Here Comes The Sun

One of the things that is becoming clear to everyone as the USAID scandal unfolds is that much of what has been presented to us over the last several decades, as far as politics, has been an illusion created by the blob. The media was part of the blob, underwritten by the government and cultivated with government access, so they presented a version of political reality that favored the blob. Even the debates over policy were staged by the blob.

That is what is clear in the release of the CBS tapes of the 60 Minutes interview of then candidate Kamala Harris. Calling it an interview is an assault on the language because it was nothing like an interview. It was one part screen test, one part coaching and one part editing to produce what was presented as an interview. Everyone involved knew it was fraud and said nothing. In other words, what we have been seeing is not media bias, but an orchestrated fraud on the public.

As an aside, the corruption was so deep and so normalized that it appears that most people in these media companies were unaware of much of it. The staff at Politico only became aware of who was actually paying their salaries when the USAID money was halted, and Politico could not make payroll. How many people at the BBC knew that USAID was the second largest source of funding to the BBC? Did anyone at the Financial Times know that management were on the pad?

Putting that aside, everyone in Washington certainly knew what USAID was doing, and they remained silent. There is not a single “reporter” in Washington unaware of the fact that the main source for Ukraine news has been an operation run by the Kagan family with funding from the government through various proxies. They all knew it and they played along because their paycheck demanded it. In effect, all of Washington was enlisted as participants in the manufactured drama of politics.

That is probably the biggest part of the scandal. Most political scandals involve a small number of people breaking the rules. Their undoing is the old Benjamin Franklin line about how three can keep a secret if two are dead. What we are seeing is that Ben was wrong about that as tens of thousands were keeping a secret until now. It speaks to the poisonous culture inside Washington that no one dared mention publicly what all of them knew was happening.

This raises another question. What else have they been faking? Think about something mundane like television ratings. They used to be a big topic, but the proliferation of subscription services and cable fees changed the revenue models. Even so, they are still used to gauge the popularity of shows. The more popular a show is, the more likely new people are to give it a go. In the modern sense, it means more people are going to sign up for a Netflix or Disney subscription.

An iron law of life is that if something has value then there will be people trying to steal it or to fake it, so faking ratings has always been a thing. This video from the Critical Drinker where he and his friends discuss the ratings of various bits of bugman content just screams organized fraud. When you are talking about “minutes viewed” rather than actual people watching, it is safe to say you are trying hard to prove the old maxim, “Figures do not lie, but liars figure.”

You can probably look around and find dozens of things that are used as measures or standards that we take for granted but are probably fake. Will the upcoming Super Bowl really break viewing records for the fiftieth straight year? Is the pop star cast to perform at the halftime show as popular as they claim? Is the game itself on the level or is it also a manufactured drama? Speaking of which, how come there are no gambling scandals in sports? Did everyone suddenly get honest?

You can get carried away with this, of course, and begin to question your own grasp of reality, but we are on the cusp of a great questioning. Once the enormity of the fraud begins to sink in, people will naturally start to wonder if what is being presented to them is not part of an ongoing fraud. We already see this with medicine because of the many frauds perpetrated during Covid. Now we are about to see the same process rumble through the rest of society.

In a way, the events of the last three weeks are like what happened in the transition from communism to chaos in the old Soviet Union. On the one hand, there was the mass realization that much of what had been told to the public was an organized lie, but on the other hand an understanding that it was a necessary step to exit the world of lies and enter the period of reform. The American empire is now getting its form of perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (transparency).

This should not suggest that success is assured. The blob will fight back, and it has many tentacles, so the fight has just begun. The vast amounts of fraud in the economy support millions of mortgage payments and college tuition bills, so the people benefiting from the organized fraud will not go quietly. With every window that is opened, more sunlight rushes in to expose the corruption. If the blob is to be defeated, it will be through the sorts of transparency we have seen this week.

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2 hours ago

“This raises another question. What else have they been faking?”

-Unemployment numbers
-Inflation numbers
-true trade deficits
-the COVID threat
-the “vaccine”
-the efficacy of “masks”
-black crime statistics
-illegal immigration
-immigrant crime
-immigrant welfare dependency
-Russian casualty figures in Ukraine
-“climate change”
-the usefulness of EVs
-the 2020 election
-the “pipe bomb” at the DNC

…everything, basically

Last edited 2 hours ago by Xman
Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Xman
2 hours ago

i always think that, with regard to unemployment numbers, why doesn’t the government cease unemployment benefits? Since the number is based on “claims for unemployment benefits”, it seems logical to just cut everyone off, and claim zero unemployment!

I freely give the G my idea with no charge.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 hours ago

You could only do this if you: Paid out dollar for dollar what was paid in by each individual and each employer. Eliminated off-shoring and importing labor As just a couple of things. Aside from the coming waves of “NGO” funded unemployed who will be lining up beside tomato pickers for work, there are a lot of skilled people who produce who are having a hard time finding work in the face of the end of ZIRP and a global workforce. Unless or until the country changes from being an international bazaar for labor and capital and being in support… Read more »

Strong men make
Strong men make
Reply to  RealityRules
25 minutes ago

As I’ve said many times before, there is a huge pool of willing intelligent white workers that cannot be hired due to criminal background checks…eliminating that requirement would go a long way to solving the shortage of workers. The 19 year old whose life is permanently ruined and his ability to find employment stifled for decades, because he forwarded to a few friends his underage girlfriends boobpic is one example, another would be the 35 year old father whose vindictive ex-wife coaches their children to say Daddy touched my secret place, in order to ruin him and take away his… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
2 hours ago

Amazing! This could go on forever. Great comment!!

  • We have to fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them here
  • We are fighting communism
  • We have to militarize and build a panopticon to fight China
  • XYZ deliberate policy is just a fringe conspiracy theory
  • “We” is really us using You
  • “Our” greatest ally
  • White Supremacy is the greatest threat
  • Systemic Racism against POCs
  • “Our” communities are oppressed

I suppose one honest thing was when somebody declared this their century. Well, they did a bang up job of reinforcing ages old stereotypes.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 hour ago


Reply to  Vegetius
1 hour ago

Much more I expect.

Reply to  Xman
2 hours ago

11 million illegal immigrants in this country, same number as 1990, it never changes, no matter how many come in.

Reply to  Mycale
1 hour ago

Part of the fraud is the lie undergirding the farcical distinction between ‘legal’ and ‘illegal’ aliens. Many come on what are known as ‘tourist’ visas when they never planned to return home in the first place (and that alone technically disqualifies them from ever ‘legally’ immigrating) – then they marry someone, or get someone to offer them a job, and apply to ‘adjust status.’ And like magic, they are now in the US ‘legally.’ Same goes for those who apply for immigrant visas and claim income/jobs they don’t actually have, or lie about previous stays in the US. It’s easy… Read more »

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  3g4me
1 hour ago

I literally had an INS (now ICE) agent tell me after the mass amnesty Reagan approved with the Immigration and Control Act of 1986 to stop requiring the documentation from prospective employees that was presented as the main thrust of the law.

1988, it was.

Reply to  3g4me
1 hour ago

Where I live in Lat. Am. it takes about 6 months to receive a visa, tourist or otherwise. Cost is quite reasonable. Fill out the application y vamos.

Reply to  ray
29 minutes ago

The cost for both immigrant and nonimmigrant visas has been a fraction of the paperwork and manhours cost for over 50 years. Needs to be increased by adding a couple of zeros to the end of each fee.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Junger Generation
1 hour ago

With the Biden flood, it’s gotta be 30 by now. ICE is rounding up about 1,000 a day. You do the math.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 hour ago

Add all the post 1965 non-White immigrants and their progeny, and we’d get rid of 135 million people and over half our crime. Same for unemployment, supposed housing shortage, and ‘crowded’ schools. US was fine with 200 million. Much too crowded now.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 hour ago

Yep, another great lie perpetrated by confusing the public with “criminal” aliens being deported with non-criminal aliens not being looked for—or even found. In times long past, criminal aliens were not a problem because you were deported immediately without question.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
45 minutes ago

At least 30. Part of the Coward-Piven strategy is to get to an irreversibly large number and then reveal what it actually is–oops, it is too large to be managed!

Reply to  Mycale
1 hour ago

11M is however, an obvious lie—even the government is stating such obliquely. The reports of IA’s processed coupled with “got aways” multiplied by number of years indicate a figure twice as large.

Reply to  Xman
1 hour ago

All of the above, and more…The US Government is based on a culture of systematic fraud to keep the peons in line…
Z-man’s has coined the perfect description…we’re entering American perestroika, and the public won’t even want to believe what comes pours out…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 hour ago

Isn’t it interesting that within the last month almost all Tradissident suspicions and suppositions about AINO and how it functions have been confirmed? We have been correct straight down the line.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
39 minutes ago

There is a certain personality type that rejects propaganda. It isn’t necessarily correlated with intelligence or other traits that would be the usual suspects, either, and I have yet to put my finger on it. Trotsky once opined that you could attach even dubious authority to a false proposition and the educated classes would buy into it and the workers would remain skeptical. I don’t think he was right about the economic aspect but he definitely was onto something there.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Xman
1 hour ago

All of the numbers around the economy are bullshit. When the “Great Recession” happened, it started in the last quarter of 07. But the BLS lied about the numbers and gave us positive growth for the quarter. Only 6 months later did they revise the numbers down and tell the truth. We were in the great recession for 9 months without anyone knowing it. Same with unemployment and inflation. They are propaganda and are meant to manage the public’s expectations. Keep in mind that we’ve had this “vibrant and dynamic” economy since 2001 when China was let into the WTO… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
53 minutes ago

We in the financial services industry sure as heck knew the music was stopping in late 2007. 2007 was the largest bonus I ever got. Laid off in the summer of ’08.

However, almost none of us saw a collapse.

I know two people who acted:
1. A normal guy who liquidated his modest positions, and,
2. A sophisticated investor who bet on it (he made BILLIONS).

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
40 minutes ago

When we stopped manufacturing things, we started manufacturing bubbles. (I’m not the first person to say that). More lengthy analysis has compared this to the financialization of the Edwardian era, which felt prosperous at the time to the people living through it. Late stage empire stuff.

Reply to  Xman
1 hour ago

Lying to the public ( ‘propaganda’ ) is far older than todays’ manipulation of the most powerful medium ever for twisting minds, the talmudvision. Prior to the tv, radio and newspapers- which were bad enough to create the Spanish-American War, WWs 1 and 2. “Symbols rule the world” ( h/t ‘Vigilant Citizen” ) and the power of visual propaganda has destroyed the West (as planned ). Nearly everything I was taught beginning in grade school in the 50s was a lie, a lie I finally copped to with LBJ smirking on the plane.

Reply to  oldcoyote
1 hour ago

Symbols do rule the world, and the enemy speaks the lingo.

Reply to  oldcoyote
26 minutes ago

Go back a lot further than the Spanish American War. The Fed/Anti-Fed papers were lies and propaganda. And most people – even those who read the stuff – are stupid and easily manipulated. Always has been so, always will be so.

Reply to  3g4me
6 minutes ago

Fed, yes, that was the whole point. The sales pitch. The Anti-Fed? If so, not anywhere near the same degree. At most, their pitch was retaining the arrangement under the Articles, and a not-insignificant amount of it was trimming back even that.

Reply to  Xman
1 hour ago

US role in WWI and II
Pearl Harbor

Reply to  Lavrov
7 minutes ago

The East India Company didn’t want to make British colonists in the New World slaves.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Xman
1 hour ago

The Russian collusion hoax should get a bullet. It revealed the entire GAE structure to be a fraud and a lie.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
1 hour ago

Let’s look at it this way. Is there anything the Blob wouldn’t lie about if it was to the Blob’s advantage to do so? We know the anwer to that. And what this means is that any info disseminated by the Blob that seemingly supports the Blob’s agenda is very likely a lie. It also means the Blob will suppress any truth that subverts the Blob.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 hour ago

Like the names of female pilots that cause disasters. Doesn’t match the Plan, sorry about the dead people.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  ray
33 minutes ago

Don’t Trust The Plan.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Xman
1 hour ago

Thankfully we can be sure those Trump cryptos and NFTs were totally legitimate.

2 hours ago

The lies, rot and corruption are pervasive. It’s really interesting to watch the widespread noticing which seems to be occurring and the deep impact this realization has on many people. Friends who are devout Christians are no longer paying tithing as they have gradually discovered their church’s involvement and how that money has been spent: refugee resettlement, migration ministries, church world service, hebrew immigrant aid society to name a few.

Reply to  Melissa
1 hour ago

Amen to that. The charities have become corrupt as well. If you are a true conservative, you can’t donate to most any of them. And of course, if you are a liberal, you assume it’s the government’s job to “take care” of everybody.

Reply to  Melissa
16 minutes ago

Plus publications like Christianity Today and groups like David French’s. The government – and the academy- and business – has been anti-White, anti-male, and anti-Christian for decades.

3 hours ago

I read a book called “CHAOS” By Tom O’Neill that is ostensibly about the Manson murders, but by the end he unpacks how the entire story of the 1960s and everything we think we know about it is fake. The 1960s were a very successful government psy-op. Charles Manson was almost certainly a fed asset who ended up doing exactly what they were hoping he would do. But, it’s not just the 1960s. It’s everything. If the system requires legitimacy to function, our system can’t function because it has no legitimacy anymore. We are at this stage now where even… Read more »

Last edited 3 hours ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
2 hours ago

Agreed. That book was a real eye-opener, even if it left me with more questions than answers.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Mycale
1 hour ago

Would you be willing to ponder whether we are being treated to The Trump Show, which began in summer 2015, and this entire 14-year arc is scripted as entertainment for us?

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 hour ago

I’ve thought about it, and Trump’s recent statements on Gaza really make me think about it. But I think the entire point of this exercise is that this form of fake narrative building cannot last forever. It does rely on people buying in. Like I am not trying to slag boomers here, they were the victims of a great psyop campaign, but they are all in on the government narratives and always have been. So if the boomers somehow were to actually live forever, it’s possible this could go on forever. But they can’t, no matter how unpleasant it might… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Mycale
1 hour ago

Yes, it won’t go on forever. But there’s no reason to believe it’s stopped now.

The Trump Hopium and Lovefest of the past two weeks feels too forced to someone who lived through 2016-2020. I don’t trust it at all and I think I have good cause to be suspicious.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 hour ago

The Trump hopium/lovefest is only in right wing media

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Mycale
49 minutes ago

This. Especially with regard to Israel. They buy into that fake and gay narrative nearly 100%.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 hour ago

Takes you back to the old Wilbur Ross/Rothschild connection, doesn’t it? It’s been great entertainment, gotta hand them that (hypothetically). But to what end? A CBDC control grid? They didn’t need Trump for that. Any old Clown World “president” would do. Nor did they need to arouse the white nationalist sentiment he embodies, which runs counter to everything else they’ve ever done.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
45 minutes ago

Note that, according to Hegseth, the military recruiting numbers are way up for December. If true and those are predominately white men, then the narrative control regards Trump is working.

Reply to  Mycale
1 hour ago

‘The 1960s were a very successful government psy-op.’

Not completely but yes, largely.

Coup in late ’63, and less than 3 months later, the Beatles are rolled out and the entire culture changes, at great speed. Civil Rights Act, Immigration Act, sexual revolution (feminism), mass pharmakeia, welfare institutionalization, the jettisoning of Traditional America for the New Order.

Research Vito Paulekas, Carl Franzoni, the Sunset Strip and Laurel Canyon in the early and mid-Sixties. U.S. intel’s fingerprints are all over the ‘hippie movement’.

Reply to  ray
1 hour ago

‘Weird Scenes inside the Goldmine”…

Reply to  oldcoyote
1 hour ago

Yup. The Canyon. Dave McGowan’s fine book.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ray
59 minutes ago

US intel is powerful and has been powerful for a long time. However, I find it difficult to believe it was capable of orchestrating the entire counterculture. Now it may have supported it once it took root, but that’s rather a different thing.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
30 minutes ago

Not to go semantic totalitarian, but it is difficult to disentangle orchestration and support. For example, notice how it has started to emerge that pop culture stars are paid for their support of X? Ben Stiller, Oprah Winfrey, etc.? They granted have made it and can fetch nice prices, but it isn’t unreasonable to assume they were supported (and orchestrated) on the front end.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
16 minutes ago

Intel got it going, got its people embedded, shaped the wide-focus. Certainly, did not supervise every aspect.

The Sixties was, at heart, a retro-pagan insurgency. These forces now are in power across the West. The Sixties was their training academy.

Reply to  Mycale
1 hour ago

It’s a great read and the author is very up front about not having all the pieces he needs.

A glowie shrink who dosed unsuspecting citizens with spook money also happend to cross paths with Manson and was the last person in the room before Jack Ruby went nuts?

There are no coincidences.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Mycale
1 hour ago

Also recommended:

Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream: McGowan, David, Bryant, Nick: 8601420866638: Books

I met the author before he died. Totally unpleasant fellow. I thought this was crankery but most turned out to be if not proven plausible.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
1 hour ago

So incestuous is the relationship between FedGov and Wall Street that I don’t think there’s much of a distinction between private and public money, anymore. At any rate, what are negrophilic, anti-white corporate ad campaigns if not misinformation of a sort?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
2 hours ago

When I consider how much is fake, astroturfed, and rigged, I consider the stock market. It doesn’t really compute that people who are intent on rigging virtually everything else to their advantage would just leave that one to fate or chance, does it? Then I note that value investing pretty well died in 2008, and that what drives the market these last few years is just a small group of stupidly overvalued stocks. Stocks that go up because they go up. “Momentum” investing, that’s called. Elon’s happens to be one of them. Or is the stock market too big for… Read more »

Last edited 2 hours ago by Jeffrey Zoar
David Wright
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
2 hours ago

As far as figuring out the deception with the stock market , I have no answers or insights. Above my paygrade, ask Pelosi or even the little bartender. They are the experts.

Reply to  David Wright
56 minutes ago

There is one answer. The stock market has “insiders” and “outsiders”. Pelosi is for example, an insider. Therefore makes money no matter which way the market goes. One thinks that the market is invested in only by the big guys, not the little people. Not quite true. Given the wave of 401k’s and State pension funds and insurance companies, we have a lot of little guys in the market—most without knowledge of such.

Could it be that the market is little less than an extraction process of funds/money from the upper working class to the elites?

Curious Monkey
Curious Monkey
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 hour ago

I tried to have a conversation with Grok about the Candace Owen’s revelations about Brigitte Macron and even pointing out that you can fake a lot of stuff it stuck to its heels asserting that the evidence provided officially makes the conspiracy impossible, It seems it is programmed into NPCs as well as “AI” to think no big conspiracies are possible because someone would had confessed (or the NYT would have revealed the scandal) The average mind does not notice how technically it is not natural for information to leak, someone has to know it and decide to leak it… Read more »

Reply to  Curious Monkey
1 hour ago

“Average people” these days, like all the average people in the past are led with emotion; the ability to reason is limited to few, who are often the slaves of the emotive majority led by the psychopathic reasoners. Snake oil was sold in Plato’s Cave.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
36 minutes ago

I have a friend who is a stock broker. Not long ago he told me that he thinks all of the economic numbers are fake. I wanted to say, welcome to the party pal.

In the same conversation he also said that he would not be surprised if the U.S. has actually been in recession for over a decade.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 hours ago

I would just add one other thought to this excellent piece:
The need to create another Crisis to get the dollars flowing to the usual suspects is now quite pressing. They may not be able to stop DOGE, because the momentum could be irresistible, but they can gin up something big like Coof or another war.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 hours ago

Probably war, as COVID-19 Part 1, Chinese Boogaloo was maybe 50% effective at scaring the public. Medicos and the pharmaceutical industry didn’t cover themselves in glory (more like something brown and disgustingly smelly) last time around and there’s enough out and out skepticism, and people talking about the awful side effects of “The Jab”, that “OHMYGODWE’REALLGONNADIEOFCOVID-20!!!!!!!!” will elicit eye rolling and a sarcastic “Really, again?” response from vast swathes of the American Public. Crack off a tactical nuke in The Ukraine before Orange Man Bad and Tesla Man can cut funding and bring parties to the negotiating table and all… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 hour ago

Cpt W-

My money is on a shooting war with Iran inside 2 years.

I feel there are plenty of signs for this. I also feel there are plenty of signs it won’t go well, possibly turning into Trump’s Vietnam.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
30 minutes ago

I fear you are right WGH. The only one of Clark’s seven countries left now is Iran. You are also correct about the difficulty of waging a war with Iran. It will certainly not be like Iraq. Many dangers await the West if they decide on such a war.

3 hours ago

The Covid response itself is an entire mass psy-op. The financial system was going tits up. What to do? Shut everything down and use the cover to print money, bail out municipal governments, airlines, and make everyone in hock to the government via PPP loans and get them used to total dependence. Well, official and overt dependence. I think the entire post WWII order was a fraud. It wasn’t a war against Communism. It was a scramble between the USSR and the GAE to take political and financial control of Europe’s colonies and manage those resources. We lost as it… Read more »

Last edited 3 hours ago by RealityRules
Reply to  RealityRules
2 hours ago

“The Covid response itself is an entire mass psy-op. The financial system was going tits up. What to do?”

Maybe it was financial. But let’s not forget that Covid was used to justify all sorts of shady election practices like mail-in voting and unmonitored drop boxes. Then again, both of these theories could be true. Maybe the blob got a twofer: bail out the financial system and steal an election. Everyone wins…except the American people.

Reply to  Winter
2 hours ago

It was both Winter.

Honest people openly talk about the financial aspect. Stephanie Pomboy and Peter Theil are 2 of many who openly discuss the financial aspect of it.

Look at bond yields and the hyper-QE starting in 09/2020. There is more of that coming. Theil has openly talked about just letting the blue metros and munis fail unlike when in 2020 they were bailed out in the cover of darkness.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Winter
1 hour ago

In places like Lithuania the crackdown was brutal. It had little to do with the American election. It was an opportunity to break heads and teach a new generation with no memory of WW2 who was in charge. It would be nice if it were parochial, but it was a worldwide op to test some things on some folks, as Barry might’ve put it.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Winter
1 hour ago

Covid was also used to justify the rollout of hundreds of totalitarian, dystopian measures across the world.

It may also have been a failed part of the depop agenda. Recall the shrieking from the mass media and the best people as if we were climbing over piles of bodies to buy a gallon of milk.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
13 minutes ago

And now that gallon of milk tests positive for bird flu!!! The horror…

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  RealityRules
1 hour ago

This is superb. The clouds are dissipating. I’ve lived with thoughts like these since the 1990s. Now I hear them daily. Thank you.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 hour ago


I totally agree.

I just wish being proved right about everything felt better.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
45 minutes ago

Arthur, I hear you—but consider where we are now? Enlightened, perhaps. Distrustful, definitely. Does this benefit us (Whites) in the long run to be turned into a “low trust” society. Have we not discussed here and in the literature of the Northern European’s greatest strength as a people was in creating a high trust society? The revelations you point to may be the final death knell to White civilization as once existed in this country.

The truth may “set us free”, but to what future?

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
1 hour ago

I guess this is one big tumble down the staircase, as opposed to the little slips you described in your concept of a declining society. The Great Crumbling has been going on for a while, but this scandal is a loud crash as opposed to a little slip and a groan. It reminds me of Yosemite Sam in a suit of armour bouncing down an endless staircase, accompanied by a non-stop stream of nonsense curses. I felt the same way when the Harvey Weinstein scandal occurred nearly a decade ago. There was the similar realization that everybody in Hollywood knew… Read more »

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
1 hour ago

It is the equivalent of jumping out the window halfway down the stairs.

Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
29 minutes ago

I defended Harvey — to a point — to the howls and ragings of the Cuck Commentariat at Breitbart et al.

He was chosen mostly because he looked like a cavetroll and in some respects WAS a scumbag. I opposed scapegoating ole Harv because I knew it was a wedge that’d be used to persecute many other men. $MeToo hastily followed.

2 hours ago

 In other words, what we have been seeing is not media bias, but an orchestrated fraud on the public. I’d have to ask: why are we even surprised at this point? It has probably been this way for even longer than any one of us remembers. Of course, the incredible gaslighting, browbeating and suppression of liberties during the Shamdemic should have been the most obvious sign. I don’t want to take away from the USAID thing, which is clearly significant… but at this point: which man with his thinking cap on is even surprised? Funny about the BBC, though. I… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 hour ago

Ironically the ‘gaslighting’ trick was revealed in a movie of that name: a “psychologist”- a member of the ah-hmm special trade created by the special people- employed nefarious tricks upon his wife in attempt to drive her insane. Whoa- sounds like…. modern trannyfamily…

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 hour ago

What makes the USAID scandal far more significant, I think, is how well-documented and undeniable it all is. This could elicit a very dangerous response. And, yes, the Covid fraud was something that would have made Stalin blush.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

Basically, Deep State took it color revolution skills and turned them on America itself. Unbelievable.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

Yes. The response to Covid, for example, was essentially an internal Color Revolution taken to an even greater extreme. This is a full-blown police state in its infancy.

3 hours ago

‘In other words, what we have been seeing is not media bias, but an orchestrated fraud on the public.” It’s more like garbage in garbage out. Trusted sources turning out not to be so trustworthy after all. The Kagans will be despised after all is said and done. What they were doing with the propaganda strikes at the core of what America was supposed to be about. “How many people at the BBC knew that USAID was the second largest source of funding to the BBC? Did anyone at the Financial Times know that management were on the pad?” This… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
1 hour ago

“You can get carried away with this, of course, and begin to question your own grasp of reality,”

You can never be too suspicious of the media, that’s for sure. Nearly all media in the English language press is propaganda. It doesn’t matter what the subject is about. It doesn’t matter if everything in the article is true or false. It’s all propaganda. It’s never about an attempt to inform you, it is always an attempt to persuade.

Carl B.
Carl B.
2 hours ago

This could very well be the USA’s “perestroika” moment. If so, is economic collapse just around the corner? Castles made of sand…..

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Carl B.
2 hours ago

The plandemic should have been that moment, if such a thing were possible. There’s a whole lot of denial about this USAID business, just pretending that it’s not happening. Or twisting it around. In my msm news feed this morning, the top story was how Ivanka used USAID funds to get some sound equipment for an event she was throwing at the WH.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
2 hours ago

Upvoted for the obvious recognition of the Shamdemic being the ultimate potential turning point. If it didn’t happen then, well…

Reply to  Carl B.
2 hours ago

There are so many things going on that parallel the fall of the Soviet Union right now that it almost seems cookie cutter. Like all empires acting the same way before they fall.

Last edited 2 hours ago by TempoNick
Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
1 hour ago

The late Soviet analogy is quite apt, but an asterisk is in order. Remember, perestroika and glasnost were last-ditch efforts to preserve the system, and those came from the top down. What is unfolding in the United States is similar but it is in a way coming from outside the system. I don’t know where this ends or how it ends, but don’t discount something along the lines of a military coup and/or a stepped-up terror campaign. This is that big. Not only was the uniparty quite real, both prongs were state-funded (hello, Miss Lindsey!). The Overton Window was more… Read more »

2 hours ago

Played ‘Here Comes the Sun’ last night. Kismet.

Been called a conspiracy theorist (and worse) for many decades. Rationalization was that not more than a handful of people can maintain a secret, so I must be Rong about uncomfortable facts. Which is silly, as most of elite human history is nothing but conspiracies, sometimes kept and functional for centuries.

‘The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?’ (Jeremiah 17:9)

Reply to  ray
1 hour ago

Ray, You say: Which is silly, as most of elite human history is nothing but conspiracies, sometimes kept and functional for centuries. And this is a concise and excellent observation. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been reading about some remarkable historical event, which was later found to be a complete sham. If you’d have gone back in time to tell the folks, you’d have been “conspiracy theorist” or a “witch” or something. Yet here we are… centuries later just brushing it off with the naive belief that “humanity has changed”. Elites are elites for a reason:… Read more »

2 hours ago

And Pistol Pete hasn’t even started raw DOGEing the DoD yet. If you think USAID is big (which it is) then wait until Elon kicks down the doors to the Fistagon next. Because doing USAID was an opening attack on an outpost of GloboHomo. I don’t think we have seen the main attack yet.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Pickle Rick
1 hour ago

Or CMS. CMS is the big one, along with the entire medical edifice.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
58 minutes ago


DOGE already started in on CMS yesterday afternoon/evening.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Pickle Rick
1 hour ago

I meant to mention this in my earlier comment. Don’t you imagine they are waiting to remove some very, very troublesome brass before this step is taken? Anyone who has followed Adm. Michael Hayden on social media has seen how dangerous and unhinged some of these types are.

Reply to  Jackson Dobsen
42 minutes ago

I think it might be that, and also the BOM needing to get all his loyalists in place at the top of the disloyal Apparat so he can hit them all at once with a coordinated assault. Think of it like a combined arms offensive-so while the shitbag generals and admirals are being hit frontally by Pistol Pete, they get attacked by a swarm of DOGEs, the Bondi agents, and anyone else able to take a shot from any other angle. Because they absolutely must know that the DoD and the “intelligence” community are the most dangerous enemies, but also… Read more »

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Pickle Rick
7 minutes ago

That’s definitely the sequencing, yes. I also imagine they have a very accurate and detailed list of who will prove particularly troublesome if the MIC grift gets threatened and needs to be removed. Touching the MIC aspect is far more fraught with danger than exposing DOE graft, and we probably underestimate the probability of an outright coup due to the extent of corruption.

2 hours ago

In contrast to Z Man’s post today, CNN just wrote that the released transcript “refutes President Donald Trump’s assertions that CBS committed ‘election interference’.”

CNN and Z Man can look at the same source material and draw contradictory conclusions. How is this possible?

Most people naturally assume that the media narratives are mostly true because it hard to believe that such a large scale conspiracy could exist for so long.

Those who control the narratives of the media are the head of the snake.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 hours ago

Or, as the media parrots after every word Trump says it “‘refutes President Donald Trump’s assertions that CBS committed ‘election interference’.” WITHOUT EVIDENCE.

The coaching, primping and editing of the CBS “interview” certainly explains the popularity of the multi-hour interviews by Joe Rogan and Tucker. Say what you will about those two, but they at least do real frigging interviews.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 hour ago

CNN also reported that Politico receiving money from USAID was a “false conspiracy theory,” as they went on to explain that the money Politico received came from the entire federal government, not just from USAID

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
52 minutes ago

CNN also reported that Politico receiving money from USAID was a “false conspiracy theory,” as they went on to explain that the money Politico received came from the entire federal government, not just from USAID

“Look, I stole the money but it was only $50K, not $500K.” 🤦‍♂️

Dear CNN: The GOVERNMENT PAID “Independent” news sites to produce content. How much did you lot get? 🤔

My Comment
My Comment
1 hour ago

Have spent a good amount of time on X reading what he’s been disclosed about USAID and what has struck me is that 1. The only areas where the money was actually used for a clear purpose were: regime changes (including USA), bribing the media, flooding white countries with brown people and pushing the anal revolution. 2. Everything else was just a slush fund for privileged people with, not surprisingly, the Clinton’s being at the forefront of the scam. 4 billion was spent on Haiti after the earthquake and only 2 percent went to Haiti. Chelsea took home a cool… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  My Comment
50 minutes ago

Conspicuously absent are revelations about Republicans on the take, and it’s not because Republicans are clean. I had been predicting RFKJ wouldn’t be confirmed, but perhaps this stuff is being used to blackmail the dirty rinos into confirming the nominees. I hadn’t considered that when I made the prediction. As discussed here yesterday, it wasn’t really “bribing” the media. They didn’t need to be bribed. They were/are eager to do what they do. But it was needed to support them, since nobody else would. So what’s likely to happen is the media will continue singing the same songs, but some… Read more »

3 hours ago

The sports gambling issue figures to go off like an atomic bomb at some point. ESPN is airing a new pro golf simulator league called TGL. It features two teams of pros in an indoor arena hitting shots into a simulator. The first two matches were blowouts and the third was very close. One of the players said in his post match interview the producer told them to “keep it close” this time. Even though people are betting on these matches, this is getting passed off as a joke. The NBA has already had two scandals of marginal players fixing… Read more »

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Barnard
1 hour ago

I used to think this because the big sports leagues (certainly the NBA/NFL — not sure about the others) have been rigged for a long time, and now they and the sports media companies are all hopelessly dependent on the gambling dollars to continue to “grow”.

However, I am reminded we live in a very corrupt age, and maybe sports are now viewed by fans/gamblers the same way so-called “crypto-currency” is viewed by “investors”: They all know it is a scam, but everyone keeps quiet so long as they themselves retain a (small) shot at winning big.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 hour ago

Fan interest has really shifted as the average fan is more concerned with winning money than closely following a favorite team or player. Of course a super majority of them lose almost all the time. If gambling was restricted in serious ways, interest in pro sports could completely collapse.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Mr. Generic
57 minutes ago

KC’s Three-cheat is virtually guaranteed this Sunday.

That lets them force the new Kalergian man on us for eternity.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 minutes ago

That’s why I and many folks I know are boycotting the entire charade.

2 hours ago

The grifter that eats its tail should be the symbol of the ‘west’, or what was the west I guess. Another issue with the whole ‘value’ is that now it’s pretty much linked to attention and drama-based ‘content’, which has no real value to anyone or society. But it does to the blob. Hence, the ‘critical drinker’ is just another grifter who feeds off the anger of Western males to pay his bills, much like the cuckservatives have on their base. Nobody has any value anymore. It’s a big circle jerk until people willingly forget they are part of the… Read more »

Reply to  Silver
35 minutes ago

America the Ouroboros. Take that, Cthulhu.

2 hours ago

The Blob may well fight, but fight “back”? Impossible. A lie, once exposed, cannot ever regain the value and power it once had.

1 hour ago

Everything’s a psyop. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
2 hours ago

The show didn’t end on January 20th. Perhaps you may feel it’s not worth mentioning that. But I think it is.

35 minutes ago

Here comes the Sun… So I just now listened to the Trump-Netanyahu presser. America will colonize Israel. A Riviera on the East Med. Basically a playground for America’s ruling elite…the technoelite backing Trump. The 51st state, the 2nd Federal District- Distrito Globál, the 13th Federal Reserve District. A hub to rival the City of London, parked at the confluence of the Belt trade routes, an alternative Bosphorus. Knock WWII OSS mummies like USAID out of the way to kneecap the neocon industry and switch over to a Belt strategy instead, just like China / BRICS. Seperate two snarling dogs, kennel… Read more »

Last edited 6 minutes ago by Alzaebo
44 minutes ago

“The vast amounts of fraud in the economy support millions of mortgage payments and college tuition bills, so the people benefiting from the organized fraud will not go quietly.” Part of this is a consequence of the outsourcing of the American industrial economy. The jobs sent elsewhere have been replaced with government jobs. The older people who were no longer employable (fifty somethings) but not yet eligible for SS/Medicare were put on disability for minor ailments (a covert unemployment program). Many of the jobs left are low-paying or filled by legal and illegal immigrants. Cutting the government jobs and eliminating… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
53 minutes ago

I liked Zman’s points about the potential gaming of the streaming minute numbers by Netflix and others.

Those points fit into my recent thoughts about the proliferation of bots and AI slop from all the digital parrots out there.

I think the proliferation of all that slop is actually dragging us down, potentially even fulfilling, “Dead Internet,” theory.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
44 minutes ago

Yesterday I saw a screenshot, I thought probably fake, of the government spending a billion a year on netflix subscriptions. But it makes you think. They could have you know, if they wanted to.

1 hour ago

The past few days I feel like this kid.

“It’s all real.”

“Oh my god. I knew it! I knew it!”

Last edited 1 hour ago by Vizzini