The Power of Theocracy

Living in a Progressive theocracy means the framework of civic debate is always going to be a Progressive framework. The Prog mullahs establish the premises, set the rules and dictate what is and what is not permitted. They police the debate to make sure no one is coloring outside the lines or questioning the official orthodoxy. In Iran, they allow debate until it bumps into heresy, then they start shooting people. In America, the Progs will ruin a few careers to send a message to the others that may have heretical thoughts.

It should be noted that the two most successful Middle Eastern countries, in terms of stability and world influence, are both theocracies, Iran and Saudi Arabia. If you throw in Israel, which is a Western implementation of Levantine theocracy, the three most successful Middle Eastern societies are theocratic. You’ll also note that the machinations of these three countries are at the center of great power politics. Russia, China, Europe and the US Empire are fixated on the Middle East. Theorcracy is not without its merits.

Anyway, the Prog theocracy of America is a hybrid creation that evolved over the last century into something that relies on the tools of an official religion to exploit the institutions of a modern social democracy. Progressives control the normal public debate that occurs within a social democracy by declaring a wide range of topics off-limits on moral grounds. This narrows the range of possible answers, funneling the public debate into the cattle chute of their choosing, thus resulting in a policy the Prog mullahs prefer.

A good example of this is race. It is largely assumed that Progs use race as a political lever to win elections or as a cudgel to beat the bad whites. That’s part of it, but the real utility of race for the Progs is to maintain their position as the moral authority, the arbiters of what is and what is not acceptable public discourse. As long as they are the ones determining the line between good and evil, they control pubic debate. There’s no argument you can craft that can overcome their moral superiority.

You see that here in this story on the collapse of black entrepreneurship. It’s a long emotive ramble not worth reading, but the gist of the article is that the collapse of black business is due to the magic of invisible discrimination by big business and banks. No evidence is provided, but good thinkers don’t need it. The bulk of the piece is the writer establishing his credentials as a friend of the black man, thus providing him with the moral authority to call out the heretics. Unsurprisingly, it is The Man!

As Steve Sailer pointed out, there are explanations for this collapse in black entrepreneurship that don’t involve magic. Immigration is one explanation that leaps out on a ghetto tour. In Baltimore, for example, Koreans and South Asians go into tough neighborhoods and open cash businesses like liquor stores and food stands. Their willingness to do business through bullet proof glass allows them to complete in these neighborhoods. Their clannishness allows them to dominate.

This is not the result of magic. It is the result of Progressive polices over the last thirty years. Similarly, is the Prog desire to decorate corporate enterprise and the academy with non-white faces. Instead of the Talented Ten Percent staying in the black community, building businesses, providing discipline and leadership, they are out in honkyville. Diversity hiring is a form of colonialism that skims the best and brightest into the dependency of corporate life, leaving behind the squalor of the rest.

There are certainly other reasons why black enterprise has collapsed, like the financialization of the American economy via credit money. There’s no doubt that the concentration of wealth, as well as the lack of restraint by the political class on its use, has severely disrupted the American middle class. There’s a lot of material there if someone is genuinely curious about what is happening in the black community. That’s not what matters to the Progressives. What matters is establishing their moral authority.

When the Iranian youth decided it was time to take on the Mullahs at the start of the Obama administration, they just assumed they had the numbers to force change on the regime. The regime, on the other hand, knew they possessed the moral authority to enforce order. That’s the real power of possessing moral authority. It’s not that it intimidates enemies of the regime. It’s that it sidelines the uncertain and motivates the true believers. When you get to draw the moral boundaries, you always win.

That’s the challenge to any movement that seeks to displace the Progressive authorities in America. It’s not about winning elections or getting the numbers in legislatures. It’s about stealing from the Progs their moral authority and their ability to frame the debate. If they have to rely on facts and reason, they are doomed, but as long as they get to set the terms of the debate, facts and reason don’t matter. That’s why the medieval House of Saud still stands and why the Mullahs in Iran are still with us. They define right and wrong.

94 thoughts on “The Power of Theocracy

  1. Pingback: Moral Authority | Things to Remember, Things to Cherish

  2. A minor quibble of little consequence to the validity of the Z’s argument: the Al Saud carry little moral authority within Saudi Arabia, other than from the most self-interested adherents of Islam’s tenets of “rendering unto Caesar.” It is the hard power of their leash on the most “excitable” elements of their society, together with the soft power of the fear that most Saudis have of the alternative (a truly medieval theocracy that would spell the end of their material pleasures) that maintains the status quo. Conversely, the mullahs enjoy greater theocratic legitimacy (as much or more an artifice of Shia religious doctrine as the piety of the religious leadership itself.) This does not diminish the reality of the mullahs’ hard power through its control of the tools of violence within the country, or the self-interest of their supporters who populate the tentacles that reach into every economic sphere of the country. Quibbles for quibbles’ sake.

  3. Totally off topic… Received my copy of “Banana Sunday,” by Christopher Munnion, today. Can’t wait to start reading… Thank you, Zman, and others for the recommendation!

  4. So true.

    Our problem is not that people haven’t heard the truth.

    Our problem is that they’ve heard it presented as something only evil low status dumb people believe.

  5. I am curious as to why blacks never ask for reparations from Indians (feather not dot). There were tribes that were slave holders after all. Yet they aren’t expected to chip in.

    • Well, there were several large black slaveholders as well. Furthermore, their own people had no problem selling them in Africa. Even today. You think that will ever come up in reparation talks?

      • The largest slaveholder was a black owner in New Orleans with over 3000 chattel assets on inventory. A black man in Alabama cited 6000 black slaveholders to me.

        In answer to your question about reparation talks- well, Johnny Cochrane and 4 other prominent lawyers were selling tickets to weekend workshops in D.C.
        The tickets were $1500.
        The workshops were seminars, “How to Collect Your Forthcoming Reparations Benefits”.

  6. Diversity hiring is a form of colonialism that skims the best and brightest into the dependency of corporate life, leaving behind the squalor of the rest.
    A truly insightful remark. I never thought of it that way, but it sure fits.

  7. The key article of their Po-mo progressive faith — the Immaculate Conception and Resurrection rolled into one — is that he (xe?) who controls the narrative has the power to oppress and control. Prove to them that isn’t true and they are just another flying saucer cult with the flying saucer two weeks overdue.

    There is a certain desperation in recent prog pronouncements. Colbert’s rant and the Amanpour interview of She-Who-Must-be-Obeyed are standouts, but the whole “Trump is Putin’s shill” and “he’s gonna put all the illegals in concentration camps and gas them” narratives are other examples. Colbert and Amanpour are appealing to their absent god to reveal ximself and to smite the unbelievers. The old ceremonies and rituals are no longer working (i.e. the narrative is getting little traction outside the NPR-listening managerial class). So the faithful must perform the ceremonies with the upmost devotion and zeal lest the god Narrative fail them.

    This is getting fun. It’s like I’m living through a chapter in Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. You rock, Zman. You are truly a catalyst.

    • It really does feel as if The End Is Nigh. What cannot continue won’t.

      And this lunacy cannot. How many hundreds of thousands of unemployable, outside of the collegiate asylums, are being disgorged by the asylums every year?

    • I can just see the Aztec priests demanding, “More sacrifices, more sacrifices!”

  8. You use the talented tenth but others refer to the Pareto principle.

    Charles Murray’s basic premise on the coming apart of white America is that we are losing our talented tenth or top intellects to their own segregated areas.. This leaves behind failing communities in the same way (not as bad) as black ones.

    • Looks like messaging software splits the above link. It’s a jpg followed by an access key suffix.

  9. “Instead of the Talented Ten Percent staying in the black community, building businesses, providing discipline and leadership, they are out in honkyville.”

    46 comments in, and nobody has mentioned segregation?? Pre-civil-rights, pre-1965 Jim Crow Segregationism actually WORKED for the black man, by keeping the talented tenth in the black community where they could work for the economic benefit of their fellow blacks, and also enforce responsible family behavior and respect for the law.

    • All the metrics for the black community have gone the wrong way since Civil Rights. Literary, family stability,crime, drug abuse, all worse. In 1955, under 20% of black births were to unmarried women. Now it is over 70%. In Baltimore it is over 90%.

      • The glib, easy, racist and undeniable truth is that under segregation the blacks were competing with blacks, after civil rights, they had to compete wth whites.

        btw, if you want to hear vitriol ^10th power, listen to black women talk about a successful black man who marries a white woman.

  10. Not for nothing – but the “gun guys” have been addressing this morals problem for quite a long time. Since the lefties have been trying to use the morals argument against the right to bear arms for like – forever. There are at least some within the gun owner community that *finally* figured out what the game was. Not a lot – but some. There are still far too many “gun guys” who will reflexively start quoting facts and figures when attacked by lefties for their ownership of firearms.

    I fell into this trap for a long time – then it started to dawn on me that making emotion laden attacks and attacking the very morality of the lefties who argue that gun ownership should be restricted to government – is a far more effective technique.

    When I try to explain this tactic to people (on the right) – they usually simply just don’t get it. They think they’re going to somehow “win” by quoting facts and figures. It’s like talking to a brick wall. Quoting facts and figures just simply doesn’t work against lefties IMHO. Moral and emotional attacks probably doesn’t “work” either – at least as far as changing their minds. But it sets them back on their feet – and it’s also somewhat satisfying to see a lefties spin out of control when you attack the center of their universe.

    • Exactly. My stock response to any gun control talk is something like “Why do want to take guns from blacks? Don’t they have a right to self-defense?” It’s one way to flip the script and put Lefty on defense. I’m not interested in changing his mind. I’m just declaring the issue out of bounds.

      There’s no reasoning with these people. the goal is to de-legitimizing them. Kill the man, kill his cause.

      • When gun talking with lefties I ask why they want to reinstute the law of the jungle where the largest and strongest MALE rules. It gives them brainrot.

    • The absolute first act of the French Revolution was not any political statement by anyone anywhere, but when commoners began searching about for ways to arm themselves.
      I don’t know if they still teach this to tourists at Williamsburg, but one of the lessons they used to teach was the taking of the town magazine by the people in, iirc, 1775. Having a hunting rifle wasn’t enough because after just a few shots with black powder a rifled barrel becomes so fouled it can’t be reloaded. Muskets are not rifled and are less accurate, but can be reloaded many times without having them so fouled with soot they become clogged and unfirable.
      We’ll know when it’s here when people you never thought would do so are asking how to get as many guns and as much ammo as they can get their hands on.

  11. “Western Christianity may have run out of time and we need a replacement.”

    Secular-Humanism will never cut it as a Great Unifier. I re-read Francis Schaeffer’s heartfelt, “A Christian Manifesto,” and it actually fit in with how I’ve been seeing the philosophical-divide here and around the world. It even helped propel me to an Easter service after spending the last 6 years at a distance from all things Christian.

    While “Progressives” are certainly the overarching problem, Islam, IMO, will become the cutting-edge of that problem, sooner rather than later. (Not that mexican drug-gangs, and plain old Mexican and inner-city crime isn’t bad + growing.)

    I see waking-up Americans to the true political-nature of Islam to be of paramount importance. Educators like Bill Warner of and Robert Spencer of are among the best resources.

    By looking at history, and the holding-back of Islam in the past, I sincerely see that ONLY something “greater than Self” (or posterity, IF we have any!) can “Hope” to unify us against the so-called religion of Islam.

    It is critical to choose RIGHT NOW:
    one stands with Islam and the domination of its “Sharia law” (or meekly not opposing it) or one stands with (or better yet, as) a Christian (with all Christianity’s flaws and in-fighting over the past 2000 years). As for me, I’ve chosen to stand as the sorriest of Christians.

  12. “Living in a Progressive theocracy means the framework of civic debate is always going to be a Progressive framework.”

    I have said this before:

    Please, please, PLEASE, stop using Progressive as a synonym for leftist thought. They take it as a compliment. And who in their right mind could be against “progress”? Just remember that someone that walks off a cliff is making great progress…..until they hit the ground.

  13. How does a fish get out of the water? The culture totally envelopes you and channels your thinking, your reactions. To change, you really have to abandon the old media you’re used to. About twenty years ago I gave up on The NY Times, about three years ago quit reading NRO every day….I grew tired of their interminable posts complaining about conservatives being treated unfairly by the press…about two years ago quit watching Fox….now I read a select group of blogs, news aggregators, and read books. Much more satisfactory. Doesn’t change the world, not a single bit. But I’m happier. Tim

    • As an addendum, this may be why I was startled on reading the replies to Steve Sailer’s post on a NY Mag article….their series on the alt right. Everyone it seems was congratulating him on being mentioned in the major media. WTF!

      • What you’ve described is an evolution I went through but only earlier. Yeah. I agree with your reaction to the Sailer in the media thing, but one thing to remember is that when you are in an argument war the most important factor likely to contribute to your success is having your argument clearly understood. The Sailer article comes closer to this than many prior ones. The bad guys are beginning to realize that simple denunciation isn’t working. Sure, they continue to insist on framing the discourse in their favor, but in setting up their straw man they are letting a few of his ideas seep through. The window is shifting.

  14. Great analysis. These guys are a theocracy but the right is disarmed because they share the same moral beliefs.

    The Libertarians don’t . The Progressives are being taken over by the Libertarians and their fans, so it’s going to be interesting. The Libertarians are calling them pseudo-progressives. Remember the totalitarian progs were against LGBT rights until recently then try and appropriate the Libertarian advances…

    The problems in the Mid-east come from the Libertarians there and their fans working to overthrow the theocracies. They got rid of the Commies while the right rolled over to die, so let’s see.

    • Yes, Left and Right share the same lust for illusory power, and demand the false authority to strike without retaliation.

      Two sides of the same coin, only the sales pitches differ.
      This is instinct, not reason, an interesting puzzle.

      • What Heinlein said, “a tiny minority hated by all right-thinking people”-
        That’s the libertarians.

  15. The fundamental, revolutionary idea behind Darwin’s mechanism of natural selection was of incremental change across glacial periods of time.
    It informed all of the natural sciences that followed- many of which had not yet been developed.

    I believe that Z’s mechanism of moral authority signaling may be the key, the lodestone, of a similar General Unified Theory of the social sciences, it is that important.

    Blessed, we are blessed to come here.

  16. It’s not about controlling the debate that matters, it’s about controlling minds. Most of us will never be converted by their rhetoric nor cowed by their admonitions. Their game is to remake the mindset of society by indoctrinating our youth in their political religion. It used to be that they accomplished this via seduction into government dependency (free welfare anyone?). Now they use the mass communication media to rewire minds with repetitive messaging.

    Debate is irrelevant once the zombies arise. And we will not be able to talk our way back to being a strong nation again.

  17. You’ve also just explained that most corrosive of inventions, the drug war.

    This may redeem- nay, also explain- the killing of the libertarians!

    This article is why you were born, Zman.
    Vast philosophical implications here.

  18. “That’s why the medieval House of Saud still stands and why the Mullahs in Iran are still with us. They define right and wrong.”

    They may do that but that’s not why they’re still with us.

    They still exist because they hold the monopoly on violence to enforce their rule. It has nada to do with “moral authority”.

    Look at Europe and Briton and the muzlime invasions. Who thinks this would be taking place without the populace willingly disarming themselves due to years of Leftist brainwashing?

    If half of this shit was happening here there would be mosques burned to the ground and imams suddenly disappearing without a trace.

    (Side note: I see Karl has discovered the true heart of America. Hope he understands it’s because of our 2nd Amendment protecting our 1st and how that actually operates in the real world. Perhaps he would be so kind as to patronize some diners and bars in “Flyover Country” and converse with a few gun owners and allow them to enlighten him.)

    Never, ever give up your guns. Always buy more ammo. 

  19. Trump and his voters are the result of the Cult forcing their definition of right and wrong down the country’s throat. We have puked it up. That’s the short play. The long play? God only knows.

    • The collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent revival of Russia would be a good case study, though it is still an on-going process. One possibility could be a return to an earlier form.

  20. A daunting task going up against the left when they have the media and spineless politicians in their back pockets.

    The Trump election was a start however at the end of the day he’s just a businessman and so far just looking out for the interests of big business. Go figure.

    The narrative must change if any true conservative candidate is to survive the election process.

    A good place to start is deprogramming the children when they come home from the public school indoctrination camps.

    The silent majority has stayed silent too long. It won’t be easy winning the country back.

    • trump’s sole purpose is/was to act as the “North star” for a large but unconnected group of people; this cannot be undone. he was never going to do much himself, from inside the system. secondarily (but also important) he caused all of the traitors “inside the wire” to self identify. things are in motion on a historical scale, and none of the worms occupying center stage (for now) have a chance in hell of stopping it from sweeping them all away.

      • Trump is the Alpha male and Obama is the Beta. People unconsciously follow the Alphas and avoid the Betas.

        Long way of saying that Trump is leading the new, outlawed, kids with the street cred and seductive inappropriate attitudes. Things are changing. They have no answer for it, so things could get interesting.

    • You’re pointing out something that I have come to believe is the height of the retardation that infests the right wing.

      ” a good place to start is deprogramming the children”

      Actually – a good place to start is to not infest the children’s heads with progressive mind virus IN THE FIRST PLACE.

      The fact that so many conservatives cannot comprehend this simple truth – goes a hell of a long way towards explaining why the left constantly wins.

      A mind is a terrible thing to waste – so don’t do it in the first place.

  21. fighting progressive theocracy must include the language. good place to start would be that hate word – immigration . it should be associated with the left exclusively and given a bad rep (should not be too difficult).

    as a substitute i am thinking of the old term ‘settler’ and it’s derivatives. so no more immigration reform or immigration ban – first is toxic and second implies taking something away and hitler and stuff – but let’s say settlers act or something of a kind. the term has a history and all kinds of emotional connections, it is sufficiently different from the progressive immigration and even if in the end results in reducing the number of people moving to US it is hard to make a moral argument against it because the term itself is positive.

  22. i can tell you that many young people today do not buy into the prog moral superiority bullshit. and they do not like the coloreds one bit nor think they deserve any special treatment. there is (i believe) a huge pool of antagonism to the blacks now, that wasn’t there before obama.

    • All the iterations of what we’re calling the alt-right are strikingly young and male. It is not old white guys lamenting the passing of their time on the stage. The insistence by the orthodoxy that the rebellion is the old white working class has always struck me as a whistling past the graveyard. The election numbers make clear that it is much more widespread and much younger than the population as a whole.

      • I agree, although… I know a LOT of young people, and the social aspects of the Prog religion- diversity is our strength, gay is good, trannies in the bathroom , race doesn’t exist, is believed by a large number of young people, even those , like my boys, who have been raised as heretics.

      • ” whistling past the graveyard”
        I like that phrase, and have been using it to describe WHY so many Republicans (maybe even the front-line Dems) stick with “Open Borders,” or at least can even bring themselves to say America deserves to have enforced borders. They just want to make it out of D.C. alive, and with enough of a golden-parachute to die-in=peace, behind their neighborhood’s strong, high walls.

      • Married women with children are a key target demographic. Minnesota of all places was almost in play because they saw Somalis in the shopping mall.

        So in terms of young men, getting them to marry and have children is the top priority, whether or not that involves any ideological conversion. But of course 110% of prog propaganda is about preventing that.

    • It’s all relative. My dad was in town a few weeks ago (Houston) and we went to a Walmart in the Galleria area. The place was a multicultural dream/nightmare. The striking thing was that the black people were the normal people.

      • They get “Galleria” from Naples. It’s what they call the huge shopping area downtown. (Italy)

    • I probably should have said Muslim, to avoid this sort of pointless hairsplitting. Genetics tells us that Persians are not a unique people in the region.

  23. all valid points, but what is conservative in america, today or in the past? was there ever a time when america was conservative?

    • What is “conservative” – does anybody even know any more? What exactly are you “conserving” ? That’s a question I’ve been asking many self professed conservatives for quite some time now.

    • Good point. The U.S. has always been a more or less Jacobin country. Progressivism is home-grown with strong roots in American Jacobinism and Neo Puritanism.

      • Could I ask for the quickie definition of ‘Jacobin’? Seen it used differently in more than one country/historical example. Thanks.
        (Severe time constraints, aka 15 hour workdays)

        • The quickie definition is destructive, violent leftist. It is actually more complicated than that. The Jacobins were a political club in revolutionary France that took the name of the Jacobin monastery that they met in. Their initial policy was in favor of a constitutional monarchy dominated by a single legislative body, but that turned into demands for a republic absent a king when Louis tried to escape in order to lead a counter revolution. They were initially against war with Austria and Prussia, but when the war came they were able to take advantage of the circumstances to take over the government and kill off their political opposition while doing a better job of prosecuting the war than those who had pushed for it (now all dead by guillotine).
          Now for the contradictions. They began by being in favor of lassez faire economics, but ended up with wage and price controls. Their opposition to government distribution of privilege led them to eliminate workmen’s guilds, making it so that collective bargaining of any kind was illegal. This last has been a mark of when leftism becomes communism. Support of unions is left wing up until the point the left has total control. Then when policy is to be directed totally by the central government, you can’t abide any blowback from those affected by the policy, so the unions are either castrated or eliminated.
          So the Jacobins ended up with what we today would associate with left wing policies, but the ideas they started out with were what we today would call more right wing. They were driven by circumstances coupled with lack of experience in executive functions and economics to certain actions in order to maintain power once they got it, and ended up being consumed by cognizant dissonance.
          I’ve ended up believing that “Jacobin” means someone who wants a change in the existing order. The history of the term can be otherwise construed to mean almost anything. A such, I have no problem with being called a Jacobin and have called myself one, but I realize that this is easily misunderstood.

  24. The fact that Trump won shows that the Progs moral authority has been significantly weakened. Although it is just one victory in a long war.

    • More than that. it also showed that Trump supporters didn’t care about all the progtard labels thrown at him. In fact they reveled in it, because it drove the progtards insane with rage..

      The Left(and political class) threw everything at him including the dreaded “Nazi” and “Hitler” bombs at him and it didn’t matter.

      People were and are fed up with the Left and their nightmarish bullshit.

      However the progs have now resorted to street violence to intimidate us. They know the authorities won’t stop them and the GOP won’t say squat because its a bunch of cucks and wall street meat puppets. So it’s going to get very,. very bad for us in the public arena from now on.

      If it gets sufficiently out of hand, it will destroy the ruling elite’s hold on the country for good. They stripped whites of a voice in literally everything while they eradicated towns, communities, family trees with toxic agendas. As a result there is a lot of pent up anger that is waiting for the right thing to set it off. And a bunch of goons coming at them with guns and knives will probably do it.

    • Any time anyone has ever tried to assert their moral authority over me, it always came down to “because I said so!”

  25. A key way to not let them define the boundaries of debate is to respond to the charge of racism (the WMD of the progressive arsenal) not as mainstream conservatives do, by blathering about the democratic party plantation or how MLK was a conservative, etc., but to behave like the alt right types and give a big shrug capped by a Breibart “So?” Once you respond outside of the framework of options they’re familiar with, you’ve changed the framework.

    Liberals claim to believe in science, especially evolution, Well, since human beings have been racist/parochial/tribal/clannish throughout most of our species’ history, that means racism is one of two things: it is either advantageous in an evolutionary sense, or at least no kind of hindrance to the survival of an organism. Excessive love for the other-xenophilia- has no precedent in history, and as Steve Sailer always points out (much to the chagrin of the leftists) the “other” is either working as a maid or gardener in a progressive neighborhood, or is mostly absent.

    • The appropriate response isn’t a Breitbart “So?”. It is punching the accuser in the face and telling them to go die in a fire. The moment you accuse me of racism is the moment you stop being people to me.

      • The social context is everything, but I like to use the “Breitbart ‘so?'” in most situations I find myself in. Gets the job done nicely without any assault charges being filed. It has a side benefit of completely scrambling their internal logic trees.

        • “You must be a racist.”
          “That’s what people like you have taught me to be.”

  26. This post about just about nails it. Unfortunately, the Alt-Right/dissident right thinks an onslaught of facts and figures will win hearts and minds in Middle America. That won’t cut it, although you would think it would since we have a mountain of statistical data on our side, so to speak.
    What we lack is the moral authority, or a deep seated belief in the moral righteousness of our cause.

    • It’s not just that facts and figures can’t alter the geography of the fight. Even when progs are victims of minority violence, they obfuscate or flat-out lie (like the German girl who falsified the identity of the refugee who raped her, or the one moonbat who was raped in darkest Haiti and blamed it on the white man).

    • The Alt Right has s a strong Christian component too it and a very strong rhetorical competent as well . Vox Day is especially good helping people understand rhetoric moves more than dialectic

      Also go check out the Donald subreddit, its .Alt Light not .Alt Right but the amount of delegitimization of the Cathedral going on there is breathtaking.

      The problem is though that too much of the .Alt Right is focused on Christianity and doesn’t have a clear answer for “what if it doesn’t come back .” This is especially the case in Europe where religion just ins’t nearly as much a thing as in the US.” Western Christianity may have run out of time and we need a replacement.

      What makes the lack of energy you are feeling is that the urge to rule isn’t there, A lot of the right is afraid to rule and that’s unwise, If it takes over its boots on necks all the way down and instead of running off to Monticello , odds are many people will be signing death warrants 12 hours a day or making policy and making people follow orders at gunpoint for decades

      At least the popular new You Can’t Run rhyme is going the right way, rule or be ruled

      Also given how new the movement is, maybe ten years old max, its yet to have a foundational ideology. What does the .Alt Right want in concrete terms and how does it plan to do better than the establishment ?

      Its getting there though, the 16 points might work or just make America White again or whatever else comes up that makes the heart beat faster, It can happen faster than you think as the sudden shift from passive to active streetfighting has shown

      I’d have assumed the the Right was way behind the curve but nope. they are ready to rumble and to escalate

      It makes sense if you remember the rule of revolutions, they require hope and guess what Trump gives?

      • Christianity’s coming back is not not entirely or even mainly up to us. Throughout history it’s been a movement of the Holy Spirit, particularly as seen in the three major revivals early in the history of the US that so shaped the founding. But paradoxically these revivals also required the efforts of thousands of believers, new and old.

        So, it wouldn’t hurt anyone anywhere to pray for revival and to equip oneself for rhetorical combat with the Prog heretics that have taken over the mainline churches by studying The Word. The Prog heresies have prevailed through the confusion wrought via their sustained attack on the authority of Holy Scripture and through their rhetoric of ‘niceness’: As in, ‘It’s not nice to make [_____, and particularly elite females] feel bad about their [sin they wish to embrace], thy just can’t help it’.

        Combatting this requires the assurance of knowing The Word and being willing to say to the Progs, “There’s nothing ‘nice’ about leading people spiritually astray.” IOW, being ready, willing and able to say ‘So_?’ about the vertical dimension as well as the horizontal dimension.

        • This implies that said person is Christian or the society is Ignoring .Prog heresy , you still can’t take that for granted,

          A lot of Europeans and increasing numbers of White and other actual Americans are non religious or like myself very weakly religious even in places where you’d expect religion to have sway.

          Places that are fairly traditional, conservative, nationalist and religious all at once aren’t doing much better than Prog areas either. Hungary and Poland meet the criteria and they are about as well off as Germany though at least not diverse,

          This isn’t the doing of the other side, its a natural trend for choices made long before convergence and the 21st centuries abundant amount of information

          People can choose not to have faith . So long as they pass the society on, its fine. Europe existed long before Christianity and will long after.

          Problem is that the religious impulse is very strong in some people and they take up a less desirable Abrahamic religion (Islam) start believing Prog nonsense or go eco-freak

          I don’t know how to counter that and redirect the impulses in a healthy direction that is also natural to the conditions in the world

          Nationalism as faith is just not wise and the West has been Christian for so long that’s its collapse leaves us ass out.

  27. Wow. What an amazing and powerful insight. I wish the borg converged adherents of the progressive religion could be influenced by your analysis. Alas, you are just preaching to the non-faithful.

    • Fish are not aware of the water. That is the advantage vs. the Progs that we must exploit. The Prog puppeteers are certainly aware, but the rest of them are oblivious to all of what Zman is talking about. Heck, many of us mostly are, too, which is why these Zman posts are so valuable. Having our intuitive hunches and vibes put into black and white clarity. Back to the subject at hand–Hit ’em where they ain’t lookin’.

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