor and hyper-aware of Jews, so not very fertile ground.

Without white countries in Europe, N. America, Australia and NZ or white-led countries in South America, Jews would be forced to be middle-man merchants in the Middle East. It’s a living, but not great.

As whites decline, so too will Jewish power and well-being. History loves irony.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Barbara Spectre released a documentary about the NGO network built with Holocaust reparations. “Paieia”, I think.

It’s sole purpose is the destruction of the Westphalian ideal. Savage wars amongst us brought a truculent solution: sovereign borders.

To prevent the rise of nationalism, Spectre states, one must undermine or destroy the nation states.

That sweet little old lady is directly responsible for the rapes and murders of countless young Caucasian European girls.

She fears nationalism because organized Europeans have the power to fight globalism/communism. They don’t fear a world gov’t, because they will control it.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Unfortunately, it is going to take something a lot more than a vague sense of our newly perceived status as the bad guy in the script.

If you take Dublin and dial to 11, that would be a good start. 75 years of trying to pretend everything will be alright made this necessary. People need to figure out that compliance is voluntary and that the other side is not playing a game and that they need to act accordingly.

1 year ago

As a Christian nationalist myself: >”Who are we?” We are the Christian nationalists. If you want a further explanation, I’ll crib from Evola by saying that our principles are those that, before the French Revolution, everyone considered sane and normal. >”To what end?” The restoration of Western Civilization, which has three ingredients: the White race, the Christian religion, and the cultural heritage of the Greco-Roman ancients. All three must be returned to their pre-1789 positions in our society, and as such, the Enlightenment, which scoffed at them all, must be torn out root and branch. We can keep most of… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  AntiDem
1 year ago

” Many of us view Washington, DC the same way that Lithuanians viewed Moscow in 1979.”

In many ways D.C. is more alien to most in the country outside it than Soviet-ear Moscow was to Soviet-era Vilnius.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  AntiDem
1 year ago

Question: can non-whites, or more specifically, blacks, be Christian nationalists?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Certainly. However, their “nation” is located (yet to be designated) in sub-Sahara Africa. They were uniquely designed for the continent. 😉

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Of course they can. For their own nations, which should be separate from White nations.

Let American blacks have a homeland carved out from already majority-black areas of the Deep South. Send them home, wish them well, build a wall. Let them be Christian nationalists for their homeland.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  AntiDem
1 year ago

So, correctly speaking, Christian Nationalists are actually Ethno-Christian Nationalists.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Hear hear, my master and mentor Ostei. My race is my religion.

The literature is but a temporary vessel, the race that interprets it is the fountain that fills it.

Reply to  AntiDem
1 year ago

AntiDem: “Who said that you couldn’t go hold your dying grandmother’s hand because of Covid? In the end, men with guns did, so that’s why you stayed home. The gun mattered – the badge and the uniform are a lie we tell each other.” Judging from what I’ve read about the meatgrinder in the Ukraine [and, to a certain extent, in Palestine], men with guns are now a few rungs down the sociological ladder from men with DRONES. Apparently a large number of all rif1e sh0ts being f!red in Ukraine are now emanating from un-manned rif1es, with attached cameras, in… Read more »

Reply to  AntiDem
1 year ago

Attacking your own in a purity spiral is not “common cause”, it is a bid for local power by satraps.

To grovel, to beg for mercy by liars who would destroy you, in the vain hope that some thread might survive their assumed authority.

No. We must appeal to our natural mastery, not to the threats and demands by a mask. We must break free of their illusions and spells.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Forgive me, this was my reply to AntiDem after reading to the “the uppity Dunning-Kruger cases” paragraph.

I have not finished reading his comment.

1 year ago

Given that most of what we do is critique or engage in, “can you believe this new outrage”, I think it would be good to see today’s post as a challenge. I would love to see us all answer these three questions. Here is my attempt: Who are we? We are the people of the European continent whose homelands comprise all of Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. To what end? We exist to perpetuate our kind – for basic survival. We nurture ourselves and cultivate ourselves in order to thrive. We built the most advanced legal, technological, educational,… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

“Who are we? We are the people of the European continent whose homelands comprise all of Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand.” Professor Samuel Huntingdon, one of the last original New Dealers, is best remembered for his CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS, which was the prescient answer to Francis Fukuyama’s END OF HISTORY. He is not remembered for his last and most prophetic book, WHO ARE WE?, and in fact prior to his death was vilified and destroyed over it. Huntingdon correctly foresaw that flooding the nation with people from non-Northern European nations would collapse it. His entire thesis proved to… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Zman often asks this question when he says we must decide what can be built given the current demographics. Probably a good topic for a post or three.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

From the standpoint of the nation-state, the question now is “who will we be?” The “are” is long gone. We are entering a new era and that is the big question. What will be next. Looking at the TFR with the white WASP types not replacing themselves it appears we will be something darker in the future with the dark continent reproducing like bunnies. I don’t foresee the hordes invading from the south being able to maintain the society and civilization they are intent on taking over. The small hats lack the capacity to understand the essential nature of the… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

I agree with your answers to the three questions. But the answers imply a declaration of war against not only the current regimes but against all the people who came here who shouldn’t be here. A war we are most certainly not ready for. We do not have physical power. Therefore we frankly need subterfuge. We need two sets of answers, an internal and an external. There is something in Europeans that wants to fight openly, that finds the whole idea of secret agendas dishonorable. A sense of chivalry. The problem is, it is the necessary tool of those who… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Moran ya Simba – I am enjoying all of your comments today. I see your point. It doesn’t have to be a declaration of war. Also, in different homelands we are in different situations. In America we do need a strong and intentional collective statement of identity, collective well-being and assertion that we will no longer tolerate the crime, overt genocidal rhetoric, the brazen discrimination and dispossession via the sinecure and patronage network. We have the power to assert that. Moreover, in doing so, when it is met with hostility it will only strengthen our numbers and our resolve and… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

Excellent points and thanks.. You’re probably right, we are too many to just be railroaded. Even though they’re doing that with surprising success. My thinking on what is happening and what we need are very much works in progress

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 year ago

“If there is to be a revolt against the modern age, the people doing the revolting will first have to tackle the three big questions. In other words, the opponents of the present order must learn from the creators of the present order, the people behind the civil rights movement,” The creators of the present order, the woke brigade, the Cultural Marxists, whatever you want to call them, are well-funded. Probably by the chosen ones and their fellow travelers. The chosen ones have a clear identity and a sense of shared purpose that furthers their communal objectives. That is a… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
1 year ago

There is no “we,” no “purpose,” no “who” who says. We see this in action from time to time with contradictory policies and morality. There is no settled policy on the Israel-Hamas war, by way of example, because different factions have decided to fetishize different tribes. Put simply there is no centralized authority because there is no common purpose and leader. The system’s devil, the white man, served as a common focus until the object of hate no longer could assure continuity. We aren’t far from situations like the State Department coming to blows with the Defense Department while both… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Exactly right. Bravo.

1 year ago

It IS a theological question imo, the real JQ: are we Jews?

Goes back to the beginnings of Western civ, never answered conclusively. That’s our weak spot, our internal contradiction.

1 year ago

Effeminate Christianity is a failure. It’s a damn blasphemy, too, but I’m repeating myself.
If Deus Vult were to get dusted off it would have a lot better traction, which is why the softly spoken by softer hands and waistbands is foisted so hard.
For the time being, purging the filth would check two boxes and I’m making a safe bet that God’s authority might still work for the third.
Needed: clam shells and a couple of Hypatia’s. Put your keys in the basket and the fun begins.

Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
1 year ago

I’ll give it a go.

Who are we? We are European descended peoples. We are White.
What is our purpose? To overthrow our Jewish rulers and expel the non-Whites from a continuous territory and establish self-rule.
What is our authority. Survival of our kind is our moral basis. We place the survival of our nation higher than any other social interest.

Reply to  Mr. Burns
1 year ago

But Jews are also white. In fact other than Sammy Davis junior I can’t think of a non white Jew although I am sure there are plenty of them.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Hoagie
1 year ago

Well, I’d assume that those white Jews wouldn’t be too thrilled with our purpose, so problem solved.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Hoagie
1 year ago

They become white when they scold us in that “fellow whites” kind of way.

Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
Reply to  Hoagie
1 year ago

You are of course correct that Jews sometimes claim to be White. This is a problem. I amend the statement to replace “White” with “Xaxxon” and definitionally exclude those of Jewish identity.

Reply to  Mr. Burns
1 year ago

Yes the Jews sometimes cousin to be white when it suits their purposes. When it doesn’t, they claim to be a put-upon minority in need of justice. Like now with the whole anti-semitic hate crime panic. Every time you dig, there is at least one (or more) working to undermine our country and culture.

Reply to  Hoagie
1 year ago

If you listen more closely, you may find that many of them disagree with you, although they don’t often announce it like J-Pod. You may even come to suspect that they see this distinction as foundational to their identity.

(If you don’t know who J-Pod is, you may want to look into it. He and Bill Kristol are the living heirs of neoconservitism.)

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

J-Pod fired Sam Francis. That might be all you need to know.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

Your claim was too good to check, so I checked it. Wiki says that Francis was fired by Wesley Pruden.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hoagie
1 year ago

I used to struggle with the “Are Jews white?” question. It is certainly true that Ashkenazim have white skin and basically look like us. However, genetically, Ashkenazim are 25-30 percent Semitic as opposed to Caucasian, and it is clear that the genetic difference expresses itself very vividly in terms of behavior and beliefs. Hence, it is clear to all but the very blindest of whites that the large majority of Ashkenazim view themselves as something other than white and view whites as enemies. Indeed, such people are far more sympathetic to negroes, with whom they share no genetic material and… Read more »

Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

We are not going to allow Jews to infect our society because of a semantic misfortune.

1 year ago

The fundamental issue we have to face, I think, is that the USA — the currently constituted political entity — simply can’t answer those questions. Like the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it’s merely a collection of wildly different tribes held together by force and inertia, mainly the latter. In the case of the AHE, it was an accident of the feudal system. In the GAE, it was deliberate policy, but either way, the answers to those fundamental questions can’t be found inside the current political entity. There is no answer that will satisfy all the mutually hostile tribes. Therefore, disaggregation is the… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

I’ll try and step into the mind of the normie for a second. The US government and normies certainly can’t answer the first question (“Who are we?”). Not sure it could have ever answered the first question. The US was birthed into the world as a restive confederation of disparate northern European (white) peoples. It is now becoming a restive amalgamation of disparate world peoples. Everyone knows this, and the goal is make sure everyone gets along. The second Q’s (“What is our purpose?”) answer is to spread liberty and democracy and economic prosperity around the world. More recently, to… Read more »

Event Horizon
Event Horizon
Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

It wasn’t a disparate group; it was mostly English people.

They would have laughed at the idea of you calling them nothern European peoples.

Reply to  Event Horizon
1 year ago

Mostly English with Scots and Irish thrown in, and some Dutch for seasoning. (Africans were a sizeable minority, but they, of course were chattel.) Though the whites of Pennsylvania and those of Boston and of Charleston were pretty disparate. To our time, no; to their time, yes. Also, there was a palpable sense of “difference” between European peoples. To this day, the English have a sense of kinship with Germans and Scandos, but not with French or other Meds. The butter-oil / ale-wine line was a big deal.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

This is a good synopsis. Sure, it sound ridiculous to us, but that’s what Normies believe. The question is whether that will be enough for the country to hold together.

The problem/opportunity is that non-whites and many young whites don’t believe what Normies believe about who we are, our purpose and by what authority.

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

“The second Q’s (“What is our purpose?”) answer is to spread liberty and democracy and economic prosperity around the world. More recently, to spread equality and equity as well.”

Most recently, to spread sodomy and child sacrifice thoughout the world. I am of the opinion that a negative identify fighting that will eventually lead us to the positive identity.

Who are we? We fight against sodomy and child sacrifice.
Why? Because it’s evil as are the people that engage in it.
Who says? God

Three steps to spiritual renewal

Reply to  Whitney
1 year ago

A pretty good example of why the end point must be a return to Christianity. The must be a reference to evil and what that entails.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Whitney
1 year ago

The GAE exists to impose diversity and perversity upon all peoples, whether they want it nor not. (And most emphatically do not.) Not for nothing did Ploppy recently dub it The Anal Empire.

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

You cited some means, not ends. The GAE acts to elevate rapacious, irresponsible capital and to subvert resistance to worldwide Jewish white supremacy. This has become obvious since Tuesday, 11 September, 2001.

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Whitney
1 year ago

Which “God”? Many have been proposed. None have any clear, convincing evidence in their favor. Seemingly cogent arguments for one in particular are always knocked down, which could explain why so many different arguments have been concocted. The god (or gods?) of Jewish white supremacists has been popular, but the more we study the history of the supremacists and their theocratic literature, the more mysterious their origins become. During the past two or three decades, one of our own scholars has developed the hypothesis that their Torah was fabricated at Alexandia at about the same time as the Septuagint. If… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

Regardless of what falls out from it, disaggregation is unavoidable. In fact, it is happening now.

Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

Great analogy citing the austro Hungarian empire of the early 20th century with our own. I read a book a few years ago called A Mad Catastrophe that neatly detailed the issues they had in the years up to and including WW one. The parallels to our own time are astonishing. Among other things, we have our blacks, they had their hungarians

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stirge
1 year ago

Were I Hungarian, I’d call you to pistols at dawn.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Ha! I have had the pleasure of working with some hungarians. I should point out that hungarians are smart, white , and nothing like our current favored minority. I meant more in terms of the concessions made to placate them. No need for a duel on this point

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Stirge
1 year ago

>we have our blacks, they had their hungarians

If only we were so lucky

Reply to  Tom K
1 year ago

Yup, the magyars broke off and made their own, highly functional country (it’s a shame they bet wrong on WW2). Can you imagine trying to build a country made up of our special brown people? It would become Haiti in no time, so we’d be on the hook to support them anyway. We’re stuck with obsolete farm implements no matter what I’m afraid

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

The tribes of AINO are considerably more mutually antagonistic–because more fundamentally different–than were those of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. That AINO continues to shamble about is a malefic miracle.