Liberal Intolerance

There are certain assumptions about the world that modern people take for granted, without thinking about in any detail. These assumptions are about how things ought to be arranged in a modern society. Things like the rule of law and freedom of speech are just assumed to be social positives. Deliberate violations of these liberal principles are a sign that a society is in trouble or corrupt. No one ever wonders why this is the case as it is just part of the shared reality of modern life.

You see this in this essay by Paul Gottfried, which is a response to Canadian historian Ricardo Duchesne, who has taken Gottfried to task for his defense of the old bourgeois liberalism of the past. It is a good essay on the general topic of liberalism and whether or not it is to blame for the current crisis, but of interest here is the assertion that things like religious inclusiveness, individual freedom, and constitutional government are in of themselves good things and signs of progress.

Gottfried does not spend any time arguing these points, as he just assumes them to be good things that a good society ought to seek. This is not peculiar to Gottfried, as most everyone assumes the same thing. Go around a public area in the West and ask people if they favor more or less freedom and they will always pick the former. The same is true for the rest of the principles we associate with liberalism. The moral framework of the West is just assumed to be right and reasonable.

Now, we do not wonder about gravity or the sun rising in the east and setting in the west because these are settled. Few people know why objects fall to the earth when dropped and even fewer know that they accelerate toward the earth at thirty-two feet per second squared, but they know about gravity. Like the sun rising in the east, gravity is a settled matter, so there is no need to debate it. The same is generally assumed about the basic principles of liberal democracy.

What would go unnoticed is the inclusion of religious tolerance in there with reasonable things like individual liberty. Most of the liberal project can be justified, as much as possible, by reason. We can make logical arguments in favor of a rights-based society and limited government. You can make a rational argument in favor of parliamentary rule over a king or dictator. The same cannot be said for religious tolerance, which is something taken for granted, but never examined.

Western societies are moral societies. Instead of being bound together by kinship or force, as we see with most of the world, what holds Western people into political entitles is a common morality. Sure, blood, soil and history play a big role, but every European pollical entity has included significant minority populations. At the dawn of the French Revolution, most people in France did not share the same language. They spoke various local dialects, and in some areas, deferent languages.

This is even more true today as the elites of the West preach open borders, pluralism, and democracy as the holy trinity. The only way this can work is if all the new people agree to the old moral code or the moral code is adjusted to accommodate the new people coming into these old societies. The new speech and thought laws are all about policing the new moral code which prohibits the old stock from thinking anything but happy thoughts about the newcomers.

This is the basis for pluralism. Anyone can be an American if they embrace the American creed, which is a secular way of saying they can be an American if they embrace the religion of Americanism. Vivek Ramaswamy and Ben Shapiro have based their lives on this assertion. They are just as American as the descendants of Quakers or 19th century German immigrants. They say this because they embrace the religion of America and therefore meet the moral criteria to be American.

The problem here should be obvious. If Americanism is the moral code of America and by extension the West in general, and it insists on a general universality, then there can be no tolerance for alterative moral codes. Not only can American liberalism not tolerate alternative moral codes internally, but it must be intolerant of alternative moral codes external to the West. If you want to know why the West has waged war on Islam and now Eurasia, there is the answer.

The reason that Western societies now function like secular theocracies is liberalism has evolved into a religion. It has crowded out Christianity from the public square because no society can have more than one moral framework. Just as science replaced religious explanations for the natural world, liberalism has displaced the explicitly supernatural basis for societal morality with an esoteric moral code based vaguely on things like equality and openness.

What this means is that the assumption that religious tolerance is a liberal principle or could ever have been a liberal principle is false. The opposite is true. Liberalism must drive out or suppress any alternative moral framework, because it is the moral framework that evolved to replace the old moral order. That means it is not just intolerant or Christianity, but any morale framework that places itself above the morality of the liberal order. Everything must submit to the liberal faith.

The question, of course, is why has the liberal project that started at the end of the Middle Ages evolved into something like a secular Gnosticism? Gottfried looks for things outside of liberalism, like Protestantism, while Duchesne looks for things within the liberal tradition like pluralism. In both cases and in most critiques of liberalism the assumption is there is a worm in the apple. The apple being the liberal project and the worm being some sort of corruption.

In reality, the problem may simply lie in the fact that you cannot have a moral order based on reason. Reason cannot be the authority for how people ought to treat one another or how government should be organized. Reason can only take us to the point where the people need to sort these issues for themselves, because the great diversity of man means there is no universally right answer to these questions. How we ought to act is up to us or our gods.

When the gods are removed and tradition is discarded, something that must happen when all things are subjected to the acid wash of reason, there are no standards against which to measure moral claims. That leaves force as the determining factor, which means the moral order is decided by people who see it as their purpose to impose their sense of the moral order. Liberalism must end with a ruling class of secular clerics engaged in a never ending sermon.

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7 months ago

inferior people eventually elect inferior ruler, it leads to inferior government, inferior society
inferior ruler (Jew, Hindu, Chinese) exploits much more inferior people (blacks, Hispanic, mixed race)
The public will feel that everything seems to be inferior

Good riddance, America

7 months ago

The Proggtard religion ended with the flush toilet. No further adjustments to society are necessary.

Dino the Isaurian
Dino the Isaurian
7 months ago

One of the problems with liberalism is that almost no one has a solid definition for the word or ideology. Instead, everyone has an associative list of things they like that they call liberal or things that they hat that they cal liberal. Which is odd, because the word itself reveals the root definition in a straightforward way. Liberation. Liberalism is the belief that people beed to be liberated from … Which is the problem, because that begs the questions of what and why. The what is whatever vexes one at any given point in time. A continuously shifting serious… Read more »

7 months ago

Progressivism became the moral code, and we are so heavily propagandized about it – night and day and day and night – nearly every song, every ad, every teevee show, every stage play, every billboard, every article, every essay, every movie, every celebrity wind-up doll, every college course and every political speech – that even someone on the right side of the Great Divide can occasionally slip up and catch himself defensively framing this or that in terms of “progress”. Think of the absurd assumption that underlies the entire Progressive belief system: Human nature can be improved. (And if not… Read more »

7 months ago

Men were taught to rely on reason and, later, on politics, by the technocratic elite of the Enlightenment. Royal Society and so forth. Same groups and mentality that still runs the world today. As to who taught the technocratic elite, I will leave that aside for now. Men were taught not to rely on God — we’re all SO evolved beyond all that superstition now! — but on themselves and upon other men. ‘This is the age of the Expanding Man’. Now, men are taught even worse: to rely on women. Before all this is done, men again will learn… Read more »

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
Reply to  ray
7 months ago

By our good luck, Reason also comes from God, which is why the liberals have abandoned it.

7 months ago

To what extent is race the factor and to what extent is it other factors. Let me put it to you this way: if the country was as white as it was 6-7 decades ago, would it still be the same country? The reason I ask is because I was thinking about the movie home alone. I feel like families like the mccallisters don’t even exist anymore. I’m not a fan of sequels or soft reboots but some kind of sequel should be made where they age all the characters are grown up. But more importantly I feel that the… Read more »

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
7 months ago

Yockey not ticket. Screw autocorrect

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
7 months ago

Krustykurmudgeon: “To what extent is race the factor and to what extent is it other factors.” There was a fascinating discussion over at Gab this week, concerning the phenomenon of holohoaxianity being leveraged to displace Christianity as the Amurrikkkun national religion, with the Shoah displacing & replacing the Crucifixion, the creation of israhell [1948/49] displacing & replacing the Resurrection, and the nation [which is to say, the RACE] of israhell displacing & replacing the body of Christ. Andrew Torba made it very difficult to obtain a Deep Link to anything at Gab, but the following URL gets you pretty close… Read more »

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
7 months ago

Krustykurmudgeon: Excellent point. Of course, the traditional family was attacked and undermined precisely because it has been the building block of Western civilization, and proven the be most eficient means of transmitting values and maintaining wealth amongst the generations. You are absolutely correct that many families – either like the McAllisters or aspirational to their lifestyle, have slipped significantly down the economic and cultural ladder. The children of those families know what they’ve lost, and they are flailing about in casting blame. Much of it justifiably goes to feminism, divorce, two working parents, cultural relativism, and the immense, impersonal greed… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
7 months ago

It was 30 years from Ward Cleaver to Al Bundy, and the white percentage of AINO in that time dropped from maybe 89% to about 80%, roughly. Not really enough to alarm anyone. Other factors were in play. But it was very shortly after the advent of Bundy (who went on the air in 1987), within the next 5 years, that negro culture was elevated to the forefront of popular “music,” whether by design or by popular assent I couldn’t say. Perhaps these things were symptomatic of a larger plan, or just a larger decomposition. But either way, a significant… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
7 months ago

It was by design. The CIA and the entertainment business are intimately connected.

I remember the early 90s and all the “Two Live Crew” and “Boyz to Men” crap that took hold. It was very jarring to me because I had remembered just recently enjoying stuff like Journey, Clapton, Pink Floyd, etc.

Don’t know what is more horrifying: that this crap is foisted from the top down or that a huge amount of our “fellow citizens” fall for it hook line and sinker.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  fakeemail
7 months ago

It is really hard to believe that all of the sudden everybody just decided they liked Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer. Perhaps some percentage were always mindless enough to accept whatever was put in front of them. Granted the hair metal of the late 80s was not exactly carrying the torch very well. Indeed, popular music seems to have stagnated around that time prior to the advent of all the vibrancy. Ripe for a regime change.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
7 months ago

i mean that stuff (Vanilla Ice) was garbage but you still had stuff that was waiting in the wings like alice in chains that was pretty good. I feel in some ways you could view the time period starting around 1973 (oil crisis) and ending either 2001 (9/11) or 2008 (the crash) as some sort of interregnum period. You could call it the “neoliberal era” Christopher Caldwell has said that what made this era work is that you had a best of both worlds for the social engineers. You had civil rights but it was more limited in scope. Most… Read more »

Reply to  fakeemail
7 months ago

‘It was by design. The CIA and the entertainment business are intimately connected.’

Yoop. Top-down and by careful design. CIA and entertainment industry grew up together, in the mass-com age.

The spooklings even had the inter-generational patience to effect the Fundamental Transformation incrementally, so them froggies wouldn’t notice the boil. Froggies figgered they were taking a hot-tub. :O)

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  fakeemail
7 months ago

“It was by design. The CIA jews and the entertainment business are intimately connected.”

You misspelled jews above, I fixed it for you. This is a true Occam’s Razor moment. Let’s reach for an astoundingly complex conspiracy theory with what can easily be explained by ongoing far left tribal degeneracy, contempt, and loathing. Tribals being in control of media & entertainment for all the decades mentioned.

It… it’s the CIA! Ok Alex Jones…

Reply to  Apex Predator
7 months ago

J, Bro!!!!! Lee Harvey Oswald’s handler prior to the ass@ssin@tion was the j00ish CIA agent, (((Reuben Efron))). The j00z only just fessed up to this a few short months ago: And, of course, Lee Harvey Oswald’s handler, status post the ass@ssin@tion, was (((Meyer Lansky)))’s man in Dallas, (((Jack “Ruby” Rubenstein))). Folks are only just now waking up to the reality that the CIA has always been a j00ish institution, and has always answered to the M0$$@d. The FedGov infiltration by the (((Tribe))) goes back at least as far as FDR choosing (((Henry Morgenthau Jr))) as Secretary of the Treasury… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
7 months ago

@Jeffrey Zoar – blacks have been a part of popular culture from the beginning though. You had guys like Sam Cooke 30 years before then and Louis Armstrong 30 years before that.

Maybe the difference is that blacks tried to tailor there music to white audiences and with 2LiveCrew, they felt they didn’t need to

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
7 months ago

“…the moral deterioration of whites was going on independent of any increasing vibrancy…” I’d differ here, it’s not the numbers—as in population numbers—but the acceptance and admission of the culture of the race(s) that is the problem. Heck, if we are talking Blacks, then their (American) population percentage has remained pretty constant for the last 70 years or so. What happened was that whereas before the Civil Rights era, when we repressed their culture—basically we segregated them and allowed them to their own devices—we now embraced them and allowed them to be mainstreamed into our previously “White” culture. We gave… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
7 months ago


If you want to see a seriously unrealistic film, go watch Christmas Island on the Hallmark Channel.

There are several points that will have your internal dialogue running like Gunny Hartman in Full Metal Jacket when he discovers a hidden jelly donut in Private Pyle’s foot locker:

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
7 months ago

” liberalism has displaced the explicitly supernatural basis for societal morality with an esoteric moral code based vaguely on things like equality and openness.” Given the frequency of headlines like “We Must Work to Eliminate Whiteness, by which they mean White people, ” and university course with names quite similar the above simply cannot be true. Liberalism is the assisted suicide of the European peoples where the foreigner is upheld as the new standard to which we aspire. Mr Gottfried ignores this and promotes this alleged openness and equlity of liberalism because even the most astute observers cannot see past… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
7 months ago

When you understand that the existence of Whites is, itself, a repudiation of the concept that all men are equal, you will understand how this all fits together.

Many people still labor under this idea that the American ideals are good, the Enlightenment was good, the open society is good, etc. So they think the hatred of Whites is somehow a contradiction of these good ideas of equality and freedom and all that. That view is the meta-expression of the, “Democrats are the real racists,” meme.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  btp
7 months ago

Also why they won’t leave the Japanese alone lately in harping on them to fling open their borders. After all “your people are aging. GDP Growth.”

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  JR Wirth
7 months ago

I don’t know what’s up with that. They have simply decided that it’s not worth destroying Japan to take care of the retirements of 1 or 2 generations.

It’s also schizophrenic. On the one hand, we have to stop having kids to save the planet or something, on the other hand we need a constantly growing population to appease the economy gods.

Reply to  JR Wirth
7 months ago

Japanese mind set and thinking. However, having watched some Japanese tv programs, I see a push by their Leftists to break this barrier of “Japan for the Japanese”.

Quite odd as an Occidental to watch a Japanese show depicting the parent’s angst when the son wishes to take a Korean bride. So 1967’s “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” arrives 50 years late in Japan.

Reply to  btp
7 months ago

btp: Well said. Spot on.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
7 months ago

There’s been a flurry of commentary lately from people like Hillary Clinton talking about “deprogramming” MAGA people. This has happened before, but it’s interesting that the vast majority of MAGA people don’t question the holy trinity of democracy, plurality and tolerance of liberalism, they are merely a different denomination, the way a Lutheran would be different from a Methodist. A dissident would drive by both churches and roll his eyes. The real emergency (for the churched) will be when the pews of both churches are empty. As a side note, religion just incorporates and codifies the values of the state… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  JR Wirth
7 months ago

Hillary and Co. have correctly surmised that MAGA would be far easier to bring to heel than the Sons of Mohammed (if that even were possible). The problem is that the former in its present form would be necessary to thwart the latter due to the cowardice you mentioned, but the missionary zeal of the liberal Enlightenment is too strong to act rationally in that regard. There likely is a great deal of self-delusion that in time the latter will be conquered despite the fear. The most important event of recent history is not taking place in Gaza but in… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

In the other timeline where Andrew Breitbart didn’t show off his celebrity dick pics to Opie & Anthony, America’s final president Hillary has made a peaceful transfer of power to King Anthony and Queen Huma, NATO is a Judeo-Caliphate (more so), and the Anglo/Germanic/Nordic remnant are its slave army (more openly).

A Muslim/Jewish street fight under every public Christmas tree wasn’t the plan.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Hemid
7 months ago

“A Muslim/Jewish street fight under every public Christmas tree wasn’t the plan.”

Right. Black pills abound and justifiably so but this psychopathy never could work out as planned in the long turn. The problem is we have to suffer Muslims and Jews having pissing contests under Christmas trees for the foreseeable future. Just get as far away as possible and survive…and laugh at it, because this shit also is hilarious.

Reply to  JR Wirth
7 months ago

“religion just incorporates and codifies the values of the state while claiming that these values were always part of that religion.” Oh man. That is the kind of insight so good it makes me want to hang my head in shame. That is exactly why I see the Bible as political propaganda from beginning to end. The zigs and zags depended on which faction was in power at the time. Not just the Bible, no, all the schools of religion. Some have preserved much larger fragments of the ancient Aryan sciences (branches of Hinduism}, some a different approach {Tao, Shinto),… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Alzaebo
7 months ago

David to scribes: “make sure to throw in there my ruddy looks and that I’m after God’s own heart. And when I dance around naked I’m actually worshipping him. And I was really really sorry about sending that woman’s husband to the front lines because I wanted to bed her.”….

Reply to  JR Wirth
7 months ago

OK, I get it—you don’t believe. However, the stories depicting immorality you so decry are not to written support the act (such as murder), but to illustrate the fallen nature of man—even a great man—and God’s use of them despite this. The stories do not support the act, nor have I ever heard such promoted by clergy. Oddly, only by non-believers.

Reply to  Compsci
7 months ago

Hmm, this seems akin to “Ignore the man behind the curtain”, frankly.

I mean, the politics deployed in supposed scripture are a prime example of Fallen Man, are they not? Instead of just telling the truth that Abrahamic religions through their insistence upon the infallibility of scripture obfuscate this to a.significant degree.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 months ago

Yeah. Look, the atheists are all gonna have to go.

Reply to  JR Wirth
7 months ago

Liberalism can eat Islam and then wear it as a skin suit. I had a gay friend in college (please clap) who had lived in one of those rich little Arab countries with access to all the hedonistic delights of Western liberalism, and he said there was never any difficulty finding booze or cute guys despite the severe illegality of such things in their deeply held religious faith.

Reply to  Ploppy
6 months ago

Very true. Saudi Arabia is the gayest country I’ve ever lived in.

7 months ago

The question of morality, of what is right and what is wrong, cannot be adequately examined without acknowledging the existence of evil. If there is one thing I have come to accept in my 60 odd years in this life, it is that evil is real, is manifest, and like life itself seeks to expand and fill all available niches. Whether it is mindless like DNA propagating itself across the environment, or is wielded by Beelzebub himself from the seventh level of Hell is immaterial. It exists. As has been stated before in different ways, if all men were angels… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Herrman
7 months ago

“The question of morality, of what is right and what is wrong, cannot be adequately examined without acknowledging the existence of evil. If there is one thing I have come to accept in my 60 odd years in this life, it is that evil is real, is manifest, and like life itself seeks to expand and fill all available niches. Whether it is mindless like DNA propagating itself across the environment, or is wielded by Beelzebub himself from the seventh level of Hell is immaterial. It exists.” Exactly. Thanks. You have brilliantly summed up the same place I have landed… Read more »

Reply to  Herrman
7 months ago

Philosophy will not and cannot answer the question.
One must go to the natural sciences, including the oogily-boogily as a dataset.

Evil exists because of the limits of the building material.
Both evil and the building material exist because they have a function.
Good also exists, why? Because it has a function.

You are correct. Heaven is not the problem. Hell is the problem.
The only two questions that matter are pain and death.

Reply to  Herrman
7 months ago

Herrman on December: “If there is one thing I have come to accept in my 60 odd years in this life, it is that evil is real, is manifest, and like life itself seeks to expand and fill all available niches.”




Reply to  Herrman
7 months ago

Spot on! It’s as simple as that: Good v Evil. I wonder what other evils will rear their ugly heads in the year to come? And how good people will respond.

Reply to  Herrman
7 months ago

Good comment but philosophy won’t help you. Or anyone else.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
7 months ago

Imagine claiming to have a society based on reason and then letting women vote on how it is run. Even 18 year old ones. Ha ha, no, seriously. But to be fair, I don’t recall that it was ever claimed that “reason” was our guiding principle. I’m old enough to have taken civics in school and nobody said a word about reason that I can remember, at least not in the context of being a guiding principle of liberal democracy. I do remember something about liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, I’m sure I read that somewhere. And we are… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
7 months ago

Absolutely..My civics teacher taught us to refer to the 19th Amendment as The Great Mistake….The Founders, a highly intelligent group, limited the franchise to men who owned property–in other words, had skin in the game…That was reason, and resulted in our greatest Presidents..but emotion and female lobbying eroded that until we were electing populist clowns like Wilson, FDR, Clinton, and Obama…Liberalism is about emotion, and social fads that appeal to women, nothing more…
In other words, feminism is death.

Reply to  pyrrhus
7 months ago

Sooo good fellas. A banger.
“Imagine…then letting women vote on how it is run.”

I swear, that’s going to be my new pick-up line.
Guaranteed to light their fire.

Reply to  pyrrhus
7 months ago

Feminism is a death cult. The original, and the final, death cult.

Reply to  pyrrhus
7 months ago

Yes, the early voters had “skin in the game”, but was that the real intent or essential aspect of the restriction placed upon the franchise? I’d argue no.

How did you get “skin in the game” (property)? Through hard work and determination to succeed. In short, you were a superior being—brighter, stronger, more successful, productive—and that made you more able to make good decisions for society. Via your vote Call it political Darwinism, or as I do “earned suffrage”.

Reply to  pyrrhus
7 months ago

Well, to be fair about it, an awful lot of men are unimpressive voters as well, but that is an artifact of the unfortunate reality of overexpansion of the franchise, placing the Republic’s furtherance in unworthy hands.

7 months ago

why has the liberal project that started at the end of the Middle Ages evolved into something like a secular Gnosticism?


Your phrase “secular Gnosticism” is excellent. Gnostics are sinners, of course, and materialism and hedonism are also part of the package we see in the West.

Reply to  dad29
7 months ago

Umm, are…are we the baddies?

7 months ago

The problem is not that we have fallen from our principles, it is that our principles were in error. It might help to read through the history of the Maryland colony – founded as a place where Catholic Englishmen might go after having experienced a very long sequences of losses in the old country. One thing we were taught in the MD schools is that the colony had the very first declaration of religious tolerance in America. Yay! We were not taught that the Puritans, having been expelled from Virginia – which did not have religious freedom – landed near… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  btp
7 months ago

Amazingly, there was only one Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence – Charles Carroll of Maryland.

You make a great point – one group has always struggling to be on top in the US and it’s going to continue.

Reply to  btp
7 months ago

If you don’t have a State religion, you will have a State religion imposed on you by people who hate you…

Reply to  btp
7 months ago

“The problem is not that we have fallen from our principles, it is that our principles were in error.” You are dead center with this comment. Not only are the principles in error, they are abstractions that are considered good in and of themselves and even worse, that they are considered better everytime the principle is applied more broadly to more people, institutions and situations. Openness. Fairness. Inclusion. Diversity. Niceness. Safety. Those are not even principles. They are abstractions. Of course, their application is also an inversion of the stated value. The society is more open, yet it must be… Read more »

george 1
george 1
7 months ago

It seems like whatever moral code a society embraces, that society begins to fall apart when a critical mass of its’ subjects no longer have faith in that moral code.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
7 months ago

One of the things that conservatives of all stripes—which means dissidents, too—will find it difficult to understand or admit, is that, in the presence of a material abundance, Progressive ideas really do result in increasing levels of prosperity and social peace. That is because, like an insurance policy, they help to defray risk. We’ve heard it said time and again that liberalism is about morality; it’s not, it’s actually about indemnity. Pensions for senior citizens indemnify against the declining health and poverty in old age; other types of welfare indemnify against catastrophic accident, job loss, and general poverty; law enforcement… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 months ago

Amen..and the gadgets will erode what actually makes life good, which is love, family, and community…

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
7 months ago

Prosperity for sure, as Weber and other thinkers have noted in the past.
Social peace, I’m not so sure. It could be argued that we have more social tension with Progressivism. It could also be argued that minor social tension with Progress is better than major upheavals with Traditionalism (sort of the Taleb “anti-fragile” argument).

But your overall point is excellent and that’s why we have to think deeply about the intellectual foundations for the next phase.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Captain Willard
7 months ago

Social tension is a requirement of progressivism. Lacking any, it has to create some. It’s in the name. It has to have something to progress against. The core mandate of progressivism is to “agitate.” (Nelson Mandela said that)

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
7 months ago

It is a core mandate for many, whatever they label themselves. I remember some articles, rather like Gottfried’s piece now, from that year of memeing dangerously, MMXVI, by neocon-adjacent poli-sci prof James Caeser who diagnosed progressives (progressivists?) as ideological freelancers unbeholden to any 19th century ethical concept of moral advancement– everything they said was foreword to a hack operation to collect 51% support in the situation. Thus the ideology of the progressive can’t be coherent but consists of the means to justify their end, which is power for them, which tautologically will be needed for progressive stuff to be done.… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
7 months ago

Progressivism is able to provide these things by borrowing from the future to pay for them today. Progressivism fought a war on poverty and didn’t defeat it. Progressivism fought a war for racial equality and it didn’t achieve it. Progressivism, is fighting a war for diversity and inclusion by focused discrimination and exclusion. I could go on and on and on. Progressivism is frightened of admitting that its projects have been failures. It is a religion and so it cannot falsify its God by admitting failure which is to admit that you are wrong. The ponzi scheme has a lot… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  RealityRules
7 months ago

Nailed it my dude. I was going to write out a reply similar to this but arguing with Intelligent Daesin is liking arguing with a ‘well credentialed’ tenured college professor. He knows everything there is to know and how all the systems work and the theories and the concepts. Because he read about them all… in a book. However, his loafered feet have never touched hard earth. His hands as soft as a baby’s ass, and no experience of what the –reality– of those theories and postulations look like outside the ivory tower of academia. He is actually, in that… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
7 months ago

No, rather it is the reverse. Liberalism erodes material prosperity and state power. Napoleon ended Revolutionary Terror by in part gifting peasants small plots of land which made them indebted to the regime and willing to fight and die for their small plots of land. Parisian intellectuals never forgave him this. Bismarck created the first social security scheme as a way of solidifying regime support, as prior to 1870 “Germany” was a bunch of corrupt, inept statelets where immigration was rife to avoid conscription in a war sure to get the conscripted killed and the war lost (outside of Prussia… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
7 months ago

That is the liberal-enlightenment catechism. Modernism came about because of the abandonment of faith and the embrace of empiricism. It superficially coincides with the history of technological development over the last two and half centuries Except that it falls apart upon closer inspection. The early scientists were all believers in God and followers of christian praxis. The later scientists and general likewise were believers. They just sublimated the belief in god onto humans collectively and individually. They were also wrong as often as they were correct a out things. An alternative explanation is that the west, specifically Britain and then… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
7 months ago

These excellent essays from Gottfried and Duchesne plumb the depths of past thought, hoping vainly to find direction into the future. Our host, always the pragmatist, breaks the intellectual deadlock by saying: “That leaves force as the determining factor”. But for me, Duchesne really hits paydirt when he asserts that “The West has no choice but to find an alternative ideology”. Zman is correctly and constantly chiding certain folks for having “negative identities”. But of course this applies to Dissidents too! We know for sure what we don’t want, because we’re getting it now. But what do we want? Force… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Captain Willard
7 months ago

It recalls the old anti-feminist cartoon of a bunch of women chanting: “What do we want? We don’t know. When do we want it? Now!”

Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

Jack Dodson: ““What do we want? We don’t know. When do we want it? Now!””

Well that’s Cluster B in a nutshell.

Reply to  Captain Willard
7 months ago

We want an authoritarian government that will suppress non-Christian faiths (in particular Judaism) and disenfranchise those groups who ought to be disenfranchised. We want war against any who proclaim principles of the Enlightenment; we want hierarchy.

Pretty simple, really.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  btp
7 months ago

Is this a Positive or Negative manifesto?

Reply to  Captain Willard
7 months ago

@Captain –

It’s a list of things that we want, defining ourselves for who we are. Can’t see it as anything but positive.

Reply to  btp
7 months ago

btp: Personally, I don’t want war with any other polity, regardless of its principles or religion, as long as it leaves my polity the hell alone. Let the Musselman be himself and order his society as he wishes. If the Australians truly want to be a disarmed and controlled populace, that is their business. I would have issues with Canada becoming hindoo, simply because it’s next door and we have a porous border. As a Christian, I don’t want to see temples to other alien faiths on our land (like the hindoo monstrosity that has been constructed in New Jersey),… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
7 months ago

@3g4me – I don’t know that there is any living with pagans & atheists. Maybe, but better men than I have decided otherwise – Charlemagne, for example, who finally decided he’d had enough of Saxon shenanigans and forced them to convert. And then, there are many ways to suppress these other faiths, with more or less gusto. So, maybe you can be a pagan, but you can’t serve in government. Maybe you can live as a Jew, unmolested, but you can’t be a teacher or work in media or finance and you can’t own property and can’t marry a Christian.… Read more »

Reply to  btp
7 months ago

btp, enough of you Athanasian puritans. You only succeeded in destroying the Arianite Goths, a far finer people than the Hebrew-crazed Catholic imperials, who dreamed only of empire. Mind you, it was the Orthodox who stopped the Islamic invasion; the Protestant descendants of the Catholics went on to dream of an empire of their own. Charlemagne? The Catholic who conspired with Muslims to attack the original One Faith (before the Schism)? The same bunch who wiped out the Werbergundians who converted Ireland, the Ireland that preserved our ancestral libraries from Islamic fire? Christians who worship Jews are the problem to… Read more »

Reply to  btp
7 months ago

Sounds cool, let me know when Catholics stop adopting black babies and washing migrants’ feet and I’ll convert.

Reply to  3g4me
7 months ago

Roger that, 3g.
For instance, a Jew can be an atheist or religious, but what matters is if they are Jewish.

I claim the same right for Whites. What one believes is fluid, but what matters is if they support & sustain Whiteness.

A little shading on the border fringe? Of course. We are a tolerant folk. The frontier was a question that didn’t exist in 1930s Europe.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Captain Willard
7 months ago

Also, as I read Duchesne’s piece, he inadvertently implies it may be too late for the West to find a new ideology because the resultant atomization has led to a predictable cultural collapse. If I understand him correctly, he further thinks European peoples are hardwired for that very outcome and it is unavoidable. So even if a new ideology could be found and implemented, would it not end the same way? It is sort of “you need a new ideology, even though it may be too late, and expect the same outcome.” Duchesne does make me want to read Dugin,… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

Yeah Jack, that was my take on Duchesne also. (I will skip Dugin though.) Getting all the cultural toothpaste back into a manageable tube is going to be very hard.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

IMO the real problem is America.
America was founded as the liberal aspirational empire.
Jefferson frankly admitted as much.

Here’s the rub. Europeans were divided pretty much forever.
But up through the late 19th century very very few of them existed in liberal states. Even Great Britain, was an explicit empire that prized hierarchy and denigrated the vast majority of their subjects (note – explicitly not citizens).

It was only in the 20th century with ever increasing domination by the United States that Europe became liberal – and began manifesting all of the social dysfunction of America.

7 months ago

I hate using the words “liberal” or “progressive” for Leftists. Those are there words of self-flattery. They are dippy fools, traitors, tyrants, and hypocrites. Always were. When it seemed Lefties were defeated in the ’80s, the Normie GrillerCons were magnanimous in supposed-victory and never intended to vanquish them; just bring them along with the “rising tide.” Meanwhile, Leftists want to KILL and HUMILIATE their political enemies the second they get power. You simply can’t live with these people and chalk it up as “freedom of speech.” The only Leftism I respect is old school economic nationalist Leftism which correctly recognizes… Read more »

Reply to  fakeemail
7 months ago

Those GrillerCons believed in the same liberal principles as their enemies. Let’s face it, the project of the Enlightenment was to dissolve all bonds between people: any bond not freely chosen from moment to moment cannot hold.

Those Grillers could no more will the destruction of the Left than they could will themselves destroyed: these people all believe the same thing.

Reply to  fakeemail
7 months ago

Excellent, fakeemail; the Leftists and the Kapitalists are both a tragedy of the social commons.

“economic nationalist” is such a perfect phrasing.

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 months ago

There is a long line of conservatives against capitalism on economic and moral grounds. John Calhoun, Theodore Roosevelt, Russell Kirk, Irving Kristol, and Patrick J. Buchanan.

If u want a country or a people, u must have some form of economic protectionism.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Fakeemail
7 months ago

Bingo. The Lefties and the GrillerCons both fetishized GDP, so we can rejoice in deficit spending, welfare state, immigration and permanent warfare because it “grows the economy”.

Reply to  Fakeemail
7 months ago

I don’t know if I’d characterize Theodore Roosevelt as a conservative. He was a progressive of his time, through and through — the first radical activist progressive President.

Reply to  Vizzini
7 months ago

Bingo. That we so many times categorize a historic figure as an exemplar of conservatism as we wish to practice it today simply belies how far we’ve fallen into the abyss of Leftism.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
7 months ago

“In reality, the problem may simply lie in the fact that you cannot have a moral order based on reason.” This is a brilliant hypothesis but it ultimately is wrong. The bottom line is there is no moral code, only the projection of force to attain outcomes. You allude to this somewhat. If there were universal moral codes, they would not have to be imposed. This is the same reality as so-called “natural rights.” Mao was right. All power comes from the barrel of a gun. Along the same lines, all moral codes come from the barrel of a gun.… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
7 months ago

“…there are no standards against which to measure moral claims. That leaves force as the determining factor, which means the moral order is decided by people who see it as their purpose to impose…”

I’d say both Mr. Dobson and the Zman are in agreement, then.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Alzaebo
7 months ago

We essentially do agree, but even an irrational moral code has to be imposed. Reason is irrelevant.

Mow Knowname
Mow Knowname
Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

As mom/ dad/ husband/ boss / priest/ tribe / nation ultimately end up replyng to the question of “Why?”: because I said so.

Unfortunately, all American’s (except slave descendents) at a genetic level, replied to the “obey, because I said so” with a “f-you: I’m leaving”.

Our government schools stink: f-you, I’m leaving.
Join the legions: f-you, I’m leaving.
Vote for the turd sandwich/ giant douche: f-you, I’m leaving.
Take the jab: f-you, I’m leaving.

Reply to  Mow Knowname
7 months ago

Mow Knowname: Unfortunately, not anywhere near ‘all’ American citizens said “f**k you.” I totally discount all the magic paper people and alien imports of whatever era. A regrettably large portion of White Americans are fully on-board with government schools, government mandates, and particularly government funding. They don’t want to be left alone, they want to be taken care of. To be told what to do. To have all of life’s risks ameliorated. To ensure some mythical ‘fairness.’ And they want to take your labor and money to do so – most ‘murricans innately agree with Marx’s dictum “From each according… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

Jack, you’ve helped me understand the moral logic behind “…you cannot have a moral order based on reason. Reason cannot be the authority for how people ought to treat one another…” I say this because I see religion as the science of the times, an attempt to reason out the “why” of how things work, of the order of the world. Was that reasoning an explanation of the moral order or of the physical order? Only in the White West were both considered, and at the same time. Enlightenment gnosticism is the latest attempt; even the archaics such as Egyptian… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Alzaebo
7 months ago

Quite sharp. The Duchesne piece Z linked made the claim all Europeans, leftists and non, are hardwired to reason in a manner that leads to their own destruction, so while pushing out the foreign influence (and leftists, for that matter) is both desirable and necessary, it is not a silver bullet. I haven’t read Kevin MacDonald’s latest but my perception is that he makes a similar claim.

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 months ago

{Oops. Those who open the gates of Toledo, not of Heaven. They don’t have a Heaven; such a concept did not exist outside of the Aryan footstep, simply because they couldn’t hear it.

Considering what lays beyond the greenhouse wall was inconceivable to them because it wasn’t a part of their physical reality. Their moral order did not consider ascension.

Thus, any afterlife, to the nonwhites, will only be power in this world. Evem our own who attempt to seize the strongest magic are merely seeking power, in this world. I reject their recruiting.}

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 months ago

Thank you again, Jack, I must read the linked pieces. I’d say Duchesne is correct; since we assume others hear what we hear, that is, are wired as we are, we assume all races are equal.

The philosophers have not worked out the arisal of reverted or disfunctional sub-clades and branches, since and leaving them unable to work out the reason race- and bodies!- exist in the first place. {As part of a larger ecology, one beyond the material.}

7 months ago

I am usually on board with your stuff. However, this one seems to me to have a gaping logical error in your argument.
So, “How can an HONEST society/culture claim individual freedom not also religious tolerance.”

Reply to  Grumpy
7 months ago

I think you’re missing it. The American code is absolutist and is expressed very well on all those We Believe signs these people put out front of their house. If you look at the bottom, you see the phrase, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Justice, in the American mind, is simply the Enlightenment concept of absolute freedom from constraint of any kind. Any moral code (religion) insisting that women ought to stay home or that men should not engage in anal sex with other men is therefore the enemy. Very straightforward.

Reply to  btp
7 months ago

That’s what I tried to say. You cannot have individual freedom without accepting that others will have a different moral code (gays, transgenders, kill unwanted babies, yes I can try and influence your kids to cut off their body parts, etc), So, if you embrace the concept of individual freedom, others are entitled to their individual freedom, no matter how much you hate or disapprove of it. That’s why we have arrived at a critical juncture in this culture. Which of these “truths” that are at odds with each other will win out? I have no idea, but it will… Read more »

Reply to  btp
7 months ago

Yes it is pure luciferianism, as updated by Crowley and Co. Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law.

7 months ago

I think this is very related to the argument that Charles Haywood seems to be making that it all went south with the Enlightenment. The scientific revolution was so successful when it came to predicting the behavior of the material world that it became to be mistakenly thought that the same methods could be applied to questions of religion and politics and economics. But there is no set of mathematical axioms you can write down about government for example that lead to a sequence of mathematical manipulations that predict the best government is X. What always ends up happening is… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  RDittmar
7 months ago

“That’s the problem that has plagued the so-called use of “reason” ever since. The people who are claiming to use it actually have no real understanding of it.”

…and the people who would refute this absurdity also lack the understanding to do so, to tie that up.

Brilliant comment.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

Not to get too esoterically off-track here, but Voltaire was also completely incapable of understanding Leibnitz. His book Candide is supposed to be making fun of Leibnitz’ claim that this is the best of all possible worlds. That Leibnitz was such a dope, because all these things suck! I’m no expert on Leibnitz when it comes to philosophy, but I think what he meant was that a thing is possible only if it’s free of contradictions. A “possible” world is one with no contradictions and give that constraint, we have the best possible. You can claim that God should have… Read more »

arthur bryant
arthur bryant
Reply to  RDittmar
7 months ago

Yes, hubris and complacency. It will destroy us all.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  RDittmar
7 months ago

I think it’s worse than you think. The Postmodernists now ascendant reject what you and I consider to be “reason” because its part of a system of thought imposed with force by old white guys. So therefore our notion of “reason” is invalid (the Marcuse/Foucault line of thought). And of course you’re correct that they cannot understand science or math anyway.

So it’s going to be simian poo-flinging hereafter. To them, Kamala Harris and the Harvard lady are just as valid as Kant and Euler.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Captain Willard
7 months ago

Agreed, except PoMo think Kamala and Gay are superior to Kant and Euler.

7 months ago

The abandonment of Christian morality and tradition has been a disaster for the west. Virtually everything that has been known and understood about the natural world and our relation to it over the centuries by western man has been turned on its head and replaced. Sure, a lot of it was faith based, but is that necessarily worse than what we call “science” these days? Now everybody must recognize that homosexual marriage and the melding of unequal people across the globe is the only way for humanity to carry forward into the future – or else. Women are the same… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
7 months ago

A lot of the success of science only came about once it came to an agreement about what the fundamental entities of the natural world were. Chemistry began to advance in a serious way only as the periodic table started to be firmed up in the 19th century. Physics refined its concept of the atom from a point object to the current model of clusters of protons, neutrons and electrons. Once it did so it was able to make accurate predictions about the behavior of very small objects. Current Leftist social “science” attempts to ape this process of increasingly precise… Read more »

7 months ago

Hunger begets a work ethic because the alternative is starvation. Similarly, prolonged affluence begets laziness because abundance solves the hunger problem nearly effortlessly. And at the scale of nations, the latter requires exploitation of weak neighbors in order to keep the plates spinning. Hence the GAE’s desire to control the planet and remain dominant. All the highfalutin BS about democracy and freedom is just Soma to keep the plebs distracted and compliant. We are not going to talk our way out of this dilemma. Klaus Schwab and his ilk are few in number but highly effective at running things from… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
7 months ago

“If you want to know why the West has waged war on Islam and now Eurasia, there is the answer.” I doubt that’s the case. This is the swill fed to the proles. If there was any truth to this, the West would have waged war on Saudi Arabia, the home of Wahhabi Islam, where religion and state prop up each other, and where this brand of fanatic and intolerant Islam is aggressively exported abroad. Wars cost serious dosh. The wars of choice by the GAE over the last two decades have been resource grabs pure and simple, or equivalently,… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Arshad Ali
7 months ago

In the case of Islam, there was a direct effort not to mention morality. There were a few hamfisted platitudes about “Islam is a religion of peace,” and so forth, but those were batted down in rather short order.

The attempts to cloak the Ukraine war as a protection of democracy have been so laughable that even the NPC drones have a hard time with it.

As you point out, it was all about theft and empire.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  thezman
7 months ago

“If the many wars of choice were about resources, we would have more resources and the wars would have been conducted in a much different way. ” The key there is “we,” no? Those wars resulted in vast wealth for “them.” One of the many reasons for the elite rage against Trump was his suggestion that the oil in Iraq, for example, should have been seized for the common weal. Those wars were prosecuted to enrich a few at the expense of the many, including “us.” While Covid gives it a strong run, the greatest wealth transfer this nation experienced… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

eta: Extraction of oil, gas, lithium and so forth were overshadowed by the MIC’s looting and the subsequent rebuilding projects that were at least planned. We got a glimpse of this when Larry Fink and Blackrock surveyed Ukraine for post-war reconstruction projects following on from the military-related largesse. While it was quickly memoryholed, when Zelensky came to the States the first time, he was taken on a literal shopping trip to see what arms manufacturers had on offer. And a reasonable assumption is that, say, China’s extraction of the previously mentioned lithium did accrue to the benefit of the same… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 months ago

I wonder if what Fukuyama really represents is the total spiritual degradation of Western pseudo-elites. They are fetishists. They love to find an outsider who will tell them they will or have achieved Nirvana in the form of some sort of abstract, formless idea. How many outsiders came in and offered these elected figureheads some flattery and stupidity? I often think the metaphor is Alexander on his re-tracing of the Yamnaya’s territorial conquest/expansion. He became enamored of the other in an Orientalist delusion and LARP. Fortunately for him, his generals and top men mutinied and forced him to return to… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 months ago

The only resource the GAE was cared about in Afghanistan was opium. In 20 years the CIA probably made billions off the poppy harvests there.

Reply to  thezman
7 months ago

The wars were about money. Literally. You don’t need to control resources when you control the creation of the money used to trade those resources. Which carries the bonus of obfuscating the control to some amorphous them. The wars of choice were all fought to ensure that the dollar remains the worlds reserve currency. The neo-cons and neo-libs jumped onboard for their own pseudo religious reasons. Which plays well for the financial elite in obfuscating the central role of the wars. Which is why they engaged Russia in a war in Ukraine – and why they are loathe to admit… Read more »