The Death of You

Try to imagine yourself alive during the early middle ages in Britain. It is not an easy thing, of course, as the world of 7th century Britain may as well have happened on another planet, compared to our age. The largest city at the time, for example, was probably Winchester. This was a city of a few thousand people, not tens or hundreds of thousands of people. By modern standards, it was a small village or what developers in America call a town center. Of course, it would have smelled like a restroom at a truck stop.

The Romans tried to recreate the cosmopolitan life they associated with civilization, but it never really took hold in Britain. After the Romans left, things quickly fell back to their natural order. People lived in rural villages. They spent most of their time working the land and tending to the things that agrarian life required. Britain was a tribal society and people lived among their kin, ruled by men who were their kin, or by men who had ruled over their kin for longer than anyone remembered.

Anyway, there you are, covered in dirt and filth, smelling like cabbage, when some weirdos show up and meet with the rulers.  Maybe you saw them come down the road or maybe you heard about them.  All you know is that foreign weirdos have shown up and the people in charge are entertaining them for some reason. Eventually, you and everyone else is rounded up and marched down to the local river where you witness the weirdos dunking the lord in the river, while making weird sounds and pointing toward the sky.

Then, the king’s men force all of the people, including you, to do the same. You are marched out into the river, you are dunked under the water by the weirdos. To your surprise, your family and neighbors seem to be OK with it. They enthusiastically go along with this strange new ritual, even though you know they have no idea what’s happening either. Their confusion is due to fear and their fear tells them to follow along, even though they have no idea what is happening. You do the same. You have been Christianized.

That’s not an unrealistic portrayal of how Britain went from being a pagan land to being a Christian one. The Church set about converting Europe by first converting the kings, nobles and tribal leaders. It could then be the duty and interest of the rulers to force the new religion on their people, which they mostly did. In Britain, Æthelberht of Kent was the first king to accept baptism, around 601. The final kingdom to join the winning team was The Isle of Wright in 686, but the death of Penda in 655 ended paganism in Britain.

Just because the king adopted this new weird religion, did not mean the people fully embraced it. In fact, the ruling class was not entirely on board with Christianity. In order to make the transition easier, the Church gave the early Christians of Britain broad authority to practice Christianity. The goal was to get them on board first and then later enforce theological discipline. The Church was playing the long game so many pagan practices were Christianized to make it easier for the people to convert to the new faith.

Another way that made the conversion smother was for the legends and stories of the old gods carried on with the peasants. That’s where we got English folklore. All of those old legends told in the pagan era were a form of entertainment for the common people. After conversion, they still told stories about magical creatures and heroes, but they left out Woden and Loki, at least as real gods on the same level as the Christian God. They became children’s stories and fairy tales, rather than foundation myths for the people.

The removal of a people’s religion, cuts them off from their past and effectively ends their identity as a people. It was so much more effective to adapt the new religion to the culture and customs of the people being converted. It allowed the people to hold onto their identity by holding onto their past. This is also why the Americans allowed the Japanese Emperor to remain in place after the war. He was more than just a political figure. He was a defining feature of the Japanese people. Liberal democracy was modified for post-imperial Japan.

The point of all this is as it relates to what we see going on in America with the slow removal of Christianity from the culture. The ruling class long ago converted to the new religion of multiculturalism. They have been slowly erasing the old religions from the public institutions and replacing it with their own. Now they have moved into private institutions by forcing Christians to worship at the altar of multiculturalism. The next step, and there are already rumblings, is to force churches to adopt gay marriage or face sanction.

Christianity is not the only religion under assault. The soft, civil religion of Americans, based on equality before the law, individual liberty and the right to be left alone is being erased. The tearing down of Confederate statues is one example. The elimination of freedom of association is another. The rule of law, of course, has been eliminated long ago when the Talmudic parsers cooked up the idea of a living Constitution. The law is now just an endless round of hairsplitting and a morality of convenience.

The toppling over of confederate statues is often seen as a final sweeping up after the Civil War. First they came for the Confederate flags and now they are coming for the statues. Next they will be digging up the graveyards. That’s all true, but it is also an effort to erase America’s past. There are calls to topple over the statue of Jefferson at the University of Virginia.  It will not be long before Washington, Franklin, and the rest of those evil pale penis people, who founded the nation, are ruled out of bounds on moral grounds.

The whole point of the exercise is to cut the people off from their past, by taking away their religion and civil institutions. It’s tempting to think of globalism in purely economic terms, but it is more than that. It is a war on the people who make up nations. It is a direct assault on the very idea of a people. If they can destroy the civil institutions and erase the past, they will destroy the identity of the people and the very rationale for countries. The post-national paradise, therefore, is the post-you world. It is the death of you.

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7 years ago

“The rule of law, of course, has been eliminated long ago when the Talmudic parsers cooked up the idea of a living Constitution. The law is now just an endless round of hairsplitting and a morality of convenience.”

I had to give you a thumbs up for that. Talmudic parsers? LOL and true.

7 years ago

Overall the analogy works, but in this part your hostility to the modern leftists spills over into the analogy: “some weirdos show up and meet with the rulers”. I’ve actually thought a certain amount about the spread of Christianity to the north in the “sub-Roman” period (i.e., the centuries after the Empire’s demise in the west), and it seems to me that this is not how things would have appeared at the time. Christianity would not have been some sort of unheard-of weirdness. Undoubtedly everybody in Germanic Europe would have already heard of the religion in Roman regions to the… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I thought you had simply used literary license to create an allegory between multi-kulti and the past.

My illusions have been shattered.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Well, while we’re at it, we always hear about how things would smell in other times, from open air sewers to the breath of people whose teeth were rotting in their faces. Anyone who has gone to school with the children of a pig farmer can attest to the fact that people become inured to smells of all kinds. And think about who the heroes of the left were back in the fifties and sixties=> nationalists, especially black ones, whether here in America or over in Africa. Self-determination was a big deal. Now it’s eat your globalist oatmeal, it’s good… Read more »

Reply to  teapartydoc
7 years ago

I think the black nationalists found out two things. One was that the rest of the culture was not quite ready to just hand over the keys of the kingdom to the blacks. Two was that actually competing in the marketplace of ideas and commerce was not that easy, especially if the average black IQ was a couple of points lower than the others. Note that even today, black economic inroads are primarily in sports (where they excel), music (where they excel), and in the movies and fashion (where ghetto chic has its fans). So better to go the globalist… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

but I sometimes exaggerate for effect Yeah, I myself have been known to get into trouble for exactly the same thing! The Christian answers for the reality of life were probably more plausible and more rewarding than the old answers. Today, the New Religion regularly veers into lunacy and the conversion is surreptitious. Absolutely. But unfortunately, the indoctrination that goes on in the modern educational system seems pretty effective at convincing people that it’s as dark as the ace of spades at high noon, as any cursory glance at FB or Twitter demonstrates… I’m pretty pessimistic about the future. I… Read more »

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
7 years ago

Because when you glance at FB or Twitter and despair your self-referential point is proven and indeed the opposite of self-refuting, but that is not the case for those who do more than glance at FB or Twitter and/or those that do not partake of the indoctrinated gulf of hopelessness that you have knowingly allowed yourself to advertise on behalf of and be consumed by.

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
7 years ago

You ascribe the power to change the acceptable use of language to what you ostensibly ought consider your, at minimum, ideologically incompatible non-comrades, ergo I say it is you, probably due to a Buckley deficiency of some sort, supporting (with your language) their changes you seemingly claim to despisedly oppose. Ever heard Dwight Yoakum “Blame it on the Vein” and thought “yeah those other people sure always deflect responsibility unlike moi, who fully accepts absolute zero blame, but in my singular case which is very different from all the others, accurately?” You would in fact be right if you deducted… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The British had been (forcibly) acquainted with the old Roman Gods for half a millennium before the new one showed up.

Reply to  bilejones
7 years ago

Any of you guys read Cornwell’s Uhtred books? Later than the period under discussion, but I enjoy them.

7 years ago

Depressing Z, just depressing. I’m 86, and if they come out with an eternal youth pill tomorrow, I think I’ll turn it down. No, I’ll turn it down, period. Heaven help my kids, grand-kids and great-grands.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
7 years ago

” The ruling class long ago converted to the new religion of multiculturalism.”

I prefer the term in referring to this new religion as “Globohomo”

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

There is one critical difference between prior Talmudic Parsers and the current version. The original version actually did have a bedrock document, namely the Torah of Moses that they scrupulously preserved in its original form as the ur-source of authority to decide between conflicting parsings. And you can be sure that clever Talmudic Parsers (love the expression) actually must, by their very nature, create controversy just to feel alive on any given day. But now they’ve thrown mud on the bedrock document and there is no longer any appeal to an ultimate authority. Just look at the victimology virtue competition… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

I believe they are mainly parsing wind.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
7 years ago

all these grand plans are going to come a cropper, and soon. the existing system that has been captured by the parasites is near expiration. they will no longer be able to run things centrally, so no more big governments.

the islamic world will nuke itself to death, europe will decompose back into small countries, china will implode, india will remain a shit hole, etc etc. here in the U.S. the smae thing will happen and we return to a loose confederation of independent states — none of which will be “blue”.

Reply to  Karl Hungus
7 years ago

The most optimistic view of the future I’ve heard in a while.

Reply to  Drake
7 years ago

Just what I was thinking. I guess it is a sign of where peoples’ heads are at, that Karl’s prognosis looks “good”.

7 years ago

Anyone doubting any of this has a near-contemporary example in modern Canada.

The entire country was shorn of its past via Trudeau the Elder, and now you can’t find 1 in 100 Canadians that realize that the maple leaf monstrosity currently flown as the national flag has only been around for a few decades–and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

random observer
Reply to  ECM
7 years ago

Not too long ago our former Tory government emphasized the War of 1812 against the US, long a foundational story of old-school Canadian patriotism [right and left] and got widely snarked by progressives for its irrelevance. Just recently, the same government has been in some quarters retrospectively spanked for failing to adequately celebrate the 50th anniversary of the new flag [which passed in its last months in office]. There’s your priorities. Sadly I live in a dowdy apartment. But one window has a nice view of one of our iconic streets. Maybe someone will see the red ensign I hang… Read more »

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  random observer
7 years ago

I guess that just shows how far things have gone on the Left – You would think that Canadian lefties would glory in a defeat of “U.S. Imperialism”, but they can’t, because it was their own white ancestors who won it, and we can’t honor patriotic dead white people in any way. It’s pathetic.

As for your Red Ensign, keep it flying! If it was good enough for the men of Vimy Ridge and Juno Beach…

random observer
Reply to  Toddy Cat
7 years ago

I think they’re already claiming World War 2 as a victory for multiculturalism and progressivism.

I’m not sure that’s what they fought for.

Reply to  random observer
7 years ago

Yup, and the Venezuelans are in the streets protesting Truml’s campaign contributions (CNN). Once “truth” can be whatever you want it to be, things get weird in a hurry.

Reply to  random observer
7 years ago

I of course didn’t come up with this:

The soldiers of WW2 did not fight the Nazis so their grandsons would be called Nazis for believing the things they believed.

Reply to  Ryan
7 years ago

You do realize that the vast majority of the Wehrmacht were not Nazi’s , don’t you?

random observer
Reply to  Toddy Cat
7 years ago

Also, mysteriously, in any discussion of “diversity” or even aboriginal rights, nobody thinks to slap Tecumseh or Joseph Brant on our money. Two Indians whose military efforts were indisputably in their own peoples’ causes, but whose work contributed to our national existence and who were honoured for it by the old WASP Canada’s historians, at least.

Reply to  random observer
7 years ago

How many Canadians even know who Tecumseh and Joseph Brant were.

random observer
Reply to  Ganderson
7 years ago

You may be right. My point is only that these particular Indians were honoured, at least somewhat, throughout the history of traditional, lo-diversity Canada as parts of the monarchist/imperial heritage that produced Confederation. Despite not being born on what became Canadian soil, and in each case actually fighting for their own people [Mohawk and Six Nations for Brant, Shawnee and for a new confederation for Tecumseh], their military contributions were noted as significant. I learned about them in very early stage PC school in the 70s, and they had at least as prominent a position in the old, unused texts… Read more »

Reply to  random observer
7 years ago

Not much to argue with there. Derbshire suggested Sitting Bull for the 20 dollar bill. Can’t say I disagree. I’d put Lee on something, too, and I’m a Northerner!

Reply to  Ganderson
7 years ago


7 years ago

Then what happened…?

After the Anglo-Saxons and the Irish gave up their old gods and old ways – Scandinavians (who had not converted) showed up and took all their lunch money. The northern half of England became a Danish colony while Ireland became a slave farm for Vikings.

A thousand years later, the Swedish leadership gave up their culture and Christianity – now Muslim hordes are showing up, taking their stuff and raping their women. The Swedes, having been stripped of their national pride, seem to have no ability to resist or even protest.

Steven G. Ryan
Steven G. Ryan
Reply to  Drake
7 years ago

Lol, no one ever said the Celts were good fighters…except the Celts! Im listening to JC’ s ‘Commentaries on the Gallic War’ on Audible…man they were everyone’s doormat, and if JC didn’t conquer them, the Germani were about to. But we make good alcohol, you have to admit that.

Reply to  Steven G. Ryan
7 years ago

The Romans weren’t so cocky in 390 BC (when they lost the Battle of the Allia and a Celt army sacked Rome).

Before Saint Patrick poisoned their minds, the Irish were the Vikings of the North Sea – raiding the Brits for slaves and loot.

7 years ago

In order for the collectivists to succeed in the subversion that you describe, they must eventually address the issue of an armed resistance that will emerge when the individualists refuse to bend to their will. Their strategy is three-fold.

First, convert as many as possible using memetic indoctrination implemented through modern media and communication systems. Second, use false flag operations to pit the good guys against each other and broadly weaken this segment of society. Third, use a manufactured national crisis to implement an overwhelming wave of ruthlessness.

It’s an old formula, but it exists because it works.

Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

It always comes down to pointing a gun at people, always.

Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

I live in the heart of Flyover Country. I look around, and I fail to see the human material for a Resistance Army. There are a few young guys here and there that have potential, but only a few.

However, I also am confident that the System is falling apart. Everything is slowly winding down. When it finally locks up or fails, it will be both interesting and appalling.

Reply to  Ivar
7 years ago

Maybe Flyover Country will not be subdued by Capital City, perhaps it will simply be ignored. That could be the best conceivable outcome.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Study the Vendee’ in the French Revolution.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I really have almost no Vendee Uprising knowledge, I look forward to a full exposition.

Reply to  Ivar
7 years ago

Once I was an active member in 3 local gun clubs, here in The State of Insanity (California.) In less than a decade, two of those clubs have folded; the 3rd and last one is dying too. All the members are old, like me. All our drives to enlist younger members have failed. The NRA occasionally sends people around to say that they haven’t given up (cynics say this means, “we haven’t given up getting dues from you losers, and we haven’t given up compromising with the gun-grabbers.”) Each year, the attendance at the local Gun Show is smaller. Each… Read more »

Reply to  eskyman
7 years ago

In a place where just about everyone has a different gun for each purpose gun clubs seem a bit redundant. The only reason our local one exists is because it provides a range for folks without their own.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  eskyman
7 years ago

I know a ton of younger people here in So-Cal moderate poor underemployed Bernie Bro guys in their twenties, I play D&D with them sometimes. They all have guns and ammo and at least a margin of skill. Regardless a gun club would be as foreign to them as a Shriner meeting. The reason is simple, the civic culture is unraveling as the US becomes a low trust 3rd world configured society Even Liberals like Charles Murray noted it years ago in books like Bowling Alone There is little “us” in the US or at least not as much. About… Read more »

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  eskyman
7 years ago

60,000+ NRA members at the Georgia World of Congress gun show & Presidential speech yesterday. Probably as many, or more today. I think we’re spread out awfully thin in this country, but they’re a lot of us.

random observer
Reply to  Ivar
7 years ago

Anyone here have the skill set to write or meme-generate in a way that turns the Hunger Games movies into heartland propaganda against the globalist order?

Personally I think it takes just a nudge. Much easier than just point out all the reactionary tropes in Harry Potter.

7 years ago

This is all true, but they have to maintain the status quo to achieve this. Their new religion itself makes that difficult. I had an argument recently with a libertarian, and he was praising the coming robot revolution, and saying fabulous new high end(intellectually) jobs were just over the horizon for all those who wished to partake. I asked him how he plans to turn 80 IQ third worlders into electrical engineers, and he was stumped. I asked him if he couldn’t figure out how to do that, then why is he demanding we open the borders to them. He… Read more »

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  DFCtomm
7 years ago

tell him to his face he is an idiot and a cuck. please report back his response.

7 years ago

This post-national paradise,post-you world our progressive overlords have created has been pretty much consequence-free,thus far,for them. Filling the courts with fellow travelers ensures it. Mocking and abandoning the laws that constrain the inner savage of all humans is idiotic. So what happens when Idiocracy meets WickerMan?

David Wright
7 years ago

They have the schools, the media and the entrenched part of government.
What’s to stop or reverse their momentum?

Look at your children and their attitudes. Who’s winning?

Reply to  David Wright
7 years ago

Thanks for the question Mr. Wright, Buckley is the answer. He helped stop them back in the 1950’s despite many notions from many learned men of the period that it wasn’t feasible. They controlled media, government, and education to a limited extent also after WWII, but instead of crying “why why why didn’t the previous generation fix any and all potential problems” Buckley was gracious for what he had and possessed focused clarity toward goals he strived for, like President Ronald Reagan. He persists via his lifetime’s work, found largely at You can read today the article “Understanding Reagan”… Read more »

7 years ago

Cool, but pls tell me who voted in the trash who is now removing the Confederate statues? The fabled Deplorables, I suspect. The fact that last November, they somehow found it in them to go and vote for Trump, should not blend out the previous fact that the same Rust Belt rubes had made the 2nd Obama term possible (as a thank you for the GM-rescue during the 1st term). No one is actually taking the culture away from the Deplorables whithout their dumb consent (as opposed to the early Middle Ages, there are no arbitrarily deciding kings this time).… Read more »

Reply to  Pilgrim
7 years ago

I don’t agree. The problem isn’t the Trump voters, or the people who didn’t show up to vote for Richy Rich in 2012. The problem is the leadership, specifically the GOP. The Republican party has won election after election, yet somehow never gets around to doing what it said it would do, and what its supporters and opponents plainly expect it to do. For example, I still recall the prime time speech given by George Bush when he declared that he would do nothing to stop illegal immigration. He followed that up by shredding the party in an attempt to… Read more »

Reply to  Xennady
7 years ago

The GOP is a center-left party. I would have thought that this is obvious to anyone who is not gullible enough to vote for the GOP habitually and who is not inured to the leftists’ incessant howling about the GOP’s alleged “extreme right wing” agenda. Now, Trump has gone nearly full neocon already. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, for it was obvious that an empty head in the presence of ambitious Jews would soon be programmed to do their bidding. I don’t think that you need to worry much about the cartridge box solution, however. Most gun nuts are timid blow… Read more »

Reply to  M.E.C.A.A.
7 years ago

Thank you for your response, as it gave me an excuse to elaborate about my own thoughts, which I often like to do. First, The GOP leadership may well be center-left, but the base of the party is not. This is much more a problem for the leadership than the base. We’ve already seen the leadership’s preferred presidential candidates flame out with hilarious intensity, giving us Donald Trump as president. Now we’re watching the Congressional leadership flail about with their usual carefully chosen incompetence- but it isn’t playing well with anyone, as they’ve run out of excuses. More about this… Read more »

Reply to  Xennady
7 years ago

Continued… Third, about the cartridge box- I must note that no brave last stand against blm, no bugout bags, and no suicidal charge against the regime’s minions only worried about their pensions was needed. We just had to show up and vote. And we did, such that gun rights are in the ascendent almost everywhere in the country. We know the left HATES that, because they keep shrieking for gun control no matter how much it costs them politically, and because in places where they’ve won, they’ve sent antifa thugs out to club their opponents into submission. That’s the true… Read more »

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  Xennady
7 years ago

the gop needs to die for America to get better. it just does.

if trump betrays his base he will be toast, because they won’t protect or support him when the dems come calling for their pound of flesh.

as i stated elsewhere, the system is in terminal decline and near collapse. Trump will at best extend its lifespan a few years. what comes next is the big question (hint for a future post 🙂 ).

Reply to  Pilgrim
7 years ago

Up until Trump they had no one to represent them. No one. The Bushes/GOP hated their guts(and still do) from day one and did everything to screw them over via globalization. After all it was the GOP who supported NAFTA and helped Clinton pass it. Same with a host of other anti-American, anti-white blue collar and middle-class legislation like PNTR for China, killing Glass-Steagall, etc. So these folks stayed home or just held their noses and voted for some white plutocratic POS because he’d promise to support the 2nd A. And oh our culture has been taken away. Ever since… Read more »

Steve Ryan
Steve Ryan
7 years ago

The Anglish (as opposed to the previously converted – then annihalated – Celtic British) were actually converted primarily by the work of the Irish monk Columbcille. (see There was a great divide in Angle-land between the Irish Church based in Iona, and the Continental Church based in Winchester, which came to a head at the Synod of Whitby – the Irish lost, and the loss would play a part in their eventual conquest by the Normans. The description you are providing was mainly the effect of the Continental Church’s dispatch of Augustine by Pope Gregory ( Columbcille converted the… Read more »

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  Steve Ryan
7 years ago

you say the original british were annihalated. does that mean genocidial eradication, or were they just removed from leadership when the germans came in?

Steve Ryan
Steve Ryan
7 years ago

Interestingly, “kin” is a Celtic term.

7 years ago

They will fail because assumption that underpins multiculturalism is as unrealistic as assumptions that underpinned Marxism were. What scares me is the form that backlash will take. Christianity is clearly tired and Christians uninterested in actually resisting and winning. I am afraid that in the long run Islam will be the one to lead the backlash against multicultural lunatics and in so doing it will probably come to dominate over much of Europe. North America, on the other hand, will become just another Brazil.

7 years ago

Yep. You’ve got the written law from the mountain top, and then the wise men law of the cities – “This is what G-d really meant, and we know so because we studied a lot.”

random observer
7 years ago

Thanks for that.

All true. But that was not exactly a mood-booster.

Vic P
Vic P
7 years ago

The parallels drawn by you are insightful and downright frightening. It is true that the New Religionists have always played the long game very adeptly. We must hold fast to our heritage and the freedoms our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for and teach our children to do the same.

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
7 years ago

I know there are white nationalist types on the right who believe that Christianity is the worst thing to happen to the white man, that it robbed him of his pagan/viking soul or whatever, but Christianity has a pretty martial history (at least in the past) that contradicts this. You’ve talked about LARPers in the past like Moldbug and Vox Day; the pagan guys like Jack Donovan are even worse. I like your analogy as far as it goes, but I think Christianity was a civilizing force for good and not some Semitic conspiracy to de-racinate and de-ball the white… Read more »

7 years ago

Or maybe we’ll run our own little version of The Wicker Man. See you at the races.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

“The whole point of the exercise is to cut the people off from their past, by taking away their religion and civil institutions.” How did Orwell put it? “He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.” The “Church” always was a political and a financial entity. There probably were well meaning men at the Council of Nicaea, but now, almost 1800 years later, all Christian religious structures are utterly corrupt. While the sheep may be sincere, but ignorant, those at the top know what they are doing and it has nothing to… Read more »

7 years ago

It is all the death of us. We were screwed a long time ago, but the screwing keeps on turning and twisting in our hearts.

Andy Texan
7 years ago

The ‘Open Society’ or ‘Global Earth’ ideology has converted the VIPs of every nation. If humanity can be homogenized, the nation-state can be eliminated and a global elite can assume an overlord status right out of the feudal past but aping science fiction. They will have to be knocked around in order to be defeated.

7 years ago

Bernard Cornwall wrote some great historical novels about the period of time when Christianity was taking over Britain.

7 years ago

Agree that there is a push for this statist (and evil) religion of all powerful secular government and the fight for elimination of natural law as reasoned by St. Thomas Aquinas. There is a push against Gods law, family, and self control. All discussions of the good or bad of European Christianity, which was the Roman Catholic Church until Martin Luther brought about the many and continued modern day schisms, doesn’t discount that God came to earth and guided man to a better civilization on earth. It is not coincidental that prosperity was brought about by the Christain west. Christianity… Read more »

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  TuNeCedeMalisPJS
7 years ago

papist kiddie diddlers are going to save the West?! this country went into decline in direct proportion to the number of papaists here. kiddie diddlers all. the true worshippers of Baal. anyone with a functioning brain knows that the orthodox church is the true heir of Christ.

Reply to  karl hungus
7 years ago

Deprive the pope of money and he goes back to being one bishop in the council.

The Empty Subject
7 years ago

Happy to find another good blog. Keep it up.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
7 years ago

Any explanation as to why the kings and nobles went for it?

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Meek Christians peasants were probably a lot easier to control than violent pagans looking to get into Valhalla.

Reply to  Drake
7 years ago

Nope. What changed our lot was the invention of the great equalizer – the gun. Prior to that it didn’t matter what the serfs believed in. They lacked the means to confront the kings men on anything resembling a equal footing.

We saw that in action during the American revolution.

Why do you think the elite is so obsessed about gun control? Take away the equalizer and we’re in the same position as a serf.

Doesn’t matter if you believe in some dead pagan cult.Won’t change squat when you don’t have the means to resist.

Reply to  Rod1963
7 years ago

Not sure I agree with that at all on several levels.

In the early Middle Ages, lower class men were pouring out of Scandinavia to go Viking. Meanwhile lower class Christians were effectively being tied to the land by the cooperation of church and aristocracy.

Plenty of examples of peasant armies taking on the nobles – sometimes successfully (Golden Spurs) sometimes disastrously (German Peasant Revolt).

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Garet Garett’s observation about revolution within the form applies to more than just government.
Christianity has been going through this it seems. The names, institutions, leaders and most doctrines are still there but many current members and leaders practice and believe something quite different.
The result of breaking away from the Catholic church or just entropy, I don’t know.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  David Wright
7 years ago

The Catholic Church has had a revolution within the form as well.

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Christianity was tailored to the Germanic peoples to be compatible with their pagan weltanschaaung. Rather than saying, “Jesus wants you to turn your cheek,” they emphasized the stuff about him coming with a sword and wore the natives down like that. Some of the missions backfired, though, just like in the Americas, and proselytizers got their fingers, ears, and other limbs cut off and even ended up roasted in cages. They kept coming though.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Was there a strong Papacy to which they knew they have to treat as a liege?

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The Italic people/Italian Peninsula people had mixed their own genetic stock with the Britannic and Germanic people due to the extension of the Limes (specifically the Germanicus and Saxon Shore frontier garrisons). When the Romans stationed you at a frontier garrison, you didn’t just do your rotation and return home. You stayed there for life; that led to a lot of inter-breeding/interconnection between the ancestors of the people loyal to the papacy and people who didn’t care for it in both England and Germany. Not only did they know about the pope but they may have had some ancestors in… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Junger
7 years ago

I think you’re right . By the time Rome abandoned Britain Christianity was the official religion. There was probably some remnant of it there already when the missionaries were sent. The ground had been prepared already. In fact, one reason for the readiness of conversion may have been memories of the prior occupation and a recognition that conversion would preclude attempts at a repeat. To be frank, I’m not sure anyone understands the dynamics of mass conversions. I was present at one when I was a kid in Rhodesia in the sixties and saw a whole town just up and… Read more »

7 years ago

I am sure it has been suggested but not recently, you should print a book of posts .
And don’t leave this one out. Definitely a keeper.

7 years ago

This reminds me of the reprogramming the Allies subjected the Japanese and German people to after WW2.

You can say our masters have a lot of experience with engineering societies.

It was inevitable that they would turn it on us one day.

7 years ago

How true,
Watch “The Monuments Men” with George Clooney, Matt Damon …

7 years ago

So Z endorses, finally, what Buckley knew and described in God and Man at Yale?

Better late than never, and now I demand you, personally and damn fast, create Utopia as you so often critique dead WFB for failing to have done so, given the lifetime of opportunities he could have attempted such instead of all the books (fiction and non) and columns and TV hosting he did instead, like he thought himself a man and not God, though divinely understanding the serenity prayer or sumpthin’.

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  Guildofcannonballs
7 years ago

fukk WFB the sociopathetic piece of crap.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Immaterial. You whether punching up or down down or up are extending that which you claim is terminally deficient. Because I largely agree I haven’t referenced or even considered anything from what you consider Buckley Conservatives (of course I necessarily presume) unless via a link very briefly or as now on a third-party platform. With commas: You, whether punching up or down, down or up, are extending that which you claim is terminally deficient. Like kicking a kitten because it was sassy, oh and you hated the kitten’s master for not being SantaJesusEinsteinSaleenMontanaSocratesRenoirBeethovenChurchill like you presumptively preach he should have… Read more »

Reply to  Guildofcannonballs
7 years ago

You mean like when WFB sided with Carter against Reagan on the Panama Canal?

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

No but I am curious as to what you mean (I’ve read Buckley’s columns and watched a part of the Firing Line episode so I know what they meant and why they had their positions) and what you think others will conclude based on your comment.

Have you read Buckley’s book about his friendship with Reagan? It was a book composed of only their correspondence during Reagan’s life. They were very likeable people, and were unsurprisingly well liked by many, but of course certainly not as pure and ultra-wise as you folks here these decades later.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

I guess I understand your point that Brady, if he was really good, wouldn’t have let his team trail, by any margin conceivable much less than by God 28 points, even though to be fair they did end up scoring a greater number of counted-bona fide “points” when the time devices had resolved in their own way to a running out of sorts.

Like that means shit to us now, though, ya know.

7 years ago

Among other things the importation of two million Eastern European Talmudic Jews between 1880 and 1920 spelled the end of the rule of English Common Law and replaced it with the endless labyrinth of Federal regulations where anything that is not forbidden is compulsory.

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  bilejones
7 years ago

all the papaists from ireland and italy didn’t help any.

7 years ago

The Christians were a crafty lot indeed. Scandinavian churches would have a display of Jesus at one end and Odin on the other.

And of course Christian holidays synchronized with the pagan rituals.

Saddens me to see the South removing Confederate statues. Have walked the battlefields of Gettysburg, seen the mass confederate graves and the ostentatious monuments built to the northern armies.

7 years ago

Very sad, very true. In Iran they actually have a word for this, Gharbzadegi. Interesting article on the subject:

random observer
Reply to  Ryan
7 years ago

Interesting. I scan read that and left it for future consideration. Main reactions- I don’t know that the liberal democratic enlightenment world order he cites is the one imagined by today’s progs any more than by any he lumps under the Heideggerian label- I’d say both are pushing successor regimes and the progs have already gone far. I might even say that the prog version of that order has already started so far down that road that it does not wholly resemble the one that won WW2 or the Cold War. I remember that as a coalition of liberal democratic… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m quite ok with the tearing down of Confederate icons. All the things related to the Confederacy, the KKK, Jim Crow, Segregation and such are old Democratic Party institutions, so fuck’em.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Dakota
7 years ago

My ancestors were in Lee’s unit, were with him at Appomattox. To be quite frank, I find the removal to be quite personally painful, but I suppose if it’s not part of your direct personal history, it’s difficult to feel that loss. The day they manage to figure out how to remove the frieze carved into Stone Mountain, GA, will be like a stab in the soul.