The Madness of the West

Every society has its lunacy. Almost always, it stems from ignorance. Ancient people believed that the gods arrange the stars and made the sun rise and set. They lacked the capacity to understand the science we now take for granted. Their mythologies provided a useful explanation to a natural phenomenon. What seems nutty to people of today, made perfect sense 2500 years ago. It explained what they saw and that was enough.

Late 19th century Americans fell for all sorts of patent medicines, thinking they would improve their health. In most cases they were harmless scams. In some cases they were poison. Today, people believe organic food is better than the regular stuff. They don’t know that most of what they buy as organic is the same stuff as the non-organic produce sitting in the next bin. Again, it is mostly ignorance. You’ll find that the people with the weird food fetishes know the least about how food gets from farm to market.

That said, this is weird beyond words. Since the dawn of time, we have known that humans come in one of two sexes. We know a lot about the genetic differences between men and women. The Olympics actually tests female athletes to ensure they are not dudes. There is some very tiny portion of people who possess both male and female genetics, but you have a better chance of being struck by lightning twice on your way to cashing your winning lottery ticket than every meeting such a person.

The people going in for “gender reassignment” are not in that group. They are mentally ill in the same way people who think they are space aliens or animals. No matter how earnest and sincere an “otherkin” may be, they are not animals. Indulging them is not an act of kindness. It is cruelty. Allowing someone to live in a disturbed state of delusion is cruel and we should not do it. Encouraging people to mutilate themselves in order to act out their delusions is monstrous. The people promoting it should be stoned.

That said, you can see where this is headed. First there is the demand that these degenerates be tolerated. Then they have to be accepted. Then the morality flips and you are no longer a good person for being indifferent. Now you must celebrate their degeneracy as some sort of moral good. In the near future, normal people will have their lives ruined for not showing the proper enthusiasm for the guy in the sundress chasing after the kids at the playground. This madness can’t end fast enough.