The Reality Gap

In the old days, a popular gag was to comment about the Soviet media’s disconnect from observable reality. Every schoolboy learned that the name of the main party newspaper, Pravda, meant “truth” in Russian. Unlike America, with its free-wheeling adversarial press, the Soviets had one newspaper that published the official truth. It is right out of Orwell! It was all mostly nonsense, of course, but it was a useful bit of propaganda that served the interests of the liberal American media.

Our library had copies of the English version of communist publications. I no longer recall if Pravda was one of them, but there were others from Soviet Bloc countries, along with publications from Western communist organizations, like the Daily Worker and Mother Jones. I enjoyed reading them, especially the news articles, because it was like experiencing an alternate reality. Even allowing for the gross bias of the New York Times, the commie rags were hilariously delusional.

As a result, I have often thought that there should be an index that measures the distance between a society’s official dogma, and observable reality. Every human society has its pretty lies. This is the grease that keeps the gears moving. There are also the things everyone knows are true, but everyone agrees to not discuss. Then there is official dogma, the prevailing orthodoxy, that exists because the people in charge demand that it exists. This is where we see the reality gap.

In the case of the Soviets, they often made claims about their material prosperity, relative to the West, which were everyone knew was nonsense. These were less obviously false in the 1950’s, as Europe dug out from the war and Stalin forced modernization on his country. The gap grew larger after Stalin, as the West slowly passed the Soviets in material prosperity. By the 1980’s, the gap between East and West was too large to hide.

You can see this gap on a smaller scale in cities like Newark and Baltimore. While in Newark, I looked up the local politicians, expecting the usual suspects. The funny part was the talk about the city, as if everything is coming together and the boom years are just around the corner. The pols in Baltimore talk the same way. They claim that young people are flocking to the city, when in reality people are fleeing. In fact, the worse things get, the more they talk about how the city is turning the corner.

The question that naturally arises is whether necessity drives this growing gap between reality and orthodoxy or does delusion drive the decline? In business, management will address falling sales with more marketing, not accepting that it is their poor management and products. The marketing efforts will exacerbate the decline, as the gap between the promise and reality grows. On the other hand, maybe lying is the last resort, when there is simply no way to address the true causes.

The other question is at what point does the gap between reality and official orthodoxy get so wide that the strain collapses the orthodoxy. In the case of the Soviet Union, it was not a bloody revolution or violent civil war that ended the system. It was mostly the fact that the system had grown so absurd, not even the people in charge could accept it any longer. That gap between official orthodoxy and obvious reality was too large to maintain, so the system collapsed.

The challenge, of course, is quantifying this gap between official orthodoxy and observable reality. For example, is the reality gap in America today bigger than the gap was in 1980’s Russia? We are required to pretend there are fifty-seven genders, which seems a click nuttier than pretending the Lada was a nice car. There has never been a time or place where humans came in more than two sexes. The Lada was crap, but it beat walking.

Does it matter if lots of people are willing to believe the nonsense? Today, lots of liberal women buy into the unlimited gender stuff. In fact, it is quite remarkable just how fast so many people in modern America are willing to accept this crazy stuff. For there to be a reality gap, the public has to know it exists. No one in the Soviet Union thought the Lada was a good car. You were even allowed to complain about the poor state of consumer goods, just as long as you kept it to a minimum.

All that said, it seems that a society can tolerate only so large a gap between reality and its official truth. Whether or not we are reaching some sort of breaking point is probably impossible to know. No one saw Trump on the horizon. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, no one saw it coming. Maybe people just get used to the disconnect until one day, the number of people who notice it reaches critical mass. Then like a precipitate falling out of solution, the whole thing collapses.

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David Wright
6 years ago

Right now there is a large vein in DeNiro’s head about to burst. Another win for Trump will be just too much for that idiot and his friends.

L. Beau Macaroni
L. Beau Macaroni
Reply to  David Wright
6 years ago

Phony tough guys are even more annoying than phony intellectuals.

Reply to  David Wright
6 years ago

Well said sir. I’m anxiously waiting for one of them to expire, live feed and flopping like Michael J stepping over a two mile box cow wire. Truly a Magnus Opus, deserving a hat trick of a Tony, an Oscar and a Darwin Award.
Old Nancy might be the first contestant, she’s had some calls close enough to make me catch my breath and get a tingle in my leg.

George Orwell
George Orwell
6 years ago

“We’re required to pretend there are 57 genders, which seems a click more nutty than pretending the Lada was a nice car… Does it matter if lots of people are willing to believe the nonsense? Today, lots of liberal women buy into the unlimited gender stuff.” This reminds me of something equally nonsensical and delusional regarding how we decide whether someone is “gay.” If a man can have sex with his wife often enough to produce one or more children, raise them and stay married, but eventually hangs out at West Hollywood leather clubs, we say he is gay, not… Read more »

Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

Sexual perversion is what it is. They’ll never be able to wash that stain away.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

I was going to say “sexual deviance”. But, yeah, perversion.

Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

It’s the “one dick rule”…suck one dick, and you’re a cocksucker the rest of your life.

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

Is it possible to be not anti-gay or pro gay marriage, and still be Dissident Right?

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

You’d probably be more at home with the cucks

Reply to  Glenfilthie
6 years ago

I won’t respond in kind, knowing you suffer PTSD on account of your family.

I was asking a serious question.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

The mental retardation doesn’t help much either. I dunno Frip. If there was anything good about queers I think I would have found it. I am on my Hitler phone so I dunno if it is still there , but Z does a fair job addressing queers in the Mokita section. Those people are only making their lives worse is the way I see it.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Frip, only if you bake a cake for the KKK.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Probably not. Alt right is premised on recognizing the true order of things. The true order of marriage rules out gay “marriage,” so you would be at least apathetic to the true order of things, and thus apathetic to an Alt Right premise.

Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

I know a couple of gay men. One in his early 50’s and the other one in his mid 60’s. Both left their wives after having families. The older one managed to be “straight” for a while – until he met the younger one. The younger one only was with a woman long enough to marry her – and have two kids. It only took a few short years after the kids were present for him to “go gay”. I don’t think there is any bisexing going on with either one of them. They’re now all gay all the time.… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Frip, I certainly do not speak for the Dissident Right, but it is possible not to be “anti-gay”and still be firmly opposed to gay marriage. There is simply no equivalence between heterosexual and homosexual marriage and they cannot logically be treated as the same thing. Best explanation below.
Some thoughts about marriage and natural law theory.
It would be difficult for any proponent of biological reality to square that circle, I think.

Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

Two sodomites playing house is not a marriage.

Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

In the acclaimed film “Brokeback Mountain,” when Anne Hathaway’s male relatives killed her husband in punishment for his homosexual activity, I was completely sympathetic to her and her family, though I felt shocked and sad for the death of her closet-fag husband. I’d like to see a film that sympathetically shows a Christian, decent loving mother being betrayed by her philandering gay husband, whose spawn she has carried and birthed at some risk, only to be betrayed by someone not actually attracted to her or that life, but rather the degenerate homosexual lifestyle.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

Well, in your example, the “gay” vs “bi” label would seem to stick because it seems he has dropped the “wife and kids charade”. “Bi” would probably still stick for a male who remains an equal opportunity freak.

6 years ago

“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even… Read more »

6 years ago

Two years ago, the Europeans couldn’t have imagined the U.S. withdrawing from the sucker trade deals with them – or pulling back on the military protection of Europe.

It just never occurs to them that they aren’t that important in the post-Cold War world and we really don’t need them.

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

Plus plus

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

The military/socialist umbrella is intended to keep Europeans in a state of perpetual adolescence. It’s why the left goes hysterical whenever the discussion comes around to disengaging from NATO. They fully realize NATO is there for unspoken reasons.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Or are the Europeans simply perpetual adolescents, and the military/socialist umbrella is used to keep them under control?

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

The future is Asia, and Europe is the past. Once they are fully immersed in windmills and the multicultural primordial ooze, the rest of the world can quietly step away and let things go where they will go.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Global poz is Western juche.

They’ve taken the on/off and volume knobs off the radio, just like North Korea. Can’t turn it off or turn it down.

joey junger
joey junger
6 years ago

Taboos grow up around truths which can’t be publicly addressed but neither can be totally suppressed. I live in a city with a massive Civil Rights Museum that takes up several city blocks. I call it “The Ministry of Civil Rights”, and sometimes when I pass it I think, “This is our pyramid (albeit poorly built compared to the real ones), where we worship our strange gods, like Martin Luther King.” A holiday for a plagiarist storefront preacher who was a puppet for the communists is probably a lot more destructive than pretending that cats are gods, though, or that… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
6 years ago

Well, not a “storefront preacher”. He had actual churches in Atlanta (Daddy King’s church) and Montgomery. He was a plagiarist, a pervert, and a Communist. But not a “storefront preacher”.

6 years ago

It will boil down to whether people will admit their mistakes.

I had a conversation the other day with a former coworker. This person has made and continues to make personal mistakes and will not admit them. When the obvious is pointed out it is always blame someone else.

There are a lot of people like that. They continue to vote for the Socialists because they can’t admit they are wrong. When it collapses they will still refuse to admit they were wrong.

The only hope is for some of them realize their mistakes.

Reply to  Andrew
6 years ago

This is the whole point of committee… there’s no personal accountability and therefore no mistakes that cause those awful personal guilt feelings and stresses.
Feminism, distilled and supplied as a delicate skin cream. Because RealMenMoisturize, don’t ya know.

Reply to  Andrew
6 years ago

Unfortunately for most, people have to be kicked in the asses with their wrong ideas before they realize they’re wrong.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
6 years ago

There was old joke during the Cold War. American general meets Soviet general. Soviet proudly boasts “my men are fed 2,500 calories a day when in the field”. American general looks non-plussed and replies “our standard field ration is 4,000 calories per day”. Soviet: “you lie, no man can eat that many potatoes”.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

Every Communist society has a version of this one: The world’s intelligence services decide to have a competition, to see once and for all who’s the best. The objective is simple: A rabbit is released into a field, and each agency has 24 hours to find it. The fastest wins. So the rabbit is loosed, and MI-6 goes to work. They send in their suavest super-spy to get close to the neighboring farmers. 20 hours later, he comes back with the rabbit. The rabbit is loosed again, and the Japanese send a special robotic dog after it — they get… Read more »

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

American: In my country we have freedom of speech. I can stand out on a street corner and shout “Reagan stinks!” and nobody will stop me!
Soviet: Is the same in Soviet Union. I can stand on street corner and shout “Reagan stinks!” and nobody will stop me, either!

6 years ago

I listen to NPR classical music station in my car, all music no talk, and the other day they had a nice white lady from Baltimore who’s teaches classical-music to inner city youths. She brought her star student with her. She talked about the real Baltimore which was full of love and hope and then her student played Frere Jacques,badly, on the viola. Lies.

6 years ago

I believe the term “cognitive dissonance” is useful somewhere in this article. Once that gets to a certain level, the political power behind the sustaining force begins to crumble. I keep seeing this in regard to the radical egalitarian/multicultural efforts. They are fraying around the edges in direct proportion to the shrillness of their proponents. God, let me see this thing collapse before I die.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

This will draw fire, but one point Jordan Peterson makes very loudly is the whole problem with intersectionality is, it never stops until you get to groups of one. Once you add 32 genders, real and made up races and every other interest group…you have chaos. But sure as shit is fun to watch the transgender males that ID as lesbian duking it out with the black cisgender gay pedophiles over who tops who in the grievance hierarchy.

6 years ago

We all live in the same reality, but some of us see it differently. The farther one vision gets away from it, the greater the adjustment will be for a correction to take place. I know of two terms used to describe this adjustment, Thermidor, and preference cascade, both of which describe the collapse of the ability of a prevailing order to subsist, but with different triggers. The preference cascade describes a change brought about because an accepted truth becomes more detached from what people see to a point where they cannot accept it, only they keep mouthing the accepted… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Tipping points have always been hard or near impossible to calculate. But Spidey-sense tells me we’re not that far away. Even here in Progressive la-la land I keep running into people that are simply refusing, whereas, like the Jacobins, the true believers are becoming whackier and whackier.

Wilson McWilliams
Wilson McWilliams
Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

>>> the true believers are becoming whackier and whackier.

This is why I find the whole “57 genders” mantra to be perversely laudable: it utterly destroy the credibility of its promoters, at least among 90% of the actual voting population. I’ll take 90%

6 years ago

So what you’re simply saying is that the tipping point is when enough people tired of the lie(s) and have the nerve to actually state that the Emperor has no clothes, correct? Hope that time is upon us because there are a lot of naked emperors running around America today.

Reply to  Eduardo
6 years ago

Waving their sceptres and orbs in everyone’s faces no less.

Reply to  Eduardo
6 years ago

The technical term is a “preference cascade.”

Reply to  Zorost
6 years ago

The Virginian was basically right but his timing was off and there was only a negative catalyst and no positive one at the time (2012).

L. Beau Macaroni
L. Beau Macaroni
6 years ago

My friend’s fiancée is enough of a cradle-to-grave socialism Lefty to have been a Bernie-Gal, and even she knows that the whole “transgender” thing is nuts.

Reply to  L. Beau Macaroni
6 years ago

I actually LOVE the whole 57 flavors of gender thing. I became especially delicious when they started opening up the women’s bathrooms to men in dresses. Why? Because women have been the ones driving all this bullshit – that’s why. And when they start complaining about some guy with back hair and strapless dress tinkling in the stall next to their daughter – because it’s largely their fault this has gone as far as it has – I get to tell them that. They opened Pandora’s box. They should have known better what was in there before they opened it.… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Here’s the thing: these freaky men who want to be women do not care at all that women do not like this and they do not at all consider these male freaks to be women. In fact, some of the male freaks who pretend to be women now advocate violence against women who reject the premise. These men are sick and need to be put away. There are good reasons that Christian traditions became traditions, they benefit society at large. Unlike trannies.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
6 years ago

My favorite USSR joke was “they pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work.”

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Mark Stoval
6 years ago

Soviet Party Leader 1: It’s impossible to get the outside world to trust the integrity of our elections!

Soviet Party Leader 2: I know! Next time, let’s create two parties like the Americans!

6 years ago

I have no idea what people in North Korea are required to believe, or more precisesly pretend to believe. So I’ll have to take your word that the system is absurd. But at first glance, it does not look at all absurd. There is a leader who holds absolute power; pretty common in history, such guys used to be called kings. A North Korean woman has more than two children, which is a lot less absurd than fertility rates in Japan, China, USA or Europe. North Koreans form families in the traditional sense, man, woman and children of which the… Read more »

Reply to  Karl
6 years ago

The Norks are controlled through a philosophy called Jueche (sp?). As much as I hate to give NatGeo props, they have a couple documentaries where they were allowed an inside look. It’s rather “eye opening” to see people thank and praise Kim Jong-Il instead of the doctor that restored their sight. They only have traditional families so long as they’re slavishly devoted to the Kim family. Any dissidents are sent off to reeducation camps where they and their families are worked to death and the children often remain imprisoned until they die as well. Sounds like paradise, eh?

Reply to  Sim1776
6 years ago

Nobody mentioned paradise except you. They mentioned sustainable, which of course, is not equal to “pleasant”.

Keep your snark to yourself; it’s unbecoming.

Reply to  Rhino
6 years ago

The problem is that it is not sustainable. Only the fanatically devoted get something approaching proper nutrition and that is provided by the Chicoms. Children in North Korea are nearly a foot shorter than their South Korean counterparts and suffer from diseases like Rickets and Vitamin A deficient blindness. The Kim regime is a sock puppet for the Chicoms. This is the only reason Un is still in power. Globalist poz is endemic to First World countries. Perhaps it’s merely the result of abundance but it is present in Korea and Japan as much as it is in the West.… Read more »

Reply to  Sim1776
6 years ago

My dreams of what to do with liberals isn’t that different…

Reply to  Zorost
6 years ago

Turn the libs into Soylent Green. Make it taste like Popeye’s chicken.

And in a delicious twist, only feed it to people on welfare.

Reply to  Karl
6 years ago

North Koreans are also highly educated, unlike their Western peers, for the most part.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
6 years ago

We have to keep piling on the ridicule. Logically and carefully explaining why their ideas are loony isn’t as effective as outright ridicule. The crazy leftists don’t care about logic and reason, but do care what the crowd thinks. Z’s “xirl science” segments on his podcast are a good example. Our side needs more of that. We’re certainly not lacking for material to work with.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Wolf Barney
6 years ago

Absolutely. It’s fun and easy to turn their “weaned on a pickle” demeanor back on them and drives ’em crazy.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
6 years ago

At the same time the lies are increasing and becoming more preposterous, there are more bannings and censorship on twitter, youtube, paypal, comments sections, etc.

6 years ago

RE: does delusion drive the decline? YES – it absolutely does. You can’t fix a problem that you can’t acknowledge. So it makes logical sense that refusal to deal with reality precipitates collapse. There are copious examples of this in military history. When I was in university many decades ago – one more enjoyable parts of the education was studying business cases about companies that had collapsed (and a few that saved themselves). The common thread was that refusal to deal with reality was a red flag indicator of inevitable bankruptcy. I see this quote attributed to Albert Einstein out… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

They’ve given us: Freud — tremendously negative impact of psychoanalysis during 20th Century, enabling acceleration of their project, acknowledged now as discredited but damage done; Marx — injection the most destructive refined aspects of the human intellect into our reality, setting the structure to destroy western culture; Gramasci — laying out the program to enact Marx; Alynski — providing the step by step instructions; Creative Classes Inc — Hollywood, the Arts and People of Letters … in all forms and endless numbers packaging their malignant ideas for entertainment and ease of assimilation by the unwary. The Academy — grinding out… Read more »

6 years ago

And speaking of Baltimore… I doubt Z lived here when Willy Don was mayor. Schaefer’s big contribution was revitalizing Downtown with the Inner Harbor and it’s attendant attractions. It managed to be a nice place for about 10 years. Since then it has been in a state of decline. This is the story of the whole city. Neighborhoods like Hamden, Canton, etc are “gentrifying” but it’s lipstick on a pig. It’s a way for SWPLs to virtue signal and be tax farms for the remainder of the city. Murder numbers would probably be higher but if the victim dies on… Read more »

6 years ago

There’s difference between believing a thing and pretending to believe a thing in order not to become the target of a SJW pogrom. Ask Peter Thiel, James D’amore, or a Christian business.

Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg
6 years ago

Yesterday I wathched the movie “The Box Trolls” with my kids. Wanting to read a few things about it afterward, I found the movie was about: – The holocaust and Hitler’s rise to power (one site) – Class war struggles (another site) – The movie was trans-mysoginistic (yet another site) I spent some time on that last site ( and I tell ya, I gotta get out of my bubble. Not only is every article and post in some way about gender/feminism/women it is supported by multiple commenters! The horror! I actually scares me how these weirdings think – I… Read more »

active pu-ter
active pu-ter
6 years ago

kind of like how the GOP stalwarts push the propaganda line that the GOP is “the stupid party,” hiding the fact that the GOP party establishment is getting rich by letting big business cram america full of third worlders? That sort of Big Propaganda Lie?

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  active pu-ter
6 years ago

I thought it was Sam Francis that coined the phrase “Stupid Party” and “Evil Party”.

The GOP in Congress is the stupid party, several times they were handed an opportunity to slash immigration (1994) (2002) (2010) (2016) and they did not. They cut income taxes on 1% of the population, rather than slashing the FICA tax for the bottom 50% and removing the SS FICA CAP.

Wilson McWilliams
Wilson McWilliams
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
6 years ago

The Republicans have been owned by Finance and Industry (i.e. “big business”) since their founding. Any noises they might make in support of states’ rights, freedom of association, and personal morality are just gestures to pull in votes from the rubes in Flyover Country.

Today’s Democrats, of course, don’t even make such gestures…

c matt
c matt
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
6 years ago

At some point, stupidity gives way to complicity.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
6 years ago

In continued media misdirection re: immigration from yesterday Joe Schill, president of Green Impressions in Sheffield near Cleveland, didn’t get any of the 18 foreign workers he had been counting on this year, forcing him to turn down jobs that cost his business about $300,000 in just April and May. Trying to find replacements has proved futile, he said. Five new hires quit last week, and “what’s left out there can’t pass a drug test.” “I don’t want to hire illegal guys. We’ve got too much to risk,” he said. “But trust me, I can see why guys would want… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
6 years ago

Some data and anecdotes: Ohio has fewer jobs now than it did in 2008.

Sheffield is an upper-middle class suburb, but the depressed cities of Elyria and Lorain are right next door. The previously mentioned owner is a glutton for mass immigration. Most of his clients are wealthy, he won’t be bankrupted by paying more.

6 years ago

Soviet humor served a subversive purpose. It kept people connected to reality, that they lived under an incompetent tyranny. It could serve the same purpose in showing up the cultural marxists who are running our culture into the ground. So…anyone heard a good one lately?

King Tut
King Tut
6 years ago

The analogy with the old Soviet Union is meritorious. The philosophies that underpin the modern Western managerial state require people to believe in things that are just not true i.e. global warming, a man becomes a woman just by putting on a dress, Islam is a religion of peace, all cultures are equal, Wakanda is real etc. Furthermore, these mantras must be, repeated publicly and often by everyone; social ostracism (or worse) awaits any dissenter. They know that their giant brocade of lies (erected to cloak observable reality) is threadbare and very fragile and must be guarded zealously from anyone… Read more »

6 years ago

Have to agree with the last post. As ” herd animals ” it could take quite some time before we reach a breaking point. Think of the prisons where a handful of guards with rifles keep hundreds of inmates at bay. On occasion there are riots but these are hardened criminals with nothing to lose. We’ve all stood by as co-workers and neighbors get sacrificed on the altar of political correctness even mocking them saying they should have known better. The left has dictated the rules and we all follow them obediently. Perhaps when enough of us have been victimized… Read more »

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
6 years ago

Zman: I’d love to see you write a scathing essay tearing down the socialist idol Pretty Sox (now Magic Eyebrows) Trudeau.

Reply to  Tax Slave
6 years ago

He’s a symptom of the political and ideological rot permeating the West. The majority of it’s leaders are either barren cat ladies (May. Merkel) or pretty boys-empty suits (Macron, Trudeau, Pedro). The rest of the PM’s(Sweden, Norway) never worked a real job in their life, never did anything but politics. None of them have any real world accomplishments. Trump is the only one who actually accomplished something in real life. To the rest of them he must be viewed as a space alien. God help their people if the Muslims ever go full jihad on them. There is no competent… Read more »

hateful 8/4 olds
hateful 8/4 olds
6 years ago

I believe the reality disconnect/Reality perception ratio is what determines how long a charade can last. This is the ratio that exists in all our minds to some degree, no matter how educated smart we are. What determines its impact is the fulcrum between practical reality and spiritual reality. Spiritual belief systems are most often based upon faith and unreal. Practical beliefs concern the day to day running of life and human combat against nature and are usually empirical. Energy extraction. In the Middle Ages, most people firmly believed in a primitive pietistic version of Christianity. For the most part,… Read more »

Doug Acker
6 years ago

I would disagree. Many saw North Korea as unsustainable. It was just a question of which year.

Reply to  Doug Acker
6 years ago

Rome was unsustainable. The USSR was unsustainable. America is unsustainable. It’s just Q of which year.

Reply to  Doug Acker
6 years ago

If you listen to most of the Korea experts in the media they make NK look like a impervious state that is no danger of collapsing, etc. Before Trump met with Kim, these experts all predicted a disaster Even now they are ripping Trump a new one on the summit with rocket man saying Trump caved. Here’s the thing, these “experts” mostly pasty faced white guys and barbie girls in their early 30’s and some in their 50’s have a vested financial interest in the status quo. Also none of them ever negotiated anything in their lives. They are basically… Read more »

c matt
c matt
6 years ago

Does it matter if lots of people are willing to believe the nonsense? I guess it depends on the nonsense – what real world effect does the nonsense have? Believing the nonsense that the US has the world’s greatest cuisine probably won’t matter much in real world consequences. Believing the US is the world’s “shining light” or some other messiah complex delusion could have much worse consequences. The gay marriage thing is an interesting one – not even many gays are that interested in it, and it probably hasn’t done as much damage to real marriage as no fault frivorce… Read more »