Suicide Cult

I have a friend who was a reverend in the Episcopal Church. He is technically still in the church, but he has decided to find another vocation. The main reason is that most of the people running the church are women, along with a high number of homosexuals. The result is the people running the church care more about social justice and their genitals than anything else. Like most of the mainline Protestants churches, the Episcopal Church has become a circus of degeneracy and general lunacy. As a result their pews are empty.

That said, you can learn a lot about the direction of the Cult of Modern Liberalism by watching the mainline Protestant churches. They are so desperate for attention, they tend to give the game away by going overboard in the latest Progressive fads. Their internal war on heterosexual white men has been going on a long time now, long before the rest of the Progs decided to make war on the honkyman. This story out of Virginia shows the true nature of the statue toppling stuff and its ultimate goal.

Leaders at the church that George Washington attended decided that a plaque honoring the first president of the United States must be removed.

Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia will take down a memorial marking the pew where Washington sat with his family, saying it is not acceptable to all worshipers.

“The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome,” leaders said, a reference to the fact that Washington was a slaveholder.

“Some visitors and guests who worship with us choose not to return because they receive an unintended message from the prominent presence of the plaques.”

“Many in our congregation feel a strong need for the church to stand clearly on the side of ‘all are welcome- no exceptions,'” they concluded.

A memorial to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee will also come down.

These churches are big on the “all are welcome” stuff. They hang banners outside their empty churches with this slogan, usually decorated with rainbows. My suggestion is the alt-right toughs should take pics of themselves dressed as Hitler, posing in front of these stupid signs. That would make for a hilarious social media campaign. The fact is, the only people welcome in these hell holes are Progressive nutters and sexual deviants. As is always the case with The Cult, the opposite of what they say is usually the truth.

If you have any doubts about any of this, take a look at the roster of clergy running this church. The rector has two last names, suggesting she is keeping her options open. A good rule of thumb is that a woman with two last names is a nut. That’s probably why she hired a tranny as a youth counselor. Her second in command is a former actress, a profession known to attract the stable and virtuous. Two more women fill out the priestly class of this old church. It’s not hard to see why they are waging jihad on George.

That’s the thing with these churches. They are run by social justice warriors who see the church as a vehicle to inflict Progressive morality on their congregations. You can be sure that no one in the church gave a damn about George Washington. These hens spend all day clucking about what they read in the New York Times or heard on NPR. They came up with the idea of evicting the father of the country, because they wanted attention. It is virtue signalling, but their idea of virtue originates outside the Episcopal Church.

Of course, this was always the end point of the Rebel Flag burning and statue toppling. It is the thing everyone knew all along. It may have started as a tantrum by Cloud People aimed at the Dirt People, but it was going to end as a orgy of self-abnegation. These people hate their own kind. They hate their ancestors. The reason is, they hate themselves and the way to erase themselves is to erase their past. Progressives dream of the day when they no longer exist and any memory of them is gone too.

God speed Christ Church.

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Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

All of these protestant churches died 50 – 60 years ago. All that is left now are the bones and maggots. No skin off my knob, they were always a con job for the rubes.

The economy is heating up nicely, the wall samples are ready for selection, the Clintons are wrecked, the cucks are being exposed and eliminated. America is long overdue for a fun decade, and it very much looks like the time is now. Ironically, watching the negroes burn down the NFL is more entertaining than any football game could ever be.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

The NFL, another example of the blacks burning down their own neighborhood.

6 years ago

Want to see womething Hilarious?

Look at their ‘staff’ page. See the three black guys? Look at their job titles.

Enlightened and inclusive white women, Yet they are still using negro men to clean the church, stack the chairs, and pick the cotton.

Reply to  Brigadon
6 years ago
Reply to  Brigadon
6 years ago

I wouldn’t let either of the youth ministry guys anywhere near a child.

Reply to  DCat
6 years ago

yeah, I noticed. The fat guy looks like you could find 50 gigs of child pornography on his HD.

Reply to  Brigadon
6 years ago

Lol. “Hakim oversees the facilities department and helps with event preparation and clean-up, maintenance, cleaning, and numerous requests for assistance.” Yes, and Rudy will await your foundation while Hakim’s doing that:

Reply to  joey+junger
6 years ago

Hakim? This is way worse than waiting thru the sermon to get a meal at the homeless shelter.

The Israelis have been tossing their Ethiopians back; they found most of them were frauds, encouraged by a leftwing administration.

Reply to  Brigadon
6 years ago

Funny, but these people are going straight to hell. Somebody needs to explain the gospel to them.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Brigadon
6 years ago

I want to know why not one of them has been promoted to “Facilities Engineer.” Is there some systemic discrimination going on here?

Reply to  Brigadon
6 years ago

Yep, when somebody horks in the church or upchucks in the community room, it’s gonna be a negrow showing up with the Voban Absorbant and a shovel.

6 years ago

Anyone else bothered by the fact that the Republicans hold all the power yet they continue to fund NPR?

6 years ago

>>That’s the thing with these churches. They are run by social justice warriors who see the church as a vehicle to inflict Progressive morality on their congregations.

There are no congregations in these buildings, provided one applies the traditional definition of the word. These organizations are not churches in any meaningful sense. These people are not Christians. This is nothing more than an orgy of self-absorption shielded from the IRS by the First Amendment.

As far as I’m concerned these people can’t erase themselves fast enough.

Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

Now you’ve got to admit that they do make excellent money laundries.

Instead of fake news, now we can get fake good news!

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

(To the detriment of people working hard to do right, or getting the chance to try)

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

Still a lot of residual assets left to burn through, though. So it will take a while.

Key inflection point will be when the last bequest created by the last rich Boomer believers are paid out..

Attention all Boomers_! Revise your wills ASAP.

6 years ago

The last 4 sentences say it all. It is difficult to fight this kind of self deception and nihilistic will-to-self destruction.
These “women” are religious fanatics as committed to their heresy as jihadis are to their faith.
We, as a society, are heading straight for a brick wall at a hundred and ten per, and we have a claque of heretics steering the car.
It’s as if we are living in an episode of the Twilight Zone, where the entire world has gone mad.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Dave
6 years ago

No, the freaks are heading towards a wall. Once they are dispatched, there will be more “pie” for me. It’s like a self cleaning oven, once Mother Nature does her thing.

De Ferrers
De Ferrers
6 years ago

What does liberal religion offer that standard secular liberalism can’t provide? Oh that’s right, nothing. And that is why these churches are cancer and will cease to exist very soon.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
6 years ago

Left my mainline Protestant congregation not long after 9/11. My spouse and I were directly affected (to this day we’ve never had the heart to count just how many people we knew–but it was six long months of memorial and funeral services) The minister, an Armenian–who knew a few things about evil and genocide–was blunt about good and evil. A few of the sermons went pretty far into “I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel” territory. Well that shit couldn’t stand and the next thing you know he’s on “medical leave” and replaced by a… Read more »

James LePore
6 years ago

Francis and the official Church of Rome are trying hard to catch up. I predict Christ and all references to him will be banned as offensive to “many in our congregation.”

Reply to  James LePore
6 years ago

Probably for the new Jewish members.

Monty James
Monty James
6 years ago

“Will no one rid me of this turbulent girls’ gym teacher?”

6 years ago

A small plaque in a church in Alexandria, honoring George Washington, triggers some people? Well, good God almighty, you can imagine the spasms that would hit them once they find out that that enormous lighthouse-like structure rising behind the King Street Metro in Alexandria is actually — wait for it — the GEORGE WASHINGTON Masonic National Memorial! Oh, the humanity!

(Yeah, I know, you addressed this. The old maids just wanted to virtue-signal to get attention. But the disconnect is still hilarious.)

james wilson
james wilson
6 years ago

In the latest religious fashion. Everybody wants to die and nobody wants to go to heaven.

6 years ago

1. Washington has boy cooties. Plus slavery cooties.
2. By their logic, those women shouldn’t be in that church at all. It’s full of slavery cooties.
3. The women will all be wearing burqas soon. They’ll demand it.

6 years ago

I see the real driver of suicidal nihilism underpinning all these movements is starting to be identified in the west, as it was identified 50 years ago in the Soviet Union by some who lived through it. The Socialist Phenomenon: Igor Shafarevich (1975) ———————————- c. Socialism is one of the aspects of this impulse of mankind toward self-destruction and Nothingness, specifically its manifestation in the sphere of organizing society. The last words of Meslier’s Testament (“. ..with this nothing I shall end here”) express the “final mystery” of socialism, to use Feuerbach’s favorite expression. We have arrived at this view… Read more »

6 years ago

“Progressives dream of the day when they no longer exist and any memory of them is gone too.”

They have gone full extinctionist, and to the extent that any disagree with them, exterminationist.

6 years ago

I am curious as to how the church came to the conclusion that the plaques must come down. I bet a committee was formed and the committee decided to do this, “for the church’s own good”. Cue up the loss of a third of the congregation or so in the next three months. These churches get “more selective” all the time, and the pews empty. They watch their people go to other churches, and then declare “good riddance, those people were bad Chrustians anyway”. Then they set up another committee to look at why certain other churches are growing, and… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Oh, wow…that’s exactly how it goes, the steps to destruction and ruination of a church. I think you’ve been there. As my daughter often says, “If you do not stand for something, you stand for nothing.” My adult children have left their various churches because they didn’t want to ride the slippery slope and have their children indoctrinated with crazy talk about gender. I’m in Texas and personally easily know first-hand of 4 large churches in different big cities that are thriving, growing, and alive because they have passed resolutions against (fill in the blank) and have leaders that stand… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

So the way to solve shrinking numbers is…
More Immigrants!

6 years ago

In a war of words awhile back between Alex Linder of VNN and Hunter Wallace, Linder said, “It’s the Jews. It’s not more complicated than that,” and Hunter replied, “Actually, it’s a lot more complicated than that” appending a video of some Christian flagellant whipping himself on the back to the end of his comment. Progressive Christianity seems to be based on a highly selective use of the Sermon on the Mount. I’ve worked in interpretation, and even with living languages, things get screwed up/meaning gets shifted. I’ve heard, for instance, that “Thou Shalt Not Kill” actually originally used a… Read more »

Reply to  joey+junger
6 years ago

Was struggling with / wondering about the same issue some years ago, and relieved to learn one day that regular “to kill” is qatal in Hebrew, whereas the Fifth Commandment uses a different verb altogether (ratsakh, if I remember correctly).

Thus, in an instant, all false churchian equivalence was exposed: The Bible very much acknowledges that there can be legitimate killing. After all, God is (or, if you prefer, the ancient Hebrews were) so SJWs.

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

“The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome,” leaders said, a reference to the fact that Washington was a slaveholder.”

Yes these same asshats will bow down and fight tooth and nail to make sure the latest Jihad recruitment center -aka the Mosque- is built right around the corner from their house. Point out to them that Islam is, was and will always be the religion that endears slavery, especially sex slavery and you’ll get the standard reply from the them – “BIGOT!”

6 years ago

This is one of those subjects that interested me for a while and I read a few books trying to understand the basis of the problem. I even read Hooker’s books on ecclesiastical polity and a lot of church history. For a while I thought it was a problem with the political structure of the church; that this illness was due to libs being able to slowly take over because they were able to sneak into the hierarchy and influence things from the top down. I think this is true, but one also sees a bit of the same trend… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Most definitely agree. Tl:dr: There must be biblical standards. The elder board must enforce them, period.

As a result, females will get bad feellz and whine (via husbands, usually). But that can be combatted if the standards are biblical and the elder board has balls.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Like politics attracting all the grifters, church attracts all the lost. Rather than allowing the rules and discipline to take them where they need to go, the lost take over and remake the church into their own. More power to them, if they and their denominations want to go that way. It does appear to be some sort of theft of the legacy left to them by those who came before. They do not seem to understand or care that they live in a little bubble, and the rest of us just aren’t up for dealing with them on a… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Or just stop going to churches. They have nothing to do with god, and everything to do with money.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Have to admit I don’t go that often any more.

6 years ago

Jordan Peterson has me half-way convinced Christianity’s logos is what helped create western culture & necessary to keep it cohesive.

Reply to  Stonewall
6 years ago

I’d argue that’s just part of his unwillingness to depart from liberalism as such. He desperately wants the solution to be a measured stride back to liberal Christianity. In reality, liberalism has utterly destroyed these institutions and identity will have to be reforged before it can be enshrined in places like a mainline Church.

Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

Taking growth anywhere they can find it. Good lord.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

Exactly. Peterson is a stand up guy when it comes to the insane antics of ACADEMIC Canadian SJWs, to a point, but he’s an academic and a government worker. He knows what side his bread his buttered on, and he’s going no further than that. As an aside, it’s also interesting to hear him talk about intelligence and it’s heritability. He’ll opine on the outperformance of Asians and Ashkanazni Jews, but when he won’t go THERE when it comes to looking at certain phenotypes overrepresented at the lower end of the distribution. All in all, a kept man, with his… Read more »

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago

Besides, logos encompasses within itself something about truth. If you can’t tell the truth, then you can’t have any logos going going on.

Part of the truth, or the part of the truth we can all croon koombaya over isn’t enough. The full, unvarnised truth that is going to hurt some people’s feelings and make them burn down buildings because they dindu nuffin is what’s required for logos.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago

When you see the word ‘logos’ in Christian doctrine, think Plato’s forms, organized: This organization created by a all knowing, all seeing, all powerful intelligent agent, i.e. God. God, the *mind* behind the cosmos.

IOW, *the logos* is ultimately unfathomable, another name for the intellectual aspects of God. And there are other aspects.

Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago

Not any longer by the looks of it. His Patreon page generates tens of thousands of dollars per month. He wouldn’t make half what the University Vice-Chancellors make (what a racket FFS) but he needn’t answer to anybody, anymore.

Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago

Maybe. On the other hand, I don’t think it’s good form to ask other people to lose their job to make a point, and it’s not like it’s been smooth sailing for the guy.

And anyway, what more do you want? He’s already made the point that a modern economy requires IQ greater than 85 to be qualified for any job at all and that IQ is a real thing. Are you trying to get the man shot?

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  BTP
6 years ago

You’re right. He’s gone out about as far on the limb as he can without getting canned.

6 years ago

but WHY do these self-loathing ethno-masochists even exist? Why did this ethno-masochists pop into being over the last few decades? What forces created these ethno-masochists that are somehow promoted to the top of our large societal institutions? Why not ask these questions? Yes, they obviously exist, and yes they obviously somehow get into power in hollywood, media, churches, the government, academia etc….But WHY? What forces created them and what forces promote them to the top? everything in this universe happens for a reason. Forces are reasons. What forces cause this “ethno-masochist in power” phenomenon? I like to use occam’s razor.… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  PropagandaHacker
6 years ago

These types arise when abundance persists across multiple generations, and society becomes fat, dumb, and happy. The first killing frost and they will be taken care of.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Yeah, but it’s not even real abundance. It’s an abundance founded on a pile of sketchy credit that cannot and will not ever be paid off.

Reply to  PropagandaHacker
6 years ago

They don’t hate themselves, they hate us.

6 years ago

That Noelle Hyphen-Whatnot isn’t keeping her options open, she’s a muncher. I bet the “partner” will be called Whatnot-Hyphen, in reverse.

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

I’ve never seen such a collection of Beta males and Regressive SJW feminists in my life. Well not counting the Democrat’s in Congress that is.

6 years ago

The Z-Man is onto something here , in my personal life the most unhappy semi suicidal people I know are liberal women. Maybe they can’t take themselves out but figure to take their group out with these actions and get to the sweet release of death “not by their own hand?”

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Dansidea
6 years ago

No kidding. Still expecting a few in the local population to simply spontaneously combust. Their latest crusade is trying to convince everyone to buy and post a “Hate Has No Home Here” sign in their yard. If you think it is a silly idea, you must be LITERALLY HITLER. And for God’s sake don’t say something like “well, I hate Lima beans…so putting one up would be hypocritical”

6 years ago

George Washington, were he alive today, would have left that church long ago, and the men that built it would probably burn it to the ground. The small, rural churches still survive here and there.

6 years ago

I realized why SJW or Leftist ideas seem crazier by the day: because none of their fads or themes NEED to mean anything. They’re just an excuse to build a network. Not an organization that serves a purpose, as normals expect, but existing merely for the sake of existing, and providing opportunities of status, place, identity, and payroll. Bureaucracy as a religious culture. The modern, disconnected version of tribes. Think of non-profits- any ’cause’ will do. University- any ‘subject’, so long as they can sell more student loans, get grants and writeoffs. Media- any content, except what we need to… Read more »

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

I know it’s a off the wall, but I’d argue that to a large extent this is all traceable to the end of the gold standard.

Once you can print money, and you have the guns to make everybody accept it, you can have a good long run of doing a lot of crazy contrived crap that doesn’t fulfill any legitimate need or desire.

Ace Rimmer
Ace Rimmer
6 years ago

Bring in about 2 score Pentecostals one Sunday morning. When the arms go up and they start up the glossolalia we’ll see how inclusive the high church can be. Can I get a witness?

6 years ago

The best thing on the staff page is the assistant rector, an ex actress who crams her entire IMDB page into her bio. She played Fonzie’s girlfriend!

Reply to  Wilbur+Hassenfus
6 years ago

Yep, nothing in her bio (or that of any of the priestesses as far as I remember) about the Trinity, the Gospels, faith, works, sacrifice… It is all about her and her incredible hotness. No progressive screed speaks as much about what is wrong with our world as that bio.

6 years ago

If you want a traditional, liturgical Protestant church, the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod (LCMS) may be your best hope. At two million baptized members, it’s the second largest Lutheran denomination in America. No lady pastors and no openly homosexual ones — because the bible says so. It’s up to the local congregation whether women may be voting members or deacons. (They are in most, but not in the one I attend.) The denomination is not a member of the progressive National Council of Churches or World Council of Churches. The closest the denomination gets to entrenched SJW-ism is its lamentable… Read more »

Phil Ossified
Phil Ossified
Reply to  cerulean
6 years ago


6 years ago

Well, Trump called this one too. He asked about Washington being next when the Confederate statues started coming down. Took only a few weeks.

The Gipper Lives
6 years ago

What’s the point? Hallmark does better homilies, Commies do better politics.
I think the General would worship elsewhere–and he probably wishes they’d take his name off the city, too.

6 years ago

To think that there are Americans who are ashamed of George Washington!

Reply to  J+Clivas
6 years ago

Joe McCarthy had whole lists of those people.

Reply to  J+Clivas
6 years ago

They aren’t American. Foreigners every one. On our soil.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Send them all back!

6 years ago

Steven Hayward over at Powerline hasn’t picked up on the fact there aren’t any men in the clergy at that church:

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Cloudbuster
6 years ago

Hayward is a piece of shit douche bag, He gets a lot of things wrong.

6 years ago

What I want to know is, where does the money to pay the salaries of this menagerie come from? Soros? Spouses/significant others?

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  BillH
6 years ago

Long-dead widows’ trust funds. Also, back in the old days Episcopal seminarians thought it might be helpful to marry “up” socially and not have to worry too much about their salary as it was amplified by their wife’s money. Great book about NYC Bishop Paul Moore a few years ago, written by his daughter. Verrrry upper crust couple. The hugely liberal Bishop was gay, but the couple had lots of children anyway. Had a male lover at whom he lived with at the end of his life. I learned from reading this book that the man who confirmed me in… Read more »

6 years ago

It’s sad. I thought about going back to my old church, which is pretty much local rural people. So, not crazy. Unfortunately, they are a part of the UCC, which includes the old Congregationalist church I grew up in….and those people have become Marxist nutcases. Not just fully converged SJWs, but full on revolutionary lunatics. Ddg the national office for the full flavor. The minister they sent the locals is, I think, a prototype lesbian. So, I go and eat the turkey dinners and leave it at that.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Tim
6 years ago

After 50 years absence, walking into a Catholic church is like arriving on a strange unexplored planet to witness sentient beings engaged in some ritual vaguely reminiscent of old worship ceremonies from one’s home.

Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago

Heh. Read Belloc on the subject of European identity & its dependence on Catholic thinking. For me, Hilaire was the original red pill writer.

Din C. Nufin
Din C. Nufin
6 years ago

Somebody’s gotta be making this stuff up.

6 years ago

The significance of a story like this is that things are much worse than commonly perceived. Most folks live a comfortable life and rarely come in contact with the actual crazy or destructive anecdotes that occasionally pop up in the news. Consequently, these problems typically seem more like a remote annoyance than a clear and present danger. Our culture is disintegrating in slow motion, which is why these problems worsen rather than get redressed.

6 years ago

It’s incidents like this that suggest the time between demonstrations of the abject uselessness of Conservative, Inc. is exponentially decreasing. Wasn’t it only a month or so ago that Rich Lowry and his fellow manginas at National Review declared surrender in the battle to preserve Confederate statues? They had to have known Washington, Jefferson, Madison et al would be next on the list but they must have figured the Left would give them at least a year or more to continue the grift before demanding they agree to put the Father of Our Country in mothballs. And now that the… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  RDittmar
6 years ago

I suggested renaming the church, too, because obviously someone will take offense at the word “Christ” on a public sign. How about Former Church Building?

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Dr. Dre
6 years ago

Cathedral of Scissoring

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
6 years ago

This is the clearest perspective and best cultural signifier of red pilling I have seen. Red pilled men taking action will stop this runaway train of lunacy in short order.

6 years ago

George Washington?!
Yup- it’s war.

Another one
Another one
6 years ago

FWIW: I once sat on a committee of the richest church in WA state. A new younger priest was brought in–white guy, ph.d. great pianist. It was clear that he was forcing the homosexual agenda and when I asked why he was so mean spirited with the other older ministers in other churches around the area his response was chilling and the message was clear: “they either support homosexuality, or they take early retirement. If they don’t support the program, I have the power to take away their retirement benefits.” He was from a part of the country well know… Read more »

6 years ago

The hilarious tidbit in this event is that the Washington plaque had to come down because they were taking the Robert E. Lee plaque down and the two plaques were placed in the church so they balanced each other. Toss the Father of the Country because of interior design.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  StarTripper
6 years ago


6 years ago

When a suicide seems especially puzzling, it’s worth at least considering that it might have been a murder.

Who had the motive to kill White people’s belief in faith, family & folk?
Who had the means?
Who had the opportunity?

If we were playing “Clue” my guess would be: The Jews did it, in the 20th century, using the universities & media.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Observer
6 years ago

Where does free choice fit into your theory?

Elvis Is Dead
Elvis Is Dead
6 years ago

I was raised “deep water” Southern Baptist. Left it because I was tired of my particular congregation’s not-so-subtle racism. As an adult with a child to raise, I looked into and fell in love with the Episcopal Church. That was 25 years ago. We finally had to leave the Episcopal Church because sermon after sermon of pro-Obama, pro-LGBTXYZ speeches from the pulpit (female “priest”) was getting old. But the straw that broke the camel’s back was the sermon where she spent the entire time attempting to convince everyone that Obama was very much like Jesus Christ and that we were… Read more »

Rocky Estrella
Rocky Estrella
6 years ago

A relative of mine is pastor of a so-called Methodist church in Arizona. I went to a service one Sunday. The opening ‘hymn’ was a communist folk song about ‘ain’t gonna study war no more’. They congratulated themselves for being open to the LBGT ‘community’ and called themselves “the movement”. The topic of sin was never mentioned, nor was forgiveness, nor even the name of Jesus, until they had communion. Then back to the political meeting- it did not resemble a church service. I neither participated in their communion, nor gave them any money.

6 years ago

The WSJ has a photo on-line today (11/1/17) showing a daytime service at the Christ Church last June. About 27 people are there in the pews, and 7 people are processing up to the altar. They’re done, if that photo is representative.

Michael S. Kochin
6 years ago

“this was always the end point of the Rebel Flag burning and statue toppling”
We have not reached the endpoint.

6 years ago

Having alt-righters dress as Hitler in any context is a terrible idea and assuredly would not be hilarious. Otherwise, enlightening and entertaining as always!

Reply to  onezeno
6 years ago

If you swallow a penny on accident, does copper wire com out?

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  LFMayor
6 years ago

Jewish friend of mine once told me copper wire was invented by two Jews fighting over a penny.

6 years ago

Mueller indictments coming Monday.

This is the beginning of the end for Trump and his crew.

Russian collusion all but confirmed

Reply to  Rudolf
6 years ago

Spam much, Rudy old boy?

Reply to  Rudolf
6 years ago

Two types of “collusion:” 1. Unconfirmed reports of conversations taking place 2. Selling the stuff that helps put the “power” in power plants and makes warheads go “boom.” You sure this thing might not backfire on the Clinton Cartel? I think this investigation is garlanding Trump’s path to reelection. Tell Hillary it’s hard to frog-march in leg irons when your cankles are that thick, though for a couple cartons of Pall Malls she can get the guards to sneak in Huma Abadeen. Hell, Harvey Weinstein and Anthony Weiner might even jump in on the action.

Reply to  joey+junger
6 years ago

Is Hillary Episcopalian?

Hillary and Maddy Albright’s greatest foreign policy success was shattering the Balkans while giving nukes to North Korea.

She repeated that strategy in Libya/Syria with the Bengazi weapons ratline to ISIS, and the Maidan attempt at civil war in Ukraine.

Now it turns out an associate, a Ukrainian Jewish pajundrum, sold uranium from her Uranium One deal to North Korea. (The Kievan Ukraine government is Jewish, while they hire Bandera and Right Front Nazis for the wetwork).

Imagine, now, if she were President.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Hillary is Methodist. Same game, different name.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

No kidding. In the late fifties my rock of America parents whispered about our Methodist reverend for years with other parishioners, and I never knew what that was about. One day a fellow with a family showed up to take over.

Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Rudolf
6 years ago

Trump doesn’t seem too worried.

Reply to  Rudolf
6 years ago

Don’t you ever get tired of being wrong?