Beto O’Rourke

Beto O’Rourke, the Irish playboy who tried passing himself off as a Mexican in his run against Ted Cruz in 2018, has declared for President. The boomers in the Progressive commentariat are rushing to their fainting couches, as they are sure he is the Hispanic-ish John F. Kennedy or Robert F. Kennedy, depending upon which end of the 60’s they remember best. Watching a geriatric old fool like Chris Mathews fawn over O’Rourke is a reminder why the Germans gave the world the word fremdschämen.

It’s a good reminder that the Left is more burdened with yesterday men than right-side of the political divide. Even the cuckiest conservative is not comparing a guy like Ben Sasse to Reagan, Goldwater or Eisenhower. Progressive boomers still have a bust of JFK in their house and talk about where they were when he was shot. They are a walking, talking museum displays of a bygone era. That’s why they are gushing over O’Rourke. He’s the last white man of any standing in the Democrat Party.

The funny thing is though, the comparison between O’Rourke and the Kennedy brothers is useful in understanding the current age. John F. Kennedy was, despite lots of revisionism, a man’s man who lived a full live. He served in the war, liked adventure, enjoyed a drink under extreme social pressure and liked women. He was like an Irish version of Theodore Roosevelt. RFK never saw action, but he served and like his brother, he was a man who lived to the fullest. Whatever you may think of their politics or ethics, they were men.

Beto O’Rourke, in contrast, is a bum. His family never had Kennedy money, but they were well-enough-off to send him to a boarding school in Virginia. According to his bio, he was a slacker with a taste for murder porn. He headed off to Columbia to major in English, as that required the least amount of effort. After college, he remained a bum, drinking and working as a live-in caretaker and art mover. Then he got a job working for an ISP, after which is family apparently set him up in his own business in Texas.

That’s hardly a heroic back story. His father was deep into Texas politics, so he got him into the business. His first office was a spot on the El Paso City Council then after a few years he upgraded to the US House of Representatives. Like most of this generation’s political class, Beto O’Rourke ran for office because he was unqualified to do anything useful in the private sector. Rather than go on welfare or resort to a life of crime, he rents himself out as a spokesmodel for whatever political interests will hire him.

The difference between art and ornamentation is that art seeks to imitate life, while ornamentation seeks to decorate life. The great artist works to capture the spirit of his age or if he is really ambitious, the spirit of God. It’s an effort to reach for that which is unattainable, representing the same yearning in the culture of the artist. The guy making pretty pictures, on the other hand, is not trying to capture anything. His sole purpose, his reason to exist, is to make something someone thinks will look cool in the den.

That same comparison works for Kennedy and his brother’s doppelganger, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke. Again, whatever you may think of their politics, the Kennedy brothers had a reason to reach for the top. They were young men in a young culture, seeking the absolute limit of itself. They were the expression of a triumphant and confident America, breathing in life as it stood atop the world it had just conquered. The Kennedy brothers represented that culture. They were Faustian men.

O’Rourke, in contrast, represents a dying culture of old men, whose best days are long in the past, but still trying to maintain appearances. Unlike those young men from the young culture trying to live life to the fullest, Beto has always been an old man, just trying to avoid doing anything that requires risk or effort. If the Kennedy boys were the marble statue of the idealized man of their age, Beto is the decorative codpiece that a feminist uses in her installation art, which will be thrown away when the exhibit closes.

This decorative quality probably explains the soy face so common with the Gen-X politician on both sides of the political class. The old guys can still work up a good snarl or even a confident smile on occasion. Guys like Beto O’Rourke and Ben Sasse always look like they just got wind of a bad smell. They have the look, because for them, life is never going to be a great adventure full of risk taking. Instead, their lives are an inconvenience, something they just tolerate, because they lack the courage to swallow their gun.

That said, Beto is the last white man of the Left. The Democratic field is women and non-whites. If Biden runs he’ll be the second white man in the field, a nice bookend to O’Rourke. On the one end you have an old man inspired into politics by a culture that was full of life. At the other end, you have a man who got into politics because he needed work and his dad had some connections. One is a vague memory of the confident young man with swagger, while the other, the younger one, is the old man in the winter of his life.

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The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

He’s also a traitor, a collaborator with invaders. He knows that his party uses his white face as a cover for country-destroying immigration. And he’s willing to do that.

His last campaign was run by Latinos, and got caught on camera illegally using campaign funds to help people illegally enter the country. And probably vote, as well.

(That’s from the O’Keefe sting:

Not to mention crudely pretending to be the race of the invaders.

Think about how a real country would deal with someone like that.

5 years ago

He’s the classic soyboy betacuck. Some of my female friends from high school and college (I’m a Gen Xer) in Texas that are of the leftist persuasion went all in for Beto during his race against Cruz for Senate. It was sickening. I wanted to tell them that he, like so many politicians today, was a former criminal and a layabout who never had to work a day in his life and is working hard with his open borders buddies to ensure that this nation implodes socially and economically under the weight of the invasion of foreigners. They deny his… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 years ago

Well said Dr. Mantis and ZMan.

Beato is the New American “Man.” He barely missed becoming a Senator from Texas for God’s sake.

This country is getting exactly what it deserves.

Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

Agreed. There’s no culture to protect here. Killing babies and mutilating children is not a good look

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 years ago

“Invasion of the Body Snatchers”

One of the best and scariest sci-fi movies ever.

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 years ago

How many smelly angry Mexicans do your liberal female friends reckon they can handle having sex with at one time?

That’s the kind of question that needs to start getting asked.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

What’s this guy’s name again? Beat-off? Beat-off is everything I hate about my own generation, which came of age in first term Clinton. I always found Beat-off to be trying to imitate that Bill Clinton ’92 energy. The hand gestures, the jeans with the business casual shirt, the cocaine, likely mostly crushed Adderall….etc. In many ways he’s a sell out to Gen X. He’s aping a boomer who was aping JFK. He’s like a copy of a copy, fuzzier, unclear, just sort of a figurative version of an impressionist version of the JFK era politician. The murder porn is a… Read more »

Max Schumacher
Max Schumacher
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

I’ve just been calling him ‘Beta’. Seems to fit.

Reply to  Max Schumacher
5 years ago

Beta O’Dork is his looser name.

Reply to  RDaneel
5 years ago

Any “man” who is still going by a nickname that was screen printed on his toddler T-shirt is a loser.

Reply to  Max Schumacher
5 years ago

That’s what everybody over at the Chateau is calling him……….

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

So, you’re saying Mr. O’Rourke is a shoo-in for high office?

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

“like some eternal pupa pulsating in a sack of excrement.” really?

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

Touche. Or, in Beta's case, Douche.

5 years ago

He also said about being president that he was born to do this. Yeah, he really did.

A democrat he could be more accurately compared to would be John Kerry, and a few other political gigalos. Marrying into money to finance his political ambitions. Come to think of it, the late great John McCain did that.

Are we to be spared nothing?

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

“A democrat he could be more accurately compared to would be John Kerry, and a few other political gigalos”

What he really wants is to be compared to Barry the Kenyan and a few other political jigaboos.

Close, but no cigar i guess (let’s leave Slick Willie out of this)

5 years ago

This reminds me of the contrast between Justin Trudeau and his father. Pierre Trudeau had terrible politics and helped turn Canada into what it has become. That said, he was a chad. He was grudgingly admired for his panache, balls and intelligence even by the people who hated him. His son Justin is a trust fund baby who was a ski instructor and part time drama teacher. He has none of his fathers personal charisma, wit or talent.

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

And yet the voters fall for these types.

Roger U
Reply to  Presbyter
5 years ago

Voters are the Achilles’ heel of democracy.

Reply to  Roger U
5 years ago

Voters are the reason you don’t want democracy.

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
Reply to  Roger U
5 years ago

“Voting is mob rule and mob rule is media rule and media rule is corporate rule.” Brenton Tarrant

Reply to  Presbyter
5 years ago

They were voting for his Dad really. Justin was recruited solely on his name

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

You beat me to it!

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

And yet Pierre was a literal cuck, to the point that some badthinkers claim Justin is Castro’s progeny. Yes, Pierre was a great doer, a man’s man, but was he really a Chad or a player in a sad story instead, at least in his “private” life? Not to make the story about her, just asking.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

Not to mention this soy boy yutz has creepy fake caterpillar eyebrows that slide down his face. Pussy hat weird!

And as for both soys Beto and Justin, the best line of disgust for weak men is spoken by Katy Jurado in High Noon:

“You’re a good-looking boy. You’ve big, broad shoulders. But he’s a man. And it takes more than big, broad shoulders to make a man. You are not a man!”

5 years ago

Every Beto supporter I’ve met has been a persuasive argument for repealing the 19th amendment.

Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

90% of all women are as well.

5 years ago

Chilling in its accuracy, An epitaph and a warning, given the fact that this fool (O’Beto) might actually end up in some high office.Some truly great lines in this article, for ex: “..Beto is the decorative codpiece that a feminist uses in her installation art, which will be thrown away when the exhibit closes.” Sputtered in my coffee at that one.

5 years ago

JFK would be shunned today much like President Trump. Growing up as a kid every house had JFK’s picture along with the Pope and/or Bobby Orr 🙂

Real men will never attain the White House because real men have been outlawed.

Da Booby
Reply to  sirlancelot
5 years ago

“Bobby Orr”… love it! The Booby likes your style.

You’re right about the outlawing of real men. For those who are interested there’s the International Conference for Men’s Issues coming up in Chicago this August.

While the Booby finds the very existence of a “men’s rights” group somewhat sad and demeaning, it seems to be the only pen we’re allowed to piss in anymore.

Reply to  sirlancelot
5 years ago

We’re beginning to see this type in leadership positions throughout the West, public and private – assuming a white male is even being considered.

Da Booby
Reply to  Oldvannes
5 years ago

Just as Hollywood is averse to portraying heroic white males as protagonists anymore, so too is the Democratic Party wishing to parade as few white males as possible.

5 years ago

All points on Beto are accurate … the one point that hasn’t yet been made is that the guy is completely inarticulate. Listen to this rascal – He’s an absolute bumbling, stuttering, thoughtless imbecile. And apparently he’s considered attractive to the gals, which is boggling to the mind when you couple his idiocy with skinny jeans and hollow chest. You can look at the guy and just KNOW he’s never had a callous on his delicate, dainty hands. I’m no Kennedy fan, but if I were I’d consider an obscenity to mention JFK & Beat-Off in the same sentence.

5 years ago

Cucky McCuckface

5 years ago

Z-man, you’ve struck a bittersweet poetic note with that last paragraph. It would make a suitable elegy for a once-great nation.

5 years ago

The dems would nominate Bonzo the chimp if they believed it would be president. The dems are all about power, that’s all they care about. Beto’s knowledge, background, experience are irrelevant; if he can win, he will be supported by the demokrat/communist party. It makes no difference at all that he is a clueless parasitic bum living off his wife’s family’s millions. The ONLY reason the dems are somewhat hesitant about the communist parasite, Bernie-3 homes -$75,000 Mustang -Sanders , is they fear he is un-electable. If they thought he would win, they would be tossing a billion $$ at… Read more »

Reply to  JohnTyler
5 years ago

Bonzo the chimp? He was president for eight years.

5 years ago

One of things that has fascinated me about recent Presidents is how small and insignificant they are and how incredibly undistinguished their lives have been. “Beto” is the epitome of the modern political class of empty suits. At least Mitt Romney pretended to be a corporate raider for a while, Beta hasn’t done anything in his life to qualify for a job more important than greeter at Wal-Mart.

5 years ago

Beware Hickenlooper (another white guy) out of Colorado. He’s competent, cunning, and ruthless (the anti-Beto). As for Beto himself, do not look at him as a potential President. See him as an archetype of the leadership of the Left. Would you follow him into battle? Would you fear him and his army standing against you on the opposite side of the battlefield? Men like him can’t engage in a fistfight, but will use goons in their stead. The sooner it gets real, the sooner these morons disappear.

Max Schumacher
Max Schumacher
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Quite right. Lickenpooper has done a lot of damage in Colorado, smiling all the way. He might just manage to slime his way thru the primaries while the others eat each other.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Would I follow him into battle? That would first require believing that a Sensitive Man of the Hankie like Beto would be caught dead anywhere near a battlefield. Not bloody likely!

S Gordy
S Gordy
5 years ago

It really is an embarrassment for our entire nation that we have to take the likes of Beto and AOC seriously. Back when there really was late night comedy, these two would be orgasmic gifts for the writers.

5 years ago

“That said, Beto is the last white man of the Left. The Democratic field is women and non-whites.”

Correct. And for that reason – that wretched collection of muds and angry vaginas in the Democrat party will tear him to shreds for us. Rest assured, Mathews will be called into an office soon and be corrected by his superiors soon. The future of the democrat party is definitely female.

Da Booby
5 years ago

Excellent critique of the life and times of yet another plastic politician.

But is it just Da Booby, or could one have almost as easily removed the name “Beto O’Rourke” from this piece and replaced it with “George W. Bush” and the article would have still read just as accurately?

5 years ago

Brutal but apt

Larkin Lover
Larkin Lover
5 years ago

Good god, I don’t think we want him anywhere near public office, after reading the murderbpost. you know, I was thinking, the way all these Democratic politicians try to align themselves with people of color by claiming some identity like Elizabeth Warren with the Indians and now Beto with hispanics reminds me of this elite urban high school I went to where the kids who had vaguely Spanish sounding names would put themselves for the national hispanic scholar on the national merit exam (psat) when they were obviously high European in appearance and social class. The democrats are only now… Read more »

Reply to  Larkin Lover
5 years ago

I’m surprised no one has mentioned Beto’s poetic chef d’œuvre written under the pen name Psychedelic Warlord. Almost as disturbing as his fiction. My delicate sensibilities do not allow me to publish the text on this fine blog, but here is an excellent reading of his work. Ahem.

Larkin Lover
Larkin Lover
Reply to  Euterpe
5 years ago

Thats just weird

Reply to  Larkin Lover
5 years ago

It’s less pervy than Obama’s “Pop”, which is really pretty good if you don’t mind throwing up in your mouth a little. Some claim “Pop” was ackshually penned by Frank Marshall Davis. Imo, Beto’s “Song of the Cow” is stylistically inferior to Obama’s “Underground”, with its vivid imagery of grottos, apes and crunchy figs. “At eighteen, as an undergraduate, [Obama] was already a much better poet than our former Secretary of Defense William Cohen, who keeps publishing terrible poetry. And then there is Jimmy Carter, who is in my judgment literally the worst poet in the United States.” – Harold… Read more »

5 years ago

Potato Beto and Obama are two of what women think should be “men”.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Hmm. Thinking over your comment and that of Capt S., Beto does not appear inarticulate; quite the contrary, he seems downright eloquent in his choice of words, even if his delivery is a little flat of voice and spastic of gesture. He oozes reassurance, empathy, respectfulness, sweet reasonableness and I’m Okay, You’re Okay therapeutics. So yes, that aspect is probably generally appealing to women. It even tugs at my hardened heartstrings. Can’t we all just get along? On the other hand, his beta persona cannot be denied. See him at work here: The questioner is most likely a plant,… Read more »

Reply to  Derpa
5 years ago

The campaign announcement video with his wife made me laugh. While he went through all of his histrionics, she sat there like the cat that ate the canary. The message I got from her was, “He’s mine, ladies, and a billion dollars of family money will keep him here, so watch this and weep”.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Chateau Heartiste awarded the Shiv of the Week to one of his commenters who said, “The reason Beto is popular with middle aged women, is because he is a guy that looks like someone who will take care of another man’s children.”

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

not this woman!!

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
5 years ago

Z; What you say about the contrast between Beto’s and JFK’s manly affect is true. But JFK was in number of ways just as much of a manufactured candidate as Beto (McCain too). Connections and fawning publicity overcame youthful misconduct. JFK’s dad was a macher in FDR New Deal World. He got his boy what should have been a safe spot in DC as an officer in Naval Intelligence. But JFK got himself sent to the S Pacific by thinking with his little head. He actively pursued and got busy with a likely German female agent. Incredibly poor judgement for… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

I agree. JFK wasn’t the most competent PT Boat skipper but he DID rescue his men. And even more important, he pulled strings to get INTO combat. With his bad back he was really 4-F and never should have gotten a combat command. He was often in deep physical pain after operating the PT boat, because of the pounding his back took.

5 years ago

His name is BOB

5 years ago

Beto is a narcissist megalomaniac.

He is deceitful, tyrannical, ruthless, and immoral.

In short, BETO is the perfect presidential candidate for the DemonicRat Party !!

Reply to  173dVietVet
5 years ago

Or the other fuckers.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  173dVietVet
5 years ago

First boss was a 173rd guy. And forty years later still at the top of the league chart.

Dark Thoughts
Dark Thoughts
5 years ago

He’s not POC and he’s not a feminist. The base will auto reject.

5 years ago

Howie Carr has dubbed him “Fredo”

5 years ago

A pale shadow of John Kerry.

I think one interesting aspect of the politics of the next generation is going to be the lack of military background worship. Nobody’s going to give a crap about whether someone served in Desert Storm or Afghanistan. It’s going to be a bit like the later years of the nineteenth century in that regard.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  Teapartydoc
5 years ago

I’m not so sure that people won’t care about military service.
The Dems recently chose two ex-military to run for Congress …
Mikie Sherrill is an ex Navy helicopter pilot;
Max Rose served as a platoon leader in Afghanistan.
She represents New Jersey, he represents Brooklyn and Staten Island.
Obviously the Dem party handlers “give a crap about military service”, as they see it still has some appeal to the mass of voters, even here in the very Liberal NYC region. It was a very savvy, perhaps cynical, ploy by the Dem Party.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
5 years ago

Seth Moutlon would be a good example to look at.

Reply to  tut90738
5 years ago

Seth Moulton is a tool.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
5 years ago

“I think one interesting aspect of the politics of the next generation is going to be the lack of military background worship.”

Thant would be a great step forward.

The willingness to kill strangers for the political filth should be a disqualification for everything but jail.

5 years ago

He was smart enough to marry a billionaire….

Reply to  pyrrhus
5 years ago

If I had a billion dollars and Beto was the best I could do, I’d eat that bullet.

Unreal City
5 years ago

The soyaginous beta O’Rourke!
Just as solid and sure as a quark.
Of the turncoat persuasion
That promotes immivasion —
He’s a Mork who pretends to be Orc.

5 years ago

It doubt anyone listen’s to the Ricochet Flagship podcast but Peter Robinson and Rob long opine that he is a formidable candidate. I don’t see it. He is so obviously shallow and I’m sorry but running a good race against Ted Cruz, not the most likeable politician, does not impress me. I can just see Trump nicknaming him Beta

Reply to  Peter
5 years ago

I used to suffer through Richochet before I knew there was a D-Alt Right or knew there were far-right podcasts. Rob Long is a spastic little squirrel who constantly interrupts his co-hosts with crap only he thinks is entertaining. We’re talking 2 minute schpeels out of the blue. John Podhoretz, who fancies himself a TV and movie critic, still thinks 50’s sitcoms have yet to be bettered. For all his wretched NeoConnery, personality-wise he’s actually quite likable. The way he tolerated Rob Long was amazing to me. He’s probably one of those sweet Jewish guys who can be surrounded by… Read more »

5 years ago

if he doesn’t win the nomination – he could probably get a consolation prize if the dems win such as HUD, DHS or CIA

5 years ago

You’re not counting (((Sanders))) as a white guy Dem because (a) he’s a Socialist not a Dem, or (b) he’s not white?

Reply to  MBlanc46
5 years ago

The Jews don’t consider themselves white. But their own ‘special’ mix of their own race and their own religion.

Plus you are right. He’s not a Democrat. He switches parties at a whim to serve his purpose of the moment.

Reply to  Outis
5 years ago

Jews are quantum crackers, both white and non-white in superposition until the intersectional wave function is collapsed.

5 years ago

He’s the classic soyboy betacuck. Some of my female friends from high school and college (I’m a Gen Xer) in Texas that are of the leftist persuasion went all in for Beto during his race against Cruz for Senate. It was sickening. I wanted to tell them that he, like so many politicians today, was a former criminal and a layabout who never had to work a day in his life and is working hard with his open borders buddies to ensure that this nation implodes socially and economically under the weight of the invasion of foreigners. I knew it’d… Read more »

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 years ago

In spite of his personal failings, we have a normal looking white guy with a normal looking white family deciding his path forward is to pretend he’s a wetback?

There’s more than opportunism at work here.

5 years ago

The commenter at Heartist hit the (cuckold) nail on the head:

“The reason Beto is popular with middle aged women, is because he is a guy that looks like someone who will take care of another man’s children”

5 years ago

Or, Beta O’Cuck is just a privileged Soi-Boi opportunist fag and empty suit who is almost middle-aged and trying to be a hipster riding a skate-board but failing miserably at it. You compared him to the Kennedys. Beta O’Cuck is the white Obamohammed.

Reply to  Truth-hammer
5 years ago

Have you ever stood on a table and been lusted after by a room full of women?

Lee Zehrer
Lee Zehrer
5 years ago

He is not yet claiming he’s part black because his great great great great ancestors were slaves from Africa.

5 years ago

TacO’Rourke. Slouching toward … the apocalypse?

5 years ago

Z nailed this one. Having trouble drinking my morning coffee through the guffaws.

5 years ago

Too bad JFK’s grand adventures included losing his PT boat and part of his crew, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Khruschev making a fool of him at the UN and the Cuban missile crisis. His “pay any price, bear any burden” attitude got a lot of people killed for no reason.

Reply to  Lorenzo
5 years ago

That is a given. The point of the post was to offer an alternate to the given of the given of the given.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Lorenzo
5 years ago

Zo; All true: At war college we developed the interpretation that this chain of events was driven by the JFK personality package, given the historical context. Even today, they serve as an important illustration the great dangers of having a narcissistic lightweight like Beto in charge of anything important. Previous elites knew this. IOW, it’s *not* harmless for the simple reason that adversaries, not impressed by fawning US press coverage, will smell weakness and press for advantage.* It was JFK’s bad luck that his main adversaries had very keen noses. In Kruschev’s day, members of the Politburo had had to… Read more »

5 years ago

Cause mischief. Start referring to him as Frank.

Charles Moore
Charles Moore
5 years ago

The TV show “Parks and Rec” had a character running for city council that was the son of a very wealthy business man in the city. He was a complete buffoon but came close to winning the election because he was rich and good looking. Beto is Bobby Newport.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
5 years ago

We’ve fully entered the age of the political “Schmoo”. Find a photogenic blank slate and let everyone project whatever they wish on them. And the “Schmoo” obliges.

5 years ago

Frank says stupid shit:

>During a weekend interview presidential hopeful Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke said AR-15 sales should be banned in America.<

Mad Italian
Mad Italian
5 years ago

I cannot reconcile that Beto was a member of the Cult of the Dead Cow, his back story, and current behavior. None of that matches up.

5 years ago

“The difference between art and …. ” – very nice line! … very fine last 3 sentences as well – tho, overly kind, for sure, to Biden and to the culture of the 1970s, as well

5 years ago

Bernie Sanders – the other white(ish) guy in the race was also a bum – literally. After getting kicked out of a kibbutz for being too lazy, he did absolutely nothing in his 20’s and 30’s. (other than marinate himself in Marxism and envy of the stuff working people could afford)

5 years ago

It’s actually more noble to do nothing than to participate in violence, harm the environment, work in any industry that is in any way involved with the slaughter of animals, such as TGI Friday’s or Chili’s, sell unnecessary things to people that are not seeking out that particular item, work in any capacity involved with food products that have chemicals in them, such as supermarkets, work in any profession that requires dishonesty, make money from artwork that is not totally from the heart and is commercialized, be mean to others, etc etc.

5 years ago

Swallow their gun? Please explain. Unfamiliar.

Did you mean “swallow their gum”?

Reply to  Teapartydoc
5 years ago

It’s a milder form of “shoot themselves”.

Roger U
Reply to  Teapartydoc
5 years ago

I usually hear ‘eat a bullet’.

Wilson McWilliams
Wilson McWilliams
Reply to  Teapartydoc
5 years ago

If you decide to “swallow your gun”, please do so directly above a nice big porcelain sink,

Courtesy is always in order. The clean-up crew, at least, will thank you.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
5 years ago

Wow. I seriously can’t believe somebody has never heard the term swallow their gun before………..

Go lookup R. Bud Dwyer and you’ll understand.