
Are we doomed? It certainly seems like it. Polling on the issue suggests that most people expect something bad to happen in the near future. The unspoken driving force of our politics for the last decade is this sense of foreboding. Despite all the numbers people use to measure society looking good, the voters keep searching around for someone who will either fix things or stop the fixers.

One reason for the pessimism is the people in charge have been crying wolf for decades as a way to both distract people from certain topics and as a way to rally support for the ruling class. The theater of democracy requires a hero and a villain, so it is only natural to create a crisis atmosphere in which to place them. Politics is one manufactured drama after another.

Even so, there are reasons to be worried. The behavior of the authorities in response to the floods in Appalachia underscore the fact that our government is not very good at doing basic things anymore. The main road was washed out and no one thinks it will be replaced in their lifetime. The reason for that is we drive over torn up roads every day that never seem to get repaired properly.

That said, doomsday seems to be a part of the American DNA. For as long as there has been moving pictures, the end of the world has been a topic. Movies and television shows based on the end times are a stock feature. The cause of doom changes from generation to generation, but the sense of doom is constant. It is as if Americans need to be in fear in order to feel alive.

On the other hand, maybe it is that the youngest people in the Western world have the best historical perspective. Nothing lasts forever and that means what we call the West will one day draw to a close. Perhaps the birth of this nation is so recent that it remains a reminder that death is inevitable. On the other hand, maybe we suffer from a collective form of imposter syndrome.

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This Week’s Show


  • Intro
  • Doomsday’s Past
  • Doomsday Templates
  • Are We Doomed?
  • Arc Of History

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1 hour ago

The steadily increasing Diversity must be a major factor in the feelings of dread and doom that many white people feel, whether they are willing to admit it or not. It certainly has directly affected my life in ways that are impossible to avoid. And Camp of the Saints seems to be coming true.

My apology if you covered this later in your talk of this morning–I haven’t yet finished it–but this is something that jumped out at me.

Last edited 1 hour ago by 1660please
Reply to  1660please
1 hour ago

Yes. Even whites who don’t want to admit it are emotionally affected by mass non-white immigration. Huge parts of America will never be white again. I wish it weren’t so. But at least whites who feel under siege are a different political animal than the “nice” normies of the past.

Reply to  Trek
46 minutes ago

Some years ago, a left-wing sister of mine made sure that her family moved to a different neighborhood because it had “better schools,” in the same exact way that people on our side have described left-wing behavior. I had visited her former residence, and so I knew the real reason for her move. She and her husband belong to that credentialed academia industry that now is so powerful. Many people like her insisted on living in trendy, hip neighborhoods near universities and colleges. It’s interesting to see the demographic shifts in those kinds of neighborhoods (I used to live in… Read more »

41 minutes ago

Even if America holds on, the things that made the country fun are gone. I mean like road trips, exploring different states, etc. Because everywhere you go, there are brown people. The days of driving into some town in the middle of nowhere and falling in love and meeting a future wife, stuff like that, they’re gone. The fusion of romance and mystique with nation are gone, IOW. America was a very romantic and mysterious place at one point. It is all very corporate and transactional now, on top off being miserably brown. And I don’t mean “brown” as a… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
20 minutes ago

Good points. I used to love to go on short and long road trips, including “Sunday drives,” as my parents’ generation called them. Another one of my favorite things to do was to go to historic sites. Now, so many of them have been taken over by people who read Howard-Zinn as gospel. And so many of the rural areas and small towns which I enjoyed seeing are noticeably declining, if they haven’t yet been turned outright into places like Springfield, Ohio and Charleroi, PA.

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
46 minutes ago

Remember when Jimmy Carter said he asked his 10 year old daughter what worried her the most and she said “nuclear proliferation?” LOL

Reply to  Fred Beans
34 minutes ago

Yeah, I remember that. I was in school in the late-60s through the 70s, and none of us, as kids, worried about nuclear war, economic collapse, population explosion, plague, etc. The Vietnam War was mentioned now and then in school, when it was happening, but we didn’t dwell on it. As we boys approached the time when we had to register for the draft (I was in the first cohort for that), we did think a bit about getting into a war in Iran. Jimmy Carter was hopeless, and many of us knew it. But it wasn’t like these things… Read more »

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
2 hours ago

Hold on to your Confederate dollars boys, the South will rise again

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  (((They))) Live
1 hour ago

A legit Jeff Davis bank note is probably worth a tidy sum today

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
26 minutes ago

I have one, somewhere, bought in Massachusetts at a coin shop many moons ago

Forever Templ@r
Forever Templ@r
Reply to  (((They))) Live
58 minutes ago

Too stump broke.

1 hour ago

End Times? Not anytime soon. It is a common fear and a big money maker for Doom sellers. Howard Ruff was selling books claiming imminent financial crash back in 1971. Didn’t happen.

What we may get is a slide into misery over many generations. If whites get bred out or become too small a population, we will go the way of India. But that takes many generations. And on the other side, like it or not, technology continues to advance. And there are still a lot of smart people in the world.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Trek
Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Trek
32 minutes ago

Your past experience as a Baby Boomer says very little about the future. You are basing your imagined future upon the two things that most sensible Americans under a certain age laugh at when they hear it from older folks: Technology continues to advance, it’s great, it’s gonna’ cure cancer and stuff. I mean, mRNA vaccines and all that, right? Another app on my phone just got updated! There’s still a lot of smart people out there, let’s not be negative, they’ll think of something, probably using the technology they invented because they are smart. No way, man. This is… Read more »

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
3 minutes ago

I’m not a baby boomer I just know some history. But as far as technology, I mean it’s not like you are responding on this site with parchment carried by Pony Express. You are literally using 21st century technology that requires an understanding of quantum physics to work. My claim is that people hoping for a technological collapse are the ones hoping for the hand of God to come save the day.

Last edited 2 minutes ago by Trek
Reply to  Trek
25 minutes ago

Technology IS the end times

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Falcone
13 minutes ago

True, ironically enough. Technology is forcing everything to a head.

Reply to  Trek
21 minutes ago

Didn’t happen? Have you checked on what your money will buy? The de-industrialization of the west will bring terrible poverty eventually. the idea that a long gentle decline awaits us seems like hopium. Communist china is more where we are headed than India.

Last edited 20 minutes ago by Miforest
Reply to  Miforest
6 minutes ago

Genes matter more than culture or economy. Big economic crash? Even if it happens, so what? Russia had a hard landing and they have crawled out of it. Japan and Germany were destroyed after WW2 but they were back humming along 10 years later. If you have the right genes you can do that. The reason I say India is because there used to be white indo-europeans that ran the place and they had a thriving culture. But they mixed with the locals and 2,000 years of stagnation followed.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Miforest
5 minutes ago

It’s remarkable how a handful of crappy books from almost 60 years ago live in on the minds of that generation. One can see why they made the decisions they did. A few stupid best-sellers like The Population Bomb that fizzled out in their predictions — surprise! predictions! — gave them the greenlight to run roughshod over the US for the next 35 years as they held those books up to every critic like garlic in front of vampires. Any noticeable political, economic, and social sign of decay was met with these books and a six-pack of Hopium from Budweiser… Read more »

Last edited 4 minutes ago by Arthur Metcalf
17 minutes ago

“Are we doomed?” It’s a great question. On the one hand, we are not sending Federal troops to Tennessee to kill Confederates. We are not drafting 2 million men and sending them into the trenches of France, or drafting ten million men and sending them to Normandy and the Bulge. We are not doing duck-and-cover nuclear drills or building backyard bomb shelters. We do not have 25% unemployment. It’s been a lot worse in the past. On the other hand, we are ruled by a feckless, arrogant and hubristic elite that wants to destroy our energy supply, import tens of… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Xman
5 minutes ago

We’re doomed in ways that cannot be fixed.

But at least it’s not WWI

It wasn’t lost on me how high you needed to set that bar to make your point.

42 minutes ago

Imposter roleplay?

Let me finish reading an article on Rhodesia first…

(No really, that’s literally what I was doing just now)

Last edited 39 minutes ago by Alzaebo
3 minutes ago

As a Gen-Xer, I’ve spent my whole life watching things get worse. When I was ten, everyone around me had intact families, a stay-at-home mom, great health insurance, doting grandparents, safe (aka White) schools, and a government that, at least on the surface, didn’t hate White Americans. Not anymore. Now, we’re faced with an endless firehose of brown immigration as we’re lectured about our “privilege.” Meanwhile, we’re towing an increasingly heavy load to keep this country running. Our government hates us and doesn’t bother hiding it. We’re constantly vilified in the media, and our kids are encouraged to hate not… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
32 minutes ago

“Even so, there are reasons to be worried. The behavior of the authorities in response to the floods in Appalachia underscore the fact that our government is not very good at doing basic things anymore. The main road was washed out and no one thinks it will be replaced in their lifetime. The reason for that is we drive over torn up roads every day that never seem to get repaired properly. “That said, doomsday seems to be a part of the American DNA.” Perhaps there are two separate things — on the one hand, expecting conditions to get steadily… Read more »

1 hour ago

We’re all gonna die!!! Seriously we’re all gonna die. the voters keep searching aroundthe birth of this nation  im off topic for sure but I think part of the problem is inherent in language like the above. Mr man knows all this and I’m not criticizing him because it’s hard not to use language like “this nation” or “this country”. But is whatever the Potomac empire is, a nation? A country? I don’t think anyone can defend those terms for interracial inter religious crowds. here’s my humble definition of what is called America: A bordered crowd. I like the term… Read more »

Last edited 1 hour ago by Hi-ya!
4 minutes ago

I listen to EMJ, because he makes me think. Not a sycophant, nor am I going to pollute this comment section critiquing him. Anyway, he’s been talking about American identity. He’s big on narrative, which he admits, being a PhD in American Lit, iirc. Daniel Boone and the cowboy. These are boomer phenomena, I don’t say that as a put down. I ask myself what my identity as an American is. Didn’t think much about it as a kid, I just knew I was one. Yet, a strong sense of alienation, which I chalked up to being weird, and, honestly,… Read more »

Last edited 3 minutes ago by Paintersforms
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
15 minutes ago

It’s really since the plandemic that a lot of folks have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. This was what brought a proliferation of the survivalist/prepper industry. You even see ads for prepper food storage on normie tv now, during sportsball games. Or are those targeted at me personally by the AI ad generator? Pretty sure it’s the former, but not discounting the possibility of the latter. Maybe 1/3 of the population didn’t buy what the regime was pushing and that’s a lot of people. Their fears are not baseless. The discerning person, having recently witnessed the Russia… Read more »

1 hour ago

I believe the Biden Admin has managed to bring back thoughts of doomsday with their bumbling in eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Does anyone have an optimistic view of the future like we did 50 years ago when I was a kid? We thought the future was space ships and flying cars – not third world cities, crushing debt, sexual perverts, and pharmaceuticals to deal with it all.

1 hour ago

Doomsday has been baked into Western Civilization ever since St. John the Evangelist wrote Revelation a.k.a. the Apocalypse.

Greg Nikolic
57 minutes ago

Although monsters lurk in the unlikeliest of places, no one really believes they will encounter one. Historically speaking, however, we should be on a crash collision course with a monster — a world-bestselling conqueror. The 1930s had Adolf Hitler. The 1810s had Napoleon Bonaparte. Ever since the Industrial Revolution began, we have had one monster a century. The world conqueror, schooled in politics and nursed on the milk of mass media, wears a benevolent smile. What can today’s monster be waiting for? The development and perfection of an anti-ballistic missile shield. Once nuclear weapons are neutralized, mass armies are free… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Greg Nikolic
27 minutes ago

You’re not going to conquer the world with armies but with lawyers and cheap junk

Reply to  Greg Nikolic
12 minutes ago

He is here. His name is Xi. The amount of subversive control they have over our politics is enormous. I recommend him the book unrestricted warfare, written by PLA officers outlining how it could be done while avoiding a disastrous war that could go nuclear.

Reply to  Greg Nikolic
3 minutes ago

ooo! Iron dome!

1 hour ago

When I meet hand-wringers, I remind them that indeed, THEY are doomed.

I am not doomed. Not ‘enjoying the decline’ a-la the Canadian talker Rich Cooper but navigating it.

They are stupid, ignorant and lazy. Too bad for them — it’s why I say a ‘whyte-opia’ is a childish fantasy, as half of whites are worthless and weak. The rest, ouch, worse on too many levels to list.

Reply to  Chimeral
1 hour ago

Ok, will keep this down voot in mind when my huwhyte nay-boors start spitting out their food with TDS.

Reply to  Chimeral
1 hour ago

oo, how are ya navigating it? Gold? Freeze dried ice cream?!?!

David Wright
Reply to  Chimeral
1 hour ago

Double down and embrace the down vote.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  David Wright
53 minutes ago

Heh, snap a panty string and see the reaction – downvote is just a number progressing in another direction.