
Biologists have been puzzling over extinction events since forever. Trying to figure out why some species went away is a natural curiosity for those who enjoy solving puzzles and it has some bearing on our own existence. It’s why old western towns remain tourist attractions or why people visit ancient ruins. Stand in the Valley of the Kings and you can’t help but wonder how it all happened. Why were these people here? Why did they do what they did? Why did it all fall apart?

The social sciences gloss over this by asserting that the people in the age of decline did not really think they were in decline. I’ve never accepted that argument. I think they knew, just as we know now. We can look at this story and see it for what it is – cultural suicide.

One of Swedens financial newspapers recently uncovered a secret group of bureaucrats who go under the name “Mottagande” (Reception). They are preparing Sweden for 400,000 asylum seekers of which 130,000 children over the next 5 years. The new Swedes will stem mainly from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. The government hopes they will bolster the economy.

There are at least 4 non-elected bureaucrats who are running the group and preparing Sweden for its new population.

1. Max Elger, works for Minister of Finance, Magdalena Andersson

2. Lars Westbratt, works for Minister of Justice, Morgan “only 1%” Johansson

3. Erik Nilsson, works for former communist and current Minister of Employment, Ylva Johansson

4. Annelie Roswall Ljungren, works for former illegal immigrant and current Minister of Public Administration, Ardalan Shekarabi

Reactions to the news were primarily negative and notorious anti-establishment tweeter @SinglaSlant was quick to act and criticized the individuals for choosing to live far away from the multicultural Sweden they are working full time to create.

Sweden is a country with roughly 9.5 million people. According to their government, 1.5 million are foreign born. Adding another half million breeding age foreigners not only raises the foreign population to 20% of the whole, it puts the nation on track to be majority non-Swedish in a couple of generations. The people in charge of Sweden are trying to wipe out the Swedes.

Why would anyone do that? What possible reason could they have? Self-loathing is the only thing that is plausible. How can a people collectively decide to eradicate their kind?

One day in the future people will stand on Swedish ruins and wonder what happened to the people who build those things. They will wonder why they went away. The answer is they simply gave up.

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9 years ago

This whole topic makes me ill. My grandparents came from Sweden- I speak the language, and I have many friends and relatives there. I see the country disappearing in front of my eyes, certainly without the consent of a good chunk of Swedes. The problem is, and perhaps the Surveyor can correct me if I’m wrong, that all of the institutions of Swedish life are in the bag for the New Sweden- the government, both major parties, the press, the schools establishment and the universities- all committed to the destruction of the traditional Swedish nation. Mind you, they would not… Read more »

Joseph K
Joseph K
9 years ago

“The people in charge of Sweden are trying to wipe out the Swedes…Why would anyone do that? What possible reason could they have? Self-loathing is the only thing that is plausible. How can a people collectively decide to eradicate their kind?” In the Post-Biological Age, ideology supplants instinct. These people are no longer citizens of Sweden, but citizens of a trans-national Progressive machine. The goal is to keep the machine running. If they can’t do it with Swedes, they’ll do it with whomever; ethnicity is irrelevant to the functioning of the Therapeutic-Entitlement State. After WWII, the newly emergent Therapeutic-Entitlement states… Read more »

el baboso
9 years ago

Theories that I’ve batted around (from most likely to least likely): • Elites believe that there is no way to maintain industrial competivity without importing low cost laborers (would think that all would realize that this hasn’t been working plus you would think that even the densest bureaucrat would get that capital deepening is the way to go). • Elites are scared out of their minds by the civilization-crushing effects of concurrent low fertility and deflation. In other words, they see importing immigrants as the lesser of two evils. This presupposes that the elites know history and non-marxist economics. •… Read more »

9 years ago

[…] Does that have anything to do with their desire for national suicide? […]

james wilson
9 years ago

Perhaps we could examine the possibility that the democratic form of government is merely following the law of it’s own nature since these late stage democracies are all running along similar paths to suicide. Except, possibly, Japan, but they were late to the game. Democracy is the rule of the most clever, the most insincere, and the most ruthlessly manipulative. A mob can only be led by the gun or the nose. We’re nose people. Our twelve score and ten are about up. Good riddance.

9 years ago

To echo Kathleen’s point in a way: I see many tribes coming to the west from their own ragamuffin nations, but very few (if any) non-believers going the other way. At this rate there will be very few left in Bigdogistan and an awful lot of unhappy folk crammed into smaller northern European nations.

9 years ago

It is simply unfathomable to me that the Swedes would willingly commit cultural suicide by continuing to import Moslem barbarians. There are over 50 Moslem nations. There is only one Sweden.

9 years ago

The Swedes have always been such a beautiful people, why do they want to dilute their brand? They were among the few that migrated as far as they could away from …..oh well you know what I mean.

9 years ago

Also- dunno if anyone noticed- but in the wake of the stories about ‘no-go zones’ in European cities- a ton of folks posting on Facebook and other social media about how ‘no-go zones’ are a myth- “I went to the banlieus or to Rosengård and didn’t get killed so therefore, there is no problem. It reminds me of the way the smart set used to talk about New York in the ’70s- or the reports of the political pilgrims who went to the Soviet Union in the 30’s!

Swedish Surveyor
9 years ago

Besides around 20% of the Swedish population is +65 so even if the government closed it’s borders completely it wouldn’t make much of a difference in that regard.

Swedish Surveyor
9 years ago

Despite writing about this topic regularly and coming to the same conclusion it is always shocking to read. I would like to point out that your numbers regarding foreign population aren’t entirely correct unless one takes the government statistics to heart. One of the first things I uncovered on my blog was the SCB’s questionable way of measuring the demographics. Using different variables for foreign population, such as the following, puts the number at 25% in 2008 I) Born abroad II) Both parents born abroad III) One parent born abroad 7 years have gone by since the so I think… Read more »

9 years ago

I never thought the Vikings would give up so easily, but they have. Ragnar Lodbrok will be spinning in his Valhalla…