Marie Antoinette with an Afro

Russell Simmons is a very rich man. According to people who study these things, he is worth $325 million. That’s enough to make him a solid member of the Liberal-Democratic elite. Further, he has been rich for a long time and he has never been poor. He is the product of the rarest of things, a black two-parent household. Both parents have jobs in the New York City government. Simmons got rich thirty years ago peddling ghetto filth to young white kids in the suburbs.

The point being that Mr. Russell knows less about the ghetto and typical black life than my cat. His is a life of private apartments, private cars and private planes. He knows enough about black life to be able to peddle black culture to white suburban kids. Other than that, he has arranged his life such that he has nothing to do with black America. That’s not stopping him from pretending to be the tribune of the people.

Russell Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam Recordings, appeared on CNN last night on Out Front with Erin Burnett to warn there are more protests coming if “demands” are not met.

We are seeing the beginning of the end of police policing the police, he added.

“On Wednesday, we are going to ask for indictments and list of achievable demands.” (“We” referring to high profile celebrities and athletes that share Simmons’ beliefs.)

“And America has not seen protests like those that are coming if justice doesn’t start to come down,” warned Simmons.

Simmons told Burnett, “Over 150K cases were brought before the grand Jury and and only 11 cases didn’t come back with indictments. It’s like lightening striking the black community over and over and over again.”

We need special oversight committees, we shouldn’t leave it to DAs who work with the police, explained Simmons.

Burnett asked, “You don’t feel defeated that has happened again and again and again?” to which Simmons responded, “We’re going to get indictments now because America hasn’t seen what’s coming.”

“When people understand the injustice properly, the way these protestors understand it, they’re all going to fight for justice, and that’s going to change this system.”

I’ve mentioned before that whites are growing increasingly weary of this stuff. There’s simply no excuse for it. If you are a young black person in America right now, the world is your oyster. If you choose to walk around with your pants down and  playing with yourself like an extra from a Russell Simmons music video, that’s on you. If you choose to be a “playah” and get “in the game” then you can look forward to a life spent in a cage, but it is your choice.

If Russell Simmons wanted to bring down the number of incidents of cops treating blacks poorly, he would stop peddling the filth that has made him rich. He would stop portraying blacks as feral animals in order to sell white people his merchandise. But, that would require a degree of self-awareness Mr. Simmons apparently lacks. His stepping forth as the tribune of poor black people is like casting Marie Antoinette as the leader of the sans culottes.

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Albert Bino
Albert Bino
10 years ago

Here’s my question: > Simmons got rich thirty years ago peddling ghetto filth to young white kids in the suburbs. And where are they now? What do they have to say? Are they still admiring degeneracy and worshipping the aggrieved? Still rebelling against The (White) Man? I’m staggered by the absence of white voices speaking up against the melanization of American culture. What I mainly hear is white men hating white women. What I mainly see is white men spending their lives in the pursuit of corporate sports (especially NFL and NBA), porn, video games, and all manner of negro-worshipping… Read more »

Dr. Mabuse
10 years ago

Unless blacks are dreaming of trying white police officers in front of all-black juries, which is never going to happen, sidestepping the grand jury is only going to move their grievance one step further down the road. If the show trial isn’t stopped by a grand jury, it will be stopped by a trial jury. It only takes one recalcitrant juror to block a guilty conviction, and as you say, the odds are getting very high that any jury is going to have at least one fed-up and weary white person on it who’ll be glad to knock the wheels… Read more »

10 years ago

“We’re going to get indictments now because America hasn’t seen what’s coming.”

One of the 13% says that? When the vast majority of the remaining 87% don’t like what’s apparently coming their way, the 13ers might wish they had kept their mouths shut.

grey enlightenment
10 years ago

i dunno if rap music is to blame. Genes influence behavior more than culture. How many white people went on a rampage after seeing Falling Down or Rambo? The THomas Sowell argument is overworn

10 years ago

“Increasingly weary” doesn’t begin to cover it. Sick to death gets much closer. Until Blacks give up their group-identity grievances, they will never truly be free. The ball is in their court.

Don Jones
Don Jones
10 years ago

“Over 150K cases were brought before the grand Jury and and only 11 cases didn’t come back with indictments. It’s like lightening striking the black community over and over and over again.”

11 cases per 150,000 = 0.007% of cases coming back without indictments. Am I reading this wrong? If not, that’s pretty thin soup…