A running debate on this side of the divide is over the utility of guys like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and other slightly edgy characters. The claim is that these types of insider critics of the prevailing order are a gateway to more radical thinkers on this side of the divide. A normie starts reading Ben Shapiro or listening to Jordan Peterson, and before long he finds his way to our team. There is not much in the way of proof of this, just some anecdotes from people who swear that is how they made their journey to the dark side.
The counter argument is that these edgy guys serve as palace guards, maintaining the line between what is and what is not acceptable. Their job is to make sure that none of the bad think from the outer dark creep into the thought of the orthodoxy. As a result, they make a big deal out of opposing racism, sexism, antisemitism, and homophobia. The Four Olds figure prominently in their arguments, not as a way to inoculate themselves from the Left, but to make sure no one to their Right is allowed into the debate.
Both claims are right, depending upon the person in question. Take, for example, the Nick Nack of neoconservatism, Ben Shapiro. He is fond of posting the sort of unhinged rants about the people to his Right, that we generally associate with feminist cat ladies. This should not surprise anyone, as the spiritual distance between a Ben Shapiro and a feminist campus harpy is not big. He is just as haunted by the Four Olds as anyone on the Left. He just finds it easier to make a living peddling old CivNat nostrums.
You see that in this post at National Review, where Shapiro appears to be defending bad think, but in reality he is engaged in an act of deception. He does not bother to go into the issues that get a Charles Murray or a Sam Harris in trouble. Instead, he shifts the focus from that to pumping air into his own tires. A few days later, his dear friend Bari Weiss is out promoting the so-called “intellectual dark web” which Ben Shapiro just happens to be part of, along with Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson. Funny coincidence, I am sure.
Unlike a guy like Peterson or Sam Harris, Shapiro is just another grifter from Conservative Inc. He is the edgy band your parents said was OK, hoping you would not start listening to the stuff they thought was dangerous. That is his utility to the managerial class. Instead of people noticing what happens to our guys when they try to engage in public debate, their eye is focused on how poor Ben Shapiro had to wait a whole hour while the campus police removed a few overwrought students from the auditorium.
That’s why Shapiro will drone on endlessly about how unfair it is that he does not get lucrative speaking gigs on state campuses, but remain stone silent on the endless harassment of Richard Spencer by the Left. Like all of Conservative Inc., he is for free speech that pays him well, but otherwise sides with Antifa against his competition. He’ll never talk about the fact that corporate America is willing to sponsor an Antifa convention in Chicago, but coordinates their efforts to prevent VDare from holding a private gathering.
Even though guys like Shapiro are explicitly opposed to us and are happy to lock arms with the Left against us, some still insist that they serve a purpose. This is true, but not for the reasons they claim. What a guy like Shapiro demonstrates is that there is an unbridgeable gap between the prevailing orthodoxy and the Dissident Right. There is no middle ground between the blank slate and biological realism. Race is either an invalid social construct or a useful model of biological reality. There is no middle ground here.
Ultimately, what a guy like Ben Shapiro tries to do is distract people from the real issues, by focusing their attention on the trivial. He starts from the premise that there is a real battle between the Left and some ideological alternative. That battle was over long before anyone reading this was born. The Right in America, for more than half a century, has simply been a modifier, a restraint, on the American Left. Shapiro’s job is to make sure otherwise sensible people never notice this. Otherwise, there will be a revolt.
Now, not all of these guys in the outer belt of the prevailing orthodoxy are members of the palace guard. Jordan Peterson is just an eccentric weirdo who suddenly got famous. He is probably harmless, and he may open doors to our side. A Gavin McInnes, who is mostly an incoherent grab bag of cosmopolitan fads and libertarian jabberwocky, is at least willing to engage with our side. Most, however, are there as a barrier. Fundamental to the Dissident Right project is the destruction of Conservative Inc. and the palace guard.
Shapiro is the annoying kid you would have given a swirly or put in a locker, but for his utility to your study group. Wouldn’t put Peterson in the same bucket. Listened to his live dissection of some lady from the Economist interviewing him yesterday (good gym listening) Z, you’ve gone on about how science is basically now validating differences that we all instinctively knew existed. Well, Peterson is one of the few guys that comes to argument well armed and won’t be shaken off message by endless baiting. She kept trying and he kept putting the discussion back onto… Read more »
Peterson is not on your side What he is , is a globalist terrified of warfare whose goal is more or less the elimination of differences with one world culture Jordan B. Peterson worked on the UN Secretary General’s High-Level Panel on Sustainable Development, editing a document that was released in 2013 entitled ‘A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies Through Sustainable Development ‘. One of the panel members of this UN High Council was none other than skippy himself, John Podesta. This is the Agenda 21 crap that’s flooding the West with foreigners He’s the ultimate wolf… Read more »
I agree. Peterson, though fun to watch from time to time, is anti-identitarian politics. I’m a southern nationalist, he would oppose my position.
Southern Nationalist? Better luck this time.
What is a Southern Nationalist?
A southern nationalist is one from the south who is a nationalist.
Sorry to go all calculus on you… other questions?
I agree, I think it’s a mistake to assume that Peterson is on our side. There is a small bunch of Generation X left wingers who haven’t quite got the memo that they’re supposed to abandon the values they held in the 1990s and people like Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan are some of them. It’s a mistake to assume they have any right wing sympathies because they don’t. They want you gone every bit as much as a campus dangerhair.
I find generational labels to be far less useful and far more silly than most people seem to, but it’s worth pointing out that Peterson, born in 1962, is a late Boomer.
And don’t get me started on that useful idiot cuck Joe Rogan…
Nothing says ‘traitor to our cause’ like being born in 1962.
Edit: Good thing you find ‘generational labels to be far less useful and far more silly than most people seem to”, otherwise I would be nervous (as one born in 1960) that Peterson’s birth in 1962 is “worth pointing out”.
Exactly. Trust no one, that’s what I say. Peterson may be working for the enemy, like the charming – and thoroughly foul – Prof. Siletzky in Ernst Lubitsch’s 1942 film ‘To Be Or Not to Be’.
Well, I look at it this way. When we can conjure up someone with the cred to go out there every day and argue against the notion that all observable and scientific reality is merely a construct, then there is no need for a Peterson. But from what I can see, he’s one of the few guys putting a toolbox out there, free of charge, to use as a counter to a substantial portion of the post modernist agenda. But similar to Murray, a guy like Peterson is only going to provide guidance to the water’s edge. But I’d rather… Read more »
I see you’ve been keeping up with Vox Day’s blog. Vox can be a little fond of the sound of his own voice but he’s been eviscerating Peterson’s arguement from not just a Christian but Nationalist and Identitarian perspective. You’ve pretty much summed up his entire position with the above post
“I don’t think Peterson really cares who likes him or not and is not auditioning for the Jonah Goldberg DC Cocktail Circuit.” Never doubt ANY person’s thirst for the spotlight, or the contortions they’ll make to stay in it or enlarge it. Especially once they’ve gotten a taste of it.
Quote from Frip:
“Never doubt ANY person’s thirst for the spotlight”…
Ok, when you capitalize like that I can’t help but wonder how YOU, Frip, seek “the spotlight”.
It’s not a criticism, I just want you to expand on your comment…
Don’t watch television and have only seen glimpses of Ben Shapiro. Had to check out YouTube and find one of his latest videos. One video posted 2 days ago by someone called Patrick bet-david ? Never heard of him, but he had Shapiro on his his guest . Shapiro thought Jeb Bush was a better candidate for president and that Joe Biden will beat president Trump in the next election. Nothing about the criminal activity of the FBI, CIA, Hillary’s involvement along with Obama, etc. So yeah, thought he was good for our team but now that you mention it… Read more »
It’s because he knew Trump would be bad for his co-ethnics. It’s why he was willing to sell his credibility by lying during the Michelle Fields debacle.
Trump has Jewish family and is BFF’s with Netanyahu . Its a not a Jewish thing. Trump is hated because he is a class traitor. He is expected to be a looter cuck like the rest of them and standing up in any way for the Middle and Working or in any way making the world safer and more peaceful and reducing MIC profits to Neo Con minds is rank treason Long and short, the US elite, top 10% maybe and some hangers on want the lower classes especially Whites subjugated or baring that dead Some of them like Kevin… Read more »
I think you mean “thought.” I don’t know how anyone of any ethnicity or political persuasion can honestly claim that Trump is “bad for the Jews.”
Think differently. Jews who choose to live in Israel vs those who control the deep state here.
The latter don’t consider themselves Israeli.
Israel is a penal colony for the Corrupted- normals who can be patrotic to both god and country.
One must adore the Rootless vision only- or be manipulated by hypocrites like the rest of the cattle.
Remember what was done to the normie majority, the Ten Tribes.
(Revelations’ ‘false jew’ returning to life after three days, promising to save the world, is not some puppet on a stage, but an eponym.
An eponym of the Holocaust fraud. The Lucifer’s children began their reign before we were born. Tribulation is here.)
He has talked about reining in the Fed Reserve, he appointed a goy to head it. That alone has been reason enough for jews to kill presidents. Throw in the fact that Trump is breaking up their pedo hold on many elites. Many other such things under the surface.
Why did my comment get put in moderation? Because I said the J-word?
Look, we get the whole Shapiro thing. We’ve gotten it for months, if not for years. I would much rather talk about his partner at ‘The Daily Wire’, a man I like, Andrew Klavan. Klavan won’t cross certain lines any more than guys like Goldberg or Shapiro. Yet he has integrity; can it be that one can have integrity and still not be on “our” team?
Thoughts are welcome. Everyone seems to be certain here about such things.
Answers, please!
I work with a couple guys who listen to Shapiro. They are former military and currently state unionized, which means they are mostly socially conservative (church going, concealed carrying, etc.), but vote Democrat because all of their lives they have been led to believe Democrats fight for the union man. I listened to one of his podcasts right after the Parkland School shooting and was not impressed, and could in fact hear the subtle endorsement for more state control over us dullards. When i attempted to point this out to my co-worker, he looked at me like he either thought… Read more »
To be a valid alternative to the GOP, the Alt-Right has to offer whites more than HBD and Social Darwinism. Look most whites know the GOP sucks eggs big time. – it’s useless. But the Alt-Right has failed to make the case it offers working class and middle-class whites anything. Until they do the GOP is our only home. If you want to attract normie whites? Then offer them the things that matter to them. Trump figured that out yet the high IQ brigade is stumped. This means going beyond HBD, eugenics and segregation. Those will not win over most… Read more »
I’m a little too young to pull off the E-daddy shtick.
And I’m a little too old for it.
A leader of the Alt Right (or whatever clever euphemism we invent) must withstand the entire world calling him a racist Nazi. There is no way to avoid this and few are willing to sign up for that. The only reason Jordan Peterson is allowed to say what he does is because he is so obviously a race denier.
What do we offer to working class whites? A generous social safety net with controls for abuse, which is only feasible in a white (or Asian) nation.
If you think Petersom is a race denier, you haven’t watched him much. Whenever race comes up, he starts speaking even more guardedly than he usually does. He’s a psychologist, he knows what the IQ test results say, and he’s obliquely acknowledged that. But he also knows that going any farther would be the end of him and accomplish nothing, and he takes his own “at least don’t lie” advice.
I’m firmly in the alt right camp and don’t believe that the alt right is at a point where it should have leadership. The reason why is that any kind of alt right leader will act as a lightning rod. We saw this with Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, and Andrew Anglin. The media desperately wants a leader and when they see someone who they think is a leader, they try to destroy them. You can criticize any three of them and raise valid points but that will be with any leader. They will get dissected and analyzed six ways from… Read more »
I agree with this. Leadership is about the above ground activism and politics. Right now, the game is to win converts and that means lots of voice talking and debating one another. That brings people into the movement. Once numbers reach critical mass, the politics will take care of itself. There’s never a shortage of leaders once the crowd is all headed in one direction.
The strength of the ideas speak for themselves. As long as the ideas are out there and articulated, people will read them, hear them, and adopt them as truths for them to live by. No leadership necessary, and probably more durable and popular without leadership.
Besides, the lack of leadership to identify, single out, and kill, will vex those leftist Alinskyites to no end. An extra bonus.
Agree – ISIS and Al Qaeda have been successful beyond their apparent means because they remain essentially leaderless, and therefore amorphous. Hard to kill amorphous.
You’re well past courting working class voters and nothing Peterson says is preparing you to live in the world that’s right around the corner. You’re less than a decade away from being a hated minority with no political representation at the federal level. Think about that good and hard before you lavish any praise on the kind of man who thinks white people having equal rights to non-whites is the moral equivalent of the gulag or a concentration camp.
And without the white working and middle-class the alt-right is the alt-right is the equivalent of a high school AV club full of nerds looking over charts and debating the merits of SAT scores. Look I saw this race shit coming 40 years ago, I’m prepared for it. I was prepping before the asinine term existed.. And it won’t end well for whitey, it will be a bloodbath and a half. There a dozen events that could easily set it off. The elites can’t forestall it forever. What all the haters of Peterson don’t get is this. Peterson wouldn’t be… Read more »
How cool? A gown-up person who can say “I like what Jordan Peterson has to say” without asserting that he is Moses dividing the Red Sea.
I.e., a normal person who worked out his identity before what Z-man calls the ‘interwebs’ colonized the human brain – the Left and Right.
No. You’re wrong. The working class and middle class do as they are told. They will only turn when their social superiors tell them to. If you saw this 40 years ago then you saw a wildly more “woke,” white working that was demolished. Learn that lesson. Throw off the priors of an era dead and gone. You’re in a struggle to revive some kind of racial consciousness in the class of people who matter. The first step on thst path is telling yourself that Jordan Peterson is an individualist and a cuckold and you won’t pollute your mind with… Read more »
What I saw back then was a “woke” white working class, who was awakened by Reagan, and who blindly followed GHW Bush, as the designated heir of the movement. Bush crushed the movement, and Reagan was in no mental condition to speak up. Two lessons. One is that the guy at the helm right now might be all we ever get in the way of a fair representation of our side. Two is that one must prepared for the day when things go haywire at the top, and work bottom-up to keep things going. There was no real “bottom up”… Read more »
I would also note that the arrest of Tommy Robinson is a big test of “bottom up” awareness and power in the UK. The government is throwing down the gauntlet, and committing the country down the path of an Orwellian gulag society. They may have been heading down that path for a while now, but this arrest means the mask is off. How it goes from here could be telling.
Ok, ok, I’ll stop “lavishing praise” on honest academics from Canada that I admire, in a general way, and hold my head down, as everything turns to shit; I’ll blame him.
You’re not doing yourself any favors with replies like this.
Yous making alot of sense. Keep your eyes open and one will come along. I wish i had even a scintilla of charisma…. but alas i fear that i’m a born backbencher
Where’s Huey Long when you need him?
Whatever happened to ol’ Huey, anyway?
He challenged the jews’ choice for president & so they killed him.
Shapiro, like Goldberg – is a mass media slob. None of those guys mean anything to anyone anymore. The battle is here – right here, right on you blog, Z. You don’t notice it because you work for free, you don’t have to market yourself, you don’t have to appeal to advertisers or put up with all the other crap the mass media does. You are right at the front of the line and you are winning. It may not be a happy middle ground, it may be a cratered, pock-marked no-man’s land between us and them in this culture… Read more »
I have friends that love Shapiro. To torment them, I point out that Shapiro believes that Israel must preserve its Jewishness by any means necessary yet is indifferent to the browning of America so long as the values of the Founders are maintained. When I point out the Naturalization Act of 1790, which reserved US citizenship to free whites, they think badly of me and end the conversation. If only cognitive dissonance was painful!
Spot on Shapiro knows exactly what his role is, always has. Peterson is defending something important that no longer exists, can no longer exist, because of Shapiro(s). Peterson has a crippling need to be liked by the Academy, to reason with the Academy. Shapiro is the litmus test of the last bubble bursting before “dark” enlightenment.
I lost respect for Lil’ Benji when he melted down and quit Breitbart with the incident involving Michelle Fields and Corey Lewandowski. Something that seemed thoroughly trumped up (which it was) and he went all in on it. He’s dragged his feet on the rightward shift of the overton window every step of the way, which would run counter to someone who portrays himself as a “true conservative”, a term which is increasingly laughable by the day. His actions don’t seem to jive with his beliefs, which leads me to believe he is nothing more than a roadblock by design.… Read more »
I think I realized Ben Shapiro was useless, if not outright actively detrimental, while watching him address Amren, Jared Taylor, and other “white supremacists” on some Youtube show. If you can sit there with a kippah on your head, as the product of generations of selective breeding for IQ and tribal loyalty, and try to pretend that race doesn’t matter, well …you’ve got a lot of chutzpah. The stupidest part of the debate regarding civic nationalism versus white nationalism is that (as Audacious Epigone already noticed) the only people interested in a color-blind democratic society are white people. The only… Read more »
A solid post you wrote there, Z-Man. Having watched more than several of Ben Shapiro’s diatribes, it’s plain that he rarely mentions immigration, except to give the occasional nod to immigration as an immutable founding principle – essentially the “huddled masses” shibboleth. You learn more about where Shapiro stands and what his function is (which is, “SHUT UP, everyone to the right of my schtick”) not by what Shapiro says but by what he NEVER says, by what he omits to say and never mentions – he’s essentially Paul Ryan but with a motor-mouth running full-bore under a kippah. Shapiro… Read more »
I think there is a ratcheting effect at work in our favor. Historically, people rarely get more Leftist as they get older. This is even more rare now, especially regarding race realism, due to so much information being available on the internet. So any moderate rightist who moves centrists the slightest bit rightward is good, because almost no one will move from the right to the moderate.
The Truth is a powerful force multiplier when it comes to propaganda efforts, and moving an adult from the right to the left is going against a powerful current of truth.
Zorost, what you say is quite plausible. I wonder if it’s one of the reasons that the hive has gotten more and more zealous in punishing badthink… they realize that a little of it goes a long way.
The Ceaucescus went from undisputed potentates of Romania to corpses in a matter of days, by the slightest change in the direction of people’s thinking. Some drunkard in the crowd began to laugh, and down went the system.
Any system that requires the continuous denial of observable reality cannot survive even the smallest perturbation.
“Any system that requires the continuous denial of observable reality cannot survive even the smallest perturbation” Sorry, but you are totally wrong. The “truth” – observable reality – oft times is irrelevant. Dictatorial regimes survive all sorts of perturbations for very lengthy periods of time. The thugs who ran the USSR, beginning with Lenin and Trotsky, denied reality from the moment they seized power, but with copious quantities of mass murder, terror and purposeful mass starvation (e.g., the Holodomor) they survived – and their successors survived – for 90 years. Castro in Cuba had been around since 1958; 60 years… Read more »
The fundamental divide is not political or cultural, but existential. Shapiro is a parasite that had traded his free will for a handout. He is of no value to himself or anyone else. He could not survive in an environment of natural competition because he has nothing productive to offer. He is the equivalent of a leech and should be viewed as such.
Does anyone remember the unpleasantness that ensued when Vox Day reproduced an article by Richard Spencer advocating for the “ethnic cleansing” of the USA? Except
the article in question really wasn’t written by RS, but by Ben Shapiro, and you all can probably guess the country he wants “cleansed.” I was unable to take seriously anything the little pipsqueak said or wrote after that.
I’ve watched a number of Shapiro’s videos and you’re right, he’s one of those that claim the Democrats are the party of slavery which morphed directly into their current communist positions. That is, according to Shapiro and others, Democrats of the mid-19th century were socialists at heart. Utter dung. The Republicans were the first socialist party in the US and remained in that camp until the early 20th century. Theodore Roosevelt was a hard core progressive, the pretty name for socialist. The Bush Crime Family have been socialist/fascist for their entire political involvement in the US. The list is long.… Read more »
Call me a “hard-core progressive” – ‘the pretty name for socialist’ – but I think your assessment of TR, of the GOP, and even the Bushes (who I despise) has no validity whatsoever.
Look, we’re all mad at stuff, but let’s not get carried away and let our historical sense get dragooned into present-day vexations.
Do you know how the Bushes made their money? Go do a little digging on Prescott Bush. GHWB was a prime part of the Deep State and a Globalist stooge. Remember his “Thousand Points of Light” speech? The GOP was the driving force of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as the 13th-15th Amendments. Li’l Ben is reframing when he accuses the Democrats of being the party of slavery rather than the party of decentralization. TR and Wilson were both “Progressives.” Sounds an awful lot like our current Uniparty. TR’s ego gave us Wilson. The “rhyme” of Perot… Read more »
I came across this clip form Monty Pythons “Life of Brian” with Brian (Jordan Peterson) taking to his “tribal” fanbase and saying “we are all individuals” and they tribalistic reply as a mass “yes, we are all individuals”- as a rejection of tribal identity politics . The parallels to Jordan Petersons rejection of identity politics are so grotesquely funny;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHbzSif78qQ
Jordan Peterson has never been confused for Christ by anyone I know. But I don’t get around much any more.
No, i didn´t write Ihat either. But, he thinks that tribal identity can be overcome and so does he followers/tribe and he insists that we shall not think as us being a part of a groups (except jews) but look at everybody “as individuals”
Those guys are just right wing liberals. They are barely better than right wing progressives like that pants-sexual David Brooks. Or whatever his first name is.
At least, they re-post and write about the outage of the week. As long as they never have an original thought, which is a safe bet, whatever conservative inc dressing they put around the actual reporting on the event will fade into the background.
Recently someone on Twitter said he found Shapiro’s attempts to “police the borders of right wing discourse” tiresome. You could tell by Shapiro’s reaction that he’d struck a nerve. It was a good description, I thought.
It’s been years when I would even qualify myself as some sort of Conservative, paleo or otherwise. The term has been corrupted completely as Sam Francis would explain.
The official dissidents are who now? The debate in Toronto between that jive talking hustler Dyson and Goldberg and what, the Right with libs like Peterson and Stephen Fry? No, this homie and buying dat.
Have to say the Z-blog and the opinions here are an education if you do the research on these people in question.
Funny how a Ben Shapiro post has turned into a Jordan Peterson debate. Have enjoyed Peterson’s YouTube videos however Vox day does a good job of exposing him and his globalist agenda.
The problem is when speaking to like-minded individuals they recognize Shapiro and Peterson but that’s about it.
Like one other poster suggested this is where it begins. We have to carry the word in the schools, workplace and media.
Zman: “A running debate on this side of the divide is over the utility of guys like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and other slightly edgy characters. The claim is that these types of insider critics of the prevailing order are a gateway to more radical thinkers on this side of the divide. A normie starts reading Ben Shapiro or listening to Jordan Peterson, and before long he finds his way to our team. There’s not much in the way of proof of this, just some anecdotes from people who swear that is how they made their journey to the dark… Read more »
I have a quibble: I don’t think Z man has any idea what Peterson is talking about. Not a single fucking clue. His criticisms of Shapiro have some merit, imo, I find similar faults with him. Peterson is not talking left/right politics as his primary point, other than leftism leads to piles of bodies. Z man talks about literally nothing that Peterson addresses, and vice versa. So why he has a bug up his butt about him is a mystery to me.
Brown eyed Dobro players are not on our side, therefore we must condemn them! Non-sequiturs, Untie!
Perhaps you should read what I have actually written about Peterson, instead of what you imagine I’ve written.
Based on what I’ve seen here and on Vox Day’s blog, this is a very common occurrence with Peterson fanbois.
That’s common theme among Peterson fanbois
Peterson is a mentally ill, psychiatric drug dependent, Globalist shilling huckster, with a Messiah Complex.
They could be useful and we should criticize them. I’m sure there’s no evidence they move people to our side since I don’t know how there could be a way to trace the origins. However I came to the dissident side through libertarianism, followed by a grab bag of some of the above characters. I suppose once someone has accepted that the mainstream media is calling the Shapiro and Peterson’s of the world misogynazis, and yet they listen to what they say anyway you’ve selected a group who is willing to listen to “hatethinkers.” However those guys bring little value… Read more »
There’s a 100xs greater chance of moving Bernie voters, Jill Stein fans, and Antifa members to our side, than the Shapiro devotees.
I didn’t grow up around jews, and i am therefore confused by them. A tribe for me, but not for thee seems to be the biggest defect, if any. I Have been shocked by the rubins, kristol, goldberg et al hostility to Trump. It appears that white tribalism scares the hell outa them. Maybe understandable. Exceptions Do seem to exist. http://www.thediplomad.com/2018/05/death-wins-one.html
Lewis Amselem over at Diplomad seems to really get it. His having worked at the State Department also means that he often offers valuable insights as to how things really work in the halls of government, much of it cringeworthy.
Yeah he’s one cool cat. He’s got a son that is impressive too. Saw some video’s where the kid was definitely giving off some hardcore dissident vibes. As in he-would-have-been-arrested-in london vibes. The link is his dads obit. His dad sounded like a hoot. That’s a bloodline to watch.
Anyone that gets the lefty thuggery pissed off is fine by me. If ANTIFA and BLM and college administrators get their knickers in a twist over his appearance on some Stalinist college campus, he must be doing something right. Yea, maybe Shapiro hedges his opinion here or there; so be it. There is nobody I have yet heard that I think perfectly elucidates my crazy notions of conservatism (e.g., I am all in for the existing US Constitution). But he is a lightening rod for leftist thugs as well as the MSM and his audience is far larger than many… Read more »
I think Shapiro only went in conservative punditry when he lost the chance at his true calling – playing Spock in the new Star Trek reboot movies.
more like Spock’s irritating younger cousin who gets spaced by the rest of the crew.
I like the video where a tranny threatens Shapiro with a beatdown if he doesn’t quit calling it a he. Naturally Shapiro is also a coward, along with being a cuck. Ben, you should have taken the beating — it would have been great for ratings!
The one and only time I’ve ever rooted for a tranny.
The description of Gavin McInness is spot on. I used to read him at Taki’s mag. Even Kathy Shaidle was more interesting. I don’t see McInness as an enemy; merely uninteresting.
I think it is wise to corral the forces of nature until such time as nature will no longer be bound by our attempts to civilize it. I welcome any reasonable attempt to tame the river of political discourse toward a purposeful and productive end. To let a river overflow its banks at-will may be very natural and self-justifying and safe– if we are distant enough from its force, but if we are attempting to build something lasting, we work to channel good energy into effective results, as time and peace afford it. Because, at some point, the deluge comes… Read more »
Shapiro is an “edgytarian” gatekeeper. Whoop deedoo, the Left shows up to protest him. He still gets to speak for the most part (Berkley is an exception but the crazy is strong there). Has Shapiro ever been in Twitter jail or demonetized by Youtube? I don’t like Spencer but he has been unpersonned and relentlessly pursued by the Left. The actions of TPTB indicate who are our potential allies in the war for civilization. Peterson is an interesting case. He’s a member of the Cathedral who has slightly gone off the reservation. If he starts people on a path that… Read more »
I think the many mis-reads of Peterson start with this: He isn’t here to please any particular political type. He got famous for refusing to be told how to speak. It was glorious! So he doesn’t kiss my political ass. That’s not why I listen to him. Most of the posters here seem to be focused on how Blackie is going to kill us. It may be true, Derbyshire’s “The Talk” for white kids is true, in my experience. Peterson is being very careful to keep himself alive, and no shit, it doesn’t make him a coward and fuck off… Read more »
Hence my point about Peterson providing a “toolbox”. And the willingness to sit there and patiently pick the legs and wings off of any Prog/Marxist/Interstectionalist insect stupid enough to debate him. And manage to avoid being cast into the void. I’ll take that.
I have the coincidence detector installed in my browser and this post broke the record for added (((parenthesis)))! That says something right there. A great post btw, and spot on.
I have personally used Shapiro’s and Peterson’s YouTube videos as foreplay before directing friends to Derbyshire, Molyneux, and Taylor. I don’t know what evidence there could be besides anecdotes, but enough anecdotes equals a sample size. I’ve changed the minds of four friends that way.
My gateway thinker (almost 20 years ago) was Pat Buchanan.
I just know Shapiro as that anti-tranny guy.
Peterson must be on to something if he’s pissing off both the Progs and about half the commenters here. As to Zman commenters, I think people such as Rod1963, Glen Filthie and Zorost are on the money with their take (from what I can tell) on Peterson. And I agree with Cain re Peterson and the Bell Curve/HBD/etc.. Are there things Peterson says, and seems to believe, with which I disagree? Certainly. But I am firmly convinced that he is doing considerably more good than bad overall. And for those who seem to be castigating Peterson for failing some sort… Read more »
Peterson, like Benji the Little Chickenhawk is controlled opposition. If you’re actually interested in the truth and not another Peterson fanboy, there’s plenty here to disabuse of the notion that he is doing more good than harm.
Well, I am not allowed to express any opinion on these topics in my professional sphere. My place of employment is fully converged and has a 20 page Code of Conduct. As an example: a badthinker in Charlottesville was wearing a shirt with the corporate logo on it; an email was sent company-wide that a full security investigation would be conducted and that the “white supremacist” would be rooted out; a week later another email was distrubuted that the badthinker was a non-employee but any association with “white supremacy” would not be tolerated. Just out of curiosity, how has JBP… Read more »
It looks like our verdict is in: Shapiro is a class enemy. Those half-dozen of Z man’s readers – new ones – who haven’t caught the anti-Shapiro intel over the last few months, now know the protocol here at the ‘Z bunker’. Ben Shapiro is verboten. He’s a tool of our enemies. Nothing new here – we hate Ben Shapiro. I get that… We’re in a secure compound, in which all opinions bounce around within a sealed container. It’s the ‘Andromeda Strain’, except that, instead of interstellar microbes, we have modulations of thinking, that must be sealed underground in tightly-managed… Read more »
Instead of people noticing what happens to our guys when they try to engage in public debate, their eye is focused on how poor Ben Shapiro had to wait a whole hour while the campus police removed a few overwrought students from the auditorium. And that, if anything, is Shapiro’s utility to us – flak-catcher. He doesn’t seem to realize antifa, and the left in general, make no real distinction between him and Richard Spencer. We’re all Nazis to them. So I’m perfectly happy to let him make the campus rounds and draw fire from overwrought leftists. Our guys seem… Read more »
You some how came to opposite conclusion the facts suggest. What guys like Shapiro are doing is legitimizing the marginalization of those to his right, by trying to position himself as some sort of martyr. Our guys are getting assaulted trying to attend events, while Shapiro is celebrating with the beautiful people as their approved rebel.
No surprise the Alt-Right attacks Shapiro. He’s a Jew after all, and that can’t be tolerated. And Peterson hasn’t sufficiently blamed the Jews for what ails the West, so he must be thrown under the bus too.
Yep, that’s the only possible reason anyone could have to criticize Lil Benji. Or Peterson.