The New Order

One of the curious things about conservatism, as in Buckley-style conservatism, is that it never examined its failures. Even today, when asked about why they were unable to muster a defense against the homosexualization of the culture, a guy like Charlie Kirk is poleaxed by the question. He’s standing in front of a sign that reads “culture war” alongside a homosexual and he is baffled about the question. Even the more thoughtful and honest among conservatives have a huge blind spot for their past.

One reason for this is an assumption by Buckley-style conservatives that the things they oppose cannot “work” and therefore must eventually fail. Socialism, for example, is just assumed to end in failure. That’s why even now, they howl like lunatics about the empty shelves in Venezuela. It is proof that what they fear cannot withstand contact with reality, so they ignore all the other stuff going on in Venezuela. That means they also ignore all of the prosperous countries that make socialism work.

You see that in this Victor David Hanson piece on the 2020 election. He has a section on the troubles in California and mentions the power outages. He asks how it is possible for the tech giants to function in land with power outages. There is that assumption that what should not work will eventually stop working. The massive homeless problem in the state is another example he uses. The assumption is that the open borders, multiracial future is unworkable and must fail.

The trouble with this thinking is that it assumes things about the ruling class that has never been in evidence. That is, they have the same standards for civilization as a conservative like Dr. Hanson. In other words, their definition of what works is the same as his definition of what works. Therefore, unless the rulers wake up to what is happening, the system will collapse. On the other hand, if only someone can get them to see the error of their ways, they will change course to avoid disaster.

Conservatives never stop to think that maybe California is what the ruling class wants for all of North America. After all, the people running those tech giants are living great lives. In fact, they live lives no mortals have experienced in the history of man, so from their perspective, the system works. It’s not just the plutocrats at the top. All the way down the line, the managerial elite is now living as aristocrats. Sure, there is rot down toward the bottom, but that’s true of all ruling elites.

Another thing that conservatives have always gotten wrong is in the same post, where Hanson discusses national character. He laments the radical authoritarianism that is now the campus culture. He wonders what sort of politics that it will produce on the national stage. He wonders how the breakdown of order will alter politics and if this new politics will replace the national character. That is, the cultural revolution from the top will produce a response from the bottom, the victims of this assault.

This fear is rooted in an assumption that has never been true. The United States was never a nation in the tradition sense. It was always a federation of nations. The structure the Founders created was an explicit acknowledgement of it. The regional difference in the colonies at the time of the founding were not superficial. Those regional differences are still with us today, despite the migrant wave unleashed on many parts by the ruling class. America was always a house with many mansions.

Therefore, to speak of national character, other than in the most general terms, is to misunderstand the country and its people. More important, this concept of the national character is one dreamed up by the Right long ago to adjust to the triumph of Norther Progressives over the rest of the nations. It is an entirely fabricated concept with no basis in reality. It’s simply something that worked for the people in charge as a propaganda device. They can easily abandon it for something else.

That’s the thing conservatives have never grasped. For as long as anyone today has been a live there has been a ruling class. They may not have official titles and a formal role in government, but there are people in charge. Like every ruling class, their primary interest is in remaining in charge. When America was 90% white, the national character stuff that resonates with Victor David Hanson was what they used to perpetuate their rule. In other words, that sort of civic nationalism was a big lie.

Now that America is non-white, the people in charge are searching for a new moral construct to control the population. They also seek a rationale for their position as the ruling elite. Without the traditional forms of legitimacy, they have to search in their ideology for a reason to justify their position. As the long reign of Robert Mugabe showed, vengeance for past sins is a powerful tool of control. The national character, if we allow it, will be a blood libel against white people.

Finally, what remains of Buckley-style conservatism, and certainly of its mongrel variant you see from people like Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk, is a weird, fatalistic romanticism for a past that never existed. What draws crowds to these people is the hope that they will make it all better and that things will return to normal. That’s what makes this stuff so insidious. It prevents decent people from facing the reality of what’s coming and most important, it prevents them from preparing for it.

There will be no confirmatory collapse of the Progressive order. There will be no sudden realization of their errors and a great retreat from radical multiculturalism. There is no returning to the America of the past, real or imagined. The old white America where civic nationalism was enough to maintain regional cooperation will not work in a land of hostile strangers. In a land of tribes, many hostile and many encouraged to be hostile, something else will be used to maintain control.

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Sperg Adjacent
Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

I think a big part of the problem is that a lot of white people lack the imagination to realize that non-white people don’t necessarily want to live how we want to live. The truth is that I bet a lot of non-white tech oligarchs (insert parentheses and the Indian equivalent of parentheses here) probably like living in gleaming towers that rise above the smoking ruins. They like to see their racial enemies suffer. They like to see people way below them. And it gives them a frisson of excitement to see the Bladerunner-like squalor around them. I suspect that… Read more »

Fulwar Skipwith
Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

No you’re exactly right. You also just painted a pretty good portrait of metaphysical evil.

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

Excellent comment. Sums up what I’ve noticed, too. “Equality” is really only a concept that white people are interested in – and it only works amongst fellow whites.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

We’re more comfortable with equality (or a level playing field) because we’re on average confident and positive – look at our track record vs. others, 90%+ of human achievements, etc… It’s hard for Whites to fathom the envy and inferiority complex our achievements stir in Others, particularly when they start puffing on the “colonial oppression or that would be mine” pipe.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Yes, quite honestly just existing around most 3rd worlders stirs anger and their inferiority complex. Especially those well adjusted, confident young white men.

There’s a reason we get fed white guilt.. it’s to make us less competitive and not make them feel bad.

You’re right, normie has no idea how deep this hatred/inferiority complex is and also has no idea how cruel and evil they will be if they ever get the upper hand over us.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

One of the worst things we’ve ever done to ourselves (or to Others, FWIW) is to expose them to Hollywood & Madison Ave in their homelands, much less bring them here, FFS. The disparity between our lives and the Third World is like Clarke’s famous quote about how sufficiently advanced tech looks like magic. I see people in LA all the time who obviously see this sprawling hellscape of 10 million+ like a cargo cultist on a dream-quest. I don’t excuse barbaric behavior toward our wahmens, but when you consider the situation of some Arab or Pashtun who grew up… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The media also says that white women are easy, white women love people of colour, everyone in the West has casual sex every day, etc. There are just Jewish fantasies, but they don’t know this. So when an Arab or Pashtun or Hindu comes here and can’t get laid, gets rudely rejected over and over by the white girls, I can definitely see where their anger comes from. White women are only easy for Chad or Tyrone. Us average white guys have to work… and below average white, Asian, or brown… well forget about it. It’s not fair for them,… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

White people experienced equality after WW2 until the fall of the USSR because our elites propped it up to look better than the communists, I don’t find it so equal now. I’m English and we’ve certainly ever experienced equality.I don’t see a lot of empathy either

Reply to  Brahma
4 years ago


Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

From my travels I have only seen two places that care about both the look of their homes AND the welfare of their larger communities: white countries (non-Slav), and Japan and Korea. (China may soon join us.) Every other people (like 5 billion of them) only care about their immediate surroundings + family. We tend to think of Jeff Bezos as a miserly asshole, but he would be like Jesus effing Christ if he lived in India, or Nigeria, or Brazil.

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

An example of your line of thinking, Sperg, is the big black support for Biden. In their view, Gropin’ Joe will have their backs, more or less, if things get spicy, and why wouldn’t one have his son capitalize on dad’s power base? We think differently, and trying to assume others can easily change their thinking to match up with ours is a fool’s errand.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Blacks see nothing wrong with using your position to enrich yourself and your clan (see every black politician, everywhere, ever). Likewise Pajeets, Juans, Abduls & Changs. God knows Israel has turned out to be just the haven for Jewish criminals that you-know-who warned us about in Minecraft Campfing. We’re the only guys who seem to worry about corruption.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Not so sure Dutch. I think blacks like Joe cuz he exemplified the reverse master slave relationship they so long for.

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

A small aside. Given our corrupt and poz’d educational system, to staple a green card onto any diploma is basically to allow anyone and everyone to come on over and pillage what’s left of the country.

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

They can’t ride high on their collective accomplishments, so they will ride high on victory and vengeance.

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

Yes, yes, 1000 x Yes.

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

Splendid. This is the kind of truth we need to hear.

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

I don’t find the Indians as calous as the White elite, they don’t stab their own in the back. It’s our upper-classes that like living in their gated towers looking down on all the “scum” so they can feel superior, look at LA and San Francisco. The Indians live the way they’ve lived for 5,000 yrs depending on caste, it’s unconscious, the White elites especially in the Angloshere are the arseholes

Reply to  Brahma
4 years ago

“they don’t stab their own in the back”

Oh hell yes they do. With great enthusiasm and without guilt. My ladyfriend deals with South Asian MDs on a daily basis, and has gone from naive civnat to “I distrust and hate those people.” It’s to the point where I actually have to talk HER down, whereas 4 years ago (before she was promoted to Assistant Wrangler of Pajeets and Syeds) she was all “Geez, Mike, why are you so racist?”

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

That’s an interesting point. IQ matters a lot, though; smart people, so long as they’re given the tools to take care of themselves, are more likely to successfully assimilate into any kind of society. Their identities are less polluted by self-pity — and trust me, “poor me” is as culturally destructive as it gets.

But I get it. There’s way more to the picture than brains. I’ve read that different races have different templates for the reuptake of serotonin, for example. Some races — and thereby, ethnoreligions — just don’t play well with others.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I think that we already see what will be used to maintain control: Ginned up hatred of whites and an agreement to hold off inter-tribal hostilities to better loot and enslave whites. And you know what? It’s working. But you can see the cracks in that system. Jews and their lapdog whites are struggling to maintain control of dumb but unruly blacks and Muslims and smart Asians and Indians who want to a greater say behind (and in front) of the curtain. Regardless, that whole system hinges on whites staying passive. If even a small percentage of whites join the… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Some points, in no particular order; 1. In the end, the US is going to split into several countries, there can be no other ending. The only questions are, will it be peaceful or bloody, and what and how much will our people get. The sooner we start thinking about and addressing these questions, the better. 2. VDH is actually smarter than he lets on. A lot of his CivNat stuff is just to hang on to his job at NR, there’s no doubt that he, like a lot of other older Boomers, knows the score, he just can’t say… Read more »

Reply to  AltitudeZero
4 years ago

VDH is quite comfortable with his long-time position at the Hoover institute at Stanford. He needs nothing from NR—certainly not a smallish paycheck—that his occasional article may bring. He is also an author of great renown wrt military history. Those books alone bring a good income from continuing sales. He is monetarily pretty independent IMO. That said, I agree he’s too intelligent to not know the score and like many others does not take the final step wrt his writings, but don’t confuse that for selling out for a paycheck. An equally valid assumption may be simply that he has… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

He gains nothing by coming to our side except to become a big fat target. Our side is tiny, fragmented and the target of over progtard not in the grave.

He’s better off staying where he is until our side gets it’s damn act together – which may be never.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  AltitudeZero
4 years ago

Regarding 1, who knows. I hope so. California, Texas and New Mexico scare me though. Just slow white replacement in those states. That’s what I fear the most.

#2: I agree.

#3: Hatred of whitey is a major rallying cry. It’ll work in this country for a very long time – if we don’t push back.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I live in New England – and if we’re to split into a number of separate countries I can see this region (probably) hanging together. The things that concern me are: 1) The infusion of POC into the region, although I sense that it’s not quite as bad here as it is in other areas of the country – like say Virginia. The major cities of Boston and probably Hartford CT excepted. There is I believe a leveling factor in the infusion of POC into this region – and it’s something that I’ve seen commented on over the years many… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Calsdad, an interesting thing is going on behind the scenes in California. The internal self-segregation is going on at warp speed now. There are multiple Californias now, but the break is at the foothills East of the coast, with Sacramento looped into the coast. The coastal CA has all the power and gets all the press, but the interior of the state is as red as can be, and with a certain combination of bluster and care about showing it, depending on conditions and circumstances. I doubt any other area is as clearly and cleanly divided as California is now.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch, Riv and SB Counties are looking light blue on the map. I have been in both of these counties for over 20 years and the change is noticeable. Not to mention the Muzzies and Indians. The Indians are a real piece of nasty.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Western Riverside and SB are the border territories between red and blue. Not a good place to be, they are where the blues park the nasty poor people they have invited in and then dropped off in the middle of nowhere. The Central Valley has some of this going, too. I have never seen a border area that is a better place than the area on at least one side of it.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

What was that email address you posted, please?

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

” The Indians are a real piece of nasty.” South Asians are moving into many of the roles formerly occupied by Jews, both professionally, and politically, the roles of lefty Jews. On the professional end, medicine is a huge one, but also higher-level corporate positions, particularly in tech. The lefty parts include lawfare (with particular use of racial discrimination stuff) and politics. And the nepotism and clannishness are at least as bad. East Asians as a rule are not making the same transition out of being mere “high-tech coolies” into power roles. My take on this is that these browns… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Yes, South Asians are a massive problem… From the sounds of it, they are much worse in the USA too… honestly a lot of them are ok guys in Canada. I’m not sure what causes the difference – it is much harder to get wealthy in Canada so they might be more humble. In the past few years, their attitude has started to shift though. I have seen it. Just like Mexicans – passive when left to their own devices, but easily weaponized by (((them))) against whites. Never, ever, ever trust an Indian. Pakistanis are actually much more trustworthy, though… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

A few months ago a couple of young black guys came thru my neighborhood and knocked on my door. Turns out they were out going door to door selling Verizon upgrades. They were wearing vests – carrying clipboards, etc. I talked to them and politely declined since I didn’t need any of the services. It was right around 8pm and getting dark. About 2 minutes after they left a police cruiser came by and stopped and asked me (I was still outside cleaning the truck) – if I had seen these two and what they wanted. I explained to the… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

That’s why the practical motto of our thing has got to be: Just keep redpilling.

It’s hard to know exactly how far, or in what ways, our messages spread on the internet. But they do spread. Often fast. You can see a lot of stuff from the d-right-o-sphere, including the Zblog, spreading through society.

You never know when we’re going to reach that “win threshold” of whites playing the identity game. But redpilling is a no-risk effort for anons: maybe we wake people up in time, maybe we don’t, but at least we tried.

Reply to  Edgar
4 years ago

As a younger person who grew up on the internet, sites like 4chan and encyclopedia dramtica pretty much set the mood of the internet. Back in 2008 they were leftist hubs that supported Obama. today, they’re far-right.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

20 more years was all they needed to seal the deal – low & slow until replacement numbers had been reached.

They jumped the gun with Obama and too many White frogs started jumping out of the pot.

Those Whites could finally smell what Barak was cookin’.

For all their vaunted smarts, Jewish hubris & overreach has tripped them up 109 times before.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Give the Yankees credit. They knew better than to fight in 1820 or 1850 when they might have lost.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

This time they waited and brought in mercenaries. But the problem with bringing in too many mercenaries is that they can take over.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

When your enemy brings in mercenaries – it’s a good thing. My grandparents lived in Lexington MA, so as a kid – I was heavily exposed to touring the sites of the Revolution , as well as reading the history. Even in the 60s and 70s the story presented about the Revolution still painted the British redcoats as clearly the “bad people”. But I remember the Hessians as being presented as just plain evil scum. Nobody really likes mercenaries. And when your enemy starts using mercenaries – it just makes your job easier to enlist more people to your cause.… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Jews do so well early in the game because of their hubris and overreach but it always gets them into trouble later in the game.

Regardless, I’ve argued that the demographic race is over; we’re just not seeing yet. But look at births and it’s over. Even if we stopped all immigration tomorrow (and that won’t happen), we’d still become a minority.

So the United State is over, but we still can make something new. That game is far from over.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Pretty much where I’m at. We’re looking to build our own Oranias for now, A few generations on, the no-longer-U S of A will be weaker and we’ll be stronger. Fate may deal us some good cards anytime as well.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

+1 on Orania.

I’ll commit to using my law practice and financial resources to create the corporate structures necessary for a development like this if enough people in Our Thing can agree on a location and are willing to pony up the necessary capital. Like many of you, I am itching to move from rumination and discussion to concrete action in the real world. Apartheid now!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Apartheid Now!

That’s great. A bit early for the slogan but someday.

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

+2 on Orania. I’m 27, and my girlfriend and I don’t want our (hypothetical) children to endure the infernal gayness of cosmopolitan America. I’ll donate all of my stale college amphetamines if you base us somewhere warmer than, say, NJ.

And you’re gonna need those amphetamines — lest the night watch grow weary.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Our great nations were colonies of castoffs from the slums and prisons, surrounded by a sea of hostile peoples-of-color.

Wherever our deplorables went, within four generations those orphans and refugees built a highest level civilization.

All the Colonies were Orania, once.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

“So the United State is over, but we still can make something new.”


Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Overreach is our saving grace. They always overreach. Problem is we have been ineffective in rolling back their overreach efforts over the years, so we have a ratcheting effect.

Example, Obama care is still here. We only succeeded in making it even more fiscally unsound. When political power switches over, Obama Care will be used as a basis/excuse to implement a “Medicare for all” complete medical field take over.

Happens over and over, but they never catch wise.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Meh, let’s not jump the gun here. They are still doing the exact same thing. Just more people are aware. Like 5% aware.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

That’s better than 1%. Also, you only need ~10% of a population to change the whole system.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Agree with your first point. Exactly what Mugabe did in Zimbabwe when he assumed power.

Fulwar Skipwith
4 years ago

“There will be no confirmatory collapse of the Progressive order. There will be no sudden realization of their errors and a great retreat from radical multiculturalism. There is no returning to the America of the past, real or imagined. The old white America where civic nationalism was enough to maintain regional cooperation will not work in a land of hostile strangers. In a land of tribes, many hostile and many encouraged to be hostile, something else will be used to maintain control.”


John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Fulwar Skipwith
4 years ago

And he can have that black pil! 🙂 The game is not over. Hell, it hasn’t even started. Look at the democrats – they are now so vibrant and so diverse – they can’t do their jobs. Their cloud people are under the gun too – the white shitlibs have swarms of coloured morons trying to take over their party, horn in on their scams and grifts, and call the shots. Look at this blog: when I started reading here a year ago, our blog host might get 50 comments a day from a basket of deplorable racists, haters, and… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Kudos to your optimistic words! There’s room on our side of the divide for both Zman’s black pill and your white pill. We need the darkness and the light. Zman can provide hard-bitten realism, while folks such as yourself deliver much-needed motivation for change. Yin and yang. All that jazz.

Reply to  Wkathman
4 years ago

If Z-man is delivering “realism” then the opposite is logically…

And how does that work as a path forward?

Darth Curmudgeon
Darth Curmudgeon
Reply to  Wkathman
4 years ago

Red Pill leads to the Black Pill, but once certain truths are digested and certain grieving processes completed, the Black Pill leads to the White Pill.

Reply to  Wkathman
4 years ago

Zman is always hawking doom & gloom.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

– all it takes is a handful of white guys to rule hordes of browns and blacks. –

True, but that can’t work in a “democracy”. If the system fails, though, and anarchy ensues, then you might be right.

Pip McGuigin
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Bullshit! A democracy is where it will work. A democracy is mob rule. We aren’t a democracy. The word is Republic. Everyone wants to equate the two. Again Bullshit.The history of Democracies have the same results.That being an authoritarian regime run by a dictator. When it comes to a SHTF moment, rest assured ALL political ideas will be ignored and the safety will be removed on all our weapons. Let the chips fall where they may. Defense of the idea of America is still viable and worth fighting for. Semper Fi.

Reply to  Pip McGuigin
4 years ago

We were not formed as a democracy but if the definition is “mob rule” then that is what we are. We were formed as a constitutional democratic republic but we are neither constitutional nor republic.

Reply to  Pip McGuigin
4 years ago

Most will happily hand over their guns, so long as its orderly and legal. Thats what normiecon wants, just make X legal and its okay!

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Absolutely not case in the US. Registration or magazine bans at felony penalties for non compliance has pretty much been a failure everywhere in the US. Even among normiecons

While Red Flag laws will be used, too much of this will result in a pushback , a violent one.

Also polls, yes often BS but still they have been showing a huge trends to civil war, I’ve seen upwards of 71% !

The descent to tribalism our host mentions might end up more Syria or Yemen or Rwanda/Bosnia than some nice polite falling apart.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
4 years ago

An energetic, organized Blightwing might have corrected the situation long ago, when the odds of success were much better. It didn’t. So why now, at the last minute, over guns never used as the Founders intended? To think that any significant number of disorganized, loudmouth, indolent pot-bellies and diabetics with creaking knees and Molon Labe t-shirts will go to war to protect “muh gun rights” at this stage of the game is ludicrous. The Left is perfectly aware of the fact that the Blightwing is comprised of loudmouth twinkies. Pushback will be minimal and easily dealt with. The overwhelming majority… Read more »

Reply to  Oldtradesman
4 years ago

You use many words to say ‘I’m afraid; I surrender.’

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

“All it takes is a handful of white guys to rule over hordes of browns and blacks” This is a ridiculous statement: 1. It only works short term. Do a handful of white guys still rule in India? Vietnam? Rhodesia? South Africa? Haiti? Eventually a “handful of white guys” always gets run out of places with a non-white supermajority. And those were overseas colonies. Now we are faced with the prospect of being run out of our own countries… except that there will be no motherland to return to. 2. Even if it were true… Do you want to spend… Read more »

Reply to  Ant Man Bee
4 years ago

Then do so.
Then take the rest.

We need power, not ethnic purity.

Reply to  Ant Man Bee
4 years ago

10^10 upvotes for you Ant Man.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Oh my.

All those who want to live take up the white pill’s burden.

All those who want to despair swallow a bottle of black pills.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

The game is not over.

White Americans may becoming a minority, but they’ll still be the largest ethnic group by far, for many decades to come.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Exactly. We may not be able to vote our way out of this, but we still control our destiny. The historic United States is the walking dead, but American whites have whatever future we want.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

” American whites have whatever future we want.”

IFF you harden your hearts.

For those of you disinclined to remember doing math proofs in your high school geometry class, IFF stands for “if and only if”.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Sorry, but 1.2 million illegals per year currently apprehended at the southern border and released into the US, plus hundreds of thousands of illegals not apprehended per year entering the US, plus over a million legal immigrants admitted to the US per year, plus various and sundry refugee resettlement programs are only the beginning. Trump cannot or will not stem this flow of people and the tidal wave will increase by factors of 2,3 or 4 in the near future. Do the math and whites will be a minority within ?.

Reply to  sheliak
4 years ago

Not fast enough…

Reply to  sheliak
4 years ago

Add to that brainwashed millenials

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Unfortunately, half of the Whites are actively working for the demise of the entire group.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

Less than 1/3 and many of those are going to fall away. In any case 25% of people with intent is enough to force change.

In fact the biggest problem we face isn’t the Baizuo but the money junkies and GOPe grifters . The later guys are being fought now by the Groypers .

Once R means Nationalist Whites and Friends , we have a shot at a political solution.

Otherwise the Left will push too hard , odds are huge that war happens and it’s time for several new nations. Everyone wants to avoid that.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
4 years ago

Trump’s Deplorables are roughly 25% of the adult population. They haven’t the brains, willpower, courage, and resources to do more than hero-worship the Orange Conman from a safe distance. Why would anybody think these Israel-SilknDiamond-Jeeboo lubbin’ sheep are capable of anything more?

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

You make an interesting point. If White Americans start taking their own side — even as a minority — and push for separatist policies, we can win in the long run.

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

Even this is not true. In demographics, the total numbers do not matter — what matters is only the number of child-bearing age: people 35 and under. Whites have already lost that contest. Once the Boomers die off and finally take their rightful places in the Lake of Fire for all eternity, the remaining Whites will see just how outnumbered they already are. And since there is no effective political will to turn off even the illegal immigration spigot, let alone the legal immigration firehose, it will only get worse, and it will only compound. This is what happens whenever… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

And that’s been working so well for us Felix. Goodwhites and (((others))) are the enemy. The mudslide is the result of our perfect record of losing every battle.

Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

If our ((fellow white people)) can rule America when they’re 3% of the population, well…

White Americans can make machineguns, tanks, artillery, missiles, fighter aircraft and radios. POC can make tortillas and garish rugs.

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

And babies.

Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

So what? You want to choose babymaking as your battlefield? All you have to do is stop feeding them, and they’ll die like flies.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

The “game” is over. We never took it seriously. There is no rational reason to think, after 55+ years of farting around, that we hobbyists will get serious, grow a pair, METT-T the situation, organize, implement, and otherwise place ourselves at risk at “game’s” end.

All any of us will do, come spicy times, is protect ourselves and immediate family members. We’ll go along to get along, as we do now, and hope our rabbit asses aren’t on tonight’s menu.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago


Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

The biggest threat to America isn’t socialism, it’s the Browning, Feminizing & Gaying of America.

Scandinavian socialism works because of Scandinavians (and is starting to not work b/c Others). I’d rather fight for a White Socialist America than a multi-ethnic Capitalist America. We already tried that, and all we got was multi-tribal socialism in a fake wrapper.

Don’t be so certain about the loyalties of the increasingly brown, femme & gay troops either.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Like you, I have no knee-jerk reaction to the prospects for ‘socialism’. Most people who complain about it have little idea what ‘socialism’ really amounts to, just like they have little idea what ‘capitalism’ really amounts to. Whereas capitalism is simply state-enforced usury for the interests of those who own the means of monetary production, socialism is simply any economic idea that does not place Money Power first.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

That’s the crazy thing with the muh socialism crowd – maybe it’s a frog boiling thing – but we already are a socialist country. We have .gov schools, healthcare, jobs programs, SSI, Medicaid, section 8, tanf, food stamps, blah blah blah ad nauseum. 1/2 my income has gone to the gubmint since my first real job. For those willing to go down to the social services office, we have a full-on Bismarkian welfare state.
Bellyaching about “muh socialists” today is like standing in a swimming pool while ranting against getting wet.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Educated.Redneck
4 years ago

About 40% of the entire US GDP is State spending of some kind. However in order to not be in that situation that we have to have a lot of decently well remunerated private sector work for every skill level. We haven’t had that in decades. Between policy and technology, wages as percentage have declined around 1% per year since 1973 We’ve made up for it with cheap imports and two wage earner families as well as arguably less children. You want to fix that, economic liberalism has to be replaced by economic nationalism Also a whole bunch of extremely… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Sorry John, but you are delusional. There is no white majority country outside of eastern Europe that will remain so in 100 years. The fact that the comment section of this blog has increased from 50 to 200 is great for Z’s debating and complaining club. Our future is bleak and there are no metrics that portend otherwise. Most people prefer comforting illusions to cold reality. I get that. After all, we only have one life to live, and the harshness of unsettling facts can become a never ending downer. Despite being raised in a Christian faith, by the age… Read more »

Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

Predictions of the future are notoriously inaccurate. Read 10 books from 50 years ago about the 21st century. Flying cars, robot housemaids, a Star Trek economy, fusion power, kumbaya one-world government on the one hand, Malthusian hell, resource scarcity, nuclear winter. ice ages. Venusian warming on the other. The box cars and gulags of the USSR went from running on schedule to the sh*tcan of history in the span of about 2-3 years. Staring into the abyss gives you no greater insight than those of us staring at the sun. The only certainty is that if you give up, you… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exactly Right Exile…I know I will keep trying and fighting til the bitter end…I get a kick out of these guys that are always we are doomed and there is no hope…You have to wonder how much they are getting paid to spread despair and fear…We all understand how bad it is and how bad it can get if we don’t put a stop to it or build our own systems so unless you are working on solutions while your telling us how bad it is then I don’t really take you seriously…You are either a troll or a gov… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Lineman, I am neither. Come visit me next time you are in the Flathead. Tell me what your plans are for the day the Feds start relocating thousands of Muslims and/or Africans to Missoula. You can’t do jack about it. Don’t think some Jew ngo doesn’t have us on their radar already. Are you gonna retreat to Salmon? How about Leadore? All those clueless progs in Missoula will be out with welcome signs just like the suicidal Swedes and you know I’m right.

Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

Magic All-Powerful Jew Theory. You fail to account for any of the Empire downside. They can’t avoid the consequences of importing and supporting Infinity Browns or increasing numbers of White dissidents going Galt or monkey-wrenching them from within. As their resources and capabilities get overstretched, they start slipping, and we exploit those weak spots. When the budget gets tight because unemployed bulbheads make a poor tax base, who’s going to pay the Feds to chase us to every backwater in America, or relocate more Browns to places like Missoula or Salmon? Even with MMT money, there are limits to how… Read more »

Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago


Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Pot-bellied, diabetic loudmouths sporting Molon Labe t-shirts at the range are 100% in agreement with you.

Reply to  Oldtradesman
4 years ago

And quiet veterans at the range?
They full of shit too?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Thanks for saying this E. I was going to post almost the same thing. I agree with Bernd’s points overall but history is actually a story of “if present trends continue” – not continuing… I’d say use that engineering mindset and ask what the possibilities are. I really see only 3: 1. Fight the trends and lose. 2. Give up now and accept our fate. 3. Fight the trends and, through some perhaps admittedly unlikely flock of Black Swans, monkeywrenching, and defiant cleverness, win. Both 1 and 2 probably lead to the Gulag. Even if 3 is unlikely it’s the… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

“You will not be spared” is pretty good. Nice.

Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

Well, you win the Gloomy Gus award for today.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

Hard to argue with you. That said, a little over 100 years ago, whites stood astride the world. Outside of Japan, no non-European country even held a candle to us. Europeans outnumbered Africans something like 5 to 1. China was a backwater. The Middle East was under British and French control. American whites (90% of the population) were a deeply religious people. To a Muslim or a Chinaman or an African, the idea that they could take on such a colossus, much less defeat it without a fight, would have seemed absurd. Yet, here we are. History is not linear.… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The recent Northwest Forum with Jared Taylor was the first official DR event I’ve attended. With the exception of Jared and a few others, I found it to be a rather discouraging and ragtag affair. It actually reinforced my awareness of how absurdly few are our numbers. Unfortunately, Greg Johnson was also a no show. He is super bright and somehow maintains an cheery optimism that I find mystifying. I wonder if he has become a bit more pessimistic of late. Patrick Casey is a bright young man but seemed rather contemptuous of anyone over the age of forty. I’m… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

What you say is true. But think back just 10 years ago. Taylor was truly a voice in the wilderness. The fact that his event continues to grow and didn’t die out shows something. I hear my friends and relatives saying things about race, about immigration that they never said before. There’s an undercurrent out there. How big, I don’t know. Will it amount to anything? Don’t know. If we try but find no support among our fellow whites, then we die out deservedly, but it’s worth a shot. We’re not trying to save the United States. We’re trying to… Read more »

Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

What’s the point of pulling out your checkbook if we’re all going to drown in Browns in Missoula? Apparently you’re of two minds on this – good. Put down the despair pills and get that checkbook back out. If you think an organization is advancing White interests, why deny them of funds b/c they somehow insulted Gen Boomer-X (it’s my generation too, FWIW)? Patrick Casey was disrespectul so I’m going to watch my people vanish from the Earth? I have serious disagreements with some of the guys in Our Thing and I’ve had my feez hurt but this is bigger… Read more »

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

“Yet here we are. History is not linear.” You’re forgetting a certain constant. Jews are always what they are: corrosive, destructive, parasitical, subversive, spiteful, vengeful, hate-filled, always among us, impossible to get rid of, and very, very patient. Took ’em a hundred years, but they toppled this “colossus” you speak of, which the Muslims, Chinamen and Africans could not do. And now they own your entire country, and are giggling and gloating as they smother you to death with the soft pillows of debt, fake money, world banking monopoly, world media, academic and judicial monopoly, infinity immigration, mongrelization, and cultural… Read more »

Reply to  Ant Man Bee
4 years ago

You couldn’t have put it better!

Reply to  Ant Man Bee
4 years ago

We’re not “toppled,” FFS – as Felix notes, we’re still going to be the largest ethnic group in America even after losing the outright majority. Our peoples are responsible for 90%+ of human achievement. If Jews truly controlled America we wouldn’t be here talking about it. Z fingered complaining about how unfair the world is for us as a problem in last week’s pod. Eeyores & Chicken Littles should give it another listen. Handing out despair pills and telling everyone the end is near does nothing more for Whites than shitlibs and Burger Nats do. What is the point of… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

FBI provocateurs and wheezing, pot-bellied “cold dead hands” -types at the gun store are 100% in agreement with you.

Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

100 years.
Facing either Brazil or the Gulag you would remain idle for…100 years.
The passive never have a future.

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

Idle? My future is my children and grandchildren. I’m prepared to die on a hot pile of brass for my progeny, but I’m not gonna become a martyr. The one thing my parents did not bequeath me was stupidity.

Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

BerndV: Then tell us what you suggest we should do. According to your initial black-pill comment, we can’t run, we can’t hide. So where, who, how and when do you propose we fight?

Saying you’re prepared to “die on a hot pile of brass” sounds like martyrdom, but you say in the very next breath that you won’t become one.

How about moving those children and grandchildren somewhere outside the Empire, or at least beyond its present reach? Are they red-pilled? Are they home-schooling? What are you teaching them about how to survive in a minority-White America?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

If I had all the answers, I would certainly be doing more than occasionally chiming in on the Z blog. We may have to accept that the fate of our people will not be what any of us would choose. My willingness to sacrifice myself for the future of my descendents and my people would be contingent upon that sacrifice having some reasonable chance of achieving a desirable impact on that fate. I’ve already picked up my family and moved from an urban area that became hostile to raising healthy white children. I’ve been in Montana for over twenty years.… Read more »

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

“The passive never have a future.” Very true. Problem is passivity has been “our thing” for 55+ years. Some of us saw this coming decades ago, as far back as the late 60’s. There was no magic or rocket science involved, merely a logical progression that could be grasped by any reasonably intelligent person. We tried warning the sheep. A few of us paid a very heavy price for our trouble. We had hoped the sheep would discover their inner lion/wolf/jackal/donkey, METT-T, organize, implement, take it to the enemy “by any means necessary.” But the sheep were too focused on… Read more »

Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

I feel your pain…..we should talk….it’s like watching an asteroid travelling for weeks to impact Earth as we’re gazing up at it….horrible but yet, in a way, incredibly beautiful…..I’m wondering, who or what do we blame for the destruction of Earth and all life here…..maybe we should blame the same for all that we see going down…or blame nothing and just handle it…

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

“all it takes is a handful of white guys to rule over hordes of browns and blacks”. Yes……..but……….. that is not the question that needs to be answered IMHO. The question is: Why the hell would you want to? One of the harsher descriptions I’ve heard used to talk about POC is “obsolete farm equipment”. Recognizing that as a truism – you then are forced to recognize that Lincoln majorly screwed up when he didn’t send them all back. What does a farmer do with his old tractors? He parks them out in the back 40 somewhere and lets them… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Nice. Funny. “Obsolete farm equipment.” Kudos.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

+1 Calsdad. Obsolete Farm Equipment. OFE (pronounced like “oaf,” the big, dumb and ox-like sort). Brilliant! This is much more cutting and objectifying than the n-word. And it is rooted in both race-realism and cultural history. Indeed, as we in California know only too well, the hordes of Mexican illegals are also “farm equipment” and the battle provoked by Caesar Chavez and continued by Gavin Newsome today is to prolong their maintenance instead of hastening their obsolescence. OMG, I absolutely love this metaphor.

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Just for the record: I can’t take credit for it, since I read it somewhere else (can’t remember where).

But yes – I love the metaphor too. And think it deserves a much wider audience.

Imagine posters everywhere that read:

“Stop forced subsidies for obsolete farm equipment maintenance”.

You could have entire conversations with people about the subject without ever letting on what you’re really referring to.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

‘[All] it takes is a handful of white guys to rule hordes of browns and blacks.’

That may be true, but it’s not a long-term solution. The most humane solution is racial and ethnic separation (not the same thing) into discrete, autonomous (or at least semi-autonomous), preferably sovereign homelands.

I cannot think of a single important problem that a multi-racial — even white supremacist (not endorsing, just describing) — society does not make harder to solve.

Separation, not supremacy is really the only way to make sure we’re not right back in this place in 60 years.

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  HamburgerToday
4 years ago

“all it takes is a handful of white guys to rule over hordes of browns and blacks.”

Yeah, but unfortunately, the corollary is:

All it takes is a handful of Jews to rule over a handful of dumb white goyim who think that they are ruling.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

— “all it takes is a handful of white guys to rule hordes of browns and blacks.” Well actually I think the problem has always been that the elite knows this too but thinks of *themselves* as the “white guys in charge”. This is at the root of the Democrats current internal strife. Fuddy duddy Joe Biden and Super-Robo-Mecha-Hillary represent the faction that thinks the future will be business as usual with the white and Jewish coastal elite ruling a pleasantly dumbed down idiocracy that they will control with cheap legal weed, porn, malt liquor, Obamacare, and EBT cards. AOC… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

“The current lame attempts to brown up Europe are the Euro-left’s idea of importing American style demographic block voting to lock up control (for the elite whites and ‘fellow-whites’)”

Something fuzzy tells me that is the key locus. The weak point to focus on, or… something.

You are acing it today, pozymandias.
Everyone here today is coalescing into some kick-ass thought and clarity. I wish I could thank each and every one of you.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

“people, even the more intelligent lefties, actually LIKE guys like you”

Not the lefties, intelligent or not. We may have common interests on occasion, but as the perspicacious saying goes, The enemy of my enemy is … my enemy’s enemy.

That said, I like and appreciate your comment overall. It *is* vitally important to not fall into a sense of despair and hopelessness. It is also important to not give into hate. Not because some people don’t deserve to be hated (they do), but because it is corrosive and harmful to the one doing the hating.

Reply to  Fulwar Skipwith
4 years ago

Facing reality square on is not “taking the black pill.” The 1950s country I knew as a kid is long gone. That there is an increasing number of young people waking up, though still a small minority, is what I consider a white pill.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Fulwar Skipwith
4 years ago

It’s nice to believe that we have the agency to bring about the needed change. Maybe in numbers we do. But since we lack the lines of communication to organize effectively, since every institution is controlled by our enemies, since the majority of white men still think in terms of “getting back to the constitution and letting the market decide” and a handful of other delusions…our enemies need to complete their job of wrecking our institution before we act as a tribe with tribal interests. Look at how far we’ve fallen in just the past 2 decades and yet most… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

To end Clown World, first survive then escape it. The enemy are men (poor examples, at that, for the most), not heroes or gods. As late as the 1970’s I still had family who lived a basically frontier lifestyle 100+ years removed from the surrounding communities in Appalachia. They were K-12 educated at best and put little deliberate effort into isolation or cultural preservation or resistance. Many lived on the edge of the law in terms of moonshining, poaching, truancy, zoning and numerous other “malum prohibitum” offenses against Bureaucrat Gangs state and federal. We have the IQ, intentions, technology and… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

‘Our enemies are more worried about a Boomer uprising than they are of Millennials, X’er and Gen YZ . Civnatism is the rearguard of anti-whitism.’ I’m pretty sure our enemies fear *any* kind of White identitarianism by *any* Person-Of-Whiteness independent of age or sex. ‘[O]ur enemies need to complete their job of wrecking our institution before we act as a tribe with tribal interests.’ I’m not so sure. Whether the media show it or not, there seems to be an ambient awareness in the White population that *something is not right*, and some of them are feeling that it has… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Exactly. Hard men with a grim, steely purpose and hard hearts that are willing to do the dirty job that must be done. All revolutions are bloody affairs in which a certain breed of man rises to the occasion. I’ve been prepared to make that contribution. However, the annual Elk hunting trips I take at altitudes above 8000 feet are a stark reminder that my time is nigh.

Reply to  Fulwar Skipwith
4 years ago

Things are looking pretty bleak for us today. Then you look at the trend lines. Things look to be getting worse, no? Any plan to end our foreign invasion? Any plan to balance the budget? Any hope our schools or our media will purge itself from Marxist domination? Is there anyone out there on the horizon who can save us – a George Washington? The black pill slides down real easily, while the white pill looks like a horse pill. The ratio of us versus them is shrinking every day. Not to say that something unexpected may happen to save… Read more »

4 years ago

It was almost as if Charlie Kirk was being held hostage by one of the infantryman in the culture war he claimed we are fighting. It’s not enough we get old men like Hanson to step aside along with all the others of old defeated conservatism, but we have to vanquish the likes of Shapiro, Kirk, and their cheerleaders like Hannity.

I just hope little Fuentes and crew are just a start. Hopefully there will be an aftermath to this that will provide some territory and protection for the normy America that wants it.

Fulwar Skipwith
Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

I am pretty sure now that the Chucky Kirk road show is over, the *right* media types are gonna dig through Fuentes garbage can and find something that will be used to ban him into oblivion.

We need to stop sending people up to “troll” public figures if we don’t have a way to take care of them when they are promptly expelled from what passes for “civil society” directly afterward.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Fulwar Skipwith
4 years ago

Nahhh, we need more of them questioning the public cucks. This is just getting started. Now’s not the time to contract.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Last night, Kirk came back with the most basic retorts and the Groypers had nothing. Even Fuentes and Anglin admitted it was a disaster.

This morning feels an awful lot like the morning of August 13, 2017 did.

Fulwar Skipwith
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Idk man, I’m not driving 120mph through the Blue Ridge mtns at the head of a mob, so it isn’t that bad.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago


True. But a fundamental issue is race. We want to bring it into the conversation and most CivNats don’t. Even using euphemisms like “demographics,” it still comes back to race. Kirk, et al, will always argue 1) good people (like the people in this audience) are colorblind and 2) we can convert people of other races and ethnicities with our ideas.

That’s an emotional answer (also a lie) that CivNats want to hear. What’s our emotional response that they’re ready to hear?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single footstep.’

In the case of the Great Replacement, it begins with ‘demographics’ and electoral results. Civnats see winning elections as critical to their view of how things work. Show them how mass immigration and voting patterns results in them not being able to win elections and the light goes on.

Reply to  HamburgerToday
4 years ago

That’s it, Hamburger, what pozymandias was referring to.

All the marketing- radio, tv, social media, think tanks, policy and LAWS- is geared towards winning elections.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Answer: AOC and Ilhan Omar. Have they converted? Have their constituents? How could AOC, basically a nobody, primary a multi-term Democrat? Answer: demographics. How long have Democrats held the minority vote? How successful have minority outreach programs been? How long have they been tried?

In short: how has that colorblind conversion been working out for you?

As W.C. Fields once said: If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. Then give up – no point in being a fool about it.

Reply to  c matt
4 years ago

Matt, Cortexless is a fluke. Only 16,000 or less showed up to vote and Joe got suckerpunched. She’s being targeted, so we’ll see.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Disaster? Charlottesville? Come on, bro. Dial it back a little over the holidays and re-engage rested and with better SA.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

I was more referring to a feeling of that we’d passed a high water mark and that the other side has now figured out how to beat us.

The next Groyper event will be an even bigger shitshow, much as Hunter Wallace’s “White Lives Matter” March was.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Then don’t do another similar one, at least not right now. Come at them from a different direction. Make sure they are always fighting yesterday’s battle.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

That’s a bit hyperbolic, don’t you think? No dead bodies, no crying “Nazis” etc. Anything Anglin is involved in should be dead and buried anyway. Those guys are a bunch of weirdos. Weev lives with a Jew in NYC. Give me a break.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Anyway there’s a link to “last night?” I find this back and forth entertaining…

Reply to  Normie
4 years ago

TPUSA won’t stream their own events anymore, as they don’t want to give us a platform.

I’d suggest Daily Stormer or Fuentes’ Twitter.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

It’s not hard to come up with quick replies to the Groyper questions that muddy the water enough for your average CivNat. It’s the follow-up questions that can’t be answered. Demand debates.

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

That was an embarrassing performance. I agree. Kirk couldn’t have done it more adroitly than had he chosen those people, and those “questions,” himself. One thing I am struck by — as an older guy — is the way some younger people read their questions on cell phones. I understand they’re nervous, but it seems to me that most of the time, you can pretty much bet that whatever follows the reading of the question is going to be a flop for the questioner. I taught for some time, and am a pretty confident public speaker. If I were to… Read more »

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

I don’t agree that Kirk was adroit. He pulled some rhetorical tricks and got away with them. However, he also seemed to lose his cool and got pretty unpleasant. But I agree that it is better to remain silent and assumed a fool and to speak and remove all doubt.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I’ll start worrying when Donald Macron Jr. feels cocky enough to go back onstage with his granny-waifu.

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I just read Anglin’s rehash of the disaster, with a lot of transcript. A few observations: 1. I simply cannot believe the intellectual childishness and rhetorical vacuousness of everyone involved, Kirk and groypers alike. I always knew our public discourse was retarded, but this was retard world squared, then squared again. It’s just embarrassing that this is how we talk in public. The groypers can be forgiven because they are angry young amateurs. But Kirk is an absolute retard, and HE holds the mic? 2. Kirk did not “own” anybody. He shouted people down, used stupid slogans, did the old… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

It was inevitable that the enemy would change their tactics. Kirk is, for all his flaws, a seasoned professional. He pulled rhetorical tricks last night that worked. The fact that he held his own against a rag-tag platoon of volunteers isn’t really that impressive. Conflict is a series of moves and countermoves. Did you really think that Kirk and his Donors were just going to let the Groypers destroy their franchise without a fight? While some might be offended by the analogy, the Groypers are like the Viet Cong of the conservatism and the Right. And just like the VC,… Read more »

Jimmy D
Jimmy D
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

The groyper thing is really overrated anyway. Inconsequential kids all around.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

It’s going to be harder to get through now that they’re planting friendly questioners and screening out potential “groypers.” No doubt you’ll see some of these kids doxxed and de-platformed as well. “Pour encourager les autres.”

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

What do we expect? The enemy is not going to just lay down and die when the going gets tough! This is a war and they have plenty of ammo.
The groypers are getting their chance to show what they are made of. Will they crack? Will they sperg? We’re going to find out if they are clowns or the real thing.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

Along with many others, I predicted it. Char-lay has adopted the Antifa tactic of shouting people down while calling them racist white supremacists. His side (including Shapiro & Crenshaw) don’t convey a lot of self-confidence when they do this. I thought Crenshaw’s thinly-veiled threat the other day was particularly bad optics for them.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

Yup. And Antifa’s winning streak remains unbroken.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

These are young kids going up against guys with a staff of ghost-writers & legal-PR shills. I don’t see Kirk rolling back the tide even if he manages to stand his ground on the odd night.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

People need to take this and begin hammering their local reps with this stuff, especially in the heartand, where poleaxing a congressman or state rep in front of a hundred people can actually have an impact on a race.

Reply to  Fulwar Skipwith
4 years ago

A young guy reading off his phone like he’s being filmed by the Vietcong is a bad look. The important thing is not to ask a long, long question. It’s to ask a quick incisive question that gets to the heart of a contradiction in their philosophy. Getting up there and demanding they white list Fuentes or debate Fuentes is a bad look too.

Reply to  Fulwar Skipwith
4 years ago

Mr. Fuentes is very circumspect about his finances, but I suspect that he’s well-capitalized at this point and can weather just about any storm. If he gets depersoned, all he as to do is switch to a different platform (like BitChute) and keep rolling. He’s already getting more people on Dlive for his live streams than on YouTube. As for ‘taking care’ of our public advocates, everyone on the Right needs to learn how to buy and transfer cryptocurrencies, it would also be nice if the Right could have its own currency and/or currency exchange to keep the shekels flowing… Read more »

One of Many Georges
One of Many Georges
Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Shapiro and Kirk are just scum; people who deliberately divert people’s attention to unimportant issues in order to harm their own audience. There should be a special circle of hell just for this sort of person. Hanson frustrates me in another way. From his collected writings, it’s clear that he has all the pieces for full Realism, in our sense of the term. And he is a man of high intelligence, intellectual stamina, and good character. And yet he never quite puts all the pieces together. He’s retirement age. He’s written his big books. His “Mexifornia-d” farmland is already lost… Read more »

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  One of Many Georges
4 years ago

“What does he have to lose?”

His lifelong security blanket. Also known as, our greatest ally. These guys will never be able to break with the image of Israel in their heads. Without it, their view of the US changes, and that’s not psychologically possible.

Reply to  One of Many Georges
4 years ago

If he’s really everything you say he is, he Would be doing the right thing…

Reply to  One of Many Georges
4 years ago

I like Hanson. He’s a classicist with a long view of history; reminds me of the academic counterpart to Glubb. But I suspect he dare not speak the entire truth because he likes having his office in Hoover’s last erection as an escape from the multiculti hell of the down and brown Central Valley, where his people have farmed for five generations. One can hope that as death draws nearer the “too much to lose” ethos takes on a transcendent awareness of the eternal and provokes true confession. Hanson should take a page from the testament of Cardinal Vigano with… Read more »

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Oh, we have to keep going. In fact, we should be sending guys to this sort of thing forever, or at least until we win. The key point is to realize who your audience is. Your audience is not Charlie Kirk, and it’s not the shills or conservacucks who cheer Charlie Kirk. Your audience is the people at the event and on the internet who are still “convertible,” people in whom the left and/or cuck brainwashing doesn’t go too deep. So even if Kirk’s rehearsed put-downs get a big cheer from his own choir, it doesn’t really matter: if our… Read more »

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Hanson may indeed be stuck in an ageing conservative mindset but I think it’s also possible that he possesses the historian’s fatalistic acceptance of the tragedy and inevitability of human folly.

4 years ago

What you say about the hostile ruling class is also very true of VDH. Progressives are never going to recoil in horror at the errors of their ways. And neither is Hanson. He’s actually an old California liberal who woke up one day to see his beloved state taken hostage by people far to his left. But he never made the connection between the flaws of his own beliefs and those of the more radical liberals. Always with Hanson, and I’m going back more than 35 years, there was this arrogance of assumed moral superiority whenever the idea of race… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

VDH still has a Classicist’s romantic view of America as a Greco-Roman Rennaisance. So did the Founders, from our Magic Papers to our art and architecture. Hanson won’t face the cruel fact that sorting our present NuMerican stock for Greco-Roman grade material would require authoritarian extra-Constittutional measures. Balkanization & de facto apartheid are realities he’s never going to be willing to accept.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Hanson = Boomer jaw boning.

4 years ago

The distance between northern England and the south is in American terms miniscule but the cultural difference vast and yet here too they insist we hold the same values. The election on the 12th Dec is going to be quite a shock to our southern metro elite.

Reply to  thud
4 years ago

How so?
In terms of the election result if you please.

4 years ago

I’ve always thought that one gambit would be to promote state independence movements. It’s one last chance to cash in on regional variation before we all get pulverized into mystery-meat shithole stew.

This sort of thing is gaining steam in Canada, so why not here?

Also, normie whites are not good at organizing, but they can still vote. As we saw with Trump and Brexit, they in fact have a taste for big stick-it-to-the-man referendums.

Worth a shot.

Fulwar Skipwith
Reply to  Hilltop
4 years ago

The completion of the American Revolution is WAR BETWEEN THE STATES

Reply to  Fulwar Skipwith
4 years ago

So that phase ended in 1865?

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

The seeds planted by rebellion and secession never entirely go away. They lie dormant in the soil, just waiting to get watered and sprout again. That’s why the top-down control freaks are in a constant state of agitation, because they know this.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Zman’s thought that maybe the people in charge want the California-type problems certainly fits in with the predictions we’ve all heard from those on our side that the US is headed towards becoming Brazil de Norte.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Having escaped from California to a much whiter and traditionally ‘independent’ state only to find myself surrounded by goodwhites whose biggest concern is not implementing California styled political, social, and cultural agendas fast enough, I agree: this is by design. It may not be evil-genius design, but a kind of lasso the entropy and ride it down approach. Either way there is a lot of wealth to extract. Like some LBO of an old industrial corp, real assets are stripped and sold while paper assets become part of the cloud, fed upon by the need and greed created by the… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

I’ve wondered whether the globalists envision a Middle East model of governance for Europe and North America. Both the Israelis and Arab strongmen have a decent track record in manipulating and controlling seething masses of impoverished muslims. Can this be why Europe is being deliberately islamized?

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
4 years ago

Buckley conservatism existed to fight the Cold War, with the cultural stuff as frosting. The Soviet Union dissolved on Christmas Day 1991. Buchanan, Francis, Brimelow and others tried to shift the movement to culture, especially immigration. Buchanan’s Culture Wars speech at the 1992 convention still resonates. They were purged, with the Neocons taking total control. The Iraq War proved an ongoing disaster. The immigrants kept coming. Buckley and others of his generation died. Young whites are persecuted on campus and in the workplace. They don’t like it. They’re smart and uppity. Here we are.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 years ago

That was a pretty good summation!

Though Kristol, Goldberg, Shapiro, French, etc. are still very much alive. And funded. But I like to think the energy is on our side, not theirs. Our side is reading books and bodybuilding. Their side is watching TV and trawling for shekels.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Our side is also capable of building networks (or communities, I’ve been using that word an awfully lot lately) and cells of like minded people, who are in this for fundamental reasons of kith and kin, not the typical sheckels and feelz that others go for. We need to develop and exploit that. A network of cells of like minded people, gone grey and dispersed, can be a formidable opposition to the stupid stuff going on today, because we are in it for the right reasons, and won’t cut and run as soon as the sheckels and feelz run out.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Yes x10. As important as the internet is to getting the message out, lifestyle commitments run a lot deeper than internet bonding does. Guys who live for this without “e-personas,” “followers,” “likes” or an express paycheck for advocacy are the real strength of any movement, particularly when things get tough. Cortez burned his boats for a reason.

4 years ago

You can always look to Toronto see what the elites have in mind:

As of 2007, there are now as many low income people in Toronto as there were middle income people in the 1970s. The wealthy WASP/Jewish landowners with property in the city are fabulously wealthy, though.

No mention of immigration, of course, but the poor areas now filled with sri Lankan, bangladeshis, arabs, and negroes used to be completely white working class areas.

Now the idiots in Toronto want to ban guns because their brown pets are starting to get a little shooty.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Regardless of gun laws,the “pets” will always be well armed.

4 years ago

We have been a federation of nations and a house with many mansions, because we have had freedom of association, freedom of speech, and the freedom to protect ourselves and our families in any way we see fit. The breakdown of all of that was the key to the destruction of our country. Once one had to look over his shoulder, every time one said something provocative or hung out with someone suspicious, not because you might get punched by the next guy over, but because you could get doxxed or arrested, the game was over. The leveling and atomization… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

And this all started when that federation told 11 of those nations that they couldn’t leave despite the tyrannical and quasi-genocidal ambitions of Northern abolitionists.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Puritanism was Abrahamic supremacy, a branch denomination tailored to Europeans. Yet, Judah Benjamin and his kin controlled King Cotton and chattel lien banking. They had shipped in Africans to replace the dead white slaves of the original colonies, and shipped in more to take control of rich South agriculture bankrupting the wage-earners. This was like a California farmer displacing poor Okies with even lower-paid Mexicans. Judah and his kin sought to extend their slave empire to the Spanish empire lands south. The northern Banksters, both Puritan allies and Bankster merchants, eyed the railroads and the resources and gold/silver of the… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

“Puritanism was Abrahamic supremacy, a branch denomination tailored to Europeans. ” Islam was tailored to Arabs, who killed the Arab Christians and took over Aryan Persia. The Saudi and Emirate royals are Donmeh Jew conversos, not pure Arab, but occupiers. Similarly, Yasir Arafat and his uncle Hussein were Egyptian occupiers in Palestine, though Arab… we believe. Herzl and Faisal were close friends, like brothers. The Mohammed himself was half Jewish, begging the Elders in the medina to recognize him as a Jewish prophet. He was credited, much later, with destroying the Quryza, the Quiraish or Koresh, the Arab Christians, Then… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Yep limit membership in the DR to white Southerners who can prove theiur heritage goes back two centuries. That will show those evil Northern whites.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Having read Dr. Hansen’s works for a numbers years, I believe he’s actually correct. America has a national character that is truly unique in the world. Perhaps you’ve been in Lagos for so long you have lost sight of it. Despite being a country of 50 independent states who may be very different from each other, you are all Americans regardless of state, religion or ethnicity. I have spoken with dozens of American service men here in Germany and while it may not be possible for me to tell exactly which state they are from, there is no mistaking they… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Servicemen are exceptionally inclined and expressly conditioned to identify with the CivNat mythology – a big reason why they are under-represented in the American dissident right. We have some committed civ-nats or guys with strong CN priors around here, too. American identity as such is something that could be developed into a more wholistic identity ala Euro nationalism but that’s going to take time. The struggle to maintain White ethnic identities in the face of the Brown Wave is something that could provide its own foundational mythology and history to forge that identity, but I think we’re going to have… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

There is also such a thing as “CivLib” as far as I am concerned. They, similarly, have a Pollyanna-ish view of how things ought to work, much like the CivNats, but with the globohomo overlay. They are going to be hard to bring over, because part of the pozz is to reject our language and world view, a priori. But unlike the true Proggies, they are well-intentioned though misguided.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

It is very difficult in the modern US military to be an out-of-the-closet dissident. You have to understand that it has been entirely taken over by SJWs. We sit through many hours of ‘equal opportunity’, diversity and ‘how to recognize a White Supremacist’ training. We take regular surveys that really dig into the racial harassment questions, with extensive reviews and follow-up discussions of the results. All it takes is one outspoken NCO to effectively let the rest of us know the situation. A solid percentage, if not a complete majority or our administrative offices are run by POCs who will… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Outdoorspro
4 years ago

I suspect it’s the same in corporate America to some degree. Colleagues of mine who have also worked in the States are often amazed at the amount of “training” they have to go through about race, sex and various sensitivity training.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Have you not stopped to reflect on the fact North America was brown long before it was white? Very different experience from Europe. You may return to what you once were. We will become something we have never been.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Germany, too has historically been a series of quasi-independent nation-states. It is interesting to me that the two people most responsible for trying to turn the country instead into a nation of states as we are (were) here in the U.S., Bismarck and you-know-who, almost always have been vilified in history.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Bavaria will always remain a quasi-independent state. Much like Texas in many ways. Texas has boots, hats and “y’all”. The Bavarian’s have dirndl, lederhosen and “Grüss Gott.” 😉

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

And great musik!

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Well, yes, you talked to servicemen. But come to LA and say the same thing and the Guatemalan flag waver will buy you a glass of tequila. They might even ask you to help with voter registration and set you up with a table in front of El Mercado. From here, the national character is beginning to look like the Balkans a few decades ago.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

It would be interesting to hear how present-day Germans view 1871. Vis-a-vis local and national identity.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

In my opinion, Bismark was a true progressive and visionary. He is responsible for German’s modern welfare state, he established national healthcare, accident insurance and old age pensions.

Combine his programs for the common working man with a working class and a professional managerial class that worked in cooperation with each other, it’s no wonder Germany has been as successful as it has despite what we’ve done to ourselves.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

I’ve noticed politically significant Germans defending Britain over Brexit and a lot more French,Irish and Dutch politicians trashing the UK.

Brexit has been good for teasing out allies and enemies both within the UK and the world in general. Using the Brexit metric Germans are our closest allies in Europe and the French our most spiteful enemies.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
4 years ago

Remember your ancestors, the trials and tribulations they went through to get your ass in the here and now, don’t let them down, ever.

4 years ago

One of the milestones I remember on the road between Conservatism and Our Thing was fully accepting, rather than merely understanding, Pareto’s observation that elites are a necessary part of society. Biology and circumstance provide some men not only easier access to power but also more fitness to exercise it. Contra libertarianism, democracy is both impractical and frankly unwanted by the vast majority of people. Judging by voting patterns from Washington’s Farewell Address to today’s Send Them Back Lock Her Up kabuki, at least 2/3 of the population doesn’t want to sustain the kind of civic engagement muh Founders and… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

VDH cannot publicly state what you write unless he wants to destroy his career and life. I have no doubt he knows the score but like all those in the public eye he has to watch what he says. Dobs, Tucker and Pirro found that out the hard way as well. Open public admissions to the reality of our situation is not tolerated by the elites. You will be punished for it. I saw what they did to Dobbs over a decade ago and back then it wasn’t anywhere as bad as it is now. And are any of you… Read more »

4 years ago

I too noticed that the mainline conservatives “never examined its failures”. They never even acknowledge them. They made grifters like Dennis Hastert and Paul Ryan Speaker of the House. After the ensuing spending orgy, failure to pass any legislation remotely “conservative”, and inevitable election losses, they go back to campaigning on stuff like small-government and 2A rights. Then they get testy when people call them con-men and cucks.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

They weren’t conserving anything. They were ghouls from the Chamber of Commerce with pockets stuffed with money. Don’t forget that drunk Boehner. By the way, I always got a strange vibe from “wrestling coach” Hastert.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Imagine how his teenaged wrestlers felt. Most wrestling coaches participate in the wrestling practice sessions.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

It’s all theater.

4 years ago

So The Woodpile was a couple of days late, but Remus had a link to an interview with Codevilla, always worth a read in my view. Thus ” David Samuels sums up the course of empire in his preface to an interview with Angelo Codevilla, at Tablet ” The wealth of any empire flows disproportionately to the capital, where it nourishes the growth, wealth, and power of the ruling elite. ” I click on the link and the interview starts “No one runs America. That’s the terror and the beauty of American life in a nutshell, the answer to the… Read more »

4 years ago

Great article as always, funny in the last 8 hrs ive heard 2 people talk about blood libel, you and RamZPaul… You guys also discussed Cloud people and the dirt people. Are you the same person!? 😛 Great stuff, thanks again.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Do you have a link to it? I’d like to check it out.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

I think it was the Christmas get-together. It was great fun. More diverse than anything on the left. All the Kool Kids made an appearance. IIRC, Z expressed his happiness at clearing-out stuff.

Chaz Chazstein
Chaz Chazstein
Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago this is the dirt people one, the blood libel I believe is this video

Reply to  Chaz Chazstein
4 years ago

Those are 10 minute videos. I was asking about the one that Z Man appeared on. Ramz has it linked on Twitter, but it goes to a video marked private.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

Found it.
is part one if anyone is interested.
It’s a reminder of how perilous our presence on YT is. Ramzpaul put the original episodes on private to avoid people going through his channel and applying today’s narrative to what was OK to say a couple years ago!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Paul is a great envoy. He just looks like a normal guy. Sailer has a similar quality, but Paul does videos which is huge. People look at him and see their brother or father. Joe Normie sees himself in Paul.

Also, forget the holidays, just set up a monthly payment so you don’t have to remember to send.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

He just looks like a normal guy.

I’ve figured out Ramz. His secret is that he is a normal guy. It’s everybody else that’s gone crazy.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago


Exactly. He is a normal guy. You can’t watch him and think otherwise. He makes Joe Normie realize that everything that Joe has been noticing isn’t crazy, it’s reality. Joe realizes that he’s not going nuts, the country is. It’s all details after that.

We need dozens of Ramz, but that means dozens of regular guys losing their livelihoods and probably a friends and family. That’s a lot to ask.

Chaz Chazstein
Chaz Chazstein
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I looked for you on ramzpauls channel but I think he got rid of the video… Too much wrong think.

Reply to  Chaz Chazstein
4 years ago

Maybe it’s on his subscriber channel. I’m fairly certain Ramz would de-platform Z.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

If there is any future justice; you, Ramzpaul (hope you’re reading this) and Severian at Rotten Chestnuts will be immortalized in a pantheon of DR heroes worthy of their own Stone Mountain.

4 years ago

You want the good old days of the US to return? Looks like the nearest approximation is to be found elsewhere:

Look at the uniformity of the faces (with the exception of one Asian), and note the no doubt carefully composed shot of the bands as they depart, playing Slavyanka, with the Holy and Life Giving Cross in the foreground.

Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell
4 years ago

Brilliant point. There is no going back to a white America. There will be pockets of white zones dispersed throughout the land but the cities are gone forever. They are rapidly declining to 3rd world shithole status and no one gives a damn.

4 years ago

Hanson is a scam artist, nothing more. If he is remembered at all, it will be for a lie: that the Iraq invasion was some sort of apostolic successor to Pericles’s funeral oration.

While Hanson did manage to break with his masters over Trump, he is careful never to color too far outside the lines in which he has always worked.

But to the Neocons he is and will always be a traitor, a golem gone renegade. His boomer naivety prevents him from seeing this, and his arrogance prevents him from allowing anyone else to point it out to him.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Hanson always screamed out of touch boomer to me. I could never take him seriously.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I’m going to disagree, for now, on that, JR

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

I still like the guy because he’s a scholar of history. He also does a good job of “man on the ground” reporting from the disaster area that is California. He probably is holding back from saying what he really thinks about the coming collapse.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Who would live in Fresno anyway? It’s the arm pit of this state. Put up the For Sale sign.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

If he loses the address in the Central Valley he can’t keep larping as a farmer-philosopher-in-the-classic-sense. It’s his shtick.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

I’m reading this thread about Hanson and while being respectful of the critical minds opposing him, I tend to agree with what you just wrote. I don’t even know if I should continue to get my formation here or at Hillsdale College online. I have that dilemma. They still stick to THE CONSTITUTION, but this blog seems to tell me that even they will be late comers.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Speaking of Hillsdale, I was dragged to this Larry Arne fundraising event a few years ago. I left feeling very unimpressed. He reminded me of some sanctimonious preacher. Talk about an old coot CivNat boomer. I wasn’t about to open my wallet for him. I think that school is for the CivNat boomers to hide their millennial children instead of sending them to the party schools. You learn way more about life at the party school.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Nonsense. VDH is an academic par excellent. He need scam no one for a living and made his bones as a renowned war historian long before CA turned brown or most folks were concerned about demographics change.

Really, just because you consider one not red pilled to your liking does not equate to mal-intent, nor does it mean he is not useful to the cause.

Walt Jeffers
Walt Jeffers
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Even though he supports Trump somewhat, he was a disgraceful neocon stooge for Bush’s POS of a war in Iraq. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that he still supports that god awful waste.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

He’s one of the better commenters, he just doesn’t speak to me. I believe it’s generational. As a Gen-Xer I need this raw, naked, exposed truth. I believe in authenticity. With Hanson it’s always this couched, coloring inside the lines approach that rings hollow. For instance, years ago he had this great article about how his well pumps were stolen by illegals. But it was never transmitted into a raw anger over our situation. That the illegals should be shot and hanged on-site. He’s like a frog that’s boiling in the pot, but never questions the existence of the pot… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Exactly VDH is not harmful to dissidents, most of his writing leans our way and is useful. We got to learn to let normies be normies. Some go a few steps our way and help us pull others the remaining steps into our camp.
VDH does not attack us. Leave him be.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I agree Compsci. Well said. Did he get some things wrong? Of course. Anyone who sticks his neck out will occasionally. I have a lot of respect for VDH. How many of us can read Latin and Ancient Greek or write history books with such erudition? Check out his book on WWII.

4 years ago

The NRx folks were right about at least one thing: human society has always been hierarchical. Even the fellow that penned “All men are created equal” owned slaves and thus knew in his bones that the sentiment was nothing more than a rhetorical flourish. The failure manifested in the 20th century was, on the part of aristocrats the rejection of noblesse oblige and the economizing of responsibilities to the lower orders. Everything has a price; and the goal is to deliver at the cheapest rate. On the part of the serfs, it was the failure to know and accept one’s… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

We are just beginning to educate. The average Trumpsters still think we can vote our way out. We are not going to be able to vote our way out at the national level, true. But at the local and possibly regional level republicanism will still work. This clown show as we saw yesterday on TV and almost daily now along with uncontrolled immigration will in fact destroy our republic as we know it. However this does not mean we can’t reconstitute a new republic and our people will be hard as nails once we get through this time of radicalism.… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Yup, just keep redpilling, keep chipping away. Even just being a respectable white man with no guilt, aka not a cuck, is enough to make people take note. You will stand out among others.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

“This Government was made upon the great basis of the sovereignty of the States, the right of each State to regulate its own domestic institutions to suit itself, and that right was conferred with the understanding and expectation that inasmuch as each locality had separate interests, each locality must have different and distinct local and domestic institutions, corresponding to its wants and interests. Our fathers knew when they made the Government, that the laws and institutions which were well adapted to the green mountains of Vermont, were unsuited to the rice plantations of South Carolina. They knew then, as well… Read more »

Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry
4 years ago

Great post by Z. I think normies have a tendency to forget that from the beginning we have been just a federation of nations. Take for example that during the state ratifying conventions some New Englanders and Virginians, among others, feared that a lack of religious (Protestant) qualifications for office under the Constitution would according to Madison open a door for “Jews, Turks, and infidels.” It would be too woke to teach the average elementary school kid today that were it not for the leadership and cache of a man named Washington, who had little formal schooling and never attended… Read more »

4 years ago

“Millennials’ Health Deteriorating, Projected Mortality Rates Higher Than GenX; “Deaths of Despair” a Major Culprit”

This, after ten years of supposed economic growth. Imagine what it will be like when the next contraction happens, which is half a decade overdue.

We need to be ready to take full of advantage of the narrative collapse that will accompany a recession. This means a 24/7 campaign to meme the blame on our mortal enemies, the usual suspects.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Waves of suicide always accompany cultural death and proceed a crisis point.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

So do waves of murder, every time. Note the recent hullabaloo over the Aztecs sacrificing 84,000 of their own, in the face of Cortez’s conquest. Every time.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

The “economy” is smoke-and-mirrors BS. Our government incentivizes our young peoples’ dispossession through low-interest loans only available to minorities (including Indians and Chinese) and the OPT program where employers get a multi-year exemptions from payroll taxes.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Millennials are also some of the most leftist, and anti-white. The children of the Boomers. I’m not surprised at poor mental health; Pajama Boy types still act like they’re in high school – they drink like fish, are still unmarried, don’t play sports, aren’t involved in religion. They are now reaching their 40s and it must be grim looking down the back 9 with nothing to show for your life. But they poz seems so deep with them that they still haven’t woken up. I see a lot more 18,19,20,21 year olds with potential to be /ourguys/ than I do… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

You are accurate about the younger ones. Saw them as 14 year olds every year for the last 40, and some of us picked up on their awareness. Yes, indeed.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

I lived in a gentrified area, their level of maturity seems to cap at 14

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

“Lifestyle commitments”- “what do we have to offer? What do I have to gain?”

There’s the silent Movement right there.
A secular Christianity, a healthy people, families, and community.

4 years ago

Finishing up a swing through CA. San Diego, Palo Alto and getting ready to leave Napa. California is just fine with the elites here. I go down the road from the little wonderland that is this “chateau” place and the trailer parks that house the little brown servants are conveniently tucked away from vineyards and tasting rooms. But provide plenty of labor to run things. Gulfstreams pass over on their way to the little airstrip just north of here so the tech Gods don’t have to endure the crappy traffic back over the Bay Bridge. The street shitters get run… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

Once upon a time, wine tasting in Napa/Sonoma was mainly young normies. Back in the early 80’s, one could walk into Chateau Montelena and talk about The Judgment of Paris and that famous Chardonnay while drinking their great Cab. Wine tasting at Dry Creek was so small time, you walked right into the small barrel storage building for wine tasting where winemaker Dave Stare would grab a 3 foot pipette, pull out a barrel sample, pour me a full glass and ask if I thought should this be left alone or used for blending, and describe why. Much I learned… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Oh goodness. This is why we have to have IRL meetings. To enjoy good wine(s), if nothing else. Always good to meet a fellow zinfandel lover. I’ve always been more of a scruffy-Sonoma, rather than Napa/Chateau, type, and came into it after the 80’s but I do still remember the privilege of informal tasting with the winemaker in the working areas, as opposed to the $15 (and up) fee in crowded tasting rooms. I don’t mind the fee so much as the crowds of people there to drink as opposed to taste. A couple of limos (much less a tour… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Couldn’t agree more. Though preference would be whisky and BBQ. NY is just a tough environment

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Unfortunately mostly “bidness”. Did get over to Far Niente for a wonderful dinner. And more wine than was advisable. By stroke of good fortune got an ex-FF and SF 18b as a driver back to SFO. Once we did the verbal “secret handshake” had a jolly 2 hours roasting the idiots that run CA plus a few stories about high altitude jumping and forgetting to turn on the oxygen.

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
4 years ago

One of your best Z. I don’t think our rulers have thought through the implications of the post-America they’ve created for the simple reason that their incapable of doing so – their expensive educations have filled their minds with a mush of cherished progressive nonsense that collapses under the least scrutiny, which explains a good deal of progressive hysteria whenever the narrative is challenged. What they’ve done – although they can never admit this – is a bizarre reverse colonialism. Unwilling to rule over wogs in the wogs’ native lands, our managerial elite have imported them here to rule over.… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

You may have some multi-posts queued for me then, I’ve tried 3 or 4 variations of the same post over the last hour+. Will try again in 15 or so.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Looks like one finally stuck – thx.

4 years ago

Which of these so-called prosperous, so-called socialist countries could “make it work” in the absence of direct and indirect US subsidies?

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Norway, UK, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, France, Italy… In fact, literally every Western country.
Besides, what’s it matter if one socialist country supports other socialist countries? There haven’t been any non-socialist Western countries since 1946, and there haven’t been many since 1848. The entire West has had cradle-to-grave welfare socialism for your and my entire lives. It ain’t the politics, buddy. You’re going to have to look further upstream than that.

Reply to  Educated.Redneck
4 years ago

It’s true that White people can make imperfect systems work longer than other people can, but that doesn’t make them good systems. Stagnant, debt-ridden European countries with no innovation and lower standards of living than Alabama are hardly a beacon to the future.

The only reason they can afford what socialism they have is because the US supplies their defense, their medical innovations, their technology innovations etc.

And the US is running on fumes.

Reply to  Vizzinih
4 years ago

Most social metrics would indicate Albama has a worse standard of living than most western European countries.

” US supplies their defense”- in what reality does this occur?

Reply to  Alibaba
4 years ago

Actually, Alabama does rank slightly below Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Belgium, but above all other Western European countries:

Missouri ranks above them all.

Almost all the burden of NATO sits on US shoulders. The European military forces are tiny and/or decrepit and have essentially no ability to fight a serious war.

The US maintains major bases all over Europe as a guarantor of European security.

The US outspends all European nations militiaries to enable it to act as the European protector.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Protect from who exactly? Russia isn’t going to invade Europe and huge portion of GDP on military spending is not needed for immigration control. Not that they are doing enough of that mind. In any case back during the Cold War Sweden managed a percentage GDP military spending at least as good as current USA and Social Democracy as well. Our subsidy is nice but it mainly allows them immigration. Get rid of that and it all balanced out. I know it’s part of the catechism of the GOPe, Libertarians and Economic Liberals that Social Democracy can’t work but its… Read more »

4 years ago

The surface of Planet Earth is a cauldron of living things; of which, homo sapiens is the preeminent life form. Within our species, differentiated subgroups evolved and adapted to their unique environments, leading to all the variants we now call race and ethnicity. Then civilization and modernity happened, and people started moving around and away from their place of ancestral adaptation. In the space of a few thousand years, we have tried to force fit people into places they are not well suited to survive in. Conflict is inevitable unless the elites proactively morph the species into insect-like drones. If… Read more »

4 years ago

It is possible that progressive leftism is a symptom of the greater disease of globalism. If true, that would more easily enable conservatives to envision a past that never existed. It would also better enable them to deny past failures and more importantly to deny reality. Logic and reason mean nothing to our opposition. If you acknowledge the truth it requires action. Nothing will change as long as we are forced to live with these people. Conservative delusions keep them from seeing reality and relegate them to a state of inaction and ineffectiveness.

Reply to  JMDGT
4 years ago

Progressive Leftism is a symptom of the greater disease of Globalism, which is a symptom of the greatest disease of them all, if you catch my drift…

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Those fucking Samoans!

4 years ago

Conservativs don’t get that disfunctional cultures can benefit the elite. In Mexico if you are even middle class you benefit through cheap labor from all the poor. Instead of the poor rebelling they simply immigrate in mass to the US which serves as the Mexican elite’s safety valve. In California the middle and working class is migrating like the Mexicans elsewhere. Things will get very interesting when the US runs out of states for people to flee to. Add in tribal conflict, anti white animus and gun grabbing and things could get very interesting indeed. It will be interesting to… Read more »

L. Beau Macaroni
L. Beau Macaroni
4 years ago

The Zman, way back in 2013: That’s the big question raised by the Detroit bankruptcy. We’ll probably never have a public debate on IQ. We can have a public debate on culture. The Left’s desire to nurse black hatred of whites cannot hold up if every majority black city in the nations is falling into bankruptcy. Even a few is enough to get the attention of the public. The fact that race relations appear to be getting worse, despite the election of Obama twice, says the gap between public debate and on-the-ground reality is getting big. That can’t last forever.… Read more »

L. Beau Macaroni
L. Beau Macaroni
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I should have linked to the whole thing: “Smart Fraction Theory”

I think that you may have answered my query, since you’ve already guessed that the old post belonged to “… a more optimistic moment.”

4 years ago

Great essay! I was particularly taken by ‘What draws crowds to these people is the hope that they will make it all better and that things will return to normal.’ Conservative Inc. is in the business of trading ‘hope’ for shekels. The whole Groyper/Nick Fuentes conflict with Conservative Inc. is based upon an intense resistance to any kind of reality-check for Conservative Inc.

4 years ago

OK, multi-generational struggle going forward. Considering that timeframe, should we expect 1:7 twist will rule the later outcomes?

I think likely, it becomes a science struggle, Crisper9 genetic/bio stuff. And lays waste to every plan, on every side, being made today. The human blueprint becomes the Holocene tar pit.

(Science warriors) are standing on a whale, fishing for minows today. That tech will ripen, at first it will be the forbidden fruit in Bluebeard’s closet.

And we know damn well that closet gets opened.

4 years ago

And Z’s hits just keep coming.

4 years ago

This was an important read for me. In time, VDH and others will have no choice but to publicly agree with what is being written on this blog. But for the life of me I really need to learn what all of these colored pills mean. I should have been paying closer attention. I thought men preferred the blue pill, the one that puts lead in your pencil. But I was wrong.

Mr. Pillsplainer
Mr. Pillsplainer
Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Maybe it’s just sarcasm, but for newbies who really don’t know the pill system, here it is:

Bluepill: worldview coming from left-wing propaganda and lies

Redpill: reality, awakening to reality

Blackpill: pessimism, the feeling we’re going to lose

Whitepill: optimism, feeling we’re going to win (or just on a high from good news)

Blue & red pills originally from The Matrix.

Reply to  Mr. Pillsplainer
4 years ago

What if I believe that everyone is going to lose in coming crash?

Reply to  Mr. Pillsplainer
4 years ago

Thanks, Pillsplainer. Why do web search results always complicate it?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Mr. Pillsplainer
4 years ago

My white pill is scotch.

Mark Auld
Mark Auld
Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Check out the Matrix movies, the pill refs are from them.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

He’s been pretty damn honest about how Mexicans have turned California farm country into a crime-ridden past-apocalyptic nightmare. He doesn’t get into racial IQ stuff, but he sure gets close.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Agree, Drake. I almost lost confidence in him after reading the article. I said up above that eventually he and others might have no choice but to be more direct about it. VDH, from my recollection after reading Mexifornia, is that the main problem is lack of assimilation. I know that many here just look at ‘brown’ and will conclude ‘Dem voter,’ but being a newbie here i am not there just yet. VDH said no assimilation = no success. No success = dependence on government (cue Rush Limbaugh), and dependence on gov’t, which is deliberate by the Dem Party,… Read more »

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

The formulation you quoted from rush is a little to trite. There’s a whole range of deep cultural differences between South Americans and legacy Americans that directly and indirectly influence their party affiliation. Among them. Locus of control. On average Americans are far to the internal side while Latins are far to the external side. Enterprise and initiative. Americans have a high degree of both, Latins not so much. Tolerance of corruption. Low for Americans, Hi for Latins. Circle of trust – Wide for Americans, Narrow for Latins Group solidarity – low for Americans, high for Latins. Conception of government.… Read more »

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

Then I have possibly not represented Mr. Limbaugh correctly as he simply states the Democrat Party wants to keep us dependent on the government, which is why they torpedo anything that we think of that is good for the economy and anything that will help people become unattached to it. As far as the rest of your comment on the differences between Americans and Latins, I learned a bit from you there. The difference is that at one time I really did not care about those characteristics because we were in the drivers’ seat. Yes, it took me a while… Read more »

4 years ago

I can’t tell if my non-reply comments are being filtered – on a VPN if that matters. Going to hold off re-posting for awhile to avoid double-or-triple-posting.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I, and others, have noticed that Z’s comment software has gone a little buggy lately. In particular, you will see anomalies like replies that are less “current,” i.e. older, by time stamp than the post to which they refer and timestamps that are wildly off the mark. I have also seen comment displacement (not disappearance) when switching the sort from oldest to newest. These are not criticisms, especially from a shameful free rider; just observations. Keep calm and comment on.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

What kept the various nations of the country together over the past was decentralization and respect for states rights. This has been breaking down for many many decades. Obviously the kick-off for that was the aftermath of the Civil War, and it has been escalating rapidly ever since. What Washington D.C. is today is a top-down, one-size fits-all government that no one likes. It fits no one. The only thing holding it all together is that no one has to pay the bills (yet). The debt just shuffles along, despite the covert monetization program going on right now from the… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

That’s it. I’m leaving Fresno’s grapevines for the big city lights.

Chicago, here I come!
Dallas, to get away from all the mexicans!
Atlanta, to get away from all the blacks!

For the great weather! All the ice, skeeters, torrid swamp, and great restaurants to fill any desire!

4 years ago

It’ll be anti-whitism at first and then morph into Brazil north.

Monsieur le Baron
4 years ago

>All the way down the line, the managerial elite is now living as aristocrats.

Better. My grandfather could never dream of such luxuries. And when I recount the decadence of the Bay in society, the reaction is a mixture of envious fascination and wide-eyed, disgusted horror. Gold-dusted sundaes, anyone? And wash it down with plebian blood.

4 years ago

By what means are people from Hillsdale College finding their way over here where the thoughtcriminals are?

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

I don’t believe they are, nor will they. But I would like to know if they agree with Zman but can’t or won’t say it. I am also curious as to what they think the solution is because at the rate we are going, they won’t have any constitution left, and they’ll be out of a job. The Constitution has already been damaged beyond repair, but I guess they think the problem started with the amendment re the direct election of senators and the income tax (16th and 17th, I believe). I know what they teach but I don’t know… Read more »

4 years ago

Not working, don’t know why.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Fake news!!! Working bigly!

4 years ago


4 years ago

You know, Vox has his obsessions too.
About Jordan Peterson.

Of course if its not your obsession, say with poor Buckley, long dead, its a bit off putting after awhile.

Lets talk about what to do, not what others failed at.

They failed to act. There- I condemn the past too.

Now – what is to be done?

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

Not what they did.