The Guns Of Resistance

Today is the big pro-gun rally in Richmond Virginia. The rally is in response to the gun grabbing proposals by the newly ascendant Democrat party in the state. For the first time in a long time, Democrats gained control of all three branches of government in the last election and immediately set about implementing their fantasy agenda. Their first order of business was a series of vindictive, retributive proposals aimed at the normal population of the state, starting with guns and gun owners.

What’s going on in Virginia is a glimpse of what is coming for the country as a whole as we descend into the multicultural paradise. Virginia was a solidly normal state over the last seventy years. The politics were usually uneventful. Most issues were controlled at the local level. The state government was limited and usually run by the sorts of people, who thought that was a good thing. Once in a while a colorful governor would get his name in the paper, but otherwise politics was sober minded.

Decades of immigration have done to Virginia what it did to California, with the addition of massive Federal growth in Northern Virginia. Manufacturing and agricultural concerns have championed the importation of millions from Central America. Government has imported people from all over the country into Northern Virginia. The result has been the same sort of political shift we saw in California. The sprawling urban areas control state politics, which means the Left controls politics.

Like California, the normal population of the state did not think much about the massive influx of non-white immigrants. No one thought about the long-term impact of a million or so left-wing suburbanites from liberal strongholds moving into Washington suburbs for their government jobs. Anyone who mentioned it was hooted off the stage, if they were even allowed on the stage in the first place. It is only now that the link between demographics and politics is becoming obvious.

This dynamic where the newly arrived take over state politics will be something we see all over the South and Southwest in the coming decades. While whites will remain the majority in some cases or the largest minority in others, white solidarity remains forbidden, both practically and spiritually. As a result, the usual suspects will divide the white vote making whites the least powerful group in these states, even as the newly ascendant non-whites pass explicitly anti-white legislation.

You see some of that with the Virginia rally. The organizers are more concerned with looking good for the far-Left media covering the event. They have been telling participants to not bring things like Confederate flags to the rally. The 2A people still think abiding by liberal morality is paramount. Inevitably, the FBI will have some of their crisis actors at the event, so the media can get photos and video. The organizers will then invest their time apologizing for it.

This is a great example of the challenge dissidents face in dealing with the mass of white people in America. On the one hand, the civic nationalists make optics more important than the message. The racists and old school race-realists look at these events as a chance to reinforce the walls of their ghetto. They show up in their silly outfits waving flags in order to offend, rather than persuade. Both sides are simply acting out their Progressive conditioning.

That’s what makes effective activism difficult. These gun proposals by the Democrats are clearly aimed at spiting white people. There’s no practical point to these laws, other than to stick a finger in the eye of the sorts of people who don’t support the Left. The attacks on AR-15 ownership, for example, are about sticking it to white people, who are the people who own these sorts of sporting guns. That should be the salient point, but the emotional conditioning of whites makes that difficult.

You’ll note that there is no longer any discussion of crime on the Left with regards to gun grabbing. Even they have accepted the fact that gun crime is largely a black problem and now a Hispanic problem. Blacks and Hispanics shoot one another with handguns, not expensive sporting rifles. Despite this, the victims of these gun grabbing proposal would rather gnaw off their own arms than admit it. Generations of conditioning in anti-racism have had their desired effect.

Make no mistake about the intent. The newly formed ruling class of the multicultural South and Southwest will first disarm the white population. They don’t care about blacks and Hispanics shooting one another. They do hate white people. That’s why Virginia wants to forbid the private transfer of firearms. That’s the obnoxiously dishonest “gun show loophole” nonsense. It is the precursor to licensing and then confiscation. When every gun is accounted for, they can easily be confiscated.

Another thing you see in Virginia that will apply to the country at large is the stubborn refusal to accept reality. The people organizing resistance to these gun grabbing proposals still think America is a rule-based society. They think if they carefully abide by the rules and mobilize their supporters, they can win the political game. There’s that old civic nationalist blind-spot regarding their enemies. They think they can reason with the other side. The other side will be unmoved by all of this.

Another important angle to this is the silence from Conservative Inc. over what is happening in Virginia. Site like National Review and the Federalist have not talked about it much at all. That’s because Conservative Inc. is staffed by the urbanite bugmen that staff Progressive operations. They think guns are scary, so the issue is not relevant to their project. They are more concerned about getting Twitter followers. It’s another reminder of which side they will ultimately support.

In the end, the Virginia Democrats will pass what they like and most people will go along with it. The value to this side of the great divide is in opening up the 2A issue as another entry point to dissident politics. What’s going in Virginia would not happen in a homogeneous stable society. It is the inevitable result of cosmopolitan globalism and multiculturalism. White people don’t fear white people owning guns. It’s the people ruing over white people, who fear white people owning guns.

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4 years ago

They hate us so much. It’s actually terrifying to contemplate the future that we have in store for us. I think that’s why so many white people don’t

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

“When it came to defeating Hitler, the attitude of influential American Jews in politics, academia, and the press was that Germany had to be destroyed, regardless of the collateral damage to Jews. There are far too many Jews who think they’re still fighting that war, not against Hitler per se, but against the West that gave rise to him, a white Christian world that must be defeated to finish the fight from eighty years ago. And again, the collateral damage is expected and accepted. It’s not a consciously understood agenda. It’s just a long-simmering paranoia about how whites, who gave… Read more »

Reply to  RabbiHighComma
4 years ago

Nice insights, Rabbi. Helps me understand the mind of the leftist Jews. I’m coming to understand more fully, where all these anti Semitic feelings come from. Jews should not be surprised as more gentiles wake up to their machinations.

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

The cause of antisemitism is the observation of Semitic behavior

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I’m getting some traction with
“it’s not antisemitism. it’s counter-semitism. it’s not about the Jews per se, it’s about their actions.”

That’s about 80% true.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Not the sinner, but the sin, Jones?

I have trouble keeping that distinction in mind.

Until he stops sinning, I want to blame both.

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

The strategy is to render European gentiles a defenseless minority. South Africa is our future.

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

It becomes all the more interesting when you accept that it runs even further back than WW2. My co-host likes to say “For the Jews, it’s still Judea vs Rome. As far as they’re concerned, we are Rome, and they want to destroy us.”

The Christianity of the West further reinforces this animosity, and arose in series with the travails of the Jews which ultimately led to the diaspora.

Reply to  RabbiHighComma
4 years ago

Sounds to me that there are two lines of thought driving Jewish thinking, Rabbi. One is based on revenge, the other on danger. Even though it’s pretty clear that the greater danger is from the invading hoards of Goths and Visigoths, the desire to obtain a ton of payback flesh from all white people because of the Natzi is stronger. Browner people are a danger, but I want my revenge!

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

I know white people who agree with me. Then they just say “well it is what it is” or “they’ll assimilate over time”. White women are worse, they know what’s going on and their hysterical responses can be summed up like this: “just try and be quiet, and don’t anger the victors”.

The future is so terrifying most can’t even face it. White men are the least aware, of course, and hey, SportsBall Sunday is coming up!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Actually, I think that most middle and upper-middle class white women truly believe the propaganda. I’ve heard from a couple of women that they think this is neo-nazi rally because that’s what they heard on TV.

Women typically don’t think deeply about politics. (Heck, most men don’t think deeply about politics either.) They get their reality from TV and the main internet sites.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Most women don’t think deeply about anything other than their feelings. They’re the center of their own worlds; in the best case scenario their kids are. Not the world they inhabit or the White men who built it.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Every 16 year old boy needs to have this drilled into his head over and over again.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Our grandfathers amd great grandfathers screwed up royally when they allowed the Nice White Ladies to gain actual political power, instead of just influence with their husbands.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

That’s what white privilege and institutional racism is all about. Killing your oppressor is not evil. You’ll never convince anyone to kill the “subhumans” unless there is widespread shortages of basic things like food, but killing the oppressor is basically self-defense. They create an oppression narrative to make ultimately killing us OK.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

It’s true. I honestly think our best hope of survival is a complete civilizational collapse similar to the Bronze Age collapse. Beyond that I feel like we’re the Neanderthals. A successful group in Northern latitudes thats destroyed by Invaders from Africa.

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

The invaders from Africa (and Asia, and the global south) would have absolutely no ability to threaten us if we simply stopped feeding them.

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Or just don’t let them in… the British navy in the 1700s could have stopped the current flow of African boats coming into Europe.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

UFO – instead, the British went about happily spreading Han and sub-continental Indians as middlemen and sub-Saharan Africans as laborers all over the world, sowing the seeds of demographic crises everywhere they went. No, I don’t think ‘payback’ is a good thing and I hate the destruction of England, but historical fact is historical fact.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Doof says above “The invaders from Africa (and Asia, and the global south) would have absolutely no ability to threaten us if we simply stopped feeding them.” This is what I would call the Big White Pill though. I’ve seen population projections, for instance, that have 4 billion! Africans by 2100. Wow, I didn’t realize the Africans were that good at growing food. Oh, right, they aren’t. When they took over Rhodesia (a food exporting nation) it turned into Zimbabwe (a starving hellhole). So where do the population projectors get these numbers? They assume, of course, that Europe and N.… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

“Whites, globally still have the upper hand,…”

The upper hand belongs to the international jew who owns and controls the debt money.

Reply to  Lars
4 years ago

I’m speaking of who is actually still the majority in the most powerful nations on earth, who joins the military, and police, who works the land and maintains the infrastructure, who invents the bulk of new technology? In the end the all powerful jew has some bits in computer memory and Whites have everything else. Right now the bits are in charge but that can change. We don’t live in the Matrix quite yet.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Have you seen the documentary, Empire of Dust? The Chinese, ever the pragmatic race, are picking the bones of colonialism. If you haven’t seen this, you are in for a wild ride. This film shows the mind boggling reality of cultures clashing in real time.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

The downfall of the white man will prove to have been his hubris. Specifically the hubris of thinking that he could move all these people around the world like so many head of cattle and somehow control the end result. There’s also the hubris of thinking his way of life and customs were so obviously superior to everyone else’s that non-whites and their descendants would aspire to “whiteness”. Some still do but tribalism is rising and being encouraged by the idiotic white man-children for whom every culture but their own is something to celebrate and encourage. Britain and the rest… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

I agree. I’ve been saying for a while that the American lefts horseshit is driven by hubris. They feel free to believe and enact any kind of nonsense because they have no fear of negative repercussions.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Best. Whitney. Ever.

We’re the Thals!

(Lordy, I love the grand view.)

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

The leftjourno reaction is typical evidence of impunity. They simultaneously mock our people as “corpulent cosplayers” while fear mongering to the 80 IQ rubes that Neo Nazis are carrying out a pogrom.

That said, the organizers may have been wrong by not getting these men to bring their spouse. The crowd is a sausagefest, which makes it easier to demonize. Fwiw, most people don’t look that fat, its winter clothes and they are wearing those “tactical vests”.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

There’s also another thread. Leftists mocking them as “cosplayers” that “don’t enlist”. This speaks to a typical liberal belief that the military is made up of poor minorities. It’s not as if veterans don’t eagerly identify as such at nearly any political demonstration. And it won’t be hard to look at the multitude of images to see self-identified veterans in the crowd.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

Given what happened at Charlottesville, bringing your wife to get smacked around by antifa or doxxed/fired from her job as a “nazi” probably seemed like a bad idea.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Whitney – excellent point. It’s something most Whites – most definitely even those here – just will not face up to. Oh, they may talk about it a bit, but they don’t really internalize just how much envy and hatred there is, even among the purported top 10% or their IKAGOs. I love to imagine a world where all the non-Whites (including all the Asians) would have to say what they really think when speaking with Whites. It might open some eyes that have remained stubbornly closed, even here.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Ah. I Know A Good One, IKAGO

Barn Jollycorn
Barn Jollycorn
4 years ago

Anyone unfamiliar with what happened to the Kulaks, who were basically middle class merchants, doctors, lawyers, teachers, at the hands of the Bolsheviks, should acquaint themselves with the history. During the height of the terror, 40,000 people per month were being murdered, and more were “disappeared” into the Gulag. That wasn’t a “flaw” in the Bolshevik plan; it was by design, a feature embraced by both Stalin and Trotsky, after the demise of Lenin. Solzhenitsyn’s ‘Gulag Archipelago’ chronicled this horror. Many here are familiar with his writings, although his name is being forcibly stuffed down the Memory Hole by our… Read more »

Reply to  Barn Jollycorn
4 years ago

Correct. The Chinese Cultural Revolution is a terrifying model that our academic are too arrogant, too stupid, or both to fear. Mao’s wife, afraid of losing power, unleashed the brainwashed youth against the “smart” class…academics paid heavily with struggle sessions, labor camps, and executions. As did business owners and anyone who actually managed to produce. Ultimately took the army to shut it down, but not until a decade of terror and more decades of mistrust and suspicion. I can’t help but look at the “woke” and think that the so called academics that created them aren’t scared to death of… Read more »

Reply to  Barn Jollycorn
4 years ago

Well, if they hadn’t been hoarding…

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Barn Jollycorn
4 years ago

When the, at that time, legendary Solzhenitsyn gave his commencement speech at Harvard, the audience became uneasy. They had assumed that the great man was like them, but he was the man who had survived thirty years of small and ultimately vicious minds. “I am not a critic of the West, I am a critic of the weakness of the West.

Reply to  Barn Jollycorn
4 years ago

These are good comparisons but not perfect. Russia was homogeneous. China was homogeneous. I think we can all agree we are not homogeneous. And ironically, that might help us in the end

4 years ago

Running a live feed in my office–and man they have a fuck ton of people out. Interviewed a guy from a tiny county in the west and it had 400 people showing up. Not ready to toss in on this one. Let’s see what develops. Funny thing, recently told a couple of “normies” that the best way to reduce gun crime was ban all black males under 40 from owning guns. Got the usual “racist” death stare–then told them to simply check the DoJ’s own statistical abstracts–between young black males and Hispanics (oft illegal and classified as “white”) you have… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

“the best way to reduce gun crime was ban all black males under 40 from owning guns” Hah! You’re a better man than me. When the “young black men are being murdered, genocided, by police!” nonsense comes up, I say “The best way to eliminate the killers of young black men is to ban all young black men.” So far it’s a dead tie between the “you racist” death glare and the completely blank look of vapor-locked brane (sic). But back on topic, “if cops are all racist murderers, why do you want them to be the only people with… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

“But back on topic, “if cops are all racist murderers, why do you want them to be the only people with guns?”
That last sentence is powerful. Great argument! Never thought of framing that way.

Mark Auld
Mark Auld
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Kudos for that last line Mike !

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Mike, while it’s tempting to address your cops retort with “but they don’t care about logic,” I’m not going to be that facile. There is a deeper truth Mike’s getting at with that last line. The people who are demanding disarmament aren’t the kind of people who prioritize or even consider self-defense. They just assume that someone is going to protect them, somehow, in a world where murderous racist cops have all the guns. Who’s that going to be? These people really do belive in the Avengers, Luke Sywalker, Black Panther and Machete. Situational awareness, right Mike? Or lack thereof.… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

They’re children.

They think poppa Bernie is going to provide for them and protect them from scary things.

It’s really that simple.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

“Live feed”- what are you watching?

I’d rather be air-dropping pallets of guns and ammo into every ‘hood and all of Africa.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

I don’t have the guts to make the “ban all black males under 40” argument but Mike’s line is doable. I need a repertoire of similar points to use. Maybe someone could make a compendium.

Reply to  Gauss
4 years ago

To be fair, I presented that position as a pure hypothetical and prefaced with “wouldn’t it be great if we could cut gun homicides in half again”. Sort of led them into it–since the first reduction came from being willing to incarcerate violent criminals with long sentences back in the early 90s. They walked into it.

4 years ago

Let’s pray that there is no false flag violence that can be blamed on the “real” terrorists. Georgia and Florida are next. Still can’t believe the GOP supported giving ex-felons the right to vote in a state where elections sway on a few thousand votes. Guess they had to show the Left that they’re not racissssssss.

Z is right. Demographics is destiny. Until we fix the immigration problem and start shipping some of these “Americans” back to their countries of origin, we’re doomed. What form that doom takes is up for debate, but Virginia is an example. So is California.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 years ago

We’re not going to ship back anyone. The country as we knew it is, in fact, doomed. It’s over. What was the United States has terminal cancer. It may take some time, but it’s going to die. Don’t waste time or energy wondering how to save it. You have to mentally move on.

Time to think about what comes next.

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 years ago

Here’s why the whites behaved themselves in VA.

The Patriot Act and NDAA. They are both in effect and allow LEOs to label anyone who part of a group they don’t like as terrorists and subject to being killed or imprisoned on the spot.

And you can bet money when Trump is gone, the Left will start designating every pro white organization as a terrorist group under the Patriot Act.Most DR types have no clue whats coming.

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 years ago

The unique thing in Virginia is the immigration from other parts of the U.S. Every liberal asshole wants to live in the Imperial Capital and vie for power over normies. It isn’t just Mexicans who made this happen, it’s DC spreading like a cancerous tumor into Northern VA – with leftists from every corner of the U.S. flocking there.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Yep. This is as much or more liberal DBs from all country as it is Salvadorans. Talk about a high-low strategy.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Drake, we may talk about building our fortress refuge, but they have already got theirs- Washington, D.C.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

And look at how much power they wield because of it…

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

I thought trump was going to break all that up and scatter it around the country

4 years ago

It’s really hard to understand a man like Virginia governor Ralph Northam. He comes from an old Virginia family going back centuries. Why would he throw his own people under the bus? There is a name Southerners use for men like him: scalawag. Northam is a brutal reminder of a kind of treacherous SOB that appears throughout history. Democracy enables these sycophantic creatures to gain power.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

. Why would he throw his own people under the bus?
Self preservation Brother it was his get out of jail card that he played because of his blackface that got swept under the rug after he said he would play ball…

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Yup, I’ll tow any line, gather any nutjob coalitions you like… please just dont oust me for the blackface thing. After AOC ousted a solid leftie based on his skin color alone, with the tacid approval of the DNC… these remaining whites in the Democrat party are on notice that they will be sacrificed. Expect them to sink to all new levels of the lowest to hold onto their increasingly precarious positions.

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Traitors like Northum are truly disgusting. They want power and self-respect more than anything. They’ll destroy their own people to hang onto power. And now Virginia normies know it.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

He’s just reflecting the preferences of the new electorate. Even Bernie and his fellow-travelers never tried to pull this sh*t in Vermont.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

And late term abortions, too. Those comments were just sickening and moved me from relatively pro choice to relatively pro life.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago


Why would Benedict Arnold sell out his countrymen to the enemy for $$$?
Why would Vidkun Quisling sell his country to the SS Savages?
Why would African chiefs sell their own people to the Arab and European slavers for literally 30 pieces of silver?
and on and on?

Money, power and simple arrogant psychopathy.

Agree fully on the shithole concept called democracy, gives every moron who cannot count beyond 12 without a calculator the power to vote.

4 years ago

Z’s post illustrates the point that Queen Ann often makes, that immigration is the only issue that matters. If you think that 2A is the most important issue, you will learn that immigration is more important when you are outvoted by the newcomers. (“Immigration” must include the arrival of the white, progressive bugmen to your community as well. Voting is only useful when your community is full of people who share your general values.)

RamZPaul’s observation is relevant:

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Line, how do we close the wound, AND fight the foreign invaders? On paper it seems a Catch 22. And given that, 2a (the means to resist in theory) feels much more tangible than voting / legislating against immigration.

I’m genuinely asking. Our energy and resources, being finite, should be collectively pointed at the spot most likely to yield the desired outcome. What’s the target, then?

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Moss, Our Guys can’t control the US border but we can exercise some control over our own community’s sub-rosa and official borders inside the Empire. Consolidation in relatively culturally-friendly territory is a short-term strategy that builds our strength for both political and extra-political action. As things stand right now, we’re too scattered and divided, physically and otherwise, to control the U.S. border or even a state border. We’re not ready for meaningful mass resistance on either issue. Queen Ann got outflanked with the rest of us by Team Infinity Browns when it came to making Trump deliver on “send them… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Line….”Voting is only useful when your community is full of people who share your general values.” Yes…and… We can build “community” by physical proximity and we can build a “community” as a web of interconnections by long distance. Yes we are being swamped and will eventually be overrun in the near future. (Maybe something will happen that changes that trajectory, an unforeseen.) Dealing with the present variables, our goose is cooked. Does that sound hopeless? Not to me. I’m ready to build an entirely new world, starting from the primordial ooze knowing the macro will grow out of that. No… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

“Dealing with the present variables, our goose is cooked. Does that sound hopeless? Not to me.” AMEN.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

I prefer to consider myself “primordial schmooze,” but not gonna quibble. Hope you had a safe sane trip. I’ll be group-sh*tposting later as soon as I settle some day-job nonsense.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Touche, Exile guy! Just me and the antelope playing. Happy and well! You are one big brained guy. So grateful you’re not on the other side of the divide. Formidable!

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Well said Madam. Hope, faith and perseverance are our watchwords.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Look forward to more of your kindly perceptive common sense.
Best to you!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Exile and RFF, both you rightly point out proximity is key. My clan is working hard to uproot (GA) to then relocate. I welcome your insight on friend community locations (States). Right now, east TN is looking good (Homeschool law, 2a and Southern food are my sensitivities)…thoughts?

Capt S has given me much to think about. Your opinion would be greatly appreciated.

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Moss, I’ll have some thought-out and empirically-based info on my site soon, probably two weeks or so, running a little behind with travel etc.. That’s an area that several guys have recommended to me.

FWIW, I met a waitress in Copenhagen who said she left TN because she didn’t like all the racists there (boyfriend was a Scandi so she bailed with him).

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile. Forgive me but what is your site address?

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Not ready for that yet – still painting the walls and laying the carpet.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago


I wish you well wherever you land but do consider western Arkansas. Red state without some of the political weirdness coming up in Tennessee/Kentucky of late. If I recall correctly you are younger man and have need of opportunities. The Fayetteville Benton Springdale triangle is booming and opportunities abound if you are versatile. Good hunting and good luck Brother!

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Thanks PM. I’ll check it out.

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Moss, Penitant- that’s a seriously good suggestion. Definitely overlooked, and booming.

Mountains and Davos West, with the burgeoning regional hub in Ft. Smith flatland just south of it.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

That is a booming area and quite beautiful. The fact that it is booming is what worries me about the place. It is attracting too many normies.

I would also suggest the Ouachita Mountains in southwest Arkansas and Southeastern Oklahoma. There are beautiful forested mountains, but very few people. The people are hardcore rednecks and almost all White, except for Choctaw Indians in Oklahoma. The Choctaws are usually part White and have largely assimilated in redneck culture.

Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
4 years ago

Also agree, Anthrope.

If Moss is Deep Southron- I’m guessing Charlottesville/Raleigh, or their suburb, SC- then TN/KY is a better fit.

Arkansans are weirdly libertarian.
Not quite the same flavor, a different vibe that would grate with time.

Capt S would make a fine neighbor, as good as one could get. (Although Penitant would too.)

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

I’m jumping in right here, because Range Front and Exile were two of the nine of us who got together last Saturday. We met as strangers, but still familiar to each other going in, through the comment threads of primarily this blog. When you look around at the madness of things, meet-ups are a fantastic way to start. Our Saturday did not change the world, but (speaking for the others out of turn a bit), it changed our little worlds. We have allies and a support system now. We just turned our on-line relationships into a distributed flesh-and-blood community. This… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch. THAT. Thank you. I’ve connected with a couple of men here (Lineman and Capt S) and I did not expect encouragement from simply “talking” to my people. Confirming I’m not nuts / paranoid went a long way! So AMEN to “pure oxygen for the soul.”. Physical meetup is high on my list. My wife and I have our radar up for indicators we might have shared interest with a couple. So far, only a two older couples from church seem to get it. But they are twilighting… I’m absolutely dedicated to getting out of the purple swamp I’m in… Read more »

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Moss, AmRen’s conference is in Tennessee in April-May. Check it out. Good time and place to do your own recon and gather some friendly intel on the area as well. It’s in a government facility where they’ve protected Our Guys decently too, so it’s a safer space than a lot of free-range meetups.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Good idea…I forgot about Amren. Checking it out now.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Amen! I second that emotion!

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Couldn’t of stated it better Dutch will just say it was a uplifting experience and would recommend it to all here… Thanks to all who came and made it possible and looking forward to building up and out from there…

Mark Auld
Mark Auld
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch, RFF,and the rest in the West , I’m very pleased to hear you folks had a meet up. Well done. Keep it up and keep us informed. As a constant reader here,as I suppose most are, your future and ours are on a parallel course. Wishing you all well, may you survive the jive and thrive.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch, To you and Lineman, my deepest gratitude and profound appreciation. Your work making this happen was admirable. To all present, I thoroughly enjoyed each of your company, your conversation, and your warmth. I’m not one for black pills but I’ll admit being in the presence of like-minded thinkers was invigorating. I found all the input fascinating. The simple civility and respect was delightful. At one point, watching everyone interacting and laughing during a shared meal, I had the thought: These wonderful people, these allies, these brave hearts… I am correct in my oath to never personally give up hope.… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

This is the beginning of community. As I drove across the Mojave returning from our first meetup, I pictured a net floated across the United States in which each filament of the web that intersected lit up…that’s us…no matter where we are, we can be a bulwark of knowledge and yes..comfort knowing we are not alone exchanging vital information to build a net of community, bringing normies kindly along as we can. Proximity would be more beneficial but if not, we can still be in touch, inform and bolster each other. Community is where we land and only as strong… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Indeed but since we whites have no say so in politics or business. It doesn’t matter,

Sadly too many whites think the GOP is on their side, it’s not. It routinely gives whites a giant middle-finger as Carlson has stated.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Pictures from the rally are so typical (and depressing). The flag-waving, over-the-top display of patriotism shows how far we have to go. These people still believe deeply that what was the United States still exists. They think their precious Constitution will protect them.

They have no clue what’s coming. The first thing the Left did when they got into power was to go after the guns. They won’t quit. It may take them a couple of decades of appointing their judges and justices, but they will get gun laws passed. Trump is buying our side time, but that’s all.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Stay on topic. It’s keeping our guns, not white washing America.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

and not white washing Europe, because England was always black as Hamilton were black guy

unlike you, people on this blog actually have intelligent, want to live at European civilized society

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

They’re allowed to protest without antifa or state harrassment precisely because they’re not a threat. Anything without an explicitly white-aware component is essentially meaningless. These are just Boomers letting off steam, trying to appeal to that imaginary neutral arbiter with their logic – surely if we teach them about the 2A and rules of this country they will realize their mistake and back off. But the reasonable fellow (90% white) Americans no longer exist. The brown, yellow, and mestizo masses don’t care. They are not part of the Nation and will never understand. The right messages for this rally is… Read more »

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

This is spot-on. Normie TradCons have not yet digested how impotent they are in the new Virginia. The 2A protesters largely come from the rural parts of the state – but Dem control is almost entirely based on NoVa suburbs and majority black districts, with maybe a few suburban districts in Norfolk/HAMPTON Roafd thrown in for good measure. In other words, rural Virginia is much like southern Illinois – politically irrelevant. So now the rural TradCons are being used as props in the great a Progressive symbolic purge of the Bad Whites/Dirt People. Their protest is probably seen as vindication… Read more »

4 years ago

I cannot agree that Va has been a “solidly normal state for the last seventy years.” I was born and raised in Va, almost 65 years ago. I left as soon as I could and have returned only for funerals of beloved family members, or once to move my decrepit and ailing father to my adopted home state at the time. Va has always been a hotbed of nascent governmental fascism. They have no respect for citizens’ rights. The police have always been thinly veiled jack booted thugs emboldened and empowered by overreaching and oppressive laws. Travel the roadways of… Read more »

Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
4 years ago

I concur, Storm. Hoo boy.

Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
4 years ago

Nah dude, it is better to scream about dem furrin darkies, whining about furrin darkies and dreaming about muh ceeevil war is all the alt-right can do.

4 years ago

I can’t remember the wank that said it but I believe it to be true: 1/3 of the country is ginning itself up to kill the other 1/3, while the remaining 1/3 stands by and watches. Our blog host sees our current state of affairs as a slow slide into madness. I believe we may be sitting on a powder keg, just waiting for a spark while Leftie plays with matches. Remember, it only takes one straw to break the camel’s back. If worse comes to worst, the old American Revolution tactics should go for this one too… aim small,… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

The Revolution was the first Civil War–few seem to see it that way. But those tactics were honed long before. 5x grandfather was among the militia that harassed Gentleman Johnny all the way down from Lake George, whittling his army away until they swung round and stood fast at Saratoga and whipped them. What Burgoyne didn’t realize is he and many of his older cohorts fought over that same ground in ’57-58. But they were as ruthless to the Loyalists as they were to Johnny and his Indian allies.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

JS, the kind of scenario where that’s necessary lies in a dystopian future. Let’s worry about how to get a dozen guys together rather than LARPy small-unit tactics. I’m more concerned with things like: getting a dozen of Our Guys together in real life; getting a dozen to move their families to a dissident-friendly community building an infrastructure of jobs, markets, public services and social support that can make those dozen guys self-sufficient and insulated from Woke socio-economic pressure; and giving those dozen guys a contingency plan based on survival and evasion rather than some comic-book hill to die on.… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Try to do it every day. Even behind the Iron Curtain here, try to do give my personal business to people that are “in the club”. Several of us are informally “organized”–but constantly figuring out who the like minded are in the local area. Professionally, quietly resist the urge to add vibrancy for vibrancy’s sake and hire people that are solid and values driven–so putting six figure paychecks in the pockets of smart, hard working folks. And I’ve had four kids and raised them to see things clearly.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I hope you’re right and I am wrong, E. But just to be clear, we (and I say that as a Canadian up north) are all running out of time. Leftie is mobilizing against you right now. He’s going for your guns first. He’s talking about taking them by force. Gun owners will not have time to wait for would-be ideologues to have conventions and hemmm and hawwww and puzzle over what to do about this. You are having secret handshake meetings when we need you out in front with us. You don’t have to shoot red coats, or fight… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

John, am I going to do more good as the 100,001’st man in Virginia? Street protests are useful as a (higher-risk) IRL meet-up and networking opportunity, but otherwise they’re the classic example of meeting to yell rather than talk about “doing something.” They vent the crowd’s frustration in the same way that “saying your piece” makes you feel better when arguing with someone, but how often does it change anyone’s mind? I’m not telling anyone “don’t protest in VA today.” Z’s right in saying that the sheer numbers will prevent Charlottesville nonsense. But apart from IRL meet-up function (which it… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile – very well said. “Million man marches matter when politicians are head-counting for votes.” And we all know how much voting matters. Even the majority here are still stuck in the old paradigm. Marching, demonstrating, ‘making their voices heard.’ NONE OF THAT MATTERS. You aren’t persuading either the normies or the enemy. The rules don’t count. Facts don’t matter. Emotions and passions rule and nothing can change what’s been barreling down on us for years. Prepare to survive the fall – stop trying to prevent something that’s already over in everything but name.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

One of the things that impresses me most about the dissidents, E – is the quality of their men. They are not emotionally stunted performance artists like Vox Day or poseurs like Richard Spencer or the Proud Boys that sunk the Albright. Please don’t take any of this as a rebuke or a personal critique. But those qualities above are exactly why you are needed there. Normies need to see you guys up front, speaking your own thoughts in your own words. Maybe it’s your camera that catches the pANTIFA slug beating up a senior. Maybe it’s your words that… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

JS, the NRA is wider “outer” circle overlapping with our Venn diagram. But they lack meta-political awareness and would never tolerate Our Guys in a leadership or spokesperson position. It’s up to the subset of those guys who can be Our Guys to take the final steps to where we are.

We’re going to be out there, doing Our Thing, and putting the word out on the internet and by word of mouth, particularly in these organizations. Those who’re ready for Our Thing will know how to seek us out when their time is right.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

I think of it this way…make my living in the world of probability. Think of things in terms of “normal and expected” versus 25/50/100/250/500 year return periods. Most of the effort should go into “normal and expected”–however, tail risk will kill you if you don’t spend some time thinking about it and the attendant scenarios. Few events stick out. Hurricane Andrew–a few reasonably minor assumption flaws in inland intensity degradation + exposure accumulation nearly bankrupted several firms. Had the storm center been 20 miles further north you would have seen a financial crisis. FF to 9/11–we thought through a lot… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

J.Smith, multiple approaches.

No outing. /ourguys/ behnid the Iron Curtain are too valuable to unmask.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

We do some things stealthily. Helped prevent one draconian financial services de-platforming from happening two years ago. But have to be careful.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
4 years ago

The American Revolution only happened after the British alienated the local elites. We we will only get the numbers after enough upper class whites get screwed over by affirmative action or lose status and money for via reparations and false accusations. Quite a few white women will have to be Mollie Tibbettsed too.

4 years ago

I think this will wake up a lot of normies that participation in electoral politics and reliance on the old rules and the old parties is futile.

Will it turn into a flashpoint like many expect and hope? Probably not, but it will be a stepping stone on the way. It took a long time for Adams and Hancock and his crew to convince your normies they weren’t voting their way out of war. The war didn’t start in 1770 with the Boston Massacre, but it surely convinced more than anonymous pamphlets about the rights of man…

Reply to  Pickle Rick
4 years ago

Mmmm… Maybe. The most current problem results from the Virginia Republican Party NOT participating in the last election. They didn’t even have candidates on the ballots for many districts and ran lackluster campaigns when they did.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

That’s my point exactly. Every single Virginian should be excoriating the Conservative Inc gimps and cucks that got them in this mess. The important thing is that those people out in the streets today realize that they don’t need Vichy Republicans to lead them to defeat after defeat. This was not led by politicians. If it succeeds in mobilizing normies, this is different. This is possibly a start of that organic community we’ve all been wanting to see.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
4 years ago

Meant to say NOT participating…

4 years ago

If The Powers That Reeee continue to vent their paranoia and triumphalism on 2A’s, this will be our number one issue for recruiting in the coming years, with butt-stuff a distant second. Because gun owners are such solid citizens, the average person is more likely to have a NAxALT homo in their social circle than to know someone impacted by “White gun violence.” Those impacted by non-White gun violence are one Paul Kersey post away from “Our Guy” already. The 2A is a vital concern for rural residents who can’t wait for the county sheriff to show up, urbanites who… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago


Well said and insightful as usual. Another thing I want brought to the forefront is the escalating suicide rate among Our young. Not only is the loss heart-rending but it’s a way to gain inroads and make it personal with white women. Maybe make them a little less gullible on the white shaming propaganda when they realize that the hate is adding to the vulnerability and risk of their (particularly boys) children.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

“The Powers that Reeee.” Stealing that one. 😉

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

“The Powers that Reeee.” !!!
Team Bloomberg!

A classic. Exile at his best.

2A rings more American Identity doorbells than any other, so let’s run with it.

Update: Guest, just below: “this may be the issue that unites us.” Yes. Yes.

4 years ago

White people don’t fear white people owning guns. — Worth noting that the opposite is also true: White people do not fear white people not owning guns. The example I always point to is Japan: sure firearms are completely outlawed, but really, how different would the place be if everyone owned guns? In high trust, homogeneous societies contentious issues can land at any point on the spectrum because their resolution doesn’t mean the end of the country (i.e. the end of the people). In low-trust, multi-racial stewpots that is not the case: the resolution of the firearm debate and the… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

The crowd is, as expected, mostly baby boomer. The boomers were stone silent during all of the immigration in the 70s, 80’s and 90’s, and many are even silent about it today. Demographic change creates political change.

4 years ago

Off topic: Today we commemorate the man who made content of character primary yet the FBI forbids us from examining the content of his character.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I’m going to toss in a Tribute to St. Martin the Down-Low (Him Be Upon A Piece) later after everyone says their piece on 2A stuff.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Posted – caught in the spam filter. I’ll check back later.

4 years ago

Diagnosis, spot on, as always, from Zman. My pragmatism always thirsts for a framework of response, given the truth and wisdom you provide. Our side is bad at associating and organizing. Pick an example over the last couple of years. And their side is clearly using our tendencies (strength / weakness) to bludgeon us at every turn. “This dynamic where the newly arrived take over state politics will be something we see all over the South and Southwest in the coming decades. While whites will remain the majority in some cases or the largest minority in others, white solidarity remains… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

I’ve made the comment before that lefty is going to be telling our people “Go Back to Russia” after Trump loses.

Well, we might as well start learning Russian then.

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Moss, we’re not ready for regional or national response, and I expect VA will prove that, though I hope I’m wrong. We need to be a local presence before we can have regional or national influence. We need to work on Phase 1 before we sweat Phase 2 and 3. That said, we need to be thinking and discussing grand strategy to the extent it’s necessary to express a coherent, realistic and desirable vision of the future we’re building. Builders need a plan. The contours of what’s possible on a grand strategy macro level are going to depend on what… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

You MUST get off your ass and get involved. If you don’t then you simply cannot complain when you are overwhelmed. There is a literal ‘playbook’ posted on The Atlantic today by a (((tribal))) who’s entire career revolves around amassing political power and teaching others how to do so. What a shock! These people eat, sleep, and think of absolute power and they’ve been doing it for 2000+ years. If you don’t bring your ‘A’ game against an enemy this patient and determined you are f-cked, basically. I highly advise you read this article because as Sun Tzu and others… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 years ago

I don’t see this as clearly as you must “They are on constant war footing;”. I see an evil that has yet been engaged openly. Constant game, for sure, but war (I’m simple minded so I’m thinking actual physical conflict)? They seem to be at war with common sense, biology and the Laws of Thermodynamics.

I’m all for engagement. But I don’t see engaging in politics as a frame I can own.

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

We’re not all going to fight in that particular arena. Like we say, just raising a family right helps our cause and hurts theirs. We fight just by surviving and passing this legacy to another hopefully larger generation.

Those of us situated to do more and be more active can and should ramp it up. For those of us who can compete with Shlomo in the war of words and ideas, game on, but we need everyone else to keep building the world worth living in and fighting for while we do it.

4 years ago

Conservative Inc. hates and fears regular conservatives and are likewise terrified of being lumped in with anyone too far to the right.

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
4 years ago

Younger people fear losing status and their reputation. Older people fear being harmed, or people they care about being harmed. Young people will smoke if it looks cool. Older people will not smoke because it’s harmful. Young people believe that diversity is our strength, because all the cool people do. Older people believe that diversity is harmful. To slightly edit an Oscar Wilde quote, the young are always ready to give the older the benefits of their inexperience.

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
4 years ago

The term ‘conservative’ is useless and meaningless. Even I don’t know what you mean by “regular conservatives.” I don’t consider myself one nor do I call myself one. Let go of the left/right and liberal/conservative blinders; they are outdated at best (just like the civic nationalists/normies who will fail on all terms in their Virginia protest). We live in a demographic age and must use properly descriptive terms. Ethno-nationalist, European nationalist, White communitarian, Identitarian, populist -take your pick. Stop repeating the old paradigm.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Arthur_Sido
4 years ago

Events like today’s come across as a manipulative black pill. The state will use it to their advantage no matter how things come off. But having white traditions under attack also has the effect of making many in our tribe aware of being attacked. This link below is to a talk Greg Johnston gave in Sweden last year. The whole thing is worth listening to… for a powerful white pill begin listening at 27.00 minutes. There are some very encouraging attitudes permeating throughout the entire white community. The numbers are impressive. Beginning to think in a new way isn’t beginning… Read more »

4 years ago

I went onto the NRO site for the first time in a long time to test Z’s thesis. Today’s headlines: Middle East shit, Reagan, impeachment, Kevin Williamson playing the libertarian.

Nothing about Richmond, not even from Charles Cooke, whom I thought was a 2A fanatic.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

The typical Con Inc writer lives in an upper-middle class condo or apartment. These buildings have private security, and their neighborhoods are generally safe. Hunting by New Yorkers is uncommon, and must be done Upstate in any case.

But Jewish Con Inc writers have loudly screamed that their people should get CCW permits (an impossibility in downstate unless rich) whenever a black youth attacks some Hasidim.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Looking at the positive about Virginia at least the media and the left will continue to headline “white supremists” and “Nazi” as representing the normal legitimate law abiding gun owner.
The more the left labels normal people as racists and Nazi’s the faster some will come over to dissident politics.
It’s a slow process but the media is doing the work for us.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Respectfully, I disagree with your take on the labeling bit. It has been my experience ever since the ’16 election that many normies have watched with horror as anyone who has stood up for our cause has been systematically destroyed by one or another of those labels. Whenever I broach the subject of our cause with anyone, most will say the following, “Look, I agree with most of what you say, but the left are getting people fired from their jobs for saying the wrong thing! Don’t get me involved in any of that.”

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
Reply to  Steve
4 years ago

This is why it’s important to have accurate definitions and proper distinctions ready to hand. In reality, there are no white supremacists. There are no actual Nazis. None. Even dumb fat guys in the stupid uniforms who call themselves Nazis are not Nazis. Because there aren’t any. There is no such bogeyman as white nationalism. There are white preservationists, people who wish to see their people survive, and who recognize that white survival is predicated on certain social and biological conditions. People who work themselves into a tizzy over the extinction of the spotted woodpecker are indifferent to or supportive… Read more »

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Agree, Doof, everything they “Resist!!” is a fantasy.

No wonder they Resist so passionately- it’s a fun game when none of their boogeymen will actually slap some sense into them.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Steve
4 years ago

I don’t like the labeling either and we know good people are getting hurt or their jobs and their way of making a living damaged by this stuff. But it’s a cultural war and it’s real and it’s not going away. The normal person who has normal viewpoints now takes the approach to the enemy like they are a peaceful tribe who will reason and act in a reasonable manner. Our normal white American thinks he is reasoning with the Pocohontous tribe when in fact he is going to be tortured and killed by the Comanches. The only way to… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

G Lordon, their enemies are fantasies while the damage is very real.

Helluva situation, eh?
How do you fight fantasies?
And since fantasy enemies can’t be hurt, incredulous Lefty can claim, “but we’re not hurting YOU, Mr. Normie!”

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Sorry, G Gordon, but if you really think optics or even reality will move normies to the DR, I have some “persuasive” facts for you. Think Amy Biehl. Think Mollie Tibbets. Think of Amanda Blackburn. If even seeing their wives/children raped and murdered doesn’t move these people to accept demographic reality, why on earth do you think the media will? A certain portion, a large portion, of Whites will choose to die before facing reality. And they will get their choice, unfortunately. You just have to choose to be part of the remnant and work to survive the fall.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

3g, there are always counter-examples and outliers like Taco Man Tibbets, but it’s not nearly as bleak as “none of them will turn, ever, cucks win, turn out the lights.”

Almost all of us including my now-fairly extreme self got to here from somewhere much more normal. I spent the 00’s as a Bush Con.

4 years ago

I agree with everything you say except I think you are underestimating the effect school shootings with ARs had on moderate white people. They bought the leftist argument that these shootings were the fault of the guns and the NRA because the NRA makes it easy for anyone to buy a gun off the shelf. When the Dems prattle on about universal background checks, a lot of people think it means that you can buy a gun without a background check. Because of this, a lot of normies are open to further restrictions on or even banning them. Our side… Read more »

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
Reply to  MikeCLT
4 years ago

Z is probably unfortunately right that our enemies will never be swayed by coherent arguments, that isn’t really how warfare works, and sadly we are at war. None the less, it is very important for our side to continue to develop rational and morally sound arguments, clarity of thought and language, and above all, accurate distinctions and accurate definitions. So much of our present train wreck is caused by confusing language, poor and inaccurate definitions of terms, failure to make proper distinctions, and by giving in to emotionalism, hysteria, and sentimentality. Think of how easy it is to destroy all… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

The arguments we need are those that persuade normiecons to boycott their cultural enemies. No cable, no Netflix, no Amazon, no Facebook and no Google. And for the dinosaurs in the back, no newspapers.

And definitely no sportsball.

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Exactly, DE. Our goal isn’t 51% of the Empire electorate anymore. We’re looking to rally the intransigent 25% that can force cultural change. We still have the numbers to get that done, and the overreach and haste of the enemy are “radicalizing” forces doing Our work for Us.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

On point, Exile, the essential 25%.
Absolutely on point.

Thinking in terms of fulcrum and leverage is how to deal with a multipolar society.

Reply to  MikeCLT
4 years ago

It’s women. Wealthier white women with husbands who are too beta to say anything (or who don’t care). Very few men are hysterical about banning muh AR15. And women with manly husbands who tell them why guns aes important are pro-gun.

Reply to  MikeCLT
4 years ago

The NRA has done nothing to remedy this, nothing. It’s run by wealthy statist whites who have more in common with Pelosi than they do with Joe Sixpack. They are pretty much a version of Conservative Inc. trusted. That said, it’ isn’t about education. of scary cat normies. Gun control is not a winning campaign platform for Democrats. This is why every mass shooting vanishes from the MSM within days. There is not enough support for it. How the Left implements gun control is by stealth in the state houses and with Lefty DA’s and governors. That’s how it worked… Read more »

Reply to  MikeCLT
4 years ago

Why so many here STILL think facts matter, either re guns or the DR and swaying opinions, totally eludes me. You cannot persuade someone with facts. Even if they nod their head or say they hadn’t realized ‘x,’ as soon as you’re gone the conditioning kicks back in and you’re back to where you started. All those who think they’re planting the seeds of red pills – I hope you’re right, but personally I highly doubt it. Only when the 50+ contingent has started to significantly shrink and the majority of Whites left are those who’ve been told they’re scum… Read more »

Henry Lee
4 years ago

Coming to a state near me: Georgia. Sooner than I think.

Reply to  Henry Lee
4 years ago

Former Georgian here:
1. Refugee rackets running full swing?: CHECK!
2. Transportation hub for illegal immigrants? : CHECK!
3. Home of CNN who hates team R?: CHECK!

The fact that S. Adams came within striking distance of the governorship tells you all you need to know. GA is going the way of VA, faster than you think.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

ProZnoV: A lot of states are in that position – trending left from multicult immigration and internal leftist infiltration. Texas is not the bastion too many still think it is – far from it. The stagnation I noticed 25 years ago hasn’t affected the thinking of the civic nationalists/White normies, who still think John Cornyn is in Washington voting for ‘them.’ Fools, but they’ll get what they voted for, good and hard.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

I grew up in rural Georgia. This man speaks the truth. It would have been inconceivable just a few years ago that an uppity fat black chick could get any votes for governor, much less nearly win.

4 years ago

“White flight” to western states will now also be “Firearm Flight”, as gun owners flee to western states to live amongst their own with their firearms (Or send the guns out west to friends and family for safe keeping). But it won’t work.

Western states are copying the “flood the state with refugees” model, while progressive Californian and their odious voting patterns move in to override the locals.

Z is right that all sides are trapped in restrictive ways of thinking; all current models of thinking on all sides lead to massive progressivism.


Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

PZN. So what shakes normies out of their stupor? If we cannot change people’s “restrictive ways of thinking” to some level of awareness that leads to urgency that leads to engaging in the fight, what do you propose we do?

Know I see what you see as well. But diagnosis is what’s needed. Symptoms are all around us.

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Truthfully, I don’t know. Gathering in a public space with 100k strangers with guns sure isn’t going to do it.

But it starts with an alternate model, otherwise your opponent sets the frame and will always win.

That’s the chief value of the Zman, IMHO. Struggling to come up with another way.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Spot a half dozen new African Americans and African Africans every time I am out running errands in my small Idaho city. Just a few years ago you could go weeks with seeing a black person. How insidious. We are being forced at gun point (taxation) to finance the destruction of our own communities.

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

It probably will never happen, but I think the best outcome from this affair would be if the State of West Virginia made good on its offer to incorporate the resisting VA sanctuary counties into W VA, thus turning VA into a rump state. The precedent already exists (it is how W VA came into being in the first place), and it would be highly useful to begin setting secessionist precedents and having vigorous and legitimized secessionist debates, because that is really where this will all end up. Meanwhile, keep in mind that the entire Virginia government is illegal and… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

That’s about as likely as either the USMC at Quantico executing a coup d’état or a Call of Duty-style Russian invasion.

The paradox is that we only get “freedom” when Chinese and Russian tanks are rolling down the streets of DC.

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Again, fraud and the rules and legal/illega/legitimate/illegitimate don’t matter, except to normies – and they are still clinging to their constitution. Even demographic reality has not swayed them. Only the coming crash (even if it’s decades off) will.

Reply to  Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
4 years ago

Bronze oak leaves for this one.
I am standing and saluting.

Heh. At a titty bar in Richmond, they played “Dixie” at the close every night, and by God you better stand up when they played it.

I’d like to see more of that. A lot more.

4 years ago

We should encourage a new tradition of white people conducting deliberately provocative 1st and 2nd Amendment rallies across the country on this federal holiday.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

If we had any sense of strategy, we’d declare 2nd amendment rights are what bring us together. Make THAT the thing they have to discuss endlessly. We’d have to hold our, so callled, media accountable if they don’t. Man. Lots of sad sacks here. So many don’t understand it’s all theater not logic or facts. In fact, however, most probably agree with gun right though. Many are starting to believe their propaganda.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Nice, Vegetius. Totally agree.
Got to give normie some rally points.

The Dissident Right needs to jump in front of the Right parade, and push out the pretenders.
This is what we can offer.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

What is great about the demonstration is mainly that there is a demonstration at all. Our people have historically neglected the streets in favor of letter writing, voting and donorism-cum-consumerism.

If our people get in the habit of regularly holding demonstrations, it has the ability of making the lives of our opponents a bit more difficult, and forces them behind a security detail. This protest needs to be followed up with more local demonstrations to pressure the sheriffs into not enforcing the laws.

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

Taking to the streets if you don’t actually control the local civil service is how Charlottesville happens.

Conservatives don’t even have an ideological grudge against government jobs, which are stable means to support a family. The problem is that affordable family housing, due to usury and housing bubbles, is far away from where government employment is physically located, the cities.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Anonymous Reactionary
4 years ago

Charlottesville was organized by a man who never ran anything other than a hobbyhorse political magazine. It’s only local participant in leadership was a misfit that was easily pushed aside.

The one surprise was the unannounced torch parade, but the far-right was outnumbered by Antifa, before accounting for the police. Most of their demonstrators were from out of state. The name “Unite the Right” was supposed to imply that Alt-Lite figures would be in attendance, to heal the “Heilgate” rift.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

The reason they’re taking to the streets is that the governor threatened actual gun confiscation. Then budgeted for law enforcement and extra prison space for it. He backed down on that, but not the other dozen gun laws.
If he kept on with confiscation, then it maybe, could’ve been a flashpoint.

4 years ago

Been watching a live feed from the demo. While the usual “tacti-cool” people are there (why are they always so damn fat?), it looks like most of the attendees are normal-looking white people. Bunch of open carry people.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
4 years ago

What channel?

(I finally got a bit of streaming TV.
It’s as diversionary as people say it is, so I don’t turn it on very much.)

4 years ago

Everyone, sing along with me, When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

Good News, Breitbart found a black man in the crowd to bless the event and give it salience. Sean Hannity will run the clip a thousand times…

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Hannity will run the clip a thousand times while soliciting analysis from Larry Elder and David Webb.

George Orwell
George Orwell
Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

Right on schedule, (((Ace of Spades))) 2A post features a still frame from CNN of black guy at protest.

Reply to  George Orwell
4 years ago

I thought Ace was black.
A hybrid, maybe? I dunno.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

If you want a glimpse into the near future, look at this legislation introduced by Virginia’s AG.

The bill would make it illegal for whites to organize militias. Make pretty much anything a hate crime. Being convicted of a hate crime means you lose your right to own a gun. Allow state police to monitor suspected hate groups and their members. This legislation would basically disarm whites and make it illegal for them to meet or to advocate for the whites.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Making secret societies great again.

4 years ago

“these sorts of sporting guns”

Not “sporting guns”. The right to own firearms has nothing to do with “sporting”. To use – and thus implicitly endorse – that stipulation is to invite the camel’s long nose into the tent.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The “type” description is irrelevant, IMO, in the argument you were making.

Further, the “type” business confuses the issue in the eyes of the gun-ignorant (which I know is NOT you, so that was not a dig, BTW). That road leads to the deliberate obfuscation of “I’m a pro-2A politician, but I support ‘common sense’ magazine capacity limits”, revolver vs semi-auto arguments, and the like, each of which is a wedge, further erosion, pick your metaphor.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Describing an AR-15 as a “sporting rifle” is cuck behavior in and of itself.

The only reason why that term exists is because right wingers decided to knuckle under the leftist’s constant use of the term “assault rifle” – by coming up with something that seemed more innocuous.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

An AR-15 is not an assault rifle, an assault rifle by definition is capable of full-auto fire. An AR-15 cannot fire full-auto.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

As I like to tell people, the 2A isn’t about duck hunting. It’s about the government being more afraid of its citizens than the citizens are afraid of the government.

Assault rifles are exactly what the founding fathers had in mind.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

2A is about the right for you to protect yourself, your family, and your community by any means you see fit. Guns are incidental, though essential, to the larger point of what 2A is really all about. Nobody gets to prescribe to you, within reason, what is appropriate for protection (so save the “whaddabout a nuclear missle” thing).

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Twitter: “… (want all my bros to have tactical nukes) …”

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves from tyranny in government–Jefferson

4 years ago

I was planning on going skiing today, but I think I’ll take the kids to the range instead.

Reply to  cfomally
4 years ago

Skiing? Range?
On today of all days?
No no no no no! Shame! We should be wearing filthy rags, sitting in the dark and self-flagellating, while thinking of that sainted leader, that latter-day Moses, whose boots we are not worthy to lick.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Mike, do you think the tapes and reports due to be released about Michael King in 2027 will tarnish his sainthood? Do you think they’ll even release them or bury them for another 60 years?

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

According to his friend, the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, Mike King had carnal knowledge with two women on the last night of his life, April 3, 1968 – the night of his “I have been to the Mountain top” speech.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Today? I plum fergot.

Thank gosh The Impeachment is overriding all the usual maudlin moaning.
Funny how the atrocious Fraud is celebrated ahead of “President’s Day.”

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

I’m betting another few decades buried, with minimal fanfare, and no explanation.

Just saw this, BTW – between the family stuff post-meet up and coming home to an overflowing in-box (plus the sun was in my eyes, the dog ate it, etc) I’ve been behind hand on my reading. (But TOTALLY worth it to put faces to names in the best of company.)

Reply to  cfomally
4 years ago

Well that was fun. At least at my home the 3rd Monday in January shall ever be known and celebrated as Second Amendment Day.

4 years ago

“It’s the people ruing over white people, who fear white people owning guns.”

That is EXACTLY what the authors of the Constitution wanted.

Monty James
Monty James
4 years ago

It looks as if things went alright, with no violence or arrests. No debacle, although that was a reasonable prediction to make. I’m glad to be wrong about that.

And those bills which provoked the whole jamboree are still going to be voted ‘aye’ and passed by Bloomberg and Soros’s men, and Ralph Northam will still sign them.

Maybe this will make a difference in the federal elections this year. I don’t know.

Edit 1:32 PDT: I laughed a little at this, I’m white, what can I say?:

Video: Virginia Rally Attendees Pick Up Trash After Themselves

Reply to  Monty James
4 years ago

Worse: Tucker Carlson- “are you telling me nobody was looting CVS?!”

4 years ago

1. If we want to do protests like this, we need better control over our people who attend. Small group leaders taking their neighbors need to coordinate with big name issue advocacy groups. Put out the word that anyone showing up with Nazi symbols gets FED or SPLC spray-painted on their jacket and constantly recorded by someone who keeps loudly calling them a provocateur. 2. While it sickens me and requires courage and restraint that I would lack, when the Dems unleash Antifa, our guys gotta take that beating with minimal resistance. Document and pass the results around to people… Read more »

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

“Sue the governor…”

Can’t. They own the courts.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

If we win against Governor Blackface, that is great. If we lose that gives us more proof to show normie that the system is rigged against him.

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

Everything normie sees or hears is filtered by our enemies. They own the media. We have to work behind the scenes, between the lines, quietly, relentlessly. We can’t vote our way out of this. Slowly, normie is figuring it out.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Naaah, sue them in a Federal court with a Trump appointed judge. Heck, Trump can’t even take a dump without a Dem appointed Federal judge issuing a nationwide injunction. Two can play that game.

4 years ago

Peter Grant has an excellent summary. The perfidy of these people is breath taking. This is as dirty as it gets.


Reply to  jwm
4 years ago

Sweet Jeebus. They can pass bills far faster than we can vote on them. The post isn’t long, but here are some of the ugly details: “forums were openly talking about voting out every single Democrat in the state in the next election. The Democrats shot back: they filed bills that repeal voter ID, would allow felons the vote, and more. A LOT more. Senate Bill 399 would give Virginia’s electoral college votes to the winner of the national popular vote. SJ 29 would change election law so that the governor would be elected by majority of votes in congressional… Read more »

4 years ago

Very proud of the Virginians that showed up today and wish them all safe passage.

Reply to  sirlancelot
4 years ago

Hear, hear!

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

And a thanks to our host the Zman for addressing this day’s #1 topic.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

This is all true. And in CA the state tells you to pick from a list of guns that they find acceptable. It costs gun manufacturers so much money to get their gun on the list, that we’re stuck with a state selection. That’s just one example, it goes on. We imported people from places like Mexico and China where guns are illegal and taboo. Hence, we gun ownership would already be mostly illegal if it wasn’t for some 2nd Amendment lawsuits every few years.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Dissent can build even from failure. Even an event that misfires and has bad optics can advance a cause…because they make the cause a subject to be discussed and taken into account. Once that discussion begins to take place people will begin to notice things…things that were previously right under their noses but to which they had been oblivious. This is a slow and frustrating process. It is non linear so there are setbacks. But the overall arc is moving our way. Confrontation no matter how it initially turns out, in the long run works in our favor. Especially as… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

YY, I’m on the same page tactically and the same timeline strategically. Let’s not put all of our eggs in one basket and let’s play for time with an eye toward low-intensity persistent dissent rather than short term movie-style fireworks.

4 years ago

Re: “What’s going in Virginia would not happen in a homogeneous stable society. It is the inevitable result of cosmopolitan globalism and multiculturalism. White people don’t fear white people owning guns. It’s the people ruing over white people, who fear white people owning guns.” Gee, as a military historian, I can’t help but wonder if the fear the new would-be rulers have for those “white people owning guns” is based upon the fact that European peoples – in the vernacular, white folks – are the finest war-fighters on the planet, bar none. And the sorts of defiant Scots-Irish and other… Read more »

Reply to  Georgiaboy61
4 years ago

What’s going in Virginia would not happen in a homogeneous stable society. It is the inevitable result of cosmopolitan globalism and multiculturalism

Yeah explains why homogeneous societies like Sweden, New Zealand, Australia and Britain have such strong gun rights…..wait a minute.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
4 years ago

Whitey’s waking up, which shocks and dismays our bettors who pounded so much propaganda up our ass and called it ‘education’. A relentless pounding of Jewtube mindfuck has backfired. Deep in their gut, the gringoes know the game’s rigged, they’re paying the tab for the parasites, their children’s future is grim. Corner an animal and out comes the beast.

4 years ago

OT, a tribute for muh holiday. R-selected reading for this evening is from the Book of Kangz, Taylor-Francis Edition, recited in the Whitesplain verse. On January 15, 1929, Mike King Sr. begat Mike King Jr. In 1934, honoring tribal tradition among the Mulatto*, the Mikes, no longer liking to be like Mike, became Martin Luthers. Per the Book of Wiki, Mike Sr. later contextualized this jive thusly: — While visiting sites associated with the Protestant reformation leader, Martin Luther, attendees witnessed the rise of Nazism. The BWA conference issued a resolution condemning anti-Semitism, and the senior King gained deepened appreciation… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Fookin’ verily, I say unto thee

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The Plagiarism wasn’t just a line here and a phrase there (from James Edwards’ article): ” Journalist Theodore Pappas, who has also reviewed the collection, found one paper showing “verbatim theft” in 20 of a total of 24 paragraphs. He writes: “King’s plagiarisms are easy to detect because their style rises above the level of his pedestrian student prose. In general, if the sentences are eloquent, witty, insightful, or pithy, or contain allusions, analogies, metaphors, or similes, it is safe to assume that the section has been purloined.” King also plagiarized himself, recycling old term papers as new ones. Some… Read more »

4 years ago

Meanwhile, tomorrow morning, Fox & Friends will run the clip with Diamond and Silk offering their black-put.

Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

And lets alienate the few minorities that are willing to join the 2A side, Winning friends and influencing people, alt-right style.

Reply to  UpYours
4 years ago

You said it yourself, the “few minorities”. What benefit is accrued to the DR by pandering to a demographic that it’s frankly not in our interest to promote?

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

No one is saying anything about Pandering. If non-whites show up on the 2A side, great, welcome them and treat them the same any white. No need to pander and no need to alienate either. On mass immigration some prominent lefties like Norm Matloff have opposed it saying it harms the most vulnerable and marginalized Americans. If Tucker Carlson were smarter he would bringing in folks like Nader, Matloff and even Van Jones to make the case for restricting immigration. As Z says, lefties especially white lefties operate on the hive mind, making a case with a lefty like Matloff… Read more »

4 years ago

Seeing a few funny trolling posters that they are using to poke in the eye of the left.

“Trans rights are gun rights”
“Don’t Tread on me” with a rainbow flag.

If they were serious it would be cringe, but in this case it is mocking their secular religion while promoting their own ideology.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

No, I’m sorry to say that a lot of this is serious. Lots of otherwise social liberal people are gun owners, and they tend to be overpromoted as a way of convincing leftists to back off.

The mainstream media has been fearmongering about the “Nazi terrorists” from what will mostly be a demonstration of Boomercon men.

Charlottesville really damaged our image in ways that will be felt possibly decades in advance.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

You can ask any media type what happened at Charlottesville and they’ll probably wipe tears from their eyes, but ask any man on the street what went down and he’ll give you a blank stare. I don’t think the impact has been or will be quite what you imply.

4 years ago

The democrats controlled the state legislature of Virginia until the 90s. So the republicans running the state was sort of a historical anomaly. It does seem though that the democrats of today in Virginia are different than the democrats of a few decades ago though. Kind of like comparing the Fleetwood Mac of Peter, Danny and Jeremy to the Fleetwood Mac of Stevie, Christine and Lindsay.

Reply to  thekrustykurmudgeon
4 years ago

What they need is a Bob Welch to help get the band through a tough transition?

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

good to know people have heard of him. He never got the credit he deserved. Always liked the song “ebony eyes”

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Needs more cowbell.

4 years ago

You forgot to mention Jewish money bankrolling hard Leftist DA’s across the country. Both Bloomberg and Soros are doing it and it’s working. And it’s not just white elites who fear white people owning guns. It’s Jewish people as well. That said, most of those gun owners are far more aware than your average spergy white office worker who makes up the DR that we no longer live in a rule based society. They know the Left wants to exterminate us. They behaved nicely because there was no upside to being bad boys in enemy territory. And most won’t obey… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

Most gun owners are generally unaware of the “culture war” aspect. The NRA has promoted the ideal of guns as “female empowerment”, while it runs away from promoting “militias”.

While their actions might imply an understanding of the culture war, for many guns are just a male version of “retail therapy”. Hunting participation continues to decline, while rural areas were decimated by opium.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

Most site I visit that are dedicated to guns, like are very normie-con. Any race-aware stuff sends a big chunk of them into a tizzy. They still get excited about gay gun clubs because they think that means more leftists can be convinced to love guns more than they hate Whitey (not that they think of it that way).

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

Huh? rubbing the “most vulnerable” nonsense back in their faces is awesome, it might even win the 2A side a few converts.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

RW, what do you have to offer those gun owners?

Are you ever going to drop even a hint as to what your better plan is?

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

If you buy a gun – and then endeavor to get fully familiar with all of those who don’t want you to keep owning that gun , you start to acquire a completely different view point of the world.

Coming to the FULL understanding that the laws are against you, the political machine is largely against you, certain groups are against you – and a SWAT team might burst thru your door in the middle of the night and kill your dog and your family – has a way of completely altering your world view.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

“it’s not a entry point”?- wait, what?

It doesn’t touch the third rail of Jerusalem, so I think it’s the best entry point on hand.
It rings all the right 1776 bells.

4 years ago

Even if the demonstrators are “perfectly behaved”, sitting quietly in their government approved cages designated for “free speech and free assembly”, with non offensive signs and the patience of Job, not rising to the bait of taunts, or thrown offal, or even behaving like Ghandi whilst physically assaulted….they still lose. The gun laws will proceed as long as the left writes the rules, and sets the terms of all debates, while also determining what is “good think” and what is “bad think”. Normies acquiescence to that makes effective resistance impossible. But, I still have ‘muh Constitution. If only it addressed… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Activism is a Leftist group at prayer. It Is Prayer Organizing quietly among our own, on our turf is our path. Let them have their leftist Great Awokening (yes it is). We go to the range in small groups. The left may have their awokening revival, we have the sacrament of our mass (NOT the same thing) of putting rounds on target. One is feels, the other a positive act. Again a firearms purchase is the most radicalizing act we can get a newbie to do. They have the feels, we have the transubstantiation of the gun firing in the… Read more »


the Great Awokening, exactly


Hail Zardoz!

4 years ago

I’m guessing that a lot of the gun legislation that Governor Blackface gets passed will end up jammed in State and Federal courts – as they will be unconstitutional in both. Maybe the Virginia Republicans will use the opportunity to get their heads out of their asses, get decent candidates on the ballots in every district and win. Maybe. If not, Z is right.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Politicians and lawyers aren’t going away, so let’s fight with the army we have, since we don’t have the army we want.

4 years ago

Jesus fucking Christ. Glenn Reynolds just came out in support of a trans-woman running for California state senate because he’s a second amendment-supporting Republican.

“The Conservative Case for [leftist degeneracy of the day]” rears its pozzed head like clockwork.

People there aren’t happy with me for pointing it out.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

The fact that a trans-“man” runs as a pro-2A in CA and all the “men” cuck out tells me a lot. Pathetic

King Tut
King Tut
4 years ago

So, it looks like the good folks of Virginia will have their guns prised from their warm, live hands.

I have seen some online hubbub about 2A sanctuary counties in Virginia being invited to join West Virginia. Is there any substance to that? Is it even true or possible? Or likely?

Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

Well it happened once… And it would be hard for the left to complain as the first time the separation was due to West Virginians desire to stay in the union and not join the Confederacy.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Thanks. Sounds like a long shot, though.

4 years ago

Supposed to be Conservative rally aren’t Conservative at all

it was weird parade where people lift sign Anti-Racism, Gay marriage, other stuff that ruling class feel acceptable
it seems gun right was merely decoration

they have to be Gun rights advocates, but can’t explain why they have to be Gun rights advocates
people there don’t know anything anymore nor what should protect or preserve
They even don’t know why they are there…
this is what mainstream media called Right wing Rally

That’s how far we have fallen and we can’t vote ourselves out of this mess
Any suggestion?