Christianity, Patriotism and The Alt-Right

Can you be a Christian and Alt-Right?

That is a question the TRS guys were debating the other day. It comes up a lot, mostly because the leading lights in dissident politics are not religious. Some appear to be outright atheists, even if they do not make a big deal out of it. Of the old guys, I cannot think of any who are Evangelical. Most were Protestants but have long ago drifted from their churches. I do not think any of the next generation are religious. Some grew up going to church but abandoned it as soon as they left home.

The thing with the Gen X and Millennial leaders of the alt-right is most of them are disinterested in religion and its role in human society. It is not something that occupies space in their mental framework. Just because the leadership and intellectual elements of the alt-right are non-religious, it does not necessarily follow that the alt-right is hostile to the religious. They spent their youth marinating in Progressive dogma and as a result, they see culture through a secular lens, rather than a spiritual one.

There is a lot more to this so there will be many more posts on the topic, but a good point of entry is the simple question at the start of the post. The alt-right makes race the primary identity. Christians, and I am thinking primarily of non-denominational Christians, place their relationship with Jesus Christ as their primary identity. That is an obvious conflict, as nothing in Scripture backs the primary arguments of the alt-right. Even the most expansive reading of Scripture cannot arrive at a pro-white position.

There is also the fact that many Christians are fanatical supporters of Israel. They have incorporated unconditional support for the state of Israel with their Christian identity. That often extends to Jews in the United States. For many Christians, antisemitism is the worst sin imaginable. That is an obvious problem with the alt-right. Then there is the egalitarianism that many Christians have internalized as part of their relationship with Jesus Christ. They believe they are called to treat all men as children of God.

None of this is necessarily a deal breaker for Christians and the alt-right, but it creates some rather obvious complications. What it means is the alt-right is going to have to get better at understanding how to talk to and appeal to this type of Christian. Simply making the pro-white argument is not going to have much appeal to people who root their identity in something that transcends race. The alt-right, if it is going to make inroads into the Christian community, is going to have figure out how to engage these folks on their terms.

What about Patriotism?

Strangely, the alt-right may have an easier time engaging with Christians, than the hard core Civic Nationalists. Christians have been oppressed in American for generations and they have learned the hard way that they cannot vote themselves to freedom. That is not the case with Civic Nationalists. The narcotic of patriotism keeps them forever optimistic that one more election and the nation will return to the 1950’s, except with a lot browner people, who magically embrace white middle-class sensibilities.

As with Christians, the folks listening to Glenn Beck or Ben Shapiro, as they drive around suburbia, root their identity in something that transcends race and ethnicity. Civic nationalism is a religion and a primary identity. They are Americans, no hyphen. More important, these people look at things like taxes and regulation as primary markers of fidelity to their civic religion. To them, guys like Richard Spencer sound like communists, because he does not seem to care all that much about tax cuts or regulatory reform.

The thing is, the patriotic normie is sure he is working from facts and reason when investing all of his energy into the current political arrangements. In reality, gentry conservatism and libertarianism are a different implementation of the Progressive moral framework. The ends are different, but the assumptions are the same. You do not talk people out of their moral sensibilities with facts and reason. In order to sway patriotic normies, the alt-right is going to have to appeal to them in moral terms.

Most of the alt-right seems to think this is a self-resolving problem. Mass immigration and the war on white people will beat the patriotism out of these people. They will inevitably come to accept identity politics. Maybe, but it would be preferable to win over these people before America becomes Brazil. At that point it may not matter. The alt-right is going to have to think about how to offer something to these folks that rivals the narcotic power of flag waving patriotism. That means constructive engagement, rather than mockery.

These are just two facets to a big topic. Racial politics in America has always been about the two sides of white America debating how to best deal with the blacks. That has made identity politics two dimensional. In order to move past that, it means creating an alternative moral framework. That cannot be conjured from thin air. It must happen in relation to and in reaction to the current claims on the identity of whites. The alt-right will have to be reconciled with religion and patriotism, or it will fail.

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7 years ago

I’m a Christian and fairly alt-right (from what I can tell of that pretty squishy definition). I’m not exactly a very conventional Christin, but here’s my take on a couple points: There’s also the fact that many Christians are fanatical supporters of Israel. God is the all-powerful God of the universe. If he wants to look out for Israel, he is and always has been perfectly capable of handling that on his own. God has never come to me in a burning bush and said “Defend Israel,” and nothing in the New Testament indicates that it is my duty to… Read more »

Reply to  Cloudbuster
7 years ago

” God has never come to me in a burning bush and said “Defend Israel,” and nothing in the New Testament indicates that it is my duty to do so.”

Agree. Most of the members of my congregation regard Israel as just one more foreign country, with no religious significance to us.

“Treating all men as children of God does not conflict with treating a moron like a moron.”

Well said.

Reply to  Cloudbuster
7 years ago

I think I’m in a similar place. I’m not a fanatical supporter of Israel, on the other hand, I’ve liked all the actual Israelis I’ve met and we do have the same enemies.

I find antisemitism distasteful so if it does become a centerpiece of the alt-right, you can count me out. I bet that goes for many like me.

James LePore
Reply to  Drake
7 years ago

I’m on the same page as Drake.

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

Me too. When we get rid of our political criminals, then we might point a finger at Israel. Long after we point it at many others, like the UN.

Reply to  Drake
7 years ago

On the other hand, if “antisemitism” means “anything other than our current policy of knee jerk support for Israel regardless of what they do, oh and you’re not allowed to talk about the blatant tribalism and nepotism amongst Jews in coastal Progressive America”, then there are suddenly a TON of antisemites running around, and I see nothing wrong with that.

Pip McGuigen
Reply to  Cloudbuster
7 years ago

Correction time. To be called “children of God” requires the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of believers souls. That is the criteria and does not include all people unless they have done this.’We are all children of God” sounds good but in itself requires no commitment.God requires the commitment. You’re welcome.

Reply to  Pip McGuigen
7 years ago

So I take it you agree ‘Jews’ are therefore not “children of God”.

Is that ‘antisemitism’?

7 years ago

I’m Christian, and also sympathetic to the Alt-right. God created the nations, so I don’t think there is necessarily a contradiction in wanting to maintain our nation and not see it turned into a multi-racial, multi-cultural economic zone. Also, looking at the voting patterns of non-whites, it’s clear that although many are Christian, they vote for politicians who are entirely hostile to Christianity. A permanent Democrat supermajority (which is what we will have once whites are a minority) will mean dark days for anyone who is Christian.

Reply to  Cyndi
7 years ago

“God created the nations”…
“although many are Christian, they vote for politicians who are entirely hostile to Christianity.”…

Also “My present enemies are invariably white people. All the others are second raters spun off by my enemies.”

There are some bridges, right there.

We’d better talk our way out of this.
The Russians got their constitutional republic, with a patriotic George Washinton-type president, after the shooting started. It lasted about a year.

7 years ago

I think this article forgets an important point. People aren’t persuaded to join the Alt-Right, people are Red Pilled when their previous beliefs break under the strain of reality. The Red Pill is our recruiting tool. We shouldn’t be trying to persuade Christians and civic nationalists, we should be trying to figure out a way to destroy Christian’s faith in the current system, and Civic Nationalists faith in their own ideology without causing them to hate us in the process.

7 years ago

I’d rather be a Christian than Alt-Right, or anything else. For what it is worth.

Reply to  Eric
7 years ago

You love God and you love your country.
I think we can work together.

Reply to  Eric
7 years ago

You need to choose a political movement that provides you a safe place to remain a Christian.

Monty James
Monty James
7 years ago

Hasn’t there been a determined effort by the Left to subvert and take over churches, since the Sixties? Clearly they’ve had some success, as witness the Episcopalians. Perhaps Alt-Right or Dissident leaders know this, and have pretty much discounted some, or most of them, as possibilities for exerting influence.

Reply to  Monty James
7 years ago

Yes, but not only since the sixties. It goes back to late-18th-century New England. It started to hit the mainline denominations recognizably in the late 19th / early 20th century.

Reply to  cerulean
7 years ago

A lot of it is built in. The Church of England/Anglican/Episcopal is built on the arrogated right of divorce by power in the form of Henry VIII. A church with sexual license as its very foundation was bound to end up being about sexual license in its entirety.

7 years ago

” Christians, and I’m thinking primarily of non-denominational Christians, place their relationship with Jesus Christ as their primary identity. That’s an obvious conflict, as nothing in Scripture backs the primary arguments of the alt-right. Even the most expansive reading of Scripture cannot arrive at a pro-white position.” I don’t think it is an obvious conflict. What is neither commanded nor prohibited is permissible, but optional. Having primary identity as a Christian does not prevent having secondary identities that, although subordinate, are taken very seriously. We are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves. In behaving decently toward my neighbor, I… Read more »

bad guest
bad guest
7 years ago

Much of the alt right is quite young now. The religious space in their heads is presently quite small, and occupied mostly by nerves which connect directly to the penis.

For many of them that will change after they have children, or begin to approach middle age and apprehend their own mortality.

Gunnar von Cowtown
Gunnar von Cowtown
7 years ago

Zman, I dig your blog, but I honestly don’t understand why this is even an issue? I was really disappointed in TRS’s take as well, but at least they kept it confined to the personal. Prior to the 1960s a Christian having a nationalist and nativist (Alt-Right) tendencies would have been entirely unremarkable. Charles Martel had a lot more in common with the Alt-Right than the staff at Christ Church in Alexandria. I certainly wouldn’t question Martel’s faith. Israel-worship is also a very recent phenomenon. With regards tot the JQ, Protestants in touch with their roots know full well that… Read more »

7 years ago

I fear we all are too far down a bad path to cleanly find a way back. Two things are now paramount. First is to see the world around you as clearly as possible, including the motivations and likely behaviors of those who understand the world as you do, and especially those who don’t. Zman’s forum and all the comments are great help in that understanding. Only through a clear and true interpretation of the world we live in, can we go to be second thing, which is to figure out how to prepare for our likely shared future. There… Read more »

7 years ago

There are two broad currents flowing through our society as we navigate the turbulence of our times. One, as reflected in this blog, is the notion that we will talk our way into a course correction and consequently the task at hand is to optimize that process. The second, which frequently lurks in the subconscious mind of most productive people, is the idea that the dead-wight fraction of our population has already reached critical mass and messy upheaval is in the offing, so best to be prepared. We are descended from the survivors of our evolutionary past, and the next… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

You can’t build anything stronger than a ginger bread house with both those groups mentioned in this post. The current system’s collapse is an unstoppable process, so the smart money is moving to get ready to ride out the final phase. Maybe a post on how to best do that…

7 years ago

The greatest mistake is thinking that we must persuade. That we must discover and judge the right view.

It’s a waste of effort. It leads to screaming matches of “I’m right… no, I’M right!”

What does that actually accomplish?
I don’t care who’s righter, let’s just keep these bastards from murdering us.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

Nothing. Murderers? Which ones? The Left is certainly up for a little of the old ultra-violence but the completely incompatible Right Wing factions aren’t going to get along once the shooting starts any more than the Left and Right will As I noted earlier abortion will be a key issue but there is going to be trouble for European Style Rightist like me who are fine with social democracy or abortion or gays and on hundreds of other cultural and religious issues . I can totally see violence between say some Evangelicals and L.D.S, the former who have often told… Read more »

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
7 years ago

The answer lies in taking people one at a time. As an out-house Christian of sorts, I look at the man first and superficial identities second. I have no problem with joos, blacks and browns that embrace my values, pull their weight and chip in to help.
I want to see the dissident right succeed. To be truthful as it stands right now I don’t see any conflict. We all want to build a brighter future for ourselves and anyone that is on board with that is okay in my books.

7 years ago

The MSM and the Left (was that redundant?) are happy to use Spencer as the prime example of the Alt-Right. Spencer, just like David Duke, uses any excuse to get in front of cameras and increase his fame. As a promoter of a failed leftist ideology from the mid-20th century, Spencer is not a member of the Alt-Right or even any Right. Spencer and his Nazi cosplayers are better named the Alt-Reich.

7 years ago

There are many assumptions made by Christians today that are a result of intellectual and cultural drift. More of this would help.

7 years ago

I think the alt-right is going to have to stick with arguments from self-preservation. Moral arguments are arguments from power. If you lack power, you do not get to redefine the moral rubric. The most effective way to harness moral arguments is to use them against the powerful by decrying them as insufficiently orthodox. Aside from egging on Progressives into ever more ostentatious displays of anti-white hatred, the only thing to bet on is the aforementioned take-over of the self-preservation instinct. To this end, I think directly appealing to either Christians or Civic Nationalists is folly. You can lead a… Read more »

7 years ago

The martial spirit and Christianity can and obviously have been reconciled in the past, and not just reconciled, but mutually supportive of each other. European history is rife with terrible, fratricidal wars between whites very much like each other, but there are also instances of Europeans killing to defend Western civilization (keep the lights on, as you say) and doing it in the name of Christ. Anything Catholocism pre-Vatican II (Jesuits helped form Pat Buchanan’s worldview, Mel Gibson has been thumbing the Jewish power structure in the eye for awhile) and Eastern and Greek Orthodox are compatible with a defense… Read more »

Reply to  Man of the West
7 years ago

Yes, it’s quite relevant.

7 years ago

Hello Z-man, I would like to add a little bit of background to your article. American evangelicalism has a lot of currents and eddies so it can be difficult to navigate. Of course the reason there are so many different opinions out there is because we have had freedom of conscience protected in the U.S. First of all I want to say that any evangelical can be very patriotic. I was taught in the church of my youth that nations were instituted by God and it was our duty to be good, loyal citizens. That was common for most of… Read more »

Reply to  Glenn
7 years ago

There is a third dimension, Glenn. It’s called Kingdom Identity, or Israel Identity. For example, see here: These Christians have the view that we neither coexist with “Israel” (the ‘Jews’) nor that we have ‘replaced’ Israel. Rather that Christians, as a conglomerate race of people (white/anglo-saxon/germanic) ARE Israel, and always have been. The three ‘millennialism’ eschatologies you mention are all flavors of dispensationalism. Kingdom Identity teaches the Gospel of the Kingdom–that which Jesus taught–was preached to “the House of Israel”…to whom ONLY, Jesus said, “was I sent”. Those, throughout the centuries back to Christ, who have accepted Christianity, who… Read more »

Ryan T
Ryan T
7 years ago

I distrust movements that talk about placing man or some equivalent placeholder like “reason” at the top of the stack. Mostly because all of the other attempts have devolved into mass murder.

As ZMan has pointed out, progressivism is the end result of protestant reformers and is in effect a religion. It’s a looney toon religion but it is the one in charge.

Progressivism cant possibly hold through a major crisis though because it is so opposed to objective reality. If we suffer another major financial upheaval, a new order will certainly emerge.

Reply to  Ryan T
7 years ago

The egalitarian progressive moment predates the reformation. Revolutionary utopia probably had its roots in monastic tradition. Many have noted the strong support of Franciscans for the French Revolution.

Reply to  Issac
7 years ago

Many have noted the anticlericalism of the French revolutionaries and the confiscation and destruction of monasteries in post-revolutionary France.

Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

Ah, the supporters were the first put up against the wall. How very Leftist.

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

I have been unable to find evidence for the claim that the Franciscans supported the French Revolution-only a history of martyrdom and abolishment.
Citation or it didn’t happen. Too many commenters here present stuff as fact that has no basis in reality, e.g., Christianity is matriarchal, UTI’s are likely to hospitalize young women, Thomas More was a priest, female fitness/athleticism peaks in high school, etc. etc.

Larry Olsen
Reply to  Ryan T
7 years ago

Progressivism is Marxism and has nothing to do with Protestant reformers. The idea that leftism comes out of Christianity rather than Marxism is the big error of Neoreaction, which is Jew propaganda. These folks seem to be entirely ignorant of the history of hostility between the Catholic church and the revolutionary Freemasons.

James LePore
7 years ago

Non-denominational Christian, patriotic, strong supporter of Israel defines Donald Trump and many if not most of his base.

7 years ago

Churches are only important to a society because they can set their societies morals code, and disseminate it to the society’s members. Because white people equate status with morality, that means that establishing the moral code will dictate the behavior of everyone who is attempting to raise their status, which is everyone. In the West, currently, churches don’t really matter. Because in the West, those morality & status setting & spreading functions have been taken over by the universities & the press. Mainline Christian denominations did not self-poz. They became pozzed because their leadership comes from people who the universities… Read more »

7 years ago

I live in the Bible Belt and I know lots of Churchians but only two Christians. The Churchians will likely cuck to the end but the actual Christians won’t be much of a problem.

7 years ago

It’s hard to refrain from mocking the civic nationalists and religious fanatics. Maybe the best way for people like myself is to simply keep our mouths shut and wait for these Einsteins to come to us. Events are rapidly going to force them to the alt right, even if they don’t want to cross over. And frankly, many of these gentry types and their clueless minions will opt to join the enemy.

Reply to  Epaminondas
7 years ago

Epaminondas –
Many of the religious people you enjoy mocking are not sitting idly by, hoping for the best. Many are preparing for the day when absolutely no one will be able to pretend that our country can continue on like nothing is wrong. I’m not sure many members of this group are quite as in need of guidance as you appear to think.

Reply to  Dearenkal
7 years ago

You don’t impress me as being a religious fanatic. They don’t generally show up here. If you are one, welcome.

Reply to  Dearenkal
7 years ago

The Christians were doing preparedness before the alt-right were born. I heard a show on combat surgery on a church station in 1992.

Same thing for the vets. Bigly.
If anybody knows conflict prep, survival, even victory, they do.

Christianity (and rabbinical Judaism) began as an urban movement, preparing to resist or survive a corrupt Empire. Some built in strengths there.

David Wright
7 years ago

I think you exaggerate the influence of the alt right. I think they are an integral part of the rightist resistance, but that doesn’t make the rest of us Buckleyites.

If I had to identify, Paleo still works best. Catholics like me never got on the Zionist or Israel first bandwagon. Good fences make good neighbors as a social policy also works for me.

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
7 years ago

Christians, Alt-Rights and Patriots (CAP) may not all mix together into one cohesive batter to make the perfect cake, but can generally co-exist and form the alliance needed to defeat the progressive disease that threatens all of us. While all 3 groups have different goals, they all face the same enemy. In the end, if/when the Progressive scourge has been utterly defeated, I don’t see the 3 of them all deciding to turn on each other and continue the fight. Disagreements sure, but not full scale war. Unlike the Progressive scourge that harbors all their victim and SJW groups under… Read more »

Reply to  D&D Dave in the Bubble
7 years ago

The source of the disease is the political and corporate elites who have promoted the demographic destruction of whites for their own ends. Either we get together to put a end to these groups and their agenda or our goose is cooked. A core platform would be Trump’s campaign platform which was wildly popular among lower and middle-class whites. Which is really white centric. – Build the wall – Enforce all immigration laws on the books. – Keep Muslims from immigrating. – Promote America first policy – limit our foreign wars – Stop replacing America workers with foreign workers. IOW… Read more »

7 years ago

Supporting Zionism means keeping the Holy Land out of Muslim hands. Christendom tried to take control of the Holy Land several times in the past and was never successful, and I don’t think we’d be successful today either. Israel was the Jewish homeland in our own Old Testament and them holding it in 2017 seems perfectly Christian to me, especially considering the alternatives.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

No Jerusalem, no Revelations.
Muslims and anti-Roman Jews (the radical minority) win the war against Christians and messianic Jews.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

The wall of denial between the internal world of progressive christians and reality has become too forbidding for alt-right christians to scale. The outcasts gather online in such places as this to voice their opposition to the church of anomie. Talk doesn’t cook the rice, decisive action is needed to shape the outcome. Empty pews are an indication of their financial reality, which might explain why churches are in the refugee resettlement business, making them an annex of the bureaucracy, thus preaching the gospel of Marx.

Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

My understanding is that the refugee resettlement business is financially lucrative for the churches, courtesy of the US taxpayer. Follow the money, and remember that the Libs see the church as something that is supposed to give to them, not the other way around. So as the churches Lib up, they must raise the money to pay the bills from somewhere. One of the really bad features of all of this is how both the government and the churches hide this financial arrangement from the taxpayers and many of the congregations. It’s like they don’t really want anyone to know… Read more »

Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

Another bridge. What unites is is we’re Anti-PC.

7 years ago

The issue, IMO, with the Alt-Right is just like the Tea Party. It is organic. It has no leader. There are folks popping up and claiming to be this or that, but the alt-right is a manifestation or evolving of the Tea Party folk… at least the over 30 alt-right. Where the religion part comes in is the youngers who are at a disadvantage in being Christian since it is the ONE religion in the country that is mocked, forced to take this or that down, has mostly been corrupted by feminine doctrine or other PC stuff. ( Zman, you’ve… Read more »

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
7 years ago

The Progressivization of Christianity is pretty recent, actually. It’s interesting that older guys like Pat Buchanan seem to have no problem reconciling race-realist and immigration-restrictionist views with Christianity. Neither did Rev. Dabney or Stonewall Jackson ,for that matter. As for Israel, just ask your average Catholic or Orthodox believer of sixty years ago if Christianity requires you to be pro-Israel. He would laugh in your face.

As an Alt-Right Christian, I don’t really see that this is going to be a huge issue, as so many of the previous commenters illustrated. Patriotism is going to be a bigger problem, IMHO.

7 years ago

Shouldn’t we have a set of ideas and goals that we support rather than worry who’s allowed in the club? I have a hard time understanding why the Right wants to pursue identity politics when we see how crazy the Left has become and the damage done to our country from their identity politics. This list from 2016 somewhat defining the Alt Right was tweeted out by Ramzpaul the other day and I wish we could grow support around what should be a widely known platform, similar to this one. It should be so well known as to be conventional… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
7 years ago

You may not be interested in identity politics, but identity politics is interested in you. I am a heterosexual white male, which to the identity politics left makes me the devil. This political situation has lowered my quality of life in real ways. Ignoring it doesn’t make it go away.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

Absolutely, I’m with you, Taco_Town! And I’ve been hurt by this identity politics BS in very real ways as well. Bigly. I just think the way to solve is with policies and laws rather than going after people. A collection of policies and laws that when implemented create a fertile environment in which decent, hardworking citizens can thrive. I believe many of our countrymen out there are receptive to certain ideas (immigration, borders, non-interventionism, etc.) so it wouldn’t be hard to get the numbers. We need to use technology to find each other and meet, get an agreed upon platform,… Read more »

7 years ago

Being a Christian, you do have to hit them from the moral side. First, you have to point out that God always talks about nations, plural. A unified world is a Satanic world. Second, you discuss the Tower of Babel. This is my own view but I’ve always view the language split as more than language. Anyone who has tried to learn another language starts to find that languages carry their own assumptions and contexts. So mostly you have to talk to them on their turf in a scriptural manner. You can’t try to talk them out of Christianity. Finally,… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
7 years ago

The religious people , I always call them the Deus Volt crowd (think Vox Day here) seems to assume that a Christian West is a requirement for their to be a West and this is going to be a problem. Its pretty clear that Western people have pretty much begun to move on from everyones favorite Middle Eastern religion and organized religion in general and aren’t enamored with going back on that plantation for “muh free social capital” The non religious majority doesn’t want its laws written to suit religious ideologues. Don’t get me wrong a certain amount of deference… Read more »

7 years ago

Patriotism isn’t the argument. Reality is the argument. Civic Nationalism and mainstream Christianity are at odds with reality, and are failing and will fail because they are at odds with reality. Reality is the Alt-Right’s secret weapon. Being realistic is the defining characteristic of being Alt-Right. This is also the reason it’s Impossible to argue with these people. They are currently in denial of reality as their current allegiance demands it, and as such are difficult if not impossible to reason with. They must be bludgeoned by reality until they wake up. I also think its a mistake to consider… Read more »

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
7 years ago

Romans 12:2, John 17:14-16, John 15:19 and 1 John 2:15-17 are pretty clear about how Christian should define their relationship with the world. We also know who’s currently in charge of this world, which explains why things are as they are; “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” 1 John 5:19 – John 12:31 “The time for judging this world has come, when Satan, the ruler of this world, will be cast out.” – John 12:31. As for our future, that’s also spelled out quite clearly.… Read more »

7 years ago

Saint and Doctor of the Church:
The Church’s teaching on nations and immigration is more nuanced than one might think. Its teaching on love is very straightforward.

Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

Didn’t the Tower of Babel represent multiculturalism? And all the peoples were separated by God and dispersed around the world and given different languages because evil deeds came from that multicultural way of being with one language for all peoples.

james wilson
james wilson
7 years ago

Well done, and looking forward to the rest.

Before Africans and others were a mote in the Caucasian eye, and for two or three thousand years, whites have been going to extremes to subdue or exterminate other whites, not infrequently with people visually indistinquishable from themselves. If the rallying cry of white nationalism is enough to counter replacing our current population with others–doubtful–it has no future beyond that because it has never demonstrated one. My present enemies are invariably white people. All the others are second raters spun off by my enemies.

7 years ago

So important. You’ve nailed what we’ve been tiptoing around, unsure of our approach. Religion and military must be included because they aren’t going away. The militant atheists must think insults and snobbish accusation explain things, too arrogant and emotional to realize that the religious feel as right as do they. Both hold the exact same belief- that the other is wrong. So who is right? If both get the same result, then we’re seeing a function, not a verity like the shear strength of a bolt. Yes it’s relative. Both are right, both are wrong. What they share is the… Read more »

7 years ago


Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
7 years ago

Actually, everything in scripture directly supports all the tenants of the Alt-Right. The biggest problem with modern day Christians is that they don’t understand their own scripture. The Tower of Babel story directly states that God wants all people to be part of separate nations and clearly forbids a globalist, all inclusive superstate. The bible clearly states Jews are evil and Jesus calls them “the Synagogue of Satan.” All rabbinic Judaism is directly descended from the teachings of the Pharisees and their demonic holy book, the Talmud. The Pharisees were/are a splinter group of Israelites who turned their back on… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Frosty
7 years ago

Please name one strain of humans that has not profited or suffered from selling out their birthright for a quick profit.

Politics is patent medicine for lazy thinkers.
Monolithic and binary works for times of war. Sad to see that most have no off switch. Or just a reset.

But most are urban and educated. Mostly end up dead. Sad.

7 years ago

Christians like and support Israel for two reasons: 1. A Muslim state replacing it would not allow Christian pilgrims. See Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Turkey for the attitudes towards Christian pilgrims. 2. Muslims are the natural and eternal enemy of the Christian faith and Christians and Israel is their enemy. For Protestants, at least some, there is the end-times stuff and also for a few the idea that the sin of not stopping the Holocaust (a bit arrogant if you ask me to assume that power existed outside of God) by their ancestors can be washed away by supporting Israel. But… Read more »

Amatuer Brain Surgeon
Amatuer Brain Surgeon
Reply to  Whiskey
7 years ago

The holocaust has to do solely with the Pluperfect Self Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary where His burning charity for mankind substituted for the fires of the O.T. holocausts which where types of the Holocaust on Calvary (Which was the antitype).

Now, a holocaust is, in part, a sacrificial offering to God which is then consumed.

Unless you think the Nazis were killing Jews as an act of worship and then eating them, then don’t describe those war crimes as a holocaust

7 years ago

Ultimately the political patriots can be convinced. This has already happened in large part. 10 years ago you could not post the slightest race-realist comment on boards like Free Republic without risking having your account closed. Now it’s not that different from V-Dare in terms of what people say in response to various unending black crimes and black corruption.

Christianity may be a harder nut to crack, though

7 years ago

A lot of this really depends of what you mean by the “Alt Right”. Broadly speaking there are broad currents in it at the moment. Their is the Natsoc element which is completely incompatible with Christianity, and there is the more Paleo strand which is. The Natsoc strand is basically repackaging modernism into a whites only variant and they’re fine with sexual degeneracy, paganism, and and overriding white state which claims our primary loyalty. Sorry…. but Christianity and it are fundamentally incompatible. The Paleo strand, on the other hand, is compatible since it rejects the modernist understanding of man and… Read more »

Amateur Brain Surgeon
Amateur Brain Surgeon
7 years ago

There’s also the fact that many Christians are fanatical supporters of Israel. They have incorporated unconditional support for the state of Israel with their Christian identity

Jews can have a peaceful relationship with Mahometans because they are not idolaters in the eyes of the Messias-Deniers whereas Christians are idolaters and would be killed if the Messias-Deniers had power

7 years ago

You say: “Racial politics in America has always been about the two sides of white America debating how to best deal with the blacks. That’s made identity politics two dimensional.” True, but not exhaustive After fleeing the predations of an English Protestant political class whose internal divisions were trumped by their common anti-Catholicism, my Irish ancestors came to America only to find themselves embroiled in a war between two competing visions of Protestant Christianity. That conflict continues today, although the antagonists’ Christianity is much attenuated.

7 years ago

Taco – No one is suggesting that race and culture are separate. But they are not one and the same. There is very significant overlap of the two. Does that mean we disregard the exceptions? Have you taken a good long look at white America recently? I have: I work in health care so I see everything from poor to rich, illiterate to Ph.D. Taco – it is COMMON to come across young to middle aged white men who can not read above a fifth grade level. They can not do basic math. They have lifestyle induced poor health. Some… Read more »

Reply to  Dearenkal
7 years ago

want in one hand and shit in annuda. I want I want I want I want. You’ll never get what you want and you being a piece of shit that pleases me. Choose a path of a bridge worthless scum.

Logical Meme
7 years ago

Floating in the Normie Zeitgeist is a rising sense that Christianity and/or patriotism alone won’t cut it.

7 years ago

In Genesis we learn that God created the races (nations). In Revelations we learn that in the End Times the races will join God at His side. It is therefore God’s Plan that the races reach the End Times without being destroyed through race mixing along the way. It is therefore God’s Will that the races avoid race mixing in order for them to survive to the End Times intact. God commands us to forgive our personal enemies but to meet His enemies with perfect hatred. Perfect hatred means that mercy, compassion and clemency are strictly forbidden. Race mixers seek… Read more »

7 years ago

A revival of “White Man’s Burden” could do a lot here. A big part of the WMB was bringing the Gospel to the heathens. Back when historians wrote to be read, “The Bible and the Flag” looked at missionaries’ role in building the British Empire. These were love-the-world do-gooders, many of them openly ANTI-Imperial, but they would never dream of making British citizens out of Indians and Zulus. They easily squared that circle. WMB also involves raising the condition of the natives (and missionaries spent as much time going on about “Darkest London” as they did “Darkest Africa”). You want… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

Or send them back to where they originated from.

7 years ago

“… nothing in Scripture backs the primary arguments of the alt-right. Even the most expansive reading of Scripture cannot arrive at a pro-white position.” Why state the obvious? Of course the Scripture is tacit on race. After all, all that mattered to its authors was the distinction between Jews and goyim. And, boy, were they ever specific about whose side they were on! Historians will probably spend another century or so arguing whether Christianity shall be treated as a dissident Jewish doctrine able to attract enough gentiles (the canonical view) or an originally gentile mystic cult with which a group… Read more »

7 years ago

I find myself frequently agreeing with the alt right’s identification of symptoms that plague the west but too often they leap from discussion of the symptoms straight to singing the praises of nationalism with a socialistic bent and blaming the Jews. Do they not know who their audience is? Or are they really that tone deaf? We haven’t even buried all of the WWII vets yet and many of us who concur with the problems the alt right has identified had fathers or grandfathers who had a front row seat in a fight that involved nationalism with a touch of… Read more »

Reply to  Dearenkal
7 years ago

While I think blaming the Jews for everything is stupid and an overreaction it must be said that both presently and historically, the Jews are disproportionally represented among the power elite in terms of leftism, socialism, progressivism, globalism, etc. That isn’t something that should necessarily be glossed over. Also, Nazi hunting is playing the left’s game. It’s like the race card. Us fussing over a few odd cranks on our side is exactly what they want. The correct response to them pointing out Nazis is to punch the left in the face and tell them to go F$%# themselves. That… Read more »

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

After years of following this blog, I still don’t know exactly what it is you intend to implement. Please share.

Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

Implement the primacy of Western Civilization

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

You should probably stop reading it then.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
7 years ago

Well, you keep saying they have to go back, but you never say how to do that. But maybe you’re right and I should just stop reading.

Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

You miss the point of “They have to go back”. The unsaid, second half of that statement is “…or it will take a civil war to settle this”. “They have to go back” is the political solution, and it need not be literal.

That or we could just let the left win, is that your suggestion?

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

This is about strategy, not tactics.

Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

No- stay. As should Dearenkal.
Your viewpoint is needed, or this becomes a circle-jerk.

Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

No, Bunny, don’t stop reading here. What Alzaebo said.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
7 years ago

Look what deportation camps did for Germany’s reputation.
You think ‘they’ are just gonna fold?

Maybe the whites can get their own state in Mississippi, this time.

(Millenials- the Black Power movement during the 60’s ‘civil rights’ era claimed Mississippi as a possible Black ethnostate.)

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

Taco – One does not need to engage in any Nazi hunting to notice the knee-jerk Jew blaming that does take place in a some of the alt-right circles. I am not talking about people who recognize that Jews’ presence in the upper circles of power is much greater than their numbers would suggest or even that Progressivism has been championed by some Jews. I’m talking about people who, no matter what the issue is, the conversation eventually comes back to whatever being the Jews’ fault. It is an obsession. It is bizarre. It is just like listening to black… Read more »

Reply to  Dearenkal
7 years ago

The so-called Nazis are stupid and irrelevant, and as such best ignored. Every moment of time spent and thought invested in opposing them is wasted, the time/thoughts could be better spent opposing the left. Being squeamish about them is indicative of leftover prejudices from the post-WWII world order. In 2017, they are a bunch of nobodies used as a strawman by the modern left. All the more reason to ignore them, paying any attention to them empowers the left. As for the rest, culture and race aren’t separate. Western Civilization was developed by white Europeans for their own benefit, and… Read more »

Reply to  Dearenkal
7 years ago

The truth is, name a major current problem of the U.S. and you’ll find a jew(s) involved in birthing and selling the idea and implementing the policy. But certainly not all jews are responsible for this and plenty of goyim are by their side helping them. So in order to avoid modern day anti-semitic pogroms, it would be much wiser to focus on outlawing behavior, rather than people of a certain tribe, race or religion. I.e., put a cap on amount of legal usury, end the Federal Reserve, implement immigration moratorium, cease the refugee resettlement program, make the media legally… Read more »

Reply to  Dearenkal
7 years ago

Agreed in that some seem to attribute every ill to Jews. But you paint with too large a brush, as many of our ills do lie in the effort of Jews to re-make America to better suit the Jews–to the harm of actual Americans. Those with disproportionate influence deserve disproportionate blame. Also, what the Israel flag waving Christians need to grok is that the Jews in America are descended from the Pharisees of Jesus’s time and are _still_ the enemies of Christ and his followers. Matt 23:31-33 Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves that you are sons of those who… Read more »

Larry Olsen
Reply to  Dearenkal
7 years ago

Jews are sponsoring the immigration waves in Europe and the U.S. with the agenda of eliminating the white race. Jews concocted the Holohoax myth. Jews dominated Russian Communism, which was explicitly an anti-white genocide. Sorry if grandpa fought on the wrong side, the Jews are enemy number 1. Read further.

Reply to  Dearenkal
7 years ago

As usual, I’m late to this discussion. I have no idea why Dearenkal’s post was downvoted because even if you don’t agree with it, it was well-put. Protestantism as formulated in the 16th and 17th centuries was an attempt to recover the doctrines of the church fathers and add clarity. It was also a reactionary movement against the Roman papacy and doctrine. This is not the place to give a history of the Reformation, but suffice it to say you only find caricatures of it on Alt-Right websites. The Catholics do not bother to understand Protestantism and neither do the… Read more »