Bodymore, Murderville

I saw on-line that Chicago rang in the start of the summer murder season with their 60th homicide of the year. In the ghetto, Memorial Day is the traditional start of crime season. The weather is nice so everyone is outside, making them easier to shoot. Chicago gets a lot of attention because it is a big city so the crime numbers are gaudy. That and the mayor is a former Obama and Clinton rumpswab. Here is a handy website that logs all the crime in the Windy City if you have an interest in the details.

The thing is, Chicago is a city of 2.7 million people. For a city that size, sixty murders is a great start to the season. Last year they finished with 507 murders. Doing a little math, they are on pace for an all-time low, if current trends hold, which is unlikely. Even so, Chicago is not in the top-10 list of most violent cities. The last look had them in the 30’s and that was after their record setting 2015. The apparent drop in homicide so far will drop them down the per capital homicide rankings.

[edit] I misread the Chicago murder stats. That is 60 for the month of may, not year to date. I will not have the editor killed for this horrible error.

That is what makes Baltimore an interesting place. The city is not excessively big. The census puts the population at 600,000, but the flight from the city has surely lowered that number. Even so, they managed 344 murders last year. That is a homicide rate three times that of Chicago. This year the body count is at 108 so they are a little off the 2015 pace, but not by much. The late spring in the Mid-Atlantic has probably tamped down the numbers a bit. Gunning down Trayvon over his sneakers is not so much fun in the wind and rain.

When you look at the details, the pattern is obvious. Murder in towns like Baltimore is nothing like you see on television and it sure as hell is not like the libertarian scolds imagine. It is not well-organized street gangs in territorial wars over the drug trade. Instead, it is low-IQ knuckleheads shooting each other over petty slights. The drug trade is real, but it is ad hoc and disorganized at the streets level. The beefs that lead to murder are just as likely to be over sneakers as drug deals.

It is what drug legalizers never understand. The drug game in America’s urban reservations is not what drives crime and social dysfunction. Libertarians imagine that legalizing drugs will lead to young black males throwing down their guns and heading off to community college. Legalize drugs and they will find something else to fill the void in their lives. Murder and mayhem in the ghetto are about the most basic of human attributes – status.

Talk to a cop that works the ghetto and he will be the most cynical guy you will meet. The reason is he spends his days working cases that have no rational explanation. Ray-Ray pops Darius one night not because of a business beef. No, Ray-Ray did not like the way Darius looked at him at a cookout so he walked up on him and started blasting. Sometimes, there is simply no reason at all. Ray-Ray just decided to kill Darius “cause he got to go.”

Of course, no one in the neighborhood talks to the cops. Again, the white romantics get it all wrong. The “community” is not hostile to the cops because of race. They are hostile because they are hostile to everyone. The ghetto is not a community. It is just a bunch of people who live in close quarters. One neighbor will steal from another and then shamelessly be seen on the street with the neighbor’s property. It is the one place where Hobbes was right.

All of the sentimental explanations for the ghetto are to avoid the reality of the situation. More important, they allow good whites to avoid facing up to doing what has proven to work. You did not see this level of dysfunction and violence in the black neighborhoods in the 50’s and 60’s. Every metric for blacks has gone the wrong way since desegregation. Literacy, crime, drugs, illegitimacy, etc. are all worse for blacks today than they were in the bad old days of segregation.

That is not to say integration magically turned some blacks into savages. It is that intolerance of bad behavior was an essential element of segregation. Whites had a “zero tolerance policy” for certain types of behavior from blacks. Black leaders, not wanting trouble, would police their ranks more ruthlessly than those imaginary bad whites the good whites are endlessly telling us are the cause of all bad things. Segregation made black leaders responsible for their people and therefore intolerant of misbehavior.

Over the last forty years, every black person with a clue has gotten as far away from the black neighborhoods as possible. The result is the ghetto is now a concentrated population of the worst black America has to offer. There is no one inside to police the ranks, so we end up with a blue wall around the reservation that maintains the border. When a body turns up, there is some effort to find the killer, but most times the crime goes unsolved.

There is no going back to segregation even if there was the will to do so, but there are lessons to be learned. The one lesson from the bad old days is that intolerance is under appreciated. Celebrating the dysfunction and general lunacy of the underclass not only encourages it, but it also gives people, who should know better, a reason to ignore it. The music company executives, for example, who promoted hip-hop in the 80’s, should have been keelhauled. Instead, they were made extraordinarily rich from the promotion of murder and mayhem.

Intolerance is why stop and frisk worked so well in New York. It took the status out of thug life. If you went out with your pants around your ankles and your hat on sideways, the cops would humiliate you on the street. No one looks hard when they have their hands against the wall and a cop has pulled their pants down, looking for weapons and drugs. Remove the status from thug life and you get less of it. Ban the public display of “black culture” in West Baltimore and crime drops quickly.

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John the River
8 years ago

“”That’s not to say integration magically turned some blacks into savages. It’s that intolerance of bad behavior was an essential element of segregation. Whites had a “zero tolerance policy” for certain types of behavior from blacks. Black leaders, not wanting trouble, would police their ranks more ruthlessly than those imaginary bad whites …. Segregation made black leaders responsible for their people and therefore intolerant of misbehavior.” I’m afraid the “Black Leaders’ are now riding a tiger grown vicious and beyond their control. I submit that with the growth of the urban drug trade the cash infusion and the need for… Read more »

8 years ago

Several years ago, a black woman who taught in a black country school in Northeast Texas said to me in conversation, “When Brown vs. the Board of Education was handed down, we thought it meant we now would get new textbooks, just like the white schools. We thought it meant we would get new equipment for our science labs, just like the white schools. We thought we would get new instruments for the band and new athletic equipment. We did not think it meant the destruction of our schools.” But, she added, that is what happened with desegregation. Schools were… Read more »

James LaFond
8 years ago

Z-man, this was an excellent, on-point exposition of the lunacy that abounds here in Baltimore. Not only is black culture status on display in West Baltimore, it is supported by the mayor and the Feds and is being virulently exported to eastern and northern Baltimore County according to federal demands upon Baltimore County and also–over the past three years–by the duplicity of the Baltimore Housing Authority, which has been placing welfare mothers and their fatherless broods and semi-dependent criminal breeding drones, from the most criminal ghettos of the city into Baltimore County by buying houses at auction. White Flight is… Read more »

Reply to  James LaFond
8 years ago

When I lived in a relatively poor area of an industrial northern city in England, the home owners there didn’t have much but they (mostly) owned their own homes. They were what we call terrace houses with tiny or non-existent front gardens and small back yards/gardens, and usually only two or maybe three bedrooms (sometimes with one divided into two to accommodate the bathroom) with kitchen and livening room downstairs. Be it ever so humble, etc, but it provided small homes. Then the local (socialist) council got worried about the level of crime and anti-social behaviour in their neat, pretty… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
8 years ago

Saw this up close and personal during stint in Detroit in the 80s. Everyone, and I mean everyone that had a middle or lower middle class job got the hell out of dodge. Funny, if you saw “Gran Torino” and the “spooks” scene, that closed bank branch on Charlevoix looked the same in 1985 as it did 25 years later. Used to loop through there almost every day to get on the Belle Isle bridge. Interestingly there was also a population of former Appalachian white trash that lived up near the Detroit Edison plant and whose neighborhood was every bit… Read more »

8 years ago

I recommend James LaFonds posts on Harm City, aka Baltimore, for more insight. Plus some references for a possible future post: From The Color of Crime 2016 revised edition “If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent. In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.” over NYC gunfire statistics for 2011: “Whites are less than 3 percent of the hundreds of suspects who criminally fired weapons, while blacks, who make… Read more »

Reply to  guest
8 years ago

LaFond lives in Balto and deals with the ghetto population. He has an interesting perspective on things there.

8 years ago

An important question involves where this leads eventually under dire circumstances, in future tense, the passion and limits of cognitive grasp of circumstances and unintended consequences, that murdering others as a justified concept of social order, within cultural norms of urban enclaves, is not conducive to general happiness in the long run for anyone, that it is a devolving and downward spiral. Sure, it works well in a third world African shithole, it is survival of the fittest and nothing more or less, it is at human rock bottom. Is there a breakout from these areas in the making, is… Read more »

Terry Baker
8 years ago

This is as clear an explanation of the problem as I have ever come across. The linked site and maps are an excellent guide to what is happening. I have read that the black on black murder rate here in the states is roughly the same as west Africa generally. Is this true?

And why would our current administration encourage this behavior? How do they gain by it?

Reply to  Terry Baker
8 years ago

Actually YTD is 256 which puts Chicago on track for over 600 homicides this year. Most of these are committed by blacks and most of the victims are black. Meanwhile, the Black Lives Matter idiots were protesting Milo at DePaul rather than trying to fix the real problems in Chicago. Black Lives Matter. Pull my finger.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Found this fascinating when it came out…though it fits the pattern one would expect and also suggests why programs like stop, question and sometimes frisk worked so well… these are relatively small networks and beat cops know who the perps are. Under those circumstances disrupting the network is really not that hard.

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  Saml Adams
8 years ago

Yes, the cops know exactly who the perps are. It’s why they are always ready to hang a crime on a known serial perpetrator even if they know that in that particular case he probably dindunuffin…because they KNOW that at some point prior he didusumpin.

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  Terry Baker
8 years ago

“And why would our current administration encourage this behavior? How do they gain by it?” (A) They simply don’t care about the welfare of black people. If you are black and in a position of real power, that usually means you spent your political life getting away from Black problems, not trying to solve them. Or, you actively leveraged black dysfunction for political value (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Barry Soetero) so therefore you want to preserve or increase it, not eliminate it. (B) If blacks weren’t killing each other, how could you blame Whitey for it? Ghetto deaths have… Read more »

8 years ago

Not only are we no longer intolerant of bad behavior, we now subsidize it.

Kids out of wedlock? Congrats! Here’s you allowance.

Can’t get a job (because of a long rap sheet, illiteracy, and general thug appearance), here’s your allowance.

We get what we pay for.

8 years ago

“Remove the status from thug life and you get less of it.” Hand sorting of garbage for recyclables. A reason for our cultural declines is that people seek to imitate the ruling classes. Those who are above the law are seen as the rulers. Those who do no work and are able to spend all their time with the hoes. Those we are not allowed to criticize. Between the treasonous top and the murderous low class ends of the (D)irtbag parties ruling coalition, I don’t think a society has ever been dominated by such useless trash. Children growing up in… Read more »

8 years ago

There’s no way to say this without sounding awful, but…. I really wish it were “well-organized street gangs in territorial wars over the drug trade.” The cops could cut a deal with them, similar to the old arrangement between local police and the Mafia back when. In effect, reimposing segregation…. but segregating the irreducible minority of people who will never be productive members of society, and who will end up in the gutter no matter what anyone does. Drugs let those folks opt out, and so to a lesser extent do firearms — as you say, Darius gon’ blast Ray-Ray… Read more »

John the River
8 years ago

If it wasn’t for all the normal, decent and hard working Negros I’ve known and worked with I’d seriously be considering joining the KKK. They are I believe the majority.

How about a class action suit directed at the networks for their action in ONLY popularizing the ‘Thug Life’?

8 years ago

The illusion is the thing. TV crime dramas show clever people — both white and black — solving complex crimes committed by mostly-white people with a reason to do them but justice is done. More, someone I was reading the other day pointed out that Batman never fights a black villain: the bad guys are white with face paints as far as I can recall, but I am no fan of the Gotham tales especially as the perps turn up time and time again which says more about the court and prison system than anything else. Reality is a lot… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

Yes, but, being writers even they may look at it from a second point of view, the forbidden one. What’s interesting about black crime? If, for example, serial killers are your thing, whites are hands down more interesting than blacks. I hope my racial pride is not showing.

Reply to  james wilson
8 years ago

You are right, James: my racial prejudice tells me a show about black people is less interesting than one about white people. Inserting token black people in the show is understandable, and giving them lines that show them to be the best in their class, etc, is fine. There are bright black people indeed. Possibly though we would be troubled by a story of a skilled, ruthless serial killer who is black. Perhaps it is one thing (white) television audiences would be unhappy with, fearing it could happen.

Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

It already has happened; it’s just not reported widely. According to this article, Carl Eugene Watts, a black serial killer, may have more kills than John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy. Combined.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

I think if you look at the history of crime, the most complex crimes are committed by white-Europeans; train robberies, bank jobs, corporate embezzlement and various corporate scams. Blacks are typically associated with “thug” criminality that is more along the lines of crimes of opportunity rather than crimes that require well planned timing and execution. This is also true of organized black violence; when was the last time a black military leader was noted in history? The Detroit and LA riots were spontaneous, certainly not planned.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Agreed, Karl. See my comment to James above.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

@ UKer – Yes, you nailed it. I don’t think there’s ever been a serial black killer anywhere that I’ve heard of. I challenge anyone to list a Hollywood movie that has a serial or psychotic killer like in ‘Saw’, ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’, ‘Freddy’ or ‘Dexter’. Hollywood always picks white nut-jobs for their characters. In my eyes, the Scandinavians have the best authors for psychotic murder stories (e.g. Hennig Mankell)…and all the killers are white. On the flip side, in real life, it’s always whites who have tied up and molested women and children in a basement somewhere or… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Oh no, the black serial killer is alive and well, approx 40% of the US serial population, but they are a different breed (so to speak) of killer. With the possible exception of Wayne Williams, the Atlanta SK, their murders are not defined by obsessive ritual. Neither are Mestizo spree killers (Night Stalker).

John the River
Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

Really? What happened to fifty dollars or thirty days? Lots of highway that has trash to be picked up, culverts cleaned out, dead skunks disposed of.
Detroit has acres (square miles really) of dead, abandoned buildings that need to be torn down, the salvageable parts neatly loaded on trucks and the lots raked flat and planted with grass, trees or whatever. I’m guessing the UK also has candidates for that kind of activity.
What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

And if they didn’t have access to guns, would be number of murders be lower? I read some time ago that in the US, gun-related murders are actually a small percentage of the cause of death and are well behind deaths caused by physical assault (beatings), blunt trauma (baseball bats, etc.) and knife wounds. The question here is not pro or anti gun but simply to understand the primary cause of death in these cases. And does the cause of death change between racial groups when you look at White or Hispanic murders?

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Speaking of crime and young men this is an excellent essay.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Interesting numbers from your FBI website: (2010 data) “Concerning murder victims for whom race was known, 50.4 percent were black, 47.0 percent were white, and 2.6 percent were of other races. Of the offenders for whom race was known, 53.1 percent were black, 44.6 percent were white, and 2.3 percent were of other races.” Statistically, this would indicate blacks don’t lead whites by much either as victims or offenders. Perhaps the big differences is black on white vs. black on black victims/offenders.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

“Statistically, this would indicate blacks don’t lead whites by much either as victims or offenders” Perhaps you have a learning disability.

Reply to  james wilson
8 years ago

He probably doesn’t realize that blacks are only 13% of the US population.
To spell it out completely, 13% of the population commits 50% of the murders.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

You are aware that the United States is not 50/50 black and white? Blacks are only about 12% of the population, yet they are more than half the murdered and the murderers.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
8 years ago

“…murder victims/offenders for whom race was known…” This statement indicates the percentages listed are based on a total number of murder victims/offenders, not the number of murder victims based on separate demographic populations. I would agree those statistics may be significantly different.

“There are three types of lies — lies, damn lies, and statistics.”
― Benjamin Disraeli

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Our primary criminal element in Germany is foreign (e.g. non-ethnic German); with our prisons population being a majority of Turks, Russians, Romanians, Albanians, etc.. Our government doesn’t differentiate demographically as does the US in terms of ethnicity (black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.) and since all prisoners are German citizens, they’re counted as “German”. But everyone knows the real story. Gun crime however is very low across most of Europe with the exception of those associated directly with the attacks in Belgium and Paris.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

The Bureau of Justice statistical abstracts are probably the most devastating counter to most gun-grabber proposals. It is too bad that the numbers are not taken down to the zip code level–but once you cut by age/race demographic and toss in a major metro overlay the conclusions are pretty simple. If you are not a combo of black, male, under 30 and live in one of the top 20 metros, you are at higher risk walking down the street in Amsterdam.

This never makes the news cycle.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Herr Horst, I would remind you that Chicago is a “gun free” city. Guns are illegal to begin with. Plus the data you are looking at was published in 2010 which no doubt barely covers the time Obozo started his first term as president. And that data is national, not just for Chicago. The problem has only escalated since then so you must make allowances for that fact.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

@ Infidel – “gun free” means no one is allowed to own a firearm who lives in the city limits? How is that possible when your Constitutional amendment states the right to bear arms?

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

It means just what it says. Cities and States completely ignore 2nd Amendment Rights by doing their own “word-smithing” to make it mean what they (liberals) want. You really need to read more about this hot/important issue.

John the River
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Example: Washington, D.C. lost a Supreme Court case years ago that said the City could not deny gun permits and forbid the private ownership of handguns. Lost. In the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court.
That plaintiff is still vainly waiting and the City is still erecting new hurdles and barriers. And that is why nobody says “Americas a free country” anymore.

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Karl, you need to flush out your headgear. There’s a lot of retarded leftist progressive bullshit that the German public education system taught you about America.

But hey–don’t feel bad. There’s a lot of retarded leftist progressive bullshit that the American public education system teaches Americans about America…so you’re in good company. Unfortunately.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Buckaroo Banzai
8 years ago

@ Buckaroo – I appreciate any redirection. Trying to find accurate data, even from US or Germen government reports, is a never ending challenge. While I can’t speak to the US education system, I’d be curious to know what you have experienced in German schools. To be honest, most of what I learned about the US was from 20-years in the Bay Area. Living there was an education in its own right.

Wayne Parker
Wayne Parker
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

I’m an attorney who works pro bono on Second Amendment issues and follows the litigation as it unfolds through our courts. I also work with law enforcement buddies on understanding street crime and particular gun related violence in large American cities. Over the last 35 years or so, several large American cities have tried to basically ban handguns, other types of firearms and/or ammunition within their city limits but all such laws have been successfully challenged. For example, I live in San Francisco and back in 2005 the city government put a proposed ordinance (“Proposition H”) on the ballot that… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

His panics and muzzies fill out the White numbers.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

50% were blck while blacks only make up 13% of the total population.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Pretty sure the homicide rate in Switzerland is essentially zero, and it’s illegal to not own guns there. Although Switzerland is following the west down the rabbit hole since 1971 with women’s suffrage, they did get a late start. It is regrettable that no matter if the homicide rate among young male Afericans quintupled it would effect no change in the makeup of the ghetto because the female breeders are unaffected when twenty women may share the same baby daddy anyway. The welfare society puts Darwin on his head and promotes survival of the least fit. Like the Amish, we… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  james wilson
8 years ago

It used to be the practice in Switzerland that Swiss soldiers would take their weapons and ammunition home with them as part of their reserve duty kit. It’s not uncommon even today to see soldiers on trains and busses with full kit. However, over the past few years, a number of soldiers committed suicide or assaulted family members with their issued weapons. The Swiss Army still issues rifles, but not ammunition.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Why does everyone use the Swiss as an example of a gun “tolerant” society?

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

Probably because unlike the US military, they let their soldiers take weapon home. The Swiss have a very active reserve military and really no one even notices even on Saturdays when you can hear them at the rifle range. I’ve often seen Swiss soldiers in trains and busses fully armed. No one’s worried. Now, if a city bus pulled up in say San Francisco or Fremont with half a dozen soldiers with M-16 and full gear, I suspect there would be panic in the streets. While the Americans are proud of their military, they still don’t really trust them on… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

If you remove blacks and Hispanics from of the equation, the homicide rate would drop 90+% overnight to European levels or bellow, depends on which European country. When Obama compares our crime rates he somehow never brings this up, that diversity accounts for the difference, not guns or gun ownership.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  guest
8 years ago

Germans are allowed to own and keep guns at home just like Americans. However we do have tight requirements for ownership. We have had a few school shootings where the student was able to gain access to their fathers legally owned guns, just like in the American school shooting incidents, but it is a very rare occurrence. But yes, generally, gun crime is nearly zero across Europe. Knifings however, are a different story that doesn’t get much press.

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

“In theory, sure, no guns around would result in fewer homicides most likely.”

That doesn’t sound likely to me. More guns means less crime. Lott proved it.

Mostly Cajun
8 years ago

The ’60’ figure is for the MONTH of May. As of this morning, they’re at 230 for the year.

Walt Reed
Walt Reed
Reply to  Mostly Cajun
8 years ago

252 for the year.

Reply to  Walt Reed
8 years ago

Should we start a pool?

Anonymous Bro
Anonymous Bro
8 years ago

Why do you think segregation is impossible even if there was the political will to do it?

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

The cleansing of center city, while true, applies to only a dozen or so cities. Despite the new condo and apartment construction, only urban hipsters and the artsy-fartsy types are moving to Dtwn LA. I read something that developers have now fully satiated that niche, and then some. I just see more Fergusons (which, BTW, was nothing novel in-and-of itself. Simply a replay of Inglewood and Compton of the 60s. It was just new to greater St Louis.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Sounds very much like the 1600’s when Cromwellian soldiers surrounded the Irish elites in their tower-forts. We all know how that turned out…heads on pikes!

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Mr Z: The folks from the inner city are petrified of the rural areas. This is true of all flavors of the hive dwellers. Night time is particularly entertaining, with their sense of direction nonexistent and no illumination to speak of.
The stories are rich. Soapweed

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing program (Yes, that is a real thing.) is making a start on that. For example, Dubuque, IA, recently discovered that Chicago was the center of its geo region for AFFH purposes, so its public housing must be adjusted to have the same % blacks as does Chicago’s. It is currently being flooded with Section 8 applications from Cook Co. blacks – which the feds say it must accept. Picture Dubuque in 10 years’ time. I live in a small, rural town in the same zone – with 0% blacks. Our time is coming.

8 years ago

“Every metric for blacks has gone the wrong way since welfare started.” There, I fixed it for ya. Nothing wrong with ending forced segregation. What’s just as wrong is what followed it, forced integration. Never will government lay off and let people figure out things on their own. Anyway, are you suggesting we NOT decriminalize drugs? Yeah, that’ll help. Let’s continue this program that has destroyed countless lives for decades. At least some people get rich off it. The reason to decriminalize is because it is idiocy and tramples liberty, not because “blacks” (now there’s some collective-speak for ya) might… Read more »

8 years ago

None of this should be surprising, since average US black IQ is only slightly above that of a retarded white. There are many other cognitive differences as well (r/K selection, time preference, etc.), which are due to evolution. The environment that blacks evolved in was very different than the one whites evolved in, so it should not be surprising that a society that works well for 1 won’t work for the other. The only solution is either going back to militant segregation (for what benefit to us?) or deporting them all back to Africa. Perhaps the coming race riots in… Read more »

8 years ago

[…] On Baltimore: […]

8 years ago

Two points: Derbyshire – it’s statistical, in that blacks appear to have a larger percentage of feral assholes. Not hugely larger, but big enough to drag all of them down. Suppose you had not just one loser cousin to look out for, but 3 of them? History, evolution and welfare. My peeps are German, I’m pure Saxon heritage, complete with big square head requiring block press every morning. Imagine how the Romans felt when my swaggering, feral asshole ancestors turned up. The difference is that the Romans killed their feral German assholes expeditiously and we give our feral black assholes… Read more »

8 years ago

Yet, a real gorilla gets all the attention.

8 years ago

Can’t vouch for the accuracy of this site but looks mighty interesting.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

The author there is dead accurate (no pun meant) and I believe may be an ex-Chicago cop.