Crisis and Crackdown

Imagine yourself as the head of an organization facing some sort of crisis. External pressures are revealing fissures and faults within the organization, thus magnifying the external pressures. There’s a very real concern that the organization could collapse or succumb to the external threat unless something is done to calm the organization and get it focused on the external threat. Maybe you were the boss as the storm gathered. Maybe you were brought in after the organization realized they had a problem.

A society at war is the most obvious example. For example, the Russians were locked in a stalemate with the Germans in World War I and the accumulated costs of war began to reveal the faults within Russian society. Czarist Russia, in times of peace, could provide enough food and enough authority to maintain order. The war sapped the strength of the state such that it could no longer provide enough food and enough authority. In the ensuing crisis, the state broke and eventually collapsed.

The Bolshevik Revolution is a great example of how leadership failed to respond to the crisis because their range of options was limited by forces outside of their control. Liberalism, in the European Enlightenment sense, had not taken root in Russia, because it was a land of peasants and aristocrats. There was no middle class, at least not one with power, with which the aristocrats could bargain. The Czar should have struck a deal with the Kaiser early on, but he did not and the result was disaster.

More pleasant examples are the English Civil War and the French Revolution. The former is a good example of an intransigent ruler, unwilling to adjust and accommodate to the social changes buffeting his rule. Charles had plenty of chances to strike a deal with Parliament and the growing merchant class that Parliament represented, but he chose confrontation instead. His response to crises was to crackdown, as much as possible, on any resistance to his authority. Charles made his enemies.

In contrast, the example of Louis XVI is a textbook case of how a weak leader can be swallowed up by crisis. The financial crisis that consumed the crown was avoidable, but Louis was unwilling to exercise his authority over the aristocracy in order to resolve it. At the same time, when he had chances to squash the revolution, he hesitated, allowing his authority to be challenged without response. Just as Charles should have been more flexible. Louis should have been less flexible. Like Charles, he lost his head as a result.

Modern people in Western countries don’t think much about how their rulers will respond to crisis. It is assumed that that the people in charge will examined the data, consult with experts, hold an open debate in the media and then settle upon a course of action to address the crisis.That’s because for as long as anyone can remember, there has been no crisis, at least not one that threatens the existing order. The only thing to come close to a threat to our rulers was the communist menace in the 40’s and 50’s.

That’s instructive because the response from the ruling class was the classic iron fist in the velvet glove. The government relentlessly hunted down communists, while the popular press relentlessly defended those “wrongfully” accused of being communists. The Venona Project allowed the government to root out subversives, with a fair degree of precision, at least the ones that posed a real threat. It was not until the 90’s that the public was made aware of the extensive domestic espionage operation.

The lesson of the Venona Project is that when the people in charge feel threatened, they will do whatever it takes to dispose of the threat. We’re seeing that today with the coordinated attacks on the trouble makers by the media companies. Twitter and Facebook are banning anyone that they think is in in the resistance. Even comedy posts can be deemed blasphemous. Yesterday some guy named PewDiePie was erased from the media for impure thoughts. Here’s the google search:

The level of coordination is astonishing. Google and Disney team up to erase the guy and then the mainstream press is out reporting within minutes that he was eliminated due to heresy. It could be a coincidence that all of the big media players were on this at the same time, but it could also suggest a high degree of cooperation. The people in charge are pulling out all the stops to crack down on dissidents. They consider the threat posed by errant comedians on YouTube so serious, any means necessary will be used to end it.

What’s important here is not that some comedian lost his livelihood. That’s part of the message being sent. The more important part is the coordination. The tech giants made it clear in the election that they were working together to defeat Trump. These are people who colluded to suppress wages and violate the nation’d labor laws so they have a history of this. Now we are seeing social media coordinating with the legacy media to send a clear signal that they are cracking down on dissidents.

Crackdowns on dissent are always in response to crisis. Whether it is perceived or real is the big question. A heavy handed response can turn a manageable situation into a full blown crisis. On the other hand, passive responses to challenges can lead to rebellion. The people in charge believe the lesson of the last election is to crack down hard, using every means necessary, to quell any challenge to their authority. That is the reason the intelligence agencies are now working with the media to undermine the President.

How this will play out is unknown. Charles I and Parliament were willing to fight a war over their disputes. The revolutionaries in France were willing to commit regicide to impose their vision on society. People today are not the fighting sort. The rulers struggle to imprison criminals and the people passively acquiesce to encroachments on their liberty. In other words, despite the big talk, there’s not a lot of fight in the people or their rulers. For now, it is cat ladies from HR harassing normies over their use of twitter, but that could change.

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7 years ago

The past week has been disconcerting in the extreme. Team Trump has very clearly shifted from an offensive push to a defensive crouch in the corner. They grossly underestimated the degree to which the deep state would seek to undermine his presidency. If Trump doesn’t regain control and move back into an offensive push ASAP his presidency will be neutered before he completes his cabinet and impeachment or forced resignation will become a real possibility. Trump needs to take control of the security apparatus immediately–the whole Flynn debacle demonstrates that he does NOT control it now. He needs to clear… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

Which govt union/dept will handle those reviews? Yikes…

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

Good points, but ponder this. You can learn from an opponent winning a given battle. You observe their tactics and observe what they bring to bear, ie, just how far are they willing to go to achieve their aim? Trump benefits by seeing just how brazenly the moles in the intel agencies and career staff violate laws and decorum to try and take him and his administration down. That is yuge. He and his know the fight is serious…. as serious as we’ve seen in a long time in the U.S., if not without precedent, and close to what Zman… Read more »

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

Not too long at all, Uncle Max! Every word of your comment is valuable. And I really, really hope you’re right about all this.

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

One way to cut the power of the MSM is have the FEC force the satellite and cable companies to stop the bundling of programing. If you had to pay by the channel, how many people would pay for CNN, MSNBC and the rest. Without those funds, they would dry up and go away.

7 years ago

They are backing Donald Trump into a corner. That’s very, very dangerous. It’s rapidly becoming obvious that Trump now has two options: Get a goon squad of his own, or be doomed to irrelevance. People in his own administration are openly breaking the law, as are a whole bunch of “judges.” I don’t think Trump is the kind of guy who will let himself go down in the history books as the guy who lost the USA, who proved beyond a doubt that the true powers in the land are Zuckerberg, Soros, the 9th Circuit, and some midlevel NSA bureaucrats.… Read more »

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

Good article from The Week on this shit and how it’s the beginning of a soft coup, a mag not sympathetic to Trump but sees the truth and danger in the matter.

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

First hoof, indeed.

Truer words were never written.

Trump, if he doesn’t bring in a cleaning crew, and that right quick, runs the risk of emboldening these fuckers.

Reply to  Fuel Filter
7 years ago

Second hoof: my Congressman, Devin Nunes (R-CA) says they’re going to rid us if the Income Tax.

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago


Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The problem (for the “cloud people” Dems, Libs, the Elites) is that weaponizing the IRS, FBI, NSA and CIA, which worked so much in their favor before, can now be turned against them to expose, uproot, and destroy them.

Good Times.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
7 years ago

My suspicion is that those “weapons” are not where they are supposed to be. My bet is Barry had then pre-positioned somewhere convenient to where he sent his cadre of Muslim Brotherhood “immigrants” from the past few years. Any body know where those folks were sent? I heard it was pretty hush hush.

If those arms are still in Fed hands then Trump needs to defang those departments right quick! They cannot be trusted as far as we could kick them.

El Polacko
El Polacko
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Isn’t Trump pick Mike Pompeo now the head of the CIA? Is there a really good reason why he doesn’t have a couple scalps nailed up behind him on his office wall?

I can’t imagine that Trump and his advisers didn’t see this full blown assault coming.

Reply to  El Polacko
7 years ago

Remember… we are in the 3rd and 4th week of the administration having authority to do anything on it’s own. Half the cabinet is still in limbo. Pompeo has been in charge at CIA for what, 10 days? Sessions just took over DOJ last friday! The intel folks loyal to Obama are taking advantage….. it will take time to root them out. Hopefully the purge is being planned… and the arrests.

A.T. Tapman
A.T. Tapman
Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

I hope they livestream the executions.

sammy small
sammy small
Reply to  A.T. Tapman
7 years ago

GITMO, waterboarding, popcorn

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

Read yesterday that the arrests will begin at the end of next week at the latest, hopefully it is true.

Clayton Bigsby
Clayton Bigsby
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Absolutely true and correct. I hope to God that Tillerson and the rest of his posse have the stomach the chin or a pocket full of posies to see this through…I guess we’ll find out many legs this chair really has….

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

She? You said she should be charged. Do you know who she is? You are WAY too clever to make that kind of slip.

Reply to  Shelby
7 years ago


Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The question is will the Praetorians cross for the deep state or President Trump? And how many of them have gone rogue? None of them have any credibility after they let Bush W, the Clintons and the Obama regime walk on literally everything. How many dirt people have those armed badged leg breakers put hits on, murdered, and massacred since the 80″s? From Ruby Ridge, Waco, to Fast & Furious. It’s a river of bodies and blood. And you know what will happen then? It will fall right in the laps of us dirt people. Because if it drops in… Read more »

Reply to  Fuel Filter
7 years ago

It is crystal clear there are a number of federal employees and agents who have gone rogue. That is some serious shit right there. Whether it is to deliberately intended to or not, a serious crisis is going to result if these people are not removed, arrested and tried for sedition or treason. It is also crystal clear what you can not do as a federal employee, and these people have exceeded those restraints by magnitudes of violation.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

They are not rogue, they are the Deep State. Trump and his band of brothers are rogue.

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Change rogue to Alt-Right

Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

The main thing is Trump has to go, everything for them pivots on this, never mind the defiance of the dirt people, that itself can not be permitted, but both must be destroyed at all costs. This is an existential thing, it’s literally the survival of the red diaper babies at stake. If Trump can’t get this under control, I’m of the same mind as Z, bloody chaos, it’s were this is heading. They ignore there are a lot of fed up, very concerned and angry dirt people who are going to be mighty pissed off if they try and… Read more »

7 years ago

One observation about the Government Party, then some words about strategy and tactics. In 1860 when war was imminent, soldiers on the Confederate side headed home to fight with their fathers and brothers. We’re seeing that a bit now with McCain and Graham in the Senate who sound more like Chuck Schumer these days. I think you’re going to see these realignments taking more concrete form as opposed to these slashing and cutting actions that McCain is currently engaged in. He’s far into the Permanent War Party culture at this point, and seems to want a two front war in… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Nobody likes going to court or being held in legal limbo. The “flood the zone” strategy the open borders people are contemplating will have the effect of getting people to leave on their own rather than get their brains bashed in by legal process. As somebody once said, “The process IS the punishment.” Do they want continued punishment, depleted $$ resources, and frustration? Or, do they just want to go home? Many will choose the latter. He can also write EOs affecting allocation of resources. Money over here goes over there. Some money cannot be moved due to legislation, but… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The tactics thus far seem to support that. He’s basically kicking out legs from the stools rather than trying to do an Obama-like complete reorganization of American society. It pleases his voters. It makes it tougher for the current system to sustain itself. The GOP wants to keep power in 2018, so they’ll have an incentive to do two things: address a few of the hot button issues so they can run on having done something, and not be left holding the Obamacare bag as that particular house of cards is about to collapse. There are all KINDS of things… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I’ll go out on a limb and say it. There may be another faction. I don’t know if it’s true, but it looks more and more as time goes by like there is something awfully nasty about it. And if these people who are allegedly involved are, how would President Trump not be apprised of it? I would imagine there is serious motivation to get rid of the outsider President. Even HRC made a cryptic troll post on Faceborg to Flynn using a play on words with “Comet” as in Comet Pizza. there is something awful fishy looking join on… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

I agree. Blackmail is what is used to get everyone to do what The Powers That Be want them to do — and people are blackmailable because of their involvement in activities ranging from unsavory to demonic. All of which someone has caught on film. There is very serious evil going on in Washington. Children have not only been sexually abused but tortured and even killed in occult rituals. I hope our new Attorney General pulls out all the stops exposing, prosecuting, and incarcerating these people.

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

Wasn’t it one of the Rothchild’s who said on the late 1800’s blackmail was how you controlled the wests political class and industries managerial class?

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

What is the ultimate status symbol for those who have everything, and a ticket to a Club that you can never leave?

Forbidden fruit.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

have ICE agents at the hearings to take custody of the persons clogging the place up; they go in but they don’t come out.

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

The Neo-Cons are a bloodthirsty oligarchy in of themselves. Their existence is selling everything and anything for the money and power. A more heinous bunch of genocidal maniacs can not be found. True psychopaths. Their Big Daddy Warbucks decedents didn’t have nukes.

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Scratch the surface of any neocohen and you’ll find a Bolshevik lying underneath.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

Excellent suggestion re pulling the clearances of Obama’s left-behind operatives. So far as I know there is no legal right to a security clearance and there are a lot of govt. jobs that don’t require one and a ‘pullee’ would be eligible to bid on them, so there’s no termination to sue about. The critical issue is to smoke out out the active moles, pull their clearances and promote active supporters to their positions, if possible. Actual apolitical folk would be OK (if there are any): The fence sitters will then get with the program. But it’s easy to say… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

My US Government Issued TS/SCI clearance was granted solely at the discretion of the President of the United States. The President can also instantly “declassify” ANYTHING he wants by Executive Order. It is NOT reviewable or challengeable in court because the only people with legal standing work for the President, and the DOJ can just ignore them. You want to delay, disrupt, degrade, and deny the bureaucracy, you don’t want to destroy it. Security clearances are a sole Presidential power that would accomplish this without destroying the system. We do still have National Security needs. But if you fire people,… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

Your strategy sounds perfect, Hokkoda. Now how do you get this idea to the Trump Administration? Do you have connections? At the very least, I hope you’ll go to and leave a comment explaining this, or else go to and click on the “Tell Your Story” tab to leave a comment. One way or another, you need to get this idea to the Trump administration.

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

I thought the same thing about the President’s authority to issue an EO on immigration ban. So who the hell is the Washington judge who decided he could throw a wrench into the works and why did that work? I thought the President and his Legal Counsel could simply tell that “so-called” judge to Piss Off!

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

They haven’t learned yet. Everyone has underestimated Donald Trump.

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
7 years ago

I really wish Trump had called a White House announcement for the press (NOT a presser) and said in prime time to the whole nation the following: “Fuck the press. Flynn is my man and all the rest of you can kiss my ass. Oh, and BTW, I hereby publicly announce a $75,000 reward to any and all FBI, CIA and NSA patriots who reliably inform on any moles informants and other bastards who are, have, or plan on working to undermine my administration which has been duly elected by over 63 million Americans. These traitors will then be prosecuted… Read more »

Reply to  Fuel Filter
7 years ago

You know it. Make it a cool million in Gold. Tax free. Talk about stimulus. There’s so many rats and red diaper babies Trump will have to raid Fort Knox. (if there is any gold left).

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
7 years ago

This time, it’s not the government, it’s the big media cracking down on the hoi-polloi peasants. The Trump administration isn’t cracking down on the peasants, he’s cracking down on the media… he has been doing that since the early days of his campaign, calling out their lies, using alternates like Twitter. But now Twitter and Facebook have joined the old guard big media by becoming part of the ruling class. When governments crack down, there’s no escape; all you can do is run, hide, or grin and bear it. But when media companies try to control and destroy us, we… Read more »

7 years ago

Remember, everyone is lying and spinning right now. On the Flynn matter, there are two basic issues. One is the leaking of classified conversations, and the other is what Flynn did or didn’t do, and whether he lied to Pence and/or Trump’s other people about it. Don’t conflate the two. Trump has rightly spoken about the leaks, but perhaps the push should be to quietly identify the leakers and their allies, and do a massive purge. We do not know whether or not that is going on right now, but my guess is “yes”. Some things are best accomplished by… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

“The thing everyone forgets is Obama had to withdrew a few nomination for scandal. Some lasted but a short time. The same was true of Bush. By comparison, Trump has done exceptionally well.”

That’s something I tell people I know who get a bit worried by what they are seeing in the news. Obama had plenty of issues and problems that time (and the media) has helped everyone forget about. Trump has only been in power about a month. He’s not dead in the water or even remotely close to it yet.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Could this possibly have been pre-planned by Trump and Flynn? The scenario: Flynn agrees to take a fall for the good of the country and Trump’s agenda. He reassures the Russian guy on sanctions, knowing he’s being tapped. An Obama mole in the CIA/FBI (predictably) outs Flynn. Outrage follows. Flynn deliberately lies to Pence, setting up the reason for the firing and leaving Pence untouched by the “scandal.” Trump pretends to do an investigation and to agonize over firing Flynn, then pulls the trigger. He replaces him with somebody just as ballsy. This accomplishes several things: 1. it signals to… Read more »

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

I have been thinking along similar lines. Trump is going to beat the bushes for awhile to flush out the problem people. In the meanwhile he works on other things in the background. Eventually the battlespace is prepped, and the head chopping (figuratively for now) begins.

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

Even if there is no truth at all to your supposition events could play out as if it were right on the money.

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

My thoughts exactly although with one slight alteration. I also wondered if the lying to VP Pence was for a reason. My instinct is to trust Gen. Flynn over a politician, and being I don’t really know Pence, maybe Flynn had good reason to keep info from Pence. I’m just speculating because I have not heard that scenario mentioned. Like I said, I would trust my life to Flynn more than I would to a career politician any day. We just don’t know what game is afoot.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Flynn talked about pizzagate. I think that’s why he canned him. He was supposed to keep quite about it, I believe. I think we worry too much. Trump has them by the balls. They have screwed up. There’s no doubt that for years they’ve been abusing children. Way too much evidence. It gets shut down but…the evidence is still there. It hasn’t gone away. Same with 9-11. Building 7 falls same speed as rock for roughly 108 feet. Slam dunk. Building demoed. He’s just gathering evidence so they don’t get away. The Pedocracy is like a herd of spooked cattle… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

I think Flynn was not entirely forthcoming when the FBI came to speak with him. It’s a process crime, even if what he did (talking to the Russian ambassador) is not illegal in any way. My bet is that he said X, the transcripts said Y, and the FBI raised the b.s. flag. There’s always an element of truth to these things. The other thing is that there are several people from Trump’s campaign that never made it onto the Administration…notably Guiliani, Gingrich, and Christie. Flynn always struck me as a likely “pass” because he does get a little too… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

There is something deeper to this than low hanging fruit. Struck me as quite a signal when HRC trolled Flynn with that “Comet” as in Comet Pizza, Faceborg post.

Clayton Bigsby
Clayton Bigsby
Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

I think Gingrich and Giuliani didn’t want to give up lucrative speaking or “consulting” gigs for the term + 5 years….. not unless it was a BIG position.
Also probably why his talent pool in general was not as robust as it might have been…..

Reply to  Clayton Bigsby
7 years ago

If I were Trump I’d have Gingrich in at least once a month for a talk.

Clayton Bigsby
Clayton Bigsby
Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

Roger that…at least once a month…

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

i can only speak for myself and those i talk to face-2-face, but we are pretty damned radicalized. the great herd of course will mewl and moo as they always do, but both ends of the bell curve are gearing up. personally i think a pinochet like solution is very palatable to many. kill the root players (soros, schmidt, zuckerberg) fire the middle players, put 100k of the noisest street zombies into prison.

i think trump’s strongest weapon in this clash is his innate understanding of showmanship and presentation. he will re-program the herd.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Things do feel more intense these days; the lefties that I do encounter (its NYC so I guess I should say the majority of people) act like Rome fell. None of them articulate it like that but I suspect what they are trying to express is that they thought that with Obama they had won the final victory and that they were simply in clean-up mode. The idea that maybe the last two terms were a mirage or just a historical blip is so unbelievable to them that they are all freaking out about it. Their map didn’t match reality.… Read more »

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Brooklyn
7 years ago

Yo, Brooklyn!
greetz from Bay Ridge.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

I think it’s time to have a dirt people revolution.

7 years ago

In my mind the Deep State consists of the CIA and its media allies. It has the support of a few highly placed politicians because after all the CIA has dirt on everybody. It has struck early and will aggressively continue to try to destroy Trump. They feel it needs to be done before Gorsuch goes on the bench, which will probably be in April or May, and which will change everything. For example, the travel ban will be upheld. The Dems will do everything they can to stop Gorsuch. If McConnell doesn’t go nuclear then we know he is… Read more »

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

don’t doubt it, he is one of the bad guys. he will come up with some lame excuse or concocted scenario which makes a good reason for not doing so. He is simply a spineless puke without a pair, and an ugly mofo.

Clayton Bigsby
Clayton Bigsby
7 years ago

Buchanan has a good article that reminded me of what Nixon and Reagan dealt with…. and the result….
Id also forgotten Reagan at his laconic best :
“If it takes a bloodbath let’s get it over with”….. Ronald Reagan

kokor hekkus
kokor hekkus
7 years ago

You are conflating several things here. PewDiePie isn’t alt-right, he committed the unpardonable sin of making jokes about Jews. Guess who runs all these corporations that coordinated to squash him….Twitter has several thousand ISIS and al qaeda accounts, and a fair number of pro Trump accounts, which doesn’t bother them, but anyone who violates the insane dictates of blank slate cultural marxism is at risk of having his account closed. BTW, the Venona project, which was a long running process of deciphering Russian embassy messages from the ’40s, implicated large numbers of leftist favorites, from Alger Hiss to Harry Hopkins.… Read more »

Reply to  kokor hekkus
7 years ago

PewDiePie isn’t alt-right, but probably is living a whirlwind of cognitive dissonance right now …. he is being punished… his livelyhood in peril, b/c of the puritans of the PC culture SJWs. He lives in Sweden or something so he is surely left of center politically, but events like this banning will either quiet him or force a change of mind on him. He could evolve to be a very loud critic of the harpy SJW and PC heavy-hand laid on him. Time will tell.

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

he made $15m last year, just from youtube. he has 53m followers. they will follow him to whatever platform he chooses to move to.


Alt-Tech baby
Build it and they will come

Horace Pinker
Horace Pinker
7 years ago

Every couple of months I check in on Weev’s YouTube channel because I find many of his rants amusing. His latest video is called “Is PewDiePie White?” I’d never heard of the guy and when I looked him up, I saw that he’s a huge star. In this particular case, I think the coordination might be a coincidence because of PewDiePie’s fame. But overall, yeah, the crackdown is happening.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

When they ban Trump, you will know the red diapers babies and Amerikan Nomenklaturer shadow government are set to pull off a coupe. It’s why they went after Flynn. To them you can’t be more of a heretic than that guy.
Here’s Twitters latest heretics purge list:

kokor hekkus
kokor hekkus
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

And that’s only page 1, the list goes all the way dlown to people with 5k followers…

Reply to  kokor hekkus
7 years ago

No shit!?
There are some seriously fucking sick people screwing with us dirt people.

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Until doing so comes with a very real cost, expect it to continue and increase.

Reply to  kokor hekkus
7 years ago

When do they ban Trump’s twitter feed?

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

Right. When that happens, you want to be checking your Zero’s.
I just have this distinct feeling I don’t have enough ammo for what will happen if this crap doesn’t stop.

John Bradley
John Bradley
Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

About a day before they hand Gab a few million more subscribers.

Reply to  kokor hekkus
7 years ago

Liquidation of heretics who defy the SJW’s moves apace. They must be threatening WordPress with something that will end their platform or they have invaded WordPress itself:

How The Leftoid Establishment Silences Dissidents

Reply to  Horace Pinker
7 years ago

Weev had 53 million subscribers. If they are that desperate to quash the message, they are desperate enough to do anything. This is the early stuff. Wait till they get existential desperate. I keep looking at my ammo stockpile and think I don’t have enough boolits.

Horace Pinker
Horace Pinker
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

You’re mixing Weev up with PewDiePie. Weev is a hilarious “neo-Nazi” (hard to tell how serious he is) troll and hacker. If you haven’t heard of him, get ready to laugh:

Reply to  Horace Pinker
7 years ago

10-4 thanks. Never heard of the guy, but he sounds entertaining.

7 years ago

“Yesterday some guy named PewDiePie was erased from the media for impure thoughts.” I never heard of this guy before yesterday and I’m guessing both that most people haven’t either and that he’ll be forgotten in a couple of days. Does casting somebody most people haven’t heard of into the outer darkness really send a message? Can you really send a message if most people aren’t listening? As for the coordination aspect on the part of the tech companies, that is an issue but I wonder how much of it is actual confrontational coordination and how much of it is… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

the current deep state is clearly incompetent, especially with regards to IT and comms. they are all in the database now, and will be easy to roll up. kill the head and the body will rot on its own. keep in mind that Trump is the master of misdirection; who knows what he has percolating on the “back” burner…

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

There’s another way to look at it via your comment Solomon. They talk about calling Mr. Trump incompetent and dangerous. For good or bad, the unaccountable power of the executive branch employees, if you can call them employees, are a part of the construct of the state. In a way, they themselves are having a constitutional crisis of their own creation. As the saying goes “The Center Can Not Hold”. Being who and what they are, they can not back down and walk away. It isn’t a job, it is power. They are hooked on it like a snack junky,… Read more »

7 years ago

Zerohedge reporting Labor Secretary Pudzer is withdrawing after being betrayed by Republicans.

I don’t have any particular feelings about Pudzer and I recall that one or more of Obama’s nominees had to withdraw for employing undocumented workers as housekeepers, but the fact that Republicans are betraying Trump on the Labor Secretary is revealing.

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

This “undocumented” stuff must end. Use the withdrawn nomination to leverage such a move. This is easy stuff right now, the enemy is on its heels. Have the nerve to press the issue and get it done.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Use the withdrawal to dissolve the department. Don’t want my nominee at Secretary of Labor? Okay, I’ll fire everyone in the Department. Same for Energy (minus the nukes), Education, Commerce, whatever.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
7 years ago

Am I really FIRST?!? I hardly post or even read Facebook any more, although I will put up a great article, like one of ZMan’s, and make a snarky comment to FB readers. The people who hate my guts never comment anymore, so I wonder if FB even permits them to see my stuff these days. This morning my husband asked me if I had any idea of who might be leading a protest of some kind FOR President Trump. Isn’t there some nationwide event, a peaceful one supporting him, coming up soon? Please share this info and contact details… Read more »

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
7 years ago

While in the UK last week I enjoyed a very interesting BBC radio broadcast on how President Trump is being held responsible for Twitter losing popularity and share value because they can’t get the advertisers they want. Evidently many main stream products do not want to be connected with Trump, thus they refuse to advertise with anything associated with him. But on the flip side, there seems to be a correlation to him boosting subscriptions to many main stream publications, including, as the BBC pointed out in the UK, The Guardian. Evidently media like the New York Times and Vanity… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

Twitter has never made money and is not likely to be profitable anytime soon. Given that it is Trump’s favored path around the media, I will bet that there are plenty of people hot to kill it off and Twitter’s precarious finances offer a good opportunity to do it.

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

many main stream products do not want to be connected with Trump,

I’d love to see a list.

7 years ago

What is really interesting is the battle going on in the shadows of government. There are several intelligence services who could be at cross purposes: CIA, NSA, FBI, and Pentagon intel agencies. At the moment, no one is sure who is on whose side. It is a hall of mirrors and will probably become deadly as the tension ratchets up. Trump badly needs to purge these agencies before they can do him more harm. But how?

random observer
7 years ago

OT but related to the last post.

Anyone have any thoughts on upcoming movie “Get Out”? It appears to be a comedy/horror fantasy in which a black guy ends up in a sort of Stepford Wives world, except it’s the white people programming or android-substituting for tame blacks to do chores in their suburban utopia.

I took it for the next step up in aggressive social programming against the rayciss types.

Reply to  random observer
7 years ago

I know nothing about it except that, at a minimum, it will be nominated for a number of Oscars this year.

7 years ago

I’d say that based on the comments on Sunday’s thread, the nation is nowhere near revolution, glorious, bloody, or other.

Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

Black Swans always come out of nowhere.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

black swans matter

Reply to  Karl Hungus
7 years ago

Thumbs up permanent like.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

And it is a really bad idea to be on the internet-is-forever record as unequivically advocating for a bloody insurrection. The obvious first targets in any crackdown are going to be the keyboard Che Guevara’s from either side: Likely not serious people with important connections so therefore easy to be made into public examples. As the Chinese say, ‘Killing the chicken (which you can get at) to frighten the monkeys (which you can’t)’.

So how much is hanging back well advised prudence and how much is indifference_? I have no idea.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

I know without any doubt I’m on that list. They let me know the day obama took over. I was involved in a citizen journalist on line paper back starting in 2007. Our editing system was hacked via all of our personal computers. The FBI investigated, then dropped the case. They even told us they where ordered to by somebody in the white house, and that the hackers IP was in the executive wing. A few weeks later they sent 3 goons to my farm here in WV, in a white unmarked van to rattle my cage, most likely because I… Read more »
7 years ago

Whether it is to deliberately intended to or not, a serious crisis is going to result if these people are not removed, arrested and tried for sedition or treason.

7 years ago

So as I’m mass consuming your blog in reverse order…

PewDiePie gained youtube viewers from this “scandal.” Even people he never met and who didn’t watch his channel went to bat for him. And he also followed up with a few videos on how full of it the mainstream press is. So literally over five million normies got red pilled by this. All in all this came out as a win for the good guys I think.

7 years ago

With all due respect, trotting out dancing guys with a “Death to [Insert ethnic group here]” doesn’t exactly strike me as a path to mainstream success.

I guess I can forgive the Jews for being a little antsy with that kind of rhetoric, what with the experience of the last half dozen centuries.

For entertainment purposes, now imagine they’d said Muslims intead of Jews.