After Conservatism

The failure of conservatism is one of those things that has been observed many times by many different people, but why it failed is never discussed. The assumption is that conservatism failed because the people in it did not try hard enough, or they were easily corrupted by the big money donors. The underlying assumption is that it could have succeeded and created the civil nationalist paradise.

This is why these successive efforts over the last decade to create a new right have failed to get very far. They assume they just need to get new people saying the same old things and they can get the band back together. Christopher Rufo’s internet activism is in pursuit of the same agenda as Buckley conservatism. It has the same agenda because it learned nothing from failure.

The most likely answer to why conservatism failed, however, is that it was doomed from the start and by start, I mean the founding. Conservatism, in a nation that was never a nation, but rather a country that saw itself as a radical experiment in liberty, was going to be the first thing reformed out of existence. What a radical experiment of any kind can never tolerate is anything in its way.

Conservativism in America was just slow progressivism, with progressivism being the radical ideology at the core of the experiment. As Dabney noted a century ago, conservatives were merely a drag on progressivism. Its job was to slow the process but eventually concede to the progressives. This meant that the reason conservatism failed is the progressivism has failed.

That is the show this week. Technical issues made it difficult to record and compile the show, so it may sound a bit wonky. Getting over those technical issues left little time to organize my thoughts on this topic, so it is mostly thinking aloud, but it is a subject I may returned to in a future show. The death of conservatism is as much about the death of progressivism as anything else.

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This Week’s Show


  • Intro
  • The Death Of Conservatism
  • Doomed From The Start
  • The Mystery of Progressivism
  • Buckley Conservatism
  • Trumpism & Populism
  • After Conservatism

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joey jünger
joey jünger
1 month ago

David Deutsch, the quantum computer scientist, has his own definition of reality, similar to Phillip Dick’s, but I prefer his. “Reality is anything that kicks back.” I live in a somewhat white lower middle-class suburb, adjacent to a wealthier white suburb. Drive through my neighborhood and you’ll see mostly Trump signs, some colorful, featuring Trump holding up his fist after getting shot, etc. Then a handful of Harris signs, usually staked in organic garden patches or adjacent to Ukraine flag displays. Go to the rich white neighborhood and it’s three to one Harris to Trump, and there are a lot… Read more »

Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

Well said. It is likely that those out-of-reality whites either are running the HR team doing the kicking or managing teams or divisions and gleefully doing the kicking.

Whites have been getting curbstomped since the 50s. It’s just that it was far away. As you say, our children and grandchildren are going to live a terrible reality because they refused to see that far into the future, and chose status and comfort today over their duty to their ancestors and their posterity.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

You don’t “fix that”. There’s no fixing it. Then again, the Haitian eliminated the genetic line of that asshat by killing his son. So maybe that’s how it’s fixed. Survival of the fittest and such. One commenter today was talking about not being able to predict the future. I’ll take a stab at it, and repeat what has been discussed here many times. For Whites to survive long term, they’re going to have to go Roman on their enemies,(there’s quite a bit to choose from). Then small areas of like minded people will have to coalesce, and forge themselves a… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Bartleby the Scrivner
Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

Then again, the Haitian eliminated the genetic line of that asshat by killing his son

I just want to note that I strongly suspect that whole put-on was fake. Just picture this scenario as a possibility: you’re the dad, and the TV comes on proclaiming that some oddly dressed guy is *you* and the guy is spouting nothing but regime propaganda.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 month ago

I’ve heard the regime operates a “unit” that scouts which white parents of children murdered by wogs are willing to say the approved words, and which ones aren’t. Which puts the former on tv and keeps the latter off.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

It does. This despicable group is associated with the ironically named Department of Justice. Britain has the same.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Much more plausible than imposters doing a Rich Little schtick.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Check out

Your statement and observations will make more sense after reading the site

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

“Then again, the Haitian eliminated the genetic line of that asshat by killing his son. So maybe that’s how it’s fixed.” It’s harsh, but it’s also truth. Mother Gaia punishes civilizational stupidity with civilizational death. I could say that the young man’s death is just natural selection in action, but it wouldn’t strictly be true. It was artificial selection. Civilizations are ecosystems, not ‘are like’, but ‘are’. We Europeans are optimized for success in one kind of ecosystem/civilization. Our ancestors allowed enemies into our ecosystem who proceeded to modulate it so that it was better for them and worse for… Read more »

((( me)))
Reply to  Horace
1 month ago

You better have Jew in your living room than a dozen episcopalians with their lgbtqai+ etc,etc flags

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ((( me)))
1 month ago

Point taken. But best of all is none of the above. And I say that with genuine regret, because I’ve had great personal affection for some Jews.

Reply to  ((( me)))
1 month ago

A critical point to understand is that our administrative class (formerly but no longer a ruling class) inclusive of “episcopalians with their lgbtqai+ etc,etc flags” has been not only just as socially engineered as the peasantry, but even more so, and first. The old WASP ruling class had many, many failings, but they were never genocidal towards Europeanity nor were they open borders lunatics during the period when they actually ruled (pre-1960’s). The Ivy’s have been the training grounds for those who rule over us since our beginning. They were the first to be taken over. The rot spread from… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
1 month ago

‘Mother Gaia’ lol Do you use Healing Crystals too? :O)

Reply to  ray
1 month ago

heh. I like coopting verbiage. I could say “mathematical understructure of reality” instead, but I don’t think it flows as well. 🙂

Reply to  Horace
1 month ago

Eff Mother Gaia. How’s that flow for ya?

Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

“Grab him by the ballot”

Man that’s gay

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

I think the intended audience for that impossibly witty bon mot is the coalition of water buffaloes, childless cat ladies, Karens and wine aunts.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

That Upper Class neighborhood is full of feminist white women who have reaped the bounty of AA the past fifty years. While standing on your face and calling you toxic.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ray
1 month ago

standing on your face and calling you toxic”

Sounds most unpleasant.

On the plus side, at least they won’t be wearing stilettos.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

One the negative side, they won’t be wearing panties either.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

And I was having such a pleasant day…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago


Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

” . . . they won’t be wearing stilettos.”

Their loss. Next to a pretty smile, there is nothing more powerful.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVIkings
1 month ago

Bias cut dresses.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

Isn’t it ironic that your typical shitlib would assume I hate negros, or mestizos? I’m pretty sure I’ve never hated a wog, individually or collectively. What would be the point? No, my hate is reserved for shitlib whites/ashkenazis. Without whom we would have very few problems with wogs, or much of anything else that I can see, really.

Greg Nikolic
Greg Nikolic
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

There are other factions out there than liberals and conservatives. I, for example, do not consider myself left wing OR right wing. I favor violence specifically and The Arts, such as literature, in general. I want the freedom to do what I want without ethical constraints. I want to see great examples of Art, living in front of me, in three-dimensional glory. That is the kind of thing that makes my day.
— Greg (my blog:

Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

All true, and certainly depressing, but the road to redemption is not one of mass persuasion or awakening. You are you and you control you. And you can make a tangible difference. In all higher order lifeforms, nature has evolved antibodies to fight systemic disease. At the nuts & bolts level, one antibody removes one pathogen. The Elites want the antibodies to attack each other. Your imperative is to resist this urge and do the natural thing.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

Twenty percent of whites with scrambled eggs for brains may be an optimistic number, sadly.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Correct. I define “scrambled eggs” for brains as a set that includes “true believers” *and* folks who are “clueless”. Clueless are the “useful idiots” Lenin is said to have spoken about. My estimate, from typical electoral process review, is that we have at the very least 50-66% in the scrambled eggs for brains category—and we’ve not even delved into the aspect of IQ deterioration within the populace as a confounding effect.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Hopefully, I put the percentage at 30-35.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

I am of the age you describe. It is indeed very disheartening that many of my generation are blind to what is happening. They are hostile in some cases when you try to explain the facts of life to them. I am old too but come on boomers. You have to maintain some sense of reality. It’s not the eighties anymore. Can’t you see what is happening to your children?

A lot of them are just intellectual zombies. I guess it is just easier for them to ignore the situation.

Reply to  george 1
1 month ago

This is the main gripe I have with the boomers. Their stubborn refusal to understand/acknowledge that things have changed. You’re right, there are some that show extreme hostility to any criticism of the system, as though you’re insulting them personally. It’s remarkable, they think all their ‘success’ was a result of their brilliance, cunning and work ethic and not the fact that they grew up as the main beneficiaries of the post-WWII prosperity bubble. It seems their enormous egos can’t handle a slight nudge, let alone a kick by reality.

Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

In our hood, there is a house with the following sign:

In this house, we vote for:
Hope over fear
Truth over lies
Science over fiction
Democracy over fascism
Harris over Trump

Whites such as these will have absolutely no place in a future White society.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
1 month ago

Perhaps the most contemptible trait of such people is their childishness. They really do have a nursery school understanding of…well…just about everything.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

This. I’ve mentioned such with comment on the exemplar, Kamala Harris. Stupid people often fall in love with big words and catchy phrases—of which they have little depth of understanding, but happily repeat over and over again thinking it makes them sound “smart” when in fact it is a tell of their stupidity.

So it is with usNthem’s example and Harris’ typical word salad interviews.

Reply to  usNthem
1 month ago

The question is: how do you kick them out and keep them out?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Gespenst
1 month ago

A one-way ticket to Greenland.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

South Africa and Bring over those Whites that understand reality from there…

Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

The last 60 years or so have seen something unprecedented in the world and that is the creation of a new Western and especially American “Television Man” (Homo vidiensis?). These are people, mostly Whites**, who are essentially raised by the TV (and now the internet and social media). I believe these people have an essentially novel personality type and can only really be compared to people raised in extreme religious cults in the past. The reason is that mass media automates the brainwashing process. Prior to the media age, cults had to spend hours a day indoctrinating young people. Today,… Read more »

((( me)))
Reply to  Pozymandias
1 month ago

I call them Homo Televicus .The screen is the Platos cave.

Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

Derbyshire notes that White people are p*ssies. He is of course correct. Whites have just laid back since the 1950s at least just taking it. Because we are indeed p*ssies. But its important to understand why. Whites are individualized and atomized. We don’t have the large families that lasted until the 1940s. We are dispersed to the suburbs. We don’t have like Somalis, Haitians, Indians, Sikhs, Salvadorans, and Pakistanis twenty cousins and 35 second cousins on call to threaten the agents of the state on our behalf when mistreated. We are all alone, as individuals, in the face of the… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

This is one of the better comments on here in a while. Outstanding. Nothing to add.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

This is why I find some satisfaction in stories about old whites in nursing homes getting abused by their beloved Haitian and Guatemalan diversity

Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

The guy who said those things about the Haitians and who was negative toward his own people (whites) was blackmailed in some way.

check out and/or

it will give you a new perspective on WHY much of the “insanity” is happening.

Tip: it’s on purpose, and manipulated.

1 month ago

Progressivism isn’t a mystery. Examine the statistics from the past century: Progressivism is the socio-political expression of ever-increasing collective female power. It isn’t just that, but it is mostly that. Who dominates your institutions? Blacks? No. Jews? Nupe. Women run your institutions and call all the shots. Pretending the problem is Something Else is, well, conservatism. ‘As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them’. (Isaiah 3:12) That was written almost 3 thousand years ago. Ain’t nothing changed. The problem has only gotten worse, to the point where what Isaiah wrote now is destroying your nations,… Read more »

Reply to  ray
1 month ago

There’s a lot of wisdom in the Bible, both Old and New testament. However, the Old testament also claims that Jews were slaves in Egypt and yet every archaeologist in Israel says this was absolutely not true.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  ray
1 month ago

Actually, it’s the Chicoms.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Bloated Boomer
1 month ago

Not sure why you were downvoted. I think a faction of American “elites” made a deal with them decades ago, who knows what kissinger was telling them when he and Nixon “opened” China. But if i were the chinese and i didn’t want to fight a direct war, i’d say everything that is going on in our society i’d be promoting. I’d make sure the people who believe in nothing rose to positions of power and created as much choas and confusion as possible while i made my move for dominance. Maybe they downvoted you because they haven’t check under… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Mr. House
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Mr. House
1 month ago

I tend to agree.

I’ve never understood why many people can’t seem to allow for multiple hostile foreign factions that are out to destroy America.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

When you’re the big bully on the block, most everyone wants to take you down if they have ambition

Reply to  ray
1 month ago

Or as I like to say, women ruin everything. There’s a reason Satan tempted Eve, not Adam.

Reply to  ray
1 month ago

I often wonder if those cultures, such as Islam, that seem so horribly misogynist do not really represent an extreme counter reaction to some long destroyed ancient gynocracy. Anthropologists and historians will often object that the historical evidence for this is lacking (except for the ones trying to create revisionist tales of feminist utopias). Perhaps the terrifying truth is that female-headed societies run themselves into the ground so hard they destroy all traces of themselves other than the violent backlash that follows. There are passages of the Old Testament such as the one you cite that hint at this as… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
1 month ago

Shakespeare has a lot of progressive seeming women characters. Hermoines from winters take is really smart and sarcastic and maybe even demeaning to leones. Maybe I’m wrong, but Shakespeare may have been a big pusher of this, “let’s give them a chance already” notion.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

Lady Macbeth is a very accurate portrayal of true female nature, and of cucked/weak male leadership. Willy Shakes was pretty hip to real female nature.

Reply to  Pozymandias
1 month ago

No, it’s that archeologists expect to find techno-artifacts that simply didn’t exist during the ‘mother right’ cultures of extreme antiquity. They thereupon conclude that gynocratic language-groups and cultures did not exist. Silly extrapolation. Read J.J. Bachofen and James Frazer, and you’ll understand the reality of antiquity. What didn’t exist was neolithic technology. . . so there’s little or nothing for the proud archaeologists to find, aside from scattered ‘Venus’ figurines. Those cultures didn’t care about, or produce, the artifacts that the archeos expect. But the gyno-cultures — as Catal Huyuk demonstrate — certainly did exist. This background is why modern… Read more »

Reply to  ray
1 month ago

It wouldn’t surprise me if these gyno-cultures lacked technology since men drive innovation in that area. In those stone age groups that survived into the 20th century you often see a pattern of the women doing primitive farming while the men are sidelined and sit around drunk on palm wine and go on the occasional hunt. That’s probably an easy pattern for a society to fall into and stagnate there for millennia. You see a modernized version of this in the ghetto with the men doing and selling drugs and the women “farming” the welfare system. I’m sure the elites… Read more »

1 month ago

The main problem with progressivism is that it claims to know what the future is going to be and that they are making progress toward it. That is plain silly. No one in 1850 could predict the world of 1950. Marxism pushed science-y sounding theories of late-stage this and early-stage that which is just made up gobbledygook. None of the Marxist predictions came true. Anyone who tells you they know what the world will be like in 2070 is blowing smoke.

Reply to  Trek
1 month ago

And as Spengler and others have pretty convincingly shown, cultures and civilizations are cyclical. I can excuse the Victorians for having some limited faith in progress, because they had cleaned up a lot of social problems that had gotten out of control. But the smarter ones knew that hubris was a problem, and that all humans were very fallible.

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Spengler had some ideas I’m not too sure about. I know he’s popular.with some dissidents on the right, but he seemed to pretty much deny biology. I don’t think history makes any sense if you don’t put human biology and genetics at the center of it. Race isn’t that important to him? It seems to me that he’s yet another person predicting that he knows what the future is going to be and that we’re in a decline phase. Granted, we’re importing the third world so we’re declining! I am skeptical of any borderline mystical Force that somehow externally enforces… Read more »

Reply to  Trek
1 month ago

Spengler wasn’t right about everything, but I think he was pretty close about the grand sweep of history. As you suggested, he was influenced by the fraudulent anthropology of Boas, which hadn’t yet been as discredited then, as with the information we know now.

And I’m a big critic too of that certain 1930s regime. It didn’t end up doing a lot of good ultimately for Germans, Slaves, or whites in general. Hitler might have been right about some things, but he made clear his contempt for Germans towards the end of the war.

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Interesting I didn’t know he was influenced by Boas. Yeah I just mentioned that regime from the 30s for fun. Believe me I can be critical of all sides during that time.

Reply to  Trek
1 month ago

Yeah, Boas did lots of damage, didn’t he? Thanks for your civil comments, Trek. Good discussion. I’d like to read more about the issues you raised.

Last edited 1 month ago by 1660please
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Meant “Slavs” of course. Can’t seem to edit at the moment.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

The one derives from the other, much to the annoyance of negro supremacists who turn ostensibly sui generis historical victimology into a mandate to rape, pillage and generally demolish civilization.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Ex post facto “explanations” for bad behavior are a hallmark of weak minds. The correlation of such is probably -1.0 for the ranking of the various races on IQ.

Last edited 1 month ago by Compsci
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Sub victimhood for victimology.

((( me)))
Reply to  Trek
1 month ago

Eric Hoffer ,a longshoreman philosopfer made an observation—In America an idea becomes a movement, movement becomes a business , and business becomes a racket. In 1880’s it was a good idea but now it got to it’s natural state.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Trek
1 month ago

Predicting the future a mere three years out is an extremely hazardous enterprise. Three hundred or even thirty years hence is an ontological impossibility.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

My fault, apologies to all—yesterday I swatted a butterfly. 😉

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Remember those old Soviet “experts” or Kremlinologists at the CIA and the state department? I don’t think a single one of them predicted the fall of the USSR.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Colorblind civic nationalism is a hothouse flower. People could pretend that it would grow in the wild as long as the West was 80-90% white. As whites fall as a percent of the population, colorblind civic nationalism – Western conservatism – will fall with it.

You already see it happening, and its fall will only accelerate. Rufo thinks and acts like a child. As whites become a minority, it will be time to put away childish things.

Last edited 1 month ago by Citizen of a Silly Country
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Yes, somebody needs to take away their goo-goo rattles, spades and buckets. Time to graduate from nursery school and enter the harsh realm of adulthood.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Actually, I was wrong. Colorblind civic nationalism isn’t dying; it’s dead. Look at who really runs the country. It’s not colorblind civic nationalists. It’s an ethnic minority that is hyper-aware of race and religion and works as a team to promote its people and agendas that it believes help that people. American conservatism isn’t dying; it’s already dead. And we know what replaced it: Tribalism and, when possible, ethnic nationalism. Ethnic nationalism isn’t possible in the US for the current minority in charge so it uses tribalism within a multi-everything society, but that same minority promotes ethnic nationalism in a… Read more »

1 month ago

Maybe that asshole neocon for Fox Brett Baier inadvertently crushed the dems hope in November. Harris has the worst, idiotic staff ever.

1 month ago

This week has given us a great example of one of modern conservatism’s bigest achilles heels. In the wake of Barry O’s “the brothers ain’t lining up behind Kamala!” gaffe, Con Inc. has tripped over itself to highlight blacks who are outraged by this and will now vote for Trump. Blech! Approximately 90% of them are still going to vote for Harris. And more importantly, they’re not our people. But the conservatives tuck themselves in at night fearful that somewhere, some negro or leftist is accusing them of racism. With all that attention devoted to solving a patently intractable problem,… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  KGB
1 month ago

If only 90% of them vote D that’s a big problem for the Ds. Usually it’s higher. I think last time out it was 94 or something like that. Probably will be this time too. It’s that elusive dream of getting it down to 90 or dare they hope for 88, that keeps the Rs pushing for the negro vote. It looks so attainable, just a couple more points!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

The Rs don’t care about percentages because they really don’t care about winning. What sends a thrill up their thigh is the moral frisson of the Numinous Negro patting them on the head and telling them they’re a credit to their race.

Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Unlike the Left — which includes true believers, fanatics, and ideologues — Conservatism and the GOP are essentially a racket. The conservative agenda = whatever keeps the shekels flowing, which in practice means maintaining the status-quo, catering to donors, and stringing along the suckers (i.e. Republican voters). The gulf between the evil cynics who run Con, Inc and the hapless Fox News viewer is vast. The Cheneys and other principled cons endorse Harris because who cares about trans kids and endless Haitians so long as the Deep State and MIC keep humming along? That’s conservatism in a nutshell. How would… Read more »

Reply to  Barney Rubble
1 month ago

Something of a tangent but I really have to hand it to Cheney and GWB for so consistently being on the wrong side of everything. This is especially true on the blow-up-the-world issue. Wherever they see a fire raging in the world, from the Middle East to Europe or Asia, they fly there on their supersonic magic carpets loaded with barrels of gasoline. Cheney in particular, has earned a throne of honor in Hell.

Reply to  KGB
1 month ago

Yes, when faced with the possibility that there are black guys “off the plantation” as they like to say, they just can’t help themselves. They fawn over these guys and ignore their own, as we saw at the RNC. The cons run elections to pander to Jews, blacks, and Hispanics, in that order, and take our votes for granted. Well, it’s time to stop giving it to them unconditionally. And as you point out, what are the odds that these guys actually do vote for Trump? I know that black guys have long had an affinity for Trump, but according… Read more »

1 month ago

Conservatism as a political movement is just a fraud…Politicians who actually fix anything are despised by both parties and gotten rid of, like President Harding and George Wallace…..

1 month ago

“Conservativism in America was just slow progressivism,…” Yep, but this insight is nothing new. The question is, *why*? I’ve thought about this in and off—between my relapses into traditional conservative thought. Let me see if I can explain my current thinking through some examples. If “conservatism” can be broadly defined as trying to maintain age old values, which we believe to be timeless as well as beneficial, what (conservative) societies/groupings can we point to as exemplars of the concept. I immediately look to groups like the Amish or the Hasidic “tribe”. Obviously there are other examples here and around the… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Of course, they had great help from the surrounding society

ive thought about the Amish a lot too. But they are only allowed to live in such a privileged way because of the protection of the empire. They die off without the empire. So applying Amish writ large is not possible because they only exist because of the empire.

race mixing is evil plain and simple. At least pretending race doesn’t exist and “organizing” a society around that. While Ramz Paul may think whites can live with Clarence Thomas we are just back to 1964 again

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

So applying Amish writ large is not possible because they only exist because of the empire.”

This is not what I was getting at, more toward an example of “driving off” of their malcontents to remain intact. A homeland is what we need, even if within the present continent. This country then expels such malcontents, or at the very least keeps them repressed and powerless. Nothing like that can be done today, hence out “conservative” movement continues to deteriorate through (forced) inclusion of these malcontents.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

The problem with conservatism is built right into it. It attracts people who want to preserve the status quo. It doesn’t really matter what the status quo happens to be. The Soviets had their conservatives after a while. Think of it in terms of “I just want to be left alone to grill in my backyard” They do not have a positive vision for the future. They just want the present. When things change, in a few years they have adjusted to it and want to preserve the new status quo. This is why conservatism usually fails to bring in… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

Tars, you’ve described a great conundrum. I must think upon it some more.

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

This simplifies it, but, after WW2, it was essentially illegal to be anything but a progressive liberal.

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

“Conservativism in America was just slow progressivism,…” The question is, *why*?

A clue can be found in Rush Limbaugh. He tried to embrace both traditional values and capitalism-as-the-highest-value.

Traditional values are rooted in the history of a people and often impede the efficiency of commerce. Capitalism-as-the-highest-value dissolves tradition like an acid.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

It most certainly does. And what’s more, it can be overtly weaponized against those selfsame values, viz all corporate television advertizing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again–when Coca-Cola is to the left of Cornell, of what use is capitalism for traditionalists?

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Conservatives are just slow-on-the-uptake left-wingers. Left-wingers look down on conservatives as backward, and they’re right, because conservatives have consistently the same direction of travel as the left, just more slowly.  What proportion of the western population are genuinely right wingers, not just slow-on-the-uptake left-wingers? 10% of men? 5% of the overall population?

1 month ago

The world that you said where we are headed we entered into a long time ago. The leaders in the 20s I think understood that we were a multi-ethnic society but more or less a tri-racial society. They were correct in shutting the border and stopping the immigration that had moved from solely Northern European into including Southern and Eastern European. Now, the third race was by virtue of that group seeing themselves as their own civilization that was more ancient and better than all other civilizations by virtue of their chauvanistic and ethno-centric/supremacist covenant with their God. However, between… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 month ago

Had the 20s moratorium and the attendant and until then successfully implemented project of assimilation of the European race into a new a singlely identified ethnos gone on for a solid century America would still be.  say what you want about patriot front, their leader Rousseau said something similar: the American nation is a species of the white race and had a duty to acquire a homeland. Emj’s strange view of Italians and Irish “becoming white” wasn’t just because they were pushed out of their neighborhoods by degenerate blacks into the suburbs mixing with other whites, it’s because Irish and… Read more »

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

It is good that others are making this point. It is a fairly obvious one and one that we should get on the tips of many tongues to strengthen our moral and physical claims. I think Rousseau writes outstanding speeches and delivers them with fire. He is a great orator. I think that Our people need to try tons of different approaches and I don’t have a criticism or problem with PF. I think their optics are great and that they stay away from European 30s and 40s cinema. That is very wise. As far as I know, he is… Read more »

1 month ago

What comes after conservatism? Maybe I’m taking too many black pills, but my guess is something like Mad Max and the Thirty Years’ War.

Ketchup-stained Griller
Ketchup-stained Griller
Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

Haha, after a particularly brutal lecture on the 30 Years War I mentioned to the Professor, a nice German Lady, that we had a movie about it called Mad Max. She just looked at me kinda funny.

Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

Your post induced a vision of the future in me:

An army of non-whites, led by white mercenaries, funded by the chosen and puritans, has put down the last rebellion, led by Reagan republicans, in Boise.

The leaders of the army are announcing their victory to the country. A stupid black man is speaking and ignores the pronouns of one of the white funders. The white funder interrupts the black to correct him about proper pronoun usage and the black shoots him dead on the spot.

Suddenly, the puritan whites realize where they really stand in the new order.

Last edited 1 month ago by LineInTheSand
Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
1 month ago

Excellent podcast! Yes, the Progressive Project is dying if not already dead. It seems the opposite due to madness such as compelled transgenderism, which is just a Hail Mary to keep the project alive. It was simultaneously telling and hilarious when Fox hired cross-dressed Bruce Jenner to prove who the real transphobes are. We are on the cusp of pure tribalism due to Progressivism’s even more insane project, demographic change. You even can argue, and sort of did, that National Populism or Trumpism is the actual last gasp of the Progressive Project before it yields to the inevitable racial head… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 month ago

Progressivism is succeeding beyond its wildest dreams. Soon, the they/thems will have their ultimate dream: the Uighur Solution to the White People Problem. BigCorp has been addicted to high IQ Chinese slave labor since the 1990s. Now that Xi is forcing them out, in favor of his own controlled State Owned Enterprises, which is the Chinese Way, they are in a quandry. There is no shortage of low IQ labor, see the importation of Haitians into small towns with meat packing or food processing factories. That can rinse and repeat forever to keep wages of Americans down, with Americans subsidizing… Read more »

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Whiskey
1 month ago

You are describing a racial headcount rather than Progressivism, and while that indeed is happening, OD’ing on black pills is not recommended.

1 month ago

conservatism cannot survive because the following are hostile to it:

1) huge mass societies
2) diversity
3) hos running wild (women’s rights/suffrage)
4) capitalism; never was a friend of anything traditional

herding people is like herding cats. everybodys got their goddamn stupid opinion and is ready to backstab. There’s a reason Power always eventually washes its hands of the people and just gets theirs. It’s not right, but there is a reason. People are no damn good and conflict, struggle, and suffering are the essence of life.

Last edited 1 month ago by fakeemail
Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
1 month ago

As the Z-Man rightly points out, the reason Conservatism always “loses” is that they are in fact liberals who just protest a bit before accepting the liberal changes. The reason this is so is because the foundational basis of Conservatism is exactly the same as that of Liberalism: Individualism. All of the things that supposed Conservatives oppose are based on individual rights.   Whether it be civil rights or transexual rights all of the arguments go back to a moral analysis that fundamentally says that individuals own their own bodies and minds and therefore should have maximum freedom in respect to those… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mr. Burns
1 month ago

Collectivist instead of socialist would helpfully disambiguate.

At any rate, however, what is the New Left’s identity politics if not collectivist? These people envisage a war of group on group, principally non-whites warring on whites. Not much sympathy for individualism among that lot. Just look at the opproprium heaped upon cats like Clarence Thomas and Kanye West.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Most whites tend towards individualism, but so long as we live in a world of tribes, this individualism is a weakness.

My synthesis of these problems is that whites should aim for individualism within homogeneous nations. We must match the tribalism of the outer world, but hopefully within our nations, we can allow our individual freak flags to fly, insofar as they don’t damage our outward tribal stance.

Finally, do we really want to allow the creative destruction of laisse-faire capitalism to raze some of our communities just so that we save a few dollars on consumer goods?

Last edited 1 month ago by LineInTheSand
1 month ago

Regarding you discussion of why did slavery begin to fall out of favor in the early 19th century, I asked myself “what other things did this correlate to at the time?” What I came up with is industrialization and the movement of populations from the agricultural areas to the cities. Industrialization began in Britain and later expanded to other nations like the North of the United States. Cities and slavery are not a neat match. As I recall, even the ancient Romans pointed out how slavery in Rome (mostly made up of people from conquered places of the empire) negatively… Read more »

Reply to  Clem
1 month ago

“Slavery was never abolished, it was only extended to include all the colors.” -Bukowski
Southerner Hinton Helper understood that slavery was not worth defending in the South because it existed to depress the wages for common white folk. So the grand and pure abolitionists won the war, and the might of industrialism made ALL the peoples wage slaves!

Ketchup-stained Griller
Ketchup-stained Griller
Reply to  Clem
1 month ago

Naturally, we all want to be seen as the good guys in any narrative, so we made a virtue out of necessity … and the abolitionist movement of progressivism flourished.” And the mirror image happened in the South where slaveholders created a myth about slavery as a “virtue out of necessity.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Clem
1 month ago

Interesting point.

One could also argue that economics birthed feminism. With inflation and the regression of real wages in the early 70s there was a crying need for two incomes. Voila, suddenly encouraging young Heather to go into the workforce and become a girrrlboss doesn’t look so awful. “Liberation” was nothing but a moral fig leaf.

Not saying I necessarily espouse this argument. Just shooting from the hip, really.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Not to mention that modernity brought women the great benefit-cum-curse of free time. Running water, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, the car, etc. With less to do with themselves during the day, they felt bereft and useless, making them subject to the poison that was feminism: they could fulfill their empty lives by working in a cubicle pushing paper for HR.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Clem
1 month ago

Spot on, Clem.

Reply to  Clem
1 month ago

The poison of Feminism (my take) was not in filling in for a “boring life”, but in telling women that their life—as in God, Children, Church—was second rate. What followed of course is that “new” women were imbued with “you go girl” admonishments and pushed toward the workplace outside of the home as *the* source of meaning and accomplishment. The result was that the (traditional) family structure was undermined. This is not all the fault of Feminism and women in general. I fault the men as much, if not more. Men found it irresistible to have a second source of… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

I think it was a case of both boredom and low-balling. A mighty left-right combination to the solar plexus of the traditional nuclear family. And greed was the kick in the groin as that family lay writhing on the ground.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Yes, there is room for both explanations. The result is in the end the same. We are royally screwed!

Reply to  Clem
1 month ago

In the 1830s prior to the Nat Turner slave revolt, the steel makers and locomotive manufacturers in Virginia wanted to abolish slavery. They had a need for 24/7 operations, including at night obviously, with literate workers who could follow written instructions. They neither wanted nor had the capacity to provide housing and care for slaves, much less manage them — they had their hands full with their primitive but profitable factories. Hence the desire to free the slaves to get a more useful and productive workforce. That came to a halt with the Turner slave revolt, but there it was.… Read more »

David Wright
1 month ago

Let’s not kid ourselves, all our friends on the right who opine on the internet most likely will sell out for the right price. Most will rationalize their cuckery but this happens way too often. If you believe you will not change if suddenly a big donor comes into your life then I really don’t trust you. RamzPaul half way admits it when he talks about russian influence. Buckley sets the modern example.

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

I wouldn’t be quite so certain. What good is lots of money if your world, your people, and your civilization are destroyed? When I imagine getting 3 unlimited wishes, my first one – in all honesty – is not unlimited wealth. That is tied for second place, with wishing better health and physical and intellectual attributes for family and friends. My first ‘wish,’ upon which everything else depends, would be having unlimited control over all births and deaths (number, rate, age, etc.) for the next 50-100 years.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

Maybe you should look for better friends, then.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

The Rufo/Burnet spat is interesting because I think it presages what will happen whether or not the Democrats are able to sufficiently gin up the fraud machine to prevent a Trump Restoration. Con Inc will try another purge. It will be less overt with Trump, whereas with Harris it will indeed be Orwell’s boot, but Trump is beholden to his donors, and they are the same sort that bought Buckley. Maybe he will fink on them (it will be interesting to see which way the Vance/Thiel/Musk axis breaks), but it’s more likely he will fink on us. Ultimately, however, I… Read more »

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
1 month ago

When “Trumpism without Trump” was undefined it signified whatever political future for the historic American and his seemingly defeated nation—the possibility that it wasn’t over, that reports of our death were not only premature but wrong, that we’re still here in sufficient mass to do something, something that the person of Trump both signifies and holds back. Fast-forward through the emergency importation of at least tens of millions of “migrants,” etc. Now “the future of MAGA” is Vance and Vivek, genocidal enemies of the white loser, and Thiel and Elon, human zookeepers of the techno-apocalypse. The hell they’ll rule will… Read more »

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

If spiritual or moral matters were involved – like convert or die! – then I think fewer would choose life and monies over selling out. But plenty would choose to convert or do something immoral so they can see their family again.

For political matters, heck yeah everyone has a price. Sorry fellow Z-readers, but if Harris-Walz gave me $10K to troll you guys in the comments, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

I’d do it for a million, but not for 10k. I may be a whore, but I’m an expensive whore

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

I guess it comes down to what you think is pardonable or not. Rufo is fine being paid by Jewish interests and might absolutely balk at Democrat donor bucks; I am the opposite. AIPAC is my enemy but I can, in theory, be the first based commenter for Democrats. It’s a tall order but I would try for $10K. I would just be anon, though…I’m not doing any rallies.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

There are far worse things than trolling a bit in a blog. But would you actively campaign on behalf of Kamaltoe if paid to do so? Would you march in a Perv Pride parade on Christmas day carrying a placard showing some heauxmeaux blowing another? Would you telephone solicit on behalf of BLM? Would you write articles comdeming racism and pervophobia and extolling the virtues of diversity and unrestricted immigration?

If so, then well…I don’t even want to say.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Fair question. I would not march in Pride Parades or clean black people’s shoes for any money. Though it’s easy to say this now, as I am not needing money for anything.

I would also never drink raw sea turtle blood. But if I’m stuck on a raft in the Pacific, then…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

I think any of us could be forgiven for doing something reprehensible if our very life depended upon it. OTOH, it is martyrs who live forever.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

I’m thinking this whole exchange borders on ranking “reprehensible actions” and their adverse effects. It’s an interesting question for a philosophy classroom. My final comment is that of the examples, there are some I’d do myself.

1 month ago

I started thinking about today’s topic from the basis of Ostei’s question about a replacement political dyad, and it is a more useful starting point. The question requires a different perspective. The dyad from the French Revolution was based on the fractured identity of the ruling class between Monarchists and Revolutionaries. The old American dyad is the split between brain hemispheres with one being feminine and the other being masculine, which connects back to the French Revolution due to how the masculine conservative right sided with the Monarchist identity while the feminine liberal left sided with the Revolutionary identity. The… Read more »

Reply to  terranigma
1 month ago

Thoughtful comment.

With kingship/monarchy, the polity at least has the chance of righteous leadership. With democracy — which is always feminine leading to feminist, there is no chance of righteous leadership.

Reply to  terranigma
1 month ago

Excellent comment.

Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

The death of conservatism is all well and good (may conservatism spend eternity in front of a firing squad!), but it’s the future of traditionalism that most interests me.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Traditionalism = baby factory = the future.

If you are unsure about someone’s political opinions, find out how many kids/ grandkids they have.

Some grillers have large families, but they are easy to spot by the adopted negro. But in general, if you meet someone with 5 or more kids and one wife, it is like a secret handshake (guns, gays, God, government).

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mow Noname
1 month ago

Generally, that’s true. But there are exceptions, including yours truly.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

Good podcast Z. I think you underestimate how informative your podcasts are, the technical snafoos we can live with, its the quality content we are looking for, you have it.

1 month ago

One interesting thing about the book I mentioned yesterday is that the author, if I’m not misunderstanding him, seems to be saying that these ‘modernizing’ Scottish thinkers were, in no small part, reacting against the hardline Calvinism of the Presbyterian Kirk of the time. This jibes with Quigley’s discussion of an historical dialectic of sorts, succeeding generations rejecting and reacting against the worldviews of previous ones. Particularly, the notion of human nature as good instead of evil— the softness we’ve yet to reject today. Why not? We’re still comfortable. It hasn’t materially failed us yet, although the pace has slowed… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 month ago

We’re a predator species. We’re killing or “playing with our food” (practice killing, reinforcing the drive), breeding or being driven not to breed. The rest is whiteness.

The great Scots were the most white, Maxwell probably the most. We’ve progressed a lot since then. “Scottish Enlightenment” is a phrase the kids never learn, but if they heard it they’d know it was wrong.

Reply to  Hemid
1 month ago

That thing about being predators. Animals. I was thinking about that, thought maybe we have rejected man’s good nature. It’s the 19th century thing, I understand, the animal nature. Darwin and all of that. Then I thought, greed is good, for instance. Iow, even our basest instincts can be harnessed for the good. So maybe we really haven’t rejected the good nature, although focusing on the animal makes it hard not to become cynical. Idk. Anyway, it’s weird, the 20th-21st century view. We’re animals, but we’re becoming gods. Or maybe only some of us (the fittest/chosen/elect/whatever) will be gods, or… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Paintersforms
1 month ago

It’s good that you (Z) pointed out that the antebellum South was hierarchical, beyond having slavery. It was an oligarchy. I appreciate hierarchy. It’s necessary, as you said. But there were a lot of poor whites in the South who were effectively shut out from rising very high. I have sympathy for the Confederacy, as well as sympathy for the North. It was much more complex than many people recognize. For example, Lincoln is bashed, maybe rightly, for suspending habeas corpus, but Jefferson Davis did that also during the war. You don’t hear much about them, but there were men… Read more »

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Very high sounding, but as far as I’m aware, there were no “Northerners who fought for their way of life.” No one in Massachusetts or New York was invaded or had his home burned down by rampaging Southrons telling them they were evil and immoral people who had no right to their own lives and livelihoods. I’ve seen estimates that 43-53% of the Union army were immigrants or the sons of immigrants. I don’t believe the Irish and Germans of the time were ardent abolitionists fighting for the freedom and equality of sub-Saharan Africans.

Reply to  3g4me
1 month ago

Actually lots of northerners did fight for their way of life, like my great-great grandfather who was a blacksmith in the North. Their economy was affected by what the South did. The Union was filled with yeoman farmers and artisans who joined up fighting for the Union. A slave economy had implications for them. The loss of the Mississippi River to a hostile power would have had major effects also, for regular people in the North. There’s the stereotype today that the Union Army was mostly industrial workers and immigrants off the boat. Not true by a long shot in… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by 1660please
Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Somewhat, but there is another dimension. Z refers to the destruction of the Southern aristocracy, but in fact some of it remained quite intact after the war. Many of the upper class became what were termed “scalawags,” collaborators with the Union occupiers. What we now would term lower and middle class Southerners often wanted the blacks expelled after the war but the aristocratic remnant most certainly did not because many former slaves continued as low wage laborers. What is now called “share cropping” sprung from the phenomenon. The upper class won the argument in part due to its collaboration with… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 month ago

Good points. Longstreet, who was a real hero for the Confederacy, became a Republican.

It was a lot more complicated than DiLorenzo and his followers think. History usually is.

1 month ago

But conservatism has failed in the UK too. I’m sure it’s the same on the Continent. They are traditional Nations with long traditions.

1 month ago

the breathlessly prolific podcaster calling zimself Jim Burton interviewed that guy Tucker interviewed about the ww2. At about 10 min the “historian” (I don’t think he is a historian in the way we thinking , but more like a passionate. D very smart amateur) gives the best summary about why we should be skeptical abouttt the ww2 mythology. he then takes veers to some French philosopher some or other who talked about the need for blood sacrifice to unite a fractured people in a common crime; something the author insisted was necessary for until Christ’s sacrifice. the guest implies that… Read more »

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

The whole interview is actually quite good. He suggests now that the us is non white that another sacrifice to create a new myth is coming.

i bet they could just use maga and extend the Nazi/ confederate thing . If the civil war was a blood sacrifice was ww2 just a world scale of that?

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

antisemites won’t be happy with the interview although he does say js controlled tv and Hollywood….

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

That ‘some French philosopher or other’ is none other than the late great René Girard, mentor to Peter Thiel amongst others.

Personally I find Girard’s views on mimesis and mimetic desire to be compelling and congruent with observed reality. Less convinced by his all too tidy wrapping it up in a bow conclusion that the advent of Christianity put a stop to the communal strife, pharmakos, catharsis cycle.

Pip McGuigin
1 month ago

Zman..IF it is true what you say… give us the new term for the new Ideology that replaces that awful conservative dogma.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

Accurate enough, but eight syllables and lots of Is, Ls and z phonemes. Perhaps there’s something punchier, although I don’t know, off the top of my head, what it would be.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Maybe the negros not being able to pronounce it is kind of the point

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Civiłizationałism. Fixed it for you.

Well Heywood’s devious lawyerly go at cracking the naming problem starts with the 6th letter of the alphabet. Should trigger all the right people without requiring any resort to gematria to tease out who is anticipating enjoying freehold property rights over Tomorrow.

Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

I’d like to register my respectful disapproval of the term “civilizationalism,” because it maintains the same universalism that doomed us.

I’m not in support of a civilization that threatens my own, just because it is advanced. (Derb and Ramzpaul are unable to learn this lesson with respect to Israel.)

In fairness, I don’t have some clever new name to tide us over until we can stop hiding our beliefs and be explicitly ethnonationalist. Once we don’t have to dissemble any longer, names like “White Scotland” or “White Montana” will do just fine.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

I would argue it is the forces tearing down Western civilization rather than the civilization itself, that are our enemies.

1 month ago

But America wasn’t founded as a Radical Experiment, Americans were settlers who found themselves betrayed to London Bankers and the East India company, who settled on a form of government that was 2000 years old when they examined and applied this solution, to choose a Republic over King Washington was also the best solution, because as much as they distrusted and came to despise London they didn’t trust each other either. Not that dissenters offer any solutions other than “race realism.” Ok. After we kick out the Jews and re-impose Sundowner laws and Jim Crow… what then about our fellow… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Vxxc
1 month ago

First things first. Figuring out how white folks should get along would be a wonderful problem to have.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vxxc
1 month ago

Exploiters–are you referring to white capitalists?

Reply to  Vxxc
1 month ago

“Americans were settlers who found themselves betrayed to London Bankers and the East India company” No, they owed money to people and reneged on on it.Settlers but from where?Would that help you understand the relationship with capital in the UK?

Explain how they “found themselves betrayed”.What does that phrase even mean?

Just gibberish.