Rambling About Israel

One of the thorniest problems in modern public debate is how to talk about Israel, without talking about Jews. If you have something bad to say about Israel, you will be called an anti-Semite by the usual suspects. On the other hand, anti-Semites cloak their Jew-hating in criticism of Israel. Of course, if you have anything to say about Jews, from an HBD perspective, you can be sure to have Israel held up as a counter, as if there’s no difference between Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews.

There’s so much chaff in the air it is hard to get a bead on any of it. Ron Unz continues to publish this guy, despite the radioactive weirdo vibe. He hangs out with conspiracy buffs and has an obsession with Israel. Put his name in the google machine and you get nothing but Israel stuff, with some 9/11 conspiracy stuff tossed in the mix. Looking at his Wiki page, nothing jumps out and Wiki is edited by raging lefties so maybe I’m off-base, but it is just so hard to know.

Similarly, I saw this on Maggie’s Farm the other day. I admit I never heard of Max Blumenthal, at least not the Max Blumenthal in question. I once played racquetball with a Max Blumenthal, but he was not this one. His father is Sydney Blumenthal, a loathsome scumbag that worked for Clinton in the 1990’s. Still, I have no idea if Max Blumenthal is a self-hating Jew, a crank or just a guy with opinions about Israel that are unpopular. That’s the thing about all of this, it is impossible to tell the players even with a scorecard.

One of the things that no one is allowed to mention is the fact many Jews in American and Europe hate the very idea of Israeli. Well, they are fine with Israel as an abstract construction, but not as a real place with real people. They look at Israel in the same way Americans look at people from West Virginia or New Jersey. The crazy crackers from the mountains and the guidos from the Jersey are a reminder of a past a lot of people would just as soon forget. The hairy Jews haggling over a spot at the Wailing Wall are something most American Jews would just as soon forget too.

Then you have the other problem. Ashkenazi Jews are a remarkable group of people. A small group of people bound together by what most think was an imported religion, managed to survive and prosper, despite being surrounded by people hostile to their religion. They have not just survived; Ashkenazi Jews have dominated the cultural life of Europe and America. As Steve Sailer is fond of pointing out, Ashkenazi Jews are 1% of the US population and 30% of the richest Americans.

People tend to notice this remarkable success and that’s not a good thing for a distinct minority. If Israel was a country that existed in the 1930’s, odds are the Nazis would have gone for mass deportation of the Jews, rather than other options. There’s no way to know that, but it would have been the easiest path and people tend to seek the path of least resistance. Given the attitudes of early 20th century Europe, it probably would have been the policy of every country in Europe.

That’s the problem Israel presents Jews everywhere. If Israel is the Jewish homeland, why are Jews living in Denmark, Paris, Bangor Maine and Bozeman Montana? It offers up a handy excuse for majority populations to round up their Jews. Given recent history, you can’t blame Jews for being more than a little worried about it. In America, anti-Semitism has never been popular, but in Europe it has never been unpopular. Most Jews in America had close relatives that either fled Hitler or survived Hitler.

Of course, maybe that’s the point. If it is impossible to separate honest criticism from bigotry, decent people will avoid criticism. Americans are strangely polite in their public discourse. The last thing a chattering skull wants is to be called is rude or mean. If you can’t win a debate, shutting it down is the next best result. I’m not sure that’s the case here, but it is certainly true that any discussion of Jews is off-limits and discussions of Israel better be glowing. Otherwise, you risk being called a bigot.

2 thoughts on “Rambling About Israel

  1. Ahhhh, Hitler!

    Don’t forget the Russians! The Czars had a bit less bloodthirstiness, but were overall as cruel as Hitler is their pogroms.

    Hitler also had many collaborators throughout Europe. The Germans just kept much better records!

  2. Depends on the demographic. It’s safe to trash Israel to the millenials. Not so safe to trash Palestinians, which I do. And Arabs in general. Inbred sand-niggers is a description that gives them the vapors. Baby killing Israeli Nazi occupying force, not a problem.

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