Be Not Afraid

Do not be afraid; our fate
Cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.

I was in the market this morning, doing the weekly ritual and I came around the corner with my carriage to see two people in the middle of the aisle chatting. Their carriages were next to them, so that you could maybe squeeze by on one side. Some people were trying to do exactly that when I came upon the scene. There were a couple people in front of me trying to figure out how to get around the two selfish idiots. I walked up to them and loudly said, “Have your chat somewhere else. The rest of us have to shop here too.”

Both people were immediately embarrassed, and hustled to get out of the way. They were just being inconsiderate, but they were oblivious to it, because others were too polite to confront them with this reality. It’s a good example of how being polite is easily turned into a weapon against you, even unintentionally, as was the case here. It’s is also a good example of people often having to be slapped in the face before they notice the elephant in the room. The events of this weekend are another great example of this.

On Saturday, a lunatic went on a shooting spree at a synagogue. I posted on Gab that the result will be a hellish backlash by our rulers against dissidents and dissident web sites like Gab. Most likely, Gab would be de-platformed and some heretics would be hurled into the void. Part of it is just rage, as much of what keeps our rulers in place is the rage they stoke among the anti-whites. The more important role of pogroms like we are about to endure is they send a message. The idea is to scare those sympathetic to the dissidents.

These events serve another purpose though. Like those folks in the market who were oblivious to what they were doing, what’s happening now is opening eyes. I’ve had a dozen exchanges in the last 24 hours with normies wondering how it is possible that the people in charge can so easily pull the plug on a site like Gab. There’s no question that lots of normies respond to these attacks with calls for greater conformity, but lots of people who “trust the system” start to question those beliefs when they see this stuff.

That’s always been the challenge for our side. It’s never been about race realism, the JQ or the nature of Progressivism. Those are useful tools, but the real goal is to convince people that the system they are supporting is really just a fiction. More specifically, the political dynamic of Left versus Right, Red versus Blue and Democrat versus Republican, is just theater. After all, if conservatives are unable to and unwilling to conserve and defend basic rights like speech and association, what’s their real role in this?

The fact that the people in charge are free to read your e-mail, track your behavior and spy on you in your own home is not that obvious to people. The reason is white people are trusting. They just assume the people running these tech giants share their civic sensibilities. When they see tech giants and massive banks squashing dissidents like bugs, by throwing them off the internet and out of the banking system, some of those normal white people begin to suspect we have been right all along about our rulers.

It’s easy to get down about these things. Inevitably, sites you read will be shuttered during this pogrom. There will be a rash of heretics doxxed out of their jobs. Gab is already de-platformed, but it will not be the last. My guess is sites like Unz are next, as they are already getting the Alex Jones treatment from the usual suspects. Look for Republicans to “join their colleagues on the Left” to support wide-scale de-platforming of sites that question the official orthodoxy. Maybe even pass a law to make it official.

Reality is that thing that does not go away when you stop believing in it and the people who rule over us are at war with reality. That’s always been their Achilles’ heel and the reason they take extreme measures against even the smallest dissidents. Gab had about a million users. It’s a tiny speck in the social media universe. When you live in constant fear of people waking up from the dream and challenging your rule, even the smallest hint of eyes opening up is a mortal threat. The giant lashes out in fear, not in confidence.

It’s a long war though and when you’re the insurgency, it means lots of set backs, missteps and failures, but it also means slow incremental gains. Ten years ago a blog like this would not have many readers. When Barak Obama assumed power, no one bothered talking about freedom of speech. Now, even the most genteel normie suspects his rights are under assault. Every day, our numbers grow, despite the relentless pressure, and their paranoia grows, despite their efforts to stamp us out.

So, they took out one of our sites, but already clubs are reforming in quiet places on the internet. Normies who were on Gab for free speech reasons are now thinking it is a good idea to join a book club or pool party. As much as it sucks to lose a platform, it goes a long way toward swelling our ranks. It’s also a reminder that the great revolutions in Western history were organized by dissidents passing notes and having private conversations over drinks. Our rulers are probably doing as a favor by forcing us into the shadows.

From there we came outside and saw the stars

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5 years ago

Deplatforming represents a significant transition in the attack on the right of free association. Whether it is ultimately successful or not remains to be seen; but what strikes me is that for years I and other Deplorables conceived free association primarily in terms of who I wished to exclude. It was my right to be free of forced association with blacks or gays or feminists that was constantly derided and derailed. Now, probably primarily due to the power of social media to overcome the barriers of time and distance, the attack focuses on depriving me of the ability to communicate… Read more »

Old Surfer
Old Surfer
Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

Screw the book clubs, you’re more likely to find like-minded folk at the local range or tackle shop. I miss Gab already!

EZ Money
Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

Well stated Maus. I agree 100%.

5 years ago

During difficult times, I find it useful to review my outlook.

Traditional whites are being dispossessed in our countries by mass immigration and other policies. Our thought leaders have decreed that to object to this dispossession is hatred. However, those who are not traditional whites are allowed to advocate for their groups. The reason for this double standard is that our leaders say that traditional whites have committed uniquely evil crimes throughout history and therefore must not be allowed to act collectively.

The core disagreement between me and my opponents is that what I call “dispossession” they call “justice.”

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

“…say that traditional whites have committed uniquely evil crimes throughout history and therefore must not be allowed to act collectively.”

Nailed it. Absolutely frickin’ nailed it.
The Narrative.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

The reason these thought leaders succeeded is because whites are by and large a bunch of degenerates, who like the woman Z referred to (wearing the purple shirt and enthusiastically encouraging voter fraud), are incapable of the moral courage necessary to recognize and call out these warped and self-destructive concepts for what they are. If whites are to have any hope, they must avoid blaming others for their own degeneracy and take responsibility for all of the steps along the way when they failed to draw lines in the sand, make clear and necessary distinctions, refuse to meekly agree to… Read more »

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
5 years ago

What really brought home the reality of our situation to me was when promoting free speech became a “radical right-wing” position.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

And elections were always won by 99% margins in Communist run states. Why? To remind any nascent Winston Smiths out there just how alone they were. These people are no different.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Codevilla’s right about the motivating power of revenge. Which is why the college class, managerial class, call it what you will, is bringing about its own nemesis. They’ve won! They have it all. But they can’t stop rubbing our noses in it, because getting even for feeling bad in high school is the most important thing in their lives …

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
5 years ago

Time to start planning in depth. Perhaps the old listservs need to make a comeback. Maybe some lessons can be taken from the colonial Committees of Correspondence. But the smart money would bet on the leftist pogrom getting far worse before it gets better.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

From an accelerationist standpoint we want them to launch a bigger purge. NBC purging Megyn Kelly would have been a bigger story if not for the terrorism drowning everything out. Purges have a tendency to create sympathy for the victim, and even better if the left gets cocky and demands outright “hate speech” laws.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

No surprise here, adversity reveals character

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

I was surprised and jolted by this slap in the face. Many women follow her.
She was just pilloried for her satire about A. Ocasio-Cortez .
Her video about the real Democrat party won’t win her any left leaning viewers .

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Ouch. From DeBeers’ thread:
“If it’s for alt right. Why was a alt left on their platform spewing his hate for Trump and Jewish people?”

(Also, “Conservatism is progressivism driving the speed limit.”)

Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

What makes you think you’ll be allowed to speak freely on a listserv in 2018?

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Outis
5 years ago

Users run Proton Mail or equivalent and encrypted end to end. Not very social, but think about how much grief folks in DC would have saved themselves using good old dead drops for their shennanigans.

5 years ago

I may be wrong here, but I predict this is going to blow over faster than you’d think. The main target of the lefty rage here has been Trump himself, but as normal he’d managed to deftly avoid having it stick to him in the eyes of normies. Yes, he knew what he was doing when he moved the embassy to Jerusalem and when he kept Jared and Ivanka around so prominently. Beyond that, I think he gauged the public’s mood on this accurately. It happening literally the day after the transparently fake “MAGA bomber” story worked against it. Just… Read more »

Reply to  AntiDem
5 years ago

Thanks so much for the optimism….just reading about everything today has been depressing.

I signed up to buy stock, let’s hope it works out.

Reply to  AntiDem
5 years ago

Keeping the loony-Left frothing is a workable strategy, for exactly the reasons you stated, AntiDem. No-one can maintain an incandescant rage indefinitely. And the great thing about this strategy is that it takes almost no effort to enrage a leftie and it’s fun!

But the real battle is for hearts and minds and the left’s spittle-flecked lunacy only serves to drive “normies” away from Socialism.

Alexander the Pretty Good
Alexander the Pretty Good
Reply to  AntiDem
5 years ago

I tend to agree with you on this. The spin cycle on press is so fast now that events need a special combination of timing and imagery to stick, and this atrocity, coming as it does in a chain of political theatrics, feels unsticky. Monstrous though it is, and depressing though Gab’s deplatforming is, I trust I’ll be upvoting yours and Zman’s posts again at Gab soon.

5 years ago

The more they tighten their grip….

The big problem with the radical left is that they only know how to attack. They do not understand how to play defense. As a result, they cannot govern. They can rule, but they can’t govern. They are clumsy and hamfisted. Their efforts at total control will only breed more resentment and resistance.

5 years ago

It will backfire. It already has for CloudFlare — when it booted Daily Stormer it went from being a utility to a gatekeeper. Now CloudFlare is culpable for everything its users do which is why it’s being sued for copyright infringement.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  ExPraliteMonk
5 years ago

Fringe activists tend to receive tolerance from wider society when their numbers are few and they are not perceived as a threat. When Communism was perceived as a clear and present danger, the First and Second Red Scares saw many communists deported, imprisoned and fired. Eugene Debs was jailed. Now at least half of society thinks it is in danger of a clear and present danger from Neo-Nazis. And while a committed communist can expatriate to Cuba, where exactly is a Neo-Nazi supposed to go, Syria?

Lester Fewer
Lester Fewer
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Budapest and Warsaw, I should think. And, when those get too crowded, then Sofia, Bucharest, Tallinn, Riga, St. Petersburg. Then, when those get too crowded too, onwards to Munich, Zurich, Geneva, Vienna, Hamburg. Then Helsinki, Venice, Moscow, Prague. Then, when even those are too crowded, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Florence, Rome. Then Cherbourg, Barcelona, Istanbul and Alexandria.

Then Washington DC.

5 years ago

Shutting down Gab will work about as well as Prohibition, and the most tangible aspect of this censorship will be to further heighten emotions on both sides of the divide (which incidentally is the opposite effect intended by the Ruling Elites). I would argue that (much like the Pittsburgh killings that motivated it), it is another bellweather indicator of the coming chaos in society. More than half a century of extreme affluence has built up a mountain of deadweight in society, much like an accumulation of deadfall in a forest. One small spark can lead to a raging inferno that… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

In a brief accounting of the European experience, I would disagree. Deplatforming works quite well, ask a certain Greek homosexual that used to be quite famous even though no one can spell his name. A few years ago there was a movement called PEGIDA that drew increasingly larger crowds every week protesting against Islam. The German police doxxed the leader, and the movement collapsed. Politics is a social event, and taking the fun away leads to disillusionment, which is exactly what the establishment wants.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Evolution teaches us that we will now grow stronger as a result of having to overcome the new hardships associated with censorship. The easy road makes us softer, the hard road makes us harder. Besides, big brother is monitoring everything on the internet and using AI to get inside people’s heads. Censorship is counterproductive to surveillance.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Eh, that’s more Lamarck than Darwin and successors. It’s also very much like Nietzche. Evolution doesn’t (other than epigenetic lamarckian feedback) mean that we will grow stronger in a biological or social manner. It simply culls those unfit, and leaves the survivors to breed. Nothing about evolution maintains there will be survivors. The Right has been locked out of cultural power for decades, relegated to the talk-radio, FNC ghetto. It didn’t make us stronger.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Lamarck was right

Doktor Jeep
Doktor Jeep
5 years ago

Calling what’s coming a “pogrom” is a very effective meme by itself.

5 years ago

there is a sort of brazen-ness to what the powers that be are doing. There not even pretending anymore.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
5 years ago

You offer cold comfort, Z man. But we shouldn’t be comfortable. We have to recognize that our traditional confidence in the essential benevolence of our institutions may once have been right on the whole but no longer applies. If there is to be any protection now, we have to create it, individually or in “underground” alliances.

The corporate state’s repression will succeed in many cases, but as you say, some normies will get the message and clear away mental cobwebs. Which effect turns out to be the stronger will be, as Wellington said after Waterloo, “a closely run thing.”

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

Am becoming a big fan of Proton Mail.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

So am I. But I have to write down my password since Proton Mail won’t remember it, and if it’s written …

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

I use mnemonics as the baseline for all of mine. Looks like gibberish but may be first letters of a line from Shakespeare plus a number. Nothing is foolproof, but beats most methods and will stick in the lizard brain.

5 years ago

You watch, this latest atrocity will be an American holocaust. Monuments and social training to follow.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Rooshv on twitter said, “It’s okay if you happen to miss the details of today’s synagogue shooting: you’ll be reminded of it daily for the next 70 years.”

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

“I was in the market this morning, doing the weekly ritual and I came around the corner with my carriage to see two people in the middle of the aisle chatting.” When you say you are ‘in the market’ I pictured you among Amish-like people buying 19th century furniture or fresh vegetables in a village. That other thing that happpens ‘between aisles’, I call that ‘going shopping’ or doing the groceries lol And then I read the piece and my cheekiness, in the 1950s, but not today, you might even have said gayness. was over. I completely agree. I saw… Read more »

5 years ago

I read Angelo Codevilla’s powerful essay “Our Revolution’s Logic”. Well written. Thoughtful. Provocative. Money quote for me: “But the Progressives deplore the “deplorables” not to improve them, but to feel good about themselves. Hating people for what they are and because it feels good to hate them, is hate in its unalloyed form.” Sadly he loses that point in his discussion of what happens. What we should do in the future. Progs/Comms/Socs/WhateVs are relentless. Ruthless. Will not let up. Will not give up. Hive minded. Petty. Venal. Self righteous. Evil. NOT all-powerful. Except in their fevered imaginations. They rule… Read more »

5 years ago

Banning free speech, like turning hoses and attack dogs on blacks, is a nasty thing to watch. I don’t believe lefties will be able to sustain a prolonged assault on the Bill of Rights, no matter how badly they desire it. And this article reminds us of how lefty continually throws inconvenient stories down the memory hole. This is something that will bother normies when you point it out to them…

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I hate to point this out but the lefties have been engaged in a sustained assault on the Bill of Rights for the last 100 years. Just sayin’.

Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

Last I looked, we still have the Bill of Rights. Lefty has chipped around the edges, for sure. The worst thing that happened to whites was the loss of freedom of association. That is where the real damage was done. And it was done by the “Greatest” Generation. Their liberal offspring took it from there.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I might have agreed with you 10 years ago. You underestimate your enemy’s hatred for you and everything you hold dear.

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
5 years ago

No. No I don’t.

5 years ago

So the rabbi was an immigration activist, with his committee of correspondence at the synagogue?

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Deleted by alzaebo

Hans get de flammenwerfer

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

The good rabbi was probably ‘short’ in his cut to the party boss.
Nonprofit “operations” like immigration activism are usually legal crime fronts.

So the inner party delivered a message of discipline to insiders, while posing it as martyrdom propaganda to us rubes.
Two birds with one stone.

(This sort of thing, capping a problem, has been going on for years with Albanians in Flint and Assyrians in Chicago. They go into church, shoot the guy, look at his family, then shoot him a few more times.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Egads. The event was a ‘bris’, a ritual circumsion of 8 day-old baby twins. They were the “sons” of two “married” gay men.

The rabbi’s lips were inches away when he was weenieblocked.
Definitely something weird going on in that place.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Well, shit. The center had an FBI ‘active shooters drill’ in January.
The shooter created his wildly anti-semitic Gab account… in January. No social media before that, either.

5 years ago

“These events serve another purpose though. Like those folks in the market who were oblivious to what they were doing, what’s happening now is opening eyes. I’ve had a dozen exchanges in the last 24 hours with normies wondering how it is possible that the people in charge can so easily pull the plug on a site like Gab.” I felt the same way about Trump from the time he was nominated. Whatever happpens to him, we will learn who runs things–the voters and what’s left of the Constitution, or the Democrats, media and apparatchiks of the permanent bureaucracy. Whatever… Read more »

5 years ago

It’s a long war. That depresses me. I’ve got 12 or 15 years left. I won’t be around to see the end of it, or to see how it’s going to come out. And, I must say, the outlook doesn’t look brilliant for folks who think as I do (more or less).

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  MBlanc46
5 years ago

We never get to see how it comes out, because “it” doesn’t end.

Reply to  pimpkin\'s nephew
5 years ago

But I do.

Reply to  MBlanc46
5 years ago

That’s why Z’s opening quote rang my bell. So stirring.
To have lived in such times, were we not the most fortunate of all?

I do, I want to live another hundred years, just to see how this all turns out.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

A few decades ago I almost lost my life. The thought of not knowing how the world turned out was pretty sad to me. But when I look back now…it’s like, big deal. Nothing really matters. All we are is dust in the wind.

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Frip, I almost lost my best friend (for 55 years!), that was his great worry. To miss it all.

I could kick myself. I was talking to a young white guy last nite, here in PA. I’m still full of the Reagan-years optimism that formed me, but this easterner is truly scared and worried by the loss of freedom in his future.

Why didn’t I really listen? This guy is watching lunatics and aliens take over. We older men have no advice on how to stop them.

5 years ago

Interested to see the response from the libertarian commenters here. “Go build your own Twitter” ain’t lookin so hot now, is it? Of course none of us wants the wave of censorship that’s likely to follow the Pittsburgh shooting, but to be frank, Gab was little more than a right-wing ghetto. In the long run it may be more useful to us in the martyr role. Building parallel institutions will always be ineffective, and not just because the Left will never leave us alone. The more people who awake to that hard truth, the better. In the case of the… Read more »

Reply to  Martelevision
5 years ago

“Go build your own newspapers”
“Go build your own universities”
“Go build your own companies”
“Go build your own banks”
“Go build your own courts”

“Go build your own country”

Reply to  Martelevision
5 years ago

“Little more than a far right ghetto”. A few hundred thousand Brazilians don’t think Bolsonaro would have won in Brazil without it. They were shut out of all other social media in an attempt to silence the right there.


Reply to  Teapartydoc
5 years ago

If that’s all you took from my comment, then you might need to reread. The point isn’t to denigrate Gab; the point is that Gab wasn’t ever going to become a genuine alternative to big-tech social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc). Do you dispute that? Bolsonaro won by more than ten million votes. If Z’s number in the OP is accurate, then Gab’s entire user base is only about one million, with presumably only a tiny fraction of those hailing from Brazil. So sure, Gab might have helped Bolsonaro, and if it did then I’m sure we’re all grateful, but let’s… Read more »

5 years ago

We should be afraid. The Popo are already going after the white fight club members of RAM and the goofy Proud Boys for simply defending themselves.

Any group of whites who socialize in meat space will be subject to scrutiny and if some white guys get together and go to the gun range or practice MMA in the park you can bet undercover agents will be monitoring them after they get video’ed by some fat bitch or soy boy and sent to the FBI.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Roosh V encountered the same problems several years ago, so this should not be a surprise to any of us. The average establishment figure views us (at best) as football hooligans, or (at worst) genocidal terrorists. And if the establishment thinks about us like that, imagine what a DSA member thinks about us. It’s a fool’s errand to hold a right-wing event in a liberal city. The police will not protect you, and the justice system will not charge antifa rioters, the DA will throw the case, or leftists in the jury will nullify. Event security requires no public notice,… Read more »

5 years ago

Spoke with a local politician today. He felt focusing on the democrats corruption would produce outrage with the general public.

Not sure if that’s really happening. We have a local republican state rep trying to unseat a longtime incumbent democrat mired in scandal and corruption.

She had one constituent ask her what our view was on global warming ?

Not roads, schools or taxes. Global warming because Republicans are bad.

Getting the normies to pull their head out of their collective asses may be more challenging than we thought.

5 years ago

The attempt stop opposition becomes more mainstram. The financial Times editor,Edward Luce came with this tweet; “The most effective thing Americans can do is boycott companies that advertise on Fox. They bankroll the poison that goes from the studio into Trump’s head. The second is vote.”

Reply to  Thorsted
5 years ago

Luce is the face I put to the elite. The voice too.

5 years ago

From your mouth to God’s ear. We shall see.

5 years ago

When this site disappears, I plan to search “Baltimore” plus “Lagos” to find my way home. Hopefully we can find each other when the day comes.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

I believe Zman has indicated that he hosts this site on his own server. He can feel free to step in and correct me if I am wrong.

The lesson here is: avoid US-based hosting companies. There are plenty of options based in Asia or even the Middle East that would have been a better choice for Gab.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

Now looking at Proton VPN and encrypted cloud storage to go with the mail service. Just because.

Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

That’s been on my To Do list for a year, but to my fault I have failed to execute on it. Your ISP can now sell your internet browsing data, and they will. I got down voted and ridiculed for saying this a year ago, but I will say it again: the day is coming soon when background check services will offer an “Internet Safety” background check which assigns “Safety” scores to various categories of risk based on your browser history. HR departments will decide these Internet Safety background checks will be a mandatory part of the hiring process. Up… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Beautifully said, Dutch.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Well interesting that Z mentioned as another potential rally point. For shits and giggle tried to pop it up early this morning and is….”down for maintenance”. Maybe a coincidence, but the paranoid voice says, “enemy action”

5 years ago

Mike Scheuer’s site, non-intervention, disappeared in July, not long after he called for armed insurrection and nooses for the most deserving.

5 years ago

Love the poetic flourish!

5 years ago

I’m recommending this book because I’m pretty sure this is their endgame whether they know it or not. It worked till the Conquistadors showed up

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

I was wondering how many conquistadors were marranos?
How many of the leaders and organizers, especially.

How many were mercenaries, how many were released convicts?

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

My recollection is that most were second and third sons of nobles who had titles but would inherit nothing and other nobles with titles but no money. Reconquest of the Iberian peninsula produced a lot nobles with military experience but also bled them of their money.

Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

That’s pretty accurate for the Conquistadors. After Columbus was in the new world for awhile they did start empty in the prisons of their most violent criminals to send over as his helpers and his crew. He wrote repeatedly back to Isabel and Ferdinand that he could not control these men at all they had nothing to live for no family no children nothing.

5 years ago

The first big victory we need to achieve is taking away these tech titans’ liability protection that was given to them because they claimed to be platforms not publishers. I don’t know how we are going to do that though. It may need to be a bottom up fight in the courts with death by a thousand cuts before anything big is done. Trump has no interest in it because he isn’t being censored. In the meantime, it is great that the left has lost impulse control and, as Vox Day noted, always doubles down. Z is right that whites… Read more »

5 years ago

As always, the problem is getting the fallback position up and running without getting infiltrated. I assume you could fool a bot by saying something like “my contact info is my handle, with today’s date attached European-style, at opposite-of-electron male dot com.” But that assumes Z Man isn’t big enough to rate his own personal Federale reading through the comments… I figure even the Feeb has an agent or two bright enough to figure that string of text out. I’d love to stay in touch with y’all… suggestions on how to do that, absent Gab?

5 years ago

Zman: “[Gab] is a tiny speck in the social media universe. When you live in constant fear of people waking up from the dream and challenging your rule, even the smallest hint of eyes opening up is a mortal threat. The giant lashes out in fear, not in confidence.” Your last line is cool, and I suppose meant to be heartening, but as you know it hardly matters. All rulers live in fear. Ember create big fire, as some Indian probably once said. If someday the Dissident Right gets the nation it wants, we’ll have to be just as ruthless… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

We didn’t have to be ruthless and petty to build America, Europe, and the Commonwealth. Those were bugs, not features, unlike everywhere else.
We gave freely, of everything we brought into the world.

Whites heap big ember, make big fire called civilization. Good medicine. Solid wampum.
Here, have free blanket

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

We aren’t all driven by the desire to silence people. Despite the fact that it has been occasionally forgotten, Christian society has been the protector of freedom of conscience, and the only place it has flourished. An atheist wouldn’t want to hear something like that, though.

5 years ago

Somehow we need to get normal people to realize that they can’t fight to defend their freedom of speech anymore because they have already lost it. Before the internet people just assumed that they had the right to say, especially in private, whatever they wanted unless they were breaking a law. The post office and the phone company didn’t ban you from mailing or calling simply because a feminist snooping in on your communication decided what you were communicating to someone something that made her feel unsafe. Now thanks to our tech overlords, we have a level of censorship that… Read more »

5 years ago

OT, but reading ImperatorRex Twitter feed that John O’Sullivan if NRO is becoming uncucked

Tax Slave
5 years ago

I gave up on Gab months ago when I realized it’s nothing more than an adolescent popularity platform.

Aside from that, using that feckless JQ loon with a few weapons who thought he was a hero for murdering unarmed innocents as a hammer to bludgeon the dissidents is bound to happen. But I don’t care. For now, anyway. When I find that they’ve shut down this blog and imprisoned Zman for wrongthink then I’ll start to worry.

Reply to  Tax Slave
5 years ago

Joined Gab seeking some kind of popularity, didn’t get it. Now denounces platform as popularity site. Sad.