The Orangemailers

A bit of a weird show this week. The post on Wednesday got me thinking about how I would explain to someone what I think is happening in Washington. That post relied on people understanding a lot of things that would not be familiar to most, so they would need a quick background before getting to the meat of the topic. Thinking about how to do that led to the idea of doing a show on it.

One of the things that you see with people who arrive on this side of the great divide is they often go through a crash course learning all the stuff that was excluded from their education and political understanding. Condensing that down into easily digestible bits is probably a good project for someone, given that we are seeing millions turn up on the edge of the great divide, looking for a lift over to this side.

That really is something to savor. Trump gave a presser after the chopper collided with the passenger jet in Washington and he put the blame on diversity. It is not the first time he has said something like this since he was inaugurated, but it is still shocking to hear a public official say what had been prohibited a year ago. This administration is saying things that got you booted from Twitter before Musk.

This is why the corporate takeover model works. Every company has a culture, and that culture is reinforced by management. Inevitably when new owners come in it means changes to the culture. To outsiders it does not seem that important, but to the people inside it is shocking. Our political system is being overhauled in the equivalent of a hostile takeover, like greenmailing. Instead, it is orangemailing.

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This Week’s Show


  • Intro
  • Origins Of Managerialism
  • The Growth Of The Managerial Class
  • Nixon
  • Reinventing Government
  • The Shadow Government
  • The Greenmailers
  • The End Game

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2 hours ago

The revolution will just have to happen one funeral at a time. I’ve tried to make friendly bridges to This Side of the Great Divide and I get blank stares from old Republicans and that “is he Old Scratch?” face from left-leaning people of all ages.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Marko
Reply to  Marko
1 hour ago

Well at least you get blank stares from old Rep’s. I get them from Dem’s as well. Met our neighborhood retired Governor just yesterday while walking the dog. He was without wife and had a hankering to talk politics—don’t they all? Such talks are fairly short since I’m a hard case. I believe he confuses me with a fellow traveler since I’m retired from University. He started reminiscing about government days and his discussion with University Presidents wrt holding tuition stable. He said he offered a 10% increase in funding if they promise no tuition hikes for 5 years. They… Read more »

Last edited 1 hour ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
1 hour ago

Compsci, if I were you, I’d be very careful around these personalities; they are badly malformed [vis-a-vis classical notions of stable personalities].

Our ancestors used to say, “Scratch a Liberal, get a Fascist”.

But nowadays, it’s more like, “Scratch a retired University Professor, get a serial killer.”


Be very very careful around these badly malformed personalities.

Reply to  NoName
44 minutes ago

I will consider your perspective. I hope my dog is not a “pussy” if I get punched in the face. 😉 To my defense (I guess) I am old and few people now a days gives a hoot in hell what I think and I have few people of the classical liberal mind set to converse with anyway. Wife is worthless in that respect as she simply wants to go along to get along (don’t they all?). As much as I like this forum, you guys—and girls—just can’t be expected to challenge me from a Leftist/Liberal perspective. It takes the… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
8 minutes ago

Sounds like living in Iwo Jima.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 hours ago

OT: looks like a troon was piloting the helo that crashed intentionally into the AA jet. coupled with all the troon school shooters, and the troon serial killer cult (that killed the border patrol agent in vermont recently) i would say these people need to be locked away from normal society.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 hour ago

I had one of those mindless video spirals yesterday after a long productive day of work. It was a bunch of well produced clips made by Marines. Some were very slick MIC videos, but most were done on the spot during some field training. You get a glimpse of some of the people serving in the military alongside some absolute chads and it is shocking. Of course in the MIC slick clip it was some exercise in the Middle East and they put front and center 3 blacks a fat dumpy latinx and the rest of the phalanx were chad… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 hour ago

Aside from this recent airport crash incident, which I have little knowledge of, things (DIE) are still bad in AZ. Our Dem governor, Hobbs, just appointed a new AZ Supreme Court judge. The announcement from her at a press conference was shown on local TV. Hobbs was literally giddy as she proudly announced our ‘…first Latina, Black, Woman…’ Supreme Court justice. WOW, just wow, 3 check boxes marked for diversity! Got to be a record, although I suppose our new SC Justice could also have been a lesbian in a wheel chair for even more “qualifications”…. But wait, it gets… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
34 minutes ago

This is worth noting. Strangely enough, good things are happening at the FedGov level, but matters are still appalling at the state and local levels. Typically, anything consequential percolates up rather than trickles down. Let us hope that the Trumpening rapidly permeates the lower levels of society rather than running into insuperable walls of recalcitrance.

Reply to  Compsci
18 minutes ago

‘As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them’ (Isaiah 3:12)

Reply to  Compsci
14 minutes ago

No doubt Compsci. The rot is very deep. Very very deep. There are a lot of things to be wary about in regards to the techno-optimists. In some sense they are hyper-managerialists. Everything is to be optimized for hyper efficiency and this is a technological economic zone. We are going to have to find a way to get them to understand that We are A People. We in particular are The People. The DIE stuff and the open statement by Trump that someone decided there were too many white people at FAA is huge. I digress. The shutoff of the… Read more »

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 hour ago

I suspect when all is said and done, there will be evidence of incompetence in the accident likely to be the result of hiring/promotion pref’s. However, jumping to conclusions and using this incident as evidence prematurely is risky. Yeah, it works for the Left and is an old ploy, but will it work for the Right? OK, color me “out of touch”.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 hour ago

According to Urban Dictionary, it’s a portmanteau of ‘trans’ and ‘goon.’

Not related to “poltroon”.

When I saw its face, I immediately thought he [she?] had the physiognomy of an highly unstable Cluster-B which would want to go out in a blaze-of-glory suicide.

He/she drove the helicopter straight into the airplane.

Has to have been either a Cluster-B Suicide, or else the activation of an MK Ultra asset.

As usual, Anonymous Conservative has the best pictures & video:

comment image

Reply to  NoName
38 minutes ago

Sorry, that was the crew chief, the pilot was Joe Ellis. Still, possibly 3 on board, so 2 or even all 3 might have been ‘special’. Joe Ellis, as a troon, gave a outraged rant on a radio show just before about how banning trans from the military would affect a troon’s military career.* Now, all trans industry stems from the transition drugs sold by one Israeli company, Teva Pharm; the clinics and drugs have ridden their wave of profitability and are about to tank, so the companies involved have almost certainly been short-sold up the wazoo. I wonder what… Read more »

Last edited 34 minutes ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
13 minutes ago

I saw the troon, but also saw other reports referring to a ‘she’, as a co-pilot in training. No name tho. Perhaps this is the troon.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 hour ago

Ruh roh. RUH roh. Raggy, with all the chatter coming up about the ‘Sikorsky MATRIX autonomy system’ for remote control…

on the very morning following the hearings for FBI, Director of National Intelligence, and Big Health…

or, perhaps, a certain band of gangsters running two foreign wars, with a historic proclivity towards assassinating Presidents…

Was this a warning to the Trump administration?


(Kudos to our stalwart yesterday who mentioned the possibility of cyber action. Remember, two Israeli companies sold software packages to the DoD that enabled forced remote control of commercial aircraft, the year before 9/11.)

Last edited 1 hour ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  karl von hungus
39 minutes ago

In better times–even as recently as 20 years ago–they wouldn’t dare show their faces in public outside of deranged enclaves such as San FranCrisco and Greenwich Village.

Martin Luther
Martin Luther
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
27 minutes ago

Or the Vatican.

1 hour ago

This is such a great idea. Man, do we ever need to be brought up to speed as now.

18 minutes ago

One of the things that you see with people who arrive on this side of the great divide is they often go through a crash course learning all the stuff that was excluded from their education and political understanding.”

Especially from their understanding of GIRLS! Never forget that the true origin of the Red Pill is from our proud forefathers like Heartiste, Mystery, and Style. Figuring out why you can’t get a date is the beginning!

31 minutes ago

‘Trump gave a presser after the chopper collided with the passenger jet in Washington and he put the blame on diversity. It is not the first time he has said something like this’

Good smoke signal. Hasn’t been in office 2 weeks.

Co-pilot was female. Girlboss-in-training. If it’s as I suspect — pilot error — then 60-plus folks paid the ultimate price for living in Pretendland.

For some reason the co-pilot is not being referred-to in MSM accounts. Yes, hmm.

Last edited 23 minutes ago by ray
14 minutes ago

My stash of the specific banned lightbulb I depended on ran out a few weeks ago. The unbanned (so I assume something is very wrong with them) incandescents and trashy LEDs that are supposed to be equivalent aren’t similar at all. I’ve been trying all kinds of goofy color combinations to get back to seeing everything clearly without getting tired. Where I sit and work looks like a psychedelic whorehouse now. (Theory: Hideous pink-purple YouTube video lighting has caught on because “naturalistic” LED light looks even worse than that.) Trump’s threatened un-ban is weirdly unpopular among the MAGAs. The nerd… Read more »

37 minutes ago

Every company [or nation] has a culture, and that culture is reinforced by management. Inevitably when new owners [or leaders] come in it means changes to the culture.”

In other words, culture is downstream from politics rather than the reverse, pace what many on the right say.

For example, the US government has championed homosexuality and various other paraphilic movements over the past few decades, and now most, if not yet all, mainline protestant churches have followed suit.