I Was Right

I wrote the other day that the Rolling Stone tale about a rape victim at the University of Virginia sounded fake. In order for it to be true requires a whole lot of other things to be true that are implausible. The most obvious being that a university where victimology is a mandatory religion would callously suppress stories about their secret rape culture. It also requires me to believe that upper-middle class Eloi, who spend their days playing Quidditch, are barbaric rapist at night. That and the story sounds like a passage from Lena Dunham psuedo-biography.

It looks like Steve Sailer is on the story now. And some guy I never heard of is on the trail too.

The latter blogger makes some good factual points. He also touches on what I wrote and that is the Rolling Stone story reads like a bad after school special. It is what people imagine goes one with their worst enemies when no one is around to record it. In this case, the rape culture fanatics in the womyn’s studies program who never get invited to frat parties. They think all men are rapists, particularly the ones who never look their way.

I have some familiarity with the University of Virginia. It is one of the “New Ivies” and that means it is drawing from the upper-middle classes. The members of the plutocracy that live in Northern Virginia send their kids there. This is the most fragile of the fragile males for the most part. I’m talking about the kid of boys that write things like this. If anyone is getting raped in these fraternities, it is the frat brothers.

I’m reminded of the Isaac Asimov novel Foundation. The people in charge figured out how to use religion to control their more powerful enemies. They turned science into a religion and supplied the “priests” to administer the “religion” for their neighbors. The point being is that if you control the magical thoughts all people have in their heads, you effectively control the people. Today, the magical thinking in most people’s heads has to do with keeping the pale penis people from rampaging through the vulnerable. The Cult through its cadre of priests is there to protect blacks, young women, foreigners, etc.



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9 years ago

I cannot comment on what happens on the campus of any one US University, let alone on a specific place like University of Virginia. But I am qualified to speak about the news gathering and processing of information as I worked in the media for many years. The whole point of the media is to tell a story. It may or may not be entirely accurate, but the telling is the important aspect. As such, news comes in to the media office and has to be analysed (we called it being ‘tasted’ to see if if, I suppose, it was… Read more »

Charming Richard
Charming Richard
9 years ago

What a delicious rape fantasy. What a colossal example of penis envy, or should I say penis desire.

The tip-off here is the shards of glass tale. A tasty tidbit indeed, but completely false. Such a situation would cause profuse bleeding and require immediate emergency care.

9 years ago

Not sure why you deny the UVA rapes. Frat boys are degenerates and peer pressure plus alcohol makes them worse. I don’t doubt the girl’s story is true and the journalist is said to have conducted significant background research.