I’m All Blacked Out

On my way home last night, I saw a couple of young black women on a corner, holding signs that had “Black Lives Matter” on them with some other writing. I think one of them had something about Charlotte, but I don’t know for sure. They were hoping to get the attention of drivers, but it seemed like no one was paying any attention. As traffic slowed, I did not see any heads turning their way, but in the city, drivers look straight ahead out of habit. That way the bums and panhandlers are not encouraged to molest you.

I caught the light so I was sitting at their intersection with a chance to observe for a few minutes. They stepped into the street and starting taunting the white drivers by holding their signs up against their windows and chanting something. When young black women get worked up, their voices reach a pitch close to a dog whistle. It’s just high pitched echolalic babbling, that is intended to annoy, rather than convey information. I had my windows up so I could make out nothing. My guess is it was just some gibberish they saw on-line or on TV.

Before they got to me, the light changed and they had to retreat back to the curb, which was a surprise. In the ghetto, you run into this behavior a lot. Black females will wait for the light to change and then saunter into the cross walk, giving drivers the business, making them wait as they stroll across the street. It is just one of the many hassles that comes with dealing with people in the ghetto. At some level, they know the rest of us would just as soon ignore the ghetto entirely, so they spend their energy making that impossible.

Sitting there watching their antics, I felt a bit of rage welling up. All this effort to be a public nuisance, to make demands on me, and yet they put little to no effort into managing their lives. Even if they have a claim, harassing drivers on their way home is not going to win them any friends. They have to know it, which means they are not there on the street corner with good intentions. They are there explicitly to be a public nuisance. They just like hassling white people, purely out of racial animus.

More and more, that’s the sort of thing that creeps into my mind when I see blacks acting up. I have a great deal of sympathy for black people, particularly underclass blacks. Despite what you see on TV, most black people in the ghetto are decent people. They just lack the cognitive tools and opportunity. They are my fellow citizens and I want the best for them. I just don’t know what can be done to change their lot in life. The Civil Rights Movement was over 50 years ago, but here we are with young black girls full of hatred for the honkies.

I got home and decided to see what the news channels had to say about the riots in Charlotte. On a Fox show, some old white guy was trying to explain to Juan Williams that the reason blacks get shot by cops is that blacks commit an outlandish amount of crime. He tried to explain how 3% of the population, committing 40% of the crime, is going to have a disproportionate amount of police interaction. Juan Williams is innumerate, so he could not grasp the math. He just kept insisting the cops like shooting black people.

There was something about the irritated look on the face of Juan Williams that bugged me. The old honky was trying to respectfully explain the mathematical reality of crime in America. Blacks are 13% of the population, but they account for more than half of all crime. Most of that crime is against black people. This is public information that is easy to verify. Yet, Juan had a look on his face like the old honky had just farted. You could tell that he was thinking, “How dare this guy say such things?”

Instead of getting angry, I flipped over to the sports channel and, of course, they were celebrating the asinine and insulting protests by black athletes. These pampered babies owe everything they have to white America, yet they have the gall to claim they are victims. They are living lives few humans have had the privilege to live and it is not enough. That’s what’s so damned galling about these protests. They are a reminder that it is never enough. There’s no way to pay off the debt, assuming there is one. It never ends.

That is, of course, something white people used to know. When I was a kid, the old people would often says, “We’ll never hear the end of slavery. We’ll be paying for that forever.” The point was that there’s no point in trying. All of us have done something to someone for which that person will not forgive us. No man keeps going over to his ex-wife asking for forgiveness. You just accept the fact that there is no making it right and you get on with your life. That’s the reality of race relations. There’s no fixing it so there’s no point in trying.

Even so, I’m increasingly pissed off by what I’m seeing and I resent the people behind it. Guys like Juan Williams should be on TV demanding the cops round up every last Charlotte rioter and pack them off to Africa. The rich black guys on TV talking sportsball should be mortified that their co-ethnics are embarrassing their race with these antics. If the roles were reversed and it was whites making asses of themselves, you can be sure the honkies on TV would be furious and embarrassed, demanding a halt to it.

That’s not how it works and that’s what is getting tiresome. Those two black girls get the idea in their heads to make a nuisance of themselves in the street and I’m supposed to feel guilty about it. Frankly, Glenn Reynolds was right. Let’s have a few motorists drive over these people and then we can talk about feeling guilty. Let’s have the cops unleash the dogs and water cannon on these rioters and then talk to me about feeling guilty. I’ll be happy to feel guilty as long as the streets are clear.

I’ve simply had enough. I’m all blacked out. I’m tired of the blame shifting and excuse making. I’m tired of seeing people, who know better, lying to me on TV. Those rich sportsball talkers ain’t living in my neighborhood. They are as far away from the Black Lives Matter types as possible. They live in gated communities with the honkies. Their honky cohorts on TV are not even driving through my neighborhood. They are despicable hypocrites, who deliberately say things on television that make our lives worse.

Black America does not have a race problem. It ain’t honkies robbing, looting and killing in the ghetto. They don’t have a cop problem. The cops shoot fewer black offenders than white offenders. They don’t have a gun problem either. Black America has a black guy problem. They have far too many black guys robbing, looting and killing, almost always doing so at the expense of blacks. They won’t let me fix that problem, so stop demanding I feel bad about it. I’m done. I’m all blacked out.

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7 years ago

Great Society: Fail. section 8 housing: fail. busing: fail. eeoc: fail. welfare: fail. Free college: fail. more money to the cities: fail. more money to the urban schools: fail. Trillions spent for the benefit of urban blacks: fail. time to rethink the solutions.

King George III
King George III
Reply to  wildman
7 years ago

I’ve got one: Black Zionism.

Because every people needs an ethnostate of their own.

Reply to  King George III
7 years ago

That should be of they own.

Reply to  arcs
7 years ago

Elijah Muhummed wanted us to give him Mississippi, he was too damm cheap to buy it after that pig MLK stole the money of the good black churchgoers in the South. MLK came up with half a billion dollars in 1961 and suddenly got the Democrat’s attention. He got it by throwing orgies for the Cadillac preachers. Pig used to also beat the white whores til they were hospitalized. Then, fortunes fading, he tried organizing black garbage workers in prime Mafia territory. (Lucky Luciano moved to Hot Springs in 1943.) James Earl Ray, a penniless jail escapee suddenly had plastic… Read more »

Tally Ho
Tally Ho
Reply to  arcs
7 years ago

Give them Utah or Wyoming, apologies to residents of those states, let them secede from the U.S. and see where that goes.

Reply to  Tally Ho
7 years ago

In Charlie Daniels’ words,”That won’t set well” here in Utah. Folks round here have a pretty low tolerance for BS, and they have lots of guns and ammo and know how to use them. If one is a black person, well and good. If one is a living expression of the ‘N-word’, I suggest caution, and it doesn’t matter what color one happens to be…

Reply to  King George III
7 years ago

Didn’t they try that.. in Liberia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberia

King George III
King George III
Reply to  Erehwon
7 years ago

If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.

In my humble opinion, the major problem with Liberia was that it just didn’t have the manpower to succeed. Any burgeoning Black Zionism movement will have to have enough Blacks to achieve We Wuz Kangz critical mass.

How many are required? Oh, I don’t know, we’ve got about 40 million to spare.

San J.
San J.
Reply to  King George III
7 years ago

If I understand correctly Liberia was taken down by native Africans as opposed to the settled slaves. There was too many of the Natives to fight off.

Reply to  San J.
7 years ago

There’s the fact when the Liberian’s needed help the most the US government abandoned them to their fate. Remember when they begged and pleaded for assistance, not a handout out, or to be bailed out, they needed ammo, medical supplies, gear and other essential material to stave off the horde invading their territory, and all the received was crickets. They where that close to keeping their little nation state, it was the whole idea to begin with. Their own black legacy of Liberty. And look at the big city enclaves of black culture, they still, after generations of living on… Read more »

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Abortion is the ONLY thing which has prevented negroes from overrunning us, the founding stock of this once great nation. I donate, at the sponsor level, to our local, ghetto, Planned Parenthood abortion mill. I specifically direct my generous contributions to the fund which facilitates negro abortions. This is only one of the things which I do for the betterment of my people. I consider myself a humanitarian. What have you done?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

When I saw Liberia falling I wondered why we didn’t help them. It would have taken very little. A few marines, maybe an aircraft carrier for air support, training to defend themselves and arms. They had a nice thing going there in Liberia compared to the rest of Africa. Big mistake not helping them.

Reply to  King George III
7 years ago

They’ve got one it’s the whole continent of africa.

Herr Niemand
Herr Niemand
Reply to  wildman
7 years ago

Of course they’ve been a success.
They’ve enriched countless, mostly white government union toadies who then get to feel superior to regular white folk because at least they care and are “doing something”

Reply to  wildman
7 years ago

You are completely wrong about this. All of those programs were colossal successes. You just aren’t understanding the purposes for which they were created. You, like most people, probably believe they were intended to address issues of poverty.

Nope. They are a very successful vote buying scheme which became necessary after the 24th amendment eliminated the need to pay taxes in order to vote.

LBJ simply recognized that he could bribe a newly enfranchised constituency, and he did so. They have been voting Democrat ever since.

Brother John
Reply to  DiogenesLamp
7 years ago

Excellent. I would add, however, that this effort from the national level extends back into the 1930s, however. FDR not only bought off as much of the electorate as he could, one ward at a time, but began the push to make serious and permanent Democrats out of as many blacks as he could.

Reply to  DiogenesLamp
7 years ago

They were voting majority Democrat long before LBJ.

The last year blacks were evenly split between the parties was 1944, by 1948 the majority of blacks were identifying as Democrat.

Jak Black
Jak Black
7 years ago

“They just lack the cognitive tools and opportunity.”

…but mostly they lack the cognitive tools. Since that topic is verboten, I’m not sure what we can do about this mess.

Reply to  Jak Black
7 years ago

Know what Nemesis means?
A righteous infliction of retribution, manifested by an appropriate agent.

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Thanks Bricktop!

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

A Nemesis is a car that can go on land or water

Jak Black
Jak Black
Reply to  Jak Black
7 years ago

I just got back from my yearly visit to the States. A couple of observations: 1. An alien visiting the planet and only viewing media in the U.S. would be forgiven for thinking that blacks comprise ~60% of the population. 2. It’s nice to see that they still have token white guys on TV. 3. My comment above seems pretty astute. I saw the congresswoman of the district in North Carolina where the shooting took place on TV, and she seemed functionally retarded, unable to follow the reporter’s simple questions. Z’s “talented tenth” of reporters/pundits were rarely ever to address… Read more »

Jak Black
Jak Black
Reply to  Jak Black
7 years ago


6. Oh and one more thing. All the Fox reporters seem positively giddy over the upcoming debate, obviously expecting another “health incident.”

7 years ago

Excellent comment. http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/09/the_lie_that_launched_black_lives_matter_comments.html Lori Lee • 11 hours ago You know–and to speak rather brutally honest (and this is hard to talk about)–when black people beat up whites, loot stores, throw white people into fires, steal shoes, liquor, and other goods, burn down stores and ruin what is essentially America–their own communities, murder their own people, abort their own children, don´t bother with education, marriage–lead a normal, productive life. I don´t care about them. I don´t care if we help them, or if they lead a good life. I don´t want to give them communities, money, food. I don´t care… Read more »

Reply to  Joe
7 years ago

Brings to memory one of my earliest recollections. I was about five years old. We lived on an Army base. I sat on the front porch with an orange (the fruit). Across the street were three chilluns, young bloods. All I remember is they came over and tried to take away my orange. Then my memory is a blank. All I know is I wound up in the hospital with a razor blade cut on my right shoulder and no orange. My first encounter with da black man, so to speak. Throughout my life, I have put that behind me… Read more »

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

I taught with a number of Christian Nigerian teachers. They hated American Blacks.

I remember my Mom (from Raleigh, NC) telling me our slaves were the losers in African wars. Now that I know about actual history I know she was spot-on.

Rich Whiteman
Rich Whiteman
7 years ago

Once again, the Z puts into words what this whiteman has been feeling forEVER. Got to get a Blacked Out t shirt made.

Brother John
Reply to  Rich Whiteman
7 years ago

That’ll be interesting — a huge market wherein no customers dare be identified.

7 years ago

That’s why the whole didn’t do nothin’ lives matter movement is so absurdly bizarre, it’s like the emperor’s new clothes meets the wolf who cried boy, those Charlotte riots may just as well be broadcasting out of opposite world. But when a white woman is literally set ablaze by one of your model minority types, the media makes it almost out to be a case of spontaneous combustion. I always point out to people how the evil White racist is more of an urban myth, similar to big foot, at this point, we believe he is out there, but we… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

To anyone with any historical knowledge, stoking a small minority against a potentially powerful majority, IOW inciting a hopeless insurrection, is just playing with fire: Particularly now that we’re nearly out of other people’s (i.e. our children’s) money for further profitable placation. This can’t possibly help Black America but it does help our enemies. Can these elite really be so stupid_!

Why yes, Juan, you really are just that stupid. God help us all. The only sane answer is to displace and defund you and the rest of the elite, and pronto.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

The stokers don’t care if they burn everything down…. and they are being funded by folks that actually want that as a goal. Interesting times.

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

They count on their network recognition to save them when the balloon pops. They will skate off to some remaining liberal utopia, while the ordinary Honkies and Bros sort it all out.

Nam Marine
Nam Marine
Reply to  Rurik
7 years ago

Very soon we all will be to busy fighting the U.N. here in “Merca” we won’t have time for “Race

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Demoralization being the first of Four Stages of Ideological Subversion: 1, Demoralisation 2, Destabilization 3, Crisis 4, Normalisation True enough. Yet it isn’t a one sided coin we are talking about here. There exist uncounted many Americans who are definitely not people who find precepts of White Western catechism in the political ideologies of cultural marxism and globalism. These are things foreign to something in our American blood and bones. Skin color has fucking nothing to do with long held traditions of us so called Bitter Clingers and Deplorable’s. (Note the barren vagina brought out her inner obamageddon on that… Read more »

7 years ago

Don’t talk to me about feeling guilty. I won’t. I didn’t cause any of this, and I didn’t stand in the way of any of it being different. Now some SJW will say, ” But what did you do to change it? ” What was I supposed to do? I reared my children to treat everyone with respect, to obey the law, and to earn the money they got paid. That’s what my parents taught me. Beyond that it isn’t my job to fix your life. Your life is your job; you have to care about it. If I can… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  thor47
7 years ago

That was your first mistake. You raised your own children. This a disqualification in speaking about Afericans.

7 years ago

One of the differences between a ratio thinker and an intellectus is that the intellectus can see an insoluble problem and accept the fact, while the ratio thinker will autistically obsess over it convinced that proper analysis will lead to an answer. In this case there are probably some true ratios out there, but I suspect that many are simply pretending that they believe that there is an answer for political and or financial gain. This is even worse. Try reading Conrad’s The Heart of Darkness not from the anti imperialist standpoint, but from one in which someone is overcome… Read more »

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Reply to  teapartydoc
7 years ago

I’d add one qualification to the ratio thinker–he/she believe they or their ilk, alone can solve it, so the data sets they are willing to even look at are naturally limited.

Reply to  Samuel Adams
7 years ago


Reply to  Samuel Adams
7 years ago

Another kind of ratio thinking right here, and pretty good too:

‘Look At Those Korean Mutherfuckers’
“…look at those korean mutherfuckers…one year off the boat and they got a business right here in our hood…a real business…right on this corner where you sit your monkey ass…”


Reply to  teapartydoc
7 years ago

I have read that putting those triple parenthesis around words is intended to represent anti-semitism.

I think there are far more wealthy movers and shakers influencing our government and the direction of our society that are not Jews, and I further believe it is a red herring to keep asserting a “Jewish” conspiracy. (Automatically classifies someone as a tin-foil-hat Nut, in my opinion.)

No, the power elite comes in a lot of other flavors too.

Reply to  DiogenesLamp
7 years ago

That bunch had the Egyptians tearing down their own temples.

Reply to  DiogenesLamp
7 years ago

Are jewish people exempt from being tyrants or cultural marxists because they are jews, or is it racial guilt surrounding genocide, something that skews peoples cognitive thinking? Or is it something else.
Lot of people, including Marx himself, have been involved in Carl Marx’s ideology were and are of jewish decent.
Lot of prominent amerikan cultural marxists involved in the obama administration are jewish. George Soro’s is of jewish decent. Cass Sustien, Rahm Emanual, I understand both are of jewish heritage.
Kind of makes one pause in wonder about what is going on.

7 years ago

I hate the most that whites simply are permitted no opinions on the truths about blacks, under penalty of our livelihoods.

It daily feels more and more like I’m a dissident in an occupied country.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  AquinasJohnPaul
7 years ago

@ AquinasJohnPaul – You think you’re occupied? Visit Sweden.

Fred Z
7 years ago

I buy some of the cognitive tools argument but I firmly believe they lack the moral tools much more.

There are many successful people who are not the sharpest tools in the drawer but work hard and persistently, save money, control themselves, act decently and do well.

Too many blacks are just plain assholes – lazy, selfish, improvident, drug and booze addled, dishonest, violent and too damn lazy to do any work, all this often in addition to being stupid.

7 years ago

What you’re experiencing is called Negro Fatigue Syndrome, or NFS. Most whites that aren’t living in the remote arctic are aware of what’s causing it.

What’s happening, though, more and more people are coming to an understanding of what Jim Crow was all about and why it will be necessary to implement that again, OR

Ship all blacks to Africa and be done with the problem.

7 years ago

The old saying, careful what you wish for you will get it, is salient to the outcome if common sense don’t prevail. A component of the America that is the glue which is holding everything together is the cognitive sense of time and space. In simplest terms it is the inherent sense of consequences, intended or unintended. To me there is a certain savagery to the BLM, where the concept of time doesn’t extend past the most savage desires and needs on the present. By that I’m trying to employ critical thinking, as here there is a group of American’s,… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Doug, I think you have hit the nail on the head with a sledge! As I read your post, it dawned on me that the only reason for the complete lack of logic/reason in the actions of the protesters is “because they subconsciously know they are slaves.”

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

OK, that is a highly salient point LP, how much of it is stockholm syndrome like. Extrapolate outwards, how many of us, I’m saying American’s in general, are slaves of the leviathan and don’t realize it. If you don’t care, read this real careful like, pay close attention to the origins of why the confederation of states where so unalterably united in retaining the primal rights of the dirt people before they would ratify the USC. This is a sublime document. I wish every man woman and child in this nation could read it. If nothing else, it exemplifies, not… Read more »

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
7 years ago

I hit this point about 30 years ago…

Horace Pinker
Horace Pinker
7 years ago

“I have a great deal of sympathy for black people, particularly underclass blacks. Despite what you see on TV, most black people in the ghetto are decent people.” Sure, but most young black males in the ghetto aren’t and the rest of the black community makes excuses for them or remains silent. When I was in my 20s, I spent a couple of years in a prison that was majority black and most of the inmates were 18 – 30. I was absolutely shocked by how casually many of them would discuss rape. They didn’t even seem to think of… Read more »

Reply to  Horace Pinker
7 years ago

I suspect the Latinos are being used to push the blacks out.
Sadly, they will arrive in white suburbs.

King George III
King George III
Reply to  Horace Pinker
7 years ago

Single, independent womyn are a commons. All commons are raped. It’s a tragedy, to be sure.

The only solution is to propertize the commons.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Horace Pinker
7 years ago

@ Horace Pinker – Very informative. You touch on a similar issue here which isn’t clearly understood by many who try to compare the White/Black/Hispanic problems in America with the Middle Eastern immigrants we have today. Turks for example, have that ‘genocidal rage’ towards the Kurds even though the Kurds make up about 20% of the Turkish population. Same with the Sunni and Shiites; all Muslims yet they hate each other on a level we can’t begin to comprehend in the west. Bringing them together in German towns and cities could only end badly. But the do-gooders in their blissful… Read more »

7 years ago

@Joe This comment sums it up. I remember a Sunday school session from my distant past (before 1960) when we were being lectured about negros. My entire life I have heard how bad it was to judge the negro. First it was racial discrimination, then racial prejudice, then racial stereotyping, and now it has devolved into generic racism that is the ONE UNFORGIVABLE SIN. Every program the government has thrown at the negro has been a failure. We risk our jobs, our friends, our social standing if we so much as hint at the truth. Political correctness is the systematic… Read more »

Diane D
Diane D
7 years ago

Amen. I simply don’t care anymore.

Martin Luther King had a dream for blacks. It turned into a nightmare. That was 53 years ago.

Abraham Lincoln had a dream too. He believed that American Africans’ best option was to go back to Africa (but sending blacks to Central America was cheaper). That was 153 years ago.

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
7 years ago

Just finishing up Heather McDonald’s excellent book “The War On Cops”–which pulls this data together with a thoroughness I have not seen elsewhere. But in the current narrative, facts have ceased to matter. I’ve had arguments with gun control nuts where you pop out a few stats from the Bureau of Justice (DOJ) statistical abstracts that basically say: If you are not black, male, under 34, a gangbanger and live in discrete areas within the top 20 metros, your risk of gunshot homicide is about that of Europe. You simply get a blank stare. Sometimes a “that’s racist” retort. But… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Samuel Adams
7 years ago

Haven’t read her book but I read all her columns. If the single aim of the hired “protesters” were to reduce cop shootings we’d get serious about eliminating black cops and female cops, female cops being the worst offenders by 250%.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

If Whites had any sense we would separate the Blacks from the Niggers politically.

Chris Rock – Black People VS. Niggaz


My views are exactly like zman’s. When I was younger I used to feel that maybe we could do something to help Blacks but as the years went on and every time something was stolen or I was attacked or the idiot Blacks burnt down 10% of my property through complete ignorance I just want them away from me.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Problem: They’re all niggers.

7 years ago

Democrats need to churn up racial resentment to get blacks to turn out. They always want to stop Trump’s attempts to woo black voters. This all means racial rhetoric at toxic levels. Do they care that winning the election this way might burn the country down? No, they don’t.

7 years ago

“Black females will wait for the light to change and then saunter into the cross walk, giving drivers the business, making them wait as they stroll across the street. ”

I live in the rural south, and we see the same sort of behavior here. And it’s by no means confined to females.

7 years ago

going to lunch with my black co worker who originally hailed from Jamaica. heading downtown and we see a bunch of black kids hanging out on the corner having fun. my black bud turns to me and using the n word say look a those N*****S. i ask what are you talking about. and he says its a school day and these fools are hanging out and missing out on an education. he further states that he’s black, but these fools are N*******S and will never amount to anything.

7 years ago

“Even if they have a claim, harassing drivers on their way home is not going to win them any friends. They have to know it, which means they are not there on the street corner with good intentions.” No, they don’t know it. The last Great Decade of Chimpout got them “equal” rights and a bevy of special privileges and welfare. The apes learned if they press the button hard enough they’ll get bananas. “I have a great deal of sympathy for black people, particularly underclass blacks.” Stop. They don’t deserve it. “Despite what you see on TV, most black… Read more »

7 years ago

Lead lawsuit octupus: “it must be the lead paint in the projects!” Gun laws: to deter ‘urban crime’ without admitting it. Dumbed down, tolerance affirming, everything-free (banned) zones, schools like prisons. Incompetents hiring incompetent and HR tyranny. ‘Jewels in the crown’: underage breeders and multiple broods. How many more times must we bend over backwards?! Chased out of the cities we built, they have proven they cannot maintain them. But, if you want to get the land cheap and are willing to wait, just usher in some disadvantaged Democrat constituents…. (Plus, I got T-boned at a turn thanks to some… Read more »

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
7 years ago

Thank you for this post! I became a race-realist living near black neighbors in Long Beach, CA in the 90s. Now I go out of my way to Avoid the Groid at all costs. These chimp-outs by the pavement apes are precisely why Restrictive Covenance, Jim Crow and other segregation laws were passed, both in the North (betcha most here didn’t know that) and the South. Bull Conner and George Wallace were right as fuckin’ rain. Unleash the police dogs and the water cannons on this filth (I’m sure they all need a bath anyway). Then a massive fleet of… Read more »

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
Reply to  Fuel Filter
7 years ago

Here’s a couple of links for further enjoyment:

L.A.’s dirty brown secret: now the Hispanics absolutely loathe Blacks, which I can personally attest to:


And the always great John Derbyshire article that go him fired from the cuck NRO called “The Talk – The non-Black Version” 


Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
Reply to  Fuel Filter
7 years ago

“how”, not “now”


7 years ago

Tru dat. Word.

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
7 years ago

Toss in one other observation from having lived in Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit and NY. I’ll call it the “No.6 Fuel Oil theory”. No.6 is what you have left from a barrel of crude after every other useful distillate has been teased out. Is also referred to as “bunker fuel”, basically sludge that if heated and forced into a spray will burn. In every one of these locales, Detroit being the worst, one feature of desegregation, educational and job opportunities, was that virtually every black person with education, ambition and a good job, got the fuck out of Dodge. I’ve seen… Read more »

Bart simpsonson
Bart simpsonson
Reply to  Samuel Adams
7 years ago

I agree particularly with the bugged out part. However the dregs follow those who bugged out and it all begins anew.

Ofay Cat
Ofay Cat
7 years ago

There is a reason that most countries in Africa and places like Haiti, Jamaica, Chicago, Detroit are in the shambles that they are. It’s the black people, stupid ….

Reply to  Ofay Cat
7 years ago

but … but, wait, no, you’ve got it wrong man! it was colonial imperialism that is to blame for all their problems! Don’t you know that! /sarc

7 years ago

As someone said once, this will last until the Latinos are the majority in the USA. Then the spigot will be firmly shut off; BLM, NAACP, Black Caucus, etc, will all have to learn to work for a living. Or starve.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

I remember a couple of dozen blogs ago on this site, someone made some disparaging comments about no-go zones in Europe because of all the Muslims. I had to smile. When I was in the Bay Area I was warned not to venture into East Palo Alto where the Hwy-101 divides Palo Alto (Stanford University, zillion dollar homes) from East Palo Alto (murder capital of Peninsula, drug central). And up in the north Bay was Oakland, directly across from San Francisco and Richmond, a couple more predominantly black no-go zones. It seems you are experiencing the exact same thing in… Read more »

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

“…Oakland and Richmond ‘no go zones’ – at least not yet.” More ignorance and uninformed cheap shots about America from German Karl on display. Cheap shots I am really growing tired of reading (but they sure do establish a window into your soul). Those, and many more, have been no-go zones since at least the mid 60’s. The massive difference being our no-go zones are that way because of black dysfunction and racism. Your zones are due to an Islamic culture of world domination that is notonly anti-white (BTW, what “race” is Islam?) but completely religious in nature. You really… Read more »

Reply to  Fuel Filter
7 years ago

We had a German exchange student for a year. I never met a bigger asshole in my life. We literally had a party when he had left.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  teapartydoc
7 years ago

@ teapartydoc – I think I may have worked for that guy. 😉

Reply to  teapartydoc
7 years ago

I was a host parent for more than a decade and was extremely active in the exchange program organization. I hosted a young German boy and he was one of the brightest and most polite kids I ever met. A tad liberal, but a good kid. I never had any problems with any of the German students, but the Swiss and Austrian kids were the most conceited bunch of brats I have ever run across. I understand your experiences may be different, but these are my observations.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Fuel Filter
7 years ago

Fuel Filter – No, not a cheap shot, just a factual and verifiable observation of one tiny corner of America. One you obviously can’t accept about your own failing country. But in all fairness, come over here, spend 12-years, learn German and then you can criticize Germany the way I criticize America. Otherwise, unless you’ve actually lived in our towns, talked with our people and worked side by side with us, you’re just another one of those people who spouts off because you saw it on YouTube and think you know something. But I must say, those 12-years in the… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

Karl, The US of A is a republic which consists of 50 individual states. We have no ‘national’ elections; rather we only have elections within our states and localities. It is the states themselves that control the electors for the office of President. It is completely up to the individual states to determine how their electors are appointed or elected. Our government was structured in this fashion to protect the less populous states from the more populous. That is, New York, California, Texas and Florida are prevented from dominating the Dakotas Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. If our nation has been… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

Wow, Karl. You really get angry when someone on here disparages Germany and it’s immigrant crisis. The thing is, I tend to agree with you to a point. But after 30+ years working for Germans at one of their largest engineering corporations, I can assure you stupidity is an international phenomenon. “..white trash, trailer renting, toothless, hillbilly, Wal-Mart shopping, obese imbeciles one finds in just about every waffle house across America.” Yeah, maybe so. But then again those “white trash, trailer renting, toothless, hillbilly, Wal-Mart shopping, obese imbeciles one finds in just about every waffle house across America” aren’t going… Read more »

Reply to  Roy
7 years ago

By the way, Karl. Please don’t misunderstand me. You make some good points and I always read your comments. I don’t hate you or Germans or Germany. Indeed, I actually love your country. Germany is one of the prettiest and friendliest nations I have ever been in. Unfortunately, the last time I was there was in December 2008. Things have probably changed a bit since then, but I still look forward to going back again.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Roy
7 years ago

@ Roy – I don’t mind people criticizing Germany, or Europe for that matter. For us, being critical of ourselves is a national past time. We have plenty of faults and our leadership has made a number of really stupid decisions recently. But harping on the same, worn out issue about immigration and what they think is going on over here, especially from people that don’t live here, haven’t lived here and no nothing about Germany, it’s people, it’s history or even it’s language, gets a bit old after a while. To the point, yes the refugees are here. Yes,… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

Karl, I don’t disagree. But you have to keep a couple of things in mind. The US is the third largest nation in the world in population, behind China and India. We are very diverse. Yeah, we have some problem areas, but our native black population is almost as large as the entire population of Germany and they are mostly concentrated in the cities. We have been living and dealing with this population for as long as our nation has existed – we even fought our bloodiest war over how to deal with black people. Germany, on the other hand,… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Roy
7 years ago

@ Roy – The Black situation has been a real problem for your country for a long time as you say. I think many would also agree the Black issue has kept America divided for as long as you have been a nation. And you’re right, Germany and most of Europe has been homogenous up until the past 40-years or so. So it’s slowly creeping up on us. But not all refugees are Muslim, just as all Turks are not either. We won’t discriminate on religion, and because anyone can become a Muslim, just like than can become a Christian,… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

Karl, I used to live in Chattanooga back in the early eighties. It is one of my all time favorite small cities. Wonderful people. (The second bloodiest battle of our civil war – Chickamauga – was fought just outside of town.)

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

I stand with Karl here (and not just for the kind reference he gave me) because it really does trouble us on the damper side of the pond what is happening in the US. Even more than Germany, we in the UK and the essence of the United States are very closely linked. Europe has a big stake in America and whatever past differences there were between any of us, we need to stand together. It is the West and all we have done that matters. We want you in the US to be strong, and reasonable, and industrious because… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  UKer
7 years ago

You need to think this through a bit harder, UK. Obama was not some anomaly to corrected. This country tipped over a long time ago, but the momentum from a greater age covered the wreakage from the spill. The Democratic equality is not finished with us. Your condition is even worse. Expect no help. If anything Europe will hit bottom first and lead the way up. May these times indeed be interesting rather than insufferable.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

Hey Karl, go fuck yourself.

Germany used to matter.

Then Americans and Russians noticed that you existed.

Now you don’t matter anymore.

Look down your nose at us all you like, but remember that those same imbeciles and white trash hooligans handed you all your asses once upon a time, and seeing as how you’ve only grown more effeminate with time, I expect we could do it again if pressed.

So really, sincerely, go fuck yourself, and stuff your predictable teutonic snobbery up you ass at the same time.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  NunyaBusiness
7 years ago

@ NunyaBusiness – Really!? “Go fuck yourself” is the best you can come up with? Honestly, that’s a rather poorly constructed or supported argument. And it’s a rather weak insult which I suspect will not bring you praise from other people in this blog. In fact your commentary is more on par with a liberal tree hugging snowflake who can’t come up with a decent come back after getting their precious feelings hurt. Perhaps next time you can spend your energy coming up with constructive, debatable, well thought out point of view that doesn’t include a pointless historical reference .… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

I spent 30 seconds writing something that made me smile, which prompted you to spend at least five minutes trying to rebut what was said (that also makes me smile). Perhaps I can steal another five or ten minutes of your time with this reply as well. lol I don’t want to debate you. You don’t matter to me at all. You’re useful only in that flinging the occasional curse word at you makes me grin. If you get swallowed by a sinkhole or win the Nobel Prize tomorrow, it will all be the same to me. Now, quoth the… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

Karl- I have a question for you. The European country I am most familiar with is Sweden. I have not lived there, but I have been there many times, speak the language, and have many friends and relatives. And while you are correct, I think, there is no place in Sweden like Detroit or Baltimore, but Rosengård, Rinkeby and other Muslim ghettos are well on their way. It seems to me, and I understand I am an outsider, that the Swedes are committing national suicide, and the power centers in the country (academia, the press and the government) are content… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Ganderson
7 years ago

@ Ganderson – After the Netherlands, Sweden is probably one of the most immigrant-friendly countries in Europe, and they have one of the most liberal immigration policies of the European Union. Sweden dealt with refugees from Latin America in the 70’s and from former Yugoslavia without any problems. Swedish policy makers simply didn’t foresee todays situation. I suspect their success with immigration in the past remains a strong argument for them as to why immigration can still work today. Keep in mind Muslims have been a part of Europe for a long time. France, the Netherlands and the UK have… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

The Turks were brought to you as workers on American bases by the Occupation government after WWII- sorry for that, no ‘voluntary’ immigration there (you were forced.)

Reply to  NunyaBusiness
7 years ago

Great comment! Incisive, well argued, and loaded with pithy observation! What is this, the Daily Kos?

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

Gods bless you, brah, that was epic! Three cheers! So satisfying, really.

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

More nonsense from another Euro-Weenie.

We have had your number for a very long time.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

We have been experiencing it for a long time, Karl.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

Karl, you are correct about our no go zones. We voluntarily, if inadvertently, set up the conditions that guaranteed they would form. What disappoints me is that Europe (at least France, Belgium and now Germany) made the same type of mistakes and now live with no go zones worse than ours. Our zone residents at least confine their violence and depredations to their own areas.

Of course we are repeating Europe’s immigration follies and will soon have a second set of no go zones which will be exactly like yours.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

You’re more or less correct. We don’t of course call them “no-go zones”. Colloquial phrases like “the ghetto” are used by non-pc people such as myself and most of this boards occupants. Liberals/SWPLs would use the term “sketchy” as code for this, until the blacks and SJWs figured it out and got really angry. “Urban”, “economically disadvantaged” and the like are used as well by academics.

Reply to  joe_mama
7 years ago

I think the term “inner city” is my favorite euphemism. Many wealthy people pay enormous sums of money to live and raise their children in the inner city of Manhattan. Oh, wait, those children somehow aren’t inner city? Well, I’ll be.

Reply to  joe_mama
7 years ago

Or any street named Martin Luther King Boulevard.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

You could have mentioned South Bronx, where the local police station was known as Fort Apache, Bedford Stuyvesant (where I worked), and Harlem. All of them no go zones or pretty darn close to it. And that was back in the mid 1970s.

Sensitivity training dropout
Sensitivity training dropout
7 years ago

I’m feeling another kind of Negro fatigue — admittedly, not as bad as that caused by violent “protesters” and black criminals, but annoying nevertheless. I’m tired of advertisements and commercials including Negroes whenever there’s more than one person in them (or sometimes, if there’s only one character). It’s also invading the non-advertising space in the media. I just received in the mail the October issue of Money magazine (junk, I got a subscription for expiring airline miles). Big headline: “Best places to Live 2016.” The cover photo shows a well-dressed affluent-looking black family on the outdoor deck of a posh… Read more »

7 years ago

Z Man has the patience of Job if it is only now that he reached a point where he’s Blacked Out.

Bart simpsonson
Bart simpsonson
Reply to  Vallum_Hadriani
7 years ago

Yeah…. what took so long?

7 years ago

Being blacked out probably extends to a lot of us.

james wilson
james wilson
7 years ago

The single most important concept to the cognitive delete? Respek. I’ve seen it and heard it dozens of times. It’s usually why they kill each other. When a people don’t have anything worth defending they will defend what they do not deserve.

7 years ago

This man-made anarchy involving black americans is not about ‘white’ police officers shooting ‘black men’. If it were there would be no rioting, looting, murdering and assaulting white people among a host of other anarchists action in Charlotte. The police officer who shot the individual was a black police officer after the black man refused to follow the warning not to pick/use the weapon he had in his car. This is about ‘control’ and change of this election trajectory and assist to Hillary Clinton via George Soros. He, the Ford Foundation are the biggest financial supporters to enable what we… Read more »

Reply to  cali
7 years ago

Ford Foundation- aha, “Witzer’s Wurlitzer” all over again, the CIA and it’s agents (Freidan, Steinhem, Leary, E. Muhummad, etc etc etc) creating radical groups per the advice of bolshevik (((advisors)))

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

Same (((advisors))) who brought Turks to Germany, heck, same (((advisors))) who created Islam under Sassanid Persia to attack the Eastern and Western Christian empires, Orthodox and Roman- a feat they repeated in WW1 and WWII- taking over humanitarian Czar Nicolaus’ (“Christ’s Regent””) Orthodox Empire, Russia, and the Third Holy Roman Empire, Austro-Germany.

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

What’s missed: Happy to kill (((their))) own, whether Ukrainian or German Sephardi patriots, or the Ten “Lost” in 712 B.C., or Greek-speaking urbanites in 186 B.C.or 33 A.D.- anyone who is loyal to their country first.

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

Did I mention (((who))) was behind “immigration” and “civil rights” (a run around Constitutional rights of the individual?) None of this is conspiracy. It goes back to their terrible origins in the unimiginable Fall of the Ehdeen (“Eden”), where the worst of the worst survived, formed by their traumatic environment. Their Narrative began as the palace revolt by the slaveraiders against the Lord Hammurabi, when his right-hand man, the “Beloved of Ham”, or “Abraham”- whose official title as chamberlain was the “Lucifer”- led a third of the nobles against the Lord and were foiled by the king’s guards, the “Host… Read more »

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

Last bit: 98% are good, and work like devils to be the best. Very much a high performing culture.

The problem is the same as the blacks:
They cannot control their 2% sociopaths.

In fact, they will defend them, even when the bad seeds are bringing carnage to outsiders, and eventual ruin upon their own heads in blowback.

Nam Marine
Nam Marine
7 years ago

When the light turns green……..aim for them ! They will move…….believe me !

7 years ago

“Can’t we just all get along?” the late Rodney King,circa 1991. A plaintive question,I thought at the time,but no,we can’t,for all the reasons discussed above.Greed,Envy,Sloth,all those 7 Deadlies.Avoid crowds,we are in perilous times indeed,worldwide.

7 years ago

lol at them being irritating because they can. We have these ghetto contract drivers at work. Most are cool, but the angry ones will always park just far enough away so we have to pick our bags up and walk over instead of just pulling up next to us.

wtoo jones
wtoo jones
7 years ago

That response is similar to mine. After watching the events and the talking heads, I’ve pretty much decided the situation is hopeless. Sadly, we seem to be trying to please a small minority of a minority – worthless thugs and black/white advocates who are primarily interested in some twisted idea of social change, probably socialism. Neither group wants an constructive end to the situation.

7 years ago

Here’s how I think it works: 1. a cop kills a black person in the ghetto, 2. the race hustlers and their funders organize a riot, 3. the riot is televised for a few nights, 4. money is given to the race hustlers and black politicians who run the inner cities, 4. some of the rioters get some looted stuff, 5. nothing changes. P.S. the money given to the race hustlers and the black politicians is a bribe to get them to continue keeping their constituents living in ghetto hell.

King George III
King George III
Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

I’m reminded of a certain poem by Rudyard Kipling. It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation To call upon a neighbour and to say: — “We invaded you last night–we are quite prepared to fight, Unless you pay us cash to go away.” And that is called asking for Dane-geld, And the people who ask it explain That you’ve only to pay ’em the Dane-geld And then you’ll get rid of the Dane! It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation, To puff and look important and to say: — “Though we know… Read more »

Nedd Ludd
Nedd Ludd
Reply to  King George III
7 years ago

Kipling is almost entirely written out of the canon of great English writers today, save for an occasional remake of the Jungle Book, But here’s what they thought of him in those better days, before the subtle poison of multi-culturalism took hold, when Western Civilization still had faith in itself…. “In 1907, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature after having been nominated in that year by Charles Oman, professor at the University of Oxford.[61] The prize citation said: “In consideration of the power of observation, originality of imagination, virility of ideas and remarkable talent for narration which characterize… Read more »

Reply to  Notsothoreau
7 years ago

“it is never enough”. There it is in black and white. Bravo Zman. I have made a point of gathering articles and information on just this topic. You are right, no matter what is done it will never be enough.

A white Texan rabbit
A white Texan rabbit
Reply to  Notsothoreau
7 years ago

The time will come when the white rabbits also have guns and fight back – particularly those who have done NOTHING to hurt any black rabbits, and when none of the white rabbit’s family was even in this country when the black rabbits were enslaved, or for most of the “Jim Crow” period of black rabbit oppression. White rabbits may look domesticated, but they have their own breaking point, too, and they know how to use their teeth at least as well.

Nam Marine
Nam Marine
Reply to  A white Texan rabbit
7 years ago

And semi-automatic firearms too !

Reply to  Notsothoreau
7 years ago

Back in 1969-70 in Viet Nam, “Rabbit” was the usual term the Bro used for the White man. We heard regular calls from the city Bro about wantin’ “to get back to The World and do some Rabbit hunting”. But in Nam, the Rabbits also had guns, so the hunt was postponed. That’s why gun confiscation is so important.

Nam Marine
Nam Marine
Reply to  Rurik
7 years ago

I was there in 1968 for the “TET” offensive. Nobody messed with anybody ! Everyone had automatic weapons !

7 years ago

I’m pretty familiar with East Palo Alto. I went to high school in Mountain View in the late 60s. And my late husband was from Vallejo. Yes the areas you mention are areas where blacks self segregate. Richmond and Oakland were in better shape when Mare Island had lots of good paying jobs. I think the difference is that gentrification can still change those areas. Hunters Point has gentrified from what I’ve been told. Given the amount of wealth and expensive real estate in the area, you can bet that rioting would not be tolerated. Read an article yesterday about… Read more »

bart simpsonson
bart simpsonson
7 years ago

In a nutshell, superior physicality with inferior mentality. Africa explained.

7 years ago

[…] I’m All Blacked Out […]

7 years ago

I borrowed a line Sir. It is just too appropriate to let go.
Excellent post.

7 years ago

The key part of this is the knowledge that you can never do enough. If we gave them control of everything – literally everything – the entire United States, all its resources, all its material goods, all its wealth, it would still not be enough that we never had to hear “but slavery…” again.

So… once you realize that giving everything you have will not get the result you want, you are a fool to give anything at all.

7 years ago

The Z man: “The Civil Rights Movement was over 50 years ago, but here we are with young black girls full of hatred for the honkies.” That enmity is far from the being the first clue about the motives and objectives of the “civil” rights movement. For the straight dope about it, it’s hard to beat the words of a Christian demagogue who declared his fantasy to loot the wealth of America and to hand it over to Africans even in Africa. “In A Single Garment of Destiny”: A Global Vision of Justice By Dr. King https://chipublib.bibliocommons.com/item/show/1770858126_quotin_a_single_garment_of_destinyquot “Introduced and edited… Read more »

7 years ago

[…] one. I have no answer for why, but it still gets passed around quite a bit. Another top-10 favorite this one. I should probably compile a greatest hits page or maybe put together an ebook of them. I’m also […]

7 years ago

[…] If they want to push it, then here it is: […]

7 years ago

Zman… right there with ya.