American Alawites

I was googling around trying to remember the name of the funeral song for Pinochet and I found this video. The Chilean army uniforms got my attention. I could not recall anyone claiming that Pinochet was Hitler or even antisemitic. Out of curiosity I searched around for anything on his views regarding the Jews. I found this twenty year old article from the Jewish World Review. It turns out that the Jews thought The General was good for the Jews. This bit is what piqued my interest.

It is possible to say with a high degree of certainty that despite the prominent presence of Jews in Allende’s government, an important number of Jews welcomed Pinochet. Moreover, when Allende was elected president in 1970, 8,000 of Chilean’s 30,000 Jews fled the country, mostly to Israel, fearful of losing their property and assets to the socialist regime. Furthermore, when Pinochet took over three years later, many of those who had fled returned to Chile; however, other Jews fled the country.

The casual way in which a total lack of national loyalty is mentioned suggests it is just the way in which Jews view their relationship to the host country. Whether or not Allende was good or bad for Chile was inconsequential. What mattered was protecting their property and assets. There are other countries, after all. It is not the way most people would look at things. Your patriotic duty would require you to put nation ahead of personal gain, but more important, where would you go even if you threw in the towel on your country?

Jews have always been accused of having dual loyalties and the charge is not without some merit. It’s also not without good cause. After all, if you are a tiny minority living in lands where the host population is often less than welcoming, a high degree of clannishness is a necessary tool for survival. That loyalty to the group over all else naturally means a lack of loyalty to the host population. Both Jews and gypsies have managed to thrive as tiny minority groups, largely because of intense group loyalty.

Of course, clannishness is a bit easier when the host population is hostile. In America, the host population has always been indifferent to Jews. The first wave that came over in the 19th century largely blended in with the locals. In areas where they maintained a unique cultural identity, German Jews tended to conduct themselves like the WASP elite. Steve Sailer has done a bunch of stuff on Jewish golf club culture and the divide between the first wave German Jews and the second wave eastern Jews.

If hostility from the majority helps minorities maintain group loyalty, then the lack of hostility works against it. In modern America, there’s no such thing as Irish or Italian culture anymore. It has been commercialized and homogenized out of existence. It is why Jews work so hard to perpetuate the idea that they have faced terrible discrimination in America, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Maintaining the belief that the goyim are about to go full blown Nazi at any minute helps maintain group solidarity.

The thing is though, Jews are not a minority living on the fringes of American life. A scan of who controls the high ground in America shows that Jews are wildly over represented in the law, culture, media and finance. It really is quite incredible. Close to half of the owners of pro sports teams are Jewish. Roughly 85% of Jews attend college and 44% of Jewish households earn $100,000 or more. The statistics are rather incredible, when you consider that Jews are just 2% of the population.

American policy makers struggle to understand why Bashar al-Assad of Syria tenaciously hangs onto power. He has been offered a deal to leave Syria and live out his life in luxury somewhere in the West. Instead, he fights and his people fight, despite being outnumbered by the Sunnis. The Alawites are just 12% of the population, but they have been able to dominate Syria largely by remembering they used to be an oppressed minority. There was a time when Alawites had no legal rights. Righteous indignation is a powerful weapon.

This is relevant to Jews in America because they have manufactured a history of oppression in America as a way to maintain group loyalty and cohesion. This not only allows them to prosper, but it is a strong motivation to be wary of anything resembling group loyalty anywhere else. In a country that is becoming increasing fragmented, and headed for majority minority status, this will eventually be seen as hostility. Put another way, what has so far been good for the Jews could turn out to be really bad for the Jews.

Whether or not that’s how things unfold is hard to know. The appearance of “renegade Jews”, the term David Horowitz applied to Bill Kristol, could be a sign that Jewish identity and group loyalty is breaking apart. The whole neocon experiment looks increasing like a suicide cult. The folks at Commentary Magazine may be ready to close the books on mankind, but it is unlikely the rest of the Tribe is ready to join them. The paranoia over Chabad suggests group loyalty is not holding up.

The world is ruled by numbers. The Syrian Alawites have used cunning and ruthlessness to rule over the majority population. The American Alawites have used superior cognitive skills and the generosity of an open society to occupy the high ground in culture, politics, finance and the law. Maybe that’s enough and it is the natural order of things. The grinding war in Syria, however, suggests otherwise. But, Assad remains in power and the Sunni remain divided, so maybe numbers are not everything.

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Joey Junger
Joey Junger
7 years ago

Kevin MacDonald (supposedly the “Marx of the anti-Semites”) has a bunch of posts about “Jewish self-deception.” I think it’s important to remember that, while Jews wield a lot of power, they’re also delusional and priming themselves for a fall as much as they are hurting white America (not every Jew, but on a whole, yes, they’re for open-borders and cultural destruction). Jews think of themselves as allied with other minorities against some oppressive white dominant culture (“Cornpone Nazis” or “Palinites with Pitchforks” is what the Jewish writer James Howard Kunstler calls Derbyshire’s “Badwhites” or your “Wal-Mart Whites”/Dirt people). The problem… Read more »

merrell denison
merrell denison
Reply to  Joey Junger
7 years ago

Thank you, Joey Junger. I’ve wondered for years why most Jews are liberal, I think you nailed it. They are afraid, rightly or wrongly, of Dirt People.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Joey Junger
7 years ago

Jewish progressives (about 70% majority) feel a natural affinity with the ideology of the oppressed minority. It is also an identity (very important) and their understanding of spiritual belief. They have long ago given up the religion of the ancient texts for the ‘new’ texts (Marxism in all it’s colors).

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Joey Junger
7 years ago

I don’t believe this is true at all. The Jews support whoever hurts their enemies which usually the dominate group they live among.

The simplest solution for why the Jews act the way they do is they are a tribe of psychopaths.

karl hungus
karl hungus
7 years ago

much of what the jews have acquired, is of ephemeral value. their support for bringing in muslims has sealed their fate here. you can see this on the college campuses already; the muslims students serve as the focus of general anti-jew sentiment (which is considerable). the jewish students are under physical threat and will be driven off completely within say 10 years.

7 years ago

Their overrepresentation explains a lot of things about open borders, global government and their jihad against Christianity. We are effectively being ruled by people who are alien to our culture.

Reply to  TempoNick
7 years ago

Secular Jews are alien to traditional Jewish culture, too. They ignore Jewish ethics: people like Soros are evil incarnate.

7 years ago

>What mattered was protecting their property and assets.

Well, get ready for a wave of rich Chinese fleeing the mainland if and when a neo-Maoist comes to power.

7 years ago

We have a home-grown sort of new Jew right here in the good old USA. If you look at the Church of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), they actively seek to instill the same traits that make Jewish culture so successful into their adherents. It’s working spectacularly well I might add. They also make great neighbors. What this says to me is that it’s not magic blood that makes the Jewish people as a whole so successful over time, but their cultural practices and attitudes handed down through their religion. Used to be that way for the WASP’s too, but the left… Read more »

Reply to  Herrman
7 years ago

I would add that the Mormons appear to quietly contribute to the broader community in many ways (time, money, resources) in a way that the Jews typically do not. The Mormons seem to understand that their well being is intimately related to the well-being of their neighbors, in a demonstrated way and attitude that many Jews don’t seem to share.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Herrman
7 years ago

three generations ago

Reply to  Karl Hungus
7 years ago

There is the idea that WW’s 1 & 2 were exercises in killing off the what would now be called the Dirt People, all across the West. We in the U.S. just arrived a bit late to the frays, and were too efficient at turning the tides of battle, for our Dirt People population and share of the gene pool to have been seriously drawn down in the wars.

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

except that all strata of society sent their sons to WWII. not like today. that isn’t a serious thesis; I would let it go from my mind, just to make room for something better 🙂

Reply to  karl hungus
7 years ago

Well, the first half of it does get said by the Europeans at times, as some sort of apologia for their current male wussiness or something.

Reply to  karl hungus
7 years ago

25 % of the Oxford class of 1914 were dead 4 years later.

Doesn’t get much more elite than that back then.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Herrman
7 years ago

Mormonism is working OK not amazingly. I know many of them, quite like them but despite high fertility rates, the faith isn’t growing in the US

In fact Utah Mormon central only has a TFR of 2.3. Its amazing for current USA but its around that of late 1971 and allowing for losses, barely enough to hold on

Reply to  Herrman
7 years ago

The crucial element that is lost on most non-Jews is the distinction between secular Jews (many of whom have barely even glanced at the Torah and don’t accept its values: I used to be one) and religious Jews who constantly read and reread the Torah (split into 54 weekly readings), consult generations of commentaries, discuss their obligations to others and strive to lead Godly lives. As religious Jews, we are reminded that the welfare of the country where we live is part and parcel of our own welfare. Whenever there is chaos and anarchy in a country, hateful people will… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  MSJ
7 years ago

“…Secular Jews (some would call them JINOs, Jews In Name Only) should not be lumped together with religious Jews…”

I should hope not. Religious Jews believe they are the only humans and all others should be their slaves and serve them. Of course the non-Religious are as bad or worse so I don’t believe a word you say.

Reply to  Herrman
7 years ago

When I was a Bankster doing my derivatives thing the LDS were amongst the smartest groups I dealt with.

RT Rider
RT Rider
7 years ago

Like many privileged groups, the majority of Jews are content to overlook the bad behavior of a few, so long as it benefits them materially and doesn’t undermine tribal solidarity.

7 years ago

The greatest mistake when considering Jewish identity is to think that Jews are united. Not at all. They have been at each others’ throats, happy to murder or abandon their erstwhile brothers, since the beginning. They are Semitic, after all- and as opportunistic as they come. Mother’s line are first wave German Jews. An old joke- “the only thing on a Jew’s mind, is getting back at that other thieving Jew that cheated him!” (The goyim are not real people, irrelevant. Remember that you were never meant to see sacred Scripture, the O.T., it was a guide for the People… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

And yet no matter how earnest their words, how diligently they appear to toil for the resistant mud Whites, and goyish their appearance, they would throw us all to the wolves when push came to shove in favor of their tribe. They are not us. They despise us. They wish us dead. They must go, or we shall perish under their genocidial neurotic and supremacist rule. They are a fossil Bronze Age race of satan worshippers who stop at nothing to win. Were the numbers reversed, they would have sacrificed us one by one on the 3rd temple alter. They… Read more »

Reply to  RabbiHighComma
7 years ago

That’s a bit much.
All I ask is see past the camoflauge, and entertain a rational calculation of limits and trust.
Not letting the doggy bite you doesn’t mean ‘kill all doggies.’

(And I support both Israel and Slavic Russia, within bounds.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

“….I support both Israel…”

And if they weren’t picking your pocket while destroying the West, and trying to exterminate you, you might be onto something. (((They’re))) just not that into you goy, but they will happily accept your slobbering obedience while laughing about your naivety behind your back. I used to lurk on a NYC orthodox jewish board. They all took pleasure in discussing how easily tricked they goyim were, with several cautioning that they should take the board private if “any of this ends up quoted on Stormfront.” They would have liked you.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  RabbiHighComma
7 years ago

RabbiHighComma is correct.

RT Rider
RT Rider
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

My father referred to my mother as his “Loyal Opposition.”

Reply to  RT Rider
7 years ago

My father-in-law referred to my mother-in-law as the “High Command.”

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  Libertymike
7 years ago

did they refer to you as “Low Expectations”?

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

The discussion yesterday dovetails with your comment. The Eastern Orthodox Churches’ position is that in most contexts where the Bible refers to Jews, they are referring to the Jews that accepted the Messiah, i.e. Christians. Since they were the ones who were there at the beginning, and their people assembled the texts, I tend to give this a lot of credence. I don’t know what the Catholic perspective is, but I’m guessing it’s similar if not the same.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TempoNick
7 years ago

“…The Eastern Orthodox Churches’ position is that in most contexts where the Bible refers to Jews, they are referring to the Jews that accepted the Messiah, i.e. Christians…”

I have never heard this before. Very interesting. I wonder why I’ve never heard this. It would seem to be of great import to me.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Above my pay grade, but my understanding is that it was common knowledge among Christians from 1960 and before. I only learned this stuff within the last ten years or so myself. Talk radio on the weekends is a wasteland so I find myself listening to Catholic and Christian (Salem) Radio sometimes. It goes in cycles, though. I haven’t listened in a while.

7 years ago

Speaking strictly as a dirt person, they should be afraid us dirt people, we are beginning to unite in manifest solidarity because we are getting there is no voting our way out of this. And just who caused that? And why shouldn’t we be righteously pissed off? The Tea Party Normies are beginning to get there is no voting their way out of this also. And who is behind politically undermining that grass roots movement? Those Tea Party people didn’t just vanish into thin air because the IRS was used as a weapon, and agent provocateurs infiltrated the visible forms… Read more »

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

skimmed that link, didn’t see any numbers mentioned. what was the size of this early “wave”?

Reply to  Karl Hungus
7 years ago

I’m guessing 10,000 or so immigrants. I don’t see overall estimates. Charleston, SC supposedly had 2,000 Jews by 1800.,_South_Carolina

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  Drake
7 years ago


7 years ago

“I was googling around trying to remember the name of the funeral song for Pinochet and I found this video.”

Its stuff like this that keeps me coming back every day.

David Wright
7 years ago

I have a Jewish friend. Well, more of an acquaintance really.

7 years ago

” In a country that is becoming increasing fragmented, and headed for majority minority status, this will eventually be seen as hostility.” I already see it as hostility. Obviously, a very important question for a nation is who’s the us- and lately I simply cannot place Jews into the category of “us.” I can no longer ignore the evidence that my own lyin’ eyes unhelpfully provide for me. For example, when major GOP donor Sheldon Adelson wants open borders for the US, but a nice strong border wall for the place I can only assume is his true home. Or… Read more »

Reply to  Xennady
7 years ago

It’s kind of a chicken and egg thing, but when one part of the populace supports the government persecution of another part of the populace, the top 0.1% practice open economic season on big parts of the other 99.9%, and the instruments of climbing the social and economic ladder (education and jobs) practice placement and mindset quotas, then sacrificing your own social and cultural ties in order to join that country doesn’t really look very attractive. Our melting-pot experiment is crumbling before our eyes. And some people are cheering the destruction, which I will never understand.

Reply to  Xennady
7 years ago

Who is “they”? As a religious Jew, I sympathize and identify with American Protestants. Many of their values are MY values. When the s*d*mites decided to attack Chick-Fil-A, I made it a point to have as many meals as possible there (even though I don’t enjoy fast food) as a show of solidarity.

Reply to  MSJ
7 years ago

That half of the Jewish demographic for which ‘racial’ supremacy and identity is the religion, not writings or rules.

The same instinctive chauvinism as any human (or animal) group.

“End racism” is as silly as “end possessiveness” or “end nostalgia” or the oft-quoted “Wake Up!”
And about as honest, too.

7 years ago


The Jews who came over in the 19th Century were the 2nd wave. The Sephardic Jews who came over from Spain and Portugal in the early to mid-1700’s were the first wave.

7 years ago

The Jews, like most human organizations, ask for fealty to the tribe, and with it come responsibilities and obligations. From what I can see (definitely on the outside looking in), the secular Jews are all for keeping the old boy’s club in matters such as business, but have no use for the rituals and traditional expectations of the tribe. Like so many others, their culture is atomizing and they are on their own, and they are acting like it. One ends up with a society full of smart and predatory individuals. The traditional labels of Jewish or German or what-have-you… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Though I’d add that the Jewish network, a thriving global network, is alive and well. Jewishness in terms of ethnicity or religion does not matter. Jewishness in terms of business networks is the powerful binding force. Goyim need to follow that model and build a worldwide Christian network in more than words, that actually assist Christians with financing, media, education, building public platforms for our best politicians, professors, intellectuals, celebrities, and building aggressive, successful businesses that serve all. Problem is goyim are too passive and not as aggressively scrambling after anything that makes a buck. But we better snap out… Read more »

7 years ago

“The casual way in which a total lack of national loyalty is mentioned suggests it is just the way in which Jews view their relationship to the host country.” According to your quote, Chile had about 30,000 Jews and 8,000 fled the country when Pinochet came to power. Which means 22,000 remained. I was never great at math but isn’t that the majority of the community that stayed put? It looks to me more that the elite of the community picked up and left while everyone else stayed put. (And it wouldn’t be difficult for the bulk of the community… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

“Marriage patterns and fertility suggest that in a couple of generations, Americans will think of Jews the same way they think of the Amish. That is, a weird subculture with no real connection to the greater society.” There is one big difference between the Amish and Orthodox Jews that might keep ordinary people from seeing them as completely disconnected from society at large – the Orthodox are almost a completely urban group in America. Unless America becomes much less urban, Orthodox Jews aren’t likely to be as under the radar as the Amish. (Take for instance a movie like John… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

“One place I like to ride is out in the country. There is a large Lubavitcher community. Most people assume they are some weird Amish sect.” I wasn’t really aware of that specifically though I do believe it exists in America. (I know in Israel there are quite a few Orthodox agricultural settlements but comparing Israeli and American Jews is like comparing apples and oranges.) A google search gave me this article: so while its not a trend, a rural Amish-like Orthodox Jewry isn’t out of the question. (Prices in NYC alone might drive it; the market out here… Read more »

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

and like any inbreeding gene pool, their dna lines are becoming decrepit. same with the mormons and muslims. the jews will disappear as a group once their dna dips below a certain quality threshold. ironic, really.

Reply to  Brooklyn
7 years ago

I’ve heard a few American Orthodox Jews discuss doing something Amish-type in a rural area, for the reasons mentioned above.

Personal guess is that it’s a non-starter in the long run. If you’re religious and going to move away from the big city to farm, the first and most obvious choice is Israel.

There’s a whole history of Jewish agricultural communes, by the way, both in Europe and the US. For instance, Cotopaxi, CO, or Zgurița, Bessarabia…

PGT Beauregard
PGT Beauregard
Reply to  Brooklyn
7 years ago

The biggest issue is the over representation of jews in the communist/statist/SJW group. There is no denying there is a very large, vocal and dangerous jewish leadership component to these groups. Coupled with their inherent intelligence, you have a serious threat to traditional American non interventionist govt. and liberty. The parallels to 1930s Germany are there. There is a growing anger in the goodwhite community, who are being marginalized and dispossessed of their communities and property, while the statists once again march in lockstep. As they say, there will be blood. And a good many communist jews will be put… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

There’s a disconnect I think among elites in all groups broadly from the masses. I remember a long while back, Steve Sailer was going over data on Jewish attitudes towards immigration and while the elite was pro-immigration, his conclusion was that the masses of the Jewish public were more in line with the rest of the country. (Here’s the link: Every time I open up the newspapers, I wonder if the whole world has gone mad. Its even worse with a Jewish newspaper because most of the people writing there seem completely disconnected from not just from reality but… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

In the US, because our left v. right dichotomy is translated as big government v. small government, people see Jewish intellectuals on both sides, and conclude that net Jewish influence is basically neutral. But if your dichotomy is nationalist/globalist, then it becomes apparent that Jewish intellectual efforts are almost entirely globalist (almost). Whether it’s Jewish progressives like Bernie Sanders, libertarian economists like the GMU econ staff, or neoconservatives like Bret Stephens and Bill Kristol, they all fervently believe in the notion of an open, cosmopolitan multi-cultural nation. They are fanatically opposed to nationalism. Considering the history of the Jewish people,… Read more »

Reply to  Cicatrizatic
7 years ago

Interesting idea. The Russian pogroms and the Dreyfus affair would lend further credence to the Jewish rejection of nationalism, all the way back to the late 19th century. Unfortunately, the positioning of communism as an international movement that rejects national borders, seems to make communism a siren song of sorts with some Jews.

Ironically, the position of Israel as a strong national state is probably the only thing that keeps it around. I understand (basically third-hand hearsay) that even within Israel, the whole strong national state thing is hotly debated and sharply criticized in certain circles.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

“Unfortunately, the positioning of communism as an international movement that rejects national borders, seems to make communism a siren song of sorts with some Jews.” Yes. Then there is the Jewish libertarian economist, promoting total free trade and open borders (oftentimes with a certain zeal and rhetorical fervency that is akin to ideological Communism). To the American mind, this appears to be the opposite of communism, but it has the same effect of eroding national sovereignty and ethnic cohesion. As to neoconservatism, many of the neoconservatives were Trotskyites when they first arrived to the US (see Irving Kristol’s memoirs). Trotsky’s… Read more »

Reply to  PGT Beauregard
7 years ago

Smart radicals means very dangerous radicals. Punching above your weight isn’t always good.
Great point, that is the problem.

7 years ago

“….. fearful of losing their property and assets to the socialist regime….” Well, I too would be fearful given the 1000% consistent track record of communists (make no mistake about it; Allende was a hard core Marxist) in using mass exterminations, beatings, torture, executions, intentional mass starvation, etc., to aid in their confiscation of property and assets and place these assets in their own F’n pockets. (see Cuba, Venezuela, the former USSR, communist China, all of the former communist Eastern Europe, etc. ). Allende was you straight up communist true-believer thug/intellectual. Thank god he was killed (suicide or otherwise) before… Read more »

7 years ago

We live in an extraordinary era of great affluence and rapid technological advancement never before experienced in the history of our species. Change now happens at hyper-speed and the effects ripple through society at the speed of light. One consequence of this new environment is that we attempt to see trends in narrow time windows (by historical evolutionary standards). This is an innate tendency that helps us make predictions and then act on those judgments. The moral of this story is that, in the long run, most of our predictions turn out to be wrong, and the problem seems to… Read more »

7 years ago

As with most cultures, you favor your clan, so it’s no surprise Jews are overrepresented in some fields. I think their cultural history puts them in fields of money and enrtertainment (family trade) but I also think the work ethic and study behaviors drilled into them at an early age from the Jewish religion is another basis for their success. You see this with the Asians in America but I think this is the same as the hard work ethic of first and second generation immigrants through the history of the US. The Jews have remained clannish over time due… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I always end up with the Orthodox Jews when I fly. Last time the guy next me was friendly enough and had only a mild New York accent. Then he opened up a Hebrew Torah and started reading. That thing looked like one hell of a serious brain exercise.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…The American Alawites have used superior cognitive skills and the generosity of an open society to occupy the high ground in culture, politics, finance and the law…”

More like fanatical in-grouping, Blackmail (underage girls and boys), money creation from scratch (FED and all the Central Banks), media control and murder when necessary.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

The Jews have frequently played both sides of any issue. In the seventies a homosexual pedophile Jew ran the Nazi party in the US. I think it very likely the Jews are doing so here by pretending that one set of Jews is a problem but another is not. Alex Jones, great NWO fighter, fights…the NWO not the Jews that are responsible for most of what he’s complaining about. When ever they have had the power to do so they have killed people in the most frightful abandon. Russia, Spain(more than once), numerous times in the ancient world. They celebrate… Read more »

karl hungus
karl hungus
7 years ago

Zman, you much of a Soundgarden fan?

Wm. Scott
Wm. Scott
7 years ago

Jewish national loyalties may be a chicken-and-egg issue. Regardless of what country they were in, they were going to get screwed. Their only crime was being a Jew. From Russian pogroms to the German gas chambers to the Spanish Inquisition, survival meant leaving when things look bad. Jews are leaving France again in large numbers, probably because of Muslim terrorism and lack of support from the French government, so it may have become part of their identity at this point. I remember one of Brad Pitts’ lines from the movie WWZ that people who keep moving are the ones that… Read more »

Reply to  Wm. Scott
7 years ago

They seem to act in ways that are counter to their own interests at times. Sure, they are leaving France. But 98% of them voted for Macron, who will continue to import Islam. Their distaste for LePen invites people who would kill, rather than discriminate against them.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

and they did the same thing here, with the eventual same effect

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

I think they voted for Macron the banker’s business/economic policy. Social policy is for the little people to worry about, distraction issues.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

I’m a religious Jew who was proud to vote for LePen, and I many French Jews did the same (despite the onslaught of media propaganda, Marine is not Hitler’s daughter). I don’t want to see French culture destroyed by hostile invaders who hate our values and are intent on subjugating us by any means possible.

Sticky Burr
Sticky Burr
Reply to  MSJ
7 years ago

and that means jack shit. What about the other 98% of “French” Jews who voted for Maricon? If I were you I’d start planning to make Aliyah real soon.

Reply to  Wm. Scott
7 years ago

The self-fulfilling prophecy.
They can’t or won’t rein in their radicals.

7 years ago

Re-establishing your street-cred?

Reply to  Garr
7 years ago

Not sure how the “plank” thing applies here, given that I’m certainly not trying to establish or re-establish my own street-cred.

7 years ago

>The casual way in which a total lack of national loyalty is mentioned suggests it is just the way in which Jews view their relationship to the host country Where was the national loyalty of the Puritans, Germans, Dutch, Irish, Italians, Swedes, Norwegians and Finns who settled America? Most of them were not even fleeing dispossession in their home countries-they just wanted more opportunities, and so they left the lands where their ancestors had lived for millennia and went to Michigan or wherever. Which is fine! On the other hand, when those disloyal Chilean Jews, who’d been living in Chile… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

What did I read in that you never wrote?

A.T. Tapman
A.T. Tapman
Reply to  BaruchK
7 years ago

Rootless Cosmopolitan.

Reply to  A.T. Tapman
7 years ago

No, Mr. Tapman, BaruchK is a “West Bank” settler who carries a semi-automatic pistol with him wherever he goes. (This is a fact that any reader of Jim’s blog can confirm.) His roots go very deep and he’s willing to employ extreme violence to defend them.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Because the murderously inclined are afraid to fuck with BaruchK and his friends.

A.T. Tapman
A.T. Tapman
Reply to  Garr
7 years ago

Well it seems BaruchK and I have that in common. I have carried for many years and at this point prefer my Glock 19. You can tell a good bit about a man by his weapon preference.

Reply to  BaruchK
7 years ago

I think more Jews may have fought in the world wars because they felt they had more at stake in Europe than Americans (go ahead and jump on this if you like. You make the distinction yourself). If so, this is simply more evidence of divided loyalty. My family felt we had a stake in the Pacific theater because that’s where we were attacked. As for the Puritans, I think they were tired of wars and persecutions. Cromwell was considering taking his family to America when he was asked to get involved in politics. Even when they were in power… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Currently, military has more Wiccans than Jews.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Those same Jews who will whinge about their great-grandfather who was forced to cut off his thumb or “flee” Russia for fear of the draft will, in the same breath, brag about Uncle Morty who served in WWII as evidence of their intense American loyalty. They only served in the two world wars because everyone else did, and they were then fighting against Germany.

There are currently about 2000 putatively “American” Jews serving in the Israeli military, as compared to 4000 in the US military. As the old truism goes, dual loyalty would be an improvement.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

That is seriously messed up. It’s not like they cannot pass the tests or don’t owe the same thing to their country that my boys did.

Weird, you would think that just to secure the top levels of our ‘fourth branch of government’ they would opt for the academies or ROTC or something.

Most I’ve known either joined the Israeli military or talked about it. None talked about joining the US military. I never thought about it before now.

Reply to  TWS
7 years ago

I served in the US military for 8 years (active, plus three in the reserve/Guard). The US military does not track people by ethnic origin (in the sense of Irish/Italian/Polish) but rather by their self-professed religion. I, like most American Jews, was not religious, so did not put anything down, and thus would not be counted among those 4K. Also, the US has ceased to position military service as an obligation, and positions it largely as a way to pay for college/have an adventure/get relevant professional skills/secure government employment/etc. The upper middle professional classes are under-represented. Prior to this taking… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Thanks for clarifying on moral judgments. I’m not saying national loyalty is or is not a sucker’s play. I’m saying, apply the concept consistently. Thinking about it a bit more, as you suggest, loyalty to one’s nation-state makes sense it it’s a two way street. Not if that nation-state has become suicidal, or has decided to replace its citizens with third world criminals and peons. It’s this way with any human relationship. Personally, I don’t feel I’ve betrayed the US by checking out. I think any accounts I had with it were settled by the time I left. If it… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The future is tribal for sure, any tribe that wants to survive needs a strong identity and very possibly enough resources to maintain things like Dune style family atomics or bio-weapons. It will also be a lot less prosperous which I know globo-corp fears since it leads to much less economic activity . Outsiders have no chance basically and certainly won’t be hired or if there are enough resources necessarily traded with This is a some years off though As for civic nationalism, this never worked well but what we had required constant broad based economic growth , a religious… Read more »

A.T. Tapman
A.T. Tapman
Reply to  BaruchK
7 years ago

BarachK, I rescind my rootless cosmopolitan comment. I entirely agree with your position.

Reply to  BaruchK
7 years ago

Nice to meet you. You’re the first Jewish guy I’ve met who joined the US military.

Not sure why you replied to someone else in a reply to me.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

IDF enjoying free access to Pentagon, per Todd Pierce goy from Minnesota: “And you got the Christian Zionists. So it was always there. But with 9/11 it expanded exponentially. When 9/11 happened it created a readymade audience for the neocons to say we got to do what Israel does. Karen Kwiatkowski worked in the Pentagon at the time, and she said the IDF officers had regular access. They didn’t even have to go through, like I did, with a pass, to get through. So right away we turn to the IDF. But what the IDF knows is not counter terrorism,… Read more »