Defending Our Own

Wishful thinking says that the various tribes in the coalition of the ascendant, the people we call the Left in America, will turn on one another. The laws used to punish white people for being competent society builders will be used by the new tribes against the coalition and the whole thing will collapse. Then there was the point that the people leading the coalition are the most tribal people on earth. This is now playing out in the lawsuit against Harvard.

Harvard is not about education. It is about credentials. When you major in math at Harvard, or any elite college, you are not learning a different math from the math majors at UMass/Boston. Look through the course catalog of an elite college and it is noticeably less rigorous than most state universities. Entrance to an elite university is both an IQ test and social proof. If you get accepted to Harvard, you are smart and you have the right temperament to be in the ruling elite.

What is playing out in this Harvard lawsuit is that the dominant tribe in the coalition is fighting to defend its position against this insurgent tribe, which has figured out how to game the admissions system. In order to prevent Harvard from becoming 50% Asian, they have rigged the system. The trouble is this is just the same sort of discrimination that Jews argued against last century. Instead of WASP’s blocking Jews from admission, it is Jews blocking Asians on cultural grounds.

It is important to remember that this is not about access to an education. Exactly no one thinks you learn more at Harvard than at UCLA or the University of Virginia. In fact, land grant universities, like Michigan or Wisconsin, offer vastly better education facilitates than the Ivy League colleges. What Harvard has is a credential that opens the doors to the nation’s ruling elite. At Harvard, you are with the future rulers and that has value to the current rulers.

The most probable outcome of this is the court eventually sides with Harvard, by fashioning some ludicrous exception to the laws that govern everyone else. After all, the current Supreme Court is made up of nine Ivy League graduates. Look down at the roster of the Federal bench and you will not see many guys named Wong who graduated from Cal State Fullerton. The whole point of having power is to use it to reward your friends and punish your enemies.

Now, this is amusing from the dissident perspective, but it is also useful, in that it proves an essential point. That is, individualism is a sure way to get trampled by a motivated identity group. The people on top of the regime got there by sticking together and working for their common good. The people suing them over admissions practices are doing so as a group. In the world of progressive politics, group identity is the top-level domain, it trumps everything else in the fight for position.

The same thing is happening to America as a whole. As of 2011, America was 60% non-Hispanic white. A majority of school aged children are non-white. Given the endless flood of migrants into the country, the die is cast. Within the next generation, whites in America will be a minority. Given the level of nastiness we see towards whites all over the popular culture, while whites remain a majority, imagine how aggressive and violent our new overlords will be when we are a clear minority.

This proves the other point about the multicultural creed. It inevitably must lead to lawlessness and group identity politics. Lee Kuan Yew was right, “In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.”  Look at majority-minority places around the world, or even cities in America with lots of diversity. Everyone puts their tribe above all else.

For generations now, white people have been bathed in the poaching liquid of individualism. Subversives like Ben Shapiro still preach this stuff, even while he sports a yarmulke and fingers his two passports. The frontier mentality is part of the romantic mythology of an America most white people cling to like a life raft. Libertarianism is really just a weird romanticism for a past that never existed and future that has been foreclosed by multiculturalism.

This will change as reality becomes clearer. The general lawlessness we see among our ruling classes is noticed. When white people enter “white couple” in a google image search and it returns all race mixers, a white identitarian is born. This battle between our would-be over-class and our current over-class is the sort of thing that opens the eyes of white people about the reality of America. Eventually, those words from Lee Juan Yew become a habit of mind.

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Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
6 years ago

Getting Normie Whites to act and think as a collective is a big hurdle. Punching Richard Spencer or attacking Alt Righters in Charlottesville is one thing, but kicking nice, respectable non-racist women like Sarah Sanders out of a restaurant or harassing Kristin Nielsen in public is another.

The shrieking, aggressive left is now letting us know loud and clear they hate us and want us dead. They’re converting more Normies than all the Dissident Right/Alt Right articles, podcasts, videos, speeches combined. Thank you Left. Don’t ever change.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
6 years ago

Indeed. Even Scott Adams is saying that in his latest podcast. “And I’m feeling like the best reason for Republicans to vote is they’re coming for you next. And they’re not hiding it. They’re coming for Trump right now, but they’re making it pretty clear they’re coming for Trump supporters next,” he said. “The one and only way to protect yourself is to make sure they lose the election,” he concluded. This is all true. He’s saying once we lose power, our goose is cooked. He’s in fact far ahead of some of the alt-right thought leaders who still don’t… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

Peterson is happy to cash the checks for supporting open borders (see his UN work), although I will give him lots of credit for standing up to to tranny freaks, which took real courage.

6 years ago

“Then there was the point that the people leading the coalition are the most tribal people on earth.” “Instead of WASP’s blocking Jews from admission, it is Jews blocking Asians on cultural grounds.” “Subversives like Ben Shapiro still preach this stuff, even while he sports a yarmulke and fingers his two passports.” No matter how hard someone resists & NAXALTS & natters about “Puritans”, if they pay attention & tell the truth they will eventually have to name the Jew. Welcome aboard, ZMan. Let’s take it further tho. Ivy League schools aren’t just where individuals set themselves up for influential… Read more »

6 years ago

Just remember, the Ivy League doesn’t send it’s graduates into the officer corps of the military. The guys out there commanding infantry battalions don’t have a thing in common with the ruling class. And sure as shit the rank and file grunt doesn’t either…

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Tamaqua
6 years ago

The service academies are converged. There was an open Communist officer at West Point who was indoctrinated by at least one leftist professor. Affirmative action is commonplace in order to increase the success of the football team. Rampant feminism in response to the sexual assault crisis of the last decade. No wonder the ships are crashing into each other.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Good point, but it is still a far cry from Columbia/Harvard and west point!

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Sidvic
6 years ago

The GOP has control of Congress, they could conceivably purge the leftist academics and bar the use of affirmative action. By contrast there is little that can be done about the Ivies as long as the donations keep coming in. You shouldn’t be allowed to hold socialist views and hold a government job in America. There are no shortage of socialist countries that need their talents.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

West Point and Annapolis grads are a drop in the bucket compared to the majority of OCS officers who hold the military together. Mattis didn’t attend a service academy

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Tamaqua
6 years ago

Part of the justification for the service academies is that graduates are more likely to become generals/admirals. The service calls it “ring-knocking”. Most officers come from ROTC, which as hinted by its name is supposed to be for the reserves. The permanent warfare since 1945 has reduced that to a historical curiosity.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Excellent point, De Beers.

Reply to  Tamaqua
6 years ago
Reply to  Tamaqua
6 years ago

They may not have “… thing in common with the ruling class …”, those battalion cdrs (bde, squadron, wing, destroyer etc), but they clearly understand that to make flag or general officer rank, they have to fully sign on to the elitist program. If you’re not singing the diversity song, and don’t make it an evaluation bullet for self and subordinates, you’re not going to see brigade command, nor will you get the helm of a first line vessel. Been there; seen it up close; watched the rot, hypocrisy and degradation of effectiveness it has imposed.

6 years ago

I’ve seen Asians with perfect scores and straight A’s in high school get turned down on applications to elite schools go on to make straight A’s in college and get turned down for med school.

They are getting fucked over by blacks, Hispanics, women, and Jews more than any of the rest of us.

Don’t think they don’t know the score.

They’ll be the best allies we can have in the end.

Dave smith
Dave smith
Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago


Reply to  Dave smith
6 years ago

Dave’s post is an example in miniature of the problem we face in growing our movement. His post is indistinguishable from what an enemy would post to discredit us, with the caps lock and violent language. When you persuade groups, you persuade some that are either not very smart or are reckless.

Is it better to delete posts like this? I’m surprised that Z doesn’t delete, given his belief that the Dissident Right must patrol its members. I’m undecided but this is a distillation of the problem.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Pretty obviously a troll.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Jews turning on multiculturalism won’t happen. Like Ahab spitting his last breath at Moby-Dick for hate’s sake, the Jews will do what is bad for the goyim above all else, right to the bitter end. The most likely outcomes, as I’ve been saying for years, are either the coming of Caesar or disintegration. Probably the latter. And it will work this time. What – are a bunch of East LA gangbangers and San Francisco homosexuals going to charge the next Little Round Top to keep North Dakota in the Union? We’re probably going to have to write off Aztlan, but… Read more »

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  AntiDem
6 years ago

We’re probably going to have to write off Aztlan

Figure on losing some of the lower southeast as well. African Americans are going to want their own piece of dirt and that’s where they’re concentrated now.

Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago
Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago

As a Georgia native and current resident, I’m aware of this and I hate it. My hometown of Atlanta was lost long ago. We spent a few years in East Tennessee where they weren’t yet and it was great. Currently, our county is 90% Republican and 90% White which is good but it’s one of the fastest growing and it can’t last. The county next door is 30% Black and 100% Democrat. The Georgia county we previously lived in was (and is) one of the fastest growing and is now the only county in the state required to print ballots… Read more »

Reply to  Henry_Lee
6 years ago

Legitimatly feel sorry for you. I have a Cousin who few for Kiwi airlines. The kids have all left North as it’s spilled out into the suburbs. They live in a lovely fine house, but in a gated suburb where all their neighbours are increasingly elderly. All are passionate NRA members, commited to the 2nd ammendment.They have to be

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  AntiDem
6 years ago

Pray tell, what part of the settlement of what is now the US was not a ‘dishonest land grab’? The island of Manhattan, perhaps?

If you think Texans are just gonna’ go along with your write off, you don’t know anything about the people born and raised in that great state. Try again Mr. Strategist. FFS

Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens
Reply to  Arch Stanton
6 years ago

Utah will never yield to the Mexicans either. This is our promised land and we will defend it, come Hell or high water.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Arch Stanton
6 years ago

It would be ironic, for Mexican illegals to risk life and limb to leave Mexico and get to Texas . . . only to turn into Mexico.

Reply to  AntiDem
6 years ago

Nah, let us white people breed like crazy and push the beaners down to Central America and take Mexico for ourselves. Reparations for all blacks who return to Africa and renounce their U.S. citizenship. All People of Color who want to live with the white people have to have tubal ligations and vasectomies. Conquer or perish.

Back to my pipe for more dreaming…

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

The 1930’s called. They want their Einsatzgruppen back.

Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

They’re too busy screaming “End Whitness,” “The White Race is a Cancer,” “Whiteness must be destroyed” to return to their commissar and gruppenfurher roots.

Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

If you’ve got an implacable enemy – and you eliminate ALL of them – you solve the problem – don’t you?

You might not like the method – but the fact remains that the results speak for themselves.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Exactly. Old school. Wipe them out completely and take their land, property and resources for our people. Since the Latino Reconquistadors reward our altruistic gringo willingness to share our society with them by having their sights set on taking the U.S. from us and expanding the Latin Americas, we should give up on these fantasy ideas of sharing our society with the world and expel them from the U.S. and keep chasing them all south until the European descendants have captured all of the Americas for ourselves. After that, the whites and asians can set about clearing Africa for whites… Read more »

Reply to  AntiDem
6 years ago

AntiDem: “Jews turning on multiculturalism won’t happen.” If Jews were as suicidal as the Right says they are, they’d all be dead by now. The Jews will open their eyes to their real enemy in due course. The sooner we stop bad-mouthing them, the sooner their vision will clear.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

It’s the fault of whites that Jews are tribal.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

What part of “jews were kicked out of every decent country, in some cases more than once” eludes you?

If they could tame their socipathy and goy hate they would not have that track record.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Jews, as a group, are master manipulators, and I don’t mean that as an insult. Talk about punching above your weight class. They have been doing that rather successfully for millenia. Their eyes have always been wide open, they know exactly who their enemies are, and they skillfully play them off of each other much to their benefit. Hard not to admire them.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Das Racis!!

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Comments like this always make me wonder whether the author has ever met East Asians in person. I deal with them a lot given my field of work, and I don’t think I have ever met one that didn’t absorb some of the insularity of their cultures. Not to mention, Americans tend to view them all as one homogenous population of slant eyes, but outside of things like the Asian Caucus, each ethnicity is pretty insular towards other Asian ethnicities as well. I will be very surprised if whites and Asians ever have anything more than the occasional alliance of… Read more »

Reply to  Sub
6 years ago

I agree. Whites are continually fooled by their inability to see the tribalism inherent in all other groups. Ironically, the reason that we build the most high trust societies is because of our naive universalism, yet our strategy only works when almost everyone shares this naive universalism. We are pathetically easy to manipulate.

Reply to  Sub
6 years ago

If we’re talking about tribalism – then there are tribes you can get along with – and tribes that the evidence of history shows : you cannot. Whites have been able to get along with Asians it seems far better than they can get along with Jews in their midst – or with blacks in pretty much any situation that I know of. I have worked with a number of immigrant Chinese – and on a daily basis can get along with them just fine. Especially the ones that got out of commie China: They come here and at least… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Sub
6 years ago

Same thing with Hispanics. I think the difficulty is that the overwhelming majority of hispanics in the US are Mexican, so they come across less tribal than they really are. Just watch a World Cup match between two hispanic countries.

Deplorable Bad-white
Deplorable Bad-white
Reply to  Sub
6 years ago

Many Chinese people in my (affluent urban) neighborhood: Intelligent; dead serious; zero political correctness. THEY will own the US one day.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Asians get petty harassment from the City in my part of So Cal , Blacks also unless they own property , Whites and Hispanics much less This I suspect is the future in many areas. That said as much as I like Asians , many of them are carpetbaggers from China or wherever and should go back home. Also as far as a White awakening, its already happening but moving to action is another matter. Nearly every White other than a few old line White Nationalists want to exhaust every other option first/ I can understand this. Many people think… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

I’ve said this previously, but what bothers me about the entire scenario is that whites are being crushed by a growing Asian group from above( fair competition here) against an admantium floor of affirmative action groups below. As Ron Unz demonstrates, most of those “whites” are in fact tribal or of mixed ethnicity, yet are labeled white for counting purposes, together with a few inbred legacy admissions. It’s we fly over American whites who will be successively squeezed out of these institutions altogether.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

This is classic cuckservatism 101. Asians, while not monolithic (Chinese consider themselves superior to Vietnamese who look down on Cambodians and they all envy and hate the Japanese), are all highly ethnocentric. They may respect certain White accomplishments, but even the rank and file consider the average White an uncouth barbarian enjoying unearned privilege when Asians ought to be the true preeminent power, by virtue of their ancient culture and high IQ. While a certain percent of the women want to marry White men because they epitomize, still, the Western power center, their faux submissiveness covers a ruthlessness that will… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
6 years ago

The Chinese went from genocide to bicycles to a toxic waste dump in two generations. They stole some tech, and sneer at the western barbarians who gave it to them.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

I recall reading that a majority of all the high IQ Asian ethnic groups prefer the Democrat wing of the Uniparty, at least in Presidential elections. Reading posts by Asians, it is pretty clear that many of them view whites as Yesterday’s People. Often they are quite arrogant about it. My Republican state senator is Chinese, born and raised in the United States. He even has a soft regional twang in his voice. He is married to a white woman (happily no children), and is probably a nice enough fellow. However, his contempt for white people is rather obvious, if… Read more »

6 years ago

I used to ask this question half in jest. Now I’m as serious as cancer: If the elite were actively, openly TRYING to start a second civil war, what would they be doing differently from what they’re doing now? I know that history begins anew each dawn for rank-and-file SJWs, but Soros et al aren’t stupid. They MUST know where this is going. So why do they do it?

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

Because (((THEY))) hate us!

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

South African whites have accepted the loss of all meaningful influence on government power. Crime rates are the worst in the world, worse than Baltimore and New Orleans. But you don’t see gangs of Afrikaner vigilantes, the upper-middle class whites continue to hire cheap black domestic servants while going on vacations abroad. The Orania settlement was founded with the idea that it would have a population of 50,000 and be the capital of its own country in the irrigated desert. Current population is 1,500+. If they won’t revolt in far worse conditions, it speaks badly about us.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Also worth noting the “white squatter camps”. The common refrain from the black left is that these people won’t work as domestic workers, and that the upper-middle class whites wouldn’t hire them even if they would take the jobs. Another case of us being our own worst enemy, a parallel to working class US whites destroying their labor market value with drugs, leading to replacement by Latinos.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

It happened the other way around: Latinos were hired for less money and the whites were then out of a job. The drugs came in like gangbusters when whites began to despair at not working at all or working the rest of their lives for illegal immigrant wages and struggling to get by. Disincentive.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

It is unusual to see an employer outright fire its workers and replace them with cheaper immigrants. Employers (Disney) that do this with H-1B take a lot of flack. Liberals are correct to note that “dey took yer jerbs” doesn’t happen all that much. Liberals are wrong when they deny the effect of immigration on wage stagnation and real wage decline in certain sectors. The working class was formerly employed in manufacturing, which has not returned to its pre-recession job numbers, let alone its peak number. Lower paying service jobs both delay family formation and create unstable families. The decline… Read more »

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Here’s how they do. Business owners hire illegal immigrants cheap. Maybe not all at once, but over time. At the same time, white guys either move on or are fired, not all at once. Or maybe the business owner closes his shop then re-opens with all new cheap illegal immigrant labor. In the blue collar world of jobs, it is not hard to do this and get away with it, it’s been happening for decades. The press does not report on it for the most part, but I’ve seen it myself. White men and their families destroyed. In media/entertainment world,… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

One major area that was affected by immigration was the 2000s housing construction boom. Laid off industrial workers in the Midwest were reluctant to move and take construction jobs in the South/West. Illegals captured the job market due to the absence of E-Verify. The migration of Hispanics to the rest of the country is not always due to illegal immigration. More of it has to do with blue state housing costs and declining white fertility and the loss of underclass whites to drugs.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

It’s difficult to relocate if you don’t have money or if the decimated local economy makes it impossible to sell your home and you don’t come from wealthy people. I can tell by how you describe it that you’ve not been badly impacted by this because your comments have an air of, ‘They don’t have bread? Well let them eat cake.’ Don’t get me wrong, I always enjoy your comments. Cheers.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

That’s a valid criticism, I do write with a “disinterested” tone. Most of my interactions are with the left-of-center and I’m nervous about my sentiments being seen as whining. Liberals don’t have sympathy for those they feel are “voting against their own interests” for cultural reasons.

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

Maybe. But there’s still the issue of people sticking that needle in their arm. A person who is TRULY motivated by personal preservation doesn’t do that to themself no matter how badly their life is going. I was just down in Kentucky last week – drove down from MA to pickup a machine I bought thru auction. Talking to the people there was informative. I like to look at local real estate prices to get a sense of the area when I travel. It seems that down in that area – you can buy a decent ranch style house in… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

You’re right, calsdad, and I don’t make excuses for people choosing to stick needles in their arms. The U.S. has always had a robust drug culture and now that use has gone off the rails with the opioid epidemic. It’s one of the many reasons more church and Christianity should be prominent in our society. I’m convinced that with presence of Christianity in their lives, some people would not ever consider drugs because their faith would give them strength and the teachings would direct their energies in more constructive ways. Some people would be saved, though not all, unfortunately.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

The Afrikaners have held one major protest action since the end of apartheid. The Black Monday protest last year against farm murders. Roads were blocked with trucks (bakkies). Rather than eliciting sympathy, blacks reacted in envy when they noticed that whites had cars and they didn’t. They also hated that the farmers weren’t shot at by the police, as some striking black miners were killed a few years back under Ramaphosa’s orders before he became President.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Those in the upper middle-class are very soft people. You don’t draw soldiers from that class. They are the ones most likely to either flee or be slaughtered by their servants and die with a look of surprise on their faces.

The other whites are just in a state of disbelief. They can’t believe their country and way of life are gone.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

South Africa’s right-wing also has its share of blame. The Conservative Party (KP) didn’t participate in the negotiations for the new Constitution, allowing F.W. DeKlerk to capitulate on federalism and a potential white state/province. They repeatedly warned about a bloodbath when the ANC won in ’94 or when Mandela died, and got egg on their face both times. It has actually taken 10 years for the Afriforum organization to be taken seriously. The upper middle class is where you usually get your military officers from.

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

Because (((they))) have ridden our bus to the global top, and now it’s time to get off.

Time to get one’s enemies to kill each other, enshrining one’s order at that top.

They financed Cromwell’s Roundhead Puritans- (and so many, many more, from Joseph’s Egypt to WWII)- giving us the Ivy world of piracy, propaganda, debt bondage, war finance, chattel economics, and ‘colored’ revolution.

This one’s for the win.
The Tribulation, the Kali Yuga, is here.

Ba’al teshuva- return to the God!
This is the cry for lapsed ((())).
Note the name.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

I hesitate to write this.
At one time, the abortion industry here was nearly all (((ahem))). In Asia, however, abortionists advertised with foetuses in glass jars in the windowsill- but the Easterners know that the local gods, the blight contained to this prison, are insane.

There is war in heaven- and we embodied are trapped here with madmen. This is the battleground, the quarantine.

They must be held, the blight must not spread. The Whites, that unique mutation, are the point of the spear. No one else seems yet capable of doing anything right, anything at all.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Aha, a simpler way to explain.
This is not a matter of malevolence, but of infection- and the Whites have developed a resistance to that spiritual infection.
But rabies cannot be reasoned with.

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

When a culture begins to spiral down into angry tribes, people don’t think, they react. That was the run up to the Civil War….before the shooting started, there was a long period of national civic groups, churches, etc. fracturing apart. I think that’s what we’re going through now. Tim

6 years ago

Tribalism is an evolved ancient, and now endemic, social trait within our species. It exists because it works; as in, it helps us to survive and thrive. This innate bias is as foundational as bicameral vision or opposable thumbs. The primary advantage of tribalism is that enables greater trust based upon immediate visual or auditory queues. Within the tribe, you don’t have to be constantly on-guard against potentially lethal threats and this allows greater opportunity for productive labor.

Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

It’s certainly true, in group out group preferences are a necessary part of any coalition or society. It’s an inate part of the human experience that had served us well in the past, you can’t discard it. What annoys a lot of people on the Alt/Hard/Dissident Right is the noticing that tribalism is great for the (((tribe))), but horrific if practiced by White Americans or the European Nations.

Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

Yeah, tribalism is so great, explains why Tribailst Europe made such enormous strides in the Dark Ages. Also explains why the Tribalist Balkans and sub-Saharan Africa are a beacon of wealth and prosperity. Oh Wait…. The central assumption of tribalism is that you can trust a fellow tribe member more than an outsider. History has proven time and again that it is total bullshit. Africans were sold as slaves by their fellow tribal chiefs. The total number of whites killed in intra-tribal conflicts from 0-1945 AD probably runs in the hundreds of millions. Just a single rogue member who puts… Read more »

Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

Legitimatly not disagreeing with you. Nationalist signalling spirals shot Western Europe twice in the head in the 20th century and have left us in the terrible situation we are in. But instead of learning from history our elites decide to detest their history, ignoring any context or acknowledging any blots on others copy books eg islam’s slavery trade dwarving the trans atlantic, Tamurlane, Geneghis Khan and the mongol conquests, the Ottoman/Arab conquests, Aztec brutality, Jewish involvement in slave trade. Ancient Greece never united around Hellenism, and declined. We knocked the shit out of each other during the Middle Ages but… Read more »

Reply to  Shane
6 years ago

Totally agree with you on both points. Which is why it is very important for white America to kick out the CoC bums and “moderate” traitors like Heller, Flake, McCain, Corker and Romney and get Trump Mini me’s elected. White America needs to cut legal immigration to about 20% the current level and eliminate illegal invasion. If and only if this is done in the next 2-3 years will America survive in its present state. Frankly, America is (was?) different from anywhere else as tribalism, while present was not overriding like Middle East, Asia, Europe etc. Which is why everyone… Read more »

Ris Eruwaedhiel
Ris Eruwaedhiel
Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

Why do we need immigrants at all? Do we have a labor shortage? Do we have a wide open frontier that needs populating, to the detriment of American Indians? I think that the only immigrants we should accept are spouses and the rare individual who possesses a rare talent that we can use.

Reply to  Ris Eruwaedhiel
6 years ago

Can’t disagree with you. Yes, what is needed is a long pause like from 1924-1965.

Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

Break from the idea that any legal immigration at all needs to happen. It is the next step after stopping the illegal immigration, and our version of the Overton Window needs to be moving.

Random Dude on the Internet
Random Dude on the Internet
6 years ago

Whites are in a tough spot: Boomercon sensibilities will never embrace white identity but when the Boomercons die off, we will be a 40-50 percent white country. If White America has a snowball’s chance in hell, it will be to try to get them to think about their own people for a change, which is a tall order. Maybe if they had more white grandchildren, they would start thinking more about them rather than crying Hondurans. This is where millennials are failing. Instead, their white children are working barista jobs in their 30s and have “fur babies” instead. Hard to… Read more »

Another person on the internet
Another person on the internet
Reply to  Random Dude on the Internet
6 years ago

Random Dude on the Internet – looks like we’re thinking along the same lines… I appreciate that the focus of The Z Man and many readers is “how to turn this all around”. Oh brother – wish them well but ain’t gonna happen. Way, way, way too much damage done… we just want to get through our remaining days. And when the day comes there’s little left to lose while just sitting on the porch….. I believe I’ll see Mad Max times as strangely entertaining.

Reply to  Another person on the internet
6 years ago

I don’t see a lot of hope for a “turnaround” happening – mostly because I don’t see much recognition from ANYBODY (and that includes the vast majority of the posters here) – on what the mechanics of the issues are. I see people bitching about immigration – but is anybody getting out there and arguing the point that we should have NO immigration at this point in time? I’ve been doing it for years – and all I get is shit from both the RIGHT and the left. From reading thru the posts here on ZMan’s blog – it seems… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Random Dude on the Internet
6 years ago

If the economy cracks, and it probably will when Medicare and SocSec run out of money and a tax hike is passed, the foreigners might stream back home voluntarily. The Third World’s living standards will probably be higher in 2030 than they are today. The counter-possibility is another Sahelian famine that moves half of West Africa into the West. The Saudis are proposing major construction projects to move the economy away from oil. That could suck up a lot of workers from the Third World. The Middle East will be in a downcycle of violence during the 2020s, but I… Read more »

Reply to  Random Dude on the Internet
6 years ago

White awakening is spreading like wildfire. In terms of the country’s demographics, they probably only need 20% to take back every inch of the country. This repossession is now inevitable weather that be through electoral politics or through the emergence of a genuine strongman. The cat is out of the bag and there’s no going back. The only thing that is yet to be determined is the precise time frame and whether it is going to happen peacefully.

Reply to  firestarter
6 years ago

The immigration shibboleth fell away for me, just this weekend. What is wrong with no in-migration, legal or illegal? Get your own national house in order, and we will take care of ours. The idea that legal migration is a sacred thing needs to be broken.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

It’s no loss to Noah Smith that white conservatives lose their self-determination. His people have a state specifically for them if (when) things go south here.

Anyone that discourages immigration, or (gasp) encourages higher white fertility is hit upon by the Eye of Sauron that is the media and academic elite. And if you try and organize against it you are infiltrated by police informants to keep you marginalized.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Gentrification is bad
Immigration is good
Colonization is bad
Zionism is good

“tradwifes” are bad
higher immigrant fertility is vibrant

Ris Eruwaedhiel
Ris Eruwaedhiel
6 years ago

A friend of mine from Iowa majored in music and graduated from Northwestern University in Chicago. He said that he would have gotten a better musical education at the University of Iowa. He also commented that a person wouldn’t be better off going to Harvard for an agricultural degree. As you wrote, it’s about making connections and joining the elite, not getting an education.

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
Reply to  Ris Eruwaedhiel
6 years ago

You might say Harvard alumni are tribal?

6 years ago

As for a Harvard degree being a proxy for IQ, once on Lawrence O’Donnell’s program an alcoholism expert said that the etiology of alcoholism was mainly genetic. O’Donnell immediately went nuts saying it could not possibly be genetic because he knew many families where one sibling was an alcoholic but all the others were not.

O’Donnell is a graduate of Harvard College but did not understand high school genetics. (Or simple common sense: some families have a single red head and hair color is determined by genes.)

6 years ago

“Harvard is not about education. It is about the credentials. ” The other thing about that is that Harvard isn’t going anywhere. Its nice to dream about developing some sort of alternative but in the end Harvard is always going to be a factor. My guess is that the really striving part of the growing Asian bloc in America is going to start pointing their daughters to getting a Jewish boyfriend or just outright pulling a Whoopi Goldberg. Jewish intermarriage is high after all; I don’t see why Mark Zuckerberg’s wife would be the only one to take advantage of… Read more »

Reply to  Brooklyn
6 years ago

Yale grad here. Green-eyed, very blonde, Protestant woman — yes, some of us sneak through! Having admitted this, I must say that the elite/elitist potential of Ivy grads is real, but exaggerated. Perhaps the Supremes are Ivies, and the CIA shuffles through Yale, but plenty of corporate CEOs, scientists, etc., are NOT Ivy grads. Seems that an Ivy education matters most among educators and the legal/juridical elitists. I agree the Ivies function as IQ sorters. And I agree that the education received there is often wanting. Law grads at Yale, for example, are expected to pass their bar exam on… Read more »

Reply to  anonymous
6 years ago

I can’t remember where, but read a study a few years back that the income advantage proferred by the Ivies lasts about 2 1/2 years. After that performance matters more, and things even out. If the IQ sorting was that significant, I’d think that it wouldn’t even out that fast.

Most of the Ivy trained surgeons I’ve known have not been outstanding by any stretch of the imagination.

6 years ago

A slight quibble re: Harvard vs. UMB (having experience of both institutions’ physics departments). At Harvard your instructor (for lecture) will be a full professor who speaks flawless English and gives a d*mn. You don’t usually encounter the grad students until “section” or as lab TA’s. They too speak English. At UMB you’re lucky if you can understand the foreign grad student who is teaching the course (who will take offence if you ask him to repeat something). The other issue is that if you are not enrolled full-time Harvard is actually more economical because you’re only paying tuition and… Read more »

Reply to  BestGuest
6 years ago

Speaking from direct experience, land grant universities don’t even offer clean glassware for chemistry lab courses. They’re price controlled, so in addition to the general much lower lower instructional quality you mention, they ration spaces in required courses, so you might not be able to finish in 4 years, which also adds to the opportunity costs of going to college.

6 years ago

So here’s a pertinent life. I’m a patent lawyer, Michigan grad. My spouse is a Harvard prodigy, even by Harvard standards and hyperbolic MSM benchmarks. Two chinese firms approached me by separate referrals to represent them in defense of claims they hire, for cheap, a chinese student to take a standardized test and memorize a question completely then regurgitate the question for perfect answer. Allegedly completing the host of infringements, chinese families, living here and there, pay for test courses with up-to-date “answers for questions likely to appear.” (I did not represent them.) So I happen to hang out with… Read more »

Ris Eruwaedhiel
Ris Eruwaedhiel
Reply to  FellowDissident
6 years ago

I used to work in the trademarks section of a big NJ law firm and was told that the Chinese would steal an American product, copy it right down to the packaging and then sell it as the real item. The Chinese courts didn’t care.

6 years ago

Trump needs to take a leaf out of the Kennedy play book and open the doors to the many many European right thinkers who would happily flee Europe. It worked for the Dems in that they have imported a left voting third world populace… should cut both ways and the inevitable coming of a minority majority can be reversed.

6 years ago

Nowhere is this more in evidence than in the current “multicultural” teams at the World Cup.

Reply to  Adam
6 years ago

Good point. See how well tiny Iceland punches above it’s weight

6 years ago

Bu…bu…But Horatio Alger! The CoC cucks and lolbertarians need to wake up to the truth of “stand together or hang separately”, before it’s too late(if it isn’t already).

6 years ago

I am in the NIH grant game. The way it works; ~30billion$ pie exists. research grants are 1-2 million $ over 4 years and it is better if you have 2 grants simultaneously. Many researchers are on soft money, which means that up to 100% your salary is paid by the grant. No grant=No job. Hard-core tournament system. Grants pay for workers and equipemnt for research too. Grants are submitted to study sections made up of 30-35 scientists but essentially the grant is reviewed by 3 study section members and given a score. What has happened over the last 50… Read more »

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
6 years ago

About education, years ago I read somewhere if you read three books on a topic, you would be an expert. Looking at the syllabus for most majors in a college catalog, that may be right. Except in Economics. I’ve read dozens, beginning with Wealth of Nations, and I’m still as confused as Paul Krugman. One thing I learned is that “GDP Growth = Sales + Productivity Improvement + Inflation” and in the past, population increase tracks sales growth well. Unfortunately, the Dow Jones Industrial Average also correlates closely with GDP growth. Without population growth, the GDP growth slows. This is… Read more »

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Din C. Nuffin
6 years ago

“and I’m still as confused as Paul Krugman.” That’s because much of economics is an intentional con – and a good bit of rest is rhetoric and psuedoscience, more and more of which is exposed as wrong every year. The very roots of most of what is taught as economics today are rotten for a variety of reasons, and everybody making a buck off the enterprise knows it. I say that as someone who received a degree in economics a few decades ago. Still, some of our denser rulers do indeed justify immigration among themselves on that basis while they’re… Read more »

Reply to  bad guest
6 years ago

“…much of economics is an intentional con…” Economists are only needed if the intention is to cook the books. Just sayn’

Reply to  Din C. Nuffin
6 years ago

“Can you have a successful company, or nation, without growth?” Japan has strong borders and negative growth. Depends on one’s definition of “successful nation”. Japan is either the most successful, or the least successful, depending on the definition of “success”.

I would like to live there, in some ways, but as a non-Japanese, that is not an option. Which appears to be a significant element of their “success”.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Din C. Nuffin
6 years ago

Don’t know. But Iceland seems like a nice place.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Din C. Nuffin
6 years ago

Can you have a successful company, or nation, without growth?

Probably difficult when corporate value is based more on things like market share, Q2Q profitability, and sheer speculation rather than actual productivity. Who really buys a stock for the dividend income?

6 years ago

That is, individualism is a sure way to get trampled by a motivated identity group.

Someone named Salerno or something at Mises, in arguing that nationalism is a libertarian virtue, argues that nationalism is the means by which individuals secure their rights.

You can’t have libertarianism without nationalism. The rabid and extreme individualism that dominates modern libertarianism is anti-thetical to everything they claim to want.

6 years ago

Dear Z, Likely I probably shouldn’t bother with this issue, irrespective it’s been chewing away at me, but will you please correct the record as follows: my alma mater, multiple, the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, is and it never was a land grant college. Perhaps you had been thinking about Cow College up there. Michigan became an acknowledged public university in the “Michigan Territory” year 1817. Long before land grant was a widespread phenomenon. It’s a school that has given rise to many, many on the political right despite the bad press. My fraternity brother at Michigan reposes… Read more »

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
6 years ago

Z Man, I’m not sure I agree with your prediction that Harvard will somehow win the case. Some of the methods used to reject Asian-American applicants are very similar to those used by Southern States to prevent black from voting during the Jim Crow period. The judges have to be fully aware of this parallel. Allowing Harvard to get away with this would be tantamount to ruling that a lot of anti-discrimination law that has been passed since 1965 is no longer valid. Lets just say the implications of this are profound and that they are not going to go… Read more »

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Max Boot is arguing that it is OK to discriminate against a particular racial group on the basis of personality stereotype. This is no different than the residents of an HOA not allowing a black couple or family to buy a home in the HOA because of the tendency of blacks to have a lot of drama and criminality. I think Max Boot and others will make the judges very much aware of this parallel. Its not the court’s job to determine if any rational like Max Boot’s is valid or not. Its only job is determining if racial discrimination… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
6 years ago

You are presuming the SCOTUS will look to precedent and the facts, and then apply reason to arrive at a conclusion. That is bass-ackwards. The SCOTUS will look to (((who))) is impacted, what result would benefit that (((group))) and then justify that result by whatever machinations are required.

6 years ago

I don’t think we can defend our own, as Whites in the West are riven by class warfare layered on with regional and sexual warfare. After all, with women single from say 15-45 or even beyond, the primary urge of women to separate the True Alpha from the pretender beta gets turbocharged. Better to flood the West with the Third World because then by definition all successful White men will be Alpha — its the handicapping principle like a Peacock’s tail. Moreover I think we are seeing a forced preference cascade. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was booted from some restaurant with… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
6 years ago

(((The Tribe))) is a criminal gang, a mafioso by psychology and self-advantagement hosted off productive others. Collective efforts to diminish the Italian mob were largely successful and borrowed from military lessons learned. So let’s learn, apply, and migrate (((The Tribe))) somehow.

Vet local and form up.

6 years ago

UMass Boston is the system’s only majority-minority campus.

Reply to  k2952260
6 years ago

I don’t anybody who is white who would put UMass Boston on their top ten list. They’d go anywhere but there.

Everybody knows who goes to UMass Boston.

White people ARE racially aware – when it comes to things like going to UMass Boston

6 years ago

It’s hard to feel sympathy for Asians when they voted 80% for Clinton (and 90% for Asians born here). Screw ’em. Hope they lose the lawsuit.

6 years ago

I hear this place is restricted, Wang, so don’t tell ’em you’re Jewish, okay?
– Al Czervik

Nate Higgers
Nate Higgers
6 years ago

Good, good. Let the Antisemitism flow through you.