Clown World

I was talking with someone the other day, who I know well enough to talk about current events. I do not talk about my politics with anyone in real life, but I will chat about current events in the cable chat show sort of way, always careful not to take the wrong side. If I am around a gang of Progs, for example, I make sure to sound like an NPR listener, if I am forced to speak about current events. The person I was with is what you people would call a Boomer normie. He watches Fox News and voted for Trump, over Hillary.

I forget what we were discussing, but he said, “Do you ever get the feeling that things are spiraling out of control?” He went on to point out that his parents thought the world was going to hell when his generation was going crazy, but he did not think they ever lost confidence in the country. They were just sick of the kids and communists. His last thought on it was “It just feels like no one is in control anymore. All it is going to take is someone to pull on the right thread and the whole thing comes unraveled.”

I did not have a response, as that is the sort of topic that leads to saying banned things in public and you cannot be too careful. Even when around people I am fairly sure think the bad thoughts, I have made a habit of keeping my mouth shut. I figure it is good practice for when they start coming door-to-door like they are doing in Europe, looking for people who post truthful things on social media. It will probably never happen in America, but you can never be sure, so I only speak freely around certified hate thinkers at hate conferences.

All that said, there does seem to be a constant state of crisis about things now. I do not remember that being true during the Obama years, even though there was that constant sense of foreboding over economics. The near death experience faced by the financial system in the Bush years is the reason. My sense is most people, even Cloud People, think we just got lucky. The mortgage meltdown was just one of the tremors before the credit volcano explodes and covers the world in useless debt.

It does feel different now. Part of it is the Prog panic over Trump. You cannot engage in mass media without seeing someone shrieking about the latest Trump crisis. It is not the shrieking that is unsettling, it is the ham-handedness of it. The Never Trump loons like Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg are so transparent and phony, it makes most people wonder if we are ruled over by sociopaths. It is not the constant state of panic in the media that is unnerving to be people. It is what the panic is revealing about our ruling class.

That is just one aspect. The troll culture is another. Americans are increasingly getting their news through social media. That means they inevitably run across guys like Mike Cernovich. He is just one of many professional trolls who are slowly casting themselves as legitimate news reporters. It is not what they post, so much as how much they post that gets them attention. They are a shotgun blast of bullshit, hyperbole and self-promotion that fills the space. A million Geraldo Rivera’s have taken over social media.

It is not just the fringe trolls. Mainstream soy-boys are now hired to generate click-bait for mainstream news sites. Most people reading this remember when the Boston Globe was a readable newspaper. No more. Idiots writing about gun confiscation are just dull-witted attention whores. He even brags about it. The thing is guys like him would not survive the first week of the civil war that would ensure if the government tried a gun grab like he proposes. Congress would be forced to hold session in Canada or Hawaii.

There is also the clown world aspect to it. Americans go on-line and learn that the US Army has now lifted a ban on the mentally disturbed. That’s right, they are letting “people with a history of “self-mutilation,” bipolar disorder, depression and drug and alcohol abuse” join the Army. Imagine yourself or your son in a unit with guys, who cut themselves or struggle with thoughts of suicide. If you are a normie, you look at that and think they have already let crazy people into the Army and now they are in charge.

On the other hand, it is just another day in clown world. Not so long ago, men who dressed as women – and the trans thing is always men dressing as women – were expected to keep that stuff private. If they could not control themselves, then they were shunned or even institutionalized. It was just assumed that people who think they are trees or space aliens or Filipinos trapped in a white guy’s body are suffering from a form of madness. Today, they are celebrated as heroes of the culture, by the people in charge.

That may be why people think things are spiraling out of control. It is not the lunacy; it is the pace of lunacy. It seems to be accelerating. In one generation we went from “Maybe one day a black guy can be president” to having an exotic weirdo with a Muslim name in the White House and his supporters making war on the native stock. One day, comics are making gay jokes as part of their act and in the blink of an eye, Canada is throwing comics in jail for upsetting lesbians. The clown world spiral is accelerating.

In the 60’s and 70’s, the narrative had two sides. The Prog version was that young whites wanted to open society up for the smattering of non-whites, particularly blacks. The alternative narrative was that white society came under assault by cosmopolitan communists who used the youth movement to attack white society. Both sides relied on a civil war framework to describe that age. Both sides assume some sort of resolution where a middle ground is the result and everything gets back to normal.

That is not the vibe of today. It feels like America is a fleet of ships lashed together for so long that no one remembers why they are lashed together. As the ropes begin to break, no one is trying to repair them. Instead. people are severing them so everyone can drift apart and go their own way. In the process, various madmen are setting fire to other boats and cackling like lunatics. Those who want to keep things together, just because that is the way it has always been, are starting to think it is time to cut everyone loose.

Maybe that is the best result for clown world. Whatever America was a generation ago or five generations ago, it is no longer that. It is something different and something increasingly untenable. Too many people want off the ride. To return to the previous metaphor, it used to be the responsible thing was to restrain the crazies from cutting the lashings. Now, the responsible thing may be to cut the cords that bind clown world together, before something much worse happens.

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6 years ago

That explains the appeal of conspiracy theories, anyway — it’s comforting, if that’s the word, to think that *someone* is in charge. I was really hoping the Trump phenomenon would produce a “crisis of foundations.” It’s long past time we ask ourselves “just what is a government supposed to do, anyway?” We currently have no idea, and we need to figure it out before we can move on to the (increasingly literally) life-or-death task of rearranging it so that it can carry out those functions, whatever they turn out to be.

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

The idea that individuals or groups are powerful enough to alter civic order is just as spurious as the concept that one satanist cult decides the fate of the world. Truthfully, all the evidence points towards the same arrangement as the previous rebellions cum social movements. Elites give over money and influence to their favored nuts, be they Jacobin, Boshevik, Maoist, or Progressive. Nuts compete with one another to be the chosen vessel of that power, because without political divination they are simply losers at the bottom of any social hierarchy. Contra Z; however, I hear few voices in America… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

Perhaps the people most likely to be contemplating that terrible option are those who have held traditional American culture — and out nation — so dear … for so long. Thus, they are reluctant to give voice to something so destructive of their own people, history and country. Also, those same people probably are among those most reluctant to advocate for the violence such a course of action would entail. They believe in the system, even if it no longer works. I know my 96-year-old, fully aware and actively engaged Aunt is horrified by what she’s seen these last decades,… Read more »

Reply to  Primi Pilus
6 years ago

I should amend. I do think some people are quietly looking for the exits; however, I don’t think those people are in any position to separate, peacefully or otherwise. At bottom, your political system can adjust course, but you are much too far gone for coming completely about. The only institution with that kind of power is the military and they certainly aren’t going to carve off territory at home when they still consider most of the world to be of the “national interest.”

Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

Soros with his color revolutions in Eastern Europe would seem to belie your opinion.

The Annoyed Man
Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

It seems to me that – absent some kind of cataclysmic violence to “water the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots”, as some are wont to describe it – the future of the nation looks like this: — The more the clowns rule the centralized gov’t, the increasingly irrelevant that gov’t becomes to 90% of the people living more than 100 miles inland of either east or west coast, or 25 miles outside either side of the Mississippi River valley……AKA “Flyover Country, or “FC” (as opposed to “DC”). — As the centralized gov’t in DC becomes increasingly irrelevant… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

One of the things we might have “Government Do” is Less.

6 years ago

Empires don’t break up without bloodshed and the current one isn’t about to let whites self-segregate without sending men with guns to stop us. Even now the U.S. State Department is funding groups in Hungary to instigate a color revolution to over throw Orban(Zerohedge has a link to it). The EU/Germany is considering funding groups in Poland to topple the nationalist regime there, Here we have the GOP going insane over Bannon’s attempt to install populist reps.. And now we have the state of AL threatening to invalidate Roy Moore’s election should he win. It looks to me the elites… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

The crazies will burn out; enrollment is already dropping at the worst unis. You will see a kind of “revival” mindset take hold of the great herd, and the deep perverts will be locked up.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

The Bolsheviks did not have a majority but they made it happen. A helpful factor was they had the military with them. The establishment has much of the military with them, don’t you think? Or is it a mixed bag? Maybe the globalists, pro-interventionists, suicidals, bi-polars and trannies are for the establishment and the normies are for the new right? And most police are Trumpies, I think. But I suppose with drone technology, one only needs access to weaponized drones and to know where the dissidents live and they’ll just vaporize the troublemakers.

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

Upper military leadership, yes. The purge of the officer corps began in earnest during the Clinton years. I speak from experience, as one who waited many months beyond the norm for the majors list to come out, since under the Clinton administration is was sent back and forth between their diversity contractor and DC to ensure there was the right balance of monorities and women (and that balance wasn’t tipped in the favor of white males). As one goes higher, they add in greater emphasis on proper political vetting. I saw it first hand, all the way up to the… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Primi Pilus
6 years ago

PP; What about at the field grade, direct troop commander level officers_? In a coup/insurrection scenario they and the senior NCO’s have mattered most, historically. Institutional respect, such as the diversity warriors must count on for obedience, only goes so far when TSHTF. Consider what happened to the Ceausescus during the Romanian Revolution of 1989: Tl:dr; If you are a purely political general who orders the troops to fire on the demonstrators and one soldier or NCO says ‘F that’, he is potentially fatal trouble. But if a few hundred soldiers, their NCO’s and their unit commanders say ‘F… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

I just don’t have a good enough feel for whether or not the field grades and sr NCOs would non-comply. I do know that, from what I saw, the closer one gets to stars, them more compliant he becomes … in most cases I observed. I saw up close peers who didn’t think females should serve in their units writing glowing assessments about the general’s new diversity program in the larger organization’s glossy mag. I watched highly politically motivated, mid-field grade officers turn a blind eye to higher ups’ shenanigans out of fear it would impact their path to wearing… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

There were always things it is a bad idea to co-exist with. We let that line move so far it’s now behind us. Tocqueville–It must not forgotten that it is especially dangerous to enslave men in the minor details of life. Subjection in minor affairs…does not drive men to resistance, but it crossed them at every turn, till they are led to surrender the exercise of their own free will.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

I basically agree with you but minus the hardship I’m hard pressed to see why being separated even by force is a bad thing. Anyway the biggest problem the Right faces is rugged individualism , lots of “me and mine” and an absolute fear and loathing of “us and ours” as a concept All that anti Communist rhetoric has really warped people brains or something and we’ve forgotten that if we don’t hang together, we shall all hang separately we used to have This is subject to change though, its why in my opinion as foolish an idea as it… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
6 years ago

Problem is the types of collectivism offered are ineffectual:

‘Murica Civic Nationalism: Race doesn’t matter, demographics doesn’t matter, blacks are to be forcibly assimilated and whites forced to pretend blacks are natural Europeans. Implicit caste system in moral responsibilities. Our “country” is the entire Western Hemisphere.

Christian Collectivism: Race doesn’t matter, only religious demographics is relevant, Black voodoo Jesus is just as good as Euro Communist Jesus. Implicit caste system in moral responsibilities. Protestant anti-hierarchy (functionally a charisma hierarchy) just as good as Catholic competence hierarchy.

6 years ago

“Not so long ago, men who dressed as women – and the trans thing is always men dressing as women –” About a year and a half ago an advertising campaign for a large consumer company tried to go full poz, but it never made it out of the ad agency. They were going to sell you not just the trannies-are-brave-heroes thing, but tranny *teens*. They fully knew how creepy the whole thing was, which explains choice of sex for the teen hero in the commercial: girl LARPing as boy. Normies watching tv would find that way less nauseating than,… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  George+Orwell
6 years ago

The Blue Cross/Blue Shield materials I receive (I’m on Medicare the past several years) ALWAYS have a late middle-aged black couple on the cover of the brochure, absolutely having the time of their lives, yucking it up. It’s kind of humorous: the black woman always has a short “natural” hair clip, lots of gray, no obvious processing. The man is nice looking, long faced, usually w/ Caucasian features, could be anyone’s grandpa with a little more cream in the coffee etc. I have never seen one of these ads show an overweight, very black woman with lots of braids etc.… Read more »

Reply to  Dr. Dre
6 years ago

Absolutely agree. I live in NYC, and I never see black people or couples that look like most ads, and i’m surrounded by black people every day. The black folks used in those ads represent the smallest possible fraction of the black population.

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Dr. Dre
6 years ago

I believe you are referring to the proverbial “Magic Negro” They are in very short supply, as rare as unicorns. I may have spotted one a few years back, but it is hard to be certain.

Paul Bonneau
Paul Bonneau
Reply to  George+Orwell
6 years ago

Was just watching the old Marilyn Monroe movie, “Some Like It Hot”. Lots of play-tranny behavior in that one, and a big boost for homosexuality right at the very end…

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Paul Bonneau
6 years ago

That is a great movie, with everyone in it at the top of their form, and superb Billy Wilder direction. Wearing clothes of the opposite sex in a theatrical setting has been done since the beginnings of civilization — and play-acting, too, with the ancient Greeks down to Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe etc. That’s not the problem confronting society today re: homosexuality.

Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Reply to  Dr. Dre
6 years ago

Don’t forget the Three Stooges. Who can forget Curly’s turn as a ‘celebrated’ Latina soprano?

Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Reply to  Paul Bonneau
6 years ago

I’m not sure what your comment means. Are you trying to say that there is some troubling ‘subtext’ here?

6 years ago

We can only pray that your analysis is correct and the reckoning comes sooner rather than later. As with all addicts on their final glide path to degeneracy, the quicker they hit bottom, the higher the bottom will be. Incessantly kicking the can down the road just makes the bottom that much lower and increases the damage. Wait too long and the odds of eventual recovery get pretty dim.

6 years ago

I suspect this is going to come crashing down around the people who are going full-bore crazy, not around everyone. They’re literally running out of crazy behaviors to champion. What are they down to at this point? Pedophiles? Everybody knows that this is next. You can hear Justice Kennedy writing the majority opinion now, “Who are we to judge what love is, who can love who? No child should turn over in their bed and not find a 54 year old unmarried former librarian who collects women’s shoes there to love him.” What else truly crazy do they have left,… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

What’s next? I’m thinking barn animals (or has that been done already??).

Reply to  McWaynor
6 years ago

I once got a Dutch porn flyer in the mail, gods know how. Yes, it’s been done already. Boy howdy.

Reply to  McWaynor
6 years ago

Given the shift in recent years from calling animals “pets with owners” to “dogs with guardians” – you see it all over the place here in CO at city/state parks – I think people will protect animals before they protect children.

6 years ago

A few other things are giving me that “out of control” or “impending doom” feeling. 1. Everything is political now. I can’t watch a sports game, a sitcom, and certainly not the news without getting a big dose of unsolicited opinions. 2. Everyone is a liar. The political class is happy to have people lie over sexual allegations, Russian hacking, trading favors for campaign contributions, or any other damn thing that will keep them in power. When the truth is so elusive, things feel out of control because there’s nothing to hang on to. 3. Communism and political violence seem… Read more »

Andy Texan
Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

The world appears to be spiraling down the drain because self government appears to be a thing of the past. I call it neo-feudalism.

Reply to  Andy Texan
6 years ago

Maybe we’ve lost the will and the requisite skills.

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

Lack of will?
We’ve never seen such will, such dedication.

Popular outcry, voter majority, voluminous research, national bankruptcy, visible collapse, continuous war- none of it matters.

They. Will. Not. Stop.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Andy Texan
6 years ago

At least feudalism was structured, although the word they used was order, as opposed to what exists today — disorder! Everyone knew his/her place in the heirarchy, and understood their responsibilities to society. Also, it was understood that God was in charge at each level, so the opportunity to appreciate beauty firsthand in the Church was available and achievable behavioral standards applied to everyone! That’s gone now, so I wouldn’t call the current situation “neo-anything” worthwhile. The “spiraling down the drain” is going faster and faster each day. Unreal and scary.

forest grump
6 years ago

The left wants the rural conservities gone . they knowingly lie and misrepresent news to agitate BLM and “by any means nessecary ” groups , hoping for violence . the GOP globalist/cheat labor lobby is fine with it and won’t push back . It’s a sad ending to a great and magnanamous society. Every one of them will regret the complete loss of civility and polite society they are bringing about. It’s all a temper tantrum of the left at being largly rejected , combined with the cynical scorched earth no holds barred permanent campaign of the clintons.

6 years ago

It is possible to signal one’s beliefs in a subtle way, also. For example, I used to be fond of saying “Obamacare isn’t about health care, it’s about destroying the middle class.” Now, I say, “Obamacare isn’t about health care, it’s about destroying the WHITE middle class.” Invariably, I will see a look of agreement on the white folks’ faces and either a look of fury or conscious guilt (to their credit) on the black folks’ faces.

6 years ago

What surprises me is how tight lipped you are out in public and at work. Easy for me to say being I own my own business but to totally avoid letting people know that there is an opposition or another viewpoint misses many opportunities. Just saying I was going to vote for Trump I received a look of relief, as if they knew they weren’t alone. All this panic and hysteria has got to be good. If they weren’t reacting, we ain’t trying hard enough. It remains to be seen if this change or movement is big enough to keep… Read more »

Reply to  David+Wright
6 years ago

Livelihoods, and therefore lives, can be destroyed if a person says the wrong thing. This is universally understood, but seldom remarked on. It is now like the air we breathe. I imagine this is the reason ZMan is circumspect in public. Freedom of expression has been in the process of croaking for quite a while, even though it is nominally protected by law and tradition. In this country, the politics of personal destruction was once confined to politicians. Now it has extended to ordinary people who commit crimespeak. This was the reality in the Soviet Union and still is in… Read more »

Reply to  cerulean
6 years ago

In my comment, I made it seem like being tossed out of a job for expressing unpopular views is something completely new. It is not, of course.

The new things: in the US our side is under attack, technology makes it easier to come after us, and the scale and focus of the attack have increased.

It is still true that our side has been ineffective in countering such attacks or employing them.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  cerulean
6 years ago

This is because the Right is the party of money and commerce and little else . The idea of economic warfare against people that are supposed to be your market is foreign and repulsive to them. The Muh Capitalism blinders prevent them from seeing these people aren’t the market and are basically their enemies This is changing though as the ability for the US to generate real wealth for its people vanishes and it even gets harder to loot For I don’t know five decades the establishment Right only barely tolerates traditionalists and social conservatives and somewhere between fellow travelers… Read more »

Reply to  cerulean
6 years ago

While the U.S. and some other western countries, like U.K. and Germany, grow increasingly authoritarian with their progressive globalist agendas, countries like Russia and China continue growing in the opposite direction, opening to more freedoms in social and business life. I’m sure I’ll get a lot of hate for that comment, to which I respond, Step away from the propaganda and look up commentary from westerners living in and doing business in those countries these days.

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

In speaking with many Chinese traders twenty and thirty years ago–taking buyers to lunch was always in the Chinese business plan–it was obvious that the natural flow of their conversation stopped dead at politics back home. They were outright fearful. What changed in China was that they began to improve themselves incrementally at the same time it became too obvious the American colossus was suiciding. The Chinese openly pity us trapped in our democratic multiculturalism.

Reply to  james+wilson
6 years ago

Asian tells Africans they are stupid for destroying what White people built and for learning nothing
Chinese are pretty industrious people; would love to hear their observations as they work with Africans (or in spite of Africans) in developing regions in Africa. Can imagine what they think of our feral African-Americans.

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

They’re pretty tight-lipped, but every now and again some political or business figure In East Asia says what he actually thinks about Africans. Often followed shortly by profuse apologies.

Paul Bonneau
Paul Bonneau
Reply to  cerulean
6 years ago

“Now it has extended to ordinary people who commit crimespeak.”

Even if that is the trend (which is questionable), the remedy is not to keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, they win.

All life is risky, and eventually you die anyway. The question is, how does one face those risks?

Reply to  cerulean
6 years ago

And should that day come to pass, you should make it as painful as possible for all concerned to try and take you down. Most of all, never, ever resign or quit. Make them fire you. Also, what is good for the goose is also good for the gander. You should be looking for reasons to get the alt-left turds around you fired. Report every infraction, file a harassment case at every slight. Keep files of ever little thing they do, and if/when they come after you, go biblical on them in return. The moment you self censor is the… Read more »

Reply to  David+Wright
6 years ago

I’m not. Have you ever worked in a corporate environment?

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Here’s the thing, history is a process. It’s going to go where it’s going to go, no matter what anyone says or does to the contrary. Some aspects of the new system — currently emerging — are visible, or at least partly visible. But most of the new system is obscured right now. There is a high chance of multiple points of societal breakdown, with localized carnage on a large scale. Positioning yourself away from those points, with resources at hand to survive any outages (food, water, energy) for at least 3 months is the smart play. Worrying about Joos,… Read more »

Al in Georgia
Al in Georgia
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

I advise my family and friends to stock up on food, guns, ammo and a way to get clean water. Things may get interesting in the future.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Karl, you are absolutely right. Food, water, heat, self defense are absolutely necessary. Also key, get to know your neighbors, just on a friendly basis. You don’t need to discuss politics, or (preparing for an apocalypse)…but you need to know at least some of them.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Tim
6 years ago

Funny, but during Sandy got a dry run on that. Now I knew all my neighbors, but grossly underestimated just how helpless the vast majority were. One of the funniest episodes was watching one scream at the ConEd operator demanding that her “power be restored right now!” or heads were going to roll–using up what was left of her cell phone battery.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

When the Cedar Fire was bearing down on our neighborhood back in 2003, I had to go around and turn off everyone’s gas main with a big Crescent wrench. No one in the neighborhood had a clue. Of course, they also didn’t believe the fire was coming. I pointed out that the smoke plume from the fire was blowing directly over the neighborhood. Most of the neighborhood burned down.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

We always make sure those are the ones on the last…The ones that bring us food or drinks on the other hand, well they usually benefit from that if we can…

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Alternatively, no months supply in a rural climate is going to save you if Progressive power is solidified and purges begin. Kulaks weren’t exactly urbanites. You should treat political power as a lifeline too. Withdraw too much or too soon and you forfeit the world to people who would hunt you to extinction.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

Exactly who was “safe” from Stalin, in the CCCP? Exactly no one. Therefore there is no way to “prepare” for that kind of scenario, so it is safely and profitably ignored.

Old Surfer
Old Surfer
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Old Surfer
6 years ago

You don’t know the Russians very well, do you. re:Chechnya campaign.

Reply to  Old Surfer
6 years ago

They had confiscated your guns. What would you use to do that Solzhenitsyn? Kitchen utensils? Axes? They would shoot you dead in front of your family. And so you went quietly. Know this: gun confiscation is the beginning of the damnation the progs plan for us.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

See My 5:50, ish comment

Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

Except, the kulaks were disarmed. We aren’t. Molon labe.

Reply to  Backwoods+Engineer
6 years ago

Most were not disarmed, they were simply overwhelmed. Like the Progressives in America, Bolsheviks imported millions of angry aggrieved ethnic groups who had a grudge against the kulaks and sent them by the thousand to kulak territory. Eventually the call went out to do the deed and so the kulaks went to their graves.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

Everyone goes to their grave at some point. Every race every ethnic group, every culture, every faith , every ideology will eventually be dust . Once you accept that that you can move on and live life a little easier. The thing is no sane person is fighting a revolution for just himself, its for his family and his future family. Kin and tribe matter nothing matters more including religion That lack of families, lack of kin or anything worth fighting for combined with the gilded cage of comfort we live in is what cripples the right and keep them… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
6 years ago

“Everyone goes to their grave at some point. Every race every ethnic group, every culture, every faith , every ideology will eventually be dust . Once you accept that that you can move on and live life a little easier. ” Not really. The collection of ethnics and races we have today survived a very long time. Admixture happens, but rarely does it do what will happen to Europeans: utterly dominating what remains of their genes and territory. If you are white and living easily in America or Europe, I don’t know what to tell you. That sounds to me… Read more »

Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

So immigration was the swarm weapon, not disarmament or ideology.

Maybe the most important observation ever made about the Revolution.
No wonder our betters never mentioned it.

(Stalin did relocate millions, didn’t he.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Wow. That insight is an eye-opener.

6 years ago

Imagine yourself or your son in a unit with guys, who cut themselves or struggle with thoughts of suicide Frankly, this is the norm. I never saw any cutting, but depression is extremely widespread in the military. A lot of it is due to having high-IQ guys trapped in menial, soul-crushing jobs for the benefit of a military that in ostensibly defending the nation is actually subverting it. Remember when Gen. Casey made his statement after Nidal Hassan shot up Ft. Hood, “…as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse”? What do… Read more »

Paul Bonneau
Paul Bonneau
6 years ago

Don’t worry, someone is still in charge. It’s just that they aren’t very good at it any more, and their interests do not even peripherally align with ours. The author seems excessively timid around other people. I’ve always just said what I thought even if it was unpopular. People come to expect that from you over time. It’s also pretty easy to just laugh at PC crap. I suppose it depends on how secure a person feels in his job. If you are just barely hanging on anyway, keeping quiet makes more sense. Back in the ’70’s and ’80’s when… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Paul Bonneau
6 years ago

Guess what…it isn’t the 80’s anymore. You have no idea how out of touch you sound; kind of like a pesty drunk that won’t shut up.

Tully Bascombe
Tully Bascombe
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Paul’s comment is typical of clueless Boomers

Reply to  Paul Bonneau
6 years ago

I’m an engineer in my 50’s, have been active in this field since ’87. Totally agree with Z. A place of business is exactly that, for BUSINESS not a place for robust political debate. Played that game before, all it spreads is hate and enmity, making it tougher for people to simply do their jobs. As far as being secure in my job, I can tell you that I’m highly paid, highly sought after, highly competent and have never been unemployed in my entire 30 year career. None of that matters if you piss off the wrong guy (or is… Read more »

Reply to  McWaynor
6 years ago

The workplace is enemy territory. Get a look into HR and see who they go after. Lay low in enemy territory and quietly scope out the area for potential allies.

Reply to  Paul Bonneau
6 years ago

You’re right, bad economies do make people stay quiet so they won’t lose their job. Plus, Z Man grew up poor, was a good student, applied himself to succeed and now, as he’s stated, he prefers avoiding being poor again. Completely understandable. People who are retired after making good salaries their entire lives, having good money socked away and are taking in social security on top of it are fortunate not to know what American workers experience these days with scarce jobs and low wages, thanks to all the immigrants. For most of us, there will be no retirement and… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

So, so true.
Things are much more desperate and limited now. No room for error, no time for recovery. Everyone walks on eggshells.

6 years ago

Regarding the thinking and expressing of “bad thoughts”, there are two types of people. One group makes sure you know exactly how they feel either through bumper stickers, political signs in their yard, or self-identified comments on line. I find these people to generally be self-absorbed jerks, especially the ones with the “Coexist” sticker on their Prius. Virtue signalling at its finest. The other group keeps their opinions to themselves or only share it with like-minded souls. Smart folks, those. My dad never allowed anyone to know where he stood and told me to be the same way. It helps… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Eduardo
6 years ago

Here behind enemy lines one has to always be on guard As I tell fellow shooters, “the first rule of Gun Club? You don’t talk about Gun Club.” There are people around here crazy enough to call the PD if they see you carrying a cased, trigger locked rifle to your car for a trip to the range.

Reply to  Eduardo
6 years ago

Eddy, my man: If you think you can categorize folks into only two types, you might need to get off the 4 lane at the next opportunity.
My stickers are: [1] Lets play cowboys and muslims and [2] USA raised beef, no more mixing meats.
If an issue might arise from the above opinions, I’ll gladly handle it, and if a disagreeable type follows me to my cattle guard, then his fate rests with the NAPA battery on the Case back hoe and my giddy fingers on the control levers….. plenty of room down here in the bottom ground. soapweed

Din C. Nufin
Din C. Nufin
Reply to  Eduardo
6 years ago

I dunno. Ted Nugent says if you don’t call out the ass holes, you become one.

6 years ago

Are things that different and worse than they were two or three years ago? I can make the argument that some things are going in a slightly better direction now. I believe the difference is that, two or three years ago, the mouthpieces of the “system”, the arbiters of public-think, were busily papering over all the problems. Now they are fully vested in magnifying the nits and manufacturing crises out of whole cloth. We are being played. Speak to a reasonably intelligent and aware center-leftie. They show all the signs of hypnosis. Discuss public events, watch their eyes, and note… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

What you are saying is true enough, but that is only one piece of the puzzle. There are genuine tectonic movements going on now, real changes in long standing power arrangements. For a start, the GOPe has been fully revealed (and is now fully reviled). Hollywood is aflame, the NFL is gut shot and staggering around, etc etc etc. Whether the tec plates are being moved by human volition is debatable, but moving they are.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

There are so many threads. Many have been there for a long time (the 2008 financial crisis was a warning that things were seriously not OK, even back then), but the emotional drama show we see today is a sign that it all is quickly moving away from where the powers-that-be want things to go. They are throwing out all the stops to try to get back on top of things. That they are using such ham-handed techniques says many things. They are getting desperate. They underestimate the intelligence and perceptively of their foes. And they have a lot of… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Agree that the heavy handedness is a sign of mounting panic. If Roy Boy gets in, they will be plotzzing themselves silly!

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Agreed. People’s Exhibit A of ham handed propaganda was Sunday’s NFL ‘Veteran’s Tribute’ barf-inducing bilge. Respect for the military suddenly replacing respect for the flag. Using uniformed military as stage props. False swearing-in ceremonies. Guys in camo prancing around with team flags (anybody can buy camo gear). Stupid camo rags and ribbons (too much white for forest or desert, not enough white for actual winter camo), etc., etc.

6 years ago

Z, if you want to link content from sites like Jezebel or even the Boston Globe, you should use this site:

Just copy and paste the URL you want to link to, and will generate an archived version of the page. That way Jezebel or whoever won’t generate any ad revenue or traffic statistics from your readers.

Starve the parasites.

Good post, btw.

6 years ago

I have a bit more freedom than most regarding speaking out, but unlike the maniac progs I don’t seek to upset the folks I’m talking to either. Its common courtesy, but I make no bones about the way I view the world to my friends with whom I agree.

6 years ago

It makes sense to fill the army with crazy people if you pla to turn them loose on half the population. Normal men and women might not want to go along with the program as ordered.

Deplorable Black Man
6 years ago

As usual, great post Z. However, I just don’t understand your beef against Cernovich. I don’t follow the guy much anymore, but his role in exposing the Michele Fields hoax (god that seems like that happened 10 yrs ago) was invaluable in exposing the mendacity, and outright insanity of the never Trump, Conservative, Inc., loons. And in regards to tranny mania, I was in a black barbershop last Wednesday, and the discussion turned to the Virginia election results, in particular the tranny who won in Virginia. Let’s just say the brothers weren’t having anyone of the celebratory vibe that was… Read more »

6 years ago

Zman, here’s a later reaction to Stalin’s Terror: “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase,… Read more »

6 years ago

At a meeting where a lot of the discussion is on health policy. Things are bad because intervention makes things more complex. Then we need to intervene more because the last intervention didn’t do what we thought it would. But maybe we can make things better by intervening to increase diversity. One thing I can tell you that is certain is that your doctor doesn’t give a shit about what the side effects of the interventions are as long as these “lashings” as Z calls them, do what they are really designed to do. And that is maintain the licensing… Read more »

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
6 years ago

Twitter and Facebook give lunatics a megaphone and a feedback loop. Cernovich may be a relentlessly self-promoting grifter, but he’s not certifiably insane. I have to ration my exposure to Twitter because my blood pressure spikes upward whenever I engage the sheer volume of knock-down, drag-out autistic screeching and nut-jobbery that flatters itself as though it were an adult comprehension of the world. Simply put, a republican form of government that depends on citizens rationally engaged with the issues of the day can not possibly sustain itself in the current social climate. We already occupy a sort of twilight tyranny… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
6 years ago

Just stop reading twatter, you will be better off for it.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
6 years ago

Cerno IS a relentlessly self-promoting grifter, but he comes from the right side of the divide. I personally can’t stand him, but I realize that’s because he’s made the cardinal mistake of revealing who he really is and what he’s really all about early in his career. In this respect he is a little like Trump, though their personalities are different. You know what you are getting with Cerno, just like you know what you are getting with Trump. This contrasts with the typical politician or “journalist” who has spent many years carefully concealing their real personality, motivations, idiosyncracies, and… Read more »

6 years ago

“His last thought on it was “It just feels like no one is in control anymore. All it is going to take is someone to pull on the right thread and the whole thing comes unraveled.”” I wonder from time to time how much of this is really about everything going completely nuts and how much of this is because we spent the last 30 years shifting to a constant, never-ending newscycle – first on cable and now on a smartphone. Imagine if we’d had Twitter and Facebook in the 1970s when NYC was turning into hell, there were regular… Read more »

Mark Auld
Mark Auld
6 years ago

When the financial house of cards falls, the ropes that bind will fail. Internal disruption is one source of Violence, but what about off shore predators? Perhaps we take our sovereignty and safety for granted.

6 years ago

If Trump saw a house on fire, ran inside and came running back out carrying an infant, the media would report “Trump seen fleeing the scene of a suspicious house fire which almost claimed the life of a child.”

6 years ago

‘…the responsible thing may be to cut the cords that bind clown world together…’

are you referring to dividing this nation into two, or more, parts Zman? is your opinion such a thing could be done in a peaceful fashion? please elaborate. these questions are asked in an information seeking fashion, not in an adversarial manner.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

Most individuals that try to anticipate the future use the past as a reference for their predictions. This is human nature. How do you predict what will occur? If you have no reference points, your future will make about as much sense as the Book of Revelation? Will the coming destruction of Western Civilization resemble the Fall of the Roman Empire? Will it resemble the English Civil War? Will it resemble the French Revolution? Will it resemble the American Civil War? Or will it pass with a whimper like the Fall of Communism? What is noticeable to me is that… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

Zman an atheist? Nah!!! My guess would be Polish Catholic. However, he does seem to be prone to bouts of melancholy — maybe that’s where you got the atheist idea. Personally, I’ve never met a happy or well-adjusted atheist.

Reply to  LoveTheDonald
6 years ago

I laughed- I mean, really?

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

I’m not an atheist, but as I observe the perversity of most modern churches, synagogues, and temples, I no longer feel comfortable criticizing the faithless on that count alone. Evil is malice without measure. The godless rightist knows this better than the faithful liberal.

6 years ago

“This week, the story is coffee machine maker Keurig, which pulled ads from Sean Hannity’s show at the prompting of Media Matters, and is now facing a conservative backlash of NFL-size proportions. But it isn’t just one or two companies engaging in virtue-signalling, it’s practically all of them. It’s Pepsi, which panders to antifa in its ads. Its Heineken, which salutes open borders in their adverts. It’s Twitter. It’s Starbucks. It’s KLM airlines. Despite vast differences in their products, services, and consumers, every industry seems to have the same virtue-signallers.” Since corporations are going to this much trouble to… Read more »

Reply to  cerulean
6 years ago

The worst part of the corporate virtue signaling is the fact that the vast majority of centrist normies, and even conservatives, will continue to buy/use their products without interruption.

Occasional Commenter
Occasional Commenter
Reply to  cerulean
6 years ago

If you want good, non-Starbucks coffee, try the Black Rifle Coffee Company. Founded by some ex-SOF guys. Their ads on YouTube are hilarious and definitely non-PC.

(Sorry, I don’t know how to embed a link here.)

Reply to  Occasional Commenter
6 years ago


Halloween ad:
Horror Film Survival Tactics with Black Rifle Coffee

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Occasional Commenter
6 years ago

Been buying from Black Rifle for a while. Still have an old Keurig, but use refillable filters. Haven’t bought a K-cup in ages. Good coffee.

6 years ago

And in a good # of cases these days, there’s just not enough people with a stake in the status quo to actually care about it anymore.

6 years ago

Mmmmm, I think the world is ….. fading. Dissipating.

Entropy is becoming more ….. visible. Chaos is really ordered but to the eye seems disordered.

Things are becoming less bright and made more and more of the Shadow World.

23rd SC Inf
23rd SC Inf
6 years ago

Enough hand wringing about “things spiraling out of control”….time to get ready for the coming violence….first step is to network with your neighbors….get to know them now before SHTF day…they’re the ones you will have to depend on when civil unrest begins.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Nice shiv over at Cuckmedia, in the fat gut of Radosh! Reynolds likes to prance around and pretend he is “above it all” but he is an academic cuck through and through.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

There are seven major political factions now. Four on the left, Bernie socialists/commies, Clintonistas, Obama-bots, and the traditional Pelosi-Schumer Dems. Three on the right, never-Trump McCain/Bush/Romney people, traditional McConnell/Ryan Reps, and Trump. Only one of the seven is red-pilled, all the rest are blue-pilled. Trump-leaning people need to be supported at all times, always. There is no alternative. If you find one, let me know.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Six on the left, one on the right. Fixed.

6 years ago

Oh geez…. you did the unthinkable. You criticized Mike Cernovich. Expect to get the wrath of the “dark supreme lord” or whatever that guy is calling himself now. It won’t be in direct response to this blog post, and it won’t mention Cernovich at all… but it’s coming soon. He’s super ass-blasted that nobody outside of his own minions is buying his super cool, super original comic books.

Reply to  Todd_Brown
6 years ago

“super ass-blasted” — LOL!

David Wright
Reply to  Todd_Brown
6 years ago

The one who is a standard deviation higher than our host here?
So he says. Who says that anyways?

Reply to  David Wright
6 years ago

Mike who?

Verbal Bomb Chucker
Verbal Bomb Chucker
6 years ago

There was a saying, “All Good Things Must Come To An End”. The good thing called America is about at the end of the ride. I agree that things seem to be out-of-control. The nut-burgers that used to be locked away at the local Wacky Ward are running loose and being celebrated as heroes. Lefties are screaming at the sky, which for us normies, is great to laugh at. But many lefties are joining the hate-hit squad called Antifa. Free Speech is frown upon on most college campi because “words hurt” the feeling of college snowflakes. 77% of college-education Democrats… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Ace’s cuck reversal therapy has failed (no surprise there) and he’s now flapping his wings about Roy Boy. God damn he is one fat bag of fear; total pussy.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Geez Louise, didn’t anyone learn anything last fall? Full speed ahead, damn the torpedos, go with what you’ve got. You win it or you don’t.

Once you start playing around with alternatives, you are playing their game. You never win anything worthwhile playing their way.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Conservative Treehouse seems to be with the program tonight, at least.

Joseph Moroco
6 years ago

“or struggle with thoughts of suicide.”

It will be easy to gather a suicide squad to charge the guns.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Joseph Moroco
6 years ago

Joe; I’d guess that you are being factious. But in the event you are not: The answer is, “Actually, no: Terrible idea. Completely unethical. Far more dangerous to friend than foe.” The following will sound unsympathetic. There should be no sympathy with getting Dirt Folk killed just so The Cloud can bask in their smug feelings of superiority over the wisdom of history and common sense. To repeat the obvious, potential suicides are inherently unstable. So, unless stopped by neuro-pharmacology, their clocks run down at random rates with random action thresholds. Hence, even *if* it were ethical, it’s not possible… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

Letting the mentally ill into the military is the same strategy as the Obama admin’s rule change to gun purchase applicants, reducing background checks of the mentally unstable by 40%.
Or rushing in immigrants from violent cultures.

Crack open the door, and something useful will fall through.

With completely plausible deniability, and plenty of blame to throw at one’s enemies, too.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Between the girl empowerment, transgenderism, nutcase admissions, and this guy, ,
I’m convinced that somewhere the decision has been made to degrade the military to complete incompetence and ineffectiveness.

Having said that, it really doesn’t matter whether this is all intentional or not. The US military is well on its way to becoming an affirmative action, transgendered, socialistic, gang banging third world gang of oafs, queers, and morons that the Russians or the Chinese could roll over it in a couple of hours on any battlefield.

The best armed forces on the planet?

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…The NeverTrump loons like Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg are so transparent and phony, it makes most people wonder if we are ruled over by sociopaths…” It may very well be that this is the case. I certainly think there are a vast number at the top. It’s possible that the roughly 250 year cycle for Empires to fall is that’s about the time it takes the psychopaths to rise to the top. It’s been remarked by psychologist that psychopaths seem to have a preference for dirt and serious pozzed behavior every now and then. I think destruction and degradation… Read more »

Patrick Flynn
Patrick Flynn
6 years ago

Clown world,eh? I recognize the circus our world has become and often wonder who is driving the clown car and what kind of music could they possibly be listening to? It has to be the same maniacal drivel that seldom encounters any thought or common sense. I do understand that most person’s worldwide live in a environment surrounded by their own self generated group think and would seldom ever consider a thought or idea outside of their comfort zone let alone a proposal that would require some independent thought rather than a knee jerk spontaneous double speak they have been… Read more »

6 years ago

Silence is considered to be consent. You don’t have to get on a soap box; a simple no or I don’t agree will do. You call this a clown world but don’t realize you are one of the clowns. You sound worse than the clowns you don’t like. You offer nothing no solutions only a bunch of whines. If you don’t like what is happening speak up against it. Individual people are neither good nor bad. It is their actions that can be good or bad. Terrorist tactics and other criminal activities are bad. These activities are easily identified because… Read more »

Reply to  Dusty
6 years ago

Yuh. Tiger traps at the office!

6 years ago

“That’s right, they are letting “people with a history of “self-mutilation,” bipolar disorder, depression and drug and alcohol abuse” join the Army. Imagine yourself or your son in a unit with guys, who cut themselves or struggle with thoughts of suicide. ” To be fair, this lifting would most likely be for people who experienced these things many years ago and they do not affect them today. If you were ever diagnosed as depressed when you were 16 and prescribed anti-depressants should you be banned from joining the military when you are 28 and have not had any issues of… Read more »

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  chris
6 years ago

The vast majority of new recruits enter the services before the age of 21. I went in at 20 and was one of the older guys in my squadron. I recall that there was a guy around 30 in our flight, and he was considered an old man by the rest of us.

Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago

Then change the hypothetical from a 16 and 28 year old to a 12 and 21 year old.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  chris
6 years ago

Military basic training was formerly an exercise in stress, designed to break down the personality, to a degree, and reform it to the military’s requirements. It was not an environment for someone with latent or dormant mental illness. Perhaps 25% of the typical basic recruiting class in the Air Force used to “wash out” several decades ago. This usually meant that they couldn’t or wouldn’t conform to the instructions and orders they were given, usually due to some form of personality deficit, and were either discharged or required to repeat several weeks of training. Again, not really an environment for… Read more »

Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago

Is the example I provided though a latent or dormant mental illness? In the example there has been no signs of it for 12 years. People recover from influenza and hepatitis and broken bones. Those are not considered latent or dormant illnesses. Considering that children these days are over-diagnosed for a host of psychological conditions (depression, ADHD) I can see why higher ups might think their policy was too broad. Nonetheless, any change should be empirically examined to see if is warranted.

6 years ago

When I hear someone attack Mike Cernovich I instantly think of the Globalist Pedophile Network and how men like Cernovich are exposing them

Tully Bascombe
Tully Bascombe
Reply to  Ensitue
6 years ago

I read what Cerno has to say, I read what Z has to say, and I also read what Vox Day has to say. It is possible to disagree with one or all of them from time to time without labeling them as enemies to be mocked. You should try that sometime, less drama is actually quite satisfying. Unless you’re a chick, or an SJW

Haxo Anghmark
6 years ago

stop beating around the bush, Z-man:

when the Jew rules, the Devil rules.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Haxo Anghmark
6 years ago

It’s the jews who are beating around (and on) the bushes.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

True story—I do sound work for various local music events. I use a modular set of sound boards, senders, cabling, mics, monitors, outputs. Adaptable to any situation, but elaborate and complex. Last night, a dress rehearsal for a church Interfaith music show. One piece from each participating group. The Tribe has been sending me e-mails every day for two weeks. Over one song. I have the basic set up laid out and ready to go, waiting to see what each of the five groups need. I step out to unload some tables while people are showing up. The Tribe members… Read more »