The Great Retreat

It is becoming increasingly clear that the great zombie apocalypse of 2020 is not going to live up to the hype. At this stage, the models and their experts said we would have bodies in the streets and chaos at the hospitals. Instead, what we have is a shuttered country and hospitals furloughing staff due to a lack of sick people. The curve benders keep changing their forecasts, but the virus keeps letting them down. The big question now is how will everyone retreat from this debacle.

To his credit, President Trump has sensed the end game from the very beginning and has been talking about “reopening the country” for a while. He knows this cannot go on much longer and his job will soon shift from battling dingbats in the press room over the virus to battling dingbats in the press room over the economy. If he is to continue in his role, he will need the promised V-shape recession. If it is a depression, then he will be replaced with the first Alzheimer-American to run for president.

This may turn out to be what saves his presidency. He will have six months to go around the country talking up the economy. He will also be able to blame Congress for a whole host of things in the process. Running against Congress is a good way for a President with soft support to win over skeptics. If the economy is quickly recovering by the fall, with employers hiring back furloughed workers, Trump can run as the guy who not only saved us from the invisible death but also saved the economy.

A lot of that will depend on the local politicians. They have suddenly found their spines in this panic and are now claiming to control our destiny regarding the lock down. They are coordinating their plans to re-open, which is smart politics. They don’t want to give Trump credit, but they don’t want to risk being the first to open up. They will pretend to be operating as a team in order to not risk getting blamed if the media does not follow orders and continues to report on the virus.

That’s the big part of the coming retreat from this panic. The media will have to be coached carefully so they don’t screw up and accidentally report the truth. A whole new gaggle of experts and actors playing experts is being prepped to explain why it is now okay to go outside. At the same time, they still have to blame Orange Man for the deaths that never materialized. In the end, they may just drop the whole thing and pretend it never happened, like the impeachment fiasco.

Perhaps the hardest hit by the great virus flop has been the curve benders. They will have the task of explaining why they are still smarter than the rest of us, but were ridiculously wrong about the biggest event in their lives. As RamZPaul pointed out the other day, in most professions, being this wrong gets you fired. Being an internet expert, however, means never having to be right, so maybe they just follow the lead of the media and forget the whole thing happened.

The problem with that plan is the curve benders personalized this from the start, calling the skeptics all sorts of names. It is unlikely that the skeptics will forget how Nicky Taleb threw his dress over his head and ran around squealing like a girl. Many of the curve benders will be able to recover their reputations, but some will not. In a better age, the curve benders would be packing their stuff and heading out of town right now, but in this age, they will probably be rehabilitated without much effort.

Then there are the people who fell for the hype and then piously lectured the rest of us about how the virus was more important than the economy. Many of these people claimed to be on this side of the great divide. They had lectured for years about how the media can never be trusted. Then they swallowed the official line on the virus like good little boys and girls. The internet never forgets, so they will be reminded of this for the remainder of their days, especially on this side of the divide.

It’s not so much that they were wrong or acted like smug bleeps. It’s that they revealed themselves to be every bit as out of touch as the mass media. This was just another game for them to play on-line, like their politics. Their clapping for the lay-offs and business closures revealed that they have no skin in the game. It is a good reminder to never take business advice from someone who has never signed the front of a paycheck and never take political advice from people without jobs.

As far as timing, we are getting close to the point where the lines of the alarmists and curve benders break. The one guy consistently right about this thinks the great retreat is coming soon. Governors are now preparing to declare victory, so they will be scurrying away from this in the next couple of weeks. Local business is already showing signs of rebellion, so they may set the pace for the governors. Trump now has a task force to re-open the economy. It even has his dingbat daughter on it.

What all this suggests is that in a couple of weeks, everyone will be talking about the economy and going back to work and school. In another month, the only people talking about the virus will be conspiracy nuts and the remaining curve benders who refuse to let it go. If the summer is a great recovery in the economy, this whole sorry episode will be sent down the memory hole. The great retreat from the panic that will change everything will be complete and no one will remember any of it.

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4 years ago

First order of business, repeal the 19th amendment. Things will fall in line after that.
Then, please anyone, get rid of this crazy Governor Karen here in Michigan. A recall has started.

As for the future, may you live in interesting times.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Governor Karen is a great gift for Trump. Her actions on shutting down everything but food just adds more to the growing “Dems are insane” opinion..

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Whitmer belong in casting for the evil stepmother in every one of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. The physiognomy is all there.

Noticed after she banned the sale of seeds, the usual ‘stay at home’ crowd turned quiet in social media. There are avid gardeners on both the left and the right that she threw under the bus for nothing more than showboating.

The best was yesterday when she tried to justify her actions, complete with a lady doing sign language in the background who looked like she was doing interpretive dance and misspellings on her slides.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

I was pretty amazed that vegetable seeds in the spring were not considered “essential”. I’m sure farmers aren’t buying theirs at Walmart, but still just an blatant exercise in bossing people for no reason other than the pleasure of it.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

The sign language thing is a particularly silly virtue signal. What deaf person doesn’t have access to Closed Captioning?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I think of it as performance art comedy, like having a mime next to the speaker unintentionally mocking the whole situation.

The Right Doctor
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Can you read ASL? Maybe they are. That would be rich.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

You have no idea just how far fucked up these people are.
This, for example is not satire.

There are “races” who use this “language” as their main means of communication- it’s the best form of communication they have.
Yet race is just a social construct and all humanity is an equal blank slate, right?

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

bilejones, I looked long and hard for the parody site in all of this, and I couldn’t find it. It really is the BBC?(!!!). Wow.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

The BBC has been a parody site for at least the last 20 years.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Blind deaf people maybe…

Reply to  Chris
4 years ago

I can see how sign language really helps in that case.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

We have the sign language thing here in California too.

Unlike Gov. Whitmer though and to his credit Gov, Newsom has actually done a decent enough job on the matter, doubly so considering how Left wing this State can be.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

She didn’t ban the sale of seeds or car seats. That’s just the satan spawn of McCain’s histrionics. The governor is still a moron, but she didn’t specifically ban these things.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

Read her E.O.,9309,7-387-90499_90705-525182–,00.html

She banned “Garden centers and plant nurseries.”, which stores took logically to include seeds.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

No, she didn’t.

She closed garden centers in department stores and home depot (at least 50k ft^2)
You can still buy seeds. The lawyer I linked to went to Tractor Supply and bought some seeds in Michigan.

Do you guys remember who Megan McCain’s father is?

When a Cuck or the Satan spawn of a Cuck says something, it is a probably a lie. Never believe a single word these people say!

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

What the hell does any of this have to do with McCain you sperg?

You want me to post all the pics of seeds being taped off in countless stores?

Where the hell do you think most regular people get seeds? Maybe garden centers and nurseries and not a Tractor supply store.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

The Dollar Tree sells them. Tractor Supply sells them. Lots of stores sell seeds. This went viral because Megan McCain posted it on Twitter. She was concentrating more on the allegedly banned car seats and her being pregnant, but she mentioned the seeds as well. You’re the one who is sperging. Saying she banned seeds would imply farmers couldn’t buy seeds and commercial growers couldn’t buy seeds. The order is absolutely retarded and something only a female Democrat could come up with. I’m with you there. If you’re really feelin’ the need to exercise that green thumb, head over to… Read more »

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

From the order: 2. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods: a. Carpet or flooring. b.Furniture. c. Garden centers and plant nurseries. d. Paint. Not everything that gets planted this time of year is a seed. You have have to go get plants that are already started. Second, so unless you have a sub-50K sq/ft store nearby that sells seeds and plants, you’re out of luck getting anything. You can’t drive all over MI looking for… Read more »

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
4 years ago

Aren’t the regular nurseries closed? That is what people should be pissed off about. The fact that they have been able to basically close all retail establishments not considered vital, not to mention churches, is what people should be mad about, not (just) the Walmart garden center. Or the madness of pulling over a car with a single person in it driving in the middle of the night and giving her a ticket. Or 10 cops dragging someone off the bus for not wearing a mask.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

Or closing churches in Ireland- so they can be used as a mosque on a Friday.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

My brother drove to Ohio to get fertilizer. Of course hiring a service us out of the question.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

In Maryland the Mexicans mulching the Governor’s flower beds are performing an essential service.
Churches are closed. Liquor stores open.
Spiritual comfort banned. Spiritous comfort essential.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

sorry Tars , i live ther e,and she did. but pot shops , liquior stores and the michigan lotto are still open. she also forbid going fishing or jet skiing, , even by yourself with nobody else in the boat on the lake you house sits on.

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

I agree that these rules are dumb. Churches are closed and abortion clinics are open. This is outright insane. I agree that is dumb beyond measure that Walmart is open, but the paint section and nursery are not. This is the perfect example of how gov screws stuff up. But she did not ban seeds. The partisan hackery and the lies that are always there under ordinary circumstances is one of the reasons this is clown world. Our media is completely dishonest and partisan hackery is one of the major reasons. Trump does not have blood on his hands and… Read more »

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

“But she did not ban seeds.”

Who cares if she really did or didn’t ban sale of seeds? That is not the point at all. Either way, banning seeds is ridiculous, and as Chet alluded to, gardening has appeal to plenty of leftists and Karens. The seeds thing is a potential WEDGE among Whitmer’s suporters, yeah?

As someone once said, “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Seed-Banning Whitmer is a pretty good personal label.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

Just watched some of that stream and that interpreter gave me a good laugh. Got scolded today for not setting aside my work to attend an emotional wellness seminar… It’s difficult to take farce seriously.

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

What goes on at these seminars. Is an AA meeting crossed with I’m not worthy, or more akin to a revivalist meeting with smatterings of magic incantations?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

There is already a recall with 150k signatures for Governor Half-wit.

Of course, she has nothing to worry about because she is back by deep, dark pools of Soros’ money.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

see my reply above. the Michigan GOP is incompetent in the extreme, she’s safe.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

If the US is to ever function correctly, the new guys will need to limit campaign contributions by Constitutional amendment (say 50x minimum wage per registered voter per candidate, 10x your own money frees limited) and if they are smart will limit personal wealth by some multiple of the minimum wage (25x seem fair) along with a whole host of bans of revolving door laws amended in. It will probably end up with no smarter a political system , hell it will be a racemic mix of AOC/Bernie and various Right sorts after this and they won’t be smarter they… Read more »

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

we have the unholy trinity of screeching karens here in michigan, gretchen Hitl-her, dana”nutso” nessel, and Haily “screeching “stevens.
the state GOP is in the hands of the big AG and koch brothers donor suplicants from the grand rapids area. the Michigan farmers organization paid for Hillary ads in 2016. It’s the same group that produced Justin Amash , our own ed mcmullin.. So with the State GOP completely destroyed, there is nothing to keep the dems from running wild.. I still do not see any republican who could beat any one of the three. .

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Repeal won’t do a thing. Why, because any number of States were already allowing female suffrage before the 19th. I suspect many States will continue such or fail to enact any laws restricting such voting rights now that they’ve been in effect for damn near a century.

4 years ago

What’s interesting is that Trump knew this was BS all the time – you can tell from his reaction, his demeanor, and his flippant comments at press conferences. But like an exasperated dad who wearily gives his neurotic teenage daughters a little leeway to blow off steam, he went along with this just to get it out of the way. At this point, future reactions could go one of two ways: the Fauci-like and Birx-like scum among us could turn shutdowns into a routine practice, or the bad memory and fallout from this farce will make future shutdowns impossible: people… Read more »

Reply to  Ghent-trap
4 years ago

Trump’s instincts are sound, but then he take advice.

Reply to  Mikep
4 years ago

Triple Parentheses around “advice”

Reply to  Mikep
4 years ago

Dr. Fauci has not only not been fired, as he would have been in a large part of private industry, he remains at center stage in Trump’s press conferences.

It’s real simple. Trump needs to walk out there and say, “Everybody go back to work.” It doesn’t take a goddamn committee. He knows better than that.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
4 years ago

He knows better, and he also knows half the country is still scared shitless by the relentless fear mongering that the media engaged in.
Half the country has to be taken by the hand, like a small child, and walked back into the daylight.
Forming a committee helps the paralyzed feel safe.

Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

Trump should keep sniping away at the fake news media. I’d start by assembling a list of lies told by the NYT WaPo LATimes etc and issue a one line, no explanation, executive order banning any Fedral reimbursement of subscriptions for them. Wait for the fire storm from the media scum and then, addressing Americans, not the (((Media))), as taxpayers if they should be paying for these lies, At press conference when NBC ask questions, simply say that he will not have any dealings with organizations that lie all the time . Roll out the Rechted Maddcow bullshit. Again to… Read more »

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

How is the media still running as normal?

Are they classed as essential business in all these executive orders?

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
4 years ago

Not to complicate matters, but the next Trump statement after “everybody back to work” ought to be: Dr. Fauci, in view of your serivce, please exit stage left where a free ride out of town has been arranged especially for you. You’ll find an escort equipped with tar, feathers, and a rail. You can’t miss ’em.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

I’ prefer to see Farci catapulted smack dab into the middle of the Delaware River.

Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

More like, “I have arranged a helicopter flight for you. I think the pilot is a grandson of Pinochet. Enjoy the ride. I know many Americans will, including myself.”

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

i would like to see him be infected. live by the sword…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ghent-trap
4 years ago

His instincts are also likely right on the economic effects of this shut down, which is why he’s been pushing for re-opening for weeks. He senses how bad this could be if it goes on too long. (Might already be too late. We’ll see.)

Reply to  Ghent-trap
4 years ago

Teenage daughters are not generally allowed to wield the political power to house arrest 1 billion people. Now somehow they do.
Trump is entirely complicit in this and even continues his usual hyperbolic greatest this and that. To paraphrase his pressers:

“Folks this is going to be the greatest pandemic America has seen. There are going to be deaths like you wouldn’t believe.”

I, for one, am sick of his spineless bullshit.

Walt Jeffers
Walt Jeffers
Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

The 20 k deaths attributed to CV, mostly in the NE would have been also attributed to Trump had he not played along. He was backed into a corner. A bigger disaster would have him being blamed and losing this fall.

Reply to  Walt Jeffers
4 years ago

A bigger disaster than what? 17 million unemployed. $8trillion in govt bailouts. House arrest for 300 million?

Trump has stuffed the country and who cares if he loses. He is either in on it or a spineless coward. 4d fucking chess.

Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

Trump did not close one single State, the governors of the respective States did. Now Trump has a bully pulpit as they say and might have given those spineless governors a bit of a backbone to refuse or modify, but you can bet the big States would have shut down. Hell, they don’t want to open today.

Mark Auld
Mark Auld
Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

Hey Tris, suffer from TDS much?

Reply to  Mark Auld
4 years ago

Nope not really. He just helped push the country into effective martial law and a depression. Not sure where the derangement here is but I don’t think its me?

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

I stand corrected, you clearly are THAT stupid.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

you can’t possibly be that stupid.

Reply to  Walt Jeffers
4 years ago

yeah cause New York and New Jersey are huge red states, as we know

Reply to  Walt Jeffers
4 years ago

Exactly. Never run against the crowd in a panic. You’ll just get trampled by the hysterical people. When it became inevitable he went with the “experts.” He’ll claim he saved X number of lives because the “experts” were so far of their predictions. And he’s first to the punch in calling for the re-opening of America.

I’m about 50/50 on the economy actually doing a “V” shaped recovery. If it does, he’ll cruise to re-election. If it doesn’t, he’ll be in a serious dog fight. But he would’ve anyways.

John Smith
John Smith
4 years ago

Piece of cake, Z Man! I am seeing it already!

The plague was prevented by the success of the lock downs! Don’t be at all surprised if longer, more intense lock downs are required in the future, either. Rights and freedoms come a distant second to safety, right?

Pandora for President!!!!

Fluella De Vil
Fluella De Vil
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

The amount of self-flattery is disgusting. Our leadership was great, our medical professionals were great, our military was great, the American people were great, we all mitigated and self-isolated so hard! We can all feel good about ourselves and that’s what matters. And that’s how you get the people to believe.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Fluella De Vil
4 years ago

Protesting waaaaay too much, I think.

Reply to  Fluella De Vil
4 years ago

If everybody is doing such a great job, how is everything so damn fucked up? ;-(

Felix Krull
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Don’t be at all surprised if longer, more intense lock downs are required in the future, either.

Just so. The fact that the usual suspects are busy telling us that “nothing will be as before”, is basically leftie signalling his punch. Translation: prepare for the permanent police state.

The joker here is Sweden. If they experience little or no greater mortality rates than the rest of the West, the gaslighting will become somewhat more difficult.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Sorry to be that guy but Time magazine has recently posted a scare story that tries to argue Sweden is going to pay a heavy price for not submitting to the lockdown holiness spiral.

Felix Krull
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Sorry to be that guy but Time magazine has recently posted a scare story that tries to argue Sweden is going to pay a heavy price for not submitting to the lockdown holiness spiral.

Numbers are numbers. I know most politicians are unable to even calculate compound interest on their own mortgage, but some things you can’t talk away.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Unfortunately, the general American public is as innumerate as the MSM.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Call me naïve, but I don’t think you really need the general public for the lid to blow off. Every MD in the country will know the truth, if they don’t already.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Time magazine has recently posted a scare story that tries to argue Sweden is going to pay a heavy price for not submitting to the lockdown holiness spiral.

Swedish authorities have welcomed African and Middle Eastern psychopaths looking to act out their violent urges against society. Sweden good!

Swedish authorities have stopped short of totalitarianism. Sweden bad!

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Not at all. “Sweden had good outcomes because of their diversity.” The take home message is that Scandinavia needs more diversity. And you Danes and those Norwegian fellas have some catching up to do. (And those coffee-swilling, puukko carrying Finns, from whose lands the poor refugees have been self-deporting because “too cold, too boring” — well, the less said the better.)

Never mind what I said makes no sense. When has that stopped the spin?

Felix Krull
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

That spiel doesn’t even work in Sweden any more.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Then we can just point to the data. Social distancing does not bring the projected death toll from 1.5 million to 60,000. That notion’s so stupid, it borders on comical.

Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

Most people appear to be so numerically unaware of what goes on in the world that numbers blur into 1,2 many quite quickly.

Even mentioning empirical data shuts down the brain so quickly in these types its almost like the exorcism films with the priest forcing the possessed to look at the crucifix as the demons writhes to escape and shouts obscenities.

Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

Hahaha! Math, Masculinity and The Lord’s Image. What an unholy trinity.

Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

What happens when people come out of their cages? Another wave of infections, or final confirmation that they got it wrong? It’s a tragicomedy of errors.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

There will be more infections, which the media will pounce upon. But mortality rates and infection rates are likely higher now than they ever will be, and it still isn’t nearly enough to vindicate the media.

Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

Yeah I’m figuring spring beats this thing back into hospitals and retirement homes. That’s why the continuing lockdown has me scratching my head. Everybody staying indoors where the thing can survive.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

I think you answered your own question.

Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

I’m wondering if there are carriers currently staying home who will reintroduce it. Not certain how that works, or if it’s possible. Sunlight being nature’s disinfectant. Does the lockdown become counterproductive after a point? Idk, it’s an idle thought.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

The main thing about the season is temperature.

Viruses like to breed at temps cooler than 98.6. Breathing cold air lowers the temp of the respiratory tract to less than the rest of the body, so viruses breed there.

(Plus, being cold lowers bodily immunity response.)

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

And 60K is a high number. I predict slightly south of 40K.

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

I’d say that’s a pretty good prediction. But what the hell do I know? Not much, admittedly, but I’d still wager the price of a cup of coffee on it (as I would on Trump winning re-election). I’m perfectly willing, and in fact eager, to “pay up” too, should I lose the wager. But be forewarned that I absolutely will not sit inside a coffee shop sporting a COVID-19 approved mask. But if Trump loses (under any scenario), I’ll happily double the bet.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

How many of the 40K or 60K or whatever actually died of Chinese Virus? A person could be terminally ill with cancer, test positive for the Virus and her eventual death will be attributed to Chinese Virus. There are plenty of reports on the shenanigans that hospitals are involved in to bolster the numbers.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Government from Trump all the way down to some tin-pot tyrant in Tolar, New Mexico took a big, greezy dump and wiped itself with the Constitution. The stain will prove indelible.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Legislatures, courts, laws, limits?
Who needs ’em?

The new normal will be ‘Papers, please’ for anything you do.
They can command who keeps the lights on, who works, whose biz stays open;

Where you can go, when you can go, who you can see;

The Reset is: “Why pretend? Do what we tell you.” No mushroom clouds needed.
How simple it was!

You can still vote all you want though!

Mickey Louse
Mickey Louse
4 years ago

In the end, this was a great big insurance fire….you-know-who lightning. The clowns that inflated the bubble knew the jig was up and found the perfect excuse to pop it and burn down the evidence while socializing their losses with bailouts and laying off staff. Kill the remnants of small business and flex muscle to cow the populace. Effing brilliant. Of the folks that ‘had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel’, and there are many in the US and Europe, they got a good strong push, and an ‘old scratch’ to blame it on.… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Mickey Louse
4 years ago

Yup, the real play was how TPTB used the virus to take some air out of the market and load piles of garbage on the Fed balance sheet.

The virus precludes any chance of forming an Occupy Wall Street or similar grassroots movement.

4 years ago

And the RonaHoax should be a lesson to all the sane citizens that are fed up with the debacle of our political leadership. A majority of the cretins in Congress are either functionally retarded or covert criminal grifters of the worst sort. There are few (if any) adults in DC with moral integrity or a spine. And the system is broken because these barnacles always get reelected because the majority voting population in their districts is even stupider than the retard in office. God help us.

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

I’m in agreement with the commenter above who said the first order of business is to repeal the 19th Amendment. Running a close second is ending what R.L. Dabney called “the baby vote.”

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

The average Dem voter plays dumb cuz the bennies, pretends they don’t know FDR is dead, etc. its the bennies. Oh and they know the GOP is exactly fraud controlled oppo, in it for donorbux and would have them all on welfare, prison, dead faster than the Dems. See the Dems need at least most of their voters alive, legal and not in jail. I said most. So the exchange from WWC to Dems isn’t retarded as it looks. OTOH Trump is a 70s-90s Centrist Dem, so they vote for Trump. V shaped recovery; will not publicly be acknowledged nor… Read more »

4 years ago

I crashed old people hour at Target this morning by telling the virus police guarding the entrance that I had an underlying condition. The condition is disgust and it is a racking my nerves so I’m pretty sure it’s affecting my immune system. And I can tell you right now if this does not come back together and I have to live out of my car I am for sure going to start coughing on people on a regular basis just for the hell of it. I almost did this morning at Target when a woman stood 20 feet away… Read more »

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

The woman in question is a starry-eyed true believer in the bullshit. We’ll have to deal with a few of those going forward. Hopefully not too many of them.

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

I bet she reads Astrology, or maybe MBTI personality types if she’s more of an AWFL.

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

Judging by the 70% – 80% of people I see wearing masks, and neighbors sharing homemade mask recipes, the number of starry-eyed believers will be quite high for the foreseeable future.

Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

Our society is so damned pathetic.

Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

Yep. I guess it’s the contrarian in me, but yesterday I was depressed after going out and viewing the sheep. Hell, the grocery store now has “one way” aisles. So that two people can not pass each other in opposite directions—thereby breaking the shibboleth 6 foot rule. Of course, “no passing” is enforced and “security” men walk the aisles to keep everyone moving along. Grab and go is the order of the day. Heck, they only allow a limited number of people into the store at one time. This is all theater and psychological conditioning. In my grandfather’s time, the… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

1st, High compliance during epidemics is normal whether its 1917 or 2020. Both Spanish Flu and Wuhan Virus are nasty, the later less lethal but highly unpleasant with lingering effects in some people. Its wise to avoid getting it 2nd Politics here is among the more radical non violent strains in the US and yet its all complaining no action. I don’t even see DR people arsed to run for office much do anything else. If so called radicals aren’t lusting for power and scheming to get it B.A.M.N. than why would normies act out? 3rd Nothing will happen till… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

AB, I get our drift. But I’d honestly say that I could accept any 6 randomly drawn folk posting to this list to “rule” over me than the crowd now in Congress.

So why are they not in office? It’s an odd conundrum, but basically I believe decent people are simply not cut out for the degrading effort needed to obtain such power.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I agree that our nations leadership is trash for the most part. I think our issue though is more about the extreme individualism of the DR movement combined with more than a little paranoia, The later is manageable with good lawyers and upright candidates but politics is a group activity built around organizing for common goals. No goals and no willingness to work with others to those goals means no way to get power. There is no easy mode , no way out but hard work and even if the US goes big igloo. that lack organization means that the… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Hold it together, man. Just hold yourself together. I know you’re blowing off steam, but it ain’t worth getting vanned. Guaranty you, bro, you’re not the only person feeling immense frustration. For political reasons, I had to close down shop and let my people take a two-week (mostly paid) holiday, whilst seeing the local night clubs and bars remain open. Japanese politics being what they are, Shinzo Abe started what was supposed to be a stimulus package (which I wouldn’t have gotten) but that devolved into two masks per address and Abe tweeting “stay home” while holding his rat dog.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

Whitney is a lady.

But I agree Whitney. Calm. The female behind you is probably afraid that she’ll bring the virus home to her (multiple) cats. She doesn’t realize she can use her boxes of wine to disinfect the rest of her purchases.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Cat masks. They’re coming. You heard it here first.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

A good laugh from Penitent today! Just a reminder….there are places in this country….Southern Utah for instance…that aren’t in full panic. Yes..a few blinkered Mormon sheep ladies. They aren’t like Carrie Nation because here it is bad manners for women to talk politics. Utah women got the vote 50 years before the nation, and yet they’re sheep…..I don’t get it. But the lack of masks on Main Street speaks for itself. Went to buy more yummy meat yesterday and few masks, including me. That says a lot. Gov didn’t shut us down. We are mostly small family businesses and ag.… Read more »

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Ditto here in my little part of Okie land.

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

El Reno, OK: police will pull you over for not wearing a mask while driving. In your own car.
$1000 fine if you’re not carrying a mask in that car.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

I am a lady which means it’s personally embarrassing for me seeing all these crazy Karen’s

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Me, too. But, given modern American femaledom, it is not unexpected. Big Harpy has conditioned women to act like a victim and want power exercised as per Genghis Kahn.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Do you really see it like that?
As a man when I see a pathetic crazy male I think what a dickhead. Not I am personally embarrassed.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

That’s my favorite joke these days. Stroll past a hazmat be-suited shitlib and invoke a sudden coughing fit. Bonus points if you make eye contact

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

This has become my new favorite game in the grocery store. I don’t have to cough, I just move towards someone, never looking at them, pretending I don’t see them but i can essentially make everyone move out of my path like I’m royalty . It’s pretty fun actually

Reply to  Chad Hayden
4 years ago

No coughing, assholes.
Euroniggas and dickheads do that.

Don’t make your people look bad.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Exactly. The main job of the DR is to act like adults in or out of power,

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

This woman will join many others in the coming years wearing masks from November through April. And it would not surprise me to see the shields come back up during those same months at the grocery stores, too. No need to waste good virtue signaling implements that have already been paid for.

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
4 years ago

November thru April, eh. I’ll have to turn my wife onto that.

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

Honey, honey
I know sweety but..
This is the highest quality on the marke..
I know I can’t hear you well but this is a serious health issue..

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
4 years ago

As soon as masks became an emblem of virtue, I predicted that it was only a matter of days before a niche market of fashion masks would appear. Once in a while I’m right. On my last two visits to a Trader Joe’s here in the leftist stronghold of northern Virginia, I began to see women wearing fashion-statement masks: gaudy colors, elaborate patterns, even a few “message” (like on T-shirts) designs. Not sure if it’s a fashionable style or not, but lots of guys are covering faces with bandannas that come to a point at the bottom, like stagecoach robbers… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

There are times when the Knockout Game is quite appropriate…

4 years ago

the curve benders. They will have the task of explaining why they are still smarter than the rest of us, but were ridiculously wrong about the biggest event in their lives.

They are already claiming everything good is because they sacrificed virgins shut down the economy.

I don’t see any counter-narrative getting a fair hearing. Nobody who is anybody benefits from that.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

This. They are not giving up, only retrenching. The governors (all Democrats) are forming cartels to “manage” (delay) reopening the economy. They will apply pressure as necessary to force red states into compliance if they get ahead of the curve. Granted, this will be only somewhat effective until they get rid of Trump, but with a crippled economy and vote by mail, they should be able to drag even Slow Joe across the finish line.

Then the shooting starts.

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
4 years ago

Fall resurgence: “Mail-in ballots for everyone!”

Hey, it worked in 2000, dinnit?

4 years ago

If this incident had taught my anything, it’s that we live in a gynocracy; by Karens, for Karens, and of Karens.

The whitepill in this is that we can still openly and publicly criticize these people on social media; and they can’t hide behind other hoaxes like the funny hat people do.

Let’s go make that counter reaction happen.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

karens are funny birds. First they shame you for even suggesting that young women spreading all over town on tinder, becoming a disease vector for all kinds of actual bugs, is maybe not good for our people. Then they shame you for not duck-and-cowering, gloved and masked, as you go for a bike ride, you spreader! I want to permanently social-distance from these feral prog females. Weakness dressed as strength is dangerous. The death of female shame and humility has caused a real problem that will require a firm hand to remedy. In the land of the limp-wrist, is this… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

That’s what happens when wahmyn have wasted their lives chasing up the career ladder of business and politics only to find nothing can fill the hole in the heart, their soul is diseased and rotting, they have no family, evening is crap wine and kitty, and they uncomfortably watch their derangement growing…growing….growing.
Imagine a nursing home full of these old ****s! Screaming and insulting and throwing their food on the floor. More then a few old wahmyn compounds in the future will go up in smoke.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Women generally have very poor introspection and insight into why things go wrong. Rather than advise young women to not do what they did, stay off the carousel, don’t pursue a career over everything else, etc. the aging cat ladies are just indoctrinating more young wahmen into their folds. No, women won’t be fixed until men fix them. A number of women are racking up huge n-counts even before they hit 20… it’s also hard on the men, I’ve seen alot of guys treating a lady right, spending money on her only to be dumped when she reveals she just… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

“Weakness dressed as strength is dangerous.”

Very true. But I submit that power dressed as victimhood is even worse.

4 years ago

Quote: “It is unlikely that the skeptics will forget how Nicky Taleb threw his dress over his head and ran around squealing like a girl.”

It’s one thing to think this was a huge deal in February, but any man who still didn’t see through the farce in April deserves relentless mockery and berating. Don’t talk the facts. Just laugh in their face, repeatedly.

The ones who nod their head, humbly take their lumps, and admit overreaction we may be able to trust again. Those that don’t, rest assured, will gladly snitch on you if things go way south.

Felix Krull
Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

It’s one thing to think this was a huge deal in February, but any man who still didn’t see through the farce in April deserves relentless mockery and berating.

The level of faith required merits the name Koranovirus.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Hahaha! Brilliant!
Stolen (with attribution).

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

Taleb’s reaction is predictable. He’ll just claim he was right all along, and call anyone who disagrees with him an idiot as usual, because statistics.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

So what about both Gregs and Steve? I guess everyone is wrong at least once.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

They weren’t just wrong once, they were wrong all day, every day for the past 8 weeks.

Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

Correct and Cochran refused to even acknowledge another point of view wrt this pandemic. A closed mind is not really worthy of a following. If he is proven wrong, then I will be reluctant to read his musings in future. It’s a shame for I freely acknowledge his contributions to the field as instrumental in my being here today.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

Unfortunately, social media has made it taboo to ever admit you’re wrong. But I agree with you. Otherwise clear thinking writers, bloggers, talking heads, etc… that were wrong and can admit it, I really have no problem with. Everyone makes mistakes, and the good ones rack up way more in the “win” column than they do the mistake column. Tucker Carleson comes to mind for the tv talking-head category. But watch the ones that go through machinations to pretend like they were never wrong, or this whole big scare was legit but we escaped thanks to their twitter “warnings.” They… Read more »

Georgie Larp
Georgie Larp
4 years ago

Hate to say it, but I think the Zman underestimates the psychopathy of the media.

Remember when the media asked us to whip ourselves up into an apocalyptic frenzy about Russian collusion, and then asked to instantly drop and memory-hole that, and whip ourselves into a frenzy about Ukranian misdeeds?

Same thing here. The media is going to memory-hole this baby, pure and simple. “We have always been at war with Eastasia” stuff.

There will be a new frenzy within weeks.

Reply to  Georgie Larp
4 years ago

Zman mentioned we should start meeting up after the lockdown. Maybe it’ll be a little more difficult to ignore us as a group.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

Meeting up ROI; your risk is moving up in the Stasi files index, what is your return?

Penitent Man
Penitent Man


The act of defiance invigorates. The warm handshake pales the cold keyboard. Knowing others are willing to take the first tentative steps alongside is fortifying. Looking your folk in the eye and seeing decent human beings and not wild-eyed lunatics makes it worth it. It’s a small thing with deep dividends.

You will not live forever. Live wisely but live as if you mean it.

Reply to  Georgie Larp
4 years ago

I’m already scanning the horizon for the next Panic of the Month. They should be rolling it out for early May at the latest. What’ll it be this time? There’s a comet out there you know. Comet Atlas! Supposedly it’ll be quite spectacular by mid May. Is it going to hit the earth!?!?! OMG!!! We’re doomed!! Maybe not that, maybe ALIENS! It’s for real this time. They’ve landed on the White House lawn. They’re in a meeting with Trump right now!! That’s it!! Trump is COLLUDING WITH ALIENS!!

Reply to  Georgie Larp
4 years ago

Some say alternative media is the answer. But I think the best answer is abstaining from all media.

4 years ago

I for one will miss the lockdown. Never in my life have I been able to look people dead in the eye and tell them “keep the hell away from me” and not have others look at me askance. It’s been a boon for us anti-social types. Next thing you know some damn fool will want to hug me.

That and wearing a bandana over my face when I go to the bank. I had to laugh.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Coming back to your When Prophecy Fails analogy, the clock is somewhere between 4:00 a.m. and 4:45 a.m.

However, in that case, the Seekers insanity wasn’t hurting the general public. This time around, even with a V-shaped recovery – and that’s very much not a guarantee – you’re looking at a recession in the ball park of 2008-2009. That’s a lot of damage for people to ignore.

4 years ago

From zman’s blog post: “Then there are the people who fell for the hype and then piously lectured the rest of us about how the virus was more important than the economy. Many of these people claimed to be on this side of the great divide. They had lectured for years about how the media can never be trusted. Then they swallowed the official line on the virus like good little boys and girls. The internet never forgets, so they will be reminded of this for the remainder of their days, especially on this side of the divide.” This is… Read more »

Reply to  whatever2020
4 years ago

Agree 100%. Sailer and Cochran were disappointing, to say the least. A whole slew of Dissident Right responded with hysteria. Even some minor players that I used to read shocked me. Dennis Dale, a guy Sailer occasionally linked to, has a livestream on YouTube, and only 3 days ago he spent 15 minutes talking about how to properly use a mask. He proudly announced he was an early adopter of mask wearing in public. When I chimed in to bring the revised stats into the conversation, he started swearing at me, and his “followers” accused me of spreading misinformation!!! Dennis… Read more »

Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

Real fear reveals people’s real character.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Pozy. Yep. And fear is contagious and deadly. Such folk as Z-man has observed do not belong in leadership ranks of the DR. We need to remember these people and remind ourselves of their actions in this matter. In a pinch, they will be the ones to sell us out when the going gets tough in future.

4 years ago

The novelty of the Coronachan lockout is starting to wear off for a lot of folks, myself included even though I’ve been working from the office four days per week and commuting on empty interstates. At one point, I decided to see the fastest time I could make it to work and I did 150 mph on the empty interstate that doubled as an Autobahn. Usually, traffic means it takes me about 40 minutes door to door, but on this day, it was a shade under 20 minutes. Got to love the Bavarians and their need for speed. It’s also… Read more »

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 years ago

“Several local restaurants in my area have been cleaned out, never to return. I think this will empower the chains, be they retail or food service, and the online retailers at the further expense of locally-owned businesses.” This is what pissed me off so much about the branch of the dissident right that fell for the hysteria. They concluded “Good riddance, the economy needs to die, it was just a shitty globohomo economy anyway.” Fools, this didn’t cripple globohomo at all. Local retailers took a punch in the gut, but Walmart and Amazon will be fine. Local restaurants may be… Read more »

Reply to  globohomo
4 years ago

Yep. I am surprised more people don’t get this is one the intended outcomes. Also burning through people’s savings (Ala FDR’s Gold thing) and having a large unemployment pool for those newly-onshoring chains without needing more immigration.

Wonder if that was the price for withdrawing from China?

4 years ago

But but the lockdown worked! It flattened the curve! Good job everybody. Too bad about the whole job thing, but look: the dow is surging!

Oh and its not a retreat, its a “tactical withdrawal”. Lol.

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Relying on “tactical withdrawal” is exactly what got my girlfriend pregnant.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

May you have many more, and raise them right.

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
4 years ago

He’d best better get his priorities right first. (Here is where we separate the men from the boys)

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

Ha. Ha. If you’re a man you’ll marry that girl and make a respectable woman of her. If not, … well…

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

It was planned, and I’d love to. Marriage will commence once I get my job back.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

In any case Trump is a spent force at present. He’s Compliant. He is Expert Compliant, unlimited Fed money, 100% compliant. Or so it seems, and probably is. We could see good things anti-globalism wise, wall wise.

However again the Deal is New; having failed to secure their position via globalism and immigration the Elites have secured it medically, and their media investments paid off at last.
You don’t need Mexicans or Chinese in America when Americans are far more supine than either. Who needs Open Borders when you can Gulag from home?

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector

Who needs Open Borders when you can Gulag from home?

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Tactical withdrawal? Not even that. It’s a 180-degree advance.

¡Hasta la victoria, siempre!

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

big multinationals are money-printing machines. impervious to almost anything

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

Kung Flu gone with spring. Who could have predicted that, jeez? As I said very first day, we do and will continue to pay very heavy price for the total effeminization of society, culture and state. Even blind man can see it now We entered “The age of Karen” and the age of screeching females of both genders will remain with us long after Corona hoax is gone I saw many many cowards these last 4 weeks and very few a Man. I will never forget that, no single future decision of mine will ever be taken without considering that… Read more »

4 years ago

Now is the time! Don’t LET them forget. Hold fire against the “pundits;” instead, get in the faces of the Junior Volunteer Thought Police in your own circle. Remember: this was their Woodstock. This was the only time, in their entire lives, that they felt effective. Use that. They’d rather die than admit they were wrong, so give them an out: they were **lied to.** By the Media. By China. By the Democrats. By the “experts.” Get them all worked up about that, so they have an opportunity to **do something** again. Then hashtag them: #CancelChina. #CutTheCord. The media lied,… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

I think you make a good point. Saving face is paramount to these people, so we should be solicitous of their egos even if it makes us cringe.

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Severian, yours is an Exile type point. Don’t let your virtues be used against you. The enemy has set the rules, play the game. Use this crisis to your advantage, Absolutely agree with your point and strategy. It may feel good to tell Joe Normie he was wrong and a fool, but don’t play the short game. Play up to his ego, convert.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

The media will still win. Our enemies control all media, all cultural institutions and the entire bureaucracy. If things are going along smoothly by the summer’s end the narrative will be that Orange Man threw the world into a panic with his CDC speech. We recovered thanks to the leadership of the governors of NY, CA , TX…who got America going and back on track. If we’re in a depressed economy then Orange Man and racism are to blame. If Covid is still flaring up here and there then Orange Man will have killed 10x as many people as did… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

1.0’s literally never stop flinging poo at each other. From the WigNat who murdered Commander Rockwell to when Nehlen/Cantwell doxed the most effective CounterSemite of the last 75 years, it has been so.

These people deserve every bit of scorn and derision we can give them.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The lesser the stakes the more vicious the infighting.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The 1.0 crew always went into a death spiral and all of them accused the other ones of being Jews.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

I’ll throw this Boston Glob headline at ya–“Trump’s veiled threat to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci spooks scientists, Democrats”. So confident yet so unaware.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Change is always slow and shifting from many many years of centralized media (newspapers, TV, radio) to a more distributed press is going to take time. Its already happening, Gen Y and Gen Z make much of the independent content and while maleducated are smart enough to know they are being lied to and to start questioning everything . The SJW’s are more or less relfgious zealots but they are by no means the majority. Hell Disney is losing 30 million or more a day and won’t recover very fast. Essentially all kids are now being home schooled and this… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I hope that at least some mothers will be so enchanted with the home school process that they quit their jobs to continue it. They have been preached to for so long that it is a drag to be home with the kids. Some of them have to be finding out different. Those years being home raising and home schooling my sons were the best years of my life.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

Trump will have a problem maximizing any benefit from this because within a few weeks he threw up his arms and embraced the crisis. Had he firmly and boldly stayed in the #justtheflubro camp (like a good leader would have, see Brazil) while warning daily of dire economic consequences for what the governors were doing, he would be in a much stronger place. The economic weakness would be to his advantage. As it stands now, he can only pray that Biden has a 20 second moment in the debate where he literally thinks he’s in 1979 and it’s just too… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

They were going to crash the economy anyway, now he has a get out of jail free card.

Record low post-corona black unemployment!

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Afterthought
4 years ago

The crash started last fall, as Z has hinted at. No Z doesn’t say it. The basis points spread scam did cause a Fed bailout starting in Sept. However COVID caused a debt payments problem cuz you see most stock market activity the last few years has been stock buybacks, which were financed by Debt. COVID was financial cascade failure. The real COVID plague was the cascades of 1) interrupting supply chains from the new Detroit- Wuhan, 2) We now have a payments problem for the heavily leveraged 3) the supply chains most impacted immediately were airlines and travel 4)… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I predict that there will be no debates if Biden is truly the nominee.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Oh God I pray you’re wrong. Trump vs. Biden — there’s some quality entertainment.

T. Morris
T. Morris
4 years ago

Their clapping for the lay-offs and business closures revealed that they have no skin in the game. It is a good reminder to never take business advice from someone who has never signed the front of a paycheck and never take political advice from people without jobs.

Bingo! As I’ve said a gazillion times before, if it were my intention and my goal to become a millionaire, say, I damn sure wouldn’t take advice on how to achieve it from some keyboard warrior who has likely never held down as much as menial job flipping burgers at McDonald’s.

4 years ago

For strident liberals, the root of virtue is righteous belief. If you believe that all races are cognitively, socially, and culturally equal, then you are a virtuous person; in contrast, if you reject this line of thinking, you are a wicked person. Just like you’re a wicked person for not “trust[ing] the plan.” Another magic-think display of morality. This display-centered approach to morality has been carefully paired with western consumerism, mostly through televised marketing campaigns. That way, when General Mills publicly partners with a sanctified liberal construct (like feminism), a consumer is led to believe they are promoting morality through… Read more »

Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

I would argue this is more generally true of people, than simply liberals, and far more common among women than men, though there is a majority of both sexes that act this way. The Churchlady has been a common trope for quite a long time.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Yeah, I’d say you’re right. But then again, don’t you think liberalism is less likely to consider “let not one hand know what the other has given”?

4 years ago

The people who joined in on this panic and berated the rest of us for not being as pious as them are going to hear from me. I’ll probably lose some friends on this, but I really don’t care. These people are insufferable gadflies whenever some “big event” appears on TV. The people who wore the pink pussy hats are pretty much the same ones wearing masks while out walking the dog. I’m just surprised they don’t wear pink masks.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Many in my neighborhood are wearing the masks, some pink or flashy, and although there is fear the majority are virtue signaling the trend. What almost none of these health-conscious dogwalkers is doing: removing the dog turds and nudging their canines onto the street for tinkle time. Our streets in my Chicago neighborhood are literally smeared with poo as nobody wants to risk picking up virus and bringing it home. But oh they ARE virtuous.

4 years ago

I remain “worse than Hitler” for suggesting an end to the lockdown. So the mood has not changed in my part of the world.

Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

Who’s calling you “worse than Hitler”? May I suggest that that person is heartlessly ignoring the murders of six million innocents, and as such is clearly an anti-Semite of the worst sort? That said, if it’s your spouse then I got nothing. I didn’t get called worse than Hitler today, but a friend got in my face when I suggested the lockdowns will cost much much more than the lives putatively saved. She asked if I was “comfortable with 1500-2000 deaths each day?” So I had her pull up numbers on the average number of deaths daily in the US… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

>>>Who’s calling you “worse than Hitler”? <<<

4 years ago

Briggs did his Tuesday update this morning as well.

“These numbers—forget the model—are available to every politician. They see them. They must at least suspect they can’t keep up the turmoil, fear, and paranoia for too much longer.

The fear works. Probably not readers here, but a great deal of the public was, and still is, frightened out of their wits. One anecdote among many, but one citizen said lifting the lock down “I want to go back but only if we will be safe.””

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

They can be as safe as an Oakie in 1933.

4 years ago

Beware of people claiming to be “experts,” especially on TV. They are almost always manufacturing or exaggerating their alleged expertise. There are no sanctioning bodies for “experts” either. I can’t help but think that this is a new standard in the country now. It used to be if there was a snow storm, you would have to wait until the 5:00 news to see what was going on. At some point that all changed, though I’m not sure when. Now, if there is going to be snow or some other weather event, regularly scheduled programs on TV are cancelled and… Read more »

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

Anything that closes down schools is good. Just sayin’.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

The really sad part is that all the browns were kvetching about little Tyrone’s free breakfast, lunch and dinner (what the hell are the food-stamps for?) he gets at school and now is gonna starve. So rather than going to school and pretending the learn, they are going to the rec centers (which they have opened for this purpose) for the free gibs. Where I live, most drinks have a $.02/oz tax, allegedly for the keeds. Of course, the second it passed, the money got rolled into the general fund, the keeds got nothing and they are still bitching about… Read more »

jason y
jason y
4 years ago

covid-19 is more flu than plague. there was lots of evidence that its infection fatality rate was going to be 0.2-0.5% a long time ago (age adjusted death rates + ascertainment estimates from repatriation data). had we been smarter about protecting nursing homes and reducing spread within hospitals, it would have ended up on the lower end of that range. long-term, it will probably still come in under 0.2%. it did cause excess mortality, but probably not as much as you might think from looking at the spikes for march/april (see i have a feeling readers of are… Read more »

4 years ago

This is all a logical progession, beginning with the silly but expensive ban on flourocarbon refrigerants, moving on to anthropocentric climate change to governments doing whatever they wish to prevent the extinction of the human race by invisible forces. This is called religion. Post-moderns can’t accept a big guy in the sky taking notes on their misbehavior and promising eternal hellfire. That’s just too pre-industrial. Science is the deity now and its priests are at the University of East Anglia and Johns Hopkins Medical Center. Just as it was during the time of Galileo and Kepler, heretics are ostracized if… Read more »

4 years ago

Latest #s

• Veteran Testing:
o We received 9 COVID-19 test results today; 9 negative and 0 positive. (the 1 positive was a retesting of a current known COVID-19 positive patient)
Total tests sent: 200
Positive: 6 (+1 repeat test)
Negative: 188
Pending: 5

• 6 COVID-19 cases to date; 2 in inpatient/ED, 2 recovering at home, 2 deceased

• Employee Testing:
o We received 0 COVID-19 test results today; 0 negative and 0 positive.
Total tests sent: 15*
Positive: 0
Negative: 15
Pending: 0

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
4 years ago

oh man, this pandemic farce is going to be a goldmine for Trump in the Fall. all the dem pols and media turds praising china, etc. really, the only thing that is unknown at this point is by how large a margin the GOP will retake the house. who knows, might pick up a few senate seats too.

Zman, are you planning any posts about the effect of the virus on china?

4 years ago

“Many of the curve benders will be able to recover their reputations, but some will not. In a better age, the curve benders would be packing their stuff and heading out of town right now, but in this age, they will probably be rehabilitated without much effort.”

Yes, and they’ll probably indulge in some loud self-praise and pat themselves on the back in the process, for “saving” us in the nick of time.

Reply to  HelianUnbound
4 years ago

Superbowl flybys of some sort.
Marching medicos with an ambulance derby?

Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

The tens of millions of people who were grievously harmed, if not financially ruined by Coronageddon will not forget. Nor will those of us who were laughing at the absurdity of it all–and getting doxed for being right–from the get-go.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 years ago

Ostei, “Coronageddon”, I like that. What we need is a derogatory and dismissive term to label/respond to those who called this pandemic wrong and put us in the current predicament. As we often use the term, “OK, Boomer”, to respond to such folk (I’m a Boomer and it cuts), we need such a term to refer to those virtue signaling, fear mongers we’ve been mentioning here today.

Any ideas for such a short hand label?

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Compsci – I’m no rhetorician, but one thing I have learned from Vox is that a good term is not that which appeals to the coiner, but cuts the listener. So nothing we think is clever, but whatever elicits the shame/embarrassment in the listener. My suggestions, such as they are, would be merely keep it simple – Chinese plague or Kung flu or Wuhan flu, and then Social Distance Warriors or Social Distance Scolds.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

I like “Social Distance Warriors”.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Well I certainly hope that Z-man is right on his predictions in this essay. Please God, let Z-man be on target with this one. Unfortunately I am afraid he is overly optimistic. I knew from the get-go this was a nothing-burger virus. Just the numbers of coronavirus deaths vs. the seasonal flu told me we had nothing going on here that was more dangerous than the flu last flu season. But look at the hysteria and fear out there. We were just told that we are doing ok here in central Florida so we need to do this another year… Read more »

joey junger
joey junger
4 years ago

Dollars to Donuts, if Texas normalizes and the plague doesn’t sweep the land, the good people’s climb-down will be premised on “population density.” The reason everyone in Texas or Arkansas (or Sweden) didn’t die when they told the lunatics to copulate with their mothers was because, unlike NYC, the people are more spread out. And the BS will sell so well that people who should be ashamed of how they behaved will actually run in re-elections on their histrionic response to Corona. In the same way that people supporting our invasion by Central and South Americans just kept saying, “Kids… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

I have noticed that the truth has no bearing on the talking points any more. Arguing cases and data is pointless. The other side has its ideas, and will not be swayed from them. That’s how one gets straight-faced support for a guy such as Biden.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago


The silver lining. People use to relate something they saw or read in the news as a fact. Now I always hear the preemptive caveat attached. “Well, they are saying on the news that…” or “Over on (X network) they are reporting…” or just plain “If you can believe them, they are reporting…”

People’s trust in the media is decreasing daily and the dissonance grows. These are things we can work with.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

PM, per trust in the media, here is a pertinent piece. I can’t link it directly, but go to and reference Brian Cates. Click on the first item, and then the “82 tweets” recent item. All about how the media and the Left depend on shaping history and the past to dictate the present and the future. People are figuring it out. It really explains a lot of what is going on, and how Trump vexes them so. Also why talking to a Leftie is a complete waste of time.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

And there you go, Chris Cuomo denying everything he said, on tape, yesterday. The other side just makes it all up, with a straight face. It’s how they roll.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

That’s why I stopped “practicing” formulating my arguments into talking points. Useless. Unless you use the Z formula, i.e…..Walmart won’t sponsor your kids little league. Or as the hate whitey gas lighting grows…Maybe like the groups of other people, we should group up and advocate for our own…..Just drop those seeds. We are in the beginning of defining our own and expanding the circle.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

“Just drop those seeds.”
Not in Michigan you don’t!

Felix Krull
Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

Dollars to Donuts

In a couple of months, a donut will be ten dollars, so be careful with your bets.

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

It’s ironic that after all the Left’s mewling about Weimar Germany, they actually shut up about it just as it became relevant, re: the economic damage that could be headed our way. Some not-stupid people have suggested what’s coming will be worse than 2008, which came close to toppling the whole house of cards. If it falls apart, it will be funny to see all those former feminists now with manacles around their throats in Slave Leia costumes complaining about being objectified by the warlords.

Felix Krull
Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

There is a meme that I can’t seem to find: ”

What women think they’ll be doing after the Zombie Apocalypse: an image of Katniss Everdeen with her bow.

What women will be doing after the Zombie Apocalypse: an image of an alley lined with a row of lo-rent hookers.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

What’s up with women and bows? Sweetie, you have to be tough enough to take an acorn barefoot before you can shoot a leopard.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I think a noose shaped recovery is as likely as the V shaped recovery.


We can only hope

Reply to  joey junger
4 years ago

That’s what women want.

I laugh when I see Manosphere types saying “You’ll be sorry when you’re in burkas!”

No… that’s what they want. And since white men won’t do it they’ll find Arab men who will. Every woman wants to be dominated and put in her place by a man. It’s tens of thousands of years of evolution in action.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

I suspect gingham dresses ala the F.L.D.S. or Amish not Burkas.

Heck California is full of Middle Easterners but most of them are jack Muslims or Copts. The Sharia types are far from common.

Felix Krull
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

That’s what women want.

To be fair, raping, killing and plundering with divine sanction is what men really want.

But before you sign up for the Jihad, I suggest you watch this video:

Islam is as gynocentric as the West, if not more.

Chester White
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

It’s a virgin cult.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Shit, I should’ve been hoarding Krispy Kreme. Donuts from Dunkin are baked with Satan’s smegma and should be used as an alternative to artillery in the even of a domestic incursion.

Monty James
Monty James
4 years ago

If the summer is a great recovery in the economy, will it go down the memory hole, or will the new narrative be that Trump engineered a pandemic so that the economy would recover just in time to hurt the Democratic nominee, and help himself by being hailed for pulling us out in the nick of time?

4 years ago

They’re blaming China to CYA. If you listen hard enough you can even detect the faint register of war drums. The things people do to protect their pride!

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

I sure as hell blame the filthy Communist Chinese. But that doesn’t mean that the streetlamps in Washington DC and New York City shouldn’t be festooned with Media propagandists, Deep State bureaucrats, politicians, “experts,” and Wall Street scum.

Trump is going to order the country “open” and the Media/political firestorm will be epic. If Trump fails to win re-election this country is not worth saving.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Without American capital, manufacturing know-how, technology, STEM education, jobs, etc., China would be a minor player. I even hear they got this coronavirus from an American lab (haven’t confirmed for myself but who would be surprised?). Now those American interests are turning on the Chicom monster they created. There’s definitely a lot of CYA going on. The funny thing is they wouldn’t have had to open that can of worms if they didn’t have to justify overreacting, and they wouldn’t have to justify overreacting if they didn’t create the Chicom monster (Chinese century?) in the first place. It’s all unraveling.… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

The Chinese monster was created to do in the WWC for voting Reagan.
That and they hate us.

OTOH they’ve got us Gulag-ing from home, the Kulaks are wiped out and headed for bankruptcy and welfare, and they’ve nationalized the economy.

Who needs China when you can do that? From a bluff and made for TV movie?

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago
vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Trump’s already got Cuomo defending states rights (to stay closed).


Yep, except State’s Rights will have nothing to do with the power Trump declares he possesses to order States to reopen. He will use the Commerce Clause in the Constitution which has already been ruled by the SCOTUS to take precedence over the States’ right of intrastate commerce regulation via a 1938 ruling.

Trump wishes to avoid this Executive Order so as to avoid an immediate delaying appeal to the SCOTUS and to obviously appear benevolent to the States. But he holds all the “Trump” cards here.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Upvote for using “festooned”. One of my favorites.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

Fear Carl,
This county is not worth saving. Candidly, it can’t be saved. That ship has sailed.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Of course, the Wuhan bat virus lab was getting $3.7 million from the US government, so that dog won’t hunt for long….

Reply to  pyrrhus
4 years ago

The lab funding was from the Magic Negro Regime so the dog won’t get out of the kennel.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

It is a mistake to dismiss the growing realization of what China actually did leading up to this pandemic as well as the policy decisions that were made by the US over the past 30+ years as mere CYA. The more Americans understand what precarious position we are in with regard to China, the better.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

“The things people do to protect their pride!” Here is a probably incomplete list:

Blame others (as you noted); worth noting: blame may be true or false, but in neither case will it do anything to solve a problem.

Lie to others (deception);

Lie to oneself (self-deception).

In other words, everyday politics 😀

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Asians have a relationship to lying that would make a NY Jew blush, and does.

4 years ago

“Nicky Taleb threw his dress over his head and ran around squealing like a girl.”
I wasn’t too surprised to see Taleb in fear-monger mode because that fits with his brand: tail risk. He has similarly alarmist views about global warming. But Greg Cochran and the rest of the hbd folks jumped on the bandwagon too. That was surprising. Ramzpaul and Zman were the exceptions. Styx did okay too.

4 years ago

I took a trip to normieville today. Stopped at the house of my daughter-in-law, widow of my late son. She and her boyfriend are shut at home watching the governor’s briefing and Trump’s briefing and the media clown show surrounding each one every day and just completely buying into the whole thing. They aren’t mad. They aren’t feeling betrayed, they’re just quietly doing what they’re told. She was actually wondering if all this will be resolved by the time my one-and-a-half-year-old grandson is old enough for school, and doesn’t think such a timeframe is batshit insane. She doesn’t know a… Read more »

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Holy Shit! She thinks YEARS of this are even possible? GD moron.

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Gentle with my DiL. She’s not a rocket scientist, but she’s a nice girl. The point is that she’s just a typical girl. Hairdresser. Probably IQ in the high 90s or so, Maybe even 100. A line I use a lot is “more than half the population is 100 IQ or below, and 100 ain’t all that smart.” The sort of people who hang out on sites like aren’t normal. Normal people don’t really think things through. For the kids of mine whose IQs I know, they range from 115 to 135, and the 115 girl, being a stddev… Read more »

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Sorry about the moron comment. Mother had 4 boys. One by my dad and three by my step-dad. Mother was very brilliant and my father was too, only he struggled to control a violent temper. Long story short — I have found it hard to understand all the morons in my family. Damn, they like to think they are smart even as they believe the damnedest BS. One of them especially worships that Dr. 2million Fauci and believes every new prediction no matter how many times he is wrong. Sometimes I think being able to see reality easily is a… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

No problem, no offense taken.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Vizzini – Thank you for true words of wisdom and compassion. I have always had trouble dealing with the fact that I think and reason so much faster than others (even when I’m often wrong, which is a different issue entirely!). Having one kid with an IQ >145 and another who’s somewhere between 90-100 has taught me there’s only so much a loving and ‘enriched’ home environment/parents can do. And, as you noted, not-particularly-bright people can certainly be nice as well as productive. It’s up to the smarter fraction to tailor not merely hopes but also expectations to reality. It’s… Read more »


Is she what? Nice? Yes. Typical in intelligence. In my experience, yes. Murray was right in Coming Apart. We have a lot of self-assortation in US culture. In my normal day job, I didn’t interact closely or have friendships with a lot of people down at 100 IQ. In the high-end tech field, almost everyone you interact with is 115+. It starts to seem normal. Even in college classes you sort with people in your major, who are typically in the same intellectual league as you. As a rule, professionals don’t really hang out much around hairdressers, bartenders and waitresses… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Vizzini—food for thought. Thanks. My only comment, keep relationships solid. Not everyone is/can be to one’s standards, but there may be a time you need such relationships—especially family.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Oh, of course. As I said, she’s a nice girl and she’s the mother of my grandson. No strained relationship.

She’s not some ugly SJW, she’s just a normie muddling along.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

No. Is she really a dingbat for thinking this will go on for years?

I don’t think so.


As I said in a previous post, it’s surprising what people will put up with for long periods, so on that score I agree with you, but I don’t actually think this will go oon for years because I don’t think doing so will ultimately benefit the people in charge. There’s is a chance that this will be a tool they trot out again when they need it. There is also a chance that people will just try to sweep this whole thing under the rug and it won’t become a template for the future. I don’t think our ruling… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

With no disrespect for anyone’s family (I have my own KoolAide drinkers) we cannot wake them, and they are of no use for what it will take to throw off the yoke of the mad elites. This is nothing new. This is man’s eternal fate and Men’s eternal duty. The truth is most people Are Serfs. They are nothing without leaders. Nothing. There simply has always been a small number of men willing to act either to protect and “free” or at least check oppression or to oppress and take what they want. At present we have the rule of… Read more »


The idea that the masses don’t matter is just wrong. They represent a tremendous amount of gravity in the course of a nation. Sure, they’re sheep, but they’re fucking dangerous sheep, more like a panicky herd of 1500 lb. water buffalo that destroys everything in its path. Whoever successfully sets themselves up as their shepherd wins. You can’t simply disregard them.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Its why they are always happy to run massive loss making media for decades.

Huxley alluded to this in his interesting interview. Where he pointed out whoever could control the 20-25% of the population that are the almost effortlessly hypnotized and suggestible would essentially control the direction of the nation.

The battle for those is lost I fear without regaining control in some form of the dominant broadcast mechanisms.

Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

re “broadcast mechanisms” Agreed — I think, if I am understanding you correctly. If you mean official newsmedia, frankly those are mostly irrelevant. But if you also include popular entertainment (infotainment) and pop culture, then yes, absolutely. Which also means we are in a very very deep hole indeed, considering the aggressively vapid ignorance of the average “star” and more importantly, what sorts of people control the manufacture of our popular culture. Thanks for the Huxley link. Haven’t listened to it yet, but have to admit I twitched hearing the dulcet tones of Mike Wallace. I had the, er, privilege… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Thankfully the interviewer is mostly silent. One of the things that stood out was Huxley using the word “we” a lot in places about control that sort of didn’t make sense as if he was talking about humanity in general. But more a smaller set of “we”. Yes I mean the entertainment media which essentially controls this part of the population entirely in most western countries. they have been doing it for decades. Even looking back at pretty old films now I start to see the patterns that have been placed, managed and moved forwards.overtime. I do not think there… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

You cannot wait for them. You cannot make them stand erect. To see Men stand instead of talk is 1% and really they are following 0.1%. Its 1 Man in a thousand at best. To see it in women is to see a unicorn, I’ve been in combat zones. A few can follow and point the gun and follow orders. Lead? Never. 12 years ago we came back from Iraq and shrugged; I’ll protect the nice people but I’m not listening to them anymore. The commons are slaves by choice, they will not have liberty if it means risk. All… Read more »


Slow down the impassioned rhetoric a bit. I didn’t say educate them, I said shepherd them. You’re not doing that right now, and you have no means of doing so.


‘the present rich and shameless will say “why did you let us”?’

Pretty sure a substantial subset of the shameless will scold us that they are The Real Victims.

The problem is that the The Real Victim thing is not exactly a scam. They actually believe it. They (and some of us) know it’s weaponized, but they still deeply and truly believe they are victims. Or are imminently about to become victims if they let up on the paranoid aggression for even an instant.

Johnny Smith
Johnny Smith
4 years ago

Social Distancing didn’t help. You would expect to see a HUGE spike in cases/deaths in the population of essential workers, who for the first 2-3 weeks couldn’t find masks and gloves but worked elbow to elbow with co-workers and the public. What we’re seeing is NO SPIKE and a lowering of cases – even among this exposed population.

Reply to  Johnny Smith
4 years ago

Its a mystery how very few normal people ever question this. With all the essential workers (often working in close proximity with each other and coming into contact with lots of people in sequence) why are the dead bodies not piling up? If you bring it up you just get a blank stare, or maybe in their head being classified as essential confers some magic immunity on them. Its like the video of 4 coppers grouping together and kicking in a guy’s door to check for social distancing in his own home. But why are they not at risk from… Read more »

Johnny Smith
Johnny Smith
Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

I think we need to start pushing this idea out there. Like you said, it doesn’t seem to have occurred to anybody. Not mainstream, alt news, social media types even on the fringes. I haven’t heard one person ask the question “Where are all the essential workers getting sick?”. I’m going to start asking anyone that’ll talk to me and posting online. This one piece blows the whole social distancing thing to bits.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
4 years ago

Z Man; Maybe everybody’s being a bit too hard on the Fed. Gov. for overreacting. I say this because of the theory (becoming more certain by the day) that the ChiComs knew that the virus was released (probably carelessly) from their BioWeapons labs in Wuhan, probably in Oct. or Nov. So they therefore might well have feared that it was indeed an engineered BioWeapon agent that had been accidentally loosed upon themselves. At least they *acted* consistent with having such fears in Jan. and Feb. regardless of what they said. They pretty completely trashed their *own* economy and suspended travel… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
4 years ago

Yeah, I get it. But I still believe that the media should be piked.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

Lawdog; Couldn’t agree more about the media. They were and are clueless, hysterical school girls and PRC butt fluffers. If they were serious, somebody would be looking into the sort of open source info I was able to develop (see above) without a great deal of effort. Well, I have to except OAN and Epoch Times. They *were* on this aspect of the story early on. Not saying I’m right, BTW: ‘Don’t know for sure’ is the only honest answer. It’s just that there are a lot more moving parts hidden in the weeds and a lot more of them… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Trumps weakness is that he wants to be seen as a great leader and President. The deplorables don’t care what the East and west coast puritan and jewish media elite think of Trump. And Trump doesn’t either at his rallies. Then Trump sits down with Ivanka and Jared and the Wall Street crowd and he ends up not doing what he should do for his working class supporters and not quick enough. Trump could be in trouble over this screw up More so than not building the wall. The deplorables don’t like being unemployed. Better really be a V recovery… Read more »

4 years ago

Just one smidging issue: the economy was going to be on the ropes anyway, the virus mess just brought it to the fore sooner, and perhaps harsher. Trump will try to fix this by not fixing anything, not sure how that’s going to work out for him.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
4 years ago

They got what they wanted, an excuse to shitcan their Ponzi scheme, fuck small business , and remind the gerbils to stay in their cage and obey orders.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Dennis Roe
4 years ago


We are heading for life on prison planet unless we take to the streets en masse and are prepared to use force to stay there.

The Right Doctor
4 years ago

The Chinese Reaper is approaching a milestone in its quest to be the Greatest Scourge of Mankind in History: global deaths from the inevitable and fatal illness are almost up to one-third of a ho-hum, no big deal, average mundane boring year for influenza deaths: 122 K / 389 K = 31 %.

If you’re not dead yet, you soon will be.

4 years ago

I know one thing: After the end of the lockdown, I want to have a nice, big gathering.

Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

Multiple small gatherings. But yeah.

As to the “Stasi list” thing. As if that’s going to make a difference. We’re all in the shitter on that one, such as it is. The return is that you learn so much more about an individual face-to-face than electronically, much less in text only. (Unless you have some serious neuro/psychological deficit — not being snarky, just precise; a good friend is almost completely unable to read people and it is a source of tremendous pain and trouble for her.)

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Right, we’re all in the shitter on that one. Might as well make the most of my status.

Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

Why wait until then?

Reply to  Lawdog
4 years ago

I’m interested in getting people from the upstate NY area together. I’m thinking that if we agree to meet somewhere in the Corning/Ithaca/Binghamton nexus we can accommodate most areas, as well as northern PA.

Dale Smith
4 years ago

Dingbat Daughter? until the internet harpies and the twitter trolls got busy and destroyed her business she had a clothing business worth many many millions of dollars.

Daughter of a Billionaire, Married to a Billionaire, and a Multi-Millionaire in her own right does not a dingbat make..

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

As for the tin pot tyrant Michigan guv: Ramadan starts on/about April 23. Watch for whatever restrictions that could impinge on any Muslim get togethers to vanish April 24. She might even be so benevolent as to allow other religious services recommence. As for the economy: assuming the lifeguards blow the whistle in the next few weeks to allow everyone to get back in the pool after the mandatory rest time to assure we didn’t all get a cramp and drown – an initial V shaped economic bounce is likely. Of course, the first order of business, will be a… Read more »

Reply to  Stranger in a strange land
4 years ago

Her subordinates will simply call the Dearbornistani area police departments and tell them not to enforce the executive orders if they want funding. They’ll then call the local press outfits and tell them there is no story if reporters want continued access to the executive branch. News of capacity mosque worship will leak out by citizen journalists but nothing will happen, except a local spike in covid 19 and flu, as Michiganders sigh and express adulation for the religiosity of the muslims then get about their daily business having forgotten this non-event.

Reply to  VotePolPot
4 years ago

That’s right, whitey. No more seeds for you!

We must ALL pay for the blacks in Detroit, and Muslims in Dearborn.

4 years ago

“ Then there are the people who fell for the hype and then piously lectured the rest of us about how the virus was more important than the economy. Many of these people claimed to be on this side of the great divide. They had lectured for years about how the media can never be trusted. Then they swallowed the official line on the virus like good little boys and girls.”

Yea. Anyone who has endlessly bleated out the nonsense terms stonks and money machine go brrrrrr should be publicly denounced.

4 years ago

I’ve been in manufacturing for 40 years. I hope you are correct, but the damage to the supply chain is pretty substantial . hopefully you are correct, and the V shape occurs, but I doubt that it will be quick .

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

It will be L shaped. Followed by a WTF. We were slowly slipping into recession anyway, the credit market is contracted, banks won’t make loans unless they’re explicitly backed by the government or implicitly backed by the Fed.

Reply to  miforest
4 years ago

I am also in mfg, a bit less years than you. I am not optimistic about some magical thinking known as a “Vee shaped recovery” and consider the entire notion just more political bullshit. Words for normies in cubicles. My supply chain has held thus far by a thread. I had to scramble to make that happen, with trusted, USA vendors. It was still by a thread and remains that way. One sick-out in a plant that serves me and poof! Shutdown for ‘x’ amount of time – throwing my entire production off. And for the adult kiddies at home… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  HomerB
4 years ago

Absolutely agree! Cops are pigs. This is exactly what’s going on. Right down to the Applebee’s franchisee who leveraged some loan to get his location next to the now empty Holiday Inn Express. My question is, will this spur even more of a migration of small business owners to states that operate at least coherently? And if so how much? You reach a point where the abuse just isn’t worth hanging out your shingle.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Does the average civnat understand that it is Five-0 arresting ministers conducting services, solitary surfers riding the waves, and the homeowner hosting an Easter dinner for 10?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Libertymike
4 years ago

I hope some get a clue. “Thin blue line” my ass.

So tough! Of course the illegal alien is walking out of the store behind them with a slurpee in hand. You can bet no one will question him. These cops are scum. The first rule of talking to cops is never ever talk to a cop. Never indulge them.

4 years ago

I think a lot of the blather from the un-numerate right was driven by late-onset TDS. This is a strange phenomenon that presents largely among sunshine ethno-nationalists under the age of 40 who managed to live decades without ever understanding real disappointment. From Trump, I expect a broad anti-China offensive that is both geopolitically and electorally justified, and I expect this to be combined with revelations of Chinese influence in the campaign finance and electoral processes of the Democrats. Trump may actually go to some place like Bakersfield, California and attack Feinstein’s own personal spy. It will all look less… Read more »

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

No doubt, especially considering the fact that Oyvanka and Jared will lead the recovery lol

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Here is the Time scare story about Sweden’s corona response:

Of course, the first and main interviewee is a young Asian woman immivader from the US.

The NYT has had a scare story about a couple Bronx hospitals up for a few days now, describing them as part of the, “…Hot Zone.” Of course, we already know that the Bronx is a Third World sh*thole.