
Watch a TV show or movie from the 60’s or 70’s that touched on current events and you are likely to see a character mentioning something about Africa. Biafra was important for a while. Eritrea once got the attention of Americans. Zaire was another African country that turned up in popular media. Read anything about Progressive politics from the era and African causes were all the rage. The New Left was deeply into liberation movements and Africa was where the last European colonies were gaining independence. Africa was cool.

Of course, the 1980’s brought South Africa to center stage for the America Left. It was the easiest way to be pro-black, without having to move to Oakland. Lefty could be super-pro-black, from the safety of the college campus or Hollywood studio. In one of life’s little ironies, one of Mel Gibson’s biggest films featured him fighting South Africans, who were portrayed by actors obviously directed to act like Nazis. Everyone knew South Africa was going to be the example that proved Africans could run a first world country.

No one talks about Africa very much these days. On the college campus, the word “de-colonization” still pops up in papers, but it is now used by mentally unstable feminist academics in their howling about white men. No serious person talks about colonialism or what happened to the former colonies. Even South America is ignored by the American commentariat, other than to praise the wonderfulness of immigration. What used to be called the Third World has largely been forgotten by our Progressive rulers.

The reason for this is Africa, in particular, stands as proof against everything the modern Left says about the human condition. There are no success stories in Africa. Botswana is the closest you get, but it remains one of the poorest places on earth. The rest of Africa is a collection of failed states and basket-cases. Sierra Leone, for example, is no longer able to maintain its water supply and power grid. Nigeria is in a low-grade civil war with Muslims and Zimbabwe is the glaring example of the African failed state.

No one talks much about Africa for this reason. Whenever it pops into the news, the American media handles the topic like a skunk at a garden party. They crinkle up their noses, get through the story and then forget about it. American troops are conducting operations in Niger and no one seems to care. It is why the end of Robert Mugabe has largely been ignored. Rhodesia, as it was called under white rule, was a great Progressive cause 40 years ago. Now it just another story of Africans discrediting the narrative.

You see, Africa is the example that counters everything our Progressive rulers believe about the world. If the blank slate is true, then Africans should have made great strides in closing the gap with the white world. If things like “institutional racism” were real things, Africa should be racing toward modernity now. If colonialism was the reason these places were so backward, a half century of freedom should have gone a long way toward curing the effects of the white man. Instead. everywhere Africa is worse than a half century ago.

The response from our Progressive rulers is to just ignore Africa. You see it in this National Review article on the end of Mugabe’s rule. The authoress is young, so she was poached in the warm liquids of multiculturalism her whole life. Her struggle to explain the decline of Rhodesia into Zimbabwe reads like a person trying to disarm a bomb while blindfolded. She not only avoids the elephant in the room, which is race, she leaves the reader with the impression that there is no such thing as elephants. Race does not exist.

That is why Africa stopped being important to our Progressive rulers. It is why the efforts of George Bush to do something about AIDS in Africa was largely ignored. You cannot talk about Africa without talking about race and race realism. Those are taboo subjects, so the whole continent may as well not exist. Bring up the subject in a room full of Progressives and watch their reaction. You will not see fear. It will be confusion. The subject has been purged from the catechism, so it no longer exists. Africa is not cool anymore.

That is why Africa should be a central topic on this side of the river. It is the easiest way for the normie on the other side to begin his journey. It is a topic where the facts are so stark, it is easy to understand the basics of human biodiversity, evolution and the cognitive differences between groups of humans. The group characteristics on display in Africa, also look like what Americans see on their televisions. There is also the great divide between East and West. The Dark Continent is a living museum of human evolution.

Africa is also a useful lever against Lefty. Most of what our Progressive rulers say is some sort of moral posturing. Talking about the most important graph in the world is a good way to turn that against them.  A good rule of life is to always focus on what Lefty is trying to ignore. It usually means they fear the topic. Africa is the biggest elephant in the room right now, in terms of demographics. Lefty wants you to believe there are no elephants, so it is a good time to fall in love with the elephants.

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7 years ago

I spent a nearly three years living in west Africa in the 90s as a Peace Corps volunteer, and while that was 20 years ago, nothing has improved there (Togo,) or anywhere else on the continent. I travelled to Benin, Ghana, Burkina, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa and all have gone from “developing” world to either being or on the verge of becoming a failed state. Part of the problem has been the mass exodus to urban centers like Lagos, Dakar or Accra by rural people seeking economic opportunity, only to find they were trading rural subsistence for urban squalor,… Read more »

Reply to  Luddite
7 years ago

This. Anyone familiar with Theodore Dalrymple knows that his experiences in Africa as a young leftist are what turned him into a conservative, that and his experience as a prison psychiatrist. Talk about getting mugged by reality. I agree. The Best thing to do with Africa is to support and aid the remaining whites there against genocide, and provide a safe haven for them when they decide to leave. Other than that a figurative thousand mile high fence goes up around the place and no one goes in or out until they have totally killed and starved each other to… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

I’m not saying this is anything “we” need to worry about. But the best thing for Africa is obviously recolonization. But that’s not realistic. So the next best thing is colonial type government and economies administered by local elite ethnic groups. Ethiopia has had 10% year over year economic growth since the Tigrayans took over for example.

Reply to  Ryan
7 years ago

An Orobo was complaining to me about that very thing!

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

TPD….protecting the remaining whites against genocide? Whatever do you mean? After all, whenever I read a story on the political situation in, for example, South Africa, there is not a word mentioned about attacks and murders of white farmers. So, none of that is happening, right?
And I have been closely reading these stories, and I do mean not a word about the killings of whites. So, it’s not happening….
But then, let’s not be surprised. White attacks on blacks get blazing headlines in this country. Black attacks are never mentioned.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

Excellent comment, teapartydoc. Several of Dalrymple’s best books feature African chapters. For a taste of that, zman readers should check out Dalrymple’s superb City Journal article on life in Rhodesia: https://www.city-journal.org/html/after-empire-12420.html

Al in Georgia
Al in Georgia
Reply to  Luddite
7 years ago

I was stationed at the U.S. Naval Communication Station in Asmera, Ethiopia in 1972 and 1973. I was 19 when got there and learned to appreciate how lucky I was to be a citizen of the United States. When I first arrived there I had been in the Navy 20 months and was a third class petty officer making $105 every two weeks. When I saw the people in the city and the country who had nothing but the clothes on their back and a few other possessions, I realized I had hit the jackpot of life. I knew that… Read more »

Reply to  Al in Georgia
7 years ago

150 years ago or so:

“Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.”
Cecil Rhodes

Reply to  Al in Georgia
7 years ago

And, stationed at Asmara’s high elevation, the climate was far nicer than what many of the poor sods at low elevations had to live through! I have had the pleasure of meeting veterans of three US services who served in Asmara and were glad they had.

Reply to  Al in Georgia
7 years ago

White Privilege is hard work.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  Luddite
7 years ago

This MPC poast from a former Peace Corps volunteer in Central West Africa is an excellent primer for anyone on the right seeking to understand how African operates:


Reply to  Luddite
7 years ago

Eh. The starvation in Ethiopia was more of an intentional genocide manufactured by the communist government. Regardless, Ethiopia is a great example to help recruit to the cause. The country got through both its communism and democracy problems. It’s now run almost entirely by Tigrayans. They’re only 6% of the population but they dominate the government and the economy. They’re Semitic in origin (surprise). And they really know how to put down a race riot: https://qz.com/753252/ethiopias-previously-divided-ethnic-groups-are-unifying-to-protest-against-the-government/ I’m not saying Ethiopia will ever work it’s way to far up the smart fraction curve (http://www.lagriffedulion.f2s.com/sft.htm). But as long as the elite minority… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Luddite
7 years ago

Most libtards are Star Trek utopians that believe science and humanity’s natural goodness will create a beautiful utopia. All without money because of endless energy and replicators. So, anyone that doesn’t believe that we can give away our wealth and countries to the global losers is just greedy because wealth and countries will be unnecessary some day. Never mind that this is just fantasy science fiction. But, what they never seem to realize is the inherent “racism” in Star Trek. You’re familiar with the Prime Directive, right? This is one of the guiding principles of the Federation and it applies… Read more »

Reply to  Luddite
7 years ago

An internet classic – Let Africa Sink, by Kim Du Toit:


Reply to  Luddite
7 years ago

I was involved in Live Aid, though I did not go to Ethiopia I knew several that did. Geldof leased the planes, and bought new GM trucks for aid disbursement. When the planes landed, they were surrounded by the Ethiopian army. Several hours and several bribes later, the aid workers were allowed to get off the plane. They unloaded the aid trucks and those were declared ”contraband” and confiscated. Then the government told them they would have to buy ”approved” Toyota trucks (at a hefty markup) which they did. Then they were only allowed to set up aid stations where… Read more »

7 years ago

YES! This!!! I’d go so far as to say that before Lefty can start learning about race realism, he has to learn to let go of binaries. Africa is great for that. It’s entirely possible that, say, Cecil Rhodes was simultaneously A) a very bad guy, and B) the best thing that could’ve happened to his patch of Africa. You don’t drag people out of the Stone Age with (just) peace, love, and understanding. (BTW do you recall that Jonah Goldberg, of all people, wrote a column back in the late 90s arguing that the best thing to do for… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Jonah Goldberg’s original May 3, 2000, National Review article:

“A Continent Bleeds”

“Taking Africa — and our responsibilities — seriously.”

by Jonah Goldberg • National Review • May 3, 2000


with his follow up, as you pointed out, a week later:

“Goldberg’s African Invasion”

“A second wave hits the beach.”

by Jonah Goldberg • National Review • May 10, 2000


Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I was in the Gabon a while ago and more than one man said that things were much better under the British and when were we coming back? I was flying on some mickey mouse African airline once in the eighties, where all the passengers were loaded first then the door at the back was opened and a huge shiny African in a uniform with at least 30 Lbs of gold braid marched the length of the plane to the cockpit so everyone could get a look. I expressed some alarm to the guy in the seat next to me-… Read more »

Reply to  bilejones
7 years ago
Reply to  bilejones
7 years ago

Wasn’t Gabon a French colony?

7 years ago

Mr. Z, you are smarter and better read than I am and I like the way you think – that’s why I read you daily – but I’ve been preaching this for years. As kids we were told in Sunday School and read in Weekly Reader that if we’d save up and send in our nickels and dimes schools and wells could be built in Africa. That’s all they needed, book learning and clean water, and Africa would blossom and succeed. During the Kennedy years we were told the single greatest thing we could do for the world was join… Read more »

Reply to  tljhound
7 years ago

Unfortunately, I know quite a few idiot Presbyterians in my city who are still digging water wells for Hutus. They do not listen to reason. All for the glory of God, don’t you know.

7 years ago

The world’s busiest airport was shut down all of Sunday for a power outage and what was the leadership of Atlanta doing. No idea. No one even bothered to make a statement for 6 hours. You know a statement like “we’re working on it” no no nothing like that. And Atlanta just elected another black criminal to be mayor. Things are just going to get worse.

7 years ago

Obama seemed to have had a role in quelling all the “Africa” talk. It turns out he just imported a lot of the African attitudes, prejudices, and skims into the White House. As if the system needed any extra help heading in that direction.

Of course, in the mind of a Prog there are a lot of black holes where information should be. It is getting hard to keep up with all the things one needs to not know, to properly be a Prog.

7 years ago

“The authoress is young, so she was poached in the warm liquids of multiculturalism her whole life.”

This sentence made my month. I will be chuckling all through X-mas.

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

Yes, lefty would rather not talk about Africa for the many reasons outlined above in another of Z’s insightful articles.

But there’s one more reason – it we start talking about Zaire and Nigeria, we might have to start talking about Detroit, Baltimore and the south side of Chicago. And that’s a conversation that lefty really would rather not have.

7 years ago

Another thing about Africa is that it’s rapidly colonised by China. Those people know how to extract value (and how to control fertility).

It’s amusing how Lefties prefer to look the other way when they’re not whites, who run colonisation process.

Reply to  Sergey
7 years ago

So that you’d get a glimpse on how Chinese are different from whites in Africa:

We funnel them our tax money, Chinese extract their resources and leave black single moms behind.

Reply to  Sergey
7 years ago

The Africans love the Chinese right now. They think China will lift them up and help them out. Heh. “To Serve Man, it’s a cookbook”. That’s all that comes to mind.

Tim Newman
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

When I was in Nigeria there was lots of talk among Europeans that the Chinese would “take over” there. Personally I thought that was a great idea. The Nigerians weren’t too keen, though: they knew whitey were saps, and the Chinese weren’t.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I had not stopped to consider how big a factor the surplus male Chinese problem might be in driving the Chinese colonization of Africa. Go west young man. Plus,the cocky Chinese pride in race bears no actual love for China. I think it may have been Derbyshire who wrote that all Chinese classes are raised with the idea of getting out.

Reply to  james+wilson
7 years ago

China is actively promoting African wives, due to the One Child female abortion policy.

The Boxers revolted because of the shortage of wives.
Seven years of famine had left too many baby girls abandoned in fields.
They blamed the roundeye Christians for causing the wrath of Heaven.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

There were 2 million Chinese soldiers in the Sudan while we were in Iraq.
WashPo claimed they were “coolie labor.”

Reply to  Sergey
7 years ago

Francis Galton thought the British government should use Chinese people to replace Africans along Africa’s eastern coast. Extreme trigger warning to any lefties that follow that link.

Galton mentions in that 1877 letter there were progs saying Africa was only a mess because of the slave trade. Shit don’t change.

Gilbert Malcolm Sproat’s letter of disagreement with Galton is included to the bottom right of the page. “Chinamen, for many generations, are likely to have quite enough to do in their own country without taking Africa in hand.”

Reply to  zreader
7 years ago

The British did import significant numbers of Chinese to South Africa as mine workers during the late 19th century as many African tribes (e.g. Zulus) turned their noses up at such work. Most eventually left SA but some stayed and created a small but well-functioning Chinese community. Despite facing real legal obstacles under apartheid they did quite well for themselves.

7 years ago

Even though I am an evil, bigoted, racist, homophobe, I actually care about the plight of the Pygmies, Bushmen, and Hottentots. These people are fascinating, and it would be a shame if they were gone forever. Leftists who care so much about diversity don’t seem to care much about the poor Bushmen. (other than to shame me for calling them Bushmen) I can never remember the politically correct names for these people. John Derbyshire had a funnny essay titled, “The Onomastic Cringe”, about 17 years ago that dealt with this topic. Liberals are hypocrites, but calling them out on their… Read more »

Reply to  Reluctantreactionary
7 years ago

Onomastic–relating to the study of the history and origin of proper names. Hadda look it up so other wouldn’t have to. It might be especially tough to call Bushmen by their proper name unless you can speak in click. The Pygmies, Bushmen, and Australian Aborigines are in the IQ range of 57-60 which at least demonstrates the limitations of intelligence in surviving many challenging living conditions. An old Africa hand suggested to me that the African employs a substitute for the intelligence he lacks and that it is cleverness.

Reply to  james+wilson
7 years ago

The Pygmies, Bushmen, and Australian Aborigines are in the IQ range of 57-60

That’s incredible. Are there similar issues with accurate scoring at the extreme low end as we see at the extreme high end?

Reply to  zreader
7 years ago

They are? I’ve also read Bushmen can readily understand higher math, while the Bantu are stuck at “one, two, three, many.”

Like the fallen abos- what the hell happened to these peoples?

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

Nothing. They are well evolved for the environment they lived in until quite recently

IQ in the sense the West uses it is not necessary for survival

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
7 years ago


Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  james+wilson
7 years ago

“An old Africa hand suggested to me that the African employs a substitute for the intelligence he lacks and that it is cleverness.”

I know there is debate about the difference between intelligence and cleverness, but frankly, they both can be either. The best explanation I have seen is that being clever is more intuitive rather than thought-out. But, it is a type of intelligence. So, how would an African employ cleverness for intelligence? Economic success? If so, then the biggest criminals are very clever. Survival? Then cockroaches are very clever.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Convicts are generally quite stupid, but cleverness is a highly developed social sense in prison.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Theodore Dalrymple once wrote that “cunning is the intelligence of the stupid.” His views may have been influenced by his time in Africa.

Reply to  james+wilson
7 years ago

The bushmen of Africa may not be very intelligent, but they are unique and well adapted to their land. They live in places where there is no drinkable water (that a white man would find anyway.) There are two extremely funny films from the ’80s about the bushmen: The Gods Must Be Crazy I & II. Definitely worth a watch, those two films cover a lot of ground in a very amusing way, but the underlying truth is not funny at all. One of the sub-plots involved a bushman who was jailed for shooting a goat with his bow &… Read more »

Reply to  Eskyman
7 years ago

Great points and I very much agree about The Gods Must be Crazy!

Reply to  Reluctantreactionary
7 years ago

>Even though I am an evil, bigoted, racist, homophobe, I actually care about the plight of the Pygmies Well, then that puts you ahead of the local Bantu, who consider the Pygmies to be a) subhuman, b) property (equivalent to semi-tame hunting dogs, specifically). This article from The Smithsonian magazine, dateline 2008 describes this, as does Colin Turnbull’s classic book The Forest People (1961). Unfortunately the situation for pygmies has gotten even worse since 2008. There’s non-crazy talk that in parts of The Congo pygmies have become “bushmeat of the Ituri” as it were. Good thing for the pygmies that… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
7 years ago

Read Turnbull’s book fifty years ago. My recollection is he loved the Pygmies and greatly admired their evolved methods of living in an environment so unforgiving, but then went to such great pains to declare they were not stupid that I was left thinking he knew something he was not telling us.

Reply to  Reluctantreactionary
7 years ago

KhoiSan is the name. Not Negroids, they are much older and were more advanced.
The Congo Negroid arose and forcibly replaced them.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

The foundation necessary for a civilization to thrive must include; (1) an alphabet, (2) metal working (3) the wheel and (4) mathematics. Everything else is built upon and derived from these. And they have to be developed by that civilization, not given to them by someone else.

This is why most of the African continent, and many other countries, still struggle today despite the efforts of the West to help them.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

The foundation necessary for civilization to exist is IQ 92. Then you can have your wheel, alphabet, and math. This is the number below which it has been demonstrated that written materiel cannot be applied to the result for which it is intended. That which can still be understood through listening cannot be absorbed through reading. This is also the cutoff number for US Army recruitment. They discovered, though massive data, that their their enormous, and, yes, mindless by the book operation falls to pieces at the weakest link in the chain, which is below 92. It is ironic that… Read more »

7 years ago

And one mustn’t forget about this treasure trove of information with which to formulate the response.

Reply to  oldanddecrepit
7 years ago

That list goes nicely with a birthrate by country list, also gdp. It seems smart rich people have stopped having sex and the poor idiots are going at it like rats.

karl rowe
karl rowe
Reply to  oldanddecrepit
7 years ago

Here we have the whole race and IQ wishful thinking again. If we operate under the premise that white men (and women) are inherently more capable or gifted athletically, then, in a nation where whites outnumber blacks 4 to 1, we ought not see black students excel in sports like track and field, basketball and football. Unfortunately for white supremacists, black student athletes, despite their smaller number and inferior facilities, have done very well in these sports, and, if given access to rigorous and excellent coaching, could probably do well in sports like tennis and swimming. Similarly, with regard to… Read more »

7 years ago

If you’re going to get into it with a progressive loonie about Africa – pull out the Japan card. (or the China or South Korea card for that matter). The Japanese were an isolated “backwards” society – until they came into contact with the West. I don’t remember all the historical details from memory – but long story short – they looked around – figured out the white man was technologically outpacing them – and resolved to do something about it. In relatively short order (historically speaking) – they were kicking our asses in a world war – building highly… Read more »

7 years ago

If you want to see a good documentary about African decolonization, watch Africa Addio – Directors’ Cut. It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion. You know it’s good because it really triggered Roger Ebert. Avoid the schlock edits for American audiences which emphasize gore.

Directed by
Gualtiero Jacopetti
Franco Prosperi

Rated R
122 minutes

| Roger Ebert

April 25, 1967
“Africa Addio” is a brutal, dishonest, racist film. It slanders a continent and at the same time diminishes the human spirit. And it does so to entertain us.

Reply to  Cloudswrest
7 years ago

James Kirkpatrick said essentially the same thing on Vdare 2+ years ago.

So why bother thinking about Africa at all? If you start thinking about it, you might start noticing things, and if you start noticing things, your career is likely to come to an abrupt halt.

But if you really want to watch a video on Youtube about Africa and colonialism, I’ve got a suggestion. It’s called Africa Addio, and you can watch it on Youtube.”

Reply to  Cloudswrest
7 years ago

My parents watched this and then told me I couldn’t see it.

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
7 years ago

There is no educating Lefty. It’s like smoking – the truth and facts are out there. ‘Here is a healthy lung, here is a smoker’s lung. Here are the cancer stats for smokers, here they are for non-smokers…’ The leaders and lefties and proggies WILL NOT SEE Africa. It contradicts The Narrative. I dunno how many discussion forums I have been banned from for stating the obvious as you do here. Twatter and Fecesbook are censoring and polishing turd for the narrative for all they’re worth. I think it’s far easier and cheaper in terms of blood and lives to… Read more »

Reply to  Glen Filthie
7 years ago

All of the people in this picture have the same capabilities and potential.


abelard Lindsey
abelard Lindsey
7 years ago

The population explosion, defused everywhere else in the world, is real and Sailer’s most important graph really is the most important graph in the world. I have become an Africa-follower over the past decade or so (even wrote a paper for my wife in one of her classes about the Chinese investment and involvement in Africa) for this very reason. I agree that western leftists no longer think about Africa and seem to actually fear discussions about it.

Stan Kowalski
Stan Kowalski
7 years ago

The Chinese will have their way with Africa. Raw materials and human organs are always needed

Reply to  Stan Kowalski
7 years ago

The Chinese in Africa have surprised me. The fact that they hold no false expectations for Africans leaves them free to admire Africans for living the day as well as they do when a Chinese would despair. They also appear to be happy to not be in China.

7 years ago

For the lefties, the problems in Africa are the result of the former colonialism and/or greedy capitalist nations (e.g, the USA, USA, USA, USA, USA,……..) “exploiting” poor black Africans. The facts are irrelevant. Lefties are not interested in solving any problems or helping anybody. They are interested only in attaining political power. That’s it. That’s why most of what they say is totally contrary to what the facts demonstrate and why it is they are silent when their usual diatribes are too ridiculous even for themselves to spout and hear. (Note how silent the lefties are re: Venezuela). Back to… Read more »

De Ferrers
De Ferrers
7 years ago

To illustrate your point, the last great left wing campaign dealing with Africa was that utterly bizarre, semi scam involving a public masuaterbater called “kony 2012”. That’s how far they have fallen from the golden days of taking down colonial regimes and wearing the green and red.

The only other thing was super serious, highly effective tweets from Michelle Ebola about “bringing back our girls”. Then they wonder aloud about why the flithy peasants are convinced that our ruling class rates as less competent and serious than the administrations of Edward II, Richard II, and Henry VI.

7 years ago

You see it in this National Review article on the end of Mugabe’s rule.

Wow, that article is painful to read. Many of the comments to it are much more straightforward, however.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
7 years ago

So if AIDS us running rampant in Africa and Lefty ignores the region, I say, just let nature run it’s course. Maybe “the most important graph in the world” will turn direction.

7 years ago

The Most important Graph in the World doesn’t take into consideration where all these people are going to get breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Sub Saharan Africa can’t feed itself as it is. The same is true for the millions of “refugees” pouring into Europe. The musloids want to take over Europe but obviously have no plan to feed their 7.2 children after the welfare checks dry up. I see a huge famine on the horizon.

7 years ago

If anyone here watches “Last Chance U” on Netflix you’ll notice a similar theme… A few white people working hard against all odds to get Africans to improve their lot and mostly ending up watching them self-destruct in some pretty fantastic and all-too-predictable ways.

abelard Lindsey
abelard Lindsey
7 years ago

I believe a commonly used expression for things African is AWA – Africa Wins Again. At least that’s what I picked up from one of the Wilbur Smith novels.

Larry Darrell
Larry Darrell
7 years ago

Biafra. Thanks for reminding me of that. Auberon Waugh, son of the great English author Evelyn, wrote a book in 1969 called, “Biafra: Britain’s Shame” (about U.K. being responsible for yet another African famine). The Waughs were seen as “conservative,” so even back then there were cuckservatives.

karl rowe
karl rowe
7 years ago

Here we have the whole race and IQ wishful thinking again.  If we operate under the premise that white men (and women) are inherently more capable or gifted athletically, then, in a nation where whites outnumber blacks 4 to 1, we ought not see black students excel in sports like track and field, basketball and football.  Unfortunately for white supremacists, black student athletes, despite their smaller number and inferior facilities, have done very well in these sports, and, if given access to rigorous and excellent coaching, could probably do well in sports like tennis and swimming.  Similarly, with regard to… Read more »

Occassional Commenter
Occassional Commenter
7 years ago

If American blacks are so unhappy being here, then they should go back to Africa.

And that gives me an idea: reparations to blacks should be in the form of picking up the tab for their moving expenses from stateside to Africa.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Regardless of which way the arrow of causality between tribalism and IQ points, or even the race of the tribal people involved, (since there are at least three non-West African Bantu race tribal societies there)* Africa’s condition has great rhetorical utility against the Progs;

“This is where your identity politics goes. Is this what you want for America_?”

*Bushman-Hottentots as mentioned elsewhere, Pygmy and Nilotic (E African). Since there are native Caucasians in N Africa, that makes five races in Africa. Anyone speaking of The African Race has just demonstrated that they know very little about the subject.

Sam L.
Sam L.
7 years ago

I recommend this blog: http://www.kimdutoit.com/ He was born and raised in SA, moved to the US, and is currently visiting back in SA.

Reply to  Sam L.
7 years ago

Also, take a look at Kim dutoit’s essay, “Let Africa Sink” It’s years old but still pisses off people of sensitive nature.

Reply to  Sam L.
7 years ago

Du Toit was an anti-apartheid activist in his youth and steadfastly refuses to disavow that. Despite his “Let Africa Sink” essay, he simply hand-waves away the suffering and genocide of White South Africans who did not, like his family, have the wherewithal to escape the consequences of his “enlightened” activism.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Cloudbuster
7 years ago

he also is a huge leech. he spends his life writing (i.e. not working) then blegs for money (from people who do work) so he can go on not working. fuck him and his made up persona.

Jerry Long
Jerry Long
7 years ago

Also see the colonies in the US such as Detroit , Gary and Newark.

7 years ago

This may be your most portentious post, yet, Z Man–congratulations!

7 years ago

Sadly, the left doesn’t even acknowledge the failure of South Africa or Hillary’s war in Libya. Was it Kenya that wanted to do managed elephant hunts and America was in a tizzy?

Reply to  Scott
7 years ago

Zimbabwe, not Kenya. Kenya banned all hunting in 1977. That just meant, though, that poaching rings sponsored by leading Kenyan politicians would never encounter people capable of reporting their misdeeds.

7 years ago

Africa is the way it is because that is what works in that environment. The peoples, their physical traits, their mental proclivities, their culture, and their survival habits are the result of evolutionary selection and represent an optimum adaptability for that continent. This history is hundreds of thousands of years old and is wired into their biology. It cannot change except in evolutionary time. Thinking otherwise is not only stupid, it is gravely harmful.

Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

By your line of reasoning then, similar environments should produce similar outcomes. But that clearly is not the case. The environment of Western Europe (climate, topography, natural resources, etc) is similar to North America. Yet the “tribes” of Europe developed into nation states and realized great technological and cultural (art, music, literature) progress. The indigenous people’s of North America never made it out of the stone age; they had no written language and had not invented the wheel. Other factors (e.g. the horse? greater population density? closer proximity to other cultures? invention of the sailboat?) not associated with “environment” must… Read more »

Reply to  JohnTyler
7 years ago

The peoples of northern Africa are not the same as the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa. The climate/environment differences are significant. Evolution in the Western Hemisphere has only been going on for much shorter duration than that on the European Continent. The correlations that you are looking for do exist and are most evident across the east-west expanse of Europe to Asia.

7 years ago

Another wedge: how immigrant hordes affect the environment where lefties live
(Que African slums, or Gary, Indiana)

Note: Gary is Detroit, 20 years after

Michael Gladius
Michael Gladius
7 years ago

The argument could be made that Africa’s decline is due more to socialism (courtesy of the left) than to racial ‘inferiority,’ but there are physiological factors that play into this. Culture matters more, since man cannot control the circumstances of his birth, but he can choose his actions. This is especially true when considering Liberia, which was founded by former African-American slaves. Liberia is relatively stable, although poor, and they aren’t sending waves of migrants into Europe. Their culture is different from the rest of Africa, but they still have a lower average IQ than African-Americans. The average IQ in… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Michael Gladius
7 years ago

I have long thought that U. S. efforts to defuse terrorism in the ME and in Africa would do the most for the most if there was a strong Christian component to the work. Missionary outreach is something that all Christian denominations have in common at very basic levels and always has a “helping” feature, whether it is setting up simple schools or medical services. Also, it has been successful reaching women and children while not so threatening to the men. I realize that is a generality!! I think American churches should take the lead here as European Christians seem… Read more »

Reply to  Dr. Dre
7 years ago

If it were Templar, or Hospitaleers. I doubt the Episcopals will get much done.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  Dr. Dre
7 years ago

Forgive my harsh opinion, but I have yet to learn of any missionary work which improves anyone’s situation. 1. There are plenty of downtrodden Americans – Whites even, on whom you can expend your “helping” energies. Doesn’t charity begin at home? 2. The entire endeavor is couched in the belief that your worldview is inherently superior to those whom you are “helping”. History is rife with tales of missionaries “softening up” indigenous peoples, who are then exploited and their lands taken. I may be a shitlord, but I am not an asshole. If I wouldn’t want it for myself, I… Read more »

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
7 years ago

Rabbi, your opinion is not harsh, it is common sense.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
7 years ago

Someplace in all these postings is the note that the Chinese have concluded that White success is based on Christian beliefs and “culture,” too, e. g. music that is universally acclaimed for its spiritual quality. So it (Christianity) has many features that others admire, both available in high and not-so high culture. In Istanbul, Turkey, the oldest cathedral in Christendom (Hagia Sophia) still stands, somewhat altered in the interior, but the Ottomans copied the domed structure in creating their mosques a thousand years later. Christianity borrowed many things from other cultures and created something new that others can use in… Read more »

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  Dr. Dre
7 years ago

Sir, I genuinely believe your heart is in the right place. So please consider my thoughts with that in mind. Although I am culturally Christian, I can’t claim to be a believer. So a discussion of Christ’s dictates isn’t likely to change minds. I will say that most religions do include a requirement for proselytizing. Whether one considers this to be a shrewd/necessary tactic to perpetuate a movement, or a genuine desire to save souls, depends upon where one sits. I have been to remote islands in the Pacific where enormous 19th century churches, which could hold double the current… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Michael Gladius
7 years ago

“Liberia is relatively stable…..” So is Detroit. The key word here is “relatively”. The 7th circle of Hell is “relatively” more pleasant than the 9th circle hell, I suppose. Would any sane person actually live in either place? “The average IQ in Africa is 70. The average IQ of African-Americans is 85. This means that African-Americans are 15 IQ points away from both Africans and Europeans. Despite coming from the same racial stock as Africans, their average IQ has gone up 15 points in the last 200 years.” You overlook something that should be obvious. What is the White admixture… Read more »

Michael Gladius
Michael Gladius
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Liberia has its own problems, like any other country, and they aren’t sending waves of fake refugees into Europe. They have the decency to leave other people alone while they mind their own in-house issues. The white admixture in African-Americans is not as widespread as you think. The stigma attached to it was only recently removed, and prior to that, it wasn’t common enough to make a statistical dent. Perhaps it affects the top 5%, but hardly the majority. The overwhelming majority of the African-American population does not have enough whiteness in them to make a massive 15-point IQ jump.… Read more »

Reply to  Michael Gladius
7 years ago

african american iq was not changed via osmosis of heritage american culture. it was improved by interbreeding. iq is almost entirely genetic. culture is downstream of genetics for the most part

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Another issue re: African vs American black IQ is most all black Americans are genetically 15-20% European.

Michael Gladius
Michael Gladius
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Socialism was a game-changer in the 20th century, and gave plenty of support to African dictators. Socialism is quite at home with organized banditry, and how else do you think all those AK-47s made their way down there? 😉 The IQ difference is due to environment, both physical and cultural. African-Americans (as opposed to recent arrivals) have lived and breathed a white Gaelic culture for centuries. If you look at the Africans in Haiti (which have changed the least) versus Africa (where they changed moderately) to Africans whose grandfathers were born in the USA (who have nothing left of their… Read more »

De Ferrers
De Ferrers
Reply to  Michael Gladius
7 years ago

Stealing everything that isn’t nailed down is part and parcel of a society with a 70 iq. You cannot have a democracy, plan for the future or build non-tribal institutions with such a population. Socialism appeals to these societies because it is the ultimate expression of the lack of self control and delayed gratification that comes with low Iq. These socities are like the famous marshmallow test playing themselves out on a grand scale.

Reply to  De Ferrers
7 years ago

Yes, and our black inner cities are our version of the exact same thing. With the exact same outcomes.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

I saw a news clip recently about package theft being a huge problem in Chicago (you order something from Amazon, they leave it on your porch, and a dindu comes and takes it off your porch). It’s happening in “good” neighborhoods too.

They showed a young white woman who only uses the Amazon lockers now—had too many packages stolen. They finished with “authorities recommend you purchase a p.o. box and have deliveries sent there.” Pay the diversity Danegeld!

Occassional Commenter
Occassional Commenter
Reply to  GU1
7 years ago

UPS won’t deliver to a P.O. box, only to a street address.

Reply to  Michael Gladius
7 years ago

> Despite coming from the same racial stock as Africans, their average IQ has gone up 15 points in the last 200 years.

Only a small part of African Americans are slave descendants. A lot of them are recent arrivals from Africa. And those people are not randomly chosen; they are the top of the crop, – gifted scholars, businessmen and the like. It’s a brain drain. Hence your “average” might have quite a tail to the right, made out of smartest emigrants from the Black Continent.

Reply to  Sergey
7 years ago

I think you need to take a closer look at your numbers. Or perhaps your understanding of African-American falls outside of the popular norm.

Reply to  Epicaric
7 years ago

Yeah, I checked the numbers, and I am wrong. ~80% of blacks claimed to be slave descendants in 2010 census. Thanks. Misread the data (or, rather, the author of the article I read does not discern between % and pp, so ‘around 10.3% [of all Blacks] were “native black American” or ethnic African Americans, who are direct descendants of West/Central Africans brought to the U.S. as slaves.’ supposed to mean “out of 13% in general population, around 10.3 pp were ” The ratio changed quite a bit, with the 2010-2017 immigration patterns, I suppose. Anyway, 20% might still be a… Read more »

Reply to  Michael Gladius
7 years ago

If too many try to get into the lifeboat, all on it will die.

Europe- where White and Christianity complement each other- did not truly break out until after the great culling of the Black Plague.

Also, when the Roman trade roads fell, half the population was lost to starvation and banditry. That is when White Christianity took off.

It will be heartbreaking, but we must keep the lifeboats from getting swamped.

You can’t save them all.
You can’t feed every stray.

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

PS- you are right, we are their uplift, their chance. But there are too many.

Tim Newman
Reply to  Michael Gladius
7 years ago

I lived three years in Lagos, Nigeria and a couple of years later took a trip to New York where I stayed with a mate in Harlem. The similarities between the people – body language, attitude, manner of walking, manner of speaking, manner of interacting with others – was striking.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  Tim Newman
7 years ago

I saw an interview with a man who claimed to be the “World’s Most Traveled Person”. There were a few specs of land in remote areas of the oceans, and others off limits due to politics/military action/etc he had not visited, but essentially he had visited most of the world.

The host asked which place he would most like to return to? A: Lord Howe Island, Australia. What place did he dislike the most? A: Lagos, Nigeria

Reply to  Michael Gladius
7 years ago

They didn’t gain those 15 points merely by being in close proximity to white culture. They gained it by breeding with whites. The avg Black in the US is something like 20% European.

Reply to  Michael Gladius
7 years ago

We see what we want to see. Afericans are not significantly more intelligent than Africans because of cultural improvements, cultural improvements are due to their large Caucasian admixture. The Somalis and Haitians in America will be stuck at IQ 70 five generations from now, which is about eighty years. Haitians and Dominicans share the same island, but Dominicans did not execute all their white and mulatto populations, ergo Dominica owns an evolved culture because Dominicans are not born hopelessly stupid and violent. Caribbean islands are run by their mulattoes, which class ruthlessly applies the paper bag test to mating. Mating… Read more »

Reply to  Michael Gladius
7 years ago

How much of your cited 15 IQ points was from white interbreeding? Curiosity, and all…

Edward McCameron
Edward McCameron
Reply to  Michael Gladius
7 years ago

This white gringo would rather associate with Africans than with “African-Americans”, and I do so every Sunday, thanks to the bazillion Liberians in my locale. Well behaved, polite people. Just looking for work to feed the kids.

7 years ago

Thank you Z . Excellent ammunition against my Lefty friends !

Jak Black
Jak Black
7 years ago

I’m not sure about this. When I travel in Europe, CNN International is usually the only “news” available. It might as well be called AFRICA-24/7.

They break from the Africa content to bash Trump every once in a while. But then it’s back to Africa.