At lunch recently, I overheard two young women talking about the coming revolution, which I assumed was a joke, so I eavesdropped for a little while bit turned out that they were talking about revolution. The bossy looking one was going on about something Trump did, and how it was going to be the thing that “woke people up about what is really happening.” My guess is the part I missed had something to do with Russians or maybe the Manafort Trial. The Left is obsessed with that now.
Since the election, the Left has been dreaming up scenarios in which the results of the election are overturned. For a long time, they were sure Trump would be impeached, but that seems to have faded. Last year my left-wing office manager was deep into the impeachment scenarios. Now the talk is of revolution, which probably fits better with their conception of themselves as the heroic resistance. They imagine Trump as a strong man, against whom they must resist until the system cracks.
Most of us think of revolution in the sense of people flooding into the streets to protest the government. Either the government makes an error, causing the mob to turn violent or radicals use unrest to foment a full-on revolt. The two models in the Western mind are the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution. Given the make-up of the anti-Trump forces, it’s hard to imagine either scenario. The “resistance” is mostly girls and non-whites prone to committing violence against one another.
There is another model of revolution, that may be what our current rulers have in mind for us and that is the Cultural Revolution unleashed by Mao Zedong. This was a revolution from above, where the revolutionary elite enlisted the masses at the bottom to purge the middle of bourgeois traitors. Mao purged the party of rivals and then used subsequent protests to advance a lurch into radicalism. The complaints about party leaders were an excuse to start a cultural revolution.
The most famous aspect of it was the Red Guards. This was a student movement aimed at unleashing “a great revolution that touches people to their very souls and constitutes a deeper and more extensive stage in the development of the socialist revolution in our country.” Sinophiles hate the comparison, but this sounds a lot like our billionaire class financing the various radical groups and social justice warriors we see rampaging through the culture today.
Another point of comparison is the war on the “Four Olds” which were old customs, culture, habits, and ideas. This was both a war on the past, as well as a war on the culture itself. For example, the Red Guards pulled the remains of a Ming dynasty emperor out of his tomb, denounced him and then burned the remains. They went around renaming streets and toppling statues. Today’s radicals do the same thing and preach against racism, sexism, homophobia and antisemitism.
No historical comparison is perfect. Again, Sinophiles really hate the comparison, but people are conservative about what they think they know best. There’s also the fact that Chinese culture is remarkably strong, and it was largely able to resist the ten-year campaign to obliterate it. American culture appears to be brittle and falling apart under the weight of a fifty-year planned invasion. The Chinese did not fill up their lands with hostile foreigners, armed with a ballot by the ruling class.
On the other hand, there are limits to everything. As the outrages from the Left stack up, the average white person in American grows angrier. Talk to anyone sympathetic to this line of thinking and they will tell you they have grown far less tolerant of their remaining liberal friends. I know I’ve lost touch with quite a few former friends, because I will not tolerate their nonsense. I have friends who just a few years ago thought Ben Shapiro was edgy and now think I am too soft.
The question is what it would take to move people from yelling at their televisions over the latest liberal outrage to marching in the streets. Sometimes, the smallest spark sets the biggest fire. The reaction to Alex Jones getting purged from the internet has been surprising, given that he is not a serious person. People, who never heard of him until yesterday, are angry over his banishment. My guess is the percentage of people thinking fondly of Pinochet is at an all-time high right now.
As far as the spark, a move against Trump is good bet. The glue that keeps things from flying apart right now is middle-class white people, who still have faith in the political system. These are the middle American radicals Sam Francis wrote about 30 years ago during the Reagan moment. They will tolerate just about anything, if they think they can fight the other side within the system. An effort to remove Trump or even silence his advocates, could be a spark that gets these people into the streets.
Extra-political efforts to ban guns are another possible spark. The coordinated efforts to cut off gun makers from the financial system is dangerous. Gun owners follow this stuff and there are a lot of them. The pink pussy hat people think they have numbers because billionaires will bus fifty thousand of them into DC. The NRA could get a million people in the streets if there is ever a real threat to gun rights. A big part of gun culture is the idea of the patriot bravely taking up arms to resist tyranny.
It is tempting to think this will all blow over. I just don’t see how it will ever be possible to make peace with the Left. They hate us and will use any means necessary. The lack of code is the critical part. How does one make peace with someone that will never abide by the rules? Whether this results in revolution, counter revolution or civil war is hard to know, but the number of people thinking the gap cannot be bridged is growing every day, so we wait for the Cossack’s wink.
Yes, it will go hot. And we can’t ask for a better enemy. Consider: – the left no longer controls public opinion or can moderate it. The media as a weapon of propaganda has been neutralized by the internet. – their leaders, like most of the followers, are arrogant, stupid, and weak. People talk about the right losing the culture war – but we haven’t fired a shot yet. – the cannon fodder of the left is going to be queers, ugly, unhappy women, and marginal vibrants. That right there, has been their greatest strength – we are raised chivalrous,… Read more »
They ridicule you because they are afraid of you. That means we’re stronger and they know it.
Any revolution/civil war will be over within a week of the first shot as the left doesn’t have the stomach for it.
The gun banning has been a failure and I think the internet regulation will also fail. Banning someone on twitter just gives them more credence. It’s free advertising for the Alex Jones’ out there.
I’m afraid you’re likely to be wrong there. It’s not only the fight that matters, but what comes after it. If someone could ring a celestial bell for round one and get everyone on both sides into the streets, the fight would end with a clear knockout in about 12 seconds. And then reconstruction starts, and there are thousands of hateful, bitter sociopaths who do very much have the stomach for it. It would be a matter of bombing campaigns and reprisals, checkpoints and swatting, and hatred running through the culture like acid. It would (will?) last a generation, and… Read more »
It won’t begin that cleanly. It won’t end until the leftists are dead or surrender unconditionally. it will be horrific.
“… does anyone really want this?”
We don’t. The Left does. And in war, it only takes the vote of one side to get it started.
When it comes, it will take the form of mass shooting of Leftist insurgents and assassinated Democrat politicians in small and medium sized towns along with blockades of larger cities. The trigger will, as zman points out, either an attempt to remove Trump from office or an attempt to confiscate guns.
Yes, it will be very ugly.
Right now Im cranky. But yes, my brain tells me its gonna be ugly as hell if/when it rolls. It’s gonna be ugly as hell.
“The Left does…”
They should watch what they wish for – they may get it.
Been to/in war and I have to say in my life since it is the last thing I’d want to be… but not so much now… the more I see of these assaults on good folks, innocent folks, “judges” giving tremendous breaks to all but “guilty verdict” crooks, outright in-your-face lies and then calling you the liar…. well, frankly speaking as for me, my gun needs oiling. enough said. pray, prep and protect ’cause hell is coming home.
I think the more astute among them think they can prevail politically in the aftermath, building their nirvana on the ashes. They ignore those will be their own ashes.
Its also quite possible the elite think they can hide through it and use their money to be in charge of the rebuilding. It is this second possibility we must guard most carefully against: meet the new boss, same as the old boss. This worries me more than anything. “Embrace, Extend and Extinguish” was deployed very effectively against the Tea Party.
This. The conflict, when it comes – and that’s “when,” not “if” – will be ugly beyond belief. Most of it will be over in 10-15 days, neither side will find it enjoyable in the slightest, and “trailing events” will continue for months; there a lot of people, and groups, with lists of scores to settle and cancers to excise, during which a tremendous amount of “jockeying for position” will occur among those not directly in the cross hairs. The real challenge will be the reconstruction: who decides what, with which resources. Bush 43 easily won the war in 2003,… Read more »
Leadership on both sides ! Preposterous, wìhere is the leadership on our side? PDJT is a stand alone. Being an outsider he either had to bring in a trusted team to assist him or relie on the Civil Service careerist to respond to his command. Those who he worked with in business were either too inept or too easily corrupted by the illusion of power and very likely public money. The bureaucracy was and is disloyal and rooted in past practice and prerogatives. He has no bench. Which governor can be counted as an asset for the President or our… Read more »
I’d like it understood that I identify as one of the thousands of sociopaths who have the stomach for it
Our family is divided as well but we are able to keep it pleasant for now. It took me a while but I now fully see that there can be no reasoning with these people. There is no “misunderstanding” with progressives. There are no values that we share. A mountain of indisputable evidence about an issue could be spoon fed to them and all it would do is enrage them and lead them to commit violence. How can a chasm that deep be bridged in a way where we maintain a functioning society? An illustration: a few years ago I… Read more »
When the balloon goes up, you couldn’t pay me to live near a grocery store. Once the diversity is through with looting and burning the store, they’ll start on whatever there is that’s closest…like your family member’s house.
None of this is new, though. H.G. Wells wrote about this attitude in 1898.
Yeah, saw glimpses of that after Sandy. And that was just inconvenience of the power being off for twelve days. The level of helplessness, as demonstrated by your family member was staggering around here.
Saml Adams, my bugout area lost power for almost two weeks due to the California fires taking down the lines. People in the (spread out) neighborhood were mostly prepared, pulled together, and didn’t miss a beat. Lots of generators going, all around the valley. People rallied and became better neighbors out of it. Two months, it might have been a different story. But the experience depends on the neighborhood.
It’s a learned helplessness that they have erroneously conflated with a smug sense of moral superiority.
Its interesting to see these divides occur among family and friends. Recently I went on a trip to with my fiances extended family to the shore for about a week. The amount of Trump bashing and general exultation of lefty politics was very much in evidence. Especially after a few drinks. On occasions like these I really go out of my way to not bring up my views on much of anything. There is no point. In my eyes its a family occasion. I would also just as soon enjoy the beach that we were staying at and whatever book… Read more »
Liberals speak as if everyone in a social group agrees with them or that the dissidents are too polite or scared to disagree. The number of times I’ve seen this play out at work is too many to count. If I stated my views, my career would be harmed. They are demonstrating their cultural dominance.
Does not your situation underscore the proposition that there are many here who are way too overconfident?
It’s hard to know but I will say that the people who think that the military or police will support us are deluded. Most of the military and police will slaughter us to collect their pensions.
Line in the Sand
In two sentences you made more since and offered more truth than anything in the posting or comment thread (mine included).
Stop it already with “most of the police and military will slaughter us to collect their pensions”.
1) Most police/military have our outlook on things.
2) There isn’t going to be any pensions when things go sideways.
The only ones you have to avoid are the bosses. They are political animals.
Get to know your local beat cop/policeman neighbor. You might be surprised.
I think people here and elsewhere on the right are way too confident. The left controls all the institutions including the deep state. In blue states the judiciary just rules based on leftist ideology. The right thinks it will win because it has so many guns. So do the army and police forces and, for the most part, they won’t be on our side.
Plus, we are a matriarchy now and men don’t foo anything without approval from their wives who value safety and cash flow. Women do not value freedom as much as men
M_C, the confidence you hear on the Dissident Right is more belligerence than anything. They do get what they’re up against and that things look dark. You’ve heard of the black pill right? Anyway, if you’re not talking tough then you’re signaling defeat. Don’t know if you’ve noticed but the guys on these sites aren’t the submissive type.
All safety and cash will end for us if we do not win.
@My_Comment. Yes, women most certainly do value freedom as much as men. Not sure what type of women you associate with, but they are definitely the wrong kind. I know a ton of women who have more balls than some of the men out there in this world.
All it takes is a handful of military officers to “accidentally misplace” some nuclear warheads to end urban prog Amerika. Several years ago, a few Airforce officers accidentally flew a few nukes on board a cargo plane.
I was like that for years. Kept my mouth shut. Don’t rock the boat, don’t spoil the mood, everyone has a right to their own opinion.
Until they don’t. Then, their morals, ethics and politics are just too important and must supersede yours. When the time comes you will bow down and accept it or be exiled from the tribe.
Good luck, Baltimore. I hope your outcome is better than mine.
Thanks Grandmaster filthie. I more or less try to not argue politics with anyone. Especially in the real world. I might discuss things with people….but those on the liberal end of the spectrum at this point are well past the point of discussion. There is one man of my acquaintance who is a dyed in the wool Bernie Bro with whom I can discuss most matters of import frankly (the racial stuff can be a bit touchy). Im his token weirdo rightwing/anarchist/Menckenite wingnut friend. He’s my token Socialist/Unitarian/Universalist friend. All of the other liberal types I know…forget about it. What… Read more »
That window has been slammed and nailed shut. Lefties have written for themselves an epitaph of infamy.
I believe she plans to come to your house when things go splat.
Join the discussion…Some studies have been done – apparently their amygdalas are smaller. They just can’t see danger. Reality is social and they have good social skills more often than not. And they hate people who interfere with their warm fuzzy…..
I haven’t had a face to face convo with a leftist in probably 20 yrs. I genuinely have no idea how I’d react to it, but it seems so absurd to imagine, I guess I’d burst out laughing.
Maybe I need to find one and test this. Surely someone I know knows one I can use for a guinea pig…
I guess you need to have lived through a hurricane in Florida or thereabouts to really get how quickly all the Walmart, home depot, lowes and huge grocery stores are emptied of everything but spaghetti-os for a good while. A war? What truckers are gonna deliver your pampers when the SHTF? They mostly believe in the 2A and don’t care to serve the enemy during a civil/political war with guns, bullets, blood and death. Btw I checked. Jeff Sessions has 10 grandchildren. Could that explain his “reluctance to engage”? I searched the number of grandchildren because the threat to conservative… Read more »
Thus it was in the English Civil War. Brother .v. Brother, Father .v. Son.
As one of our (white) ancestors said, “Don’t fire unless fired upon. But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”
I think we’ve been fired upon.
The part of the country that makes iPhone apps and subprime mortgages vs. the part that produces all the food and energy and has all the guns. Who will win, I wonder?
Never, never underestimate your enemies. And act accordingly.
So true.
The Dems has Hillary at 97% to win the election.
We saw how that turned out.
I wish the Repubs would stop predicting a trump win in 2020.
Pinochet is going to be recognized as a hero on our side. The Pinochet model is what you grap for if the Trump model (final attempt to save the system inside its parameters) fails.
He’s always been a hero here.
The rape dogs were a bit over the top, but other than that, I fail to see the basic objection to Pinochet given the time and the scenario he appeared in.
Sure, I dont know all the details. But look at Chile and look at Venezuela. One had a Pinochet, the other didn’t. Where’d you rather be?
Look at Chile and look at Argentina. One had Pinochet and the other had two Perons and a succession of Clintonistas.
Chile: 120,000 Haitians admitted since 2014. Another 200,000 immigrants from ¿quien sabe? Total population 17 million.
Ooh, 120,000 Haitians? Why? Boy are they going to regret that.
Only problem with Pinochet is that he let a lot of Reds escape…
And remember, Trump has a pretty sweet helicopter.
My kids gave me a “Pinochet’s Helicopter Tours, est. 1973”. And Lord it is fun to wear it around Proggie land.
I have one of those too. Great shirt
Where can one buy such a wonderful T-shirt?
Just search them up on google, whole bunch of vendors
I remember playing soccer on suburban Santiago streets in front of bored guys with machine guns. I asked my friend who they were and he said military guards for government officials. I guess we’ll get to that point too, where our politicians’ homes require 24/7 protection.
The guy in the chopper.
A little fash might be just the thing though and least the General is a useful model for an authoritarian right wing state
Just don’t loose and make sure you have nukes to punish whoever thinks they can take you down. Otherwise you end being made an example of like the General was
” I have friends who just a few years ago thought Ben Shapiro was edgy and now think the alt-right is too soft.” This could be my story. I am something like a Johnny come late myself. My views, premontions and thinking keeps moving. This week’s red pill is ‘wow, is that really so’, last week’s red pill is purple next week. My latest red is women and politics. Very rarely have I had to review or reverse a position b/c it was ‘too extreme’ since I ‘woke’. It’s like a video game where each red pill is a new… Read more »
Welcome! Have some more Pinochet.
I ll drink to him buddy lol
“Mi General”
A guy could do OK selling “Viva Pinochet!” bumper stickers….
Cheers! (clink)
Here’s the coordinated-deplatforming version of the red pill. The guy dresses a little weird, but who cares. He’s a good analyst and good speaker.
He mentions BitChute. Might want to take a look at it.
Will have a look. Thanks
For example, here’s the guy’s collection on BitChute.
Pretty pissed off over how big this mess has grown. Pretty darn pissed off to be honest.
You and me both Brother…It’s when I looked at my kids and know that they will see war in their lifetime that brings up that cold rage…It doesn’t help either that people are still chewing their cud while the predators and vultures keep killing us off…I have to ask why are people so f*cking retarded that even the most simple things like banding together slip right on past them…Sad That…
You certainly make sense to me. Once the scales dropped from my eyes I guess that’s the kinda men and views I started looking for, to compare notes with and go ‘do you see it too??’. Coz I can tell you, there aren’t many like that on campus. Yet….
I don’t think the left will be able to coordinate a trigger for a civil war. I see the Mueller thing and the banning of Alex Jones as rear-guard actions of a dying movement. Every day entire families that have been fence-sitting are being red-pilled. The left cannot shut this down, and every move they make to do so exacerbates their problem.
I live in a liberal hotbed. If things go hot this place becomes a ghost town overnight. They have no stomach for what guys like me salivate over.
I live in a conservative city, but work on campus. It will be fun to come to work with a carbine slung over my shoulder and a sidearm on my hip.
Are you prepared to use your carbine on the cops who will be looking at you, and not at antifa thugs?
If it does come to the point where carrying a carbine is normal , the campus might not be open but if it is no one will be saying a damned thing as anyone too mentally weak to go armed won’t want to leave home. In any case the Right is slowly but surely ditching its reflexive respect for law and order and cops and all that and coming to realize that so long as they take Leftist orders, they aren’t our friends We won’t need to be doing much though the Left and the wide range of people whose… Read more »
They aren’t quite sure how they’d want to run things and are aware of the awful cost.
Maybe they just haven’t put out a plan yet…There is a saying that says the mind is like a field and has to be prepared/cultivated for a seed/idea to be planted and have it grow…
Much truth in those words
The real question is once these cops realize they are expected to man the streets and repel the angry hordes while their own families are left outside in regular neighborhoods, how many will show up for work? Not many, I’m guessing.
My wife and I recently crossed the Canadian border and, I assume, were asked the standard questions by the young attendant. We are Boomers from the heartland and look the part: gray hair, glasses and denim. His last question kind of threw us when he inquired if we owned any guns. After listing our long guns and my 1911, my wife chimed in with, “don’t forget my 9mms…” The look on the young man’s face was classic as he mumbled “It’s a different culture…” I just winked, put my Hummer in gear and drove north.
Did he ask you owned guns, or if there were guns in the vehicle?
Did he ask if you were bringing any syrup into the country?
Exactly, why would the Leaf ask if they owned any guns, like that’s the queer Canadian government’s business?
Join the discussion…Remember, in case of civil disobedience or invasion, there is a treaty of mutual aid. And within a hundred miles of the border, they may have other rights, at least potentially. North American Union stuff….
“Did he ask if you were bringing any syrup into the country?” Not sure if that’s an old joke, but it’s the first time I’ve heard it and it made me LOL. That’s right, I LOL. Gotta problem with that bitches?!
If you’re gonna LOL, you have to say bitchez.
The Canadian Border Guys also retain a record of your response to their “guns inquiry” and (possibly) have access to carry permit records of some states.
I live near the border, cross it several times per year, and the last time I crossed their question was not “do you have any firearms in your vehicle?”, or even “do you own any firearms?”, but… “where are your firearms now?”
My A: “Golly. Mr. Canuck-in-Charge–I lost them in the lake (pick the nearest one) when I was last fishing here. Wanna see my minnies and night crawlers I brough?”
My reply would be: “My guns are in the United States and not in this vehicle.” Other than that it’s none of his business.
The proper answer: “not here.”
The next few election cycles are going to be very dangerous. The Left could go violently nuts if they lose in November or in 2020 (I think they lose badly in both). Or there could be a real crisis if the Dems win enough obviously rigged elections to get power.
If and when the Democrats in their present condition get real power again, it will be on (whether legitimate election wins Washington state style rigging). They’ll move quickly to make war on the middle class and the shooting will start.
That Vox article is magnificently ignorant. They worry about strong-man rule in the form of Trump, then hearken back to the good-old-days of FDR without catching a whiff of the irony.
That is a feature, not a bug. One advantage of no longer teaching history but instead, deductive “{xxxx} studies” courses is there is no irony to catch a whiff of. They are blissfully ignorant.
Looks like there will be background checks, licensing and waiting periods for internet postings soon.
Facebook is now trying to get people’s financial information. They say it’s for targeted advertising, but we all really see it’s yet another encroachment into our private lives for the sake controlling dissident voices.
I’m really too old for revolution, so if it’s going to happen, it needs to happen before I’m bedridden permanently. I’m running out of patience. There is nothing worse than having a glorious revolt going on and you’re just too sick to do anything. Life is so unfair.
I agree with everything you said. I’m in my mid-sixties and my have another ten to twenty years left. I would gladly give up my remaining time to keep my grandchildren from fighting a second civil war.
“If it now, ’tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now, yet it will come–the readiness is all.”
Don’t worry about being old. There is work in war for every man and even a note passed on, a bag of cookies and some water or an old box of ammo you no longer need may make the difference.
It enough of the very old find out they are dying and are willing, well there is room for certain kinds of missions too.
*They came for the Daily Stormer and I said nothing* Alex Jones is a serious person because his audience is large. His de-platforming will result in fewer normies embarking on the red-pill journey, with vital mid-term elections approaching. Flagging his videos for “hate speech” is entirely run by the Anti-Defamation League, as they were publically anointed by YouTube to do just that. The SPLC makes the lists of those on our side who can then no longer use various banking services or alternate funding mechanisms. SPLC and ADL are Jewish organizations working against us every day using huge endowments. The… Read more »
Judeophobes (Jew-haters) eager to find scapegoats won’t like to hear this, but the ADL & SPLC are populated with self-hating Jews who do not identify with decent, respectful, conservative (with a small “c”) Jews with solid family values. Despite their theological differences, truly religious Jews (some of whom are solid members of the NRA) are morally much closer to conservative Christians. As soon as I heard about the gay attacks and Chik-Fil-A boycott, my first thought was to eat there whenever possible. I don’t expect to change anyone’s mind, but it bears mentioning that the world is not black and… Read more »
“Truly religious Jews” study the Talmud, don’t they? The Talmud that instructs how all non-Jews are sub-human beasts to be utilized by the chosen people? The Jews from Jesus’ time were in several factions. The ones that followed Jesus Christ are Christians. The ones that we know of as Jews today followed the pharisees, the original separatist extremists. Please stop propagating the “Christian-Judeo” myth. There are Christians and then there are Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. Judaism is actually closer to Islam — the two sides of the semitic coin.
John 8:44
Ahh…”Judeo-Christianity”… the Mother of all false flags. Tell it sister! But let me condense a bit. More simply put: people who identify as “Jews” today are those who practice the religion of Judaism AND/OR follow their ancestral lineage through those who DID practice Talmudic Judaism. However (paradoxically perhaps), their identity is primarily ethnic and secondarily religious. That’s the reality. But the term ‘Non-Practicing Jew’ is a front. If they don’t “practice” Judaism but still call themselves a Jew, we know they are lying. Because any functioning human who is generally aware of the tenets of Judaism and specifically those of… Read more »
If we were to propose that the ADL, SPLC and other such organs of Judeo-left power be regulated or de-platformed out of existence, would we find allies in the J-right?
When things get hot, the internet will go down and the blue cities will burn down. Those are the only two things you can count on. The rest of it is up in the air.
Wow, good blog, just discovered . Anglosphere is in the “Nazi Trap” like we call it down here in the Eastern Europe. Nazis are the ultimate evil and to stop them, all means are justified. You can kill 1 yo child and later claim that if Hitler was killed in childhood, then….. We had this before , in 1917. We had millions of guns, millions of WW I vets who knew how to use them and we still lost because we did not had the symbols and cause what would unite us all. So our liberals won until average gun… Read more »
Thanks for chiming in. But you have no knowledge of the American spirit. We run towards the gunfire, not away.
Thank you too. I honestly disagree. I predict that the guns rights go the same way as the free speech. You will get some kind of “Weaponized Correctness” After few bad incidents everybody agree that N thing is as bad as N word so despite free whatever , every sane person should stay far and away from free N whatever to remain employed , got invited to the party and so on.
The evidence demonstrates that American men who volunteer to wear a state uniform will do what other men do who wear their states’ uniforms:
It is human nature.
Of course, there are exceptions. Those exceptions are men who recognize that they were ill-informed and brainwashed when they chose to don Caesar’s clown costumes. They grow to learn that one is not courageous because one does Caesar’s killing or because one becomes acquainted with firearms or that masculinity is, in any way, tied to serving the King.
Caesar was followed because he was an extraordinary leader. From Claudius’ time, the Praetorian Guard protected the leadership for only a bit of time after each donative (one time lump sum money payout). Poor leadership can only buy loyalty, not earn it.
Furthermore, the Roman experience showed that good leadership involved bravery, freedom from intimidation, consideration for others, and the ability to rally your troops. Bad leadership can only buy allegiance with money, and only for a short time. At the end of the day, most of our leadership is not very good. But it sure can wreck things.
We’re on to that last possibility here, too. The EBT system goes dark and millions of vibrants burn down their cities. I don’t think you’ve sufficiently thought through the gun confiscation scenario, though. Many cops will indeed be quite happy to confiscate guns, and not only because they want to keep their jobs. But even in the extremely liberal city that I live in, gun owners outnumber cops probably 100-1. If only one out of that hundred is willing to fight, that means before gun confiscation is finished all the cops are dead. And long before that point, the cops… Read more »
New Orlean’s Katrina illustrated the problem of vibrant Affirmative Action hiring policies; the black cops confiscated white people’s guns, and then proceeded to rob them.
Juri, interesting to know about the “Nazi trap”, I did not know that there was a term and a clear definition. Over here, we know about the trap and roll right over it. The right answer to such an accusation is the equivalent of “So what? I don’t care”. We have a President who expresses that sentiment, in a fashion, every day. Otherwise expressed as “BFYTW”.
The successful smearing of the dissident right via the Charlottesville debacle does appear to have been a trap that the dissident right did *not* “roll right over it.” The media is mighty and determines how many people think of us here in the U.S. as well as around the world. We are considered by mainstream people to be Nazis and White Supremacists. We’re losing to them so far. We need to build our own media, institutions and get more organized. I’m not advocating hive mindedness, but realistically, we will be snubbed out if we don’t organize in some fashion.
Ursula, I believe C’Ville was a learning experience for many of those who didn’t understand a “set-up job” beforehand. We have quite a few quick learners on our side.
Yes, we have some very smart people who are quick learners, as you said. They’ve been disillusioned about politics and perception after that experience, for sure. Looking forward to rallying around future dissident right events that have sympathetic news outlets lined up in advance, keep out the NAZI LARPers and torch marches, and talk simply about a few major points that we stand behind and much of the public supports, starting with immigration control.
Exactly right, Juri, we too await the Zombie Apocalypse, when the EBT (‘benefits’) and state/municipal employee pensions crash.
When it comes to hot civil war you know the deciding issue is which way the military goes. If it is significantly divided then which side of the military beats the other side would decide the outcome. The military is full of red blooded American men but it is not entirely manned by real American stock anymore – and more crucially it is lead in part, if not nearly entirely, by corrupt D.C. Swamp beings… Many of you believe you’re worth at least 20 “Resistance” scumbags. That, good sirs, might very well be the case for some percentage of you… Read more »
I also worry about who would be in control of the nukes during a civil war. Do people really think that they wouldn’t come into play, that it would just be “boy scout rules”? I don’t know.
The USSR was as crazy and evil as we are now and managed to not use nukes.
Also the only good targets are blue cities so what are they going to do nuke Wichita? Even the craziest most cucked military won’t follow that order
Also with the tritium production issues, we will be out of tritium in a few years and the half life in 12 years. In a few decades they may not even work.
The generals and staff-grade swamp beings will support the government, whatever orders it gives them.
The field-grade officers and enlisted personnel will, for the most part, support us. And nothing gets done without them.
60% of the brass voted for Hillary. They are careerist SJW. If a civil war breaks out when the democrats have the presidency, the military will be on their side. Don’t kid yourself
I imagine ANTIFA will abandon their revolutionary camps when they are forced to dig 57 latrines (one for each “gender”).
If the left was serious about political dialogue, it might work itself out…but they are not. The truly want us dead. There is only so much talk of murder, genocide, enslavement of ‘white, Christian males’ that you can rationalize away before you realize that one day, they really will come to do you harm, and will gladly murder anyone associated with you.
Most on the “Right” that I know are ready for the shoe to drop, but patiently waiting. We are more disciplined and better trained than the lefty moonbats. If they outnumbered us 10 to 1 I wouldn’t be concerned. Any one of us could take out dozens in seconds. They thrive on irrational emotion, like a child in permanent tantrum, so most of what you see and hear is fluff. But, if that spark does ignite, the whole thing will be over in a week. This is nothing like any other past revolution. We are not disarmed or dependent on… Read more »
Yes, I don’t see the Reds going violent in most places unless they can disarm their enemies…But any such attempt would trigger events…
That is their conundrum. They want to disarm us to prevent a counter-revolution from the right, but can’t do so without sparking that revolt.
Drake, the sick thing is, the war industry folks won’t mind at all if we remain armed, it’s an excuse for them to arm the other side and fight us. That’s the U.S. foreign policy being brought home: the business model based on weapons and dead human beings. Very lucrative. Bombs and bullets keep the GDP at a respectable level.
Or they go to places like NRA office or Military recruitment centers to smash up because everybody is home for the weekend. That’s a safe play for them. Or when they outnumber the Trump supporter by like 50-1. When they meet forces out to oppose them, they usually get their asses kicked and are sent packing.
that is why you see the worst antifa violence in places like Portland , California , and new york where state gun laws virtually guarantee unarmed victims.
Oregon has had shall issue concealed carry for a long time, but no reciprocity with other states. Experience shows they’ll prosecute people on the right defending themselves from Leftist street thugs, but it’s not hardly as bad as Bay area California and NYC.
Oregon has excellent gun laws. Open carry, shall issue concealed laws, strong stand your ground laws, legal ARs..
It’s not like Cali and New York.
Name the last Antifa violence in NYC?
You can’t. The NYPD doesn’t put up with the shit here.
Join the discussion…Scullman , you idiot. don’t you even know how to use the interwebz? look at this and also it only took one search . there was more , but you need to think before posting. also , I meant New York state. the goofy gun laws are state wide. in NYC the PD will indeed stand by as la raza beats grandma down. They have orders ” not to break ranks”
The worst thing is to underestimate these people. The Leftists have control of the media and much of the government backs them. Media will present our side as villains to the world. Like the U.S. does in other countries, a festering issue will be cultivated and extremists (many from outside the country in question) will be imported and armed. In the case of the U.S., they won’t really need to import any extremist fighters because our government has been flooding our country with God-knows-who for 50 years, among them plenty of hostile people who don’t like the white founding stock… Read more »
Bingo. Long time ago, in another context learned a little system called “PACE”. Primary, Alternate, Contingent, Emergency. Four layers of planning. Think through as many scenarios as possible and assume one you didn’t come up with is what will transpire.
Indeed….we cannot presume that because we are armed that we are prepared. Antifa actively trains for urban warfare, and they’ve gotten good at it.
The government has the military, which is full of brown skins and subversives. And yes, drones are also a factor.
The military has many many more weapons that they can use against us than we have can know or understand here. Would that it were an easy fight, and hope springs eternal, but I don’t see an easy path.
I’d prefer to just split into two countries.
No reason to get stuck on the number 2. Lots of reasons not to.
Okay. Make it 3…or 4
Probable eleven or twelve or more actually.
Short of ending your physical existence, they can also shut your bank account and completely disable your life if they choose.
Which is why Community is so damn important…So when that kind of shit happens you have others that have your back and can get you back on your feet or if its a big enough Community you won’t even have to worry about it because everyone you live around has the same goals as you do…
Uh huh. Do you know anybody who’s half seriously pissed off the IRS?
Your bank account goes to zero and your paycheck goes to minimum wage, MINUS your various deductions.
Once they getbyour number, they never forget who you are or where you live.
@Cowboy Dan
If that was directed at me then I would just say if you have a Community then who knows who is making what and who for… Think outside the box they have you in…
Count me in the “patiently waiting” column.
One thing I realize, and I hope everyone else does do, is that we cannot shoot first. We don’t need another Ft Sumter.
Unfortunately, this means that things are going to have to get a lot worse. It also means that there are going to be false flag attempts. The enemy is not stupid.
Ned, I’m not trying to mock you. But how do you identify targets? If you were to see on the news that Feds were confiscating guns door to door in New York City … where do you go to start the revolution?
It might be that the Feds (or the Dems out of power, but that’s hard to imagine) overreach, they run into a Bundy Ranch situation and get their butts smacked, and then they back off. In which case they’ve shown their hand but failed to win, the worst of both worlds for them.
I honestly think the Feds will not be overly involved. We’re talking about full blown civil unrest, much happening on the local level.
Feds don’t have the resources for something like this. It will escalate so quickly, the whole thing will be over before they can deploy. And that’s after/if they can convince Congress to pass emergency overrides of all the complications regarding posse comitatus etc…
I’m envisioning urban/suburban riots quelled immediately by armed citizens. All the lefty moonbats will wet themselves and run home to Mommy.
Targets are easy. We know who they are.
Modern technology is going to make Orwell’s 1984 look like Woodstock.
It still takes men to enforce laws and when they stop going home, they’ll stop coming out Also the same technology is a huge risk to them . remember the OPM database reach back in 2015 — 22 million security clearances leaked probably to Chinese . All that personal data is out there and can be had with ingenuity Every single person on any database anywhere is at huge risk , millions of names, occupations. addresses and leaks happen all the damn time The bad guys aren’t going to want to fight if the fight follows them home . Gangs… Read more »
Will we choke , when we realize that we will have to kill a lot of women, relatives and acquaintanes in this war ?
I believe the Left will have no problem killing me.
Quotable quote right there.
Good point, but I don’t think it will go that far.
Wipe out a few soy-boy brigades and lesbo-legions and the rest will smarten up.
Death has a way of changing people’s attitude.
Sparks. Even little ones are cool. I’m hoping a popular white quarterback like Brady or Aaron Rogers says something un-PC and gets a 5 game suspension. Anything to get normie’s attention at this point. Popular figures have to act out and willfully get punished. That’s how you show who really has the power and how easily they’ll use it. It’s hard though, when the system controls everyone’s paychecks and careers. Boy the Lefties rigged this shit well. They’re a lot of things, but stupid they’re not.
Idiot savants. They know one thing — evil — very, very well. With everything else, they’re morons.
And yet they’ve been winning for the last 50 years. So…
So…? So, evil and stupid beats lazy and stupid, I guess. But stupid is still stupid. The Left essentially wants to drive the bus over a cliff. Somehow, they’ve convinced a lot of people that they ought to be at the wheel. And they may actually succeed in the end…but would you call driving over a cliff the act of an intelligent person?
Everything the Left wants to do is dangerous and stupid. Their only talent is lying and shamming in order to convince the even stupider voters to get with their program.
They are great at destruction and chaos not so good at building and peace…
Tom Brady, the guy who is championing a boycott of plastic straws and is exhorting all of us to do the same?
Tom Brady, the guy who promised WEEI’s Kirk and Callahan to disclose for whom he voted after the election and subsequently reneged?
Tom Brady, the guy who, some six or seven seasons ago, apologized for hoping that Patriots fans would come to Gillette “all lubed up” for the game?
Tom Brady, the guy who is married to a virtue signaling progressive diva?
True enough. You illustrate a sad point I make a lot. Which is that the real Right doesn’t have a single “star” in pop culture. A big name to help Overton our views. Not one rock star, athlete, pop star, actor, or author. Kid Rock and Nugent have no real currency. We should at least have a comedian, as they pride themselves on telling truth to power. But they’re about as helpful as the fake rebel rockers.
Good point.
There aren’t even any “stars” who are hard core paleo-libertarians who happen to be race realists.
If they exist, they keep their thoughts to themselves.
“Alex Jones is not a serious person”? LOL. That’s why they’ve been after him for years and finally just said “screw it” and dropped the mask. Alex Jones is the most serious person in media today. Nobody has done more to expose the Globalist Marxist agenda than he has. Love him or hate him, that fact is undeniable.
Alex Jones is annoying to listen to. He pushes all the buffoon buttons, sorry to say. But he has good ppl on his show. My person favorite is the occasional co host Matt Bracken.
And obviously, the cyber campaign against him is crossing some kind of Rubicon.
I can’t take his voice. It’s like he’s got a mouth full of gravel
Alex is a serious person. But he’s just not part of the alt-right cool kids club.
The alt-Right is making a serious mistake throwing him under the bus though. Big Tech is watching our response and Trump’s on this. If we do nothing, they will slowly shut down one conservative site and blog after another.
Then one day they come for the kool kids like 4chan, Sailer, Derbyshire and you won’t find them on Google search results or any mention on social media sites.
After that they’ll will wage economic war against us.
Joe Rogan had something to say about Alex Jones that got my attention because it got the attention of a leftoid I know. “What if 20% of what he says is true? Holy shit, you really need to know that 20%.” Or words to that effect.
Until “Q” and the Anons began exposing the Cabal and their enablers.
Only thing you left out of the post was what you touched on in the beginning: women. Educated women make great useful idiots and the new split can also be viewed as women versus men. Educated women are fueling the possible blue wave. They feel they were owed Hillary and, as any man who has ever been married can attest, women hold onto grudges when they are denied something they feel entitled to getting.
They overestimated women supporting Hillary, particularly married women. Women with families want nothing to do with the fringe loonies.
Incorrect. Only white married women voted Trump. White single women and uni educated white women overwhelmingly voted for Hillary as did women of all other races – something like 80% of them for Hillary. There was an interesting map. If only men voted Trump would have won all but I think it was DC and CA. If only women Hillary would have won almost every state.
If marriage makes that much of a difference, then do everything you can to support traditional marriage. At this point, only conservative religious people are vocal about it. This is important on both a personal and a political level. Sadly, I have to admit that we spent much more time and effort preparing our daughter for college and a career than we did preparing her for marriage. Many red-pilled people do not recognize the importance of efforts “at the margins.” It’s a little like compound interest. An apparently small difference in rates can have a huge effect over time. So… Read more »
Along that vein I’d like to raise a tangential issue. We always hear how “illegal immigration drives down wages and destroys the middle class.” So in theory, how does women entering the workforce not drive down wages and destroy the middle class?
Yep. Women entering depressed wages so now usually need two where one was good enough
At the same time it destroys the family circle. No mother to stay home and keep kids in check with the threat of ” Wait till your Dad gets home” No home cooked meal to keep them all healthy and strong.
Because if you can hire folks – male or female – that can increase productivity everybody benefits. As productivity increases, the overall economy becomes more robust and more job openings appear. This leads to greater employee mobility as they now can seek higher paying wages. Also, as the economy improves, demand for labor increases and wages rise to attract the needed labor. In fact, you may see labor shortages in certain industries – which usually forces an increase in wages to attract new workers. The key to the above is that those hired are QUALIFIED, are beneficial to the firm… Read more »
Yes, labor has a supply side. A fact that the left and libertarians ignore. More people in the workforce makes the overall economy larger but does depress wages. Stop the inflow of immigrants for a few years and wages will start to climb – and businesses will howl because it will cut into their profits.
And the cost of farm produce might go up 10%.
Nah… better to just throw away the whole country, and screw the legacy population.
Very astute.
I understand now the old saying, “Keep em barefoot and pregnant.”
What if a fellow prefers long legs perched atop some high heels?
Reading the comments on this post, I can’t help but see this blog’s readers as overconfident of victory if or when this conflict goes hot – “we have the guns”, “we’re men and they’re effeminate boys, screeching harpies and transsexuals” etc. This is dangerous and wrong thinking, IMO. The left is in a much, much stronger position than the right is. David Hines had a brilliant tweetstorm on this last year, which was put on Storify but now the only available link to the tweetstorm is here: . Not a great format, but it’ll do. I highly recommend reading… Read more »
That is quite good The take away line 459 YOU DO NOT WANT WHITE PEOPLE TO RIOT. YOU DO NOT. WANT. WHITE PEOPLE. TO RIOT. and note while the Left is better organized, that can change fast , very fast. This is partially why the censorship push. Organized Whites are very scary and keeping them atomized, disorganized and divided is the Lefts trump card . In any case if it goes to war, we win our own land or we all die in a camp and if it means the US is in ruins for a hundred years so be… Read more »
Most wouldn’t even need a gun(outside of dealing with the Lefts Anti-fa and vibrant youth), a trip to Home Depot and some local shops would be all that is needed. People know damn well not to openly resist the state with guns. But do it selectively and covertly as possible. It may be as simple as repeatedly dumping boxes of roofing nails on the freeway at 3 AM. to screw up truck delivery. Knocking out the power grid for major cities. Dumping rapidly inflating concrete into drainage systems, setting fire to Fiber optic underground junctions. wrecking pumping stations, Sabotaging cell… Read more »
9 Subs and a few choke points and the US goes dark…Oh and just a friendly reminder SoCal is not the place to be if that happens…
I’ve heard that the transformers are specially manufactured for each sub station. The power companies and manufacturers don’t keep them in inventory. They are manufactured in China and Korea. The lead time is over six months. That’s a long time without electricity and many people will not survive.
The really big are 2 years to make and then a long sea journey… Which is why I tell people if the US grid goes down because of sabotage I wouldn’t expect it to ever come back up…
20 guys with power grid maps and hunting rifles punching drain holes in in the right transformers could put 90% of the country in the dark overnight. 72 hours after that and the police and military are stretched to the breaking point just trying to keep order in the cities. 10’s of millions would be dead within weeks. Just in time logistics is great, until it isn’t. Rwanda x Bosnia indeed. Horrifying to contemplate.
Superb summary. Reading it did forces my impression that the right is deluded due to the 2nd amendment. I am a strong supporter of it but the 2nd gives the right a false sense of security and strength. A civil war plays into the left’s organizational and monetary strength. Just thinking of how much greater the crackdown would be – and encouraged by almost all republicans – if antifa was a right wing group should be able to dissuade the right from thinking we can out fight them.
“How does one make peace with someone that will never abide by the rules?” There it is. The only thing that stops people from using a successful tactic is guaranteed retaliation in kind. Some of the more obvious grifters on the Left seem to be getting this, now that a few of them have been hit in the pocketbook. The True Believers, though? It’ll take more than we have to hurt them enough, I fear, short of actual peine forte et dure. Where would we disemploy them from, Starbucks? The local college?
How true. If i express my opinion with a bumper sticker, my car will be “keyed”. My only recourse to negate their opinions by keying theirs. To bad they don’t wear “TAIS” hats we could knock off. (Turn America Into a Shithole)
TAIAS! Love it, love it, love it.
“The True Believers, though? It’ll take more than we have to hurt them enough, I fear, short of actual peine forte et dure. Where would we disemploy them from, Starbucks? The local college?”
We could start with the courts. How about kicking things off with retiring ‘the notorious RBG’? Followed by that skank Sotomayor and Kagan. Then the 9th Circuit. DOJ. FBI. And so on.
Speaking of busing, did you read about the thugs arrested at Berkeley? One of the things that stood out to me in the report was how almost none of them were actually from Berkeley, or even particularly close by. And some of them were way too old to be students. I don’t think the radicals actually have the numbers people think they do. It’s just the same people being constantly bused around their various states and maybe even across state lines. I’ll bet that a competent government could kneecap this “grassroots” “activism” by simply cutting off the supply lines. (In… Read more »
My experience is that everything on their side is fake and staged, except for the silly people, and there are a lot of them, who either believe in their stories or fall for them.
Definitely “organized” in the classic union sense. Obama’s old network of ‘non-profit’ ACORN and ‘public servant’ SEIU/AFSCME unions, co-ordinating with Madison university/NEA unions, tried to bring down Wisconsin governor Scott Walker when he pushed through a literal pennies-on-the-dollar contribution by their members. (Most school districts, after 6 months, were in the black for the first time in decades, revealing the sheer volume of effect those mere pennies have.) This trial run of overthrow, resetting an election they didn’t like, was followed by years of Stasi-like retribution. The media ignored months of Occupation in the capitol. This was explained to me… Read more »
There is another model, which I happen to think is far more possible. People will continue to give up any aspect or sense of liberty for the here and now. Then it’s a fait accompli.
Yes, maybe so. I imagine most all middle-class normies will keep their heads down and stay quiet so they may keep their jobs and homes.
This fight is for the future anyway. baring life extension few of us will get to live in a real Conservative society our children and maybe grandchildren will. This is for them.
Until we get that, we can’t win.
Also the middle class is mostly gone now and it takes one tiny bump to end the whole thing. One little tax increase, one Waco one anything and its boom like that
People know this and if they didn’t you couldn’t buy prepper stuff at Costco
I don’t think that it’s necessarily that middle class white people have inherent faith in the system – it’s that middle class people NEED some sort of stability in order to get thru their lives. It’s hard enough juggling demanding jobs, with raising children, with taking care of their homes – and then fitting in some sort of social life or hobbies or whatever. Any cursory familiarity with the media should be enough to inform people about what this is like. Plenty of movies and TV shows out there about the harried suburban housewife or the overworked husband or whatever.… Read more »
The revolution already happened. The Left has control of the establishment and corporate America.
Right now they are just getting ready to take out the garbage(that being working and middle-class whites) so as to consolidate their gains. That should come after Trump is either impeached or leaves in 2020.
So we have at best approx two years before the Left really drops the hammer on us. Until then the Left and Big Tech will continue to ratchet up their control of the Internet and MSM so as to render us invisible and without a voice.
No, (((they))) will have him win in 2020, because (((they))) need people to have faith in the system.
My prediction is that a Dem wins in 2024, and they’ll install some Republican in 2028, so that Republicans will gain a renewed faith in the system, after a demoralizing four-year stretch. After 2032, they will go full speed ahead, unimpeded.
The Chinese Cultural Revolution model has similarities with what seems to have been going on here, albeit on a much softer, lower level scale (so far), yes. What’s been going on here, with billionaires and elites building up things, guiding the activism, firing the rabble up, is the same old crap, too. Look at the 1960s, etc. We know that Trump becoming president is the novel event that puts us in interesting times mode. God be with us and the President.
I have given up trying to reason with liberals. As Jonathan Swift said almost 300 years ago: “Reasoning will never make a man correct an ill opinion, which by reasoning he never acquired.” The question is how the police and military will react. No doubt the NRA folks would crush the tinkerbell SJWs and feral thugs in the streets in about 2 seconds. But the big city police forces, national guards and US military will be used by every leftist politician in charge to put down local rebellions. I doubt weak-kneed Republicans would use their offices to join the fray.… Read more »
Drones, don’t forget about the drones. Too high in the sky to see as they launch their targeted missiles at dissident homes, businesses, workplaces. Who will be manning the drone stations? Maybe some of those migrants from Africa, middle-east, Latin America who are serving in the military in order to get their citizenship and don’t like white Americans.
The kids in Pakistan and Afghanistan have learned not to play outside on clear sunny days because of the drones too high up in the sky for unaided human eyes to see from the ground that have excellent visibility for their bombings in clear conditions. They venture out when they have some cloud cover. Read about the things we do abroad so you are ready for when they are applied to us here.
Ursula you are correct.
Whatever your government is prepared to do to civilians abroad it is prepared to do on home turf.
Local police forces are vastly outnumbered by gun owners, and after a few confiscation raids end up with dead police officers, they’ll lose whatever enthusiasm they had to begin with. (And besides, even in big cities most cops are reflexively on our side.) National guard units are made up mostly of people like us, and they’re not going to follow orders if politicians try to use them to clamp down on the same rights they themselves enjoy in their civilian lives. And as for the military, nothing at all will get done without the enlisted personnel, who are mostly made… Read more »
The evidence says otherwise.
How about Charlottesville?
How about Berkley?
How about Ruby Ridge?
How about Waco?
How about Iraq?
How about Afghanistan?
How about Syria?
How about Libya?
How about Yemen?
Waco and Ruby Ridge begat McVeigh and there hasn’t been anything much since that. Lavoy Finnicum might qualify but he was acting like an idiot
Charlottesville and Berkley are nothing but 60’s lite and the rest are foreign nations.
Also the US military while it can be a threat cannot stop a real civil war and any mistakes in COIN and boy are we good at mistakes make things worse. They know this and we know this,
You may be downplaying Charlottesville.
Almost all of the violence was initiated by antifa and their side. The cops failed to protect white protesters.
Nevertheless, the state of Virginia prosecutes a number of whites, but very few blacks.
Patience. The balloon hasn’t gone up yet. It will be a much different world for the cops and the military when it’s no longer a motley clown-college carrying tiki torches, but millions of Joe Averages carrying ARs. When–if–that happens, most of them will realize the time has come to start ignoring the politicians.
Anybody remember Obama’s trial runs using urban tanks in places like St. Louis?
Oddly, Ferguson followed that “preparedness scenario”.
I saw one of the damned things (an urban tank) on the road in Portland OR. What were the other cities he pulled that chit in- wasn’t Galveston one of them?
I also saw the drones where they are made and tested near the border, as well as a strange ‘something’ openly hovering for weeks above Utah’s NSA fusion center.
Goshdamm we are so outgunned.
Recall also the robot that was dispatched to shoot the black BLM shooter in Dallas after he shot several of the police who were out protecting the BLM marchers. Precedent set. In this case, I was glad the shooter was killed without additional officers being put in jeopardy by confronting him in person. But we can only hope that future applications of the weaponized robot will be so justified. Remember back in the Obummer Administration when Rand Paul insisted that Obummer declare publicly that he’d never use a drone on our people here on home soil? It took a long… Read more »
Ursula, I just saw that somebody tried to take out Venezuela’s Maduro by two drones carrying C-4 explosives. Wow.
(How soon before our kids hide from the skies. Total plausible deniability. I didn’t know that about Afghanistan. Again- wow.)
One more bright note: if you have a newer model car, it’s possible that it could be hacked and controlled remotely. Remember the strange fiery demise of the journalist Michael Hastings? His newer model Mercedes went speeding out of control and exploded (a few times).
Only the combat arms of the Army and Marine Corps really matter. They are the most loyal types to their oaths to the Constitution. If it goes down during a Dem administration, they will break up pretty spectacularly.
Doubtful. Loyal to their oaths to the Constitution, eh? Didn’t work so well r in that go round circa 1865. Certainly wouldn’t be the case today. The military is pozed just like every other .gov institution. I wouldn’t count on that brittle piece of parchment to save my bacon or what remains of the FUSA.
I speak from experience as a former Infantry Marine and National Guardsman, not an armchair basement warrior.
Yes, but what does the evidence, such as I posted above, demonstrate?
It tells me that when push comes to shove, cops and soldiers obey their orders.
My best buddy is the Command Master Sergeant for one of the Brigades in the midwest and when asked this question insists that 90% of the field NCOs and field officers are on our side, and virtually ALL of the SpecOps community. What about the other 10%, I ask. “They’ll be taken care of (raised eyebrow), believe me.”
Just want to clear up that fact that I am not slandering you or your experience…However given US history and what I’ve seen with my own eyes…No one in the military will do a damn thing to save your bacon in the upcoming festivities. The Gun confiscations during Katrina come to mind being the most glaring recent example. Perhaps you are more optimistic than I am.
There were National Guard units that completely refused to participate in the confiscation citing the Constitution and calling them unlawful orders. Others went along with the cops but refused to participate.
It’s the cops who are going to be in a rough position if things get hot. They’ll have decide what side they are on and make it very clear.
Marine Drake said “break-up”; I suspect this is a quietly white-hot topic amongst our servicemen and LEOs right now.
We talked about it. Some guys were quite vocal about not obeying those kinds of orders, others not sure. Some might wait until the political officer unlocks the armory are issues ammo before shooting him.
I can’t imagine going through my own neighborhood confiscating my neighbors’ and my guns.
Do you think they’ll send you into your own neighborhood? I’d take a gander that when/if a gun confiscation scenario unfolds that .gov forces would not be deployed in their home regions for precisely the reasons you describe.
What’s a political officer?
An officer of the Party.
A commisar, a political appointee given total authority to denounce or promote anyone in a unit.
An open spy for the Party as well, that’s his official function. His word is final.
Our Social Justice Warriors are self-appointed civilian political officers. They seek career opportunities in telling everyone what they can and cannot do.
In the Private Military there are those discussions. Western PMC,s recruiting heavily Eastern Europe ex military and I am one of them. Actually this is the reason, why I begun reading western nationalist websites and hit this blog. We have also discussion, that they ramping up Private Army, s to deploy in Europe and all our Middle East “jobs” are only to get us paid until right time. They make so called Close Protection Course before hiring us. This is approx 2 weeks skill test but not only. For example they teaching us 2 hours how to put properly child… Read more »
Holy shit…!!! Thank you, Juri, thank you, please bring your friends.
Thomas Wictor, who posts odd and provocative Twitter threads, has a theory. Sarah Jeong at the NYT, the removal of IntoWars from the internet, the attempt going on to dismember the NRA, and Antifa in Portland are all part of a strategy, to blindly turn whites against non-whites. Their problem is that quite a few non-whites are warming up to Trump, and they need to stop that in their tracks, by ginning up blind race hatred. As you stake out your positions as to the people in your neighborhood and the people you meet, keep this in mind. Don’t throw… Read more »
If nothing else that sure is machiavellian as…. Im agnostic about whether there s anything to this theory but it’s worth looking at
Most people are NOT “fundamentally good” and that is not why they seek “peace and tranquility. They seek those things for purely selfish reasons – because it’s what they want for themselves. They don’t particularly care if you have it, as long as they do. The thing is, peace, like freedom, is only something one can have when you give it to other people. If you’re expecting people to be “mostly good” when what is coming finally gets here, you’re in for a big surprise.
Jim, I agree that people are also fundamentally selfish, too. What this country has always taught us is that we can do well for ourselves and our families, and at the same time be good neighbors and good citizens, and make the world a slightly better place, by aligning our own needs and preferences to those of the others around us. That is what the “American” system has done better than any other (though certainly not perfectly). Every other system is much more blatantly “grab what you can”. What are we actually defending here? Not only the Republic and our… Read more »
Another white man blind to the tribalism in the hearts of most non-whites. Most of the non-whites you feel you have a bond with would discard you without a pang of conscience in the support of their racial brethren.
LineInThe Sand, non-whites with families and homes and jobs may not be particularly interested in things other than maintaining their quality of life, and making things better for themselves and their families over time—and not necessarily doing so by screwing the rest of us. Give them the benefit of the doubt, until you know otherwise. They could revert to race tribalism, and if you scratch the surface, it might be there. But in the meantime, maintain an easy—or uneasy—peace. And keep your guard up, and your convictions in place.
We see the division now better, and indeed are more divided because of the Internet and the breaking of the information monopoly that the left used to enjoy. But this seems tenuous — already they are trying to retake it via the control of the big Internet fora. Even given more division, I don’t think anything much will happen. People do believe in the system, and the system is a brilliant frog slow-cooker. There is a feedback mechanism built in that prevents the temperature from rising too fast, or even to dial it down just a little if the frog… Read more »
Leftists fill our media, government, courts, institutions, schools, think tanks, military, police. We cannot move forward with so many of them “resisting.” We have Trump and that’s it. The Republicans in Congress are part of the problem as almost all are part of the globalist Uni-party with the Democrats. Even if supporters of the MAGA agenda are voted in come November, we may face as much trouble and instability as if they weren’t because of the problems the anti-Trumpers will make either way.
Going to be interesting once it gets hot. Will it be country wide? Will it be small to medium events? Will there be political assassinations? Will people start targeting people that they know (think of all the shitlibs you know)? So many interesting aspects to this presumably going hot.
I think it will be a sniper war and lots of politicians, “reporters”, some Silicon Valley types, and their bodyguards will get ventilated.
It will take something like assasination of Trump to make it get “hot” and when that happens it will be easy to find the lefties. They’ll either be glued to the toilet or literally cowering under the covers.
The Left has already started in Vegas and against Rep. Scalisi . It will be a lot more of that and even more atrocious
It mostly won’t get reported though, the press is a primary target and its not that much fun to read of a teleprompter if you risk maiming or death
The revolution will not be televised
The only question is will the Feds be able to put out the fire . I doubt it.
Wasn’t some leftist actor recently advocating voter fraud? If one side of a debate is abiding by the rule of law, and the other is abiding by “The ends justify the means”, who is gonna win?
Others are having very similar thoughts. Maybe this simply cant be settled amicably. B/c indeed, how do you make a deal w someone who thinks no rules apply to them?
Read the link. I’m now having a “me too” moment.
The title brought this piece of writing to mind. It’s from a novel called Lost Causes by RH Nichols. The protagonist is contemplating the possibility of such a war…. ‘He sat there, staring into the distance for a long while; then drew heavily on the cigarette. Perhaps it was inevitable, he concluded at last; all a part of some great cosmic cycle – like the seasons, with winter giving way to spring. He thought about forest fires, and how, though superficially destructive, they played an essential role in the life cycle of the forest. Perhaps, a society was like a… Read more »
The left is working overtime to shut down their enemies’ use of digital platforms.
The coordinated attack on Infowars wasn’t just the tech oligarchs.
Democracy cannot survive unless we are in control!!!!
Our Republic cannot survive unless we prevail. just now has removed content and changed the name of what remains – payment processor hijinx!
Not sure what really happened.
They just removed all the comments from their posts and many of the posts were complaining about the removal of the other shows. I love those guys, but this is a bad sign.
Night of the long knives at the Right Stuff.
The leaders of the left that want to forment revolution think that they and their families will be above it all if it goes hot. That is a bad assumption. They will be the first to be targeted. The soviet model of the intelligencia co-opting the revolution will not work here
Might get interesting if Republicans keep the House in November.
Not just a spark, you need an accelerant. Fuel + Arrangement + Accelerant + Spark = Fire. You have the first two – Diversity + Proximity but you need to fill in the gaps on the last two. In my old neck of the woods that was Economic Recession + Power Vacuum. Leftisim is not a position. It’s a process. A process for the establishment of absolute power and a totalitarian system of government. Don’t be surprised when they don’t care about anything else. It’s the only thing they objectively believe in. It’s right there in their so-called philosophy, open… Read more »
Finally you’re understanding.
“How does one make peace with someone that will never abide by the rules?”
This explains it all
”If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.“
Winston Churchill
Every day that our numbers shrink we move further down this list of options
Brother we can’t even master logistics or personal let alone fight…
How does it not go hot, at this point??
What would prevent it?
Look, I’m as appalled by what the Khmer Rouge did as anybody, but let’s be honest here – if you haven’t dreamed about hauling all the urban numales and cat ladies with soft hands out of their offices at digital media companies and corporate HR departments and forcing them out into farm fields to do real labor for their daily bread, you’re not really on the right.
2018: White Sharia
2019: White Kampuchea
Go spend a month in Cambodia before you start talking that shit. Farmers are still getting their legs blown off almost 40 years after the Khmer Rouge were driven into the hills (UXO and land mines). Cambodia times 20 is what you will encounter if any sort of insurgency kicks off here.
White Sharia my ass…Why the hell would you ever seek to emulate dune coons??
Only liberals have liberals as “friends”.
Oddly, this is the first time I’ve seen someone writing out what seems obvious…people keep talking calmly about how the House will try to impeach if the Dims win; nobody mentions that there are millions of us out here who might have something to say about that.
Dear Mr. Z:
How about this for an interesting post:
“Ten [or however many] things our side can do to advance the agenda [or something like that].”
Talk radio [and blogs] are entertaining.
But what can we DO to walk the walk?
Or are we in fact doomed?
I cannot answer for Mr. Z as I’m kinda wasted. So I will leave it to Judas Priest. Theme: Be patient. Don’t show all your cards. Payback WILL come. Your fellow Dissidents are your only brothers…fuck normie and all the rest. The world is, and always was, savage. So don’t get hung up on the morality of our means. “You wait it out and bide your time Rip off that straight jacket gotta break that line Everyone who wins in the great escape Leaves a thousand more who suffer in their wake I don’t talk about it, but that’s alright… Read more »
I’m hoping they can get excited enough to at least vote in November. So far enthusiasm on the right has been lousy.
How could you tell? I don’t believe most of the news. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dems lose seats in both Houses in November.
If the civil war turns from cold to hot, it will be only one side fighting: the Left. Not only will they have the protection of the police and courts in blue states and corporations nationally, we need to remember that we were a patriarchy during the revolutionary and civil wars. Now we are matriarchy. Few married white men will do anything without their wife’s approval and few women will approve her husband participating in anything that risks her safety and economic well-being. Freedom simply isn’t as important to women. Things will need to get a lot worse before women… Read more »
Ehhh… say “freedom simply isn’t as important to women.” I have to admit that I thought my wife was sorta neutral about all this…until she volunteered to go to the range with me the other day. She NEVER volunteered to go to the range.
Something’s up and it’s not that she wants a birthday present.
That is probably more to do with safety than freedom. plus women married to non liberal men vote more conservative and have a different outlook. The Resistance is mainly filled with single women
Not terribly worried about a civil war. The cities may burn but thats what they wanted anyway. The current processes of the government is to keep a lid on the cities with just enough cash to keep the population restive. Once the money dries up, then the fun will begin. As another note, it amuses me that the “leaders” of the revolution think they will still be around to lead us into the socialist nirvana once the war goes hot. If anything, they will become the first targets.
NRA could get a million armed people in the streets.
For some reason I decided to check in on what Cerno was doing today. Whatever he is doing is a good idea to bet against. He tweeted something along the line of “the left is hungrier than us and that’s why they will win…” Stupid man. The left is a mess and while they might the battle while we are at work and teaching our kids how to tackle, they aren’t going to win the war. The white normies are going to run to our side before very long and the trick will be to not them punch right. Their… Read more »
too bad the Chinese peasants didn’t have the 2nd amendment