What Comes Next

I was listening to the James Miller interview of Greg Cochran the other day and at the end, Miller stated that he would not post an unedited version of the interview for fear of repercussions. The unedited version was six hours, but Miller cut it down to two hours. Cochran is not a PC guy and he says what he thinks, which can get you fired these days. Miller is a young man, who needs his job, so he has to be careful. It was an act of bravery for him to do the interview. Miller works on a college campus and there you can be declared a heretic simply by association.

A hobbyhorse item around here is the comparison between modern America and theocracies like Iran. In both countries, the ultimate authority is in the hands of a class of people charged with maintaining public morality. In both countries, those rules are arbitrary and capriciously enforced. In Iran, someone accused of heresy cannot appeal to the law. They must appeal to a cleric. In the US, someone accused of hate think cannot appeal to the courts or the ordinary rules of society. Instead, they are reduced to groveling at the feet of social justice warriors, hoping for leniency.

America is not a theocracy, of course, but it is a useful comparison. The PC enforcers on the college campus or in the corporate HR department are filled with the same self righteousness as the enforcers of Islamic law in Iran. In both cases, they feel they are entitled to commit monstrous acts, because they do so in the name of some great cause. The PC enforcers are not acting in the name of an anthropomorphic deity, but their justifications are just as supernatural. The endless war on abstract concepts like racism, sexism and so on is just as mystical as making war on lust or greed.

The reason to contemplate this is that at some point, people get tired of being pushed around by lunatics. Much of Donald Trump’s appeal is due to his dismissal of the PC piety that has come to dominate politics. A vote for Trump is really just a vote for the big old middle finger to the people in charge. The reason the alt-right was so happy to have Clinton engage them was so they could tell her and the rest of the Cloud People to go fuck themselves. There’s a lot of pent up “fuck you” out there after decades of preaching and scolding from our betters.

The thing is, Trump is probably going to lose in November. It’s not because the majority of voters are not down with the middle finger movement. It’s that most people are afraid of risk. Trump is a wild man and that makes him a wild card. Most men prefer the certainty of slavery than the risk of freedom, so rolling the dice on Trump is a lot to ask of voters. That does not change the fact that most people are sick to death of the PC enforcers. It’s just that they can’t quite bring themselves to defy their masters. Staying home, voting third party or knuckling under and voting for Clinton is safe, for now.

This brings me back to Iran. In 2011 protests erupted after the government rigged the elections. Students mostly, went to the streets and within days a full fledged revolt was underway. Given what had been happening with the so-called Arab spring, there was a hope that the mullahs would be forced out and something close to sanity would be restored to Persia. If you are going to pick a country that can join modernity, it would be Iran. That’s not what happened. President Obama came to the defense if his coreligionists and the protests were eventually crushed.

It is an important lesson. It is assumed that the reactionaries always lose and maybe they do in the fullness of time, but in the case of Iran, there’s no sign of that happening just yet. The reason is they have a firm grip on all of the social and political institutions and they are willing to do what they must to maintain power. In America, the Progressives have a similar hold on society and they are every bit as ruthless as their counterparts in Iran. They may not yet be sending trouble makers to labor camps, but they are willing to ruin careers. Has anyone seen Milo Yiannopoulos or Robert Stacey McCain on twitter recently?

The point is the Persian Awakening fizzled out mostly because the people in the streets were unwilling or unable to do what was necessary to break the will of the rulers. When the Soviet Union collapsed, it was because the people in charge had lost the will to fight. In Iran and America, that will to fight must be broken before the enforcers begin to yield to the people. Simply voting for Trump is not enough. Even putting him in the White House will not be enough. Twitter memes and mockery from comment trolls is not going to break the will of the lunatics.

In April 16, 1963 Martin Luther King wrote an open letter that came to be known as The Letter from Birmingham Jail. The letter addressed the particulars of the protests going on at the time, with regards to the Civil Rights Movement. The contents of the letter are no longer relevant, but the lesson is relevant today. What King was up to was giving the white majority a choice. They could go to war with the black population or negotiate a full integration of blacks into American society. The white world deal with King or the guys setting cars on fire and smashing windows.

Whether they know it or not, that’s the choice facing the ruling class. There is no doubt they nurse fantasies about crushing the hate thinkers after the election. Corpulent gasbags like Sloppy Williamson and Jonah Goldberg have written extensively about their desire to run people like you out of the country. The Left, of course, is chomping at the bit to stack the courts with authoritarians, who will vaporize the Bill of Rights and anything resembling citizenship. There were plenty of Bull Connors 50 years ago too.

Just as the Persian Awakening was crushed, the alt-right will probably be crushed, but these things don’t go away. They go underground and regroup. They learn from the defeat and come back better and more prepared to take the fight to the enemy. What comes next is always worse than what the ruling class imagined the first time. In retrospect, they always wish they had taken the first offer and loosened their grip every so slightly. Whether of not the Cloud People recognize what is on offer is hard to know, but the way to bet is they invest everything them have in crushing their opposition.

What comes next, however, will be much worse.

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Saml Adams
Saml Adams
8 years ago

What always make the difference in the end is which side is willing to die for what they believe in. What I’ve always noted with Progressives is they are willing to have other people die for what they believe, but shirk putting it on the line themselves. Gradually the Dirt People will be pushed into a corner where, as Dylan put it, “when you ain’t got nuthin, you got nothing to lose”. The Cloud People will be asking others to fight for their gated communities and way of life. I live behind enemy lines with these people. Individually they are… Read more »

Reply to  Saml Adams
8 years ago

I have watched enough videos of happy, well loved and well cared for family dogs sneaking out at night, forming packs (it takes three dogs to form a pack) and killing sheep to have hope for the creeping Saxon. We are going to find out if ‘blood will tell’ or not.

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
8 years ago

A number of posters here have beaten me to the punch and I applaud them all but here’s my 2¢ anyway. The two things I’m most afraid of (“concerned about” is far too gentle) are a) Hussein’s AFFI’s scheme to populate White redoubts with Sec 8 welfare-dependent, unemployable violent Blacks and muzzies and b) the handover of the Internet (ICANN) to the U.N. (or some self-anointed “Guardian of Peace” front group). On the first issue here’s a quote from John Derbyshire: “Fifty years—two entire human generations—and still they riot. Fifty years of fretting and fussing, of nagging and shaming, of… Read more »

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Fuel Filter
8 years ago

Hi FF, you have left very little of consequence to say, well done! I ALWAYS pay my debts, I also include interest.

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
Reply to  A.T. Tapman (Merica)
8 years ago

Thanx very much, AT.

8 years ago

Another parallel: the Ruling Class needs an enemy to fire up the slaves and to keep them distracted. Usually it’s foreign, but here it’s the the altright/evanagelicals/joe public conservatives/Dirt People collectively who are the Great Satan. I see it every day all over the msm.

Mark Dietzler
8 years ago

I am not so sure that the “alt-right” will be crushed. There are quite a few serious people with serious training who have vowed to collect 100 heads should things go really bad. They will not be waiting in their homes for the police to come knocking, and neither will anyone else that is paying attention. They will, instead, be out hunting the minor bureaucrat, local politician, resident assistant US Attorney, and news reporters that enable the totalitarian behavior of the left. Make those people too scared to go to work without massive police protection, and the entire Federal leviathan… Read more »

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Mark Dietzler
8 years ago

The real surprise is , it hasn’t happened YET! A couple of disappeared talking heads, a minor bureaucrat or two (Cass Sunstein anyone?), the local head of the college Gender Studies Department, they can’t guard everyone!

Reply to  Old Codger
8 years ago

Ezekiel Emanuel, please.

8 years ago

Something like 43% of the populace is on some kind of transfer payment. That is Trump’s first hurdle. Those that are on the support will be the ones least likely to pull the lever for Trump. Though I find it of interest that the leader of the New Black Panthers has picked up on the theme of the blacks traded one plantation owner for another.

173d Viet Vet
173d Viet Vet
8 years ago

Zman, your article is “spot on”. Yes, there is great anger pent up and bursting to get out. Blacks, possibly because of culture, have low thresholds of compassion for others and the lack of self-worth that productive employment brings. They only need the fuse to be lit. That is not to say that there aren’t rational and responsible black leaders. However, the good leaders get no “air-time” and are shunted aside. Whitey is seething as he sees his employment move overseas and his children stagnate in mediocre govt schools and then have no chance for decent jobs.. He sees the… Read more »

8 years ago

I agree with everything, except perhaps Trump losing. It could go either way, but with rigged polls this close right now if he was a Romney or McCain you could say he has it all wrapped up. His polling is even better after the alt right speech. What’s she gonna throw at him next?

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

How do you poll a population that doesn’t have, or for that matter won’t answer, a telephone? I am in the latter class. I am quite sure that I will not vote Damocrat, but where to from there.

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

I hate to be a downer, but Clinton will not be allowed to lose. I hope I’m wrong about this, but Trump doesn’t have a prayer. I’m pretty sure the die is already cast.

On the other hand, if I am wrong and Trump wins, he’ll likely be powerless because the Stupid Party will likely lose the Congress. I guess Trump could rule by fiat with his ‘pen and phone’, but that would likely just stir up butthurt if he did that. Either way, I don’t think the future is looking unicorn farts.

Reply to  earthdog
8 years ago

“he’ll likely be powerless because the Stupid Party will likely lose the Congress”

Obama doesn’t give a shit about Congress. He has a phone and a pen, he does whatever he wants. Why should Trump care who is “in charge” on Capitol Hill?

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

“The recent polls suggest no one really knows how to poll this thing yet.” That is a dynamic totally in Trump’s favor because they damn well know how to poll for Hillary. Trump will match or beat the Brexit mis-poll just while Hillary’s wooden personality is suppressing her own vote. The Hildabeast appears unable to speak without her right hand and index finger doing a rhythmic imitation of a woodpecker. She reminds me of a pull toy. We should feel fortunate in the quality of our enemy.

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Regarding the debates: If the Donald goes after the Hildabeast in a direct manner (i.e. – NOT politically correct) – I think he will win. On the other hand, if he goes “wimpy” like Romney did with Obumble on Benghazi, then the Trumpster won’t fare as well. Just my opinion. We shall see.

Reply to  teapartydoc
8 years ago

I feel I should add something more. When the Lewinsky thing hit the fan back way when, all Hillary had to do was make a passing reference to a “vast right wing conspiracy” in an interview on Sixty Minutes and it was all “Can’t we just move on?” If the media people had wanted to trip her up right then they would have asked her to elaborate on the assertion of a conspiracy. Any attempt to comprehensively answer that question would have ended with her looking silly. So here we are about twenty years later and the press is still… Read more »

J Clivas
8 years ago

You are too quick to give up, Z. Are you French?

King George III
King George III
Reply to  J Clivas
8 years ago

Just to note, the French have been under “cult of Reason” egalitarian democracy for longer than anyone else. America was still solidly aristocratic republican for another 50-70 years, Germany didn’t succumb until 1919, and then again after 1945, and other monarchies prevailed in most of the rest of Europe until the end of the Second World War.

Early-stage popular republic is an unresistable sweeping tide—Napoleon in Russia—it’s the hangover that isn’t so grand.

The French were formidable, and can be formidable again. When they finally mobilize in response to the Moslems occupying their cities they won’t soon demobilize after.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  J Clivas
8 years ago

Z didn’t give up……….he’s calculatin’ odds, and countin’ noses.

8 years ago

Kinda depressing Zman. The Iran revolt in 09 serves a lesson.. .sometimes there is no act II. Repression works. All it takes is the will to murder. The upset folks have too much to lose in America and the left knows it. The ones who agitate have back-up income streams OR have nothing to lose because they are students, etc. IF Trump loses, I’m with Ann Coulter. It’s game over. There will be no point in voting again. The Democrats will have won. Maybe a Pyrrhic victory ( we’ll see ) , but they’ll settle for that and in 8… Read more »

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Uncle_Max
8 years ago

“The Iran revolt in 09 serves a lesson.. .” No, it doesn’t. The Greens in Iran, needed tons of small arms just to get serious. They had ZILCH! They got ZILCH, when BHO sided with the Mullahs.

In stark contrast, there are now what? 400 million small arms (10 million or so of which are AR semi-auto rifles equal to or better than anything Barney Fife can bring to bear) and at least a few weeks worth of ammo out there in the good old US of A?

8 years ago

James Miller has too much to lose. This is the case with many men. The other case is that men are enjoying their comfort and ease. If you ask me; they are not men. They are boys, seeking to be nurtured. Pity.

Reply to  Fred
8 years ago

oops, should have said Cochran.

8 years ago

I keep saying that a vote for Trump is the only way to stave off the Worse (Trump is Bad in a choice between Bad and Worse). If his off-the-cuff clown-car version of Fascism doesn’t go, the hard men with armbands will figure it’s their time to give it a go. The Left have beautifully set up all our institutions for a gleichschaltung. It will be very, very bad.

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

They WILL decide that, sooner or later. So far the FBI and whatnot have managed to only murder folks perceived as fringe weirdos (Ruby Ridge, Koresh, Bundy, etc.) but three data points is a trend. The Vox Days of the world aren’t as smart as they think they are*, but they’re plenty smart enough to organize some very nasty stuff. (*to be fair, nobody’s as smart as Vox Day thinks he is).

Reply to  Severian
8 years ago

oh so now you ca read minds? Just like an SJW! You must be a hoot at parties

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

re: “The two guys who took out the Federal building in Oklahoma.” thezman

Love to know the truth on this affair. The Murrah Federal Building collapse had high order explosive damage which has never been acknowledged or explained, damage not possible with the low order ANFO truck bomb.

Dan Kurt

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Do you know about Jayna Davis’s work on this: http://www.jaynadavis.com/

It’s interesting how John Doe 2 became a non issue

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Dan Kurt
8 years ago

zman, Gotta go with Dan on this: Murrah Building was a Feddie false flag designed by those Arkansas hicks, to wipe out talk radio oppoes and start a full-scale seizure of small arms. Too bad Willie Jeff snorted so much cocaine, it rendered him incapable of carrying out his nefarious scheme.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Interestingly, these Left wing geniuses have tried to bolster their own “local” powers by “federalizing” and arming the local gendarmerie with heavy duty military-type weaponry. However, Barney Fife behind the wheel of a five ton armored vehicle remains Barney Fife, while his potential foes among the populace, are much more saavy and equally as well-armed, small caliber-wise. Thanks, Feds, for all that good sh*t when it finally hits the fan!

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Anders Breivik worked alone and claims he started planning his attack almost a decade before it took place and he killed 80 people. We have been lucky that, absent 9/11, most of the recent US attacks have been lone nutters who weren’t very organized. A couple of smart, organized people intent on causing mayhem could be much more lethal.

8 years ago

As the troops in the Wehrmacht said in ’45: “Enjoy the war; the peace will be terrible.”

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  FaCubeItches
8 years ago

Oh, thanks a lot! You just had to bring up that sore spot about the traitor FDR and how he purposely lost WWII to his good buddies, the Soviets, at a cost of billions in US funds and thousands of US lives!

8 years ago

Cant say that if HRC wins I’ll leave the country, seeing as I left it right after HRC left the White House, although that certainly wasn’t a factor in the decision. If she enters it again in the cat-bird’s seat and I were in the US, I’d be highly tempted to leave if I could. Sadly, I believe there’s a strong chance that our host is correct and she will be elected because most “prefer the certainty of slavery than the risk of freedom”. Double-sadly, they make it that much harder to change thing without violence, but triple-sadly, it’ll probably… Read more »

8 years ago

“America is not a theocracy,”

Of course it is .
The church of “American exceptionalism” has murdered millions.
Just like any other religion.

8 years ago

For i moment i thought this would be about Fred Reeds recent What now?

8 years ago

It will be worse for sure but worse for whom? I think we know the answer. In the near future everything is not going to be altright.