Unnecessary Toughness

I finally finished watching the series Justified. Binge watching is my preferred method of watching these things nowadays, but it still took me two months to watch the whole series. I guess I am a slow watcher. Admittedly my taste in TV shows is pedestrian. I just do not expect TV shows or movies to be art or anything close to art. They are intended to entertain the average person. Against that standard, I would rank the series highly. It was not quite as good as Breaking Bad, but it was better than Sons of Anarchy, which went on too long and ended ridiculously.

I somewhat expected the same result as I entered the final season of Justified, despite the particularly good writing of the first five seasons. These long form dramas seem to lose their footing at the end for some reason. My hunch is the creators produce a great idea that works over a single season. They get picked up and put together a few more seasons and then run out of ideas or they cannot figure out how to bring it to a close. That was not the case here as the writers wrapped it up in a sensible way that worked with the rest of the series.

I do not want to give anything away, in case I am not the last person on earth to have watched the series, but what struck me about it was how the main character was a man from start to finish. By that I mean he was what we used to expect from leading men on TV and in movies. He was not racked with guilt or morally compromised. There were plenty of forks in the road where the main character had to figure out the right course, but there was none of the brooding and self-doubt we see in the modern leading man.

That is not typical today. In fact, it is rare. I mentioned Sons of Anarchy and that is a good example of the modern leading man. The hero of that series is always racked with guilt, doubt and Lord knows what else. The rebooted Batman, the one I watched anyway, is mostly about the hero’s battle with mental illness, instead of his fight with the threats to society. That is the model for the modern leading male. They are emotional cripples struggling to keep from leaping off a roof. Even James Bond has been turned into a head case. The last one I saw had him dealing with mommy issues.

Of course, male leads today almost always look like a pillow-biter’s wet dream. Steve Sailer has pointed out that most casting directors in Hollywood are effeminate gay men. The others are middle-aged women so the casting of male leads tends toward the fantasy male that appeals to old maids and queens. The result is steroidal freaks, who look like they spend all their time at the YMCA working out, among other things. That is something else that is changed. It used to be that a male lead lacked the sort of vanity that leads someone to steroid up and use “product.”

Tastes change and styles come and go so it may be nothing more than that, but I was struck by how out of place Justified seemed compared to modern dramas. The main character is a normal looking man, middle-aged with some gray around the temples. He is not a cartoonish looking brute or a mentally unstable pretty boy. His physical confrontations happen within the laws of physiology, as well as the laws of physics. The striking thing is that he is a genuine tough guy in the old time sense. When it comes time to face off with the bad guy, he faces off with the bad guy.

The classic western, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, addresses the issue of traditional male in the modern world. John Wayne is the classic tough guy who operates on the edge of society, protecting society, but never quite part of it. Jimmy Stewart is what passed for the beta male hipster back in the day. Wayne settles things the old fashioned way. Stewart settles things in court arguing the law and morality. The movie never resolves the tension between the two male roles in society, suggesting there is no resolution, just a balance and a tension.

The near total lack of traditional male leads today probably reflects the fact post-scarcity America has lost the will or ability to do the hard work of civilization. Maybe it is simply no longer necessary. The people making TV and movies seem to think that is the case. Hollywood is, after all, the agit-prop of the ruling class. The people in charge want docile males, who are willing to be bossed around by women in Lycra jumpsuits. For the same reason the schools dope up the boys, Hollywood promotes the ideal male as being the Stepin Fetchit for the womyn’s studies department.

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8 years ago

Raylen Givens was not a “normal looking man”. He was seriously hot with a healthy dose of Southern bad-ass charm. But I guess I get your drift in that he was not effeminate in any way. I really enjoyed Justified, and my favorite character was Boyd Crowder. Although he was Raylen’s arch-nemesis, and one of the “bad guys”, he was another real man, handsome, charming, and a complex character whose next move was not always predictable.

Reply to  Kathleen
8 years ago

Amen, Kathleen, amen.

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Truth be told, Timothy Olyphant is painfully thin. I don’t remember him being so thin in Deadwood.
That said……are you taunting the wretched ? Red pilled guy??

Backwoods Engineer
8 years ago

They had pretty good “gun stuff” on Justified, too. None of these vastly ignorant “Glock clocking” noises that get added in post-production whenever the hero or a bad guy points a striker fired gun. They even referred to Dennis Tueller’s classic article in SWAT Magazine that got turned into the “21-foot rule,” which (spoilers) the gator-wrestling Crowe from Florida found out wasn’t a limitation for Raylan. Decently-written gunfights, too. Being from the back woods, I related to this show pretty well. When I was growing up, there were people like the supporting cast’s characters. I have known men like Raylan… Read more »

Reply to  Backwoods Engineer
8 years ago

Quite true. Hollywood seems to think striker-fired pistols have invisible hammers that exist for the sole purpose of allowing the operator to convey sincerity. Good guy points the gun at bad guys temple, bad guy doesn’t give a shit. Good guy “cocks” his Glock, bad guy shits his pants and spills the beans on his boss’s whereabouts. Amazing doohickey, that invisible hammer. Another thing that gets me (although it’s gotten better) is how badly TV guns rattle when waived around. Apparently handling a firearm is supposed to sound like you’re digging around in your silverware drawer. Ummmm, dude, I’m pretty… Read more »

James LePore
8 years ago

Leonard’s writing was as good as it gets. Here he talks about Justified:


Here he is on writing:


If you’re interested in great contemporary fiction, read everything of his you can get your hands on.

8 years ago

I’ve never lived “country” but when I first encountered the show Justified, I found it fresh, interesting, and bold in a politically correct time when we are told to leave things to the justice system and we can’t defend ourselves. It really doesn’t matter that the people are country because no matter the setting you find the same attitudes everywhere. Just look at what is going on with the DNC shake up. They, the leadership, won’t take responsibility. Now it is about failed computer security and Putin messing around in US elections (a little payback for what Hillary did to… Read more »

Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

What’d Hillary do to Putin? Give him a Wedgie?

james wilson
james wilson
8 years ago

Elmore was a Western writer writing updated Westerns. His good guys often had much in common with his bad guys which also made all his characters more interesting.

8 years ago

For what it’s worth one of my kids took a liking to old westerns and war movies. American Grit so to speak. As I did, he liked John Wayne, Charles Bronson, Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood… Rawhide, The Rifleman, The Dirty Dozen, Kelly’s Heroes, Bonanza…

I’ll never forget out all the kids in his elementary classes about ten year ago, he was the only one that knew who John Wayne was. We feminize our boys today. Make them soft and in touch with their feelings. They don’t know struggle.

8 years ago

You need to watch Longmire.

Reply to  snopercod
8 years ago

I was thinking the same thing!

8 years ago

I tried watching this on the recommendation of a non-redpilled friend and didn’t get past the first episode. Oh yeah, White Supremacist terrorists. Click.

8 years ago

Once they have us all convinced we’re mentally ill, it’ll be easier to medicate us all.

You know I once almost got kicked off a group blog for daring to suggest that maybe the problem with Arabs was selfish genes promoting tribalism and inbreeding. I also speculated that possibly fighting them wasn’t going to fix the problem and that maybe the only solution short of genocide was to medicate them all. Thanks for providing a place where we can discuss mokita.

8 years ago

As pointed out already, Justified came originally from Elmore Leonard, and he wrote damn good stories with believable people in tough situations. I loved Justified but couldn’t get anyone else in the family to see it was way better than most of the competition, but even so I found it waning from about series four. Never saw it to its series conclusion though. I wasn’t impressed with Sons of Anarchy from what I saw and while Breaking Bad was intelligent, clever and even plausible, the last few episodes had the same issues of ‘running out of ideas and we gotta… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

They mitigate this by splitting up last seasons, like they did with Breaking Bad and Mad Men, turning the last 16 episode season into smaller, 2×8 episode seasons, the final two upcoming Game of Thrones seasons will also only be 7 and 6 episodes respectively, apparently George R.R. Martin can’t think of rape scenes fast enough anymore…

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

@ UKer – I highly recommend Vikings if you haven’t seen it. Excellent show loosely based on historical fact. Well worth a watch.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Thanks Karl. Vikings is very good, but I slightly prefer the lunatic Vikes in Bernard Cornwell’s The Last Kingdom. But then, I am English and tend to look on them danish invaders as less than perfect. But I have to say, if I ever needed a shield maiden at my side then Katherine Winnick gets my vote!

Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

I thought the BBC adaptation was very good – but they couldn’t resist throwing some women into the combat. Made for some utterly ridiculous scenes. The worst was the 90-lb nun who, without any armor could kill spear-Danes at will.

Reply to  Drake
8 years ago

You don’t believe God was on her side?? Humm?

Reply to  Drake
8 years ago

Drake: I would agree except that there were warrior women in olden times — okay, maybe not nuns as such — but Boudicca was one of them. We also have to accept that TV, like books and movies and even stage plays, have to bow to the current political climate. Right now we have to say women are the equal of men in all things, so therefore all battles can be won with women. It isn’t quite true, but just like TV ads etc have to show happy mixed race families, it is just what is expected today. Mind you,… Read more »

El Polacko
El Polacko
8 years ago

I think I warned you that “Justified” was damn good teevee.

Just binge watched it again myself because nothing else current holds a candle to it.

My favorite character was the perennial f^%k-up bad guy Dewey Crowe, whose character was played by Australian actor Damn Harriman.

The bit where they tricked him into thinking other bad guys stole his kidneys had me in stitches.

The series also had some of the hottest women that have ever lived.

8 years ago

“Justified” was a great show. Even the side characters and bit players had depth and complexity.

8 years ago

way, way off topic here——-but did i see Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings doing the DNC roll call?

Wasn’t she exposed as completely incompetent and fathoms over her head during Freddie Gray…..being hustled off stage by her handlers and all?

I understand the idiots in Baltimore voting for her……but do TPTB at the DNC think it wise to trot this post turtle out for national viewing? Are they insane?

Reply to  jimmyD
8 years ago

Do you mean the district attorney? She is the one that blew the Grey trial up.
The one doing roll call is the mayor, I believe.

Reply to  Shelby
8 years ago

The DA is another piece of work. But it was Rawlings who told the po-po to sit on their hands and mangled every press conference she gave.

Reply to  Shelby
8 years ago

That would be Mosby. Marilyn Mosby.

Reply to  jimmyD
8 years ago

But of course! Michael Savage – “Liberalism is a mental disorder.”

8 years ago

Actually, I was kind of hoping Liberty would kill Rance, and Tom would get the chick.

Jak Black
Jak Black
8 years ago

Agree regarding tying up the season. Just perfect.
It’s not always 1 season-worth of ideas. In the case of Supernatural (highly recommended, btw), they originally planned a 5 season arc, which would have had the perfect ending…then continued and had to “resurrect” one of the main characters.

8 years ago

Zee, i would bookmark this link for all your future binge watching needs, just in case something gets removed from netflix and the likes in the future…

And go with the 2012 Vegas TV series next, as it’s only one season where they tie things up nicely.

8 years ago

I just watch old movies. And don’t stress.

Reply to  Glenn
8 years ago

Saddest thing is when the Hollywood gurus have to outsource tough guys.

Reply to  Glenn
8 years ago

Don’t you get tired of that. Always some Aussie or Brit instead of an American. Nothing wrong with a little variety, but all the time? Come on! Even in American War movies. I think American Sniper’s Bradley Cooper is one of the few to get a lead role instead of people like Gerard Butler being Secret Service protecting the US President. Stuff like that. Good actor … good movie but still.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

@ LetsPlay – I always thought it was odd that non-American actors played major roles in “The Patriot” (Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger) and “Band of Brothers” (Damian Lewis, Shane Taylor) given their significance in American history. But still, great shows. I have to make a point to visit Major Winter’s memorial in Sainte-Marie-du-Mont next time I visit Normandy.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

I have to believe it is part and parcel of the Hollywood bow to socialism in Europe. They cannot promote anything manly, virtuous, or American by using Americans because the historical topic is more than enough. It’s kind of a backhanded slap at America’s “exceptionalism.” I’m sure if people like Spielberg were interested they could make it happen. But of course, nothing.

Reply to  Glenn
8 years ago

Showed my son some classic Clint Eastwood stuff. He was amazed.