The Cheap Credit Era

The current age is one of extreme short-term thinking. Americans have always been known for taking the short view, but today our culture is built around a “live for the moment” attitude. Sit in a business meeting and exactly no one talks about downstream possibilities. It is all about this month, this quarter or, for the sprinkling of long-term planners, the remainder of the year. You see this in our politics, where everyone reacts to the latest polls or latest news event. We are a high time preference society now.

This is why immigration reform is proving to be a non-starter. The Left side of the political class sees nothing but opportunities to rig the next election with foreign ringers, so anything that interferes with that is blocked. The Right side is wholly owned by the cheap labor lobbies, who like the idea of disposable labor. It is not that the people in charge think their grandchildren will be exempt from the ravages of mass migration. It is that they are unable to think past the moment. For our rulers, tomorrow never comes.

Just because the people in charge have no interest in the future does not mean the future is equally disinterested in us. That is what will make the coming years interesting, with regards to the economy. The Fed has finally begun the process of tightening the money supply, after a decade of an extremely loose policy. That means rising interest rates in the US and a strengthening dollar, relative to other currencies. This is not going to happen overnight, but the Fed is going to move quickly now that there are signs of real inflation.

The trouble is a big chunk of the economy has become addicted to cheap money. Take a look at the car business. Every car maker has set up special lending facilities so they can entice buyers. Instead of figuring out how to make cheaper cars, they offer near zero interest and extended terms. You can get from most makers a seven-year term on a new car, along with a super-low interest rate. They may even offer cash back you can use for the down payment. There’s even sub-prime lending at the lower end of the market.

Now, the Feds are not bringing back 1970’s interest rates and they are going to move slow. Still, it has been a long time since interest rates have been close to historic averages and that means most people making decisions do not know what it is like to live in that world. It has been 18 years since mortgage rates were above seven percent. It has been 27 years since we saw eight percent rates. It has been a decade since rates were above five percent. In other words, the world has become used to historically low rates.

It is not just the retail end that will have to come to terms with a world of rising interest rates. Most business runs on credit these days. The bigger the business, the bigger the debt burden. US corporation have $4 trillion in debt that will roll over in the next five years, according to industry analysts. What this means is their debt service will increase as they refinance old debt with new, more expensive debt. That is how corporate debt works. Most of it is fueled by bonds, so new debt pays maturing debt plus interest.

Of course, business is not the only institution relying on cheap credit. Governments around the world have come to depend on the endless appetite for sovereign debt to keep borrowing rates low. When central banks take money off the street, it means there is less money to chase after sovereign debt. Healthy debtors like the US government will not feel the pinch, but the struggling countries in Europe and South America are going to find it more difficult to sell debt. It may not take much to topple a country like Argentina.

Again, the Fed is not bringing us back to the 1970’s. Barring some inconceivable catastrophe, no one reading this will ever see double-digit interest rates again. It is just that since the end of the Cold War, America has been living with historically low interest rates and it has changed the nature of our economy. Cheap credit makes short term deals more viable and more common. It also increases risk taking. The result of all this cheap money is an economy that lives for the moment. Everyone is in it for the quick buck.

In theory, the slow gradual return of interest rates to something close to historic norms should not have a big impact. Almost thirty years of super-low rates, means most of the institutional knowledge about working in a normal rate environment is gone or heading for retirement. That means a lot of people are going to have learn the hard way about how business and finance works in a less than free money era. Therefore, no one can really be sure what is going to happen as the Feds slowly raise rates over the next years.

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Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
6 years ago

I dunno how they do it myself. I see people taking on debt without a second thought, and the numbers would keep me awake at night. Saw recently that 65% of Canadians are retiring with a mortgage and I have just one question for those people: are you effin stupid?

I am not rich, but thank God I am free. The bankers don’t like me, and I don’t like them – so I’ll pay cash, thanks.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Thing is, you want to hold debt during inflation, because you will be paying it off with devalued dollars (over time). My mortgage is going to be a piece of cake to pay-off, after 5 years of beautiful inflation.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

So people thought back in the 80’s, Karl. When double digit interest rates hit, they foreclosed on their mortgages and jumped out of windows. At today’s rates of inflation I think you’ll be looking closer to 10 – 12 years for that to happen.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
6 years ago

A lot of loan instruments are based on short-term thinking. ARMs are one (figuring the rate won’t go up or reach the cap). I had an ARM on my first house that went up 2% over about 3 years. When rates came back down, I immediately refi’d. Last time I ever considered something like that. Also those interest-only loans popular in the 2000’s and the double-mortgages used to avoid paying mortgage insurance. We used to watch real estate programs on HGTV back then, and scream at the TV “Are you nuts!?” when some lower-middle-class family would buy a $250,000 house… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Glenfilthie
6 years ago

My mortgage is less than 3%, so no problems when the interest rates go up. Have to be in the right place to catch a wave…

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

What happens when people buy in at 3% and then rates are 6% down the road is that the house will be priced near what that original payment would bring at 6%, because you didn’t buy a home you bought a payment. To sell you take a hosing for half the value.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  james wilson
6 years ago

yah, that’s why socal real estate is so affordable.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Inflation is not so beautiful for people who try to save.

Lure/tats/horse Boy
Lure/tats/horse Boy
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Right, and it deforms the economy in deleterious ways bc people spend in a way to secure against inflation, for example, buying more house than they need or would have as a hedge. That has environmental and ecological consequences!

Lure/tats/horse Boy
Lure/tats/horse Boy
Reply to  Lure/tats/horse Boy
6 years ago

One of the purposes of government to provide sound money, not to try to create hidden taxes for ludicrous wars and social programs

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Lure/tats/horse Boy
6 years ago

Keep in mind no one is advocating for inflation (or deflation) just talking about the best way to profit from what is coming…

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

neither is 0% interest rates.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Savers put money in instruments that provide a good, safe income. Bonds and equities do that. Inflation is good for neither and requires a lot of skill to navigate. And that is unfair for the lay investor.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

You sound as if you think of the stock market as something other than a crooked casino?!

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

I get the theory, but debt isn’t generally your friend. With high inflation comes high interest rates. So, higher inflation helps a guy like me who has lived in his house for 10-20 years and is close to paying it off. But for new home buyers, high inflation means home prices are over-valued and the high inflation drives high interest rates. So the home you need is too expensive and the bank wants 8%. That’s the trap my Aunt and Uncle were in back in the late 70’s and early 80’s when everything was double-digits. When lending rates break over… Read more »

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Karl–Yeah, but then you get robbed at the back end with higher consumer prices, that exceed your fixed income.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Ron
6 years ago

A person on fixed income had best get their cost of living locked down — now — otherwise its Purina time for them.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Dog food is far more expensive than rice and beans. Also, you can eat the dog.

Darth Curmudgeon
Darth Curmudgeon
Reply to  james wilson
6 years ago

Don’t eat the dog – you’ll need the early warning system for when the diversity gets angry that you’re not giving them more gibs and feels like killing you.

Darth Curmudgeon
Darth Curmudgeon
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Debt free is the way to go. If there is inflation everything gets more expensive and making payments may not be that easy even if those payments are worth less. No debt means an interest rate of zero, no matter what the Fed does. Paying off debt is the only “investment” with a guaranteed rate of return.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Amidst the growing tech-fueled asset bubble currently in intermission…it is important to remember that the Fed’s own data points out that 40% of the country can’t cover a 400 dollar expense, and 60% can’t cover a 1000 dollar expense. Much of the lower class spends irresponsibly, along with certain “poor taxes”. I’ve known many co-workers dinged by overdraft fees and short-term loans. Our underclass also doesn’t do their own/shared cooking from scratch as much as the immigrants do. Don’t forget the student debt, the lifeblood of the higher-ed racket.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Few ever point out how self-serving it is of neoliberals in the FIRE economy to chide the native working class that moar education is the solution. Rarely do those same neoliberals shame business into training their own workers, rather than expecting it to be funded by taxation or student debt.

Trade barriers can’t possibly be a solution against predatory Chinese behavior. Not as if Israel and Japan have been reduced to Third World GDP levels.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

And that’s different from when in history?

6 years ago

“When trouble is sensed well in advance it can easily be remedied; if you wait for it to show itself any medicine will be too late because the disease will have become incurable. As the doctors say of a wasting disease, to start with it is easy to cure but difficult to diagnose;after a time, unless it has been diagnosed and treated at the outset, it becomes easy to diagnose but difficult to cure. So it is in politics.” -Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Thorsted
6 years ago

I haven’t noticed it mentioned anywhere, but Trump clearly has read The Prince, and uses it as a practical guide. Who else exemplifies (better) the maxim “Better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.” ? Is his neutering of the MSM not Machiavellian in execution?

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

It doesn’t appear to me that they’ve been neutered.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

that’s your problem, Magoo!

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

President Trump is way too nice to the lying, stupid media. They are pushing hard with their nastiness to force him to get authoritarian on them. And then the haters will create from that a great first-amendment-violation excuse to impeach him. Then hell will break loose. Or, it’s kept in check till Trump is gone, then we dissidents will all have hell to pay to the vengeful Progressives.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

So be it, civil war is probably inevitable anyway and we have many bullets and a long list of scores to settle. In the end its either us or them in power and as they’ll gladly send all of us off the gas chamber without a qualm , we’ll have to do the same to them. I’m not liking this one bit and am hoping against hope it can be avoided but its what 3-7 years or so off depending ? maybe the 2030’s at the latests . I don’t think anyone is prepared, hell can be prepared but c’est… Read more »

Darth Curmudgeon
Darth Curmudgeon
Reply to  A.B. Prosper
6 years ago

They don’t intend to do the fighting, they intend to get a bill passed through stuffing ballot boxes with illegals’ votes that states that they win, we lose, ha ha. They expect the police and army to just shrug and say, “oh well,” and obey their every order. They have no intention of doing any fighting themselves.

Mr. Pitiful
6 years ago

In the early 1990s, I drove an 1984 Toyota truck (known the world over as a Hil-lux) with 95 horsepower, vinyl seats, a 5-speed stick, factory cruise and A/C (that my old man had to get added at the dealership when he bought the truck). The floor pans had just vinyl with no carpet, but this truck easily hauled boats and stuff that a teenager needed. And it got about 25 mpg in the city and 30 mpg on the road. I think this truck cost my old man just $5k when new and I actually sold it for $1,500… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Pitiful
6 years ago

Your post brought back memories of a similar red-colored high-mileage Toyota pick-up truck used to haul recycled papers in the 1970’s. That little truck was like a Timex watch, she just kept on a-ticking. You couldn’t kill it short of a tactical nuke. Like you said, I wish they still made them today.

Reply to  Mr. Pitiful
6 years ago

I paid cash for mine. Haul all kinds of shit with it. Couldn’t get to my hunting property without the 4wd. Drives like a car and can accelerate out the wazoo. Also, crew cab trucks are the least likely vehicles to be stopped by state police.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

I can drive anything I want. A year ago I bought a 20 year old Dodge Ram shorty with 100k miles. Paid $4k for it. Best damn vehicle I have ever owned. Hard on gas, but the trade off works for me.

Reply to  Mr. Pitiful
6 years ago

F-150s and 1500s are for people who don’t really need a truck that much. For serious hauling F-250s and 2500s are the basement.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Cloudbuster
6 years ago

…and with a turbo diesel under the hood, too.

Reply to  Mr. Pitiful
6 years ago

The Tacoma is the North American brand for the Hi-Lux. You can get a pretty decent base model for not too much on a relative basis, but I’d stay with the standard transmission.

Reply to  Mr. Pitiful
6 years ago

Nowadays Dad has a pickup, Mom has an SUV, and them and their two kids live in a 2800 sq. ft. house.
50 years ago Dad would have a station wagon, Mom might have a car, and they live with four kids in a 1200 sq. ft. house.
Do that now though?? My God! Siblings of the same sex would have to share a room! And they’d all have to learn to get along with one another instead of vegging out in different corners of the house with their ipods.

Darth Curmudgeon
Darth Curmudgeon
Reply to  Mr. Pitiful
6 years ago

I’m new to the truck world and was thinking of getting one. I started looking for ads and reviews online to learn the market. Speaking as a total newbie, I was shocked by how utterly retarded the truck world seems to be. The closest thing to what I would want is the Ford Ranger which isn’t even made anymore. My old Mazda 3 can fold its rear seats down and I can load 8′ long downspouts, 2×4’s, whatever. Most beds on these “country boy Cadillacs” are not 8′ long… So my 11 year old Mazda 3 has superior cargo capacity… Read more »

6 years ago

I have heard it said that democracies don’t care what kind of nation they hand down to their children, whereas a monarch is vitally interested in handing down a healthy nation to his heir. Make of that what you will.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Makes me think of TeaPartyDoc’s discussion of the Venetian doge system. We need something like this, I think, with a leader like Trump who cares about his country and countrymen.

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

Venice was truly a light in the darkness of the world, but I am not sure the governance model would scale to a nation as large as ours.

Reply to  Cloudbuster
6 years ago

How about a doge for every U.S. state? Wouldn’t that be a beautiful endeavor? TeaPartyDoc, help! I have none of the historical depth that you do. With blessings.

active pooter
6 years ago

immigration restriction is a non-starter because congress is getting rich by preventing immigration restriction …congress gets access to IPOs and insider trading tips, which makes them richer…those who dispense these goodies only do if the congressperson plays along…those who make congress rich are getting rich themselves off the economy, off of assets such as stocks and real estate…immigration increases population and consumer demand, which is 80% of the economy… another issue–you assert that the Dems want immigration because it helps them win….I disagree…yes, some immigrants can vote, but most cannot…the Dem politicians want more immigration for the same reason the… Read more »

Reply to  active pooter
6 years ago

I agree with your message but I am curious if you can substantiate the particulars. Can you demonstrate to a sceptic that “congress gets access to IPOs and insider trading tips”? What you say is probably true, but can you support that claim?

Here’s a specific example you can use: ‘GOP megadonor: “I’m not writing one penny to any of them” until DACA is resolved’. Search Politico for “Mike Fernandez”. (Why would someone with the last name “Fernandez” be so adamant about legalizing illegal Hispanics?)

Finally, ellipses are not your friend.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Congresspeople’s investment portfolios typically return 20% per year, as a group. This is wildly out of line with any broad group of investors. Typically, 20%/yr individual iterations are offset by the bad iterations in a group result.

Know also that Congresspeople are solely and specifically exempted from “insider” trading on privileged information. It is legal when they do it. Not for you and me.

active pooter
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

a very good question!’
there is a poster on zerohedge who used to work on capital hill and gave us the inside story…these congressmen fight and scrape for access to IPOs, insider tips and sweetheart contract deals…just look at the net wealth of congressmen over the years…they are getting super rich on their gov’t salaries? I doubt it….

Reply to  active pooter
6 years ago

People, you have no idea of the scale of the looting by the political class. A large part is based on the CAFR, the certified annual financial review. Every townlet has a small paragraph that these assets will be paid before even the light bill. The assets are not listed. This is institutionalized looting, national by law since 1972. Remember Congress passed the Omnibus Budget Act in 1974, right after Nixon was stabbed, killing the President’s line-item veto and giving themselves near-unlimited credit. How it works is this: Public funds are “managed” for yield “in the public good.” Who manages,… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

This is becoming the terrible world of the Owners- and we will be reduced to their brutalized, tyrannized slaves.
Yep because nobody wants to jump out of the pot to keep from being boiled alive…

Reply to  active pooter
6 years ago

The U.S. voting system is a shambles and it is absolutely no problem in many places if an illegal immigrant casts a vote. All issues can be solved using common sense ID and technology solutions.

Reply to  active pooter
6 years ago

The question that needs to be put forth to Americans is what kind of culture we want to live in? What kind of demographics? We’ve demonized asking these questions because the business interests do not like the answers of most natives.

6 years ago

This issue has the potential to divide the country more so than any other factor. A shrinking cohort of our society lives within their means (very limited or no significant debt) and a growing (possibly majority) fraction are drunk on debt and fully expect the government to forgive massive amounts of it in order to maintain the peace. DC politicians are playing the long con and gambling that debt slavery will ensure their incumbency and afford them the latitude to raid 401k’s as a means of solving this problem.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

“This issue has the potential to divide the country more so than any other factor.” no

Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

Oh double plus yes. We barely avoided a revolution when the housing and stock market collapsed in 07-08. Had the banks closed, people would have went kinetic on those Wall Street bankers and D.C. pols. As it was things ground to a halt. I live near the rail line that brings containers from the Port ot Long Beach to the rest of the country. At that time, the shipments almost ceased. The fear was palpable in the big box stores. That’s the sort of stuff you don’t want to see occurring. The last time I saw fear like that was… Read more »

active pooter
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

the govt guarantees bank deposits up to about 200k

Reply to  active pooter
6 years ago

A government guarantee and $1.50 will get you a ride on the CTA. Unless they’ve raised the fare.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

The government can mind 200K no problem and hand you 200, 1000 bills at any time it wants to and do this for any number of people, We have an entire continent full of resources How much these buxs will buy will depend on a lot of factors but the US really can’t economically melt down as easy as some think and given that wages are so arbitraged down, getting huge inflation is harder than you think. Some say the actual U6 unemployment rate, among all working age people is around 20% stats via shadowgov I mean even with… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

“We barely avoided a revolution when the housing and stock market collapsed in 07-08” . hysterical nonsense

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

Doubtful. The 2008 bubble busting was nasty but I was in So Cal at the time, still am unfortunately and there were no shortages and no fear of revolt. And also give that the country has largely been raped to death by immigration , Cultural Marxism and and looters and the result has been been crickets the risk from the militias is tiny. Maybe federal gun confiscation might do it maybe or some future Crispius Attucks but Americans can barely talk to one another even in redneck lands and a lot of them are doped up on Oxy or Weed.… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

I would say the vibrancy combined with no money will do the trick.

Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

Yeah, we’re already in the Latin American economic model, with few rich and many poor, job scarcity and low pay, our country full of ignorant people. 401K’s and mortgage interest rates are unknown luxury problems that people of our shining new “gig economy” have no understanding of, let alone CD’s, stocks, investing. The last people to grow up and work in a functional, financially rewarding country are in their 50’s and up. Everyone in their 50’s and below have been exposed to expensive living in a country where jobs barely pay enough to get by. It’s going to blow up.… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

Have you ever known anyone that will give up an easy thing for something that takes hard work, courage, and morals?
The right will never be able to compete with the socialist until the pain starts and it starts falling apart…
The right needs to be building safe havens(communities) so people have somewhere they can thrive now and survive later when it all crashes down…JMHO

6 years ago

So one time I was telling Mom “new economy this, credit that”- she looked at me and said, “boy, you are a fool. I’ve seen the banks fail before.” (In FDR’s bank holiday.)

A few years later came her last day in this life. I was with her to the end, and telling her the day’s news. The Meltdown had just hit.

“Ma!” I said. “The whole financial system is collapsing! Banks are locking up all over the world!”
She couldn’t speak anymore, but that little smile of triumph on her face…

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

I also had my delight at a very old man’s rage. He remembered the sheer misery and poverty of those times. His blue eyes blazed as he shook his fist in my face and cried,
“You know who I blame?!
I blame those gott…damned…Republicans!!”

6 years ago

“For our rulers, tomorrow never comes. Just because the people in charge have no interest in the future does not mean the future is equally disinterested in us.”

So eloquently and succulently put. Every politician should have this engraved on their desk,

6 years ago

I have a 2013 F-150. It’s in great shape. Every time I take it in to Ford for some routine mx, I get a call within a day or two from the sales department asking me to trade it in and upgrade to a band new one. I teased the girl on the phone mercilessly, “So, you want me to trade in a truck that I absolutely love, which is 100% paid off, is in mint condition, etc. to go $50,000 in debt on a new truck that I don’t need?” The thing is…for a lot of people…her pitch would… Read more »

6 years ago

You talk about how no one thinks long term and then about inflation and rising interest rates. Did you mean to make the point that higher interest rates will force at least some people to think long term and then end the article without explicitly doing so? It would have seemed a natural conclusion to come to. I agree with Hungus. I like the idea of higher interest rates. The historic average of 4% sounds fantastic to me right now. Have operated on a cash basis for at least twenty years with the only benefit being no debt. It would… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Higher rates increases the longer time preference element of decision making. Has to be a good thing, overall.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Americans need jobs that can pay our inflated costs of living here. People who don’t earn enough to make ends meet don’t have many considerations about interest rates and inflation. And we need to waaay cut down on the government rules and regulations that strangle the average person with taxes and fees.

6 years ago

And with rising rates will come the following: – Debt forgiveness for all student loans – Low interest rates are a human right – More suicides Personally, I’m looking forward to higher rates. I used to have a sweet Zurich money market account that cranked out reliable 6% returns for years. They shut it down a long time ago because I would have had to pay them to keep it open. As rates go up, monetary tools like this become more prevalent and you’re not over-exposed to stocks. Anecdotal sign of change: our bank offered to switch us to a… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

Americans coming up after you have no idea what it means to have a job that pays this kind of money, for living, getting married, buying a house, raising a family, saving, retiring, investment. Now, thanks to flooding of immigrants/refugees, enough is made to barely get by, something many of you older, successful men may not have your finger on the pulse of. The financial investments/savings is one of several big old systems that will fall, die off, as not enough people coming up having any kind of use for this kind of thing. Plus, it supports all the worst… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

If your kids are “non-white” (our many white-looking latinos even can take advantage) and have a modicum of intelligence, it’s easy street for them in terms of college admittance and jobs. Same for blacks. Only whiteys have to pay for our “privilege.”

6 years ago

My company competes in several market sectors. One of them has a very long sales and service cycle – and we are terrible at it. I’m in the midst of a “root cause analysis” for the bosses. The problem boils down to their impatience and short attention spans.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

Be sure to tell them that.

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

I’m sure that they’ll be delighted when you tell them your results. Doubtless there will be a promotion and a raise in it for you. Or something.

Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

Rather than tell them that, I lead them through the early stages of the exercise, then let them follow the obvious logic trail. It’s fun to sit back and watch.

Bill Jones
Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

Tell them that at the start of your report.. They will have forgotten it by the end.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

I do think there are those among our elite that have a higher time horizon. Unfortunately for us they are of Jewish and Chinese backgrounds, a small but highly salient number are of both backgrounds.

If today marks the beginning of the opening of North Korea, it will be a colossal battle between Chinese, Chaebol and Western capital. Left unsaid is how Russia has been outfoxed in their efforts to get North Korea as a client state to counterbalance both China and the West-aligned East Asian countries.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Russia doesn’t have any money, or any influence, and every other country knows it. The only people who wanted to immigrate to russia, were North Koreans. And now even they won’t want to go there. Russia is a shithole filled with shit heads.

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

re: “The only people who wanted to immigrate to russia, were North Koreans.”KMH

The Chinese are streaming North and taking Russian Brides in Siberia.

Dan Kurt

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Dan Kurt
6 years ago

China will take over Canada long before they grab Siberia. Even with the repeal of the one-child policy, China is a nose-to-the-grindstone culture not dedicated towards affordable family formation. Culturally similar, but less autocratic, South Korea and Taiwan have lower fertility rates. Taiwan is actually allowing mass immigration, I suspect as they think immigrants will be more hostile to reunification on the Hong Kong model.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Dan Kurt
6 years ago

siberia is already chinese, so i didn’t count it as part of russia.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

The Russians cannot defend Siberia , it’s china’s for the taking. both countries have declining pop. but china started so much higher than Russia. The truly astounding thing about Russia is they have about the same population they had 100 years ago. WW!, the communist revolution , the gulags and death camps , government induced famines , and wwII have caused enough death to almost completely wipe out the population growth of 100 years.

Reply to  miforest
6 years ago

Jewish Bolshevik Communists wiped out tens of millions of Christian Russians, Orthodox and Cossack free men, from which Russia is still trying to recover.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

Remind me again what the name of that jewish supreme leader that oversaw all that killing? Stalinberg, Leninstein, something like that I think.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Though a per-se Jew may not have been “in charge,” the killers were directed by Jews who were dispersed throughout Communist Russian governance. This is easily confirmed. Just like we see with today’s Israel and Palestine, for every Jew killed, the Jews will kill at least 10, maybe 100, Palestinians. That’s how they roll. Russians want to have a jewish pogram after being economically raped by jews? Fine, jews will kill at least 10 Christians for every 1 jew, at least. That’s how they did, and still do.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Karl McHungus-stein.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
6 years ago

Everybody is awash in cash looking for a return so you get a lot of stupid deals. Those will get painfully exposed when you can get a risk free 5% on short term T’s.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

8% CDs…mmmmmm

active pooter
Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

don’t hold your breath…

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

I remember getting 5.25% on my checking account as late as the 1990s.

Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

Us too. We had a money market that paid 6% that we held onto until about 2002 (ish…it was a long time ago) when rates really started dropping.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

I’m trying to remember the last year that cars were advertised by price, not payments. What decade.

6 years ago

Back when “Time” magazine was actually of some use, a cover story was about MBA’s and their emphasis on short term gains feeding their bonuses was destroying the economy.

6 years ago

Growing up with the peanut farmers double digit inflation and mortgages over 20% provided me with a valuable lesson in money management.

Even though there is a retirement plan at my former employer it does not have a COLA. When pointing this out to coworkers they couldn’t see the risk. The company also has a 401(K) and I would be surprised if more that one in four were enrolled.

There are going to be some very surprised individuals in the years to come.

Bill Jones
Reply to  Andrew
6 years ago

Oddly enough, government parasite pensions all have COLA’sX

Joseph Suber
Joseph Suber
6 years ago

The unwinding of the Fed balance sheet expansions are perhaps the real reason behind these very planned and forecasted hikes. Who will buy this paper flood at an effective 0% return?

What happens when the hikes stop being effective against inflation? Then they must rush to get ahead of it and we could easily see those double digit interest rates, in an effort to do what Volker did in 1982. But the end-game is different now. Scarier.

Reply to  Joseph Suber
6 years ago

This is as good as banks charging people to save their money, with zero interest but lots of storage fees. How in the world is Bitcoin not exploding?! F*ck the central banks and the Rothschilds. Here’s hoping their days are past.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

Bitcoin isn’t exploding because it is a ponzi scheme that is on its last legs. Everyone who is going to get sucked in, is in. No more greater fools for this one.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
6 years ago

Silicon Valley is also addicted to cheap money. Very few of the so-called unicorns ($1 billion plus valuation businesses) are profitable. Uber, Netflix, Spotify, all of these companies are losing money, some of them massive amounts. The few that are profitable (Google, Amazon, Facebook) have razor-thin margins that will not survive in an era of higher interest rates. These companies are running on the basis of very cheap capital. The tech scene is in the third great bubble of its existence, one that will be seriously deflated once the interest rate rise to rational levels. I just finished reading “Bad… Read more »

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
6 years ago

Maybe it’s better to study the winners, the smart people that have something real to offer, rather than the losers.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
6 years ago

Rootless people with at most a nuclear family rather than a legacy have little reason for long term thinking. The new populations demography isn’t wired for it for the most part either, Also re: saving. A lot of saving policy was built for an industrial age where there were assumptions about population growth and the need for more factories, workers and so on. Those conditions barely exist now and nowhere in the industrialized world has above replacement fertility . We had one year, a bubble economy and a confluence of odd circumstances , huge immigration from highly natal Mexicans and… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
6 years ago

For those who haven’t had the pleasure, behold Mouse Utopia:

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

Mouse Utopia was cool. Thanks!

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

The summary: Benign conditions bring a high mutation load. This load expresses itself rapidly in psychological aberrance first.

That explains the freaks.

Cosmo has long printed advice on where the men are- and they are not in the cities.
Perhaps the shreiking sheilas who run urban media and can’t find a boyfriend are up to an instinctive strategy.

They encourage their sisters to breed with high testosterone males to counter the increasing mutie load deficit.
I note that most miscegenation ads, which women write and like, are centered around a black male figure.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Here’s what I think comes out of the ashes of globalism (which Trump has killed). Many industries and products are of strategic necessity; we have to be self-sufficient in these areas in order to avoid being deprived of them during wars, embargoes, etc. Food is such an item, and so is steel making. Media too is strategic, and that’s why it will be All the centralized manufacturing and food production also leads to a society wide fragility. Therefore means of production will be distributed across many more locations. All of these measures will lead to much better jobs being produced,… Read more »

6 years ago

Depends on who is in control. The Globalists want lower, even negative, interest rates as this helps them to squeegee the last bit of wealth out of nations before the whole shit house goes up in flames. Perhaps in America Trump will reverse this trend, but he only has 2 or 6 years left.

6 years ago

Shoot, I forgot a big one. Huge, actually.

Public pension funds.
Who manages those?
The politicals, again.

What do pension funds do?
Invest in such things as… the stock market.

Your tax moneys are being used as a cutout to buy up the corporations.
One estimate placed legislative ownership of the stock market at 75%, by Federal and state congressmen.

Ever wonder at the mandates we are forced to spend our money on, while Ginormous Corp and Uni Trust pay no taxes?

Politicals own the markets in all but name.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

You left one thing out of your analysis. The real economy is already hot and still gaining heat. Manufacturing is growing; companies are moving production capacity back to the US. And Trump is only getting warmed up. He is innately a builder; quite clearly he intends to rebuild all the dead cities, and replace the old grid. And I am pretty sure we are all going to be swimming in gravy for a good long time. And I am willing to bet money he privatizes that $20T national debt.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

The US advantage has not entirely been in taxation, or in its lack of meaningful labor laws, but in its low energy costs thanks to fracking. The average EU country has electricty prices that are multiple times the average red state costs. Red state deregulated energy markets also help virtue signaling Silicon Valley by lowering the cost of windmills. Without fracking, the recession would have persisted longer, and Obama would have lost re-election.

6 years ago

You mean it isn’t common to have a seven year car loan? Whats historically normal?

Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago


Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago

Assuming you’re not being sarcastic, 4 years used to be pretty standard. 2-3 if you had some money saved up. I still remember when Ford came out with their 60 month 0% packages for a short period of time. Then 72 months started to crop up. We’re seeing the same thing with college…what used to be a 4 year thing is now a 6 year thing…people with bad financial knowledge spreading things out to make it look cheaper on an annual or monthly basis…but actually winding up spending much, much, more than they ought to. We do the math with… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

Longer terms on car loans are not a problem if the rates are near or at 0%. Present value/future value and all. Long terms with high rates are a killer. As to home mortgages, again, a low fixed rate is not so bad. Especially if you are in a position to pay it off if you choose to. Playing fixed rate borrowing against the opportunities available for saved up capital is the thing. YMMV. One “problem” is that the middle class has 80% or more of their wealth tied up in their home. Wealthier people have 10% to 20% there,… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Agree with all your points but one. The issue I have with long-term, low rate, loans is they tie up money (cash flow). If you take a 72 month 2% loan to keep the payments down, but spend 6 years paying off your car, you’re basically tying up cash. If you’re going to take that kind of a loan deal for lower monthly payments, use the money you save over a 3-4 year loan as a savings cushion and pay the car off early. That’s typically how we buy things like cars. Bigger down payment, longer loan term (for the… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago

Cash or as teaprtydoc noted 2-4. People in the past also kept most cars 5 years or less not 10 ten or more as they do now. But again in 1956 , a house was 5 years pay for a typical worker and a car was 6 months pay for a nice one. These days a comparable car is about 2 years pay and a house 10. People are roughly half as rich as they were and its masked by two wage earner families and having less kids,about half as many. And note making an argument that people are getting… Read more »

hateful 8/4 olds
hateful 8/4 olds
6 years ago

I think some places you say double digit interest in the 70s when u meant inflation.

Reply to  hateful 8/4 olds
6 years ago

No, interest too. During the Carter years, I took out 5% life insurance loans and put it in 15+% 12 mo. CDs at our local S&Ls. Cashed them at maturity and paid off the life insurance loans with a tidy profit. I believe the pointy heads call this arbitrage.

Black Warrior
Black Warrior
6 years ago

White people worrying about money. Typical.

David Wright
Reply to  Black Warrior
6 years ago

We have a lot of unfunded liabilities to take care of like black folks, Tiny.

Reply to  Black Warrior
6 years ago

At least we have some to worry about. And if it weren’t for parasites like you, we would worry about it a lot less.

Reply to  Black Warrior
6 years ago

Yes, it is typical. There’s a valuable lesson to be learned there.

Reply to  Black Warrior
6 years ago

That’s why we HAVE SOME for heavens sake.

Reply to  Black Warrior
6 years ago

I have sincere pity for black people. All people want to take pride in the accomplishments of their ethnic group. Imagine being part of a group with negative accomplishments. Fortunately for them, they are usually too dim to perceive this problem.

Okay, I will admit they have some gifts with respect to musical improvisation.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Black Warrior
6 years ago

Money is what make life good duckster and you can ask any person of color and they” tell you they want money than anything else.