The Tribe To Emulate

The Asians are often called the “model minority” in America. This is based on the fact that they have low crime, low welfare dependency, low social dysfunction and high academic achievement. Some mentally unstable Asian females have tried to rail against this as racist, but Asians make terrible social justice warriors. That and only a lunatic could construe what is an obvious compliment as racism. The thing is though, they are not the model minority. The most successful minority is the Jews.

If you are in an African tribe and your people are thinking about moving to the West, the group you would want to emulate are the Jews. They have figured out how to wildly succeed in all sorts of places, always as a tiny minority. This is in despite of some serious efforts by majority populations to keep the Jews from succeeding. Then there was the bit of trouble in the middle of the last century. Asians cannot hold a candle to the Jews in this area. In the US, Jews have become the ruling class.

Steve Sailer has noticed something that has been an internet meme for some time and that is “Jewish privilege.” This used to be a gag in response to the cries of “white privilege” by Progressive lunatics, but it is slowly becoming a legitimate topic for public discussion. Whether or not you buy into the whole “privilege” argument, the point is Jews have been wildly successful in America. The question that should follow is why? What group qualities have worked for Jews that are unique to Jews in America?

Now, this is usually where people will starting mentioning Kevin McDonald and The Culture of Critique. The more empirically minded will bring up the landmark study of Ashkenazi intelligence, by Gregory Cochran, Jason Hardy, Henry Harpending from a dozen years ago. Neither of those are going to help your African tribe make it work in the West. That’s like the Koreans reading the Talmud looking for the secret of Jewish success. A better approach might be identifying a few qualities and copying them.

One is something Steve Sailer noticed during the short-lived Larry David flap. It used to be that Jews were obsessively self-aware. Thaddeus Russell touches on this in his book, Renegade History of America. Jews used to obsess over the quirks and flaws of their people, and tirelessly harangue the tribe about the flaws. Shame is taboo these days, oddly enough. but it makes for an excellent self-policing mechanism. In fact, it used to be the default way in which the American ruling class policed itself.

Related to the self-policing instinct is clannishness. A lot of alt-right people criticize Jews for being clannish. They call it nepotism, but they really mean clannish. There is no doubt that Jews throughout the diaspora have always worried about what is good for the Jews, so much so it is a cliche. The thing is though, unlike, say, Arabs, Jewish clannishness defends the tribe against all threats, external and internal. Arabs will protect complete idiots, who cause the tribe trouble. Jews do not do that with their members.

This is something that all identity politics should adopt. Going back to the African tribe at the beginning, if they have a member, who brings shame on the group or simply cannot pull his weight, the best course is to cut him lose. If you have talent and you are Jewish, the tribe is an enormous asset. if you are a mediocrity or a loser, being Jewish is not going to benefit you in the least. Clannishness as a reward encourages loyalty, but it also boils off the losers who drag down the group. Along with shame, it makes for a better tribe.

Another quirk of the Tribe that could help any tribe is the unwillingness of Jews to self-marginalize in society. The Ultra-Orthodox do this, but they are the exception. Generally, Jews engage with the society in which they reside and are willing to engage at the highest levels. Gypsies in Europe, in contrast, live on the fringes. Asians in America tend to gravitate to a little Hanoi or a Chinatown. Jews do not do that and when forced into a ghetto, and we have the word ghetto thanks to the Tribe, Jews resist it and try to engage.

This is not just something Jews have done in America. Italians and Irish are notable examples of groups that would not stay in the ghetto. Unlike Europe, America has never had a lot of rules about this stuff. We did not inherent Europe’s class structure. Still, the winning hand everywhere is to not settle for a quiet little corner of society. The winning formula is to embrace the greater culture and carve out a place in the center of it. The trouble last century in Germany not withstanding, it has worked very well for Jews.

Going back to the shame issue, there is a Jewish quirk that is a huge advantage and that is a form of shamelessness. That is, Jews are never ashamed of their efforts. You see this with the neocons. Guys like Bill Kristol have no problem walking around in public, despite the things he has done to the country. Anthony Weiner was out and about, even after he was caught in the “bing-bing-bing.” It is not always an asset but having the conscience of a burglar makes it easier to overcome failure and keep plugging.

The genesis of this post is a conversation I had with a Zimbabwean. We fell into conversation about his country and one of the things he said was that his people are the Jews of Africa . He thinks his people should come to America and follow the same path as the Ashkenazi. I did not think to ask if he was Lemba, but that’s my hunch. His general point was that inculcating certain group habits that have worked for other groups, is a good way forward for tribes, be they in identity politics on the African bush.


84 thoughts on “The Tribe To Emulate

  1. Ashkenazi Jews are the ultimate successful parasites. Feeding off a culture and growing fat but knowing not to actually overwhelm and kill the host. Even in some ways being protective of the host against other parasites. That seems to have changed in recent years and it’s almost as if they are trying to see how fast they can kill the host that is sustaining them.

  2. The Israeli version of Trump just kicked out 40,000 African illegals, perhaps saving Israel. Of course with the Liberals over there, the police ransacked Netanyahu’s home the next day, “looking for evidence of illegal cigars”.

  3. Jews look enough and act enough like Western Europeans to fit in, so they can and do. Asians look like Asians and have Asian sensibilities so it makes things slightly harder for them. I’ve lived in Asia and have quite a few Asian friends but it meant making more of an effort as compared to my Polish or Croatian friends. Not exactly apples and oranges I know but how we look is important.

  4. All the things said here are true but it doesn’t hurt the Jews to own all but three countries Federal Reserve banks.

    2.North Korea

    I am skeptical how much they control the Japanese and Chinese banks.

    They have massive amounts of capital and over time it keeps increasing their power. In the 80’s they used it to take over most of the large corporations in the US with junk bonds.

  5. You need a proofreader. Desperately. 1/4 cent per word, $2.54. You’re lending credence to to the notion that the alt-right can’t use words.

  6. Interesting reference to the Perception by the Zimbabwean. In his book “There Was A Country,” China Achebe makes the admiring comparison between the Igbo tribe of Nigeria and the Ashkwnazi Jews along all of the same dimensions of industriousness, commitment to education, ability to thrive under challenge, strong moral and familial values, and engagement throughout the culture.

    Of course for this – due to envy of Igbo achievement by lethargic, corrupt and savage tribal rivals – the newly decolonized country was destroyed from within between 1966-1970. They have never recovered.

  7. I nominate the Ibo of Nigeria as the Jews of Africa. Read Chinua Achebe’s cycle from __Things Fall Apart__ to __Anthills of the Savannah__ and you’ll see what I mean. .

  8. Two observations, one on-topic, one off.

    1. When exactly, did Jews become untouchable, even for other Jews? Back in the ’70’s and ’80’s, there were lots of Jewish comedians who did nothing but tell jokes about Jews. Gentiles like Johnny Carson told lots of Jewish jokes. When did this change? Was it sudden or gradual? It seems like I just woke up one morning in about 2005, and Jews were off limits, but I have a feeling that’s not the case.

    2. If Z-Man has any readers in Mexico, could you please swing by Fred Reed’s place, and get him back on his medication? Fred’s always had an erratic streak, but he seems to have crossed a line recently…

  9. The one major problem with Africans trying to emulate the Jews (besides IQ), is skin color. Jews can pass as Europeans and play the “my fellow white people” card, because they are white. A clannish group of black people trying to grab the levers of power in a majority white country are going to be stamped out pretty quickly. The differences between them and the host population are so instinctively obvious.

  10. The thing is though, unlike, say, Arabs, Jewish clannishness defends the tribe against all threats, external and internal. Arabs will protect complete idiots, who cause the tribe trouble. Jews don’t do that with their members.

    This, in spades. When tribal loyalty insists the idiot, murdering, raping brother is still given top seat at the dinner table because he’s the oldest male offspring then you’re never going to get very far. It is the fear of ostracism which keeps a lot of European, Asian, and Jewish societies in line.

  11. It’s not that difficult.
    One piece of the picture is that Jews are plenty smart. But the sheer numbers of whites means that there are going to be more smart goys than smart Jews. So that’s not the whole picture.
    Another piece is that Jews have no inner morality that restrains them. Their limits are always imposed from without; either by some all-controlling set of religious edicts or by the judging eyes of their community. So they’re always going to have an advantage over those who act ethically, especially in business.
    But the thing that brings these pieces together is that a group that acts as a team will always defeat people who are acting as individuals.
    Jews see themselves as a tribe & act like it. White people don’t.
    White people used to see themselves as a tribe, or more specifically as members of their own particular white tribe. When they did that, they kept the Jews down, socially & politically if not financially.
    But the Jews used their intelligence, lack of ethics, financial resources, and ethnic cooperation to take over the universities & mass communication mediums. That allowed them to crumble the traditional white sources of morality & status. Then they began creating & disseminating their own set of morals and status-raising behaviors.
    The main thing that they told white people was that it was a sign of high status & morality to see themselves as anything BUT a tribe. On the right, Jews encouraged us to see ourselves as sovereign individuals, or as simply Americans. On the left, they told us to see ourselves as a member of an economic class, or as historical villains that other tribes had a right to destroy.
    They were so successful at this that now a white person thinking of themselves as a member of a tribe is literally the worst single offense that a person can commit in America.
    I’m not sure that I see a way out of this for most whites. High trust, openness, lack of clannishness, universality, etc… all these seem to make it difficult to push us into a single tribe. Maybe some of the more clannish white strains like the Scots Irish & Slavs & Mediterranean types among us can lead the way.
    I suspect that by the time the energy has been raised enough to push whites all together, the energy level is so high that it can no longer be controlled.
    It’s worth noting that Hitler started out simply making the Jews identify themselves so that they couldn’t pull their “hello fellow Germans” trick with them, and to remove them from positions where they could subvert German morals, culture & society. Both of which are perfectly reasonable actions for one tribe to take if they want to prevent another tribe from working against them in secret. But the next thing you know, those reasonable efforts spiraled out of control.

    • Fascinating comment, hosswire. This is the “Jews are running everything” meme stripped of all the hype and emotion, and carefully and logically laid out. Get rid of all the “racist, anti-Semitic” shouts that shut this line of thinking down, and it does explain some things in an Occam’s Razor sort of way. It certainly gives a window into the thinking of George Soros. Also an alternative view of the rise of the German Nazis that makes sense, and will never show up in the classroom history textbooks. Finally, it sheds light on a reason why Europe has gone so hard down the socialist/communist path, along with the EU and uncontrolled immigration.

      Any public discussion of any of this gets immediately shut down by immediate screaming and violence. I have learned that when something earns that sort of response, there is usually a kernel of truth buried in there.

      • It should not be so controversial. The world is full of examples of Market Dominant Minorities — tribes who go into other tribes’ territory & use their intelligence, tribalism & willingness to cheat non-members into taking over lucrative sectors of that territory’s economy. Especially sectors that reward mutual trust & network effects, like commercial trading & finance. The Chinese in SE Asia & the Lebanese in Africa are probably the best examples. If someone merely said that the Jews are a similar Market Dominant Minority in Europe & North America I doubt that would stir any anger.
        It seems reasonable to imagine that a Market Dominant Minority might also want to extend their influence over other culturally influential sectors of the territory as well. To also become a Cultural Dominant Minority, to coin a term. For one thing, doing that would help them prevent the locals from noticing that they are being Market Dominated & lashing out against it.
        That’s a more subtle task than creating a tribal monopoly in banking, but is definitely doable. Especially if your tribe has been living side by side with the locals for centuries & carefully observing their cultural operating system.

        • The “controversy” is not the merit of the points made, but that some people don’t want this stuff talked about in a dispassionate fashion. They must keep the subject verboten and completely off the table. So they shout it down and appeal to emotion, to prevent the discussion.

      • Actually I think the “Jewish conspiracy” is a layman’s understanding of a far more nuanced problem. Jewish people have an extremely high IQ which results in them: 1) Reflexively undermining all forms of linguistic censorship because it inhibits Jewish will to power and 2) Finding manipulation of lower IQ people extremely easy because language is a form of mind control. The first results in conservative/libertarian Jews and the second results in liberal/status-seeking Jews; and the phenomenon expresses itself in undermining host culture (all culture requires censorship for self-preservation). By far, the most politically correct people I have met are anglos

  12. You forgot one glaring example of Jewish shamelessness bordering on psychopathy: Bernie Madoff. The massive damage he wreaked because he just didn’t GAF about anyone else.

  13. Zman one thing I think you miss is the importance of the familly. I do not mean to cast all gentiles in this but you will not see the “baby mamma” phenomenon with many offspring by different father – or any aspect of the black ghetto culture that I now see in poor white communities in rural America. Jewish family will not allow this. Emphasis on education, career, responsibility is very strong, and part of this is to “The Tribe” but also to strong family bonds. I think this is part of success of Asian, Indian and other groups. It also brings the stereotype neurosis of the Jewish mammas boy or Jewish Princess.

  14. > Asians in America tend to gravitate to a little Hanoi or a Chinatown.

    Much like the Italians of the last century lived in Little Italy, or (in Saint Louis) Dago Hill.

    Only for the first generation, then many spread out into the middle and upper middle class neighborhoods.

    And their kids went to school with the white kids and did (largely) what the white kids did.

  15. “Whether or not you buy into the whole “privilege” argument, the point is Jews have been wildly successful in America.”

    I’ve always hated the whole privilege argument overall. Its nonsense academic mumbo-jumbo that normal people are extorted into accepting. Its always some opportunistic lowlife or incompetent who uses it. (Sailer’s point was with Peter Beinart, who makes a good living trying to be the liberal Ben Shapiro but who’s whole position today is a flip-flop to an extreme minority position he did to get attention, sell books and make money.)

    “One is something Steve Sailer picked up on during the short-lived Larry David flap. It used to be that Jews were obsessively self-aware.”

    Jews still are; its just that its largely (not entirely though) retreated behind closed doors as demographics have shifted. I suppose you could say that the politics of the shifting demographics are part of this – intermarriage is somewhere around 60-70% in America and most of the community has no answers to dealing with it so you get a lot of hand wringing but a situation where people become more inclined to ignore everything that isn’t a “safe” position and hope for the best.

    “Related to the self-policing instinct is clannishness. A lot of alt-right people criticize Jews for being clannish. They call it nepotism, but they really mean clannish. There’s no doubt that Jews throughout the diaspora have always worried about what is good for the Jews, so much so it is a cliche.”

    I wonder about that from time to time; one the one hand there is some truth to a tribe being tribal. On the other hand, it seems like a criticism that doesn’t quite fit the situation anymore. Secular Jews, who are still the majority of Jews in America, are a highly assimilated and intermarrying group and have a low birth rate combined with support for policies that actively hurt the interests of Jews overall. What kind of clannishness is it if it doesn’t keep the clan going?

    (Its like that rally in Poland recently; Germany is trying to flood Poland with Syrians and people at that rally were shouting about Jews running the country; all I could think was “all 3 of them? Are Shmuey and Esty down at the Aushwitz visitors center taking a couple of hours out to secretly run Poland’s very visibly right wing government?” A hundred years ago, when Poland was 10% Jewish, I could understand the focus but Poland is now 99% Polish and the only Jews are tourists, some scholars, and the staff at the Israeli embassy. Isn’t their argument a bit out of date?)

    “Another quirk of the Tribe that could help any tribe is the unwillingness of Jews to self-marginalize in society. The Ultra-Orthodox do this, but they are the exception.”

    Actually the Ultra-Orthodox only do this selectively. They aren’t afraid to push into business or politics; its mostly culture that they marginalize themselves from, mostly by developing their own. (Here’s an example of a political push: and here’s an example of a technical push:

    “Going back to the shame issue, there is a Jewish quirk that is a huge advantage and that is a form of shamelessness. That is, Jews are never ashamed of their efforts.”

    Regarding shamelessness, I think thats more part of the era that we live in than an absence of shame. Reading about the Jewish community in America before 1960, you get more of a different picture, at the very least a more restrained one.

    “You see this with the neocons. Guys like Bill Kristol have no problem walking around in public, despite the things he has done to the country. Anthony Weiner was out and about, even after he was caught in the “bing-bing-bing.” It’s not always an asset, but having the conscience of a burglar makes it easier to overcome failure and keep plugging.”

    You left that scumbag Eliot Spitzer off the list. I think that a part of the problem is also that the post-cold war culture today encourages shamelessness in a way it didn’t even 25 years ago. That doesn’t help matters at all. (I at least understood Anthony Weiner’s shamelessness – being a beard for Huma and having a sexless marriage drove a screw loose in a head that probably didn’t have that strong of a foundation to begin with but Kristol just makes my blood boil. Putting everything else aside, he staked his reputation on the idea that after a generation of calling Hillary Clinton the devil, he would publicly call on people to vote for her because, as a Manhattan snob, Trump was too much of a Queens ethnic for him to stand. And after all that he’s still willing to do the talk show circuit like nothing he said in 2016 ever happened!)

    “We fell into conversation about his country and one of the things he said was that his people are the Jews of Africa . He thinks his people should come to America and follow the same path as the Ashkenazi.”

    If he’s really interested in taking up the same path as Ashkenazi Jews, I’d have told him to forget about planning to bring his whole nation to Montana and do the next most authentically Ashkenazic thing, which is to start up a kibbutz instead. Hell, Israel invests enough in relations with Africa that he’d probably find someone there to finance it for him.

    “I did not think to ask if he was Lemba, but that’s my hunch.”

    Ever since Israel brought over the Ethiopians, every third group in Africa has been claiming Jewish ancestry in a bid to get out. Its entirely possible that the Lemba were descended from some Jewish traders that ended up there in antiquity but the whole “Jews of Africa” thing really only picked up steam when Zimbabwe became the flaming garbage dump it is today. At least the Israelis have the sense to not endorse their claim; I have a feeling that there’s some refugee outfit over here thats just dying to bring over 50,000 African “Jews”, probably to settle literally next to some Somali Muslim neighborhood they’ve already brought over. Because Multiculturalism!

    • “Secular Jews, who are still the majority of Jews in America, are a highly assimilated and intermarrying group and have a low birth rate combined with support for policies that actively hurt the interests of Jews overall. What kind of clannishness is it if it doesn’t keep the clan going?”

      Although they need enough Jews to keep their worldwide network thriving, they don’t really need or want too many. Their limited number is part of their success, so it’s OK if some secular Jews fall away from the tribe and their precious network. The more Jews there are, the more they have to share, and that cuts into someone’s profits. The model is meant for a limited diaspora and works exceedingly well.

    • The Israelis are comically stone faced about the African Jew stuff. I know an Israeli guy and I give him the business about African Jews. He’s not sympathetic.

      • Again, living in NYC, I’ve worked/socialized with a lot of Israelis, and dated an Israeli woman for 3 years. The worst stuff I’ve ever heard about American Jews came out of the mouths of Israelis, and they didn’t hold back. There is a definite love/hate relationship between American Jews and Israelis, most of the hate coming from the Israeli side. Israelis are generally tougher, both physically and emotionally, than American Jews. Israeli women despise the nebbishy, Woody Allen types of American Jewish men. Seeing as how all Israeli men and women are compelled to serve in the armed forces, they don’t have a lot of time for spoiled JAP’s and Harvey Weinstein types common to New York and LA.

          • They’re fantastic, at least in my experience. When I went to Israel with her, and she took me on a personal tour of the entire country, I was pleasantly surprised at how many gorgeous young women there were. Tel Aviv, in particular, had a ridiculously high quotient of hot young women. And they like American guys too. Very easy to get laid there if your reasonably good looking and know a few quick Hebrew phrases. They are especially intrigued by gentile guys who visit Israel. It piques their interest in the right way.

    • Re: secularization and intermarriage reducing Jewish clannishness

      It’s still the case that very few Jewish kids graduate with student loans. Most Jewish kids get some or all of their living expenses paid by their parents for years after college. Most Jewish kids get a partial or full down payment on their house from their parents. And of course the Jewish network comes into play when junior graduates too.

      This stuff matters a lot, and gentile whites are horrible at this sort of nepotism. Too many of us have a stiff upper lip attitude and a “make your own way in the world” attitude. This isn’t the frontier anymore though. All the low-hanging fruit has been picked. Whether you help your kids or throw them to the sharks, you can be sure the Rosenthals and Rothsteins of the world will be operating at full nepotistic and clannish capacity.

      • As both Singh and Patel will tell you, the Sikh and Indian extended families don’t worry about banks or babtsitters. They pool together and take care of their own. Even Sancho does this.

  16. Moving to and working in Los Angeles red pilled me. Seeing Jewish bosses adoringly usher in their Jewish friend’s kid and giving him or her a plush position, better pay and plum projects was embittering, especially when Jew boss would introduce the latest pet chosen one and share that, “He’s one of the tribe” and all us goyim would be expected to smile and applaud in approval, because we could all see and embrace their superiority. It was sickening. And I never saw a Jew brought in that was above mediocre in talent, and though they were intelligent enough, definitely not brilliant. The self-confidence held by these so-so Jewish pets dovetailed nicely with their shamelessness to propel them forward as they generated their occasional problem-ridden projects. Instead of firing them, the Jew boss would quickly brush the failed project under the rug and give them a new special project to screw up. But the Jewish network put them on the fast track, while the rest of us goyim toiled on, making our subsistence pay and keeping the place running.

    • Yes Ursula but I am reminded of an acquaintance originally from North Dakota who said when he turned eighteen they told him “you’re free to go”.

      • They take credit for the labors of and prosper from the sweat of goyim. They use their Jewish-owned media platforms to toot their own horns. Goyim need jobs to survive and we toil away for our masters, grateful for the paltry paycheck in our immigrant-ridden society that has suppressed wages, thanks to Jew open-border policy. The Jews own all power structures and direct our political leaders’ actions. Of course, you already knew this.

        • I remember some years back at a family party my brother in law and I were having a chat with a Jewish trader from the CBOE, and he said “l love smart, good looking Irish kids like you two. I hire them all the time, and I work their wheels off. Smart kids too, quick learners. And the minute they come to me, looking for anything close to a raise or a real position here, I tell them fuck you! Fuck off! Irish are a dime a dozen!”

          Real charmers, those Hebes.

        • Ursula – this is a big country and if working for Jews bothers you this much, surely a talented hardworking person who is responsible for keeping everything running could find opportunities in quite a few companies that are not Jewish owned.

          I am constantly astonished at the number of people who insist that they are the brains behind the operation and the hardest working but somehow they always manage to be the one who comes up short when dealing with Jews.

  17. I agree white Christians should emulate Jews in their formidable networking. However, our goals should be directed toward nurturing a high-trust, prosperous society rather than the exploitation, degeneracy and gutting of societies that are the inevitable results of the Jews’ zero sum ways.

  18. Going back to the shame issue, there is a Jewish quirk that is a huge advantage and that is a form of shamelessness. That is, Jews are never ashamed of their efforts.

    I think you’re looking for the word chutzpah. Bill Kristol is quite the chutzpahnik, and it has done him well.

    That said, a touch of chutzpah is necessary but clearly not sufficient. Lots of criminals are loaded with chutzpah, but it only lands them in prison.

    • re: Bill Kristol

      He has a facial expression that cannot be called a smile as it is the epitome of the “shit eating grin.” His at rest appearance demonstrates it. I hope to see it wiped off his face someday.

      Dan Kurt

  19. I’ll offer that Jim Goad observed when Asians in America go SJW they go hard; in his words “take it to the hoop.”

    • It is unfortunate we do not know a great deal more about the Igbo. What pressures and habits led to forming a tribe of Africans into something not resembling their neighbors, and possibly in a relatively short time? It is as if our sophisticates do not want an answer because then it could be said exactly what is lacking in several hundred million people, and it is not permitted to think people are lacking.

  20. The problem with Jewish clannishness is that mostly it serves to protect their criminals and other bad behavers. Normal good behaving Jews are shamed into supporting the economic exploitation and cultural subversion of their neighbors by the pornographers, hedge fund guys, barely disguised sex traffickers in Hollywood and Silicon Valley monopolists.

    Thus, their engagement with the society around them happens on their terms only, and they seem to feel entitled to subvert and mock others culture at will. They are getting more and more shameless about their mockery of the rest of us.

    We’d all be much better off if they would just hire their dopey cousins to drive around in sports cars with shiny medallions (they hire them to run foreign policy instead).

    They really need to cut this stuff out. Bad stuff will happen to them, and it won’t be white nationalist losers who do the bad stuff, it will be a monster of their creation. It will be one or many of the groups they try to control as a front.

    They are in charge of their fate, they have to take the initiative to stop the exploitation of people outside their group. Hopefully the decent majority of Jews will prevail against the indecent and manipulative, but powerful, minority.

  21. No you really don’t want to be like the Jews. First of all, despite their success, they do not appear to be a happy people and live in fear and paranoia. Constant fear and paranoia despite the openness of our country to them and the natural philo- semitism of Americans.

    • I believe the liberal American Jewish community has completely lost the plot. The liberal Jews are all of what Zman says of them, but they have lost their children. The Mormon children are carefully brought up in the ways of their church, and most will continue the mission. But many children of the liberal American Jews see nothing in it, as the actual practice includes all the social elements but the complete loss of any real meaning in the religious and cultural traditions. The younger ones see an older generation that are selling out the youth in this country, and largely perceive their elders as spoiled children sucking up the fruits of the country’s and the Tribe’s assets for themselves, the kids be damned.

  22. I had to look up the lemba thing. There were people living around us that we called Zionists. I’m going to assume that they are the same or similar. It was difficult to identify the men, but many of the women would occasionally dress in a distinctive red and white style of dress on weekends. We had a housekeeper who was one. In addition to English and Shona she spoke Portuguese. Unfortunately she was also an alcoholic.

    • It really is sad what has happened to Zimbabwe. It was one African country that could have made a go of it. Of course, there’s a lesson there for all of us.

      • Unfortunately, just about all of Africa has shown they are completely incapable of any form of democratic self-rule once the Whites have left. A few individual townships, perhaps, but as a collective peoples they have no chance.

        Unlike everywhere else where the British established bureaucracy under their Colonial rule, Black ex-colonies have failed miserably because they don’t value hard work or education.

        Now enter the Chinese. As clever as they are, they are about to learn what European’s learned from our Colonial experiences. It will be interesting to see how quickly they are despised by the locals just as former Whites where who did exactly what Chinese are doing now.

        • One problem in Africa is that you have a minority of high IQ people living in a low IQ environment. It is difficult to do well trying to operate “above board” in such a culture, and all too easy to bypass the whole thing and just seize the levers of power and the assets of the place. The lower IQ people emulate this behavior, and the whole joint becomes one big exercise in shaking down anyone who breathes and helping yourself to anything that is not tied down.

          Colonials in positions of authority often bring some of the discipline of the “old country” to minimize such behavior.

          • It also doesn’t help that almost all Africans who are not corrupt, and who have IQs of over 100 get the Hell out of Africa ASAP, and who can blame them? I work with some very intelligent Africans, and none of them have any intentions of going back. Some of them can be pretty scathing concerning their fellow Africans, especially after a few drinks.

          • My roommate in college was a guy named Yao, from Ivory Coast. He never socialized with Black Americans, only fellow Africans or Haitians. He had genuine contempt for Black folks here, and could not understand for the life of him why they were not taking advantage of the university system and getting degrees. This guy literally grew up in a hut, and considered his chance to attend university here as a great blessing. He worked extremely hard, never went out, ate the exact same thing every day, that being white fish with some mashed potatoes made from a box, and a bottle of beer. He was on a tight budget and that was his meal every damned day for a whole year.
            The government of Ivory Coast was paying for his education on the condition he return home after he earned a degree and use his skills at home.
            I often wonder what became of the guy. Very shy retiring type, very grateful to be here.
            Other Africans I’ve worked with in NYC, most from Nigeria, have been upright, hard working folks, very committed to getting degrees and escaping the abyss of home, even if they missed their families horribly.
            All of them had contempt for Black people in America and didn’t hide it.
            One guy always used to say to me “why do black people in America have to act so ghetto ?”
            I had no good answer for him.

        • In all accounts I have read or seen no Chinese who arrive in Africa need to lower their estimation of Africans. They find the experience interesting and often astonishing but reality does not require ten or twenty years of them as it has with others. But they like Africa for the experience and opportunity just as I suspect they do not much like China.

          • I lived in Uganda for 2 years. I can say with all honesty that most people understood the reality within a short period of time. There’s a joke that sums that up:

            In Africa, what’s the difference between a tourist and a racist?

            Two weeks.

          • I didn’t read The Heart of Darkness until after living there, and was unaware of the predominant takes on it by westerners. To me the lesson was to stay the hell away. Pretty good advice.

            Only leftists and Africans can take paradise and turn it into perdition.

        • So what if they suck at Democracy? Why should we just let them live in their own countries as they see fit.

          Vox Day calls this Omni Nationalism and when we tried it under the term isolationism, we did really well.

          Not much work for the military industrial complex though and that kind of decide the foreign policy these days.

        • The Chinese do not have the cultural hang ups that Western societies do. Locals can despise the Chinese all they want, the Chinese won’t care.

        • The difference is…they are Chinese and don’t give a shit. Most Chinese despise black people. Especially Africans. They will come in and clear cut Africa and strip mine the whole continent. And who will stop them? The UN? The US? They will come in like locusts and chew up every natural resource that is available to them in those countries. They won’t be like the Europeans either. They have no sympathy for the dark skinned native populations. Go on YouTube and watch “Empire of Dust” and you will get a taste of a Chinese multinational corporation. Oh it WILL BE interesting to see what happens to Africa after the Chinese are done with it.?

  23. There are similarities with the Mormons out here in the West.Generally great people, but very clannish. Once a Mormon is in a position of authority any favors they have to dispense will flow to other Mormons. If you’re a supplier and your customer places a Mormon in a position to oversee the purchase of your service or product, you’re toast unless you’re Mormon. It’s virtually impossible to carve out a career in Salt Lake City if you’re not Mormon.

      • I always found it interesting in America how many Mexicans are in the back cooking in Chinese restaurants. Never saw a Black in the kitchen, except in Alabama. And it was an all Black run fried chicken place (very good too!).

        And let me be clear – when I say Black run , it was only Black women preparing, cooking, and working the counter! Not a single Black male to be seen.

        • Yep, here in the south I haven’t seen black males working in full service restaurants since the Moteasuh tribesmen got old and died off.

          • I see Black cooks and servers out here in California. They are generally hard workers maybe because if they slack a Mexican or a White will get the gig.

  24. I hope you told this Zimbabwe gentleman once gen-z gets rolling they might not be very discriminating with the gas.

  25. “They have figured out how to wildly succeed in all sorts of places, always as a tiny minority. This is in despite of some very serious efforts by majority populations to keep the Jews from succeeding.”

    Despite? Or perhaps “because.”

    “if you’re a mediocrity or a loser, being Jewish is not going to benefit you in the least.”

    Well…not strictly true. The successful ones tend to prop up the losers. It’s not perfect security but it’s superior to a group of tribeless white dudes.

    “That is, Jews are never ashamed of their efforts.”

    Well, yeah. But maybe we should append that to: “Jew are never ashamed of their efforts…in the period shortly before they piss off the gentiles enough that they attempt to wipe them off the map.” Historically (with some exceptions) the Jews knew better than to poke the gentile bear.

    • “Historically (with some exceptions) the Jews knew better than to poke the gentile bear.”

      No, the opposite is true. The very cycle of the Jews is to exploit and ruin gentile society and then get expelled. After some time, they wheedle their way back in to the high-trust gentile society (via the elite and some sympathetic Christian do-gooders) and the looting begins again. Christians need to make laws that prevent the *behavior* from happening again. Not go after the *people* because Jews have 100% weaponized their supposed victimhood.

      • This basically nails it. As someone who has lived in NYC for 30 years and worked/socialized with many Jews, let me tell you they, as a collective, will never embrace working class white America. There are notable exceptions to this, and intermarriage rates are increasing, but Jews marry up, not down. Most Jewish folks continue to operate according to the sociocultural template Ursula outlined. Some consciously, most not. Either way, they keep playing by the same script, century after century.
        Jewish people have spent the better part of 3000 years mythologizing their own suffering. Kinda hard to break out of a cultural cul-de-sac that well established, no matter how painful it is for the Jewish people in the long run.

  26. Unfortunately we attempted to rid ourselves of that very same group some years ago in one of the worst chapters in our history. We Germans, and most of Europe, are now paying the price for our collective stupidity. As you so often say – this will not end well.

    • I’m more sanguine about the state of relations in America than the alt-right people. My sense is American Jews, especially younger ones, are rethinking Jewishness in the same way that younger whites are rethinking whiteness. If I had to bet, Jews are about to go through a big shift away from Progressivism toward nationalism and populism. Just a hunch.

      • Jewish conservative here. Really excellent piece. I will argue with your intuition that an embrace of populism is next up for us. No precedent for that in our history, we always seek out the elite, even when it is ultimately self-defeating, and we have a national allergy to what we term “Ahm Ha’aretz” or People of the Land.

        • That’s honest, and honesty is much appreciated, seeing as how it’s the only chance any of us have to get out of this mess. What do you think is the next move for Jewish Conservatives, Jerome? The only Jewish “conservatives” I ever encounter are neocons, which I would assume you’re not.

          • I mention this in other post, but there is an element that rejects Progressivism while strongly, proudly Jewish and pro America. It is not the multi-generation American Jews who came from Europe, but recent immigrants from Venezuela/Latin America, France and even Israel, all places where socialist government and planned economy have had different levels of mayhem, or leftist policy leads to anti-semitism or both. “Native” American Jews think we are crazy, but we have seen where this stupidity leads. I am like Jerome, not optimistic that the trend will turn overall, but it will become more prominent to be Jewish and MAGA

    • @Karl Horst

      They stole all your money and then tried to take over your country and kill you all just like they did in Russia. I would say you were well within your rights but Poland. Shouldn’t have done that. The British always tried to balance power on the Continent. The follow on was from Poland was easy to guess.

  27. This is why I still maintain that culture is, ultimately, more important than biology. You can’t enculturate an 80 IQ guy to be a nuclear physicist, but you CAN enculturate him to do all kinds of things that benefit himself, his family, his tribe, and his nation. The Great Society is a good example of this. Before 1964, Americans Blacks were enculturated — by force of law in lots of cases — into “acting White.” The laws were removed, and overnight, “acting White” became the worst crime in the AA community… with exactly the results everyone who was paying attention expected. We aren’t free agents, going as far as our IQs can take us; we are, for better or worse, all a part of a monkey troop and we will, ultimately, live and die by the troop. Africans seem to reject all the cultural tropes of African-Americans; that’s a damn good start, for them and for us.

    • But of course, African crime rates are generally higher than that of African Americans, as are poverty rates. Just rejecting the cultural tropes of African Americans would seem not to be enough. Also, even though Black levels of crime, illegitimacy, and other social dysfunction was certainly lower back when they were forced to “act white”, they were still very much higher than white rates back then, which were also much lower than today. Yes, culture is important, but more important than biology? Color me skeptical.

  28. Well, Somehow I doubt that this strategy works nearly as well if your average group IQ is somewhere between 70 and 85, as opposed to 100-115, but it couldn’t hurt.

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