The Organization Man

One of the funny things about doing what I do here is that I often stumble onto things that get no play in the press, but are on people’s minds. I’ll write about a topic that interests me, but is not in the news, and it will get a ton of comments and links back from people passing it around. Our side of the great divide tends to have a different focus than what you see in the above ground world, but not always. Sometimes, the stuff on our mind at the moment, regarding current events, is on their minds too.

The topic of last week’s podcast is a good example. I did not think it would be all that interesting to people, but I was wrong. I got a lot of long e-mails from people about what they are doing in their community. I’ve also seen postings in the so-called conservative media about the topic this week. It turns out that a lot of people are thinking about how and why they should be joining and building local communities, where the likeminded can socialize and talk about this stuff.

Thinking about it, I suspect the reason is lots of people are looking around at what’s happening and coming the conclusion that the wheels are coming off the cart. What’s happening in Washington is an insurrection. The normal order is no longer respected by the people who are supposed to maintain order. Instead, the political establishment is in open rebellion against the very laws that make it possible for them to be an establishment. How many clicks before there are tanks in the streets?

It’s not just Washington. That story of the Mormon group getting ambushed over the border resonates with people. It would be one thing if they were in the Congo or down near the isthmus. That’s far away and people can imagine it is savage. The border is their backyard, literally and figuratively. People can imagine that spilling into their towns and neighborhoods. Not only is our government doing nothing about it, the establishment celebrates it. Their indifference is breathtaking.

At various times in my life I have been in situations where things go sideways and the normal order breaks down. The white people, for reasons they never consider, just show up where they think they need to show up, ready to take direction, lend a hand to restoring order and helping those who need help. It is our nature and why civilization exists in the first place. That is maybe what we are seeing. The collapse of normal order is getting people to seek out their neighbors and start figuring out what to do.

I’m not in the camp that thinks there will be a sudden collapse and we will be thrown into a war of all against all. Instead, I think decline is like an uneven staircase, where society takes small imperceptible steps down, then a big step or two and then some more little steps again. Just as progress is fits and starts, regress is fits and starts too. We could be about to hit one of the bigger steps. A year from now, the current year will feel like a foreign country. There is nowhere to go but down.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!

This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 05:00: The Morality Play
  • 15:00: Accepting Reality
  • 25:00: What Does Not Work
  • 35:00: Goal Setting
  • 45:00: Organizing Versus Mobilizing
  • 55:00: Closing

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Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I can use Epic, but only if I enable tracking, which used not to be the case. Dissenter doesn’t work either. Has anybody tied IE? Just for giggles? Do they still have a browser?

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

The MS browser is called “Edge” as in edge of extinction.

I just tried it, it seemed fine for this site but firefox has name/email saved for this site and I see no reason to share them with Gates.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I’ve had similar experiences with Brave. As much as I would like to support them, the browser is not ready for prime time.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I can not vote up or down nor make a comment with Firefox or Brave. I am typing this on Chrome and just made an up-vote on Chrome. Weird days. This has been going on a couple of weeks I guess.

Brave was working for me a few days ago but then stopped working. I am running out of browser choices.

Ain’t modern life fun?

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Oh my goodness. On Firefox 70.0 on Linux the site works just perfect. What is the difference???

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

To get all the features of the comments back, disable the shield, the lions head on the corner, in brave. I haven’t found the exact thing that does it.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

You have to disable all shields on brave for this site. It works fine afterwards.

The Babe
The Babe
4 years ago

Agree about the uselessness of trying to persuade left-wing lunatics and bioleninists. I think we’ve got to look at our thing as a kind of missionary work, and focus on converting the convertible. A gun-loving MAGAman is, for example, a better candidate to spend an hour of political talk on than a wine aunt. (Although I’ve never actually tried it, I imagine it would be instructive to examine some missionary handbooks.) And never forget that reality is on our side. That’s the one wind that blows our way. We’re trying to get people from 2 +2 = 5 to 2… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

I could add, be gentle with boomers and libertarians if you think you can win them over. (I know that we go hard on them here, but that’s among the Redpill Club members.) Remember that these are potentially future /ourguys/. If you call a libertarian or boomer a retard or moron to his face, you’re never going to win him over; he’ll just dig in (trust me, LOL.) Better a metaphorical arm around the shoulder. There’s one exception: if one of them is truly unconvertible, then you can ridicule him if the real audience is not him but some other… Read more »

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Frankly, I’m very cautious about winning over people to our side. In the community sense I assess whether they have skills or resources to offer. But if they’re a career bureaucrat or office-weenie – specifically someone who lives off the production of others – and have zero skills to share in sustainable community, then why bother? I suppose it’s fine to win over a convert to vote correctly (or withdraw from the charade altogether), but in the community-building sense I’m looking for skin-in-the-game, and those with medical, agricultural, trade skills. Rarely – VERY rarely – do I meet people on… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

I would do as Jesus says… talk to people. If they agree, welcome. If they are openly questioning but not yet convinced, convince. If they shut you out with stubborn resistance, walk away and leave their dirt with them.

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

County courthouse, indeed. I’d urge people to consider what’s happening in San Francisco, where the son of Weather Underground’s Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert (Chesa Boudin) is still close to becoming District Attorney. He might not get it this time — their byzantine voting system may keep him out, and he’s running against a woman — but they’re getting closer and closer. Gilbert is serving life for the Brinks robbery in Long Island decades ago — he could’ve gotten a deal, but refused the court’s authority over him. That’s the family background of someone who might be the district attorney… Read more »

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

Excellent post, and your experiences remind me I’m not alone in these curmudgeonly thoughts. Shrugs … I get those all the time. As long as the belly is full and wifi is working, all is well. You can’t help a statist until he’s hungry, but at that point the farm gate will be closed, barbed wire will be up, posts will be manned. The true-believing proteges of academia’s Marxist professors now number in the hundreds of thousands – and they’re gaining power. This gets to some of yesterday’s conversation – these are predominately white people, and they’re the root-stock of… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Work on people? For what? To vote for whom? In the month or two that I have been reading here I do not know just who it is that you would trust.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Don’t despair too much, Pro. You are in the majority here. There are a handful of those whom I trust, but none are in politics.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

None of us do, Pro, not even the Zman.

That’s what makes dissidence the true cutting edge. We’re explorers, exiles, and misfits wandering in new, even forbidden, lands.
Look out for cannibals!

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

With your comment and lfrank’s, I might be at the beginning of understanding. But, man, it’s work.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

The retards in Cville just release a wetback CONVICTED of felony death in a DUI case instead of turning him over to ICE. It’s not playing well even in Cville. Chesa is one of Leno’s bum boys. They love the spot light. Let them have it. They are smart enough to screw up big time. The biggest problem in SF’s slide into the abyss right now is that it’s political machine is far far left and very very very dumb. Nothing is working. Everything is start-stop, Someone who’s bright enough to screw up big time is a plus at this… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Wise words. When SHTF, I’m certain there will be many “new” converts to the cause. But this is now a “lifeboat” story isn’t it? Pains me to say, but I might not make the cut either.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Me neither, Compsci, if total collapse is the only way to make Real Conservatism work.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

The very fact that you may question whether you’d make the cut would sway things in your favor. There’s usually an inverse relationship between what someone SAYS they have to offer community vs what they have in reality. That, and you’re clear-eyed about the lifeboat situation. These things go a long way. Another thing I’ve learned about community-building – everyone can’t be a leader, and everyone doesn’t have to be master of a trade. Willingness to pitch-in and work go a long way in sports, one’s career, and building community. E.g. I know how to manage livestock and cultivate a… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

“ … if you’re not bringing a specialty you need to bring a willingness…”

Excellent phraseology—poetic even. Thanks.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Tell ya what, I am the master when it comes to swabbin’ toilets.
And everybody likes a clean restroom.

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

You’ve got a volunteer here, as I consider myself one of those who might not make the cut, either.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Good points, CAPT S, but (and here I’m speaking generally, not as a rebuttal to your comment) it might be useful to think of “our side” on multiple levels. At perhaps the core level or most constrained circle there is the “side” of “Do I want this guy in my lifeboat?” but there is also the much wider circle of “Is this a decent person that I can persuade to support the same issues that I support?” While it’s good to plan for the worst case (being the lifeboat situation), it would not do to plan and work toward only… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Very good redirect Mike C. You’re correct – I tend to focus on the potential end game … widespread civil unrest, disruption of services, etc. Also, you’re bringing up another point: each of us bring different talents and weaknesses. I’m a rather impatient guy … not the right person to confront/persuade the fence-sitters. I expect that’s something you’re good at. Thanks for the nudge … I’ll try to keep the curmudgeon at bay.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Work on people half-way there – namely the MAGA peeps, As Captain S points be especially wary of those who benefit from the status quo.You won’t flip them, most likely they will rat you out.

This latter group can be flipped but only when they get kicked to the curb and wonder WTF happened/.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

When you insult, ridicule, or belittle *the person* as opposed to the idea—you lose the argument. Worse, you not only don’t convert, you often produce hardened opposition. One needs to make one’s point and, as stated, learn to walk away. You will have planted the seed of doubt in any thinking, sentient, individual. If your seed has found fertile ground, it will grow. If not, that individual was not worth having in your “group” anyway. Wish him well and leave him be. As long as he breaths there is always hope. Here in the desert, all native plants produce seeds… Read more »

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

A propos of things like building community and winning people over to the Right Side of the Force, and also regarding something that was being discussed here the other day, this little turn of phrase occurred to me… What if I told you that when I was a kid, I joined a boxing gym to learn how to fight, and lo and behold, my sparring partners were George Foreman and Muhammad Ali? You would say I was lying and the very idea was preposterous. But what if I told you that when I was a kid, I hung out at… Read more »

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

We should always check our assumptions.

Some assume that MAGA CivNat evangelicals are closest to becoming WNs

But I am not aware of many instances when they have actually made the transition.

It’s a shame that they never conducted the “what red pilled you” poll they were talking about on the TRS forum, back when it was a central hub of the Alt-Right. You could have gotten some interesting data.

But my impression was that it was mostly ex-leftists and ex-libertarians, very few ex-conservatives.

The conservative temperament may not be suited to “dissidence”.

Reply to  Crud Bonemeal
4 years ago

Angelo Codevilla recently did a Q&A interview on Tablet. He talked a bit about his early career in DC, and how the mindset for success in government work was to put your head down and parrot the party line, and you can go very far and get rich, without too much effort. He, however, liked to question things and fiddle with the status quo way of things, so he washed out and became a teacher and author. He pointed out that there are people who simply can’t buy what is being sold to them, and need to figure things out… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

That pretty well sums me up – ” . . . there are people who simply can’t buy what is being sold to them, and need to figure things out for themselves and ask lots of questions.”

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

It is hard to sell out your conscience. I got out of teaching too early and will suffer in retirement for that decision. Sometimes poverty brings happiness. Time to learn how to work with my hands and my brain.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Had a family friend, 31 years in the university admin trenches and a union steward as well, retired a few too early because she was forced out by a lesbo feminista who wanted her job.

You teachers spend years walking on eggshelves, avoiding tripwires while penned up with feral animals. Heartbreaking, really, but you might’ve avoided a similar hatchet job by the Woke.

PS- the friend, with her husband and grandkids, found a small-town paradise and escaped their lifetime hometown.
They’re slightly squeezed, and serenely happy.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing. “Walking on eggshells, avoiding tripwires,” but I was fortunate to have good and respectful students, for the most part. The real criminals are the adults who don’t know what they are doing, and those who know exactly what they’re doing. Incompetence and Ideology both working to destroy all that is “good, true, and beautiful.” I did not attend private K-12, but tossed that in anyhow, wishing I knew the fullness of that statement. One of my sins was telling the kids during a major lockdown drill that it was unfortunate that gun owners like myself couldn’t be… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

For a guy who’s still in the normie-con camp, AC seems pretty “adjacent” to Our Thing, a notch or two closer than VDH, if anything.

Linda Fox
4 years ago

I was just commenting on this at Liberty’s Torch.

I’m thinking that the rabid over-emphasis on national/international topics is a classic piece of misdirection. It shifts our focus from things we can fairly easily change – the local arena, to those that have us fulminating into impotent paralysis.

Just a few local power zones – school, county commissioners, and zoning/water and sewage, control a HUGE amount of money and a hell of a lot of power. Find out who is on these entities, and work to take them over.

Reply to  Linda Fox
4 years ago

Great comment and I don’t want to quash enthusiasm, but I struggle mightily with this one. There’s a point at which these power zones are absolutely un-reformable. I’m offering this after having invested (squandered?) 10 years in my rural county. At every turn – schools, roads, law enforcement, even parks & recreation – the entities are governed and regulated by centralized state/federal authority. I still chair a commission but I’m just about ready to wash my hands of it. Rural counties are crack addicts when it comes to federal grants and state subsidies, and “free money” always comes with shackles.… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Here in California, I am part of a “redneck gated community” on the weekends. Keeping things non-specific, it has the HOA and a lot of rules, controls, gates, fences, patrols, security, perimeter controls, etc. All the typical tools of lefty micro-level fascism have been mutated and turned on their heads, and in a way that actually works, in a fashion. Community meetings can be kind of crazy, and chews up a lot of committee members over time (white guys can bicker over darn near everything and never give an inch) but it all works out in a good way, in… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I heard tales of this City of Gold among the White refugees of the Inland Empire, but always thought they were crazy from the heat. Now you tell me Atlantis exists and I’m literally on the other side of the planet?

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Now yer talkin’, Capn.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
4 years ago

OT: We’ve heard how the euros have more protections against losing employment and whatnot if they are good at pattern recognition. This is no longer true, at least in GB:

There will be yellow cards and red cards for heterodox opinions. Two strikes and you’re out. They are promised cradle to grave care, but Big Brother decides more and more when the ‘grave’ part kicks in.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Having the wrong opinions and posting them on Gab will get your guns taken away in New Jersey.

Reply to  MaxM
4 years ago

Another gem, per Prager: Iowa State prof reported for insinuating that only women have abortions.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Related: White father of two minding his own business is now vegetative for life with half his skull caved in literally. Black dindu nuffins gets TWO MONTHS in jail. Contrast that to James Fields 400+ year jail term. It will be open season on whitey after this next election if Dems win and guess what white man? Don’t you DARE defend yourself because you deserve what you get for your centuries of evil. Oh you want healthcare? Too bad, you don’t get that either. I’m overjoyed by all this BTW. Fear & pain, remember that? Only when normies start… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

Wow 72 days for that, just wow. I get what you re saying but stories like that leave me angry and w nowhere to turn that anger.

This is gonna take something a lot bigger than Trump. A lot bigger.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

If history is to be a guide, how much longer before the grooming gangs have a gold card and their own employment programme, as the Department of Sensitivity Training?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Well isn’t this all sweet. Uncle Joe approves. Really does make you wonder who won the cold war.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Moran, the hunger, the fury?

It’s because we’re the Elves in this world.
We’re the Elves.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Mark Collett and Laura Towler recently organize and conducted a private poll. They planned it quietly and conducted it without any fanfare.  The number of people they interacted with were impressive. Then they released the findings onto every platform they could. It’s had a real effect in opening up the conversation on immigration especially within the white working class. Their motivation in doing this was the BBC having reported that Britain’s current immigration policy had 97% approval.  Their findings within the white community were almost an inverse of what the BBC had peddled.  Mark, Laura and their team concentrate on… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Yves, I swear everyone here today is giving me ideas. Been gearing up for years to do something nearly identical, but in a completely innocuous, seperate interest. A second career, of a sort. Sort of like a traveling liason. So many isolated people want to contribute, so many small or fading groups have nuts-and-bolts knowledge to share. They need to connect in a friendly, fun, innocent way. A traveling salesman for /our thing/, without it being /our thing/. Some face to face, visits and cold calls of either the Elks club or a Mark Towlett to ask about how it’s… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Great Project. If you when back through Zman’s articles and the comments as far back as you can – then add to that your own take and then sorted and organized it…you’d have a very interesting book.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

An idea! See, that’s what I need you folks for. Such coordination efforts make up youtube; Let’s start a dissident alt-industry of self help! So many here have skill, will, and honesty; coordination and a little cheerleading is all we need. Other audiences could echo our efforts. ******** Some people who have time and a computer, and say, a hour a day for so many days to collect and collate Z-bits. Filing, cross-indexing, dbase skills, Setting up a collaberative page, like a Dropbox page, Somebody who can guide me through purchase and setup of a server, software, and maintenance. Somebody… Read more »

4 years ago

It’s hard to not feel like the wheels are coming off really fast. Look at the couple tweets here:

I couldn’t have imagined that anyone educated would speak this sort of insanity publicly 30 years ago.

This is Kulak genocide-grade thinking.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

If this is what they say in public with no consequences whatsoever in our white supremacist capitalist patriarchy, I can hardly wit to see what they will do to us in their androgynous, diverse, socialist, matriarchy.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Good – I hope these metrosexuals stay in their cities. Maybe I’ll get to see the day when their supermarket shelves are bare. These shavers have no idea where their organic tofu comes from.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Why, from Whole Foods, of course.
Silly peasant.. So uninformed. *sniffs*

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

“Kulak genocide-grade thinking.” That’s what I immediately thought when I read about then candidate Obama back before his ascendancy. It was so blatantly obvious to me what he stood for and believed in, and people kept telling me how nice he seemed. Never, ever underestimate the stupidity of the average man. Terribly unfortunate but true.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

From the comments:
“Also, his face is imminently punchable.”

(Did I spell that right?)

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

It is. But I was “banned” from Instapundit a while ago. So I can’t post there. I didn’t call people names or advocate violence. I posted a link. From the J-post, no less. And then I asked a question about disappearing posts. After that someone went around tagging my posts for deletion.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

I thought that happened to me few weeks back, but it turned out to be a Disqus bug that got fixed in a day or two.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

Probably Ed Driscoll
He’s a principal reason I have given up on insty

George Orwell
George Orwell
4 years ago

Zman hits the target about the “owning the insult” ploy. They’re going to call you Hitler anyway? So you do just what Lefty wants and run onstage to don the moth-eaten SS costume? Not smart. Making a fetish of a guy who left his country with millions impoverished if not just plain dead should be seen for the losing strategy it is. The better approach when they call us racist is something like the “it’s okay to be white” meme. It puts the burden squarely back on your opponent. Like the weaknesses of DR3, no shitlib has ever been persuaded… Read more »

Reply to  George Orwell
4 years ago

I really, really needed that.

A #showerthought: if my favorite uncle hadn’t overreached so disastrously, we might’ve been talking about “plucky Germany” instead of “punch Nazis”.

Grug's Rock
Grug's Rock
Reply to  George Orwell
4 years ago

“Making a fetish of a guy who left his country with millions impoverished if not just plain dead should be seen for the losing strategy it is.” This is a really unsound point to make when Z-Man presents Pol Pot as an example of effective organization. The difference between Hitler and Pol Pot is that third position ideologies are not approved by the banking elite. We are not allowed to have dangerous ideas about economics and finance. Pol Pot would have been left alone to brutalize his own people indefinitely if he had not stepped on his neighbor’s toes. Hitler… Read more »

Reply to  Grug's Rock
4 years ago

I’m a fan of pushing TP ideas without the Nazi baggage. Take 2/3’s of the 1930’s policies of Hitler (leaving our mainly the imperialist lebensraum) and leave his ghost unrequited for a few more generations. Let the Holocaustian myth die of old age & irrelevance rather than outright debunking. Trying to set the record straight just helps keep the subject alive and current, which is exactly what (((they))) want. The more they say “never forget,” the better a strategy grounded in letting our people forget sounds.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Wise words, Exile, but from now on, I’m just going to laugh and mock. Bray, really. “What, you believe that stupid Boomer sh*t! Absurd!”

F**k ’em and the horse they rode in on.

Never explain, never apologise. It’s my natural bent to throw a party and raise Cain wherever I go, so I am done with making an earnest, serious fool of myself.

The adult approach is a stinging disaster,
I keep finding that out the hard way.
Gods, I could kick my own ass.
So avast, me hearties!

Reply to  Grug's Rock
4 years ago

Hitler should’ve defended his borders and the Sudenten wheat fields (what became Czechoslavakia), not spread his damned army all over the continent. Should’ve focused on securing fuel, kept it to the Bagdad-to-Berlin railway, Italy’s Libyan and Ethiopian oil shipping, and Japan’s Phillipine fuel depots. What the heck was his navy doing in US-British shipping lanes? The Danzig corrider failed, but the Poles would’ve accepted a permanent exchange of Germans for the transit camp Jewish workers. Israel should’ve been located in the Pale, where it had been before. He over-reached, spreading all over the map, and got 14 million Germans murdered,… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

We are accused of a great crime.
As a defendent, I demand the plaintiffs produce physical evidence, not a bunch of blather about “most documented” propaganda.

Propaganda isn’t documentation.

We can show bodies. They can’t.

Sam detente
Sam detente
4 years ago

Wow…didn’t even realize Tina Turner was still kicking around. She’s even got Swiss citizenship, having renounced her Yankee one. Good on her; dualies should be made to choose one or the other at the threat of a hot iron to the hands.

Reply to  Sam detente
4 years ago

It only became a “thing” after Afroyim v. Rusk. (Look it up, but take your BP meds first.) Now most naturalized “citizens” are dual-nationals.

4 years ago

In the US the substrate with which we work is ~100 million white men excluding the incorrigibly good whites. Just have to convince them it is good and moral to advocate for the interests of their white progeny. Easy.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

That’s what I was thinking, reading Dutch’s rant above. The good guys far outnumber the bad guys.

Z: “The white people, for reasons they never consider, just show up where they think they need to show up, ready to take direction, lend a hand to restoring order and helping those who need help. It is our nature…”

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

well i was a little tongue-in-cheek about the easy part. But the point z makes is good. The Cajun navy, made my heart warm to see all those rednecks rolling in with their trucks and bass boats. Where i live in hillbillyville a broken down car often attracts a conference of 3-4 white guys to get it moving. Its why I gravitate to white advocacy. These people have their problems and often look rough but they are really sweet and kind and good-hearted for the most part. Its used against them- to manipulate them.

4 years ago

Talking about all this stuff, I keep thinking we already have a manual for it, but we’ve been reading it all wrong. What you are talking about in organizing is Christian evangelism in a nut shell – building a church community is exactly the same thing as organizing any community. And its rife with the same issues. You can’t know who to invite into the community unless you have the balls to talk about the ideas of the community with complete strangers, finding people who agree with you and making your case to open people… and then you invite those… Read more »

4 years ago

Organizing is creating infrastructure for mobilizing.

Reply to  Harold
4 years ago

Yes. Organize, mobilize, march.

4 years ago

I like the direction Z’s pointing for how we approach and prioritize online activism and real life organizing. As we touched on in the post on Scandza, the risk-reward of academic-style conferences may be net-negative going forward. Publicly announcing ourselves to the enemy so that we can meet essentially in private to preach to our own choir seems to offer the worst of both worlds – minimal potential positive exposure/recruiting opportunities, maximum risk of doxxing, arrest and media-smearing. Without a competitive media presence, we can’t bend that curve. Z says all that needs be said on the uselessness of social… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

I often find these podcasts good. This time as well but it was also weird for me, weird b/c I was thinking a couple of days ago that the IRA was something to look at. I dont remember why I was thinking that, I dont remember that there was anything in the news about Irish issues or the IRA to make both Z and me think about the IRA and what they frankly did right, this week. So, on that topic, two things about the IRA. One is that it has been enormously impressive, if, you know, you re in… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Is today, like, Total Awesomeness Day?

From an overview of evil,
to alt-commerce,
to laughing outreach,
to inspired insurgency!

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

WTF?????????? The IRA? They murdered innocent people in cold blood. FOR WHAT? The current Taoiseach? Spare me. They simultaneously advocate sending their own overseas for remittances and importing migrants.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

I hate the IRA’s guts. They were scum. I’m just saying they were extremely good at insurgency. I don’t know the details but Peter Hitchens, Christopher Hitchens’ brother, a black-pilled UK patriot, says the Good Friday Agreement was the UK’s loss. If that’s true, the IRA beat the Western country w the strongest record of beating insurgencies, on their own doorstep. Hate them all you want. But they evidently knew how to say ‘FU’ to state power disagreeable to them. So I’m asking, why was the IRA willing to go so far, and why did they get so much support,… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Some color on that IRA thing. This is what I saw over there in the ‘80s. The English, who run the UK, really look at the Irish (including their own side, Ulster) as little better than animals. The six Ulster counties cling to the UK, but across the Irish Sea, the embrace is a cold and mostly nonexistent one. Awkward… The British garrisoned up Ulster, and the spying and surveillance were omnipresent and probably very good. But the soldiers sent out to patrol the streets were wet-behind-the-ears newbies who were scared to death, simply trying to escape alive and not… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Okay, you obviously know a lot more about the situation on the ground there than I do. I’m just wondering why they haven’t been cut to pieces by the British state long ago. The British sent their sharpest cutlery after them, they weren’t fooling around. And I mean, if a bunch of anti-replacers tried something today, would it even last 30 minutes. I don’t ‘like’ the IRA. But they evidently knew how to run a covert operation against serious state opposition for a handful of decades or so. That’s impressive, even if you re bunch of evil psychos.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

The thing is, London knows that if you publicly take out one of the IRA, everyone in Ireland is related to everyone else, and you get a hundred new converts to the cause against you. Also, London didn’t really want to “get” anyone, they just wanted the troubles to go away somehow. The key element to the whole thing, IMO, is the unspoken reality that Ulster is actually a burden to London, like the ne’er do well sibling that you can’t get rid of. There is this weird triangle between London, Ulster, and the Republic that is simply unique to… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Short answer to your specific take on the British military, the surveillance and spying were very good, to head off more terrorism at home, but all London did on the ground in Ulster was throw scared recruits at the problem, and their heart wasn’t much in it. The IRA didn’t actually “win” anything meaningful in the streets; they and the UVF on the other side basically fought to a draw and everyone went home, leaving the status quo mostly unchanged. The IRA instilled a sense of terror into many civilians and British soldiers, though, for whatever that was worth.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

“The English, who run the UK”
Never heard of Tony Blair then?
Gordon Brown ring a bell?

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

We’re bloody Colonists, you limey sot.
You all look alike to us.

Super Siddo
Super Siddo
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

The IRA had state support from the Eire Gov. They were allowed to cross the border unhindered.
If the British had ignored international law and pursued them across the border, the troubles would have been ended much sooner.
The only reason the troops didn’t want to serve there is because they were under strict instructions not to engage and defend themselves.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

The IRA is not a valid comparison for our situation, for several reasons. 1. The IRA were marxists and so had the support of the left everywhere. 2. They had considerable financial and political support provided by Irish-Americans. 3. They had the tacit and, sometimes, overt support of the Irish Republic where they could also hide in safety. 4. They were fighting a war against a foe (the British) who were constrained by laws, decency and political pressure.

Now, ask yourself this: will we have even one of those things?

Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

So we’re the Ulster Prots then? How did they keep from being Irish?

Super Siddo
Super Siddo
Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

Yes, they are British first, Irish second.

Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

We are the Ulster Protestants. We can also be the Army, Police if we can support the Constitution and actual constitutional government- in which case we become tens of millions strong. <^ this is my “we”. Its a winning team. Regardless of its lack of ethnic or ideological purity. It also exists. Other “we” does not unless you mean the left and the administrative state. They exist too. You might want to consider one of the teams that will actually fight, despite the horrible optics. The IRA was a working class movement that got guns from various places, making it… Read more »

Super Siddo
Super Siddo
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

What should be taken in to account is: The SAS did not operate with a free hand. If they engaged under the same terms as the IRA, there would only have been 1 outcome and that wouldnt have been a negotiated settlement

Reply to  Super Siddo
4 years ago

Yes Dear. The SAS would have succeeded where Cromwell, Churchill and all the others failed.

Yes; they could have wiped out the entire IRA, every sympathizer, Hell every catholic in Ulster.

Been done before. The problem is they’re always replaced you see.

4 years ago

When I first read about the Mexican massacre of the Mormons, my very first prediction was that the media would instantly start blaming the victims.

Reply to  Yancey_Ward
4 years ago

With descendents of Old Testament polygamists directing the mockery. Ironic.

Reply to  Yancey_Ward
4 years ago

It only took the media a day or two to roll out the stories about how the victims may have been connected to that Nxiim sex cult.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

I saw that in the Post. While they ignored the Epstein-Bronfman connections. After a while even Helen Keller could tell who is running the media narrative on these stories.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Pointing Nxilm’s ties away from Epstein, who they supplied as part of Oprah’s procurer network, towards “right wing Christian militia” types.

Nice optics. Tying up lose ends, always reinforcing the narrative.

Reply to  Yancey_Ward
4 years ago

They should at least get Darwin Awards.

Fukin off to someone else’s country to bring them enlightenment smacks of Neo-con.

These genes are better of out of the White West.

4 years ago

Yes! I never try to persuade crazy wine aunt (sister-in-law actually). I just find ways to make her contemplate the unpleasant contradictions in her weird beliefs. I foresee lamenting how George Stephanopoulos spiked the story about Epstein abusing young women – and watching the gears grind while I enjoy my turkey.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

I actually have a Commie Uncle Joe!

4 years ago

One big advantage we have that few people ever talk about is the fact that the left has destroyed everything. If you send your kid to a BSA meeting, he is likely to come home talking about the joys of anal sex and how he might actually be a girl. Same thing in church. You go to church these days and you will hear about how Jesus not only loved homosexuals, but was probably one himself given his habit of hanging around groups of men. Dissidents with children could probably start a local boys association. Religious men can start a… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

I wonder sometimes about the older institutions like Elks Masons etc.

4 years ago

One alternative to all this is to get serious about playing the Left’s game on the big scale. It might be the only real alternative. Here’s what I mean. Take the IRA as an example. They were fighting against somebody who wanted something. That’s a different critter than what we have now, which is globohomo mimetic rage. Our opponents don’t want anything at all – they’re furious and are looking for scapegoats. I think that suggests these local, quiet groups are not going to fly under the radar, since the entire point of the Left is to find and punish… Read more »

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

“But we’ve been trying to yield enough ground to the other side to have them be satisfied and go away for decades…”

Speaking for myself nothing about any strategy I believe in relies on them ever being satisfied. I agree that they can’t be satisfied, although I disagree that they’re merely raging. They want something – White dispossession & perpetual mass-curb-stomping until extinction. Relying on satisfying that thirst would indeed be self-defeating.

We’re looking to exploit the limits of their competence, capabilities & resources, not the limits of their ambition or rage, which are boundless.

4 years ago

“The Army of Invisible Hitlers.” Fantastic wording! Could be the name of a band or a movie title. Zman is always good for a couple priceless turns of phrase.

4 years ago

I know some people here have mixed feelings about Reagan – but nobody was better at destroying the Left’s morality plays. With gravitas and humor, he could take apart their idiot ideas then mock them mercilessly.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

That was a different time, perhaps even a different world. I remember when Reagan could request air-time from the three major (really all) the networks to directly address the nation on policy. Last time we saw a president on the air to address the nation was—outside of the State of the Nation yearly— after the 9/11 attack. Gone are the days when Reagan and Tip O’Neil got together in the Capital Building bar and punched down a few while thrashing things out. Yes, a person like Reagan was the “great communicator” of his time, but now we are lucky to… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I know… I met old Tip a few times at golf tournaments. Terrible golfer but fun regular guy to be around.

But I agree with Z – laughter should be the response to the Left’s ideas – including their race-baiting.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

“laughter should be the response to the Left’s ideas – including their race-baiting.”

Man, I really, really, REALLY needed that.
You people are a balm and a blessing.

4 years ago

I view what’s going on in Washington as an indicator that the Establishment, which is primarily the Dems, are reacting violently as Trump and Barr close in on exposing the fact that there has been massive corruption throughout the federal government in the “scandal free” Obama Administration. Barr’s Russia investigation will expose the corruption in the DoJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA. The Ukraine investigation will expose Biden’s corruption and, more broadly, Clinton’s pay-for-play corruption in the State Department. The closer Trump/Barr get to the target the more flak the Dems are firing. You know Barr is getting close to the… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Sure as hell hope so. But I’ve gotten my hopes up too many times. I’ll believe it when they’re perpwalking them to federal prison.

But I will say one thing: the Swamp has really revealed itself in its full totalitarian horror. It’s like the part of the monster movie when you can finally see the whole monster in its full-blown, vaseline-dripping disgustingness.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

A reflection on recent history: 1) JFK and a large assortment of his Establishment cronies should’ve gone to jail. 2) LBJ and a large assortment of his Establishment cronies should’ve gone to jail. 3) Clinton and a large assortment of his Establishment cronies should’ve gone to jail. 4) Bush Jr. and a large assortment of his Establishment cronies should’ve gone to jail. 5) Obama and a large assortment of his Establishment cronies should’ve gone to jail. 6) There’s a lengthy list of shady operatives not included in the first 5 that should’ve gone to the electric chair. I expect Barr… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

They were not the head of the snake.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

2a) Bush Sr. and a large assortment of his Establishment cronies should’ve gone to jail.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Yeah I skipped a few. Was getting monotonous, no?

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Not monotonous. Hate needs an outlet, the more the better. I’m just insulted that a seemingly low-IQ guy like GWB would belong to a club of powerful elites.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

GW cultivated the ‘low-IQ’ thing for public consumption. Sure he was not a great public speaker, but I wouldn’t say he was an idiot as was presented to the media.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

I believe Data Boy was a clueless idiot like I believe he enjoyed chopping brush in the searing heat and gahdawful oil stink of Midlands, Texas.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Nepotism. All the so-called “elites” do it. Why wouldn’t they? Who’s going to stop them?

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Barr started out in the CIA and became the “fixer” for the illegal activities under Bush the elder. Nobody went to jail for Iran Contra.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Put the Law behind you Sir and focus on Politics, which means focus on power. And yes that means organize, and locally.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they are turning. Grassley has initiated an investigation into Hunter Biden and David Archer’s attempts to get the State Department to back off corruption allegations against Burisma in 2016.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Wake me when it’s over.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

You are quite an optimist. At best they’ll take down a few political lowlifeS and call it done

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

There might just be a much more broad and well-established corrupted foreign aid program, where the quid pro quo is that a chunk of taxpayer money going to foreign aid has been systematically recycled back to the two political parties and the Clinton Foundation, as standard operating procedure. A big version of how the Dems, over the years, would help the labor unions and the unions would systemically cycle back union dues to the Dems. That would explain why Ukraine is #2 as the source of big donations to the Clinton Foundation after the U.S. It explains why so many… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

That rant was like scene from a WWll movie, where the RAF generals unroll a table-sized map and start moving Axis markers around.

A majestic overview in under a minute.
A bit of Big Picture awesomeness to brighten up the darkening day.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Your rant is a keeper for my file. Good job!

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

I wish.

We are going to have to clean them out. And I would like to be in on the planning and execution. Another “I wish.”

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Nope. No. Way. Not gonna happen, Guest. How many Clintons went to jail? None of these nefarious creatures will serve time or be convicted of anything serious. I’d be willing to bet the farm on it. Besides, Trump impeachment trial fails or he is not re-elected, the whole investigation is terminated. Sorry.

4 years ago

What is DR 3?

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

The old republican talking point that “Democrats are the Real Racists”. DRRR aka DR3

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

How did I miss that? That’s awesome. I’m so glad that’s part of my lexicon now

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Acronym for “Dems R the Real Racists”

This tactic is frequently used by cuckservatives like Ben Shapiro and Dinesh d’Souza.
This is a futile tactic, because it accepts and reinforces the left’s framing of race issues.
Dinesh d’Souza wrote yet another book about DR3. You know what they say about people who do the same thing over and over but expect a different result?

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

It should be “Race differences are the one thing Democrats get right, Some races do need help.”

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

My goodness! So many people aren’t aware that Racism Is A Bad Thing!

Wake up, America!
We need to raise Racism Awareness!

Boom Boom Boomertech
Boom Boom Boomertech
4 years ago

Just a tech note: comments still don’t seem to be working on Brave.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Boom Boom Boomertech
4 years ago

Not just Brave, this website has been broken for a few weeks now. Epic, Brave, UC Browser(android), and a few others it simply doesn’t function. I’ve had to load it in Opera, whatever you changed Z-Man or your provider did, ask them to back it out because it broke quite a few browsers.

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

I still can’t comment from Firefox or click read more. Using Chrome now.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

I’ve had no problems with Firefox.
Maybe it’s your ISP. Qualcomm anyone?
Mine is verizon.

Reply to  Boom Boom Boomertech
4 years ago

Firefox works

4 years ago

The model is not Ireland but Spain in the Peninsular War. This is actually the model of People’s War for Clausewitz, Mao, et al.

With our enormous territory and all that red on the map a good reference is Mao “On Protracted War” 1938- he was referring to the Japanese. At that time.

4 years ago

Agree – join local institutions and lodges, and don’t forget the local gun club.

4 years ago

To whom it will concern; If Charlottesville is your breaking point then kindly break and leave, do something else other than politics. You simply cannot see anything through. In this broadcast the IRA, Unions and Pol Pot are mentioned as exemplars of organization; all of them killed people and never stopped until they won. At most they denounced the killer and violence and kept moving. Whatever you think is possible in our situation that will succeed – isn’t. You lack the stomach to see this through, do depart. You won’t make it here, or anywhere but no reason for us… Read more »

4 years ago

The IRA prisoners in the Maze weren’t demanding political prisoner status, they wanted to be treated as prisoners of war – that is soldiers, POWs instead of criminals. > not a small point. POWs have more status and cred, honor than criminals.

Its not a small point then, now or ever.
POWs mean its a war, and your side has soldiers and by inference a country.

It was 10 men dead in the Hunger Strike, Bobby Sands was just then most famous. It absolutely did change the fortunes of the IRA especially in Ireland.