Normal Versus Crazy

Political debates in America are rarely worth the effort to watch mostly because they are not genuine debates. Instead, they are something like a joint press conference where the candidates also get to shout at one another. In a general election, the candidate of the stupid party always agrees to allow the candidate of the evil party to invite his friends to be the moderators. The resulting show, and it is mostly just a show, is about the stupid party candidate fending off the others.

There are exceptions to this farcical aspect of our elections. Once in a while something will happen in the show to address a lingering concern of the public or maybe bring out something about one of the candidates that people have suspected. The most obvious example is the Trump – Biden debate in the summer. People suspected that Joe Biden was a vegetable, and this was confirmed in the debate. The subsequent response from regime media led to his ouster.

There was some of this in the vice-presidential debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz last night. Unless you live in Minnesota or Ohio, you had no reason to know these guys until now. Vance was a rising star in the GOP, so he is a bit better known than Walz, but hardly a household name. Before winning the VP lottery, Walz was an unknown governor from flyover country. The debate was a chance for both men to introduce themselves to a national audience.

In the case of Vance, the regime media has been attacking him daily. They started with the “weird” campaign in the summer and then moved onto a narrative that says he is dragging down the Trump campaign. They even floated stories about Trump dropping him, which were all nonsense. His performance in the debate show put to rest any concerns the media campaign may have planted in the minds of voters. He was sharp, prepared and dominated the evening.

What normie got to see in Vance is a guy who is extremely smart and confident, but also extremely normal. He wove in his backstory when required, which is highly relatable, but he did not wave his bio around like a bloody shirt, which is something modern politicians do constantly. They have to be the hero of their story. Vance came across as down to earth, despite owning the room quite easily. Even the regime media had to admit that he dominated the show.

Walz on the other hand came across as a strange combination of Uncle Fester from the Addams Family and a highly caffeinated Mr. Magoo. Most of the night he was maniacally scribbling things on a pad he brought with him. One got the sense that he was taking notes so he could tattle on Vance to the teacher. Obviously, someone told him that smart people take notes in these things, so he practiced doing what he thought smart people do when taking notes.

Of course, the main takeaway from the night for Tim Walz was his comically weird facial expressions when staring into the camera. You half expected him to put a lightbulb in his mouth. It was the sort of behavior that crystallizes a suspicion of him in the minds of the typical voters. This is a very strange man. His overly-caffeinated Elmer Fudd routine might be fine for the folks back home, but for the rest of the country it suggests there is something disturbing about his private life.

Normally this would not matter, as people do not think too much about the vice-presidential candidates. At most they suggest something about the presidential candidate’s strengths or weaknesses. In this case, it matters a lot because there are questions about both party candidates. This election is not just about Trump versus the Blob, but about the future of Republican Party, on the one hand, and the trust in the regime candidate on the other.

What Harris needed in her running mate was someone who could reassure the white population that they could trust a boozy bimbo. Harris may be a simpleton, but the people around her are competent. The narrative they were going for was what they thought worked in 2008 with Obama. The young diverse hero supported by the old white establishment man. This story would be diverse girl boss supported by middle America white dudes in the person of Tim Walz.

Instead of salt of the earth middle-aged white guy, the Harris campaign got wacky old guy who gives people the creeps. The debate simply underscored the fact that the regime candidate is a ham-and-egger thrown in at the last minute. On the other hand, Vance looked like the guy who would take over the populist movement after Trump retires and actually have the skill to implement the agenda. Last night highlighted the fact that this election is a choice between normal and crazy.

Of course, the specter haunting this election is the rigging. Will we see waves of phony ballots mysteriously turning up in the dead of night again? It is hard to rig two elections in a row and always a bad idea to try it. That is the main reason to think they will try to rig this election. The regime is in the phase where they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. If rigging this election is the worst thing they can do, you can be sure they are thinking about it.

That aside, if Trump does win the election, one reason will be that he picked the right sidekick this time. It shows he learned from the last time and that he is thinking beyond the mere vanity of his politics. He will also have been blessed with an opponent that reminds people of their last trip to get their license renewed. Her choice of Uncle Fester as a running mate confirmed that she has no business make lunch decisions, much less making important decisions in the Oval Office.

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Captain Willard
Captain Willard
4 hours ago

The Harris/Walz act is the ultimate flex on the plebes by the Deep State. The subliminal, if not outright, message is: “we’re in charge, we can run whomever the hell we want – even these doofuses – print up the ballots and ram it down your throat”. At least Obama was polished and sober, thereby lending a veneer of dignity to the proceedings. This farce is at a Vaudeville level of kitsch and frivolity.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Captain Willard
4 hours ago

There is an element of sadism.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
3 hours ago

Element? The sadism is the whole point. You think they want to replace white people in order to boost GDP?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
3 hours ago

And it gives me the sadz…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 hours ago

It does for sure Brother especially at our people that don’t seem to mind being treated like sh*t and genocided…

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Lineman
1 hour ago

There’s a sizable element of the white population that applauds their own destruction.and is doing everything possible to bring it about.

4 hours ago

Walz gives me major Sandusky vibes, especially as all his extracurriculars seem to involve spending time with kids, taking them to China or setting up the gay club or what have you. I know they picked him as a salt-of-the-earth type of normal guy, and also one who just happened to bend the knee to the head girlboss and the liberal system, but it doesn’t work when he just has major creep energy.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Mycale
4 hours ago

Yeah a grown man setting up a gay club for teens is about as sketchy as it gets without outright breaking the law.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 hours ago

Happened in most of the in this country .

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Mycale
3 hours ago

No way that dude isn’t a pedo.

Reply to  Mycale
3 hours ago

He’s just a harmless pudgy and misguided goofball of a politician. I think he’s a decent guy at the core. He should be selling pest control services, but instead the Democrat party convinced him that he should be the VP of the GAE. This is the tragedy of it, and I feel sorry for him. The Democrats did the same to Joe Biden…they pick front runners based on looks and malleability alone, not for any substance. The Dems deserve to rot in hell.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Marko
3 hours ago

“found one!”

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Marko
3 hours ago

He’s a pedo. No other kind of “man” forms a gay club for the kids in PE class in the 1990s.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
3 hours ago

You make many excellent posts, and then you occasionally uncork stuff like this.


Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 hours ago

Yea makes one wonder about a lot of people online that do that…

Reply to  Marko
3 hours ago

Maybe. My gut could be totally off on this, but I doubt I’m the only one. I still wonder how a guy from a literal nowhere district in Minnesota becomes governor and now VP pick. We all know about the operations that go on to ensure these peoples’ loyalties to the regime.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Mycale
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Marko
2 hours ago

Are you forgetting about the gay kids club and the tampons in the boy’s room?
Yeah, and people thought Ted Bundy was charming and a nice guy.

That’s the thing. Most psychos don’t look or act like psychos in their public persona.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
30 minutes ago

Virtually everyone, of any persuasion, color, or creed, is a reasonably civil/agreeable person 99% of the time. How civil and agreeable we are for that last 1% of it is what separates the civilized people from the barbarians, psychopaths, and savages.

Last edited 28 minutes ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
3 hours ago

The Power Structure actually thinks homosexuality and pedophelia are salt-of-the-earth characteristics. This is the level of the West’s derangement.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 hours ago

I agree with your sentiment Ostei, but if that is the case, I don’t understand the P Diddle blow up that has erupted into the current news cycle.
Why would the Regime allow these events and revelations to take place now?
Nothing good can come from it, based on their predilections.
The people coming out of the woodwork, and the ones being vindicated,(I didn’t know who Katt Williams was till this week), are plentiful, and appear to view the situation as an opportunity to tell their stories.
Something is afoot.

Time to buy more popcorn.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
4 hours ago

“Will we see waves of phony ballots mysteriously turning up in the dead of night again? It is hard to rig two elections in a row and always a bad idea to try it.” Need you ask? Of course they will. And why is it a bad idea to do it twice? They did it flagrantly the first time around and got away with it scot-free. It will be easier the second time. They’ve got the hang of it now. The only thing that might stop it is violent demonstrations, cities ablaze, and the like. Something like 1968. But middle… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 hours ago

I can’t imagine a straight election but I can imagine almost anything else. Including a little October surprise shooting war with da Ole russkies.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 hours ago

Or oil going to 250 plus Dollars a barrel. Israel has said they want to hit oil fields in Iran while Iran has said any retaliation will be met with a larger response by Iran. AFAIK, Iran has long said it will shut down the Straits of Hormuz if they are forced into war.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 hours ago

I’m thinking they would shut down Hormuz over China’s dead body, which would be the condition of China without Persian gulf oil

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
2 hours ago

Or they could do what the Yemenis are doing and allowing friendly flagged ships to pass through unmolested. Just the threat would cripple the area. Insurance would go through the roof.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
53 minutes ago


My prediction is that the Israeli response is going to be underwhelming.

Mainly because AINO’s ability to supply munitions is stretched very thin at this point. Also because Iranian defenses will prove far tougher than expected, especially if the Israelis send jets rather than missiles.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
29 minutes ago

Didn’t the Israelis take out a launcher after the symbolic attack in April or May or whenever it was?

Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 hours ago

The right doesn’t seem to view violence as a rheostat that can be dialed up or down as the Left does. If things cross the sporky line, will be an “all in” enterprise.

Reply to  SamlAdams
2 hours ago

That is a definite possibility…keep your loved ones and weapons close as we approach election D-Day….

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  SamlAdams
2 hours ago

Not that I think the right getting violent as a good thing, because I don’t, I also don’t see the right doing much of anything in that area.
Even just a good old fashioned riot isn’t likely to happen. Leftists usually riot in areas they control. That is how they get away with it. The right isn’t going to burn down their own towns and cities. They will be dealt with in the harshest way were they to try it in any of the blue cities.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 hours ago

The only brakes on really blatant cheating may be–note, may–it makes the Regime look even more ridiculous and is an impediment to preaching to the world about democracy.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
3 hours ago

Well, the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance haven’t stopped ’em so far.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Arshad Ali
3 hours ago

Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Arizona (incidentally, all D governed states) are already announcing that the results will take weeks

Election results will take weeks to tally, swing state officials warn voters to be patient (

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 hours ago

This type of thing is sickening to me; the blatant lying abd telling readers, get ready for the steal. in confessions Augustine is in this liminal headspace where he is still operating as basically a law professor, but honestly seeking the truth of life the universe etc. I wish I could find the quote but he was giving a speech about the emperor where he just lied and he even says everyone knew he was lying, but the implication was that that’s how things went. he talks a lot about the wretchedness of living like that especially when you don’t… Read more »

Reply to  Hi-ya!
2 hours ago

Status/Power is an addictive drug and people will steal, kill, and destroy to keep or attain it…

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
2 hours ago

Hilarious…as an attorney who knows election judges and procedures, there isn’t a precinct in America that can’t be counted in 4 hours….Delay always means vote fraud…

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
2 hours ago

AZ has had to announce recently that over 200k mail in ballots are being sent to folks *not* confirmed to be citizens! This after 3+ years to review/contact those people and ask for citizenship documentation as per (upheld) AZ law and remove them from State voting (shorter Fed only ballot). This means that those questionable citizens will receive “full” ballots and vote in national offices—and State offices! We often concentrate on national elections, but locally these offices decide whether the State turn solid, hard blue and the future electoral shenanigans Blue vs Red entails. Same old, same old. I will… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Arshad Ali
3 hours ago

I agree. They get away with pretty much anything, so why not. The only repercussion I can see is accelerated tuning out. That may or not not matter to them. It might matter more to israel.

Reply to  c matt
2 hours ago

They own both parties. Why would they care.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arshad Ali
3 hours ago

We whites are too good for our own good.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 hours ago

i get what you mean but it’s a blunder which is worse than a sin. It’s putting foreigners above our own. It’s impious.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
2 hours ago

I have a meme with a quote by Fyodor Dostoevsky that says

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 hours ago

There are reasons. First and foremost, middle America is invested in the established order (dysfunctional and blatantly unfair though it is). Invested in the sense that they have jobs, mortgages to pay, children to bring up, food to put on the table. The loony left, on the other hand, can summon up flash mobs of jobless noggers and backpackers at the snap of Soros’s fingers. There’s just no comparison. One thing I failed to mention is the boa-constrictor hold the system of censrorship now has, which was nowhere near so draconian exactly four years back (but which came into place… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 hours ago

California has shown us the future of elections. The legislature just made a voter ID requirement illegal. Anything goes.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 hours ago

How could they not steal the election a second time: There are an extra 20 million illegals who have been signed up on the rolls, and the integrity of the voting system is no better than the integrity of the southern border.

If the elites don’t care about protecting American citizens from a third world peasant army, then they surely don’t care about protecting those citizens’ votes.

4 hours ago

Not paying much attention tbh, but I did watch a clip. The Uncle Fester vibe is strong.

Rigging, sure, but I do believe Roe looms. These ads I’ve been seeing, the middle-aged women worrying. Do not underestimate how many women have had abortions and their feelings. If Roe is settled, they’ll feel like bad people, and they’d burn down the world rather than feel like bad people.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 hours ago

Do not underestimate how many women have had abortions and their feelings.

It’s not just the ones that have had abortions, it’s all women. Any restrictions on abortion at all means some level of sexual accountability for women. Accountability triggers the female hindbrain and introduces a level of panic in them. There is no reasoning with this as it is almost entirely subconscious and reflexive.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 hours ago

The rhetoric of abortion is about sex, especially on the pro- side. People seeming to speak freely of fucking is highly suspicious. In what other context is heterosexual sex a part of public discourse? There aren’t even boobs in movies for boys anymore. It’s the subject of media outrages and criminal trials, not polite conversation. What even stronger taboo is being preserved by talking about good ol’ fashioned boy-impregnates-girl sex—the worst thing in the world? (It’s even racist.) My everyday observation* of mothers, especially mothers of male children, is consonant with crime stats: Women hate their children and want to… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
1 hour ago

Fair enough. My experience of Jewish women is limited and not intimate, but they do seem more assertive, let’s say, to me.

My experience of Gentile women is that they’re deeply conflicted. Most are moms at heart, but they’ve been programmed differently. Impose a foreign culture on people, as you note, watch the mayhem.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 hours ago

Yep. And that female hindbrain can’t figure out that in just about every State, abortion is not being eliminated, only restricted to generally accepted limits of application, which will never affect them in their desire to terminate a pregnancy. Here in AZ we have a proposition on the ballot concerning basically “unlimited” abortions being made part of the Constitution! The ad’s are non stop which state that this constitutional amendment *must* be passed to assure abortion is (again) made legal in AZ. No where do the ad’s explain that in AZ abortions *are* legal and unregulated up to 15 weeks,… Read more »

Bitter reactionary
Bitter reactionary
Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 hour ago

Indeed. Sadly there is no hope of re-subjugating them until after collapse. The only way to make use of them now is to find something to terrorize them even harder than some basic accountability does.

Maybe make it clear the Left will draft them into the next zio -war?

Reply to  Mr. Generic
49 minutes ago

“Any restrictions on abortion at all means some level of sexual accountability for women.” Yep. Ever wonder why abortion became legal and widespread only about ten years after The Pill? Because women were too stupid and feckless and irresponsible to use The Pill consistently and effectively. It’s noteworthy that today, surgical abortions are on the decline, and most abortions are pharmacological ones using the so-called “Plan B” or “morning after pill.” In other words, they are too irresponsible to take a pill to prevent conception before intercourse… but they will take a pill to kill the fetus or embryo after.… Read more »

Last edited 45 minutes ago by Xman
Reply to  Paintersforms
41 minutes ago

“Do not underestimate how many women have had abortions”

The most common number for decades was about a million per year (in the 50 years since Roe). Assuming for the sake of the argument that these were not second or third abortions, that’s 50 million women.

If we allow that this model might overestimate the number by as much as 20%, that is still 40 million women.

Last edited 39 minutes ago by Xman
Thomas Mcleod
Thomas Mcleod
4 hours ago

Every business owner I know, including myself, spends a significant amount of time on succession. Do we have the people in place to pick up the slack if I drop dead or get sick of it all and retire? Are we keeping those people happy, or are they looking to get experience and bounce to another firm or start their own firm? Trump has a business owner brain. V.P.s aren’t picked with succession in mind, unless you count the: “better keep me alive because my V.P. is worse” kind on succession planning. I don’t watch debates because, honestly, I’d rather watch… Read more »

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Thomas Mcleod
2 hours ago

Vance demonstrated clearly last night what the nation could be if high IQ gentiles were in charge. They will never let it happen. Any thought of letting Trump win, even for the sake of Israel, went out the window after the debate. At this point, they fear Vance more than Trump.

Bet on the steal.

4 hours ago

He didn’t actually say this, but you know he was thinking it last night.

“Look, all I can do is explain it. I can’t make you understand.”

-JD Vance

4 hours ago

There are a couple of different arguments for why Walz was chosen by Harris. One is that the top tier of options like Shapiro didn’t want to be her VP in part because she is such a dunce. The other is that this is another link in the Democrats incompetence chain. Obama picks Biden because he knows Biden won’t show him up, Biden picks Harris because he wanted a non white woman she is the dumbest one his people can find. Harris is so dumb she needs to stoop to Walz to make her look better by comparison. I don’t… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
4 hours ago

I actually saw some speculation a few weeks back that there was a much more sinister purpose behind the choice of Walz. I’d have to track down the exact piece again, but it was pointed out that the Great Replacement has essentially been accomplished by the Left in Minnesota. Not only have they swamped the state with Somalians to “vote” reliably Left, but they also recruited welfare cases from Chicago to move to Minnesota with the promise of more gibs. Apparently the Democrat party was actively involved in scheming out this replacement and Walz – although certainly not the mastermind… Read more »

Last edited 4 hours ago by RDittmar
Reply to  RDittmar
4 hours ago

I can confirm they have implemented the Great Replacement well in Minnesota, although a big part of it has been driving normie Republicans out of the state, something that can’t be replicated nationally. The reason he was able to cite a decline in rental rates in Minneapolis is that so many people have left the city. The county just over the border in Wisconsin used to be a Democrat county and now votes 60-40 Republican. It arguably saved Ron Johnson seat in 2022. It has been a thirty year project in Minnesota and Walz is such a dunce his impact… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RDittmar
3 hours ago

If we can trust the census data, Minnesota is still about 73% white and only 8% Hutu. The Great Replacement still has a way to go there. But given that Minnewhites have the backbone of a walleye and the testicular fortitude of a begonia, they won’t dare stand in the way.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 hours ago

You made me chuckle at that but might have to disagree Walleye put up quite a fight when they are caught showing they have more backbone than those that just accept and are resigned to their replacement…I seriously think we don’t understand how much hatred or apathy parents have for their kids if they had any to begin with…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 hour ago

When I picture a White guy from Minnesota I imagine a guy who drives down to the ghetto in Minneapolis to recruit black guys to “act” in his wife’s OnlyFans videos.

Reply to  Barnard
3 hours ago

Whoa, remember they are surrounded by very smart and competent people

4 hours ago

“Highly caffeinated Mr. Magoo” is gold.

Thomas Mcleod
Thomas Mcleod
Reply to  ChrisZ
4 hours ago

I come here for the intellectual stimulation, but I stay for the snark.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 hours ago

To me, Walz’s bizarre progression of facial expressions are a tell that he’s trying to conceal certain things about himself.

Obviously this failed when the moderators, who were totally biased for him, managed to trip him up on his China experiences.

One wonders what else Walz may be concealing behind those beady eyes of his.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 hours ago

I have not watched a single minute of Walz video, so I’m unfit to judge. However, based upon y’all’s description of him, it sounds to me like he’s extremely uncomfortable inside his own skin. Is that an accurate statement?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 hours ago


That is an accurate and succinct description of Walz’s demeanor.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 hour ago

uncomfortable inside his own skin” – Remember that scene in the first MiB movie where the alien is (very awkwardly) wearing the skin of a dead guy?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 hours ago

Please somebody please make an Andy Warhol meme of nothing but Walz expressions

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 hours ago

Just watch a few Don Rickles videos.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 hours ago

I wouldn’t wonder that unless you prepared for horrors beyond what your stomach could take…

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 hour ago

Walz strongly reminded me of Jerry Lundegaard.

4 hours ago

I didn’t watch the debate, but Mephisto Walz allegedly said that he’s befriended school shooters. That’s rather telling.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Maniac
3 hours ago

I’m sure he’s also a friend of Trump shooters.

Reply to  Maniac
1 hour ago

“befriended” == recruited?

3 hours ago

His overly-caffeinated Elmer Fudd routine might be fine for the folks back home, but for the rest of the country it suggests there is something disturbing about his private life.

His choosing to be the faculty advisor for a high school gay student grooming club and his support of radical transgender politics suggests there is something disturbing about his private life.

4 hours ago

I’d opt more for a cross of Chris Farley and John Wayne Gacy. Hopefully, the worst case is Walz ends up in a “van down by the river”. Don’t drink on weekdays, but ended up busting out a bottle of rye after about 15 minutes. But there is something seriously wrong with Walz. Apparently some guy checked in with the St. Paul PD today and didn’t find any evidence his kid was anywhere near a Rec center shooting. Kid already has development problems, no normal person would pimp him out that way.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 hours ago

John Wayne Gacy

Thanks! That’s the similarity that had been escaping me. Walz’ inner Pogo cannot be concealed.

3 hours ago

Also very good was Vance forcing the Bimbo narrators to cut his mic when he fact checked them….Bravo!

4 hours ago

That the headlines this morning were not “I Have To Visit Worldstar To Regularly See Beatings Like the VP Debate” shows just how meretricious the media is. I rarely watched debates, but I could not stop watching the absolute shellacking Vance gave Walz. Any person that could write, and anyone that could believe, that the debate was anything other than an absolute smackdown should have their ability to vote stripped.
For the record, I don’t vote, so my views are not some perverse form of wishful thinking.

Reply to  Eloi
4 hours ago

For the Dem to lose the debate, they have to basically lose the ability to speak, like Obama in 2012 and Biden in June. It’s also worth noting that the debate is done entirely within the liberal frame. The questions yesterday were about climate change, school shootings, etc., all stuff designed to be a layup for the Dem. It’s not like Vance can go out there and say, “well, you know, most violent shootings in the USA are due to blacks in inner cities in spontaneous acts.”

Last edited 4 hours ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
3 hours ago

I shouted out “they don’t have blacks” when Walz brought up Finland’s gun crime stats. The worst part is Vance probably knows the answer and feels like he can’t say it.

Alan Schmidt
Reply to  Barnard
3 hours ago

He reads all the good anons on Twitter, he knows.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Barnard
3 hours ago

And, of course, he can’t. If he’d said that, the entire Power Structure, including the GOP, would have arisen in a unified mighty roar demanding Trump jettison Vance from the ticket or else there would Congressional hearings to determine if Trance could be barred from the general election and perhaps prosecuted for hate crimes or suchlike. And I am not joking.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 hours ago

All true, and it just shows how unserious the entire GAE is, because you can’t have a solution if you can’t talk about the problem. They have intentionally locked themselves up in a fantasy world. Of course this is not the first time in world history that the imperial court has done this. And yes, I do think Vance absolutely knows the score on this.

Reply to  Mycale
2 hours ago

I don’t think they are unserious I think they are very serious about our destruction and death… Wish more could grasp that on our side…

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Barnard
1 hour ago

There are acceptable ways to infer it: “Finland has a different population profile than the United States. It is much more homogenous…”

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
1 hour ago

No, I don’t think you can say that actually. You can debate how much these people actually believe in these various things they say (e.g., I think that they all pretty much know and understand that climate change is a big grift), but on the magic dirt/blank slate/”woke” explanation of discrepancies, all indications are that they are totally sincere, believe it, and defend it, and this goes for conservacucks as well as liberals.

Reply to  Mycale
3 hours ago

Oh, absolutely. That makes the beatdown even more impressive. Even the school violence stuff, where Walz should have had a slam dunk, was embarrassing. He said it is “Just the guns,” and then proceeded to say most was suicide.

3 hours ago

Riddle me this…would you let your kids get within 50 feet of a guy who looks like Walz?

Reply to  pyrrhus
2 hours ago

Saw this on WRSA today..
The intense disagreement was over his support for child pornography and pedophilia, in which Ginsberg said, the right wants to put me in jail. Dworkin responded yes, they are very sentimental; I’d kill you…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 hour ago

Walz looks exactly like the guys they cast as the creepy uncle or teacher in the episodes of 80s family shows that were made to teach the audience about, “Stranger Danger.”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 hour ago

Yes! A very Gordon Jump-like vibe to him.

2 hours ago

They stole the hell out of the 2022 election. The economy was down, inflation soaring, hunter’s laptop was in the news. Biden’s approval was in the mud. Despite it all, for the FIRST time in us history the out party, the GOP, lost seats in a midterm election. Both House and senate. To put this in perspective, in 1984 Regan won 49 states in the presidential election, but in the 1986 midterms the democrats picked up both hous and senate seats. So yes they will steal it, and the GOP will blame Thump for the loss . Remember that the… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
4 hours ago

Re: rigging….. Harris has almost certainly already won North Carolina. You can look at a blue/red county by county map for yourself and see that the western mountains are the deep red side of the state and that without them, NC goes D. And it seems unlikely that very much of that region will have power barely 4 weeks from now on election day. Much of it doesn’t even currently have road access. You can safely predict that turnout will be way down in those red counties. They will get power restored to Asheville, which has road access. Asheville is… Read more »

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
4 hours ago

None of us knows if there is a margin at which an election cannot be fortified successfully, but it probably exists. Is this one outside of that margin? This assumes a totally blatant theft would present a problem, and if that is the case it would be solely for international PR purposes. I have tuned out elections but did watch the debate last night for my first time this cycle. Everything you wrote is spot on. Elections matter around the margins on very minor things, perhaps, but the Regime does what the Regime wants to do. Elected officials essentially are… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodsen
2 hours ago

They can switch votes inside the machines. So, no. There I s no Margo that is outside the “ margin of fix”.

Reply to  Jack Dodsen
2 hours ago

2020 was “outside the margin of fraud.” Some suspect, with some cause, that in reality it was the most lopsided election in American history, approaching the fake results in leftist dictatorships. So the inauguration was a military occupation of D.C.—staged and televised as such. We pretend that didn’t happen, but it did. Trump was never Commander-in-chief, and he never will be. The vote is a ritual, not a problem. It can simply be ended, as it has been in the Democratic Party. The stripping of meaning from their votes increased Democrat voters’ partisan enthusiasm, as the most cynical among us… Read more »

2 hours ago

Mr. Magoo is Governor Magoo. The people of a state actually elected him. It is what we have become and why Harris is not considered a bad joke of a candidate but could actually be elected.

2 hours ago

taking notes so he could tattle on Vance to the teacher”

This has become a serious phenomenon, especially among those who have been educated by our feminized educational system. But I see it with all ages and social classes now. On both sides of the Pond. When I was a kid, tattling meant “social death.” Now we’re in a society of snitches. Isn’t it lovely? This is described, among other things, in a great discussion with Ed Dutton at the Lotuseaters….

2 hours ago

With the flawless objectivity we expect for our tax dollars, NPR did a fact check of the debate that called out Vance nine times and Walz once — and Walz’s “fact check” was used as an opportunity to cover for his lies about his past China activities.

4 hours ago

Someone needs to ake a .gif of Walz scribbling on his note pad, followed by Jeff Lebowski revealing it to be a doodle of a man with a giant erection.

2 hours ago

Anyone get nurse watched vibes from the moderators?

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
3 hours ago

wait until the myriad sex tapes “drop” later this month!

am i the only one who remembers Walz was admitted to emergency care due to fellating a horse? the ‘walz’ is the standard unit of measurement for degeneracy; “you don’t ever want to go full Walz”

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 hours ago

OMG is that what the “Walz horse trending” was?

1 hour ago

The regime is engaged heavily in three new wars since Trump left, and they’re openly calling for war with China in 2027. want to get abortion off the minds of stupid females? Tell them war is coming, the draft is coming, and the Government is coming for their children – and for them – to fight these four wars. My son is Space Force. My wife flipped almost instantly to Trump when I started pointing out all the wars our son is almost certainly going to be fighting soon unless sanity prevails. Walz reminds me of the SNL skits about… Read more »

Last edited 1 hour ago by hokkoda
2 hours ago

“Vance looked like the guy who would take over the populist movement after Trump retires” This! If there is any chance—and I’m not saying there is—Trump does not have enough time to finish the job of righting the ship of State, much less bringing it into a safe harbor. That’s up to his successor. Now we will see if Trump is really thinking that far ahead and toward the good of the Nation, rather than himself, with Vance. It’s been a long time since Rep’s had a 12 year run in the Executive office. To that effect, Vance must be… Read more »

14 minutes ago

Great Column Z.

(You are being unfair to Uncle Fester, Mr. Magoo and Elmer Fudd, but with the fate of the world at stake it’s justified).

14 minutes ago

[…] ZMan covers the debate. […]

Reply to  pyrrhus
2 hours ago

As a courtesy to the group, please add a line or two as to why we should click on your link in future. Thanks.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 hour ago

Also, in the future, you can clip the question mark and all the characters after it to remove the tracking info from the X link.

4 hours ago

Walz is a goofy old white guy from a goofy white state (for the current demographics, anyway) and I didn’t think he did that badly. He seems like a decent, if completely misguided, guy. He just doesn’t debate well, and is not used to the public spotlight like that. If you put me on that stage, I’m sure Zman would be saying today that I’m an idiot weirdo. But clearly Vance dominated. I got lost in his dreamy A10’s a few times, and now I’m questioning my sexuality this morning. Vance is better than Trump. I hope Trump doesn’t f**k… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
3 hours ago

This is not your finest hour.

3 hours ago

if Trump does win the election i think you mean if he’s installed as president. I didn’t even know the debate was happening , which I’m sort of proud of, but I tuned in when I saw it streaming live on YouTube. Totally worthless. They seemed to be pretending that they were serious people and this is a serious “country “. Both had a “I’m going to rise above the shouting “ act going on which looked fake. Vance did ok. I’m glad he say trump lost the election. But he lost an opportunity to tell the world that the… Read more »