Mencken Day One

The Mencken Club is a different sort of affair than most of the dissident events you will attend, as it is older and more academic than most. The host, Paul Gottfried, a retired college professor and current editor of Chronicles, runs it like an academic conference you would have experienced a generation ago. That is, it is speeches and presentations around a topic, about which the speakers do not all agree. The idea is to give the attendees a range of opinions on the topic that is the theme of the event.

Of course, it is an older crowd. Most of the people involved in organizing are seniors, who were in the paleoconservative movement a generation ago. The event tends to focus on what went wrong with conservatism, as many of the people involved were purged by Buckley at some point. It is fair to say that they would like to see Conservative Inc. burn to the ground. As a result, there is a nostalgic quality to the event, as they tend to talk a lot about people and events from the past.

At dinner on Friday night. Paul Gottfried gave the opening talk and he was followed by someone calling himself Ed Martin. He is President of the Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund. He is also something of a curator of the life and times Phyllis Schlafly. His talk was mostly about Schlafly, but he also got into current politics a bit and it was an interesting reminder of just how detached the old conservative movement is from current reality. The word delusional kept coming to mind.

He kept insisting that the way forward was to keep pressing the old conservative agenda and that would overcome demographic reality. He thinks there are lots of votes out there just waiting for someone pitching conservatism. During the Q&A I was tempted to “groyper” him with a tough question about demographic reality, but I thought better of it. I realized that those nodding along were never going to face up to reality, so there would be no point in pressing the guy on the issue.

Sitting there as he talked about the conservative message, I realized that where “our thing” is going is out there beyond where the conservatives ran out of road. Every day, more and more people are realizing that the future in this land is never going to be like the past, so it is time to find an approach that fits the times. Guys like Ed Martin are sincere people, who mean well, but they are yesterday men who prefer to think about the past so they don’t have to think about the future…

The way these things work is there is a registration and cocktail reception then the dinner around 7:00 PM. I got my name tag and was chatting with Paul, when a very lovely young woman walked past. These affairs tend to be almost all male and this one is all older males, so it was good to see an attractive young woman. This is true of the more dissident events as well. There are plenty of women on this side of the great divide, but they don’t turn up at these events for whatever reason.

Anyway, a few minutes later she came up to us and introduced herself as a reader. I’m always flattered when people tell me they are fan. She is a very smart and interesting, so we chatted for a while. One of the things she brought up was how people she knows have the one exception to biology in their life. These people would join our team, but they have that one exception to the rule that keeps them tethered to the normie side of the great divide. It’s the old NAXALT problem.

NAXALT stands for “Not All (X) Are Like That” with X being some natural demographic grouping of people. It is the mistaken belief that because you can find one exception to the rule, that the general rule is invalid. For example, not all immigrants vote Democrat, so the observation that immigrants overwhelmingly support Democrats is somehow not true, despite the data. This is, of course, most commonly found when talking about the complexion of crime statistics. Ben Carson is more powerful that Table 43.

One suggestion I made was to explain the NAXALT fallacy in a different context that does not have the same emotional baggage. Instead of taking the issue head on, approach it from the direction of other non-political stuff. Re-condition their minds to accepting that exceptions don’t change the general rule. More important, we tend to live by the general rule. Once your normie friend is used to accepting the general rule in all other issues, they will be more prepared to accept it in our issues…

The event is smaller this year. I suspect the actuarial tables are more to blame than anything else. There’s also the fact that the paleos never did a good job courting young people into their ideas. In the 1980’s, when the great schism on the Right became obvious, the Buckley side was the cool and hip side, which naturally attracted the young people, while the paleo side was for our parents. It is a lesson that dissidents need to accept when it comes to organizing ourselves. We have to be intergenerational.

In fact, I’m increasingly convinced that we have to make an effort to tamp down the generational politics. I like a good Boomer joke as much as the next guy, but generational squabbling is just another form of brother war. The young guys in this thing are the future, but they cannot have a future without older generations to offer up advice and honest appraisals of their own past efforts. My generation was never going to amount to much, but we can be a cautionary tale for the next generation…

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4 years ago

Pretty sad when the first thing I think of when I read an attractive woman in a dissident event is Fed.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

Your instincts are sound. Think Maria Butina or Azra Turk.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

My thought exactly.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

You are probably right, and I hope Zman is aware of that reality.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

Fed is a safe guess. I usually assume she a grifter. Very few good looking women want to be active thought criminals. Hot babes tend to be attracted to causes that give them status or make them feel good.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

It’s a good instinct to be skeptical at first glance.

Which brings up a valid question: HOW do we balance “trust but verify” (at the micro level) with trusting those who are in our movement as a general rule.

I think the only way forward is what Z-man has said: let the process happen organically OVER TIME: like, 1-2 years’ time, as with his example of the biker dudes’ vetting process.

4 years ago

People have trouble with probabilistic thinking–so they substitute NAXALT as a heuristic that has the side benefit of making them feel better on an uncomfortable topic. I work in a world of probabilities and return periods–so have a more hard bitten mindset than most.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I noticed this last night, actually, while out for dinner with some normie friends. One ziocon, the rest moderates. Anyways, the waiter comes up and he is a tall, very muscular black man. He’s chatty and he speaks good English, not ebonics. Immediately the way the normie friends act completely changes. They enter into a state of submission. Suddenly one starts saying awkward things and laughing nervously. Another changes his speech pattern and starts saying “man” after each sentence. “I’ll get the wings, man”. It’s quite embarrassing and pathetic to see this kind of behavior. Obviously they have been taught… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Something in the wiring. I think blacks produce more testosterone, so possibly we react to their bearing, or to slightly to pheronomes. I think it’s more what they call a person’s “flow”- his bearing, the way they interact and carry themselves. Whites often hide themselves. With a black, they are who they are, what you see is what you get. Most males have in their palms- the wiring diagram- what I call the Negro line, based on the cervical cortex. It shows a rock-solid certainty of self, that “I ain’t always right, but I’m never wrong” attitude. Whites instinctively like… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Your experience is very different from mine,

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

I’m severely put off by cocksure swaggering and swanning about. It is simply vulgar behavior. There is a huge difference between quiet, justified self confidence and “certainty of self” built on a foundation of being too ignorant (or stupid) to know your own limitations and your place in the universe. Humility is a core Christian (and Western) virtue. There is good reason for that. And even if one fails at humility, there is the distinction between arrogance and conceit (to use Mike Williamson’s terminology). The arrogant man may be an asshole, but one who has the goods to back up… Read more »

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

I’ve experienced some variation on this theme so many times over the past 40 years that I’ve lost count. I will say that upper middle class whites are the worst offenders.
Working class whites either don’t do this, or it’s more sublimated.
Of course, there are working class whites that don’t like black people at all and don’t try to hide it. That’s always interesting to watch.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

One interpretation of mine is that the weird white reactions come from the realization that this particular black person is not going to rip your face off—it’s a relieved “thank you” of sorts, coming from those hyper-race-sensitive normies and Proggies. Many others have gotten over the whole race thing, partly by staying away from the wrong places at the wrong times (getting to be a greater proportion of everything, all the time), and simply assuming that the black waiter is just a normal guy, which it sounds like he was.

The Right Doctor
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Go to the symphony. For one, you’ll be in an extremely comfortable lack of diversity, in a crowd of well-above body temperature IQ. Squint and it’s 1947, peaceful segregation.

But go to a performance with a black soloist, whether singer or instrumentalist. Half the program will be devoted to today’s mascot. The way they treat him, they might as well put him on a chain, pat his head, and give him a bone. Nice doggie.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

You’re on to something. I’ve seen this myself. Normies I know in the family are inherently decent, loyal people. That extends to all—whether White or POC. Hence when one speaks of inherent racial/cultural/ethnic differences, NAXALT fallacy appears—even when such folk may agree upon the group differences you point out to them. I have always assumed this less of a fallacy of reason, than a failure to adequately explain/outline what place such POC would assume in a new reorganization of the present culture of “diversity”. I admit to being somewhat confused myself at times. Many here have an in-built hierarchy of… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

A pattern of behavior that I’ve observed to be common among white people, and honestly I’ve had to fight the instinct myself, that is mostly absent from pocs is reflexively defending people they don’t know over people that they do know.

I used to think that it was an internalization of some Christian precepts – casting the beam from your own eye – and -seeing Christ in the downtrodden. But the weird thing is that I’ve seen such behavior from people with no Christian education or history, who in fact in practice are anti-Christians.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Regarding the “It’s okay to be White” dustup at WCSU, I saw multiple comments on multiple threads along the lines of “Wouldn’t it be great if the person who put up the signs was Black?” “We should get some Black conservatives to put up these signs!” Or with regard to the Virginia election “Its not safe for blacks or Hispanics in Virginia. Taking away your guns is necessary before the Klan loving Governor begins lynching people of color and killing their babies.” I am actually surprised how little pushback I’ve gotten for saying things like “Stop hoping the magic Negro… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I also think that it’s something biological, which is why I suspect that there will be a serious culling of the white herd. There are plenty of us without that sickening gene.

That unforgiving bitch Nature doesn’t take too kindly to people who treat other people’s families (and that’s what ethnicity is) better than their own. She’s not going to put up that nonsense long.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago


It’s also crossed my mind that this is just an inherent flaw in white people which didn’t get exploited before. Somehow it was “exposed” by various enemies in the 20th century and is now weaponized against us. Us on the DR are the 0.01% that doesn’t have this defect…

Boeing didn’t know about the MCAS flaw before the crash…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Dunno ’bout that culling.
As Z notes, we are the only missionary race- and the only far explorers, too.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

“The only missionary race”.

Why missionize?

Win God’s favor and grow the tribe.

What happens when God dies?

No God to please, no tribe to grow.

What to do?

Find another God, join another tribe. The State and The family of man. Big brother and sublunary utopian humanism. The world is our tribe. If we can’t have a heaven in the sky, then by golly, we’ll have one here!

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The corrupt state is the main problem all the rest are just symptoms of it…Do you really think all the parasites could exist without the state forcing people to feed them… Until we figure out the numbers game we are going to continue to get fleeced and killed…

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Being the most empathetic race has its downside. The initial critique bites deep. Our gut instinct is to first ask ourselves “is he right” rather than thinking “Other-enemy- F that guy.”. The price of having a uniquely self-aware consciousness is a unique vulnerability. The abyss can stare back at us through that window no one else seems to have.

The upside is an aesthetic, spiritual and philosophical insight no one else can match. But first we have to learn how to to survive the unique vulnerabilities that ride shotgun.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

conservatives fawning over the blacks is repulsive. I will admit however that meeting a black not totally pozzed despite all the garbage that has been pumped into their community does illicit some amount of admiration from me. They usually swing very hard away from all the ghetto s***.

Kirk Forlatt
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

“Whites are the only missionary people.” There it is, ZMan. A succinct, weapons-grade summation.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

I find that agreeing with people and then taking their logic to its absurd conclusion is quite effective in getting them let their guard down at first and then make them think.

Here’s my NAXALT comeback: “Yeah, absolutely, blah, blah blah agreement. It’s like my sister. She’s 5’11” and yet I hear people say all the time that men on average are taller than women. I’ve even seen people say that to my sister. The proof that they’re wrong is literally staring them in the face.”

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Women (#NotAll) can only reason by their personal experience:

– “On average, men are better at heuristics than women”

– “That’s not true, because I’m really good at noticing patterns.”

4 years ago

I’m just waiting for the fighting to start. Otherwise life is pretty good, plenty of food, comfortable home, nice garden , lots to read, and I’m in a weird position where I can literally buy anything I want. I’m not particularly extravagant so that’s probably part of it but I haven’t had to say no to myself in a long time.

And congratulations on reaching the young attractive women stage of your career. I’m sure it’s intoxicating

Sperg Adjacent
Sperg Adjacent
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Woah, hey now, I resemble that remark.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

Me too. Dammit.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Get off my lawn. And this thread is worthless without pics.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

And here I went to all the trouble of sending you my photo.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Stay away from Vox Day’s “Popoli.” They hate folks like you with a passion.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Vox is a smug butthole.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

The correlation between “smug butthole” and “wrong” is very weak.

As a famous fictional character (Hey! They do have their uses!) once said, “It’s my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sumbitch or another.” — Malcolm Reynolds

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

“The correlation between “smug butthole” and “wrong” is very weak.”

Not on the left.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

So you’re saying the personable leftists are right? You go with that.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

It’s always a breath of fresh air when a “Firefly” reference is tossed out.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Quite true. But he’s right about a lot of things. He’s also doing things instead of talking about doing things. We can learn a lot from Vox even if don’t like him personally or agree about religion.

Besides, he has the best line that I’ve ever seen for explaining our world: They hate you and want you dead.

I throw that line out every once in a while over at Steve Sailer when they’re debating endlessly about why the Left is doing something. I can feel the discomfort.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Vox is all tweaked because his dad is a psychopathic criminal, in prison. Kind of hard to see yourself as superior with that taint on your forehead. Comes out as intense America hatred; to the point he is effectively a traitor. Weak males are attracted to him, while the rest of us enjoy his geek show for what it is.

Kudzu Bob
Kudzu Bob
Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

How many times did you try to sneak back in after Vox banned you, anyway?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

That was Sam Hyde, and he said, “Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it’s funny.”

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Actually, I never go there but now I’m curious. Why would they hate me?

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

There’s a lot of internecine hatred going around. The New Right is a marching army and quarrels when garrisoned in Camp. I always say Attack, ATTACK The Left because otherwise there’s infighting.

Same happens with combat units BTW.

Sir Balin
Sir Balin
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Whitney, what kind of stuff do you read? You said, lots to read

4 years ago

I’m less forgiving because I think the second- biggest resistance factor the pre-Millenial Xers & Boomers have vs the red pill (after NAxALT) is their delusion that our extremism is the evil force holding back the Red Tide of natural minority conservatives. True-believer cons forsaken in Clown World are like the dejected believers amid the Black Death. Unable or unwilling to identify the pathogen (racial incompatibility and genetic limits) or its vectors (you know who), they either turn inward and flail their sinning selves or lash out at the sinners whose depraved TruthSpeak has angered Morgan Freeman on-high. For those… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Notice that black people never have this NAxALT issue. As a matter of fact, it’s a white phenomenon. It likely comes from classes in logic and mathematics. White people mostly know the difference between a hypothesis and a theorem. White people are very hesitant to turn out new theorems because THE RULES say no. What white people need to learn is that where we’re going, there are no rules. We need to take a page from Shanequa who begins every sentence with “White people be like…”

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

One of the most civilized examples of sticking the shiv in on this issue comes from John Derbyshire: Here is a typical example of an extremely common response. (I took it from the comment thread on my April 12 TakiMag column, but there are dozens like it elsewhere — given the web-wide volume of commentary on this piece, quite likely hundreds.) Please tell this black woman who is a devoted mother, professional woman, cat lover, and gardener, and Ivy league graduate about her inherent nature and intelligence. Do tell! Now, it’s well known that I hate to give offense… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile: Your usual incisive, top-notch comment.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

“Every day, more and more people are realizing that the future in this land is never going to be like the past.” – That’s because we never lived it. It’s the ones who did live it that still have hope. We’ve only known decline, from the moment they wheeled the TV into the classroom to watch that teacher burn to death in orbit. It was all downhill from there. Our generation is unique in that we never really had heroes. Athletes for sure, but that’s not the same. I’m actually fine with that, heroes are overrated. You have to be… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

JR Wirth: “That’s because we never lived it.” That truth is a gut punch for me, and not a new one. Every day I look at my sons and realize they’ve never known the kind of world I grew up in, although we did everything we could to ameliorate the worst of this one (Christian schools, stay-at-home mom, etc.). But the elders need to accept this truth as well. The past was far from perfect and contained the seeds of the present. We must create a new and different future rather than yearn for what’s gone forever.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Yes, so many parents make this mistake. They raise their kids as if it’s 1980 and whatever crazy stuff the kids are doing is just a “youthful stage” – when in fact negro worship is for life not just a stage. They also are not careful enough about what their children are being taught in school. Look, their generation is only 50% white. It’s INEVITABLE that they will come into contact with 3rd worlders. I know for a FACT that dozens or hundreds or white, upper middle class boys are hanging out with Somali and Arab drug dealers. Remember these… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Every day I look at my sons and realize they’ve never known the kind of world I grew up in

A friend told me this anecdote about his teenage daughter.

“When I was a kid, we had no computers.”

(Awed silence. Then:)

“But how did you go on the internet?”

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

We have heroes, lots of them—but they are less and less heroes who set examples of overcoming obstacles of birth or education, succeeding against great adversity, or self sacrificing for the greater common good.

No, today our heroes are victims. We are now a society that worships victimhood. And of course, the result is that we all more and more aspire to such status. Sigh.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Compsci: “No, today our heroes are victims.” This. My husband gets disgusted as every soldier who ever got shot down or wounded or sacrificed is paraded as a hero. No, they are generally victims. The hero is the one who, despite his safety, ensures more of the enemy are killed and/or demoralized. Saving one’s own is inherently good and should come naturally; there’s nothing automatically heroic about it.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

3g4me, I agree with you on the military as heroes thing. I’m military myself, have done numerous deployments, but have never seen combat or in any other way been “tested” to see just what my mettle is. I cringe when anyone refers to me as a hero just because I wear a uniform. I’ve met a few who I would regard as in that category, and I’m just not one of them. Like most, I’d like to think that when/if the time comes, I would rise up to the task, but it ain’t happened yet, and I’m okay with that.… Read more »

Reply to  Outdoorspro
4 years ago

Most older vets I know have a reflexive “I’m not a hero, the guys who died are” response to this. We still see a few guys around the bases in SoCal wearing their unis off-duty even though it’s prohibited unless going to-from, as I understand it, mostly Bush II era enlistees, FWIW. Even the Prog Marines I know (yes, that’s a thing, saints preserve us) will talk sh*t about their service but won’t “hero” themselves. My service girlfriends, sadly, have universally labeled themselves disabled veterans for washing out of boot camp, SSRI abuse, PTSD (without experiencing any TS), etc… Any… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

“today our heroes are victims. We are now a society that worships victimhood” Indeed. And in every domain. (Even Olympic athletes are depicted as poor victims who inevitably had to overcome some terrible handicap.) But while this omnipresent victimhood is sad, it is not at all surprising. After all, we have outsourced our contemporary mythology (i.e. Hollywood), our news media, and academia (excluding only a few rapidly shrinking islands of STEM) to those whose central existential mythos is one of victimhood. What’s worse is that victimhood (or rather the belief that one is a victim) breeds resentment, and resentment breeds… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Mike, well put.

4 years ago

The generational pissing contests were never a smart thing by our side. To be blunt it is self-destructive as hell. Lets be clear the average joe or jane in this country has very little say in important issues. For most example Americans didn’t want NAFTA or a host of rigged free trade agreements that only benefited the top .5% of the population, but it became law anyway. Keeping our borders wide open was a bipartisan affair for some time since both parties are beholden to big business who is in love with cheap labor. We didn’t want endless war with… Read more »

4 years ago

Coming as I do from the Before Times, when we were all still civil, and my family had not yet been infected by proggie ideology (we’re going waaaaaay back)…those men you despise were actually un-sung heroes. They recognized the difference between black people and niggers and made sure they knew it too. Black people that worked hard, were industrious and devout were accorded cordial and polite respect. Niggers were shamed and beat down. Often blacks did it and policed themselves. Do you remember the cry in those days? There were all these good, hard working, church going blacks that only… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

At some point you will need to deal with these issues if your movement is to succeed.

Good advice.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Nobody thinks all X are like anything. But your desire to run with NAXALT has been a complete and total failure. The desire to not offend the one African American you know who is not like the stereotype has led to ridiculous outcomes, like murder being OK if the killer can convince a jury their victim used the N-word or how an argument between a random white and random black on a train becomes a worldwide story covered by major press outlets on multiple continents. Instead of kvetching about not offending that one person or (more realistically) people like you,… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

Dissidents in general have pretty much the same opinion of black people that Frederick Douglass did. Flattery is an amazingly destructive force.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

Also sprach Tars_Tarkusz, “…reflect on how your generation failed in virtually every measurable way to conserve anything.”

Tars might reflect on how his generation is working hard at making everything worse. Boomers started breaking down society, but succeeding cohorts are shredding anything that remains.

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

I was not referring to Boomers. I don’t even know if he is one. TBH, I think he is Silent. Gen-X is even worse than Boomers, but Gen-Xers don’t see themselves as a generational cohort and never had any delusions of grandeur about saving the world and other such nonsense. The Millennial children of Boomers are worse than the Millennial children of Gen-Xers. None of this changes the fact that they aren’t here saying we have to worry about him or that miraculous African American he loves so much. That is what is so grating about his kvetching. You would… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

Silencing the “opposition” is a sure tell your argument is weak. Perhaps an proposed outline for the future aim and growth of the movement would be more productive than blaming other generations for what you feel are their short comings. Internal squabbles produce nothing but distraction.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I’m not silencing anyone. I’m saying we need not take advice from people who failed in every conceivable way!

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

We Boomers did everything we were taught, all the generations do.

That’s why it’s dangerous to allow unfiltered poison into the information stream.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Easy question: The answer is that you and the rest of us will accord all due respect and comity to individuals of other races, creeds and colors who deserve it. As Zman has said in the past, “noticing things” doesn’t equate to indiscriminately “hating” entire population cohorts. The existence of groups who prefer to live among and support their own people—as do many Blacks, Jews, Asians, Latinos, homosexuals, Mormons and so forth—doesn’t mean that all of them “hate” everyone else, or even want to obstruct or impede them (although that is observably often exactly the case, depending on the group).… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

How do the Amish deal with outsiders – good or bad?

There’s your answer.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Yes, but the Amish create their own communities within the local (larger) community. They have some autonomy—usually religious—with regard to their community, but in the end they must conform to general values/conditions of the larger community.

Not sure this situation is a solution to the general problems/solutions the group here discusses as I don’t see it scaling up to encompass millions of Whites seeking homeland(s).

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

You’re strawmanning us here, John. Of course none of us are saying that all people in groups are the same. You’re deliberately misrepresenting us in the left-wing manner.

You have to judge individuals as individuals and groups as groups. And public policies are usually about groups.

I think most of our guys think of groups in terms of bell curves and similar statistical aggregations, which is the correct way to think about groups with respect to political action.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Hilltop
4 years ago

Sorry if you got that impression. I am not trying to strawman or accuse anyone of anything. I am a Yesterday Man myself. You younger ones know what you know of blacks, SJW’s, queers, etc – because men like me were the first to get mugged and sand bagged by them. Coming to this side from The Hive as I did – I know how those people think… perhaps even better than our esteemed blog host does. Speaking from the trash can of history as I do – NAXALT is a valid argument to the people you need to convince.… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

“You younger ones know what you know of blacks, SJW’s, queers, etc – because men like me were the first to get mugged …” Well said. There seems to be thought prevalent today with some here that the “Boomers” got all of the pie, leaving the future generations in want. Also, that the Boomers were directly responsible for the state we are in. Both are arguable. There were 77M Boomers in the US. Dying off fast, maybe not fast enough for some. 😉 None-the-less that represents 25-30% of the population. 80% of the wealth in this country is held by… Read more »

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I don’t think the onus is on dissidents to make a case for anything at this point. Reality is going to intercede quite soon in the lives of the NAXALTS and others. Blacks and Jews need to deal with their own problems of demonizing anyone in their crowd who expresses the slightest affinity for out-group ideas. Except they never do. Instead, it’s our problem to adapt our message to them. Why? It wasn’t the dissident right that moved us from the Before Times you speak of to today. We didn’t destroy the traditional black family. We didn’t insert porn and… Read more »

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

I think that a lot of good-natured normies wrongly project their own good-naturedness on others, and think they will just leave us alone, just as we would be happy to leave them alone.

But right now members of another tribe (no bonus points for guessing which one) are pouring over lists of the demographics of western cities, looking for mostly white cities into which they can unleash packs of young men from third-world countries.

The harsh truth is that sooner or later we’ll probably have to make them leave us alone.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

Reality already has, in my case AR. I sent a beautiful, intelligent daughter off to university 11 or 12 years ago, and got back an angry, petulant lesbian SJW. At the time I had no idea what she had become, and more importantly – why. Nobody knew what an SJW was or how they worked. You are right that it is not fair that you should be the ones trying to convince people of obvious things that should be common sense. But it is what it is: the vast herds of Normies out there have a choice. They can hoist… Read more »

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

I get it. And I appreciate the answer. I know that it’s coming for me. I’ve tried to discuss this with others in my life. They don’t want to hear it. I’m the most mild-mannered, philosophical type imaginable. When I speak from that position, I’m shouted over and mocked. When I adopt a more aggressive tone, I’m called “violent” or “threatening.” When I try to sail between them, people get bored. I’ve tried wearing about a dozen different hats in my day, and none ever seemed to get through to the half-dozen or so close friends in my life, nor… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

“their screeds are met with derisive laughter from the public” There is a big divide. The right side of the aisle is waking up to the farce of conservative Inc and the lying press. The left side of the aisle is doubling down and becoming more strict in their beliefs. For them politics is a religion now.

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

I bet that’s what the Kulaks thought as well and look what happened to them…If we truly want Liberty we have to have the power to make that happen which comes from banding together and enforcing our will…

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

You make a lot of good points. The right keeps wanting to appeal to people based on reason and people make emotional decisions especially in our modern feminine centric world where even men are starting to think and act like women. The majority of whites are not going to become race realists until they have no choice and that may never happen. I can imagine that there are plenty of university educated whites living in gated communities and high security condosin South Africa who hate race realism. All we can do is lead a sane life and be a honest… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

John Smith: “At some point you will need to deal with these issues if your movement is to succeed.” Why must Whites “deal” with the rare exceptions in other racial or ethnic groups? Is there some inherent obligation engraved upon the White European soul that he must uplift and accommodate the ‘other’ of purported good will? No one here, I would argue, would disagree that those exceptions exist. Most understand, however, that accommodating the exceptions negates the entire political and moral philosophy that underpins the dissident right. Your Negro friend may well be a decent and upright man – does… Read more »

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

1. “No one here, I would argue, would disagree that those exceptions exist. Most understand, however, that accommodating the exceptions negates the entire political and moral philosophy that underpins the dissident right.” WRONG. 2. “Your Negro friend may well be a decent and upright man – does that then require you to share your home with him, or marry your daughter to him?” ABSOLUTELY NOT. 3. “That’s what you are really demanding when you insist Whites ‘deal’ with him.” FALSE CONCLUSION. 4. “We have no inherent obligation to the other, other than the courtesy and respect we owe any stranger.”… Read more »

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Jim Smith: 1. The basic premise of the dissident right is that reality matters, and regarding people, biology is reality. DNA>culture>politics. A large majority of the d-right wants separate nations for separate peoples – i.e. ethnostates. You are arguing that within those ethnostates, accommodation must be made for the NAXALTS . . . those whose apparent beliefs and/or behavior contradicts their genetic predilections. You are ignoring their friends, relatives, future marriage partners, and most importantly reversion to the mean. You are the one wrong here. 2. One’s nation is one’s home. Inviting into the ethnostate those whose entire genome and… Read more »

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

“You are arguing that within those ethnostates, accommodation must be made for the NAXALTS.” I never said that, nor did I imply it, and here I explicitly deny it. Any conclusion to the contrary is unwarranted. Let’s not let emotional reactions interfere with rational calculation and judgment.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

I do not disagree with you. The other day our blog host did a bit on outreach, establishing communities and increasing numbers. To me that’s critical. I think – as he does – the movement is in serious danger of growing far too large and far too fast. Red pills are raining from the heavens and pelting the pozzed and Normie alike! The leaders of the movement are in perilous times – There is serious danger of nutters and fags like Vox Day and Milo co-opting the movement and sinking it the same way they did with the Alt Right.… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Were I in charge, when the NAXALT goes “What about me?”… I would turn it around and answer them with the exact same question: “Well… what, exactly, about you? What do you have to offer us? Can you bring anything to the table of our community? Sorry – we have no need of diversity and vibrancy, and if that is all you have, there are others out there for whom that is important. If you want a spot here, are you willing to adopt our values?” See that’s what we are saying John we don’t need them at all no… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

“If you want a spot here, are you willing to adopt our values?”

You are a civnat.

Reply to  Michaeloh
4 years ago

Civnat or natal nat, both need to contend with rejection of national values and norms.

Nationalism can’t exist in any context without some form of expulsion. The nation decides who belongs, not the member.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

So, that level of nuance only applies to how white people see the world right? I mean in all the other races it’s okay if they see white people as just some monolith? They’re not expected to see nuance. That makes NAXALT kind of racist. You don’t want to be a racist do you?

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

We are individuals in only a very limited sense.We are born communal creatures always dependent upon others within our social milieu.  Our personal standards and behaviors gravitate to the social norm built upon millennia after millennia of social evolution.  As a group we would exhibit this behavior in a normal distribution (a symbiotic relationship between the elements within the group). The well mannered or accomplished Black is also tied to his bio-cultural group no matter where he was born and grew up.  He has a natural affinity and desire to mingle with at least some Blacks. If he is the… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Yves Vannes: Very well argued and said.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Not so fast. Yves said, “If he is the first black to join your circle he becomes the ‘Seed Negro’. You approve of him and see him as one of you. Very noble. A few years down the road you now have 4 Seed Negros in your group.” First, no one in any group has any obligation to accept into their group a “Seed Anyone.” So don’t. And the first sentence above doesn’t automatically mandate what is described in the last. So if you have a “Seed” and don’t want to add any more Seeds, don’t. Perfectly legitimate.There are truths… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Damned good description of the process. Clan-tribe-race affinity (in that order) will on average overcome any weaker bond. As Felix Krull noted about Copenhagen Blacks, they’re tractable because they don’t have critical mass numbers for a sub-culture. In smaller numbers they generally keep their heads down, try to blend in and behave because resident Danes, Arabs & Turks don’t care for them & will push back. As Rasmus Paludan notes, the Arabs and Turks have those numbers, so unfortunate Danes feel pushback from them. Z’s Spencer post + your comment are really making me re-think how I depict White identity.… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Drove through Ferguson some months after the late excitement. I was surprised at how un-ghetto-like was the part I crossed. Did some back and forth on the streets; looked like it had once been one of those now lost, originally comfortable American locations.

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

You still at your same location Brother and if you are would you be interested in meeting up for coffee or dinner? If yes contact me here at


Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

“How DO you intend to deal with blacks that behave themselves and want better lives for themselves and have something to contribute to yours? Ditto for like minded Jews?” Simple. They aren’t my people. I have no obligation to any black – good or bad – because they aren’t my people. Our job is to sow the seeds for a new community of our people, a home for our extended family and our extended family alone, just as my house is for my family alone. What some individual from another people is like doesn’t matter to me. He has his… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I’d suggest apartheid. Strictly-segregated White ethnic core areas, a mixed fringe where those who chose to NAxALT could NAxALT and the degenerate urban free cities for those who prefer multi-culti. Let those who flaunt the rule of averages Bear the consequences, let those who respect the rule reap the benefits.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The apartheid you speak of needs to be de facto, not legislated. This means old school thinking and tactics. Build a tight ethno- and cultural community around you, very tight. Which means that the “seed” whoever, is going to be very uncomfortable to actually be in that community. So innocent and accidental seeds don’t happen. If an outsider simply forces his way in, because of “muh rights”, then offense has been given, and offense is quickly and violently given back, from the violated and offended community. Isn’t this how every other ethno- and cultural community operates? It all comes back… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

That’s how it has to start. 100 years from now I’d like to see it legislated. I said much the same in my normie-Con anti-Muzzie phase – my racism was expressing itself in the only approved category. Make them feel unwelcome & be overtly hostile when necessary. “You are not part of this community, don’t belong and never will.” It wouldn’t take long for self-deportations to ramp up under Jim Crow levels of social pressure. Violence would be less necessary over time as well, once the hardcore “muh rights” crowd (and their Talmudic agitators) were encouraged to make their respective… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Freedom of association would accomplish a lot of that. But that’s the last thing libertarian conservatives will actually argue for…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Amen on that Brother…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Just keep in mind that you will not be allowed to keep your non multicultural community. Members of the tribe openly talk about how they are working to diversify white dominate areas. This includes indoctrination, forced settling of immigrants, Section 8 housing and lawsuits. There will be no white safe places eventually except for the truly wealthy neighborhoods away from Asian communities and very poor rural areas.

Reply to  My_Comment
4 years ago

This is a standard response to any constructive White pushback. I’m doing a full post on it for my own site rollout – the “argument from impracticality.” Abridged version – this argument is a variation of Z’s “Magic Jew Theory.” Assuming Jews & their orcish footsoldiers will win every future confrontation b/c Clown World laws, Empire army, cops, ad nauseum serves no purpose but to demoralize Whites into giving up. Being realistic and being demoralized are two different things. At some point, our willingness and ability to fight or move on outweighs their willingness and ability to repress us, at… Read more »

Mark Auld
Mark Auld
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Please let us know when and where your site is up…I like your thinking.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I have the area Brother and you have the words to draw them in so let’s get this done…😉

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

“I have no obligation to any black – good or bad – because they aren’t my people.” Not quite. I repeat—“We have no inherent obligation to the other, other than the courtesy and respect we owe any stranger….They are not us, and they are not our responsibility, and we are not their keepers.” Note the “inherent obligation” in there? I argue that’s the answer to the NAXALT conundrum. It’s common sensical, easily understandable, acceptable to normies, and neither harms nor marginalizes the DR in the eyes of rational people.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I must agree, we can’t walk that cat back.
So many, many damm cats.

Neanderthals, I’m sure, dreamed of a sabertooth-free country.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

Thank you! My family has both white and black members, but we are all worried about the future of the US, and none of us vote democrat. Kids are all being homeschooled and they are really good kids. But there is enough racial animosity on some of these boards to make us wonder where do WE go if the SHTF? Being in the belly of the beast (California) we are also friends with many conservative Patriots who don’t fit the northern European model.

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

Does those black members understand that more of them equals Africa…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

With all due respect, they aren’t African, they are American because that’s how they were raised and how they identify. While my cousin who is a whiter shade of pale is a virulent socialist who hates our guts because we voted for Trump. Who is the bigger danger in that context, people who just want to be left the hell alone, or someone who would love to see dissidents dumped into camps? Personally think it’s foolish in the extreme to exclude like minded people because they don’t fit the Aryan ideal, as Franklin said “we must indeed hang together, or… Read more »

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago


Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

I’m glad you exposed yourself so easily…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

yes, you’ve foiled me evil plan, so here it is straight up. After reading here for awhile, there are a couple of things you’ve gotten right, like the impacts of mass migration and cultural dilution. However, think you’re setting yourself up for failure because you’re whittling your core constiuency down to a very small group. Not my circus, not my monkeys though.

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

This is civic nationalism. See Yves Vannes comment above for how mixing plays out over time. Race is necessary (if not sufficient) for ethnic identity. Non-Whites and mixed races are going to have to accept actual separation, otherwise we’re just repeating the Second Founding mistakes. Peace through separation – they can have their own community and we can respect each other, even cooperate, but only as separate polities. Those Whites who favor their NAxALTs over their co-ethnics are going to have to live in the mixed community, if it will have them. Core ethnic areas should be White, with mixing… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Apartheid worked.
As one Colored (dot-Indian) in SA said,
“Before, we complained because some were less safe. Now… none of us are safe.”

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Of course, all it took was was one stubborn yenta in South Africa’s Pariament…

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

So you didn’t answer my question like I figured but I will just say this not for you because your delusion is to entrenched but for others that might be on the fence…Why is it that those who have that NAXALT mentality always and I mean always want to live amongst white folk…They never ever get on blacks about wanting to live amongst them and that they have to accommodate white folk…We all know the answer to that question…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Did you ever think it’s not race but values based? Maybe you aren’t used to this, but I personally share more trad American values with my mixed race compadres then I do with the majority of my lily white family members who have defaulted to the progressive side. Not saying race/ethnicity is a complete non factor, but it is often less important then you think.

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

See that’s the mistake you make you base everything on what’s going on in your little world never realizing that the big picture matters…It’s all about percentage and if there is more than a certain percentage then your place starts looking third world…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Didn’t say that race/ethnicity is a complete non factor. However, there’s a happy medium out there, where people with similar values and different backgrounds can live together peacefully. And I’m quite well aware of demographic change and the impacts thereof, especially given where I live. Have watched as my state has become illegal alien central with the corresponding decline in quality of life. It affects me and my family right up close and personal every day. For example, son held up in broad daylight by an illegal. Husband’s office locked down because two 15 year old cgangbangers attacked an LEO… Read more »

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

However, there’s a happy medium out there, where people with similar values and different backgrounds can live together peacefully. Ohh boy see this is why you shouldn’t be allowed to vote because you think with your emotions…You believe in Majic Dirt Theory instead of genetics…The only way your way of thinking works is when you have a majority white country…Have you seen what’s going on in SA…I don’t know why I’m even taking the time to make you see reason because obviously you just don’t get it and don’t want too until it’s killed off every thing you hold dear… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I don’t have to “understand’ what’s going on in South Africa. I see the results of open borders policy every day in my own back yard. It is a hugely, hugely destructive force. And i.most definitely do not support it, or vote for it. But I also know that there’s a demographic reality in states like California that requires looking outside individual ethnic cliques for political support. Especially given the high rate of heritage American progressivism. Maybe that’s what you can’t see or understand unless you’ve lived here. And making personal cracks doesn’t change the reality on the ground, though… Read more »

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

Veth I think you are making the same mistake that John Smith is making: namely that one can afford civic nationalism because one can simply pick and choose the finest people of each race to be in ones little club. Theoretically civic nationalsm works if one theoretically eliminates the undesirables from society. But how is that supposed to work? How does one exclude undesirable immigrants, or their undesirable children who are not yet born? How does one exclude thugs and parasites from the neighborhood and the schools? The answer is that it is very difficult for one tribe to police… Read more »

Reply to  Michaeloh
4 years ago

We don’t necessarily disagree that given human nature there should be a solid ethnic/cultural majority to ensure a.more peaceful existence in a given country. But that particular ship has sailed here in the US based on past political decisions. So, triage. There are people out there who do not look exactly like me who are friends and allies on things like border security, and I think it’s downright dumb to freeze those folks out.

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

Freezing folks out is dumb politics. It doesn’t mean that they are tribe, it just means they are (often temporary) political allies. One way of thinking about this is to realize that 1) we are all members of a team, whether we like it or not. 2)Teams compete for resources, and the stakes are real. 3) You are not strong enough to succeed on your own. 4) Only your team cares about you, although individual members of competimg teams may care for you. 5) Ultimately the survival and prosperity of your progeny depend upon the success of your tribe. It… Read more »

Reply to  Michaeloh
4 years ago

I’m curious as to where you draw the line as to tribe. For example, half white/black homeschooled kids? Part German/Iranian/Hispanic? Part French/Hispanic? Scotch Irish Latter Day Saint? Chinese/Portuguese/German? Korean /English kids? Polish/Sioux? Long term American Hispanic? These are all the types folks I interact with/am friends with and we share a common culture/values. What percentage of “other” makes someone unacceptable/a threat to you and your kids?

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

Have you ever noticed that everyone in America votes thier tribe (except whites)?

Reply to  Michaeloh
4 years ago

But the people I’m talking about do vote their tribe, American conservative, as opposed to a racial/ethnic grouping. I’m
really interested in which of the individuals I’ve mentioned wouldn’t make it under your rules. Because given what you’re saying in the previous post, I’m guessing none, except maybe Scotch Irish LDS. But I could be wrong and I’m really wondering how this would play out on a larger scale. The old one drop rule? The 1/8th rule for Indian tribes? Or has that not been thought out?

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

Since 90% of black votes, 70% of hispanic votes, 80-90% of Jewish votes and some similarly lopsided number of asians votes go to the Democrats it really, really should be clear to you that tribe matters in really important ways. Your civic nationalist society is being outvoted and demolished by Democrats. What is replacing it is the Identity Politics society you oppose. I dont welcome it. I just observe it. Your side has been losing for 50 years. The defeat of civnattery is so far advanced that no civnat can now be nominated for President in the Democrat Party. Republicans… Read more »

Reply to  Michaeloh
4 years ago

Given that I live in California I’m pretty much exposed to the limits of Civ Nat every day. I don’t really need to explore that any more as I live it constantly. What I’m trying to figure out is where those of us, who are not “pure” by virtue of race or belief but who are American in culture and values, are going to fit when the experiment finally ends. We are the people who see the limits of Civ Nat under hostile mass migration, but who also support our fellow Americans who may not match us in ethnicity, but… Read more »

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

Whatever happens will have nothing to do with my desires. That horse is out of the barn as you said yourself. Once the vast majority of surviving gringos abandon civ nat cucking the whites, like all other tribes everywhere, will determine thier membership. Some, like the orthodox Jews very strictly. Others, like the blacks less so. Its not up to you. Or me. I think you waste your time playing the guilt card on whitey. The triumph of Identity Politics means the guilt card no longer plays.

Reply to  Michaeloh
4 years ago

Believe me, you are way overthinking this. I asked for factual clarification on a specific topic (who would YOU accept into your ethnostate), and it appears that you aren’t comfortable with it. No worries. Could care less about guilt or race cards or any of that baloney. Just gathering info that will be useful to protect MY family during the coming Great Tribulation.

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

Wherever I move to we/I will not be able to control who else moves there. We can flee tyranny and hope that those who depend on it stay behind. Ultimately they will follow us; that is a consequence of promises not possible to keep. Before I pass on I want to have in place a well stocked property for my offspring. They will need it more than I do and there is time for me to make it ready. If it is an ethnostate, so be it. My white in-laws and a sibling have been warned to take heed but… Read more »

4 years ago

Conservatives can’t accept race realism and cling to NAXALT because instinctive compassionate European morality dictates that you do not judge a person by a quality that the person did not choose, like race.

Yet demographic reality overwhelms racial outliers. I recently persuaded my Mom. “When you import lots of black people, crime is going to rise dramatically, even if we wish it wasn’t true.” For whatever reason, my words finally reached her and she agreed.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Redpilling women is a hundred times harder than redpilling men. I tip my hat to you, sir.

Reply to  Doppelbadger
4 years ago

Women have a greater need to respond emotionally, yes we all do, but women more so. So when a man attempts red pilling from his strength—an intellectual pragmatic, fact based argument, he often fails. Or is less persuasive. But emotion works on all of us. My father was anti-gun his whole life. After the war, he had “no use for them”. I was never able to really counter his feelings on the matter and as a son, deferred to him. Of course the result was that he lived in an anti-gun state/city, which because of residents like him, became more… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Wonder if your dad will ever beg for forgiveness for all the people that were killed because of his vote to take away their right to defend themselves…I know it’s your dad but I would of asked him what about all those who don’t have people on the outside to help them…

4 years ago

As for Women not showing up. Women – excepting Jewish Women, Lesbians, and some other outlier ethnic groups – aren’t rebels. They’re conformists. And most of them, despite the constant Feminist propaganda, take only a half-heated interest in politics. I don’t imagine many young women would prefer a wonky Political discussion over a party or shopping. Further, the Left attracts more women because they attract the outliers, AND because they’re in effect bribing women with promises of special privilege, power and money.

Reply to  Rcocean
4 years ago

Women – excepting Jewish Women, Lesbians, and some other outlier ethnic groups – aren’t rebels.

Are those examples really rebels? They are promoting the establishment gospel. Even in the days before that was mainstream gospel, it was the message approved by their people.

Reply to  Rcocean
4 years ago

I’ve always taken a single woman’s interest in politics as a big red flag Married women have kids to protect so it’s only a small red flag, but for single women it’s almost always a sign of feminism, even in Our Thing. A single woman is 95% likely to be interested in politics to leverage her own power & status, not that of her future man, family or existing clan. California provides me a jaded sample of femininity so take this with a grain of salt but our poison has infected all but the most based and outlying areas by… Read more »

4 years ago

I run into this stumbling block all the time. Recently I had a pretty lengthy Disqus thread with a CivNat. The penultimate comment was this: Well, as someone whose family tree includes mostly mongrel (including nonwhite), I don’t particularly care if the lilywhite purebreds who were here before 1870 liked things better before the swarthy folk came. (Though to be fair my family tree also includes Cherokee, who also feel their nation was better before the country club people came. And at least one card-carrying Daughter of the American Revolution – who betrayed her people* by marrying an Eastern… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

It’s the hubris of many whites. They believe that they are the pinnacle of human development and that all the earth’s people will want to become just like them. The CivNat and the SJW start from the same spot.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Citizen: “The CivNat and the SJW start from the same spot.” Excellent point, and one Zman keeps manfully hammering away at. All those who reflexively return to the decent exceptions, muh liberty, etc. do not want to face this reality. Accept the SJW values (fairness, equality, liberty/license, etc.) and you end up at the same spot as they will, just a bit more slowly.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Gosh. 1) “Terrylan” must have been a troll. 2) I admire your restraint. (That used to be the point where Bill Wolf or Tango would enter quoting the immigration acts of 1790, et seq. ) I guess a lot of folks have been banned. It doesn’t seem anywhere near as lively over there as it used to be. Although the occasional post generates 100+ responses.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

No, I don’t think he’s a troll — I’m the troll. He’s fairly regular and a very typical civnat. Bill Wolf and TangoMan are still around. I can on occasion manage to be extremely patient because I give zero shits about either “winning” the argument or convincing the moron that he’s wrong. Every post I do is just meant to plant a seed in someone else who happens by it, not just by what I say but through the responses to it. Narrative disruption. I look forward to the days when I get to troll (((Charles Glasser))), because he’s not… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Strongly agree. We have no idea of how things are going to play out. Patiently planting seeds is a good tactic.

4 years ago

There’s also the fact that the paleos never did a good job courting young people into their ideas. In the 1980’s, when the great schism on the Right became obvious, the Buckley side was the cool and hip side, which naturally attracted the young people, while the paleo side was for our parents. Conservatism (for lack of a better word) becomes appealing with maturity. Youth is a time of rebellion and exploration. Imagining that the world is malleable, pushing boundaries and chasing short term pleasure. It’s only with experience and maturity that people realize and accept that some things just… Read more »

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

Wouldn’t that only make leftism the rebellious cause when it isn’t the dominant culture?

I think the left works hard to curate this idea that they are rebels fighting against a dominant culture. Many even believe it.

4 years ago

Darren Beattie was fired from Trump’s White House when it was discovered he had given a speech at Mencken.

4 years ago

Zman – clever man, to introduce the NAXALT problem via an attractive young woman, when really what you experienced at Mencken was exactly that issue, IMHO. No, I’m not a fan of Gottfried, but consider – in his own way he’s exactly that NAXALT. He claims only the poorer, Russian Jews were the problem in the West, as opposed to the wealthier, more educated German Jews (i.e. his ancestors), who caused no problems. Yet Emma Lazarus of muh poem fame was a wealthy Jew whose ancestors arrived many decades before all the Russians, and she was still an ardent Zionist.… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Agree on PG. The only “based Jews” who seem to transcend ethnocentrism and don’t try to lawyer for exceptions are Shamir & Atzmon. Glow-in-the dark “based Jew” the Rebbe, for instance, lawyers for the good Torah Jews vs. evil Talmudic Jews distinction but somehow ends up arguing for “war with Iran now b/c muh Izrul, Muzzies Evil” anyway.

Sidenote – Shamir’s RationalWiki entry says he “claims” to be Jewish. Look at the guy. I don’t need a 23 & Me, he looks like Notorious RBG’s grandson, for Yahweh’s sake.

4 years ago

NAXALT is a Moral Argument. A highly emotional one. As Z has so insightfully pointed out. Well intentioned. Tied into the Need to be Better Than. Above. Activating all the brain chemicals that reward a ‘cherished belief’. You don’t change something that powerful with logic. Perhaps you can undermine its foundation with gentle humor. Poke light fun at the abstract. The Neurologist living in the Trailer Park doesn’t make his neighbors smarter. He’s the exception. He’s Exceptional. Probably the only Neurologist living in a Trailer Park in the entire country. What does that mean? His neighbors are more likely to… Read more »

4 years ago

The problem with most of the Paleo’s is they didn’t want to fight. The Neo-Cons more or less took over without much of a struggle, and all the Paleo’s did was talk about how “Ungentlemanly” they were, and how the Paleo’s wouldn’t stoop to their level. Anyway, as Z man says, they’re too old to change, and are living in the past. Freud said “Anatomy is Destiny” and in politics “Demographics is Destiny”. If Hispanics vote 70-30 D, no matter what, and Blacks Vote 85-15 D , no matter what, and the other immigrants vote 60-40 D, then once you… Read more »

Reply to  Rcocean
4 years ago

You mean the Paleos like Buchanan. Francis, Sobran, Fleming, Brimelow, Taylor, Derbyshire. Really?

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Exactly. How do we fight? More importantly, how do we fight effectively? Even Conservative Inc. Buckley-types appeared to be fighting, but to no lasting difference. Paleos tried harder than Most, risked more, lost more and had even less impact. Recognizing there’s a problem is the first step of recovery. If there’s some kind of long term solution, it’s in hyper-local groups, not magazines, blogs, or political parties. Maybe Gen X-er’s role will be keepers of the flame (I remember living in safe neighborhoods in a monolithically single ethnic group town. It was not hell, there was no crime, we were… Read more »

Reply to  Soverytired1
4 years ago

There are a lot of ways to fight, some more effective than others, some we’re just learning or re-learning. Start with yourself – ditch bad habits, find like-minded friends, get in shape and get yourself well-grounded in history and culture. Unplug from the media/entertainment complex. As an older Xer myself I think you’re right about “keepers” – we still remember pre-Woke America and have the responsibility to pass that knowledge along. We’re part of the homeschooling and mentoring process that the younger generations never had. Not as sexy a role as I might like but very important.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Which tells you just how dishonest the media, the left (I repeat myself) and the phony conservatives are and always have been. I know it’s a bit “inside baseball” but I am enjoying the grift right being exposed for the charlatans (or Char-lay-tans) they are.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

You mean Thomas Fleming of Chronicles? All he did was write columns about how “all was lost” and “we shouldn’t waste our time with politics”. His editorials are the reason I stopped subscribing to the magazine. If all was lost, why spend time reading about it. As for Derbyshire, he’s spend the last 12 years making sardonic remarks and drinking his tea. The English have always been good losers. In fact, when it comes to being classy losers they’re No. 1. When did he ever fight back at NR or get angry over getting fired?

Reply to  Rcocean
4 years ago

In Derb’s defense, Britain didn’t stand a chance without Free Speech. There’s a bracing lesson in there for Americans.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  Rcocean
4 years ago

I had a family member who was a staffer for Sen. Robert Taft (R-OH) so it’s possible I can’t be objective on this topic….but I will try. The Paleocons of the 1945-1975 era were fighters, but were were viewed as a problem to be eliminated by TPTB – esp. in the preparatory run up to the Cultural revolution of the 60s, where they would have served as a natural reactionary/counter-revolutionary force. Despite their sterling pedigree as anti-communists during the Cold War, their affinity for isolationism, judeo-skepticism, and distrust of the UN also placed them at odds with the CIA and… Read more »

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
4 years ago

I’ll be honest and say I don’t know if what you say is true or false. But I can say that Howard Metzenbaum was one of the WORST Senators in the history of the USA. Its a tragedy that Taft lost to him.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  Rcocean
4 years ago

Agreed. The following day at elementary school I asked my oddly-masculine proto-cat lady social studies teacher if she had voted for Carter and Metzenbaum. She paused, studying me, and hesitantly replied in the affirmative. I remember rolling my eyes and shaking my head from side to side in disgust as I looked back down at my paper. She replied, “You are the grumpiest child I have ever met.”

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
4 years ago

“You are the grumpiest child I have ever met.” Hahaha! Bravo! I didn’t rise to being such a dreadful child until I was no longer quite a child, if that makes any sense. In high school I had a social studies teacher who had spent a few years in the Peace Corps in Shah-era Iran. Literally every day he’d gush about how wonderfully “spiritual and rooted” were the inhabitants of the remote rural village that had been afflicted with him, and how they led “authentic lives” in the manner of their ancestors “going back 3000 years”. After about a month… Read more »

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
4 years ago

As Republicans go, Taft was probably the best modern GOPer Ohio had to offer, kind of proto-Buchananite. I got schooled on him by an older dude after blanket-condemning my home-state GOP as America’s worst during Kasich-the-cuck’s campaign in 16. All downhill fast for the OH GOP ever since Taft. After Trump basically sealed the nomination the OH GOP head was one of the first calling for a rigged convention vote for Kasich or Lyin’ Ted. GOP delenda est.

Reply to  Rcocean
4 years ago

Virginia, I think, might be interesting to watch. In fact, it should be a required lab for all on our side. I recently spent 10 months there in a remote county of the Piedmont edging up against the Blue Ridge. Traveled some and observed / talked to lots of folks “South of the James”, and along parts of the I-81 corridor. I don’t think they are on board with the program of the three suburban DC counties, or with Norfolk, Richmond, Charlottesville and the other college enclaves. As one traditional Virginian — younger, rural, busy running his family’s business —… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
4 years ago

So are you talking? I bet just giving them the standard “Zman medley” would give them some new perspectives and shake them up a little.

And I bet a lot of those guys, though the “six degrees of Kevin Bacon” effect, are still connected to the larger conservative network. You could plant some of those “redseeds” we’ve been talking about the last few days.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Well, given what a great job they did at preserving the university, I can understand their reluctance to let in the riffraff.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago


Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

Ouch! 😉

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

As the current saying goes, “Harsh, but fair.”

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

You’re not a credentialed academic? Well you sure as hell fooled me, what with your ten “Essential Knowledge” essays.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Ed Dutton talks about this in one of his books or lectures (I forget). He too is not really credentialed in the area of genetic science, but rather is “self taught”. His explanation and defense of his current interest and teaching is useful here. In short, everyone can be said to be self taught—if they are worth a damn—and one should not confuse credentials for knowledge, insight, or wisdom. So too Z-man should get in there and join the fray. Of course, respect for the audience/organization would dictate that perhaps you attend a meeting or two as a spectator and… Read more »

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Thats the problem with these old trad conservative organizations. All Phds and esteemed Doctor this and that. Let the field generals run more of it.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Speaking as an academic (but one in a particularly evidence-based medical speciality) the Essential Knowledge essays were the dead giveaway that Z’s not in the official academic racket. Clarity of thought and expression, plus reference to the Classics, are entirely contrary to modern academics.

Oh, and as to Maus’ comment, I often refer to my doctorate as “the union card”. It really does serve a similar role.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Surely not being credentialed is the only neccessary qualification.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Truly, a union card is as exclusionary a credential as a doctoral dissertation. Every human organization acquires gatekeepers as it expands (Dunbar’s number) and us versus them is the inevitable result. The question thus becomes whether it is better to be inside or out. The answer begs another question: Where does the truth lie? The wise man seeks that answer above all others. The fool, like Pontius Pilate, asks “What is truth?”

4 years ago

People who spend time attacking a particular generation (usually Boomers) should be treated with suspicion, as they are doing the enemy’s work of dividing us. I’m looking especially at Mr Dunning-Kruger himself, Vox Day.

4 years ago

I’d say pics or it didn’t happen but I don’t want to be juvenile.

4 years ago

“ One suggestion I made was to explain the NAXALT fallacy in a different context that does not have the same emotional baggage. Instead of taking the issue head on, approach it from the direction of other non-political stuff.“ I’ve had great success with this approach. On the male/female issue, use stature: men are taller on the average than women even though there are some tall women. This is non controversial and readily accepted by normies. Then you can move on to other group differences. Also try using “East Africans are the best long distance runners, specifically Kenyans.” The GoodWhites… Read more »

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
Reply to  Gauss
4 years ago

This probably works but I do t think it’s because people don’t understand averages. If I say republicans voted for Trump everyone understands it’s a generalization. Nobody is confused because they know a a Republican that didn’t vote for a Trump. It’s only when they decide that understanding might cause them social harm. Cancel culture is all about making sure people pay a price for holding non-orthodox ideas. However people don’t like to feel stupid, and pretending to be stupid has a social consequence. if you can frame it in a way that isn’t combative makes them feel stupid for… Read more »

4 years ago

NAXALT is evidence that people draw conclusions, and then go around looking for evidence and examples to prove their point. A version of “don’t let the facts get in the way of my feelings”. I call the examples people bring up the “whaddabout”s.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Jon Haidt, “Righteous Mind.” Rationality evolved as a means to persuade others you were right about something you already felt or “knew,” not to find facts or truth. Those are secondary outcomes.

Genetics, psychology and early childhood learning can only be successfully leveraged, not openly opposed. This means a lot of people are simply red-pill immune – skip those for recruiting. Like taking a tough test, skip the hardest questions and snag all the lower-hanging fruit first.

George Orwell
George Orwell
4 years ago

Completely off topic, strictly for fun.

Reply to  George Orwell
4 years ago

Now that’s what I’m TALKIN’ about, baby!

4 years ago


Has it occurred to you that dissidents are outliers among whites?

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

It has occurred to me that Trump won every single slicing of the White demographic except single White women, while running on the most America First immigration restrictionist platform in recent history.

Pathological altruism is a uniquely White disease, but it is far from a universal infection. A lot of the population simply went along because it sounded nice and peace and prosperity made it largely painless. The Saxon is perfectly capable of hating when he understands the necessity.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

The biggest flaw I see with the theory of path alt is its selective manifestation. Whites are much less “PA” with other Whites – it seems to be outgroup-only or at least outgroup-biased. KMac went over his book at Scandza Oslo but I had only one shot at a panel question, so I missed the chance to ask him about that wrinkle (he’s a tough guy to get time with one-on-one at these things).

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Whites are much less “PA” with other Whites – it seems to be outgroup-only or at least outgroup-biased My guess would be that whites recognize that other whites are much more dangerous. Angry brown guys may stab you, but angry white guys will carpet your village with napalm, sow your fields with cluster bombs, blow your bridges to smithereens and rain shellfire on your roads. It’s akin to the British balance-of-power doctrine: never ally with the big boy in the school yard, because if you empower him, he might take your spot as top dog. You empower the weaker boys,… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

Dissident ideas were boring, middle of the road political beliefs for a thousand years up to about 50 years ago. We very well may be outliers today, but Normie whites’ current political attitudes are a mile wide and an inch deep.

Our ((elite)) know this, which is why they’re desperate to replace us before the rest of us wake up.

Din C. Nuthin
Din C. Nuthin
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Dissident ideas? Like 91% tax rate? Military conscription? Illegal to own gold? Or Prohibition a few years earlier? Ah, the good old days.

Reply to  Din C. Nuthin
4 years ago

Din C., those ideas have a certain provenance. History itself is becoming a broken record.

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Yes, and it’s taken an enormous amount of propaganda to maintain the status quo. Mass media and the monopoly it had on information is really a phenomenon that started with newspapers and ended with the internet. Outside of that brief period the elites had no way to filter their message to every household without critique.

I think the current status quo is unsustainable, and it’s currently failing.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

Great provocative question. NAXALT when applied to racial qualities is hopeless. For example, blacks will be criminal and dumb compared to other races until evolution can improve them.

Conversely, NAXALT, when applied to ideas in the minds of white people, is entirely different. Twenty years ago the person arguing for homo marriage was the outlier, yet that idea triumphed. We hope to do the same with our beliefs.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

From what I’ve experienced, whites in general share the following traits, and most pocs don’t:

1) Suicidal altruism. – caring more for others well being than for oneself

2) Outgroup preference – Idealizing distant people and showing contempt for those closer.

3) Extreme individuality

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

If you measure whites broadly, no.

If you have a narrow and negative ideological metric (not those people, or those people, or them, or OMG THE OPTICS 😱) yes very outlying indeed.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

The Menchen event was pleasant and as a first time attendee I learned some things.
I do agree with the Z man that as far as traditional conservatism inc is concerned it is nearing its end for attaining worthwhile goals.
It is hard for us older people to approach a future where it is becoming clearer that old methods may not work and we are unsure of what new methods to use for building or keeping a nation.

4 years ago

There is both a lesser and greater Utopian error. The lesser one says it would requre work, sacrifice, and even bad things like exile. The greater one is that we can have Utopia next year if only X. For Libertarins, if they tranaslated Rothbard’s Man, Economy, and the STate into Arabic, the entire mid east would become Mises clones (have they tranlated it and dropped copies? Or translated to whatever the Somali in Minneapolis or Lewistown speak? – in audio as they are often illiterate in their own languate) That is the error of most CivNat conservatives. The Constitution is… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Do all these conferences and groups you attend, have a similar opinion of Trump, as you do?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

If these people can’t see that orange blob for what he is, they’re useless. Biggest fraud of all time. The only good thing about him is that he’s helping to destabilize the current regime through his own incompetence and survival mechanisms, and the fact that he’s hated by the worst among the DCists.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Meaning that Trump is a just a lucky boomer who bullshitted his way to the top?

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Tits or gtfo 😉

Sorry. That’s probably why they don’t show up.

If it makes you feel any better, even the normiecon events have sausagefest ratios, and are full of thirsty guys.

I would advise regular dating and just taqqiya about this if you’re involved, and introduce her to you “friends” – the DR guys are your friends, she doesn’t need to know about the rest.

4 years ago

Organize; how UE union (united electrical workers) organize. As we’re essentially skilled white working class and must organize in secret, also facing blacklists and PTB this is helpful.

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

vxxc, that’s it, exactly. Exactly.

Instruction manuals. We exel at teaching each other, spreading knowledge is our game.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been way too hard on the boomers. We’re all products of our own age. They were a product of the post war era. Their recklessness was ensured by the events they lived. They received their impressions on life when the country was at its most stable. And they did do some great things for the country. Turning every day consumables into premium items, like coffee. Vaulted ceilings, upgraded kitchens and walk in closets as standard in tract homes. Another fantastic idea. Almost worth the downside of what they’ve done…

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I only get nasty with my generation when they stoop to betrayal & cuckery. The guys who just want to grill frustrate me but I understand not everyone thrives on conflict and many of those guys owe duties to family & employees that make them fragile to dixxing & other internal exile measures.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I am frustrated with the Boomers’s unwillingness to confront reality. However, I ask myself, “If I had been born in the 1950s and subjected to the same conditioning as the Boomers, would I be much different from them?” Unlikely.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

“If I had been born in the 1950s and subjected to the same conditioning as the Boomers, would I be much different from them?”

Yes, where does the buck stop? Once you start blaming your parents, you can go all the way back to Adam and Eve.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

That’s true. But you don’t know the conditioning unless you’ve experienced it, and if you’ve experienced it you’re a different person than one who didn’t. It certainly was a conditioning. Just as the WW2 generation was conditioned in their own era. Okay, I’m back on the anti-boomer bandwagon. That lasted five hours.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
4 years ago

This has become the NAXALT battleground. Zman said the pretty girl he talked to named NAXALT as the biggest reason many of her contemporaries can’t join the DR. He explained to her how to defuse “the NAXALT fallacy” (i.e. the notion that exceptions to general rules invalidate general rules). But NAXALT has another meaning: We all know that statistical outliers don’t invalidate the reality of group differences, but we *also* know that NAXALT-exceptions do exist in every population cohort . And because at least some good people with good values do exist in all population groups, the emerging Dissident Right… Read more »

4 years ago

Not all Boomers are…

…oh never mind.

Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

Jared Taylor is a boomer and he is a god among men! I love Taylor like I love my Dad.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Reading a couple posts here critical of Paul Godfried.
I would say that just as we should not get into a blame all the boomers game for some bad actors.
Neither should we blame Jews as a group for some bad actors.
Paul Godfried is not a bad actor and it was clear from the last speaker at the Menchen event that anyone on the traditional right is being attacked by a crazed left.
Jew or non Jew.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Does Thomas Sowell mean we must live with blacks?
Does Paul Godfried mean we must live with J3ws?

Generally speaking: Blacks are criminal and dumb. J3ws see us as cattle and cannon fodder, who must be subdued.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

I’ll agree that PG himself is not a bad guy, but Jews as a group have to go back because “some bad actors” comprise at least 90% of the Jewish elite with influence in their community and never face pushback from all the “good Jews,” whatever their silent numbers may be. Like the “peaceful Muslim majority,” they are nowhere to be found when “bad actors” pull some tricks. The only US media enterprise controlled by a “good Jew” is the Unz Review. Ron can stay, but he’s not allowed to vote (esp. on immigration policy). Aliyah for all but a… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Is Gottfried a gatekeeper, “keeping it respectable”?

Pure NAXALT- as a tactic.
Like a Horowitz, a Greenfield, a Pipes, a Levin.

Either getting their enemies to fight- post-Bolshevik Russia and the US, a Cold War so the judeo administration of the Warsaw Pact wouldn’t get hurt, or worse:

Conservatives are the ones who destroy and ruin their own, utterly, and the Left got them to build those tools for the Left’s use.

The Left betray one another, but it’s only a redeployment. They never cast out, nor strip the accused as the Right does.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

My example: she beats the kids daily, drinks and drops pills, well we need to work with her on these issues and heal that family, keep ’em together.
Ohmygod he failed a drug test for pot residues, he’s violated the holy sanction for (((Bronfman))) boose and (((Merck))) pills, grab those kids now and give them to a pedofile farm!! Take his job, his house too!

Larry Summers, out at Harvard endowment fund, now in at Treasury.
He’s a victim, conservatives must support this brilliant man!

4 years ago

I have often considered how changing voting ability would affect outcomes. Suppose we were to institute a system by which once you reach a certain age, say 62, you were no longer able to vote, or serve in political office. Thus forcing us to turn it over to the next generation.

Of course assuming voting still means something.

Reply to  Allen
4 years ago

Older generations have accumulated wisdom that only time and experience provide. True, not all people of older age are wise, nor are younger folk always unwise—but age alone is not a defining criteria to judge such ability as to run a country and its institutions via the political process. (Assuming a political process controlled by the masses.) No good answers here. Age certainly is important and may be used as one component in certain judgments wrt office holding. I don’t think Supreme Court justices should serve until they die of old age for example—but to disenfranchise 25% of the population… Read more »