Are we doomed? It certainly seems like it. Polling on the issue suggests that most people expect something bad to happen in the near future. The unspoken driving force of our politics for the last decade is this sense of foreboding. Despite all the numbers people use to measure society looking good, the voters keep searching around for someone who will either fix things or stop the fixers.
One reason for the pessimism is the people in charge have been crying wolf for decades as a way to both distract people from certain topics and as a way to rally support for the ruling class. The theater of democracy requires a hero and a villain, so it is only natural to create a crisis atmosphere in which to place them. Politics is one manufactured drama after another.
Even so, there are reasons to be worried. The behavior of the authorities in response to the floods in Appalachia underscore the fact that our government is not very good at doing basic things anymore. The main road was washed out and no one thinks it will be replaced in their lifetime. The reason for that is we drive over torn up roads every day that never seem to get repaired properly.
That said, doomsday seems to be a part of the American DNA. For as long as there has been moving pictures, the end of the world has been a topic. Movies and television shows based on the end times are a stock feature. The cause of doom changes from generation to generation, but the sense of doom is constant. It is as if Americans need to be in fear in order to feel alive.
On the other hand, maybe it is that the youngest people in the Western world have the best historical perspective. Nothing lasts forever and that means what we call the West will one day draw to a close. Perhaps the birth of this nation is so recent that it remains a reminder that death is inevitable. On the other hand, maybe we suffer from a collective form of imposter syndrome.
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The steadily increasing Diversity must be a major factor in the feelings of dread and doom that many white people feel, whether they are willing to admit it or not. It certainly has directly affected my life in ways that are impossible to avoid. And Camp of the Saints seems to be coming true.
My apology if you covered this later in your talk of this morning–I haven’t yet finished it–but this is something that jumped out at me.
Yes. Even whites who don’t want to admit it are emotionally affected by mass non-white immigration. Huge parts of America will never be white again. I wish it weren’t so. But at least whites who feel under siege are a different political animal than the “nice” normies of the past.
Some years ago, a left-wing sister of mine made sure that her family moved to a different neighborhood because it had “better schools,” in the same exact way that people on our side have described left-wing behavior. I had visited her former residence, and so I knew the real reason for her move. She and her husband belong to that credentialed academia industry that now is so powerful. Many people like her insisted on living in trendy, hip neighborhoods near universities and colleges. It’s interesting to see the demographic shifts in those kinds of neighborhoods (I used to live in… Read more »
RamzPaul did a good video on white liberals taking their pathologies with them when they move. One thing I’m trying to do is when people use euphemisms like “better schools”, is to try to make them face up to what they really mean. You can even pretend to be shocked by their racism! Don’t you want your children to have a multi-racial upbringing? Hehheh
Leftists, if they actually lived their ideology, would all flock to the blackest hoods in the region. I get the sense that they do not.
It’s a bludgeon to beat you to death so they can be eaten last…Wish our side side didn’t want to be eaten at all…
Talk like MLK live like the KKK…
The vote like the KKK: it was an offshoot of the Democratic Party
Yeah, why don’t all the wealthy shitlibs who tell me “diversity is (y)our greatest strength” all move to 85% black Detroit and send precious little Emma and Madison to Detroit Public Schools, then?
If anyone was still making genuinely edgy humorous TV shows there’s a hilarious sitcom that practically writes itself about a White shitlib family with Mr. Magoo levels of self-awareness who do just that. A good running gag would be that in every episode someone sprays them with gunfire (and totally misses in good ghetto style) and they wander around talking about how charming it is that their neighbors like “firecrackers” so much.
Hell, if you dared to live in a predominantly Black neighborhood, you’d have to mix with the violently depraved, “untalented ninety”. Even most Leftists still have a modicum of survival instinct. 😉
Yes. And they expect you and me and our kids to literally die, whether in Atlanta or Afghanistan, for their diversity.
The PNW has the most ridiculous White shitlibs of any region. They will complain about their rent going up and unaffordable housing just like normal people. I often feel like torturing them by telling them that for a few months of what they pay here in rent they could buy a “townhouse” in Baltimore outright. I really wonder how a human mind can tolerate those levels of hypocrisy and doublethink.
Santa Cruz, quite possibly the most shitlib place on the planet, is two-percent negroid. I don’t undestand how all those fine white Leftists manage to get by while suffering from such diversity deprivation…
I see your Santa Cruz and raise you Santa Barbara.
Seems like the only Santa that’s worth a dam’ is Claus…
Being a shitlib is a luxury belief. It is because, quite literally, White people created such a utopia, full of plenty and free of any real problems, that they can indulge in this thinking without facing any consequences for doing so. If you don’t live around black people (or maybe you live next to a black university professor or something), it’s easy to extol their virtues and how sad it is they suffer. You will also see these same shitlibs talk to southerners, who live in towns and cities that are 30-50% black, about how racist and evil they are.… Read more »
Meet the mayor of Helena, Montana:
From Liberia. A “refugee.” Funny, Liberia was created for the resettlement of freed slaves from America, wasn’t it? And he ended back here for some reason. What happened, I wonder? :-/
Thanks. But just the same, I’d rather not.
Tell me about it. As I’ve noted before, I live a few doors down from the ex-Governor of Montana. We often meet when walking the dogs. Nice guy, but a total lib. I don’t have your backbone, 3g4me, so I’m polite—or reticent—as is my nature with neighbors/strangers. Nonetheless, he broaches the subject of politics as seems was his former life’s main activity, and often quizzes me on the nature of political shenanigans at my old university. At that point, I’m a bit more animated and disagreeable. His wife, as is mine, is aghast at the ensuing exchange. 😉 I must… Read more »
Four generations of brain-washing is a difficult problem.
You call it backbone; others would just say I’m rude! But honestly, I cannot look at someone and say “Nice guy/gal, but a lib.” If someone larps through life and works for a future inimical to me and mine, I cannot regard them as ‘nice,’ damning with faint praise though that be, They are evil, and I want them destroyed.
I have used the term “enemy combatant” to describe these people. They can be nice, clients, hell your siblibgs. If they are working against you and yoyrs, they meet the criteria.
In a post-political environment, which describes AINO, there are no political opponents, only enemies.
It’s not just that people who want open borders are an existential enemy, it’s that people who want immigration at all are an existential enemy. The stupidly nice white people are going to cease being stupidly nice or they will cease being at all. I’ve been reading about late Bronze Age collapse in Wilkinson’s “Ancient Egypt” and Cline’s “Collapse.” Two take-home results are that (1) war is the permanent state of mankind and (2) not all nations within them survive the collapse. Pathways to ethnonational survival include being numerous and fecund (Egypt) or if not numerous being smart (metalworking) and… Read more »
Tribe Up, Be a Slave/Prisoner, or Die…
From intelligence services-controlled Wikipedia:
The racial makeup of the city was 93.3% White, 0.4% African American, 2.3% Native American, 0.7% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 0.6% from other races, and 2.6% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 2.8% of the population.
We have a white problem. Also, note, biological race is real and acknowledged as such depending on the speaker.
This ridiculous urge of whites to surrender to non-whites in spasms of virtue signaling is so demoralizing. This really is the new religious salvation for most whites.
(I blame the owners of the media for programming this morality into us by exploiting our unique vulnerabilities.)
I suppose these are the issues upon which we live or die: Can we face reality and take our own side?
The non-whites are not going to reciprocate the same exquisite concern that we showered upon them.
Since the scam was exposed, you don’t see many “My fellow whites” deceptions anymore, but Bill Kristol attempts the trick once more.
To the people of Helena, I have just one word;
Suicidal altruism. A psychosis unique to whites.
I lived in Harper’s Ferry back in the early 80s. The problems began when the feds came in to take over the area. We locals had always had access to the beauty of the area (confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac river beaches, ruins of old mills, decent hiking right on the Appalachian trail, etc). Then suddenly we couldn’t go down to the river banks anymore – parking areas closed, etc. It’s on an Amtrak commuter train straight into DC. I can’t even imagine how bad it’s gotten at this point. Same thing happened at Lake Chelan in WA state… Read more »
Many years ago I loved going to Harper’s Ferry. Guess I’ll find other beauty spots. It’ll be a long while before I pay money again to visit a historic site or museum, unless I know that the proprietors aren’t Woke. I was burned way too many times in recent decades. Madison’s home was already turned into a disgrace when i was there in the 90s. I’ve heard that even Washington’s Mount Vernon is getting ideogically “updated.” It’s criminal.
Good luck on your search for beauty spots.
I’m hiding out in AR now but Walmart is trying to take over the Buffalo – least it’s not the feds yet.
On the one hand, I actually approve (as a non voter) of a lot of what Sarah Huckabee Sanders has done. On the other, I was aghast when my neighbors informed me of her husband’s business interests in commercializing the Buffalo. I hadn’t realized others had their private property seized when the Buffalo Wilderness area was first created. We live quite close by and would lose everything if the commercial plans come to fruition.
Don’t be fooled by Huckabee.
If it benefits a politician, screw the public.
I thought everyone knew that.
Oh, I don’t trust her – I’ve just found myself surprised to actually agree with some of what she’s doing. I loathed her as Trump’s press secretary, and I didn’t like her father.
Lots of conventional conservatives may share our traditional values but they also love to enrich themselves by transforming a nice small town into a place where they personally would no longer want to live.
5 years ago was the last time that I tried to fight this but, in spite of overwhelming public opposition, the local politicians gave the developers everything.
I think Z Man referred to this process as privatizing the social capital into personal profit.
I’d like to think that I could resist this temptation, but I imagine that the wealth is hard to turn down.
There is no way in hell I’d do that to my own people, wealth be damned.
Yeah, but you’re not a morally bankrupt, prick. Lot’s of other Whites are. Not sure there were not such people throughout history, but there sure seem a lot more today—and it’s not simply due to Leftists, Dem’s, Obama and what have you.
I remember such coming into vogue during Reagan’s administration and “vulture capitalism”. It was bad and it never seems to have eased since.
The slave traders and plantation owners were white, morally bankrupt pricks. They had to have known that the slaves would eventually be freed, and what terrible pests they would become. But the only thing they could think about was the dam’ money.
Some free market types are fond of saying “greed is good.” On the contrary, greed may well be the taproot of all evil.
Well, almost all the slaves were already in America before we were a country. The slaves trade stopped in 1808. They had been brought over by the Spanish and the English and others over the previous 200 years. It’s not like some white plantation owner ordered someone to go capture some slaves in Africa. That mythology is something that has been promoted lately but it’s false.
I fear a lot of that may happen in western North Carolina – people who had little to begin with, and lost everything, being offered what seems to them like a lot of money for their land. One can’t blame them for trying to profit and start over with some capital, but there’s no such thing as a ‘good’ developer and the character of the region – already under threat – will be lost forever.
You don’t need a good hurricane for such these days. Here the County has condemned property after flooding—even homes not affected! This so they need not control the water shed to prevent future damages along the washes. Now the folks who are not flooded out can spend money and effort to challenge their “fair market” appraisals in court.
Yes, this is Pima County, AZ, USA—not Kazakistan.
I believe Z-man called it …“monetizing” social capital… The end result being the sale of the social capital and the enrichment of the few at the expense of the many.
In any event, this concept was new to me—and I’m a great cynic. I’ve used Z-man’s concept many times in discussion. It never fails to open eyes.
As a Gen-Xer, I’ve spent my whole life watching things get worse. When I was ten, everyone around me had intact families, a stay-at-home mom, great health insurance, doting grandparents, safe (aka White) schools, and a government that, at least on the surface, didn’t hate White Americans. Not anymore. Now, we’re faced with an endless firehose of brown immigration as we’re lectured about our “privilege.” Meanwhile, we’re towing an increasingly heavy load to keep this country running. Our government hates us and doesn’t bother hiding it. We’re constantly vilified in the media, and our kids are encouraged to hate not… Read more »
”…when that day happens, they’re hoping that there won’t be enough of us to make a difference.” Bingo! That’s the end game. Every mass subversive movement needs an enemy. Often the enemy is the chief/current power in charge, in racial terms, that would be Whites. “In George Orwell’s novel 1984, the chief enemy of the Party is a shadowy figure named Emmanuel Goldstein. He is portrayed as a former Party leader who turned against the Party and is now the focus of intense propaganda. Goldstein is blamed for all dissent and rebellion, and his image is used during the “Two… Read more »
Donald Emmanuel Trumpenstein
Problem is that white women either chemically sterilize themselves with birth control, or kill their own offspring. If you look at the birthrate of whites, it’s clear that all our enemies need to do is wait until our own women reduce our numbers to the point where we’re irrelevant.
To your point…
I’m amazed at the girl. There was never a time I would have interacted with such an air head, sexually or otherwise. Guy’s will screw anything I guess.
Genetics or Propaganda like if she has kids will they be as screwed up as her if they aren’t raised by her…
What’s interesting is I watched a new tv program called “While the rest of us die” and-Surprise, the bunkers are for obedient white folks only….
Even if America holds on, the things that made the country fun are gone. I mean like road trips, exploring different states, etc. Because everywhere you go, there are brown people. The days of driving into some town in the middle of nowhere and falling in love and meeting a future wife, stuff like that, they’re gone. The fusion of romance and mystique with nation are gone, IOW. America was a very romantic and mysterious place at one point. It is all very corporate and transactional now, on top off being miserably brown. And I don’t mean “brown” as a… Read more »
Good points. I used to love to go on short and long road trips, including “Sunday drives,” as my parents’ generation called them. Another one of my favorite things to do was to go to historic sites. Now, so many of them have been taken over by people who read Howard-Zinn as gospel. And so many of the rural areas and small towns which I enjoyed seeing are noticeably declining, if they haven’t yet been turned outright into places like Springfield, Ohio and Charleroi, PA.
Design and fashion aesthetics mirror demographics. For instance, automobiles, clothing and houses are now almost monolithically earth-toned. It is exceedingly rare to see a splash of color and formal dynamism. This is one reason I drive a red car and wear Hawaiian shirts. I just cannot abide the dismal conformity.
Interesting perspective. I, of late, have gone in the other direction. Black car, no highly noticeable personal adornments, just nothing to make me stand out. Part of it, obviously, is a desire for current privacy (or as much the illusion of such as is possible for the present). But part also is my distaste for the feminine constant demand for attention and personalizing everything (bling for the phone, vanity license plate, etc.). It’s like little girls who used hearts instead of circles to dot their ‘i’s in handwriting – a stupid conceit to proclaim they are ‘special.’ No, no and… Read more »
I’m the same way. Hate to draw any attention to myself.
Fair enough, but you’re conforming with the people you despise. I want to separate myself from them as much as humanly possible. And, needless to say, that also means eschewing all facial and bodily disfiguration. If it means drawing attention to myself, so be it. What I’ve got is worth flaunting.
Well, I’m not certain earth tones around my burg is conformist. Here, in little Mexico, the houses and commercial buildings are often painted in bright, primary colors on the Hispanic side of town. It’s the culture—not mine theirs. Separation works wonders in that I need not see such of my neighbors, have little care what they do 10 miles away.
Compsci: Yes, my husband has always derided hot pink/purple houses, after spending his formative years in El Paso. I also dislike those colors – and the ‘bright’ tones of the 1960s – aesthetically. Interior jewel tones I love (emerald, sapphire, ruby, gold) but not for cars or home exteriors.
In most of my area, White people with no tats, weird piercings, or other garish and ugly affectations now stand out. The Indians don’t seem to get them. It’s sad that the only younger women, in particular, who don’t looks like sluts or hookers are foreigners. If you see a woman pushing a stroller or with a toddler, it’s almost never a White one. I try to tell myself that I’m stuck in a very shitlibby place and that even in other parts of the NW there are actually some remaining normal Whites with kids.
Sharp take. We also have to note there is a political dimension since all-white former Eastern bloc countries also encouraged drab colors.
Someone once remarked (was it Derb?) that if you transported someone from 1970 and set him down in some random city today’s Western world, he would assume the Soviets had won the Cold War because everything looks so sterile and grey today, from the cars, to fashions, to the architecture.
It’s true. Studies–FWTW–have shown the steady disappearance of color and dynamic patterning beginning in the late 60s with the “back to the earth” movement. Almost everything awful is traceable to the second half of the 60s.
That’s because they didn’t have a woke American government. Have you forgotten about the mandate of “percentage for art” in any given Fed/State funded project? Here it’s about 1.25% and assures we have such “artwork” eye sores dotting the roadway or building grounds.
Got one just down the road from me. Still can’t figure out just what the “artist” was thinking/intending, other than a good paycheck from uncle sugar. It’s so weird, malformed, and ugly that it can’t even attract graffiti artists to deface it—so it’s got that going for it.
I see “Sorta” art everywhere (Some Old Rusty Things Added)
All the 2016-7 hoax stories of Trumpist motorists menacing minorities had the MAGA guys in red pickups. Bad writing. Anyone who knew those guys knew their trucks were black or white (newer), silver or blue (older), the old Bronco colors—even spraypaint camo more often than red. Red was for the rare urbanite who moves things across town, like florists and musicians. Not even high-volume-shopping rural wives chose red. Nobody seemed conscious of it, but the color specifically signified not being a rustic danger. “Bottom” truck. Recent pictures of Trump events show that his biggest fans have switched to red. Could… Read more »
What about the garish oversized grilles that you see on cars produced in the last 5-10 years? How does that fit into the schema?
Nothing in the schema precludes ugliness in postmodernity. I was speaking primarily of colors, and I assume the grills are chrome.
The worst I’ve seen is Lexus. It is now so bad, that the wife stopped looking at them and now is considering the common man brand of Toyota. Most models on basically same platform and engine type, sans the ridiculous grill and $6-10k up charge.
“Are we doomed?” It’s a great question. On the one hand, we are not sending Federal troops to Tennessee to kill Confederates. We are not drafting 2 million men and sending them into the trenches of France, or drafting ten million men and sending them to Normandy and the Bulge. We are not doing duck-and-cover nuclear drills or building backyard bomb shelters. We do not have 25% unemployment. It’s been a lot worse in the past. On the other hand, we are ruled by a feckless, arrogant and hubristic elite that wants to destroy our energy supply, import tens of… Read more »
We’re doomed in ways that cannot be fixed.
It wasn’t lost on me how high you needed to set that bar to make your point.
That’s the way history works, brah. 1917 was a bad year to be a Russian monarchist but a damn good one if you were a Jewish communist.
1453 was a great year to be an Ottoman… a Byzantine Christian, not so much.
Most of it’s a zero-sum game.
“We do not have 25% unemployment” I’d argue it would be that high if you understood how many do nothing fake jobs exist in the private sector, usually attached to some democrat supported industry: Healthcare, higher education, a good deal of tech, local, state, and federal government. Plus you don’t see the programs in those industries that employ people not even good enough for the do nothing jobs (optics). Perhaps you don’t see them on cable television (too expensive for poor people) but you’ll see them on the free internet TV (tubi, pluto) want to get paid to spend time… Read more »
Remember when Jimmy Carter said he asked his 10 year old daughter what worried her the most and she said “nuclear proliferation?” LOL
Yeah, I remember that. I was in school in the late-60s through the 70s, and none of us, as kids, worried about nuclear war, economic collapse, population explosion, plague, etc. The Vietnam War was mentioned now and then in school, when it was happening, but we didn’t dwell on it. As we boys approached the time when we had to register for the draft (I was in the first cohort for that), we did think a bit about getting into a war in Iran. Jimmy Carter was hopeless, and many of us knew it. But it wasn’t like these things… Read more »
I remember being at least marginally frightened of nuclear war in the 70s and early 80s. And I had a cousin, who was more like an older brother, who was borderline obsessed with the topic.
To wit, one summer evening in 1981 we were in my backyard stargazing with my telescope. Peter had his eye to the eyepiece when he suddenly bellowed and jumped backward. I asked what was the matter. He said he thought he saw a nuclear explosion. It was a flash of lightning far to the southwest.
I think that one big difference, back in the 70s and 80s, was that adults were clearly more in charge. And unless you believed the dominant liberal media of the time, which many people unfortunately did, this made a difference in outlook. I was fortunate to have conservative parents and grandparents who distrusted the news media and Hollywood. A Pelosi or Biden or Kamala wouldn’t have been taken as seriously, as Z suggested. Presidents such as Nixon were willing to make constructive dialog with the Soviets. Reagan, for all the rhetoric, also was willing to find accommodation. And, for all… Read more »
It was even worse in the 1950s, when the risk of nuclear war was miniscule compared to now. Duck and cover!
So, I’m told. There was still some of that duck-n-cover stuff going on in elementary schools in the early- and mid-70s. I remember those drills.
I remember thinking it was a bit of a joke at the time. Being vaporized under the desk will be so much better.
The propaganda is indeed heavy handed, but also quite unrealistic as in not based upon science. The 60’s movie “On the Beach” being one of those. In that movie the end of mankind came after a nuke exchange, but in the form a radiation rather than physical destruction. I remember as a child a discussion between my father and a good friend of his discussing this movie and the “horror” of such nuke weapon use. My father in his blunt, crude, and I suppose “ignorance” simply replied “nonsense” to his friend’s hysteria. I remembered this exchange when yet again it… Read more »
Sagan certainly was a fraud, thank you. Unfortunately he drew a huge, admiring crowd. I wonder who PBS is now pushing as his successor. Is that black astronomer still a thing?
Anecdotally, I heard second-hand that Sagan was pompous and arrogant. Not too surprising, I guess. A college student admirer of Sagan who was to help him get to a lecture had his bubble burst.
Yes, Sagan was a conceited a-hole, although also extremely charismatic. And I think he was responsible for promoting one of those octoroons–deGrasse Tyson? Gladwell?–to the highest rank of physics.
Wogs are worse than nukes.
It is both ironic and predictable that at a time we are closer to nuclear war than ever before, the popular culture doesn’t focus on a military-related Doomsday scenarios any longer. The Tribe that controls popular, academic and official information, even if less so than in the past, wants to foment the idea of consequence-free military aggression. Instead, we see fears of “climate change” and so forth pushed to make coin. Actual threats that enrich those who control all information are minimized. Economic instability and mass migration along with the incompetence you mentioned loom large as actual disasters, so therefore… Read more »
“Even so, there are reasons to be worried. The behavior of the authorities in response to the floods in Appalachia underscore the fact that our government is not very good at doing basic things anymore. The main road was washed out and no one thinks it will be replaced in their lifetime. The reason for that is we drive over torn up roads every day that never seem to get repaired properly. “That said, doomsday seems to be a part of the American DNA.” Perhaps there are two separate things — on the one hand, expecting conditions to get steadily… Read more »
If they can’t respond to hurricanes, they can’t respond to revolt in the hinterlands. This is something we should file away for future consideration…
I hope you are right, but I don’t know. Clearly the regime can move the 82nd Airborne to Haiti in 48 hours after an earthquake, but not across North Carolina after a week to help with disaster relief. I think they don’t really give a shit. I bet if those hill people had been shooting at feds a task force would be dealing with them within a couple of days. In re the mediocre federal response to the hurricane floods: I took leave to help with earthquake disaster relief when I was on active duty- I thought of it as… Read more »
The veil of civilization is very thin. It appears to be getting rather brittle as well.
We’re all gonna die!!! Seriously we’re all gonna die. the voters keep searching aroundthe birth of this nation im off topic for sure but I think part of the problem is inherent in language like the above. Mr man knows all this and I’m not criticizing him because it’s hard not to use language like “this nation” or “this country”. But is whatever the Potomac empire is, a nation? A country? I don’t think anyone can defend those terms for interracial inter religious crowds. here’s my humble definition of what is called America: A bordered crowd. I like the term… Read more »
Sounds like you were speaking to a civic nationalist Christian (Catholic). He likely carries a vial of Blessed Magic Dirt around his neck. Your questions make no sense to a person like that. When you were speaking about living in another country he was likely drifting off thinking of the missionary work he did in Belize while in college on a spring break “poverty immersion” trip for nine days once.
What was shocking to me is he didn’t even include any “proposition” to being an American. It’s just a crowd that shouldn’t kill each other and who are free to conduct trade . I suspect the prospect idea is being dropped because it’s so laughable.
haha, he did call America, “this blessed land” so that’s your magic dirt vial.
“We’re all gonna die!!! Seriously we’re all gonna die.”
Wow, flashback to Country Joe and the Fish, “I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-to-Die Rag”:
And it’s one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn, next stop is Vietnam;
And it’s five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates,
Well, there ain’t no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die.
Love that last line.
Hold on to your Confederate dollars boys, the South will rise again
A legit Jeff Davis bank note is probably worth a tidy sum today
I have one, somewhere, bought in Massachusetts at a coin shop many moons ago
Actually, not really – it’s a niche collectibles market. Also have to distinguish between Confederate government printed currency (a ton) and bills printed by individual banks and states. Has to be something quite rare, well documented, and in excellent condition to be worth a lot, other than to a few collectors.
Kinda ironic: Money that was destroyed by inflation, not gaining any value while everything else is being inflated on the way to destroying our current store of value.
Too stump broke.
That’s about as likely as the Nazis rising again in Germany.
Blackpill: The Federal government now appears unable or unwilling to go into and rebuild Heritage America.
Whitepill: The Federal government now appears unable or unwilling to go into and rebuild Heritage America.
There are reasons that I continue to believe relatively peaceful secession has a chance
I listen to EMJ, because he makes me think. Not a sycophant, nor am I going to pollute this comment section critiquing him. Anyway, he’s been talking about American identity. He’s big on narrative, which he admits, being a PhD in American Lit, iirc. Daniel Boone and the cowboy. These are boomer phenomena, I don’t say that as a put down. I ask myself what my identity as an American is. Didn’t think much about it as a kid, I just knew I was one. Yet, a strong sense of alienation, which I chalked up to being weird, and, honestly,… Read more »
Drowning in a sea of muds will keep happening unless we have our own Homeland again…
That’s one way, but another is to develop a high sense of brotherhood, or ethnocentrism. Look at India for an example and its caste system. Remove race for the time. There are several high IQ castes, Brahmins being one of the better known. The swim in a “sea of muds” as you put it, but reproduce among themselves and are in a sense quite ethnocentric in their dealings. Over a millennia they’ve survived intact.
We perhaps can never get there, but it doesn’t require a White homeland.
EMJ is an interesting case because he sees the reality of the world clearly but believes that Catholicism can transform non-whites into whites.
Place your bets.
EMJ has descended into intellectual dishonesty. He avoids race by claiming whites are defined by their ancestors’ specific nation-state origins rather than their indigenous European DNA. He has finally acknowledged weaponized migration but dodges the key role played by the current pope, Catholic charities, and other church-related organizations and efforts. He prefers to focus on the actual and true Jewish hand in weaponized migration rather than the treachery of his church, which along with white Protestants have played supporting roles. He recently was on a podcast with a white, staunchly Catholic Irishwoman who refused to play along with his dodgy… Read more »
In my city, the Catholic and Lutheran churches have been at the forefront of encouraging immigration, and working closely with the Democratic city government and NGOs to increase this as much as possible. Immigrants get everything they want, including lavish, years’ long welfare benefits, and subsidies from the NGOs. I’ll take the old Mayor-Daley-style corruption over this kind of criminality.
Seems to me he’s running black outreach since he was on Whitlock, which is forcing him to stake out positions that are alienating to his core people. Kind of like Republicans going for more than 13% or so black support, and that’s all I’ve got to say about it! I like his focus on ethnicity, though. I think race is real but too broad to be very useful, plus ethnicity brings culture into the discussion. I imagine when people were fretting over Italians and English, or whatever, getting married, the thought of black and white was shocking. White really isn’t… Read more »
The commentors at AmRen debate the relative culpability of chosen versus Christian groups in importing Haitians to Pennsylvania.
Looks about right for Amren. A tiny glimpse outside the cave is revealed and the hasbara floods in to do damage control.
Dave the Convert has a particularly large kvetch, most of which I didn’t read.
Never read the guy. But will say this, anyone who ascribes to the BS that the White race is not a race, but rather a disjointed aggregation of white European nationals—but then terms Blacks as a nation or unity (there are more black ethnic’s in Africa than Europe) is you immediate enemy.
No sense in reading more of his thoughts, they cannot benefit a White race aware dissident. This guy is trying to undermine and demoralize you.
“Nothing lasts forever and that means what we call the West will one day draw to a close.”
And yet, if we consider Sumeria to be part of Western civilization, the West is coterminous with human history itself. For the West to die would be the signal event of human history. And for it to die precisely within the span of our picayune lifetimes would be almost impossibly bad luck.
So much that we’re witnessing seems unprecedented. There were mass migrations that helped bring down the Roman Empire, but those Germanic migrants deep down weren’t that different from the Romans. Not like the migrants of today.
Some rulers in the past were destructive and craven, but I can’t think of any who were as willing to destroy their own people as ours are.
And the massive attempts by today’s ruling classes to turn morality upside-down. It seems different in degree and kind than examples of sexual degeneracy in the past.
No doubt about it. We live in a unique moment. The elites are bent on Satanic inversion in furtherance of destroying their own civilization. This is unprecedented.
I recently saw an outrage screencap of a “Twitter nazi” saying approximately: The re-mixture of heretofore geographically isolated human populations is the undoing of human evolution—of man’s modernity. Probably so.
The “browning of America” is definitely the making-impossible-forever of America, especially the short-lived rather Germanic 20th Century war polity that visited the moon, invented the microchip, etc. The world without Werners isn’t particularly human.
And I remember the screeching outrage many years ago about Bob Jones University not allowing miscegenation. The brown-sludging has been encouraged now for a long time. And getting more blatant than before, with “historical” characters being brownified in TV and movies. One reason my Better Half and I won’t subscribe to cable or streaming services or go to movies.
As Ed Dutton might say, beware the loss of harsh Darwinian selection.
It may be the death of Christianity. Love or hate it, it has been one of the pillars of an advanced civilized society. The Gaia loving pagans will likely go back to human sacrifices to appease their new god.
Yes. Because it leads to healthy families.
“The Gaia loving pagans will likely go back to human sacrifices to appease their new god.”
I get the sentiment, but it’s already being done. What do you call abortion—especially late term abortion? Baal smiles. What do you call transgendering children starting as young as 6-8 yo followed by medical enhancement?
It’s here, just in a bit different in form as from the ancients.
And for it to die precisely within the span of our picayune lifetimes would be almost impossibly bad luck.
I think you seriously underestimate stupidity from the equation.
I liked your comment it caused me to… “chuckle”. .
I believe the Biden Admin has managed to bring back thoughts of doomsday with their bumbling in eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Does anyone have an optimistic view of the future like we did 50 years ago when I was a kid? We thought the future was space ships and flying cars – not third world cities, crushing debt, sexual perverts, and pharmaceuticals to deal with it all.
Just when you think they won’t add a nogger…
Idiocracy has replaced The Jetsons.
Yes! The future is trying to avoid the spreading Third World.
This future was seen. William S. Burroughs’s vision (extrapolated from then-present Tangier’s international zone) was a dystopian tranny crimescape—a universal “racial jungle,” one might say—held in suppression by a messy conspiracy of drugged doctors, etc. His books are strange and difficult so almost nobody remembers them, and /ourguys/ are only interested in skimming author bios for any reason to call a writer a loser, so they have no idea. What would an obscurely intelligence-affiliated homosexual pedophile who gets away with murder know about the real world? At about the same time, Philip K. Dick foresaw (observed, crazily) the dystopian uses… Read more »
AFAIK, the banks failing is very realistic. If there was a run on the bank, the banks would all go bankrupt. They’re loaded up on low interest bonds and mortgages. If they had to sell these on the open market, they would get a major haircut due to the low interest rate of the bonds and mortgages compared to the current bond rate. AFAIK, this is what happened to those 2 banks that failed in 2023. All the tech people started wanting their deposits and those bonds were not worth anywhere near face value. AFAIK, nothing has changed in the… Read more »
“…doomsday seems to be a part of the American DNA.” FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) sells. It’s simply another way of expressing a continuous topic we discuss here—emotion vs rational—decision making. The PTB have used this for years to persuade the masses to back them in whatever efforts *they* decide upon, not necessarily in the peoples’ best interest. Doubt my analysis? Look at the media, if you’ve a strong stomach, and check out the current political ad’s. I have yet to see one, yes just one, that discusses the candidates policy goals. Every single ad is a hysterical warning of how… Read more »
A lot of that has its roots in fundraising. You raise a lot more funds by scaring the donors than you do by outlining your 7 point plan. As political campaigns have become more expensive, the scare tactics have ramped up proportionally. Some percentage of our political division is attributable merely to this.
The aspect of “why” and your conclusion changes nothing wrt the comment on FUD, in fact it reinforces it. FUD itself is the problem, why it’s used is secondary.
We’ve replaced the Cold War with a Hot Peace. Perhaps it’s just me, but I preferred the former.
With a bit of irony, I recall the Cold War. One difference is that then the Russians were as afraid as we were of escalation. In the back of their minds could be the thought, is it worth it? Does the West really want to turn such into a “hot” war and invade/destroy us? Best control this situation. Détente was the cry of the day. Now the Russians have *zero* doubt of our (neocons) intentions. We, in essence, have attacked through our proxy Ukraine. The world will never be the same as back in the 50’s and 60’s. Our intentions… Read more »
It probably won’t shock you to learn that the antagonist in Sum of All Fears was switched to Nazis by Hollywood (from, if I recall correctly, Muslim extremists in the book).
Wasn’t the “Acme Stock Villain” character in one of the Lethal Weapon movies a South African? Same thing, I guess…
Waiting for the Hollywood blockbuster in which The Rock battles an evil Confederate time traveller, who somehow linked up with Hitler, Trump, and Darryl Cooper.
It’s really since the plandemic that a lot of folks have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. This was what brought a proliferation of the survivalist/prepper industry. You even see ads for prepper food storage on normie tv now, during sportsball games. Or are those targeted at me personally by the AI ad generator? Pretty sure it’s the former, but not discounting the possibility of the latter. Maybe 1/3 of the population didn’t buy what the regime was pushing and that’s a lot of people. Their fears are not baseless. The discerning person, having recently witnessed the Russia… Read more »
How quickly we forget Y2K and the rampant hysteria over that one. That phantasm certainly smoked the survivalists out of their holes. And–yay for me–I treated Y2K with the same contempt I later treated Covidiocy. Perhaps it was good preparation.
That was an excuse to inject money into the economy to keep the .com bubble inflated for a few more months. Anytime they’re causing a panic, its generally an excuse to print money, i’m not kidding.
Doomsday has been baked into Western Civilization ever since St. John the Evangelist wrote Revelation a.k.a. the Apocalypse.
End Times? Not anytime soon. It is a common fear and a big money maker for Doom sellers. Howard Ruff was selling books claiming imminent financial crash back in 1971. Didn’t happen.
What we may get is a slide into misery over many generations. If whites get bred out or become too small a population, we will go the way of India. But that takes many generations. And on the other side, like it or not, technology continues to advance. And there are still a lot of smart people in the world.
Your past experience as a Baby Boomer says very little about the future. You are basing your imagined future upon the two things that most sensible Americans under a certain age laugh at when they hear it from older folks: Technology continues to advance, it’s great, it’s gonna’ cure cancer and stuff. I mean, mRNA vaccines and all that, right? Another app on my phone just got updated! There’s still a lot of smart people out there, let’s not be negative, they’ll think of something, probably using the technology they invented because they are smart. No way, man. This is… Read more »
I’m not a baby boomer I just know some history. But as far as technology, I mean it’s not like you are responding on this site with parchment carried by Pony Express. You are literally using 21st century technology that requires an understanding of quantum physics to work. My claim is that people hoping for a technological collapse are the ones hoping for the hand of God to come save the day.
And I have all my teeth. Ain’t it grand? My claim is that people hoping for a technological collapse are the ones hoping for the hand of God to come save the day. Claim? That’s collective mind reading. How would you know such a thing? These are nonsensical statements. They are meaningless generalities expressing what you think large numbers of other people think. Air from a hair dryer. Now, if you could do this, I’d listen: “Hey Art, meet Bob. Bob, tell the man what you think.” Bob: “I am hoping for a technological collapse and also hoping for the… Read more »
Oh gotcha, you can do collective mind reading of older folks like you did in your original post, but I can’t when responding to it. Totally makes sense. But none of that changes the fact that you use far more technology today than you did 10 years ago. And you will use even more a decade from now.
No, that is called “dialogue” to illustrate a conversation between a person like yourself and another, equally delusional, Technophile.
Technological collapse, or at least subsidence, will occur in tandem with congnitive decline, which is already in its infancy. At some point very soon we will reach Peak Technology, if we haven’t already.
The well hasn’t run dry, therefore, the well will never run dry!
I remember when peak oil came true as the doomsayers had predicted. We ran out of oil and gas about 20 years ago right?
Knew it. Knew the peak oil thing would come up. Now say the next line. C’mon! POPULATION BOMB!
The world is old and history is full of steps forward and back. The ancients understood fate and hubris. What are the odds we’ve broken the code? All it took was nerds collecting data? That’s all it ever was?
“There’s still a lot of smart people out there, “ There are, but what are the numbers of such people? In there lies the rub, or perhaps more appropriately stated the concept/theory of the “Critical Fraction” I stated this before, so won’t bore folks with elaboration, but in short the theory discusses how many of such “smart” folk are needed for a 1st class technical society to thrive and just how smart they must be. When the number falls below the Critical Fraction, we begin to see the signs of deterioration/collapse—less innovation, more infrastructure failure, less successful medical treatment, more internal… Read more »
The smart fraction must be greater than it would otherwise be to account for the demands imposed by quotas & equity.
There aren’t that many smart people out there. Anyone who has worked in higher education — especially at what most here would still consider “good” universities — knows this.
If you’re not in education (most conservatives never have been) then the likelihood is that despite a deep cynicism toward academia, you don’t know just how bad it is.
This is indeed correct, but that could be due to lowered admission standards and increased enrollment. Producing, last I read, a frightening/depressing statistic—Millennials are the most “degreed” cohort in history, with something like 40% having a post secondary degree. In the above sense, our “smart” people are not as smart as before, but simply the recipient of worthless pieces of paper in faux degree areas. The situation is that we now have college attendees with an IQ as low as 105 or a bit above normal. Those people are simply not to be classified as smart, they are equivalent to… Read more »
Technology IS the end times
True, ironically enough. Technology is forcing everything to a head.
Technology KEEPS us from the end times. Billions were supposed to have died from starvation by now but high IQ men using genetic engineering created wheat to feed the world. Norman Borlaug is credited with saving over 1 billion lives. We are a technological species, especially white people.
And the result of greater longevity? Overpopulation, with the worst people the lion’s share of the overpopulation and all of the ramifying problems entailed.
The notion of progress is a chimera. Every time we solve one problem, the solution generates another. You squeeze a water balloon and you don’t actually grasp the water; it simply goes to another part of the balloon.
Do you think it was a mistake when humans learned how to use fire? Maybe we should have just stayed in the trees.
Fire cooks food. It also burns people at the stake.
Both are quite useful or as I keep seeing here and elsewhere – por que no los dos?
Didn’t happen? Have you checked on what your money will buy? The de-industrialization of the west will bring terrible poverty eventually. the idea that a long gentle decline awaits us seems like hopium. Communist china is more where we are headed than India.
Genes matter more than culture or economy. Big economic crash? Even if it happens, so what? Russia had a hard landing and they have crawled out of it. Japan and Germany were destroyed after WW2 but they were back humming along 10 years later. If you have the right genes you can do that. The reason I say India is because there used to be white indo-europeans that ran the place and they had a thriving culture. But they mixed with the locals and 2,000 years of stagnation followed.
We won’t have the genes. That’s the problem. The elite will remain white to an extent but the huge majority is getting browner and browner. A swarthy Germany full of recent 3rd worlders doesn’t recover in 10 years after the devastation of WW 2.
India is not a good example without careful clarification. India had and still has a “caste” system which had a few of the upper castes holding all the “right” genes. That how a country with an average IQ in the low 80’s could design their own jet fighters and build an atomic bomb.
Certain castes deserve serious study. The traditional marriage rules governing South Indian Brahmin subgroups — e.g. the Iyers encourage just the optimal (~ 3rd cousin-ish) amount of consanguinity for good genetic health and maintaining high IQ.
The best thing I encountered with such Indians—we had many in the dept—was their arranged marriages. I was invited to one, but hesitated to visit India. From what I gleaned, the Indians I encountered were philosophical on the practice and did not seem to object. These things were common and the parents were in a better position to judge compatibility than two hormonally challenged teens. Additionally the families choose each other on those aspects aside from sex and hotness. There is strength in numbers and an implied reciprocity between families in economic matters and such. Welcome to the Middle Ages… Read more »
Germany and Japan also had merciful and advanced conquerors to lift them out of the murk. The US and allies felt that it didn’t make sense for the defeated nations to become basket cases. Will the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and Indians feel the same and undertake a “Marshall Plan” to help us out or will they gloat and laugh?
Also, as others have pointed out, the US gene pool is increasingly polluted with low-IQ ethnics who may not be able to make use of a Marshall Plan type rescue effort.
The US may have helped Germany rebuild, but also poisoned its people with the potentially fatal toxin of self-loathing.
It is unforgivable. Germans went from nearly conquering the world to being the world’s cuckiest cucks thanks to American brainwashing. Then we talked them into going “green”, turning off their nuclear power plants, and following us down the road to de-industrialization.
An interesting research topic would be the exent to which America’s Power Structure used the psychological weapons perfected against Germans against Americans a couple of decades later.
Your argument makes no sense. Have you looked at the demographics around you? The genetics of our country is not Russia 1991 and certianly not Germany 1946
It’s remarkable how a handful of crappy books from almost 60 years ago live in on the minds of that generation. One can see why they made the decisions they did. A few stupid best-sellers like The Population Bomb that fizzled out in their predictions — surprise! predictions! — gave them the greenlight to run roughshod over the US for the next 35 years as they held those books up to every critic like garlic in front of vampires. Any noticeable political, economic, and social sign of decay was met with these books and a six-pack of Hopium from Budweiser… Read more »
They (those FUD) books still have an effect. As with “Global Warming”, which the Lefties changed to “Climate Change” when they lost that argument through gross exaggeration and prediction—we now use the term “sustainability”. That is now our indefinable goal. So idiots like Bill Gates can tell us that the optimal world population number is 500M humans.
Outside of software and computer chips, technology really hasn’t advanced all that much since the 1970s. Certainly, relative to the dizzying pace of technological change from say 1900-1970, it has stagnated. This is reflected in the zeitgeist of both eras. Back then, people expected a more “space age” future because it was happening all around them all the time. Today, people expect a future of stagnation and decay, because it’s happening around them all the time.
That outside of software and microprocessors, nothing much has changed in the last fifty years was exactly the point made by Peter Thiel several years back. Yes, it certainly seems we’re not going to get the future of the Jetsons.
My grandpa was born in 1916, but it could’ve been 1716 the way he lived. By the time he was my age, he had electricity, phone, TV, indoor plumbing, refrigeration, a tractor, an automobile, oil heat.
Men flew, men went to the moon (if you believe that 😉).
In my lifetime, it’s become easier to shop, be entertained, access information. Erstwhile gamers can kill people half a world away. It’s a lot noisier. Progress!
Well there is a theory that all the things you mentioned up until about 1970 were the low hanging fruit of real world technology, so to speak. But since that time the focus has been on computers and the digital revolution. Technology follows an s-curve. A particular technology or industry doesn’t improve rapidly forever. After it matures, a lot of the energy moves to other areas. We went from building faster rockets to building faster computers. So you can’t have a flying car to get to Japan in an hour. But you can FaceTime them in the next 5 minutes… Read more »
Speak of the devil. Here’s a recent publication touching upon the decay of academic institutions and graphing “innovation decay”:
In short, complete agreement with Jeff above.
A slow down in innovation is one thing. Stagnation is another. Total collapse is yet another. There’s a big difference between those three things is what I’m trying to say. Technological innovation in cars has slowed down. But a car today better than one from 20 years ago, not to mention 40 years ago.
All you’ve said is one of timing, not final destination. I have no opinion either way, but there are limits to all technology. Innovations are break throughs to those limits. A hop scotch effect if you will. If they do not come to pass…
The cars are indeed better. However, when something goes wrong with one, you can’t just pop the hood in your driveway and affect repairs economically like you could in the old days. Instead, you’ve got to take it to the shop and take out a loan for them to replace a headlight. What’s more, your car is spying on you. The ’62 Dodge Polara shakes its grill in horror.
I’ve also mused upon this over the years. I remember when cars—especially American—sucked. The poor quality issues ebb and flow over the years of course. However, when we bought an American auto years (generations) ago, you paid relatively little and could repair them much more cheaply. Now of course, cars are much improved, but much more expensive—and with this generation unrepairable by the common man. Cost is not due strictly to inflation and improvement—but to government mandates, especially safety. Is such worth it? Do you have a say in equipping your car without such mandates? Of course not. In the… Read more »
Gaia adoration and limiting movement to mass transit systems may also be part of the malevolent calculus.
To go from no aircraft in 1900 to going to the moon in 1970 is a staggering achievement. They designed and operated some of these air/spacecraft with computers but of course lower on the technological scale. They used mostly just white men and slide rules. We are still flying many of these designs from that timeframe- the F 16, F 15, C-130,etc Television and mass radio came about in that time frame. Of course a lot of it couldn’t have been done without those Hidden Figures gals. (My boomer co-worker actually believes that fable) In contrast, we have been on-line… Read more »
The only countries that actually collapse are the stupid ones, the grotesquely imperial ones, or the ones that suffered a horrific unforeseen event. Stupid: the Mayans, Afghanistan, Haiti, Somalia. Grotesquely Imperial: Roman Empire, Qing China, the Ottomans, the USSR. Horrific Unforeseen Event: The Hittites, The Aztecs, Austria-Hungary. Whether you collapse completely or decline and get stuck in a rut depends highly on the locals who remain. Unless the locals are terminally stupid, I guess that life goes on, however uncomfortably, for a few centuries. My guess is the Western world declines and gets stuck in a rut. I imagine that… Read more »
“Japan, Korea, and China are a different matter. They will carry on well, but without the continued innovation from the West that drove them to prosperity. They’ll be the civilized standards but they’ll get fossilized over time, like Asians tend to become.” Don’t count them out wrt innovation. It’s a tired old saw that they “stole” all our technology and would be nothing without the West’s science. This needs qualification because it begs/assumes the question of future innovation. The scientific publications and patents given to the East Asians, last I read, exceeded the West. Faculty I’ve known have for years… Read more »
“technology continues to advance”
You say that as if it’s a good thing…
PS–Doomsday-mania goes back much farther than 1971. Try 71 A.D. The appearance of the antichrist is baked into Christian eschatology. And since the West has been Christian for a very long time…
“[T]echnology continues to advance…” — As someone who knows history, you should take yourself away from the relatively short duration of America (400 years if we include the oft-ignored colonial era), and consider the the four millennia of China to discover that technology can indeed regress. Great inventions would sometimes be “lost” from one dynasty to the next (due to chaos or even a superstitious dread of the fate that befell the predecessor). Even when people are able to maintain the machinery of their ancestors, deteriorating conditions such as frequent power cuts can render them useless.
Concrete was lost for almost a thousand years. The Romans were reasonably good at it and the relics still remain. The remains being in plain sight and no one was able to mix the three required ingredients and make the magical structures.
A potential source of doom that may release its ugly head very soon I’d Our Greatest Ally.
There are rumors and signs AINO is helping the beloved ones gear up for a major strike on Iran, possibly as soon as the evening of 10/11 or early hours of 10/12.
Iran’s strategic planners probably have a, “launch on detect,” protocol in place for such a scenario.
Such events would probably cause WW3 to go hot, possibly even nuclear.
Hopefully you’re in a place that won’t get cooked if it does…
Imposter roleplay?
Let me finish reading an article on Rhodesia first…
(No really, that’s literally what I was doing just now)
Yep, logic says Doomed. We’re facing the worst demographics imaginable, and have been for a long time. Second, the U.S. “elite” are the worst people imaginable – possibly the worst people on Earth. For a current example, the government isn’t “failing” to respond to the disasters – they are responding exactly as they intent to. This doesn’t mean they’re competent to do a better job – they’re probably not – but they want those people to die. Someday I hope someone important has the balls to publicly call it murder. Zog is an evil regime and it makes the world… Read more »
Today’s young people (<35) seem to be particularly prone to anxiety. Their brains have been toasted by the massive vaccine assault that started in the late 1980s and the junk food that is now the standard American diet. Many of them are drug abusers (marijuana in particular) and have been raised in the sketchy family arrangements that are now ubiquitous. The economic prospects for many are dismal, with a future of low-paying jobs and living with mom and dad in store. Throw in the obvious misgovernment of the country and the chronic warfare that invites WW III and you have… Read more »
There was no autism when I was a kid in the early 60s. But the vaccine schedule was. “8 by 18”. No they get15 or 20 in the first 2 years.
And don’t forget twelve years of indoctrination. I know a fellow who had a lovely sweet little girl whom the public schools destroyed by making her hate herself because she was white, and then decided she was a boy. She is a broken human being.
They have literally murdered her. The damage is so horrific that most of the victims of that butchery take their own lives. Tragic.
Swan Song by Robert McCammon is a great 80s post nuclear apocalypse book. It gets compared to The Stand a lot.
Warday by Whitley Streiber and James Kunetka is another great post nuclear apocalypse novel. Warday is strictly realistic, however, without the supernatural elements of the Stand and Swan Song. Also, Warday depicts a limited nuclear exchange rather than an all out nuclear conflict. The United States survives, albeit the U.S. that remains is a de facto balkanized country that is a Third World power at best.
Thanks. I’ll check it out.
I think it is better.
Late to this comment thread but the two “end of the world” movies that I remember were On the Beach (came out in 1959) and The Omega Man (came out 1971). In the fomer a global nuclear war has created such elevated levels of radiation that they kill all human life. They are slowly drifting to the southern hemisphere where an American nuclear-powered submarine is sent to the north to investigate a strange radio signal, which turns out to be meaningless. And in the end, humanity is extinguished. In the latter, a biological war has turned most humans into quasi-vampires,… Read more »
The only thing that stuck with me with “On the Beach” was the issuing of suicide pills for when the populace felt the need to end their suffering and meet their inevitable death with dignity.
The 1984 British made-for-television movie Threads is a much more realistic and ultimately, a far more grim take on nuclear war and its aftermath than either On the Beach and The Day After.
The Archdruid is interesting on the apocalyptic mindset, which he argues is born of a perception that the current system is so profoundly immoral and corrupt that it leads to a psychological need to see it collapse and thus be vindicated.
Sounds good to me…but then again I’ve always was a sucker for psychological explanations of these sorts. I suspect it’s my inner Freudian exposing itself.
If you do, please be so good as to only show us your Cohiba…
I love the doomsday game. Planet of the Apes: The ruling class of the West smashed themselves to bits in two great wars that caused all their loyal dogs to die (in one sense or another), so they decided to replace said dogs by uplifting apes from Africa and Asia who then took over civilization on them. Fancy that. Terminator II: In the aftermath of the 9/11 holocaust, the security state took over and started hunting down dissidents with machine-like ruthlessness using computer algorithms as their preferred troops. Y2K: As good a date as any for the death of Heritage… Read more »
Elysium: Robin Hood with a modern lens. Income inequality, neo-serfdom and Cloud People vs. Dirt People are obvious and tired. San Andreas, Volcano, 2012, etc: The tectonic destabilization of America, see above, has left California a ruined hellscape. The Day After Tomorrow, etc: Climate change in the culture of the ruling class has turned the eastern seaboard in general and New York City in specific into Dante’s 9th Circle of Hell, a frozen hellscape for traitors. And psychopaths. Anthropogenic Climate Hysteria: A grift to make a fortune off destroying the physical heart of Western Civ – its energy sector. It… Read more »
Our doomsday “game” scenarios have indeed expanded with our modern imaginations colored by expanded knowledge of nature through science. However, the psychology behind such seems older than the modern settings you depict. Note how crazy Europeans became when the year 1000 approached despite the knowledge of the artificiality of such time keeping via Christian calendar.
The psychology behind our doomsday games is deep, and perhaps a bit more grounded than you let on. Movies are the dreams of America. Sometimes of Hollywood and sometimes from the greater collective. Most of my list are movies that reinterpret existing dynamics and trends in order to express problems the population should be aware of and address. The doomsday nature is an expression of urgency and exaggeration for clarity at the cost of material accuracy. Soylent Green was likely tapping into cultural trends showing up in 1973 and earlier. The Matrix reimagining cubicle farms powering our soulless corporate overlords… Read more »
I remembered a few more details from Terminator 2. The T-800 has aspects of it that reflect the old enforcer, the old internet, and the old system siding with the dissident. The T-1000 is the new enforcer, the new internet, and the new system tasked with terminating the dissident. The T-800 has to be destroyed as the last chip, which is to say, the logic of the old ways invariably lead to the new. The dissident has to let go of the old ways for a clean future. If you want to make a case for diversity being tasked with… Read more »
Even worse is everything will go to s*** and we will have millions of swarthy pieces of s*** (along with negroes) to deal with to boot. I can hardly wait…
The Grateful Dead were holding the Potomac empire together after the fall of the Soviet empire. The death of Jerry, that sweet man, was the doomsday harbinger.
Eighty years? That’s the length of what Strauss and Howe call the “saeculum” in their book The Fourth Turning. Ergo, every eighty years or so comes the Fourth Turning, the Crisis.
“Our Earth is degenerate in these later days; there are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents; every man wants to write a book and the end of the world is evidently approaching.”
-Assyrian clay tablet, 2800 BC (approximate).
Yes, and in 2778 BC the Babylonian’s overran and enslaved them all.
Which they apparently accomplished via time-travel, the first king of Babylon having ruled between 1830 and 1817 BC…
Ashur , the capital of the Assyrian empire was founded in 1900 BC. My post was to point out that yours was fictional. You might want to check your sources on the clay tablet. It’s not real.
I. I think the financial collapse happened in 2008. It’s taken a massive expansion of debt to keep it from running its course. All of this is still going on, 16(!) years later. Somebody (Citizen? apologies if that’s wrong) on here points out that the world still doing business in dollars gives the US an unlimited credit card. It’s an unbelievable situation, really. Maybe it’s a long draw down, a soft landing. Idk. Maybe it’s the only way to avoid the wars and tragedies these things cause. You notice things started getting dicey around the same time the fed started… Read more »
Although monsters lurk in the unlikeliest of places, no one really believes they will encounter one. Historically speaking, however, we should be on a crash collision course with a monster — a world-bestselling conqueror. The 1930s had Adolf Hitler. The 1810s had Napoleon Bonaparte. Ever since the Industrial Revolution began, we have had one monster a century. The world conqueror, schooled in politics and nursed on the milk of mass media, wears a benevolent smile. What can today’s monster be waiting for? The development and perfection of an anti-ballistic missile shield. Once nuclear weapons are neutralized, mass armies are free… Read more »
You’re not going to conquer the world with armies but with lawyers and cheap junk
He is here. His name is Xi. The amount of subversive control they have over our politics is enormous. I recommend him the book unrestricted warfare, written by PLA officers outlining how it could be done while avoiding a disastrous war that could go nuclear.
Ooga Booga Evil Fu Man Chu Man Xi Jinping is just waiting to roll over you with massed hordes of slitty-eyed maniacs because what he really wants… what he dreams of at night is Owning Appalachia. Yeah. He watched deliverance in a yurt while Mao had him banished to the countryside and ever since he’s been practicing the banjo (cheap plastic junk copy, natch) and planning his campaign. Oh wait.. he’s going to buy your politicians and subvert your bodily fluids because there’s anything left to buy and subvert after the Greatest Ally has taken everything? Americans. Some of you… Read more »
Never bet against China being late to the party.
ooo! Iron dome!
When I meet hand-wringers, I remind them that indeed, THEY are doomed.
I am not doomed. Not ‘enjoying the decline’ a-la the Canadian talker Rich Cooper but navigating it.
They are stupid, ignorant and lazy. Too bad for them — it’s why I say a ‘whyte-opia’ is a childish fantasy, as half of whites are worthless and weak. The rest, ouch, worse on too many levels to list.
Ok, will keep this down voot in mind when my huwhyte nay-boors start spitting out their food with TDS.
oo, how are ya navigating it? Gold? Freeze dried ice cream?!?!
Roofing my own house. Fixing my own cars. Helping friends. My guess is each down voot is some mouth breather haha. Keep talking, my geeks. Keep talking while we build and fix. And don’t forget your next flu and covid vaccine at Walgreens, as seen on TV.
Double down and embrace the down vote.
Heh, snap a panty string and see the reaction – downvote is just a number progressing in another direction.
Loving it! I exist, there’s proof.
I don’t get the downvotes. Collapse and reformation. Witch trials, harsh law and order. Plagues. Periodic purges. It’s our history. Too long since, and just the opposite, ackshually. We’re morbid.
Sometimes a downvote is for the poster rather than the post.
OK, I’m not familiar with OP.
When the diverse hordes come after you, we’ll down some popcorn and beer watching.
Are you obese? Honest answer please.
Lots of downvotes, but seriously, what percentage of today’s white people would you want in your peacefully-separated nation? How would you separate them from the ones you do want when the time comes?
These are practical matters.