A Culture of Lies

“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
― Theodore Dalrymple

I’ve often wondered if it were possible to devise a metric for the measure of madness in a society’s ruling class. We know that the people ruling Canada, for example, are much further from reality than the people running Poland right now. You can tell that by the things they say. Justin Trudeau says things that suggest he is a schizophrenic, while the ruler of Poland says sensible things about the troubles facing Europe. The former ruler of North Korea often made announcements so outlandishly crazy, it’s hard to believe they were intentional.

If you could create a scale measuring the distance between the things the rulers say in public and reality, you could then compare one regime to another on the crazy scale. North Korea would probably be the gold standard of crazy so the “nork” could be the measure of ruling class lunacy. Turkmenistan would be seven “norks”, while France would be three “norks.” It’s an impossible thing and maybe a bit batty, but if I ever have the time, maybe I’ll try to work it out just for fun.

There’s little doubt, however, that the Dalrymple quote relies on the observation that authoritarian regimes rely heavily on spouting nonsense at their citizens and having the citizenry repeat it. Every society has “pretty lies” that help grease the wheels, but authoritarian societies almost always jump into that other category, where clearly false things are declared official truths. It’s not a matter of degree. It is a category difference.

I was thinking about this yesterday listening to the coverage of the Orlando shooting. The facts are familiar at this point. A second generation Muslim goes bonkers and kills people in the name of Jihad. In this case, the killer had a deep hatred of homosexuals and blacks so he shot up what is usually a gay club, but on this night it was Latin night so it just looked like a gay club. This is now becoming a familiar pattern and we all know the general reason for it. The contours of Islam are now familiar to everyone.

That’s the reality of this event. Barak Obama, on the other hand, blames it on Magic Shape Theory™. He claim this man was exposed to metal and plastic formed into mystical shapes that imbued them with the power to take over the mind of this one guy, turning him into a murderer. Therefore he is calling on his chief sorcerer to cast a level three wishing spell to prevent this particular shape from forming again. That way, no one will ever be possessed by this shape and turned into a killer.

OK, he did not mention a sorcerer, but calls for gun control are about as honest and fact based as calling for the Court Wizard of the kingdom to cast a healing spell. It’s utter nonsense. Obama knows it is nonsense and everyone in the media repeating it knows it is nonsense. The proof of that is they refuse to even talk about the obvious issue in this case. When that’s mentioned, Obama declares it immoral to even discuss it and the press is directed to spend their time talking about how Trump is firing up Christian bigots.

Lying used to be something that damaged reputations, even with politicians, but we have reached a point where lying in public is so common, it is considered part of the normal. Everyone knows Hillary Clinton is lying about the pay-for-play scam she was running from the State Department. We have video proof of her lying repeatedly, but no one in the press bothers to press her on it. After all, lying is just the new normal and only weirdos care about the truth when it comes to politics or anything else for that matter.

That’s part of what the ruling class finds so horrifying about Trump. He exaggerates for effect, but he does not say things that anyone can see as outright lies. You may disagree with his opinion on the Orlando shooter, but he’s not out there blaming it on Christian bakers or Magic Shape Theory™. It’s why they call him a bully. He’s not playing by the rules. We have reached the point that Orwell called the time of universal deceit. Trump is a radical merely for stating the obvious in public.

As a geezer, I’m old enough to remember a time when things were different. In my youth, homosexuals were still kept on lavender farms in the South and Muslims were kept over in their territories, so things like Orlando were impossible. I also remember when Trump’s plain speaking was not uncommon. Politicians exaggerated, for sure, but they were not competing with one another for who could tell the most outlandish whoppers in public. A folksy candor was a popular way for politicians to distinguish themselves from the crowd.

I’m going long here, but maybe this is a byproduct of mass media. The only way to break through the noise is to be outrageous and what is more outrageous than telling outlandish lies that everyone knows are lies? The foundation of Western civilization is social trust. The ultimate affront, the ultimate outrage is to be thoroughly and complete untrustworthy. To point out the obvious, to acknowledge the real means getting lost in the noise. Instead, the only way our rulers can get our attention is by embracing a culture lies.

38 thoughts on “A Culture of Lies

  1. I think we’re starting to see a lot more people wake up to the “culture of lies” we find ourselves in. There have always been the lone voice(s) in the wilderness, but it’s been hard to reach a large audience when the Leftist Progressive media controls the levers of information dessemination. Enter Trump, who has paved the way for others to tell the truth he is not afraid to give voice to. Last night I saw Kallstrom on Fox. He’s laying the blame for the FBIs inability to stop the Orlando slaughter by a Moslem squarely at the door of the White House. Then there’s Milo Yiannopulous, a conservative gay man from Britain, who isn’t afraid to tell the truth about Islam and the unholy alliance between Islam and the Progressive Left. He’s a great speaker and unafraid to call out the Left. More truth tellers will emerge. Americans are used to speaking their minds, not swallowing government-sponsored lies.

  2. I had a hardy chuckle after reading that Zuckerberg predicted we’d be plugged into the Matrix by 2050. Really? I’ve been warning for years that we are already in the Matrix where everything is illusion. I’m equally hoarse and exhausted from screaming in a vacuum where no one can hear.

    I have my theory of the vehicle that so easily brought us here. Advertising. I spent my youth as a photo stylist. My job was to make everything look better than good, whether a bed set or a plate of food, the art of illusion is all about the sell. But if, over time, you multiply the sell in dozens of ways pushed out in visuals bathing the brain all day long via TV, magazines, newspapers, billboards, and now internet – what you have is conditioning and indoctrination to the unreal being accepted as the new normal real. What is real and true is irrelevant.

    I love all Dr. Daniel’s (aka Dalrymple) books – I recommend Spoilt Rotten and Life at the Bottom. After 30 plus years of serving as a psychologist for the UK penal system, he retired and escaped to France. Wonder if he is thinking of another move – too bad there’s no place to run, no place to hide now.

    In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. – George Orwell

  3. Part of me wonders if the reflexive chanting about the “conservative culture of hate” against LGBT folks empowered this guy to go shoot 100 people in a nightclub says more about the default thinking of Progressives than anything else. I just watched a couple local Facebook flame wars that went immediately to “leave our town”, “your post should be deleted” and worse–just because a guy had the temerity to suggest Obama has really screwed the pooch on this one. These poor things actually believe we have the same totalitarian default setting that they have. And when you explain “no, I just want to be left alone” they simply cannot process the desire to self determine and let others do the same.

    • One of the wonders of Facebook is that you learn how many stupid people there are out there. I get tired of the attempts at gun grabbing. Other countries use different weapons to kill people. We don’t see a lot of machete attacks here. Everything gets called a mass shooting, if the Dems feel they can make points with it. I’ve been in a Facebook fight with some woman that tried to tell me that Christians have killed more people in the US than Muslims. I’m not sure how her example of Andre Brevik fit in, but then I’m not really sure you could call Tim McVey a Christian either. She got huffy when I called her a bigot too. I think it is going to start getting ugly fast. I know I have no patience for that sort of nonsense any more.

  4. Dalrymple

    There is no fury like a non-judgementalist scorned.

    When our mistakes fall into a consistent pattern over many years….they become symptoms of defects in character.

    It is normal for small acts of betrayal to be seduced away from our memories to fashion ourselves a better self-conceit.

    It is well worth remembering that one-man one-vote democracy is perfectly compatible to the greatest crimes known to man.

    Humor, fearlessness, seriousness, and honesty: the qualities that are hated by all the smelly little orthodoxies that are contending for tenure in the humanities departments of our universities.

    Overwhelming guilt not in proportion to terrible wrongdoing is but a sin of spiritual pride and self-importance.

    Intellectual error is at the root of most evil.

    A technique vital to all schools of resentment is the collapse of all relevant moral distinctions.

    When words become the test of virtue, they also become the masks of vice. That is why sanctimony and ruthless self-interest are such powerful allies.

    The absence of religious faith…can have a deleterious effect upon human character and development. If you empty the world of purpose, make it one of brute fact alone, you empty it of reasons for gratitude. A sense of gratitude is necessary for both happiness and decency. For what can soon replace gratitude is a sense of entitlement.

    The crude nostrums of Islamism rush in where the enlightenment fears to tread.

    Resentment is one of the few emotions that never lets you down.

  5. I’ve seen this a bit in the corporate world. I never worked for a big conglomerate, so my experiences are limited to companies that actually might go out of business of they really screwed the pooch. Generally, this sort of magical thinking becomes pronounced when nearly everyone realizes that you’re about to go broke. If you’re going down, you might as well go down thinking nice thoughts.

    • Yep. Lots of folks — myself definitely included — think liberalism is triumphant because they win all the fights. But they’re really the Harlem Globetrotters. They’re all flash and no substance, and they only win because they only ever play the Washington Generals. They’re not getting more hysterical because they’re doing a victory lap; they’re getting more hysterical because they know the barbarians (=social and economic reality) are at the gate. Ever seen that wonderful movie Downfall? The Red Army was two blocks away, yet what was left of the Gestapo still found time to hang starving civilians for “defeatism.”

  6. Side note- does anyone actually have a date, time and source for that Justin quote? When McInnes and maybe Cold Fury cited it a while back I could find no origin for it. He’s my Queen’s prime minister up here and I would love for that quote to be authentic. I’d put it on my wall. It sure sounds like him. But I fear alas that it is bogus.

  7. Not to be too much of a wet blanket, but I wonder about the magic shape theory angle. That certainly would explain so many gun controllers’ fascination with pistol grips and evil black stamped metal and plastic. But how many of them actually believe that the existence of the guns actually cause people to go out and kill? That seems an exaggeration of their beliefs, at least in most cases.

    Do most not simply believe that 1) the relatively high availability of guns and relative ease of access to them [or specific types of guns that allow for more rapid fire] in the US make it easier for those inclined to kill a lot of people to do so than it is in most other western countries where guns are harder to get; 2) that the 2nd amendment is archaic if not wrong; and 3) that it should be possible to reduce access to guns by sustained effort?

    For my part, I find some of that hard to argue with. For proposition 1, I’m aware that there are many other relevant differences between American society and those of Canada, Australia, or most of Europe, and that gun massacres have happened in all these places. Nevertheless they seem to happen with vastly greater regularity in the US and under a wider range of other circumstances. I am not at all of the view that these considerations should countermand the many arguments in favour of private ownership of a wide array of arms. But they don’t seem unreasonable observations in and of themselves. For 2, I disagree with this view of the 2nd Amendment and note that liberals are too gutless [ for now] to actually propose amending the constitution properly, which would be the legitimate way to debate and remove this right. If they could. But the liberal view of it is not magical thinking. For 3, I suspect they have no thought through the logistical nightmare or the force required, but it probably would be possible for a government like USG to manage it, even if not to the degree of other societies.

    I should emphasize that I am more in sympathy with your views than this comment suggests, but I’m just not sold that magic shape theory is enough to capture the whole of the liberal position. Many just have different ideas of what citizens’ rights are and have not yet worked up the guts to take that to an amendment process that could by definition change those rights, and most may have a too-high estimation of the capacity of government to enforce any prohibition they could come up with.

    One area that does bug me along similar lines to your reaction is the whole “AR-15 = bad” meme. Those who are in thrall to magic shape theory seem really fascinated with those pistol grips and still unable to grasp the meanings of auto vs semi-auto. Although, in their partial defence, if they took away semi-auto weapons, how many men who haven’t been through pre-war British infantry training could take out an entire room of dozens with a bolt action rifle or a 6-7 shot revolver? That would probably incrementally reduce casualties, if nothing else.

    • The fact is, for close quarter work you are better off with a pistol, unless others can shoot back. Not that I spend time thinking of it, but if I were looking to pull an Orlando, I’d go with a Glock pistol and maybe a sawed off shotgun if I could conceal it under a coat. That leaves lots of room on the body for clips. The shotgun lets you make a grand entrance and then a pistol lets you shoot fish in a barrel.

      Of course, the best way to do these sorts of things is with a car bomb. It’s why the car bomb is so popular around the world. In the US, we have loads of old cars that can be had on the sly. Steal an old car, stash it away for a while and then make it into a car bomb. My guess is we start seeing this within the decade. A couple of morons with a minimum of training could use easily obtainable materials to build a car bomb.

      The people in charge surely know this. But, never let a crisis go to waste. The long war for the people in charge started in 1642 and will not end until the bad whites are driven from the land. Muslims could be taking a dump on Obama’s head right now and he will still be ranting about honky racists and their boomsticks.

      • I’ve always been a pistol caliber Carbine man. Love the MP5, Grease Guns, and the new fangled ones like the Beretta Storm. Easy to shot accurately out to 100 yards, not much recoil or fuss, lots of capacity, fast reload, and fairly light (except for the Thompson – they feel like they are made out of battleship steel and concrete).

        Modern body armor has made them fairly obsolete for military use.

      • I’d go with a Glock pistol and maybe a sawed off shotgun if I could conceal it under a coat.

        Allegedly “Mateen” used a non-AR pattern , 5.56 carbine with an AKMS-style folding stock. Not as compact as a machine pistol. Potentially shorter than a sawed off shot gun.

      • Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols did exactly that back in 1995. You should be thankful the new colonizers of America don’t know your history very well. Especially since “…*55 percent, say ordinary Americans would “do a better job of solving problems” than the people whose job it is to do so”. Despite the media bias, Americans are far more resourceful than people give you credit for being.

        * http://www.npr.org/2015/11/23/457063796/poll-only-1-in-5-americans-say-they-trust-the-government

        • I used to fish with an FBI guy who used to say, “We are lucky to blessed with stupid criminals.” He had great stories of his time hunting meth labs.

      • I think you’ll find, Z, that muslims have already taken dump on Obama’s head. Several in fact.

    • “THEY SEEM TO HAPPEN WITH GREATER REGULARITY IN THE US”. Has a study been done on how consistent the gun shootings have happened since Obama has been in office? Just sayin

    • A plain old Remington 870 with an extended tube is going to put 72 .33 caliber projectiles down range in less than 10 seconds. Probably 10 million of them floating around. No fancy grips sights or “thingys that go up”. And yes, a “mad minute” is a lot of fun. The Lee-Enfield, with the “cock on close” feature, is still the smoothest bolt infantry rifle out there.

  8. The story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is proof that this phenomena isn’t entirely new.
    Once you have an ethos, there will be some who will demonstrate their virtue by saying blatantly illogical things in the name of that ethos or by acting irrationally in the name of the ethos. And when someone in a position of power (an emperor, official or unofficial), what’s to stop them from going crazy and what’s to stop others from adopting this obvious insanity. As Steyn put it “who are you going to believe? Me or your lyin’ eyes?”.
    So we have the emperor decree that men who ‘identify’ as women are women, which is pretty close to arguing that the naked emperor ‘identified’ himself as well-dressed and was therefore well-dressed.
    Curiously, those who identify as guided by Islam are not guided by Islam 🙂

  9. Ever had a girlfriend cheat on you, or have a good friend whose girl cheated on him? Not to get personal, but like (I’m assuming) everyone here, I’m sure liberals must be lying about Magic Shape Theory and everything else… But then I remember that liberals are creatures of pure emotion. They live in their amygdalae. Yeah, the guy whose girl is obviously stepping out on him knows it on some level, but watching what he “knows” catch up to what he knows is excruciating. If you assume that liberals live in that zone all the time – that every minute of every day is an emotional seesaw from “search your feelings, you know it to be true!” to “you’re not my father!” — then some of their apparent schizophrenia makes sense. “No, she’s not cheating on me! She just had a meeting with her boss that ran really long, and she knew I’d be asleep when she came home, so when the boss offered to pay for a hotel room for her, she jumped at it. Because she’s so courteous and loves me that much.”

    • An odd analogy but I agree with you 🙂
      Not only that, but they’ve become emotionally invested in the lie. And what’s more, they’ve nailed their colors to the mast. Once you’ve said something in public with all the world watching, backtracking is hardly an option.

  10. Quote Ron Unz:

    “Actually, another suspicion I’ve often had is that much of that massively-promoted total nonsense like transexualism and Gay Marriage is meant to flush out and expose potential troublemakers potentially lurking within ranks of the elite before they can rise high enough to become a serious problem. In support of this hypothesis, the leading purge victims are usually found within the fields of popular culture, entertainment, celebrity, and the media, which constitute a crucial chokepoint in controlling our society. It’s obviously much easier and safer to detect and purge a future Mel Gibson while he’s just a rising young actor than after he’s spent a dozen years as Hollywood’s #1 star.

    Suppose that Kim III officially declares that the Moon is made of blue cheese. Who would question that? Dimwitted people would believe whatever they heard on TeeVee. Cowardly people would just keep quiet or mouth the propaganda. Dishonest, opportunistic people would shout the slogan and endlessly promote it. Those sorts aren’t much threat to the Regime.

    On the other hand, a few people might raise questions about the dogma, revealing themselves to be exactly the sort of individuals who might eventually question other, far more serious matters. And purging them on the blue cheese nonsense tends to avoid bringing unwanted attention to those other issues. Furthermore, if some borderline people grit their teeth and publicly endorse the blue cheese question, their spirits may have been partially broken, making it less psychologically likely they’ll eventually rebel over other matters. Towards the end of the USSR almost nobody believed in the regime ideology, but most people still pretended they did.

    I think Orwell made some of these points in 1984.

    So the reason the King walks down the street naked in his imaginary suit is to draw out and catch those people unwilling to say they see what isn’t there.

    In an actual historical example, the Emperor Caligula appointed his favorite horse to the highest official government position in the Roman State. How better to break the spirit of potentially disloyal Senators and military commanders, and determine which of them might have independent thoughts.

    This sort of system tends to be metastable, holding together until sufficient pressure causes a crack to develop, at which point the entire edifice collapses, possibly in very messy ways. Eventually Caligula and almost all of his relatives were butchered in a revolt by the top imperial courtiers and the palace guard.”

    Found via the Bloody shovel in his The purpose of absurdity post, who added:

    “Well put. But personally what struck me is that he had to come up with this by his own. A very intelligent man in his 50s had to personally realize this. When it should be a perfectly obvious point.”

    He then goes on telling the Chinese “calling a deer a horse story”:

    “So Zhao Gao brings a deer into the palace. Grabs it from the horns, calls the emperor to come out, and says “look your majesty, a brought you a fine horse”. The Emperor, not amused, says “Surely you are mistaken, calling a deer a horse. Right?”. Then the emperor looks around at all the ministers. Some didn’t say a word, just sweating nervously. Some others loudly proclaimed what a fine horse this was. Great horse. Look at this tail! These fine legs. Great horse, naturally prime minister Zhao Gao has the best of tastes.

    A small bunch did protest that this was a deer, not a horse. Those were soon after summarily executed. And the Second Emperor himself was murdered some time later.”


    Calling a spade a spade is dangerous business in present day murka.

    • Spandrell, whose cite to my amazement I only lately discovered, had some apposite points on this issue, including noting that it’s mainly Anglo-Saxons who find this idea revelatory. That’s a great strength and weakness of our culture.

      I find myself in the middle ground on the substance insofar as I can’t not think of transexualism as mental illness. Unlike homosexuality, to date a demonstrated ineradicable feature of nature in the human and some other species, and therefore at least not “unnatural” in any non-religious sense, transexualism actually requires belief in something contrary to scientific evidence. It’s essentially magical thinking itself or even a form of spiritualist religion. In the absence of souls or spirits distinct from the material body, which I presume progressives cannot believe in, the phrase ‘woman trapped in a man’s body’ has no meaning. So I’m with Ron Unz on that.

      On the other hand- gay marriage I’d like to oppose but in the absence of religion I can’t find a viable language for it. If marriage is only intended as a civil law relationship meant to provide social recognition and benefits to a particular kind of intimate relationship, defined by society however it wants, based wholly in positive law and communal norms, revocable under terms defined by law, and given a sentimental gloss by tying it to communal recognition of ‘love’, which is how society has for some time defined heterosexual marriage, then I can’t think of a way to exclude gays from it. All arguments for permanence were tossed decades ago. Sexual complementarity requires reliance on metaphysics or explicit religious/biblical concepts society simply does not recognize, or would believe in any more. Reproduction is not considered a necessary element of heterosexual marriage, and is explicitly eschewed by many participants as one of their goals.

      One could note that every human society regardless of religion, including those more tolerant of homosexuality in certain circumstances, has reserved marriage for men and women. But then it would be hard to cite a truer vision of Greece and Rome to make the case- it would require reliance on the idea of the citizens’ duty to produce children for the state to a degree no party in the modern west could get behind.

      So unless Christian or Muslim, or probably Jewish, none of which systems any longer command predominant cultural support, no argument against gay marriage is liable to gain traction.

      And to return to the narrower point, I don’t think advocates for all this believe it is just signalling. They believe every word. And as far as the gay marriage component goes, I can’t argue with them. If how I defined marriage above is what it is, and that is what the law has said for many years, then there is nothing in it that demands two sexes. There’s nothing in it that limits the participants to two people either, of course. Just wait until that becomes mainstream. The progressives don’t believe that yet, but they will.

    • It’s called “gaslighting”. Leftists and women (especially ex-wives and feminists) are experts at it.

      Go to Wikipedia. They have a whole page on it (or just goggle it).

  11. British comedian Eddie Izzard did a show called “Dressed to Kill” some years ago in which he brought up a similar subject of why there are degrees of murder; e.g.first degree murder, manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter – yet no degrees of perjury. There’s the harmless lie such as you did your homework when in fact you didn’t vs.the serious lie that you didn’t murder someone when you actually did.

    As you work to develop and calibrate you “Nork” scale, I’m sure there will be others in here who will mention the internationally recognized “BS meter” which may serve as a good point of reference.

    • Eddie Izzard?? Gag me!! I saw this freak on tv recently and almost tossed my cookies. I said “What the f**k is that?! What a freak. And the Brits call “it” a comedian?

        • Hey, I’m just being honest. I found was I was looking at … revolting. I knew nothing of the guy or his schtick but I wanted nothing to do with it. There are enough of these “clowns” running around on the street and I don’t need to see them on tv. So just because I find him offensive, I’m the one with the problem? Maybe those who accept him and his ‘act’ should consider what they are letting into their minds.

      • @ Infidel – I was once frightened by funny men who wore make-up, inappropriate shoes and clothes that made them look un-manly. I remember running to my mother out of sheer terror at the sight of them. But when I got older, my fear of circus clowns went away.

      • Izzard has been funny at times (his sketch where he recounts the story of the brother of Darth Vader who worked in the canteen on the Death Star is probably Izzard at his funniest) but like all trendy media types he gets a bit full of his own sense of self-importance. The media then asks these comedians their opinions on things other than trying to tell jokes, and proceeds to treat their views on politics as serious.

        As for the man wearing high heels, so what? If he wants to risk turning his ankle tottering round in them in the quest for outrage I won’t be sending hims get well card.

        • Fully agree – You know society is in trouble when the media consults actors and comedians on science, politics, history and culture. It’s bad enough one can’t find a decent science or history program on TV while there is an endless supply of cooking shows and sports commentators.

  12. I supported Trump in part because he could break through against the media. I don’t see how any politician these days can be successful when the media decides not to cover them. They like to trot out McCain and Graham as “true Republicans” every chance they get. It’s entertaining to watch the press try to deal with someone that doesn’t respect them.

    • Isn’t that the truth. One of the key reasons I gave up watching FOX News was their insistence on using people like McCain and Graham as Republican spokes people for any and all issues needing input from a “conservative” position. Made me want to puke.

      I cancelled my subscription years ago. And then the last two elections we get McCain and Romney? What a clusterf**k!!

      But what is so depressing is that some 40% of the US population supports slimy worms like clinton even with all the baggage she and he carry. Nancee Pelosee, Harree Reed, Barnee Frank, and Chriss Dodo, Edward Kennedee, it’s bad enough locals vote for these scalawags. But then they rise to power and get national positions that give them reign over the nation. And just who the f**k voted for these A-holes??

      It isn’t just the lying that is going on. It is the sick minds that accept the lies because as the popular saying goes “Well, he might be a scoundrel, but he’s our scoundrel.” If only he/she stayed that way and stayed local. But noooooo! They of course want more power and rise to national prominence where the ability to lie, cheat, and who knows what else, enables them to insinuate themselves in positions that are protected for life, e.g. no term limits. Where are the fricking term limits???

      For the Senate, for the SCOTUS? We need term limits. I can only hope that charges are brought against many for the last two terms of completely unAmerican activities and that people hang!

      Maybe you can tell I am a little pissed off right now.

  13. The only way to break through the noise is to be outrageous and what is more outrageous than telling outlandish lies that everyone knows are lies?

    Apparently what’s outrageous is telling simple truths.

    • Like they say, the truth is a revolutionary idea in a time of universal deceit. That in it’s self is outrageous.
      I vote the psychopath vagina in a pants suit is the benchmark of ZMan’s scale to gauge the level of psychotic potential of the rest of the oligarchy. After all, she is the next anointed figure head of their gangster government they have chosen to precede obamagotterung, and fully funded to the tune of billions.

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