The Empire Of Lies

One of the defining features of this age is the collapse in respect for the spirit of the laws through the reinterpretation of the letter of the law. In every aspect of life, clever schemers are either crafting documents that conceal their intent or they are reinterpreting commonly understood words and phrases so they can claim some new intent behind the words. This is driven not just by a disrespect for the intent behind the words, but a disregard for the very idea of rules.

The spirit of the law, of course, is the intent behind the rule, while the letter of the law is the almost always imperfect implementation of that motivating spirit. Originalism, for example, rests on the assumption that we can know the intent of the Framers when they wrote the Constitution, even if the result is not always clear. Debates over the Second Amendment are a good example. We know what the framers meant by “well-regulated militia” even if it is a vague term today.

Now, the Second Amendment issue is a good reminder that clever tricksters have always been trying to nibble away at the fabric of American society. Disrespect for the spirit of the law is not a new thing. Since the first written laws there have been people trying to twist the written words to get around the intent behind them. It is an argument against having a written constitution. It gives the tricksters an opportunity to play their word games on the trusting public.

The 2A topic, however, shows the limits of such games until recently. Despite their best efforts, the intent behind the Second Amendment has prevailed because the people and the bulk of the ruling class continued to respect the spirit of the law. Even something like abortion rights, which was invented by the court fifty years ago, tried to tie the new entitlement to the prevailing spirit behind the Constitution. Respect for the spirit of the laws is the cornerstone of a civilized society.

That respect has largely vanished over the last few decades. You can probably date it to when Bill Clinton famously tried to claim there was some ambiguity in the word “is” during his famous deposition over the intern business. A decade prior he would have been run out of town for such outlandish behavior, but in the new age where anything goes, the finest people cheered his willingness to find a loophole in the vocabulary in order to slither free of the net.

Of course, the arrival of these grifters from the Ozarks coincided with the arrival of the new managerial man. This is the highly credentialed expert with no practical knowledge, who slithered up the social system by making the right connections, belonging to the right groups, and flattering the right people. These are people who traffic is word play in a world where genuine accomplishment is a liability. Therefore, the better you are at escaping the restraints of the language, the higher you rise.

We have a practical example of this in Ukraine. The Russians have made clear that if NATO forces attack Russian forces from bases in NATO countries, the Russians are then free to attack those NATO bases. By all reasonable measures Russia could treat NATO as a belligerent just for supplying arms and intelligence to Ukraine, but they have drawn the line a bit further back. If NATO attacks Russian forces from NATO countries, then Russia will hit these bases.

This presents a problem for NATO, which would like to supply fighter jets to Ukraine, but Ukrainian pilots cannot fly the F-16 and Ukrainian airports cannot host of the planes, due to logistics and the threat of Russian missiles. That means the only way to put the F-16’s into service is to fly them with Western contractors out of NATO bases, but that runs into that Russian red line. So, the tricksters that now dominate the West have set to work on a workaround to this problem.

The solution is this. They will give the planes to Ukraine and then the Ukrainians will decide on their own to keep the planes at NATO bases. When they use these planes, the mercenaries wearing Ukraine patches will then fly the planes to a Ukraine base to be loaded with missiles, then take off from that Ukraine base to attack Russian forces with those missiles. You see, according to the letter of the law, this is not NATO attacking Russia with NATO weapons. It is Ukraine doing it!

Obviously, the Russians are not going to be tricked by such nonsense, but it reveals the thinking of the moral nullities who now dominate the West. Only people with no concept of right and wrong can think such a scheme is acceptable. These are people who always look for a way to slither around the rules by playing word games to evade the spirit behind the written rules. These are people who can talk themselves into anything because they are sure they can talk their way out of anything.

In a high trust society, there is less of a need for putting things in writing as the parties to an agreement come to that agreement trusting that the other party will respect the spirit of the agreement. A handshake agreement works when the men shaking hands trust one another to keep their word and they live in a society that respects the spirit of the law even when the letter of the law is confusing. In that society, writing things down serves only as a reminder to the honest.

In a world dominated by tricksters, who profit from finding ways around the words in order to undermine the sprit those words attempt to capture, the language becomes a weapon wielded by the guilty against the innocent. Notice that the lawfare campaigns all rest on the novel interpretation of the law, in direct contradiction to the spirit behind the laws, or the imaginative use of language to redefine common practices into violations of those newly reimagined laws.

This seems to be an end point of managerialism. In the accelerated lifecycle of fascism, they quickly arrived at a point where clever tricksters like Albert Speer were able to rise to senior positions. After the death of Stalin, the foxes came to dominate the party system to the point where even the people benefitting from it joked about the profound dishonesty of Soviet life. America seems to have arrived at a similar point, where only the naive are shocked by the rampant perfidy.

On the other hand, maybe all empires succumb to the liars who see empire as an opportunity to do their worst. A society held together by force, or the fear of the alternatives is not one that can respect the spirit of the law. As a result, empires may simply select for the sorts of people who eventually subvert the host. Maybe that is what we are seeing with the collapse of social trust. The empire of lies is the final stop for every empire on its way to the dustbin of history.

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Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 months ago

It’s not just that they lie. It’s that lying is an instinct and getting away with the lie is something that they’re proud of. In Middle East cultures – which drives you know who – ripping off someone at the local bazaar is perfectly acceptable. If I trick you, that’s your fault, not mine. My job is to trick you, and your job is to trick me. These people will never quit – ever. Scheming is like breathing to them. The couldn’t stop even if they wanted to. But it’s not to the vast, vast majority of NE Europeans, which… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 months ago

you can’t peacefully separate those who don’t want to be separate without a fight

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Yman
2 months ago

Agree. They won’t let go. They can’t let go. They can’t build and sustain a society on their own – and they know it. It’s why they’re always so conflicted.

On the one hand, they run circles around the gullible Goys with their schemes. On the other hand, the need us to have a society. It’s why they look at us as somewhat as farm animals or simple slave hands.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 months ago

The factions are far more likely to go at each other in an administrative civil war than a peaceful separation to happen. Putin’s warning about arming nations hostile to the United States, for example, was telling the US military to put State/YouKnowWho back into line. It seems pretty obvious that the Russians sailing into Havana have an interesting cargo, to say the least. Let’s wait to see if there are “clarifications” about the Genius Plan to give F-16’s to use in a war that has been lost for two years. I bet they are coming soon. The MIC pulls in… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

I agree that Putin’s warning probably caused a fair number of phone calls from the Pentagon to the State Dept and Biden’s Kosher Cabinet. These guys don’t stop scheming until someone pushes back physically.

And, then, of course, they pull a Jon Stewart and say, “What? We were only kidding.”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Yman
2 months ago

In a similar vein, my favorite UK comic site once quipped: Technically the individual can be divided, but it isn’t pretty. Or to restate the thought for your Bible-Thumpers out there: What does King Solomon do when neither mother will renounce claim to the babe?

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 months ago

He cuts it in two, problem solved

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 months ago

From what I’m told, China operates the same way. They have a Chinese saying that goes something like, if you can get away with it, cheat. Presumably, much of the world outside of the Occident operates in this way. “America” pulled the same BS in WW2. The rules for neutral nations were simple and easy to understand, at least when it came to arms. The belligerent nation had to take their ships to the neutral nation, pay in gold and then carry away the arms in a ship owned and flagged by the belligerent nation. FDR tried playing word games… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

Yeah, the rest of the world, including the biggies of Russia, Iran, India and China operate with a similar mentality. I’ve long suspected that Jews have done so well in the West since the 19th century not because they are so impressive but because they were going up against no competition. The European nobility used to keep the Jews in check, but with the industrial revolution, the Enlightenment and the creep of democracy, the nobility lost their power. Jews were unchained and unleashed on a gullible population with no defense to them. But with the rise of non-whites – both… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 months ago

I said virtually the same thing. Don’t ever discount the “crooked factor in their financial success.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

Yep. I understand that the term “sandbagging” came from their practice of sprinkling sand into bags of tea because they were paid by weight.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Steve
2 months ago

Makes sense. Credit where due: at least sand is relatively non-toxic unlike for example when some brilliant guy decides to make the wine go a little bit further by diluting it with wood alcohol.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 months ago

There’s a quote I can’t find from an ancient Persian commentator who said that the Greeks were not a noble people because they traded with one another in the market and the goal was to cheat the other guy. So this practice does seem to be a feature of a commercial culture. The ancient Yankees lol were surely in the same league as the ancient Greeks. This was one of the features of the cultural divide between North and South leading up to the War of Northern Aggression. Southerners noted it, whether their planter class were blame-free is an open… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 months ago

I didn’t know Clinton was from Middle East.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 months ago

That’s why I take issue with our host when he once said that “you know who” is smarter than the average white person. Perhaps they have better training, perhaps they take schooling more seriously, perhaps they are smarter, but don’t ever discount the crooked factor. That’s a big factor in how they acquire their wealth.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 months ago

“We can never keep up with their scheming.”

When it was suggested to Moustache Man that the Jews should be moved out of Europe and made to reside in Palestine, he reportedly replied by saying that they would simply have a bolt-hole where they could perfect their schemes in safety. He was obviously saying that Palestine is too close to Europe.

Last edited 2 months ago by Götterdamn-it-all
c matt
c matt
Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
2 months ago

I thought there was documentation that he in fact did try to get them to relocate there, at least according to Europa: The Last Battle.

2 months ago

Dustbin of History we can only be so lucky…I think it’s going to be a dumpster fire instead…

Reply to  thezman
2 months ago

If they even know Brother most times the puppets don’t have a clue what they are dancing too…How’s your new place treating you?

Last edited 2 months ago by Lineman
Reply to  thezman
2 months ago


Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  thezman
2 months ago

Or, I’m guessing, loud reports….

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 months ago

I would think those would be even more common out in the sticks, only as sport. If I lived out in the sticks and there was a good backstop, it would be a great place to shoot.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

I live in a 98.6% white town and I hear gunfire almost daily from one of the three gun clubs or from people shooting on their own property.

It’s a very comforting and pleasing sound to hear pop-pop-pop in the distance while I’m raking leaves in the Fall and knowing it’s white guys shooting trap.

Reply to  Xman
2 months ago

Then what I hear at 11 p.m. must not be gun clubs…

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 months ago

We need to visit Z’s new place and play the new game I just invented – Basketraps! You dribble a basketball up to the “free fire” line on the pavement, then a line of gunmen open fire on it. First bullet to hit the ball wins! We handicap the better shooters by making them hold their weapons sideways, Baltimore style.

Reply to  thezman
2 months ago

No basketball Americans? LOL

Reply to  thezman
2 months ago

Zman, saw your recent Telegram post (fwiw it kept freezing and then skipping when I watched it). Very appealing creek. Isn’t it lovely to look out the window and see trees and vistas instead of brick, concrete, and diversity? Oh, and if you really want to see your cats go nuts hang a hummingbird feeder outside your screened-in porch.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
2 months ago

Hummers are marvels of God, but I don’t think there are too many up in Z’s neck o’ the woods. They tend to be more of a southwestern critter. There are certainly some in West Texas, and scads of them in southern New Mexico.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

It’s not uncommon to see them up here in Western Canada.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Templar
2 months ago

Maybe more western than eastern birds.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

Ostei: I think they are all throughout the US, and move north/south along with the seasons. I have two feeders up on my porch and dozens of birds thronging each one. When I sit on the porch to watch them, they will often fly over and hover in one spot quite near me. My neighbor said they used to land on his daughter’s hand. But you are correct – they are marvels of God (almost exactly what my husband says). Cannot watch them and not see God’s designing hand.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

Here in upstate NY, the northernmost reaches of Appalachia, the hummingbirds have been around for probably 6 weeks now. I’m sure they are prevalent in Z’s neck of the woods.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
2 months ago

Well, hell, whattda I know? (As Filthy is wont to say.)

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
2 months ago

Yeah, the economic situation is wild. We are essentially in “stagflation,” and that presents a multitude of political and financial problems. If it is admitted that we are in recession, the People Who Matter will demand interest rate cuts and a return to free money, which will accelerate inflation. Normally the political demand is to do this because rate cuts juice the economy, but the primary Dirt gripe now is high prices rather than unemployment and a sluggish financial markets. The open border has deformed the labor market so much that a true accounting is impossible. The Empire of Lies… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

I heard the fed is buying up all those low interest long term bonds at full face value. They are probably afraid of another SVB incident. The fact that this helps their banking buddies is just icing on the cake. They get to raise their interest rates without taking a haircut on all those 30 year .25 bonds they bought.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 months ago

Domestically, it is hard to be optimistic, but I see a glimmer of hope with other countries. The RoW has woken up to the game and is working to break away. That’s the way that you beat the schemers. Just don’t deal with them.

That’s their kryptonite. Granted, it’s a lot easier to do that when they don’t run your country, but it’s still good to understand how to beat them.

Reply to  thezman
2 months ago

“Truth”, not “trust”.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Cmhi
2 months ago

*belch* and *fart*

Reply to  thezman
2 months ago

Z: “It is hard to be optimistic, at least in the short and medium term.” Concerning the long term, however, Pew Research just dumped a whole bunch of new sociological data, and their numbers indicate that White democrats are headed straight for extinction: Pew Research Center June 5, 2024 QUESTION: “Society is better off if people make marriage and having children a priority” DEM: 19% agree GOP: 59% agree [For the record, the GOP figures are not exactly encouraging, unless maybe the GOP respondents felt that somehow the question might imply government initiatives which could prove to be a… Read more »

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Bourbon
2 months ago

Between sizable cohorts of white Democratic voters turning LGBTQ+ themselves, the remaining white straights having no children (or at most one child) and neutering what children they do have, the Democratic Party will be a majority minority party by 2050, led by an ever-shrinking white leftist elite.

Reply to  Oswald Spengler
2 months ago

I was thinking; if you round up 19% to 20%, then that means only ONE IN FIVE Democrats give a d@mn about propagating their familial bloodlines. And the 59% Republican figure was still bothering me; so let’s go ahead and round that up to 60%, or THREE IN FIVE. Then you’re looking at: 4-out-of-5 Democrats do not give a d@mn about propagating their familial bloodlines. 2-out-of-5 Republicans do not give a d@mn about propagating their familial bloodlines. I was thinking about that, and it dawned on me; could it be that the elderly in each party are clutching dearly to… Read more »

Reply to  Oswald Spengler
2 months ago

One other thing I thought of – the elderly might be sufficiently cynical to realize that most money spent on “children” in the USA will ackshually be spent on immigrants, and maybe the elderly want to make sure that the money is spent on ackshual Amurrikkkun citizens [???].

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
2 months ago

“We put the nuclear weapons in front of their front door, but it was their decision to take them and use them. We dindu nuffin.”

2 months ago

This dynamic is not surprising when your country gets taken over by a tiny cohort of people known for legalistic thinking, tedious thousand-year debates over the meaning of specific words and phrases, and a type of sorcery where you can conjure up reality based on the words you use.

Reply to  Mycale
2 months ago

Agreed. They think they are wizards, and legal phrases and concepts are spells. Too much Harry Potter.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
2 months ago

“we’re going to sue the Russians into bankruptcy if they start an all-out nuclear war. That’ll teach them!!”

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 months ago

Better yet, the US government’s first and last resort seems to be, “we’ll steal their money!”

Same answer to every question…I wonder if all those questions should merely be called excuses. Stealing is what they intended to do in the first place.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
2 months ago

“Obviously, the Russians are not going to be tricked by such nonsense”

The Russians are increasingly thinking — and now talking — of using tactical nuclear warheads. The bullshit of the US regime won’t wash with them. A couple of interesting recent pieces by Gilbert Doctorow:

The Russians mean business. The US Shere Khan, with its pack of mangy European jackals, is nudging us all into a no-holds-barred WW3.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 months ago

Not quite. The Russians have other less drastic and more effective options. Putler set the Uke patriot rage heads off when he said he’ll just start supplying long range stuff to America’s enemies.

But In all probability if NATO starts playing hide-the-salami with the F16’s…the Russians will just obliterate the few remaining Uke airfields. Or just say ‘to hell with it!” And level Kiev and occupy the country.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Filthie
2 months ago

Putin: “That is a nice aircraft carrier you have there in the Red Sea. It would be a real shame if the Houthis found some missiles that could threaten it.”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Filthie
2 months ago

Yep, I’d highly suspect that Russian’s threat to arm groups/countries that could hit US forces has caused the Pentagon to start sending the word up to the neocons to quit screwing around.

I also agree that Russia, instead of first hitting air bases in Poland, would do its best to knock out the Uke air bases and to really hammer Ukr’s power infrastructure. “Fine, you use Polish and Romanian air bases. We knock out your power grid. Let’s see who lasts longer.”

Reply to  Filthie
2 months ago

Yes, the Houthis are a big enough problem already…The carrier Eisenhower has vanished from the radar, and is generally believed to be in dry dock for repairs….

Reply to  pyrrhus
2 months ago

Since the end of ww2, harpooning a carrier & sinking it along with its entire crew is the goal. When that happens, it will… then what?

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 months ago

In a fair election T wins. Obviously we don’t have fair elections.

so what’s to be done?

T gets JFK’d.
He goes to jail.
Election fraud.

WW iii. Immigration, imperialism, insolvency all in good measure.

Cuban missile crisis redux? Russia n warships off Florida coast. Hypersonic weapons in Cuba?

Reply to  WCiv911
2 months ago

So Hunter is convicted.

It is FJB’s very own justice department that convicted him. So they wanted this conviction. Why? Because they know that FJB is going to lose.

The offer that FJB cannot refuse.

“Look Joe, the jig is up. Step down or we release more crap from that laptop. You know and we know that there is a lot more crap on there.” That is why the media & 50 top spooks promulgated this document claiming that the laptop was Russian misinfo. “Pardon your son Joe, step down, and go quietly into that goodnight.”

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  WCiv911
2 months ago

I wonder if the real powers-that-be also have compromising evidence on Kamala Harris? If they remove the Big Guy, they still have to find a way to dump Harris. And then what? They Gavin Newsom (the Democrat’s version of Patrick Bateman) is chosen as the nominee in a brokered convention?

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  WCiv911
2 months ago

That is an offer that FJB could not even understand, never mind agree to.
People who are always on about “FJB this, FJB that” as if he’s a decision-making important figure crack me up.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Xin Loi
2 months ago

FJB doesn’t understand, but “Dr.” Jill does.

Bizarro Man
Bizarro Man
Reply to  WCiv911
2 months ago

The problem with that is that they have nobody to replace him.

Gavin Hairdo is even more unpopular than Biden. And if they don’t promote Camel the Harris to take his place, they lose the black women’s vote.

The Dems are reduced to praying that the Trump lead will not exceed the Margin of Fraud.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 months ago

Russians has lived among and dealt with tricksters for many years, know how they think, and eventually out-trick them. This is why Putin looks like the roadrunner and the west looks like the coyote in this Ukraine conflict.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  NateG
2 months ago

Just you wait! The West will foil Putin with their Acme Rocket Sled!

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 months ago

Have no fear! AINO will launch the battalions of fat black women, transgender monsters and faggot men to take the Russians down.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 months ago

Well, schmidt, look how far those battalions have gotten here.
Maybe the Russians better be damn well frightened.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 months ago

Well, I must admit, that would make me tuck tail and run quicker than a combined host of Assyrians, Romans and Mongols…

Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 months ago

From your lips…

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 months ago

There’s any number of ways the Russian’s can f-around with the West.

Openly basing nuclear tipped hypersonic missiles in Cuba comes to mind. Since the US has been maliciously trying to turn Cuba into Haiti for 60 years because of US domestic politics, I’m sure they’d be open to it.

Cutting some deep sea internet cables would be untraceable and cause a panic.

The US has already done the same in both cases (weapons on Russian border, blowing up NordStream) and the whole world knows it.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 months ago

I really don’t see the Russians nuking anyone. For one, Russia has the sympathy and good will of 1/2 or more of the world right now. That would evaporate overnight if they nuked anyone. But second, it’s a pointless escalation and extremely dangerous. The leaders of Russia do not want Russia destroyed in Armageddon. Russia using a nuke would raise the stakes of every single missile they launch against either Ukraine or any other place. While the results of a nuclear exchange would be just as bad for the GAE, it is the one area where the GAE possesses a… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

“My guess, and that is all it could ever be, is that if there is a nuclear exchange, it will be because we started it.”

I agree. The mad dogs in the GAE will start it. But the Russians are telling the mad dogs — as if they’re listening, but that’s another matter — that if the GAE starts it, the Russians are prepared for retaliation. Do ya feel lucky? Well do ya, punk?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

The biggest advantage the GAE has is it doesn’t give a rat’s ass about its people, or any people for that matter, with the possible exception of the Juice. And then, maybe only the more upper class ones.

2 months ago

I’m not into the jew thing. But it sounds very Jewish.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Tykebomb
2 months ago

Definitely a Jew thing, but the Jewish hostile takeover of America (and thus the West) has allowed scheming whites to rise as well. The culture of the American elite is ostensibly Jewish at this point. The managerial class has a Jewish ethos. It’s not surprising that some whites thrive in the culture. But the vast majority of whites don’t.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 months ago

Torah and Talmud- the written Constitutions of that culture- are rules piled upon rules, the infamous bureaucratic pile of regulations called Mosaic law. The regulations must, as in MUST, all be complied with as God’s commands. Even if contradictory or conditions changed. What is to be done? The biggest part of the writings is how to recognize, yet get around this haphazard mess. Since religion is the expression of what is within a people, their natural bent, the constant clever workarounds are the preeminent aspect of this type of thought, taught since the child first begins to speak. Culturally, they… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

Also, a second comment. Citizen’s idea- that our elites are a breakaway parallel culture with a Jewish ethos- struck me while reading about the Black Nobility. The Black Nobility are the medieval families of Europe centered about the Vatican, portrayed as the bosses of the Rothschilds and Chabad. (The Rome of Revelation’s Jerusalem and Rome thrones of the Antichrist.) The question that vexes me is how much chicken, how much egg. Who are the OG, the Original Gangsters? Jack Dobson’s Judeo-Puritan Question- who influences who- is a mirrored by the “Milners”, British AngloSaxon imperialists whose vision was either pitched to… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

Well, we know that European nobility had been using – and been used by – Jews for a very long time. The Jews collected the taxes, thus drawing the direct heat from the peasants. In addition, the nobility would borrow from the Jews to fund wars or whatever. This benefited the nobleman. And if the Jews got a bit uppity or the peasants started getting too mad or the nobleman couldn’t pay back the loan, he’d just kick them out. He held the ultimate power. The Jews, of course, got something out of the deal as well. They got a… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

One must hand it to the small hats for their cleverness. For instance the Eruv provides a partial out from Sabbath restrictions against work. Within that symbolic wall they can carry objects on the Sabbath. Whether that wall is around a village or even a fairly large area of New York City.

Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Tykebomb
2 months ago

These are people who always look for a way to slither around the rules by playing word games to evade the spirit behind the written rules.

Or as it was put by a 20th century philosopher:

Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again.

Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
2 months ago

Outsiders were let into the country and given equal social status. That’s really all there is to it. It is socially invalid to say, “That person is a Jew. He is an outsider. His identity is different from ours. His words should be treated as poison.”. No we have to accept him as our social equal. This is the foundational lie of America. This is the seed of America’s destruction. And it’s not just Jews. It’s any outside identity being given equal social status.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mr. Burns
2 months ago

Good point. However, the Other no longer enjoys mere equality but instead preference. This is a logical inversion.

2 months ago

In every aspect of life, clever schemers are either crafting documents that conceal their intent or they are reinterpreting commonly understood words and phrases so they can claim some new intent behind the words. This is driven not just by a disrespect for the intent behind the words, but a disregard for the very idea of rules. The redefinition of commonly understood words by leftists has been one of their greatest rhetorical tools against bedazzled “conservatives”. As the late Lawrence Auster wrote, it is absolutely important, in any serious discussion on a subject, to define certain terms – especially those… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 months ago

Powell was such a remarkable gentleman–fearless, great intellect, educated and erudite. People two standard deviations below his IQ would kick him out of the present day British National Party, let alone the “Conservatives,” for “hate.” In a perfect world, a towering monument to him would be placed in his equivalent of Trafalgar Square. In this world, Trafalgar’s monument will be removed at some point.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

And, yes, that interview took place fifty years ago, which is depressing to consider.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago


You’re correct about Powell. He was truly a good man, and a towering intellect. It is a great shame that, even in 1976, he faced an uphill battle.

Here’s a very short one from 1993 (five years or so before he died). Note, he is older and much slower, but there is not a hint of apology or submission or regret. Notably, when pressed to condemn “thugs” who like his views, he doesn’t throw them under the bus:

God bless him.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 months ago

“I can’t control who will come to a public meeting.”


Thanks for those clips.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

It is depressing. If someone like Powell had no chance 50 years ago, what chance is there now? Less than none. It’s been over for a long time. I don’t know what the future holds, but I don’t see Victory in it.

Reply to  Fakeemail
2 months ago

Redemption can take a really long time.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

Powell was the Empire’s Augustine, and rightly deserves to be called a saint.
Saint Enoch!

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
2 months ago

Maybe the start of the decline was the “penumbras formed by emanations” clause in William O. Douglas’ majority opinion in the 1965 Griswold case. The people that run the country wanted to send women into the workforce to cut wages and increase profits. Hence, legalized contraception, then abortion in 1973, in which the Roe decision quoted Griswold. Douglas was a degenerate in his personal life, so it was fitting he wrote the lies. 1965 also was the year of the open-borders law, LBJ’s Great Society, escalating the Vietnam War, etc. The birth rate went from 4.0 in the 1950s to… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 months ago

Omigosh. That was it, the neutron bomb of all things feminism, wasn’t it. The enshrinement, the star that lit the way.

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
2 months ago

Halfway expect something in the way of an “AVG” or “American Volunteer Group” for Ukraine as was done for China in 1940-41. Better known as “The Flying Tigers”, they were active service members of the USAAF, USMC, & US Navy who resigned their U.S. commissions to serve in the Chinese Air Force flying against the Japanese. Some of these guys became world famous & you’ve heard of them: Robert L Scott, Gregory “Pappy” Boyington, John Allison, & Walter “Tex” Hill, to name a few.

Probably the world’s most famous group of mercenaries. Things were of course better organized back then.

Last edited 2 months ago by duttchmn007
Reply to  duttchmn007
2 months ago

Claire Chennault

Reply to  Federalist
2 months ago

Unit recruiter & commander. Those guys were making serious bank; if memory serves the base pay was like $650 a month (in 1941 $$; about $13,864.37 in 2024 $) + a bonus ($500 in gold) for every Japanese aircraft confirmed shot down.

Last edited 2 months ago by duttchmn007
Reply to  duttchmn007
2 months ago

That is a perfect example of using the letter of the law to violate the spirit of the law.

Oddly, their military careers and benefits didn’t end; more still, some carried on in that half-state as military intelligence.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  duttchmn007
2 months ago

One Pappy Boyington was worth more than every fighter pilot in AINO’s air force.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

Always – & barely – one step ahead of a USMC court martial. He was a hard drinking, skirt chasing, barroom brawler. After the AVG he had to fight the Marine Corps to establish him @ his old rank, then fought the attempt to put him on the bench because of his advance age (hence the nickname “Pappy”). Through subterfuge & audacity he begged/borrowed/stole both aircraft & pilots for his fighter squadron VMF 214, aka “The Black Sheep”. While the higher ups wanted to see him hang, they couldn’t ignore his squadron’s success. He was bold & it showed. After… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by duttchmn007
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  duttchmn007
2 months ago

I wonder if, in an inebriated moment, Conrad ever dared Boyington to knock off that copper-top…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

Better than the pan-gendered Ghost Of Keev?!?! Don’t be silly!😂 👍

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Filthie
2 months ago

I think you left a few “Es” out of Keeeeev…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  duttchmn007
2 months ago

If I’m not mistaken, there were active duty US personnel in Europe (UK) assisting in “their” war effort, well before the Anime Club visited Pearl Harbor. Fair enough I suppose, since evne with my sketchy knowledge of history I know the U-Boats were sinking American civilian ships while were were officially neutral.

Reply to  duttchmn007
2 months ago

The story of ‘Herman the German’ (AKA Gerhard Neumann) tied in with these guys is truly fascinating! Ended up as a VP of General Electric in charge of development of their high bypass turbofans.

2 months ago

In law enforcement, particularly in big cities, there aren’t enough LEOs to catch all the criminals so they must resort to making a very public example of taking down a few bad guys in order to dissuade others that may be similarly inclined. This technique is a form of group behavior modification and it is similarly applied in many societal venues, some of which are nefarious in their intent. For example, systematic lying can spread like a cancer. One could argue that the pathogens responsible for destroying Western civilization are engaged in mass scale behavior modification in service to their… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 months ago

Routine and vigorous culling of elements that endanger the herd is Nature’s way.
Ultimately, it keeps a check on overpopulation and its dangers too.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TomA
2 months ago

A horse head in Blinken’s bed wouldn’t go amiss…

2 months ago

Civilized people talk— they disarm themselves, in effect. Having no defense against liars, by restricting themselves to playing the liar’s game, they become subject to liars. But they ceased to be free from the moment they disarmed.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 months ago

Iow, if talk is the last resort, you’re in trouble.

Last edited 2 months ago by Paintersforms
2 months ago

The perverted and inverted legal and judicial system in this country is an absolute F-ing joke. The law books need to be burned in their entirety (along with the tricksters and parseltongues) and begun again from scratch with something old fashioned called common sense.

Mitchell Lange
Mitchell Lange
2 months ago

How many ways can Z-man describe the litigious mindset of oligarchic Jews without saying the word Jew?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mitchell Lange
2 months ago

You want this site to get cancelled?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

Zman can’t be cancelled, in case you haven’t noticed yet.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stephanie
2 months ago

Why not?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
2 months ago

Taken to its (il-)logical extreme, the Administrative State probably results in something like a Soviet Union especially in its declining decades (which was most of them.) They had a written constitution and a system of laws. Yet these were routinely ignored and (I suppose) reinterpreted as the needs of the moment required. There were curious exceptions such as recounted in the non-fiction (?) writings of Solzhenitsyn: a prisoner well versed in the law could demand a certain amount of daily bread stipulated by law. Or Bukovsky with his accounts of prisoners using processes of complaint or appeal to gum up the… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 months ago

Because they are always seeking out heretics to their everchanging rules and peculiarities so even their piss ant guards had to be careful because they may be low on targets and need a convenient example to showcase.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 months ago

Oh, and Jesus did the same thing regarding ‘rules and laws’. Turn the other cheek is about making them break their own laws and rules, not Jesus being a kind-hearted pacifist. Stupid hippies.

2 months ago

Regarding the F-16s, a scheme to land them in Ukraine, arm them, and take off again to attack Russia is not going to work because the F-16 intake requires antiseptically clean runways (a couple of pebbles can blow up the engine) and those don’t exist in the Ukraine…So they would need to be based and armed in Poland or Rumania, and those bases would be hit by Russian missiles….,

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  pyrrhus
2 months ago

Yes, baiting Russia into attacking F-16s on NATO bases and howling about Article V seems to be the plan.

The problem is that the Russian air defenses and long range air-to-air missiles are good enough to swst away piecemeal F-16 sorties without touching another NATO country.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
2 months ago

The Clinton thing was used by the liberal media to overshadow a lot more of his grand jury testimony which was far more damning. It’s an Ur-“but I did eat breakfast this morning” moment. Clinton actually split it into two questions. He asked if “is” referred only to the present moment (1), or covered all past cases and time (2). Sort of like, “is there a Mona Lisa?” Well, yes, there is one right at this moment, but the meaning is far more expansionist than that than merely ostensive definition. He believed that if someone asked him on Tuesday if… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Arthur Metcalf
2 months ago

here is lindsy graham telling you everything you need to know about why the west instigated this war to remove the ukrainian people from ukraine in one minute.–Ukraine-ist-eine-Goldmine,-die-wir-Putin-nicht-%C3%BCberlassen-d%C3%BCrfen:3

2 months ago

“These are people who always look for a way to slither around the rules by playing word games to evade the spirit behind the written rules. These are people who can talk themselves into anything because they are sure they can talk their way out of anything.’

This is the culmination of a THOROUGHLY Judaized society.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 months ago

Jack and others yesterday pointed out the proliferation of Regulations and Administrative Law. These cannot be emphasized enough. Even if you think you’re abiding by the “law”, there’s doubtless some regulation you’re violating. So we have a permanent bureaucracy and ALJs that can make your life and business perfectly miserable too, even if you don’t get into explicit “legal trouble”.

2 months ago

Zman, I must protest and defend my home. The Clinton’s had nothing whatsoever to do with the Ozarks!! Hope, Arkansas is in the southwest flatlands of the state. We made a pit stop there on our first trip through Arkansas, and were greeted by the sight of hijabed females. No such thing up in the hills and hollers, at least as of yet. As with any place, just avoid the cities – Bentonville in the northwest which Walmart has flooded with subcons, Eureka Springs with its sexual degenerates. The only mosques and synagogues in the state are in the northwest… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 months ago

Dafudge?! Hijabs in Hope?

Dammit, 3g, my paternal grandmother’s family farm was in Hope!
Dads and his brothers were raised there!

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
2 months ago

> As a result, empires may simply select for the sorts of people who eventually subvert the host.

“If I don’t subvert this empire, somebody will.”

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 months ago

The George Soros philosophy.

2 months ago

I know some people have thought they had won there battle with cancer only to have it return a year or two later and kill them in a few months. I know that happened to roosh’s sister. Is it possible that Bill Clinton was that kind of remission head fake. In the 90s, it was thought that Bill Clinton was moving the party to the center and willing to concede certain things to Republicans like doma and welfare reform. In hindsight, it was just the democratic party mutating/metastasizing into something worse than the dopey liberalism of McGovern or Mondale ever… Read more »

2 months ago

Speaking of lies, they’re going the Full Brezhnev with Chomo Joe and not even bothering to pretend anymore.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 months ago

I think they are withholding his medications with the intent to replace him due to “new” health complications. It is amazing to watch play out.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

Yeah, they are smashing the panic button. Expect a Fake and Gay repeat of the 1860 Democratic Convention in ChiCongo this summer, as Joe does his best James Buchanan impression and the various factions knife each other in the back over the successor. I have been predicting a party splits before the “election” for a while now, and right now the Democrats are leading the race. The Vichy Republicans can always be counted on to be good little lapdogs and bolt first though.

Last edited 2 months ago by Pickle Rick
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 months ago

Vichy’s reaction to the Democratic implosion is the funniest aspect. They don’t know which group needs to be pleased with a good Reach Across the Aisle!

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

Dang, I thought you said Reach-Around

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

Same deal in this case.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

The Brandon entity has fended off the attacks for a long time, starting with their choice of VP. Yet, there is stuff that is coming out now can realistically only be coming from that entity, and just putting him out in public where he can make a fool of himself is part of that. I still think the RNC is going to manuever to replace Trump on the ballot with “Nikki” Haley (there’s a reason she’s still out there quasi-campaigning) but I doubt there is anyone within the Dem blob that they could all coalesce behind. Definitely not Kamala –… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mycale
2 months ago

I think there is, or at least was, a tacit understanding that Trump would be yanked and then Biden, and the public would be sold it as a fair result. “See, we both decided to do the right thing!” The Trump conviction and upcoming imprisonment have not yielded the intended results. It’s all good, as far as I am concerned, because public support of the Regime cannot crater enough. I honestly believe that if 911 was replayed today there would be as much domestic celebration as there would be rage, and that would not have been conceivable even a decade… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

“…Trump would be yanked and then Biden,…”

Aww, schmidt. Schmidt schmidt schmidt. Didn’t see that one comin’.

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

If another 911 occurred today, I would lament the loss of innocent civilian life but heartily cheer the damage done to the BFE in general. As you say, this pose would have been unthinkable for me 10 years ago.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

It’s possible. I could easily see the Dems and Republicans getting together and saying, “we are getting rid of Orange Man Bad and Senile Joe for the good of the country, here is Gavin vs. “Nikki.” In fact that might be the only way that either of them get replaced. Although, if that happens, it has to be soon. I, too, agree that it would likely crater support for the regime and I am quite fine with that.

Reply to  Mycale
2 months ago

If Kamala can get by with less than 1%, so can Nikki Tikki Tavi.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

Unless she comes up against “None of the Above.” Had her number in Nevada.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 months ago

That’s almost scarier than any horror film.

2 months ago

they quickly arrived at a point where clever tricksters like Albert Speer were able to rise to senior positions

Kind of calls into question his post-war recollections of Uncle Adi…

2 months ago

There’s the smart set in the world that think that words have power. We saw it back in the Saddam days where they all sat together and said “We took a vote and you are bad and it must stop.” Saddam continued to put people in industrial shredders and his sons continued to rape. The smart set sent another letter, etc… I’m reminded of the hashtag diplomacy of Michelle Obama #bring back our girls. Your hubby had at his disposal countless military options, but… You see it now with Trump. All the smart set wanted was to be able to… Read more »

Reply to  JaG
2 months ago

You apparently bought into the neocon bs about Saddam.

Clayton Barnett
2 months ago

When it comes to respect for the law, I still enjoy Dr Wilhelm Stuckart standing up to Heydrich and the rest at Wannsee.

Evil Sandmich
2 months ago

This seems to be an end point of managerialism

Probably since as of yet no one has yet figured out a way to incorporate “entropy management” into their political philosophy, if such a thing is even possible (I’d like to think so).

2 months ago

[…] ZMan sounds the alarm. […]


There seems to be an awful lot of slithering happening on Capitol Hill…and probably has been the main thing since FDR…