
If you had asked me about immigration 30 years ago, I would have shrugged and said it was a good thing for the country. My family, like most everyone I knew, came over from the old country. It was not until I reached adulthood, living in New England, that I became aware of people who traced their roots to the colonial times. Even so, I was trained in the American mythology about a nation of immigrants, so I just assumed immigration was mostly a good thing, when I bothered to think about it, which was not often.

It was only after I came to know recent migrants that I started changing my mind about the topic. The people, who had recently gone through the system, had very different ideas about it than Americans born here. More important, they had no illusions about the state of the population in the old country. Talk to recent migrants and they will be happy to tell you that most of the people they left behind should stay over there. The recent migrants left the old country for a reason.

This came to mind the other day when I sat listening to a Turk and an Indian discuss immigration. Both were Trump people exclusively on the immigration issue. Both had come to America the old fashioned way – legally. The Turk was a Coptic Christian. He left for America thirty years ago as a young man, figuring there was no future for Christians in Turkey. The Indian had come here on a student visa, got a job, fell in love with America and decided to stay. In both cases, it took ten years to gain citizenship.

One of the things you learn from immigrants, when it comes to the immigration issue, is they place a high value on citizenship. That’s because they spent a lot to get it. Acquiring citizenship was a transaction for them, not an accident of birth. The Turk in this story left his home, and all that he knew, because he correctly saw where things were heading in Turkey. He was a guy that sold all his stuff, bought as many black chips as he could afford, and pushed them into the middle of the table.

The other thing immigrants know is that America is a lonely place. Europe, for example, is full of old cities and villages where people grow up in the shadow of ancestors. There’s no fresh start in a place like that. Every man is just a dot on the timeline started by people long ago. In other parts of the world, there’s the shadow of history and the entanglements of tribe and clan. In a place like India, the obligations to family and custom are more limiting than anything government can conjure.

In America, immigrants are free to start their own timeline. The past is no longer a set of boundaries on them. Just as important, they are free of the family and tribal restrictions. The Turk in this story married a Greek woman, who was also an immigrant. The Indian went into a career that does not exist in India and even if it did, his family would not have approved. You can do those things where it is just you, striking out on your own. That’s the attraction of America. It’s a blank canvass for immigrants.

None of this means we should fling open our borders and let the world move to America. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Borders and barriers are a filtering mechanism that helps tamp down the number of bad migrants a country gets. If the Germans had been more scrupulous, for example, they would not have murderous Muslims rampaging through their streets right now. Europe is headed for a very dark time solely due to their rulers forgot that good borders make for good citizens.

America should be learning from this. We have no shortage of workers and we no longer have vast tracks of unexploited land. We could have zero immigration and no jobs would go unfilled. There’s also the cultural aspect. We have had high levels of immigration for half a century, but low levels of assimilation. Even if there is an economic argument for more migrants, and there isn’t, it is far outweighed by the cultural arguments. It will take many generations to absorb the current migrants.

Even so, low levels of legal immigration are probably a good thing. The people willing to go through all the steps it takes to migrate legally are going to be people who scrupulously observe the law. They are not coming here just to screw it all up for everyone including themselves. Recent legal immigrants tend to be hyper-patriotic for that reason. They take nothing for granted because they had to earn their citizenship. Their presence is a healthy reminder that citizenship has value.

That’s ultimately the truth about the open borders crowd. They place no value on citizenship. That’s because they put no value on people. To the open borders enthusiasts, humans are just undifferentiated raw material, inputs they can manipulate. Whether the material comes from home or abroad is irrelevant because everything normal people associate with being human is of no concern to the managerial types. They see people the way normal people look at furniture.

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Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

The west needs to close all its borders – period. The idea we somehow need illiterate, uneducated and culturally backwards immigrants to fill the jobs of the future is total nonsense and everyone with an IQ higher than a french fry knows it. America, and certainly Europe, is not full of wide open spaces as they once were and there are no fortunes to be made by honest work. No great forests, no vast farms, no great harbors. The early settlers and entrepreneurs have all ready settled and are now running everything and employing everyone. We even joke here in… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Karl; Do you think Merkel will win re-election? Do regular German folks know that their “news” outlets hide any mention (when possible) of muslim-immigrant crime which seems to be rampant? (though if you look at some UK news outlets, they do not hide this info). It seems to me that any political party that opposes from the right the standard left wing/social democrats is immediately branded as extreme right wing/neo-nazi, etc. For instance, in France, Marine Le Pen ‘s party is basically identified by the Euro mainstream media as “far right.” Am I wrong on this? Her party appears to… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  JohnTyler
8 years ago

It was interesting that for the first time in so many months, the AfD was actually given time to speak about the Berlin attack. A recent interview gave them about 10-minutes of air time. A year ago, they would never have been given any air time at all. They make it clear that they hold Chancellor Merkel personally responsible, and rightly so. As you say, “the buck stops here” and “here” is at her desk. To your points. “Yes” anyone hard right gets the Nazi label, but it is being used so frequently as to have lost any serious meaning.… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Mr. Horst, it is good to hear your righteous anger, especially in light of what just happened in Berlin. I agree with your post, except for the second paragraph. And by that I mean that America still has vast lands but most of it is “owned” by the federal government (for our own good, you know!); and their are fortunes still to be made. What I find odd is that no one questions the paradigm the world currently operates under. The basic premise of the economy is “growth.” However, the drive for endless growth, the corporate prerogative for endless, increasing… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

@ LetsPlay – What I meant by no fortunes left to be made was on the scale of the industrial giants of the late 1800’s (Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, etc.) I agree, tech can still make a few people rich, but today companies like Google and eBay despite their value, hire very few people in comparison to the millions who worked for steel, railroads and other industries of the last century. You are correct, Germany does take a great deal of technical pride and we are well known for excellent engineering and innovation. We also have very good working relationships with… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago


Agree completely. What anyone in the West should be asking their elites is, “So, how many of our fellow citizens should die so that you can continue to feel yourself superior to us_?”.

8 years ago

“Illegal immigration is to legal immigration as shoplifting is to shopping.”

8 years ago

Progressives have fallen hook, line, sinker for this bizarre notion that everybody is just the same, all cultures are relative and borders don’t matter. Somehow confusing a song (Imagine) with reality. Two events shaped my view. First growing up with the first generation of Cuban children born to refugees in South Florida. They were still Cuban, but intensely American in a way that is hard to describe. Hillary poked that hornets nest without realizing it a month ago. The second was working with a large cohort of Brezhnev era Russian emigres (we use a lot of quants in my business).… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
8 years ago

I think this misses the point somewhat, which is that everybody is the same isn’t the big thing but instead white people are bad.

Reply to  Taco_Town
8 years ago

Think the “white people are bad” got tacked on ex post when the “kumbaya” crap didn’t work. Remember the 1965 Act + subsequent illegal immigration basically gave the Progressives what they wished for…but when Nirvana didn’t happen it was time for a new theory….all white people are bad and are sabotaging the creation of Progressive Man(Woman, It, etc). I remember the Liberty City riots back in 1980. The first people the rioters went after were the Cubans not the caucasians.

James LePore
8 years ago

There has to be a motive for a crime. I believe the Cult wants open borders to 1. tip the political and cultural scales in their favor as they believe that most third world immigrants will vote Democrat, and 2. to poke a burning stick in the eye of the monstrous cyclops they call conservatism but which is really traditional America. #2 is especially the case regarding Muslim immigrants. With open borders the Cult gets to set the entire political and cultural agenda and to punish traditional Americans at the same time. Nirvana for them. Trump won because of this… Read more »

Reply to  James LePore
8 years ago

Yes, agree. Traditional Americans hold much strength so flooding the country with people from incompatible cultures who never assimilate will destroy that tradition, that power the people hold. It is destroying the fabric and heritage of our country and weakening the American public in addition to weakening American workers with low wages and scarcity of jobs due to too many immigrants doing the work for a lot less than the natives. I recently came across this information on the refugee resettlement program in the U.S. It is insane that we’re doing this. It’s a money-making scheme, financed by the taxpayer,… Read more »

Horace Pinker
Horace Pinker
Reply to  James LePore
8 years ago

I agree, too. It’s amazing how many SJWs have gotten on board with completely open borders over the past 18 months. Bernie did a Vox interview early in his campaign where he told Ezra Klein that open borders are a Kock bothers plot that would make all Americans poorer. I’ve repeatedly shown this interview to Bernie supporters that I know, while explaining that by embracing open borders, they’re siding with billionaire oligarchs who they’re supposed to hate. If you want to make it so that the “powers that be” can never be challenged, you couldn’t do better than open borders,… Read more »

Horace Pinker
Horace Pinker
Reply to  Horace Pinker
8 years ago

*Koch . . . and I’ll add that de facto oligarchy is a human universal, i.e., it’s existed in every society throughout history that people are aware of. Watering the seeds of liberty with the blood of tyrants every few generations sounds ugly and messy, and who the hell would want to do that if we could simply vote the people who rise to the top out of power once they inevitably start abusing it? Multiculturalism/diversity/open borders, etc. makes this all much harder. Most of us are looking at a squirrel while the oligarchs do their thing.

Reply to  James LePore
8 years ago

There’s that, but the lower level morons – my mother and her social circle in a university town comprise one such aggregation – subscribe with all their blessed little hearts to a Koombayah We Are The World, We Are The Children, We Are All One theory – or rather gushing sentiment.

8 years ago

“Recent legal immigrants tend to be hyper-patriotic for that reason. They take nothing for granted because they had to earn their citizenship. Their presence is a healthy reminder that citizenship has value.” Being an engineer, I know quite a few of these legal immigrants. Don’t kid yourself. Their loyalty is limited to the dollars they make. That’s the only reason they’re here. They retain their culture, and when clusters of them accumulate in organizations they tend to favor their own. I’ve also seen them take more than a few jobs that could easily have gone to American engineers who were… Read more »

Reply to  guess
8 years ago

I work in tech with some of the biggest, cutting edge technology companies in the world. My work brings me into contact with hundreds of hardware and software engineers every year. I can probably count on one hand the number of US-born, white engineers I met in 2016. From what I can see the field is now almost entirely Indian and Asian.

Nothing against Indians or Asians–I like them a lot. But it was not like this 10 years ago. The HB1 programs have destroyed the field for native-born engineers.

Reply to  Anon
8 years ago

I can’t tell if this is because white people no longer want to be engineers or employers will only hire Asian and South Asians or both. Most of the older American engineers seemed to have had few children, and those they had don’t want to go into tech. In engineering school, there were few Americans. Millennials are not really employable with some exceptions. The biggest companies seem to be the worst H1B offenders, but it seems the American talent pool is drying up also. The trades seem to be the same way: it’s rare to find Americans who aren’t too… Read more »

Reply to  PRCD
8 years ago

Traditionally, it was the somewhat square privileged white man who studied engineering in the universities. The public schools and the universities started pushing grrrlpower and diverrrsity hard in engineering and the sciences some time ago to remedy this blatantly racist situation. I well remember the incompetents this brought into the field, even back when I was in school. I imagine the situation has degenerated even further now, so it’s hardly surprising that there are fewer domestic engineering graduates worth hiring. I wouldn’t recommend that a kid go into engineering now anyway. Too much of this diversity and grrrlpower stuff going… Read more »

Reply to  guess
8 years ago

Since I have three young sons, I am highly interested in your advice. I think we will be competing with immigrants in all jobs. I can’t think of a single job or profession that isn’t trying to hire illegals or H1Bs – even in medicine. You have to do something with your life, so you might as well pick a job or profession and get good at it. If we could get our teenagers back into the workforce, we could at least get Americans used to the idea of hiring Americans again for low-end jobs. This would also undermine the… Read more »

Paul Bonneau
Reply to  guess
8 years ago

My wife, long an engineer (as well as an immigrant!), has been in the position of trying her best to find positions for the few American engineers who graduate American universities. However it is an uphill slog, as there are institutional advantages for the big Indian “body shops”. I suspect there are even kickbacks going into the pockets of the corporation bigwigs who look to these Indian provider companies for their employees, or just send all the work offshore. As usual, the federal and state governments also make life difficult for Americans. There is nothing like a free market in… Read more »

Reply to  Paul Bonneau
8 years ago

Academic fraud is rampant in East and South Asia. I know they’re hiring whole graduating classes from India and housing them in big dorms in the US, but are they getting anything out of them? You get what you pay for. It seems the next iteration of tech can be built based on the ideas of the white men retiring and leaving the profession, but after that, they’re on their own. These corporations are making a huge bet that running off all the native talent, what little may remain, and relying on possibly-fraudulent and low-effort foreign labor will achieve the… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
8 years ago

Sixty years ago a fellow pointed out succinctly that it’s perfectly obvious that you can’t have open immigration and a welfare state at the same time. But it is no longer perfectly obvious to people raised in occupied America. Before the Great War Europe had no passports. If people traveled to other countries and into alien customs and language, they had a good reason, because there was no welfare state waiting to pick up for their bad decisions. The welfare state is an advertisement for the lowest quality immigrant.

Paul Bonneau
Reply to  james wilson
8 years ago

Exactly. I keep hoping that massive immigration, whatever else its effects, might at least kill the welfare state through over-subscription. I may be dreaming though – it might just kill the productive classes first.

We shouldn’t be surprised though, that handing out free shit tends to attract people wishing to harvest it. So, what’s the solution to the problem? It should be obvious…

8 years ago

But it’s not mere immigration, it’s voelkerwanderung of biblical proportions!

I’m from Melania land, a country of just 2 million souls, image how this seems to us, watching just California taking in several European nation states worth of people from central America, yet it’s somehow not enough, that’s nuts!

I also like the “majority minority” description of your new majority, it’s white Hispanic level of good.

Reply to  originalguest
8 years ago

I’m also from Melania land, or at least my parents are, but just a little bit southeast. The white Hispanics are not the problem in managed numbers. They aren’t too far off from what “we” are, or Greeks, or Italians. In fact, a lot of those white Hispanics come from places like Italy, Greece or Melania land, so they aren’t as Hispanic as they might seem.

fred z
8 years ago

The open borders crowd are an odd mix of do-gooders and those who want cheap workers and neither of them have any idea of or concern for unforeseen consequences.

If the present unrestricted immigration cannot be changed, I hope they all have their personal lives destroyed by way of an unforeseen consequence, for why should only the victims suffer, and not the perpetrators?

Perhaps a “migrant” driven truck killing several members of the Clinton or Soros families. Schadenwuensch, a new word I think, even to the Germans.

Reply to  fred z
8 years ago

Unfortunately the do-gooders can’t seem to grasp that “becuz, feelingz” is not a strategy.

fred z
Reply to  SamlAdams
8 years ago

Were in only ‘feelings’, I might forgive them, as I try to forgive all stupid people.

But the greed, the sheer greed, the desire for cheap labor and complaisant voters, and the malevolence against their own kind, their own families, neighbors and fellow citizens, for those things I cannot forgive them.

Reply to  fred z
8 years ago

The majority of the lower level Koombayah morons in the electorate that supports this stuff falls into this class:
Pelosi Says Treat Illegal Immigrant Children Like Baby Jesus

random observer
random observer
Reply to  guess
8 years ago

As I recall, the public authorities of Judea were treating baby Jesus exactly like an illegal immigrant, even though he had birthright citizenship and a citizen mother.

Of course, they had some intel from three unspecified ‘Eastern’ informants. But they were kings or wise men after all, so reasonably credible. Clearly Judean Homeland Security had to act on intel of a threat to overthrow the government.

I assume these are the events to which Pelosi is referring.

Deplorable Black Man
Deplorable Black Man
8 years ago

Great post Z, and I think you really hit on a crucial aspect of immigration. In my mind, in the old days, immigrants came to America to remake themselves and create new identities. You see that in the bios of so many old entertainers like Amos Muzyad Yakhoob Kairouz who millions of Americans came to love as Danny Thomas of “Make Room for Daddy”. While Thomas was born here, he was a 2nd generation American who fully embraced the possibilities this country could offer him. I’d love to think that the post-1965 wave of immigrants and their children embrace the… Read more »

8 years ago

The spreadsheet mentality is why libertarians are, at bottom, no different from liberals — they’re both all-in on Marx’s dictum about one’s social being determining one’s consciousness. Jiggle this law, toggle that tax, put just the right amount of propaganda in the Friday night tv lineup and bam!, there’s no difference between Portland and Pretoria, Austin and Allahbad. I have to wonder if these guys have ever traveled much inside.the US, much less overseas. My people are Irish — like, Granddad-was-born-on-the-boat-to-Ellis-Island Irish. And yet, having spent some time in the non-tourist parts of the Emerald Isle, I can tell you… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
8 years ago

There is certainly not unanimous support for open borders among libertarians. Read the comments of any Reason immigration article and you will see massive disagreement on the topic.

Reply to  Drake
8 years ago

There is a chant at British soccer matches, aimed at the referee for any bad decisions, which goes: “You don’t know what you’re doing.”

I think this could safely be chanted at a lot of liberal politicians and enthusiasts.

In Voice
In Voice
8 years ago

The United States has more than doubled in population since I was born. You may think that’s a wonderful thing; I think it’s generally bad for the quality of life. I am old enough to remember when everything wasn’t so damned crowded. We also have a dearth of fulfilling jobs (other than full-filling cups of coffee for yuppies at Starbucks), and it’s only going to get worse as automation and robotization proceed. Sure, there are good people who would like to emigrate to the United States. No doubt a few would genuinely like to assimilate. We need to say to… Read more »

kokor hekkus
kokor hekkus
8 years ago

Yes, if the US had stuck with the pre-1965 low levels of Europeans only immigration, things would have been OK. That horse left the stable 50 years ago, and now we have at least 65 million people from the 3d world. Most of whom vote democratic, disproportionately take welfare and free medical services, and are of little use in a modern economy, which currently has huge numbers of people not in the work force.And they don’t assimilate, as a group, and never will….Now we are in danger of losing our country to groups who are incapable of maintaining western civilization,… Read more »

8 years ago

Just before I retired a Muslim patient of mine told me that he had voted for Trump in the primary. Another one told me that the difference between a Sunni and a Shia is biggest than the difference between a Christian and a Muslim (I find this hard to believe but what I think he was saying is that it is easier for a Christian and a Muslim to live in the same city than it is for a Shia and a Sunni — in that case quite believable). What I just described above are complexities that cannot be programmed… Read more »

8 years ago

Any political benefit from immigration will soon be wiped out by those who immigrate. if a political party wants more low-IQ, browner-than-the-natives voters they will benefit for a short while, especially if they tell the hordes that all the freebies require voting for the border-openers. But even low-IQs begin to figure out that if they start their own party then they can cut out ‘the middle man’ and start to have access to it all. Expect then to see the emergence of lots of small, very ethnic and maybe non-English-speaking political parties trying to grab the keys to the treasury.

Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

In the U.S. we call that political party “The Democrats”.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Drake
8 years ago

I call them something else

Delmar Jackson
Delmar Jackson
8 years ago

Immigration is a racket, a transfer of money from labor to capital. The only people that benefit are those who hire immigrants and the immigrants themselves. The open border globalists pocket any profits and pass on all the true costs, the social,economic and environmental to our poor communities. We are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens lied to and betrayed by both parties and the media on immigration for decades.

8 years ago

Two sides of this:

1. This isn’t about changing demographics for votes or power, it’s changing demographics because of (self-)hatred of white people and western civilization.

2. Free trade globalism is a mix of radical ideologues who actually believe and opportunists who would sell out their own country for more profit. Not sure about the ratio, but both exist and neither care about the unintended consequences.

8 years ago

The open borders folks are motivated by contempt and hatred for the USA; it is no accident they are mostly all liberal progressives, who, by definition, would re-write the US Constitution and have it resemble that of the USSR or, as that distinguished, leftist, communist Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have it, that of South Africa. Open border folks = liberal progressive/socialist/communists; and we know how they feel about American history, form of government , policies and last, but certainly not least, about the average white American. And given the opportunity, they would literally destroy the USA .… Read more »

random observer
random observer
Reply to  JohnTyler
8 years ago

Anyone else remember the anti-Soviet miniseries from circa 1986, “Amerika”? For reasons that were extremely dimly plausible if America had really gone off the rails in the 1970s, late 80s America was occupied by a USSR/UN ‘peacekeeping force’ and divided up into administrative areas that per Soviet practice were slowly being given faux national identities and prepared for supervised ‘independence’. The Midwest was being prepared for this condition as the people’s republic of “Heartland”. The [somewhat unsure of all this] party leader was played by Robert Urich. A surprisingly sympathetic character. One sees how the collaborationist regimes emerge. Of… Read more »

8 years ago

That is one excellent piece you wrote Z.
Outstanding. Every single person in America needs to read this.

fred z
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

” Every single person in America needs to read this.”

Even the LoFo, LoIQs?

Waste of time.

8 years ago

My thoughts as well, Z. But I think we need an immigration moratorium for a long spell. It is vital that we completely assimilate the immigrants we now have before accepting any more. This will take at least a generation. Also, all use of foreign language instruction in schools must cease. Ditto for its use on government forms such as driver instruction and licenses. Shut down Telemundo unless they switch to English.

8 years ago

I think Robert A. Heinlein’s solution is elegant and workable; one is simply a resident, legal or illegal, but only citizens get to vote or hold office, and that requires an Honorable Discharge.

Cowboy Dan
Cowboy Dan
Reply to  Emeritus
8 years ago

Brilliant man, wasn’t he, Heinein?

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
Reply to  Cowboy Dan
8 years ago

re: “Brilliant man, wasn’t he, Heinein?” C D

Heinlein lost it in his later novels.

Dan Kurt

fred z
Reply to  Dan Kurt
8 years ago

Yeah, but he had a series of strokes, so I’ll forgive him. Even in his later lunacy his genius shone out.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Z Man; Don’t think you’d have to worry about a military dictatorship if only veterans could vote. Most of us would recall the (sometimes necessary) waste and stupidity we saw in our time of service. Prior military service as a condition for voting privileges is just another sort of the ‘skin-in-the-game’ you are right to advocate for as a precondition for citizenship. Given that Heinlein was writing for the WWII generation when universal conscription was in force (just not in effect),* and there were 15 + million that would have qualified, that idea no doubt seemed more normal and democratic… Read more »

8 years ago

Where to begin … 1. The problem isn’t so much the internal borders in Europe or internal migration. I don’t think most Brits have a problem with Polish people relocating to London. The problem is the there is no “Coast Guard” guarding the perimeter of Europe protecting it against “others”. 2. “In America, immigrants are free to start their own timeline.” Excellent point, however there was another way of accomplishing the same thing. My paternal grandfather became the local wealthy land baron through money he saved up by working at Bethlehem Steel. In fact, he made the whole clan wealthy… Read more »

8 years ago

It’s still, always has been, about money and power.

8 years ago

To the open-borders crowd, people are a resource. Flood the country with foreign workers without citizenship. These workers thus have no rights – they are in the country at the bequest of their employers. The more of these immigrants enter the country, the smaller the percentage of people with citizenship and thus voting rights. In this way a democracy can eventually become subverted to a Feudal state without ever having formally changed the government structure. At the top will be the political class and underneath the foreign workers, or “global citizens” as the Left want to call them. Welcome to… Read more »

Paul Bonneau
8 years ago

Good article. One possible flaw in your thesis is that you are depending on the same state to fix the immigration problem, that is in the process of bringing the overflow of immigrants. Perhaps those in the ruling class have different motivations than the rest of us do. Another flaw is revealed by asking the question, “why do they come here?” Outside of the more desirable immigrants that you talk about, many probably come to have an easy life and get free shit. Clearly, welfare needs to be a part of any discussion of immigration. You will never succeed in… Read more »

Reply to  Paul Bonneau
8 years ago

Perhaps the ruling class is running more than one set of books. Once a nation has automated and outsourced honest labor, that nation would import previously cut out drug runners, gun runners, and sex traffickers in order to weaken the middlemen and increase ROI. All that central banking money is not going to print itself. All of that sweet gang profit staying within the borders instead of being shipped elsewhere. Skim it bottom up and top down. Everyone wins. Except for those seeking an honest living without a buy-in. I think sometimes the spreadsheets spell out these situations as dystopian… Read more »

8 years ago

Z, you summarized it nicely when you say they value their citizenship because they have “skin in the game.” Liberals, who seem to like “free stuff” like giving away other people’s stuff as well. And of course, it is for the votes, for the continued power the immigrants provide them. When people invest their time and substantial money getting their citizenship, it has value. As children know intuitively, if it is free, it doesn’t have much value and hence, isn’t taken seriously. Liberals never seem to acknowledge this truth. But of course it is all manipulation for their own gain,… Read more »

8 years ago

I tell my kids that if they let all these people come here who don’t get along well with others that have a different religion.Or the many illegal aliens who don’t really love or cherish our country. It will cause so many problems in the future that all the people who want these folks just seem to stupid to see. With all the money in the middle east these folks can’t even get along and help each other out. God help us all.

Low info Voter
Low info Voter
8 years ago

About 30 years ago, I worked with a lot of guys and gals from Ireland in Boston, you might remember the influx of Irish into construction, restaurants and such back then if you were up here. My Irish citizen co-worker and I lived in the nation’s 2nd largest Irish ghetto, Charlestown. There was no St Patrick’s day parade there at that time, so we went to the largest Irish ghetto in the US, Southie for the parade. Being in our 20’s and alcohol being involved he naturally thought it wise to remind the revelers that their “ancestors left Ireland because… Read more »

El Eff
El Eff
8 years ago

Once again I think there is a You Tube video that many here would find informative and worth the time to view. It compliments this post by “Z” and many comments that have already been posted. Check out “James Bissett on Canadian Immigration, 31 March 2016” Mr. Bissett was the Canadian Immigration Service Director from 1985 – 1990 and in addition to that held many high level posts in the Canadian government. His credentials are fairly awesome. Word of caution. The tube is 39:35 and is dry and humorless. Nevertheless, I do sincerely believe you won’t be disappointed with the… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Kick out the bottom 1% every year, and let in that many people who are good quality

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

We couldn’t “kick them out”, they would have to be “eliminated”. The USA already imprisons about 1% of the population, so does that work for you? I propose that we cut annual legal immigration to 50,000 maximum, with NO FAMILY REUNIFICATION. A year of prison for employers who hire (knowingly or unknowingly) illegally-present persons for repeating work. We want hard working single young adults who are the smartest of their kind, with IQ over 110, willing to renounce their country-of-origin citizenship and every kind of Islam on video while stepping on pig feces then the Saudi and ISIS flag. These… Read more »

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
8 years ago

The following was written by the brilliant BB, and explains immigration to America far better than anything I have yet been exposed to. This is what America does. it uses unprecedented and unsustainable prosperity to import illegals to slaughter animals and fry their meat so that we can stuff it down niggers’ throats until they’re too fat to walk it literally trains people in the cutting edge of math, science, finance and management to erect offshore platforms to suck up the carbonized remains of extinct species in order to provide the necessary fuel for the spic-nig cycle i guess i… Read more »

8 years ago

I have to say that the US should accept immigrants from all the countries it invades, overthrows and enforces democracy upon. We in Europe are suffering mass immigration from the US wars of liberation in Africa and the Arab world.
If our elected officials were stronger, they would stop joining in the constant regime change led by the US that causes the mass movement of peoples throughout the world.

Reply to  Simon
8 years ago

See Karl. This is the kind of crap I am referring to when I say Europe does not carry it’s share of the load regarding defending freedom in your own lands. Sure Simon, go ahead … blame America. What a putz!

Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

The 3 HorseWomyn of the Progressive Apocalypse, Hillary,Susan Rice,Samantha Power,are the architects of this North African debacle. I can understand some of Simon’s bitterness,but don’t pretend there isn’t plenty of blame in the global partnership. We Are The World,right? What we are witnessing are the consequences of bad decisions made by talentless,hyper-educated,clueless people. Interesting times we live in.

Reply to  Nori
8 years ago

“3 Horsewomyn” he he, pretty funny. But they are not that smart. And they sure as hell are not that powerful. The entire mass immigration movement from the ME terrorist zone was a well orchestrated move by globalist/socialists to apply the Cloward-Piven strategy to bring Europe to its knees. How do all those European governments not react to defend themselves but rather act in concert to “welcome” with open arms all of the riff-raff from lands that are oil to their water. Where did all the water craft come from? How were all those people coordinated? Where did the money… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

@ LetsPlay – I have to agree with Simon to a point. Had the US put together a working plan in the Middle East that included long term occupation as you did here in Germany, it would be a very different situation than what we are seeing today. The destruction of the Libyan government opened a flood gate as Qaddafi did manage to control most of northern Africa and prevented the mass migration we are experiencing now. I must hold the Americans responsible for what seems to be completely irresponsible and misguided foreign policy. Once again, the damage they do… Read more »

Reply to  Simon
8 years ago

Trump is right. We need to get out of NATO and let the Europeans fend for themselves.

Paul Bonneau
Reply to  Simon
8 years ago

“We in Europe are suffering mass immigration from the US wars of liberation in Africa and the Arab world.”

Where did the American ruling class learn that behavior? From the European ruling class. There is a reason the French are now having problems with Algerians. Maybe those colonies weren’t such a good idea after all. Oh, and I think the Europeans are still at it, at least in a support role to American-led imperialism.

Obama\'s boyfriend
Obama\'s boyfriend
Reply to  Paul Bonneau
8 years ago

The British ignored Enoch Powell. They got what they deserve.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Paul Bonneau
8 years ago

American ruling class was European! As I mentioned above, most of your famous Robber Barons were immigrant Europeans, not native born Americans.

Obama\'s boyfriend
Obama\'s boyfriend
Reply to  Simon
8 years ago

Simon it sounds as if Europeans need some puppies, coloring books and a safe place. Who would have thoutght the children of Charles Martel would degenerate into such a simpering mass of snowflakes.