Modest Proposals

The paleo-conservative thinker, Sam Francis, introduced the term “anarcho-tyranny” into the dissident vocabulary. He defined it as “we refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy), so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny).” For example, the streets are littered with speed cameras, red-light cameras and other surveillance equipment to tax motorists. On the other hand, if your car is stolen, the cops cannot be bothered to look for it and you must hope the insurance company is generous.

Francis focused on crime, but we see it everywhere. Because it has crept up slowly on us, the chaos of our age just feels normal, but so does the shrinking freedom of the surveillance state. A way to see this is to think about the small, relatively easy to impose rules our government could do now, that would make life better. Yet, these modest proposals are never mentioned, much less debated. In fact, the very idea of the state imposing quality of life measures is outrageous.

For example, the scourge of mobile phones is obvious to everyone. We have people walking into traffic while texting. Every summer, there are stories of people coming to harm as they try to take a selfie. Even if those are rare exceptions, driving has become a stressful adventure, because of drivers talking and texting. Spend time around the imperial capital and you come to hate the cell phone. This is an easily remedied problem that the government could address tomorrow.

For example, the Feds could tell mobile phone makers that their devices must shut off when they detect movement. Cars with media centers have this feature, so drivers are not fiddling with the thing while driving. If mobile phones were so equipped, the number of drivers smashing into one another over texting would drop to zero. Idiots and teenagers would hate this, but so what? There’s never a need for a human to talk or text while driving. If you need to talk, pull over and have your conversation.

The assault on privacy by tech companies could be also addressed. Your picture, your name, your financial information, all the stuff that defines you is yours. It should be treated like any other property. Google is not allowed to build a surveillance point on your front lawn. Why are they allowed to spy on you and sell your information to the highest bidder? A law that requires written permission to possess and distribute private information would put an end to the abuse of privacy.

In case you think this is impossible, keep in mind it used to exist. Credit bureaus used to need permission to release your credit history. One of the things you signed in the loan process was a form giving the lender the right to pull your credit report and call on your references. The same is true of employers. The application process included you giving them permission to call former employers. Simply restoring a basic of civil society – property rights – would solve many problems.

To get a sense of just how far we have gone down the road to serfdom, ask a normie friend about such a proposal. Ask them if the government should require Facebook to get your written permission to use your data. The right leaning normie will recoil in horror at the state doing anything. The left leaning normie will most likely give you a blank look, as they are unable to process the concept of privacy. The very idea of you owning you is now alien to most Americans.

On the other hand, the idea of transparency among the ruling class has become an artifact of a bygone age. Around the imperial capital are thousands of not-for-profit operations that are financed by rich people. You can look up some basic information about them, but you can rarely find out who pays the bills. Take, for example, The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights. This group harasses white people and is run by a white-hating woman named Kristen Clarke. Who pays for this?

Politics is now a clash between these types of groups financed by shadowy characters that none of us see. Instead, we see trained actors as spokesman for these front groups that essentially operate as money laundering operations. Because the billionaire class is unable to hire politicians directly, they funnel their bribes through non-profits. Cliff Asness gets to pay Jonah Goldberg to be his mouthpiece and he gets a tax break. He’s not just a member of the over-class. He’s a philanthropist!

Cliff Asness may be a civic minded patriot, but the only reason we can know his name is he chooses to let us know it. He could just as easily have made the gift anonymously or under some other name. Unless you are into dissident politics, you would never know that every utterance of Jonah Goldberg is paid for by some billionaire with interests that may or may not be your interests. Every nickel that comes into a not-for-profit should be public information, so we can know who is paying the paid actors.

The point is, there are probably a hundred small things that could be done today to significantly improve life in America, for the citizens of America. The increasing shrillness of public debate is closely linked to the lawlessness of modern life. There’s a reason the state is incapable of even small reform. It goes back to what Sam Francis observed with crime. The class-consciousness of the managerial class is the same phenomenon that we see with public bureaucracy.

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6 years ago

Oh so correct. Laws may apply to everyone in theory, but are selectively enforced against only specific classes of people. I was raised to be compliant and law abiding, so me and my class are the ones who end up being punished for noncompliance. Victor Davis Hanson has experienced this phenomenon firsthand in rural California for exactly the reasons laid out by Z-man in the first paragraphs of today’s entry. Read some of Hanson’s columns for details. We are not anarchists, yet I look forward to the day when the normals and “squares” start to lose their fear and begin… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Eduardo55
6 years ago

Don’t discount the power of conformity, even in a low-trust diverse society. Plenty of people won’t speak up if they fear being fired and put on an employment blacklist. Admissions at colleges now checks if you follow Alex Jones. I don’t foresee Congress forbidding discrimination based on political ideology, it would be easily stigmatized as the “Nazi Protection Bill”. Silicon Valley is involved in designing a “social credit” system just like China. Those ubiquitous smartphone “freemium” games are the model. Weimar survived the first economic catastrophe, it would have survived the second if France/UK had reoccupied the Rhineland. Our system… Read more »

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

I think DBD is right. Adding to his comments, it is impossible to overestimate the cravenness of modern white people. Possibly it was ever thus.

Reply to  Ivar
6 years ago

“…it is impossible to overestimate the craveness of modern white people”. Wow. Just wow. Is it easier to make an estimate of the slothfulness of modern black people, or the tribalness of modern muslim people – or the ignorance of modern web posters?

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Vlad
6 years ago

There is no other racial group that displays the levels of self-loathing that we do. At least 1/3rd of whites openly admit to “white guilt” in polling. No other group would have chosen the ANC over the AWB.

6 years ago

Here’s my peeve: why can’t we have a law against the damn telemarketers who manage to call me about ten times per week? Why can’t I easily and permanently opt out? Oh, you can opt out for a while…but they’ll be right back at you in six months. Bastards.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

In my experience “opting out” doesn’t deter them. It must be profitable for them, though, or they wouldn’t do it.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  BestGuest
6 years ago

Automated (computer) predictive dialing has been around for decades. It might cost a thousandth of a cent when they dial your home, if that much. Pretty profitable business. It’s just a numbers game, and there are always ignorant people to answer the phone and listen to their pitch. Pretty sad, really. And they don’t care about the opt-out lists. Who’s gonna’ enforce it?

Troll King(-51)
Troll King(-51)
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Yeah, I learned the other day that if someone asks you not to speak to them and you do, you could be prosecuted for “hatrassment.” Then why the heck aren’t the telemarketers “harassing” me?

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

I get at least ten a day on my cell phone. I use it for business or I’d not answer any number I don’t recognize.

My proposed solution is making a caller pay the recipient some nominal fee for every call- $.50 or $1.00 – would have much net impact on general users but would shut down telemarketers.

Reply to  Joshinca
6 years ago

“Pay to play.”

M. Murcek
6 years ago

The person who steals your car costs the state money: Costs money to go after, costs money to prosecute, costs money to incarcerate, costs insurance company claims money. The essentially law abiding schmuck who runs a traffic light or gets a DUI is a profit center for the cops, courts and insurance companies. Whattasurprise it is who they go after…

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  M. Murcek
6 years ago

Driverless vehicles will not only wipe out millions of blue-collar jobs, they will also knock out much of the white-collar insurance industry. AI will also do a number on their ranks. I expect little resistance as AI is one of the few tools we have to reduce healthcare costs.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

That’s an interesting idea about AI possibly reducing healthcare costs. Would that be from labor saved? Based on past experience, do we have any reason to believe they wouldn’t just scoop up the additional profits at the expense of jobs lost?

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

On paper a lot of our healthcare system is “non-profit”. The insurance industry and drug industry are the two engines of “windfall profits” that appear to be driving some cost increases. But even in socialist sytems the growing cost of healthcare outpaces inflation. AI might reduce errors, and provide a more efficient process for collecting data. Lower malpractice costs

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

If anyone says “infomatics” one more time, the doctors themselves will head the pitchfork parade.

(They’d rather waste time treating patients than typing in data for lawyers to sue them with)

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

I expect it will also wipe out a fair number of cops. I’m guessing that most people’s interaction with cops happens while they’re behind the wheel. If the car is automatically piloted, the cops aren’t going to be getting much in the way of probable cause to pull them over.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Agree, AI coupled with mass data gathering will kill employment in insurance. Who needs underwriters?

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Swrichmond
6 years ago

We’ve already algo’d most of what you would experience as a consumer. In the commercial end, lot is still stubbornly resistant to modeling—but that is mostly a data quality problem. Solve that and the correlations will fall into place.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Driverless will be a bit farther away than is described in the popular press. At my current firm, have spent the last year exiting that segment. Ironic thing is that for most of the 2000s technology like airbags, anti-lock, automatic braking, lane sensors etc was dropping bodily injury and accident rates. Add the iPhone and turning cars into F-35 cockpits we see increasing accident rates—too many screens and switches to play with. I prefer driving my 4 door Jeep Wrangler now. Want AC, turn a knob versus hunting and pecking on a control screen for the thermostat.

6 years ago

Moderate size metro area near me has given the cops the speed cameras where they simply hide and snap pictures of speeding motorists. You then get a ticket in the mail two to three weeks later. Of course the letter goes to the registered owner and not who was driving because they have no idea who was driving. Does proving you weren’t driving get you out of the ticket? No, not unless you want to tell them who was driving. I had decided to contest mine because wife was driving, ticket came to me. Nope, law states you owe because… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Chris_Lutz
6 years ago

The common justification is “safety”. Happen to be in the insurance business and the connection between reduced accidents due to red light or speed cameras is, at best, tenuous. Often has the opposite effect as people start stopping short out of fear of getting another $50 ticket they can’t afford—particularly since the red light cameras are often badly calibrated.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

There have been documented instance where the city (or company they outsourced to) changed the timing of the lights to catch more people – with the result of increasing traffic accidents.

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
6 years ago

The beleaguered tax-paying and law-abiding citizens are continuously squeezed for more and more money and, once entangled somehow, have more and more of all the burdens dealing with the web of bureaucracies and corporations strangling them. It’s not a bottomless well.

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

Absolutely. My state is now coming up with the brilliant idea of taxing medical services, prescriptions, vet services, eye exams, etc. So now, if they are successful, you will not only get an ER bill you cannot afford, you will ALSO get a tax bill of hundreds of dollars on top of it. And not only will you have to pay your copay at the doctor’s office, you will also have to pay taxes on the visit that was billed to your insurance company. Madness. All to pay for a very large community of illegals who contribute little but consume… Read more »

Reply to  SES
6 years ago

When does it become so oppressive that you leave…What’s your breaking point?

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
6 years ago

Don’t know how it works in your state, but in CO they just send those things plain mail so the couple of times I’ve gotten them, directly into the trash they go. If they can’t prove I received it, no case in a court of law, and I’ve never heard from them about the tossed ones. What a scam.

I’ve read that if you do this too often they will serve you in person but given the expense that’s probably only the worst offenders.

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
6 years ago

A close friend of mine (50+) recently got her first EVER ticket (admits herself she drives like a grandma – antithesis of leadfoot me). Stopped by a non-White cop on a deserted suburban street on a Sunday evening, for purportedly “running a stop sign” (i.e. didn’t stop for a full 1-2 minutes before proceeding). Was rude, disrespectful, and claimed to have it on film. She went and dutifully paid her $240 fine the next morning. How does one get people accustomed to obeying the law to correctly view the badge gang as an enemy – and take the time out… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  3g4me
6 years ago

Around here it’s become a big revenue source. Unfortunately many of the cops in the tax strapped suburbs around here have simply become tacti-cooled out road pirates. The various towns and villages have put surcharges on tickets since taxes are maxed out—a simply speeding ticket can run 200-300 bucks. Had to go to court with one of my kids a couple years ago—I had a guy lined up to fix his ticket, but most of the courtroom was people that got pulled over for a moving violation then got written up for expired inspections, window tint, improper display of tag—the… Read more »

Troll King(-51)
Troll King(-51)
Reply to  Chris_Lutz
6 years ago

Yes, and where I am, these cameras are only in the white affluent areas, not the ghetto where I imagine the vast majority of motor vehicle incidents occur. Oh wait, maybe they could spin that into some sort of white privilege.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
6 years ago

The problem is, we’ve been slowly collapsing the average IQ over several decades along with the absolutely brilliant, some would say master stroke, of genius of SELLING people their own shackles and chains.

This was beyond the comprehension of the best totalitarians and even Orwell himself. In those future imaginings the telescreen was a forced intrusion. By making life convenient, creating addictive social apps, and putting utility into the device, we gladly not only accept the slave collar, we pay for it!

Reply to  Apex Predator
6 years ago

Not all. Increasingly in the West we’re becoming a variant of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. From the ubiquitous consumption, onanistic sex, the obsessed with hedonism, mass marketed pharmaceutical bliss, with an economic globalist overclass the Lords of all they see. It’s grim how prophetic the book was. I think that was Orwell’s failing. His reviewed of Mein Kampf had this to say. Also he has grasped the falsity of the hedonistic attitude to life. Nearly all western thought since the last war, certainly all ‘progressive’ thought, has assumed tacitly that human beings desire nothing beyond ease, security and avoidance… Read more »

Reply to  Shane
6 years ago

“Nearly all western thought since the last war,”

And just what war was the “last war”?The US’s murderous ongoing assault on Yemen?, that on Libya?, Iraq? Syria? Lebanon? Afghanistan? Vietnam? Korea?

A b c d
A b c d
Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

Shut up nerd

Reply to  Apex Predator
6 years ago

So true. Everyone given a platform on TV or status and awards for a book/article or movie are people that reinforce and maybe further contribute to the narrative put out by the elite. Otherwise the show, book or movie gets very little attention or fails.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Apex Predator
6 years ago

“…the absolutely brilliant, some would say master stroke, of genius of SELLING people their own shackles and chains.”

Made me laugh but very true. They made it necessary to be shackled to be ‘high status’ and PUA basically teaches that status is the ultimate social currency. Highjack humans’ instinctive social programming and you can play with them like ants…

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Let me propose that there is another reason, besides unwillingness to maintain order which I do not dispute, for the powers that be to impose anarcho-tyranny: they are hopelessly feminized, to a degree I could never have predicted (army soldiers prancing around in high heals, female army ‘rangers’ etc to pick from the most conspicuous place, the military). The imposition of order is an intrinsically masculine trait. Women, even ‘strong women’, can at the very best, do it very poorly. But ‘correct’ well-behaved ‘wards’ they can do. Which is exactly what you see with the definition of anarcho-tyranny. In imposing… Read more »

6 years ago

“The result is a cycle of anarchy and tyranny.”

And that cycle has only ever ended in one fashion. So what we have to look forward to is either a long downward spiral, or a convulsion of violence that will make America look like the Balkans. All because people wouldn’t behave reasonably.

6 years ago

And another member of the can’t walk and chew gum crowd is heard from………. Sorry – but the “Have the Feds mandate cell phones won’t work when they’re moving” thing is just typical left wing behavior. Why is it when I read the comments section here and read a number of the columns I get the sense that a good part of the population here is just a bunch of ever-so-slightly disaffected leftists? Could it be because of suggestions like that? I’ve been talking on cell phones in my car since 1992. So far – I haven’t crashed a single… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

My favorite was the short lived fantasy under the Carter regime that all faxes could only be sent to post offices who would call you to come pick them up.
Land of the Flea, home of the Plague.

Reply to  Bilejones
6 years ago

What??? I’m too young to remember that. When fax machines were new the fedgov wanted them treated like telegrams or something? Disseminating them was suggested as being the USPS’s responsibility??

Zeroth Tollrants
Zeroth Tollrants
Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Hey, Boomer Time, most of the GenPop has an IQ hovering in the 90-105 range. They ain’t you, Special Snowflake, and can barely handle either talking coherently on the phone or driving safely, and the two together is out of their capability range. Ironic you label much of the commenters here as “liberals,” then you post as the epitome of the rootless, cosmopolitan, egalitarian, Lockean Muh Individualist. Hell, you could be Zombie Thomas Paine or Lil Benji ChickenHawk, with their love of Enlightenment era Muh Classical Liberalism, with that mindset. Just repeat after me, “Israel is our greatest ally, diversity… Read more »

Reply to  Zeroth Tollrants
6 years ago

I honestly don’t know what the hell you’re talking about and I doubt you do either. Quite frankly I’m sick and tired of being told I can’t do things because genpop is too stupid to handle day to day life. You know what fixes that problem? Beatings. Beatings are something everybody can understand. There was a time when beatings could actually be administered without ten levels of law enforcement descending from the heavens to stomp on your ass and make everybody feel “safe” again. If they did show up – and you pointed to the dent in your car and… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Zeroth Tollrants
6 years ago

Nailed it Zero. I was about to light this dude on fire but you beat me to it. False Equivalency, it’s what’s for breakfast! Because YOU are a high functioning autist doesn’t mean everyone is. In point of fact, as I mentioned in nearly the first comment here, since your 1993 sail foam days IQs have dropped precipitously. Your 10 paragraph wall of text simply tells me you live in a very well constructed reality totally divorced from the objective reality the rest of us live in. You are a MUH Libertarian. Let’s entrust a nation of dinuds, and muzz… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
6 years ago

Carlsdad is saying that a white country can have lots of grey space in the laws.

We don’t need the ’em, and the stupids ignore ’em.

I upvoted Zeroth for her rousing snarl and bite. Gives me a, umm, a thrill, it do.
So hot when she’s angry, oh yeah!

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Ahh – so Zero Tollrants is a woman?

And suddenly it all made sense……………

Reply to  Apex Predator
6 years ago

Laws are necessary, and doubly so in a nation of stupids.
Just a question do the stupids usually follow the law or is it just the smart ones being oppressed once again…Do gun laws work to stop crime? Just something to ponder I know you know the answer…I know what might work let’s ban stupidity…

Reply to  Lineman
6 years ago

Like I already said: beatings a time proven solution

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

I dont think the feds should be checking up on ppl’s driving and talking. Other than that I think it may illustrate why we re always losing cultural battles that ppl here are blasting each other over cell phones while white babies are now somewhere in the high to mid 40s % being born in a country founded by disgruntled colonial Englishmen.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Maybe we could just establish cash payouts for the Darwin awards.
Make being stupid “The Heavenly Lottery”.

6 years ago

Take trends to their logical conclusion and you get slavery of higher iq White men to provide money for managers and bureaucrats and oligarchs and their non White armies. See Europe or South Africa. The Islamic golden age ran on European slaves from Ireland and England in Spain and Eastern Europe in Baghdad. Literate and intelligent these slaves kept Muslim society afloat and when the Vikings finally were Christian ized the trade stopped and Islam collapsed until Turks could raid the Balkans, Italy France and Spain and as far north as Iceland for slaves with intelligence.

6 years ago

It’s become increasingly clear to me that our political class caters to (1) the donors, and (barring donor objections) (2) the voters. If Adelson, Zuck or Bezos actually identified with the citizenry and shared our concerns things would change PDQ. But they don’t. They’re far removed from the consequences of policies they advocate. In their eyes your replacement is desirable (complainers!) There are quite literally millions willing to take your place. Congress is approving their VISAs as we chat.

Reply to  BestGuest
6 years ago

Yep, democracy does not work. .Serving sheeple only gets your life ruined. This is why democratic countries never have a real leader. Check every nationalist movement in the Europe last 50 years. Did they won or did they got their pathetic 10 % on the every single election ? Last victories do not count, we are not living in the end of history. We may like Brexit or Salvini but after 10 years liberals roaring back because liberal candidate has better hair color or underwear or something like this. Poland and Hungary do not count either, nationalists took over so… Read more »

Reply to  Juri
6 years ago

Sounds like Poland and Hungary have the winning strategy — all political parties include nationalist agendas! Hope that fever spreads in the U.S.

6 years ago

“Google is not allowed to build a surveillance point on your front lawn.”

Just wait.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Cerulean
6 years ago

It would have no need of such a thing. You carry it, willingly, around with you everywhere you go. Your location, who you talk to, what you write, your phone calls, even your camera and mic can be activated surreptitiously if they are interested.

Building an ostentatious surveillance apparatus would be ahh, how do we say? Redundant…

Reply to  Apex Predator
6 years ago

Good point.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I’m not sure. I thought “Kelo” would have generated more outrage (and I was young then!) Maybe that was a trial balloon?

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

You obviously don’t deal with HIPPA on a daily basis.

Reply to  Cerulean
6 years ago

Google DOES build surveillance points not only on your front lawn, but in your home. It’s called the “internet of things.” And Google isn’t alone in this.

Blazing Apostle
Blazing Apostle
Reply to  MtnExile
6 years ago
Reply to  Cerulean
6 years ago

They already have and chances are you paid for the privilege. It’s called Google Home. Amazon has Alexa. One thing Social Media did was to package surveillance gear as a must have device for the home. Then factor in WiFi in your car or some OnStar variant. Your Cellphone/Pad and use of ATM/CC. The corporations know everything about you. This means your insurance company knows what you eat, where you drive and who are your friends, what your interests are and even your sexual peccadilloes. . Facebook will soon have access to people’s bank account information. Remember information equals control(blackmail)… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

There are inexpensive soft cases for cell phones or tablets that block all transmission/activity – essentially portable farraday cages – available from Bezos’ Amazon. Of course, using one also means blocking incoming calls, too, but that could be worked around by establishing set check-in times with close friends and family – i.e. phone will be active at only pre-agreed upon times.

Stealth Spaniel
Stealth Spaniel
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

Faceberg can only access your info if you continue to Faceberg. Why are you doing this? I have purchased my last computer phone. When this baby wears out, back to a basic ringer. We are only slaves if we willingly use the chains. Set yourself as free as possible. There are lots of search engines-why use Google? Stop telling truths to every fool who asks: including the powerful and the gunned up public protectors. Unless you view YOURSELF as a free citizen, no one else will. Plan B should already be in your head.

6 years ago

After the intro, I assumed you’d be talking about things like mandatory minimums, Project Exile, etc. – programs proven to reduce crime that are memory-holed so that progressives can gaslight us on gun control. Privacy wasn’t the strongest example you could have picked IMO. Yeah, it matters, but it’s more of a gong show than you think it is in reality – the EU already has these laws and they don’t really help, they just aid in regulatory capture. If the USG really wanted to rein in the Googles and Facebooks of the world, they would demand that these companies… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Lance_E
6 years ago

There are other social reasons behind the fall in crime. Abortion is often suggested as a reason, though hotly disputed. Less controversial reasons include improvements in security technology, increased electronic home entertainment, obesity, population aging, and the higher tendency of blacks to live in car-dependent suburbs than 10,20, 30 years ago. There’s also been a glut of low-paying service industry jobs. More incarceration and “tough on crime” policies haven’t been uniform throughout the country, but almost always cause budget increases for those bureaucracies.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

A newly unemployed factory worker in 1977 probably had a degree of physical fitness, and might even have been a Vietnam veteran. They might have lived in a dense urban area, with plenty of targets to mug or stores to stick-up. Concealed carry didn’t exist in most states. Porn was either in a discrete theater or a magazine. Atari was just invented, and was mostly in centralized arcades. A newly unemployed call center rep in 2007 probably has a 1/3 chance of being obese, and returning Iraq veterans received more social services and sympathy, they were also volunteers rather than… Read more »

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

Also, our legislators do things like change definitions of Felonies into Misdemeanors, making crime appear to decline.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
6 years ago

This is all misdirection. Crime is primarily a function of demographics and secondarily a function of law enforcement (or lack thereof). There may be other confounding factors, but the fact is that violent crime overwhelming happens in (a) large cities with (b) a high percentage of nonwhites. That doesn’t mean the crime can’t be stopped. It can, and it was in the past. But due to progressive policies and 99% of “criminologists” being communists, crime has actually gone up in these areas, not down. Even when you discount things like the Ferguson Effect, it’s mind-blowing if you compare these places… Read more »

6 years ago

“For example, the Feds could tell mobile phone makers that their devices must shut off when they detect movement. ”

That would also disable the phones of passengers, and not just passengers of cars. Buses, trains, planes, taxis, etc. Why should a passenger have his phone disabled? There’s no good reason for such a heavy-handed governmental edict. No thanks.

Brother John
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Let ’em chatter away on the phone. They ain’t talking to *me* that way.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Brother John
6 years ago

That makes you part of the problem. Without people there is no society period and in fact the rugged individualism that the Right preaches is civic suicide, Vox Day put its a bit more eloquently than I could The Right’s idolatry of individualism is shortsighted and strategically disastrous. It is the philosophy of the crack addict, the rent boy, the cam whore, and the flytipper. It is the mindset of the parasite and the grasshopper. And it is not compatible with civilization, let alone advanced Western civilization. Not all collectivisms are equal. Identity politics are not communism. Defending your family… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
6 years ago

You don’t “fix” people’s lack of responsibility to others by making laws against behavior. What you do is give people an excuse to not be responsible. Social shaming and/or consequences – like a swift punch in the head for bad behavior – with the nodding approval of everybody who saw it happen because they also recognize that the punched person was engaging in bad behavior ….. works a lot better than any “laws”. We’ve been passing ban this and ban that laws for at least a century now – mostly driven by mad mothers – and things have only gotten… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I, also, disagree with the Zman, but do have a question of my own.

Public restrooms.
Why do people always get lengthy calls when they’re on the john?

There they are, chatting away like it’s a UN conference call.

Yer in the stall, for cripes’ sake!

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Zman shows himself to be more idealistic than the most off-the-grid White Nationalist. We will have a sweet white nationalist homeland before we have a world without white people who loudly announce on social media what they ate for brunch. Status-conscious white people desperately want other people to know about what they ate for brunch. Get realistic and embrace WN and abandon these unrealistic dreams of a world without white people who loudly describe their brunch! Be realistic!

Zeroth Tollrants
Zeroth Tollrants
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Implying it’s white people chimping and screeching into cell “foams” in public places.
Where do you live, Whiteopia?
White people may want every one to know about their organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, locally sourced lunch, but they do so quietly by posting a picture of it on social media.
As annoying as it is, they aren’t yelling about T’Shaun eating Jon’quaris’ booty hole, because “they be down low niggas,” next to me while I’m trying to eat *my* locally sourced artisinal cheeses.

Sir Lord Baltimore
Sir Lord Baltimore
Reply to  Zeroth Tollrants
6 years ago

Ha Ha Ha…Thanks for starting my Monday out with a laugh!!!

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I loathe cellphones and rarely use my own, but agree with others that getting the government involved in banning stupid people doing stupid and irritating things is not a good idea. These lapses in common sense and common courtesy used to be dealt with by the population at large – i.e. cultural forces, social opprobrium, stigma, or shaming. When a society has to turn to laws to control daily social interactions, you have a sick society and culture. Short term personal solution – I carry a pair of foam earplugs in a little case in my purse and use them… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
6 years ago

Excellent! – and I completely agree.

The fact that we can’t seem to shame people who do stupid shit any more – is a sign of a sick society.

The ability to shame seems to have been forced out of the society and culture – by yet again: more Federal level laws.

My wife gets upset every time I say “that’s gay” – or – “that’s retarded”, because you know – we can’t make people feel bad any more.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Carlsdad, tell your wife to man up!!! Seriously – what is it with most women who, while being as catty and petty as possible from elementary through high school and in any employment situation, then proceed to dictate the “be nice” death cult to the rest of society? I try to be courteous and civil, except where it is definitely not warranted, but I am not NICE . . . to people who hog the weights at the gym, to pajeets robo-calling, to Oriental drivers, or to people who want me and my family dead.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Aw, shoot. The Zman just trolled us.

“You make a great point. I never thought about it. Maybe just ban the damn things entirely.”

So pwned. I surrender. Ma always said I was a bit slow.

Cell phones- the libertarian revolution!

Reply to  Anon Y. Mous
6 years ago

Not to mention gps. I use my phone for turn by turn directions all the time. But I agree with Z’s sentiment.

6 years ago

Lawyers’ Committee For Civil Rights Under Law gets funding from a large number of foundations.

LCCR is supported by grants from numerous large foundations, including the American Express Foundation; the Bauman Family Foundation; the Carnegie Corporation of New York; the Fannie Mae Foundation; the Ford Foundation; the Freddie Mac Foundation; the JEHT Foundation; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; the Joyce Foundation; the Mertz Gilmore Foundation; the Minneapolis Foundation; the Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation; the Nathan Cummings Foundation; the Open Society Institute; the Rockefeller Foundation; and the Turner Foundation.

Reply to  neophobe
6 years ago

Carnegie Corporation and Ford Foundation have ties to funding from CIA — our tax dollars at your service! They love it when we pay for our own demise. And no surprise to see George Soros’ Open Society listed, probably everyone’s first guess as to who might be funding.

Troll King(-51)
Troll King(-51)
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

Yeah, Freddie Mac and Fannie may are connected with the federal system as well, aren’t they? It’s essentially the government against us, but we already knew that

Reply to  neophobe
6 years ago

The Joyce Foundation is not as well known as some others but it is important. Chicago based, it was an important part of the local group of liberal elites that selected, nurtured, and guided the rise of Obama.

Reply to  neophobe
6 years ago

The usual Jews then

6 years ago

Great points Z-man, but I think you understand our culture well enough to know that most folk don’t give a fig for their own privacy, let alone their neighbor’s. As outlined by others, everyone is opting to carry big-brother surveillance around in their pocket without a care in the world. A great many people pay big bucks to join “gated communities” with a myriad of neighborhood fatwahs against this and that. People choose to live in houses constructed about 15′ apart, where you can’t even cook a steak on the grill without peering neighbors. Generally speaking, I think the American… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
6 years ago

If people can’t figure out how to do these things: not have a cellphone (or leave it at home), stop taking meth, stop subjugating themselves to the tyrants who seem to run condo associations and gated communities – well then I don’t think there is a single shred of hope any of this will ever resolve itself. I see people bitching in the comments about “individualism”. Guess what : individualism also involves individual RESPONSIBILITY. Nobody is going to solve your problems for you – without first making sure it benefits them. That’s the vital piece of social logic that a… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

+1 again carlsdad. What’s with the lefties in this comments section, eh?

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Thank you, calsdad.

I never cared for Voltaire, but his tale ‘Candide’ always stuck with me. We’re just people, in the end, and that means that we have to eat, so we plant gardens; we’re born, we live, and we die.

Live the way you think life should be led. That’s your ‘vote’. You are entitled to nothing more than that.

Given the extremities of our current ‘crisis’ it seems at times that simply lying in a field on a summer night and looking at the Moon is a ‘radical act’, to be banned eventually by Facebook.

6 years ago

Not sure I fully agree with you on publishing names of people who contribute to not-for-profits. Given the current climate, you can be ruined now if you give to a dissident site like Amren publicly.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Lacy MacAuley works for the Institute for Policy Studies.

The list of donors is too long to paste in here, but many are the usual NPR-type foundations. is a great resource of info on the Left from David Horowitz.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Btw, Z, Im finding it hader and harder to comment here, for what seems computer technical reasons, longer loading, non-responsive after I push ‘post comment’ etc. Cant be long until the Alex Jones raiders come looking for you as well if others experience this too??

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Have noticed the same—but put up with the response time and codes, since the commentary here is usually a good extension of the topic rather than a food fight and the difficulty in posting keeps the trolls away.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

“the difficulty in posting keeps the trolls away.”

Very good point

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
6 years ago

Anarcho-tyranny was the standing rule in the Soviet labor camps. The thieves, rapists and murderers worked deals with the guards and lorded over the Article-58s, the “politicals.” If you had dignity, and sought to preserve it, you were doomed; you had to learn the game – fast – or you died. This was all policy, of course. Our rulers want to break us. We’re the kulaks now; we are the zeks in a few more years. “Break the body, break the spirit, break the heart.” – a slogan, if we may believe the dialogue of Stanley Kramer’s film ‘Judgement at… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

OT but I’m a lot more interested in Sam Francis, a guy Im just discovering now, than in cell phones in public right now. If you dont know who he was (maybe Im the only ignoramus here?) pls have a listen here

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

I have it on good authority that Sam Francis was never a child.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

You might be.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bilejones
6 years ago

I havent seen you write anything interesting about him.

Troll King(-51)
Troll King(-51)
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

On countercurrents website they’ve been reprising his great articles.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Troll King(-51)
6 years ago

I ll have a look. My exact views on race are one of the future pills, color of which one I ll down I still dont know. Since there are so many races and colors in the US, Mr Francis’ views lead to the question ‘what kind of society is the US going to be in the future, or should be?’ If he is right, how is the US going to be kept united. In fact, is it? What are the odds that all that is currently the 50 states, ie ignoring Guam or Puerto Rico and other semi affiliated… Read more »

Reply to  Troll King(-51)
6 years ago

Thanks, I’ve never read any Sam Francis, but I will now.

(I made the mistake of sampling Sam Harris, that cucking tool. Sheesh.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

*update* Just saw the first paragraphs of the linked Unz reprint. The first time I heard of the seat belt law was from a poor mom committing the awful crime of buying her kid milk at 9 pm.

I was a cashier at a ghetto mini-mart, and my customer had been ticketed $45 on her short drive to the store where bums and bangers were our regular scene.

I mean, her youngster wasn’t even strapped in and tied down in the back! The tyke was actually sitting with her mom in the front seat!
That’s, like, child abuse, right?

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

($45 was one third of my weekly pay at min wage in 1990)

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

*update to the updated update*

Wow, Z. Wow, Troll King.
I read it. Francis sounds dangerously paleo-libertarian. No wonder Conservative Inc. sounded so outrageousely schizophrenic in the 90s.
Hang ’em all- hang ’em high!

6 years ago

I don’t think we can just sit around and hope that Congress somehow acquires the common sense and cojones to do the right thing. Privacy is extinct in the modern world of high tech devices and subversive apps, but there are many ways to fight back. The problem is that this requires work and intelligence, and therefore is anathema to the masses, who have now been conditioned to only do easy. This won’t change until people become desperate.

Slovenian Guest
Slovenian Guest
6 years ago

Karl (the ticker guy) just posted:
There Can Be NO Compromise On Data

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
6 years ago

You’re absolutely right, of course. But – you’re in a legal grey zone. If I am Google, and I tell you that if you use my services, you agree to my collecting your info and using it in a legal fashion. It doesn’t matter if it is in small print; if it is in print, at the back of a document hundreds of pages long in the finest print – it’s there, and by law, the onus is on you to accept or reject that as part of the terms and conditions of the contract. Having said that, corporations regularly… Read more »

6 years ago

Apps and services will just require your consent to giving them ownership of the information or the app would not work. My phone is full of stuff like that and I always give permission – without a gmail account your android phone wont even set up.

Reply to  scrivener
6 years ago

I assume that’s why the proposal was for signed, written consent. I would also imagine any such laws would require the actual, physical consent form to exist, rather than simply be digitized and stored in a database. Make it as hard as possible for those companies to behave the way they do. Of course, there would be plenty of people who would willingly sign away whatever is demanded of them for another phone app. There would also be a lot of companies who would simply fold up the tent, and app development would languish, and THAT might be the spark… Read more »

6 years ago

Here’s another modest proposal. Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter (the FAGOTTs) combined account for over 60% of the social networking market. This level of concentration of market power is a felony under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 (one of the few Progressive Era innovations to have any merit). No new legislation is required. The Executive branch just needs to exercise the power it already has (just as on immigration). In January 2021 immediately after his second inaugural, our God-Emperor should instruct Attorney General Ann Coulter to commence prosecutions of the FAGOTTs under the Sherman Act. The goal should be… Read more »

Sidehill Dodger
Sidehill Dodger
6 years ago

For example, the Feds could tell mobile phone makers that their devices must shut off when they detect movement. I think you probably realized by now this isn’t a great idea (not everyone who is moving is driving a car). But as the recent victim of vehicular ramming by a ditsy girl who was almost certainly texting at the time of impact, I join in the sentiment that “there oughta be a law”. How about a law like this: anyone involved in a collision gets their phone history searched for activity at the time of the incident. The police just… Read more »

Reply to  Sidehill Dodger
6 years ago

I’m pretty sure that distracted driving laws already exist in most if not all jurisdictions. The fact of the matter is that there’s probably a hundred reasons why somebody would just ram into your car. Fell asleep, on drugs, drunk, leaned down to pick up a dropped cigarette, ashes flew into her eye while smoking a cigarette, car out of control so she threw her hands up and started screaming (hands off the wheel – yes I actually saw a woman do that)…… etc. Are we supposed to make SPECIFIC laws against each and every one of these things? It… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

So in our nation with a literacy rate somewhere around 70-75%, on par with Guatemala and Central African Republic, full of brainwashed idiots, many of them drug-addicted to street dope or prescription drugs, you want to do away with laws and instead have people hit each other in the head or administer beatings as a way to keep order? I’m so glad Trump is slashing regulations and I see the need to get rid of *many* unnecessary laws that came to be over the years, but I think you take things to the point of throwing the baby out with… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

The idea being to avoid having modern anti-semitic pogroms by enacting laws against the destructive activities that make gentiles so angry that are perpetrated by small groups of elite people usually involving an inordinate number of jews.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

carlsdad is right on this point. More rules & laws lessens personal responsibility. They’ve actually done studies on this, believe it or not. Ron White said it best…’you can’t fix stupid’.

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

So in our nation with a literacy rate somewhere around 70-75%, on par with Guatemala and Central African Republic, full of brainwashed idiots, many of them drug-addicted to street dope or prescription drugs, you want to do away with laws and instead have people hit each other in the head or administer beatings as a way to keep order? Read what you wrote dear to see the irony of what you said…Here is a hint are those people following the law right now… Would doing away with that law have any affect on them…Now don’t get me wrong I’m all… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
6 years ago

I’m referring to outlawing elite actions such as excessive usury and central banking systems. Laws that would support different systems and frameworks from the current dysfunctional, corrupt ways. Probably most laws applying to little people could be repealed and everything would go along just fine.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

Government is great at creating problems so you give them more power to provide a solution that in the end just creates more problems and oppressed you in the process…Some people will never learn will they Brother…

Sidehill Dodger
Sidehill Dodger
6 years ago

SELLING people their own shackles and chains. Yes, and better still: enslaving people by giving them FREE things. They sell us cell phones that offer a choice of exactly two operating systems–Android (controlled by Google) and Apple. Both require you to set up accounts with their respective “app stores” that compromise your privacy; both include software that spies on you outright. My cell phone is my enemy; I hate it. It nestles in my pocket like a parasite, like a tick burrowing into my flesh, sucking my blood. But it’s so convenient!. “Free” services are something I’ve always avoided, but… Read more »

6 years ago

Folks, sorry to repeat myself, but the Zman is trolling us with the cellphone thingie.

He’s forcing us to look at how libertarian issues work in the Diversity.

(Private/public usage, and private data versus public data)

Damn Jesuits and their critical thinking!

6 years ago

“Idiots and teenagers” … Zman, you’re a beaut!

6 years ago

* * * * * *

Talk about sins of the farther or more like great,great, Grandfarther :-b

Fallacious Scot
Fallacious Scot
6 years ago
Reply to  Fallacious Scot
6 years ago

Middle-eastern men have not been emasculated like our Western men.

6 years ago

In the vein of Swift I modestly propose we eat the Bureaucrats. Not the actual people, but their pensions & other holy bennies. We could do it by simple lottery. We could make them turn on each other & determine their own cohort victims. We could even air it on PayPerView. I’d pay to see Rod Rosenstein chasing Jeff Session through the fetid halls of the DOJ trying to arm-twist him into taking it in the pension, for the ‘good’ of the Upper DOJ Echelon. Anywho, we select a random number of victims from each GovBur Silo and eat their… Read more »

Brother John
6 years ago

So on one hand, the Z man would have the federal government demand that manufacturers brick phones that detect movement, while at the same time, talking something about the loss of digital privacy. No, these won’t square up.