Forgotten Fakery

I was unsure what to do for a show this week. The nonstop firehose of craziness from the political class has fried my brain a bit. That and the events of the last week have broken the gauge on my clown meter. The absurdity of the Kamala Harris campaign on the heels of Nursing Home Joe getting bumped off in a midnight coup highlights the utter fakeness of our politics.

Instead of trying to make any sense of it, I just turned the mic on and started talking for an hour in a drug fueled stream of consciousness. Okay, there were no drugs involved, even though drugs would make it easier to follow the election. Instead, I meandered around from one topic to another, all revolving around the fact that our politics have been fake and gay for a long time.

In fact, I was going to call the show “Fake & Gay” but that ran into problems with the platforms I post this to, so I went with something less salty. That is, however, the prevailing sentiment of the show. It is not just that things are fake now, but they have been fake for a long time. What we are seeing now is the approach to peak fakeness, which most likely comes just before collapse.

That said, whenever we think we have reach to limit of absurdity in our politics, our rulers find another gear. That seems to be true with the fakery. Obama seemed like the ultimate model of the banal, superficial politician. Now here we have Harris who is nothing but a cackle and pantsuit. She is the DEI version of Hilary, which means a cheap replica of the real thing, but in brown.

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This Week’s Show


  • Introduction
  • Fakeness Of Our Politics
  • Mentacide
  • Kurt Schmoke
  • Obama
  • Pitchmen & Carnies
  • Joe Biden
  • Kamala Harris
  • The Coming Election

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1 month ago

Obama has handlers like every other politician. The guy really isn’t impressive and doesn’t sound intelligent. He got elected because Dems found a black man who didn’t speak ebonics, and Whites thought they would get into Heaven by proving they weren’t racist and voting for a Black man.

Reply to  NateG
1 month ago

“I mean, you got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” — Joe Biden

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago

Joe Biden: “They’re gonna put y’all back in chains!”
Joe Biden: :”If you’re black and you don’t vote for me, you’re not black.”

Ok, Joe, I get it: I can tell you are down with the brothers.

What I don’t get is the brothers being down with him. Pandering and Pleading 101, from a dude who would get hives if his skin rubbed against an actual negro, yet they vote for him.

Hopeless people.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

Have you seen them? Look at their neighborhoods, how they behave, how they dress. They’re worse than animals.

Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

I can’t stand Joe Biden, but if he doesn’t want to be around negroes either I might have to give him a second look.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago

When you look at the Venereal Disease statistics, you’d have to be a literal retard to consent to receiving a Kamala BJ.

comment image

Do you suppose Hillary ever even gave a man a BJ?

Both Kamala & Hillary have great big nasty sharp buck teeth; not good for BJs.

Not good at all.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 month ago

“Do you suppose Hillary ever even gave a man a BJ?”

Yes, to Michelle.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago

Some j00, named “Zitner”, has a piece at the Wall Street Journal, about how “America’s New Political War Pits Young Men Against Young Women”

Gee, ya think, Massa J00?

It’s certainly not as though your race has invested trillions of dollars over the last century & a half in order to create this “New Political War”.

Ow-Schwitz II, the sequel, simply cannot be released to theaters near you soon enough.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  NateG
1 month ago

He had about 25 cliches at his disposal. I never heard him say one original thing. I never heard a novel turn of phrase. I never heard a single difficult word. he was and is a stupido who probably doesn’t even know how the world of power works.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 month ago

Yeah, but he had to think really hard about what to say before he said it. That means he’s smart, right?

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 month ago

It’s why him and Justin Trudope up north got along so well.

Tars Tarkus
Reply to  NateG
1 month ago

Don’t forget black turnout. In Philly they ran “feel good” stories of elderly black people voting for the first time in their lives.

Reply to  NateG
1 month ago

Everything is relative. You must look at pre-President Obama as compared to his Black caucus in Congress. Obama stood out. He knew how to speak to Whites—rather than simply grunt Ebonics to Blacks, hell he was grifting Whites for over a decade prior in Chicago. He knew how *not* to be threatening. When he became President, he had the last laugh. As to cliches and think time, I never got a hint of that when I listened to his smaller of the cuff discussions with crowds. However, I admit to not listening much to him as listening to Leftists just… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  NateG
1 month ago

Barney O’Bama was meant by God to be a news reader or ad pitchman. Back when the Onion was funny and non-partisan, they did a “story” showing BO eating breakfast with Michelle and the kids, reading his fatherly remarks off a teleprompter.

Ostei Kozelski
Reply to  NateG
1 month ago

Precisely. In AINO, voting for a negro is an indulgence for white people.

1 month ago

First Rule of Clown World for the win: No matter how fake and gay you think it’s going to be, it’s always so much faker and gayer. Times like this, I’m reminded that the Roman Empire had centuries of fake and gay in it before it collapsed. We need a whole lot of “decades in a week.”

Reply to  Severian
1 month ago

When do we get our own tranny Emperor?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RDittmar
1 month ago

We had a tranny First Lady. She might be elevated to Empress if things get rough for Harris.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

The word on the street is Michelle Obama is the best man for the job.

Reply to  RDittmar
1 month ago

I’m guessing Admiral Big Dick Levine.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Severian
1 month ago

That would be massive. Given that we await the FNG singularity, like Linus in the garden awaiting the Great Pumpkin, a Harris/Levine ticket would resolve the “end of history” question. And we’d be there! The Event Horizon!

Sadly it appears that the puppet masters don’t want another “exotic” as Veep. A boring white guy is required. Of course the Dems are running short on boring white guys. They’ll have to re-stock.

addendum: OMG, it just occurred to me: David French. Seriously, a Harris/French ticket would kick ass. Maybe not as FNG as Levine, but still, massive, tubular even.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

Mark Kelly is the easy, obvious choice. His MIC bonafides will attract some nevertrumper support. The stated reservation about the Ds putting his AZ senate seat should not deny him. They’ve got the steal down to a science in AZ.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

That’s for sure. We live in Arizona. In 2020 my wife and I happened onto and joined a Trump train (caravan) that required 2 hour and 45 minutes to pass a given point. A few weeks before Biden and Harris had made an appearance in Phoenix that was attended only by reporters even though it was open to the public. Zero attendees.

No worries: Biden won the fortified vote.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
1 month ago

Hope you are doing well Brother..

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  RDittmar
1 month ago

By happenstance, I recently finished Family Favorites, a novel about Elagabalus written by Alfred Duggan. And I’m pretty sure I heard the name Duggan over at Sev’s HQ, which is a notorious music blog. The novel is fantastic, and includes references to the Galli of Cybele and the Spintrians (see Suetonius, the Life of Tiberius).

I find it extremely interesting that with the rise of the New Secular Religion Cult we also see the resurrection of ancient religious hallmarks such as gelding men in service of goddesses.

Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
1 month ago

Alfred Duggan produced some really good stuff and is sadly under appreciated today. Might have been me mentioning him with reference to Conscience of the King.

His brother Hubert Duggan was an interesting character, too.

Ostei Kozelski
Reply to  Zaphod
1 month ago

Yeah, I’m diggin’ on Duggan.

David Wright
Reply to  Severian
1 month ago

I nominate Severian to do an all encompassing “The Fake and Gay History of the World” three volume set. You know, something even more pertinent than anything Paul Johnson has done.

Reply to  Severian
1 month ago

Great point, I have often considered this many times myself. Even the “collapse” of Rome (usually given as 476 A.D.) is an artificial, post hoc event defined by historians looking backwards. From the perspective of a contemporary Roman, all they did was shift the imperial capital to Constantinople, where the empire continued for another thousand years.

So it’s possible the fake and gay U.S. can continue almost indefinitely.

On the other hand… the Austro-Hungarian, Romanov, German and Soviet empires collapsed practically overnight.

So you really never can tell for sure.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

One way or the other, the present velocity of information will determine whether it is fast or slow. That is the primary difference, I think, from the past examples. It also explains why the Regime seeks so desperately to control the new channels of information.

Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

Sometimes, it is hard not to think that the GAE’s capital effectively moved overseas, maybe the Levant? decades ago.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 month ago

People used to note the strange prominence of KEEEEEEEEV in American politics, in Ashkenazi mythology, in Western imperial machinations—the Soviet government was West-imposed, too—and in globohomo’s self-image. Initiation into Ukrainian corruption was finishing school for American boomer politicians’ kids. Why? Why was every white hooker in ’90s America from the Ukraine? We used to wonder. Then Putin joined the war and everyone forgot a century of foreshadowing.

Ostei Kozelski
Reply to  RealityRules
1 month ago

At minimum, it does have two capitals, one largely symbolic, the other very tangible.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

Rome wasn’t even the capital in the Western empire at the end, it was moved to Ravenna

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Mr. House
1 month ago

And the “Roman” empire survived until 1453 when the Turks took Constantinople. I look at the GAE; will it survive? Sure, if it relocates to places like Davos or Auckland. In our age you can run the Empire from anywhere. It’s not like anyone will drop a nuke on Switzerland or New Zealand.

Reply to  Mr. House
1 month ago

Right. But they still considered themselves “Romans.”

Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

their plan is to move empire’s HQ to middle east, assuming they succeed regime changing iran.

At the moment, that sounds impossible, but much crazier shit have happened in this world. Vance said he wants zio-sunni alliance against Iran.

Last edited 1 month ago by sentry
Reply to  sentry
1 month ago

The zio-sunni alliance is called the petrodollar.

On that point, Friday nights (the Muslim “Sunday”) is devoted to religious spectacles of suffering and torture in the stadiums. Islam, like the Aztecs, is what happens when habiru sagaz don’t have a white boot on their neck. Fk the vicious, conniving Gulf emirs and their rape culture.

(Aztecs were a proto-Mesopotamian strain that came along with Quetzalcoatl like rats on a ship.

Habiru sagaz: the Egyptian name for jews. “From across the river, cutthroats”)

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

The ‘British’ Empire transferred the capital from London to DC if you ask me. Modernity is all about innovation and revolution— being ‘disruptive’, as they say, as if it’s a virtue. It ain’t lasting another thousand years. I’d argue the point is to destroy itself!

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

This is the question: A sudden collapse, or a long sunset period? Without external challenges, an empire can deteriorate slowly and even show intermittent, illusory signs of recovery. As late as 395, the year Theodosius died, the Roman Empire would still have been seen from the outside as a cohesive and formidable entity. Yet seen from the inside (had any contemporary had the historical perspective we have), the Empire had lost its original “Roman” character by 250 or thereabouts. It had devolved – like the GAE – into a system of internal plunder by armies and tax collectors. Yet it… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Steve W
Ostei Kozelski
Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

The USSR imploded very quickly, too. On the other hand, America has already been collapsing for around 60 years, so this situation may be sui generis.

Reply to  Severian
1 month ago

Speaking of fake and gay….I’m sure everyone noticed that the Replacement Biden rolled out yesterday was taller, seemed as vigorous as a 45 yo, and acted totally unlike the departed President Biden who got crushed in the debate…

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 month ago

Dementia patients have good and bad days, of which nobody controls other than God. A sudden massive improvement might ironically indicate that death is near.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

Dementia doesn’t cause several inches difference in height, sorry.

Jill is 5’6″. Joe is listed as 6’0″. The Joe speaking outside was estimated as 6’8″. (One wag calls him “the Chinballs Joe”, due to a markedly cleft chin.)

Jill, ever by his side, suddenly decided to jaunt to Paris on or near the day of his fateful decision?

We’re up to at least 8 versions of Joe now. Who needs AI?

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

I can’t tell how tall someone is from a photo until I see if he’s standing on anything. Life is just easier when I’m not looking for every conspiracy theory to be true.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

6’8″ is just crazy tall. Perhaps Joe’s height grow when he lies in a sort of Pinocchio effect?

flashing red
flashing red
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

Also the fact that Joe no longer has to be juiced up for public appearances, maybe the remainder of the drugs are being slowly flushed out/

1 month ago

Glad you also took umbrage with the Duran thinking Obama is the puppet master haha Sometimes you just gotta roll your eyes at the naiveté

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Lakelander
1 month ago

A few commentors here from time to time pretend Obama (or any political puppet) have independent agency.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

There are a large number of skeptical Americans who nevertheless think Obama is some kind of mastermind. That some also believe his husband Michele will be some kind of unstoppable black Hillary never ceases to puzzle me.

Reply to  Geo. Orwell
1 month ago

Same folk who prattle on about unstoppable, devious Marxists, and who think Muslims hate us for our freedom.

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

The guy with the stutter as you say, has a very troubled and somewhat interesting past. Not to say he doesn’t have something to contribute as far as Ukraine-Russia war information.

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

“The guy with the stutter as you say, has a very troubled and somewhat interesting past.”

was he george michael’s neighbour?

i hope you don’t mean acts of corruption, the guy lives in london, what do you expect?

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

You’re absolutely right! But seriously, the guy used to wear a wig. A powdered one, but then he literally got disbarred. Didn’t know anything about him before now. I thought he just had Tourette’s.

Last edited 1 month ago by Tom K
Reply to  Tom K
1 month ago

I find Mercouris’s talks unwatchable, not because of his stutter, but because he seldom has anything useful to say. In 70 minutes of speaking he might deliver 5 minutes of information. The other Alexander–Christofouru–is pretty much the same but without the stutter. I tried watching them for a couple of months and just gave up.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

In defense of The Duran, they offer fantastic insights regarding geopolitics, especially on the endless proxy wars waged by GAE. When it comes to US politics, it’s one of their weaker areas. However they had an interesting conversation with Robert Barnes yesterday, so check it out and you’ll get a more American perspective on our current clown show. Barnes has intriguing things to say about the Biden puppet show.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

Sometimes I get hopeful they are using the term, “neocon,” for another problem group to get past the censors. That is probably misplaced. On the other hand, there is a ton of noticing happening in the comments on The Duran’s videos. I’m honestly surprised YouTube has allowed those to stay up. Of the two I prefer Alex C (beard guy). Alex M’s accent is not my favorite, and he is not as intelligent as he thinks he is. Alex C has his own channel so I usually watch that. That said, the walk and talks + online store are a… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

I have a feeling Mercouris is more intelligent than you (think you) are.
His accent — his fine pronunciation — is welcome and a pleasure to hear.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lakelander
1 month ago

The idea that a lazy, poof like Obama is some Machiavellian mastermind manipulating things from behind the scenes is absurd. He was an empty suit elevated by the usual suspects when he was president. What makes people think that he’s anything different now.

Of course, Obama, being the shallow narcissist that he is, probably believes that he is that figure, but believing something doesn’t make it so.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Of course, Obama, being the shallow narcissist that he is, probably believes that he is that figure, but believing something doesn’t make it so.

As a case in point, Obama apparently believed he had influence in who came after Biden. The man apparently never had the clarity to see he is nothing more than a glorified lawn jockey for the ruling class, and certainly his narcissism prevents an acknowledgment that he is a has-been now. The apparatchiks who handled him are more likely to know they are being purged.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Obama does have some influence, obviously not as much as he thought, as he can’t get rid of Kamala. Yes Obama is a dumb actor but the people he is jockeying for power with are just a group of tards who think they are the smartest people to ever live. It isn’t like he is some remarkably dumb outlier in Democratic politics.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

A lawn jockey that looks like Obama would be awesome! In Pushmataha County, Oklahoma, no one would get their panties in a wad. The locals would probably just ask me where I got it.

Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
1 month ago

In a convenience store in a very small town not far from me, they sell Hillary chew toys for dogs.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

I got a Biden one for my dog. Tell him to ‘get Joe’ and he knows which toy to grab lol.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
1 month ago

And yet I recall a rodeo clown getting fired and cancelled for using a dummy that looked like BO as a prop for the bulls. As much as I hate to say it, I think most of rural AINO collapses like a K-Mart pup tent in a twister whenever the Leftist Power Structure applies the least bit of pressure to it. Viz the Boy Scouts, as well.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

The fact that Obama IS a shallow narcissist who does believe he is that figure is what makes him so useful to those same usual suspects. When you look at someone like Hillary Clinton, I think it is obvious that she does want a say, she does want that power, she wants to exercise that power, but Obama is quite happy to look good in a suit, hang out with celebrities, and bask in the adulation of the media and the proles. You saw this in his 2008 campaign but it never really stopped (for example, I always thought the… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

One hundred percent. Z mentioned it the other day, but a new phenomenon is diversity hires who actually believe they are qualified (put aside entitled). One of Harris’ revolving staff actually blamed white men for not “positioning her for success.” See, it was in no way her fault!

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

She Vice President of the United States. How much more “positioned for success” can she be? At some point, you have to produce results…. (that latter point being the incomprehensible part to them)

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago

Results be raciss.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago

The VP isn’t even a job with actual responsibilities, unless the President decides to give you actual responsibilities. By all accounts the Biden entity did not give her responsibilities, save for one (some sort of “border czar”). She was so bad at it, though, that the media is now lying to pretend she never actually had that responsibility. Her one job was just to stay alive (assassination insurance) and not be an idiot who gives bad press to the WH. She failed at even that, though, as her office was a wasteland of incompetence, turnover, and chatty gossip to the… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Which, you know, might be the best thing that could happen at this point in our country’s history.

It is going to be hell on earth, but it has to happen some time and I suspect you are right this would be the trigger. As we have seen with the current clown, these pricks are not hesitant to put us at risk of nuclear annihilation for feelz and profits. The economic deprivation certain to accompany a Harris Administration may make nuclear winter seem appealing.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago

I haven’t noticed any point recently where results have to be produced, at least positive ones.

Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Him (or more likely some recent college grad on his staff) picking brackets has been a useful service to the gambling public since 2009. I believe he’s only got the winner right once or twice in all that time (and those were with huge pre-tourney favorites), so it is always helpful to make sure he doesn’t have your winning team.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Completely agree, Citizen.

The anons who comment that “Obama is behind all of this!” ge my automatic reply that that guy couldn’t navigate his way out of a paper bag, in the daytime, with a compass and a flashlight.

I mean Geezus, the lack of critical thinking to believe that BHO is behind any of this is just stunning in its idiocy.

OK, I have said my peace. Again.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Carrie
1 month ago

All the same, it remains a fact that most former Presidents don’t make DC their home base. Reportedly visitors come and go at all hours. Obama probably isn’t the secret power behind the throne, but isn’t it likely that he’s still a player in the Byzantine politics of Washington?

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

I believe Obama is the only President to have remained in DC.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Snooze
1 month ago

Woodrow Wilson also remained in Washington DC after he left office.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

On the other hand, Ed Dutton believes Obama has a very high IQ, or so he claims in a recent YT.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Geo. Orwell
1 month ago

Well, Ed Dutton is a stupid and useless piece of shit, so take that with a grain of salt.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

And you’ve read Ed Dutton? Can you actually cite something to such effect? Or are ad hominem attacks all you can come up with these days? What happened to Sailor?

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Geo. Orwell
1 month ago

I don’t doubt that Barry is intelligent, but he is ignorant, shallow, self-centered and lazy.

Last edited 1 month ago by Zulu Juliet
(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Geo. Orwell
1 month ago

Its high for an African, his mother was white (but clearly dumb) so he had a much better start than most other American blacks

I would guess maybe IQ 95 on a good day

Reply to  (((They))) Live
1 month ago

Doubtful. You obviously not been in close contact with such people. Obama is most likely at least a SD above the average (IMO), with a great ability in the language arts. This might make him a midwit, but definitely not a below average intellect. Before being president he was quite adept at gaming the system for grants and working the Black poverty grift and of course was a graduate of elite high schools and universities. I’ll leave out Obama’s law degree as at that time AA was beginning to take hold with a vengeance. No one can completely trust that… Read more »

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Perhaps you’ve heard the stories about a certain Hawaii union organizer/communist/amateur photographer named Frank Marshall Davis? Zero looks much more like him than his named on the birth certificate father. of course the birth cert. could be fake too.

Reply to  Tom K
1 month ago

None of what you said changes the assertion I made regarding *how* to estimate (broadly, there are equations and such) of Obama’s IQ. Yes, if you change his father, then you change input variables.

Hell, if he was not born in the USA, then he should have not been President at all…but as repeatedly stated, we are now a lawless society and the end of such is quite predictable. Bush II, then Obama, then Trump, followed by Biden, now Harris are simply symptoms, not the cause. In that light, Obama’s IQ is an “academic exercise” and pretty meaningless.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

You seem to have a detailed knowledge here. Thus, I’m surprised that you seem to have bungled regression to the mean and its implication for heritability of traits, IQ in this example. Indeed, race has nothing to do with it, at least not directly. Let’s pretend both the parents were of the same race. That race has a mean IQ of 100. Very well, now you tell me that in this case both parents were +1 SD which would be about IQ = 115. The naïve will think that having two bright (or even genius) parents will make it likely… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

There was no implication of race having to do with anything—per se. It is a IQ proxy and was mentioned/intimated by the immediate commenter I responded to. We often say that US Blacks have an average IQ of 85, Whites have an average IQ as standardize upon 100. This seems to be declining and we see a lot of White European countries as being around 98 or so. But those are simply quibbles for the purposes of the argument. Regression to the mean is often discussed as an explanation why two high IQ parents produce offspring higher in than normal… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

If “language arts” means “reading words written by someone else from a teleprompter with understandable diction and few mistakes”, yes, Obama is skilled in the language arts.

Reply to  Geo. Orwell
1 month ago

Dorks are the audience for “articulate.”

We all have our weaknesses.

Reply to  Geo. Orwell
1 month ago

Ed Dutton has *estimated* Obama’s IQ as a thought experiment as he does any number of other celebrities. Whether Obama is very intelligent or not is beside the point. It’s the process and thought behind the estimation technique(s) he uses. This has been done by another in the field of HBD. I believe Peter Frost has done this numerous times (IIR) on his blog. The final result is not the goal, it’s the journey.

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

(My most sincere apologies for once taking a certain tone with Compsci, I deeply regret it, not being fit to shine his shoes.)

That aside, Rush Limbaugh said an Obama simply need take a course called Verbal Advantage.

I see him as a W.E. Dubois or Thomas Sowell, certainly above the mean, but more a crafty midwit level. Again, we forget Negroes are talented in the people skills, not the mechanistic or scientific skills.

A white guy can build the Notre Dame, but a black guy can read people like a map. Whites can’t even read each other.

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

“My most sincere apologies for once taking a certain tone with Compsci, I deeply regret it, not being fit to shine his shoes.)” Geez thanks, I think, but really I can’t even remember an untoward word from you in the past. Indeed, if I see your post, I’m sure to read it carefully. Here’s a story, shamed to relate it, but your post above brings it to mind. When wife and I awhile back purchased new home to retire, we bought, of course, a lot of new furniture. One item we were happy to get rid of was the old… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Compsci
Reply to  Lakelander
1 month ago

Saying Obama pulls the strings buys them cheap narrative points. “See, in America a black man can become the most powerful man in the country”. Not that he’s he just a tool of the billionaire class similar thing with Hakeem Jeffries being integral to Bidens decision and that he had some straight talk with the old man because, he’s you know, a seriously powerful black man in charge of the party. Not that he’s just a token who has no real power of his own on a related note I see some cheap narrative points with the israel thing, that… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

The theories people cling to the most appear to be “Our overlords are all capable of playing 3-D and masters over all of nature”. Nope.
Other news flashes:
-As far as I know nobody on earth is capable of engineering a virus
-Endless money doesn’t win wars
-People don’t control the weather/climate

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

I agree with your points 2 and 3. But viruses can’t be engineered? Now, I’d probably label that claim “mostly true” if by “engineer” you mean that a virus can be created out of raw materials to any intricate specification desired, e.g. perhaps to kill only people of a certain family line. On the other hand, if you allow a broader definition, various types of genetic tinkering have been ongoing for decades in the name of research as well as — perhaps — classified reasons. The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which it’s almost certain you’ve caught at least once, is (almost surely)… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

We can’t engineer a virus. The willingness to believe that we can tinker around with things the scale of non-living chemicals and get a result when we don’t really understand how viruses are even spread is really about wanting humans to have more control than we do.
Proper engineering requires testing and design. We can’t test and we certainly can’t design.
There is an entity that might be smart enough to engineer a virus but it’s not human.

Thomas McLeod
Thomas McLeod
1 month ago

There is NO reality to ANYTHING our government does. The Feds, recently came out with “new” floodplain regulations. I, being a not so Civil Engineer, will have to deal with them on any government contract my firm takes. This is a quote: ‘‘utilize a systematic, interdisciplinary approach which will ensure the integrated use of the natural and social sciences and the environmental design arts in planning and in decision making which may have an impact on man’s environment.’’. This means nothing. It has no basis in reality. It’s like a magic incantation performed at some ancient temple five thousand years… Read more »

Reply to  Thomas McLeod
1 month ago

What this means is that you have to hire some brand new consulting firm made up of vibrants with sociology degrees who will charge you top dollar to make you feel bad for building something on the soil that they say rightfully belongs to the native american they have on staff. I think the prayer to the gods five thousand years ago actually had far more legitimacy than this does.

Reply to  Thomas McLeod
1 month ago

Yea but as long as we keep dealing with it instead of coming together and telling them to eff off they will keep crapping all over us…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Thomas McLeod
1 month ago

Sounds very postmodern. And it is.

1 month ago

While I wait for approval of my other comment, the question with the lawfare against VDARE being now extended to everyone, it was never ever going to stop with Trump, what are dissidents to do? I would suggest the Stalingrad strategy. The Red Army was inferior in 1942 to German artillery, tanks, and aircraft, so they settled for a close in street fight that negated those advantages and started to bleed the German Army of its forces, particularly its officer and non-com leadership via brutal street fighting. The Germans could not bring in their own artillery and tanks and planes… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Re: Delaware Along with Tennessee and Mississippi, Delaware is one of the three remaining states that maintain a “dual” court system with equity courts (chancery courts) and law courts (circuit, etc., courts). The dual court system was universal in all Anglo-American jurisdictions until the last century. Chancy/equity courts in dual systems exclusively handle corporate matters. This is why corporations form in Delaware, or at least did until a Woke judge there took away Elon Musk’s compensation package. Credit card companies and to a lesser extent insurance companies handpick the legislators and by extension the chancellors in Delaware. They have an… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

From the linked article:

At the time, several major banks were already incorporated there because of the state’s Chancery Court, where corporate cases are heard by judges, not juries, and resolved faster. The Chancery Court has long made the state an appealing place for businesses to incorporate for legal benefits. In fact, two-thirds of all publicly traded companies today are incorporated in Delaware, according to the state’s website.

They could have landed anywhere. I don’t know if other governors made similar offers, but the court system sealed the deal.

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

the fact that most credit cards have interest rates around 30% and also the astronomical Payday loan crime family, is a total abomination of our credit laws and consumer protection.

Ralph Nader alluded to the fact that there are many doing time in prison for loan sharking who charged far less egregious rates. Progress.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

Yes. Also note the disparate treatment for payday loans, which are fiercely regulated in some places although they tend to have lower rates.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

An old nickname for Joe Biden was “The Senator from Mastercard.”

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago

He performed that role faithfully for decades which is why he was known as a safe pair of hands and thus fit for higher office.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago

He made student loan debt undischarable in bankruptcy, and then has the nerve to try and charge it all to the taxpayer, such a president!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mr. House
1 month ago

Yep. Anyone with familiarity as to that aspect of the bankruptcy laws realized his “student loan forgiveness” was simply another variation of cost-shifting away to protect his patrons.

Reply to  Mr. House
1 month ago

“He made student loan debt undischarable in bankruptcy”
Don’t be too quick to blame Pedo Joe for that.

The Issue has become a huge deal because of 3 other factors

  1. The lowering of admittion standards .
  2. Outright Federal guarantees to the banks in many cases
  3. The explosion of college admin staff and subsequent costs.

Which has resulted in people who shouldn’t be able to borrow a cent with 6 figures in debt and no visible means of support.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago

Far more accurate than “Scranton Joe.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

But less so than Scrotum Joe…

Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago


Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Illinois has chancery courts as well. My practice is federal (patent; U.S./cross border IP and tech) so I seldom appear there but chancery jurisdiction does exist here FWIW.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  DaBears
1 month ago

Maybe I misunderstood the system, but Cook County (I think it is there) has separated law and equity courts within a unified circuit court system. Maybe the judges don’t have concurrent jurisdictions, dunno, but if so that is the same as the three I mentioned. Thanks.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

I’ve been struggling with a severe bout of regime fatigue for the last two months. I’ve given up trying to predict limits on how ridiculous the regime can get. Think, plan, live, enjoy local to not lose your mind

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

When I hear the media presenting Kamala as smart and accomplished, I feel like I’m drunk, have the spins, and am about to puke.

I haven’t felt it this bad since Obama first won and every magazine in the checkout aisle told me that Big Mike was the most beautiful woman who had ever lived.

Physically disorienting.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

Up is down, left is right, etc.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

The Satanic Inversion

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

Even the cuckservatives are reeling from the lies.

“I feel like whatever little is holding me to this temporal plane is fraying.”

“shamelessness is a superpower”

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

There is a cost and hazard to constantly changing the narrative so far away from reality.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

Only to us that have at least some brain cells to comprehend what they are doing to us…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

Aye. The Leftists haven’t suffered a single iota for inflicting untethered madness and dysfunction upon all of us. They’ve never been punched in the face. And, boy, if anybody ever deserved to be…

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago


(((David Strom)))


Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

It helps to think of it as the strategy of Satan/Loki, the king of lies and illusion. The tree of truth cannot be chopped down, but the devil can plant INFINITE false trees and illusions. That why he loves the showbiz.

Reply to  fakeemail
1 month ago

I’m not a religious person by inclination, but I understand and support you Christians who explain all of this as satanic inversion and lies. That works as well as any earthly explanation that I may offer.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

Well said. Nietzsche, no Bible-thumper himself*, often uses the term “transvaluation” or “revaluation” of all values. Maybe not always an inversion, but sometimes so, as in the “slave” morality which was a deliberate antithesis of the Master’s moral system.

*He wryly calls himself “the timely advocate of the Devil, or to employ theological terms, an enemy and challenger of God.” [from memory]

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

I live in Portland and had to listen to a group of Gen Xers the other day convince themselves Harris is articulate and smart because she’ll save them from not being able to kill their babies or something. And people think Boomers are bad.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

Tribe Up is the only way you stay sane as this country falls into an abyss…

1 month ago

My Jew fatigue is almost on par with my negro fatigue. In a perfect world, both groups would be removed from our place – posthaste…

Reply to  usNthem
1 month ago

What’s funny is some dissidents think this is not only impossible but bad. Ramz Paul talks about Americans and our people, but then he says things like “do you want to get rid of Ron unz? Or Clarence Thomas?”

as if whites couldn’t function without them. Let Clarence Thomas made Africa great

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

Alright for Thomas (maybe). But I’d never wish Unz away, let alone force him away.

Last edited 1 month ago by Cmhi
Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  usNthem
1 month ago

A world without Joos or negros sounds like a utopia of utopias.

1 month ago

I was just watching a video on YT about a study where scientists transplanted poop from young mice into old mice and it reversed cognitive decline in the old mice. It got me thinking – why didn’t they try this with Biden? They could have found a young donor somewhere in the dungeons of Yale and push his donation into Biden to keep him going for another few years. Instead, they are now stuck with an actual poop as a candidate.

Reply to  Hun
1 month ago

Hun: “I was just watching a video on YT about a study where scientists transplanted poop from young mice into old mice and it reversed cognitive decline in the old mice. It got me thinking – why didn’t they try this with Biden?

KKK0mment of the Year

PS: Brain/Bowel dichotomy FTW.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 month ago

Biden needs a brain transplant, not a poop transplant.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hun
1 month ago

Of course it does.

Expect our controllers to pay top dollar for these treatments…they love this sort of thing.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

Eating it would be much cheaper, but it wouldn’t have lab coat priest’s blessing. Eating shit lol. I mean, dogs and rabbits do it!

No, don’t try this at home, leave it to the shit professionals. I’m getting a headache.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

Mayor Pete and Admiral Levine can advise on the delivery system.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Hun
1 month ago

“Reverse” is a word that indicates movement in the opposite direction something was originally traveling. Cognitive decline is the used to describe meadurable loss of cognitive abilities. “Loss”, as in “gone”, as in “gone forever”, as in “that which cannot be recovered”. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Reply to  Forever Templar
1 month ago

That is not entirely true. As an example, certain metal poisoning (like bismuth, for ex), causes cognitive decline over time and if misdiagnosed, is fatal. But if diagnosed correctly and treated quickly, it can be fully reversed.

With old people, you often don’t know what are the underlying causes behind their cognitive decline. The diagnosis is often just an educated guess. That’s one of the reasons why it’s difficult to treat, but also why some treatments, even exotic ones, may sometimes work.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hun
1 month ago

Bloody hell.

1 month ago

Hey Z why don’t you host a ZBlog get together/meet and greet at the Vdare Castle…I would definitely chip in for that and would bring the beef for a cookout…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

Beef?! ‘Pon me word! I suspect we’re all vegans here.

Steve W
Steve W
1 month ago

I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this, but regarding the age of Serious Men, let’s give a reluctant shout out to George McGovern. He served on a B-24 in 35 missions over Europe; he was married to the same woman his whole adult life; he took his particular version of Christianity seriously (he considered a career in ministry); he never got rich off politics, any more than Carter or Truman; he lived to be 90 on a vegetarian diet.

Horrid politics, but a serious and decent man for all that.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

I didn’t know he was a vegetarian, but it fits: McGovern, via a series of hearings his committee held, was a major force in the official demonizaton of fats (on, at best, inconclusive evidence) and the promotion of a (supposedly) healthy diet by the late 1970s by USDA and other regulators. His actions, however well intended they may have been, can take at least partial credit for the dramatic increase in rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes and perhaps other maladies since 1980.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

I associate vegetarianism with softness. And I dare say as post-war America became increasingly soft, vegetarianism increased. Pushing vegetarianism is a form of pushing softness.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

A certain dissident circle loves it when I point out that Hitler was a vegetarian.
I agree with you on the softness. It’s also somewhat a virtue signal too, for people. It seems to be around forever associated with religious practices.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

Right about Hitler and the Nazis in general. In many of their cultural practices and views they were indistinguishable from the postmodern Left. And a certain Leftist circle loves it when I point that out.

PS–Porphiry, a neoplatonist philosopher from the 3rd century AD was a vegetarian. He is the earliest noteworthy person in the West I’m aware of who was a vegetarian.

1 month ago

Last add, I note that the US has again bombed Yemen on Wed. Operation Prosperity Guardian has been totally ineffective against the Houthis. Meanwhile, after Hootie and the Blowfish launched a drone that hit Tel Aviv, the Israelis struck back hard and effectively. Using Italian air tankers, the Israeli Air Force covered 1,000 miles to the target, and took out: an oil refinery and storage tanks, and port cranes. This was effective as drones need fuel, and the drones and missiles don’t sprout from Yemen’s ground, but have to be shipped in from Iran. As is most of their food.… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Whiskey
1 month ago

Why was Israel more militarily effective the the US?

For Israel it is existential; for the US it is optional.

Reply to  Whiskey
1 month ago

Yes, being a genocidal ethnicity that thinks it’s God’s Chosen people allows you streamline your operations and not concern yourself with collateral damage. What’s odd is that this same ethnicity is at the forefront of these societal changes that plague our military and every other institution in the USA.

Reply to  Whiskey
1 month ago

Operation Prosperity Guardian

Sounds like the title of a Cake album

“I wanna bomb you madly, I wanna bomb you, bomb you madly.”

Left Coast Inmate
Left Coast Inmate
Reply to  Whiskey
1 month ago

The US could kill 70% of human life in Yemen if it wanted to. It’s simply unwilling to inflict any real collateral damage, in this case, destruction of shared civilian infrastructure that also has military usage.

1 month ago

“We all know the crazy person who watches tv and beleives it all.”

Umm, that’s about half the nation.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Libdis
1 month ago

At least half of the half who claim not to believe it still watch it, which both puts them in the propaganda’s frame and influences them in ways they aren’t aware. Nor do the interwebs keep one immune from any of this.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
1 month ago

For me, the Fake and Gay started in September 1991 when Arlen Specter asked “Judge Thomas, have you ever heard of Long Dong Silver?”

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 month ago

“Now here we have Harris who is nothing but a cackle and pantsuit. She is the DEI version of Hilary, which means a cheap replica of the real thing, but in brown.”

But the money is lining up behind her. She will continue in the same role as Biden — as a marionette for the regime/deep state/military-industrial complex. She will double down on Ukraine. She will continue support of Israel.

Evil Sandmich
1 month ago

We have a corporate stooge for a senator too (well, maybe that’s all of them at this point) and they’re basically single issue voters who are allowed to vote for all manner of horrible, nation destroy policies, so long as the business lobby sponsoring them gets their “slice”. I know I remarked before about a part-time state rep in our area that I guess is the niece of some local plutocrat who wanted his own stooge in the statehouse to handle his business so the rot goes pretty deep. An aside too, time was, before Obama, that Senators were strongly… Read more »

1 month ago

The fakeness and the gayness, two sides of the same coin, are part and parcel of the switch in power from elected officials and their parties, to unelected, semi-hereditary bureaucrats. Kafka understood this well, so did Solzhenitsyn, so too Luis Borges, and other Latin American writers. Things were very fake and gay in Latin America long before they became fake and gay here. Indeed you can look back at Don Henley videos and songs from the 1980s, ostensibly aimed at Reagan, and switch them to Biden or Kamala. The real power does not even lie in Parties that compete for… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
1 month ago

I don’t think Trump is much of a threat. He has no ability to remove the real entrenched power brokers. And his supporters have no organized answer to to the antifa and blm democrat terrorist mobs who can be activated to burn down the country.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Whiskey
1 month ago

I have said this before, as have others. We are a conquered people and we’d better adapt, fast, to the whims and requirements of our masters. That said, we can “work to rule” which means they are fucked. These are not the grizzled veterans of banishment to Siberia under the Czar, or the hardy survivors of Mao’s “Long March”. They are pampered, narcissistic, soulless automatons. They can storm a building, but they don’t bring their lunch. Our motto should be “we listen and obey”. It sounds crazy, but imagine, these fuckers having no enemy to attack, only compliant servants –… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Steve W
john smyth
john smyth
Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

Why do you eat pork and beef but not swine and cow?

Reply to  john smyth
1 month ago

Why do use English words and not French?

1 month ago

I like the rambles too, Z. The topics flow into each other and it really is a solid presentation.

YOU have YOURSELF a great weekend too! 👍

1 month ago

“What we are seeing now is the approach to peak fakeness, which most likely comes just before collapse.” I’m not so sure, I could see some cataclysmic event happening due to israel because they’re crazy enough to provoke such a thing but a plain jane collapse? I feel like some how some way this will just keep going & getting more clowned out while also just decaying. I don’t even know what a collapse would look like given the fact that so much of the population falls into either the full blown savage supremacist camp or genuinely believes MLK’s dream… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

Just heard the show, a good one. Yes everything really is fake and gay. Even though my occasional normalcy bias acts up a little sometimes. There are no golden solutions in a show like this but it is still nice to hear others express the same kinds of thoughts I share with a few friends in meat space. We are the sane minority!!! The universe and reality don’t give a [deleted] about their [again deleted, I am getting so mellow] regime. Really sorry about VDare. Good people on our side. Hopefully they’ll still be part of the dissident environment going… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

Good shout out about Meerloo’s “Rape of the Mind” book.

He released it at the height of the Covid madness. Lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, people losing their jobs, etc.

We call it “gaslighting” now, and it’s on a whole other level.

Beginning to think that Twitter (now stupidly known as X) is a huge part of the problem and not the place to find “the real story”.

Reply to  ProZNoV
1 month ago

That book is from the 50s.

1 month ago


🎶 Hey, gonna get ya, too – another one bites the dust!🎵

Reply to  Maniac
1 month ago

Brightens the day when a commie dies…

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

Yeah, but he didn’t die of the Coof, which is nice.

Mom always said not to take pleasure in others suffering.

But every now and then, the Universe makes one smile.

1 month ago

Now here we have Harris who is nothing but a cackle and pantsuit. She is the DEI version of Hilary, which means a cheap replica of the real thing, but in brown. You’re being too generous on the optics, imho. This is important since everything fake and gay is, well, manufactured and astroturfed, AKA marketed to influence us. Fashionably, something doesn’t work with her style, and really not the pantsuits. At first I thought maybe it was just cheap ass clothing choices. I’m a gender-non-fluid male, so idk women’s clothing much, but I know suits. Her suit jackets look weird… Read more »

1 month ago

It’s been fun watching what I was writing last week play out in the news, now. It looks like Biden would have been the nominee had he not taken some sort of fall in Las Vegas last week. Then there was a panic because they had no plan for what to actually do.

Now this, which is g*ddamn hilarious, if true:

1 month ago

There has been a super-interesting article at Unz’s for a couple days: its subtitle is “And why the dollar isn’t going away”.

Of late it’s become a habit of our host to forecast the Cathedral’s fall (“collapse”); I don’t see that on the horizon; I see the $, and the $-issuers (in fact, owners of the money) not going away; as long as they don’t have budget bounds, they aren’t going to be unseated: neither within tge USA nor globally.

1 month ago

how is the best way to get a few bucks to vdare, brimelows?

Last edited 1 month ago by miforest
Reply to  miforest
1 month ago

To make a tax deductible donation by mail, please use the following address:

The VDARE Foundation
PO Box 211
Litchfield, CT 06759

To make an online donation please visit

Reply to  Gideon
1 month ago

And heads up guys, Litchfield, CT is not filled with poor Americans just struggling to make it day to day. It is indeed 99% white but it is also very wealthy. If the Brimleows don’t want to run VDARE, fair enough. If you’re on the brink with your own finances, I’m thinking that the Brimleows have access to other funds.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

It is painful to read posts such as this because it reveals far more about you than it does about those of whom you write. As a once successful financial writer in New York City, Peter Brimelow may well have lived, or had a business relationship with someone, in Connecticut. Having rented P.O. boxes in various locations, even abroad, let me assure you it was based on need and had absolutely nothing to do with income level. VDARE previously averaged about $300,000 annually in (voluntary) donations, which not only kept a top-ranked webzine up and running but paid a stable… Read more »

Reply to  Gideon
1 month ago

That’s lovely a defense. That said, people don’t keep a PO box in place that’s an annoying commute. It’s on the way to somewhere, as with PO boxes in your life. That’s my point and you should know that, if you have experience with them. Litchfield, CT is near no where, other than maybe near home for the Brimelows. It’s quite common for NYCers to have 2nd homes in CT. Beyond that, don’t really care. I read VDARE once or twice and wandered off. If you want to send large checks to a stranger who is openly quitting and taking… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Wiffle
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

Why are you even here? The SPLC “Hatewatch” site, besides the usual doxing, is rife with accounts of the trivial amounts of money supposedly earned by White advocates. Go over there and enjoy yourself! Bottom line: they hate Whites and want us and our families to starve.

Afghan women used to go out after a battle and bayonet the wounded, much to the horror of the British. Yet they are your moral superiors. They bayonetted the enemy wounded. You bayonet your fallen friends, those who wished your survival. How could anyone, even a troll, be that pathetic?

Reply to  Gideon
1 month ago

I’m here because Z man is an excellent writer. The posts about VDARE are an off hand reaction with some specific knowledge from being an ex-tax professional at one point. My posts are taking negatives, something that I anticipated. “You may have fooled” is no way to win friends. If we were not talking about VDARE, the statements about the end of this organization and the couple I’ve seen to date would have me hunting around for an early life section. I don’t care if the Brimlows are wealthy, more power to them. However, if someone really can’t afford to… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Wiffle
Reply to  miforest
1 month ago

You can drop them a line and send cash:
P.O Box 211, Litchfield, CT 06759.

Also, there is a fundraiser as well as a petition for the Sam Melia, a UK political prisoner. He and his family just learned that he’ll be serving the entire sentence. His wife Laura Towler makes fantastic tea. Grandma Towler’s tea is delicious.

Reply to  Melissa
1 month ago

I hate to be this skeptical, but the supposed inability of VDARE to move a non-profit organization has proved a fundraising boon.

Y’all are welcome to downvote this thought, but from afar, the most likely explanation of what is not a difficult task legally is that the Brimloews are done running VDARE and would not be upset with some additional retirement funds.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

Wiffle: I agree regarding the VDARE effort at this point. They charged an arm and a leg for their final conference.
They are a wonderful family, though, and have done good work for many years. It would be great if they could host many dissident events at the castle in the future.

Reply to  Melissa
1 month ago

I can believe their sincerity. I’m only scratching my head at the strange ending.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

Yea Im confused on the whole matter why would you keep your business in a state that hates you and everything you stand for…I wish people were honest with themselves and others and we might be able to come together and figure out solutions…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

Both of these things can be true. VDare was moved out of NY long ago but Letitia James claims some kind of jurisdiction because it was once incorporated there.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

A DA claim jurisdiction all they want. If they don’t have it, then they don’t. If the entity was properly closed years ago then that’s end of the discussion. There’s no standing in NY and none of the state’s business. I can only think of possible residency complications/hassles from the equivalent of the tax agencies.
If anything, a fact of VDARE’s incorporation in CT makes this whole thing seem worse. Do we have any outside verification of what was spent on lawyer fees?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

I am not saying you’re wrong. I simply don’t know enough about VDare to really know. I read them from time to time. However, lawfare and crazy, ideological judges and DAs are a real thing. You seem to assume that “if tre law says X it must be X”. That’s a good idea for civics class. It is sadly not the real world. Crazy lawfare is terribly real. Trump was convicted of a made up crime, then threatened with possible jail. The suddenly oh, never mind said the immigrant judge. Not having looked at the VDare case myself except what… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

Not only that, but they can hardly find legal representation—which they can no longer afford anyway (

Reply to  Gideon
1 month ago

I only have their word for that. As an ex-tax pro, I can only suggest caution.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

Just when your concern trolling was beginning to grow tiresome, you strike us over the head with your great expertise (for which we have only your word, of course). But it needs to be said that your willingness to pimp for the establishment at a time when a White advocacy group is being done in by them is unlikely to ever gain you much experience in the topic you are presently trying to address.

Reply to  Gideon
1 month ago

In asking if the Brimlows might be part of the establishment, I advocate for the sincere and the poor in nationalist circles. Again, any sincere belief will attract people looking to cash in, regardless of that belief. Those people who ultimately cash in may even started out sincere, but they don’t always end that way. And what have they done in reality? If I may get into a generational observation, they ran a webzine from the comfort of their home and along some conferences for decades. At 76, they are now shutting down, claiming it’s all someone’s else’s fault they… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

I agree we live in a lawfare crazy world. However, that does not mean I need to trust unverified statements from people, just because they may agree with my views while hinting around at the existence of lawfare. As I stated in different post, I was a tax pro at one point. People are not honest when it comes to money. These statements sound like the rationalizations I’ve heard before. It would not be big deal except they are obviously actively asking for cash AFTER they’ve said they are closing and taking VDARE with them. My posts are going to… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Claiming jurisdiction is one thing, actual standing is another. If the entity was properly closed years ago then that’s end of the discussion. I can only think of possible residency complications/hassles from the equivalent of the NY tax agencies as even a real claim.
If anything, a possible fact of VDARE’s incorporation in CT makes this whole thing seem worse. 🙁

Reply to  Melissa
1 month ago

This goes to support Laura, a mom of two young daughters, the baby born while Sam, the family breadwinner, serves a 2-year prison sentence in the UK. He has been known to share a portion of this fund with other, less well-known activists likewise incarcerated there for speech crimes.

Laura is a full-time volunteer with Patriotic Alternative, an organization dedicated (ironically) to the well-being of Native Britons. Profits from Laura Towler’s tea and coffee go to support those efforts. They cooperate with a U.S. entity to cut down on shipping costs stateside.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

I read the site, and it might be worthwhile just to see what the others are up to.


1 month ago

No more Radio Derb?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

Sad news. Maybe Counter Currants will pick him up. I’d chip in.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
1 month ago

Joost Meerloo is pronounced in Dutch “Yost Mare-low.”

Last edited 1 month ago by Brandon Laskow
1 month ago

did duran really say obama replaced biden? haha, pathetic and hilarious!
People say the stupidest shit just to not sound anti-semite, like tucker, for example, who endorses noahide laws and finds talmud interesting.

Last edited 1 month ago by sentry
Reply to  sentry
1 month ago

Talmud is interesting. More people should get familiar with its content.

Reply to  Hun
1 month ago

that’s what you’d say if you don’t wanna offend(even mildly) a certain group, despite knowing what you’re reading is shit stains on paper.

Last edited 1 month ago by sentry
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  sentry
1 month ago

Hun meant “interesting” in a different way, as in “informative,” I suspect.

Reply to  Hun
1 month ago

There’s a book by Peter Shafer called “Jesus in the Talmud” that talks about this. Surprisingly, it is still for sale on Amazon.

Reply to  Hun
1 month ago

The one think that all White men should know about these people is the Kol Nidre,
Read it and tell me how they belong in the West.

1 month ago

Kamala is Hillary with a tan.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Maniac
1 month ago

but sans brains. Hillary was pure evil, but can’t deny she was smart.

1 month ago

[…] weekly podcast. Highly […]

1 month ago

Hey, Z.
I wouldn’t want all or most of your best content to be behind the dollar door; however, I decided to essay it date ago and was disappointed by it being consistently pretty lower quality than the free one.
Seems unfair and it is not easy to see the motivation for such a content allottment.