Wrong From The Beginning

A popular topic in dissident circles is the failure of the so-called conservatives to do anything to halt the advance of the Left. The way the conversation goes is to start with some event, the “conservative case for some lefty idea” and then move to mocking a particular conservative, who exemplifies the type. This can go the other way, as well, if the latest surrender is being led by a clown nose like David French of Kevin Williamson, two men who have become the face of modern cuckery.

There is an assumption among dissidents that these types know full well that they are just props for their Progressive handlers. They are aware of the truth, but choose to lie for a living, as it pays better than being honest. While this may be true with hucksters like French or an oleaginous grifter like Dinesh D’Souza, it is not so obvious with the bulk of the conservative believers. They see themselves as an authentic opposition to the Left and they think it is an effective opposition.

Here is a typical example from American Conservative of the sort of material popular with the normie conservative. It’s the standard rant against identity politics and multiculturalism that avoids anything dangerous. Right off the bat, the subhead gives the game away. It is going to be the conservative case for democracy, an idea conservatives have opposed since forever. It’s also un-American. The Founders were quite explicit and very public in their opposition to democracy.

Now, putting that aside, the writer gets going with the claim that “a healthy democracy demands that voters resist voting out of personal advancement. Your vote should be determined by what is best for the nation, not what is best for you.” In other words, the functioning democracy, not even an ideal one, is one where the members are ready to sacrifice themselves and their interests for the greater good. Presumably, there would be strong moral prohibitions against appeals to individual interests.

A normal man could be forgiven for wondering if this is a post about membership in a suicide cult, rather than a human society. This definition of democracy can only lead to a piety spiral, where citizens prove their virtue through self-abnegation. If the greatest good is sacrifice to the whole, then the normal human desire for status is going to lead to extreme public acts of piety. Since the most one can give of themselves is their life, the ultimate act of sacrifice to democracy would be suicide.

In addition to being insane, this definition of democracy is wrong. The Greeks certainly understood that the citizen’s relationship with his polis was reciprocal. We know this from Plato and Aristotle. The reason Athenian democracy could work was the individual gained something from his inclusion in the polis and, in turn, the polis got something from his participation. The Greeks were not lunatics forming a cult. As a result, they also limited the vote to Athenian males. You had to be born into the polis.

Later, he claims, “Multiculturalist ideology and identity politics have corrupted the way we understand participatory democracy.” A few paragraphs later he writes, “Any serious thinker knows that having a society that isn’t multicultural is an impossibility…” The reader might miss this obvious contradiction, as these statements are separated by a few paragraphs, but the writer should see the error. If a democracy must be multicultural, then multiculturalism is a necessary element.

The thing is, the general tone of the post suggests the writer is oblivious to this contradiction. Instead, he looks at the inevitable result of multiculturalism, which is social conflict and eventually violence, as the result of the bad people he calls Marxists, who subvert the system in some way. These Marxist, presumably, convince the citizens to be selfish individualists. Ironically, the assertion here is Marx and Marxists were suffering from false consciousness. They were not collectivists after all!

Toward the end of the piece, we get this gem. “Oddly, identity politics and multiculturalism are similar to Randian objectivism—they reinvent the political field as a means of advancing self-interest.” While it is amusing to see libertarians and cultural Marxists at the same trough, that’s not the intent here. The implication is that any politics that places the individual or his group at the top is inauthentic. True politics is the complete elimination of the individual and group identity.

Putting aside that this sounds like a suicide cult, the obvious problem here is that the total devotion to the democracy is a form of identity politics. The members of such a society would be warranted, maybe even required, for example, to go over to another society and murder all of those people. After all, to be outside the democracy is to be opposed to it, as anything but total immersion in the democracy is immoral. A smart man would then wonder if this is why democracy tends to be aggressive.

What’s going on here is the writer, like most conservatives, is desperately trying to reconcile a grab bag of principles that have been handed to him by the Left. He wants to believe democracy is wonderful. He wants to believe multiculturalism is the natural way of mankind. He believes all people are equal and infinitely malleable. Therefore, the only way to reconcile these “truths” is a form of politics that eliminates all individual and group identity. Everything that makes us human must be sacrificed.

Not only is this monstrous, it is an affirmation of the core of radicalism. This is the argument Progressives make on a daily basis. It is what justifies their war on anyone that opposes them. They feel completely justified in destroying the lives of those who disagree with them, because dissent is to put something before the whole. Just as the virtuous must fully submit themselves to the democracy, they must also sacrifice anyone who dissents. Democracy demands your total commitment.

The writer of that American Conservative piece does not follow his own logic nor can he, because he believes the same things the Left believes. That is and always has been the problem with the so-called conservatives. Their starting point is the same as the people they claim to oppose. They embrace the same universalism, the same egalitarianism and the same worship of democracy. From the beginning, American conservatism was about accommodation. It was wrong from the start.

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The Babe
The Babe
4 years ago

Imagine a standard 2×2 game theory table. Each player has 2 choices: (1) play identity politics or (2) not play identity politics (IP). The four outcomes are: (1) They don’t play IP, you don’t play IP = harmony (2) They don’t play IP, you play IP = you win (3) They play IP, you don’t play IP = they win (4) They play IP, you play IP = conflict The fatal flaw of conservative thinking is that the other side can be persuaded to stop playing identity politics. They will never stop. This is a reality that anyone with normal… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Sadly, it looks like Douglas Murray, who looks like a very intelligent man, and who has a much bigger audience, has written a whole book with this cucky argument, The Madness of Crowds.

But look at this passage, where he talks about “playing the game back.” He says it’s something he “fears,” but in fact it’s exactly what we need to be doing.


Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago


Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Well worth watching. Murray is a different type of Conservative Inc cautionary- not progressive like the NRO crowd – but a cautionary reactionary. Because of his social position he can’t move any further right than that. When our movement inevitably gets more traction as whites are forced into “playing the game back” there will be a lot of people like Murray who will cross over. Many will probably assume leadership positions. But they will need to be watched very closely. They have a lot of vested interests in the current arrangements. He’s in a way similar to Ron Unz and… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Ron Unz seems to want to roll that wheel back a hell of a lot further than Douglas Murray does.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Really, what’s Unz done?

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Murray: I’m afraid the white man will start playing this game back

Yoda: afraid you should be. AFRAID YOU SHOULD BE.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Excellent summary.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

I was waiting for a bit of game theory argument. Good comment.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

We have to play identity politics. Tribe up or die…
Which is why I’ve been advocating for building Communities for quite some time now(which I’m starting to sound like a broken record to some I know) but I know if we don’t then it means the death of everything good and our future…

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Yep, that’s just the way it is. I’ll keep my Korean dentist grandfathered in, but going forward, we need to pool our resources like Mormons.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I think the worse things get the more people will start thinking that way…Let’s hope that there is still time to do what is needed before it gets so bad that nothing is possible…So many possibilities when enough folk get moving in that direction…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

In my work we have the news feed on all day in the background. Watching what is going on in DC, I am truly in despair for the first time. I have always watched the proceedings with a gimlet eye, believing that these people are simply provocatively posturing to get their way. Today, I have come to believe they are pure evil, determined to utterly destroy what is left of the west for their narrow personal gain and sense of retribution. They are treating second hand “somebody said something” whispers as gospel and the bragging about criminal acts on videotape… Read more »

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Sometimes we really, really need to listen to our hindbrain.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch, Steady Man. Don’t take it all on. Hope. You are not alone. We are not alone. We are becoming. Do you think as modern society grows more openly hostile to Our People they are gaining converts or losing? Do white people seem to be gaining trust in the system or eschewing it more so, daily? It’s easy to forget when you scout ahead, and are few in numbers that, you aren’t alone. The vanguard can sometimes feel isolated. Give it time. More are awakening. More are becoming disabused with the way things are, not less. I’m not saying a… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Amen Brother…I’ve met Dutch and he is a very good man but has the same visceral hatred of evil as I do so I can relate to what he is feeling…I had the same thoughts when I read Unz’s article…

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Penitent Man: ” It is not only okay to hate wickedness, it is demanded of decent men.” This. Vox had a good post a year or so back about how hating evil is a GOOD thing. Of course, it directly contradicts the nice churchian soccer mom to whom Christianity means being nice. I recently chided my good Christian friend when, just after complaining about the trannies she is forced to deal with in her small business, she insisted she loves everyone. I forcefully reminded her God does not want her to love evil, and no, you cannot separate the sin… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Steady brother, you’re deep behind enemy lines. We need ya, your not just a good joe, but a great mind as well. And decent af

On radio, today: a theory that Dems know they’re going to lose, so they are planning to blame their loss on a failed “impeachment” drama. It’s just theater, grist for the ‘news’ cycle.
Evidence: multiple repeats at the news break that “Hunter Biden was found to have done nothing innappropriate.”

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

That’s what they are, and have always been, mad about. Hillary’s CIA front “foundation” promised lots of out-of-sight gravy for everyone, til Trump upset the apple cart.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Thanks for all the props, brothers. Just a really bad day, we all get them now and again. Someday, a bunch of us need to get in the same room together. That would be one hell of a conversation.

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Low-tech skills are important, but you must become technology-friendly and include automation in your alternate communities. Form the communities into trade network/s. Think of these networks as a Hanseatic League for the 21st century. The initial attraction to alternate communities will come from more intelligent members of the trades and lower middle-class. As middle-class jobs are lost due to global outsourcing, H1b, and increased automation, more people will become interested in what you are offering. You call yourself “Lineman.” I assume you have basic electrical skills. So imagine an alternative community or network where young men are provided apprenticeship training… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Or said in another way: You may not be interested in IP. But IP is interested in you.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

Great post. In a multicultural society, pledging your allegiance to the state, is like pledging your allegiance to the DMV. That’s how it feels. When I look at the American flag, I feel nothing, because it’s not about “us” as an extended family of people who value the same things. It may as well have corporate logos on it. No one would ever stand in front of the DMV and protect it from being burned down by a mob, except for police that are paid to do that. It’s just a Star Wars bar scene that runs on tax money.… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

The article/author in question begs for something that can not happen because he has the wrong model of the disease. He might as well attempt to cure cancer by bloodletting. He is a product of his limiting ideology which is why he serves as “a good example of a bad example”. 😉

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

The propaganda still holds away though because parents are still sending their young to fight and die for it…You should see the cognitive dissonance on some sites about that issue…

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

That’s exactly right. You can never tell a family that lost its son in Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Vietnam for that matter that their son died in vain. No one can stomach telling them that, and they would lash out in rage if you said it. They still cling to things like “honor,” “valor” etc., which really do exist, but are null and void if the underlying struggle is for Raytheon’s stock price.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

That’s just one of possibilities in a country for us is that young men would have the opportunity to serve but for our people, our values, our country not for those that hate everything we stand for and our very existence…

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

We were a nation at one time. Excerpt from The Federalist No. 2: With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people–a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence. This country and this people seem to have been… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Nope. No magic dirt. I’m not even sure if the Ellis Island era was good in the long run for this country. Look at what those Italians did to New Jersey (joking…kind of).

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Unfortunately, a lot of whites still believe that we’re the special country that we once were. They live in 80-90% whites areas, watch their multi-culti shows with their smart blacks and listen to Fox News. As a result, the reality that they see everyday confirms that we’re just fine, that all these blacks and browns are just whites in blackface who will see the CivNat light some day.

It won’t be until the actual reality pushes up to their doors that they’ll wake up. The question is how far down the road will we be by that point.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

@Citizen You are so right about that Brother…I have experienced that many times with those who have never come in contact with diversity in numbers… I think to answer your question look to SA to see how far whites will go before they wake up…It’s a downer for sure…21000 murders and 45000 rapes a year with a pop 1/7th our size..I think the US had right around 18000 murders if you believe the numbers that is…I have to shake my head most times at the willful ignorance of people on that and many other subjects… Always enjoy your and others… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

But there’s also the reality that the other side is simply factually wrong. Their world won’t work. They will get weaker over time.

Carl B.
Carl B.
4 years ago

It’s all over but the shouting. Yesterday’s performance at the “U.N.” by a mentally ill teen age girl to the cheers from the Media, the “UN” delegates, and the s***-for-brains Millennials proves the West has degenerated into lunacy. A Faux News contributor was banned from Faux for pointing out the fact that the Asperger’s/Fetal Alcohol teenage freak was in fact a freak – and being used by the cynical Left to push Global Marxism in the name of “Climate Change.” And where is the Right/Conservatives/GOP/whatever-the-hell on this travesty today? Nowhere. Conservatism is dead. The American Republic is dead. We have… Read more »

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

It isn’t over until the fat lady sings. The more the average normie is exposed to the obvious delusional rantings of under aged mentally ill children *demanding* that the “adults” in the room do as she says, the more potential converts we will have at our disposal. The more cheers and applause from the so called “adults” in the august body of the UN, the less credible such an institution becomes and the easier to discredit and ignore, Take the article cited today by Z-man. Immediately I saw—not misguided conservative clap trap wrt Democracy—but opportunity for discussion/conversion. As Z-man wisely… Read more »

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Climate Cult is about creating a speculative market for carbon offsets. If you understand how the subprime crisis worked, you also understand what’s in store for us: literally unlimited speculation, unlimited energy prices – think California under Enron, only on a global scale. There are trillions, if not tens of trillions of dollars, right there for the filching. Conservative Inc. is drooling.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Just to let you know, California just tied with Denmark in electricity prices. Look out Germany, we have your number.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Just to let you know, California just tied with Denmark in electricity prices.

Today, yes, after Cali gained some measure of control over their market. But during the Enron supremacy, you’d see rolling blackouts and public utility companies being gamed to buy in the $1,000/MWh-range.

It will take carbon traders sixty seconds to figure out a way to securitize carbon credits like they did with energy contracts, and then it’s off to the races.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Yes, it was really bad that year, with rationing of electricity by the day. Even Mexico was selling us power at 10 times the normal price. It resulted in Governor Schwarzenegger, who was yet another disappointment.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

@JR Wirth About ten years ago, there was a month-long spell where the wind turbines didn’t perform, either due to calm or storm. Denmark had decommissioned a number of (top modern) coal plants to harvest the green dividend, so we had a big deficiency in supply. In these circumstances, we buy from Norway or Sweden, but this was coming on the tail end of a multi-year drought in Scandinavia, so their hydro storages were bone dry. So we phoned Germany to help us out, but they were in the same straits: they had decommissioned traditional plants and now their green… Read more »

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

When I read things like this, I go into flights of anxiety. But you’re right. On a coast with no dependents, no family or friends whom I can trust, and a minor physical disability that could cost me my life if things break down. Anyone in middle America or mountain west who needs a great writer, worker, and all-around reliable and highly competent person, I’m your man. No dependents and I’m ready to go. Quite honestly, I can’t sleep at night any longer in the supine and prone position I’m in. The breakdown of the family has affected a lot… Read more »

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

Start looking in the Bitterroot Valley you might find that it’s a good fit for you…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I live in northern NJ and know two couples who plan to retire to Idaho. They’re very conservative, pro-Second Amendment people, so they’ll fit in.

I may need to flee there someday, too.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Diversity is being showered upon Idaho by Uncle Sam and NGOs. We are also being inundated by California cockroaches scurrying away from the disaster they created.

Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

Chobani yogurt company imported a bunch of refugees to work in their production facilities. It’s just not as bad.

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Too late. It’s already Chock Full O’ Greasies.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Idaho will be better than where you left but not as good as you might imagine. More liberals are moving there and the conservatives there will tell how you much they support lots of immigration so long as it’s legal. They may be conservative with respect to 2A and fiscal issues but they want to welcome refugees and diversity.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

I live in MA – in what is apparently one of the whitest areas of the country if I believe one of the articles I read recently. When I first moved into my town 20 years ago – seeing dark faces was almost unheard of. There has definitely been an uptick in black faces in these parts over the last 5 years or so – but the vast majority of what I see is whites, Asians, and hispanic types. Hearing that places like Idaho and some of the southern states are getting more and more pozzed is depressing – because… Read more »

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

It might be. And thanks to all above for the suggestions and advice. I’ll be doing some research. I’m familiar with that part of Massachusetts, and — yeah — northwestern Mass. on the NY/VT border seems like a decent area, too (in addition to central and western Mass.). The farther away from major highways and railway tracks, I figure, the better off you are. Northern Maine (another area I’d like to explore) would be tough, but if you have a few trustworthy friends with you, I’m betting that’d be ideal. Nothing except nuclear or volcanic ash is ever getting up… Read more »

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Excellent. Thank ya’.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

This guy. Kindred spirit. Saves me the time n effort wordsmithing my own thoughts. “Fight or submission”? Bet on submission. We have too few warriors.

4 years ago

Briggs has an excellent post on this subject today.


“The objection will be that NR was founded explicitly right wing. This is not so. Standing athwart history yelling stop is not reactionary. It is cautionary. And that is what conservativism is: caution, not reaction. Conservatives want to be seen doing carefully what progressives want done yesterday. Reactionaries want to get off the ship altogether.”

4 years ago

This is why understanding the true nature of history is so important. Ron Unz has a recent 20,000 word piece on the travesty of WWII. Even this brave man cannot come right out and say it, but he gets as close as he can by saying the INVERSE of the “legend” of WWII is true. Z man says that the “myth of Lincoln” is the “conservative” true founding of the country. I would disagree. I would say WWII is the “myth” that our current society is structured around. THIS PIECE IS A MUST READ! The same monsters got us into… Read more »

Reply to  Johnny55
4 years ago

Johnny, both Ron and Z are right. The party of Lincoln is also ((( the party of Lincoln ))).

Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

LOL, true in “theory”. In popular culture, WWII dominates everything. No one smears their opponents as a “rebel”. No, the go to smear is the Nazi one. Just compare how many frigging movies WWII gets vs the Civil War.

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  Johnny55
4 years ago

“In popular culture, WWII dominates everything.”

WWII does not dominate everything. Holocaust dominates everything.

In American political discourse, WWII mythos equals Holocaust mythos.

American history now equals Holocaust Holocaust Slabery Slabery Holocaust Cibil Rights Movement Holocaust Racism Holocaust Slabery Holocaust.

Nearly every American under age 40 thinks WWII was fought because Holocaust. If you ask a Millenial or a Zoomer why Hitler was bad, xe will tell you, “because he killed the Jews.”

Did I forget to mention Holocaust? Oh, I almost forgot to add… Holocaust!

Reply to  Ant Man Bee
4 years ago

I will know that man actually landed on the moon once there is a holocaust memorial on it. LOL. But yeah, I’m putting the roller blading accident in the same bag as the overall WWII legend, obviously.

Reply to  Ant Man Bee
4 years ago

I’m a tailend Boomer with a father and uncles who fought in the War. We knew about Ann Frank and concentration camps, but the focus was on the war itself. I don’t think that I heard of the word “holocaust” until the broadcast of the miniseries “Holocaust” in 1978. That seems to have kickstarted the Holocaust focus.

There was a Holocaust memorial in Washington DC before there was a WWII memorial. Shows you what matters.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

This was my experience as well. Everybody knew that Hitler killed Jews but it didn’t dominate everything.

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

“Shows you what matters.”

I think you meant to say, Shows you WHO matters.

Reply to  Ant Man Bee
4 years ago

That, too.

A friend of my mother lost her GI husband and brother in the War, but they’re chopped liver.

Reply to  Ant Man Bee
4 years ago

You know it’s really bad when you go into a library and it outnumbers any books on any of our history…That alone should wake people up but nope they want to keep their head in the sand…

Reply to  Ant Man Bee
4 years ago

The holocaust is our modern religion. All around most of the the planet you can find Holocaust memorials in the same way you used to find statues of Jesus, Zeus, or Lenin

Reply to  Johnny55
4 years ago

It’s only 43 pages as a PDF and well worth the paper.
I skimmed it and will re-read slowly.
Rob Unz is a national treasure. The world is a better place for him being in it.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Amen. And this is why I disagree with both Z and Vox about the Candace Owens of the world. In this day and age of smearing and ad hominem, ONLY A JEWISH GUY can expose what’s been going on the last century. At least initially. He provides excellent cover for GETTING THE FACTS OUT!! Everyone else is always smeared as a nazi, etc. Ron Unz is an amazing man and thank God for him!!

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Johnny55
4 years ago

Unz has proven his chops.

Don’t follow CO as much, so not sure if she is the real deal. Vox and Z being smarter than I and following more closely would cause me to defer to their judgment.

Da Booby
Reply to  c matt
4 years ago

There’s nothing wrong with Candace Owens. She’s one of few who have the balls to attack academia. Whether you agree with everything she says or not is less important than the fact the she at least knows where the source of the problem lies.

Reply to  Da Booby
4 years ago

I really don’t know much about her. But it goes to my point that sometimes you need someone with an inherent shield to the neverending smear machine to flip the script a bit and get the facts out there. IOW, stop playing the same morality play on the stage the left sets up.

Reply to  Johnny55
4 years ago

“I really don’t know much about her.”
All you really need to know about Candace Owens is that she’s black.

Reply to  Johnny55
4 years ago

If you’re Catholic, you can understand Candace Owens by thinking of her as being like a priest. Only a black (like Candace Owens) can absolve you of your sins.

Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

I’m not super-de-duper familiar with Candace Owens, so I’ll ask the question: Does she peddle DR3?

If she does, she’s a gatekeeper. If not, that would be a powerful ally indeed.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

I feel guilty criticizing jews on his website because he is on the side of the angels. There are some really over-the-top anti-jewish articles published on the website, but he doesn’t stop it. A number of once independent bloggers that I like are also sheltered there, such as Steve S., RamZPaul, Audacious Epigone and Paul Kersey.

Xtasorcery (www.dark.sport.blog)
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Who wants to stand among 100 million other people, with a flimsy piece of paper in hand, dictating nothing and signifying zippo?

It is a kind of stand to have never voted in one’s life, as I have not. I would not vote if I was paid to do so (unless the money was greater than an hourly wage).

The end of the world will be marked in flames burning all the voting slips of paper.

Reply to  Johnny55
4 years ago

Epiminondas posted the link to Unz’s article in yesterday’s Z-posting. If you have any interest in why the world you live in is so mixed up, this is a must read. I am an armchair 20th century history buff, and this thing addressed a number of questions hanging around in my understanding. I am not saying you should 100% buy what Unz is selling. I am saying that if you do not read this thing, you are missing out on a whole dimension of our history that has been suppressed. Close to home, Unz explains why my German relatives, who… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I have read the entire thing, including many of the source materials, such as Suvorov/The Chief Culprit, and Barnes’ works and Irving’s work and Hoggans’ work. Not only is Unz 100% correct, but there are frankly even more supporting information that he does not mention. It is beyond shocking. Woe to the special people if the truth does ever get out there…

Reply to  Johnny55
4 years ago

I referenced this article yesterday to someone on here who thought Churchill was the Man of the Millennium. After reading that article you realize ol’ Winston was a pathetic sap.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

The money shot:

“… the inescapable conclusion is that in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims…”

Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

And the lesson that should be shouted from the rooftops, these people also got us into Iraq and are right now beating the drum incessantly for war against Russia/Iran/Syria, you name it. Putin is vilified by these same damn people the same way another famous leader was. again and again and again.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I have read all six volumes of Churchill’s biography at Hillsdale. It goes right up to pre WWII. Looking back, one thing that struck me was how incompetent he was at military affairs. He was no coward, but he was an unhinged lunatic and a horrible military leader. And quite the prolific writer.

Reply to  Johnny55
4 years ago

The great tragedy of our civilization is that Churchill did not remain employed as a journalist.

Reply to  Johnny55
4 years ago

This is something we need to address as dissidents. As an empire, the USA enjoys power of position that manifests itself in any number of ways – mostly economic. The realities of empire are what they are – in order to have legitimate interests abroad, you have to be willing to defend them from third world mutts and gangsters that would threaten them. The dissident right forgets this at their peril. Iraq had a hand in that war too, and to ignore it and blame a shadowy cabal of jews and USA globalists is to be ignorant of the realities… Read more »

Sorcerygod (www.dark.sport)
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Global power is a mixed salad of interests centering on the homeland of the Americans; but — there are a few other powers.

The key fact is the other powers save energy and money by moving a lever under the butt of American interests.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

The United States was never designed to be an empire – and in fact the men who founded the country specifically took measures to make sure it never became one. The recommendation against a standing army was one of the most obvious ones. If you believe that the US is an “empire” then that is an admission that the nation has been taken over by outside forces. Who are proving hostile to the intent of the founders – and detrimental to the people who want to live here in peace. The United States has no legitimate interests abroad – any… Read more »

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

There’s a wide distance between our having interests abroad, expressed non-coercively and non-threateningly, versus trying to promote them through military force. The first is legitimate — or would be if the U.S. was managed for the benefit of its people instead of the deep state. The second is not.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

Exactly. A country may have “interests” in getting access to a reliable and affordable source of oil. The country that happens to have that oil – also has it’s own interests. In a sane world – each party negotiates and comes to some approximation of what they both want. If the country with the oil wants to sell it for a ridiculous price – you unfortunately have to walk away and find another solution. You might have no oil – but they have nothing either if they insist on selling for a ridiculous price. The simplest way I’ve explained this… Read more »

Jack B
Jack B
Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

It’s very easy for a powerful nation to become imperial without any outside influence.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Partially true, CD. No, the USA was not designed to be an empire. But… out there in the world there are some really, really bad people with empirical intentions and they will be more than willing to hurt us and our allies. As for no interests abroad? Think: foreign investments? Trade agreements? What do you do when you build a factory with allies in Africa – and the local warlord decides to kill your employees and take anything of value? Or some rag head in the middle east, with a hate-on for Americans – decides to fly one of your… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Washington wanted ro rule the Indians (which is imperium).It was one of the reasons for his hostility to the British.

Forts criss-crossing the lands of the natives ,using cavalry to harass and intimidate the local population is imperialism.

4 years ago

The former german chancellor, Helmut Schmidt said this in 2004 about multiculturalism and democracy;
“Helmut Schmidt, the former German chancellor, has inflamed the country’s debate on immigration by saying that multiculturalism can only work under authoritarian regimes, and that bringing millions of Turkish guest workers to Germany was a mistake.
“The concept of multiculturalism is difficult to make fit with a democratic society,” he told the Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper.”

Reply to  Thorsted
4 years ago

And Merkel declared in 2010 that “multiculturalism has failed.”


When you’re dealing with politicians, never listen to their words, always look at their hands.

Ant Man Bee
4 years ago

People need to read more Confucius, specifically the Doctrine of the Rectification of Names. It’s basically ancient Chinese Wittgenstein: you cannot have a useful political discussion if you are using inaccurate, misleading, and dishonest terminology. If you call illegal invading foreigners “undocumented immigrants” instead of what they are, which is mooching criminal foreign paupers, then no productive discussion is possible. This is of course what the Left always wants: to preclude any possible realistic discussion by Talmudically re-defining the terms outside of the boundaries of reality. It’s the main reason they always win. Nothing can be done right if you… Read more »

4 years ago

The civic nationalists that I know believe that most people can be persuaded that race-blind, small government is best. If certain groups fail to be persuaded, it is only because the civic nationalists have not made the argument effectively enough.

This is their faith, which I used to share, but eventually I couldn’t dismiss all the disconfirming evidence. Eventually, I concluded that tribalism is the most powerful force in the world, not the only powerful force, but the most powerful.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

If certain groups fail to be persuaded, it is only because the civic nationalists have not made the argument effectively enough. Yep exactly which sounds a lot like what the communist spout about their evil ideology that it just wasn’t done right and they will do it better… They both intentionally forget the human nature component and that all people and all races are different and have different motives in the way they live their lives…If people would be honest with themselves and with others they would admit that some people can’t live next to each without conflict and to… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

There may be a difference between how a person lives his life as an individual versus how he lives his life as a member of a group.

Let’s say that you have a friend named Joe. Joe is Black. He’s a wonderful, selfless guy. Would give you the shirt off his back. That’s Joe as an individual. On the other hand, when Joe starts thinking about his group, he’s selfish. Civnats confuse Joe the individual man with Joe the Black man.

4 years ago

It’s easy to dismiss Adam Ellwanger as an incompetent thinker or unintentionally stupid, but the reality is that he’s a paid propagandist. He is promoting a specific narrative in service to his handlers, who wish to remake society as worker drones managed by an elite class of their betters. You can count on Adam to make rousing speeches for the downtrodden in the detention camps. He’ll be about as useful as a shit stain.

4 years ago

“This definition of democracy can only lead to a piety spiral, where citizens prove their virtue through self-abnegation. If the greatest good is sacrifice for the whole, then the normal human desire for status is going to lead extreme public acts of piety. Since the most one can give of themselves is their life, the ultimate act of sacrifice to democracy would be suicide.”

I think this is how the good whites have been acting for the past 50 years at least and now they are taking all us bad whites down with them

4 years ago

Reminds me of a piece by the Anti-Puritan: “The mainstream right performs a valuable function for the left. As a controlled opposition, it makes the left’s ever increasing tyranny excusable. No monarch would dare impose gay marriage on an unwilling population. Nor would a one-party state like communist China. When commies take over they wind up owning the whole thing, and making them owners of an economy makes them behave responsibly toward their possessions. The level of madness of the politics of America is only made possible by a group of people who fight, and always lose. Even the process… Read more »

4 years ago

Most of us thought we were really fighting the Left and that our “leaders” had our backs, it is only recently and especially since Trump, that it became apparent that conservatism is a cash printing scheme for grifters.

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
4 years ago

I think it will become more obvious over time that everyone is being played by all the leadership, some of whom have our backs on some things, and that the only chance for us is to not play—separatism and bar the door. Trojan Horses will show up at the gates. Can’t let them in. In the meantime, pretty much all of us are living in enemy territory (though the Bitterroot Valley may be exempted). Helluva situation for the most numerous constituency in the most powerful country. I guess that’s why we are specifically targeted, as we are the biggest threat.

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
4 years ago

Yep – When a guy like Lindsey Graham is out there “protecting your interests”, you know you’re watching kabuki theater.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

When I hear the words “Lindsey Graham” it’s like waving the red cloak in front of a bull. I’m in shock that something hasn’t come out with Miss Lindsey in his silk stockings like J Edgar Hoover.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

He’s like McCain – totally compromised and completely obedient.

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
4 years ago

I outgrew that fallacy long ago. I proudly called myself a conservative during the late ’80s; now I cringe at the very word and unabashedly call myself a fascist.

4 years ago

As soon I hear or read a “conservative” ranting about “democracy” I know the author is either a liar, an idiot, or both. If I continue reading, it’s only to try to figure out which it is.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

“The guy who wrote the AmCon piece is a college professor”

Well, that explains it right there. Outside of a few maverick reactionaries in fringe universities, no college professor has had a rational thought since about 1968. Even Buckley would be stunned by the vapidity of this tripe, not the least feature of which is that a committment to “democracy” as this guy understands it would seem to preclude belief in any religion.

Reply to  AltitudeZero
4 years ago

He contradicts himself in another manner: his faith is in magic dirt.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Definition of democracy is mob rule. I thought everyone knew that.

Reply to  erp617
4 years ago

Everyone used to before the mob took over schools.

4 years ago

Fun fact, the legend goes that Athenian democracy was the first ever to allow women to vote at its inception. First vote is what they should name Athens. All the women voted for naming it after Athena. All the men voted for Zeus or Poseidon. There were more women and that vote was honored. Immediately thereafter, the men took the right of the women to vote away!! LOL

The Babe
The Babe
4 years ago

Conservative believers see themselves as an authentic opposition…

Yeah, my take on the sociology of journalism is that it’s not so much shilling as selective platforming.

The Powers (and Moneys) That Be decide what idea they wanted pushed, and then go out and find a true believer in that idea and give him a platform.

It’s much tidier than hiring a grifter scumbag to just lie; that could bite you back down the road. And the true believer, being a true believer, probably doesn’t even care that he’s being used as a pawn.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

It’s deplatforming. As the Unz piece shows, the most prominent journalists, historians, and thinkers were DISAPPEARED from the scene during WWII and after. Conservatism, Inc. has been CAPTURED. It’s not that it was false opposition to start with, it’s that the REAL reactionaries were flushed from the movement of Con, Inc. Look at the family background of those who were purged. Look at the family background of those who took over. Then you will see the truth.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
4 years ago

“Your vote should be determined by what is best for the nation, not what is best for you.”

“ask not what your country can do for you,
ask what you can do for your country”

(of course, it was still Our Country back then)

Hey JFK, where is the reciprocity?
One hand washes the other;
the country must do something for me, before I do something for it.
Give me Liberty, give me Freedom, and Privacy ..
and I’ll do my part to make the country a better place for everyone.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
4 years ago

Of course, you have it backwards
“Give me Liberty, give me Freedom, and Privacy”

should be “Give me nothing, just stop taking what I already have”

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

I upvoted that..
you’re right.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Which always reminds me of that incredible—yet apparently appealing lie—that we should “give back” to society (or be considered a selfish and bad citizen). As if we stole something, rather than earned it, and along the way of earning such did not support and contribute to that society through a myriad of taxes, obedience to laws and regulations, and a general contribution to a capitalistic economy.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I am sick to death of constantly hearing about how I have to give back.

Last time I checked – society hasn’t given me shit. Yet every year I need to fill out a long form and spreadsheet out how much I have “given” to society, just so I can keep a little bit of what I earned and not find the agents at my door.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Here, here, Calsdad. Every so often when the kids visit and the discussion arises, I get to lecture them on their “privilege” and their “need” to give back—least the virus spread to the rest of the in-laws. The base lecture usually reviews how they grew up and had to work for their spending money. How they had to study and obtain scholarships from the “name” schools they were able to be accepted to and how, even then, they both had to work while in those schools, in order to graduate debt free. Waiting until graduation, then marriage, then a few… Read more »

Lance E
4 years ago

A “healthy democracy” is kind of like a “healthy leper”.

4 years ago

“From the beginning, American conservatism was about accommodation. It was wrong from the start.” Amen & Amen. Democracy is probably the wrong approach on a deserted island of 10 people, but democracy in a nation-state of 300 million, many of whom are illiterate? Sheer lunacy. But lunacy is what we get when people are conditioned to consider “democracy” with positive connotations and when very few can actually define the term. And If there’s one thing the progressives have shown over the last century, it’s that there’s no accommodating them … for them it’s join us or bugger off. Once they… Read more »

4 years ago

Damn, I thought I was the only man on the planet to use oleaginous.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Oleaginous word association: Slick Willy, particularly as it relates to his ability to talk a trailer park trollop into allowing him to touch her ta-tas.

Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

From the sportsball world, there is no better word than oleaginous to capture the essence of super-agent Drew ((( Rosenhaus ))).

Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

My own usage is usually reference to a particular (((Real Estate Broker))) I know.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

In my little world, the real estate agent / brokerage field appears to feature a fairly high percentage of cat ladies, would-be cat ladies, over the hill housewives whose looks are fading or have already faded, overweight housewives, women with empty nest issues, and, of course, scolds.

Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

The ratio of real estate brokers to sales is a pretty good illustration of Pareto’s rule. About everyone with some spare time thinks he/she can become a RE agent and pick up a hefty commission as a side hustle. Community colleges feed into this delusion with course offerings and night classes. Most of these agents do not even book a sale a year and are basically inactive. Recently, I’ve heard there are increasing sales being made by the largish companies (Zillow for example) that make offers themselves for your property. Even heard brokers recommending such to their clients when the… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

A friend of a friend, who was a real estate saleswoman, told me that the real estate business was a scam. Ninety percent of the people who start school on January 1 will be out of the field by December 31. In the meantime, the schools, the textbook publishers, etc., make their money. Real estate schools only teach the rules, the agencies teach how to sell.

Known Fact
Known Fact
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

One of my favorite and most hilarious novels has a 60ish guy finding himself in the real estate biz — The Lay of the Land, by Richard Ford. But it works best if you read the first two books in the trilogy, The Sportswriter (which is OK) and Independence Day (which is wonderful).

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

All 100% commission gigs have a failure rate over 90%. Low barrier to entry with a very small amount of people making a lot of money. Network marketing is probably the worst of the lot. 100% commission industries prey on desperate people and get them to spend a lot of their meager resources on chasing the dream. Network marketing companies are the most shrewd because they usually require the mark to buy a bunch of their product

Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

“In my little world…”

Good job of covering the female terrain in the real estate business. You get to move out of your cubicle and into a window office.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Fine, but I prefer unctuous. Charles Dickens’ description of greasy, oily Uriah Heep.

4 years ago

Thank you for the great blog. Have lurked a few weeks. Watching the impeachment inquiry drama today really has me thinking we need a reset. I am getting so tired of the games. On the one hand it is good for the common man that THIS congress is not able to “do” anything damaging, but seriously, I don’t know if y’all feel the same but it is getting really tiring. I am a simple slave who would like to have more of my own money to spend on things that matter to me. (Lower taxes is alright by me). I… Read more »

Reply to  1UnknownSubject
4 years ago

Think about getting out of CA that will help a little bit to improve your outlook on life…

4 years ago

.most white people pick their political affiliation at the brand level not at the feature level. Whites pick based on what team they want to be on. Conservatives want to be on the traditional American capitalist team. Since they don’t pick based on features (except 2nd amendment) it is very easy for them to be led by the nose to embrace all kinds of contradictory beliefs. Other tribes pick because of which party or ideology is going to provide them with the most gibs and advantages once owned by whitey. Conservatives tend to embrace leftist beliefs both because the left… Read more »

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  My_Comment
4 years ago

Man, you’ve diagnosed them perfectly. I deal with one every day — his last words will be “but what about all of the job creation and GDP?” And even when you’re dealing with people like this one-on-one, they’ll sit and take the factual and historical beatdown — because, really, at this point they have nothing — only to drop an anti-Semitism or race card on you. They are not immune to using the same tactics used on them by their liberal friends — in fact, they relish the opportunity to dish it out. It’s all about profits, taxes, and development.… Read more »

4 years ago

Ah, the globalists have shown their hand yet again. First it was a rogue parliament. Now it is literally a rogue court in the UK, all trying to thwart Brexit.

In my view, THIS IS THE TEST!! Hopefully BoJo is sincere in what he says.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

The club-footed conservative is a necessity in the progressives’ march to utopia. Without them the proggies would flameout almost immediately.

If you are going to turn nature on its head you can’t do it in overdrive. This would result in an almost immediate and crushing blowback. The drag in the drift ever leftwards provided by a cooperative opposition allows the poison to seep in unnoticed or barely noticed by most.

“Defining Deviancy Downward” and thus learning to live with it is the roll of the conservative.

4 years ago

The American Conservative is run by Rod Dreher, who is National Public Radio’s idea of what a Christian looks like.

4 years ago

While PJBuchanan was a founder of that website, I suspect that he’s distancing himself from it. The site is run by a bunch of girly-girls, one of whom is a State wannabee who pre-purchased his striped pants, another whose “column content” is 75% supplied by email correspondents. Anyone who understands Edmund Burke understands that FAMILY is the cornerstone of society; building up from there is the way it works. It is impossible for “family” to be multi-cult, of course–albeit there are heretics in most families who are treated exactly as they should be: separated but not un-loved. For that matter,… Read more »

4 years ago

BTW Trump may have just won the election.

According to The Grauniad
” Trump says future belongs to patriots not globalists”

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

There is an election coming up, he is pandering to dumb people in his base.

Actions speak louder than words, his appointees are pressuring social media companies to censor “patriots”, and he as authorized the federal agencies to focus their resources on arresting as many “patriots” for speech crimes as possible.

There is no reason to praise him for words at this point.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Crud Bonemeal
4 years ago

Horse hockey.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Read up on the Trump administration’s strategy to counter “White Nationalism”

Then think about where you are posting

Reply to  Crud Bonemeal
4 years ago

I never believe they will do the good that they promise, I do believe they will never do good that they don’t.

I think his chats with Farage is convincing him that nationalists far outnumber globalists, It makes it tough for no borders democrats.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Read Unz and get back to me. It looks to me like both Trump and his opponent are ultimately captive of the 3%, as is DC generally. So the paths may vary (and I still support Trump over the rest of ‘em), but the destination is clear. 1%s and 3%s always support the establishment of an all-powerful elite, because that’s how they survive and thrive. When the mask is pulled off, as it was in the ‘30s and is happening now, the shit gets real.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Trump knows the truth. Putin knows the truth. Folks, you have to understand that there are CONSTRAINTS on what they can do. You must PLAY THE SYSTEM. What the hell do you think would have happened if Trump had raided the oligarchs in his first few days. Putin didn’t move on them until 3 or 4 years in. FIRST you solidify power. THEN you move. Second term is where it’s at. In the meantime, he’s already worked wonders given these constraints!!

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

The (((Two Percent))) are Fifty Percent of the One Percent.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Not sure he is completely captive but he sure as hell is not in control of much. Certainly not the DOJ, FBI or intelligence agencies.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Trump is going to be impeached. Already Romney is calling for his removal and McConnell has signaled he’s ok with that. They might even remove Pence and install Hillary.

Look how they cancelled Brexit. Conservatives would rather have a Labor govt than Brexit. All without elections.

Trump is likely removed by Jan at the latest. Say Hello to President Harris. Our Macron.

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

I don’t know about that, but I do see the Ukraine thing as one of those “Let’s you (Biden) and he (Trump) fight”. Mutual destruction to let in the proggie choice in next year’s election.

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Whiskey, you need to get a grip or go back on your med’s. There is no basis in any precedent or law for any court to order Hillary Clinton into office as a remedy for an election fraud. At best at local levels does one see a redo once in a while. But at the presidential level?

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

No basis of law to cancel Brexit either. Hillary is on a listening tour. Considering her medical state that can mean only one thing. She’s got most of the FBI and DOJ working for her or at least their spouses. The natural and eternal enemy of every politician is the voter. Hence escape into hereditary bureaucracy and gerrymandering. Heck the deep state deep sized Salvini and is stuffing Italy with Muslims and Africans and won’t have another vote in years. The FT has been running articles about what Corbyns cabinet will do and who gets nationalized. Labor can’t win an… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

if both Trump and Pence go Pelosi is next. That might be worth it just for the Hillary reaction.

oleaginous grifter
oleaginous grifter
4 years ago

French we can keep around for comic relief. But D’Souza delenda est.

4 years ago

From Wikipedia Unz made an unsuccessful bid for the Republican nomination in the California gubernatorial election, 1994. He received 707,431 votes (34.3 percent) in the primary race against the incumbent Pete Wilson, who won the primary with 1,266,832 votes (61.4 percent).[6] Newspapers referred to Unz’s candidacy as a Revenge of the Nerds and often quoted his claim of a 214 IQ.[7][8][9][4] In 1994, he was opposed to California Proposition 187, a 1994 ballot initiative to establish a state-run citizenship screening system and prohibit undocumented immigrants from using non-emergency health care, public education, and other services in the State of California.[10]… Read more »

Reply to  Stanz
4 years ago

Read this piece by Unz himself, rather than Wiki, on the rise of Trump.

4 years ago

The convergence of The American Conservative into the Neoliberal HiveMind is partly described by Ron Unz in his lengthy post about his sale of the magazine 8 years ago.
The current publisher, Jon Basil Utley is a wet on immigration, & the magazine won’t touch the issues of racial differences in IQ, or racial patterns in criminality.
It craves approval from the DC establishment. The idea for its founding was to oppose “Invade the World-Invite the World”. It now opposes Invade the World, but just peddles localism & traditional architecture etc to get into compliance with The Bland Bargain.

4 years ago

Burkean Conservatism itself was an accommodation to the emerging Liberal world-view. American Conservatism (such as it ever was) could not start with any of the premises of the European Right because of the rejection of the divine authority of the English Monarchy. The Founders then enshrined the notion of ‘popular sovereignty’ as the foundation of all legitimate authority for representative rule. The Founders — at least at the start — left up the problem of who would be the electors of the representatives of the individual states up to the individual states. It’s not exactly ‘democracy’ but the notion of… Read more »

Reply to  hamburgertoday2017
4 years ago

The Founders then enshrined the notion of ‘popular sovereignty’ as the foundation of all legitimate authority for representative rule. Was that before or after “….laws of Nature and Nature’s God”? Some would argue–I among them–that the Founders started off with the right idea, ‘God, Nature’s Laws, inalienable rights,’ and the nation did just fine with that combined with popular sovereignty. The trainwreck began when Nature’s God and his laws were shoved aside by the Progressive Movement of the early 1900’s and were then finally buried by SCOTUS beginning with the Warren Court. By the way, how was Burke conceding to… Read more »

Fabian Forge
4 years ago

I appreciate Zman’s nod to Pat Buchanan’s “Right from the Beginning” in the title but the conclusion is nagging at me. For some reason I associate “Right from the Start” with Goldwater but I can’t pin it down.

Greg Jones
Greg Jones
4 years ago

When white American Southerners celebrate their Southern heritage, some even lament the fall of the Confederate States of America during the ‘War Between the States’, when they fight tooth and nail to protect the Confederate Battle Flag, monuments to Confederate heroes, make excuses for the KKK, set up White Citizens Councils, etc, etc … is that an example of multiculturalism? does that break civic bonds? are they a danger to democracy??

We must use context. Some identity politics are heatlhy and necessary while others are evil and must be destroyed

Reply to  Greg Jones
4 years ago

“Some identity politics … must be destroyed”

Good luck with that.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Greg Jones
4 years ago


Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  Greg Jones
4 years ago

Tiny Duck,
you’re getting better at this trolling stuff.
much more subtle this time.
you say “is that an example of multiculturalism?”
you say that as if multiculti is the be-all and end-all, the thing that everyone wants, that everyone needs,that everyone must be forced to accept.
I don’t accept it.

“Some identity politics are heatlhy….
others are evil and must be destroyed”
And you’re the jury and executioner, I suppose?
Eff Off

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Greg Jones
4 years ago

Why don’t you give an example of “healthy and necessary” identity politics? It’s easy to poke at the Cracker Barrel people.

Reply to  Greg Jones
4 years ago

Of course, the healthy identity politics are those practiced by POC, while the unhealthy (to be destroyed) identity politics are practiced by Whites. So we replace holidays, like Columbus Day, with Indigenous Peoples Day and remove statues of Jefferson Davis or Robert E Lee, and replace them with statues of Pancho Villa (this happened where I live).

Sorry Tiny Duck, no one here is buying such gibberish.

Reply to  Greg Jones
4 years ago

It’s only evil when White people do it. Go back to cuckville, cuck.