An Early Warning

The new year has started with a bang, literally and figuratively, as terrorism was the big story on the first day of the year. A Tesla truck exploded outside the Trump building in Las Vegas, killing one and injuring seven. Then there was the car attack in New Orleans, where according to news reports a car went on a rampage killing fifteen people and injuring dozens of others. Police say the driver of the vehicle was not alone and there is currently a manhunt for the others.

The identity of that driver in New Orleans has been released and to no one’s surprise his ancestors were not on the Mayflower. The media is calling him a “Texas man” but he was born to recent arrivals, most likely from East Africa. He served in the military and had various office jobs until he decided to go on jihad. Shamsud-Din Bahar Jabbar is a good reminder that absimilation is just as likely as assimilation. It is a thing we increasingly see as alien populations increase in the West.

Assimilation means to become like that which you joined. As John Derbyshire observed almost a decade ago, there is an opposite, absimilation, which means to become less similar to that which you have joined. In the case of second and third generation immigrants, this is a common enough thing that it has become the focus of the overall immigration debate. While most absimilated migrants do not go on murderous rampages, many refuse to assimilate on principle.

This is one of the problems with immigration that the Romans understood, but our current oligarchs do not understand. When the alien population is small, the pressure to assimilate is very high. Those who refuse can find little support within their alien community, so they either assimilate or leave. This was the case with 19th century immigration from Europe. Some claim up to a third of European immigrants remigrated because they could not or would not fit into American society.

When the alien population reaches a large enough size, there forms a critical mass of aliens who refuse to assimilate and find enough support within the alien population to survive apart from the main population. This was the lesson of the 19th century when Italians packed into ghettos became a society within a society. It turned out that even in 19th century America, assimilation is not automatic. The more alien the population, the more difficult it is to assimilate them.

Of course, in this age, there is no effort to assimilate these people. Instead, they are encouraged to let their freak flag fly in the name of diversity. Further, there has been intense pressure on the native population to move aside and not demand these new people quickly assimilate into the native culture. The result is second a third-generation migrants who are alienated by the deracinated state of America and encouraged to hate the white population.

That alienation is not just with the migrants. It appears the Las Vegas Tesla attack was done by a white man named Matthew Livelsberger. Like Shamsud-Din Jabbar, the New Orleans terrorist, Livelsberger was an army veteran and served with Jabber at the same base in Texas. It is looking like these two attacks are connected and the result of a group that may have come together in the military. Long forgotten, Nidal Hasan was in the Army when he went on his rampage.

It should surprise no one that alienated migrants are now finding common cause with alienated natives this way. On the one hand, we have massive importation of people unlikely to assimilate into American society. On the other hand, we have a culture war against the native white population, specifically white men. It is as if the ruling class is trying to create the perfect conditions for terrorism. This is not an unreasonable suspicion, given the performance of the FBI.

Even though these events took place in the new year, they are part of a pattern we saw in 2024 from the FBI and the other security forces. The assassination attempt on Trump in Pennsylvania was due to staggering incompetence. The same is true of the attempt in Florida by a guy who should have been on the FBI radar. Time after time we see that the FBI fails at its basic duties, most likely due to the fact they spend all their time trying to frame people for the latest fads.

As we always see in these terrorism cases, the people involved in this one will have been brought to the attention of law enforcement. The FBI will say they had reports about these people. No one will ask what they did with those reports, because the answer is they did nothing. Their response will be to demand more money so they can frame some people for whatever they will call this stuff. They will pretend they are now on top of this new problem.

Putting aside the FBI malfeasance, this batch of terrorism is a reminder that our rulers have created a tinderbox. The revolt against Musk over the holiday break regarding Indian migrants should be another warning to the oligarchs. To head off much bigger problems down the road, there needs to be an immigration moratorium, including a halt to most “guest worker” programs. Every new arrival is a flammable log on the hot coals of the deracinated American population.

Further, there needs to be a national effort to assimilate the current alien population into the native European culture. Part of this needs to be remigration. Those who refuse to assimilate must leave. Cultural diversity needs to be treated like communism was treated in the 1950’s. It took an economic collapse and world war to assimilate the last great immigration wave. That was with a diverse European population before the major powers had nuclear weapons.

Unless the oligarchs wish to be swinging from trees, they need to head off this looming demographic disaster. Things like diversity and openness are luxury goods that can be indulged in easy times, but the easy times are over, so these leisure habits must be replaced with realism. What the first day of the new year tells us is America has a real problem with its population. That reality can no longer be ignored. To fix it means being realistic about the human condition.

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2 months ago

This was the lesson of the 19th century when Italians packed into ghettos became a society within a society. It turned out that even in 19th century America, assimilation is not automatic. The more alien the population, the more difficult it is to assimilate them. One thing that helped with assimilation was intermarriage. When an Irish girl married a Polish boy, or a Lithuanian boy married an Italian girl (examples from my life and extended family) the rigid walls between Germans/Poles/Irish/Italians/etc. broke down and in a generation or two children and adults were “mutts”: “Well I’m half German and Italian… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  mmack
2 months ago

I think immigration should be restricted to marrying natives. Treat the country as a giant extended family. How do you join a family? You marry into it

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 months ago

I agree. This should be the extent of immigration, besides the O-1. This used to be how most people emigrated or “switched sides”. Marriage is serious and important while “I’m going to leave homeland X and be a nobody in country Y” is deeply retarded.

Reply to  Marko
2 months ago

I dunno M. Marriage means nothing to shitlibs and they have the broken families to show for it…

Reply to  Marko
2 months ago

A lot of old diversity came from soldiers marrying women where they were based or won wars around the world, once the enemy became the ‘religion of peace’ that old custom died.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 months ago

In partial agreement. Were it up to me, there would be no naturalized citizenship; no, not even if they marry a native. But their child — probably — should be a citizen. With the usual exceptions (e.g. born overseas to two American parents) nobody is a citizen unless born in the USA and one parent is a native-born citizen. As long as I’m on my soapbox I may as well ask for the moon. I’d further restrict non-citizens from having most of the rights a full citizen does. Even under current law, an alien may be denied rights a citizen… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 months ago

Just what we need. Millions of mudsharks with 1/2 breed keedz.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

It’d be better than what we have now. It’s not ideal but good luck getting overt white preference for immigration

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

From what source? Are coal burning women actually going abroad to find their mates? I’m sorry but I just can’t see that happening.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  KGB
2 months ago

Unless I misunderstood the original comment I was replying to, the foreigners here would be the source, like White women marrying Indian men. Instead of trying to “fix” the Indians (or any other non-white group) with White blood, how about they just stay in India with their Indian brethren.

We’re one of the smallest racial groups in the world. Indians are one of the biggest.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

Mudsharks are going to happen regardless, since American whites and blacks marry. But very few people marry internationally. The interracial couples are the products of second-generation immigrants, normally.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

Sadly, this is the second thing that came to mind. The first was that, in the age of the internet, 10,000 websites will appear within a week promising “Find romance (and citizenship) in the former United States. Just fill out this simple form and your credit card information and click ‘Make me a whore for America!'”. The third thing that came to mind was all the sleazy lawyers who would pop up offering quick cheap divorces. And with just two clicks of a mouse the US has yet another foreigner WITH FULL CITIZENSHIP demanding a job, an EBT card, free… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 months ago

This has been my stance for a while now. Marriage immigration requires the financial support of a native, thus it doesn’t tax the natives. It results in only a trickle of newcomers (chain migration via marriage has to be nearly impossible). And it adds a small bit of variance to gene pool.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  KGB
2 months ago

It would also be helpful to start thinking of the nation as a giant extended family. I love individualism to a fault. But when others think in collectives you’ll be cut to pieces if you insist on seeing only individuals

Reply to  mmack
2 months ago

The result of the immigration from southern Italy, which should never have been allowed, was that we got Sicilian gangsters, jewish gangsters, and anarchists, who between them robbed and/or murdered tens of thousands of Americans…Because southern Italy and Sicily is a hotbed of low IQ, cousin marrying criminals….But it did provide some cheap labor for the elites…

Reply to  pyrrhus
2 months ago

We also got Antonin Scalia, Lee Iacocca and a lot of other contributions. My own family dating back to the 1600s in America is related by marriage to the Iacocca family– I got to do the translation between the 3rd generation Italian Americans and the cousins back in Italy. The locals here could only offer up their high school Spanish so I had to intervene. The Italians thought I was the long lost American cousin.

Arthur Bryan
Arthur Bryan
Reply to  zfan
2 months ago

Nice story. Thank you for sharing. You would like (if you don’t already know about) Mary Taylor Simeti’s “On Persephone’s Island.” It is about the experiences of an American lady who marries a Sicilian guy and settles in Sicily in the 1960’s. It is a great introduction to Sicilian culture and traditions. Then there is also Lampedusa’s “The Leopard,” both the novel and the movie. But then my Italian grandmother from Genoa considered Southern Italians, including Sicilians, the same as the Chinese consider the Philippines.

Reply to  Arthur Bryan
2 months ago

Persephone, perfect. Queen of the Dead.

Reply to  Arthur Bryan
2 months ago

Well, we tried Slavs, and got unions (and some Prohibition) from it.

Henry Ford would first hire Russians, who pretty soon were too drunk or hungover to come in.
So he tried Croats, who pretty soon…
Which became Slovaks, who shortly after…
Then Poles, who…

The unions offered him an uninterrupted flow of workers who’d show up, sober.

His Service Department men would come into the workers’ apartments (which Ford had built to attract them) and rummage through the wife’s underwear drawer looking for that hidden bottle of Scotch.

T’ain’t always the management which is the problem.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

Well, we tried Slavs, and got unions (and some Prohibition) from it.

I don’t think Slavs have ever managed to equal the level of alcoholic dysfunction that the English working classes achieved.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Templar
2 months ago

Perhaps. But Russia’s vodka consumption during the Soviet period and through the 90s was staggering…so to speak.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

It was, but it nonetheless still paled in comparison with the horrors of the English “Gin Craze” of the 18th century.

Reply to  Arthur Bryan
2 months ago

I am American, but lived in Naples for four years, before university up north. I recall a trip to Val d’Aosta with some American friends and speaking to locals who asked where we were from. I responded “Napoli” and got back “Mi dispiace” (I’m sorry) I get it and I remember the jokes about a match between Napoli and Palermo being the national championship of Tunisia (how quaint!) but there is very much to admire and be proud of in Southern Italy. Every day I lived there I was surrounded by monuments erected by ancient Greeks and Romans and Medieval… Read more »

Reply to  zfan
2 months ago

Very well said. Bravo!

Reply to  3g4me
2 months ago


Reply to  3g4me
2 months ago

Thanks, I appreciate it.

Reply to  zfan
2 months ago

Appreciate what each local people and place bring to the table and defend it all because they are our kin, our people, and we lose our roots if we lose Europe..

Looks like Europe is on the way to losing…

Reply to  Arthur Bryan
2 months ago

Italian colleague from Bologna: “Africa begins at Naples.”

Reply to  Zaphod
2 months ago

The quip used to be that it begins in Rome. Well, (insert good Anglo-Saxon verb) your friend If he can take that insult, then we can sit together and eat and drink. Preferably in Bologna— we all know why

Reply to  Zfan
2 months ago

He’s a mad bastard. Absolute shit head. And the best raconteur and most convivial company imaginable. Hates the French for being crap at cuisine as all good Italians do.

Reply to  Zaphod
2 months ago

I do as well. My biggest mistake in life— well, up there in the rankings anyway— was marrying a Paris-trained chef(ette?). I was never that impressed by that cuisine. Bologna is the queen of cuisine.

Reply to  Arthur Bryan
2 months ago

It’s the same thing as ever: tgere is a ten-point IQ gap between the Northern half if Italy and its South.

Reply to  chmi
2 months ago

I’ll take your word on that for what it’s worth. In my half century plus I heard plenty of similar comments about Northerners versus (White) Southerners. I don’t give them the same credence I once did.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  zfan
2 months ago

And I know some nice Indian people. Big deal.

Sure, this happened a long time ago and is impossible to unwind now and they are largely assimilated anyway. It would have been better had none of the Southern and Eastern European immigration waves had never happened.

Ethnic differences are often as big as racial differences. Italy and Germany share a border. But look at the difference.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

All whites belong to a common civilization. The wogs don’t belong to our civilization and should not be allowed to dwell in our lands. I’ll take the wops over the Japs every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

I agree. I’m just pointing out that it would be better if it hadn’t happened.
Further Indian immigration simply should not happen and the ones here already need to go back.

When is the last time you were driving home from work and thought “You know, there just isn’t enough traffic. What we need is millions more people, most of whom can not drive well.”

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

Think of the gdp tho…

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

…but NO IRISH.
-M. Brooks

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 months ago

After Biden we now understand.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

The difference is not as great as you would think near the border. Sure, overall they are starkly different mostly because of the southern majority.

Reply to  c matt
2 months ago

Of course they are different, German Goth blonds in Milan while the south was fighting off waves of Arabs.

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

I like to think we wouldn’t have prevailed in WW 2 without 2nd generation Italian men in the trenches.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Snooze
2 months ago

On which side?

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  zfan
2 months ago

Got me too. I’m going to bet I’ve paid more lifetime taxes than Pyrrhus. After another 10 years of the current immigration policy, he will be begging for more Italians haha. That said, he’s correct that mass, unvetted immigration is and was a mistake. Hopefully my grandparents would have passed his test lol.

Reply to  zfan
2 months ago

Almost all the Italians I know are educated professionals, a lot of doctors and lawyers. Italy has contributed greatly to Western Civilization, which in many ways was dependent on it, i.e, Rome and Christianity.

Reply to  MikeCLT
2 months ago

Good lord, Italy gave us the Renaissance, Michealangelo, Macchiaveli, and Leonardo da Vinci. And Rome!

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  mmack
2 months ago

That’s why I’m against assimilation. It just means interracial marriage. Which means Americans get erased. It wasn’t a big deal when the population was 7 Englishmen, 2 Germans, and 1 Lithuanian. In fact, in a homogenous country with a strong national identity, assimilation and intermarriage is a good thing for the dominant group. Today, with 4 whites, 3 Mexicans, 2 blacks, and 1 Indian, that’s just Brazil. Disaster. There’s nothing wrong with cutting your losses and adopting a new model when the old one fails. America doesn’t have to be a “melting pot” or “nation of immigrants” in the 21st… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 months ago

America doesn’t have to be a “melting pot” … I consider the ‘America’ I was born into a rotting corpse stinking in a ditch. Africans, Latinx, and dot-Indians are fighting to see who gets to rape the white corpse and International Jews are trying hard to monetize that grisly competition to their advantage, with homegrown Americans like Mitt Romney, Mike Lee, and Lyndsey Graham maneuvering to be of some use to one of the factions destroying their own people as long as they can get some personal profit out of their treason. Whatever American polity arises on a portion of… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 months ago

I have become more and more uncomfortable with the comparison of the future USA with Brazil. I think it is a category error. Brazil has many tones of skin but they have one culture: the Brazilian culture. What culture unites the different ethnic groups living in America, Somalis with Mexicans for example? In addition, what is today’s American culture? It used to be European, protestant culture, based on American traditions. Now it is Netflix, Walmart and fast food. America is a giant shopping mall and I don’t say this happily. When I lived in the States, I was amazed about… Read more »

Mormons, Masons and Muslims
Mormons, Masons and Muslims
Reply to  imnobody00
2 months ago

The only thing holding everything together is the white bandaid, and its gotten old and is curling up around the edges.

Reply to  imnobody00
2 months ago

Egads. imnobody00 is saying corporate culture has replaced Heritage American culture. That’s true.

Except…I don’t know if even bland corporate culture can accomodate diversity. Looting and quality service come to mind. Even corporate culture depends on homogenous norms.

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  B125
2 months ago

Agreed fully. The upside is assimilation now is impossible. That only can happen when a majority population is in control and demands such a program, which was the case in the past. As things stand now, that’s not happening and TPTB oppose it for various self-serving reasons. This fortunately will lead to continued and increased segregation, and miscegenation at some point only will happen as a result of cultural enrichment events and the unavailability of abortion. I beat this drum a lot but internal migration is leading to fully white communities, and the Jews who traditionally oppose this movement are… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 months ago

“7 Englishmen, 2 Germans, and 1 Lithuanian”- marrying within our racial bounds- is the European style of consanguinous cousin marriage.

Hat tip to HBD and the Church banning marriage closer than 4th cousins, while the rapine Turd World reinforces their worst traits and spiteful mutant strains.

We end up reinforced and revivified, while theirs becomes more fiercely insular and insularly fierce. (ps- Blacks marry close kin a lot.)

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

(ps- Blacks marry close kin a lot.)

It’s gotten to the point where some researchers worry that a good deal of young inner-city blacks today are actually the product of incest.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Templar
2 months ago

Ooooo. Lord knows I’m wringing my hands.

Reply to  Templar
2 months ago

Yes, blacks often don’t know who their fathers are. If some gangbanger drug dealer impregnated eight females in a four-block radius, one of his sons might knock up one of his daughters without ever knowing who she was.

Multiply this effect over 60 years and millions of blacks and you get…what we have now.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pete
2 months ago

Call a negro a tard and you might be right. Literally.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

(snark) MARRY? As in MARRIAGE??

Reply to  crabe-tambour
2 months ago

Touche’, gentlemen. I’ve said before the medical brother was a public health provider (ob-gyn) in Dallas; black women would bring in 12 and 13 year-old nieces and daughters(!), complaining that “the breeder says she ain’t takin’, and we wants ta know why.”

The “breeder” refers to a black male, often a relative, who they are giving the girls to, to impregnate them for additional welfare income. For reasons, he couldn’t report or say anything. Muslims do this in spades with their unregistered multiple wives.

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  mmack
2 months ago

Just a limited N= observation…but every Indian/Caucasian marriage I can recall was a highest caste Indian marrying a white. Given the striations in Indian society (seen enough of that crap in IT orgs) they might see that as the best alternative.

Reply to  SamlAdams
2 months ago

It is rather interesting that Joe Dirt’s Indian wife has been seemingly staying in the background, maybe of her own volition, both during and after the election and The Great H1B Freakout. I figured the Republicans would be slobbering all over themselves to promote her, and her marriage to JD,at the least, but nothing so far.

Maybe she knew Elon, Vivek and her countrymen were up to something?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 months ago

She’s being airbrushed out of the picture. Literally no one has been hurt more by recent events than Vance has. If Trump bends on the H1B’s, look for Vance to deliver the news.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

I would argue that Vivek blew up his entire operation and 90% of the goodwill he built up with one tweet.

I know a lot of people are skeptical about Vance, and with good reason, but in the debate he literally said that the USA was a nation of people, something that gives the rootless cosmopolitans and globalists fits.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mycale
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mycale
2 months ago

Vivek indeed ended his political grift, but he was nowhere near positioned as well as Vance to make a national run. As far as immediate destruction, I do agree King Cobra’s self-immolation was the most complete.

Reply to  Mycale
2 months ago

Vivek, his elderly-American abusing mother, and his father bitching about American kids at the mall…his whole family needs to kindly leave!

Reply to  Mycale
2 months ago

Did you catch Trump’s complimentary comments about Robert E. Lee opening the Rogan interview?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

If he has a legit marriage he will try to not say anything for as long as he can. I wonder if she is going on a karen rant, indian style, in their house right now? He is probably just listening and keeping his mouth shut if they have a real marriage.

Reply to  Stephanie
2 months ago

Ha ha! Omigosh, and shrill?! Even their singing sounds like eight-year-olds screeching.

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 months ago

I don’t know anything about Usha Vance or what she supports, and that’s probably a good thing. Not every Indian is in favor of endless pajeets in the USA – a guy named Jayant Bhandari has an article on Unz where he outlines, essentially, why your average Indian is an irredeemable primitive and Americans don’t even know how bad it can be with these people. For all we know, Usha would agree with him.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
2 months ago

She is a devout Hindu. They married in an Indian Hindu ceremony. Her parents are here . . . and how many siblings . . . and cousins? Do we know?

Guess again.

Reply to  3g4me
2 months ago

I’m not guessing anything, like I said I don’t know. I would also argue that it doesn’t matter, or shouldn’t matter. We are used to power-grabbing, attention-seeking Lady Macbeths in the public domain, people like Clinton, Biden, and Obama, but there is a reason why they are referred to as Lady Macbeths.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mycale
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Mycale
2 months ago

It’s well written but like similar ones from AmRen. You need to take what they say with a grain of salt preferably from the Himalayas.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 months ago

Fair, but he surely knows what animosity this will bring from his co-ethnics. He also did an interview with Pete Quinones on the topic and if anything was even harder on them than he was in the editorial.

Reply to  SamlAdams
2 months ago

In most cultures, the less melanized you are, the more attractive you are considered. (By most people; obvs. not by progressive leftists who think POC BBWs are picture-worthy.) It’s unfair for our darker-skinned friends, but nonetheless preferred. There’s no surprise that the most-bothered ladies on dating apps are white Euros and Northeast Asians. Even blonde boys in the Middle East get bothered, from what I hear.

Reply to  Marko
2 months ago

Blood calls to blood. The high-caste are literally of Aryan descent.
Their people wrote the Veddas, that is, “don’t touch our cows, or our women,” to dark people who worshipped monkeys.

And Nature signals by color. A reminder that all nonwhites have one allele for hair/eye color, black/brown. Whites have 124 alleles- we are the Fair Flowers, the Uplift.

We are the successful combination all of Nature’s Design was sorting for, the next stage to achieve the biosphere’s purpose: a Sporing. They are trapped in the Wheel without us.

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

There was some publication 10-15 years back (possibly through Sailer) that I remember very-very vaguely, so forgive me for highly likely botching up the premise.
Something about melanin production requiring tyrosine, which also is the precursor to neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine and norepinephrine). Hence, for the ‘melanin-heavy peeps’ there is the source material ‘competition’ of two production lines for it.
Quote from (sorry, Wikipedia): <<A 2015 systematic review found that “tyrosine loading acutely counteracts decrements in working memory and information processing>>

Reply to  Ozornik
2 months ago

Wow, unexpected and very helpful. Thank you! I insist our neurology is wired differently, and in sought-for response to our environmental development.

(I see the Design, the Hand of the Increate, in this.
Not so for me that race is a random walk, nor Creation without purpose. Purpose, function, I said, not Mind.
My race is my religion, as it is with the nonwhites.
The Universe must create our kind or it will stop.)

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

We already tried race as religion. It resulted in the late 19th/early 20th century and the collective two part Great War. There’s not a logical end to the worship of self.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

“Blood calls to blood. The high-caste are literally of Aryan descent.” There are no such people as Aryans. There are Europeans with a specific heritage and there the same Europeans trying to avoid it. That a social climber like JD Vance, product of Appalachia, the US military, and single Mom is a step up to a high caste Indian woman should be all the evidence we need that Aryan is a purely academic concept that’s almost complete trash. Obviously a very low status man is higher on the social org chart somehow than the highest class Indian woman. If you’d… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Piffle
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Marko
2 months ago

It’s not highly scientific but I’ve noticed that from looking at the photos in social pages in the Latin American countries I visited they tend white while the peons lean brown.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Marko
2 months ago

Skin the color of porcelain is prized by multiple East Asian cultures because it is a visible sign that the bearer is wealthy enough to avoid any kind of outdoor labor.

In South America, Africa, Asia, and the Subcontinent the skin-lightening industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.

There are many good reasons for this state of affairs.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  SamlAdams
2 months ago

Well, the Indian woman’s parents save substantially on the dowry. However I bet they’re going to be disappointed when they show up at the doorstep expecting son-in-law to take care of them in their old age. 😁

Reply to  mmack
2 months ago

There has to be more than simple assimilation based upon numbers of immigrants—too large a number, ghettoization; a small number and presto, Americanization!

What are the most recognizable ghetto’s in the USA? Italians? Somali’s? Nope, guess again. Chinese! Every city of size has/had a “China town”. I’ve been extensively to two: San Francisco, and the other NYC. When was the last time a crazy Chinese blew up a Tesla truck?

Could it be something else—say IQ, culture, and behavioral proclivities which these people possess? Think about it.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Compsci
2 months ago

I went to San Francisco in 2006.

Even back then Chinatown may as well have been part of the PRC.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 months ago

Been to both, natch, but we even have a little Chinatown remnant (two blocks in old downtown) and a couple Hmongtowns here in the CA Central Valley.

As said, they aren’t known for rioting; for a while, though, local cashiers were certain to be robbed by some meth-janky Asian gangsta wannabe. That is, until the elders cracked down, and hard. You don’t even see the trashy rice-rocket Toyotas anymore.

And, being Hmong, they put up a statue honoring Vietnam vets by our Federal courthouse! We do have *some* allies.

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
2 months ago

Certainly true. From a behavioral standpoint, cultural groups are extremely different. And that means there is a hierarchy of undesirability that should but won’t inform immigration policy.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

Not saying it should, just commenting a bit of Z-man’s missive, which seemed to have left out biology, albeit he’s acknowledged such many time in the past.

Reply to  mmack
2 months ago

“So as you point out that’s another reason these people won’t assimilate. Not the biggest of course, but one of them.” I think it is the biggest one, together with the similarity of cultures. This is why descendants of Hispanic and White couples tend to assimilate. See Nick Fuentes, for example. The mixed heritage combined with the pressure of the majority culture do the job. This is regardless of people claiming “I am an Indian” like Fauxcahontas, but their culture is American. When I lived in the States, a friend of mine dated an Indian guy in Houston. The Indian… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  imnobody00
2 months ago

Of the five mixed couples I know, none involve Indian – 2 are B/W, two are W/A and one is H/A. Can’t think of even seeing an Indian mixed couple.

Reply to  imnobody00
2 months ago

A commenter on long-lost Heartiste spoke to that. He said you’ll often see a handsome Indian guy with an ugly wife. (And I do, here in the Sikh stronghold.) He said they take one for the team. They marry not for love, or for looks, but to have as many Indian offspring and family ties as they can. Later on, they all tell me the endless phone calls and obligations by family and friends are the bane of their existence. They are in a crushing web of relationships, yet those South Asian immigrants who are isolated here without it, have… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

Good friend of mine was Indian going to professional school but was semi-arranged to marry an Indian girl who worked on Wall Street. Turns out he deep down was in love with a white girl (but was going to take one for the team as you put it). However when he found out his Indian fiancee was screwing around with her white boss in nyc, he broke up with her. The subsequent non-stop harassment he received from hundreds of relatives from both sides of the family (both here and in Delhi) to get back together with the Indian girl drove… Read more »

Reply to  imnobody00
2 months ago

Hispanics are part white to begin with. Little too much Latin heat for this Ice Man, though.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  mmack
2 months ago

Right you are. Back about 1993, when I was an undergrad, there was this Indian girl–her name escapes me–that was in a few of my Russian language and area studies classes. Well, one night I drop into this convenience store to snag a pack of smokes. To my surprise, the Indian girl was at the register. So we got to talking and flirting harmlessly (she was fairly cute), and then all of the sudden she got this frightened expression on her face and said she had better get back to work. At that point I glanced back into a corner… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

They were just doing their proper job. Under patriarchy, the girl belongs to her father/brothers and they don’t look kindly upon her talking it up with men outside the group.

I always like the courtship of Michael and Appolonia from “Godfather.” When they went on a date, her WHOLE family was was with them to keep things on the up and up.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  fakeemail
2 months ago

Make chaperoning great again

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  fakeemail
2 months ago

Agreed. I wish white men behaved much more like those subcons. And we used to. Especially in the South.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

That’s the difficult part. Modern Whites want to call chaperoning a failure of other people’s societies. Nope, we’ve failed at ours.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

And in a sense, good for them. I was on the subway in Seoul years ago, talking very casually and harmlessly to a local girl who was about the same age as me. As I started glancing around the car I saw 3 or 4 older Korean men staring a hole in me. The message was unmistakable, and I didn’t begrudge them at all.

Reply to  KGB
2 months ago

This is the Way.

Years ago I was with my Chinese girlfriend strap-hanging in the aisle between the two parallel rows of facing seats you get on the lower deck of trams in Hong Kong. Something struck me in the leg. I look down and there’s this little old grey-haired granny wearing the kind of pyjamas that little old Chinese grannies still went marketing in until … well they pretty still do that…

Anyway the venerable old bitch had kicked me for wading into the gene pool.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zaphod
2 months ago

Perhaps she kicked you for wearing a Speedo in public…

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  mmack
2 months ago

Wow! Z dear, Out of the ballpark with this writing! You couldn’t have said it any better. A benchmark masterpiece to be saved, relished and sent through my distribution list. Good job, man! Don’t change a word. Yes! You’re not alone. I’m not alone. For those with eyes to see. I love you and I love Derb! Years ago I gave my girl The Talk. Now she gives it back to me. Bless your black button gaiters! Now enjoy walking your sweet cats and enjoy your good life far from the Madding Crowd. Many thanks. Keep your head on a… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
2 months ago

We have a family member from the past who married a Protestant and was appropriately shunned for it by the rest of the Catholic family.

2 months ago

To fix it means being realistic about the human condition” Not likely, given the malicious retards who are running the West. Imagine Trotsky, but with an IQ of 58, and you have it. They posses the wickedness to inflict great suffering on their own countries, but not the intelligence to know that they themselves will be destroyed in the ensuing maelstrom. Buckle up.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Anglo-Welsh
2 months ago

Evil and retarded linket to state power, that is pol pot levels dangerous. I think 2025 will be stormy

Reply to  Anglo-Welsh
2 months ago

Pish tosh. Such defeatism!

Remember what happened to Trotsky. Hopefully we start seeing some counter attacks from the right where the malicious retards start getting smoked? My buddy Luigi comes to mind. Eventually the gloves have to come off, or the left will need to start playing ball…

2 months ago

Anyone else find it realllllllly strange that two ex-military guys committed terrorist attacks on the exact same day? At the same time the Brandon admin is trying to hand Trump the biggest mess possible? And one of the guys is a Muslim with an ISIS (read: CIA) flag at the same time a foreign government which shall remain nameless is trying to stir up anti-Muslim animus in the USA the way it did after 9/11/01? Of course it might just be incompetence. The FBI has spent the past 8 years going after Russian phantoms, grannies at protests, anti-abortion activists who… Read more »

Mormons, Masons and Muslims
Mormons, Masons and Muslims
Reply to  Mycale
2 months ago

It’s that old “baseball players on steroids” syndrome. The big problems are impossible to solve, so they go after the simpler ones, and it looks like they are working, but not really.

Reply to  Mycale
2 months ago

A funny thing: over at Big Country Expat, he noticed that shoddy “ISIS” flag staged on the guy’s truck was hung upside down.
A hajji would’ve noticed; somebody doesn’t know how to read Arabic.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

Someone probably didn’t know there was writing on the flag

2 months ago

Eons ago, writing my honors thesis, ended up reading the entirety of the Congressional Record concerning the 1924 Act. Back then they were acutely aware of the problems of unchecked immigration. Particularly the danger posed by leftist & anarchist radicals attempting to flee Europe as the various attempts at communist revolution failed there. Those old white guys weren’t so dumb back then.

Reply to  SamlAdams
2 months ago

I think they were spurred to restrict immigration after a couple immigrant anarchists blew up Wall Street. Z has wiritten about it before.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  SamlAdams
2 months ago

Those were men who had grown up without even being propagandized by radio. Which was as nothing compared with the propaganda power of tv that began 30 years later. So it follows that they were able to see more clearly.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
2 months ago

I wonder how much the real elite in our society shields their kids from mass culture. In other words, is there a core of men in the elite who have some understanding of racial and cultural reality? They might even think it’s fine if the rubes and even most of the managerial elite believes in all the woke nonsense while maintaining their own ability to think critically about how bad things are getting and why. When I first heard about Musk, for instance, I thought that, especially with his background in SA, he might be secretly quite reality based but… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
2 months ago

Musk might be aware of the typical African, but may have only been exposed to the highest caste Indians in his dealings (as most Cloud people are)

Reply to  Sanuary
2 months ago

Also, in South Africa back in the day, Whites interacted with Indians in pretty specific contexts. For example, wait staff and barmen, stewards, etc. Blacks were not permitted to do these jobs. So Musk’s childhood interactions with them would have been pleasant — like the guy on roller skates who brought you your milkshake at the drive-in restaurant (e.g. the much-missed Tropicale at Albert Park in Durban). It’s well-known that Indians can be extremely pleasant at a surface level when performing a service and the boot is definitely on your foot. Can be less so when they’re in the superior… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
2 months ago

Better Brooklyn than the Landwehr Canal.

2 months ago

I’ve been seeing more about 2nd and 3rd generation “immigrants” not assimilating lately and I’m glad that people are finally noticing. I noticed this 10 years ago, living in a “diverse” area. While many of the actual immigrants were normal (at least outwardly), their suburban raised kids clearly regressed, acting like knockoff African Americans, listening to rap, speaking in ebonics, while also hating white people (while also being obsessed with white women). Keep in mind these are the children of “educated & skilled” immigrants who grew up in suburban Canada. Not Detroit. Today it’s even worse, they’re fueled by hatred… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by B125
Reply to  B125
2 months ago

Wiggerization (let’s call it) is the assimilation of immigrant children who’ve regressed to their ethnic mean. Indians are especially susceptible because their mean is so low—lower than black Americans, some of the numbers say. (True numbers would show them much lower, I think.) The somewhat smarter southeast Asians, hispanics, Arabs, etc., tend the same way. Immigrant children who aren’t morons choose the other anti-whiteness, not from popular/degenerate corporate/criminal culture but from academic/aspirational corporate/criminal culture. The standard JQ guy observation is that Indians are like retarded Jews. It’s seldom noticed that an East Asian who’s truly become American has become a… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 months ago

I think a lot of the problem today is that the “mainstream” culture that we would like immigrants to assimilate to has fragmented into a vast number of subcultures. It is also just much less self-assured and more incoherent. There’s just not much of a culture left to begin with and what remains is garbage – hedonism, perversion, feminism, degenerate music and entertainment… Who would really want to dive into such a fetid pool of filth? The reversion of the 2nd generation Muslims to a strict form of Islam is particularly unsurprising. Islam offers everything the West and its feminized… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 months ago

Victor Davis Hanson wrote a piece about what he called “the westernized anti-westerner” almost ten years ago:

Tom K
Tom K
2 months ago

Another failed assimilation acted out in a venue where innocents were trying to find a bit of cheer. Whether he was a second generation or a 14th generation, doesn’t matter. Blacks don’t assimilate. They become especially toxic when they turn to the “religion of peace.”

Reply to  Tom K
2 months ago

From St. Paul, Detroit and Philly to Houston, I’ve met a butt-ton of alienated American blacks who went Muslim. It’s strict simplicity, militaristic routine, and patriarchal harems appeals to them.

The Deep South remains Old Testament Christian, as that appeals to their longstanding family roots in that soil, seen in 200 year-old cemetaries there.

Surprisingly, both are about the only way you can get blacks to read, with vigor.

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
2 months ago

 America has a real problem with its population.”

Talk about an understatement. Country full of classless low-IQ loudmouth violent dummies who only know selfies and the social media. No comprehension of history beyond 10 years ago, culture, decency, or God. All brainwashed into pozz like feminism, DIE, and faggotism. A cleansing fire is needed.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  fakeemail
2 months ago

10 years is too kind. More like 10 minutes

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  fakeemail
2 months ago

Not that we need more, but we have plenty of our own low IQ people. This is why knives come with sharpness warnings. It’s why hot coffee comes with burn warnings. Lawyers share some of the blame, but these lawsuits would not happen without stupid people doing stupid things.

If you ever want to see some fine examples of how the low IQ people live, check out the “Just Rolled In” channel on youtube. What is great about it is how mundane and common it is. You and your children are sharing the roads with these people.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  fakeemail
2 months ago

Hasten onward, o fiery meteor!

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

Said it before and saying it again. Orbital bombardment with bused-in rocks is on Musk’s to-do list. No billionaire monomaniac would leave home without that capability.

Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

I’m willing to bet there were at least 10 red flags for the ISIS guy. Co-workers, friends, family members all reported him to the authorities fearful he was going to do something nuts. This has happened now with quite a few mass killers. The FBI is too busy hunting white supremacists and other wrong-thinkers to actually follow up on these reports and see if there is anything there.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

I’m willing to bet FBI agents followed him to the scene

Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
2 months ago

You misspelled accomplices.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

Not too busy they just want these nuts to go off so more draconian laws can be put in place and I would say they get actively involved in most cases ..

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 months ago

The oligarchs will not lift a finger until this violence effects them directly. Given recent events, that is very likely to happen. When it does, their propaganda organs will ring the alarm bells incessantly and their Help and Ho’s in Congress and government will work feverishly to help out their true bosses. You frequently cite what happened in the aftermath of the J.P. Morgan bombing at the turn of the 20th century and that is spot on. Not all squeaking wheels get the grease but certain ones do.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

True, Jack… but I wonder…? I am toying with a theory that seems to suggest no real clean up can begin until the women of our nation are fully on board. I am beginning to suspect that they are the demographic that is foisting this misery upon us while us men stand aside and let them do it.

Our Esteemed Blog Host has made rude jokes about repealing the 19th Amendment and I think that he is actually onto something with that.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Filthie
2 months ago

Women are wired to be followers. The responsible Clouds for the deterioration are to a man…a man. Not that women aren’t a massive problems themselves, mind you.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

Some of the older women can help avoid the social deterioration, but speaking as one, we’re at loss to help when the men don’t care about social standards. (See chaperoning discussion above.) What feminism brought Western men was freedom from all sorts of boring responsibilities, in addition to not even having to worry about marriage. Men don’t have to step up as leaders. They don’t have to get that boring job to provide for their family. They don’t have to deny themselves that toy. The wifey has it covered, if they bother to get married to their partner. Women just… Read more »

Reply to  Piffle
2 months ago

You can’t drive the family car when the backseat driver can destroy you with full backing of the State at any instant the whim takes her fancy.

Reply to  Zaphod
2 months ago

I agree. I have no good solutions other than a roll back to family law that insisted on father/husband rights. And for the guys to at least try in the meantime. I understand if they don’t volunteer for it.

Last edited 2 months ago by Piffle
c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

More Mangiones and fewer Al-Dubba-Jabbar the Huts.

One way to tell CIA/FBI sponsorship/involvement: If the targets/victims are regular people it is likely FBI/CIA; if the targets are cloud/cloud adjacent it is less likely.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  c matt
2 months ago

No doubt. I’m agnostic here about coordination since the FBI optics were so awful, though. Then again, they have become about as stupid as they are evil.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 months ago

I posted a response about this in this thread. There’s no doubt that the early 20th century elite switched gears very quickly when they saw what was going to happen to them if immigration continued. What I fear is that the propaganda machine is so powerful today that it has blinded even the elite to the problems. I hope I’m wrong about that. If I am there’s hope that the Help and Ho’s will soon get new talking points to push.

Reply to  Pozymandias
2 months ago

The good news about the Rising Tech Bros is that they will be getting unfiltered public sentiment analysis from internal tools. The bad news about the Rising Tech bros is that they will be getting unfiltered….

The rest of Yarvin’s Cathedral Model, not so much.

2 months ago

Cue the pantywastes chanting IKAGO & NAXALT. I’m not holding my breath waiting for the bastards and bastardettes to admit the reality of the human condition or to reality itself – at least not until lampposts and tree limbs are utilized…

Reply to  usNthem
2 months ago

Immigration should only be allowed for highly educated people from high trust societies…Basically, Europeans west of the Hajnal line….

Reply to  pyrrhus
2 months ago

This is why I always promote a change to policy and to “vet” immigration applications. People always assume the worse and panic if a few non-Whites get admitted. The bulk—if a good criteria is chosen—will be European.

Reply to  pyrrhus
2 months ago

You mean the people who overwhelmingly are infected by current thingism in any of its iterations? You’d be importing exactly the kinds of people who soil their own countries for the feels then move country when they find themselves amidst the consequences without learning anything. Think Californians moving to Texas. Rather open the doors to the Afrikaners, Poles, Serbs and Slovaks.

Last edited 2 months ago by Praximus
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  usNthem
2 months ago

I wonder how many times Jabbar himself was held up as an example of IKAGO?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 months ago

I’m plumb sick of that kind of gibber-Jabbar…

Reply to  usNthem
2 months ago

Just remember not to hog all the fun for yourself. I have noticed some unsporting types talking earnestly about electric benches rather than electric chairs… when their reckoning comes… I want to watch!!!

Reply to  Filthie
2 months ago

Blowing from guns. Give those Civil War re-enactor LARPers something useful to do.

Come to think of it, the participants could all dress up and LARP to make it more fun and educational. Those in search of inspiration should check out Vasily Vereshchagin’s painting.

Reply to  usNthem
2 months ago


We may not have enough trees in the long run, but on this point I am optimistic, in terms of at least starting to use what we have, and can plant more trees of utilization after that…..

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Carrie
2 months ago

It is a gift to civilization to plant a tree from which you know you’ll never live long enough to see a Leftist swing…

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  usNthem
2 months ago

^^^ exactly right.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 months ago

Go Green! Plant trees!

Reply to  usNthem
2 months ago

They need visual reminders other than what they see on a screen, eh?

Heh. No wonder we hung the bad seeds on the town walls, on the gallows by the gate, and in the trees along the road leading to that gate. We got the Industrial Revolution from it!

(When the bad seeds no longer attracted all the women, and women only got one nice, useful beta to bear more nice, useful betas from…betas who built things like the Notre Dame.)

2 months ago

At the RNC, an ethnic and religious conquest of America was symbolically and ritualistically declared and performed. Harmeet Dhillon, dressed up in her native Indian attire performed an opening prayer and declared her God and her people’s God to be the one true God. That was the bomb that dropped on this country. The only mention of it that I saw was that the Claremonters, supposed Christians and Americans, mentioned it but declared it a net good as the Republicans needed a wide tent. If there is one good thing that I sense afoot, it is that American men, that… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RealityRules
2 months ago

Watching that convention, I had the sense that Trump wasn’t supposed to be there

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 months ago

On a happier note, at least both terrorists were eco-conscious enough to use the latest EVs.

Looks like Livelsberger’s wife was your standard issue TDS AWFL.

I have to imagine his unfortunate hairline wasn’t helping her satisfaction with marital life, so maybe Matt thought he needed to impress her in other ways…

The fact that the body of the Cybertruck is mostly intact could be due to its design, or maybe Matt didn’t receive good demo training during his time in the Army.

Last edited 2 months ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 months ago

Elon’s gay truck would make an exceptionally good pipe bomb, if what he says about its strength as a container is true. Rocket man doesn’t know how explosions work, and the bomber didn’t calculate his load.

It was probably chosen because it’s the most readily available luxury display vehicle. You’re allowed to park those wherever you want.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 months ago

An E-truck, and a Tesla at the Trump casino? Somebody delivered a horse’s head to both Musk and Trump. Magatards don’t do EV.

Now, very speculatively, a new find at Thacker Pass on the Oregon/Idaho border reveals what could be the largest lithium mine in North America, possibly bigger than Bolivia.
The McDermitt Caldera surpasses Bolivia’s Salar de Uyuni as the world’s biggest reserve.

So, is somebody trying to drive Tesla stock or lithium battery stock down for a hostile grab?

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Nick Note's Mugshot
Nick Note's Mugshot
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 months ago

The Vegas bomber was supposedly a special ops guy with nearly 20 years experience. That would mean that he has extensive training and likely real world practice in killing people in 1001 different ways. If intention was a suicide mission it was flashy but largely impotent and ineffective. Not something you would expect from a “true believer” with his kind of skills.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Nick Note's Mugshot
2 months ago

The current internet rumor on Vegas guy is that his Army MOS was 18Z.

Assuming that is true and the 18Z standard training curriculum I found was accurate, then Vegas guy did not get specific, high-quality demolition and explosives training.

Looking at the photos released so far, I don’t see a bright spark in Vegas guy’s eye.

Yes, that is an awful lot of assumption on my part.

2 months ago

This is one of the problems with immigration that the Romans understood, but our current oligarchs do not understand

I’m reminded that the Romans also maintained a practice of literally farming out retired legionaries to individual plots of land in the far-off edges of the Empire, presumably to prevent them from causing trouble in the Roman heartland in addition to rewarding their service.

Reply to  thezman
2 months ago

The Romans called these veterans colonies. There are some very cool YouTube videos on this topic. The Romans were very intelligent. They used these to provide veterans with land. At the same time, these veterans colonized and consolidated gains throughout the empire. The veterans, were a net benefit to the colonies – providing law enforcement; legal administration; engineering prowess and generally being excellent cultural ambassadors. It is quite the opposite of the global slop house this degenerate regime does. The Romans were brilliant. We are lucky that when the Western empire fell, it was a racial reinvigoration of more pure… Read more »

Reply to  Templar
2 months ago

Yes, but even with the Romans, at some point, the barbarians became too much and they were able to establish their own communities where they didn’t even have to or want to assimilate into the Empire. Even if the people who took it over in the end like Odoacer did. It’s not unlike Sundar Pichai or Satya Nadella putting on a suit, speaking English, and emulating Steve Jobs in their presentations. It’s one thing to take a bunch of Italians off the boat and send them to the middle of Ohio, like Dean Martin’s family. We figured that out pretty… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
2 months ago

All comparisons are frought with inaccuracies. Americans aren’t romans, and negroes, rag heads, beaners, and pakies are not Gauls. Historically the people of colour were slaves, servants… or criminals. In fact Rome was at its peak when it was so.

If I had my way I would nuke the NFL and NBA and bring back bloodsport and gladitorial games…


Reply to  Filthie
2 months ago

One could argue that Rome had the good luck of being defeated and taken over by Germans, sure, considering the potential alternatives.

Reply to  Templar
2 months ago

There’s a whole lot of Texas (and New Mexico, and Arizona) along that border.
I been all along it, and boy is it empty but for forests of scrub trees.

Can American folk live there? Well, in the border town of Nogales, there’s a Staples, a Home Depot, etc. on the American side, because that was where they tested the early drones. (A local pointed them out to me.)

As was said here, “The Highveld settled by the Boers was uninhabited and uninhabitable—except by those who possessed the technology to drill boreholes and dig catchments.” Hello, off-grid entrepeneurs!

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 months ago

Careful what you wish for. I know a lovely, older (yes, even than me) couple who lived there for a number of years. Off grid, preppers, yada yada. And they are as civic nationalist/race blind as any ardent leftist . . . while believing Trump will fix everything.

Reply to  3g4me
2 months ago

Good point, as many preppers are also ex-hippies, or old-school Whole Earth dissidents, etc.; even so, the guys with the skillz happens to include veterans in a big way.

We need a frontier. We also need Fremen. Homeless or underemployed vets maintaining an independent hearthland as a shield wall and Green experimental lab in restrained resources would become its own bulwark subculture, serving multiple purposes.

Your neighbors already trend conservative; like my Kansas uncle, a dairy farmer/minister, folks around there wouldn’t tolerate Diversity shenanigans or white meth-heads either, despite what they preach.

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

The money line: “Cultural diversity needs to be treated like communism was treated in the 1950’s.” I would only add, a fortiori. Communism, a species of Leftism, was a sickness in American society. Joe McCarthey and some other anti-communist hard-liners recognized this and attempted to extirpate the disease. Ultimately, these realists were villified, Leftism was allowed to go its merry way, and here we are, America dead and western civilization tottering on the edge of the abyss. It is almost certainly too late to do what should have been done circa 1952. Nevertheless, the white remnant that retains a lucid… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

The problem you have there is that ths whitest areas are the most left leaning, whereas people who live in the diverse areas tend to be more pragmatic. So every area that could serve as a new homeland for a white ethnostate, like the Pacific northwest doesn’t want to. North and South Dakota are probably the best bet, but could not form a sustainable state because of their positioning.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Praximus
2 months ago

What you say is certainly true of the toniest, whitest suburbs. However, I very much get the sense that a significant percentage of whites in the plains and mountain West states are beginning to draw the correct conclusions about diversity and the need for white chauvinism. Obviously, Californication is a serious problem (viz Colorado), but get away from urban zones such as Denver and college towns like Boulder, and you’ll find plenty of based whites. Billings and Berkeley have nothing in common except being in the West.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
2 months ago

A second generation immigrant arab named Jabbar, with an isis flag on his truck, and a white ex special forces guy (trained killer iow) named Livelsberger, as a suicide bomber who doesn’t kill anyone but himself. Pardon me if I’m skeptical about any and all information being reported about this. Or the conclusion that it necessarily has anything to do with immigration.

I’m seeing that Livelsberger was recruiting people to go to Ukraine. I could believe he died there, not in Vegas. Wasn’t Ryan Routh also recruiting people to go to Ukraine?

Last edited 2 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
2 months ago

Z Man: migrants are “encouraged to hate the white population.”

Z Man in his last podcast: the chosen “aren’t doing this because they hate white people.”

Do our elites hate traditional white people? We can only speculate but we must speculate because the country is dying.

Did the USA kill itself or was it murdered? Can both be true, and if so, what are the proportions?

My guess is that they hate us. Many others disagree and say this is all a big misunderstanding as each group innocently pursues its own advantage.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 months ago

Foolish inconsistency with regard to fellow whites is the hobgoblin of the old guard. The working assumption tends to be that someone on the jedi side of the curve who still pretends not to get it is working some other angle. They have likely convinced themselves that this angle involves dimensional chess, the long game, strategery. That, or they’re just too proud to admit they’ve been fools, there being no fool like an old one. But everyone else eventually comes around to the view that it involves cowardice, connivance, containment, or simple cashflow. This might not be fair, but can… Read more »

2 months ago

We must reset and reframe. New Orleans is number one on the list of the most democrat cities in Louisiana. When diversity runs amok in their hives – this is a GOOD thing. They are getting exactly what they vooted for – happy new year you f***ers! Likewise, the bomb attack on Trump and his properties and supporters are even good, in a round about way. If we get enough attacks like these…maybe the cucks, MAGAtards, and stubborn grillers and normies will wake up and do something about it. Finally – if you are going to lie with dogs, you’re… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Filthie
2 months ago

When I first heard about the Tesla, I wondered if was just another spontaneous combustion.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  c matt
2 months ago

That was my first thought too. Lithium batteries can get quite explody. They off gas an explosive gas when in thermal runaway. If it is in a confined space it can make a pretty big boom. I personally cannot wait until we have hundreds of underground car parking lots filled with EVs, preferably charging there as well. The 4th of July will come practically every day.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

Lithium batteries can get quite explody. They off gas an explosive gas when in thermal runaway.”

The same can be said of sheboons…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 months ago


This is my main issue with EVs in general.

People don’t realize that the battery packs are simply giant agglomerations of 18560 or similar cells.

All it takes is just *one* of those 18560s to drift outside its normal operating regime and it’s all over…

Joey Trainer
Joey Trainer
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 months ago

Because Chrysler has had the patent on large scale monolithic batteries for decades. Why they don’t build them I don’t know.

2 months ago

What cracks me up are the excuses for these alienated terrorists. The usual, racism/bigotry resulting in poverty and hate of the most successful race, Whites. Never is this assertion called into question. I maintain a simple examination of these wacko’s shows that they have indeed succeeded in this racist White culture. To wit, Nidal Malik Hasan, but there are many others.

Neoliberal Feudalism
2 months ago

My default belief is that any non-obviously populist terror attacks like Mangione’s (a real attack) is coordinated and sponsored by the FBI. That’s just a default and I’m open to being wrong on any specific attack depending on the details. You know, it’s funny, way back in the day I believed in the hyped up Islamic terror wave. Then Trump was elected and literally all of it stopped, like a switch was pulled or a button pressed. Could this be a shot across the bow that the switch has been pushed back? On New Years Day to see both this… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
2 months ago

Even Mangione is suspect to me. The thing I can’t get over is how perfectly in the frame of the surveillance camera the shooting was. I know there are lots of surveillance cameras in NYC. But still. Then consider that in conjunction with all the incriminating stuff he still had with him at McDonald’s a few days later. That’s at least two good data points for someone like me who suspects fakery.

Last edited 2 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Tars Tarkas
2 months ago

To fix it means being realistic about the human condition.

This is a big ask in 2025. When you cannot accept that men don’t have periods, how the hell are you supposed to know differences in different populations?

I have read that the managerial class in Wiemar Germany simply took off their liberal democracy hats and put on their NSDAP hats in 1933 and did the same in 1945 when democracy came back. In many cases, the literal same people. So I suppose if it is forced on them, they can make the switch.

Tom K
Tom K
2 months ago

Something tells me that driver was the one who went on the rampage, not the car.

2 months ago

From what I’ve read online it appears the terrorist was a US born Black American convert to Islam– the conversion would explain the Arabic name. He has a brother with the same last name who says he converted to Islam. I’m not disputing the need for assimilation, but this seems to be another matter.

Reply to  zfan
2 months ago

We can just discuss the need for Common Sense Negro Control, instead.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  zfan
2 months ago

I hadn’t considered that. But yes, quite a few of our darkies have converted to that faith. Wiki says “African-American Muslims constitute 20% of the total U.S. Muslim population. Despite this, 2% of Black Americans are Muslim”. That’d be just under 1 million Black & Muslim in US. At a glance, I found no info for how many converted, how many are [children of] immigrant Mohammedan, etc. Anyway, after that interesting demographic exercise, another point:   Islam is incompatible with anything resembling “Western” civilization; see world history dating back to 8th century for details.Problem: our nation guarantees freedom of religion… Read more »

2 months ago

Since the Livelsberger thing is a more obvious suicide (as opposed to Jabbar who was a death-by-cop suicide), I would bet we’ll find out he left a note behind. It will be interesting to see which way that one breaks. Given the state of the DIE military, it’s quite possible he was a hard-core Leftist DIE woke nutsack. But it’s also possible he was fed up about the H1B mess. And that Musk’s “f your face” attacks combined with mental instability and probably a divorce/family collapse pushed him over the edge. In any case, it seems like the relative calm… Read more »

2 months ago

Look around the world to see which countries have the immigrant absimilation. The US and the UK lead the pack in the Anglosphere. The French and the Germans have their own versions of death wish. Former colonizers, or just fans of guest workers, each has its problems. The Hungarians represent a voice of reason and resistance to Western idiocy. They dare to retain their culture and to secure their borders. For that audacity, they earned a feature on 60 CIA Minutes where they were vilified for protecting their own. Eastern Europeans have experience with social controls from the Cold War… Read more »

2 months ago

Methinks, the only possible way to win the argument re: H1-B visas, is to redirect all the debate into: “The same way greedy West shamelessly pillage and plunder colonies for precious natural resources, it is robbing those same nations of the best talent. Oh, no!!! Aye, yi, yi!!!” “Just imagine how much good, irreplaceable talent such as Sundar Pichai, could’ve done for his native country?!!!” “We absolutely ought to ship Elon back to create jobs for zulus!!! Let him build gigafactories in Swazilend!!!” “How dare are we to rob Mexico off all the hardworking construction laborers!!!” NB! I am not… Read more »

Reply to  Ozornik
2 months ago

You can keep the H1B visa but make two hard to oppose changes to it:

  1. no green card / no chain migration (you can’t bring half of India with you)
  2. Tech companies have to pay you more than the prevailing wage rate (if it’s truly about short supply, then the wages should be higher or they have to pay a tax).

America First means Americans First.

2 months ago

No thank you for your service in both cases.

2 months ago

‘Things like diversity and openness are luxury goods that can be indulged in easy times, but the easy times are over, so these leisure habits must be replaced with realism.’ Diversity, equality, sexism, racism . . . these are tenets of a faith, of a religion, of a large percentage of U.S. citizens and of the ruling State. The religion will not disappear with tough times. With catastrophe? Perhaps. ‘. . . many refuse to assimilate on principle. This is one of the problems with immigration that the Romans understood, but our current oligarchs do not understand’ Oh, they understand.… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by ray
Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
2 months ago

We used to have the “triple melting pot,” as described in Will Herberg’s “Protestant, Catholic, Jew.” Immigrants would keep their religion, and marry those of other groups within that religion, but otherwise become Americans in culture. The second generation born here would be completely Americanized. Of course, almost all were Europeans, with some Catholics and Eastern Orthodox from the Middle East.

Steve W
Steve W
2 months ago

The continental United States is up for grabs, just as it was in the age of the explorers when France, England, and Spain contested for the territory. In their place we have India, China and the drug cartels warring for the same territory.

The natives – then as now – are not consulted. The old America divided itself into a thousand tribes, and the conquerors exploited their mutual hatreds. Like AINO now.

Last edited 2 months ago by Steve W
2 months ago

Suggesting the FBI should interdict terrorists misses the point. Both Butler, Pennsylvania, and West Palm Beach, Florida, were by all appearances inside operations. Past activities of both assassins reveal FBI or CIA connections. Who was running them on their last mission is anyone’s guess, but I somehow doubt it was Mossad (or Iran!). The Butler operation could also not have occurred without at least the acquiescence of the Secret Service. Crooks had to have help getting his ladder and weaponry past security. Someone might have talked him through the op beforehand, since he would have had to know how tall… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 months ago

Well, it looks like the FBI has the NOLA situation well in-hand, just listen to this briefing:

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 months ago

She did manage to say asking not axing, so good for her

2 months ago

The Tesla thing reminded me of that fake Volkswagen “Polo” car commercial 15 years ago when a Muslim terrorist enters a car and self detonated but it was 100% contained. Even the noise.

“Small but tough”


Reply to  ProZNoV
2 months ago

That’s awesome

2 months ago

Can someone please define “deracinated” for me in terms of this discussion? Honestly, I’m a bit confused …

Perhaps my lack of clarity is just a response to the day after another hyper-commercialized holiday season, coupled with being 1500 miles from house with immediate family dealing with larger family intractable medical issues.

just seems to me we are “hyper-racinated.

Ann Thompson
Reply to  PrimiPilus
2 months ago

it means de-rooted, pulled out of the earth and placed elsewhere

Reply to  Ann Thompson
2 months ago

Thank you.

Reply to  PrimiPilus
2 months ago

I only wish we were hyper-racinated, but then we’d start putting bug powder in the showers again.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  PrimiPilus
2 months ago

For purposes of this discussion, it means propagandized by media, entertainment, and academia to the point a body forgets or is ashamed to admit he or she is a white person.

2 months ago

But diversity prevents (racial) fascism! That’s the underlying strategy.

What slipped by though, is that fascism will always re-emerge;
unsaid is that this time, the fasces are bundled at the top. Not so below.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
2 months ago

Much wisdom in here. If I may elaborate a bit on the great immigration wave of late 19th and early 20th centuries: It was overwhelmingly European and Caucasian. Now here comes an extremely important point: Yes, a lot of the newcomers were viewed as an alien culture. Many of them hailed from Eastern Europe and were Catholics or, God forbid, Jews!!! Beyond religious beliefs at odds with domestic Protestantism, new, provocative intellectual ideas also arrived, not the least of which was what later came to be called Cultural Marxism and its various cousins like socialism. Now the second critical point: as… Read more »

2 months ago

Double hell. I did a New Years at Vegas, too- Y2K, in fact. Waiting for the lights to go out at midnight.

2 months ago

Holy schmidt, I went to Bourbon Street for a New Year’s. Spooky.
(I also slept through a Mardi Gras in a railyard there, dammit. Missed it.)
I didn’t know until just now what had happened there.

Last edited 2 months ago by Alzaebo
2 months ago

Quick request – can someone find me an article or two where the Romanians admitted to paying the person who ran the “Russian” tiktok ads? Thanks!

2 months ago

Speaking of early warnings (OP title) a bolt of lightning struck the Capitol Dome on New Year’s Eve . . . right above The Apotheosis of Gen’rl George and his bevy of goddesses, which adorns the Dome’s innards.

Only one hombre — Mr. Apotheosis, Gen’rl Chad I mean George — and all them chickadee goddesses clustered about him. To some, that sounds like heaven. To others, hell.

Betty Gibson
Betty Gibson
2 months ago

JD Vance’s ugly brown curry poontang is also going back.

Betty Gibson
Betty Gibson
2 months ago

We have to start deporting non-Western immigrants from 1984 to the present.

The Chinese poontanger John Derbyshire, his ugly brown Chinese poontang and worthless Chinese spawn will be deported.

Reply to  Betty Gibson
2 months ago

Hi Betty, how’s the weather in Tel Aviv?

Greg Nikolic
2 months ago

Assimilation of immigrants into a new population is akin to intellectual warfare, though it is never framed as such. A battle is going on for the hearts 💓 and minds of the newcomers. The newcomer who resists assimilation is committing a kind of treason, whereby the host welcome is shunted aside in favor of guest selfishness. If there is a category of offense for hate crime, there equally ought to be a special crime for failure to assimilate.

— Greg (my blog:

Reply to  Greg Nikolic
2 months ago

Don’t you feel at least a little bad about being a spammer? You have posted the link to your blog many times in the past and you were always rewarded with downvotes. Take that as a hint.

Reply to  Hun
2 months ago

Heh. Just keep downvoting. It’s fun!