The Between Age

One of the things people come to realize, when they make the journey to this side of the great divide, is that America lacks an authentic Right. In fact, it may have always lacked an authentic Right, as the country was formed by people who explicitly rejected the ideal of inherited rule and a hierarchical society. That’s certainly debatable, but what is not debatable is the fact that modern America lacks an authentic opposition to the prevailing orthodoxy, which is founded in radical egalitarianism and the blank slate.

Since Gettysburg, Progressivism has been ascendant, first controlling the federal state, then slowly and methodically taking total control of the culture and politics. It’s opponent, what Robert Louis Dabney called Northern Conservatism, what we just call conservatism, was never an authentic Right, but “merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition.” Instead of offering an alternative vision of society, the American right offers a series of tweaks and modifications to the Progressive vision.

The result is that the Left comes up with some new radical idea, conservatives throw their dresses over their heads and a make big deal out of opposing it. They rarely offer an alternative, in the case of a real public policy debate. If they do offer an alternative, it is one that accepts the morality that is driving the Left’s interest in the subject. The result is the “opposition” to every radical idea is just a different radical idea, that is rooted in the radical morality of the Left. The obvious example is homosexual marriage.

In this age of media saturation, the phenomenon described by Dabney a century ago can be seen playing out in compressed time on the internet. For example, the Left is in the process of stealing the Florida election, by use of wholesale fraud and rule breaking. The response from the so-called conservatives is ridiculous nonsense like this post at the American Spectator. To quote Dabney again, “The resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism.”

The tone and content of the piece is so stunningly obtuse that it seems contrived, until you step back and think about how this has been the pattern for as long as anyone reading this has been alive. It is why the alt-right coined the term “cuck” and why it stung so-called conservatives. It perfectly describes the so-called opposition. Their first instinct is to come up with some way to explain away the latest Progressive outrage. Their obsequiousness to so repugnant, it suggests a total lack of the very essence of what defines a man.

Of course, there is the philosophical issue. An actual opposition would note that democracy has to result in the sort of circus we keep seeing in our elections. They would also note that a system designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator must always result in the worst possible answer. At the minimum, an authentic opposition would point out that the Left sees democracy as a bus they can ride to power. Once in power, their goal is corrupt and destroy it so there can be no legitimate challenge to their rule.

Another example of this instinct to grovel is from Joel Pollak at Breitbart. We now live in an age where the federal courts says the President cannot decide who gets a press pass into the White House, but the court is perfectly OK with big banks shutting people off from the financial system because they hold the wrong opinions. An authentic opposition would immediately point out the absurd contradictions of the dadaist legal system constructed by the Left. Instead, the response is to argue this latest outrage is a conservative principle.

The debate about where to place fascism on the modern political scale is mostly pointless, but it does underscore the problem of today. The people feverishly arguing that “the liberals are the real Nazis” do so by first accepting the Progressive moral framework. As a result, like someone trying to build a ship in a bottle, they are reduced to working within arbitrary confines in order to achieve something with only ornamental value. They don’t even notice that they are doing it, because that habit of mind has been institutionalized.

That said, the debate does open the mind to the idea of there being no authentic alternative, because it was killed off in the Enlightenment. As a result, the great debate, the great ideological competition, has all been within radicalism. Bolshevism, liberal democracy and fascism were all competing with one another. After a bloody century, liberal democracy came out as the unchallenged political philosophy. Because it evolved as a response and now lacks an authentic challenger, it is slowly spinning out of control.

In the mean time, we live in this between age, where liberal democracy is universal and unchallenged, but decaying into madness. It’s why the aesthetic resembles the inside of a mental ward and the players carry on doing the same thing over and over, but in an increasingly bizarre fashion. Perhaps Fukuyama was not completely wrong. Instead of it being the end of history, maybe it is just the end of liberal democracy. It was something that could only exist in opposition to the more depraved variations of Rousseauism.

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5 years ago

Precisely. We are fighting inside the enemy lines using their weapons and tactics. Not good. I was involved in a conversation with a policeman the other day and it was evident the poor fellow simply did not understand that we are in a culture war. He kept on referring to the military and its traditions as being the main thing we needed to rally around and protect. I could see how he might get this idea because of his army service in Afghanistan. But even he knew something was wrong. Without even realizing it, he was simply parroting the arguments… Read more »

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Redpilling the armed and organized “normies” seems crucial. The Chinese revolution of 1911, for example, was carried out by government soldiers who were radicalized in situ. I confess I don’t know how to do it, myself. I don’t come into contact with many soldiers or policemen. We’ve got to develop a “redpillology,” i.e., a science of redpilling, for different ages, genders, IQs, etc. I’m not sure you’re really going to get a policeman to read James Burnham, or lecture a kid in Afghanistan on the nuanced implications of bell-curves, time preference, or r/K. We’ve got to find the language to… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Start with a goal first. What does a red pill society look like and what is a red pill future is like like? Normies don’t care about much else, they haven’t the time, interest or IQ for it in most cases You also can’t convince normies especially younger ones who never lived in a Whiter Righter America anything till they see how it benefits them. Now so as to put up or shut up what my vision is like 10 points 1 -Repatriation till the US is 80% or more European White and a long term, maybe indefinite reduction of… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

You were outvoted at #1. And you will always be outvoted continuing down the list. Persuasion against their self-perceived interests won’t work. Next.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

Well yeah. None of these things are doable with elections . I assumed everyone knew that TINVOWOOT Now if you have an idea for something that the Dissident Right , Leftists, Conservatives Whites, Civ Nats, Aztlan Mestizos , various Asians rapacious greedy Country Clubbers and Normies can agree to vote on or work together for well we can try votes. I’m all for that There is also a tiny possibility that after a collapse or a succession, maybe but even than its a power grab but otherwise its going to come down to having the power to take what you… Read more »

Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

I hate to attack people on our own side but that really was the underpants gnome bit come to life.

Phase 1: Come up with a top 10 bullet point list

Phase 2: ?

Phase 3: White America!

I really do appreciate the desire to do something, but the best thing you can do now is to prepare, and wait for an opportunity. How much ammo do you have? How much emergency food? Are you a member of a militia, find one but try not to end up in jail.

Reply to  DFCtomm
5 years ago

Ha! Phase 2 in the 90s:
“Beat the kids and jail the potsmokers! That will solve… everything!”

Such genius. The 90s are why I’ll never be a conservative. Conservative brilliance leads us to such logical outcomes as the War on Terror and Broward County.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  DFCtomm
5 years ago

I’m not trying for a White America or a revolution. I’m offering the barest bones of a public manifesto, a package of ideas to fight for and to build on. That is doing something than few are doing. Hell though its a shit example, without Mein Kampf there would have been no Nazi Germany . Without Marx or Critical theory we would not have the troubles we have today . Hell without the Deceleration or Independence no USA I’m pretty sure my ideas are sounder than Mein Kampf as I’ve read the sucky thing, more reality based than Marx and… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

Greg Johnson just wrote one. You can read a review on or order at his site, Counter White Nationalist Manifesto

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

Read part 2 of Mein Kampf. This is a step-by-step “how-to” book on overthrowing a leftist, decadent democracy. Ford translation only…the others are unreadable.

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

It’s very simple to get back to at least 80% white. Shut down the redistribution mechanisms. No EBT, no welfare for unwed mothers, no birthright citizenship, no Social Security disability, no WIC, no affirmative action, no paying for abortions or birth control thru healthcare plans – NOTHING. Live or die by your own two hands and the work you produce. Do that and this country would go back to something like 80% white in probably a 5 year span as you would see massive out migration occur. It’s going to happen anyway when the Federales can’t fund all their spending… Read more »

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

The average person isn’t going to understand or care about R/K selection, but they will care about blood and soil. This has all be done in the past. I shudder to use the examples, because they’re all bad, but I’m sure you know who I’m talking about. How did they do it?

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Bit of a non-sequitor …. anecdotal — but relevant to the “we don’t have enough people on our side anymore” … a statement I make to myself frequently, by the way. I’m primarily a westerner (as in western US), lived on outskirts of a moderate-sized city which I abandoned this fall — selling my house of twenty years and leaving a state in which I’d been a resident for forty years. There were just too many Californians streaming over the mountains, and I suspected (correctly) that the state was about to go full blue politically, though not geographically. Observation I… Read more »

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

I know a number of police and prison guards. All of them are pretty red-pilled from what I can see, simply because they see an awful lot of crap up close and personal. What they typically are not – is big intellectuals. And I’m talking about law enforcement up here in deep blue MA. Droning on about esoteric theories and writers that nobody has ever heard of before – is never going to pull these people over to the “correct” side. You need to relate theory to reality – because reality is what these guys have spent an entire career… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I can’t think of a state worker here in Southern California that sends their kids to a public school, this includes teachers and not more than a few have their kids home schooled. No one trusts the schools, they are just holding pens for the brown skinned orcs. Problem is with our side, is that we do a very shitty job at getting the word out. Our side can’t even compose a pamphlet they can leave on a car window or college campus that at least gives a prospect what our side is about. I do think we need a… Read more »

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Yeah, maybe we need something like “Redpill: the Video,” a single 15-minute digest of all our main points by a more likeable alt-righter and with follow-up links. And most importantly, making it an important part of our thing to send out the link to any and all possible converts. A lot of these sites do have a sperg-club, echo-chamber feel to them.

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

OK, I’m in. Time to push in all our chips. I am not at all tech savvy, so I can’t set it up, and I can’t be the face of the thing (I don’t want my family threatened, plus I’m ugly), but I’ll contribute an essay or two. Use Romeo Charlie myusername at opposite-of-electron male dot com. I think we can use a VPN (whatever the hell that is) on that site to coordinate. Maybe Z Man will promote it on his podcasts. (And hey, if I get a “greetings fellow teen!”-type email from an FBI guy, we’ll know the… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

That, plus the white baseball caps. And a place to wear them with a least a chance that a few of us might show up.

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

This youtube video does pretty good job in tearing down the whole leftist oppression narrative in 30 minutes:

Very normie-friendly, no Spencerian race mysticism mumbo-jumbo, holocaust revisionism or any other such nonsense. It’s been watched over 450 000 times in just few months, so it’s probably pretty effective propaganda.

Reply to  Make
5 years ago

Thanks. This video spoke of the need to be grateful , thankful and appreciative of our heritage.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Z has written and recorded pieces that could be your pamphlet. Also, Derb, Jared Taylor, and Greg Johnson. The real problem is that we reject the civic religion that rules the West and this rejection cannot be mitigated.

Pamphlet says: Race is real and matters. Sex differences are real and matter. Tribal loyalties are stronger than shared values.

Your prospect will be running away from you screaming “Heretic!” There is no way around this reaction when we introduce our ideas.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

The Pamphlet in 3 sentences.
The whole Movement, right there.

They will scream and run, but then, they will repeat it themselves.

Those 3 meme darts will do more than all the diatribes in the world.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Most people will run away screaming “heretic”. But once in awhile someone will have a light go on in his head. Many of us started off normal or even Leftist.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

The “It’s OK to be white” poster campaign was a thing of beauty. Minimalist posters with a message that would be met with a shrug 20 years ago, but is met today with frantic calls to police, security camera footage being reviewed to catch the perps, and hysterical editorials in the papers.

And it makes normal people ask “why is this controversial?”

Much more effective than a series of 5000 word blog posts.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Our side such as it is has no vision of a future or anything like an ideology or set of core beliefs. Its reacts to things, old school reaction, NrX and so on but it does nothing in the way of saying “here is how you would live with us in charge.” And note “back the past that never was.” is not an ideology or a useful value set. You cannot assume that everyone will start believing in Jesus again and packing those pews anymore than the Romans could count on people believing in Jupiter. That day is over. In… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

@AB Prosper
Amen Brother…Will be in your area soon would you care to meet for coffee…

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

I think this can be worked out. You are in So Cal?

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

Soon Brother are you on Freezoxee because I am and would be able to give you a heads up when I am… Which to be honest everyone here should be on that site…

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

I’ll check it out, Thanks. We on the Dissident Right will need to develop our own com channels to avoid some of the censorship

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

You can admit the truth. You’re an ATF agent aren’t you?

Back when the Bundy’s were held up in Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, and it ended up with just 4 of them left occupying the place I made jokes that it was 1 ATF agent, 1 state undercover cop, and 2 FBI agents. They didn’t know the others were agents because the government is inept and the branches didn’t communicate. I imagine they were all sitting around trying to talk each other into rushing the cops with guns blazing.

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Ahh we must have a fed on this site and it scares them shitless when good men start congregating…

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

“The market knows all and I could get rich if I could just work children to death in my cat litter mine.” LOL, I’m going to save this one. I hear what you’re saying, but keep in mind that alliance between disparate groups can happen. The alliance between Catholics and Falangists in the Spanish Civil War comes to mind, and Iran seems to unite disparate groups. Germany once allied “beefsteaks”, “brown outside and red within”, with business owners (mostly small, but some large). It’s not that unity isn’t infinitely preferable, it’s that I don’t see us attaining too much of… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

Wrong, There are too many Jesus freak and Democrat in our world “Oh, Jesus will save us from poverty and disease, crime” “Oh, Jesus is so good and every body should believe him” “If any person disagree with me are satanist, inquisition time!” No one knew or expected possibility that Church the representative of Jesus will behave completely differently Church the one declared Crusade, witch-hunting, taxes on the people “Oh, Vote will save us from poverty and disease, crime” “We will abolish border, take mass immigration, every body should get a voting right because voting is so good” “If any… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Our side can’t even compose a pamphlet they can leave on a car window or college campus that at least gives a prospect what our side is about Sure we can. It’s just that more than a decade ago printer manufacturers accepted a font system which enables a code unique to each and every printer to be visible along with a time and date stamp within a character series and associated with the buyer for ever page printed. Almost nobody resells their printer, so if we print a pamphlet the FBI can easily track us down. Ditto for any medium… Read more »

Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

“Almost nobody resells their printer, so if we print a pamphlet the FBI can easily track us down.” Easy alternative, run down to your local recycling center. I don’t know about where you are, but here we can walk in and recycle at no cost just about anything that has been tossed. A lot of serviceable printers and laptops/desktops hit the recycle bins because people have upgraded to the latest/greatest and just toss their old one. A variation, just organize a neighborhood recycling drive on a Saturday. Offer free pickup to a couple of neighborhoods for computers/printers/electrical etc. Drive around,… Read more »

Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

Great intel. So somebody scary was seriously thinking about this.
Scary and powerful enough to make it international policy. Egads.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

It was only a few short years ago when the British believed, with utmost sincerity, that our police were “the best in the world”. Decent, fair, tough when they needed to be and informed by good old-fashioned common sense. No politician of any stripe could hope to get elected without offering up gushing praise of “the boys in blue”. Fast forward to 2018 and those same guardians of British decency have been transformed into an occupying army who will bustle you into a paddy wagon for proclaiming that there are only two genders or reading from a bible in public… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

The “military tradition” that this country was founded on was militia service (an ACTUAL militia – not the federally run National Guard). And the founders specifically warned against a full time military (Army especially) . They had no problem with a Navy – because we are in many respects an island nation that can separate itself from the world simply be enforcing borders – and sinking anybody that tries to breach them. But try extracting that understanding out of the average normie – or telling them that the National Guard is NOT the militia. Rallying around the military – and… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Amen Brother…
I know if I was king for a day I would get rid of the Army completely…We would have the Navy which the Marines and Coast Guard would be under and the Air Force…The National Guard would be turned back over to the states and would only be able to be used in a war on our soil…All males would be required from 17 to 20 to serve in their States Guard…

5 years ago

Seriously, though, this is a very black-pilling post. Basically, the “leftist” position goes back back 250 years, and it vanquished the last viable opposition to it in 1945 (in theoretical terms, not just who gets to stick their flag on top of the Reichstag building). As suggested in the OP, Fukuyama may well have been right in that for the vast majority of the populace, the fundamental premises of the Progressive world view are now reaching fruition, something like three generations after the fall of Berlin. All of the squabbling on the “alt-right” about optics really boils down to whether… Read more »

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

No redpill media content, not even under the most personally stressing circumstances, will ever persuade leftists to change their positions. Their mindset is genetic.

We will never have the numbers in this country to persuade vancouver, seatac, portland, california, future arizona, future florida, future georgia, eastern seaboard, detoilet, chicago, madison milwaukee, minneapolis st. paul, et al. In fact, after 1965 we can never have the numbers to _compell_ them to change their behaviors.

You would have to snuff them out along with their genetic progeny. This is not physically possible anymore. Demographics is destiny and we’ve lost.

Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

So are you willing to even save a remnant or you just going to wait for that final bullet to enter the back of your skull… Because if we have already lost then why would you even fight and not just kneel in front of the ditch…Fuck that we haven’t lost until the last swinging dick goes down swinging and with guys like you on our side who needs enemies…

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Name what you’ve actually accomplished forwarding the cause for us all. One. Effing. Thing.

Kids? No matter how fine a job you’ve done raising them, they are corruptible.

Tell us about your general, effective leadership accomplishments, please.

Neither can anybody else here.


Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

Ahh did I hurt your feelings…I don’t owe you anything because you are a defeatest and my kids are none of your damn business either…You turn in your guns yet since you aren’t going to use them…

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Likely neither are you. No one on the Right has done anything but passively resist other than Tim McVeigh and maybe the Malheur clowns and a couple of others like Randy Weaver . That is in what 30+ years. The Right are too risk adverse and can’t organize, some of this is FBI interference of course but a lot of it is bullshit individualism. More importantly the Right has no goal to work too, no vision of a a better future so they can’t fight. Now I am NOT telling you to go and so something illegal or stupid,. In… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

You aren’t going to use your guns either. Fake. Claim. Contrary.

Most here can appreciate what you’re going through. Been there, done that. It’s just a thought crime.

Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

I’m not the one giving up and saying we lost now am I…You by your statement that we have lost are giving up… Anytime your up for a chat f2f let me know I always enjoy talking to people…

Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

The whole “gun” discussion is a classic example of letting the left control the conversation. The point is not the guns. The point is that 2A, which is a human right, not a privilege, allows you to protect yourself and your loved ones —by any means necessary—. It just so happens that guns are an effective way to do so. What the gun grabbers are saying is that you DO NOT have the right to protect yourself by any means necessary. Submit to your “betters”. It is much more basic than guns. And we are losing the argument, because we… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Exactly. The typical right winger always seems to fall back on some sort of “gun” argument. “Conservatives” : What good are the guns – when you don’t even know what you’re defending? You sold out on Social Security, you sold out on income tax, you sold out on the “War on Terror” (the stupid name should have been a dead giveaway – but you bought into it anyway) , any time I talk to a conservative about shit like shutting down the money spigot – I get some sort of Rainman-like rant about how we won’t have roads or schools… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Spot on. Even an animal will fight to defend it’s home and young, the very definition of “natural” rights.

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Both you and flyingAnvil are right. We have lost, but what comes after the loss? Do you think the the insane people that are running the world now can keep it running? There will be an opportunity in the collapse, and that is when we or our descendants will have a chance to act. The world as we know it will end, and another will be born. The question is who gets to shape that new world.

Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

Changing their mnds is not possible. Separating from them may still be.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

The masses of people will only react if a critical point of their lifestyle is threatened. So that’s why we see the French mad at Macron for raising the tax on diesel. But we saw no French vigilantism when the Afro-Arabs rose up in 2005. In most cases, the public has not had to pay for the costs of multikult in the form of higher taxes, instead governments have been running a deficit. But attempt to impose the US Labor Law model on France, I guarantee you’d see revolution.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

I think this is true but the vast number of people in the US from less developed nations , the threshold to revolt is higher. They’ll tolerate a lot more since even what Whites would called bad government is far better than what they have at home.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Define the difference between “lifestyle” and “survival”.

Because for an awful lot of people – there really isn’t much of a difference.

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

I think it’s too late to change minds at this point. At least on a mass scale. Still there is a place for flyers and pamphlets distributed at colleges, video game conventions, military bases, gun ranges and shows, bars frequented by whites. We can recruit on the fringes. You’ll know when you have a good pamphlet by how much screaming and media attention it elicits. If they call the cops and MSNBC does a segment on it, you got it In general we can’t convert the mass of whites until there is a economic upset like we had in 2008.… Read more »

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

“Whites just don’t care as long as they have a wad of cash in their wallet, a nice job and new car.”

And a place further on out from the Diversity to flee to. We’re conflict-averse, on the whole. And so we just run away again and again. And bury our heads in the sand while we’re at it.

It’s been going on for decades now. It’s just the way it is; who we are. We’re slow to anger and violent action, until there’s no other recourse. And we’re steadily getting to that point. So be it.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Low interest rates are the white man’s EBT card. Once long rates go up, we can count on big changes.

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

One fatal weakness is the shyness of American “conservatives” about using power. Look at Hungary about kicking out the Soros wreckers and shutting down the female studies departments. Future generations are going to be thanking Orban for that. See this excellent video by a rightist on the pussytarians: Meanwhile, we’re not even sure we’re going to have future generations here. That part of the problem of not having a real right. Our “right” has been so libertarian-cucktarian that they don’t think they’re allowed to use power or something. A real conservative president would just shut out of the White… Read more »

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

There aren’t a million females living in the US who will experience a LG moment — ever. This nano percentage will only diminish over time. You are an exceedingly rare woman.

Our males are being estrogenized to the point that only a few million of them would take the red pill today. Their number shrink over time as the number immigrating, and their offspring, increase.

The future is blackpill for most here.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

The US is a big country by land area, so the normal practice for anyone so aggrieved by politics is to simply move. The pluralist nature of the US leads to a politics driven by a desire to be left alone, Utah is probably the only exception.

Orban has the benefit of winning about 50% of the vote, which translated into 2/3rds of the seats in Parliament, which resulted in an entirely new Constitution.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

The mainstream right also has a concept that grabbing power is wrong, because of the risk that the other side could one day wield it against you. A principle that works with most whites, and minority of non-whites. But when confronted with an opponent with a zealotry towards the elimination of what it sees as the “wrong side of history”, it is self-defeating.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

It’s important to understand the almost complete failure of the soi-disant Right in this country — among other causes, its eagerness to engage in its own kind of virtue signaling (immigration is great, we’re all for it as long as it’s legal). Particularly needing study is its inability to mount a political challenge. Even dhimmi U.K. and France have serious red-pilled parties, something American alt-rightists can only dream of. And that suggests the other half of building, at long last, a successful strategy for caging the proglodyte beast. We need to look under a microscope at those few countries that… Read more »

Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

It’s too late for USA. We let (((them))) in already. We can never be Hungary or the polities referenced. A dollar late and a day short. Every proposal involving thought or persuasion is moot. You simply fail to realize your defeat. Everything you do provided you don’t live off the grid is tracked, analyzed, stored and it will be used against your interests soon enough. Please feel free to spread this message or its rebuttal via email, texting or social media. More tracking and analayses for future prosecution. They know you. Talk no longer matters. Action no longer matters. You… Read more »

Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

You may be right that all is lost but life is surprising. The only certainty is that you lose when you don’t try. Look for opportunities. Resist. Fight.

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Poland’s on the same track as Hungary, although various ‘sources’ are spreading lies about the Polish being “anti-Semite.” It’s the same crap that the Bush-men spread about P J Buchanan after he massacred the old man in New Hampshire.

King Tut
King Tut
5 years ago

A few points that I believe are worth making: 1. If Donald Trump achieves nothing else, he has opened the floodgates to Causa Nostra and not just in the USA but worldwide. He has opened up the cracks that we can continue to lever. Moreover, he has forced the proggies to come out and show their true intentions. 2. More and more people are being red-pilled on a daily basis. We don’t have anything like a critical mass yet but our numbers are growing and the evidence for this is not just anecdotal and, once you’re red-pilled you never go… Read more »

5 years ago

With the continued decay of America into just another Latin American country, the two largest economies will be India and China by 2050. If trend lines hold, I know that’s a contentious idea around here.

What comes after liberal democracy will probably be decided above the Himalayas. India is, arguably, an english speaking nation and a democracy. China is a post-stalinist dictatorship. They are competing from Africa to their expatriates taking over silicon valley.

The future seems to be a highly stratified idiocracy (India, US), a totalitarian state (China), or Detroit(Europe, Africa).

Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

The future will involve about 9/10 of the human race dying. The population of Africa and Central/South America exploded because of western science, medicine, and charity. When the West goes, so does the science, medicine, and charity. Do you think China will give two hoots about famines and plagues sweeping Africa? Speaking of which: China will implode when we stop buying their goods and 9/10 of their workers are laid off.

Reply to  ExPraliteMonk
5 years ago

China owns Africa now, but when it all goes down, it will be the West’s fault, because our “betters” will tell us that it is so…and a bunch of Westerners that can’t find Africa on a map will buy into it.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

The Europeans once owned Africa too, but where are they now? Their African nations fell because they wished to utilize the cheap black labor, and in the end it cost them their countries and sometimes their lives. They should have picked their own damn cotton. Do you think that Asians are any less susceptible to greed?

Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

Pal, you don’t know what are you talking about China is Feudal State Western Technology surprise them but that doesn’t change their nature A Tribalism It’s British imperialist and Liberal wet dream of Civilized/Enlighten African to transform into Good British/Liberal subjects We all know that teaching English or give them smartphone/social media account doesn’t change them as Anglo American or Liberal They are still black has been that way quite long time Chinese and eastern Asian are no different Chinese and eastern Asian override logic when it challenges their tradition China persecute Christianity it actually they persecute Liberalism They want… Read more »

John Haase
John Haase
5 years ago

The true conservatism that America lacked from the beginning is dead as a doornail in Europe, too, and has been for a hundred years now. Its remnants are still here, the castles, the nobles, and even some reactionaries, but conservatism as an ideology (if it ever really was one) lost all political traction after the First World War. For a while they still could score some victories in elections. The most famous one of course was President Hindenburg in Weimar Germany. But even then conservative politics were out of the question, instead the question was: whom would they cede their… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  John Haase
5 years ago

With regard to “refugee importation” as inefficient. In a system of universal suffrage, “let them die” is not likely to win elections. Paying the refugees to return is a viable solution. And in the mind of many voters, the West has collective responsibility for its Middle Eastern wars. Of course, this usually isn’t connected to Israel, which has never paid reparations to Lebanon.

John Haase
John Haase
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

True. Whether that view can be called conservative is another matter. Paying foreigners to leave would be a viable option, yes, if it were combined with other measures, i.e. closed borders, harsher dealing with renitent foreigners, less or no gibs and the like.

Still, he who pays the Danegeld, never gets rid of the Dane.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  John Haase
5 years ago

Decadence will be paid for in due time. The Afrikaner tried to maintain a system of extracting surplus value from cheap black labor, and then gave up the chance for self-determination in exchange for retention of existing property. And neither proved a lasting settlement.

5 years ago

That Allitt article at the AS was jaw-droppingly stupid and even offensive. If “getting the results right” were a concern we’d have secure voter id, secure ballots, and true voter rolls. The fact that many places have more registered voters than adults eligible to vote should have clued him in. And a demonstrable crook like Brenda Snipes wouldn’t wouldn’t be allowed to empty a wastebasket, let alone run an election.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  BestGuest
5 years ago

one reason for more voters registered that enumerated adult population is simple bureaucratic incompetence by timeserving local officials in sinecures.

As an example, all of my kids are still registered to vote in our locale despite having been launched over 15 years ago. We tried once to do the right thing and have them removed from the voter rolls. The local geniuses removed my wife instead. After she got reinstated we gave up any efforts.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

Al, when our dad passed I needed to get copies of his death certificate from an office at town hall. Two windows down, certificate in hand, I tried to get him cancelled from the rolls. They wouldn’t do it. (Of course this is MA, where having passed has never been an obstacle to voting. ) It doesn’t mean it’s either impossible or undesirable. It means someone wishes it to continue.

Reply to  BestGuest
5 years ago

I mentioned below to Z-Man that the piece is NOT in “The American Spectator,” but rather the British “Spectator.”

Tyrrell has been slandered.

5 years ago

This point can’t be emphasized enough:

“The people feverishly arguing that “the liberals are the real Nazis” do so by first accepting the Progressive moral framework.”

Nothing pisses off the Left and the Cuck morons more than refusing to argue within the framework the Left provides.

Reply to  Alex
5 years ago

Arguing is the problem. It accomplishes nothing. Zero. Jack Squat and Squat is on vacation. Unless you organize, form a battle plan with murdering the opposition the objective, and attain directed goals you will achieve zero change except probably to enable the opposition to learn more about you and more efficiently defeat your aims. Even if you were to murder large numbers you will likely fail in your objectives. Internally you know that already because you just keep on talking – talk talk talk talk ad infinitum. You do nothing. Me too. I just keep talking because … the temperature… Read more »

Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

I agree its frustrating that “arguing” seems to get nowhere, but you have to consider the alternative. Working within the current political structure is required, unless you think a shooting war is the better path. I’ve got immediate family experience that says a shooting war ain’t the path to go unless all other options are closed. I know it seems they are right now, but there are a few peaceful options that need to be explored first.

Reply to  Alex
5 years ago

It’s too late even for the shooting war. We lack means mathematically to kill enough of them. The negro, latinx, female, asian, and especially the jew clings to your belt. Where you go they follow. You cannot destroy them without ruining yourself. You cannot shake them free. Your predecessors enabled them to become healthy enough so the grip can never be shed. They control you and own you and your future generations. Not a single effective thing you are going to do about this. Period.

Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

Then slit your wrists and be done with it loser.

Reply to  FlyingAnvil
5 years ago

True, so we must recalculate.
We even have an example; let us learn from the Masters.

Outnumbered, we will learn the greatest trick: of getting our enemies to kill each other.

V. Pejorative
V. Pejorative
5 years ago

Here’s a white pill if you’re feeling depressed:

” Building on that, support for it [splitting up the US] among those under the age of 40 with advanced degrees is a staggering 54.8%,”

Let’s push those numbers even higher. And encourage people on the other side to think the same way. If everyone agrees then we can do it without violence.

If this ever happens, unsolvable problems will become solvable.

Reply to  V. Pejorative
5 years ago

Holy geez, man, if that happens I’m stuck in northern NY. I mean it’s good here, mostly white and rural, but I’ll be in a “country” where the sanest politician is Andrew Coumo.

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  TimNY
5 years ago

First would have to field the “American Free Counties Movement” …. It’s gotta be done by blocks of counties — We’ve right now got data on them: who lives there, how they vote, infrastructure, other demographic trends etc. This is obviously a course the LEFT / Elites fear given that Soros is now moving into funding projects targeting election of county sheriffs. If he’s looking there, then they see that as a vulnerability, and likely an opportunity. We need to get there ahead of them ….

Reply to  Primi Pilus
5 years ago

From State Secretaries certifying elections to sheriffs independent of Federal police?

When they think they’re done with us, the demon-possessed special people will have forged a force more terrifying than their wildest nightmares.

5 years ago

Modern political theory exists to legitimize a Modern state. Modern states require mass conscription to protect their physical security, which requires “democracy” to be legitimate. But: We live in a Postmodern state. There will be no mass-conscription wars, because the loser in any conflict between industrial states would resort to nuclear weapons long before we got to mass conscription. As a legitimating principle, therefore, “democracy” is a category error, so we get what we have now — a kind of late Imperial Chinese system, where the mandarins administer a shrinking pile of tribute while the barbarians mass beyond the wall.… Read more »

5 years ago

Black pill indeed! So the token conservatives/GOP are just an everlasting and eternal bum of the month club, or a variant of the Washington Generals who have absolutely no hope of ever winning consistently or at all against the Harlem Globetrotters. My dad used to rail against the Hugh Scotts, Everett Dirksens, and Gerald Fords on the “right” as being as useful as t*ts on a bull. As a crabby old man myself, I now appreciate his wisdom. He always said the GOP stood for the exact same things as the left, just “not so much right now and not… Read more »

Reply to  Eduardo55
5 years ago

Please publish your enlightened manifesto here. Cite dad and perhaps mommy too. Boomer.

5 years ago

Great post (as usual).
But how do we turn it into action?
Like talk radio.
How do we turn the talk into walk?

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
Reply to  KAB
5 years ago

The left seems to be working on a “Chinese model,” whereby they immediately try to shut down any organization or signs of civil society among their opponents. Many aspects of our social-political system are already functionally totalitarian.

We’ve just got to keep doing our thing as the “dissident community” to keep draining their legitimacy, but at the same time hope for (or engineer) some kind of accelerationist “event” before the demographic clock ticks down too far.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

The left does have useful function for conservatives, that of being the “dumb stupid animals” of which Kissinger described. When the communists rose up against the SPD in 1919, it wasn’t SPD members that put down the uprising. It was the right-wing Freikorps. Much of the current leftist angst is that conservatives should “know their place”.

Reply to  KAB
5 years ago

Welcome to the world of dissident politics. There is very little of consequence that you can do in public that won’t get you fired from your job or indicted. That’s the world as it is.

Your mission, our mission, is to overthrow the current system with cleverness and force and rebuild a world that more accurately reflects human nature (race realism, sex realism, ethnonationalism).

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
5 years ago

The state of “our thing” reminds me of mid-19th century tsarist Russia. The vast ignorance and brute indifference of the Russian masses, combined with total suppression from above by the imperial system, turned thoughtful and well-intended liberals (in the JS Mill sense) into hopeless, neurotic “intellectuals” without audience, without program, without any real grasp of reality. ‘Theory’ became the meat and drink of isolated Russian intellectuals, who yet strove to preserve their middle-class incomes. Being “hurled into the void” meant life in a Siberian hut in those days. Then peasants started tossing bombs into imperial carriages, and the whole system… Read more »

Reply to  pimpkin\'s nephew
5 years ago

Good stuff on the Russians. Then you have to go and call us vomitus.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  pimpkin\'s nephew
5 years ago

Damn it all, man! Don’t knock the bird-watchers! Cheep entertainment! We are not all Sierra Club nutters!

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Training with binoculars and still patience might come in real handy someday

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

It is my belief that what we’re seeing in Florida and several other places, is the left trying to steal elections. This means that there is ZERO change that the losing side in 2020 will accept the result. If Trump loses, who here will believe that illegals, dead ppl, ppl voting multiple times or mystery ballots they just ‘suddenly found’, didnt make the difference? I dont think any of us will really believe that. If he wins, well, that may or may not be a 4 year reprieve before the next Obama like guy. What then? And it may not… Read more »

5 years ago

The Patrick Allitt article is actually in the American edition of the UK Spectator, not R.E. Tyrell’s publication.

Reply to  Lorenzo
5 years ago

I noticed that too late. AS allows comments (or used to.)

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

“At the minimum, an authentic opposition would point out that the Left sees democracy as a bus they can ride to power. Once in power, their goal is corrupt and destroy it so there can be no legitimate challenge to their rule.” – This is word for word how muslim fundamentalists use the electoral process to take over countries, (Turkey and Egypt before they were removed by the military). I’ve always suspected that the radical left likes radical islamists because they play by the same rules and use the same tactics. Both have their own theology, but the experience of… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

Leftist liking of Islamists is wrapped up in their belief that they are “people of color”, even though Iran, which means Aryan, and Chechens exist. Even a white convert to Islam is seen as “renouncing their privilege”. The irony here is that this is the very “Orientalism” that Edward Said wrote about.

The true jealousy of the left can be seen in the faculty lounge of academia, where the broker no opposition and Right-wing figures can be counted in the single digits, with some major institutions not having any at all.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

Dictatorship is by it’s nature, masculine. Democracy, is by it’s nature feminine. Both are instinctive to human beings, but dictatorship is the dominant trait. If democracy was allowed to go on, in perpetuity, it would eventually become a full blown matriarchy. Almost exclusively females and gay men. So we’re not that far off. Democracy will end like a single mom in Section 8 housing. With the kids growing up to be little drug addicted gang bangers who end up in prison. The prison will be some future dictatorship that lays down the law. The yin and yang will continue. Human… Read more »

5 years ago

Z: “Their obsequiousness it so repugnant, it suggests a total lack of the very essence of what defines a man.” (“is”). I only point out typos if they’re in a crucial sentence. This was so great. I’m tempted to make a photo collage of all the Con. Inc. cucks, frame it, and have that sentence inscribed below. Also, “The result is that the Left comes up with some new radical idea, conservatives *throw their dresses over their heads* and a make big deal out of opposing it.” LOL

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

I’m actually going to make such a collage. As black-pilled art therapy. I’ll gather a bunch of Z’s best cuck disses and work them into a naturally flowing paragraph, and display it on a bronze plaque next to the giant framed collage. Like they do in museums. I’ll title it, “Feckless Airheads”, another great Z phrase. I’ll post a photo here when it’s finished.

5 years ago

Somebody please slap me, I desperately want to wake up from this imaginary cosmos I dreamed into existence last night when I fell asleep.

And don’t spoil it for me, by telling me the waking state I’ll be returning to is currently being invaded by alien pterodactyls from star clusterfk Zig Beta Cuck, who are rounding up humans onto their spaceships and passing out a cookbook titled “To Serve Man”

5 years ago

And this should scare the crap out of everone.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago


Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

“The proposal for Quayside includes a centralized identity management system, through which “each resident accesses public services” such as library cards and health care.”

Yup, the elites are prepping to run. Modern latifundia. ‘Safe spaces’ is psych-shaping young members to fit into the fortified enclaves.

Seascaping- floating autonomous states- is also in the cards.

How long before we have literal Cloud cities, since we already have a Cloud economy forming?

We are *this* close to Zardoz-
and then to Zed.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

It would be interesting to see a word frequency timeline graph of Orwell/Orwellian in Lefty publications. I bet in the last 5 years it’s declined sharply. It’s got to be an embarrassing, troublesome word for them. (I mean, if they were normal humans capable of shame.)

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

“…what one critic has called “a colonizing experiment in surveillance capitalism attempting to bulldoze important urban, civic and political issues.””

I’m reminded of the nefarious/deadly ‘Weyland-Utani Corporation’ in the ‘Alien’ film franchise. I’ve only seen the first three, but apparently at some point it’s revealed that their slogan is “Building Better Worlds”.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Yes, it sounds horrible. But consider: existing civil governments in big liberal cities are also horrible, in a somewhat different fashion. Given the choice between an elected city government that can’t stop people from pooping on the sidewalk and Government By Google, which would you rather raise your kids in?

Miss Andry
Miss Andry
5 years ago

To quote my favorite living pessimist, John Derbyshire, “We are doomed”. Our betters are driving civilization over a cliff and the only choices are regarding speed, not direction.

5 years ago

I just got this from FIRE. It’s one of their victories. Basically they got the courts to agree it’s okay to say I hate being white. So radical.

VICTORY: Rutgers reverses finding against professor who posted about resigning from the white race on Facebook

5 years ago

A certain uncle, for whom I have a fondness, denied a certain group control of the mass media. I invite you, dear reader, who are undoubtedly philosemetic, to imagine what would happen in our country if we adopted similar policies.

5 years ago

Z: “The tone and content of the Patrick Allit article are so stunningly obtuse that it seems contrived.”

He looks exactly like you think he would.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
5 years ago

It seems that the situation we have today is the ultimate outworking of the so-called ‘enlightenment’. Radical egalitarianism and blank-slate-ism arose to power in the West out of the French Revolution which, in turn, arose out of the ‘enlightenment’. These (obviously false to any open-minded observer) quasi-religious tenants must be rejected for any ‘progress’ to be made in getting out of our current trajectory towards chaos and the collapse of civilization as we know it. It therefore follows that it is the so-called ‘enlightenment’ that must be rejected. This can be done by re-instating what the ‘enlightenment’ itself rejected, namely… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

I’m sketching some biz presentations on concierge services for home health care provided in-house by churches for their elderly members. The young need serious jobs, not fun palaces, and the old need visiting caregivers that won’t steal all they can grab. Home health agencies are hiring min wage dregs and have cut off training to “save costs and boost the bottom line.” (Thanks Obamacare and EEOC hiring policy.) The church needs to return to it’s core mission of working with the greatest Healer of all time. Of ministering to their own, not feeding Africans and building temples to the egos… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

A commentor chastened, corrected, and convinced me that Constantine was indeed devout enough to convert an Empire.
(I had thoughtlessly repeated a quip that he was a pagan politician, as it agreed with my biases.)

Christians have become soft, assuring themselves that their God will come and do all their work for them. “The cavalry’s on the way.”

No. You Christians ARE the cavalry.

Constantine was the tool in the Hand to forge a mighty weapon, but the victory is by no means certain, despite speeches to rally the troops.

5 years ago

Short, sweet, and absolutely to the point.

5 years ago

The only source of optimism I have for western society is that this severe solar minimum, which has already caused almost 1*F of cooling, may well make the Maunder Minimum look like a walk in the park…It will be particularly devastating for the Democratic northern States, but will generally cause starvation and the collapse of the current system.

Reply to  pyrrhus
5 years ago

Not with cheap energy and modern construction techniques. We can grow enough food to keep the system from collapse, although some will die, i.e., the least able to hold those responsible for their demise to account.

Reply to  pyrrhus
5 years ago

Nice thought. Might work. We don’t have the numbers or the influence on our own. I also doubt we can “win over” people who don’t think like we do, who are all about intentions and making things over, rather than thinking in terms of results and coming to terms with what is. We may be forced to wait things out and allow things to go as they go. That is, to allow the left to eat its own. Keep in mind that Trump emerged not from any broad call for him to rise, but from his own initiative and sense… Read more »

5 years ago

HEY!! That’s not “The American Spectator.” That’s the British “Spectator”–always a Lefty rag. Please fix that in your copy!!!

5 years ago

Progressives are trying to make the world their vision of a better place.

It’s hard to compete with that without something better, and with the growing skepticism of heaven’s existence, selling heaven is not likely to happen.

5 years ago

We search for what is going on while yet right under our noses Mueller’s army of 10,000 shadow government officers deeply entrenched in DC aka deep state subverting us from within thinking they have the upper hand destroying this republic from within and sending us our way right into the New World Order. These 10,000 shadowy figures led by none other than Mueller have been able to achieve their goal one act at the time. They are the SES executives who can not be fired as Hussein did his part serving Mueller and his gang. What would you all say… Read more »

5 years ago

I think it could be argued that the only true conservatives are barbarians and soon as a civilization is formed there is a constant movement towards progress, novelty, liberalism, modernity.

Lester Fewer
Lester Fewer
5 years ago

“….to follow and know of. Cast round. You seekers of the truth Accepting that reasons will re-live And breathe and hope and chase and love For you, and you, and you.” — Jon Anderson, “The Revealing Science of God,” some of the best nonsense ever put to paper. Rivals William Blake and “For I shall consider my Cat, Joffrey” for sheer blissfull nuttiness. I guess R. Hunter / Grateful Dead “China Cat Sunflower” deserves an honorable mention, too. Man, what a great guitar lick. Everybody should be forced to write at least one surrealist nonsense-poem based on their observations of… Read more »

Reply to  Lester Fewer
5 years ago

Love 70s Yes. Tales is brilliant, difficult, and flawed. I wish they would have edited it down to a single album. Nonetheless, “Nous sommes du soleil”

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

LineIn, email me, I want to ask you about something metal. Martini131 at… hot, mail dot com

5 years ago

That’s all in the ideational sphere. How do economic factors—financialization, globalization—fit into that analysis?

Reply to  MBlanc46
5 years ago

Oh, no, back to the old philosophical question of which came first, the ideation or the financialization? (Or, to put in more modern terms, which is downstream from which?)

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

Yes, indeed, Sir.

Chicken, meet egg.

There is no conundrum there. Quit hiding in quandary, Mel.

Reply to  oughtsix
5 years ago

I don’t think that’s the correct formulation. It’s nothing to do with chickens or eggs. It’s a question of who holds these ideas, and why. In simpler terms, follow the money.

Reply to  MBlanc46
5 years ago

Those are merely the means by which the left seeks to control the money (the ledgers of power, control and destruction of the individual)… as one plank of the communist mani fester.

Reply to  oughtsix
5 years ago

What money? Once the hyper-event happens it won’t even be a factor. Zimbabwe and soon SA are examples of what happens. Its not a trivial question. The new Rep Cortez is an example of the type of Prog that will advance the worthlessness of the money supply. Conveniently Progs will preside over the collapse.

Reply to  oughtsix
5 years ago

I’ve come to think of it in an entirely different way – that is much more “basic” – and originates from much further down the power pyramid than the level that all the eggheads and pundits reside in. It originates with people’s basic understanding of how they’re going to stick food in their stomach and put a roof over their heads. I believe that I need to actually WORK to get these things. My house didn’t build itself – I had to spent thousands of hours pouring concrete, pounding nails – and falling off ladders. The village didn’t do a… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Much truth in what you say there. But, to take a near-to-hand example, what about Zman (the blog-writing Zman not the Zman who spends 40 hours a week doing whatever it is that he does)? Would we better off if he were just dead?

Reply to  MBlanc46
5 years ago

Mel, Zman takes or demands nothing, and gives his effort away for free. He’s a volunteer.

Reply to  MBlanc46
5 years ago

Economic consolidation. That’s how it fits in. We shall have a single world economy because no alternative or resistance. This will require confiscation by The Central Bank. The elite will forfeit nothing of course. Even the future Russian leadership will appreciate the advantages and fold.

And none of us gun owners will assemble effectively, so you can get that notion out of your heads. Your own household will turn you in to the surveillance apparatus over a mere domestic spat, saying “it’s better on their side anyway.”

Reply to  PavlovsStudent
5 years ago

Which is why I say people gravitate towards power and that’s why the alt right has a poor showing…It why Islam is defended by those who will be killed as soon as it gains power over western civilization…

Reply to  MBlanc46
5 years ago

I understand the quandary. Our fractional reserve banking system indeed enables the worst predators in our civilization. And ripping that creature out of the body politic may well entail destroying everything.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Catherine Austin Fitts is good on this.. faced with a big red button that would eliminate the central bank predation, everyone balks because of their 401K.

Reply to  MBlanc46
5 years ago

I think I’ve got a take on that. The culture war depresses the economy, and you see that now as business begins to take sides. The NFL is losing millions and now Star Wars and probably the MCU is going to follow the same path. The culture war destroys commerce, but the problem is that we live in a polyglot, and all that holds it together is money from Uncle Sugar both direct and indirect. Miss even one check and this all comes crashing down.