Lessons From VDare

The show is a bit rambling today as I was pressed for time due to the day job, but the topic is a good one. Failure is always a better teacher than success, so the failure of VDare has some good lessons for us. I say failure in that it lost the fight with the oogily-googily people in the state of New York. It had a twenty-five-year run and helped make immigration a central issue.

Probably the most important lesson to come out of the VDare story is that the old America that operated by rules is gone. If you want to join the fight, the first thing you need to understand is we no longer live in a rules-based society. The bad guys talk about the rules, but that is because they change the rules to fit their needs. They want you to follow their rules, while they do what they want.

That is probably the biggest psychological barrier for people. You see it with the young guys who think they are the forefront of radical. In reality they are Zoomer-Boomers, young guys who think they can roll back the clock to the time when the people they criticize were their age. They still think they can vote their way out of this mess and back to the old America of their grandparents.

That America is gone and it is never coming back. You see that with VDare. The people who lawfared them out of existence had no place in old America, other than sweeping floors, but in new America they set the rules. Once you reach the point where such people have access to power, the rules-based society is finished. In fact, society is finished and waiting for the death blow.

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This Week’s Show


  • Introduction
  • Address Your Priors
  • The Best Ability
  • Sunk Cost Fallacy
  • The Bad Guys
  • Reform Ain’t Possible
  • Strength & Weakness
  • You Will Get No Help
  • Be Realistic
  • Guerillas

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1 month ago

I think a lot of us have given up on the country. Unfortunately it will probably take a complete economic collapse or nuclear war to break the imperial government. I’d be fine if we disintegrated into the states or city states and the rest of the country.

Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

That’s already happening if my life is an indication of a larger trend, and by nature it probably is since if you can poll 1000 people to find out how 1 million think — on certain issues — then stands to reason that my life experience is similar to that of many other people. The break from the imperial government is mostly psychological or sort of forgetting about it like an old girlfriend. And that’s basically what it is, an old flame. because we all used to love her. We are basically in a similar situation as the blacks, in… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

Spot on. It is time to get past the bitterness and remembrance and embrace what comes next. I’m seeing it as well.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Whether you love or hate Trump that is one massive reason to be eternally grateful to him: his election in 2016 tore off the mask of the Deep State for all who have eyes to see. Before then, even a master cynic like me never realized how truly evil they are. Now we have to destroy them.

Reply to  Robbo
1 month ago

Yes, 2016 was a watershed year. Without Trump winning then, imagine the accelerated damage that the Democrats would have accomplished by now. And I’m not an accelerationist. Trump deserves eternal thanks for what he has done. And yes, I recognize that he’s far from perfect. But he tore that mask off, as you said, and anyone with a bit of sense should be horrified by what’s underneath. For me, the aftermath of the 2014 election was when my eyes opened wide to the corruption of the GOP bigshots like McConnell and Ryan. I should have understood earlier, but sometimes it… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by 1660please
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Most won’t see the evil until it affects them directly and then it will be too late to do anything productive about it…

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

the government goes on running and spinning like a merry-go-round but we just ignore it and keep walking thinking “Ain’t my people, ain’t my problems” and do our own thing

This is good advice. People are black-pilling, but I think modern Americans are spoiled in a sense. We no longer have the ability to control or even participate in our own government, but this new state for us is really the norm for all of human history, and self-representation merely a historical abnormality. Lives were lived, business formed, and families raised for centuries before the novel concept of suffrage.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 month ago

People are blackpilling for sure. I was laughing to myself, saying “You know, you used to think you’d have to travel to some event in another state to meet people who think like you. But now they are everywhere, so I can stay home, and save money”. Which means we succeeded, the DR succeeded. We got enough people to break out of the box and see things for what they are. We provided a service of illuminating the trail along the river of the great divide. I sense however a new storm is coming, my hurricane intuitions, and the themes… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 month ago

Yep. Reading history is a grim experience but it’s often easy to forget that millions (billions, even) of ordinary people lived happy lives while bad things were happening around them. The greatest power we have as individuals is live the kind of life that evil SoBs like Gates, Soros and every leftie hate.

Reply to  Robbo
1 month ago

Yea millions going through life blissfully ignorant is why we are in the mess we are in right now…You should be trying to live a life in a way that your prodigy have a better life than you not worse…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

Not trying to be a d-head, but it’s progeny, not prodigy.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Hey all my kids are prodigies Brother😉

Reply to  Robbo
1 month ago

Who/what told you they were “happy”?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

The ex-GF remark brings to mind the tongue-in-cheek Guns & Roses song:

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

It’s Impossible to Have Kids

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

ANON #1: “Who else is exhausted by it all?” “I’m just sick of it all… I’d feel bad for the animals and such but as for me and probably most of America we’d be happier if the Russians just nuked us.” https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/476992979#476992979 ANON #2: “Yes, you are a leftist. You may lie that you’re “right wing”, EVEN TO YOURSELF, and probably believe it, but you have the liberal mentality…” https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/476992979#476994745 The idea of doing something difficult, TRULY difficult- i.e. living in a deeply flawed, imperfect world that requires diligence, responsibility, and sacrifice- is so frightening, you would rather take the… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Bourbon
Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

I think we will separate into more compatible groups of States, and it won’t take that long…Much of the country shares absolutely no common ground with our communist rulers from the coasts…

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 month ago

As someone who is in blue states often with middle-aged men who consider themselves to be “right-wing conservatives,” I must advise that you ensure that no Republicans from the coasts is ever allowed into your sphere. These guys were delighted with the Republican National Convention and are overjoyed at the thought of voting for the losing Republican candidate because he isn’t racist, “like the Dems are.” They are pro-immigrant (“Work harder than the kids”) and pro-gay (“nunna muh business, just keep it out of my face,” they’ve been saying since 1992). I closed the book on the US on July… Read more »

Bitter reactionary
Bitter reactionary
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

If you’re already mentally receptive, investigate expatriation. I’ve already got a piece of ground on another shore to the south, and every time I go to visit it I feel like I went back in time to 80’s America. A time when I had the illusion of freedom and some optimism for the future. Yeah, lots of browner folk there, but their system is simple enough to suit them, violence is minimal because the cops don’t protect criminals, and race realism is a given among them. Also, plenty of right wing expats to hang out with.

Reply to  Bitter reactionary
1 month ago

There is a surprising correlation between the wealth of a nation and the extent of its tyranny. I guess I can see the reason, if you’re poor you are no threat, but if you are middle class or upper middle then you might become a problem and thus require extra buttons on your straightjacket. And just a small anecdote. I was in Rome and went into a shop to buy a beer. Before leaving I asked the guy for a brown bag. He asked why. I said to put the beer in to hide it. He scoffed at me and… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

Interesting. I had the misfortune to have to return to NYC for a visit in the bad old, pre Giuliani days of Mayor Dinkins (early 90’s). He was the first Black mayor to screw things up.

First thing I saw in a walk through the old neighborhood was Blacks with their “unpackaged” 40’s walking around screaming at each other in the commercial area. I then witnessed a finished 40 ouncer being tossed into the gutter where it shattered. I knew I was traversing a cesspool of humanity that knew no bottom.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Downtown NYC Funny how them people be — X, “What’s Wrong With Me?” (1985)   https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/x/whatswrongwithme.html I’ve not returned to a prior neighborhood that had declined, no doubt one of the benefits of a relatively sheltered life. In fact, having lived most of my life in the Washington D.C. suburbs, many of those neighborhoods have gone from middle-class affordable (we are talking the Johnson Administration here, folks) to nowadays if not into the seven digits, within spitting distance. On the other hand, many times I’ve had the experience of visiting urban* hellscapes and at least at times, realizing to myself… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

Any place sufficienty dark is worst.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

You gotta break that American mindset brosef. You would get WAY more stares carrying a brown bagged bottle around like a homeless wino than an open container. I’m not surprised that Roman looked at you like you were crazy.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do… leave the American neurotics and police state mentality at the terminal.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

The entire country of Portugal has similarly liberal views about walking around with a beer in public.

Also, they have unbelievably cheap and good wine in their supermarkets and convenience stores.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Bitter reactionary
1 month ago

Central and Eastern Europe are like this and parts of Southern Europe as well. It immediately feels like you stepped out of a time machine I 100% understand your take here. The real benefit of those parts of Europe however is that unlike your based beaner bros in South America, I am surrounded by my genetic cousins and it is a sea of Europeans. I agree about South America being very “out of time” too but the stark reality is that it is goblinas and mud people. You could stay in the States and within a few decades they will… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Bitter reactionary
1 month ago

I share your goals. I was interested enough (in my mid-40s) to make several trips to Latin America scouting out various retirement havens (Mexico, Panama) but decided it wasn’t for me — at least not yet. I have more than a passing knowledge of the topic, having traveled widely, studied the language and culture and even lived there (admittedly not as adult in modern times). While there are many upsides, some of which you cite, alas there are many pitfalls as well. Not the least of these is as someone observed, “They are called third-world nations for a reason.” As… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

Arthur, when I lived in coastal CA, I came to think of the people you mention as liberals who want low taxes as well. They like most of the Democrat’s policies, they just think that it could be done with less taxes. I have one memory of when Obama planned to replace Jackson on the $20 with Harriet Tubman. Although at that time our statues had not been overturned yet, this change was the currency equivalent of that. The white Republican sales director of my company said with enthusiam, “Yes! Let’s get a black woman with a gun who fought… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

It is precisely these ‘right-wing conservatives’ who deserve to suffer the most when the hard times arrive. They’re also the same type of person that will waive off people warning about problems coming down the pike by claiming “I don’t care, I’ll be dead by then”.

Reply to  Lakelander
1 month ago

Natural impiety, indifference to your own, is a the black heart of the west today.

Reply to  Lakelander
1 month ago

Never knew why they call themselves conservatives. What did they ever conserve?

Reply to  Robbo
1 month ago

They conserve every new degeneracy the left comes up with so you can’t get rid of it…

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 month ago

Happening already. Here in Europe, we’re pretty screwed, but you Yanks have a lot more fight in you.

Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

I don’t see much unfortunate about that at this stage. As Z said, the Old America is not coming back. It doesn’t matter who “wins” in November because the only cure is some kind of break up or separation. It will be messy and almost certainly involve bloodshed, but I see no alternative.

1 month ago

I’d say the desire to organize and network is there but everytime it happens it gets shut down through the justice system or gaystream media. I mean we might as well have a biker club or be like Comanches but do you wanna sell meth and shit in the woods? Sure the old world is gone, but war, war never changes : ). I think infiltration and sabotage is necessary, even to just blow off some steam but nothing is really stopping you from finding where these parasites live and, u know rearrange their vascular blood flow. The alternative is,… Read more »

Reply to  Silver
1 month ago

I watched a docudrama on the Baader Meinhoff Gang (RAF) the other night. They came to your conclusions also, and proceeded to shit all over the place instead of just the woods.

Reply to  Silver
1 month ago

Take heart my man. Things are looking up. There are a lot more like-minded right-wingers now than there ever were. Cancellations have not stopped us. The Eye of Sauron Media is still looking for white racists, for sure, but from my personal experience fewer and fewer people care about perceived racism, more and more people have the scales falling from their eyes, and nationalism – civic or otherwise – will almost certainly take over what we call the Right. At best the leftists winning in Western Europe and the US will only accelerate their demise; at worst this will Balkanize… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

Indeed, the tides are shifting but the past 8 years have shown me a lot about IRL groups. I was naive during the covid scam, thinking now they have to see what’s happening, they have no choice but to be on our side of the divide but for very obvious reasons, no one wants to sacrifice their relationships and reputation in the liberal social circles that dominate their status and wealth. I guess my true struggle is with my heart’s desire to live in harmony with our people, but knowing only an iron fist would ever make a change in… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Silver
1 month ago

The majority of people are neither good nor bad, they’re just average. Be an example for them to emulate, they’re just scared and not very bright is all.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

Stop calling yourself a right winger, just call yourself an American. Those on the “left” are not Americans. Freaks, who we would have tolerated in the past but they just become so obnoxious the last decade or so. They can’t live and let live.

1 month ago

There is another significant psychological barrier that is tied into this: the situation is the way it is because the regime wants it to be this way. The day-to-day problems in, for example, cities are pretty easy problems to solve. They’ve been solved before. A relatively small handful of people in these cities commit a ludicrously outsized proportion of the crimes both big and small, and the police know who these people are. They can be locked up and the city can be made better for all the normal people. The government leaders just won’t do it, and by not… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

The right are stronger devotees of “word magic” than the usual suspects are. Call the state a necessary evil—and magically it’s not evil, nobody in it is an evildoer, and nothing evil it accomplishes is intended by it or anyone in it. Egregious current example: As the number of badges involved in Trump’s shooting has multiplied, interest in the event has disappeared. Libertarianism (American) consists of saying that all institutions should behave differently than any of them actually do, and when none of them obey the Laws you made up, saying that they must be, we must just be misunderstanding… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
1 month ago

We cannot organize and network, for two reasons: (1) the power against us will hunt down all “grassroots” organizing, then infiltrate and annihilate; (2) there is no “we”. Proof? Look at the comment threads on this blog. What we can do is to be underground shitlords. Take me, for instance. I have no Trump sign in my yard, I haven’t flown the Stars & Stripes since Autumn 2012 (Lawrence Auster: “It’s their country now.” I agreed and still do.) I’m a small-time painting contractor. So what can I do? Well, over forty years I have learned how to identify leftoid… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

Those are rookie numbers.
(Just busting your balls)

I bid a job when Trump was running the first time, and these two goofs had a sign for his opponent that was as wide as their front yard.

Porch and deck, demo and rebuild.

I figured the cost and then doubled it.

I didn’t think I would get it, but what do you know, a month later, they called and said no one came out after me to bid.

The entire job paid for a new rig I was looking at.

I wonder how much I left on the table.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

Well done, bro.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

It is interesting to learn that in your private life, you conduct yourself no better than a common brigand. I would not have assumed as much; I thought better of you than that. But it is even more interesting to learn that, in practice, you believe not one word ever said in these pages about “white tribal identity,” for in choosing to cheat your fellow white people in this manner, you have demonstrated that the primary object of your loyalty is politics and ideology, not skin color. This undercuts any basis you might have had for supporting white tribalism, both… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

A comment such as this pretty much means that this entire blog has jumped the shark. There is no logical coherence…”

Ah, the irony of ID’s intellect shines through once again. He jumps from the particular and assumes the general. Freshman logic class mistake.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, my people, … for her sins are piled up to heaven, … Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Pour her a double portion from her own cup. Give her as much torment and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself.” Revelation 18:4 – 7 The mystery is that your intelligence does not have the resolution to differentiate hostile, foreign tribes or the need to have an expanded set of principles for dealing with them. War… Read more »

Daniel Bernard Respecter
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

“common brigand”?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

I thought we all agreed: traitors are worse than enemies?

Also, if they are willing to pay it, is it even cheating?

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
1 month ago

Every election cycle, the Republicans bring boxing gloves to a gunfight. They just can’t understand that there are no rules anymore.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  I.M. Brute
1 month ago

At least Trump is still out there trying to win the black vote

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Hell yeah, brother. Illegal immigration primarily hurts them, you know.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

He’s trying to win any votes he can get, which is what politicians do to win elections.

One vote is as good as another. The left understands that, a lot of people on the right do not.

Reply to  Gespenst
1 month ago

No, he’s sacrificing White votes to pander to blacks. Maybe this made some sense when they thought they were going to run against Biden’s corpse and could sense a massive new coalition in play, but with Kamala Harris, there is *no* chance, no matter how many platinum plans, no matter HBCU funding, no matter how many degenerate rappers Trump pardoned in 2021. This election will come down to White voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. White voters want to hear about the issues that got him into office in 2016 not about letting criminals out of jail. Yet, the GOP,… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

There is much in what you say. White people vote, but the GOP is sick with fear that someone will catch them noticing. That said, I think Trump is the only GOP candidate since Nixon who, albeit covertly, appeals specifically to white people. Border control is certainly a white issue. Export of middle class jobs is certainly a white issue and he’s raised those issues in a way no other serious candidate has. Just because he says nice stuff to black people doesn’t automatically mean he isn’t pro-white. Yeah, he wouldn’t get anything done on those issues, but Zman makes… Read more »

Reply to  Gespenst
1 month ago

Trump was not covert about it in 2016. He really was quite overt about it, which is why he won the states he did. Yet he isn’t covert about it in 2024. Yea, he says he will tighten the border – great. But he also says that he will staple green cards to diplomas. We all know who will be coming here to get fraudulent 2-year degrees to get that green card, look to the north to see. That is going to result in both mass immigration AND a decimation of middle and upper-middle class jobs. I’m so disillusioned with… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

I was never “illusioned” by him. One person can’t beat the entire Regime deep state establishment and it’s a mystery to me why anyone thought he could. What he does is expose how the system works and drive the rulers nuts as he does so. A lot of people have been smartened up. What they do with what they’ve learned remains to be seen.

Reply to  Gespenst
1 month ago

Right, and I am telling you that you are describing a different guy from the one running right now. The guy you are describing was the guy in 2016 and, largely, 2020. Trump is running right now as Bob Dole or John McCain. He’s not exposing anything. He’s running as a standard GOP politician willing to play ball with the existing powers and send White kids to their death for Israel. He’s not driving anyone nuts except the most idiotic, partisan MSNBC-tier shitlibs, the ones who say every Republican politician is moustache man. Some people might say this is just… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Or about any BS about supporting Israel to the hilt. People are getting as sick of that as they are of Ukraine.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Gespenst
1 month ago

The difference being, when he panders to blacks and wins, he actually does something for them.

Whites – he doesn’t even pander, much less do something.

David Wright
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

We’ll get there Jeff, we’ll get there. One negro at a time.

Reply to  I.M. Brute
1 month ago

Boxing gloves? They bring talking points.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Gespenst
1 month ago

Yep, they “own the libs”, exchange high-fives, and call it a day.

Reply to  Gespenst
1 month ago

And “reach across the aisle”

Reply to  I.M. Brute
1 month ago

U R , The GOP are part of the uniparty , subservient to the democrats. there are no real elections!

Reply to  I.M. Brute
1 month ago

A point in question: voter fraud. It is going to be off the charts this November and Trump and the GOP are totally oblivious to it. Stupid Republicans say, “but that only works if the result is close.” Bullshit! The Dems will fake the polls to pretend it’s neck-and-neck and print as many ballots as necessary to push Heels-Up over the line.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
1 month ago

We are the dead. Our only true life is in the future. We shall take part in it as handfuls of dust and splinters of bone. But how far away that future may be, there is no knowing. It might be a thousand years. At present nothing is possible except to extend the area of sanity little by little. We cannot act collectively. We can only spread our knowledge outwards from individual to individual, generation after generation. In the face of the Thought Police there is no other way. — George Orwell, 1984

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Oswald Spengler
1 month ago

This is scarily accurate and also was so prescient. Go out in public and “reveal your power level” see what happens. Talk about race or the JQ, job loss would be the least of your worries if you did. I am not even speaking of any physical action, literally just openly talk about it. We are just inches away from UK/Germany in what you can and cannot freely state in public. America is one of the least free countries in the world, but this griller / boomer / normiecon meme like Lee Greenwood’s song “at least I know I’m freeeeeeeee”.… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Apex Predator
1 month ago

Yeah, this whole Lee Greenwood bit has to die. The RNC was offensive, to say the least, in its passive-aggressive “deafness” to the actually-existing situation. BOM went along with it. You would think that after the last four years that a true opposition party would ball up and state hard facts, and demand hard justice: For the political prisoners of J6, for the millions of inmivaders now scattered across the fruited plain, for the miscreants that run our TLAs, for the monsters who imposed “vaccine” directives against both adults and children, for all the Soros-funded DAs who gladly release violent… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Steve W
Ketchup-stained Griller
Ketchup-stained Griller
Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

How about:

‘I’d be a dictator on day one’

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 month ago

George Orwell: “We can only spread our knowledge outwards from individual to individual, generation after generation.“ That’s what fascinated me about the thread at /pol/ on Saturday night; Woke Bros were dispensing all sorts of excellent advice to Broke Bros regarding how, financially speaking, to afford to bring MOAR WHITE CHILDREN into this world: “It’s Impossible to Have Kids” https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/476797110/ There were the usual supects from the JIDF attempting to sow the seeds of demoralization & despair & hopelessness, but the overwhelming majority of the kkk0mments were very constructive & helpful & supportive of one another’s prospects. As though the… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Amen. Amen. Amen. This was your best. The bottom line is, as you rightly pointed out, that the system is beyond reform now. Rules and laws and elections are for dummies unless they are part of the Regime and use them as weapons. Opt out, check out. If you bother at all to vote, the only reason to do so is to force blatant cheating. I worried a bit when you initially referred to “organizing,” because that raises the question of “for what?” Then you answered that question with “for what comes next,” which is the only way to view… Read more »

1 month ago

Negroes are playing an increasingly leading role in the destruction of the nation. Whether negro vote fraud, lawfare, financial fraud and their staple of street crime.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Big_tech
1 month ago

Negros are the most destructive force on the planet. They do damage by breathing.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 month ago

Damn, Citizen—there you go again with that C02, global warming shit. 😉

Last edited 1 month ago by Compsci
Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

haha, well played my friend.

1 month ago

VDARE’s first and fatal mistake was being associated in any way with a communist State, no doubt because they thought it was the NY they grew up with…Trump made the same mistake, but he had lived there all his life and palled around with the Clintons, which was more understandable…..

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 month ago

To be fair to VDARE, New York’s descent into lawlessness is relatively new. Bloomberg ran New York City as a center-ish technocrat for 12 years, keeping Giuliani’s pro-normal people policies and improving governance in various ways. It wasn’t until DeBlasio got in in 2014 that it started going nuts and being taken over by idiot activists. On the state level, it was basically a center-left government until this massive activist left shift started when James took over AG in 2018 and then completed the coup against Cuomo in 2021. So it really only started to shift in the past decade.… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

They had 10 years to get out. Shoulda moved earlier as many others did.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 month ago

It’s really hard to believe that within living memory (ok, the memory of somebody who’s really old) that in New York (and many other States):   The only grounds for divorce were adultery, with evidence (witnesses);   If a gang of bank robbers robbed a bank and the guard or a bystander was shot and died, every criminal involved in the crime, including the guy behind the wheel in the getaway car, was convinced of a capital crime and probably went to the electric chair pretty quick.   Etc. Granted this was three or four generations ago, but it only… Read more »

Shrinking Violet
Shrinking Violet
1 month ago

Your advice about relocating is spot on. Get out of the blue hellholes and go someplace comparatively sane. It will free up a whole lot of your energy to not have to worry about street crime, bums, open air drug markets, troon school teachers, shoplifting flash mobs, car jackings, etc. Building community IRL works wonders for morale and has practical benefits, like the opportunity to share resources and talents.

Reply to  Shrinking Violet
1 month ago

Amen on that Sister…

Reply to  Shrinking Violet
1 month ago

At some juncture you need to stand and fight. We weren’t able to have a family despite my wife is pretty and we’re both naturally blonde haired and blue eyed. Estrogenic cancers since fiance through 2019, the last mere a 9cm column of boob. Childless life in a smaller community would amont to slow death. So she reloads and I shoot until a breach and then I hope she can squeeze a trigger. She’s a tested good shot but there is no confidence she can neutralize the flesh target. Nobody since I was a kid and boxed and wrestled early… Read more »

Reply to  DaBears
1 month ago

Yea but what good is suicide Brother when you could be a huge asset elsewhere… Think of how many lives you could change by teaching young White Kids all the skills and knowledge you have…I’m sure your wife has skill and knowledge to impart as well rather than dying in a sea of muds if she is lucky and if she’s not being a slave to someone who will make her life a living hell…

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
1 month ago

Great show today. I can relate to your point about people still believing in the court system and the institutions of the old country. I have a conservatard friend who constantly brings up things like “sue them into oblivion and that will stop them”, or “get white people to petition the courts and x or y will stop”. I can’t even tell you how irritating this is. You cannot get people to understand that all of our institutions have been permanently destroyed. There is no way to ever get them back. “Take back our country!”. Bullshit – you are taking… Read more »

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 month ago

Of course, the “Thing of which we cannot speak” is ultimately the final answer. I’ve accumulated a pretty good stockpile of “unmentionables” which will probably never see the “light of day” until long after I’m gone (I’m 73 years old). I’m hoping these tools will be passed down and eventually end up in the hands of some future white guy who finally commits to do what will be necessary to ensure a future for his children. However, I’m pretty sure my treasure trove will end up in a pawnshop to finance some more tattoos and video games.

Reply to  I.M. Brute
1 month ago

If you were in my AO Brother I would put it to good use or my children would…

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 month ago

and not a single person who reads this blog will live to see that, I don’t care how young you are.

Excellent insight. And those who will tribe up in the future will likely dig up the graves of us all (those who aren’t shipped to a crematorium by our kids, that is) and curse us for what we had and gave away out of guilt.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

Saw a quote that stuck with me the other day that said

“Your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing…

That pretty much encapsulates White People being gracious to any other race…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

They did it for the feelz.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 month ago

Classic examples are people like Victor Davis Hanson: just read the Constitution in a louder voice and the left wing retards will just calm down.

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  Robbo
1 month ago

Have you ever noticed that VDH never points out the damage feminism has done to our society? I’ve been following his insights for years and I’ve never heard him even bring up feminism, pro or con!

Reply to  I.M. Brute
1 month ago

Or the cause of (((feminism)))…

c matt
c matt
Reply to  I.M. Brute
1 month ago

My take on VDH is that he knows a lot of history, but few of its lessons (or pretends to not to know).

1 month ago

Off topic, but interesting jobs report today. Along with the usual downward revisions, it’s the first bad jobs report in years. I’ve long thought that if Trump got in the White House again, they would just start telling the truth instead of using the fake Soviet boot production numbers we’ve been getting. I still think that’s true, but it is also interesting that the first post-Biden report is negative.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

You’re correct. The metadata here is very interesting. If the financial powers had wanted to rig the election for Kamala, they would have washed this report. My conclusion is, she isn’t going to win. She may not even run.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

I’ll keep your prediction in mind, but the fact seems she is running *now*—at least from the point of commercials and campaign stops. Last commercial I saw even had her discussing her candidacy, as in ‘Hi, I’m Kamala and running for President…’ Seems a change now, short of her death, would reveal a very bad aspect of her party and any other candidate selected in an open primary might lose as much of the base as would gain. No, I suspect the Dem’s will settle for good old election balloting shenanigans to attempt to get her to the finish line.… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Long and short: Doesn’t matter. You heard it here first – Heels Up Harris shall be our next Executive-in-Chief.

I mean, why not? Elagabalus was emperor of the Romans. It’s not like the mechanics of State will be interrupted.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

The only why not I can think of is Kamaltoe doesn’t inspire White goys to die in Western Asia. At least not as much as Trumpstein might.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

What a busy few weeks it’s been for the Democrats. First Biden’s very odd stepping-down communiqué and edited video/audio appearance several days later to prove he wasn’t really dead. Now (August 1, I think) a virtual convention (online) unanimously chooses Harris as the candidate. And the real convention isn’t for another three weeks, nearly. Very weird things going on, no?

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

Gotta love that metadata. Let’s pay close attention to your prognostication!

Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Oligarch Balaji Srinivasan, who has openly declared nationalists his enemy to be destroyed in the 21st century, openly posits that they hold the lever of economic disaster, have wielded it before, and are likely to open the floodgates of it on Trump.


Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Trump was on Michael Savage’s show in fall 2016 — and many others — talking about “the real unemployment rate” being somewhere around 12 or 13%, or even higher. My memory tells me Trump said “19%” at one point.

A year later he had miraculously gotten it down to low single digits and there was no more talk of the real unemployment rate.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

Yeah. Unemployment rates as stated can be pretty deceptive. There are a couple of other numbers generated. One is “able bodied, but not looking for work”. All need to be looked at to get a true picture of the situation.

The problem is basically that most Americans are too damn ignorant to look past “official” pronouncements from government and their propagandists, the MSM.

Chesterton's Fence
Chesterton's Fence
1 month ago

“If you go into court and there’s even a hint of you representing yourself, the judge will try to find a way to give you the chair.”

Unless you’re a vexatious pro se litigant like Russell Greer who’s trying to sue the alt-right Nazis of Kiwi Farms, in which case the judges will bend over backwards to give you every benefit of the doubt, as well as extremely charitable interpretations of your childish scribblings.

Reply to  Chesterton's Fence
1 month ago

Describes (((Jerry Lemelson))) fairly well. Jerry was a vexatious patentee, dispute arranger and litigant when I was a junior opposing him. (((The courts))) bent over backwards to grant Jerry’s childish scribblings undue validity. It’s unfortunately common to witness.

1 month ago

Simply spectacular as usual, Z.

We need to focus on an element of thought that is critical to guerilla and dissident thought too – cheerfulness in the face of adversity. Some elements of classical stoicism, perhaps.

We should banish the black pill and defeatism and that should be at the forefront of our efforts all the time.

Tars Tarkus
1 month ago

“..throw down their weapons and embrace us as brothers…”

The desire for this is a moral failing and disease of the Right. Every single time some retard on the left gets disgusted with them and makes some noise about being conservative, the whole machine shifts into high gear promoting them. It is one of the sickest and most disgusting aspects of the cuckservatives.

1 month ago

Good podcast . a lot of good info. The goal now is to survive, and to live your life the best you can . If you don’t have a wife and family, if you are of an age where you can, under 45, then put one together. get your faith life correct. The course is set. Guys like fuentes and kirk are ARE losers. they have no families, they will have no future. what a wast of their lives. make real friends and spend time with them . prepare to protect yourself and famalies from random violence . think of… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
1 month ago

And if you’re over 45, help the under 45’s get that family thing on solid ground.
For gosh sakes, that used to be the whole point of the program.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

I’d really like to do that, but all I’ve been hearing for years is ‘just die already, boomer’ so I’m disinclined to do so. Sad.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 month ago

no whining boomer…

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 month ago

Then I assume you have few in person connections. This is one of the major problems.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

Usually they do. They’re the loudest guys in the room and they’re talkin’ ’bout the bartender making too much money for menial labor.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 month ago

You were gonna’ spend the money on yourself, who are you kidding.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 month ago

Yep. Hurts to be kicked in the teeth by the same people you gave a leg up. Happens way too often. It’s why I’ve drifted away from “race matters” to “ideas matter”. There are a lot of shitty whites. You have to get to know people before helping them out or you end up boosting the other team.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

And if you aren’t 45, buy one. And lots of ammo.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Robbo
1 month ago

I bought a .357 on my 357th birthday…

Fritz Berggren
1 month ago

Excellent show. From my perspective, the churches are the natural and proper organizing mechanism for our fight, but the contemporary church is more “Judeo-Christian” than Christian and ends up fighting for the Jews and their causes, including mass migration and debauchery. The rainbow flag in from of many churches is evidence of this. Even so-called “Biblical” Christians like the Speaker of the House Johnson are completely sold out to the antichrist Jews who have explicitly lobbied for the death of the White race. (See Noel Ignatiev, statements by former ADL president, etc)

Reply to  Fritz Berggren
1 month ago

Churches are part of the problem. It’s interesting that Jesus only mentioned the word “church” (Ekklesia) twice, and even then he never meant a building with preacher-man and a 501c.

Reply to  Robbo
1 month ago

I’ve nothing against a property that isn’t taxed by the regime. Also, there are other important elements baked into churches you haven’t mentioned: 1 the early churches were mostly underground, so the Bible is rich in lessons for those of us who have little say in the politics of our country, 2 putting the word “Christian” on a sign in front of your building tends to repel entry by most of the types who rule over us (especially Jews), and 3 just about every town has an empty church that can be had for as little as $50,000 (in pretty… Read more »

Reply to  Fritz Berggren
1 month ago

The importance of churches in the U.S. is they may grant us legal protections for our organizations that the courts’ extra-legal abolition of free association has denied us. Not that this is any long-term guarantee in a lawless age, but like the 1st and 2nd Amendments we need to exercise whatever rights and privileges that are available to us.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Gideon
1 month ago

That’s why the feds have long since put spies in churches

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

You’re assuming they’d be about politics, Jeffrey. Churches for our guys should be overtly nonpolitical. But at least you should be able to have a men’s group without women suing to get their noses in the door, a women’s group that isn’t all about hating men, or a Sunday school—maybe even a parochial school—where your kids/grandkids aren’t hunted down on the playground like prey animals by packs of ferals.

1 month ago

Off-topic, but deals with the theme of lamentation of a dead nation: Due to unforeseen events, a planned short vacation had to be cancelled. Instead, I took my youngest on the motorcycle to the Black Hills for a couple days, right before Sturgis started, just to get out of town before school resumes. I have no desire for crowds, and I am certainly not a biker type, but this was the most viable, short-term option (literally, one day notice). Even though Sturgis had not officially started, the Black Hill cities were packed with bikers. As I pointed out to my… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

I was watching some professional golf on the TV and seeing the huge crowds of white spectators right in and among the players in very close proximity, everyone behaving in a very orderly and civil manner. Then I tried to picture what it would look like if it were all negros

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Just go to an Atlanta Hawks game.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Fans are restrained by security there, relative to golf, where there is virtually none of a preventative nature.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

The point being that the presence of nuggras necessitates security. If nuggras ever cottoned–so to speak–to golf, there would be SWAT teams ringing every green at Pebble Beach.

1 month ago

The thing that made me laugh out loud was at the 45:00 timestamp where Z Man inadvertently calls the NY AG “Laqueesha”.

I think the Kween’s name is Latisha, but I really don’t know and really don’t care.

its just the funny part that Z Man defaults to an amusing knee-grow woman’s name.

it made me laugh out loud.

Thanks for another great podcast, Z Man.

1 month ago

on a side note, it looks like Israel will do whatever it takes to get it’s war with have their war with Iran. It also looks like the BlackRock war to exterminate and drive the Ukrainians will continue Ukraine is destroyed. and empty. thought experiment: since Israel is already serious losses in Gaza, a long war with Iran could leave the IDF in very bad shape. wouldn’t it be wise to get the Israeli’s out of danger by moving them from there to the newly rebuilt but empty Ukraine? except for the part ceeded to Russia for their work in… Read more »

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  miforest
1 month ago

Seeing as how they came from there in the first place, it would be sort of a homecoming, wouldn’t it?

Reply to  I.M. Brute
1 month ago

I think Victoria Nuland should do a pilot study for this idea. She could go ahead to Ukraine and check out the lie of the land – especially the land right in front of the next Russian offensive.

1 month ago

In a nutshell: please see the “Franz and the 102 year-old WWII vet” meme


And, Kunstler comment:
“Are Boomers still patting themselves on the back for all of their glorious achievements during the “civil rights” era? You stupid motherf*ckers.”

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

Blame the ‘Boomers’ again.
Born in 56. Was 9 when CRA passed in 65.
(((Kunstler))) can fuck off.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 month ago

A curious linguistic phenomenon, that when someone mentions a set or a class of objects or people, moderns immediately assume it means “ALL.” Nothing in these statements indicates that you, personally, are being addressed by this comment.

Rather womanly of you, to take general statements about concepts (“generations”) and immediately assume that the statement is directed at you, and requires an immediate Boomer response of cuss words and a middle finger. And the “crack” and “sip” of a beer being opened.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

I judge people by their words and actions, (((wigger))).

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 month ago

Kinda sad how so few people can handle math anymore. The voting age was 18 in some states and not others. In order to be 18 in time to vote for any of your Congresscritters in ’64, you would have to have been born no later than early November, 1946. So maybe a 10 month span of Boomers. And that would have represented a tiny fraction of the electorate, who almost certainly had no effect on the outcome.

Maffs hard.

Reply to  Steve
1 month ago

Oh, my bad. The CRA passed in June ’64. That means “your” Congresscritter was elected in ’62, at the absolute latest. Not a single Boomer was eligible to vote for “his representative”, and around a quarter of us were not even born yet.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 month ago

It is ALL our fault mr boomer whiner. our generation had 50 years to fix that mistake and what have we done? protect it . let the media run our lives and thoughts. call each other racist , listen to the grateful dead and drink ourselves blind in overpriced vacations

1 month ago

OT Trump is not stupid. He knows he dodged a bullet by the grace of God. He likely knows that it was an inside job by the Deep State. And they will not stop, even if he continues to survive and gets elected by some miracle. The hard part now becomes “how do you fight back?” This is the same dilemma that every Mafia boss faced day in and day out. There are tried-and-true old school methods that have appeal (Stalin used purges), but is that optimum in this Brave New World or is there a better way?

Opposable Thumbs Rock!
Opposable Thumbs Rock!
Reply to  TomA
1 month ago

Thinking along those lines, Tony Soprano would have done a better job providing security for the Donald…

Reply to  Opposable Thumbs Rock!
1 month ago

Village People would have done a better job protecting Trump.

Tars Tarkus
1 month ago

The defeatism in this thinking is just so off-putting. It’s doubly off-putting because people know how fragile the system is. Many people are always talking about the coming collapse. At the same time, we have people talking about sunk-cost fallacies and how we just have to “adapt” to the suck. While I do not share the idea that America will “collapse” any time soon, possibly ever, I think it’s obvious bad times are coming within most of our life times. But, “bad times” also means bad times for the bad guys. All the free money will dry up. The bad… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkus
1 month ago

Good comment, but I disagree about the timeline. A massive crisis is much nearer than we think, whether sparked off by another stolen election or other internal incident, or by what is happening in elsewhere in the world. However, I don’t feel in any way defeatist or black-pilled. This route is the only way the enemy of all that is good can be defeated. Empires have collapsed throughout history, sometimes followed by chaos, other times by the relatively rapid re-establishment of some kind of stability. It also helps if you are religious. if you believe, as I do, that something… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Robbo
1 month ago

We have no way of knowing when the major crisis will happen, what triggers it or when or even what it will be. Most, myself included assume it will be a financial one, or brought on by finances. But there are many cracks in the foundation.

1 month ago

Never take anything at face value. Something else is going on here. VDare could indeed be winding down, but nothing stops them from moving to another state. Why haven’t they taken that very obvious step? Ken Paxton wouldn’t be bombarding them with lawfare. Something smells in my opinion.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

There’s definitely things I don’t understand about the case. I guess the big issue is that they can’t use the name vdare anymore, which is a great name, so it’s the loss of a brand. Or could they? why can’t they just start a np in wva? Why not just have a website? Why does this mean they lose all their archives? ramzpaul said brimelow made 1/2 mill a year as president.maybe he can’t make that much if it’s not structured in the way it was. Like can he make 100k a year with buy me a coffee? dont get… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Hi-ya!
Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

Why not? When they wind down, they can sell the IP rights to a third party who can go back to business as usual. Like General Motors where they sold the good assets to “New GM” and the crappy assets were left inside the old company.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Here go the loons, downvoting factually correct statements. God you people are nuts.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

I happen to agree with you on this set of statements. A little diplomacy goes along away if you are worried about downvotes. In any event bad news, no matter how well phrased, should be expected to be unpopular.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

I’m making fun of them. I don’t really care, just amused by it.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

I think down voting you has become a sport.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  WillS
1 month ago

Soon to be an Olympic event, God willing…

N. Zax
N. Zax
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Exactly. It’s entirely the point of the podcast. Didn’t they listen? They are many, many ways to route around and solve this via back channels that are not subject to cancellation **if** that is really your goal.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

I’m afraid that the cynic in me agrees with Ramzpaul. None of us have any other word beyond the Brimloews of their situation. They are from an age that quite easily turned a sincere belief into a money making operation. Non profits are a way to launder profit. The DA might in fact be on the side of every sincere nationalist who ever gave to the couple.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

It has not gone without notice that James will bring a frivolous lawsuit and prevail. Even with that low standard she apparently didn’t have enough to go forward against Vdare so that indicates her purpose was to destroy via discovery an entity she didn’t like due to political differences. That doesn’t mean Vdare is squeaky clean, of course, but it is reprehensible. Z’s podcast today, substantively the best I have heard from him, makes clear this is a degraded and debased system that no longer has legitimacy or can be reformed. James reflects that reality. I’m relatively certain her purpose… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

The mass cancellation effort against VDare is real, and has been devastating. And I know from personal experience that Peter Brimelow is not only a very devoted man, but also personally generous.

Lydia Brimelow explains the crippling hardships they have faced in detail in her statement now available at https://vdare.com/ (it looks like most of VDare’s content is now sadly unavailable). It’s not just the lawfare by Letitia James. Basically, as Lydia says, “VDARE.com is excluded from the world of business” because of the constant cancellations of companies that they try to do business with.

Last edited 1 month ago by 1660please
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

That’s right, no banks , credit card companies will take them.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

Chase supposedly isn’t “profiling” anymore. There are also other banks like Huntington, Peoples Bank or Heartland Bank that would take their business. Find some South Dakota bank. They won’t mess with you there.

Something smells.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Read Lydia Brimelow’s statement.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Yeah, really, some times people look for the secret squirrel conspiracy where sometimes the obvious is more correct, and usually more boring.

Reply to  Forever Templar
1 month ago

There’s no conspiracy here. Move to another state, get another bank. Sioux Falls is the banking capital of the Plains. You can’t tell me there isn’t a bank in Sioux Falls that will deal with you. You don’t have to go to Citibank and Wells Fargo (also based in South Dakota, at least on paper). There are several reasonably-sized banks there that are locally based.

Something smells. Maybe these people were pulling an NRA and fleecing the 501(c)(3). It wouldn’t be the first time.

Last edited 1 month ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

You think you can get credit card processing services from a small town state bank? It is explained in the videos they posted, they went to GabPay and even they got cutoff from processing. You can look at VDare’s 990s online if you want to see how much money they were raising each year. It was a trivial amount to attract the attention of the New York State AG.

Reply to  Barnard
1 month ago

Maybe they had a lot of chargebacks. Maybe they were sleazy about stopping payments when people requested it. There are all kinds of things that could have been going on. Like I said, after what happened with the NRA, it pays to be suspicious. Nonprofits are easy to abuse. Trust nobody, especially on the internet.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

They have given a detailed explanation, they were blacklisted by payment processors for their political views. Either you are willing to accept a reasonable explanation or not. Do you think Letita James was going after them because of how they processed credit card payments? If you think they were cutoff for chargebacks you have mental retardation.

Reply to  Barnard
1 month ago

I think Ms. James may have going after them for irregular accounting practices inside their non-profit.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

James would have gone full speed ahead if she had that in hand. It isn’t like she is immune to a frivolous lawsuit and prevailing.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

No harm in being suspicious. Nor is there harm in retaining an open mind. It is entirely possible – likely, I suspect – that the Brimelows are honorable people.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Certainly won’t trust you. How far will you go to stab your own in the back for preening points?

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

Trust nobody. I’ve always been that way, but that’s what Trump has help hammered home the idea that very few of these people are in it for altruistic motives. What’s that old saying about a woman scorned? That’s how I feel about all of these cuckservatives who turned out being foxes in the hen house.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

“just build your own twitter”

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Both statements read like the dubious newsletters coming from economic websites to buy gold, stocks, etc. There’s not nearly enough thoughtful statements and a little much bold and underline. Both are nearly unreadable.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Something smells.

Yes, but not the something you think.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

There is ALWAYS someone

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

I know a lot of people like & respect VDare, and I was a huge fan of The Derb, so maybe I’m way off-base here, but VDare has always struck me as a bit of a grifting operation. I may agree with them on a great many things, but they were essentially a tabloid; one of those conservative sites that traffics in anger and outrage. They are no different than Revolver or Breitbart, except they are closer to the DR. Brimelow is a yesterday man. He should have seen the knives out for him but he kept his operation in… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

I agree on the whiff of grift about the whole thing, and we will probably be downvoted hard for it. But so be it.

Not to mention the seeming preposterousness of a foreigner as the voice on American immigration restrictionism.

And Brimelow had to know that would always be something on everyone’s mind. I never heard him address it, but maybe he has.

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

Yeah it’s like me, some kid who grew up in the Midwest, setting up a publication in England called “Original Anglo” and calling for mass deportations of Pakis.

Yeah I agree with Brimelow’s sentiment, but…we don’t need raised eyebrows.

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

For crying out loud, Peter Brimelow is an American citizen, born in England of English ancestry!

You can’t get much more American than that. The settlers of Roanoke Island, Jamestown, etc. were English! America for a long time had English culture in case people here didn’t know that crucial fact.

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

One of the Jamestown settlers was Martin The Armenian. He arrived with the intention of introducing silk farming to the new land. Martin also brought European honeybees with him. Simply pointing out that not all settlers hailed from the British Isles. It’s a Friday and you kniw what they say about it: only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday.

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Recent English aristocracy has intermarried with a certain international group. His whole life story has me looking around for an Early Life section. In any case, it’s the same class of people who largely threw the American people under the bus the first time.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wiffle
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

I’m sure when Brimelow says “Lovely; I’d fancy a game of snooker whilst I eat my crisps” at the local pool hall near the Berkeley Castle, he sounds more American than everyone there

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Brimelow is a national treasure. The negatives from people here is a “kick them when they are down” syndrome. Oh , they lost therefore they must have deserved it. Our side does it a lot. VDare has been my go to guy on the only issue that matters for at least 20 years and I miss the web site.

Reply to  mikew
1 month ago

That’s it right there, mikew!

Reply to  mikew
1 month ago

Yes, the VDare website had so many good resources. I’ll try to be charitable and guess that some of these critics weren’t aware. But all of this unfair and untrue bashing, this “kick them when they’re down” syndrome as you said–Wow, well, I’m speechless.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

The reason I don’t read AmRen is because I’d explode if I did. The black-pilling here at Z is more than sufficient for my needs.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Truth Brother…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

To be fair, most of the black-pilling here is in the comment section. Zman seems to be a lot like Taylor in terms of sense of humor and keeping a positive outlook while commenting on the absurdity around us.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
1 month ago

For the most part. However, his favorite concluding sentence is, “This will not end well.”

Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

Just adding to the pile of unpopular opinion that VDARE was either hopelessly incompetent or a grift that has now ended.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

There is an either/or vibe here that is depressing: EITHER the Brimelows are hopeless sentimentalists buried by a system and a new world they cannot understand, OR they are grifters playing off the equally hopeless sentimentality of their supporters, and now their grift has been brought low.

Is it possible that no one here really knows what the fuck they are talking about?

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

“Ragepilled”. I like that. My own encounters with Vdare over the years have started with getting my Radio Derb link, then reading a story here and there. But my gosh, the never-ending roll-call of travesties against our country, against white people, against common sense, all on a website continually begging me for cash… yeah, “irreverent and funny” hardly describes anything offered at Vdare. That said, so much stone-cold truth…

Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

The problem was not people doing the hard and dirty work, making us uncomfortable, the problem was ‘the never-ending roll-call of travesties’ and keeping them from being memory-holed.

The Brimelows were chroniclers.

Poor boo’s whine, “they just wanted to spoil our fun!”
Well, just touch in occasionally, then, before forgetting the name of the next victim.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

Just to be clear, I would love to have the whole VDARE archive on a thumb-drive. For evidence, not for entertainment!

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

“…nothing stops them from moving to another state. “ I know nothing in particular here, but from a quick reading of the Brimelow postings cited, it seems a case of, “you can run, but not hide”. Hide in this case needs a bit of thrashing out. For one, the internet extends across all States. We seem to read everyday of States in compact suing some provider of services as a group. But really, as Lydia states, Vdare seems to be the victim of suppression by nationwide service providers. For one example, banks—which seem to tout themselves as public service providers, but… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Compsci
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Yes. Black markets are in some sense the present. Also, some states–Florida, Iowa, your home state of Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana and South Dakota, have moved against banks that discriminate due to political beliefs. Treasury of course has opposed them, but when wealthy states like Florida and Georgia take action, the banks are put on the spot. The rubber will meet the road when one of those states doesn’t allow X Federal Bank to do business. I suspect one of the major reasons there is such a push to control the central government is to implement a… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

I have some experience with both websites and dealing with the setup of these corporations. It’s the work of almost no money to get another website provider. They are not as famous as their fans imagine. Gab is up and running and they have had a lot more bad press than VDARE. They still have a bank. They still have an Internet connection. It’s annoying, but there’s a still ton of choice out there. Pointing to a few services that may no longer be working with them, perhaps for reasons we are not privy to, is not proof of inability… Read more »

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

It was so easy. A snap! A mere trifle!

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

“…but nothing stops them from moving to another state.”

The State of New York does, however. Or did. I’m not sure if VDare’s liquidation nullifies it’s position as 501-c-3 holder. NY i believe you need their permission to getnrid of it. IIRC, that was their big problem, getting rid of that shackle before they ran out of money.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Forever Templar
1 month ago

Watching YouTube yesterday I was reminded of Louis “NotOurGuy” Rossman’s issue with New York where they were trying to fine him to death for regulatory fees on an employee who never worked in New York at a time when Rossman’s business was no longer in New York. My thought too was that even if NY wasn’t being malicious it’s possible they still would have killed off VDare from neglect.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 month ago

They prosecuted Doug Mackey in New York because he was using the internet and they have the internet in New York. He wasn’t in the state when he sent the “text your vote for Hillary” tweet. Can’t believe people are being so idiotic about an obvious case of lawfare. I didn’t think Richard Spencer had any followers left, a bunch of them must have shown up here today.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Barnard
1 month ago

With Mackey as with VDARE and Julian Assange, it may be lawfare, but it’s also a case of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

Yes, Doug Mackey should have totally expected to be prosecuted for an obviously satirical meme on Twitter.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

You never cease to win the “dumbest motherfucker on this website” award, day in and day out. Your dedication is admirable.

Reply to  Salmon
1 month ago

He has stiff competition.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Salmon
1 month ago

ID’s ID is to be the one, far-seeing, brilliant observer who sees what others cannot see, even if – as here – what he sees is retroactive. Yes, one should never “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”. Mackey, VDARE, Assange, hell, why not throw in Alex Jones? They all thought they were playing a rule-based “game”, aka exercising normal freedoms understood even by libtards ten or fifteen years ago.

ID should regale us with his assessments of Bukovsky, Solzhenitsyn et al who “played stupid games and won stupid prizes”.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

Isn’t Z-Man the one constantly lambasting those who believe they live in a rules-based order? Aren’t you guys always nodding in approval when he does that? In fact, didn’t he repeat those same sentiments in the very post at the top of this age? And now you’re junking me when I say it?

Which is it, guys? Obviously, consistency is not high on your list of priorities.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

You’re also playing by the rules. And the rule is that you judge all people and entities, regardless of their politics, by the same standard. Well, ID, if you really are on the right, then you’re a chump. We should uncategorically defend and not condemn people and entities on the right, even if foolish behavior on their part draws the eye and the ire of Sauros. In existential struggles, you defend your friends. Always. If those of us on the right aren’t willing to do this, then we probably deserve to perish.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

We should uncategorically defend and not condemn people and entities on the right,… In existential struggles, you defend your friends.”

Take it from someone (me) who has both the IQ and the unwavering loyalty of a dog-

This, this right here. This is what to Tribe Up means.

Look to the blacks. No matter how stupid, or scummy, or evil, they always defend their own without hesitation or reservation.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Salmon
1 month ago

I’ve defended ID in the past, but I’ve gotta admit, his posts today are making me regret having done so.

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

“Sure it’s lawfare, but if you’re engaging in perfectly legal, Constitutionally protected activities you’re bringing the hammer down on your own head.”

You need to change your screen name to Comrade Parsons, who expressed fervent relief to.Winston Smith that his kids turned him in to the Thought Police before he had a chance to commit any serious violations.

Then he filled the holding cell with an unbearable reek.

Last edited 1 month ago by Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Forever Templar
1 month ago

There are two ways of doing this. They could merge with a non-profit formed in another state or they can form a new entity and sell off the intellectual property to that new entity. This isn’t brain surgery. Maybe they just wanted to keep going to those New York/ACELA cocktail parties with the rest of Cuckservative, Inc.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Yeah, maybe. Or maybe not. It’s possible – just theoretically, mark you – that there are 3 or more ways of doing “this”, whatever “this” is.

Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

There are. I only listed the two that first came to mind.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Forever Templar
1 month ago

Close to two trillions dollars in capital have fled California and New York. The former can sustain it, the latter cannot. It is unlikely investment returns to New York, too.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

The MSE, or Miami Stock Exchange, appears to be moving closer and closer to reality every day.

Also, how much capital has fled Illinois (Chicago) and Massachusetts (Boston) in recent years?

That number has to be up there.

Reply to  Forever Templar
1 month ago

They needed NY’s permission because they probably were holding assets in that 501(3). Non-profits are not personal trusts. And I only have their word that they were running out of money.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Brimelow strikes me as a generally decent guy, but he was a financial journalist and has an MBA and I think he has this wannabe and especially British plutocrat side to him. And mixing journalism with business always had a strange taste to it for me, as they are sort of emblematic of competing mindsets – one writes, while one does. It was a mix that never could quite meld into a winning formula for me, tasting a bit like black ink and coins, the two things that for me have always captured the tastes of journalism and business for… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

You didn’t mention his hair.

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

ha ha. I didn’t think I would have to

But I am sure my wife would make great sport of it

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

You summed it up pretty well. An aging Brit who bases himself in a castle and is involved in some weird May-December romance is not someone who is serious about American border concerns, and the stable of cranks and loons he had writing for his publication did not inspire anybody who wasn’t already ideologically committed to the same padded cell. VDARE was a grift that did nothing except preach to a very odd choir. You see this same pattern recurring throughout the Alt-Right. What is the purpose of it, anyway? The Alt-Right has never achieved anything. It does not produce… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

This is so stupid. Jared Taylor has his own group and made his money in business before starting it. Whatever he pays himself from AmRen is trivial compared to what he made in his life. We should be grateful men like this are spending their time trying to help the country when they could quietly retire.

Reply to  Barnard
1 month ago

I know people are looking for heroes. I understand why people down vote the OP.
Unfortunately, my opinion of Taylor in particular was of a man who wanted to be intellectual…and earn money for it. None of these very wealthy men do anything but hold conferences, write columns, collect money, and rinse and repeat.
A house built or car restored would have been time better spent. They are not even passing on what little they have built to the next generation.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

And what, pray tell, is wrong with making money from being an intellectual?

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

I read JT’s White Identity a few years ago; it never struck me as an intellectual book at all. It was rather a long, unrelenting narrative of the outrages committed against whites, precisely because they are/were white.

Could it be that Taylor wants the truth to be recorded? That his objectives are honorable? Controversial response? Maybe.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

They’ve left a chronicle of the greatest evil of our time.
You don’t think the next generations need an accurate history?

David Wright
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

Brimelow has done good work but not much influence or help anymore. Nothing wrong with that, just a shame he had to go out this way. He doesn’t deserve this.
Saying the world is better off without them is harsh

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

He said the website, not the people, which is part of what people are mixing up.
If truly all Brimelow did was collect money from working men who cared about their country, then yes, it’s better that VDARE is dead.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

And if no, then PB is a political casualty of the emerging totalitarian state. Consider the source: Letitia James is a hard left fanatic who even now claims that her office is now dedicated to defeating Donald Trump. This wasn’t even lawfare; it was lawkrieg. We unhappy subjects of NY state are now required to pay James’ salary, the salary of all her attorneys as well as the army of “judges” under her command, to hunt down and destroy anything that annoys her and Hochal’s minders. But yeah, let’s all circle-jerk about the Brimelows’ possible “grift”. Sure safer than looking… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

The world would be better off without several hundred people I can think of, and Mr. Brimelow isn’t one of them.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

I often wonder why you continue to comment on websites like this, considering you don’t seem to agree on one single fundamental thing that users of these websites all got past decades ago.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Salmon
1 month ago

He agrees, he just doesn’t want to “agree” in the sense that ordinary people understand. He wants to show off. At a guess, ID is in his twenties and has recently finished (at any rate attended) college, and has read or skimmed many books, essays and other assigned readings. I remember being that way myself in my twenties. My goodness, could I turn a phrase or reproduce an argument! Forty years ago, sadly. Then life intervened and at some point in my thirties I decided that maybe I wasn’t the next Bertrand Russell after all. You reach a point when… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

The alt-right, so called, is a dying thing. I think Z is smart and cagey enough to have seen the writing on the wall and is therefore trying to branch out. It had its time when middle America was seeing itself transform demographically, and this was the primal scream as it were. Anyone from California, for example, was non-plussed, having seen the transformation take place decades prior, and the solution was for the ones who couldn’t deal with it to go to the Pacific Northwest and start anew or the ones like me to just ride it out and see… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

Andrew Sullivan’s butt plug has attained self-awareness and is now passionately opinionating as “Falcone”.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

VDARE only existed so that people … pretending to be publishing impresarios and intellectuals.”

Well ID, if anyone should know about faux intellectuals it would be you.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

+100. ID is obviously unaware that VDARE wasn’t one of those “American Greatness” type sites where the Michael Antons of the world explained to us that we enjoy natural rights because John Locke or someone else said so. It was a news site: Bad news, to be sure, red pills and black pills all around. I can’t recall any article from VDARE that was more than a report from life in AINO.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 month ago

My goodness, you are such an asshole. “People like Peter Brimelow, John Derbyshire, and Jarod (sic) Taylor”… I’m sorry, words fail. Let’s talk about people like you. How do you rate against these men, all of whom have shown themselves over decades to be dignified, thoughtful and courageous men in, granted, “just” the opinion business. Much like Sam Francis, Joseph Sobran, and others. Men who couldn’t quite keep themselves inside the tent of ConInc.

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

Yes, that marriage is wronity wrong. The British in particular were (and still are) overwhelmed with a particular group looking to intermarry. Lots of 18th and 19th century marriages, to the point where it’s hard to trace the Gentile lines.
I promise that everyone I don’t like is not from the group. It’s just that his life story sounds awfully stereotypical of one particular nation, including his attachment to NY.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

Ah, so Peter Brimelow follows a stereotype! You have your fingers on the pulse of the British, and you have him all figured out.

I had no idea that the analysis of total strangers was so simple. Thanks!

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

I’m not a lawyer, don’t even play one on TV, but I’ll take rank speculation for $100 Alex. I guess, but don’t know, that a likely answer is that the law can pester the principals of a corporation even if that corporation ceases to exist, whatever the legal term is. Of course there are statutes of limitations and lack of jurisdiction etc. but my point is that, likely, there is plenty of stuff for which there aren’t any limitations. If I murdered someone in New York and quickly moved to Texas, that doesn’t make the murder charge disappear. I suspect… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

Well, with current “lawfare” as practiced in NYC, limitation statutes seem meaningless when they can be changed retroactively to suit the prosecution. This was the essence of Trump’s lost trial for sexual misconduct vis a vis a 30 yo accusation. That trial was geared to bankrupt and tarnish him. It failed because it became so publicized that it raised his status in the common man’s eyes. It succeeded however in raising the stakes financially for Trump. I believe SCOTUS has yet to rule on this and that’s want Trump is counting on. The 8th Amendment certainly would come into play… Read more »

Larry is Right
Larry is Right
1 month ago

I think people underestimate the collective power and organizational ability of the “blob”. Just because their figureheads are idiots, doesn’t mean they are. None of these attacks are unplanned.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

Is anyone else kind of enjoying some of the disagreements in today’s comments?

On some level, I think that’s really healthy, and shows that this site isn’t yet another Internet echo chamber.

Maybe it’s just me.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

Gonna have to disagree with ya there, friend. I don’t like it, not one bit.

1 month ago

I remember watching Derb and Peter sitting around drinking whiskey with X caliber swords in their hands a year or two ago ,I haven’t checked in on vdare since. I thought to myself what’s next, cowbell ringing when someone kicks them 15 or 20 quid. Derb is posting his radio Derb on his own site for now. Your take on today’s subject is spot on. We’re getting more than we’re paying for. Much more in my opinion.

1 month ago

Gilbert chesterton has an interesting article on hamlet and psycho analysis, which was the rigor during the turn of the century.  The Freudian part is kinda irrelevant but what’s startling is that he says that hamlet knew he must kill his uncle who was an overt tyrant, but that doing the right thing is hard. He says hamlet is about punishment and moral intent. He doesn’t say it’s about whining and protesting and begging the police of the government to do something after it’s been proven that they are part of the tyranny. He says hamlet is about a primitive morality… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Hi-ya!
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

[Today’s rant 100% Nietzsche free!] We truly are descending into a dark age. There are so many factors stacked against us (if “us” is understood as longing for the way the nation was decades ago) that I suspect the best outcome we can hope for is a gradual slide into mediocrity, a managed decline. Letita James, Fani Willis, or Kamala Harris are the advance guard of a “darker” future.   We seem to be well down the refuse chute into anarcho-tyranny. In the area of what came to be called civil rights, I see a perverse reversal of roles. There’s… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

That’s why we get 20-year-old radicals with AR15s on rooftops.

Do we?

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

I thought you had to be older than that to join the SS?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

Very well; choose your own poltically motivated violent crime. There are plenty to choose from in.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

Goodness you are slow on the take. Layabout indeed.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

“…the rational choice is to sit back and take the abuse passively.” Depends on the abuse/situation. Everyday, I take abuse passively. The current Olympics is an example. However, one can think of a situation directly and immediately concerning “me and mine” where such abuse cannot be accepted passively. Such situations are growing in number and intensity. Hence the great unknown is when it comes to head, or critical mass, if you will. This, you’ve pretty much described above—I give you credit for such insight as usual. However, what you seem to fear, i.e., “the great awakening into “violence”, I welcome.… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Points well made. If I could revise it, it’d be along these lines: “A civilized person will likely tolerate or perhaps even forgive mistreatment, at least the more minor variety, passively. He may feel powerless against the oppressor. Yet if the abuse continues, won’t it likely lead to some desire for retribution, and perhaps even spur him to some form of revenge?”

grim wreaker
grim wreaker
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

Accepting mistreatment passively leads to dealing out retribution passively, ie, work to rule, that is, do nothing outside of basic requirements, do not offer help advice or assistance, remove yourself from the scene as much as possible, don’t participate, protest or produce. Sit on your hands and let it fall.

Reply to  grim wreaker
1 month ago

Ah yes, passive resistance. Good point, and describes much of where I’m at these days.

1 month ago

House in NY goes on market Labor Day. Still a good flow of city refugees willing to pay a premium to get out of that hellhole. Been zipping by the Berkeley Springs exit frequently going back and forth to C-ville. Tempted to divert and have a quick look around. Wife would never move to WV, though.

Reply to  SamlAdams
1 month ago

Yes, and that maybe the case with the Brimlows too, which is too bad. It’s great state.

Reply to  SamlAdams
1 month ago

Holy cow your finally getting out Brother… Good for you…

Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

Yep. Last kid off to school in VA this year. Can take advantage of two years in state tuition, plus she’ll like do grad school. And I think getting away from population density is a really good idea right now. Some people think I’m crazy.

Reply to  SamlAdams
1 month ago

Cville sucks now. Check out scottesville

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

I’d stay out of the county, to the west most likely. Cville proper is nuts. One of my other kids went to W&M ditto there. Trying to find a balance. I’d rejoin my g-grandmothers family in far eastern TN if it were solely up to me.

1 month ago

People have forgotten Lawrence Auster and his contribution to the cause in this time frame.

1 month ago

You can say what you want but they aren’t gonna let you get paid for it. That’s creeping into their territory.

1 month ago

Build your own….homeland?

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

Yes it’s the only way we win…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

Perhaps we can buy a remote Scottish isle and start our own little country like some Muslim over there is planning.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

Not a bad idea at that. Who among us wouldn’t sign on to live on an isle populated exclusively by white DRs? Of course, there are the details…

1 month ago

Although I’ll agree that the prosecution of the NRA was politically motivated, the reality is that the NRA has been wildly mismanaged for the benefit of the leadership over the past few years. The NRA, unlike VDare, had plenty of money with which to defend themselves, but did not have the moral high ground to defend their indefensible policies. They are, thankfully, in the process of at least making some changes now that they have been exposed. I am a life member but haven’t contributed or supported in a few years. Am hoping that the prosecution will be enough to… Read more »

1 month ago

This is just an outstanding podcast ZMan. I love the stark realism and the manly example of accepting the reality but maintaining dignity and a long term optimism. Your point about the economic elites is great and spot on. I wonder if you could do a show on on this character and this podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brand-new-balaji-trump-biden-jan-6/id1661672738?i=1000662818596 A synopsis: Balaji claims the 20th century was about the Center defeating the Far Right. He seems to take for granted that they are currently battling the Far Left and will crush them. Then, he declares that the 21st century will be about the Center… Read more »

1 month ago

Hey the sound was great as was the show. The great mushroom cloud in the sky over DC will augur in a new paradigm. Of course its tentacles spread far and wide across the country, but it’ll be a start…

1 month ago

I’d also push the ideas in this podcast to the thing we hear to the effect that things have to get really bad and then everyone will finally unite to expel the rulers and usher in the new golden age. Same energy: loser energy. The examples we have of replacing the elites are nothing at all like awakening the masses. On the Right, they are incidentally nothing at all like organizing, either, I’d point out. Our examples tend to be, well, mustache man, or Franco, or, going further back, the reaction to the Cathars. None of these are organizational achievements,… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  btp
1 month ago

This came up yesterday on Fedi and the thing that stuck out to me at the onset of the Spanish Civil War was that the left could call up tens of thousands of irregular soldiers in their friendly cities. The regime is organized, but the “left” isn’t and our regime couldn’t pull such a stunt. They can call up some rioters, rioters who will evaporate away once the get rittenhoused, but they’re not getting even 200 people to show up and fight and die for them in any regular sized city.

Reply to  btp
1 month ago

What might be helpful for lots of people here is to do some European travels, if they haven’t already. For me this whole situation is not exceedingly alarming because if you spend a lot of time in the old world you can start to get a deeper sense of the parallels and overlay them onto the American situation. Briefly, we are being ruled by a foreign elite. That very fact, once understood, will go a very long way in giving Americans the mindset to see through these problems. And if that foreign elite is removed like a tick I guess… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

There comes a time in the affairs of man when he must take the bull by the tail and face the situation.

…W. C. Fields

1 month ago

John Rivers died?

Reply to  Vegetius
1 month ago

Now that would be poetic justice if he died from the vax…

1 month ago

Funny thing is, my mechanic who is an immigrant from Cuba says to me in very broken English ” That Kamala gets elected in two years I am moving to Colombia. Americans just don’t get it.”

1 month ago

This is all I have to say about the election…… That moment when someone says, “I can’t believe you would vote for Trump.” I simply reply, “I’m not voting for Trump.” I’m voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I’m voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family. I’m voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation. I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end… Read more »

1 month ago

Z – It’s interesting how you mention the underdog mentality of the left. I used to be more of a Democrat than I am now because I viewed the rights revolutions of the 50s and 60s as sort of a founding myth. As I began having negative experiences with the left on places like democratic underground or dailykos, i started becoming more heterodox in my views. But one of the reasons I never fully broke away from the democrats (though I’m not voting for Harris) is that I feel the democrats are being discriminated against by our electoral system and… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 month ago

The “left” always believe they are the little guy, fighting the power. Always. No matter the circumstances. It’s not a facade or an act. They really believe it. In their core.

Last edited 1 month ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 month ago

The “unfairness” of the Electoral System is perhaps mostly exaggerated! People who buy into this rarely “work the numbers”. The House is apportioned as to population (rebalanced every 10 years through Census). Right now each of the 435 House members represent 760k citizens. However, there is a Con Clause of a minimum of one House member per state. 6 States now get an “undeserved” House member. So that’s one bit of unfairness built in. Every State gets 2 Senators. Hard to argue a whole lot of fairness problems there, but again there’s that pesky State population size compared to Senator… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

I’d add that the Constitution would never have passed without the states being represented in both houses, one representing popular interests, the other representing state interests. The intent was that for a law to be enacted, it had to be good for the people and good for the states.

Daniel Bernard Respecter
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

A friendly correction: its one Rep per 760K people, not citizens. The illegals count as much as us. California for example gets more clout in the House than it deserves. The illegals don’t even need to vote to skew the numbers.

1 month ago

Yes, the Boomer man in charge of VDARE said they was lawfared out of existence. There may even been some truth to it. I have my doubts however.
The whole story does however fit a narrative of the West post 1960’s.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wiffle
1 month ago

Being honest, the people at Vdare were jerks. When I first got into them maybe 10 years ago I would donate and so forth, and never got a thank you. And then you would write a certain author, who was basically a part timer at vdare and had plenty of time, he would never even acknowledge it. This went on for a while. I don’t know, but I am BIG into customer service. So maybe it is my pet peeve clouding the situation, but a little less being intellectuals and a little more customer satisfaction and they would have gone… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

I’ve received numerous emails of thanks and even handwritten notes from John Derbyshire. He’s a good man.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago

The wise ass in me wants to say “Good for you, you want a blue ribbon?”

But I won’t. And I never received diddly squat. They took the money and ran.

But I never wrote Derbyshire, and never much followed him, and I wasn’t referring to him. Not sure what makes you think I was, if that’s what can be gleaned by your comment.

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

They sent me thank you emails for my donations. Not that I wouldn’t have donated if they didn’t. I saw them as providing a valuable service I was willing to contribute towards. Maybe you just missed it in your spam. You wanted a hand written note? The Brimelows are good American patriots who deserved much better than this. I will miss the site and was proud to contribute to it.

Reply to  Barnard
1 month ago

Did it create enough good will for you where you sent them more money to help them in their legal troubles?

If no, may I ask you why not?

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

I did once. The thank you emails played no role in that. I wasn’t a large enough donor that I expected attention from them.

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

So, if they show thanks they’re bad, but if they don’t show thanks they’re bad. Fuck off.

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

The wise-ass in me tells you to fuck off, asshole. VDare has long had a feature where you can target your donations to a certain author, so when I was donating to VDare, I was donating to both him and the organization and he was representing them.

Last edited 1 month ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

Google “Apophasis”

Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

Yup. It’s like stars who act like divas and are too good to sign autographs. A little salesmanship and outreach pays dividends to every business.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

It’s not very complicated, but most people just don’t have the temperament for it, but there are two rules for the small businessman that I have always found are necessary for success. Customer is always right. OR the customer always deserves the utmost respect. NEVER EVER over-promise and under-deliver. And not to brag, but just making it known so I don’t seem like I am talking out my butt, but I have made millions in my life living by those rules. Much of it has been squandered unfortunately, but I am in a new chapter in my life now and… Read more »

Tars Tarkus
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

No, usually the customer is wrong and is costing you money besides. A very small percentage of your customers cost the most money. I once did tech support to the general public. It was the same 1000 people calling over and over and over. One guy called so often, I knew his name by voice. He had the cheapest plan you could buy and called at least once a week. The guy was old and lonely and wanted someone to talk to and he got it for $4.99 a month! It was an 800 number, so we paid for the… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkus
1 month ago

Tars. It works both ways to an extent. In my early career, pre-internet, computer support staff at the main computer center *all* had to work the consulting desk for a few hours per week in addition to their normal work routine—even the Director of the Computing Center! Sure the low level peons worked more hours, but we all took some hours on this duty. Our hours and expertise was posted for all to see and plan for. I still to this day, consider this requirement an excellent outreach, but have not seen it since. My first insight from this very… Read more »

Tars Tarkus
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

My experience is you should do the opposite. Most technical people in the IT (I’ve been in corp IT since I left that tech support job) dept cannot talk to normal people. We do our best to hide them away from everyone. I was just like this at one time. But I learned in my second IT job to turn that on and off. Nobody is every impressed by your knowledge, they’re offended and think you are calling them stupid. The opposite is also true. The more you talk to them like a complete dummy, the more they like you.… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkus
1 month ago

No argument per se, but I was in university as an academic instructor and taught classes. You work with people, and to an extent *must* communicate until at least tenured. 😉

And btw, many of my consultees were high level research faculty. You fail to show due deference, your career has an abrupt ending.

Last edited 1 month ago by Compsci
Reply to  Tars Tarkus
1 month ago

No. Barring stupid government interference with freedom of association, the customer is always right. It’s just that your marketing and sales departments got the wrong customer.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

Even if Vdare was a massive grift and assholish, and I honestly have no opinion on that one way or the other, what was done to it is an outrage and a crime that never will be punished under the current system. That is the takeaway. Better customer service and the additional money that would have garnered would not have protected it. Trump is a billionaire and has been criminally convicted and targeted for assassination by the current system because it can. The system destroys regardless of merit.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

The system can destroy when there is no will to keep things going. Trump has made it a long way, for better or worse, because he as been determined to keep going.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

The system can destroy even if there is a very strong will to keep going. Granted, it makes it easier when there is no will, but that in and of itself is no silver bullet. As for Trump, I remain agnostic. It may destroy him yet, it may coopt him, or he may overcome it, but what has been done to him speaks for itself. I do hope it is the latter outcome if for no other reason than the damage it represents to the system.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Yep, that is what Vdare represents, a shot across the bow if you will. We can all learn from their mistakes—and it may very well be that they could do little else at the time. A critique here is not synonymous with a condemnation.

Stupid people don’t learn from their mistakes, normal people do, and above average people learn from “other people’s” mistakes.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Again, I have no solid opinion on Vdare or even enough familiarity to form one, but what I read there often was quite naive, the sort of stuff Normies believed in the Eighties. That aside, the grotesque abuse of power used against Vdare is something that needs to die or be destroyed. I hope to see it in my lifetime.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

VDARE was not a massive grift and assholish. Why do I know this? I know it because I read VDARE for years, linked to Radio Derb, and found myself informed by its content… and I never gave them a dime. Should I have given them something? Maybe, but one finds oneself confronted with charity requests all the time, and the thing is, I have this charity called “My Retirement Charity” as well as others that are serious to me. If VDARE can’t hang in there, it’s their problem not mine. Doesn’t make them grifters.

Tars Tarkus
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

What turned me off about them is I once made the mistake of sending them an email. My sending them an email is an invitation to spam me with ads and solicitation emails near daily for 10 years. I sent them messages asking them to remove from their email list. Never replied and never even slowed down the emails. Frankly, I’m jealous they left you alone, but couldn’t leave me alone. My email exists for my benefit, not yours. Same with my phone and postal address. I’ve been an adult for nearly 40 years and never once have I bought… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Tars Tarkus
1 month ago

Sir, you haven’t lived until you’ve sent a $200 gift to Hillsdale College. About 20% of my monthly junk mail is from these people. And that check went out seven years ago. They won’t stop.

Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

You need to up your game. $10k gets you a book and an annual Christmas card. Other than that, they leave you alone.

Reply to  Tars Tarkus
1 month ago

Sir, I have two words to whisper…”Readers” and “Digest”. This organization is the Foreign Legion of direct mail sales; you can desert but they *will* find you.