There is plenty of talk about the demographic changes happening in America, but not much thought about where it is headed. Some people mention the fact that the country will be majority-minority in a generation, but no one likes to think about that so that is as far as it ever gets. The people in charge seem to think America will be Brazil but without the favellas and kidnapping industry.
The fact is the social and political structures that have defined America cannot survive the demographic changes that are coming fast. The main reason for that is the majority population, once it becomes just another minority population, cannot continue to think like a majority population. The majority will no longer be able to swap the good of the whole for the good of their group.
Everything about America is the result of the majority population swapping their interest for the interest of the country. This altruism works only when the interests of the country are seen to align with the interest of the dominant majority, which is a thing that comes naturally when the majority is near ninety percent. Once that majority shrinks down to nearly fifty percent this perception collapses.
This is what we see happening all around us. The majority looks around and see nothing but angry minorities, both unhappy with their position in society and totally unwilling to sacrifice anything for the good of the whole. The campus protests, for example, are just another sign that we have reached the tragedy of the commons phase of the demographic collapse of the white majority.
That is the show this week. It is a rumination on how majorities naturally see themselves and how minorities naturally see themselves. Democracy can only work in a majoritarian society. Once a democratic society devolves into a majority-minority society, minoritarianism takes over and democracy is no longer possible. What comes next is from a set of choices most do not relish.
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As Fred Reed once pointed out, even the debate about gun control is largely driven by black people. Since they commit a hugely disproportionate amount of gun crime, the debate really is between liberals, who want to handle it by disarming them, and conservatives, who want to handle it by arming against them. The reason why Vermont, liberal as it is, has few gun laws is that it has few black people, and thus few problems with gun crime.
When thinking about “black” people who have brown, keloidal skin, it’s always good to dwell upon the fact that the word ‘evil’ has a synonym. So when even they call theirselves “black”, we do well to take them at their word without objection, bearing in mind also that “black” is not the name of a color but a word for absence of color.
Let’s face it. The only reason we need guns at all is because of blacks. Get rid of the cancer, er blacks, and you no longer need them.
Citizen, I hear ya—but you forget the Hispanics. My city has few Blacks, but lots of Browns and now Cartels. We will never be able to disarm, and to tell the truth I’d never feel right disarming and trusting a central authority—government—as the final line of defense for my physical safety. Hell, even Whites, as in Leftist, are now physical threats.
I’ve lived in places with very heavy Hispanic populations, and I can assure you that the vast, vast my majority of them have absolutely no interest whatsoever in fighting a race war against whites. I’m not saying that they don’t present any problems to our society (gang crime being prominent among them), but that isn’t one of them.
Even Obama finally threw up his hands after failing to get a sufficiently active rise out of Hispanics. Non, no si se puede.
They’re not particularly political, let alone ideological. As long as they’ve got Bud in the icebox, enchiladas on the plate, and a senora to take care of the kiddos, they’re pretty content.
True. The racial animus just isn’t there. What’s more, Messkins and whites tend to be comfortable around one another. Compare with nuggras. Everybody, not just whites, are on edge around them, in part because they’re just so different from all other races of people.
It’s just a small number of Mexicans in academia and politics who are into the whole Aztlan/reconquista trip. But they’re responsible for a large proportion of drunk driving accidents, many by the uninsured and/or illegal. They’re also notorious for throwing their trash everywhere. Their music which they like to blast mostly sucks.
I certainly wouldn’t want to live in a majority Messkin country, but they’re tolerable as a relatively small minority.
PS–Tejano music isn’t too bad. Beats the hell outta the vast majority of pop music these days.
Particularly the tex-mex variety that has the German ompa infusion;I can tap my foot to that.
Yep. That’s the only thing when you’ve got a nice plate of chile verde and a frosty margarita in front of you.
Some of some of the best “Mexican” beers were started by Kraut brew masters in Siglo XIX.
For example, Bohemia used to be an excellent beer.
It may be an anomaly, but the mestizos in the San Fran area are an anti white, revachist force. I just about lost my mind when, in the 2000s, they took over a post office and raised the Mexican flag.
My friends Ostei and AntiDem have had different experiences with more docile mestizos. I will predict that if revolutionary mestizos appear where Ostei and AntiDem live, the docile mestizos will side with the revolutionaries, not the whites.
Okay, but that’s San Francisco, where even the white people are anti-white.
Exactly. The Bay Area is one of the epicenters of anti-whiteness and will naturally attract the most virulent anti-whites of all races. It’s not what I’d call a representative area.
Unquestionably. Everyone is always pitching his special IKAGO. Seems Whites cannot help it.
Thank you for attempting to talk some sense into these two. This thread is stomach-turning.
My sense is that most 3rd World immigrants don’t assimilate beyond superficial consumerism. Some are OK people, I guess, but some are criminals and social burdens. Either way, they need to go back to their own countries. The good ones can make Honduras or Somalia great again!
Some of the smarter, educated immigrants do assimilate, but mainly in terms of embracing lefty politics & anti-white activism. In Clownworld, that gives them status and a place in The System.
Mass deportations wouldn’t solve all our problems by a long shot, but it’s a necessary first step.
I sure hope some latinos read all these nice things the gringos are saying about them and give you some enchiladas for your trouble.
Look at you guys, trying to talk yourself into admiring your replacements. Won’t be long now, don’t worry.
The issue isn’t some great ‘race war.’ Mestizos do not build nor maintain orderly, civil societies of the sort that Whites prosper in. It’s not just gangs or cartels. They are almost as violent as blacks, but with just enough White admixture to be smarter and a whole lot more organized. Look at the murder and kidnapping rates throughout their nations, now rapidly spreading throughout AINO’s southwest. This is their norm, not some anomaly. They don’t read, they don’t invent, they don’t explore. Their ancestors – including the White ones (and most mestizos are at most 35% White) conquered, killed,… Read more »
“Mestizos do not build nor maintain orderly, civil societies of the sort that Whites prosper in. It’s not just gangs or cartels. They are almost as violent as blacks”
Difficult to agree with this. I’ve moved around Mexico, Panama, Peru, Ecuador (and also the more European Chile and Argentina, which is not pertinent to this discussion). These are all orderly and civil societies — much more so than the USA. I’ve never felt a sense of menace there.
Mexico,Peru and Panama are shit holes. Compared to the mostly white areas of the USA they are crime ridden and unsafe. We don’t want people from them any statement about them not being so bad is a cope.
I find Latin Americans to be very Southern European in behavior myself.
AntiDem, crime is what I was referring to. If I implied “race war”, I stand corrected. My record of posts is clear, I have always supported a positive relationship with Hispanics if one has to be made. As I’ve said living within the Hispanic community is *not* existential as it is with Blacks.
Yes, Hispanics do have an elevated crime rate compared to whites (then again, so did the Italians and Irish before they assimilated). But they don’t have the atrocious crime rates of blacks. Gun policy largely is s a proxy for what to do about black crime.
If gun policy was about what to do about black crime, we would not have the unremitting blood- letting we have had for decades in Chicago, Baltimore, Saint Louis and on and on.
Our elites and ruling class could care less about that. It’s the specter of armed whites / middle class they see threatening their vision for humanity and plans for America.
Armed blacks figure naught into that.
Yeah, I can accept that as a valid point of view.
I live in a Hispanic majority city and they never target whites for violence. When there are gang shootings (or any kind of violence it seems) it is always brown on brown.
Have you lived in Mexico, though? I hear it’s rather difficult to have a normal life when cartels run your city.
Nor should any of us have to even contemplate this. It’s absurd that we’re now at the “bargaining” stage of watching what other people will now do with the country we’ve given away: “Well, sure, blacks are bad, but hispanics are decent, and maybe the Indians will work hard, too.”
It’s no longer my country. I don’t care which random ethnicity that doesn’t belong here is less violent than the others. That we’re even talking like this is nauseating
Arthur Metcalf: Well said. I find there is always someone pitching their favorite IKAGO (mestizos, han, etc.) as ‘better’ than blacks. Always willing to settle for a non-White society because it’s not worst they can imagine.
I am tired of it all. Gotta’ get away so I don’t have to listen to the drugstore Indians when I’m older.
You immaculate purists certainly have a battalion of straw soldiers at your beck and call. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY is arguing remotely for a non-white society. Some of us are pointing out the obvious truth, though. Namely that all diversity is not equal. Certain exponents–nuggras and Finkels–are unacceptable. Others, however, whose behavior is closer to white than black, could be tolerated in small numbers. Personally, I’d prefer a society that is all white, but one in which as much as seven percent of the population is composed of the less vile variants of diversity would be acceptable.
I can handle 20%, but more realistically have to settle for 25%. That’s achievable. I don’t think we can ever go back up to 90%.
We can when we create a sovereign ethnostate.
This is the part that always seems utopian. How does one get there? Not voting, not violence, not persuasion. So how exactly?
I get secession, and that’s viable, maybe, but an entire nation?
mass internal migration of whites + weakening of AINO central authority
“Better than blacks”–talk about a low bar.
3G: Agree about the folly of IKAGO. Arguing about the relative merits of different groups of foreigners and non-whites obscures the larger point: this is our country and I don’t want it transformed into a multicultural hellscape. Though I guess that horse has left the barn…
They’re not our people, tis true, but they do have at least two redeeming virtues, one is they have decent food and two they absolutely loathe Negroes.
I would say we need them for mexicans as well…
Lineman: Unquestionably. Plus for the Hmong, the Laotian gangs, etc. What is it with Whites always, always looking for non-White besties?
We also need guns as a deterrent to central government tyranny.
But would central government tyranny be a problem in a 90% white country?
Free people are armed and slaves are disarmed. It’s been that way forever.
I am not advocating for disarmament, although one could argue we’ve already been disarmed. Go ahead and use your gun in self defense against a black person. You may as well be killed. Your life will be destroyed and you will become destitute at best and in prison for the rest of your life at worst.
All true, but…consider the deterrent effect. Loads of videos showing the mere discharge of a firearm without physical injury make these slimeballs run screaming. Not particularly surprising as these lowlifes are cowards in heart. They prey on the weak, but are deterred by the strong. Strong in this case meaning anyone who stands up for himself with violence. A firearm is pretty good in that respect. Few, if any, of these thugs will stand toe to toe and exchange bullet holes with you.
One reason to live in a red area is not just avoiding black crime, but being relatively assured that if you do have to defend yourself, your life won’t be destroyed by some communist DA just because they can.
“your life won’t be destroyed by some communist DA just because they can.”
That’s the thing: it’s not a level playing field. The political and judicial system is heavily on the side of black criminals. You can’t even defend yourself because you’ll be the one who gets prosecuted and then locked up. White people have been emasculated.
Daniel Penny.
I didn’t think you were. Larger point: there’s nothing to debate. Being armed is a characteristic of free people. There has been no time in Western/European history when that wasn’t true.
You can still defend yourself around here. If that’s not the case elsewhere, there’s a problem to solve.
There is a saying here in WV.
Shoot, shovel, shut up.
Um, yes, you heard Z talking about the yard sign people and how that is directed at other white people.
Possibly. Suppose the tyrannical central government began importing Somalia and Palestine against the will of the white populace. It would then make sense for an armed uprising against the government, and if needs be, giving some of the tyrants a third eye.
“But would central government tyranny be a problem in a 90% white country?”
Ask the Russians…
Xman: A lot of the Soviet government and local functionaries were neither ‘White’ nor Russian.
I think history in Europe answers that question very well. People who seek power need to be kept in check.
The US as constituted refutes the claim that guns keep the government in check.
Elite culture may keep the elite in check; everything else is the epilogue.
In check compared to what? As of yet government goons are not routinely breaking down the doors of thought criminals in the witching hour and dragging them off to the Lubianka.
SWAT team no-knock raids at 3 am for J6ers spring to mind.
Why risk it? US & European history shouts that white elites can be brutal and / or oppressive to their own.
Ask the Germans of the 1930s, etc.
Without blacks, we go back to the age when the average gun owner was someone who had a 12 gauge shotgun with a 30″ barrel that came out of the closet a couple times a year for a duck hunt.
I cannot disagree more, TC. We have horrible white enemies too. The 2A is about dealing with primarily white adversaries in gubbimint…
I don’t disagree with you, but another thing to think about is if we had sent them back to Africa and they were never here, would we have the same issue with these rotten scum? Probably, but would it be as bad?
“We have horrible white enemies too.”
Like the bastard son of Fidel and Margaret, perhaps?
Even if there was no black people shitlibs would still push to ban guns out of tribalistic & ideological spite. They go after guns at least in part for the same reason they keep targeting those christian bakeries with the gay marriage cakes- they get sadistic pleasure in harming their enemies. They also view guns as inherently masculine & christian, you can see this by the way they always bring up christian gun owners & their allegedly small penises. To these shitlibs christianity is proxy for tradition which they despise with every fiber of their being. On a side note… Read more »
What gets me is how do they KNOW about my small penis?
Sigmund Frude, dude.
Stormy Daniels told them about it in court.
“Even if there was no black people shitlibs would still push to ban guns out of tribalistic & ideological spite.”
There’s a lot of truth in what you say. There is certainly a strain of Utopian whites who have always been at war with reality.
What I wonder about is how many whites would be like that if they were not programmed by a hegemonic media that hates traditional whites. That number may be smaller than you think.
How many whites would not be shitlibs if they weren’t raised in an anti-traditional-white world?
Yep. The importance of the monolithic anti-white propaganda apparatus cannot be overstated.
“There is certainly a strain of Utopian whites who have always been at war with reality.”
Yep. The Second Amendment was inspired by the English Bill of Rights, which was written after the English Civil Wars of the 17th century.
100% white-on-white, Anglican vs. Catholic vs. Puritan. Not a Negro in sight.
And as Zman has pointed out on a number of occasions, these fringe religious groups made their way here for freedom in the new world,and they are still here .
Just wait, eventually you’ll get a negro Cromwell.
Ja’Quayv’ius Cromwell?
“How many whites would not be shitlibs if they weren’t raised in an anti-traditional-white world?” Was the 19th century anti-traditional-white? I ask because everything we see today save for jewish specific degeneracy like trannies & fag worship was absolutely dominant in the northern US back then. Savage worship, equality, pro race mixing attitudes & proto feminism (basically feminism without marxism slapped onto it) was extremely common even back then. “That number may be smaller than you think.” Apply this logic to any non White group & suddenly it falls apart but with them nobody on this side of the political… Read more »
“That’s the key right there, people gravitate to what they are genetically prone to agree with.”
This the truth that most can’t stomach. People dismiss this as too reductionist. It offends their sense of free will or spirituality, and makes people seem imprisoned by their genetics.
But just because a conclusion is reductionist doesn’t mean that it must be wrong.
“It offends their sense of free will or spirituality, and makes people seem imprisoned by their genetics.” The fact that the only people who genuinely believe in this blank slate theory are a subset of Europeans is itself demonstrative of genetics being so determinative. They’re ironically living proof of the thing they so desperately deny but such people treat reality like a light switch that can be turned on & off at will whenever it’s convenient. Such people are more dangerous than groups who only push blank slatism for purposes of subversion because they get something out of it. For… Read more »
Line: You will always have some – there’s a strand of utopianism running throughout White history. Some will always pop up, and will have to be squashed and removed from society immediately, before they infect others. But if one has a White ethnostate, with an explicitly pro-White media and police/intelligence apparatus, the infection can be controlled and eventually almost exterminated.
One of the things the Dissidents have to do is stop letting Lefty frame the debate. It’s not “gun crime”, it’s violent crime. If you look, blacks probably murder with knives, hammers, and machetes at similar rates as they do with guns as compared to other race demographics. The fact is that the vast majority of violent black crime is on other blacks. The vast majority of their white victims are retarded shitlibs that relaxed around blacks because “we are all one race – the HUMAN RACE!!!”. I think we should subsidize firearm ownership for blacks and provide them with… Read more »
I am eternally thankful to the chinese for flooding the US with those cheap glock button attachments that make them full auto. The media keeps vaguely & dishonestly hyping up the huge increase in mass shootings which is because of those devices becoming so popular among blacks. Before tyrone could only wildly & inaccurately spray so many shots at his target pulling the trigger once per shot but thanks to the easily installed glock button he’s spraying rounds at a rate of 1200 per minute which greatly increases the number of darwin awards handed out.
One of the features of those “Glock switches” is that because it’s is popular in black culture to hold their guns sideways, “muzzle rise” translates to horizontal sweeping fire through the crowd.
I’ve often said that it amazes me that we haven’t come close to running out of black males yet. They need to step it up and work harder at removing each other.
When Alvin Bragg releases a letter his first day in office saying he won’t prosecute armed robbery as such if the gun wasn’t used, then it is clear that no, liberals have no intention of disarming blacks with the law. They want to disarm the people who do follow the law.
Waay long ago, when I was away at university, my father was “mugged” on the stairwell of his apartment building in NYC. The mugger (Black) grabbed him from behind by the head—covering his mouth—and put a large, sharp knife to his throat. Classic military technique for slitting throats and silently subduing the enemy. Violent armed robbery, except no firearm used. This was better than threat with a gun? I’d say it’s more terrifying and chilling than anything I’ve experienced. How my father ever got the nerve to remain in that cesspool of a city, I’ll never know. No choice I… Read more »
“Bonus fact: His apartment building is (100 ft) from the 110th Police Precinct on the same street. Cops all over the place coming and going.”
Cops don’t protect the public.
They protect the government from the public.
Charge a gun, flee a knife.
For many years there was a running joke about how the Baltimore police headquarters was right next to the infamous “Block” that was the traditional home of peep shows, nude dancing clubs and open prostitution. Somehow the cops failed to notice all that stuff right next door to them.
I’m not making a value judgement on getting robbed with a gun vs. a knife, but there are laws on the books about armed robbery and he chose not to prosecute them, keeping up with the subversion of law that the “Soros DAs” are known for. The idea that I can go into a bodega or a store with a gun, point it at the shopkeepers, and walk away with a misdemeanor larceny charge is madness but that is exactly what Bragg wanted to do and he wanted to do it with full knowledge of WHO is going into a… Read more »
The 2a group in my state (whose emblem, the musket loading minuteman, is considered an extremist symbol by the justice department) continues to talk about how the gun control is about disarming poor blacks. The president, speaking to a room full of whites, will announce this to great applause. The dems, you see, are the real raysissts
Know Whites, know peace.
No Whites, no peace.
Somebody get the smelling salts ready for Michael Anton, Sailer and the rest of the natural rights/colorblind civic nationalism crowd.
Doesn’t Z know that the Enlightenment values as embodied in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence will be embraced by non-whites if whites just show them the way?
And if the non-whites don’t embrace the Constitution and the Enlightenment then it always our fault. We just didn’t do enough to persuade them or what we did, we did wrong.
Only under the delusion of “equality”. It always comes back to that one *fatal* flaw of understanding—“they” are not us, and never will be!
If that one understanding takes hold, then perhaps there is hope for the future, until then nothing of meaning can be done to hold the country together.
I don’t want the country to hold together. I want it to fracture as quickly as possible. That said, you’re certainly right that the inane notion of equality may be the fatal flaw in the West’s zeitgeist since 1789.
I’m okay if the Midwest splits apart from the rest of the country. It’s still overwhelmingly White anyway. It is still salvageable.
So are large areas of the mountain west. Attempts, however, are being made to diversify them, which is one reason the desire for acceleration is rational.
Not so. Kansas and Iowa are filling with mestizos.
Okay by me; I’ve switched to low carb diet.
I had a realization a long time ago that my tolerance for people who say things like that is no different than what they’re doing with non Whites. I was holding out hope they’d wake up the same way they’re holding out hope the savage invaders will change their ways & the end result is a chain of apologetics & victim blaming that ultimately not doesn’t fight but actually defends the status quo. They’re only a few degrees removed from the craven civcucks who would rather put a bullet in your head in the hopes it’ll curry favor with the… Read more »
Those Enlightenment values are what helped get us in this mess.
I’m not convinced that the Enlightenment values are the problem in themselves.
The fatal error was universalizing those values to people whose DNA is not mostly European.
The fatal error was expecting other races to want to embrace those values.
Of course, one of the core Enlightenment tenets is that we are all one unitary race and all peoples are equal in their desire for the other Enlightenment tenets. Universality is inherent to the Enlightenment.
I disagree. The primary Enlightenment value was the desire for empirical and rational proofs of one’s thesis, in contradistinction to Biblical mythology. Darwin’s thesis challenged the belief that God created Man on the seventh day. Evolutionists believed that man evolved from the apes over millions of years, and to a man all of them believed that Negroes, who evolved in the jungles of Africa, were inferior to whites. What happened in the 19th century was the belief that scientific knowledge from the Enlightenment could be used to artificially engineer an equality of the races (and sexes) that did not exist… Read more »
And yet the Enlightenment antedated Darwin’s theories by close to a century. Rousseau, among others, knew nothing of them. The philosophes believed the application of reason would lead to a rational and equitable society and that reason was a human domain rather than a Western one. This is one of the reasons abolitionism took off in the early days of the Enlightenment. It was unreasonable to own a reasoning creature.
This is true. But it doesn’t mean that the figures behind the Enlightenment subscribed to the idea of one human race or argued that there are no differences between different races.
Here’s Jefferson, an Enlightenment figure if ever there was one, writing some 70 years before Darwin:
“…I advance it therefore as a suspicion only, that the blacks, whether originally a distinct race, or made distinct by time and circumstances, are inferior to the whites in the endowments both of body and mind.
…When freed, [they are] to be removed beyond the reach of mixture [with whites]…”
Good for TJ, but he was in the minority.
“one of the core Enlightenment tenets is that we are all one unitary race”
Where did you get this from? I never heard it before.
Unitary from the standpoint of all peoples sharing a human nature. This belief was de rigeur for Enlightenment thinkers.
Very much this, @LitS. Distilled to its essence, Enlightenment showed that Christian values need not be accepted on faith, but could also be derived by reason. Any society which is either secular or Christian would operate well under Christian rules.
Somewhere along the line, and I’m dating it to shortly before the French Revolution, Enlightenment thought, particularly on the Continent, decided it could jettison Christian values and just go with reason to derive policies, no matter how faulty the reasoning.
Btw, I actually heard Steve Sailer say exactly this thing on a podcast. He said that non-whites in America generally liked traditional white values and would just blend into our (white) culture if the Left would stop with identity politics. He truly believes that Citizenism is possible, indeed, the natural destination, but identity politics – which only exists because the Left pushes it for political reasons – stops it. This is why he is so adamant that whites don’t join the identity politics game. Whites must be the shining example to others who will join our colorblind civic nationalism society… Read more »
“…non-whites in America generally liked traditional white values and would just blend into our (white) culture…”
I tend to believe this as well, we just differ in how long this will take. Being the Darwinist I am, I’d give the transition 10,000 years or so…. 😉
I think it’s no more than a matter of a few centuries. But it’s a few centuries of ruthlessly weeding out the worst actors, carried out as gruesomely and publicly as possible to serve as examples for that part of behavior not inherent in genes.
Worked for Europeans. Our malefactors were either weeded out or went into politics.
Most non-whites are traditionalists. Unfortunately, their traditions are not like our traditions. We are fundamentally different, and that’s a fact. Leftists, the only non-traditional people on the planet, are simply mutants.
Sailer and Anton believe in “natural rights,” i.e. the Enlightenment values are right for all peoples at all times. They assume that non-whites will ditch their traditions and culture for ours because our culture and values are THE culture and values.
Sailer and Anton are modern Yankee missionaries, which is why they are so annoying.
Giving up on the universal appeal of classical liberal values is like a fisherman deciding when to cut bait from a spot where he hasn’t gotten a nibble. It depends on the person. Some give up before others.
To extend the fishing analogy, are there fishermen who are paid to invite others to join him at an unproductive part of the pond?
Just this morning, I read a story about the head of DEI at Facebook and Nike robbed those companies for over $5 million, who then proceeded to spend it on a lavish lifestyle. While I think it’s hilarious that these companies got hoisted by their own petard, it needs to be said that this is totally normal behavior. Whether it is a small town, or a DA’s office, or a professional activist, or an African state and everything in between, many blacks who gain power will engage in corruption to fund a lifestyle totally out of step with their actual… Read more »
Sadly, true. And everybody knows it. You notice they got all black DA’s to go after Trump, too. While they vaca like Fani. It’s embarrassing.
‘Aunt Fani’ should become a thing in the future.
Facebook did let it go. And dumped her on Nike. Which is hilarious.
At some point this becomes the strongest argument against my understanding of God and morality, an entire race of people evolved to be less ethical? Is that Gods creation, something he allowed to happen or does this call my Christian faith into question? Well I guess he made retards. And women.
It shouldn’t, (challenge your understanding). No matter what God holds us all as accountable quite equally. Our declaration means all men and women…you know, the thing. 😀
We (around here) generally accept that God allowed a whole race to be dumber, since they are. So I don’t see why the question of ethics would lead to any greater of a crisis of faith.
However, the negro official’s habit of corruption is, I believe, learned behavior and not necessarily indicative of a lack of what we call ethics in the race at large. After all, whitey, being racist, and therefore evil, must have been doing the same when he was in power, since that’s what evil people do, so now it’s my turn.
Africans in Africa exhibit the same behavior, what’s their excuse?
He would give you the exact same excuse, since whitey used to rule in Africa, and he is just doing what whitey does
If you can get past the dingbat Leftist anthropologists, there’s a perfectly reasonable, and I think likely true explanation. Black culture is tribal. You only have obligations to your tribe, and are encouraged to cheat, steal from, or even kill members of other tribes.
This makes for extremely high time preferences — if you don’t consume a thing as soon as you get it, either some member of your tribe will claim to need it more than you do, or some other tribe will try to take it.
There are all sorts of natural inequalities, not to mention atrocities and abominations in human society. God allows this. We humans are in charge of what happens on earth and it’s our job to deal with these unfortunate things. Were this not the case, were God to forbid these offenses, he would have created heaven on earth and all human beings would be angels. That’s just not his plan. We must win our spurs through moral struggle in a difficult environment.
Your world was made for you by someone above
But you choose evil ways instead of love.
You made me master of the world where you exist
The soul I took from you was not even missed, yeah.
— Black Sabbath
Not sure of your faith, but mine says that “man is fallen”. It’s that simply, we strive to become better, but our “evil” side is but a step away. The veneer of civilization is very thin as they say.
If Heaven is a better place then pretty much all humans should not be allowed in. If even 30 % of people get in that still includes a fair number of aholes. If people are “improved” before they’re admitted then to what extent are they them?
The prospect of spending eternity with most humans feels me with a sense of dread.
Better to have eternal sleep.
Thus, the whole “gate is narrow” and “few will find the way” thing.
I have this notion of finite sin and finite punishment, that perhaps once you’ve paid your dues and been corrected, you get to move on to a better place. Infinite punishment for finite sin doesn’t strike me as all that just, not that I make the rules But the big question I have is: in heaven, do we get smarter, or are we just as dumb as we are here on earth? If just as dumb, then that’s not much of a heaven, being surrounded by retards, and if we get smarter, then it’s not really us anymore, is it?… Read more »
I used to deal with chief IP counsel for Starbucks on a bi-weekly basis due to a client representation. She/xir was highly regarded. She/xir was also mentally defective and incompetent. I took advantage of her left and right and she wasn’t even aware of it. She left the company because she wasn’t being paid enough at $2million/annum plus bennies. The poor exploited soul. Couldn’t happen to a nicer company.
I hope that your taking advantage got you some of that $2 million a year that was obviously undeserved and wasted by the recipient.
I have never received that much money within a year. I HAVE received a bit more than half that in a single year. Twice. Since I am running off with my former bookkeeper, who is independently wealthy, now and my wife is raining hell upon me, I expect a rather dramatic downsizing personally. A Twin Otter in Alaska is now a Beaver with Wasp radial. And so there is that.
I thought that only happened to Billy Idol in the Midnight Hour 😁
Another example of this would be what happened in GA after the ‘12 election I believe. Several towns way on the outskirts of Atlanta had been petitioning the state legislature to incorporate, thus severing their ties (for the purpose of taxation.) from the city. Only they had been continually refused. That election gave the Republicans a sizable majority and these towns were allowed to incorporate. The lawsuits began immediately after that with the city claiming that they would be in serious financial trouble without the taxes from the now newly incorporated towns. There were hearings that were shown on Fox… Read more »
Sounds similar to the perennial complaint of our teachers association wrt Charter Schools and tuition following the student. No matter how they break it down, the stat’s are that, per student, Charters get much less money than public schools per student enrolled. Yet there seems never to be a thought given that the public schools—having less students to teach—should have costs go down to match their reduced budgets. No one is fooled in this State. A bloated, woke, entity can not withstand competition from the private sector.
Facebook may have covered up her crimes, making her move to Nike possible.
I once told that to a pleasant young woman originally from Bangladesh – we can have a functioning democratic country or we can have a multicultural society that is kept together by dictatorial means
I’ve had that conversation with libertarians. Their politics is “assume a world of pleasant white guys (but not Mediterraneans or Slavs or Irish or Jews).” A libertarian state could be imposed on other kinds of people, of course. It would just have to be an unprecedented nightmare police state, or it would be instantly subverted. The story of America, basically.
While the United States cannot remain intact in a functional sense at this point, this is largely correct. Free speech, to take one example, has to be limited the more “diverse” a country becomes to tamp down violence. Civil liberties are a luxury of a mostly homogenous society. The United States will become more and more tyrannical as it dissolves and finally separates along mostly racial lines. This is happening now. It is hard to tell whether those who engineered this destructive madness were delusional enough to believe anything remotely resembling a democracy could remain viable. Europe might be forced… Read more »
Europe might be forced into the civilizational model, as Z suggested, although I don’t rule out mass expulsions in some countries there. Anecdotally, Italians have just about had it with welfare leeches. They are temperamentally hot enough like Spaniards and Greeks and other Meds to actually take action. The NW European, though being the best societies, are also the biggest dupes and cucks unfortunately. They have been walked all over by the dusky hordes. Southern and Med Euros I think have enough genetic memory of invaders from across the sea that their tolerance seems much lower. The liberal cosmopolitans in… Read more »
“They are temperamentally hot enough like Spaniards and Greeks and other Meds to actually take action.”.
No-one is going to “take action” in either Italy, Greece, Spain.
The imformation media only broadcast and print, by the word, what is in the Unified USA/UK media days earlier; Internet is, for the wide majority, nothing but the few social media based in the USA and NSA/FBI-connected.
I don’t know wherefrom you drew that flight of the imagination re the socio-political state of things in Southern Europe.
It’s the same as the Middle East. Prior to the invasion of Iraq to bring “democracy” many anthropologists who knew the area compared it to an invasion of Yugoslavia to take down Joseph Tito,-it would bring civil war. The division of Iraq was much worse in ethnic, sectarian, tribal division only hold together by Saddam´s repressive regime of people from Tikrit. Libya the same story. More than 120.tribes kept together by the strongest tribe from Sirte and some Tuaregi mercenaries with no tribal organisation in Libya. After Gaddafi´s the Tuaregi smuglede weapons to West Africa and started destabilization of 6.african… Read more »
True. And who’s to say that that method of tribal domination and tribal governance is wrong and that the alienated and atomized “democracy” of the West (which turns out to be oligarchy by shady behind-the-scenes people) is right? And even the USA doesn’t subscribe to the baloney it sanctimoniously preaches: it’s quite happy to work with despots, tyrants, generals, kleptocrats, autocrats who go along with US policy.
True. That said, I’m no longer dead set on democracy. The people are far more important than the political system. I’m not, for instance, particularly opposed to monarchy.
I’m starting to feel the same way, but I wonder if I would feel that way if the government still represented what the average person in society wanted. This whole immigration fiasco is just another nail in the coffin. It proves that they don’t give a wit what anybody in flyover country wants. We should return the favor by splitting off. I am okay with an independent Midwest, maybe even peeling off a couple of Canadian provinces.
Yes, at root democracy seems to be a sham that attempts to conceal willful elite self-aggrandizement. That is just one reason of many I’m not particularly wedded to it.
See the former Yugoslavia for an example of what happens when the dictator suddenly goes away. Or pretty much anywhere in the Balkans as the Turks gradually retreated.
Silver lining, diversity will kill ideology, because white people will have more important things to do than argue with each other. HBD will be a moot point, even though it will be de facto victorious. What a cost, though. Which brings up something important: diversity is a luxury. Unlimited money is driving woke. Except it is limited. It’s a credit card. Will the bill look like Brazil, or will it cost more? Will it be the breakup of the US? Will people migrate to the next green pasture, or will they have the wherewithal to carve out their own states?… Read more »
“Will people migrate to the next green pasture”
The answer is *no*, because the earth is full. Every other (White) State, more or less, has been infected by the Western disease of “diversity”. Those few that have not are poorish in resources and population and area.
One odd exception, Russia. Largest country, full of resources, White and resistant to our disease. However, some suggestions for influx of fellow White refugees—such as South Africans has not been acted upon. Can you blame them for their hesitancy?
I see expulsion of a couple of minorities, voluntary or otherwise, in the future of the looming ethnostates.
There are still shitlibs in South Africa
Indeed. I note with some irony a development of White, gated enclaves, while there now are squalled camps of disenfranchised and impoverished Whites over there. White “brotherhood” be damned.
As deTocqueville pointed out, the major quality that distinguished America from societies of its European cousins was its propensity to self-organize at a grass roots level, performing institutional-level functions without top-down organization or state coercion. Everywhere he visited, he found small and large volunteer civic groups pitching in to smooth out local society’s shortfalls. (“American exceptionalism”.) Compare with today, where we have multiple minorities and blacks stepping into leadership roles and demanding ever more services from a totalitarian state who they conceive as their group’s ultimate Benevalence Dispensing Machine. Just the other day, the newest Supreme ruminated aloud that the… Read more »
“As deTocqueville pointed out, the major quality that distinguished America from societies of its European cousins was its propensity to self-organize at a grass roots level, performing institutional-level functions without top-down organization or state coercion.”
Out of necessity, owing to a lower level of civilization. Civilization is a human-farming operation. Clearly not something Americans naturally take to. All that talk of freedom and self government, etc.
I wonder if this time is us finally being broken in, or if we shrug off the yoke again.
Riiight. You have any idea of the number of voluntary organisations in Europe?
Do you know that De toke kissed the ass of every country he visited!
I don’t but I know why Americans did it.
Yet, these volunteer societies were still in full swing through the Victorian era – a period that might be considered the height of (patriarchical) civilization. I’d say it was the blossoming of our very own domestic “progress” poison that has chipped away at “exceptionalism” – unfortunately that spiritual elixir Americans have come to imbibe, even subconsciously.
Diversity has destroyed civil society, too. All those grass roots civic organizations Toqueville descried don’t work so well when the populace is a welter of competing and antagonistic racial blocs who have nothing in common.
Sort of. The problem was the nationalism of Westphalia. An essentially unappealable judiciary is death, and the larger the jurisdiction, the faster that death comes.
Heinlein’s, “An armed society is a polite society” is also a major factor. If spiteful mutants don’t self-censor, they will rapidly become agricultural supplements. You can still have free speech. It’s just that the smarter ones will realize when it’s best to stay silent.
Right? It used to be if someone mentioned America as a democracy people thought of Europe. And we weren’t them, above all, we were not them.
I would argue that a perfect storm is being manufactured and the demographic disaster is but one component. We also have a looming financial disaster waiting in the wings ($35 trillion debt, debased fiat currency, fake economy). Now add in the societal dysfunction (trannyism, low white birth rate, Covid legacy bioharm, high crime, zero trust), and you have a recipe for exploding social unrest on the scale of the French Revolution. China and Russia are now proving that the dollar and euro can be bypassed in international trade. Slow then very fast. DC is already a cesspool of incompetence and… Read more »
I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet, but I have to take exception to Z saying the reason blacks don’t volunteer is because they don’t feel like they belong.
They are basically lazy, shiftless creatures.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Anyone who has ever worked with or for one, knows exactly what I mean.
If belonging had anything to do with it , what explains their poor tipping to fellow blacks?
I disagreed with z’s assessment on why blacks don’t volunteer as well, but for a different reason. If you’re a decent middle-class black guy, with a job, family, etc. the type of guy that may volunteer, why would you volunteer for something like football coach when there’s such an immense possibility of being assaulted by the people you’re helping. At the very least, a large proportion are going to be difficult and not listen at all. You have to stomach those unsalvagables to maybe have a handful of grateful good kids. Coaching for white kids is the inverse, you’ll have… Read more »
Blacks can never be assimilated? I might quibble: as you note, Whitey has rolled out the red carpet for them. You can literally be a brainless black baboon and join the military and get fast tracked into the upper ranks. Or you can be a black performance artist like Candace Owens and Whitey will pay through the nose to have you sing and dance to his tune. Once this era of artificial opulence and prosperity fails, I see race realities reasserting themselves. Whites will lead the society, surrounded by obedient ethnic serfs, servants and slaves. Dirt people will be left… Read more »
“You can literally be a brainless black baboon and join the military and get fast tracked into the upper ranks.” Not arguing with the general tenor of your post (with which I agree) but the army does have sort of IQ test that disqualifies about half of all blacks. There is of course a push towards affirmative action — but the universities, companies, and army are all trying to recruits the rather limited number of blacks that constitute the “talented tenth.” Of course they relax the standards somewhat for blacks — a 1350 SAT will get you into Harvard if… Read more »
Blacks don’t tip, volunteer, contribute to charities, etc. because of their short time lines. “What goes around comes around” doesn’t work if you can’t fathom waiting for it.
Black adults are thirteen-year-old children. They are not human beings anymore than pigs are beyond three-year-olds. Adjust.
My thoughts exactly.
They are in a constant state of childhood.
Just a note BEFORE listening but after reading Z’s intro …. I’m currently right in the middle of another cross-America travel. I’ve made so many!of these trips the last 5 1/2 years I’ve lost count. Circumstances require I go by ground, and incorporate various routes, often largely avoiding interstates. Each trip usually involves covering a little less than a half-continent span. Here’s the thing: Most places I go in the provinces do NOT reflect the wonderful diversity seen in the large population centers. I mean … they kinda look like the suburban America I remember from the 60s … or… Read more »
Oh … Reporting from South Dakota … and points NW this iteration.
O, those tired, poor, huddled and pale masses! Yearning to breathe the stink of diversity!
Wife is from Northwest Iowa / Sioux Falls. I love it out there and the whiteness is a big part of why I love it.
Sioux City was my dad’s hometown.
I got bad news for you. Hispanics have been moving into Sioux City for a while to work at the meat packing plants. Dakota County is 40% Hispanic. Woodbury County is close to 20%.
West Hight School is 40% Hispanic. East High School is 25% Hispanic.
It doesn’t take much to turn towns and small cities.
I don’t mind the Hispanics as much as I mind all of the others were getting. Indians, Somalis, Chinese and all the rest. I’m fine with even them in managed numbers, but they don’t seem to care about managing those numbers.
Don’t kid yourself, when I was in HS in the early 80’s I dated a girl from Fox Lane HS in Westchester County NY. Back then Fox Lane was one of the top HS’s in the country, not the state, the country. fast forward to now and the student body is close to 65% hispanic, the school is full of gangs and drugs and the Village of Bedford (big money, old money) now wants to incorporate itself, severing itself from that school district and forming their own. Fox Lane HS is now a bit below average in NYS rankings. Third… Read more »
They don’t seem to mind the Hispanics too much over there. Remember, they have a native Indian population, at least in South Dakota. The Hispanics aren’t too far removed from that.
Sioux Falls is going to crap, too.
Wife is from Northwest Iowa / Sioux Falls. I love it there and the whiteness of that region is a big reason why I love it. Not just the skin color, but the general pleasantness of people you encounter.
They’re great people. I know. But they are like Bambi in terms of understanding what’s happening to the world around them.
Your comment about Bambi also applies to the state of Michigan north of the Bay City-Saginaw area.
I’ve visited Sioux Falls a couple of times. It is as you describe and it’s incomparably different from that cesspool Minneapolis, which is only a five or six hour drive away.
Perhaps it’s a nice city, but according to the FAA the airport SUX.😎
FSD is the airport code.
I disagree. When I went back to Indiana ten years ago after a twenty year absence it had completely been swamped by the influx of hispanic farm workers. Catholic masses were said in both English and Spanish. Hicktown Arbey’s was filled with folks speaking Spanish. South Bend was a run-down dump with crappy little hispanic bodegas as the only business on the street.
Now, it doesn’t look half black like the TV shows, but its not the white paradise it was when I was growing up there.
I think you’re both right. Some rural formerly white towns have been swamped by Messkins, but others remain largely as they were demographically 60 years ago.
The Messkins moved over for reasons. They were hired by meat packing pants, or as agricutural workers, or as construction workers.
The burbs around South Bend are still decent, as is the area around Notre Dame.
The Tippecanoe in South Bend still serves an unbelievable prime rib special from time to time.
That said, you’d be amazed at how far out of South Bend you can find pajeets running gas stations in northern Indiana.
And Apex Predator recently did the same trip and came to the opposite conclusion. Whiter than the diverse hellholes does not equal White like the 1960s
‘Whiter than the diverse hellholes does not equal White like the 1960s’
Nor could it. Every place — some more than others, of course — is affected by the general national culture,which is rather, er, diverse these days. Call it the zeitgeist.
Hell, even my neighborhood in NYC was White as could be. Now, not so much…
I had my aunt, born in 1930, tell me about the first dozen years of her life, spent in North Bergen, NJ (opposite Manhattan on the Hudson). My grandfather built a small bowling alley/bar on the next street over and she said the boys across the street, by the name of Otterbein, used to cut through the yard to my grandfather’s establishment in order to fill tin pails with beer for the family dinner. I assume most of the neighborhood was of varying degrees of German extraction. The one thing that jumped out at me was when she said she… Read more »
The Civil Rights Movement changed everything. For the worse.
Sounds like a fun job. If I was doing this I’d be scouting for places to settle with good weather and no diversity. If you can tell us without doxxing yourself, what is it that requires you to travel like this?
As we Whites become the minority the need for Tribe will become more important for our survival…Let’s hope we have time to realize that before we all disappear…I wish I could convey more clearly in writing of the things we are going to face but I do my best when I’m talking to someone face to face…
It’s going to be a tight race, but, no matter what, a fair number of whites will fight things out. Most won’t.
And now half of the white people can’t be assimilated, either. lol What a conundrum they have on their hands.
The problem with the campus protests is that the protesters have mixed their justifiable opposition to the Zionist slaughter of the Palestinians with an absurd idea that the slaughter was motivated by the whiteness of the Israelis rather than their Judaism.
Those protests were always anti white first and foremost
As far as the left is concerned, Jews are white people now.
That’s what the (almost) normal people who consider themselves leftists think, but they don’t get to decide anything, especially not their own thoughts. The anti-white regime is pretty much Jewish, and it’s decided that Jews will be officially excluded from whiteness. The “grassroots” left will obey the regime, because that’s what it does. (Firmware updates are slow sometimes, but they always come.) The part of the right that’s fake and gay will agree.
This. Anti-White and anti-Christian. There were LGBTQs and troons blocking devil Mouse Disney in support of Palestine the other day. As far as the Levant goes, I hope both sides kill each other off. As far as AINO protests go, both sides are anti-White. Zero f**ks to give.
if you are White
this ain’t your fight
Their camps all had watermelon graffiti. Several meanings to that I guess, depending on who you are. But hello, they are just making it clear the cause is not the cause. The cause is the revolution.
I was very interested in the subject of today’s podcast but I wish it had started off right where it finally got around to at about 50 mins in. If there was a map illustrating the political and moral landscape for whites it would have a big arrow pointing to that spot, “you are here.” It would have been great to have an hour of thoughts that proceeded from a recognition of the annihilation of the old civil society and its moral imperatives. Also, in the brief review of possible futures the most likely one was left out, authoritarian rule… Read more »
Reagan is dead.
Reagan helped kill this country.
To be honest, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone from the past couple centuries who didn’t “help kill this country”.
On that note, I’m unaware of anything Reagan did to kill this country that wouldn’t have been done by his immediate successors, if he had not done it first.
He should be remembered for being the last “intellectual” (nerd) conservative. The media said he was a dumb cowboy actor, but they’ve said every Republican since Eisenhower (first retard president of Columbia) is a moron. Reagan was an actual dork who read Hayek in bed.
Internet conservatives who aren’t gay men’s idea of a tough guy are still that kind of masculinely bookish character, but Republican politicians and voters are totally different now (in different ways).
Reagan was the last libertarian, sort of.
I’d shorten that time frame considerably, but your point still stands. America/AINO has been rushing headlong into the abyss for quite some time, and very few people have done anything to avert this sorry fate.
I loved Gipper at the time, and it WAS a better time. Better culturally, demographically, music and movies, economically, and better spirits. Reagan was at the fore of that as The Great Communicator who united the country (49 state win), checkmated the Soviets, hated hippies, and lowered the damn taxes. And remember, Hinkley (Bush) almost assassinated him, so he must’ve made the RIGHT enemies at some point. But it was a road bump on the decline as the rot had set-in. We had all ready had Civil Rights replaced the Constitution and “free speech” of pornographers replace June and Ward… Read more »
Not to beat a dead horse, but I believe that all that happened in that time frame spoken was a lack of belief/understanding/acceptance of race differences. Yes, we once had it, but then rejected it. Perhaps WWII killed it.
In any event, hindsight is 100%. It didn’t work, because it never could work. However we are stuck with the results of the grand illusion.
You are not alone.
I was a young boy during the Reagan years, and to my perception at that time he was a very grandfatherly figure. I was also taken in by his ability to deliver the material written by his very talented speechwriters.
“Financialization of the economy” would make a great subject for a podcast. Mainly because I am a neophyte when it comes to the financial world and would greatly appreciate an explanation of what this is and how it works.
It will probably just start being the wild west if nothing really changes: Do you want to have a civilization or not? And if you don’t and are a criminal or parasitic, or predator type, people just won’t put up with it anymore. That includes so-called authority, as well.
we are already not a country any longer. we are a slave state of the NWo , whoever they are. TW , if you annoy them elections and lawfare are not the only way to get you out of office.
“We are already not a country any longer. we are a slave state of the NWo , whoever they are.” Yes, whoever they are. Are there any characteristics the authors of our destruction have in common? These NWO people, do they occupy any specific positions of power within Western social or governmental structures? Could these shady NWO slave masters be further identified in any way? Possibly it would be useful to ruminate on this question? It must be the Cloud People. Or maybe it’s those persnickety Managerial Elite? “Captain Smith, the ship is sinking! Water is flooding adjacent compartments and there… Read more »
Entropy, the new name?
Lowest Common Denominator?
Jungle Law?
Take your pick.
Someone pondered how to ruin America and decided to facilitate destruction by destroying trust and sense of community.
How involved are each of you in helping preserve communities? It takes effort instead of a remote control.
I hear you, but there’s only so much one can do. For example, I was with the Boy Scouts of America for a decade as adult leader. What happened for my efforts? Our national chapter caved to the Leftist progressives wrt pressure (refusal to allow use of facilities and charitable donations collection) to allow homosexuals into Scouts. (It’s even worse now, as they’ve changed the name of the now dead organization and their emphasis wrt young male role modeling.) However, homosexuals were *always* allowed into Scouts. There was a de facto “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in effect. This policy… Read more »
The death of the Scouts was a clear bellwether for the death of the USA. When the Boy Scouts began allowing pervs and girls in, and when trannies were allowed into women’s public restrooms, I knew dam’ well it was all over.
The problem was BSA was national. Like any other organization of that scale, including churches, the deviants and spiteful mutants get a say in what morals and ethics society should embrace. These people are anti-Tradition. They rip down Chesterton’s Fence with nary a thought, with the possible exception of glee at the perversity.
Mytown Camping Club probably would not even be noticed, and if it were, the local community can often pressure the troublemakers into going along, particularly if the constabulary is on your side.
concept of majority-minority that somehow white minority will have any right whatsoever is a lie
Jew loves blatant lie to humiliate their enemies
Majority-minority lie is two merits that one is stopping resistance and two are feels satisfying to fool the enemy
My experience confirms what Z-man points out: when you hear someone lauding the virtues of black people, it’s inevitably someone who has had little or no experience with them: you find out the only black they’ve known was a grad student from Ghana. It would be an interesting exercise in the emergence of race-realism in the face of increasing familiarity with blacks, to go to one of the towns in Maine that welcomed all those Somali immigrants, and look at what their attitudes about blacks were, before and after the Somali invasion. No doubt they’d discover that the rise of… Read more »
The most crucial intellectual battle of our time is whether to explain the problems of the western (formerly white) world in terms of ideology or race.
Of course it’s not just one or the other, the world is complex, but which explains more of what we see, ideology or race?
In the interest of fairness to my (white) opponents, I’d like acknowledge the succinctness of this pro-ideology meme.
Not bad, but each white person must ask which force, ideology or race, commands getter loyalty amount non-whites the chosen and best explains what we see.
Not following your last sentence.
@Z said a few weeks back that ideology, as he uses the term, is about how men ought to organize their societies, then a few days later, seemed to clarify it as a synthesis of means and ends in creating a social order.
With that characterization, definitely ideology. An ideology could (and has) treat races and sexes differently, including deportation and execution. Which is greater impact than a racial tendency.
@Z’s own left-handed ginger example is illustrative.
Ideology: the study of organizing human society without regard to humans.
Clarifying a bit, it is ideology which sets the bar that blacks not be punished for crimes. It doesn’t much matter what the racial tendency is if we were to execute all blacks who commit battery or worse, for example, as those genes simply would no longer be in the gene pool. Doesn’t matter whether race is deterministic or not. Ideology has made that question irrelevant.
It’s missing some variables, like a recent description of American westward expansion at, and the presence of the swastika is silly.
Let’s try this on the LHS, instead..
I like that, but I’d sub the Stars n’ Stripes for the jackass.
The traditional midlife crisis was just another name for the hedonic treadmill. The emergence of which correlates very well with the waning of religious faith.
I read here that only blacks are the big problem and this that is mentioned by some people and Latinos are not really that big if a problem .This is as false aaa it comes .Hispanics Latinos are race what have build nothing of notice. They build Mexico , Brazil , Central America? Nothing, ZERO, ZILCH
Clearly, the mainstream media is doing all they can to facilitate the fashionable adulation of blacks, by removing all reference to race when reporting crimes blacks commit; while highlighting the race of crimes committed by white perps.
Whether this is the result of actual behind-the-scenes collusion— or whether it arises from unspoken but commonly-understood tacit agreement— remains to be seen.
Likely it’s a bit of both: job applicants at msm outlets like the NYT and WaPo no doubt learned back in journalism school what the requisite opinions are: ‘minority victims good,
white oppressors bad’
I recall— way back in the ‘60s— a line from a Firesign Theater album, that remarked on the then-emerging worship of blacks:
“All spades are groovy!”
[…] ZMan points out some inconvenient truth. […]
good book:
discourses on Livy, Machiavelli
This confirms my view that conservatives tend to be almost as much cargo cultists as the left. This women stays home with four kids and is, on paper, traditional. yet she seems just as selfish as a Carrie Bradshaw.
So maybe the distinction isn’t married vs unmarried the same way looking at illegal vs legal immigrants is cargo cult thinking
She looks ashkenazi
Neither traditional nor conservative. Can’t believe the guy didn’t recognize those tendencies in her before they got married. It’s cunts like that that give women a bad reputation. Agree with Matt — if you are dating someone like that, get far away as fast as possible. File a restraining order if necessary to get something in the legal system to corroborate that she’s the nutcase.
When we talk about Brazil, I think we need to be a little nuanced. Funny you should mention it, though, because I’ve got some Brazilian relatives in town this week. My late mother’s cousin and her husband or in town to visit her sister. Her husband Lebanese, her half Brazilian. They look like any people here who would be classified as being of European origin. Her niece came along, my second cousin, and she’s a little bit more on the dark side. Probably more along the lines of 75% Brazilian, but I didn’t ask. Cute, too. And then my mom’s… Read more »
We are talking about the whole dynamic Nick. Listen to the podcast.
I understand that, but my point is that people were once taken back by swarthy Italians at one point and they look like America now. So that begs the question of what kind of Brazilians, Venezuelans, etc are we getting? I don’t know if anybody has broken this down in white versus non-white terms. I think we are just seeing one lumped-in figure of Latin Americans and assuming the worst. Maybe we should assume the worst, I just don’t know.
It’s not that they look like Americans, they act like Americans. That’s the difference between the old immigrants and the new ones.
Gawd, not all Italians look like Al Pacino. My fully genetically-Italian late mother-in-law, with south Italian ancestry (Campania), had milk-White skin and green eyes. Even in Sicily one finds only a small percentage of Arab admixture, and more from Greece and the Caucuses.
While the very top of South American society is 100% Italian or Spanish – like Bolsonaro – the rest is heavily mixed with native Indios and sub-Saharan blacks. People there who are 30% mixed routinely call themselves White.
You need to learn to distinguish between phenotype and genotype.
I just base it on what I see. There is a difference.
Well the Northern Italians do like to quip that ‘Africa begins at Naples’.
Rename it Apeles, then.
My wife’s Italian-American family tells me “The Sicilians ain’t REAL Italians.” 😏
You can pretty much describe Mexico in this manner as well. Their elite look White—whether they reside in Mexico or are here as immigrants. I do business with such all the time. You can only tell the difference between them and typical American Anglo’s by the last name.
They’re basically expat Spaniards.
“Their elite look White—whether they reside in Mexico or are here as immigrants.” Are there that many elite Mexicans in the USA as immigrants? They have it made in Mexico; why bother coming to the USA? The Mexicans I see are mostly agricultural workers, construction and repair workers, or (if they have some limited command of English) as some sort of service-sector workers. At the very top of Mexico you’ve got people like Carlos Slim, now owner of the New York Times, who in neither white nor indigenous but rather a Lebanese and part of a network of influential Middle… Read more »
No, there are few elites in my area as compared to say (I assume) MX. The ones in majority, are lower/working class with obvious Indio genetics. But hell, elites are always a fraction of any population.
The Brazilian people reflect the history of settlement there. The African component was much more significant in Brazil than the Amerindian one (the reverse of Mexico and the Andean nations). Also, there was the 19th-century wave of European migrants coincident with that of North America (without the 17- and 18-century British elements which accounted for American culture prior to Jewish dominance from the last half of the 20th century). It is out of this latter European wave that your relatives presumably originated. Like Brazil, we are seeing increasing pressure to miscegenate as the ruling elites try to forge some kind… Read more »
“So, when we think of the Brazilianization of America and the West, that’s basically the ethnic mix we might expect.”
Spot on. Brazil is a little anomalous in that it has a large population of blacks but in all the South and Central American countres, the higher you go up the socio-economic ladder, the fairer the complexion and the less Mestizo the blood.
Latin America has historically functioned by an informal adherence to the colonial casta system (from which the word “caste” was derived for India). The West would probably work a lot better under the weight of diversity with some such organizing principal. Instead, we have affirmative action, which is the opposite of that. Of course, if the West had the racial awareness of the colonial Spanish, we wouldn’t have so much diversity in the first place. Diversity for the Spanish, like the Portuguese, was just their way of coping with a paucity of colonizers.
Everything about America is the result of the majority population swapping their interest for the interest of the country.
This is an absurd statement. We are having the problems we are having because of of white mens’ refusal to share and do the right thing.
By “share” you mean allowing dispossession and subjugation, and btw your generalization is a defamatory slur against European American men who have little property to begin with and no political power. Preventing the dispossession and subjugation is the right thing to do, but it’s not being done, as you conceded without really intending to do so. So I’ll give you a D for your remark overall.
It’s strange when spoiled children blame their parents once they realize they’ll never accomplish one tenth of what they did, let alone have the decency to help others along the way.
You are not a regular commenter here, so I hope this post is sarcasm. If not, you are clueless as to this country’s history and how we got to this low ebb.
I don’t think Do the Right Thing means what you think it means.
Cotton Mathers is in the house.
I prefer Jerry Mathers, myself…
Gads …. A more clear and concise statement of the problem I cannot imagine.
Snort. Giggle. Mommies ‘share.’ Kindergarten teachers teach ‘sharing.’
Men rule and command. You are obviously testosterone-challenged, little brown one.