Stop Killing People

I saw this posted on Drudge. I used to hate Ann Coulter. The reason is I thought it was just an act. She would play the role of crazy right-wing pundit for liberal paymasters on TV. I’ve softened on her, but that forced laugh still bugs me. But, she has toned it down a lot over the years. Maybe she is just getting older. I don’t know, but I find her funny and entertaining at times now. The linked column is a good example as it is a bit sarcastic, even when touching in the elephant in the room with the Zimmerman trial.

That elephant is black crime. Specifically, it is the enormous amount of crime committed by young black men. Richard Cohen, of all people, wrote about this in the Washington Post. According to the White House, black men between the ages of 15 and 25 make up one percent of the population. They commit 27% of the murders. Murder is considered a proxy for crime in general so it is reasonable to assume this group commits almost a third of the crime, despite being one percent of the population.

Normal humans make observations. One of our evolved skills is pattern matching. Daily life tells Americans of all ages and races that young black males are far more likely to be dangerous than all other groups. Throw in the universally recognized uniforms and non-verbal affectations of violent black culture and you have a very handy image of someone you should fear at first sight. Trayvon Martin fit the profile perfectly. When he attacked Zimmerman, only a fool would not have had a genuine and reasonable fear for his life..

Ann Coulter is right. if young black males want to blend in like everyone else, they should stop dressing like killers. More important, they need to stop killing people.